Add Federal Trade Comitalaeion Avars OF CHIHUAHUA REFUGEE "Our Nation's Crisis A rerage Coat of Producing Bl ad DocUro Hk Critiritsn at Mater's Necessity Davina; Farsa the President Has Been Abac-late-ly of Pressnt Year Far Below Accurate and Truthful. Former Average. Passenger oil Train Field Up Near l.enrna Tells of Massacre HE MISLEADS PEOPLE BY TO HOLD PUBLIC HEAR of Train Guard and Vain Hunt Through Car SHADOW DANCE OF WORDS INGS IN NEAR FUTURE for Citizens. Calls Wilson's Attention to What Opportunity Be Given Every to Is Washington Said to His Sol- One Concerned to Be Heard; German Physician, Mistaken for American, Beaten and diers and Decries a Nation That Certain Facto Made Public Robbed, but Life Is Spared and Goods Restored Put Its Belly Above Its Soul; Shows Unprecedented Ad When His Nationality Is Revealed. Hughes in Brooklyn. vance During Past 12 Months. By Associated Press. By Associated presa. villa bandit told passengers on the Hex Iran Central r whlcb was Usa York, Nov. I. Colonel Theodore Washington, Nov. -ln a statement to- train Roo level! crlUclxed President Wilton In night snnounclnr virtual corapleUon held up at Laguna station Monday night San Antonio Women to at its Villa Hani Rosalia anil emphsuc words UiU evening In so address iHvewgauun 01 news prim paper pnce, that had captured at Cooper Union, which ha delivered at Jlwenes and would take Chihuahua City Bake Thanksgiving Pies the federal Trsde commission declares Vl the request of a campaign orffoaixaUon or that durtnt the first half of this year when within 10 days, slier cutting the railroad business usan who oppose the , price airesdy were soaring to unprece- aline between that city and Juaret. and Cakes for 15,000 of Mr. Wilson. T skint as bis subject: dented figures, the average coat or pro One or toe passengers on the train whlen was "Our .Nation's Crisis." Colonel Roosevelt ducing news prim psper in domestic mills held up and robbed reached here last Troops at Camp Wilson said that a world cataclysm hats over- ws less than 11.46 per pounds, bight on board the trato rrom chihuahua hundred or whelmed civilisation sad that "the times or below the average cost In the past City. Because property Interests In Ch- By Associated have needed a waehington or a Lincoln, three years. ihuahua City be would not permit his name San Antonio. Tex., Nov. t The wo- but unfortunately we have been granted The commission announces that before to be used, but ha Is well known snd con men or San Antonio are to be aaked tt only soother Biichen an- Issuing Its report public bearings wlU be aldered absolutely reliable here. He laid bake eulflcleat cakes, pies and cookies ua CrlUrtzed Tratkrsilly. conducted and manufacturer, publishers be talked wlto (leneral Juan Murga, one for the Thanksgiving dinner of lbs Murga com have been assailed," said the speaker. and others Interested be given en oppor- of tí brothers, who were in 11,000 troops stationed al Camp Wilson. "I mend or toe Villa who held up BSiiam have criticised Mr. Wilson. "I tunity to appear, no daks Is set ror the bandit Plana for toe undertaking were an- have said one or him was bearings, but the report is to be the vein, having known htoi In Chihuahua nounced today si a meeting or. the not thins that seld Oily ago. Murga absolutely truthful. I resdy to send to the press In the neer ru several years Osneral local Rotary club. An eppesl will be not accural and of men htm I believe lie baa ture. wa one the who told of Santa made to every woman to toe city to have accused because Roaalla and being dras;red in the dust what Is most sacred I ep recreen ted ASvoare ! Price. Jlnitne captured and contribute s share towards sddlug a to our past and Jeopardised the hupea or Certain facts developed by the tnaulry predicted chlhushu city's rail sosa. "home touch to toe holiday dinner of our future. I crlUclse him now because sre msde public now. because most or thn (capelo Story Held up. toe guardsmen who came to Texas ta he has adroluy and cleverly and with sin- publishers' contracta ror paper are about The paeecnger told a graphic story of defend bar border end who will ratal ister ability appealed to all that is weakest to expire, contract prices rose this yesr the irsln hold-u- and toe massacre or the the "meal that mother would nook" tf and moat unworthy to the American char- irotn teas nun gs per hundred to U snd Carransa troop escort which had aceoat- - they were beck bom. acter and also because be has sought to 81.50 and on current market purchases the penled the train rrom Juaret Monday morn. lesd many men and women, who are neith- publishers have paid 97 or more ror paper ing. "11 was just growing dusk aa we er weak nor unworthy, but who have been bought in the same way prior to January slowed down lor Lagan station," he said. misled by e shadow dance wlUi words. i ror between a ad The statement "I had teen the men off In toe distance, them. One psaesrsyer who aaked for hut He baa kept the eyes or the people daisied says tn part; a but did not knew they were bendita until grip back was beat mi by a VI lie omrer so they know not what is real and what Is "The prise advance to news print paper the train came to a asdden stop snd we with the nal or bis tword. A VIUs soldier false. In the race .of the world be has Is toe reason tola invesursuon berso earlv discovered that the englns, tender snd wea accidentally shot through the stomach covered this nation's race with altante as m ii and baa continued down to the bastase car had peon derailed," be con during the ruing and the train condastMr with a rsrmenv present. Moat saws print paper la sold tinued. "We brtrd sbooiiog and Unit wsa alas shot te musan ssssin. onseaert for per1orir"rjf a yesr or more. bsnrjn shut nnrti hat ant with his Becsiie derailed engine, we were Atraéis - t si lbs "i hanlly know whether to reel to- must nerore in pnce advanee began contract tolt drswn came throng h Uie train rorreit to remain tt Limine from 7 o'clock burning indtcnatlon at those speeches or pnoae ror new prnt paper were generally ordered us all In leave 11. Hs was swear-la- Monday evening until noon Tuesday, what loMy less St per wsa t expresses tosa r. o. tn Hpantsh especially wherein be sentiment, hundred nounda. b. - . and bitter a train from Chlbuahua City reached Lai which bis deeds bells, er at those other mills. During the first hall or contract towsrd one msn whom he thought was and took toara. I picked up pnces lttt tuna us sonta speeches wherein be displays a frank ror large quantlUee In some to' Tues of Campaign Cir- ELECTION FRAUDS Watch the Election an American, but who later proved to be Of the ammunition used by the bandits ta cynicism or belter to, and appeal to. what stance went as high aa It per 10 noundi Dr. 8. Haffner. shooting the soldiers snd round It to ha is basest in Uta humea heart. In a recent and since July t, I tit, neve run aa high culars; Resigns as a as Guests of Times "Dr. Harrner waa deprived of hit cloth- of American manufacture." Speech at I on Branca he said, as reported ing and his personal beiougings, and when Manuel Prieto, former mayor of Juarst, to the dally presa, that 'you cannot wor- Most Of the contracts now In onerstion United States Citizen be protested be waa beaten over toe head delegate to toe con- you MIDDLE and Grecian Theater snd s constitutional ship Ood Oh an empty stomach and wiu expira wiuun ntree or four ire")' IN WEST with, a clubbed rifle ut toe hands or one vention at (Jueretaro, was S passenger oa a when you are starv- cannot be patriot Publishers Paying Higher Price By AeeoeJated Press. of toe bendita. As be was lying, half con- the train tod was about to be executed "On "Hurtles It or ing' current market purchases newroanai Chicago, A. scious, on the ground and the bandit wss when Silvestre Quevsdo. one toe Vula A . No, t. Charles Plllplak, Is Sordid Untruth. publishers have been paying manufactur- on or crop or "Wilson elected! about to finish hit bloody work, a nao commanders, rlslmed that Prieto waa a was ever ut- the last year's new cu- "No store sordid untruth