"MARY"CAST PRODUC- the Rate Te Adver- for of Baker
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TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1921 IS tTNER.it. NOT1CE8. bridge of Detroit and Ray Keagris, that he expects to get back on third AMUSEMENTS. BU AXTKT.L In this city. June 8. 10S1 Mrs. the backstroke swimmer from Lros tomorrow. That is, if he can break AMERICAN PROS LOSE RATES FOR Chrlntina Aitell. aged 4t yeare. wife of RECORD STAGES Murphy Al. riMrtlier of Angeles, are to come. SEME in, but the wa has been 0' Henry Axtell. of Portland. going makes the outlook tough. The HEILIGp-riira!- Kvelyn Del Manwell of Vancouver, mm CLASSIFIEr ADVERTISING Wash., and Victor Morgan of Cn Fran- letters AwardedxCieven. score: TflWiriUT OlIC TOMORROW cisco, ("al.. sister of H.irry Hliod"s of Seattle Portland lUiUUIII) J NM.HT Daily or Sunday. Alameda. Cal.. and Curl Kho.lrs of Hono- 9. (Spe- eliminated ix thousand Ull T of Harry FIGHTER BEST ABERDEEN, Wash., June FESTIVAL OF B At B R H O A all -- SPKCIAL PRICE- - One tim .12 per Un lulu. H. and daughter IS cial.) Letters will be awarded to 11 INK Lane, 3.. 2 l'Oenln.m. 2 11 GUINEAS MATCH. Bump advt. two consee- - Rhodes of Hlckrenl. Or. Funeral services 4 OIWolfer.L 0 2 0 MAT, 1 5 DtiTe S2 per will be hel.l at H.ilman s chapel. Third high school baseball men this year, Mld'n.r. TOMORROW, 2; j time lino today (Friday), Mu'y,a-- 3 5 3 Hale, 8., 0 11 Buiue ad vt 3 conMcm- - and Salmon atreets. Coach Harry Craig has announced. Eldr'd.m 4 OlCoa.r.... 0 3 tive timed 30t per line June 10 at 10 A. M. Incineration at The awards will be made some time Ken'y.a. 4 4Poole,l.. 3 10 Walter Hasen, Only Survivor of GEO. M. COHAX PJERTS Satue advt, 6 or t con-- Portland crematorium. next week. The men who will re Cun'm.I. 9 O'Krug.2.. 1 4 Ml SICAL COMEDY SICCKSS, ttecutive time 6.1c per line HIM. ER October Rth. 1918. In Franca, 3 4 Re-no- Oldf'g.L 2IFIsher.c. uf W, Hiller. aged 83 years, brother ceive them are Captain Fred Tebb, 3 OlToung.e. 1 o First Round, Defeated by One mentb ...(.eMtliN Fred Ring History Indicates Knock Base Rambling Ends in De Tobln.o. feix . .$'.25 a line per month of Oust and Adolph Hiller of Montana. Aflame, Harkonen, Little, Ingram, Dem'e.p 4 3Kalllo,p. 2 0 0 1 2 munihs. city. Mrs. Cliff 1 in Second Session. (Change of copy allowed monthly.) Mrs. Frank Kldd of this Smith, Matthews. Clark, Steadman, Stu'pt.s. 1 lButler,3. 2 0 10 above applies Hudson of Sumatra. .Mont.; Mrs. O. I.. Champion. 5-- 1. 1 0 0 0 0 "MARY"CAST PRODUC- The rate te adver- for of Baker.. SPLENDID of out Weaver and McCrlmmon. feat Portland, 1 0 0 0 0 AD tisement under all cltteftlfieutioae Hudson. Anna and Hose Heeleman Paton.a.. TION. - Minneapolis, Minn. The funeral service .Tohna'n.D 0 0 excepting "Hit nation Wanted- 1 GLENEAGIiES, . (By the FASCINATI.N' MELODIES. will be held today (Friday) at o'clock 3. Boast. 1 0 0 0 0 June 2, Mule" and "Situations Wanted Montgomery Ringing Dumb Bell. J EVE'S $2.50. $1.50, $1, 77c, 50c. Pe per P. M. at Flnley s mortuary, the Associated Press.) All the American TOMORROW'S .MAT. $2. $1.60, $1, Female' which la line for at 3th. Friends Invited. Concluding Totals. 82 6 10 27 141 Totals. 34 1 8 27 IS each Insertion. cemetery. Batted for Young in seventh. entrantB were eliminated from the 77c, 50c. No ad taken for lews than two service Rlverview ninth. professional golf TICKETS NOW SELLING. average WESTKRLi'.Vn June 8, St the Good Sa- GEORGES OFTEN BEATEN By Sam Bone. WIN IS THIRD STRAIGHT tBatted for Johnson in thousand guineas lines. Count five words te Sophia 8 5 In .play today. line. Advertisements (except maritan hospital, Mrs. Kill a Seattle 00101000 tournament the match the terlund. agrd 87 ears, wife of Alfred Portland 0 1 Walter Haeen of Detroit, the ex "fereoiiaU" and "Situations Want- Bonneville, Or. Deceased Oldring. 