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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-31-1914 Las Vegas Optic, 01-31-1914 The Optic Publishing Co.

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1 , i i I s V. IT'S getting to a L '1 i : toula'ht and Sun- y ! I It! player worts near-- day; pot. 11 in U chansie l! l 1. 3 ' all year. Spring tm.c in we. ... . 1 temper! lug begins next snouCj.



bench built- along the sides of the agent acting for the Victor American h cabin. I slid and scrambled alter her. WINTER HOC: ISLAND TO TRAIN FIRED 0 Fuel company, It is said. "TALE! STOPPED .When I took hold of her she scream- IfEMI El LINES" LIR ed and to her poor arm. Judge Advocate Argues pointed right It was broken and hanging limp. Trinidad, Colo., Jan. 31. The entire VHEH If'HEARD " 0 BY CROWD OF session in disttict court NECESSITY TO 'Don't touch me,' she sirea ned' IKES CUM Ill iiIZE morning today 'For God's sake let me die'.' was devoted to a detailed reply of "I told her she would have to come Major E. J. Boughton, judge advocate, SIGNAL and she would feel better about it YSTEM STRIKERS to the returns andj arguments present NATION ; smie ed later. O, God, she was right and I yesterday by N. H. Hawkins, coun did not know it. But I got her loose. sel of the United Miue Workert of THOUGHT A COLLISION WOULD Then the ship sagged back again and TWELVE-INC- SNOW IS ACCOM- ABOLITION OF TWO HOLDING COACH CONTAINING 41 NON-UNIO- America, urging the release by habeas COUNTRY NOT ONLY SHOULD there was a of water wash- corpus proceedings or four prisoners BE AVOIDED BY THIS rush that PANIED BY A GALE AND COMPARES WILL BE THE MEN IS RIDDLED BY SHOW- HAVE THEM BUT SHOULD i held ed us. out to the deer.:.'. I managed to by the military authorities. Major I PROCEDURE : SLEET OCCUR ER OF BULLETS BE THEIR OWNER get off our outer clothes. Then we Boughton answered at length each of let go and the ship went away from the 27 reasons advanced by the peti- ' tioners, and contended that the pres- SAW TEE IMTS rG0:.:iN0 under us." .;, MICIIIOAN ANST OHIO COLD WILL LEAVEONE COMPANY ENGINEER BEATS RETREAT senate is Harrington told how he tried to ent issue is an exact parallel of the m:m Moyer case. ' The court room was jo. swim holding his wife by the broken ME DISTIN- ADDITION TO THEY IT WILL HAVE CONTROL OF THE HASTILY BACKS THE CARS FROM COMMITTEE ON I! LOOKOUT THOUGHT arm', but this pained her so that fin- IN ILLINOIS packed with strikers and sympathizers GOVERNMENT ' IS- FLORENCE DISTRICT when court GUISHED NANTUCKET BEFORE ally he twisted her long hair into a SUFFER FROM STORM'S ENTIRE CHICAGO ROCK TO convened. OWNERSHIP OF TELEPHONE j rfll conclude his THE CRASH rope close to her head and taking it EFFECTS LAND AND PACIFIC PUEBLO Major Boughton AND TELEGRAPH REPORTS f Attor-ne- in his teeth floated on his back keep-iu-g argument this afternoon, and on ; Hawkins' will tlien be heard in I the woman's head his chest TRAFFIC STANDSTILL fJAY FOR RECEIVERS ARGUMENTS IN STRIKE CASE rebuttal. Judge A. W. McHendrie TO BETTER fCSTAL SEfiYICE the was Lifeboat Ignored Them ATVjA ASS ' probably wjll announce his decision One lifeboat passed within ten feet, ' a this , A ; evening. he said, and ignored their calls for JUDGE ADVOCATE E. J. BOUGHTON WIRE FACILITIES EVERY EFFORT WAS MADE TO TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE THESE OFFICIALS WILL HOLD State will ARE BADLY help. After nearly two hours another troops be stationed in IN SPEAKS AGAINST RELEASING IS PREVENT TROUBLE THE 7 LINES ARE STOCK FOR BOND-- . NEEDED; PURCHASE boat 'came. - . PROSTRATED; THE definitely in Fremont county accord- ' ' ' FOG FALLING ACCUSED MEN to General John who has . RECOMMENDED DENSE; : I held Margaret up to them," con- SNOW STILL , HOLDERS ing Chase, j received a of tinued Harrington, "and a sailor said report the attack upon ' of - 31. A car- a train load strikers at Williams- Norfolk, Va., Jan, 31. Investigation 'let her go, she is dead" Chicago, Jan. 31- Chicago was hur , 'Jnn. 31. Complete n Denver, Colo., Jan. train Washington, Jan. SL Postmaster this According to the 12-in- 41 strikebreakers from Pueblo to burg morning. o the sinking of the Old Dominion , ",'Sh'e,la not deaf,M,safd to him, led under a mantle of snow of t!ie system of railroads rying General Burleson today submitted to Victor-America- n sheriff of Fremont county there are liner Monroe by the Nantucket with 'and you take her aboard .if you don't when, business attempted to start up 'knowa as the Rock thei Fuel company's the senate the recommendations ot originally Chicago, 1,500 strikers In that district, most loss of 41 lives, was to- want to go to hell with murder on this and snow still was fall- the mine at Radiant was fired upon by a the departmental committee appoint- a completed morning, Island and .Facjfio lines, including of whom are armed. . . crowd of day by the steamboat your soul." . ing unabated at noon. The body of abolition of it two holding companies, striking coal miners this ed by him to investigate the practica inspectors. They will not make pub- "So they took her in, and she open- a well dressed man, who supposedly known as the Rock island Company morning at Williamsburg, according bility of government ownership of tel- to of- lic their findings, before 'Wednesday ed her eyes and smiled at me. When died from heart disease in the storm, of New Jersey, and the Chicago Rock reports reaching the governor's SELECTS NEV ephone and telegraph lines. fice and of Am- VPON or Thursday of next week. they got me' aboard the ship they put was found in a downtown drift today. Island and 1'.. ific Railroad Company the Qcials of the Victor The report declared that "the onJ in one stateroom and left her and from I:1 toe erican Fuel company. The train was way to afford to the the com- An officially revised death, list her , .dispatches of Iowa, is ly to announced in people in I if and backed into after COliERCE shows today tnat 41 perished. Nine- put me another. believe that points in southern Michigan and north- the near futur ;.: stopped Pueblo, EVERTS plete and modern postal facilities that - hit bullets. teen of these were. passengers and 22 a doctor had been with her right ern Ohio and Indiana carried news that Lawyers re resenting the system being by many Reports the recommendation makes it thai , received here do not indicate is were of the crew. There were aboard away with stimulants she might be the heavy snowfall was general over-- are at work oh the details, which will that any- HAIL OF COLORADO AND DAN- duty of the government to provide" mixed one was the Monroe 139 persons. ,.' alive now.1 But they were alt that, territory, In places high wind probably be for ratification Injured. IELS OF NEW JERSEY FOR by carrying out these suggestions: Wireless reports from 'a wrecking up find when I found where she was and sleet preceded .the ' snow and to the inters, ;'e' commerce commis- Lieutenant Governor Fitzgerald act- ITERSTATE BOARD "That congress declare a govern- Am- was dead." .; Is';-n- in the absence of Governor ment over steamer on the scene of the disaster lying all alone, she worked much hardship on train, tele- sion.. Rock d stocks were weak ing, monopoly all telegraph, .' instructed . General It nay no bodies have been discovered. , graph and telephone service. on the exchiui;:'! today. nions, Adjutant Washington, Jan. 31. President telephone and radio communication . A to use to Testimony of officers of both ships, SAD CASE The latter condition was most se- When these plans are carried! out John Chase the militia give W'ilson today nominated these inter and such other means for the trans- 31. Reduced h.-a- the train safe conduct to its destina- - mission of here- some of it taken while the Nantucket Springfield, Mo., Jan. vere in and around Toledo, O. The they will only one , company state commerce commissioners; Win- intelligence as may reverses w- tion. was bringing in the survivors, is being to poverty through business city was cut off from telegraph where three n exist, and the man- throp Moore Daniels Qf Princeton, N. after develop. kept secret today. It still is in. the Jesse M. Kelly, 83 years old, once one with points, east and agement and operation of the system J., and Henry Clay Halt of Colorado "That congress acquire by purchase-a- form of stenographer's notes and will of the wealthiest men in Springtield, south, and passenger train schedules will be under mtrol of the Chicago. Car Was Riddled Springs, Colo. Collector of customs appraised value the commercial Jan. SI. A make 50 or 00 typewritten' pages. died in a hovel on the outskirts of the were 'demoralized. Telephone and Rock island an-- : Pacific Railway com- Pueblo, Colo., special for the district of Iowa, Christian A telephone lines, except the farmew SO Santa Fe a of No ofncial statement could be ob- city today. His wife, who was telegraph poles were blown down and pany, an. imme: ,:a corporation. train carrying carload Nlemeyer of Creston, Iowa. lines. non-unio- n - tained today, but it is said that wit- years old, an hour later. .When int.erurban traffic was practically at It has been f ioWn for a time that miners destined for the Ra "That congress authorize tho pcrt- nesses testified Captain Johnson stop- she learned several days ago that her a standstill. The gale, carrying sleet, leading intersUt e lines contemplated diant mine of the victor American Mr. Hall's Record master general to Issito, In his 41,- 1- in dist f 11 n H 1 ped the Monroe's engines when he husband' was sinking gradually, she reached in miles an hour early in the the abolition of vms, companies, in Fuel company the Florence rict Colorado Springs, Cna.t Jnn. 31. ami uri h si" refusoV-tl- Vi 1 - was held no and nditled Muets .. ,i the Nantucket's aJtswerliigJi'rea l nourish' uH piavJ 'Vluom-itj- . rf- . It.' i .ol j'ie,1'3 with a moo ot 2U0 u signal, and the lost ship was practic- that they might die together, "Detroit 'dispatches described the ministration at Washington. In abol- by ai,c.,i.a imm ers The tram was halted(.. ally standing still when the Nantuck- storm as the most severe of the win- ishing them it will be necessary to today. at commissioner wa announced wrst Florence. et rammed her amidships and broke ter in southern Michigan, with trains provide for other issues of securities Williamsburg, just of Washington today, came here from poratlOHS, Ot U,J fl The the was her In two. SWIFT AND COMPANY stalled at many points and highways in pjace of the four per cent collateral headlight of engiue shot for his health in 1892. and such parts of the telephone serv- to the Engine cab Other witnesses testified, it is said, badly .drifted. Similar wire and traf- bonds of the, Iowa corporation and the pieces, perforated He has been engaged in the practice ice as may not be sennfred by tho m that the Nantucket continued to steam BY fic conditions to those elsewhere In stocks issued by the New Jersey cor- with bullets and every window the of law while here. He was mayor government." INDICTED JURY car the toward the Monroe after the latter the storm belt prevailed.. A layer of poration. occupied by strikebreakers of Colorado Springs 1905-0- 7 and pres The recommendations are signed had blown two whistles three times. snow more than 12 inches deep spread It was considered possible in finan was shattered. So far as known no ident of the Colorado State Bar asso by Daniel C. Roper, first assistant RAIL-ROADS- one was It is said that the testimony shows BIG PACKING FIRM, WITH over the southern peninsula. cial circles that the move might nec injured. ciation in 1911-12- . postmaster general; Merrit O. Chance, re- Tho consisted of a locomotive that Captain Berry, the second officer IS ACCUSED OH South Bend, Ind., reported great essitate formal application for train Mr. Hall was born in New Yorkeity chief clerk postoffice department, and and a coach 3S non- and the quartermaster of the Nantuck-ke- t REBATING drifts over the northern half of the ceivers, in which event the receivers single containing on January's, 18(10.' He fitted for col John C. Koons, superintendent divis- union miners who were here were all in the pilot house, of their state, with traffic conditions almost or trustees would take charge of the brought lege at the Hartford Conn., High ion of salaries and allowances, com- to- for the colla- from points east of the Mississippi the committed. ship when the two vessels came Chicago, Jan. 31 Indictments paralyzed. . railway company's stock school. He was graduated from Am posing river. The gether and that the lookout on the charging rebating were returned by teral bondholders. herst college In the class of 1883 and report says: When the the or- Monroe saw the lights on the mast of the federal grand jury here today Two Lives Lost engineer obeyed admitted to the, bar at New York city "According to the best availabla ders of the mob that surrounded the the Nantucket about two minutes be- against Swift and Company, the Penn- Chicago, Jan. 31. a story from In- that year. In 1S85 he received the data the capitalization of the long dis at to halt, the tance fore the crash. The Monroe met light sylvania railroad, the Panhandle lines dianapolis, Ind., said that Joseph M. engine Williamsburg appointment as assistant in the Unit- and toll lines represents ap TODAY IN CONGRESS. strikers rushed forward as ra- fogs intermittently after passing out and the Chicago and Northwestern Walsh, a railroad engineer and an un firing ed States consulate in Paris. AVhile proximately $200,000,000 and the cap as coul load their rifles. in- of the and had stopped fre- railroad. Two bills were found against identified man lost their lives from pidly they in this position he specialized in italization of the entire omroercla! Capes therri-selve- s due to the worst sleet The occupants of the car threw ternational law and became counsel network . $000,000,000. quently while they surrounded the the Panhandle. rt causes directly approximately Inter-urba- n Jan. 31. Senate: Met flat on the flnor and the The to ship. The Monroe was equipped with Swift 'and Company face a possible and snowstorm of the winter. Washington, to the international legation at Paris. cost the government would ba noon. reversed tile back- an automatic time whistle and that fine of $1,200,000. The bill charges and other surface lines were at hastily train, In 1S92 he) negotiated an extradition less than the appraised value since Senator Bristow. asked $l;O00,000 ing toward this T.he strikers fol- was blown at intervals of one minute. GO allcge'd violations of the interstate tied up. city. treaty between the United States and it would be undesirable for the gov- for reservoirs lowed the train, shooting as long as ernment to "When the heavy fog wrapped the commerce laws. The Pittsburgh, Cin- Many were injured in Cleveland, investigating irrigation France. purchase the real estate west. remained in vessel near Winter" Quarter lightship, Chicago and St.. Louis rail- Ohio, on slippery sidewalks, due to the in the middle it sight. holdings of the companies. Exchanges cinnati, re- , Burleson's to noon the train had not could the Monroe, it is said, stopped, anil road, known as the PanhandTp, and .fierce sleet and snowstorm. Postmaster General Up today be leased until accommodations reach- on ownership of tel- reached here, but was expected 'early REUTER could be in after blowing her fog horn every min- the company are :named , At Columbus, Ohio, the storm port government !RS. ACQUITTED provided the postoffieea was submitted. this afternoon. The Victor American ute, gave two (blasts. The Nantucket in one joint Indictment, and a separ- ed the dimensions of a blizzard, lay- egraph and telephone and stations." Met at 11 a. m. Fuel company has not yet announced ploughed its way into the Monroe's ate Indictment in addition is return- ing out all kinds of traffic and felling House: F KILLING HUSBAND debate on the whether it will attempt to send the JUDGE starboard just above amidships at an ed against the Panhandle. telephone poles. At Marietta, Ohio, Resumed Immigration IS WITNESS ' non-unio- n men back to the Florence angle of about 45 degrees. The Nan- Swift and Company may be liable the passenger steamer Rainbow with bill. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 31. Federal MEN ALLEGED a district. , TO HAVE bEEN tucket then backed away. The Mon- for fines of $20,000 on each of the 60 60 passengers on board was tossed Representative Kahn introduced Judge Emory Speer was the first wit- a ma- before 2 o'clock, this after- HER CONSPIRATORS SERVING roe began to list and in ten minutes counts. It was charged that the pack- about helplessly in the Ohio river for bill to appropriate $500,000 for Shortly ness today before the congressional ' In San Francisco. noon the train loaded with LIFE TERMS committee had sunk. ing company obtained concessions more than an hour. The boat finally rine hospital special investigating charges of a non-unio- n miners which was shot up from the published carload rates of lodged against the bank of the river Representative Cox introducecd official misconduct against him. Be- to make this strikers near Wil- Bartiesville, Okla., Jan. 31. Mrs. Survivor Tells Story t the Chicago and Northwestern railroad undamaged. bill to require the army its morning by fore the jury was sworn Chairmaa out of the union de- Laura M. Renter was found not New York", Jan. .31. Six survivors and the Ann Arbor Railway company Fort Wayne, Ind., was almost cut saddlery and boots at quartermaster's liamsburg pulled guilty Webb announced that Jim's Spoor's Ind. here with the strikebreakers of In the murder of her hus- would of the disaster to the steamship Mon- on various shipments from Chicago to off from communication with the out- depot in Jeffersonville, pot complicity testimony complete the investi- New York aboard and its destination shrouded in band, Charles T. Reuter, by a jury in roe reached here today from Norfolk. points on the Ann Arbor road. The side worli because of sleet and neavy Representative Levy of gation. - Officials of the Santa Fe the district court here This Among them was Thomas Harrington concessions were obtained, it is said, snow. In Chicago th snow ceased, appeared at the trust hearing before mystery.- today. af- which is! handling the train, was Mrs. Renter's second trial, the of Bridgeport, Conn., accompanying by obtaining carload rates on less than and the weather brightened shortly the judiciary committee. railroad, FIFTEEN fiPC who diedi declined to reveal the train s objec- first one last autumn having resulted 111., 31 - the body of his wife, after carload shipments. ter noon. , Joliet, Jr IS LOST tive. It is thought,' however, that the - wnr-- being taken aboard the rescue ship Indictments charging rebating on the "WARRIOR" wvuu wijms "'.:were injured v train be detoured to La Junta, life 7 Nantucket. part of the Chicago and Northwestern White Mantle for Cuilom New York, Jan. 31. Frederick V. may imprisonment. passenger train No. stranded there to meet a detenment of Mrs. wiio was a i w Harrington was the passenger who railroad, the Pennsylvania system and Springfield, 111., J.a. 31. Snow lay Vanderbilt's yacht Warrior, troops Renter, formerly cago to St. Lo to sent out General Chase from woman in Tulsa, was swam in the cold water, supporting the Ann Arbor Railroad company of deep in the streets through which the off the coast of Colombia, probably be by society charged tween hero and I ik t - in- Trinidad and which will convoy the with with Guy D. Macken- his wife by holding her hair in his Michigan, and Swift and Company, cortege bearing the body of former has been- destroyed. This was the conspiring supposedly by a brol; n r non-unio- n men to the Radiant mine. zie, a Tulsa contractor; Grov-e- r teeth. His father and his brother met meat packers, were returned today by Senator Shelby M. Cullom made its formation received by the United wealthy mes- Another is that the strikebreak Ballew, McKenzio's chauffeur, and LIGHTNI1S G r I I him here. the federal jury which has been hear- way to the capital today, where the Fruit company today in a cable report to taken to another mine a friend of to A J "Tell them what happened, Tom," ing evidence for several weeks from will lie in state until tomorrow, sage from its representative at Colon. ers are be Joseph Baker, Ballew, Sistersvllle, i, body murder - ' 'paid the father. "We ail want to special' agents of the interstate com- when the funeral will ho held. The company's liner Almirante took than the Radiant. her husband, hu attorney. plant of the You ' T that Reuter was shot and killed In his 1 1 know and it will get it off your mind." merce commission. Swift and Com- the Vanderbilt party off the stranded It was learned this afternoon was wrecked mob of strikers which fired home in Tulsa on the nUht of May five hun 1 Then in a dull monotone the young pany are charged with re- POPE USES LATIN yacht and later returned to save the the same ploded obtaining - on Fe also shot up 5, 1912, A week later Mackenzie, Bal- j in one cf man told his story. bates from the Ann Arbor road by get- Rome, Jan. 31. The pope today crew. Today's message said: the Santa special glycerin Aiiuh-v-cii- a train on the Denver and Rio lew and Baker and Mrs. Reuter wore assines. Harrington and his wife had a ting carload rates on less than car- gave a long audience to two "Believed Warrior total loss." freight Mon- load is Al- Grande railroad when a load of empty arrested charged with plotting stateroom on the side where the shipments. priests, the Rev. Thomas Bevan, The Vanderbilt party on the lb?) - 1 f,"Uf--- f z- roe was rammed. The lines of Mass., and the mirante. cars was on tho way to the Radiant murder of Renter. Ballew, in a elgn-- CFF1CEP; Pennsylvania east, bishop of Springfield, 1 a ed snid Mackenzie had J n. : "When the shock came," he said, Pittsburgh are charged with Rev. A. A. of Webster, Mass. propprty. One of the strikers, with confession, that rebating Cyran - : ; ' Reut-- r out ar" ,- u "we got up and dressed and wasted to the W. H. Merritt Grain His holiness tried for a time to con- GOVERNMENT MONOPOLY rifle leveled, ordered Dennis Loughlin, paid Eukir '-) t) "f'.t company -. " - to he. B,i , time that might have saved the poor of Chicago by allowing switching ro- verse in French hut was compelled to Washington, Jan. 31. Exclusive fireman on the freight train, stop. of the wry," fp'' !' v could not. and re the "murder" in which ha-lb- u Iti girl's life." tunda to which the grain company was revert to Latin, in which he evprcssed rights for the government to buy all He replied that he drove hit the time reached the main not. entitled. bis at his hick of radium ores found on public lands in ceived a bullet through his hat, TiiC kcr ri id' to the lu r 1 ' to By they regret linguistic - ' 1 1 , a- d 1 . saloon the ship had keeled so that The Chicago and Northwestern rail- The afterward said exploration, sml an appropria- then reversed find rehire ;vie V,n iT, ) ability. bishop private t V. .'1 .ll v iii! a w in ll ' t', the side wall fell to the floor. road is accused of granting rebates to that the pope was in excellent spirits tion of $300,000 for extracting radium to this city for further imtni' i'n.ns. I' 'cd who f i d I "'e-- i i 1 t - "There was a lurch," continued David Rutter and Company, coal deal- and mentally alert, but that he did from such ores, were proposed today The strlkohreakearg iHl.iry. morn are till neroi-- and n v .''-- " of eu.l Harrington, "and Margaret was ers, on shipments of coal from Little, not seem to endure much physical in an adminisiraf .ion bill by Chairman on this ins; thrown 20 feet and lodged under the Indiana, to Evanston, Ind. exertion. Foster of the mines committee. were brought to this city by a Bpi'dal ilie state.