era and Jobbers verv much oivii.r hhmi ts na, so or UNCOVERED BY One or the other or ttiese mesesgos who hsd been a patient of the doctor's relative or bis aid saved bis lire, frleto a could be uttered rot tired reoeivlug cam- tered, ucb sentencie Before January I, ibis, current market paign he will be riaahsd over the Associated tn Chihuahua tome years aso recognised wss deprived of bit clothing snd reached only by a cares notblns for literature that resigned st a president who prices ranted generally between tt and It cltlaen today. Here is toe Press wire Tuesday night, announcing the physiclsn. This man explained to toe Chihuahua with a oopy of list Miming soul, sad who believes tost per too letter be the netlon's pounds delivered, depending on sent to John W. Ran ay, circuit court toe result of toe presidential rsre. offlcsr in commend that the doctor waa Tunas wrepped about ota body. the nation Itself puta iu belly above Its quantity, freight and other circumstances. elsrk: ir you wish to study tin- keenest po- not an American and hit life was spared. rail f Porral Uswwflrsaed. soul. I call the attention of these apoiil since m time they OFFICIALS toe nut st have gone, up a "OenUemen: Please do not annoy litical cuiitost held in iho Later Murga, commander of toa ben- Pss aemars Chihuahua City i spnrttd of the full belly of these men who jeer mini stetse frota iuu u or wi per ton pounos ror a con me with your voting l In recent years, toen be ot San dita, ordered toe doctor's clothe restored. the rail or had l call circulara when Jacinto that Parral bean reportad, at the nation's soul the attention slderable volume or business and even vote, plata' Tuesday evening. "An awful sight awl our gas aa wa toe and secretary or do not and kindly accept my res The Morning1 but said report had not beat sonfirmed or President Wilson his higher In exceptional instances. IgnaUon as a Times the slighted from the train. The Carransa sol of navy to what clUten. will always by snd Grecian Iliester hsvt when they tan for toe border today, as war and his secretary "The averse prices received by do- remain an Statement Issued Department arranged to Dash diers composing toe gusrd were being shot to or bis own to a anarchist." the election returns telegraph tinea south of Chihuahua Washington said soldiers mestic manufacturei s of news print paper Is probable of Declares rrom e window in the down lute dogs. I counted dead sol- to " It toe court will be Justice More Than Mills building it ware cut by tot VUla bendita operettas letter oingress did not advance in anything like toe de asked to get said PUlpUk'a to a ttareoptlccn screen dier who war shot by toe bendita wlto Chihuahua City colonel Roosevelt then read the statement csruncstn 60,000 Negroes Have Recent-fa- r in rront of between and Jlmenet. gree that current market prices advanced. or naturalisation. the Sheldon hot:l. The returns will pistol where they stood, ons boy of It Mining men here who have Intersat to from Washlnglon'i letter on the army's because most of the paper waa Been years kept toe or told under Seat to North; Many be toonUnuous wtien once toe wire saluting and begging toe Parral district have bean unable to suffering as. without sufficient clothes con Vsen previously msde op the aver opens. Be of the bandits to spere his life. or shoes, men marched with Fraudulently Registered. oa band early. obtato additional d stalls of toe repotted blankets the tae, me actual net receipt of domestic His answer was a bullet rruin the com- by bleeding feet through snow, submitting capture of Parral villa. Army orneara, manufacturers of news print paper waa mander' pistol. In all more then so of however, claim to have s confidential re- without s murmur. ess msn s psr uo pounds during too PROVISIONS OF PENAL were shot. Papalees, these soldiers port staling thai Oeneral Lull Herrara wtat , Baker and Usatele Only nrsi hair or I via. NFW MEXICO bis Washington com- COURT CODE SET OUT IN FULL "The bandit came Into toe train shout fores hsd' marched out of the Iowa 'TUS Is what said." Ceet mented Colonel Roosevelt. "Does Mr. Wil- of Maaul enters Lew log, 'Death to Americana,' and I ass tur berore the arrival or villa. This report or Valley "The average coat of manufacture of Federal Agents Keeping TRIPLE EXECUTION that had there been anv Americana on the It aot really credited bere because or the son think that these men forge news Watch not patriots because they were starv- print paper In domestic mills waa Schemes train they would all have been shot. Tht rent that all commuiucatton wtth Parral vers leee par par ISO on for Padded Lists, ing? Mr. Baker and Mr. Daniels have done than in ton. or fiat RULING UPON MANN bandits wore especially vile to their ref- baa been cut. pounds, during the or as "Repeaters" I evil to tola country only because they stood first hair ittt. and Intimidation erence to Americana and was glsd I wss Cruel Murder ef MatBST saS Sea. snown pout by toe own not I I where their master, Mr. Wilson, placed manufacturers' by Employers; Investigation SET FOR FIVE THIS sn American, ror am sure would One of tot passengers on the train wbtsh your to cost sheets snd by tas costa aa revised have baan killed. All or oar clothing but toe last night claimed to then. I call attention their by toe Strictly reached border not only because they are foul accountants of toe commission. our underwear waa taken by the bendita. have bean to Santa Yiahal when Villa es- runnermore, tnese average costa were ACT LIMITS SCOPE My cernerá, my puree and everything else danders on everything tost is good in hu- By Associated te red there. He said vina ordered a young slightly lower than the average oust in my Press. I wsa nay man nature, and on every American worth WasMnston, Nov. I. An possessed taken. Including suit- Mexican man shot ror aiding the Carransa yesr man to official estmate AT JUAREZ case. The women were or ailing an American, but because they isti lilt. that 0,000 negrota had been not robbed forces. The msn begged for bit Ufa, toe "Though lbs average oast declined transported their clothing, aa haa been reported. Three show the character of Mr. Wilson." toe recently rront the aouth into Ohio, Indians. n fugee asid, clalmluy that he waa toa Colonel Roosevelt to his address first half of lMo. las market price wtfon ware driven up by the bendita and only aupiiort of his sped VlUa earlier of some of Federal Judge Pollock Holds Law Illinois and other atalas, was made by Hie mother. said an appeal had been made for the materials of manufacturers the loot rrom toe train and our parson 1 than ordered Mm to arrise alt mother be- that advenced were high. Applies Commercialized department or justice In a statement de- and unusually Vio; 11 bBloating war loaded Into tocar wguos treat-blln-r Wilson "that we should not chant horses -- claring let a number of toe negroes have Rosario Garcia aud Bandit Bttncn fore him. the iiesMiiger Stated-- TBS a he com it snouid he noted that tat most uapor Not Individual sad taken with the bandits when they old women wss in crossing stream.'' On. this teal material which aevanfiari m nri mi to Immorality. fraudulently rsstalared tad that other Face Firing lad out sad villa " to Squad at started north toward Santa Clara canyon. with nassisd as rollo ws: pblte and ground wood, were produced byL. ... election frauds disclosed Include padding or hot her down his owe ptstat. sa a Morning Cemetery. There were about st atan on toe train anil rasa gins Hones Sisease. moat of the paper manufacturers wttooutr6pr,4i " Times rsetotrsUoa lists reaching into thousands Old (Continued on Para Three!) an appeal mcreeee M., A it woman. "The worth of such la obvious u in east,- ana apt bought st mar Santa Fa. If. Nov. I. -- verdict of not of raise names In one clly alone. when the horse, whenever be cornea to a guilty waa brought In by the Jury in the Department Stateaiseit Albert Herold snd Weatee Nat astasias. stream, first preteads he Is going to jump wtrftaSS?