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^Alaska Meat Company! BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS A Home Product of Real Merit g> & jf CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM Are Home Products that all Juncauites are proud of. 11 ,-v L J. SHARICK Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds, ■ • Silverware Jewelry I---■ I--I-,.-ZS FOR CHARTER Lauiuli Earl M Fr*i*ht and PaaoonKor Sarrlo* CALL QUALITY STOKB I ■ l— — ... ^ — ^ Automobile HARTNETT MAKES 1 NOTICE TO CITIZENS. GREB GIVEN DECISION Any person finding broken side MILJUS HOLDS TWO HOMERS IN 1 DEMPSEY AND walks will please notify City Clerk GAME YESTERDAY immediately. Collision , IN FURIOUS BOUT WITH BY ORDER OK STREET BEES TO FIVE CHICAGO, July 3.—Gabby Hart KEARNS STILL COMMITTEE. adv. MICKEY WALKER IN N. Y. nett Immured his eighteenth and Insurance u0 nineteenth of the season in the first Study the store nds—and learn HITS, NO RUNS gnme with St. Louis yesterday after- ON RAD LIST about those new things which are NEW YORK. July 3.— Hairy Greb, scored twice more. The fighting is noon. shown for the first time today. of Pittsburgh, middleweight cham- fast. Walker landed Wilbur Cooper, cub pitcher, made don't tremendously SEATTLE. July :!.— Miljns held Why you take it now and pion, defended his title a one-two and covered himself tt home run. Kearns Fails to and successfully (Ireb Bees to five hits in Appear " the yesterday’s let us the in a furious fifteen round match, and the fighters clinched. Tito ref- Ray Glades, St. Louis outfielder, pay first losj. game and not a Bee crossed the Discuss Between T the main attraction at the Italian eree upset himself The fight- made two home runs, making his Fight again. home plate. The Bees made three REPAIR SHOP Hospital Fund last night, when he ers launched furiously while t lie total eight. and Wills. INSURANCE—All Forms errors in the sixth inning, helping Dempsey Autos and Bicycles repaired. All gained the judge’s decision over referee was struggling to his feet. | | the Indians to make two runs. NKW kinds Keys made. Locks repair- Mickey Walker, welterweight king. ROUND TWELVE MOW YORK. July 3. Halm Ruth, YORK. July -Jack Kearns j | The batteries were: ind Jack still ed. Lawn Mower Knives sharp- The fight was one of the fiercest Walker staggered Orel) with a made his sixth home run of the t Dempsey are ineligi- j j Seattle—Miljns and Baldwin. tle on the New York as ened. Grinding Scissors and and most thrilling bouts since the right to the head. Walker landed season yesterdav afternoon. boxing list j j Salt Lake--Singleton, Ilurvey and he result of Kearns’ failure to I other miscellaneous work. Dempsey-Firpo bout two years ago. effectively to the body and head. ap- Cook. the State Athletic S. ALLEN SHATTUCK Greb was the aggressor for the Orel) clinched then landed with ter pear before Com- SMIRNOFF, 306 Front St. j nission for final discussion as to the i I major part of the fight but found rifle force on Walker’s jaw. The INSURANCE—REAL ESTATE GAMES THURSDAY. datus of the ■■ an ambitious slugger in Walker who crowd gasped as the battler stood HARRY WILLS Dempsey-Wills clial- ■ -1 Coast was badly battered but fought gamer up under fierce punishment. Pacific League. enge. f? Seattle Salt Lake 0. * ly. ROUND THIRTEEN 6; Kearns was barred from seeing Portland fi: Sacramento 3. iValker last »■■■■ There were no knockdowns. Both fighters stood toe to toe fight night with Greb, GEO. ANDERSON ..../ Los Vernon 1. WEINERT Angeles 4: PUTS lie is Walker’s Piano is In town. if The brevity of the preliminaries and matched blows. Walker's eye tlthough manager. | Expert San Francisco 12: Oakland 1. wish f 11,11 — .. caught Walker and Greb unprepar- was swollen. Orel) hacked Walker you Expert Piano Service, Study the store ads—and learn Phone 113. ed for their bout and there was a to the ropes with a one-two punch. National League. | j St. Louis fi, 0. ibout those new which art 10 minute delay. Greb weighed 159 The bell ended another slugging Chicago 11, 5; DOWN AND OUT things Anderson Piano Shoppe f 2: Cincinnati 1. thown for the first time today. FIRE ALARM CALLS pounds and Walker 152 pounds. match. Pittsburgh ■----■ ROUND ONE ROUND FOURTEEN Brooklyn 20: Boston 7. I' ( rain. 1-3 Third and Franklin. Walker’s right caught Greb at Oreh continued his Philadelphia-New York, Scheduled 15 Round Bout! aggressiveness 1-4 Front and Franklin. Hie bell. They fought furiously, but Walker was willing. A stinging American League. — Ends in Second Wills 1-5 Front, near Ferry Way. trading rights and lefts recklessly. rocked Walker and lie reeled Boston 4. 