TO PROTECT RURAL TRAVELERS CHICAGOANS TO GO TO CHURCH Jan. 31. Because of the Jan. 31. Tomorrow will he T . THE TRIAL FREE 1.0VIGE Chicago, Chicago, " largo number of country folk who Chicago's first Sun- f I f D I V'it! have been trying to outbid one an- day, and if the expectations of the P TU .. .. . t D-- TO SICK other in buying the lake front park promoters of the movement are real AN 'J al SEIIIOUS 170L1I in Chicago, the'euspension bridge in ized every church from Hegewlsch to t Cincinnati and similar bargains of- Evanston and from the western prai Choir Loft Thousands Have Been Helped fered by the confidence men in other ries to the lake front will be filled to its utmost at ser- By Common Sense cities of the middle west, the Central capacity every Step Up decided vice. The movement CHURCH ' Passenger association had OF THE IMMACULATE lies Suggestions. that, beginning tomorrow, no stop- was begun by the Christian Endeavor CONCEPTION Adrian Rabeyrolle, And Get Real ENGLISH LITERARY MEN DIS- over privilegea will be granted by Union early last December and later pastor. Women of GUSTED OVER RESULT OF suffering from any form railroads on homeseekers' tickets. was taken up by the ministers and First mass at 7:00 a.m.; second mass female ills are invited to communicate DROOD CASE The principal stop-ove- r points on such church organizations. During the past at 10 a, m. school In Tailoring! promptly with the Sunday English tiekotn have been Chicago, St. Louis, few weeka committees have made a and Spanish at 3 p m., in Spanish at woman's private house 31. Is falk of de- Cincinnati, Kansas Omaha, St. to house canvass of the entire 3:30 m. en- - London, Jun . There correspondence City, p. Rosary benediction You particular Ly-di- a of workers have visited appeal from the verdict of manslaugh- partment of the Paul and Minneapolis, city. Squads of the blessed sacrament at 7:30 p. Med- the factories and retail m- fellows who don't ter found by the literary jury which workshops, - icine nnd wholesale the and tried John, Jasper for the Co., Lynn, Colds to be Taken Seriously stores, police Sunday school for English speak- hi&h should recently Mass. Your letter care to pay prices Edwin Drood. The more Intelligent people realize that com fire stations and have asked the em- and children murder of will mon ing Spanish speaking - be opened, read colds should be treated promptly. ployes to attend church tomorrow. f take time to investigate our custom- serious minded members of the Dick- and answered a If there Is and chilllnese every Sunday at 1:30 p. m. by sneezing Leaders of the movement to fill ens society who expected a careful woman and held in' with hoarseness, tickling throat and hope If want' church At of tailoring department. you weighing of evidence with the hope strict confidence. A woman can freely coughing, begin promptly the use of every in the city. each CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF SOR- It of the over Dick- talk of her illness to a woman ; Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, the services an appeal will be made ROWS Rev. Paul ending controversy private is to checks Gllberton, pastor. - Grade novel which thus has been established a confidential effective, pleasant take, from the pulpit that the observance Thoroughly Hih- ens' unfinished in Jasper a cold, and the cough which First mass at 6:30 a. m., third Sun- which has extended over stops of the Sabbath become a in- and Drood were the chief characters correspondence causes loss of sleep and lowers the weekly day excepted. Second mass 8.30; "Made-T- o -- "Measure Clothes, many years and which has never been stead of an annual event. are disgusted because the trial de- a vital resistance. O. G. Schaefer and sermon in English, hymns rendered broken. Never have they published Red Cross Drue Store. Adv. veloped Into such a farce "and such testimonial or used a letter without the by the children under the direction and price, for MUST BELIEVE IT we can satisfy you in style, pattern a dull farce at that." consent of the and never of the Sisters of Loretto. Third mass written writer, PHONE COMPANIES we'll send measurements and description to There were many who did not ap- has the Company allowed these conf- at 10:30 a. m., sermon In Spanish. your 31. Directors of the Well-Know- n idential out their pos- Chicago, Jan. When East Las preciate the humor which G. K. Ches- letters to get of Vegas From 3 to 4 Sunday school. At as the hundreds of thousands National Independent Telephone as- Tell It So terton, as and George Bernard session, People Plainly Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- judge, of them in their files will attest sociation met at the Hotel LaSalle Shaw, as foreman of the jury, tried ment At the New Mexico Hospital Out of the vast volume of today to consider a proposal by the When public endorsement is made V. & Co. Inject, and the convicted defendant, experience for the Insane, mass every fourth Ed. Price jo Which they have to draw from, it is more American Telephone and, Telegraph by a representative citizen of East whose part was taken seriously by F. Sunday by the pastor. Merchant Tailors Chicago, U. S. A. than possible that they possess the very company for an interchange of wires Las Vegas the proof Is positive. You J T. asserts that there are am- Harry, knowledge needed in your case. Noth- on distance toll Bervice, with a must believe it. this If no long Read testimony. ple grounds for an appeal for ing is asked in return except your good to be decided. ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL CHURCH rate of service charge Every sufferer of kidney backache, -- other reason than that the verdict will, and their advice has helped thou- Rev. J. S. Moore, Rector, 716 National and feet the cream of custom tailoring. Don't ask mutually. It is said the proposed every man, woman or child with kid- was solely the decision of Foreman sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, avenue, East Las Vegas. don't handle it. should be to take of this plan for has been ap ney trouble will do well to read the cfor cheap tailoring. We ' Shaw "arrived at during the luncheon glad advantage Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, generous offer of assistance. Address the federal government. interval" three hours before proved by following: 1914. nearly E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (con- Tilden February 1, as the foreman Lydia Mrs. S. North, 905 ave., East the end of the trial, fidential) Lynn, Mass. Holy Communion, 7:30. Ragged wounds are painful and Las Vegas, N. M., says: "I have used ' himself admitted. Most of the jurors 9:45. cause much If not kept Doan's Pills off and on when Sunday school, the trial ended. Every woman ought to have annoyance. Kidney had left before ge communion and 11. Lydia E. "Pinkham's 80-pa- clean they fester aM become running I have needed them and so has an- Holy sermon, Walter Cretch, one of the counsel Order of service at 11 o'clock. Text Book. It is not a book for sores. BALLARD'S SNOW LINI- other In our family. Doan's Kidney for the defense, is even more severe as is too 504, Soul be on general distribution, it MENT is an antiseptic healing remedy Pills were recommended to us by a Hymn "My Thy with Shaw. He decJares that the ver- is free and only Guard," 1S expensive. It for such cases. Apply It at night be- doctor while we were in Harrisburg, (L; Mason.) EsteilLshpd SarthSideBaji dict was "typically Shavian and there- obtainable by mail. Write for Ancient Chant. fore going to bed and cover with a Pa., visiting. Having twice before Kyrie Eleison, fore typically farcical and unsatisfac it today. Gloria" cotton cloth bandage. It heals in a publicly recommended Doan's Kidney Tibi, Chant, (Paxton.) tory. It also had the more flagrant 219, "Here Lord I See few days. Price 25c, 50c and H.00 Pills, I am again glad to acknowledge Hymn O My defect of untrue, for being absolutely which in December decided that the per bottle. Sold by Central Drug Co their worth. We have found' them to Thee Face to Face," (E. Dearie.) the were not consulted as to Sermon. jurors present law did not give women the Adv. be a strictly reliable remedy for re- its terms." right to practice, and that the only lieving backache and other troubles, Anthem, "The Lord is My Light," THE OLD RELIABLE tribunal which could give women SCHOOL TEACHERS MAY STRIKE caused by distorted kidneys." (A. Marchant.) A letter from the Bolivian survey such rights was parliament The London, Jan. 31 The school teach- For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Hymn 306, "Almighty Father Strong commission dated Abuna River, No- to B. grounds for this judgment were not ers of Herefordshire are threatening cents. Foster-Milbur-n Co., Buffalo, Save," (J. Dyks.) BAIN WAGON vember 25, announces that the expe that there was any Inherent unfitness to go out on strike the coming week New York, sole agents for the United Presentation of Alms, Chant, (Anon) Ed- dition commanded by Herbert A. among women which prevented them unless their demands for increased States. Sursum Corda, Sanctus, (J. Cam-idge- .) has com- '- - wards of the British army from appearing in law practice, but salaries and better working condi- Remember the name Doans and over 200 miles of the frontier pleted merely that there never has, in fact, tions are granted. The teachers have take no other. Adv. Agnus Dei, (A. F. M. Custance.) survey and incidentally "inaugurated been a woman lawyer in England. the support of the National Teachers' Gloria in Excelsis, Old Chant. a new era in exploratory surveying." The court held that this common law Union and it is said ample funds will SOUTHERN RELIEF BALL Recessional Hymn, 519, "Saviour, The fixed all of its longi- expedition disability was further supported by be provided to maintain the strike no Washington, Jan. 31 Official and Blessed Saviour," (H. Coward.) "1 wireless from tudes by telegraphy a dictum of Lord Coke, issued over matter how long it may last. resident society in the capital, es- Full vested choir and crucifer at il 120 miles from , Porto Vallo, situated 300 years ago concerning those who pecially the southern contingent, is o'clock. Time the base of operations. signals had become entitled to practice law Food ferments in your stomach anticipating with keen interest the This church is open daily for private were received means t every night by from time immemorial. As old as it' when you are bilious. Quit eating annual ball to be given at the New prayer and meditation. romrh receivina Bet and a Ions of a is this dictum is still binding in Eng- and take a full dose of Chamberlain s Willard on Monday night by the wire which was rigged up on trees. M. E. CHURCH Cori-Eigh- th lish law. Tablets. They will clean out and Southern Relief society. For many FIRST ..Commander Edward declares that f 'Ae and National avenue. Rev. HI. strengthen yorn stomach and tomor-rojt- years the balls of Southern Relief Athene methods will ?nable the explor- C. Walter!, Ilines page, the American you will relish your agalu. society has been among the most Anderson, pastor. er to w it chronometers wor- dispense fni ambassador, has tentatively arranged The best ever for biliousness. For notable of the winter social functions Sunday school, 9:45. Morning longi-tilde- ejisilv and accurately fix all Ran- with sermon 11 o'clock. h to unveil at Weymouth in June tbe sale by all dealers. Adv. in Washington. Miss Nannie ship at memorial erected in that town to dolph Beth, president of the society, League, 6:15 p. m. Evening o'clock. Richard Clark and John Endicott, A Difference In Hours will be assisted in receiving by Mrs. worship with sermon at 7:30 state is estab 'Working A record in pensions two Weymouthmen who took part, in A man's working day Is 8 hours. Marshall, wife of the vice president, A cordial Invitation Is extended to or lished In the case Viscount Ross, the early colonization of America His body organs must work perfect- and several ladies of the cabinet cir all who have no other place of wor- whose death 24 hours to him fit for 8 hours former cabinet minister, Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain is a descend- ly keep cle. Miss Genevieve Clark, daughter ship to attend Clvine ervices at this occurred He drew a pension work. Weak, sore, inactive kidneys recently. ant of John Endicott ana she assisted can not do must be sound of the speaker, is at the head of the church. 21 to- it They & Co. of $10,000 for his yearly years, considerably in the movement inaug- and healthily active all the time. Fo- young ladies' committee. Gross, Kelly in hav- tal of $210,000 pension money urated by the town council for the ley Kidney Pills will make them so. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY been C. P. You cannot take them into your sys- ing approached only by memorial. The town of Weymouth, USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- services every Sunday morn- tem results following. Regular Sole Villiers who established the former without good 11 Agents Mass., and the city of Boston, and G. and Red Cross Drug The antiseptic powder to be shaken ing at o'clock and Wednesday his death in 1S9S. 0. Schaefer record of $150,000 at towns in Newfoundland have been Store. Adv. into the shoes. If you want rest and evening at 8 o'clock In O. R. C. hail. are now former There only three asked to send representatives to the comfort for tired, aching, swollen, ministers Lord ANNIVERSARY Foot-Eas- drawing pensions, unveiling. The Chamberlain family MCDONNELL'S sweating feet, use Allen It FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Corner Morning worship and sermon at 11 The church welcomes the public at- Hamilton, who receives $10,-00- 0 31 The Rt. Rev. George will also be represented. New York, Jan. relieves corns and bunions of all pain of Main and Sixth streets, Rev. N. B. o'clock. tending the services. a whose of year; Henry Chaplin, Charles K. McDonnell, bishop and prevents blisters, sore and cal- Green, Pastor. Bible study and Sunday school ses is $6,000 yearly, and Lord one of the most pension Women and Wet Feet Brooklyn and widely lous spots. Just the thing for Danc- Sunday school 9:45 a. m. sion at 9:45 a. m. THE SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH,. of who also receives Balfour Burleigh, Cold and wet feet are a dangerous known Catholic prelates in America, ing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes, and Morning worship with sermon at Society of Christian Endeavor at Railroad and National Avenues. are un- wmblnation to women, and birth- $0,000. These pensions drawn especially will quietly observe his sixtieth for Breaking in New Shoes. It is the 11 a. m. 6:30 p. m. ' often result. Back- James E. Richard, pastor. der an act of parliament which pro- congested kidneys anniversary tomorrow. Bishop comfort of the age. m." The ache, urinary irregularities and rheu- day greatest discovery B. Y. P. V. at 6:30 p. church extends a most hearty Hours of service:: vides that a former member of cabi- McDonnell ia a native of 25c. matic fevers are not unusual results. Brooklyn Try it today. Sold everywhere, Evening worship with sermon at welcome to all people. Visitors and Preaching 10:45 a. m., 7:45 p. in. net who has no means to maintain his of the North American . Foley Kidney Pills restore the regular and a graduate Don't accept any substitute. For 7:30 p. m. sojourners in the city especially wel Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. dignity as an may apply and normal action of kidneys and college in Rome. In his early career FREE trial package, address Allen S. comed. 6:30 m. of The church extends a cordial B, Y. P. V., p. for state aid. bladder and remove the cause the he served as secretary ta Cardinal N. Y. trouble. Contain no Olmsted, Le Roy, to the public. If yon are without a church home habit forming and acted in a sim- drugs. O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross McCloskey later FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Cor come! We can help you. A bill is to be introduced in the Drug Store. Adv. ilar capacity to Archbishop Corrigan. NATIONAL MOTOR BOAT ShOW FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ner of Main and Eighth streets. Eev. If you are looking for church work house of commons next session which consecrated of Brook He was bishop New York, Jan. 31. The latest Rev. Norman Skinner, pastor, Doug- J. L. Imhof. nastor. come! Tou can help us. aims women the -- PARSIFAL" at giving English LONDON TO HEAR lyn in 1892. products of the boat, builders, the en- las avenue and Tenth street Sunday school 9:45 a. m. to as It is 31. What right practice lawyers. London, Jan. promises gine makers, and the manufacturers Communion and preaching 11 a. m. a whether it will receive the to one most successful sea- and question be of the The "Mischief Quartette" It's of nautical fittings for power craft are Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p, m. WANTED Clean cotton rags al of the without sons of ever at Work support government, grand opera given disclosed at the annual National Mo- Evening service, 7:30 p. m, Optio office. Mon- Fnch vear the month of January whiche it has little chance of success. Covent Garden will be Madf-so- n NEAR DEATH opened mimViera it list, of victims from In tor Boat show, which opened at The matter has been fought in the day night and continued for five bronchitis and a week's fluenza, la grippe, Square Garden today for ' courts for several the de- ro-lov'- years and weeks. The season will be opened pneumonia. Tne prompt use oi more powerful Mamma will engagement.' Larger, Y SMOTHERING My Says cision to introduce a bill results front with the first performance of "Parsi- rinnev and Tar Compound and heavier are onset of a cold and stop a engines displayed the judgment of the court of appeal, fal" ever given in England. check the the development to than ever before. They are designed Its Safe cough, preventing FOLEY'S v?L more serious conuiuuns. iveep n. u for cruising power boats of the larg- hand. O. G. Schaefer and Red cross est and most luxurious type. In addi- Bat Husband, With Aid cf Cardui, fbr Children!" Sv, J Adv. Drug Store. tion to the engines and other fittings Her The Best on the latest models of boats are Effects Deliverance. Light Any Subject How's' Tnls? speed 0 Still the best substitute for Wa nffer One Hundred Dollars Re shown, and each builder has some- daylight. case of Catarrh that new to and talk aoout.. ward for any thing display Draper, N C Mrs. Helen Dalton, o! f4 cannot be cured by iiaus caiarrn this sulfered ' place, says: "I for years, Lamnn Cure. . . with pains in my left side, and would IlCyO F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toieao, u Dtten almost smother to death. K known We, the undersigned, have Medicines me for awhila Durable, to P 15 and patched up simple. Easy clean and rewick can F. J. Cheney for the last years, but then I would worse Final- In all get again. 0 be lighted without removing' chimney or shade. believe him perfectly honorable ly, my husband decided he wanted me to transactions and financially the woman's so he a business ' m --r try Cardui, tonic, At all dealers. able to carry out any obligations rrr7f bought me a bottle and I began using it. made bv his firm. It did me more good than ail the medi- BANK OF COMMERCE. 1 had taken. . 4. k THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY NATIONAL cines Chil-- in Toledo, O 3 "The Children's i (Incorporated Colorado) - I have induced many of my friends to 5s internal- dren" are now fcj flail's Catarrh Cure taken try Cardui, and they all say they have using i Boise Lcke blood and tr- City ly acting directly upon the to ALLCIZE5 oeen benefited by its use. There never Foley's Honey and Tar , (( of the system. Tes- never will a medicine O-iyu- nd 3 mucous surfaces ias been, and be, and it is to $fy timonials pent free. Price 75 cent? to compare with Cardui. I believe it is the same safe effec - u nil medicine for ail trou-o!es- ." day per bottle Sold by druegists. j pood womanly t:ive and Hall's Family Pills for const! OIL AND YATC7 f'SJVC curative med Tlr 1"''. M nation. Artv. -- For over 50 years, Cardui has been ;ci''1 tbatthcirparent? itiRicmior , : ror-iiicouii- ifi, woman's sufferings and building ;bn'id;t. surface ic, .:r.r; weak'women up to health and strength. IAMP-FENCZ- ' olus, croup, whooping J 'ft'CAC !f a it a fair trial, '3 -- 3 you are wonun, give POSTS -- cov.,".'i, f;:;:i;r .nnnnq CUiLX, L -- I. t should surdy help you, as it has a tronchitic, n j '.j nillion others. hoarsenes end tickling I II 1 Si i f t Immediate Shipments I i li in mmmtiasamta : f ammmm W il 1 Get a bottle of Cardni to-d- uaroat, use it. It J 4 '1'"'...... It..-,-- rite, phone or wu e for h pruts i I ? A :f"r 1" gives satisfactory E i '''''' ADAMS i ' f. . M i fur PIPE. i Wrilt to: ChaMnnonsj IMWn Co., LadlW H .' i: ,.:.! I'i; v; i,.l.u. Ki MOTl-iySt.- - I NO i vc 1 a t i t Al a I r" ftdvoory D3i" C'na.WiCi'.ea, Tetin., fir contajn: OPIATES Plumes Broiulwiiv r:t;i--- l'' J $sal ' lstr;t(ipvs Oil your case and 64 p. hok, "HorrG Treatment ior WonMu" in puiin wiapjji. K.G, 1 RED CROSS DRUG CO LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914.