- Several None of the wojnen were The HKATMBSl POaSCAST. prices bv contraria esas or the government vs. William D. Jones The statement Issued with sanction of Americans mistreated. it. then refuses ul enter It; or when hs Attorney Oeneral Orneo ry giras Held in Jail ornen camp followers wlto toe bendita West Texas. .New Mexico and 1 Isi est moves paarauy claimed to toe trade that for slleged violation of the Mann act The warning toe has reached the middle, alternately in ws i u that conspiracies to Acroaa River. waited et station end took charge of fiaturday and Sunday rslri not much cm Hire wui Ulerease, particular complaint charged that Jonas had brought Intimidate voters will toe rsafety rorward and rashly hack sad occa ty on account of the scarcity of labor in toe be promptly prosecuted. It la the depart- personal loot sa It wat carried to i bang e In temperature. alooally Canadian woods L,wo ,n,D ,rom El Paso, Texas, Into New Ilea dow. we had Just easared and toe consequent Increase ment's first ac- Rosarlo Harris, to costa official announcement that sonora bandit, and the greatest crisis to our history when we labor of bringing lost to Ins mills. iMexlco ror immoral purposes. tual cases of nave three memlHirs or bin assign n fraud besa developed hsnd of his com- swapped horses' by eichanging Ene XS!Lií.4SÍfí3S?JL hssalsr cT predefMan, radsrsa judge Pollock, to his charge to the by It Inveellrstors. mand, and three Americana, alleged to rarntnlaalool eipresse l . . . rr Lincoln and if wa had sat made the "Amone other provalona saya have smuggled cattle rrom Mexico Into the we not of law." exchange would have crossed the Mail ana to full CapaetAy. tween toe police supervision or eiusens tn the statement "section to of the peasi United Stales, are In itw Juaret Jail await WHERE TO VOTE ON TUESDAY stream si The failure now to change "The quanuty pro- - Iny til of news print paper steles sad the light of toe United code makes It en orrenee gainst the United execution. Albert Herold, of sttt Mon- Mr. Wilson ror Mr. Hughes would he al- aula tatas ror tana street, who waa arreataa at auarlalnn government to try to prevent commer- two or more persons to con- placee most aa dsroastaf." toe spire to InUmldate any on s similar charge, is to be released this1 Polling tor Tweed ay"! election have been eMsMlthed by the county man ui any prrceuing year cialising of vice. cltlaen to the free Mr. Roosevelt urged his audience to "put naif sines the exercise enjoyment of soy toon lug, according to Ueorge Harold, his commissioners' court aa foUowai clean up ibis, i in inoresae la prodiicUon Judge Pollock instated that toe unmoral dr right or ,or id the prealdenllal chair the and la rrusaua- - privilege secured to him by father, law North drams street. It waa bed by mills to full mat-ta- r the constitu- Preetaet Mh right Justan of the supreme court, the capacity. haceady moat seflis conduct of an Individual la entirely a tion sad laws or punish ror reported last night that Herold alto area Nuather It Number governor of New bare been for police regulation, and that the fed htm bavins to eer liable W overland and Bants an Paso Oas CotaasBy ornee; fearteas formar York. opersted twenty four hours per day for tlx exerelaed such light, and the courts nave be executed, and tost thro or four or eral aovernsneat is ess concerned with prtaonarr S Fe streets. (Osntmasd on Paga Two.) Me it held that one or so the would raes flrtos squad Preetaet Number Oi "The of added that, in his opinion, toe Mann act the rights secured la ouanutr peper lap la epplleable only to persons who actually the right to vote for federal early lata morning at I o'clock. Preetaet Noaadtar Si Nert HUlei and Company. ported, which came officers and Garcia and Ms ware San equaled profit of women to have their volee fairly counted and the bandits at the tit Jacinto street Preetaet Nuather M: about of "tt nisisMi "ZF J TT". .7 Hacienda Manta Ana, south Madero sev- B) - - result secretly returned. Conaplracles to of Preetaet Number Orend School production, and snowed a treat In savñíher .....rL eral days ago. during a skirmish It view House. ojb nrsi oaii of 1VIQ tss lnttroidat votara to the free exercise or toe between Central Kir Station. Subscribe Today to totapertrS. Vtlllelga and CarransttaSs, when four ed also increased during tooujrh right to voto lor federal officers are vlo Praelasl .Number St ton exports small - bendita were captured, sad ware to j independent oil! Co., AMsaeda ware oompared with tm- atacas of the taw. tabea SOT Democratic National porta. The Governor of Sonora federal Such s eon suarss. 8. Virginia etreet Preetaet price, however, offert by for splracy need not be or even Nussber tt: etgn buyer ware high. consummated St Teleta School House. sesgas Adopts A damson sa evert act Is oat seseóos!, nor la in Three Amsrteeas Breasts Is fall. SSI Taya street Campaign Fund: Today Di usase. Law American charged Pes stall Number Ml The stock of news print paper, ttmtdsuon confined to acta of physical vio- Four with cattle rnsaV ft which tog were brought to Precinct ti Booorro School House. are very smsu in masnsnson with the ana. as Model for Decree lence. The development of such conditions Juarst yesterday. City Hall. durtloli. not unir declined durtna- - toa hrát will result to prompt prosecutions " Three of the oxen, whose name could not PresSaet Number xtt endues! Vis! Say' mm. Preetaet Number Tl Ban Democratic victory half of but also were lower that st By tovoaUteUea be learned, come rrom the Minara district, Klliarto School House. A aa arses as say Orne the year rSta. isooflalod Pre. Beat B Peso Ptre Station. nasi lar reaaaslga dorias Douglas, United States district attorneys In snd tos other was Albert Herold. of the Preetaet Number Ml rasas sees lagaH ay the ejiHsaai "Aa ibera was a large Increase to pre das-as- a , Art., Nor. tv Trtooda of sad Ousrtalupe Preetaet Number Si Clint School has Adolfo vesugatora bar been instructed to be vicinity. Harold was supposed to House. eeesaelttee sad the State eesaansMea sad Imports, secompealed by a decline de la Huerta atristas at the fair have cato hstoeglnr to de facto 'tats Slat ill Ave.. Barber Stwp. Nasaber ta stocks, wbt! waa only a small ton- and In toveatigsttons the go, Preetaet Mi vtetery Is every uesae-ss- there border from ttannosUlo said today toe and poaaeeatoa. Pmtaet Nussber Whee the asa. nage exported. It is evident the! there waa governor proaecuUoaa. enuneat to Ms bat according t Pabsns school House. assaJulS feet Mast he eeatrthuteS bad told than as need tas his ha Ideal Pharmacy, corner Misiasss and s decided Increase m ristenmptlon during aa Inxorasedan received by She to rather, ihB'asd custom house Preetaet Number tti Ms alsseet la was the victory. V ou sat Btu passed by toa mpi henal end other psper the listo streets. aa et jus ra shows that within the Isat three which proved San Hancock Achual House. hare net o tribute. r ft aa An Increase ta tas demand for new print a model for hit new to have toe animals Mr Harold asid Preetaet Nussber at! paper decree. - months approximately 0M0 nesroes have runt Highland Pintail Nussber M: that yea east isaU Stats ateta, seed the U siso Indicated by the fact thai Uie test night be expected his eon would be Park Pins nitron Sierra Blanca School House, respecung tnc The catar of Ms was been transported rroaa certain soutoem Himniinii circuía Mare decree released this morning. Pre stall NeTaeetr Hi Precinct Nussber IT. --Tr4rnnnWS lion or newspapers mads to toa poetóme tae eeletwtahaaol of eight esstss to sertharn sad weestra stats, main- corner T.Uff swoeraDy s standard Atoen Herold was first s. Mtaaourt sad Brows at. Allsssore School Mouse, TZ dwrtmenl show lanrer Issues by hour day with pay overtuue; ly ta middle wsaesrii states, parar ularty - ssanh as yea eaa alters, end ayhelher Shi leedlng newspspers. by toe for aleo villa for bit servirás st the Preetaet Nxvasbee- Hi sad fact Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Investigation baa of Juare ana later sre S"1"1 " leal as ae Setter er tweedy, it wfll tostó aunaher of pasea of lbs largar Ssrsfcajad surrender octavia street. IS the 'fact Skat a nuather of Otase cotona! by toe cananas 5 Bead as - new spesjera have very tnfonurd mili Ptwetaet be enelly wrlrnsas yeereafe- generally Increased nerroee registe to or Villa when Nttssbav tf, rwrtrtsBra5tJ NllMapsfr Mt oa account eí tora tacrease m sd ver using toff rniasasjii of the state that he will heve red violation toe with the latter Mess Pire Station. and news give S laws of ra stales to which they bate gone Prieta last January. Recently he has been Canutillo. Prank Warden Store, ac A. v. matter. them reasonable length of tins a company of El Peso Preefsel Number Mi New M setoee to Service to tuaap or era or and bare tisersssid she mliatlsa sf voting working for rattle Prieta.l Naasaar M: sil provisions tas Ban etc N. atraes. 'Before the receut price adveare decree and if they do am to those tistes. t Isasss Morrison's Rsnch House, wai eaa sa yea. set wSBaS Oercia It notorious bandit, who operai Predate Nuuiber tal PiBBtaul Sha ases ihw weak win cause the ar- "Some information tas besa developed Nuather tl: ftaaSno res! snd imigsffsm sf tat measgera. in 1st! ii sa fsatt Tbrssj Tat island. Sierras Bou ELPAO MORNitC TIMES, SAfUIAY, NEMBER 4, 1916.

