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THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 13, 1931 3 PRINCIPALS IN FRIDAY NIGHTS MAIN EVENT AT MILWAUKIE. Willi HAS CHANCE WAS1GT11 SQUAD Wish atkturwltdgmtKts to K. C. B, TO MIKE FORTUNE HE6H SCHOOL LEADER Victory Over Wills Means Colonials Win Championship kss a hioL Impairs! Earning of $100,000. in Portland League. HER NICE new busband. STEPPED OUT of the honsa. NEGRO OFTEN UNLUCKY ALL COMERS DEFEATED WHISTLING LIKE a bird. WHICH ALARMED yotme wife, Commerce, Benson and Franklin Fighter Whose Strength Once ANOTHER BIG BOUT BREWS ESPECIALLY WHEN. Place, With ii Cor-bc- tt Tied for Second h P4 pi Frlchtencd Jeffries and SHE FOUND she'd picked Hopes for Big Money. James John in Cellar. DEMPSEY-CAKPENTIE- R MATCH THE WRONG package : h l'OU EUROPE CONSIDERED. AND Standings. INSTEAD of oatmeal BY DICK SHARP. Portland Public School Lrecue W. L. Pet. W. L. Pot HAD birdseed. .Denver Ed Martin stands on the Fight Fans Across Water Do Not Wash'ton.. 0 l.OOO Jcfferson 2 3 GIVEN him threshold of a fortune that was de- Commerce. 3 2 eou i.incoln 1 4 .1MKI nied him in hfs prime 21 years ago. Believe Frenchman Defeated Benson.... 3 2 .OU Jaraea John. V 5 .UUU BUT DO NT think from this, Or, on the threshold of a Franklin... 3 2 .6O0 drop. greatest negro heavy- and Want to lie Shown. This Week's Schedule. The Wednesday, Benson vs. James John: THAT EVERY Rtry. weight in the world In 1S00, Martin Thursday, Jefferson vs. Lincoln; Friday. found It impossible to obtain matches Franklin vi. Commerce. with the great white heavyweights BY SPARROW McGANN. YOU HEAR whistllnc of that day. (CopyTlxht. 19i'l. hr The OieKoi.ian.i BY SAM WILDERMAN. Champions NEW YORK, Nov. 12. (Special.) HAS NECESSARILY. have come and 'Cham- Y , Washington High school's 5S to 0 pions have gone. Yet old Denver Ed What do you think they have be fen victory over James John Thursday Is still a formidable battler, perhaps planning in the way of another bat- ;::!YY;, gave the Colonials the undisputed BEEN ROBBING the canary, among the five best In the heavy- tle of the century? Nothing less than championship of the Portland Public weight division today. another fight between Jack Dempsey School league. Every team in the OTHER THINGS Inspire. Jim Jeffries. Jim Corbett, Jack and Georges Carpentier, in Paris. league was defeated by the cham- Munro and other Juggernauts of Don't laugh, it's the straight goods. pions. Franklin being "the only one THE ALMOST human male. fistic history declined point blank to This is not to say that such a fight to score on Washington. battle him. Martin was offered more be is to say in years there la than $100,000 in purses for snatches will held. It that the For the first time TO BLOW through his lips. men, they Dempsey crowd has been flirting: no doubt as to which team is the with these but because with the Idea and the wily Descamps best.. Washington is not only the would not meet him had to barnstorm an party. best team AND MAKE shrill noises. It country. only has not been uninterested champion, but has also the around the Martin's It is almost a cinch that the affair In the league. Fenstermacher's line way of earning a decent purse was back-fiel- d, A RAISE, for example. by betting on fights will come off if the public doesn't is the most powerful, while his his with other light up over a Dempsey -- Will a rd playing, has no h negro boxers. scrap. for OR A day eft when. (jus ituhlin and Denver Ed were In equal. same got It is a great problem to make big Although the Benson backs ran the the stable. Ituhlin the money for a heavyweight champion Washingtonians a close second, and A DOUBLE header la on, fights with Jeffries and the rest when is so good public . they to Martin. And who that the won't sometimes seemed to be a bit more refused meet take seriously a fight between him powerful on the offense, Benson OR AN everyday thine Denver could lick ejus every day in any the week without half trying. and almost opponent who could twice failed in its supreme test, while be named. It causes a manager to Washington backfield swept every- LIKE A good drac. Times have changed. Where Mar- undergo tin got dollars fur a fight 20 years a lot of hard thinking and Yr; thing before It. a popu- Everett-Washingto- ago he can now get thousands. But lot of ragging. In a recent The n game, ON ONE of those smoke, lar magazine a well-know- n wrtler day Wash., to break Into this money he first must story Thanksgiving at Everett, hurdle the form of Harry Wills, the