1899 on board died in CHRISTIAN ESKIMO LOSES ALL ?.. P:V 4 his superb yacht, the Nahma, while it 0 IN baiiou 't.'vWA.U. S7 Willi hi JfeitLW' IRST DIVORCE was in harbor of Go ROLE CILEY TO HOLD lying the Naples. Refused to Through Rites of Hit 0115 Ml fj his and Is it IS A CONSTANT THREAT TO THE Strangely enough , People Promptly HEALTH OF also died anoard his Disowned. THE PEOPLE. brother; yacht. Every Woman Cat Loving Clanf-- THE GOELET Robert Goelet was his BOTH survived, by Chief Wolf Robe 10 the Nettling Cuddled in iu Bonnet. , New York. The whole life of the Fish Becomes Dr. Hartman. of Columbus, Ohio, widow, who died in Paris, in 1912, by primitive Eskimo Is governed by pre- A wonian'g heart naturally rflspotnl( t discusses an important health topic, his son, , who Dancing Master. the charm and sweetness ot a pretty chiH cedent. Although the y lie says: is the present head of the family, and outwardly and more so than ever before Etiioi FAMILY Yes, it Is the climate, not the germs, freest and most irresponsible being JOBS the advent of Mothers Friend. that we have to fear in this a daughter, Miss Beatrice Goelet in he is in country. the world, reality the slave Picturesque Blackfoot Tribe Head The germs are present, to be sure, died of pneumonia in this city in 1902. of opinion and the numberless and are of some In public With an Eye and a Foot for Busi- significance Ogden Goelet, the brother of Rob- customs and of an- OLD NEW YORK HOUSE GREW superstititlons his ness Takea of HE WILL BE MAYOR OF BOSTON diagnosis. Climate, a changeable was married 1877 to Advantage Big WEALTHY THOUGH HOLDING climate, is the true cause of disease. ert Goelet, in cestors. The ways of his fathers are AND MEMBER OF CONGRESS Tespsichorean Craze. ' i' REAL ESTATE The atmospheric pressure varies, the Miss Mary Wilson, daugther oi Mr. good enough for him, and the world AS WELL humidity of the atmosphere changes. and Mrs. Robert T. Wilson. This union of the old men and witch-doctor- who Denver, Colo. In these days of dis Every day the temperature rises and the Goelet family into an al- New York, Jan. 31 The divorce falls. All this presents to the brought cussion regarding folk dances and Boston, Jan. 31. "To Have to Hold" body liance with the Astors and the Van- suit filed by Mrs. Robert Goelet very great trials to adjust to. rhythmic motion and tango and tur- should have a place on Dr. Eliot's 'Jlils Is a most wonderful external hc! The Goelet 1897. to the iniisrleH husband continues to be area of high pressure forms In derbilts. Ogden died in 1 key trot it is Interesting to discover "six-foo- t shelf" in the of James and tomlonn. It penetrans against her opnion ttie makes them to readilf; m so- the northwest. Moves rapidly south- His death and the death of his neice, I that one of the most distinguished ot tissues, pllnnt the staple topic ot discussion east, II. Ourley, who on Monday Is to suc yield to nature's demand fur subjecting millions of our di- ot iijiann.ii,dr.--. the Goulds, Miss Beatrice Goelet, limited tne the chiefs of the Blackfoot tribe ceed as of bo there Is no longer a period of in la, ciety circles. The Astors, population to Its Influence. The re- John F. Fitzgerald mayor nnus-- a of the Goelet estate to Rob- Indians in Montana announces to tk comfort, straining, or other .vmii of these great sult is, thousands upon thousands of rect heirs -- Mr. ad toms bo anxhrn the Vanderbilts all world is the city of Boston. Curley often distressing during the so- catch cold. A small survivor that he open to engagements weeks of New York families of wealth and people per cent, ert Walton Goelet, the only mits that he is not strong on the lit- expectancy. of these thousands do not get well of Fish Wolf Robe is businesslike anc Mother's Friend prepares the system tut more or of the family of Robert Goelet, and the coming event, and lis use biiiitrs cmi-for- t, cial prominence have figured their cold. It goes Into pneumonia,, his card reads: erary, stuff, but the title of the popu- courts. to the two children of Ogden Goelet, rest and repose during tlte term. Tin less frequently. in tbt divorce or chronic catarrh, or bronchitis, or lar novel is one that appeals to him. ha a most, marked influence upon the biii Golets, who laryngitis, or who are Robert Goelet, the respond- elnee it thus Inherits a splendid tfrowhcj On the other hand the pleurisy. : See America First It's equivalent to the good old motto system of nerves and digestive function. Now, what I am at is this. ent suit instituted, And Oil have been numbered among New getting in the divorce just : FISH WOLF KOBE, Dancer of "Get all you can and hold on to particularly to young mothers is These climatic J! Ma-M- famous of ineisiiuuible value. IS three changes are inevitable. and his Miss May Goelet, who : ' e remedy York's wealthiest families for No one can them. The sister, what you get," in the opinion of the enables her to preserve her health mul prevent very of Glacier National Park, Montana and she remains a mother social best we can in 1903 was married to the Duke ; strength, pretty generations and whose standing do is to prepare for Meet me at Glacier National Park this mayor-elec- t of the "Athens of Amer- by having avoided all the suffering anl be- defend : summer some Is of the very highest, have never them, ourselves against them. Roxburghe. r J Catch Trout. ica." danger that would otherwise aeeoinpniiji Good health is the best who now in uch an occasion. Mother's Friend thor- in a divorce proceeding. preventive. Robert Goelet, figures Mr. like other Ameri- oughly lubricates every nerve, tendon aiei fore figured The very best. Vigorous health, with Curley, many Is are the eye, is 35 old and a Fish Wolf Robe is a well de muscle involved and a sure preventive As land owners tne Goelets excess vitality, this is Nature's own public years lithe, cans who have risen to eminent posi- lor coking of the breasts. - own- Indian and the various triha1 will o -- in New York. Not preventive and protection. graduate of Harvard. He Is thtj- veloped In You find this 'splendid remedy among the earliest tions the service of their country, sale at all stores at $1.0(i a hot tie, We do not all have this, however. er an estate estimated to be worth costumes that he wears while dancint drug "but they have been among of - J his career as a and is highly recommended for the purpose,. only that, Some of us must have began delivery boy. Write Bradlleld Co., 134 since records assistance. more than $35,000,000 and has ex- t Regulator ljimari the largest owners ever The assistance that I use for if I As he grew to manhood his ambition Bldg.. Atlanta, Ja.. and they will mail yoit myself, of into $25,tu0,000 sealed, a very JustrusUvu book; for txpuo of ownership have been kept. Like would recommend for rhy friends to pectations coming prompted him to seen a broader field taut mothers. more is held in his He the Astors and a good many other use, my neighbors and my country- which family. in which his ability and genius as a men, is a. Keep Pe-ru-- in is a member of many clubs, includ- families, they have prospered through the bouse. mixer might have ample opportunity! give a citizen Mr. Curley, unaffected New York many ing the Univrsity, New York Yacht, be- the growth of through If the children Indicate they are for further development So he alike by the praise of his followers or a. and Field, Knickerbocker and jKenerations. More than a century catching cold, give them Turk came a bartender. Again he emulated the criticism of his foes, keeps tha an If the the or He possesses his fa- ago, history shows, the Goelets had parents, grandfather Metropolitan. the example of many great American simple motto of his life before him. York would into grandmother, present those symptoms ther's steam yacht, the Nahma, which 'ih. Idea that New grow that are so well known which statesmen who have used the bar as Regardless of the fact that the pres- precede is one of the most luxurious craft a great city and that dollars planted a cold; a few doses of Pe-ru-- and a stepping stone into politics and ent mayor of Boston has broken down He owns kennels in well located property would produce the deed Is done. afloat. great dog public life. Before he was quite old under the burdens of his office, un- Some are to of estates In more dollars. That Idea was handed people very subject and a number country to vote Mr. was a per- to colds. Others who enough Curley mindful of the opportunity lighten to son with the result have weak luns the United States and abroad. In Primitive Eskimo. from father and are timid about our winter son of considerable political influence his own burdens, thinking only of tha re- 1908 and to his that each successive Goelet, while weather, take Pe-ru-- na off and on he bought presented in his neighborhood. he owe3 to the and tuo nar in treasure up ancient precedent like duty city intact the given him during the whole winter season. wife a chateau 14 Mr. taining property the Pharisees of old, is the standard For the past years Curley tion, to Mr. Curley and Mrs. Curley; added The plan is a good one. The medicine France, at Sandicourt, outbidding "by his antecedents, something is be lives and dies by. has held ' public office, advancing and the four little Curleys, the Hon. investments inexpensive. It does no possible Prince Murat for it. This was esteem-e- d to it until today, with the harm to the system. It the For an Eskimo to break one of these through the political ranks from the James M. Curley has decided that ha keeps at the time the finest es- ot generations all of greater value appetite regular and keen. It as- country unwritten laws is to render himself a common council, through the lower will hold onto his old job as congress- sists tate in that of the than ever before and producing larger digestion and helps the user France, barring social outcast. Although treated with house of the Massachusetts legisla- man after ho takes h'ls new Jm as of them has an through the Inclement weather of Rothschilds at Adamvilliers. Mr. kindness, he is no reckoned as returns, the possessor winter. longer ture, the board of aldermen, to the mayor. r or an em- Goelet iii the years of his mar- a member of the tribe. I well re- I ((, estate which even a king Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna early national house of .representatives and An man would lack tha wealth his member such a case on the Diomedes. ordinary envy. Almanac 1914. ried life lavished his upon to the office of chief magis- peror might Lucky Day for brother-in-la- finally courage to assume the heavy respon- wife to such an extent that it was A of the chief had early There is nothing sordid about the trate of Boston. sibilities of two Bueh impor- Du- embraced being convert- holding Ooelet estate as there is about some said his mother and sister, the Christianity, showing any change of ownership at ed on a trip to Nome by one of the In all these years "Jim" Curley has tant offices at the same time, one ia founded chess -- of Roxburghe, remonstrated of the other great fortunes all, except for the transfer from father first missionaries. Being a very con- never met defeat. And in all these Boston and the other in Washington. his- with him. on property. In the to son. The earliest actual record scientious man, he soon recognized years he was never known to relin- But the man whom the citizens of. to 1C76 Mr. Goelet was married on June 19, tory of the family dating back to show that the Goelets ap- the incompatibility of retaining his quish one job" until he saw. a netter Boston have elevated to tending Phila- the highest! there is no record of deliberate at- 1904, to Miss Elsie Whelen of faith and conforming to the 1 one in And was preciated the value of Manhattan real worship sight. whenever It office is not an man. Whe- ordinary Evea tempts by members of the family to estate more than a delphia. Her father was Henry of his people. The spirit of the Scotch he held to two the century ago bears . possible jobs at his bitterest political enemy has never man of no len, the banker, who Is now-dead- Her Covenanters was in his veins. He re- despoil a his property; the date of 1799, at which timw one same time. To his oifieial duties he accused "Jim" Curley of lacking cour- now is the wife of C. Hartman fused to go the usual rites of I record' of blighting foreclosures after appears on the tax rolls mother through i has ever attended with faithfulness or nerve. In situa- his people, and to the God of age the present well laid had developed to take as in Kuhn of Philadelphia. The Wnelens prayed Chief Fish Wolf Robe. and plans owning a house Pear street. the white at home. As a punctuality. He was never known tion he sees his opportunity to serva foul means if fair would not are one of the oldest families in Phil- stranger it by This Peter Goelet was of the third result he was forbidden his in are beautiful. Money cannot to be tardy or absent on pay day. his fellow men. His presence is need- ' Their Clov-el- l, place purchase avail. Almost from the the adelphia. country place, a beginning generation of the family in America the village kos-g- (or meeting place), them, for they are ancestral robes Even the personal discomforts and ed In congress to aid the opposition to followed a in man- near Devon, Pa is like an English Goelets have plan and it was with him that the present where every man has his recognized which have been handed down from distractions experienced during an the forthcoming immigration bill. Ha y baronial estate. All of the members aging their real estate which wu day fortune started. He was a dealer station, carefully graded according to generation to generation. involuntary residence of two months does not mean to shirk his duty; H3 As- of the Whelen family are buried in J one wears different from that of the in musical instuments, and in his day merit. His Bon was not allowed to In dance he a handsome in the county jail, an experience that will remain, and meanwhile, trust to the of old St. David's a with the men or witness war bonnet made of feathers tors, and in consequence they enjoy was a man of opuience. His son, churchyard dance young eagle might cause the ordinary man to for the motto of his life, 'i!l draw down return church edifice which resembles an any of the 'councils or s tipped with colored horse hair and a much better" in proportion Peter P, Goelet; inherited all of his get what he owed the or Bost.o.-lat-t of ornamented with beads and community $10,000 a year as mayor of i their fortunes. The Goelets nuild - add- English abbey, just like members reserved for the men; his daugh- porcupine to father's property and by steadily- beautiful white weasel what the community owed him, did $7,500 'a year as ft iireseutaU'3 j rent an family. Mrs. Goe-- j ters could not take part in the annual quills. Many structures on their property and ing to it during his.liftime, was able English county skins down like tails from the not cause Mr. Curley to swerve lor a congress. y dance of the women, nor was any hang the entire and plot for the at his death to let is six feet tall and of marked beau-t- moment as an building give to his children, member of the tribe bold enough to side and back of his bonnet, and at single from his duties rate obtainable. The Astors, of face and person. Both In New is a In a highest including two sons, Peter and Robert, ask them In marriage. They all map his side knife heavily studded office holder. During the entire pe- A good remedy for a bad cough 13 York and in she has figured trousers on the other hand, rent lots only, with the largest fortune In real estate of Newport ried Siberian strangers and left the leather sheath. His buckskin riod he drew his salary with strict BALLARD'S HOHEHOUXD SYRUP, in When the: are decorated in black with fcome exceptions, letting the lessee that time. Another of his children, prominently society. old man's house desolate, but he stuck designs regularity. it heals the lungs and quiets Irritation. Duke Alexander Michaelovltch symbolic of his tribe. rect his own building, from which the Hannah,, married a and from Grand to his faith to the last. In my hum- Now that he' has received the high- Price 50c Gerry In other dances the chief wears his 25c, and $1.00 per bottle... estate no revenue. that union starts of Russia was visiting the Russian ble opinion, he was the best Christian est Sold Co. gets the Gerry fortune hair in bound with honor that the city of Boston can by Central Drug Adv. of the In and Mrs. John Astor In New- I ever met. Always cheerful, always long plaits grass. The joint management great real estate, also among the great embassy Several of varicolored beads re- summer Mrs. Goelet was one to help, the faith strings Goetlet holdings and the frequent ones of the present day. Peter and port last ready living dally decorate his neck and circular that was in him, he was tne only large currence of the names of Og- Robert Goelet continued the of of the very few hostesses he permit- from famliy policy Eskimo I ever saw who was brave earrings fall his ears. Soft eagle den, Peter and Robert make the story their father of In ted to entertain him. feathers are fastened to his head. Investing heavily enough to withstand the witch-docto- r. )l the family one of the most intri- New York real estate. The brothers When he dances every movement cate of all those written In. the rec-od- were closely associated throughout has a meaning that it is impossible ; of Manhattan. The story can be their lives. Peter never but RELIEVE for an outsider to understand. Some- V married, "CASCMTS" DE MAUPASSANT AS CANNIBAL times he dances alone. At other times . told Robert completely only by searching took for a wife the daughter he dances with the other chiefs or in some of the earliest for the of Jonathan records, Ogden. Their sons were SICK, SOUR STOMACH Famous French Novelist Said to Have the center of a circle formed by beginning is in the seventeenth cen- Robert Goelet, father of the present Had Human Flesh on Hia chiefs and squaws. At Glacier Nation- tury, with the-- arrival of Hugenot re- holder of the great estate, Robert Table. al park his entertainment is In great fugees. Many of the pieces of prop- Walton Goelet, and Ogden Goelet, demand and he Is often engaged to MOVE ACIDS, GASES AND CLOG- a erty now held and managed by the father of Robert Goelet, who is now Paris. "Guy de Maupassant as entertain for an evening. GED WASTE FROM LIVER Cannibal" is the of a remark- fioetlets can be traced back as far being sued for' divorce, and the Duch subject He Is tall, has a distinguished face AND BOWELS able reminiscence Just published for and forth, his f IK us the records without , steps gracefully swaying available go ess of Roxburghe., well-know- the first time by a medi- body to and fro and keeping time with Get a box now. cal man, Maurice Pillet, In the Sci- the beating of the tomtoms.' That awful sourness, belching of entific Review. Pillet recounts that The costumes worn in these cere- one the great writer was coming acid and foul gases; that pain In the day monial and rhythmic folk dances are out of his club when a carman sud- and the war bonnets can be pit of the stomach, the heartburn, fell from of a striking (1 denly the top tall dray excelled no tribe. Often the feath- I: 'i nervousness, nausea, bloating after at his feet. De by K Maupassant picked ers extend from the head In a long Ml eating, dizziness and sick headache, him up and took him to a hospital, but tail to the the the man died on to ground. Frequently means a disordered stomach, which the way. Asking faces and bodies of the Indians "who see the house who was a cannot be regulated until you remove surgeon, take part in the dances are colored. cause. stomach's friend of his, De Maupassant begged the It lsn t your as soon as was Chief Fish Wolf Robe uses at times as him, the autopsy over, ! fault. Your stomach Is as good to let him have a of the dead a sacred brown and black paint. oft i tvm m piece t i any. man's flesh. The next day the doctor In some of the dances of his tribe Try Cascarets; they Immediately sent a small quantity of this unusual Fish Wolf Robe and other chiefs car- cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, meat to De Maupassant, who at once ry shields, spears and arrows, toma- in- hawks and rattles made of deer and undigested and fermenting food and sent it down to his kitchen, with to elk hoofs. Every on . foul take the excess bile from structions grill It for luncheon. painted figure Makes Sewing a Pleasure - - gases; their cos- .. - After finishing the dish De Mau- face and bodies and their , the liver and off the constipated grim carry passant decided that anthropophagy tumes represents some sign or cere- waste matter and poison from the need have no attractions for the Euro- mony, and these are particularly no- 3aU bowels. Then your Btomach trouble pean gourmet, as the human meat was ticeable on the head dancer, Fish Wolf If you could eliminate the tiresome drudg- 13 will and tasted like Robe, who is considered the best per- ended. A Cascaret tonight very insipid overdone ery of pedalling wouldn't sewing be a pleas- r out morning s veal former because of his lightness and straighten you by ? box from any drug store will agility. ure instead of a task "Dot and Romance. Fish Wolf Robe dances the sacred keep your stomach sweet; liver anu Another Dash" Conn. Another "dot and hymn, the war song and the love and A General Electric sewing machine motor bowels regu'ar for months. Don't Hartford, dash" romance has reached a night aongs. He knows the crane 1 child-e- n insldes happy attached to machine does a'l t1 c , ' -- the their little swan an- your wa' &mm KB forget culmination. Miss Georgianna South-wort- song, the song, the strange need a good, gentle cleansing, too. dance, the buffalo and the grass desired a mere , me friends and I will 19 a telegraph operator employed telope giving any speed by pr.. i "Show your tell you who you are," Adv. dance. are with a. savins old and true. No ever bad such a circle In the Postal telegraph office here, Queer dances, these, beverage large Binuous and movements and of the foot on the treadle. of Loyal friends as Sunny Brook The Pure Food Whiskey. Its "met" Edward A. Conrey of the New graceful over many popularity is not limited to any particular section Sunny Brook NEW TRIAL FOR WOMAN York office the wire some years gyrations. Current can be drawn from c 1 slim-ulan- any ! is a universal Javorile everywhere. It is a safe, sane, t, ago. In dull moments flashed s.iisfvw; Mo., Jan, 31. The case of they and this, combined with its exquisite flavor, rich mehotvmm, Fulton, Morse messages to each other. A Doctors Amputate LegSteals Watch. electric light sockets at any tie and high ionic properties, have earned for Sunny Brook its world- Mrs. Susan Ross, accumed of the mur- Philadelphia.- - While at short time ago they had a formal, surgeons 1 wide room at a cost of but a z!fccnt . will come face-to-fac- am- supremacy. der of her husband, up in e meetings sad their mar the Methodist hospital here were Sunny Brook is bottled under the Green Government Stamn court Monday for its second trial. followed. putating the feet of John Guest, who is rlaga unmistakable proof that it straight, natural was was run over by a train, hi3 gold Let us explain hew simply tte i st h U. Brook w'.cylou'j The first trial held last Septem- S, Standard besides Sunny carries the puaraniee of tliu watch was stolon from his how easy the control l.uf 2 l' j Fine the ber and resulted In a verdict of guil- Lament Loss. pocket. Largest DiMiilen of Old Whiskey in VorU, t' at it is Colonel Sody Horse's Paul an was A'jk u$ toil.:". and in the ok1, &4n In Colo. Reiker, orderly, suspect- distilled, aged, good, honest, ty and a sentence of ten years the Denver, CoL W. P. Cody, ed. was and Brook -- He arrested, confessed. u way. penitentiary. This verdict was set Buffalo Bill," wr ; t wlHiti his famous SUNNY BROOK Is now bottled with our own pnteiitwt aside and a new trial granted by the horse, Isham, which he has ridden for Sneeze "Tuv;trr" Htoppers. Ottr. trunt or Betray Trump. bottle ui 25 years, was put on the auc- Ui;nt. lia fred fur Cork crew court on the unusual ground . that nearly Passaic, N. J. A sneeze ftt the The of there was such a radical difference tion block. proceeds the salo vrong time led to the discovery aud will be applied on lieoa ajmlnrt the between the attorneys of Mrs. floss rrest of 'Mel Copuers, a tramp who A S U' Vf W V Buffalo Bill Wild Went show and as hiding oa the brake beam of a J In conducting the defense that the Pawnee Bill's Far East show, wMuh N. Mtfx. leeplug car about to start for Buffalo, j J Genpifi! Distributors, Albuquerque, woman was not given a fair hearing went Into baalxaatcy tf)0?. e will spend 30 day in the county before the jury. iii . I LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914.

Mrs. Gortner Gives Lorenzen 7t T i A Euchre Party Harry ill1 1 E. Will be Wed optic This afternoon Mrs. W. Gortner ' m - Announcement has been received I v I.I H M y entertained at her homea number of ESTABLISHED 1879. uy- here from Los, the ladies at euchre. The party was one Angeles of engage First Class ment of Miss Linni'e of the many enjoyable events of this Uarnes of that Repairing city to Mr. Harry ; Lorenzen, formerly Published week. The afternoon waS; delightfully j by a resident of Las 'and well THE OPTIC PUBLISHING CO. spent and equally as pleastnly closed Vegas known here. The win occur by the serving of refreshments. Pres wedding (Incorporated.) in the! near to ent Were Mrs. Bert Adams, Mrs. I. L. future, according the WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEW. announcement.' Bacharach, Mrs. C. H. Bally, Mrs. C. IJL M. PADGETT...... Editor. Mr. Lorenzen was from ELR.Y. OPTICAL GOODS D. Boucher, Mrs. Mary Bearlnger, graduated the local Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Herbert Claris, High school and for several IN OUR, OWN SHOP. Miss Hostess was In the of the Charles Kelly Mrs. J. M. Cunningham, Mrs. P. C. years employ At Ilfeld He now in the em- Japanese Party., Carpenter, Mrs. S. B. Davis, Jr., Mrs. company. is The most and elaborate of a of Los at- - enjoyable R. Devine, Mrs. J. s. Duncan, Jr., ploy large grocery firm event of the week occurred Tuesday, Miss wom- Mrs. W. J. Fugate, Mrs. George A. Angeles. Barnes is a young Entered at the nostofflce at East when Miss Helen Kelly entertained an of and is well Fleming, Mrs. K. D. Goodall, Mrs. E. W. charming personality jta Vegas, New Mexico, for trans- - in honor of her Miss Kathryn known In Los circles. guest, Hart, Mrs. W. G. Haydon, Mrs. R. G. Angeles society fa tflsioa through the United Pates Drake of Hodges, N. M. During the Mr. Lorenzen's friends here will TMPERT'S L. Mrs. M.1 many as second class matter. Head, MrsitE. Hammond, stalls afternoon occurred the announcement Clar-enc- be to Kohn, Mrs. D. T. Hosklns, Mrs. e pleased learn of his engagement. of Miss Drake's to Mr. 1 engagement Elks' Dance Is Iden, Mrs. E. E. Johnson, Mrs. m Charles Hudson of Rochester, A on TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Dugan Jolly Event. F. B. January, Mrs. E. N. Kearney, Tangoing the .. rr.r;;.r. N. Y. ' The Ice is Latest Daily, by Carrier :.. dance given Thursday night at Mrs. W. E. Kaser, Mrs. Arthur Il- Miss Nannette Warren at the Deten- the fepoj, had be.i,nt"doctored'' on de From 3 o'clock until o'clock Miss C Copy 1 .05 the Elks' club house proved to be one feld, Mrs. H. C, Ilfeld, Mrs. L. W The latest thing! for the society peo- tion hospital. Later in ithe day she mand by Senator Newlands. r Kelly was hostess at "b Japanese tea of the east to i3s Week . J.5 of the many enjoyable events of the Ilfeld, Mrs. Henrietta Ilfeld, Mrs. D. ple enjoy in connection consented to eat. Though her mental Just before his altaclc on the com- party which was- - attended by a large week and was with the is on the ice. to ob- iyme Month . .65 well attended by ElKs Liebstater, Mrs. C. P. Trumbull, Mrs. tango tangoing condition precluded auy effort mittee Senator . Lane had defended number of invited guests. This was a This idea )si9 Year 7.50 and their ladles. Dancing continued Charles A. Spiess, Mrs. Lynch, Miss unique originated in New tain a statement concerning the death Dav(d' Lamar as a person whose most original and delightful affair. where in- Dally, by Mali until a late hour. Present were Mr Louise Cunningham, Miss Helen Cun York, all the things of big of her sister Mary and her thr?e "wolfing" was not to be compared The beautiful Kelly residence was terest is worked CJae year (In advance) ... $6.00 and Mrs., Arthur Ilfeld, Mr. and Mrs. ningham, Miss Helen Kelly, Miss Mar originate, and being weeks' vigil beside the body in their with J. P. Morgan & Company's ma- elaborately decorated, Japanese lan- M. much to all m Months (In advance).- - . 8.00 Danziger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles guerite Cluxton, Miss Anne George, there, the satisfaction of apartment, it Is thought by authorities nipulation of New Haven affairs. terns and rose blossoms being the tttae Year (In arrears) . 7.50 Danziger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stern, Miss Marguerite Cavanaugh, Mis Etta the skating society. that she will recover sufficiently to be "Yet Mr. Morgan said his dearest special feature,' while cut flowers Mr. This idea be worked out in Cix Months (In arrears) 3.75, and Mrs. Jake Stern, Mr. and Head, Miss Mary Daum.Miss Louise might questioned by the coroner tonight. hope," continued Senator Lane, "was abounded. Mrs. W. Las Ve?as with the excellent facilities E. Gortner, Mr. and Mrs Damn, Miss Cornelia Murray, Miss for his son to go on preaching the During the afternoon Misses Helen Charles Mrs. for here. the ice WEEKLY OPTIC AND STOCK Ilfeld, Judge and W. J Mary Harris, Miss Kathryn Drake, skating Although " washing away of sins by the blood of Louise condi- SMALLPOX AT TAMPICO Cunningham Cunningham, Mills, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mr. Miss Hannah Friedman and Miss Lor-n- a in the canyon has not been in GROWER ' Ilfeld, Jan. 3L at the Redeemer. Then he pulled out Mary Harris, Mildred Browne and kirt Mrs. Sinm Mr. tion for skating for the past several Washington, Smallpox One Year ...... $2.00 Eaoharach, and Johnson. of his pocket a rer bandana and Rebecca man cold-de- r Tamplco already has caused the death Henriquez accompanied by Mrs. M. Bendix, Mr. and Mrs. Rich weeks, the weather predicts I'm-- h i SKs 1.00 4 - skipped out for glory." h Months . Miss a of one American. Rear Admiral Marguerite Cluxton, sang Jap ard Devine, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mc- - Local Talent for temperatures within the next "I Fletcher 43 cases and don't like to have the senate anese love song, ended by a Japanese Wenie, Mr. Mrs. I. month. reported today and Appel, Mr. St. Paul's Entertainment " dragged around as the tool of a black- (Cash In Advance for Mall dance, which was pretty and decided- two Americans among the. 'sick. The and Mrs. C. P. Trumbull, Mr. and Thursday evening at the Browne mailer," said Senator Root, without I Subscriptions) ly well done. Following this rose Mrs. Mrs. hospital ship Solace is there. The ,H. P. Browne, Dr. and Mrs. HI theater an entertainment was given McWenje rising or the chair, but Remit check, draft or money were showered Miss admiral has ordered that no one be addressing by leaves upon M. (Smith, Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Losey, for the benefit of St. Paul's Memorial Gives Card Party ' ' J speaking to Senator Cummins. (wrder. If sent otherwise ire will not Drake,' the bride-to-b- ... permitted to land. Rail and telegraph pr; ,.aaiy)f'F. R. Lord, Mrs. J. W. church, which was both pleasing and Last Saturday evening Mrs. EjJ. Senator Bristow to his feet. responsible for loss. ' Miss was assisted the fol iijjies 'have been cut Rear Admiral 'Sprang Kelly by Crumpacker, Miss' Mildred Browne, well attended. McWenle entertained at a delightful l( "The senator froou New York said Epeclmen copies free on Application Miss Helen honor of Cowles, reporting the arrival of the lowing: Japanese girls Miss Helen Kelly, Miss Kathryn Misses Lucy and Marie Clement ren- party given in of the guest something," said hess; "I don't know Cunningham, Miss Louise Cunning- Miss Helen Miss cruiser Pittsburgh at Manzanillo, Drake, Miss Mary Harris, Miss Re- dered a delightful Japanese song and Kelly, x Kathryn ; whether he meant it to go into the Miss Miss says all is quiet there. ALL PAPERS DISCONTINUED AT ham, Marguerite Cluxton, becca Henriquei!, Miss Emma Tamme, dance In costumes suitable to the se- Drake of Hodges, N. M. The even record." Mary Harris, Miss Mildred Browne Miss was at cards and other EXPIRATION OF TIME Flo Lamar, Miss Regina Stern, lection and delighted the audience. ing ispent Senator Bristow then repeated Sen- PAID FOR and Miss Rebecca Henriquez. Mrs. Miss Caroline Miss Mad Miss Clux- games and closed refreshments. Greenberger. They were accompanied by by Do you to at night, ator Root's words. H. W. Clark and Mrs. E. J. McWenle Present were Miss begin cought eline Mills, Mr. John Harris, Dr. M. ton at the piano. The Misses Clem- Kathryn Drake, just when you hope to sleep? Do you "Some persons seem mighty tender served tea, while Mrs. W. G. Haydon, J. Moran of Dr. J. K. Welsh admiraole and Miss Helen Kelly, Miss Mary Harris, have a tickling throat that keeps you Advertisers are the Deming, ent displayed, ability, when it comes to discussing the steel guaranteed Mrs. F. A. Manzanares, Mrs. Richard of M. Miss Rebecca Miss Emma awake? Just take Foley's Honey and Tucumcarl, Dr. C Slanfill of were well received. xi Henriquez, added Senator "a issrgest dally and weekly circulation Tar Compound. It will check the trust," Bristow, Devine and Mrs. John Harris, Sr., Dawson, Mr. Charles Mr. Wil Miss Cluxton, an,,. excel- Tamme, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clark, t any newspaper in northern New Ilfeld, Marguerite cough and stop the tickling sensation trust whose stock has gone up 10 served punch. liam Springer, Mr. Donald Mr. rendered a solo which Mr. Orrin Blood, Mr. Lawrence Tam- once. Mexico. Hart, lent pianist, at Does not upset the stomach, per cent and has , $500,000,000 of 6 dance was Har- At o'clock a supper Ornn Mood, Mr. Manuel Henriquez, was pretty and thoroughly enjoyed. me, Mr. Cecil Boucher, Mr. John is best for children and grown per water." the been re- ris and Mr. Donald Hart. sons. O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross given, gentlemen having Mr. I). L. Cole, Mr. H. Trainor, Mr. Mrs. Erie Choate, a vocalist wno Senator Root, rising to a question invited in from that hour until 8. This Drug Store. Adv. TELEPHONES J. Stewart and Mr. Cecil Boucher, cently came to this city and one with of privilege, expressed his of the was en personal Business Office Main 2 feature party hugely great ability in her art, also delighted "Tango" Precedes regret that the senator from Kansas News Department Main joyed Adjutant General the audience with solos. Mrs. Choate Nearly Everything had seen fit to have made a matter Within a few fashion ed LANE'S REHARfiS GET "', Herring Married is a singer of unusual range. Her months, of public redord remarks he had cas- did r itors of the Jaffa-Danzig- Adjutant General T. Thursday night was her predict, every garment 'Cummins. SATURDAY, JANUARY Harry Herring appearance ually made to Senator 31, 1914. ' was In the ex- use for will be pre- Wedding February 18 married New York January 29 first public appearance, with people's clothing Ull! IN TROUBLE Senator Stone, interrupting at that On 18 will oc- according to a received In of her singing at Temple ceded by the word tango. Following February at Roswell telegram ception point, declared: , is list of articles which have COLONEL GOETHAXS' NEW cur the wedding of Mr. Joseph Danzi Santa Fe yesterday by Lieutenant F. Montefiore. She was accompanied by a gained "The senator from Kansas Is In the inspector-instructo- r fame under the name of IIONOK'S ger of this city and Miss Julia Jaffa U. lest, of the Mrs. O'Malley. tango: VICE PRESIDENT SITS ON DEMO- habit of doing those things. Person- New Mexico 4 4 Hats. of Roswell. The ceremony will be militia, who is in charge CRATIC SENATOR FROM ally, I am tired of it. at the office to Veils. - President Wilson made the obvious performed at the home of the bride's adjutant general's during Firemen Expect OREGON , At that juncture Senator Williams, the absence Beads. ipi'"tntment in naming Colonel Goe parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jaffa, of Mr. Herring. The tele- Entertain Dancers declaring that the senators appeared Is the Gloves. th,3 civil governor of the canal zone, after which Mr. and Mrs. Danziger gram complete enough in some re Preparations for E. Romero Washington, Jan. 31. Senator Lane to be "in bad humor, " demanded the - annual mas- B- had well earned the honor. .Now will take a wedding trip to the east, spects but in another it is woefully Hose and Fire company's Hosiery. of Oregon was removed from the regular order. in 23 indicate Anklets parlia-mentsr- y tat the work of building the canal visiting New York, Niagara and Wash lacking, that, the former name oi querade bal Ion February floor of the senate today in a Senator Newlands said if Mr. Lane's