OSEVELT SAYS WE NEED veil MM MM t MMrr now should, fa tha haiW or lofty word that war fa- - A LINCOLN AND HAVE A BUCHANAN inuadlfTer'fWaii tooéethat oMWiÍmMm the hi ne of these 1MB. "We must racoraiM. u mod. orimn a man In hi and hM rerrienieed." MM Mr. hooaevelt. "that JSS." Ktr i - :harl E. Hurtan ttalthtrorward iti..urhl folly W in irtloa who li to try lo cripple both bv minor BIB hli trirela m a preatdafitlal randidala eewiroua hu rinnol It Ineffective or 10 to Inalat ti The nagilnaa ananá to do M who fál hare Inilibl M'iV what wronr and wane earner anl iiiwr mum he rlen lonrnayln down the Hudaon Hvar vallet 8:30 Will do t In at what riyht no nutter whit II" ir rnll .here of nroeperlty that romee from Albany Ha detlrorad rive apaai haa This Morning ttancai rot) ba brourhi itrtntt him." from auccra.ful appncatlon of modern In- on the way and iftar hla arrival Mara aaV Ha rifty-Flft- Aasert, aalan dustrial tnsiriinientilltlea ." aiaiaun larva roaeimts nrnouyn. Tbe rormer pre aidant broke away from Wllm teelradlcU Hhavelf. ta mi oay apaacnei nr. Hurnai npow Doors on Ha speech which ha hid prepaid in ad- (Lionel hoosevcft charred Will thoaftl cktafly on tbe tariff and uh iiiiniiiaiaM i The Open vance o say what ha thourht of tha iTeildent Wilaon had ui that whan no hta abroad. Ha alio mmiu hyphenates. Na declarad that started In on direction he would never tha admlnlitral for "brokao un I in" k i or ar nd aero of lum bark. "Mi whole record bu consisted raipect tbe redwrthin the eoat Waahtnalon laroui In ( every point. IN k(, ohaerianre of U.ey were lurnlnr nark where the merit lyaaaat n birlltw Mood. both Americana wu Mddan to do an atibar by or iah nnff appointaiarrti, i TheBo8tonStore,s broiii and throtiati. Intarait. Amariran rlrhta abroad ana economy In Hm "No American ran tie I rood American "Ha hM been rlilminr retit hereure, in aipaniei of thi rovernnaent i.olonel ftoose- - the ruM' of Helrium. I baa preserved 1 ay Have WaMiaat Tulntii untry neutrality Uiit would make I'ontlui I1IIM Tha condition which meneen Induatn Twenty-Eight- '.fsW Bntilah Aneri, am. Herman Americana, quiver with envy, end yol, In nil speech will faca m tha ckiM of tn war war h irl h tnterlrmi, nr any i m Tnnnuiay. ne mm urn never sram m ranaa for "Mriooi eoMldara-tlo- ar kind or Aineri. nut real amort- w He nm ins muit lie neutral. ,.7. by every itudant of our affalra We solutely unprepared, vet ha now I want to iof nt nm wm ,t0 not have a Coleara! Hacvseveii. in rererrlnt to taera-ar- y muat enter the nail war. heailai ha romlnr to na In tha near roture." of War Hiker, recent alleged cmptr "He till looked on without a Unirla Ihrob the nominee told an audience it "fewburfh, Anniversary Sale Isaa of Weslitnirlon'a aoldieia the of hli ' oi.i nam, without tha lain quirk "heciuie toara ara galla a number of ttdaea MirBlitutionallBt rornrt In Me alen, and Mr. eciinr of hli tepid pulla, while yillint that we rauat carafiilly conildar." AaMng Baker wi "in amiable min win. knit trampled In the bloody mire. Ilia chief of IIMM Mr. Hornea rankad row u' ktaeblaalon'a e words. wlille tha Turk inflicted on Has Arnienlin inercia! competition aflar tha war with -- face durins hla speech when im fnrmet and Syrian wronra that would Kuropean nallotii, "not at all waited by Beginning a Seven Day eildant quoted rom the will of iieorte hue blineri tha memorv or Attlla. and he war. mu dlarlpllned, nrraniied aa thajr aahlnrtoti in which the first iireaideut h(a rialmad credit for hli neutral IndlfTer- - hive never bean befora." his aworda u hla nephawa ind erara to tlwMr aufferlnfa. and yat tan dayi The I'lidcrwood tariff. Mr. Hurnea aakaV BIRTHDAY MWOMd them not to iinaheith them etrept election, ha lay the t nlted Atate Would not meet the iltuatlon la a maaiura r or for tha def-n- of their mnat hareaftar refuie In allow imill na of protection to Amanean tndiiatry. omeone in the iinllrnrp ahoutml uotia to ba mlaliindled hv blr. iHwertul (ur opiHinenit lold uj tour raara aao." Celeb rrftion "Sounda Ilka Wilaon nallona. Mr. Hnrtic ald at Klnraam, "of the won- "lonal Hooaevelt pioaal ror a tiKuent "Do it now, Mr. wilaon. If you mem derful opportunlUea they wwra aotnr M NM Uta voire In tbe audience a lid what you my Mr. Wilaon, ihow me that rive In Ameiiran buiineM. Wa know what "I mean Hooaevelt " you mean by your action in tha i. mailt followed l do not moan lhay Colianai it iaaant." that Kooaevell ainiied and continued Mkulowa at Lawa wera inilnrara. I ilnipiy mean that whtt Ma shadow they apoarh. Naar the eloaa of hl addreaa olouri think fitted Anvrtran life doaa not k, "Whan he liad concluded lie waa driven Itooacvell Mid won un ii. theater in I a. I llonaton atiaet, whora "Mr. Wilaon now dwella ShidoM tariff r.oaaatlaatee mad' a to add? Ml It ,mi Maka Lawa in I .awn There ahuuld ba ihailuwi enourli Vr laid ha aakad tAfter tiiat Waalilnrbin Mid i met r- - 1 l or luei they wara ftjr or people at HhailouM awn: the ahidow iut rolnr to do ikitra? r r atot roll union the Hid . from American and re i fu full einpiovioent of womrti and lilldren who have rilen ruirdlnr Induatrv. Ihev the natlon'a or the and rron vory O Ml to meat all IIimim- tha ooie orean bottom loimi ,o, lacill COmmiMIOfl 1V10 atreurth nufdi, colonal aravaa In foreim Inula. Ilw ahailow of II "A urlff commliilon." ha ronilbuad, did hrlpl'-a- whom Mr WllafHi did not dale not plai lawa." nrntert lent lie Ul fire danre II wai no tima, Mr. declare,! t mlahl line Hurhei fori the aludowa of balitea, rupmr pitifully. M l""'oei "I'l'oo'-u- 1,1 iv- Mumva IDOOl tlu y aank under uia vive. tne amnow critic) in. of woiim'Ii oiitrueil and atalneit l bal "We ara takinr count of itock," ha lid - in hia DR KEELEYAM) the shadow, of Poyd and Adair nul Nawburrh aieern. our opponanta (lltMtOlldWHI "KIN tlialr trooper i, wtm lay in trie M'tirn - 'in Ui ba a Utile Mnaltlva about tha .lock. Morning DtMEAMM I hin IN M WKK. around ttieli Ilk They ream to tha FULL PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT in the fyevaata eaaanltwaUana and et- dear't. black blood rruatad inf. hara Idea thai YESTERDAY'S alter irMiutlia and their dint eye. looklnr upward' Hiera ouiht not to be any crltlrlam of the lorta. m ent lliru w LWtll becauae I'realdent Wilaon hid iiluiinlatritlon. Will, would not do vary Times gave complete details today's Anniversary bargains. And cure and had then ahan well In Amariran life for Mauri I. ixthm Rlnek lo do i talk .tiamefullv under our inallliiUona dnnml them to fm-- who knew no mere v ir we went ahead in that way. Wa want Over tlnloo t'litthlng -- 0 lm. an- the .radowa proper for baimv filr crltlclim. Wa want candid crttieiam, it wasiust a mere part of the great number of savings that await you 1. awn; the ahadnw of i ceda never done but wa muat mnierve tha opportunltlei of aiocriri ana ina nonor or tha Amariran name." throughout this store. See the window displays