4; Washington 0, 11. [right ZT To Alaska Motorist 1-6 Front, opp. Film Exchange. Greb rocked Walker with a New York 3; Philadelphia 0. Is Much too stiff around the ring helpless against a Aggressive. ax'es 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. Cleveland Detroit 3. Save money when and right uppercut. Walker countered furious attack and was almost out. 11; buying parts supplies 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. 5. generators with two and St. Louis 18; Chicago NEW YORK. July 2. Harry Wills, v with the 2- 1 at Totem Groc. rights Greb went back Walker [Milled himself together and Rtartprq by trading Willoughby against the heavyweight, of New York, ropes. The crowd was staggered Orel) with a short left. negro transmissions MOTOR CAR 2-3 Willoughby, opp. Cole Barn. in an knocked out Charlie Weinert, of WRECKING CO. uproar. Both were sparring He gamely fought on badly battered, STANDING OF THE CLUBS. 2-4 Front and Seward, wheels Largest motor car and truck wreckers for an opening at the bell. but taking everything. Pacific Coast League. Newark, New Jersey, in the second 2-5 Front and Main. ^°PS on the 2-6 and ROUND TWO ROUND FIFTEEN W. L. Pet round last night of a scheduled 15 coast. Second Main. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. Greh rushed Walker to the ropes Orel) and Walker shook hands. San Francisco 58 2 fi fi ft 0 round fight. The end came after Wo c,irry " f"" ,lnB of ncw and sllKhtly used the round. curtainsVCr 2- 9 Fire Hall. where he poured a furious head and A right to head reeled Walker. He Salt Lake 50 35 .588 05 seconds in second parts for all makes of cars and trucks. an(j 3- 2 Gaatineau and Hawn Way. body attack on the Wal- Seattle 45 3!) .536 ROUND ONE challenger. countered with a left. Mickey put accessories lits-lst Ave. s. 3-4 Second and Gold. ...... Wills started to but the ker's head rocked from a right Wal- till lie had into a furious Los Angeles 44 4 1 .518 rush, charge SEATTLE WASH. 3-5 Fourth and Harris, ker landed a hard 37 42 ,4fis Newarker tied him up. Wills land left to Grub's and sent Oreb against the ropes. Portland _ 3-6 Fifth and Gold. and continued to stomach followed with a right to the Blood streamed down his face from Oakland. 35 49 .4 17 ed twice to body 3-7 Fifth and East. same hatter Weinert's ribs and drove him place. While milling furiously a cut over the left eye but Walker' Sacramento 34 50 .405 3-8 Seventh and Gold. and to his corner with a stiff Wills fast. Walker stumbled to his bored in holding his own in a toe Vernon 3 3 5 4 .37 9 right. i 3- D Fifth and Kennedy. from the hut knee, but was up immediately and to loo exchange which threatened to knocked Weinert ring 4- 1 Ninth, back of power hens* both back before (lie 4-2 Juneau stood toe to toe and slugging sweep both from the floor. Walker National Charlie jumped Calhoun, opp. Apts. League. THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY 4-3 at count and started in Dist.in and Indian St, mercilessly the bell. staggered Orel) with a wicked left W L. Pet again. They Ave., were at Urn bell. 4-5 Ninth and Calhoun. ROUND THREE in the abdomen. The bell found Pittsburgh .... 4! 25 .621 clinched 4-6 Seventh and Main. Both continued their at New York 41 26 .612 ROUND TWO Franklin Street, bewtecn Front and Second St». Phone 359, ] maddening them full battling speed. 4-7 Twelfth, at Northern both Wills was warned for hitting .on a I,'dry. pace, fighting openly. Walker Brooklyn 35 33 .515 4-8 ..—— — ..-.,J Twelfth and scored on break in the first round. Wills Willoughby. heavily Greb’s body. The PRELIMINARIES St. Loyis 34 35 .493 4-9 Home Grocery. middleweight landed five times to 32 34 .584 landed five straight tights to Wein- thousand were present when i Cincinnati Sixty ■ J Walker’s face. In a clinch a sting- 30 37 .448 ert's jaw without return. Another the first preliminary was started. I Philadelphia ing downward slowed nearly floored Weinert. The sev- right Walker. In the second bout. Dave Shade Chicago 31 4 0 .437 ROUND FOUR Boston 26 41 .388 enth right sent Weinert down for won a technical knockout over .Tim- ^ALASKA MEAT COMPANY! Greb staggered Walker with a the count, helple against (lie ag my Slattery of Buffalo, in the third l JUNEAU TRANSFER I right and another sent Mickey on gresslveness of Will round. Slattery came up for the American League. Wholesale and Retail Butchers his heels. A third right weakened Wills weighed £13 pounds and COMPANY third round bleeding at the mouth W.
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