Mrs. Is dance will be the Garters a jrawing to an end, to no one else lngton, D. C. Herring entirely omitted. No eloquently that this sense, by Vice President charge had been withdrawn he would one could be and affair 10 properly could be Intrusted the Rev. Dr. Jacob H. Landau of this found today who could most elaborate interesting Slippers Marshall during bis speech on the in- propose a committee investigation. has ever been t'fy of establishing civil government city will officiate at the wedding. Mr. supply it, although it is said she is a of its kind that givn Nighties. terstate commerce committee's action "Oh, I've withdrawn it," said Sena- ' D. Its pa a permanent bashv. and Mrs. Charles Danziger and Mrs. Washington, C, girl who has been by the company since organization. Hairpins. on his resolution to investigate whe- tor Lane, and consideration, of the for some time In Mont has been manifested Bloomers. To organize and put Into operation Maurice Danziger and daughter will residing Clair, The spirit that ther the Jnited States Steel corpora- whole subject went over until Mon- N. J. The was as follows in foi their Bracelets. the civil government of the canal attend the happy events The party telegram by the firemen arranging tion had received illegal rebates day.' New 29. that are Neck Chains. aone will be a relatively light task will leave Las Vegas on February 15 York, Jan. Married today, dance (shows they working from the railroadB. The vice presi- Will leave for hard results. Garter Skirts for Colonel Goethals, after the severe for Roswellj ; tonight Washington and expect dent ruled that Mr. Lane's remarks Will be in on The new features that will Bags. labors he has periormed during the Mr. Danziger Is a well known and Jackson, Tenn., fifth many Shopping were a reflection on the committee. Joints that ache., muscles that are Send mail to are to flowers Jong years he has been on the isth popular business man of this city and Jackson until the eighth make their debut impossible Corsage Senator Newlands. chairman of the drawn or contracted should be treat- Will see about each of the affair Scarfs aftd Sashes. mus. It Is not likely to engage him his engagement to Miss Jaffa, who is a you February t'fh. H number, for part committee, and Senators Hoke Smith ed with BALLARD'S SNOW LINI- T. H." seems to be and novel. The ' Feathers and Headdresses. long. It would not be strange If after charming young woman of Roswell, original and Lo3g-- were on their feet at once MENT. It penetrates to the spot of it is said, he had set up the machinery and seen has brought him congratulations from stage the opera house, Demanding apologies. where It Is needed and relieves suf- Miss will be one of the settings Jl-0- that It was working smoothly he his many Las Vegas friends. Elite Dances to prettiest Upon motion of Senator James, tlw fering. Price 25c, 60c and per sum ever while other features WATCHED FOR WEEKS would be glad of the opportunity to Jaffa visited in Las Vegas last Begin Wednesday arranged, Oregon senator was allowed to pro- bottle. Sold by Central Drug Co. mer made warm will be numerous. It will be a big turn over the business of collecting and many friends Among the main social events of ceed and he withdrew his charges that Adv. dance and all Las expects to "toils and opening the locks to here. She is a young woman posses next week will be the Elite dance that Vegas BESIDE it DEAD DDDY Mr. Mrs is to turn out in full masque for the affair. body else. That could hardly be an sed of much talent. and be given at the armory Wednes will at in Las Ve exciting or inspiring occupation for Danziger be home day evening. The Invitations, which " Ladies a man of Colonel GoethaJs size. gas following their wedding trip. were issued last week have been ac- Fresbyterian PITIFUL STORY IS THAT OF TWO Are Entertained How long he will remain at his new 4 4 cepted to a large extent, and point fa AGED SISTERS IN LOS success Among the interesting events of this post no one can tell. The people of Sorosis Meets vorably toward the of the ven ANGELES ture. week was a party given Tuesday after- ' would New; ' this city like to believe that Mrs. Arrivals., With Roberts. Charles J. Fuhst. who noon at the home of Mrs. O. C.Zlngg, it will be for only a short time. There Sorosis met Monday with Mrs. originated Los Angeles, Jan. 31. Miss Nannette the' idesv-l- that when Mrs. R. R. Larkln and Mrs. ' is a place waiting for hiin at the head Frank H. H. Roberts, The study of confident the dances Warren and Miss Mary Warren, two wiii successful and will Zingg entertained in honor of the la- of the police department, an4 it evi- Judges was continued under the lead prove appeal prim little women from the east, be- to all Las He has ar- dies of the Presbyterian church and dently has attractions for him. It is ership of Mrs. A. D Higgins. Miss Vegas society. lieved it more fitting for "a lady" to For for their friends. Spring big man's Job. In advance Colonel Emma Adlon told of the ancestry of ranged the music for this dance starve than to discuss her affairs. So and it will During the afternoon a program was Goehtals would be assured of public Samson. says that undoubtedly be Miss Mary died, and Miss Nannette furnished the musicians In Las given which included the following: confidence and support In whatever Misis Myrtle 'ftotts' read a paper re by hest watched by her side until today com Vegas. He fust music that Cornet solo, O. C. Zingg, accompanied he undertook, and that is something lating the wonilertul exploits of Sam- promises- passionate nurses at the Detention will the of by Mrs. Mabel Hall; Instrumental o police commissioner has yet been son. Mrs. Norman Skinner the suit taste the dancers. hospital are caring for her. She Is gave solo, Theodore Skinner; songs and 'Ai'Bachafach'sf the entire list those ahl9 to command. New York World. of Micah and the Danites and Practically of ' insane, but may recover. story recitations, iLockie January, Elsie the of the of Dan. receiving invitations for the series is Miss Mary's body was taken to the founding, city Carroon, Elizabeth Stewart, Margaret Mrs. Durham described the expected to be present Wednesday last hut Miss Nannette Leon Larkin, Katherine Jacsson and Eliza- morgue night, NEW and night for the opening dance. does not know this. The nurses eay ENGLAND RAILWAY CHANGE war between the Benjamlnltes beth Jackson. This entertainment was thai other' tribes and the cause that she does not even remember the Shoes Oxfords Jan. '" enjoyed by all. ; Pumps Boston, 31. As a part of the it. ,'; Masquerade Ball dreadful weeks she sitting by - led to The afternoon 'was concluded by a passed "unscrambllng- process which the.fed-;ra- l at Elks' earlier Mrsi "0. read Whlttier's Clubhouse three-cours- her sister's body, or the, days C Zings e luncheon. The attend- government ..insists f the . New Wife of Manoah to Her A week from next when, both; were so distressed poem, "The Saturday night 40 i pitifully York, New Haven & ance numbered about ladies. Hartford railroad WrosibHrid " one' of the most unique danced' that and so pitifully (Jetennined not, to tell shall -.-tfi.-iL. Ginghams undergo, the agree-men- t have ever given' 'Elk's' ., operating, sMtsi Erie Choate kindly1 sang for been at the. ' anyone abgut, ,it :s , between Bright Idea Meets ,,ir, p,i 10 that road and the New aria from "Samsori and club house will take when a The, sisters came from Toledo, Qhip, York the' club an place With Mrs. Central in. to 'use Raynolds 60 Percales regards the Heart at Thy Sweet masquerade danco will he given. The ' 21 months ego. They were about of the Boston Delilah," "My The: Bright Idea Bridgti club met & Albany road ceased Voice." Mrs. L. P. Lyster was receiv- dance is to be of the nature of a St. years old. Their funds might have 4o exist The Friday afternoon with Mrs. Hallelt today. agreement, which ed into the membership of the club. Valentine's party and will he one of provided their few necessities, but op was made In Raynolds at a delightful session. The Corsets 1911, provided that the the largest attended and most enjoy- portunity to enlarge them, as they "New Haven attendance" of the membership was might run certain trains able affairs given by the Elks for thought, insurance against over the Mrs. Stern Gives unusually large. Refreshments closed doubling tracks of the Boston & Al- some time. want, enticed them and they invested bany road, 'which. 1b Informal Affairs the afternoon. Present were Mrs. E. under lease to The costumes for this dance will When the speculation failed, about the New York Sunday evening at her home, Miss D. Raynolds, Mrs. Erie Hoke, Mrs. Central. be original in that th'ey will be made Christmas time, began remaining Home Journal Patterns Regina Stern entertained at .a tango W. E. Gortner, Mrs. S. B. Davis, Jr., they by the people who are to wear them. in their apartment. dinner which was among the enjoyable Mrs. Charles A. Spiess, Mrs. H. W. Many new and dresses Miss Nannette refused to features of the week for the younger Interesting Clark, Mrs. E. J. MoWenie, Mrs. L. presently j OHIO KINDERGARTNERS MEET and Buits will be seen. The dance is see anyone. She even broke appoint sot. On Tuesday evening Miss stern V. Crocker, Mrs. C. S. Loi-se- and Mrs. Toledo, o., Jan. 31. in charge of the entertain ment com ments with acquaintances. Ten days INSP; ION INVITED Exports in the again entertained at a line party, the Hallett Raynolds. f cf which to make it the ago her Mrs. L. L. Woods, wk starting baby minds on the guests Including all who attended the mittee, plans landlady, k:mz road of ' affair of season. went to the door to deliver a tele- learning gathered at the affair on Sunday. Both events were big the Mrs. Schaefer Hostess Vm.t H!;h school 4a this phone and saw Miss Mary city today delightful and entertaining. Those for Mr. Crumpacker mesiage Tim or wr the annua! of of lying quUtf ly on the ud. Miss Nan GTonc Quality" the Ohio present at the affalrs'were Miss Fran- On account of the sudden death This' afternoon Mrs. O. G. Schaefer n - I a ..- .,. - nette said was not I I j I I mm An- ces Miss Caroline Greenber- - Mrs. George Kiukel yesterday after- entertained at of Mrs. her sister well, f- Myers,' bridge in honor -'3 Laws of Cincinuaii i ' i which but required nothing. The police say Marle Roberts, Miss Ruth noon the Friday Bridge club J. W. Crumpacker of Omaha, who will wr-H he were Miss she had died before. speakers Lillian s Maris Mann, Mr. Frank was scheduled to meet yesterday after leave tomorrow for her home. The days w -, Laat with assistance of W8 ena Fans j m mm- Mr. noon with Mrs. Clarence Iden did not night, the '""". Mr. Is Gerard, Frank guests made up three jolly tables of N.M. ! C.9v.:to.4 and Professor C- - j the police, Mrs., Woods entered the Carl Landau, wr Walter Pwkin and Mr. meet. The meeting, has been postpon- bridge. The afternoon was delight- E.lasVegas '2 -l Of ObetHn J ir?;-- room. Police surgeons forcibly fed OtHw. NWiSV ed until next weelc. fully closed with refreshments. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914. rri "NED" IIANLON A HIGH SCHOOL PERSONALS We Hove IS (Display n A new and complete assortment MAN OF MUCH WiNNER OVER Mrs. Ollie Shearer, midwife. .Hotel of children's and misses' wash Peoples Bank Co. and Trust f fiomaine. Adv. dresses, which we are selling at ! W. W. Tipton of Los Alamos was such low prices as to make you quit a business visitor here today. sewing forever. X ABILITY NORMALS CAPITAL 114,000.00 Ray Robb of Watrous drove In this Miorning for a short butfness visit. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Courteous Treatment Accorded All Customers f I J. D. Davidson of Albuquerque wob HE IS THE MOST EXPERIENCED TWO OUT OF THREE GAMES AT age 2 to 6 at 50c and 65c, ages 7 to a business visitor in the city today. OF THE FEDERAL LEAGUE ARMORY GO TO THE RED Loans on 14 from 50c to $1.25 Money Real Estate R. M. Ray and E. B. Ainley of Den- - BACKERS AND WHITE ver were visitors in Ias Vegas today. Personal o.nd Coll&teraJ MISSES' DRESSES 30. Security Mr. and Mrs. Simon Vorenberg of New York, Jan. Without any The three basketball gurries at the vis1 Idea or intention of "knocking" the armory last resulted In two vic- Mew. were tors in Las Vegas t sizes' 13) tft 1$ horn $1.25 to $3.75 night day. . I'li "W" tfj; new Federal league or Its promoters tories for the High school over the It can be said that there is Normal CTni vera! ty, while the? J. N.lWatson came In last night DO NOT FAIL truthfully latter i one man the backers of the or- won from Pueblo, Colo., for a few days' among only one. The games were fast thorough satisfaction. At the end of been built especially for them at the r to ask the of the Corset De- ganization who has had more base- and witnessed a stay. , lady by large crowd, the game these officials were award- training grounds. "to show ball than all of the others which CHICAGO CUBS TO Louis Rosenback of "Albuquerque partment you the latest experience thoroughly enjoyed the pro- ed dainty boxes of candy by the Nor- The desertion of Knabe, Brennan," was a business visitor in Las Vegas model In Henderson corsets combined. That man is Edward Han-Io- ceedings. mal that their work ' girls, showing Packard and Camnitz of the Philadel- - ' ; The first was today. V ; THE TANGO game played between was satisfactory to that team. The phia Nationals has made a big hole d When it comes to actual baseball teams of J. W. Grey of Nashville, Tenn., the grade the Normal and High school people were equally as GET EARLIEST in the Phillies lineup. Manager Also first as a then aB school In in Las Vegas last night fora our other new models. We experience, player, High and resulted victory satisfied. Dooin and the advance guard will " ,: '' ' them at a manager and afterward as a club for a score .13 10. several weeks' stay. have prices ranging from the; Highs by of to leave for Wilmington, N. C., on Feb- $1.00 to $3.50 owner, H anion has .a record of past These lads Mrs. Hannah Ohmart of Battineau, played a remarkable game CALIFORNIANS HAVE A CHANCE ruary 24. At Wilmington Charley sis- achievements that none of the other and showed SIM N. D., is here for a visit with her the Spectators that they San Francisco, Jan. 31. By unani- will try to bolster up what now ap- Federal can measure up to. are as- ter, Mrs. J. Kenestrlck. & generals coming stars in this sport. Hite mous vote the Football pears to be a pretty weak outfit the Hoffman Graobartb Ned," as he was called in the for R. E. Baer, representative for "Foxy the High school played the star sociation decided last night to affiliate ROOKIES FOR THE TEAM WILL Manager Stallings will take the was a old days, knowa big league baseball while Moore for asso- Remington Typwriter mpany, "She Popular Price Store game, the Normals with the United States Football START ON TRAINING TRIP Bostotf Braves to Macon, Ga., for the !,'; from turnstile to flag pole, and if the was a business visitor here today. Phona MtUn 104 popular player. ciation of America. This decision FRIDAY spring training. He will have a squad for the NEW IDEA 10c new can be made a win- Mr? Linden Burt left this afternoon Agenlt Patient organization The next game was between the gives California players a chance to of 32 men, among them three Cuban will visit her ner Hanlon looks to be the man to team for Denver where she girls' teams of the Normal and High be chosen for the Chicago, Jan. 31. If present plans tossers. months. turn the trick. which to parents for several school and proved to be a onesided will go Berlin for the Olym are carried out the Chicago Cubs, at Manager Frank Chance of the New returned last In , where Hanlon is 'to In 1916. teams George" Humphries contest. The final score was 22 to 3 pic games The of the least a batch of them, will be the first York Yankees has passed up Bermuda where he has place a Federal league team, he man- football. night from Rociada, in favor of the Normalites. The High association play Soccer major leaguers to take a getaway for in favor of Houston, Tex., for the two aged a National league team for sev- been for the past weeks. LABOR WORLD NOTES. school girls seemed to have lost their the spring camp. The, Cubs training quarters of the Yanks this eral Later he owned the East- training R. B. Graham came in yesterday I - years. . ! vim and spirit, when at the beginning will get into condition at Tampa, and year. He has scheduled 30 exhibition, home ern league team in the same city. WILL evening from his in Albuquer- of the first half the Normals started BOTH BOXERS Manager Evers announces he will games to be played before the open- - Hanlon's first move after ov- , que for a short business visit. taking out at a fast and killing pace, and pilot 'a of rooides ut of Chi- ing of the season. 