and look for The policy Which would enmerve tha honor of the Anieririn name and raiult hi not-adverti-sed t'l idinr Amariran rlfhia tru not the specials today ana every day! policy or brarrarti. be mm. Na Inimical Atlltud "We have not Ilia allfhtail dailre to to throiirh tha world aa braajrarti, hoaatera," o m we naven i any neaire lo, 111 reeiinr by a truculent attitude, what ANNOUNCEMENT of we want an inuw it una That In a world contains none the items that appeared of keen rlnirlaa and airallanl iinderatand-In- TODAY'S NATIONS wa conaUntlv ian,t r,-- t n,u mere of t428th Anniversary" is hivlnr counre and tha Indnmtnilihle aplrlt but the announcement incentive PHONE 257 220 MESA AVE. which our mreitora allowed when lhay eatahllahed our roverumeni; which our litar enough for the people of El Paso to know that this sale presents the greatest mucre anoweo wnen lhay preiarved tha 10 lenity or the nation that wa are a lam devoted to luatlca; thai we ire Intent In values of the year. But the values are more than wonderful and the con leona way upon nialntalnlnr our honor, ind tint the nrhl of American Saturday citiieni on linit mil aaa throiirhoui tha temptation is strong to just repeat a few of them here. Listen! There will world, will, m all avenU. ne malnuinad. ir you younr Americana would to forth ie advance r uar, ur Amariran cltliena. ' be women's new dresses at $9.95 that will make you wonder and wonder. Hitthei aald Klnraton ipeerh. nnriil be underatood ll.iouthout the world $10 so more. Silks, miles of SPECIALS that thare u no prouder title thin tint of Suits at that have been ever much and miles an American rimen, and that tha American flu prntei-- men lawfully doint their Work low prices. you will be- wherevnr lhay may ba." them at remarkably Silk hose at 79c that hardly Oréala by Immense (roads Mr. Huahai ipoka it itunion, klnraton. lieve possible, and then lists and lists of items from our Bargain Basement In Our I' Mawburth and Vonkeri. Neat Once-Every-Sk-Mon- i.rowoi rie.ici him it earn nop. At each ths place many aoutlit to hear the nominee un throughout the entire store, winding up with our ucceMriilly ror lct of room at halla At UwaioJW wnara lit eVaatll Offer of any men's or in our entire stock for $1. See the Department aw eujui., rroupa or rail extra suit overcoat riia,i men in"'i'uverilla left inalr entlnM to roumi me rear piairnrm or nil car windows today, read our ads and plfcn to be today and every day of fiuei rheeieil lum and lavarat ahoutad thai here tney were toin to voto ror him. muera nuil tooo lUCt. this sale! You certainly cannot afford to miss these wonderful bargains. In hli .Newbnrirh apeoch. Mr. Ilurhai Fed Beef, ciaren uia ne Fancy Corn would doal ruilifully with r. oroiiiem. ir elected, and leak II rei onalile aulutlon. "All that la worth while Id thii Ufa." hi Veal, Mutton, Lamb and Pork. in. la the opportunity to larva to th beat of one'a ability." ramam -- ií .1 ""'I her till after He w i receive in. ..o,. ZL.: This Morning From A FEATURE De-licio- tlon win tha uptown Sunday Try One of Our us .... lioiei he hu unda For Dinner v iuurirri aince 111a nomination, nuawl at Raeepuaa. 9 to 10 FOR EVERY DAY. lien Mr Hurnea' train rriviui m im. he Roasts-F- or Real Break-fa- st wai treated at tha HaUnn bv WO 1 a Tasty " nufnaa i.oiieire M 4CakesIvory Soap 0c Watch Our Ads. une ue aaiaraium formad an eacort na i nominee wu :L '" crowoi an ina way. Try Our Country Stylo Pure Pork ami he frequently bowed hli acknowledf. .J'1 íí" toffhaxl by thli apiemtid reception." Mr. aald ttí Hufbaa wiwu Iw can aupremr 35 cenia a tallón, more per day rrotn cauae or the caaoe nek By September 1, eradication or lick rever waa MtJaM Delnorte and Tomato Flavor reichcd lila hotel. " ronw bavk liuiua people and America'! intrrrata made Sausage, pratty in an in my hit lierd. He had be run to feed tha oowi ti6. the um of araanieai dtppina bathe bad available inly 1. woe. Thla ipproiinaEon lure tha runt u won." adinmiiiration nivr cleaned tne Warm Welcome la Hruokla Initeid of the ticka. the tick from IM couatlM and It bm been uaireMid rron tune to time, until loiieirrow, laat uiy of hla ram. Mr. Mine and thirty-thre- pana or oounuaa. or redan-e- l palrn. waa 10 have In hli tour throiirh Brooklyn lonlrht, hundred countlei aan.aai rumia la made available . . baen a day of re, I aaa, The ror Prime Riba Beef, corn fed, aUnding or rolled, lb 20c a M Iluvtwi rampailMd over unniiw familiar In were under quarantine on inly I. be riret federal appropriation tha for tha faecal year andina- luna , ttOL Wh bit rally Madlion Souare tarden ra at nlfht- - initaad It will be a him, u a boy. and millar tarea wera Prime Beef and Pork Tendorloina, lb 40c whirlwind anaína thoac who him. n imir mi, n r, r Tom city, beard Steak, 30c; Siriiona, lb 25c w ban ihr nonunea hare "I have had '.nany a ganeroua welcome Primo T.Bono arrived lonlrht of on ray he found that lha natloual mnitltee had and manifestation entlaiiaiiu Prime Round Steak, 20c No. 7 Steak, lb...... 15c Hianiaaa up the cai lont trip." ha declared, "but the beat of Pot Roaat, 18c enil virtually the all la the welcome bona." Primo Gorman Oren or lb inr tha city, rive The tecond inectinr or the evanlnf waa 1 BrawnarUle aaetlon, a Primo Bofliag Boot, your choice lean or fat, lb ... . 2 8 c cojrrain. in the district which ha Cavafiaal ml Ida advUera told May waa airoafly eoriei Milk Roaata, Boneteea . l i.ur. In block Prime Fed Veal 20c In alnaoil ever) apeecu today and lonlrht title lia política. Hare traffic wm Prime Muk Fad Veal Breaat or Stewing, lb 1 5c tha noimnee ml IMi lu.tlencr ba ana ine nreete were raoeea. ano ur fluent of vlrtory nait Tueiday. Ha toad rices of more than fifty policeman wara Prima Milk Fed Veal Riba orLoan Chop, lb 2Be them there wu little new ha could My nereaaary to yet toa nomine.' a car throuvh with ina aaa entrance to nan. Mutton Loga, ; Roaat, 18c rermrd lo the raauea or tha campaitn. in Prime 20c Shoulder lb on hli trip down th iiudaou rlvor aallay. At tbit tneetatr Mr. Huthea reiterated Prime Mntton Lorn or Rib Chopa, lb 28c he made ina tariff one of lha rhlar them. nia eniiuMcmeni or toa nepuuaican piaa- - of bu ipaaehea. Ha apoke tonlarht . luefiv fonn plank. daclarUvr for a treaty with Prime Mutton for Stewing or Fricaaaee, lb 10c of Ameríranlam Russia that will rerotniie ina riyiu ot . more ci me aay to you," he lold audience palliation lha aadlenre cheered tbit Gonutiu Spring Lamb Lega, 25c Chopa, lb 30c in than any other utterance. Pig Pork, Froah, Ham Roaat. g or whole, lb 22c that If am elected president ai I aa. r.eUng af Deep Patrlotfcaa. beet to " ba tot no further ror the Tbe third arhtwaai of tne a en Inr wm at Pig Pork, Froeh, Shoulder or Spare Riba, lb 174c moment A man In Ue talle ry yelled: Klaaaat. On Ma way ihere the p reel dent Sugar Cured Home and Bacon, lb 28c "You will ba paaaed throufta the town In which ha waa The entire audience rose and roared Its amad Tbe nail wm crownen wim an Hama, 7 and 8 Iba. each, lb 18c appinval or tha Interruption, v. avoir handa audience tlaal had waited two hour, to near and American flata bUn and hundreds sundinr in the ttreel. . I ' Prima Home Made Sauaage and Hamburger, lb. . 15c "ir am elected presiden I. the nomi- "It hM been nvy rood fortune durtna Roaating or Stowing Chick ana, lb nee continued, "we shall have an American Ow past raw waekl to apeak in many 22' ac administration, without any deflection to etreeta. Mr Hoxhaa Mid. "and everywhere Spring Chicken, 2V8 Iba. and orar, lb. . 30c serve mv other Intercala Supreme mint i bean thla manlfMUtlon or deep be America la the thoushu of the Amen patriotic feeltnr of an Intense interest in Broiler and Frjrera, lb 38c our vital concerní, but there li soiuelhlnr about the of thla welcome in my nauve aute which I bad (he rood for- FANCY TURKEYS AND DUCKS tune to serve roar yean, that makes It more rraUfymr to ma than any otter aa No Gas couli poMlbty be. Oysters. Blue Valley "I hope and expect that next Tuesday TtteTriumphlnSoflDrlnlU Fresh Butter 40c wa shall have a triumphant victory in both nauoo and state." No The best of cereals give Bovo its body and food vaftie. TArr aKAKJ or aovmbox law: .NATIONAL DUUBACB. Imported Saazer Hops propeddss, SI a prOM. give Bovo its tonic Pain Rutland...i.aVermont Mor at a and that inimitable and unvarying flavor. 