wrote a culled "The Battle tf will decide the northwest interscho-lasti- c THAT. SATISFY. present-da- y the Century." Tnis story, in wnicn championship. has de- champion of the negro as Dempsey, 132X233321 Everett race. Can he do it. or will he fall? such characters Jack feated every strong team in Wash- WHICH CERTAINLY are, A Kearns, Rickard, Carpentier and oth ington, Columbia, which Ever- victory for Martin over Wills ers appeared thinly TOP DENVER ED MARTIN. BOTTOM HARRY WILLS. while would. mean a cool $100,000. Martin under names dis ett defeated here, had eliminated guised, gave the guise of Ac- Ore- THE REAL birdseed. could Bet nlmost that much for a under every high school contender in tion a detailed narrative of just how gon except Washington high, which X7HEN you say Ches--V return match with Wills in the east Dempsey-Carpenti- er MAKING men. that the battle was man in size and the match in reality did play. So a victory for FOR V If he wins this one. The battle could put on. you team it not terfields "satisfy," you're be staged In New Jersey, a arranged and was a Joke. Maybe so. but when TURFMEN HUNT TROTTERS Washington or Everett will whistling:. in- stone's That story was absolutely a true put up to Kearns he shrugs his either TRILL THEIR pipes for Joy, You know the throw from New York, or even in story that settle all questions. stant you light one that the New York Itself. Wills Is a great and the truth of it has been shoulders and smiles. Washington ran up the largest confirmed by both Kearns and Rick- "Dempsey beat Carpentier. yes. and season against James SO LADIES, II hubby. tobaccos in ii are of prime se- card all through the east. Then score of the lection, both Do- ard. outclasjed But over in Eu GUM-SHO- 56 0. game Turkish and there are many other attractive he him. GRAND CIRCUITERS E John Thursday, to In this Now the great problem has been to rope they don't believe it. Get me? record was mado when GOES AWAY whistUne. mestic And the blend well, matches that could be made for the up fight a season's conqueror of Wills. But he must be riff another which would pull "We get you. Jack." FOR PROMISING HORSES. Iverson of Washington made a you never tastei such smooth- a mammoth gate. No fighters are run for a touchdown, the longest YOU NEEDN'T worrr. ness and body! No conquered first, and that's a tough b&rred as opponents Dempsey, Job for a man 43 years old. for DODGERS SIGN SEATTLE BOY run of the year. Brooks. Washington wonder the "satisfy-blend- " is who can give evidence of ability to AV. Murphy, end, an rec- ALL'S SWELL. Martin has a fighting chance to get the public up" Thomas Leader of also made interscholastic kept secret. It can't be copied. , score a victory. Wills is not invinc- "bet over a matcn. ord when he converted eight goals a ible. He has Race, creed or color are all the same Charley Hackett, Port Heaver, to Pack, Has Feelers Out for Strong after touchdown without a miss. The been beaten and knows to the champion and his manager. up what it is to be crashed to the can- Spring. Stable for Next Season. James John game wound Wash- by Anyone who can bring him 200.000 Report Next ington's league schedule. vas a punch on the chin. Not flsb lately, hut within the past Ave years. for his end will be welcome. SEATTLE, Wash.. Nov. 12. f Spe The Harry Wills proposal is regard-- The high school eleven Wills also Is at the age where he is cial.) Another Seattle boy has at- NEW YORK, Nov. 12, Having fin- Franklin through Improving. Martin has had ed by Kearns as the bunk. Wills came to life Wednesday and ran up doesn't like to be hit, and close rs tracted the attention of the majors ished their hunt for puree and stake a score against Lincoln. plenty of hard luck In his life and boxing Dempsey will wear a big league uniform figures that dame fortune is about of know it. and money, and with Thomas W. Murphy, Franklin used a dazzling forward isn't any more afraid of Wills than next season. Poughkeepsie. again leading pass formation which bewildered the due to smile on him. pitcher for Broad- of the is of Fulton or VViUarJ. In fact. Charley Hackett. pack, grand now are gum- Rallplitters. The Quaker line was he begged Wills to ait in trs a spar- way high school last year, has been circuiters a trifhs weak at the guards, and the To date Dave Shade remains the ring w;.s play the Brooklyn Na- shoeing around the country picking sev- only partner when he training stKned to with Lincoln backs plunged through undefeated member of the family both for Willard an 1 Carpentier.