00000OG- Fed-er- ar squad chamnlonship Max Nordhaus arrived in Las Vegas , Kansas City has a er th'e Baltimore francnlse In the ' r ! tipped the ball into the basket with cago 'next The will '., The SL Loula Cardinals have for- '' ; 0 TRAIN T0IS0HR0W Friday., regulars his home in for horses league was to engage Otto Knabe, last night from Albuquer- t regularity. The Normals showed ex- depart for the south ten days later. saken Texas as a graining ground and Union in San the crack second sacker of the Phil- que for a short business visit. painters Francisco cellent team work and their eye for The Cubs are to play many exhibition will get into condition this year at lies, as of the team. In W. S. Rose of the Spice demand $5 a manager ns Shillings day. baskets was good. .Gladys McVey FANS WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO games on the training . trip, among SL Augustine, Fla. Manager Hug-gi- is a bus- grabbing the Philly star Hanlon show- company of San Francisco, The University of Oregon has a to- and Mercedes Hays, forwards for the SEE CLEVER FIGHTERS AT them a series of six games with Con- and a band of rookies will leave In the ed that the prospect of a war with the iness visitor city today. tal of 1,781 students enrolled this year. Normals1, played the star game at WORK nie Mack's world's champions. Three St. Louis on February 23. The veter- C. for the National league did not bother him. P. Ady, representative Fewer unions Tur- basket throwing, but the work of the of the games will be in ans of the team will leave March 1. trade exist 'In A war would no new ex- played Tampa Sirm of and Crow, of Denver, T baseball be Ady key than In any other European coun- guards and centers was equally as The interest In the coming fight be- and three In Jacksonville. Huggins is of the opinion that he will was a business visitor here today. perience for "Foxy Ned." He was try. classy. The Highs' weak point seem- tween Tommy O'Rourke and Pierce Connie Mack will find. 6everal r6al bal1 Payers in his H. with' Pittsburgh when the Brotherhood put the Athletics M. A. Van Houten and J. Richer ed to be in every The Is and each day i81uad of Union cigarmakers issued more was in 1891 department. Matthews growing through their training paces in Jack - youngsters. of Shoemaker came In last night for a formed and promptly were0 Work forwards unable to team more fans crowd to the training quar- - ( than 30,000,000 of labels in the year jumped to the new organization. When sonville, having forsaken the old train- j"ew days' .business visit in Las Vegas. work, while the guards were outclass- ters to watch the fistic artists go 1913. the American made its famous ing grounds at San Antonio. Before NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE J. C Bardall of Moundsville, W. Va., league ed In their The Nor- maneuvers which will on resulted departments. through the the American league opens the Macks iamc in last l.lght and will remain In South Dakota and South Carolina raid the Nationals, which New York, Jan. 31. The market mals showed the best kind of team place them in shape for the bout. That will play a series ot with three some time as a visitor. are the only states In which tin is pro- in the capture of more than one hun games closed strong. Best prices of the day, Vegas for work, the ball being handled effect- it will be the best fight staged in Las National older ;" league clubs, Chicago, Phila- Mrs. D. Syme returned yesterday duced. dred players of the organization, however, were those reached in open- ively. Vegas for some time is the general delphia and Brooklyn. from where she has carloads of "valued Hanlon was managing" the Brooklyn ing advices. A bearish, factor waa evening Denver, Ninety 'pecans, The last game, between the boys' opinion, and undoubtedly a large au- few team. What the American leaguers The White Sox squad will leave this weakness of Rock Island securities. i'een on business for the past at $200,000, were gatnere. in central teams of the Normal and the High dience will witness it. did to Hanlon's team was a plenty. city for Paso Robles, Cal., on the Rock Island common broke to 12 days. Texas in 1913. school, was the big event of the even- Much interest also has been directed Mr. Mrs. W. Bendel of Den- When the new' league got all the night of February 19. "Kid" Gleason the preferred 184 and the collateral and W. Unions of women workers in. New ing. The final score was 41 to 12 in toward preliminaries. Willie Falch, arrived iu Las la?t Brooklynites they wanted Hanlon did- will have charge of the Sox until the fours to 48. ver, Colo., Vegas York city have a total membership iavor of the Highs. It was a fast con- an employe of The Optic and tho box- visitors ? n't have much better than a Class B arrival of Manager Calahan, who ia These securities rallied with the ailght and will be here for th of about 100,000. test from istart tp finish. Meloney of this establishment, has ing pride now world-tourin- g siext few outfit left to represent tle Dodger with the ball play- rest of the market on the late upturn, days. Tile Colony club of New York City for the Highs playecr the star game at been signed to go on for the first pre of City. ers. of which the demand for Great North Clarence Idea Gross, Ki'ly anl is said to be the women's club basketshooting, and mad a large He is now through largest Hanlon had won his second liminary. going As ern was followed. This stock touched returned last from pen Lar-razol- for several years the New Company night in the United States. percentage of the goals thrown. o tactics at slinging past nant for when the three-yea- r unusually speedy Bonds were where he has been on busi- Brooklyn for the was star and us York Giants will work out at Marlin, 132. firm. The last Japanese residents of San Francisco war the American and Na- Normals, the metal during working hours, sales were: ness for a' short time. i between was Tex. The team will start training are of his team, and practically a ing the boxing gloves after that time. " building a .magnificent Buddhist tional began. The American ' Kin-sell- Amalgamated 7? Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hanson of leagues shark at throws. The Normal be matched with a certain under the direction of Scout Dick Copper In cham-Dodge- free Fakh will Dawson were visitors in Las temple that city. leaguers went right after the on the first of March. Man. Sugar . 108 , Vegas managed to break the Highs' team "Rabbit," who is supposed to be a day The United States now exports to and succeeded in landing 22 MoGraw will Atchison . 9914 yesterday. Mr. Hanson is the cashier work at times, but was unable to fol- wonder. ager arrive in New York Germany nearly 50,000,000 pounds of of the star players. Among the num- from a week and will Northern Pacific ...117 of the Bank of Dawson. low their lead. Twenty-on- e fouls were O'Rourke and Matthews will work Kurope later K. of prunes a year and 333,000 pounds of ber were Lave Cross, Dave Fultz, Joe the team at Marlin at once. Reading 1G9 Mrs. P. Cayot Albuquerque, oredited against the Highs, while the out again tomorrow, and undoubtedly join Mrs. J. of At- raisins. I; McGlnnity, Willie Keeler, Harry lT6v Southern Pacific ., 99 accompanied by Murray Normals scored 19. The final score a large crowd of fans will witness the The Cleveland American league i.The ell, Fielder Jones, Joe Yeager, Joe Union Pacific 164 14 chison,. Kan., arrived in Las Vegas International Brotherhood of of the game 'does not show the real stunts. team has shifted Its training quar- ' Kelley, Jim Sheckard, Addie Joss, Jim training United States Steel 6G this morning and will visit with Painters will erect a monument In class of the contest, for It was well ters from Mobile to Athens, Ga. Man- McGuire, Farrell, Prank Kit-so- n United States friends and relatives for the next few honor of its founder, John T. Elliot, Charley ager Birmingham will have a Steel, pfd il2 Bill Donovan." Some fought throughout large in Baltimore. . 7 ( and "Wild days. The games last night are the last squad In the Georgia university city, Mrs. M. The baseball talent, that, for one team to C. Straussen, accompanied railroads of the United States scheduled for these two schools. A THINK METEOR A including many youngsters. Two CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAOE lose. , by Mrs. O. . Gephart, came in this employ 1,699,000 persons and have teams will be formed and a bat- the number of outside contests are being dally Chicago, Jan. SI. Heavy snow to afternoon from Raton and will visit an annual pay roll amounting to Hanlon struggled along ;with tle on the diamond will be team planned for, though no definite dates staged. day throughout the eastern half of the here over. Mrs. Straussen . remnants of his Brooklyn, unfil Sunday. have been set FOR Manager Clark Griffith will have winter crop belt pulled down the price Mrs. the close of the 1905 season and then CANDIDATE nnd Gephart formerly resided in During February of the was of tfD ajllocals He Special notice taken of the 65 varieties of ball tossers under his wheat. Prices opened to Las Vegas. International Typographical Union retired from big league company. Balti- school spirit, that prevailed at tie wingj when the Senators go on their lower and suffered a slight addi who re- will next turned his attention to the Dr. P. J. Farmer, formerly nominate candidates for interna- game. The He has made tional setback. The close was more team of the Eastern league. For High school, though PRISON spring training trip. steady sided for several years at Romeroville, tional officers. num- V2 net lower. ome been in small in number compared with the arrangements to care for that "where, the The In Bos- time previously he had he conducted sanitarium, organized bricklayers" Normal University students, managed ber of men at Charlottesville, Va, Corn was steadied by the cnange here on his ton are now control of the Baltimores. During the passed through yesterday receiving $28.50a week, to get in good licks ai; rooting and where the Washingtons will get in to wintry conditions. The opening waa to uext four or five years he was success- ALBUQUERQUE'S VISITOR ACCUS- way California, in charge of a pa- which is an increas.e of more than assisted its teams to victory. The shape for the pennant race. unchanged to higher and the mar- Dr. now over ful as a minor league magnate. Then ED OF BLOWING UP MINE tient. Farmer resides in St $8 the scale paid in 1898. Normal for Itself a reputation ket seemed inclined to keep within he disposed of his Baltimore interests gained STOREHOUSE Charles Herzog, former Giant and Louis. He came to New Mexico from Lathers in the northwest will meet and Vs either from to Jack Dunn and retired from the by the school spirit displayed, it present manager of the Cincinnati way last night's level. that city several years ago for the in Seattle in Maroh for the purpose was truly the most enthused crowd of the Red Birds The close was steady to above game. Jan. 31. While yes- team, will try to whip benefit of his health, which was fully of organizing a northwest district Normals ever seen at an athletic Albuquerque, last night. In his Into the corrobora- into winning form at Mobile. Joe restored the climate making terday brought manifold '" by here. council of wood, wire and nletal lath- game. "Miner" Brown will be Traders in oats governed themselves has(jail arenai "Ned" has bumped Into tion of C. H. Christ's and L. H-- Gil- Tinker and ers. '" The of the teams are as by the action of corn. Business waa another war right off the bat. In the lineups saw a missing' from the Reds' lineup, having TO DISSIPATE DROUGHT The Porto Rlcrila has en- christ's statement that they legislature American-Nation- follows: with Federal only scattering. muss he got the meteor fall night, ap- signed the league. Washington, Jan. 31. A bill to ap- acted a law regelating the work of Normal Grades Forwards, ,Baca huge Thursday First transactions in provisions va worst of it in the matter of losing the northern peak The first squad of the Boston Red propriate $1,000,000, to continue in- women and children, limiting the and Moore; center, Max Bfeld; guards, parently striking ried from cents decline to 5 players. In the present scrap he has of Sandia it also Sox will leave for the training camp vestigation of the of Irri- hours of and Torrez. school the mountains, cents advance,2obut later the market feasibility employment protecting reversed the situation the Skinner and High at Hot Ark., on 24 by doing brought the news that an improvised Springs, February a1 gation by reservoirs in Kansas, Neb- them against dangerous occupations. grades Forwards, "Hite and Joe showed loss all around. The closing lurid kidnaping himself. house at the La Luz mine, 25 or 25. Manager BUI Carrigan will raska, Oklahoma Colorado was In- Three" candidates are in field Henry Nahm; powder quotations were: the, Hanlon Is a native of Norwich, Nahm; center, guards, at lead the advance guard, which will troduced Senator Bristow. and miles from here, blew up practic SS!4. today by for vice' of the international fifty-sevent- Kenneth WMte J. Palmer. Wheat, May July- president Conn., and is now In his h the same time. The location pt Include four or five veterans and a 72; "How can we refrain from relieving Union. are Normal Girls Forwards, Gladys ally Corn, May July 65. Typographical They year. Like the majority of ball play- the La Luz corresponds with large bunch of youngsters. Carrigan 66; the west frmo drought when we ap- Walter of Edwin and Mercedes centers, property Oats, May July W. Barrett Chicago, ers he gained his first experience on McVey Hays; the plans to have his entire squad, num 39; 39. h; the spot where witnesses say fiery propriate millions to aid Alaska in L. Hichens of Cincinnati and S. M. Vivian and Lola Hixen-toaug- Pork, May $21.57. the back lots in his native town. His Hedgcock mass bering 31 men, at' work by March 9. railroad building?" he demanded, r Nashville. Sallie Ackerman and dropped. Lard, May $11.12'2; jjuly $11.27. Shrewsbury ofj first professional engagement was with guards, at the In girls-Forw- Martin Garcia, a workman With Manager Fred Clark charge A bill has been introduced in the Sadie Tooker. High school ards, Ribs, May $11.57; July $11.70. the Providence team. Later, he play- arrived here afoot yes- Pirates will make DeSalx Evans and Chella mine, early the Pittsburgh their IN MICHIGAN legislature ot Manitoba to prohibit ed with Fall River, Rochester, Albany, (QUIET terday afternoon with the report that getaway for West Baden Springs on! KANSAS CITY the employment of white women' and and In ' order Van 'Petten;. centers, Alice,, .Connell LlVE STOiK Mich., Jan. 31Peaceful Cleveland Detroit, the the La Luz Btore ot dyna- March 7. After a week's sojourn at Houghton, fat-lor- ' Nellie company's Kar,-.- u girls in y or of busi- and Elizabeth. Parnell; guards, City, J.m. ?1. re continued through- any ilace named.- It was while with Detroit mite had "exploded! He this the Indiana resort the wEl conditions 'today brought players 1& 1 the cop- ness owned or managed by Ja.pane8e in 1880, 'that he "first becpne an impor- Wells and Clara Tipton. one ceipts 1,000 Mar' ot tints h' u out thj district affected by ' inforirjation to B, Ruppe, druggist, leave for Hot Sprrnca, Ark., where or Chinese. tant in the national pasttiftK In Normal Boys Forwards, John Reed Bulk $5'. 25 8. t"; heavy f ?.! Hir; miners' strike. There have been factor of 'the principal stockholders .in the the finishing tourhos be aJd.'d to per this In England during the year 1912, that 'he center' field nd and Frank Condon; center, Volney packers and butch rs $S.unc 1 51, no in the situation year played company. Garcia said he .did not the friiis; workout, .. developments to Thomason and V'-T- - - no dis- according a report recently Issued acted as captain for the Detroit team, Poulsdn; guards, Roy. meteor when lights I3.13r8.40; week, the operators showing For- know anything about a Groundkeeper Fred IleiBitian of De j.d and by the board .ot trade, the aggregate which won the championship. Larry Larrazolo. High scnool Cattle, receipts 100. MarVct st.a'j. to treat with the strikers Mr. questioned him. troit has been Gulf sev- position inoreafto $695,-00- 0, and Clifford Ruppe at port. Mips., fed fcteers i. 1 content to lts,iwaKos amounted to Never a hitter of more than ordin- wards, Edward Moloney Luis Prime $3.6flf?9.2; (!,e the strikers appearing Donald Brown, mine foreman, eral weeks in tne ' which was distributed among Hanlon made his reputa- Stewart; center, Frank McCuftough; engaged putting beef Bttjeis $7.23u8.r0; vie game. ary ability, Gonzales and himself were playing in for play a fwaiting men and women. as run- Gallegos and Francis training grounds shape Cobb, Steers $6.73fiS.5ft; southern the begin- working tion chiefly a fielder and base guardSiilltiflano & 20 lect t' Next week will witness cards in log cabin about Crawford and of : V The Harvest Moon is the full moon ner. 1889 to 1891 the rest the Tigers. $G.2r.?S 2"; cows $1 "5G7.:1"'-$6.7- first of the From he played ia Young. from structure where of the trial of the rd the tent and log Fred also has to furnish alfalfa for ) 1 ning that appearance at the In 1892 he tooki The cf the High S.;r; rtr cr cases, when six dep- makeajlt Pittsburgh. charge regular the blasting charges were stored, ac Important strike time of the or about au- Robert Hart, was taken Manager Hugh Jennings to practice bulls $3.50'. 7.7" Monday f harvest the of the Baltimore team. The Orioles school team, A flash of tire $6.50J8.23; uties are arraigned on cording to Garcia, his grass-pullin- g stunt. e tumnal equinox. It rises at the same ill morning and was unable at Zeber-vin- finished in the cellar in that year and yesterday interior of the cabin $s.5fl":n. the killing of three strikers lighted up the Wilbert no ! con- time for several days and enables the following. But the to play last night, Francis Young, Robinson, former coach of S'aepp, roc.'ts ik t on last.'! The the year during and Gonzales, running to the door and August 14, continue, sun- on the the Giants and now. cf the Lamt s $7.- - 7.1 I; ' 1 fanner to his work after three years beginning with 1894 they who succeeded him team, play- A manager ?' is expected shouted "Fuegc.". " - gressional subcommittee peering outside, Sa- - 1 set won the and in 1897 and 1898 ed a remarkable game and was large- Brooklyn team, will start for it 6.00; v:' ..s ".r1; to arrive also to begin its inquiry into pennant scramble for the entrance followed. Fifteen thousand, colored men dn finished in second responsible for the victory. perbar traiateg camp at Angela on J 5.4?. conditions in the copper country. they place. ly Gonzales" and Garcia started toward Paris are reported to .be forming a went to as manag- The as adi In the last two February 2D. The Brooklyn rscn Hanlon Brooklyn, points the tent, with the Intention of saving trades union to resist the efforts of er of the in 1S99. He remain- are as follows: Norma! Girls-Gl- adys Will accompany BaM&eon asd th 1 Dodgers games Ihelr property, but rsrowu commanded TODAY tho white workmen, wtso are alleged seveu and won two 15; Mercedes Hays, 7; ulars will follow tea .luter. GOOD FIGHT ed there years McVey, thorn to run, realizing that dolay da 31. Eddie Campi to be to prevent the col- sea- 22. School DeSaix Evans, Branch was Los Angeles, Jan. attempting pennants. What he will dc'thls total, High would mean death. The men were Rickey, wha signed "Kid" Williams ored men from getting an Increase son new team In a new 3. Normal boys Lerrazolo, latter cf last fieaaon to man of Pan Francisco and with a league 3; total, about t,0 when the dyna- part "" 4 yards away were contestants to- In pay. The union will include chauf- remains to'be , PoniHon, 3; Thomason, t; Rw.d, 2; the St. Louis Browns, has (4 Baltimore the sen mite exploded. picked servants school 23; Peti-rabur- s, a. s day in a battle at Vernon feurs, hotel porters, domestic total, 12. High Meloney, Fla.,' as miitablo 46. arena at 116 pounds. The last time and others. Canadian labor unions are endeav- Stewart, 13; McCullough, 5; total, for the Browtia to info cwji1lt' the bantama met Williams won a de- - oring to have the govern meat estab- John Webb and A. V.. DeKMarai3 of- The 1913 salmon pack on the Pa- The Browns wli i '; In r niDscrtOe for The OPtio. lish an old age pension system. ficiated! at all the games and gave cific coast was the largest oa record. "hotel," a lumse of 23 r. ; bay I VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914.