7 political naaaana bar; h latilBI Tart refer tot Itan policies or lb eadmlnlatrauan aid rears ot expertment nave tangnt us how to praaent Whole Figs NO MORE O. EAD OF THE DENTIL CHAIR you with these qualities soft By a aw Syateia of Oaotutn we can ex a win stand behind the president whan in a drink. nvilrioaa bar Braaakfaa. oaa...gOn ba makes an aaaartlmi of our rirtus, but refrain from orooer crtMcUm You've never tasted anything better than Bjevix wn or mj or iw amnvmnm o a m na public official U to aabvert puWIr policy." itirm Takinr up aha elrbt-bo- fall Get Barro at bina, grooariaa. departmant Tan aw: linn 1 raataoranta, can what iba manta of MM atoraa, picnic grouoda, baaabau parka, aoda foontai xoTst-- are i i doa't care wwstlsar they wara I aat iaiMasj waa 1 pay. cara, iWaamahipa, and other plaaaa whera refreshing cheeay or ware aat ana usa to para a otu advertirte leetkHa. hast wttt paaaed under W1UUH1I di ra aoid. Guard againat aubatkutaa haaa tha bottJa ethleal asase at sal ho hate or proper to a humuiat- - NATIONS aw dlirrace to front of you. I nsa Me Teeth, eaaft KM a I eaul.ucl VZSm Not Bmro ahooM ba aervad ooid. a Tha otuatde. but I All esa i zamwmer"il other Woaa m proaoruoa "ravp Miylryit " nj Levy Grocery Company a! laraafl IN New System Dentil aaa assrajaa. wtah ata aaaae usd o leed, a NO ADVANCE PWCEb AT OUR STORE KtduTrtoV j4naueKa-Buac- B oad of thTttiS St. m cam TcMnato Paap . . Tirka reduce toe eaiaa of hide. Hide, Ü í lbCavü that have bean ivatrtured by ttcka are GroMrvd 1 ouaaxy. Wceura-ag- to tSt ñSmlhTim aaualty matee m no. watte toe M. A1NSA aV SON5, fp Caaaa OkkKflt Tamalea Gadaüi. to II. aaaae asaea tacks woe aaMMa IjmVnmtM ajHMMk opoa Kvtswteas- if freed fresa Id trade IM aa Jto. a Thta atojtartottoa are ratea about 35e FREE DE1CT1STRY ei.s. a aaaa. 37 1 Paaa. Ta alta i - Isa saw' ------. - - . - EL PASO MORNINC TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916

election. Mill Incomplete in each province. lasted that th election had barn an honor New Elections May Be I tiro th. Itversle a majority In The pro-- Graves of French wtd vlnr or Havana. ometnfy and munii. on tha remit or m Necessary to Decide The c.nammm Mad m nnir del Mo Mil mi war unavailable ton English SolHers in fimtm Clara, but the result In Orient. wSleJIi B rumple Ion of tha neat iihen Result in Isle ha trow th pivntal provme. in unde- ootitlnn.d id e in doubt. of Cuba cided., should th final retaras give cb Gallipoli Cared For parry ine eieruvrai vntea rrrnn iw prorweaa THESE COOL uaOriatad r in whlrh they now ft would ba jng- - Benson Speaks in Kansas By AaaorUtsd Pi Havana. Hot.WI With Dm rvmillt of the mry ror aimer to ld.carry or Pirla. Iter. t.ill.cardinal Amett. pmioaansai election Mill undecided n. On tbr rare nf lh or Paria, today rsratved letter iimn ainea victory, u l City; Halmtnr ilgaiuoa turna received the loárala ti Attacks Mm wnani tnii new tu may province, rront tha retiren raforsabig that in eieriione in tbr eaetern but tbr Coaaerv reaponae fey Benedict í oliMi ot the mitnlrtpelf tlvaa claim that complete reuima will rwmg Army Measure to a requelt POP" pronnre (VtflnTÜly the gravea of F.ngllah AND orient beror it Ihe provine In tbrlr famr. that French and EVENINGS By MORNINGS rsn be determined whrther NiMo AaSSrSsted frees aoldlera who fell on Oslltpotl penlnaitli rreaidani eneea Mo D. O. NeaaawJ. Conservative randldat. or PV, Answering char aw of fraud mada by tbr cy. Nov. S. Allan Han had Turki ah win. Social i at candidal for president, con. been eared for ptouity. the ríím LDT' otnlnt haaf l.ihral Dr. Ricardo Hollo, president of mmuter of had Dholograra taken "h the national Conservative nam. Isened a tlniwd Ma attar on tha Hajr Chsmbrrlain war has - Mil tere of til burtal ptoras of each aoldlera sad Th iMMt retumi from WMwMifi ton i am in wnira na an uugiy pro- tnnirbi You need something a little "ror 7n day l hava bean irytng to get hsa tent them to Oat pope. The heavier than Preaidant Wllaon to mata a public aula th letter adds will be placed on men! as In why br ornd that bin.- - ha view st the vaMesn for luepeelton by rel- ordinary clothing, and lest you forget, we ll'INIIIINIIl aid. "Ho lar l nava bean tinanressshil. ame, and meada of those Who fell In th Hsppanatg to know that It It a White Dardnella r empalen Hi. uaa ruMom to anawrr all Irttorn. had suggest you drop In and see our new line of Have You "1 latter written to Mr Wllaon saklnt th Beard Hlmailon. President WHson WHl "The latlara wars anawcrad by s asrra The Wonderful Records? Ury In thta ISsblon: Close Campaign Today Pathe "In itfaraqtii to your hruer I bag lo av that hsva atplilnad tima and again thai tb rlana refrrrad to in the in Shadow Lawn Speech Mil appHsd only to tttnaa - SWEATERS or war.- - By Aasorlsled I'reaa. ' Mr. Kughra alan rams lo lar abare or Long Branch. If, J.. Ifev. Preaident the anil martial note In the nomlnea'el ad wnaon win clow hta r aiupalm for re elec lion tomorrow with anerrh st Shadnw-- dreaa whrn ha declared that "whll air. lainaJ Maravsll hsa said that s vota for Hughrt Lawn to nanala ia juat nss eniistinr in tns army, na la ai Jeraey. For ten il mental reaaona. he wlahaa to rather too modera, in nti aaasrtlnna io uraae ma laet campaign anttrea to ine people or the atate in wMeh he began hla MACKINAWS vote mr either Hurhea or Wllaon la Ilka and beina; drafted Into Hie army." mural career. was cbarsrMrttad Many In Ihe oreaident'a audlencea lomor democratic pmaperity row will be ps'lltlral frlenda of long aland' ing For this reaaon he hie promt tad to awe nía vtewa nanea ananananr ina unaa durtnr the amralrn Demócrata rrom dlf test we ahall have a war within five yeara re rent parta of .law Jersey have arranged over foreign trade that natltallata hi nn epeseo COATS special traína, LINED mnie in mi SHEEP They can fee played apon hsva lost to American " chant prlnrea." Ihe president will ripreal ronndenc In the sime ni ine voiing ne rtinaoay. air yum ulmwugiepti, no matter mn haa no enra re menta before election ALL SIZES, ALL COLORS, ALL PRICES Victim of Greek Steamer 'eeia that moat of tha naenla have deter. Use the Pnttw ! mined how they will vote hall needleai sapphire with Tragedy Honored at Grave arncAvma Pathe I minean norwfi.iin mink by Four Thousand Sy AaMiclstad lral. PINCH BACK Pathe record do not wear Workmen onriwi. "Jiv. i rcorting to the nitaau eat. Sttvetiger rorrcspnntlent tbr Norwaglsii aaapphtre Saturn, a ON tona, The Pathe does ceeee. via Athene, "lov. I. To atramrr veiael of haa SUITS AND OVERCOATS not wear out and never needs boon aunt by a Oerman submarine The London ov. 3. (Delayed) Four thnuaand craw was to be chanced. wortttnen foilowsd to the remetery aaved. ARE THE STYLE OF THE DAY tartly By Aaaoriaterl Preaa. $1.00 tbr body of one of the men who periahad Pay for llnelf many timen. when the nreak alaamer Amrneiiifi with srrea narrit oiAstsc. No more needle to buy or an mcrtiitu for the Oresk vulanteer ly ABKiclatrd preaa. LHaaVBlt on wsa near AS USUAL change: ao awatrtabtl looorgm board aank recently rlsw Tork. Nov. . Oeorre Bush, in ar The Pathe library over M.000 sBsaolloni of the BBBi'tau I'lraena by a Oerman auMnarlne. tor. arrsltmrd in federal court bars today ability erery The fun ial wsa hold by the labor unions fcosrgod with blsrkmalllng a oroasaaSR of nation. from the labor renter during th after Cincinnati business man, ailmlttcd he SOCIETY BRAND Every ia a doabW disc. Price 65c to $3.00 noon. allied diplomatic corpa the neraon named In the warrant wblch led Pathe record The anient to rant s Tor the raaket and the frenen Ml trreai. Httih waa held In tio.oon 11 and 14 inert wreath ball for besting hi November 10. AND admiral fu fnuinet and Iba allied military According in the comnlilnL Buih con Pathe bring to America tor the first time the golden rotee and great