00000019 will be taken over tele- Westerlund nf HACK'S BACKS. Error. Wolfer. Poole. Paton. American open champion, only Amerl ed") the Is also survived by three children, (hr-- Struck out, br Demaree 4. by Kallio 1, by phone if the advertiser la sub and once z. can survivor from the first round, phone brothers living In Marshfield. Or., There was a team called the jonnson tt&ses on bans, oil uemaree PANTAGEQ Scrlber to either In Flnlnnd. Funeral services will 1, 3. Two-baa- e was in the second round by Oregon I n will three Opinion English evnet French Au Beavers. Visitors' Shifted Weird off Kallio off Johnson i. defeated aXbe reeelve copy be conducted Frldsy. June 10. at 10 A. M. of Composed gayest Lineup Into hits, Cunningham, Murphy 2, Knag, Poole, T. G. Renouf of Manchester, three up MATINEE DAILY, 2:30 tty mail provided sufficient remit- i'carwon'a undertaking parlora, Kus- - of the deceivers Leher. run. Kenworthy. from ever swung Ef- Home Double and two to nlay. tance for definite number of Ifmnes " sell street at 1'nlon svenue. Friends In thorities Said to Have rattle That bats Emergency Array, but Is play, Butler to Krug to Poole. Sacrifice William Edmnnds and Company Is sent. Acknowledgment will be City cemetery. Like a gang of goomplatz. hits, Oldrlng, Stumpf 2. Stolen bases. Edward Ray of Hoxey, the British In "NOT YET, MARIE." vlted. Interment Hose ' open forwarded promptly. 8. Weight In America. When they should have beea swing fective Xone tlie Less. Lane, Kenworthy, Young, Butler, Middle-to- crack, holder of the American The Season's Merriest Musical Snoeesa, No prices will be quoted ever the JOF.RO In this city. June Trank J. ing Innings pitched, by Kallio 1, at bat championship, eliminated one of the phone but statements will be ren- Joerg, aged 43 years, beloveu nupninn meat cleavers. 26, 2 runs, 9 hits; by Johnson 2, 3 runs, 1 JACK DEMPSEY. of Louise Pearl Joern, lather of Cl' yce 7. two other Americans who qualified dered the following day. Adver- Joerg of Mar hit, at bat Runs responsible for, See the World's Champion in Training are The Dally Joerg, brother of John QUOTATIONS. 1, Kallio 2, Johnson 1. Charge defeat for the match play in the tournament Fight In History. tisements taken for nuain. Or., son of Katie Joerg of 8alem, STOCK O. For the Oreatest Oregonian until 7:30 P. M. for Fri- to Kallio. Time of game 1:65. Umpires, To- Emmet French of Youngstown, Sunday Oregon! Or. The regains will be forwarded BT DICK SHARP. (From Our Own Special Correspondent.) Paeifle Coast League Standings. man and Byron. French The until If, Mi day. June 10. at 8:40 A. XI , under the lf in a close match. Ray defeated Saturday. Silver-to- Georges Carpentler of the pleasing Beer is back to one-ha- point again W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet. by two uo and one to play. direction of Miller Tiacey lo rumors San Fran.. 43 22 .eiWOakland ...80 81.4112 - Or., where services and interment piston-ro- d punches "er false emanating from SO SCOTT WEAKENS, ANGELS WIN American, tiutcnin- personality and I Sac'mento 89 26 .600' Los Amteles 32 .44 The other Jock will take place. congress has sent it kiting up to five .3S3 Chicago, was seems In a fair way to ciusyo "- - Seattle 85 29 147' Salt Lake ..23 S7 son of also eliminated HAT In this city, June 8. Webster P. points ahd even higher. The Volstead Vernon .. 30 .o38i ...16 44.267 by Mitchell. iiim) 11 eon nf Mrs. "glorious" if first-ban- d Portland being defeated Abe Great Hnv. vesrs. Wllltsm other defeat crowd is held responsible for the drop. Yesterday's Resolts. San Francisco Defeated 1 to 0 In Britain, in an even closer matcn, me J. Hay of 874 Northrup street. and obtainable from the re V Wt..1ectt75t W'gMilBetill.gS MEETING NOTICES. of E.lna M., Nettle A.. Harriett Information 1, S. ng winning by one hole. brothr At Portland Seattle . Britisher Hay of can b A general shortening movement all Game. H I H ., Milton W. snd Kveretl A. spective training camps taken At Loa Angeles, Vernon 9. Oakland 2 among A TT XT ON, VOTARIES. e around been noticed recently in Other matches the British Portland. The funeral servl.-- will be as any criterion of the result of the has At Sacramento S, Salt t.t.ake 6 (13 OAKLAND, June 9. Scott weakened competitors irt the tournament re TRIXIE Temple. No. held Saturday. June 11. at 2 30 o'clock of ages at Jersey City July the skirt market. 117. 1). O. K. K., will hold 1. M. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery battle the 0, Loa Angeles 1 (11 in the 12th inning today, walked three suited as follows: FRIGANZA ceremonial In Mnnse 2 between the European heavyweight At San Francisco men In a row, forcing in Carroll, who A. G. Havers defeated James Braid at nth. Friends Invited. The bottom dropped out of the local Innings). FRANK MATTHEWS ami ADA AYERS hall at Oregon City. Or., on and Jack Dempsey, wearer Joseph tie 11. 1I1!1. MKNSON In this city, June . Edna champion home brew market yesterday when a had singled, and Los Angeles took bv one hole.