:.;:;part.mNT CF THE INTERIOR Uuitvd State Land Office Bhe LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CM Tiicumcari, N. SI., January 22, 1911, SURPLUS SHORT ORDER AN D RfcGULArt DlNNEKS KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : That CAPITAL. PAID IN t50,ooo.oa ohe OPTIC THE BEST GOODS OBTAINABLE ALWAYS HANDLED Ca Siate of New Mexico, under and $100,000.00 Jiy virtue of tlio ti't of Congress ap- proved June 20, 1910, hereby makes explication for the within describe 1 appropriated, unreserved, and - SOCIETY DIRECTORY publio lands, for the benefit of the University. Said lands being CHAPMAN LODGE NO. A. F. & J. M. Cunningham, Preside U. T-- Hoskios. Cashier. 2, FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD situated In the County of San Miguel, r 1. ii t. ).;: A. M. Frank Springer, E. S. Lewis, Ass't, Cash, f Regular com Meets every M Estate of New Mexico, and more ly Monday night munication first and O. R. C. on to-wi- hall, Douglas avenue M described as follows, t: third Thursday in S o'clock. Visiting members are Description COLUM each month. Visiting dially welcome. J. C. Pr --of Tracts Sta Twp. Rng. Mer. Wertz, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS brothers cordially In dent; J. T. Buhler. O. Wy,SEVi 39 12N 25E N. M. Secretary; A vited, uuy M. Cary, W. M., H. S, Van 29 12N 25E N.M. RATES TOR CLASSIFIED ADVER- Baily, Treasurer. Petten, Secretary. JNEMSEtt 30 12N 25E N.M. TISEMENTS F. O. E. ....33 12N 25E N.M. Meets first and third Tue LAS VEGAS COMMANDERY, NO. 2, month at Wood- Comprising a total area of 200 acree. Five cent per Una each Insertion. day evenings each VEGAS M - LAS SAVINGS BANK KNIGHTS T E PLAJR men Reg- hail. brothers cordial- All persons wishing to protest Estimate tlx ordinary word to a line. Visiting 5yb ilar conclave & Tarn-4- invited to attend. C. N. ogainst selection by the State of New No ad to occupy les space than two ly Douglaa, in each month Ma- JJexico of the tracts of land above line All advertisement at W. P.; Nicholas Cordova, Secretary. charged sonic Temple at 7:30 m. Dr. H. must file their protests will be booked p. mentioned, at space actually set M. E. Ch'as. the said selection in this of- CAPITAL STOCK - - Smith, C; Tamme, Re gainst $30,000.00 without regard to number of word. corder. twenty-sevent- h ' fice on or before the Cash In advlnce preferred. of March, 1914. Office with the San Miguel National Bank LOCAL TIME WED 4ay LAS VEGAS CHAPTER It, A. PRENTICE, NO. 3, ROY ' AL ARCH MASONS con-- Register. ""Tv ;' Regular WE O. HAYDON . ; ...President vocation first Monday in East Bound H. KELLT each month at Masonic Arrive ASSSESSMENT NOTICE W. . . Vice President Depart Temple at 7:30 p. m. p. No. 7:20 p. m 7:45 p. m. E. Las Vegas, N. M., Jan. 6, 1914. D. T. HOSKINS-- T Treasurer 2.... Brinesar. H. P.; F. O. No. 4 11:54 m '.11:59 m. Notice is hereby given that I, the - o.. p. p. w Blood, Secretary. No. 8 2:25 a. m 2:30 a. m. deputy assessor, will be e indersigned( Interest Paid On Deposits No. 10 1:35 p. m. 2:00 p. m at my office, 603 Lincoln avenue on I. O. O. F. LAS VEGAS LODGE NO. West Bound the hours Hi m all business days between LWm iu ii. j . .1 ....,.,, ,.sc. 4. Meets OPTIC NUMBER, MAIN I. every Monday eveninz at Arrive Depart of 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. (until Febru- their hall on Sixth street. All visiting No. 1.... 1:10 p. m 1:35 p. m. ary 2Sth, 1914) for the purpose of re brethren me. You are notified that .Chronic Indigestion Permanently ble." For sale all dealers. Adv. cordially invited to attend. No. 3 6:35 a. m 6:40 a. m. eivlng returns of all property, accord- by further by J. Cured Friedenstine, N. G.; A. T. Rogers, No. 4:20 p. m 4:30 m. to the provisions of Chapter 84, if any person shall knowingly make Wanted 7.... p. ing V. G.; T. M. Elwood, Karl No. m m. laws of the State of New Mexico, a false or defective list of his prop "Six years ago," writes S. E. Car Sneffels, Col. A. J. Waisn was Secretary; 9..,. 6:35 p. 7:00 p. N. "I was in done with rheumatism and Wertz, Treasurer; C. V. Hedgcock, 1913. It Is made the duty of all per- erty, he shall be liable to a penalty penter, East Aurora, Y., badly up SALESMEN to sell new educational cent the full amount of very bad shape from Indi- sent for Foley Kidney Pills which was Cemetery Trustee. sons to make a return of all property of 25 per upon suffering the would him. specialty to boards of education; solid only thing that cure and those to do bo, all .taxes levied against blm, and his gestion, could not eat food, when Geo. no they own, falling Potter of Pontiao, Mo., was down previous experience necessary; B. P. O. ELKS- - Meet and shall also be deemed a friend advised me to try Chamber- on his back with and bladder second and "within the time above specified, will property, kidney liberal proposition. Union School fourth ac- lain's Tablets. I found such relief trouble and Pills made Tuesday evening of each be assessed by me according to sec guilty of perjury and punishable Foley Kidney Furnishing Company, 1034 W. Van him well and able to work. It la a month Elks' home on Ninth street and from one box that I continued using 111. Y tion 10 of said Chapter 84 of the cordingly. medicine and P,uren St., Chicago, For OU! them six splendid always helps. Douglas avenue. Visiting brothers Jaws of the state of New Kexico for M. A. SANCHEZ, Assessor. until cured, and though years it. O. G. Schaefer and Red Just try are invited. Wm. I not felt the - cordially Gov. J. the year 1913, and a penalty of 25 CHARLES H. STEWART, have elapsed have Cross Drug Store. Adv. SALESMEN- WANTED Itesiding in This Mills, Exalted Ruler; D. W. Condon, elegant Rogers' per cent will be Deputy Assessor. slightest Veturn of my former trou Subscribe for The Optic. or small take orders imposed addijjonal making towns; Secretary. on our special plan allowing return Silver Spoon of unsold goods; makes quick easy KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECUR- sales; $4 commission on each order. if use ITY COUNCIL NO. 2390. Meets in you Write for pocket outfit today. Burd mmrnt W. O. W. hall, Sixth street, on the Mfg. Co., 212 Sigel St.. Chicago. EMPRESS I i first and third Mondays of each month at 8 m. p. Visiting Knights and FLOU- R- For Host Ladies always welcome. O. L. Fiers-ttian- , n President; A. D. Tillman. Flnan FOR RENT Five room house, mod- cier; Mrs. A- - V. Morrow, Local Deputy, It 's giving you p 908 Jackson Z. ern improvements. 906 Fourth St. avenue; W. Montague, a present for do 1 Assistant Deputy, 1011 Sixth street, FOR RENT East Las Vegas, N. M. ing something Cottage In desirable i FOR OPTIC neighborhood, newly painted, pa- S V I you d do uny I. TIE IDG - r t ' pered, electric lights. Low rate. L. O. O. MOOSE Meets second ani way when you Phone 5301. Purple fourth Thursday evening eacl learn how Much at W. O. W. hall. is month Visiting FOR RENT To lady or gentleman brothers cordially invited. Howard 1 Eetfer EMPRESS in employed, comfortable, furnished Davis, Dictator; P. A. Linn Secretary FLOUR is. no health GAZINE PRACTICALLY room; seekers. Phone J. E. ROSENWALD LODGE NO. 54' Wj 1 5301. Made by GER- Purple I. O. B. B. JU of Meets every first Tue MAN PROCESS day of the month in the vestry room SISTERS' of Loretto garden for rent of Temple Montefiore at 8 o'clock V ONE COUPON FROM Apply at Academy. m. Visiting brothers are cordially In Si EMPRESS FLOUR AND vlted. Isaac Appel, President; Charle FIVE STAMPS BRINGS YOU FOR NOTHING Greenclay, Secretary. 9 I THE For Saist SPOON IT "S MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA GENUINE WM. SMALL home for wage earner, cheap; Meet In the Forest , of Brotherly ROGERS & good corner, good location. See Cut- Love at Woodmen of the World hali 7 SONS'CAA ler Brothers, 614 Lincoln avenue. on the second and fourth Mondays u STANDARD each month at 8 p. m. C. H. Stewan SILVER FOR SALE Bronze turkeys for breed Sonsul; G. Laemmle, Clerk; Z. W ing purposes. Gobbler and two Montague, Local Deputy. Vlsltin hens FRENCH-GRE- Y for $10. Phone Mrs. Kate Tip members are especially welcoae a"' L03 Alamos. (STER- us $7.50-I- f desire the carrier. ton, cordially Invited. Pay you paper by A LING) FINISH PUBLIC SALE of stock, farm imple- KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. COUN v ments and household EMPRESS us $6.50-I- want the mail. goods at the CIL NO. 804. Meets second and Pay f you paper by Black 16 miles east ranch, of Las urth Thursday In O. R. C hall can be Vegas, near Mishawaka, Wednesday, Pioneer building. Visiting members i .i ,. t a February 11 at 10 o'clock. C. W, tamea m urn cny uora And we will choice of the follow- are cordially Invited. Richard Devine, g give you your Moore, H. R. Parker. G. K.; Frank Angel, F. 8. , ALL OKuCCRi for one ing magazines year: ATTORNEY 8 RETAIL PRICES HUNKER & HUNKER 2,000 lb., or Mor. Each Dal very 20e per 181 ilia A. Hunker. A. George Chester Hmnkt 1,000 lb., to 2,000 lbs., Each Delivery 25c per 10 lbs Attorney-at-La- 200 lbs., to 1,000 lb. Each Delivery 30c per 100 Ifet National Las Vegas, New 1M l The Sportsman Men 50 lbs, to 200 I., Each Delivery 40c per Let than 50 lb., Each Delivery 60c per ICS Ik ... i DR. F. B. HUXMANN The Woman's Home Companion Dentist A G U A PUBA COMPANY Dental work of any description i and Distributor of Nateral tee Purity moderate prices Harvesters, dtorora, ice, Las tine Qualities oi Have Made La Veja ramoua ttoom 1, Center Block, Tel Main 1 Whlh McClures Rast Las Veeas. New Mexico OFFICE 701 OOUGLA 'VSNUI

JONES-BOWER- S MONUMENT CO Albuquerque, N. M. 215 E. Central 23 Years Practical Experience. E A ' JONES W W. BOWERS ANT Ads Professional Health Culture for Ladles Are Best one MRS. OLLIE SHEARER General Massage, Hair and Scalp Treatment, Facial Massage, Mani- Market Finders cure, Chiropody. Hotel Romalne' PI Classified ad. ara eui in m i Office Hours: 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. wi it thoe who MIGHT BIT th particular ii8 rnni Proper Extension of Appreciation That property r waat lo U u wui.f h mohi A should be as quickly compliment wb reads tka ada. ta ua aavspaper aa oai given for good goods and good service your property mma tt r dverttMi . r ) JUL, ii..Ll i as a kick for defective goods and poor service. Most people realize this. Others, wfeo twA ad itsr.a i xxi&i That is why so many have writtei are anxloua to riy :..:& for) book. actstoH, tm to the manufacturers of Cbamber- - and turnltur. arttlM 1 wmelaw nan, !'.ir mj v Iain's Cough Remedy telling of re atramii. markable curHS of coughs and colds t1) & ail t-,- of u It has effected, and expressing their At a'j. rS ky ail mt v on of ibl nwH tVM$ tby RMvi f '. mi appreciation of the guod qualities - this well known remedy. For Bale k$ by ail dealers. Adr. y ,LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1914.

" OLD REJOINS MASTER S "Young man, I gave you fair warn BETWEEN CANDIDATES f f f K0OXX0OO0XXOO ing! " he shouted. f "Yes, sir." Faithfulness of Dumb Animal Won Ap- "And you went right off and started preciation That Took the Form IHVALRY AHO LOVE a row!." of Practical Assistance. () "No, sir. A floor walker started it." "It was about a woman, I hear." Although every one pitied him and to C) "My chivalry was appealed to in the wanted to be kind him and there By WALTER N. WILLIAMS. case of a damsel in distress." was not a home in the town that "Then let your chivalry get you out would not have been glad to take him ' O When Ned old Graham, son of the of this! I hope the court will give in and keep him, Bruce, a shepherd tanker, got word by the butler that you three months on the iBland!" dog, wandered disconsolately about in ills father wanted to see him the The judge didn't. He had a floor the streets of an Arkansas town. He one () library, he'd have wagered five to walker for a neighbor, and the man was pining for the only master he had that he was in for a wigging, though kept a dozen chickens. Beginning ever known. For fifteen years he he couldn't recall that he had done with the rooster and ending with the had had all that a dog wants a good () to deserve one. crow- home to love continu- anything youngest hen, they took turns ''''''' and somebody "Sit down, sir!" ing all night, and therefore his honor ously, and now that bis old master The son down. was o sat to California he ' made the sentence only ten days had gone away "You are through with college." Young Graham served it out without a broken-hearte- Perhaps, too, - he "Yes, sir." whine.' When the prison doors were grieved over his master's fallen for- o with "Or, rather, college Is through opened to him he saw his father wait tunes and the fact that he had failed you!" ing. in business and had been compelled "Same thing, sir!" "Is it a asked the to remove to another place. Surely it o cure?" grimly "H'm! H"m! You came near being banker. was a hard fate that parted an ever-faithf- on two occasions." from his life-lon- g friend. Bo expelled with "Do you want me to say you First Candidate No man can be dog "Not my sir. On both occa- in But kind eyes and () fault, that chivalry and love are dead than his sympathetic sions I a fellow's head for in- bigger party. hearts noted the old dog as he tramp- punched New York?" asked Ned. Second Candidate I thai a woman." a fool suppose ed around the town, C) sulting "I want you to stop making must be true. is wearily seeking o week But it also impossi was him . , "And you hadn't been home a of. If don't make that the one who all the world to yourself! you ble for a party to be as bfg as a man when you had a row at a theater." come home! I and refusing to attach himself to any promise you needn't occasionally feels. VYes, wouldn't other. o sir. The manager am not running an idiot asylum!" soubrette." some pay the salary due the "So long, dad!" Touched by the dog's misery, til." a collection be ta- 'And you butted Two days later the father read in UP TO THE STANDARD one proposed that o "She needed the dough, sir. Her the that Ned had visited the ken to send Bruce to California to his un- papers en- landlady was going to bounce her department store and procured Miss master. The suggestion met with less she squared up." had not been sent thusiastic approval. The hat was o Stevens' address. It o but a few min- , "H'm! H'm! I have learned that with the bouquet that came to him passed and it required C3 you were under arrest for a time the while cerving his sentence. utes to secure enough money. other day In Central park." He read that he had called at the One of the old dog's friends made a " food to r "Yes, sir young lady's house. crate, furnished it with enough Bruce was start- "Some more of your chivalry, I sup- In about three days there was more last him a week, and O to his pose?" interesting reading. Banker Graham ed on his long Journey rejoin, "I knocked a fellow's block off for read that his son had got a Job on a master. V.. as a conductor. That And now, In the town where Bruce o pestering a nurse girl." street car line "Stop, sir stop!" commanded the he was helping old ladies and children lived so long, they miss their old fav- father. "What sort of talk Is this? on and off. That he was punching orite; but a warm glow comes over o You punch a head! An acress needs the head of every pickpocket who tried the heart when some one remarks the dough! You knock a man's block to take his. car. That scores and about the happiness that must have off! Have you heard me use such ex- scores of salesgirls were going out of come to the faithful old fellow when o pressions?" their way to patronize that line. he found his master. "No, sir, but you see you never went H'm! H'm!" coughed the old gen o O to college." tleman as he read. CAN LEARN FROM THE PAST "H'm! H'm! I'm ashamed of you. There was another brief Interval, sir! The next thing I may expect to and then he read that the chivalrous Breeders of o qJJ Today Might was for a Poultry j; iy W hear Is that you are in love with a young Mr. Graham looking a of Methods ork Profit he was in re by Study chorus girl." furnished flat; that Used by the Egyptians. 200 letters a o J "Hardly, sir. They are going out of ceipt of complimentary say this Is a great detective v of a "They fashion." day; that the romantic spirit The announcement is made by 8 was aroused; that story." "H'm! H'm!" great city being "The book begins well, anyhow." British scientist that he has discov o Miss "And it's department store girls that the dashing Ned would marry "As to how?" ered how the ancient Egyptians incu- within month; that an old tre coming in." Stevens a "Why, in the very first chapter the bated chickens to the number of bachelor-philanthropi- would the "Young man, I didn't send for you give detective flicks the ashes from the end a year. He has found incu a of to talk flippancy! Haven't you got the loving couple marriage present of his cigar!" 'bators which he declares were used record of sense to realize that the age of chiv- $10,000; that the marriages in Egypt 5,000 years ago. alry has passed?" was unprecedented. The secret has been well guarded, were" "H'ms! and then ALL LEFT TO DO "If I married a saleslady It would There other THAT WAS but it is laid bare at last. They had f out his sem to say: be for sir." the banker sought no oil stoves or or electric heated love, to do? gas "Bosh! Nonsense. In a like 'Ned, what are you going hut had ovens whlcfc city two dollars a day incubators, they New York there is no such thing as 'Keep on earning worked much better, even though they ( a raise." love!" iill I get required more constant tending. Each t "That's a new one on me." "You are a fool, sir! oven was calculated to hold 7,000 Miss Stevens." "More of your slang! Listen to me. "And marry and the fuel by which it was to have Jerome after eggs, Are you going to take up business?" "You ought heated consisted of chopped straw and "As soon as my vacation is over." vou as a lunatic: but for the last ten days of the "Ann rnnviiiee vou tnere is dung, "That is what I shall expect. .Mean- - that the energy was supplied al- more and love to hatching while, drop love. If you romance, chivalry the chickens themselves drop chivalry, New York than together by into more I'll wash my the square foot In city commonest error of those get any scrapes States of It is the of scandal anywhere else in the United tc mm hands you. Any family operating . our modern Incubators i hurts the business." America!" use too much toward banking H'm come home!" heat, especially "But if occasion " "H'm! Fred, of the and now we father?" the end period, "You let the occasions severely "Why, learn from the old Egyptians how "Because I you are right!" may alone!" guess not to do things as well as how to dc 1913, the McClura News- It wasn't that the young man was 'Copyright, by The use of the straw and othei paper Syndicate.) them. looking for trouble. It was that light fuel shows that the Egyptians ' was for him. The were most careful to avoid too in trouble hunting RAISE ORCHIDS ON THE FARM next day after the ultimatum of his tense heat at any stage. We thought father he took a walk down to the that we were the first; to use incuha Be Flow- Will Beautiful It of This district in search of a pair Many Species tors, but we are fifty centuries behind shopping er Will Bloom During the of gloves of the latest shade. the times. Entire Year. me The girl at the glove counter was a O'Rourke McGuire called i it nice She didn't have too many cock-eye- liar. girl. are for the How to Keep Eggs Eleven Months, or frizzes or rats. She wasn't Many think orchilds only O'Rafferty An' phat did yez do? banes must have houses One of the oldest methods of pre She broke off a confi rich, or that they O'Rourke Sure aa' I wint fer th seen snippy. right is to them In a bath Done them. serving eggs dip conversation with her chum to juilt especially for However, undertaker an' th' ambulance." Qui dential .his Is an error, for there are some of silicate of soda, or "liquid glass;' cioy wait on Mr. Graham. She referred to orchids that can be bought but recently the wisdom of this meth the weather and the tariff and the last sxquisite it said is cheaply as a palm or fern, and may THE EXPLANATION od has been questioned, being Newport fooldance. She had nice absorb soluble silica in grown in the home window garden. that the eggs eyeB. She had a dimple in her chin! je amount make them unfli divided into sufficient to . Si. Mr. Graham had had five Orchids are roughly U. M. pairs and terrestial. to be eaten. VM.J of shown him when he decided swo groups epiphytal gloves on trees or rocks, Dr. Bartlett, an English chemist he could a man's head for even The former grow punch on Florists has been testing eggs so preserved d ind the latter the ground. looking cross-eye- at such a fine girl prop-n-l- y and has that if the bath con he had almost send the epiphytal orchid proved as that At ten pairs free soda the absorb it and was in Then fastened to wood, and the proper tains eggs decided that he love. whites become like But The floor- ootting material for the ground their jelly. camo the interruption. when a ten cent, solution of sill came in a most per walker forward lmpor cate of soda he used there is. none ol tant way and said to the "Miss These curious plants require light, girl: but not even a this absorption. After being im Stevens, are you employed here to sell but not sunlight, air, of frost. want of merged for eleven months the egge gloves?" lint They plenty and but drain-ig- e contain no more silica than when i "Y-ye- sir!" she water syringing ample gasped. season. fresh. are in very much hettei "Then sell them!" during the growing After They have niatured their growth, condition than when preserved for the One floor ;he plants That walker didn't look good same of time by freezing, as to Mr. Graham. He saw fear in .he supply of water, and only syringe length young to the bulbs from shriv- - the nores of their shells are her the girl's eyes. The remarks might be mough keep If trouble tnem sponge metically closed. r discipline, but they were also insult- ?ling. insects He looked the official over and ftitb. soap and water. ing. orchids are suited to then said: "Sir, you must apologize The following Spondylotherapy. and will bloom ol to the young lady!" amateur collections, Spondylotherapy is the gospel "What! What!" ' ill year. The cattleyas are most beau- seeing red. It has been Invented ano will a "You apologize or tiful and their flowers last long promulgated by a San Francisco phy put up your The HttU hands!" ;ime if not injured .by water. "What do you mean by saying that slcian, and already numbers its include many on tlie matri of devotees. i "Miss is this loafer tropical lady slippers, young Bangs embarked sauad Stevens, your beautiful. declare that brother?" was asked. jolors and all are curiously monial sea in the steerage?' The spondylotherapiets the orchid, his is human "N-no- , sir!" she cowered. Skinners lycasta, butterfly "Well, you see, salary only red is the greatest energizer woman who an habitua I'll have him kicked out of the Enlderdrum vitellinum majus $7 a week.'" A man or is "Then orchid from be stirred tc the store!" from Mexico, the shining victim of weariness may and cristata from and a "Oh, out before he comes China, codogne ambition activity by wearing hurry all are recommended for SOMETIMES THE OTHER WA red or a red neck hack with the porter!" entreated the North India red shirt, stockings ' house culture. M. L. Bennington. tie. A room papered or painted a girl. red is the ideal workshop "Don't get nervous," the young man glaring Down the Mississippi. Redness tends to bring out the maxi- replied. Rowing i Andrew who finished eleven mum of human efficiency. There is f The floor walker and a husky porter Koelin, of in the United States no case of laziness so serious that it came and the former said: "Don't years service up Inst Anril with the grade of cannot be cured by Fjon throw him all the way across the tipvv piiatcut quartermaster, first class, started dylotherapic treatment. street. Mike!" of tne of a de- June 15 to row the entire length The clerks and customers unaccom store are seldom treated to Mississippi river, entirely Why He Left Scotland. partment tor the of Lon- first-clas- purpose establishing t in a s scrap, but this was one panied, At a Caledonian lmju a record for the distance. The start of the rare occasions. The floor walk- don a Scotsman who had settled n made at the head of Lake Ilasca, 1J er and Mike and three others were was the roctroplis mad a srtc.h i' where the river ris- i?cot laid out before a police- Minnesota, great wLich Scotland and all things beautifully boat the for- man and the reward of Ned Gra es and the little used by so fulFoniely praised that an came, oarsman is named Itasca. ' t'sh wre ham was tho whisper from Miss Stev- mer navy Englishman, who sat next him, said The boat is of galvanized steel, with ens: when lie had finished; THE ONLY UNION . cover, ten feet Ions; "I shall lose my place, but I thank a wood cockpit "If Scotland is fU that you Scots, forty-tw- Inches beam. A wood- me!" and it is, why. don't you siay you for defending a men say floor in the" bottom serves as o"f the peace and dignity Of a deport- en there instead cm j bee'" a L ment store had been That bunk, and is provided with regula- n " answouJ t, o i nm outraged. and two blankets. "Wed la almost as bad as a loafer to conn' tion navy mattress 'Ah'll tell ve hoo it nm we. V, ten are so that they 1 1 along and kick in the doors of a Stanchions placed Ah wis in busiuo , , h , j used either to an awning Little Willie paw, what is the 1 church. The banker's eon was shoved can be carry Say, fowk vis jui.'t as cL r mi a small tent which but- the Into a cell at the police station. He or to support organization? Ati r.ndna ftsr t'.e t o en r t mak- The is did not for his father. Some one: tons over the cockpit coa'.nin;;, Papa organization, my eon, awa h h, i the that the other Sao Ah cam' nr.,r elue notillod the old and ing the interior rainproof. Popular thing keeps party Au'vs baeu d.u.-m-' rale wecL gentleman, from in office all the time. "inn he came hustling along. Mechanics Magazine. being LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914.