oes attended the eervtee in full uni- aplred with alleged altar nther members of an ADLER-ROCHEST- oraheatraa of Kumpe'a opera hoaaea artist who are too dearly prised form, neurhmenla of French and Brillan oanii or ma, a n tallera woo victimised weal ER In thetr native coot trie to be allowed to come to America. .mora mil officer wearing monrnlm thy men and women throughout Ihe coon LEAD THEM ALL Maurice and Florence Walton supervise the pUying for banda on their arma repreeented the allied try for "vlnlstlons" of Uie Mann let fleet. Path Disc Records, Th funlllea or other victims of the r INVESTIGATION OF SOAR bald private tmrrala during the day ING PRICE OF NEWS PRINT ror their dasd. Saturday Special N. G. Attention Tke first illustration shows the ordinary sharp IS CONCERNED Sport Hats Special pointed aleadle. Tke second is the Pathe Sap- Entente Prisoners in (Continued from Ptgo One.) profit i par toa goto aw print papar sari Pol Man, I.acf tao, Boys locat- phire Bell Which do you think wfil scratch Germany Put Wreath ofi there as a trndenry to enana from thie Steal covrwd toot grade in other gradea. Thle movement and Girls, all ors rrjwvjlaHon and dif into your record? Casket of Copt. Boelke ms to nave neon cnacsaa tor tn preaent snta nv ine tugn pni-e- or news print paper, bV prsas. Rirtlirriiinie. it u alaled mot bofor tb Associated - or ihla year rour new raarbmes, two S -- A dlapateh lututera- and Hear any of the following and iv more Pathe records played on l.nndon. flov lo In thta country and two In Canada, with an 50c $5.00 your phonograph at uemoiM rating HtlKllo Telegram company from Amsterdam quotra aggregate dally rapacity Of about IM Inns, the Berlin l.okal Anitejnrr as laying that oegin on new a paper. Hoff- - win operations print Maratore Baptist ('literas Not! a beatiUDil wresth ror the raaket of Other prolorted or pending derelopnienta Georslnl Kparken Baal Boelke. the Herman aviator killed re will apparently redulre a aomewhit longer Margan-t- Vogrintrom Coral 'Alaes was by Brltlah 0ITI1 time to become available. Oner Plat oaptlyi given the r. la not Intended In Una to of war at osnabrtirk it Lena Oavaliert Dr. Siernberg Anco who are piiionsra make any prediction about the rulure Six men. each with largo full of letter rrom Travmo. In which the carraña aoldlera. and Vllllalaa arr a gold lettered Inacrip i nek 0nrsl aUilontl Anna Fltsht Scamplnl V and that It bore conree nf newa print paper prlrea. but liver, war eerorted by loor of aoldlera dsaartrra were threatened with eierutlon at Is Crui, about In mllri north or Santa Tltta Rnfjfo Wet . Bonlnsngwa Uo.i to that erfect. The dlapateh adda that merely lo Indicate aome Important faria to aa tnay aieppen rrom ine trna ind earned 10 rae they did not want tn return Two Roaalla. Thta la the report received by n pi the office ra asking per tlMiae mtereated III the buying and aelllng of tha monsy to tb gsrrlaon st luam Tlie of tbe muilelani, frightened by letter, men from Chihuahua City vealerday. Mereattt Fagan Barril t Minias .ft may thr mlnall Jonrnet tniaalon to prsaent lb wreath ehsrsiler piper In order that they let more ad art amount reoatvoa St ilaarok un night agreed to go back to They were, It waa reported Uat uayrottr rime up Parvto Oraos vlaedly In making new Moreover, Britten Hoffman Boelke aa a much admired and honor- contracts tild not be esoarteJnsd. aelied in Jtiara md lent to Jail rrnm Ihe Tprreon dtatrlrt to rarry no a Albanl Galvany lied Ihe facta ahown hers are confinad, to mat nampelgu against the banasta. The ed enemy. do seven ntbera elected to remain her and ters of. i aiitliUeal character au4 not to rials entered nulla Ituaaiia. Mana great bands and orchintras of world. cover other phasaa of the attuatlOD, Includ- - retained lawyer defend oppoaltVnn. of the the Aira uuwaieneo scuon OX lien- - no After the handits nail hclperl assjjiri toe am) in Pathe reached and, the wofuletfnl P irwsjbawa on sM ahly at tl Franco-Britis- h Loss in prTnt'ailer 'rTumúfacMrers' jofebw "utl orea of me ?aeth Me atoan koggl ami thruiselvas meat loitung t to piano atadlo. which waa aent to ate International Infl - city, they if mid to haw rvacuMed aja oewapaixr publish era. These qussuone win in have tan to l.l Crni. Two small bridges Given br a aubiert or runner eonsiaarauan try tn ttod of the mnalrtina who kre till here Somme Offensives leador, any outh of Ortli were burned. roiumtaalnn, and aome of Olean Will be d !IW?1Z?2J2Ztwo tbor had no contract or other bearlnga which, a al- yesterday by formar band member. obligation to the G. by Germany by the public Carrañas government and ARII OT TMANKN. F. Billings Piano Co. at 600,00 ready a laled, (be ronitnlaston Intend! to hold ft Is stud aome of the mualclana who rente ate not aoldlera. W our many frlenda for Uietr In Ine near future." last month liked Pisa many - MSB KART BOUIjKVARD. COR AtTtfTIIf. City, wore alck and the klndneaa. yrnp'itur toil ror ine beau- By Aeeocleled Preaa. chihuahua olhera ANTA RoaAl.lA nraTm nrrwen, In the nf grtsr and or-- 1 London l -- Katlmsiea nf rest want lo go bock tnay uf hour Berlin, !lov. (vis ELECTION IN MID- did net bacana RKTAKKN BY MAYCOTTCa row tar our beloved huahand and father, illlllllllllllllllllllllUIIIMiniMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllllHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIin the Franco Brltlah loaaea ditrinr the rour FRAUDS think tbere are better poaaiblltttes for them on Homme rront. rney to Bants Rosslls la In temporary poaaeaalnn Mr month' orremlve the DLE WEST UNCOVERED in mil country, decided remain m m ijiii hiii .i emanatttig from Herman Kvnaral hnadijiiar-irr- Major Pichara, it li isld, got menacing of Oeneril Miyrogte and a imilt force of nnn. i. md In Utr writ, rive the loaa In round BY OFFICIALS mimhcra a MOXW. The aurvny placea the Brtt'eh lotaea at jo,000. and thoae df tha (Continued from Pose Otas) French at tau. The eftlinatea, the indicating' plane in "different atatas to vlo- - aaya. are regarded moderate In r oe Brltlah rtiotlty Isto the radecal itaiutoi wttb reran to view of the fart that the the lii way a, auch as regla Kin admit loaaea of rnj.00 In the end of election other Set lemher. The writer flaunt that each tration of cltlaaosi fila equate ndle or territory recovered, loal the roglstrstlon by podding the reglauatlon illlca morn than 1.000. lists with nrtlttoua nam with tos laton-tto- Specials waa to get House That original purpoaea of having falsely rapreteos Market lb peraoni Suits through, uta artier aay Uiomsslvas to be tlie aeranna wboaa nam 500 actla of the preparation and the very first, to furnish the people of El prodigloui appear on the Hat and vote inoee object the Market House has been from the íruge of held In readlneaa under Tho of maraca cavalry known ss beam the purault thrnugb the broken nsnss; what its loirsponly household supplies and market producto, including All New Styles lo and retaras Paso a place to come and buy their the Fall Herman linea. The writer conleoda Utal raise counts br edible. the claim or the entente allies that the boordi; entering on the poll booka as fish, oysters, butter, eggs, poultry and raw sea foods while they ara still fresh and plan of offensive waa not to break the having voted rtrtltloui person or peraons every precau- and Patterns at Herman Hoc. but merely lo rellove the who have fallad to vote: intimidation In With all these articles grouped together in one immense building, wham nreaaure clac here, by holding fail a Including by engtloyars rorrea, la only virloua fomn. that perfect particular buyer can readily see tha many large pari of ih Herman of employee through threata which tion is taken to insure sanitation, tie t luvented to Hie evl their an rovr iba will of tha employes. this occasion thank tha rillure of the offensive to reach lia toad to coerce advantages of coming here to do your marketing. We take to $12.50, $15.00, dent In tha nuaaeeaton of tBS depart Objective v "Pacta enjoyed from ment a how In one city tbe padding of people of El Paso for tha large and increasing business