I I. LOCAL NEWS PROGRAM TONIGHT i 'Mi II i f AT THE . U U k I J & k i It Light autmobllo lamps at 5:57 o'clock this evening. .A,

25 off on all wallpaper, includ- BRIDGE STREET UuJ L' (i7 iU Lra UliLa ing 13H stock, P, C. Nissen, 705 Doug- - X j las Avenue. Adv. "CAPTAIN KID" Ford Mra, Albert Marshall, who has been DRAMA IN THR.EE REELS Talks ill several was re- seriously for days, When you think Automobile, think Ford. ported today to be convalescing. ,. Why? Because over half the cais made are Fords. Try a dram of Old Taylor Bourbon Finch's Golden Weddinlg Rye, aged at the Opera; Bar. Adv. Did you ever think of that? in wood. Direct from the distillery to NORMAL NOTES Do you think that Ford could sell his machines if At the of course. Adv. they w WE HAVE THEM you. Lobby, Lutheran church services will be did not stand up? held tomorrow at 2 p. m. by Rev. P. n Po you think Ford could sell his machines if he was The Woman's auxiliary bf St. Paul's Kretzschmar at the home of T. H. The Trigonian and Philomathean ! handing his customers lemonb? church will meet on Friday at 3 o'- Moen on Mora Road. societies held a meeting the literary joint NO! fl clock with Mrs. B. T. Mills, 921 Eighth The was He has built up his business mainly through the 5 15c MEDIUM SIZE Wednesday morning. period help of enthusiastic and satisfied customers. FOR. street. ." associa- f La Sociedad de Amigos, the devoted to athletics. REMEMBER THE F. O. B. Las ! tion of young people who enjoy fre- PRICE, $615.00. Vegas. i i The-- Altar of Paul's church SIZE guild St quent dances, will give a balle tonight The boys' basketball team has re Call up Vegas 424. and let us send a man around with 11 30c FOR. A LARGE will meet 4 o'olocn on at Thursday in the Rosenthal hall. Good music and ceived a challenge from Trinidad high a machine and show you. next with 1104 Miss Hart, Eighth a good time are guaranteed. The school for a game to be played in the street. Remember also that W are sole agents for Firestone Vigil and Philips orchestra will fur- near future. I Tires. More miles per dollar than any tire made. h x nish the music. 4um The Junior confirmation class of St. The program at the unveiling of Paul's church will meet for instruc- LAS VEGAS FORD SALES CO. , Benny Chavez, the featherweight the frieze donated by Charles Ilfeld c tion at the on at -- I , ..:,., ...... till rectory Thursday who fought in the was a success In fighter formerly last Monday night 7:15 o'clock. I" ' bantamweight class, passed through every way. The presentation speech k Las Vegas yesterday evening on his by Mr. Ilfeld was good, as was the The choir 6f St. Paul's church will way to Denver from Albuquerque. acceptance speech by Professor Kel- - meet for rehearsal in the church to- Chavez was accompanied by his man- ley. Miss Sadie Tooker's speech pre Work is A full and night important ager, and will fight In Denver soon. senting the pictures "Spes," "Fides" prompt attendance is urged. and "The Golden Stairway" for the p Jefferson Reynolds, President to j. f 3AUAJ9 Marriage licenses were granted class of 1912 was excellent Miss E. D. Reynolds. Vfce President S. B. Davis, Vice President. DLAl'iOS The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Me- the following people yesterday after- Ross' acceptance on behalf of the Hallct Raynolds, Cashier. H. Erie Hoke. Assistant Cashier. morial church will meet at 2:30 noon and this morning at the court school was interesting. Miss Mary o'clock on with Mrs. John Tuesday house: Cleta Sandoval, aged 18, and Hays' presentation of the frieze and 926 National avenue. Rabbins, Jose Bias Aragon, aged 24, both of reliefs for the class of 1913 was in- Reservations-Lar- ge As- Direct from the Indian San Isldro; Julianita Martinez, aged teresting. Dean Carroon's acceptance, There will be a of the Y. practice 22, and Antonio Dominquez, aged 29, was an interesting talk on art and sortment fine colorings unique patterns-a- ll M. C. A. basketball team this evening both of Los Alamos; Juliana Lujan, the present day. The music by the at the All members of the armory. aged 16, and Abel Maes, aged 19, both Glee club was delightful, as were the prices. senior class are to be requested of Pecos. musical solos by, Edward Hite, Ethel FIRST NATIONAL BANK Harper and Miss Cluxton. RECEPTION FOR MARTINEZ The large frieze by Donatello was OP LAS VEGAS, N. M. These blankets are Genuine Souvenirs of the Two weeks from will be St. today Announcement was made this after- veiled In purple and white bunting Valentines' and the pret- Great Southwest and nothing more appropriate Day already noon that a special meeting will be and at a signal from Mr. Ilfeld this cardboards of the and Undivided ty bearing insignia held at the Commercial' club rooms was away by Miss Emily Baca Capital, $100,000; Surplus Profits, $25,000. can be for home use or are in pulled purchased gifts. day being placed display this evening for the purpose of mak- and Miss Nellie Condon, two girls for a to A ing arrangements reception from the Seventh grade. handsome In of we be given at the club Monday night photograph of Governor McDonald was every department Banking The funeral of Mrs. George II. Kin-k- In honor of Felix Martinez, who will presented to the school on the same are prepared to give the best of service will be held tomorrow afternoon be her on his way to El Paso after evening. Dr. Frank H. H. Roberts, CHARLES 1LFELD COMPANY at 3 o'clock from St. haul's Memorial a trip to South American places with the president, was authorized to an- cruch. Interment will be Episcopal the commission. nounce that Mr. George Kinkel would 'n Masonic cemetery. New Mexico Largest Wholesalers jn Mr. Martinez will arrive in Las present the school with a plaster mod- Vegas tomorrow afternoon and will el of the Panama canal. Interest Falsi cn Tims Dcpssits Santa Fe taxpayers are an making remain here over Monday. Those in With the unveiling of the large awful fuss about tbe valuation and charge of the affair wish to make frieze and the placing of the pictures taxes In their county. Let high the reception a big event, and re- on the walls of the assembly hall, this 'em move over here and see what the quest a large attendance at the meet- becomes the handsomest room of its board of did. Then equaliaztion they ing this evening. kind in the state. AH IlandVArc will not be so grouchy, though every- knows have sufficient cause AND TUBES body they Thursday in the chapel TIES to kick. morning Eaer TOO R1ANY DOGS IN was held one of the most enthusiast- ic athletic meetings of the year. for another sack of Our Albuquerque is excited about a me- teor that alighted on the Sandia moun- Pride flour once have town says mm CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES they tains Thursday night. None of the For . on tried it. If The subject of the sermon tomor- the best the market today see us. kip) there were only Albuquerque boosters was hurt. The row will In GIV- be, "Democracy the one sack left to be had there meteor fell at 7:30 o'clock In the even- CITY WILL PASS ORDINANCE JSon-Ski- n Church." In the evening the pastor Miller or plain thread. Michelin tubes would be a ing, and as a consequence was not ING IT POWER TO GET mighty struggle will speak upon, the old theme, Get seen by many people. If it had lallen RID OF THEM to obtain it. But there are Right With God," and will give this and tires and Fiske tires and need- 2:30 In everything to-da- at o'clock the morning many plenty, so order one y theme a modern Interpretation. D. of the citizens doubtless Mayor Taupert says something must ed for auto. for to learn prominent C. Barnett will sing a solo at the the yourself just would have had a view of it while on be done to abate the dog nuisance. morning worship. The choir will pre- what a perfect flour is. the home. The brutes, having learned in some way pare an anthem for the ser- way of the passage the evening by legislature vice. ALL WORK DONE AT COR SKCP At the of tbe pastor, Dr. of a law making it punishable by LAS VEGAS ROLLER MILLS PH,?.NE request No collection will be taken during Frank H. II. Roberts will deliver an death or life imprisonment to shoot GUARANTEED FCH the church services. All are request- ITS PERFECTNESS address on "Christian Education'' at a canine, have taken charge of the ed to deposit In the box at tomorrow city. There' are dogs and little offerings the First Methodist church big the door. is one of Dr. Roberts' dogs, good and bad dogs, but evening. This 'dogs Next will two-thir- Sunday evening the pastor ablest addresses and was listened to of the lot are worthless The Las Automobile begin a series of social interpreta- Vegas the ministers of the dogs, according to the mayor. with delight by tions. A small amount of time will Ibe Home of Mexico their The mayor he intends to de- kt tbe Best of Eaiile New English mission at says be taken in the church service. The and Machine Everyinp session in The vise some means which will make Shop last Albuquerque. first subject will be "Good Roads." chorus choir wil lead the singing. it possible to get rid of the dog nui- The whole Sunday school is at pres The of the are es- sance. He Is thinking of having a young people city ent using the graded lessons which invited to attend. stringent ordinance passed. In the pecially are thoroughly to the and meantime folks who have valuable adapted age needs of all pupils. I Probate Judse Adelaldo Tafoya has dogs are advised to get in the. habit if appointed Wililam G. Haydon of this of keeping them at home. The city 2i as administrator of that portion expects, within a few weeks, to have MOST HEAT FOR YOUR MONEY city COMMERCIAL CLUB TO ' - re wwY inn of the estate of George W. Griggs an ordinance which will give it power , t ii?,; . which lies In San Miguel county. The to get rid of the dogs, even if it has estate consists of a large acreage on to start a sausage factory. BOOST THKNOHIML SWASTIKA COAL MASON 5 the Las Vegas grant lands on the JAR.S Ct mesa. Mr. Griggs died In St Paul, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ATTENDANCE AT SUMMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j 1913. ; Notice is that the tax THE Minn., August 16, He is surviv hereby given SCHOOL SESSION WILL ed by a brother, Emory Griggs, who roll for A. D. 1913 has been received - Pf, Phvnm Maln21 lir BE INCREASED $wm s well known here. Mr. Haydon fur the treasurer's office. The first I nished the required $1,000 bond. half of the 1913 taxes is now due and will become delinquent on February The Commercial club is preparing Tomorrow at Mishawaka, Dr. Frank 16, subject to a penalty of 1 per cent to work toward the success of the summer session of Uni- H. H. Roberts, president of the New per month. EUGENIO ROMERO, the Normal EGRAAF&IIAYVARDCO.STORE Mexico Normal University, will ad Treasurer and Collector. versity in 1914. The plan is receiv- dress two meetings under the'ausplces ing tle attention of, the president of C. U. Dr A BIG PENALTY the club and the members of the of tbe W. T. of that place. 1 of ' M L . ; Roberts will speak on "Sex Pedagogy' Washington, Jan. 31. To empower board directors. til iiUI ' P at both meetings. The first will be the interstate commerce commission One of the biggest business assets dred thousands of the summer Is pounds from that at 11 o'clock, when oe will aadress to regulate all facilities to insure Las Vegas during N..M. OF has been laid down 1 the Normal Last summer PUCE BUTTER country here with- the boys and young men, and at safety to travelers, Senator Meyers University.. rQUERQUE, in the last two or three the school was attended students weeks But- o'clock, he will speak to the adults. of Montana introduced a bill to penal- by JANUARY 3, 13!4 ter has also been (shipped from Ar- Dean Carroon of the Normal Univer ize (my railroad which did not obey from all parts of the United States, IS gentine, Denmark and Siberia. will Dr. Roberts to the orders of the commission $500 a while many New Mexico students CQ'IG sity accompany 1. Oil The shipments, butter dealer ad- Misbawaka. day. came here for the session. This year Tickets on sale January 31, February 2. mitted today, have caused marked the management expects the attend. :"'TiiU;';";3, 1914 uneasiness In the to and the INFLUX OF FOREIGN PRODUCT wholesale market, Upon receipt of the written permis THOMAS HOJ.ZR SAILS ance be greatly Increased with it CAUSES THE MARKET TO the result that there has been sion of the father of Benito Martinez, Liverpool, Jan. 31 Thomas B. of tbe Commercial club Final return limit. February 4th, 1914 in the school shows a TAKE A SLUMP unloading of various stocks. Today ased 12, and Ricardo Martinez, aged Holer, first secretary of the British boosting for the best that success. grade butter was sei'iiiK at 10, Judge Adelaido Tafoya of the prob- legation in Mexico, who is to act as spirit of loyalty spells FLO UN D 2i'.ii 27 FARE FOO. THE TRIP New York, Jan, 31. An influx of to cents a pound wholesale. ate court yesterday issued letters of charge d'affaires on the departure of The summer course as provided by ' The American is such foreign butter from all parts ct the demand for more adoption consigning the children to Sir Lionel Cardcn, the British min- the Normal that nearly any butter woihi; duo to the reduction of the has caused a rise of 2 to 3 the care and custody respectively of ister, left for N5vr York today un one can. find something of benefit. cents I tariff from f to 2'j tents a pound, a pound in some of the foreign Mr. and Mrs. Jose Blea and Mr. and hoard the, Lnsllaiiin. The course extends through June and JU n (J 7 1ms caused a decline in the New York markets. It Is generally admitted Mrs. Komulo Blea. The Bleas reside July. Much benefit doubtless will wliolwale of 10 eut a here thct the price of butter in this as does the lather TOO CLASSIFY result .because of the price pound near Trementina, t ATE TO ;. ' ' s m t..ri. 'i.t Nor-- ft! see country will be in court of the Commercial club wilh the ) since the firat of the year. the future at of ilia boys, who stated- to the 1 it. ll A A- - Mt M. a lower be- " -. m le iT in i BiHt'T . boon this average level than before. is dead and lie, FOU.N'D do- f it Last year the club i luig coming to (hat their mother Black spaniel ,iin r -- Is un- - at a i t 'I tl c L iol to a extent. AGENT rtio!ry from "aa f.;r as Australia cause of being obliged to work, Owner may have crnie by calling large - This It will do more. hi' wy of Sun Francisco, Tfcre him. iinRcrlho for Tbe CUc. Jiein the Buliler tmrbi-- uoi- ycr.r