the Market has registration Hits with rtetftloua name a to the day its doors ware opened. n alien l, which, in the light of apearan $16.50, $20.00 Information, indlcatea that the number of fHYAHmLSn auch rale name! probably reanbei Into tb Co. Other will charge thouaends" The Pure Food Bakery Gaff Fist. Oyster stores BLOOTHIRSTY By Roger W. Bahson BANDITS aaa .... SSO "DEATH TO IxMsOod to the left al Uve aaaaa Otraniw or Tito Mar- Trout, per pound you $5 more on the suit. SHOUT Doa fall to vtott Oar flaaltary Bakory fur Halibut, prr parund..... MHo VsaW 8tmUÜ0Ím aaaV LsWfcsg ket. SSo AMERICANS" yavtar isutea, paos aad paavtry good. We bake twice lAFUBtai gVg wtwaa look will prove to Jutkmitg good aa Home drvwsed Hen, par poand SSo A it Financial of rrom Oes.) dally and oar bakery are fraah and fine iconttouad Paos Uxry baked In your own Uuthasn...... Mo boy. aa If were uou. Tiow; ha bsrkad, éorhhw to OUR HOT ROM ARK DEUCIOU. New York Count Oystawm, por pint SSo 'Ibera la nottilnr to prevent you being abot." Tho lad wsa leo snort an I mm for Woodrow Wtawav not sway, backed up against an gana PUSUH b Is democrat, for I god pierced with bull. Fish & Oyster Co. ass ao a mam bavr of ttbs Darao- - Saturday Specials City cratk party. I am Woodrow acrvoots same dbtails mm i for Or SANTA SOMALIA BATTUC. l.i) AUVAPVUi. PROP. Wilaon, not bo- By Aaaoclstod Preaa. At the Various Stalls Located in Cantor of Market ons ot bust- - rfiKifehu City, Nov. I Jtefugeee arriving Ill South El Paso at. omBwiU Roaalls have brought Oto - B . mm Brim id Don't forgot. In front of aba Alhsmbra Theatrr. it detalla of the nafattng- which occurred I No. Ilast low Yam. IB Miunda . VTIihbi risa, Ojanrs. rood. faalan Mr. tbere on October M. when Tina's bandits be had In 1Mb city rtNWlvod freah by L for I S HugWa poli- captured tas town from tas Carranss troop No. S CTaotoe KaUae Apple, dally: aald tbs Villa WOOD wore Ml cios would tora na vfie B weary per ISe ta ooramiatf of onril Drib. Th rwfug No. 4 Calif. Oratpea, fhokvo. poassMto SSo Trout, porarily brina MM toe ngoung atsrtaa s visa atanon. on ire m a graaUi1 tke OBiblrto,or Sants atoaalla. where to I No. S M extras Curios aad Pottery. FWJUry were bock Into nroftta. I am CSrranss ou (porta driven I sac I g No. S Oreoa Tonsurans, IS nn. t Rarraruda, pound tie tor Mr. Wilson lb town by lb vim troops after aklras-labin- houra. Altor I T S SSc KaiM-- laobataw, l I bod continued leveral No. trina Osa mi. tesases ttM outposts bad rsUoa back to Carrañas I Nov 11 Ma per poand ISO ratsny that so tbs base it Mania Boaalls tb town was Choice ramal, rnncy tea trtod to taken by tbe bandits, who saeondid la I No. 14 Frtwh CwtUlfloawer, per poan ISO pa "Watson's Groceries Are overpowering the garrióos, watch consisted Kaiwy Táralo Moat, par d, apply tha only no men unaor Ooo. Lopes I No. 11 rviwh abutnanh. par poand Sc DresasM Ream, par potan BS1,.- Gordon Ralo to of about ramT Ortia. Kie refutees atetad. Thee troopa INo. IS rotan Peas, per poetad So PaiMT Pi email Hprinpa, par pound Famous for Quality" sorting grosi war ouasuouMreo Bf inrae as owe astioaal and and wars forced to evacuate me town after IRp.IT Apple, par htm Sl.SS nard ngnimg ana isftsr losingti s large at Kaney Draasnd Baato, par aoand. rmxMng SMOKED WHITE FISH latoroattoaal of Ihclr men. The Obrransa rarrl I No. IS Hip Tsamabioa. 7 ponrade tar Me Geese, par pound SSo Warn mm mt goal br Kny Priiurl Uvu withdrew loi tbs asttui u lUnas I No. asa4 fatfetagja, pgr pound. . So SSo by it come in perfect condi- - Lrw, M is firm regularly urprim; Tha rodaral Banking th o ayra in par posjpd SSn Ssi glsagaa of rreo) Post, tho I No. SS Kstra faatey Artla hobav. tto Oto par poenad aacngVarsT flrmwntoslaw. sitar tna reaatton of Owraaia I No. SB of ta rigoa Che vnia troopa atartod lotruag the Fresh Rrs iiil Sprout. onoa? Kipparnd Cod, Loaa Law. Shlppfar Nmohed White Mato, par po Have you tried thcae saw ta Pana town, th rsfug rfcorted. TBS U Moots ry I No. S Teasjler Olsra, par pound ioc ptast qvatrt Law. tho ChiM Labortr Law and program of atraer was carried out None Oyeten, SSet it cornea front Akaka by mum Small pound various othor maaasor at Of in raragwe a tsO eoesseeied I Now SS Isarge Baaaaae. par doaam ise O yetcars. Nam Tork. ptal SSoi quart Of m may war u I B rosgdoos, 1 pounds SSo chunka or steaks, ready for mm and moat da ing was m progre No. Irish SJaajnggg to Hat kaUraaU of tho .looSng Paawparnaaj iSo fcVinni for cold lunch. aaoh S bunohe ISO W. R. CONROVS MEAT MARKET KIPPERED ALBACORE OR TUNA FISH ,ULthV' VwZÜÍ. aaforvbT'a CANPT aTTOSlW Paaasl aritaa, pr rb SSo Stall No. 10, Cantor Aisle ntiraitw'of IT Kitrsalladaat, Tender and dedicate in flavor, ready for use with- Mr United sutes ctbaeo. was taken to CM MARKET KKTA RA NT Ho tTtUl. Hvnrrs premium goods ock ui altty. ass as banking, a imaiiua aro for artel, eeeordtai acrntR, Roea, cHKica and Aarhits. to word rt St Osa Oeorgr SeU out further preparation than slicing, par lb. 40c rsnjvjtr, Hflboand ymterdiy. U s have been bUvd 4 SATURDAY Sliced Piiiiinstnirkfa in one-pou- glass jars eiacatad 10 CaUgaUÉsItlA CI Haoagrto nave WATCH FOR OUR APS IN THE TIMES EVERY WEDNESDAY 30c dmd meae mj ws asmnw , who is a rsatda of Browoivflie, Imu. Watsons Grocery born md where be tired moet r nlbra!" 210 212 Texas St. , 5 Patones comm racing with 5151 aSSU THE NEWCITY MARKET CORNER OF FLORaOrCE AND SAN ANTONIO mijTS. cvraiue aoldlera today. The awaey was heavily guarded by Csrraam aoldlera. EL PASO AV, NOVEMBER 4, 1916 amched in ihe provisional brigade of fiei.i anaa aurh a no other man ever Heard IN THE COURTS LOW rrraka ta I.a. Tal.... ' V arllllery. fall ronnlrjr are have laid broad and area little raaafa la ae tuatiaa. HITS HIS "rleep the foundation ror victory IraMaS kawa taaea an bar. Mntaaa fraaa Ike Bui Try tba new i Hive tia ""' ! at Indiana and ak af tt T. r. Bsltb. Prop. ben. imi.ano in the nai'n thia year and r jjjk da Mant- o- a. laal ll Maetarai III rorr one ol the "Id pirtkaa to adopt MENTS MvertfsVaAeWffta aORPTTAI,. OLD HOME TRAILS thr dry plank at na nnf .HidiRinn w VITAL RECORD MAJOR TALSSTT tS r a ill lead a riant fW a dry "7. Vrví' ladíl Major K. M. Talboli of aba medical corp. halloa with anothir part) Martoa M al., tamal BiaTh al Ihe lata hoipltal St Port Rllat, who Wi 'KICK IN' AROUSES MARY PICKFORD la- L Hanly ftithiiefeatirally raealrfd. 1JCHIR Ta Mr. Mra. a M. Lattk. lMt - ..peiaied upon ror scute appendicitis at 7 bol Sraaata, aar la liirhinnM tare him a amall mwd. ata Oai n,.4 S. (Vaaaera. ..'.lock Thtiradsy night, retting eaailv I AM ikJlV Til Mr Md Mra O. condition la Improving, according ick fa lodfam After Harón wine heater, Portland and heme turnad jaierjar; oh. 1. and hli --- T5t MB out The Wl or heater meet-ma- I 10 aurgeona at the hoapllil. Visited 34 Steta Trarel-f- a food aiidfnn aa'rl itaaaiaa iiaatiiViaaja? ssr and held in a rraounded with INTENSE INTEREST A IDOL MAMSISSK tictaata taberna fie. aanaaaa POPULAR . ov. Abrtoet 20,000 Mile.. frequent rheera and ahouta of enmura Uea ntol ootjpow HUMA.. Dr. Anna rlaem. Seesssr sads-- Utta Cy. nam. AUTOMOBILt uetRsss. "Whoop, whonp. there Miry are.-- ' ahoul-e- M. Port Wayne. J nw tmm OtATMB. rtr Utrnm. ml Tata. Ind.. Inv. a man a Hanl and ariiirtih PUUfallaraM U MarT. ranjarr. aaaadMaa triad ouw. 1 Playera Say DRVatVIWa-SaBa- rt F ui inai, n. hi trail uttr bit ajraln today by 1'rank ' lhay are not to Masnbers rf Audra Aldan - Who taya Ida eonurh Maaaaa. ka aaaaa; aa Saaejija tiir- -é d. untar, nr ran, aixnas amw- the ITnhlhlllnn pretlrtmual candi- JJ"a?jKr. akaarataa naad t. norial Ban Jaaa. Ha. I. Hani. run irda aovernmeni." Fapress Their IniprssslssM faafbet SttsdktoWatch fllEI! rr--l or-- a.. naa crd. date, ben roe .irv party iwiil train The rinnd Immediately look up Uie cry a. vmtm. WW bark V Indiana aner vlaiuna the Uaeaaa J Maaakf. jwto for Thnes ReaaJars. nd Ihmrr until the end of meetinr Maehta ma am. Satan and traveiin nimo.i 90.111 mile, by tara n J. K aaattoa. flaad a manti koaalui. Naa TIM KMhwa Paaaado led ill the apeaker rere frequently met ahoula nal, .i..honit3 a. Ban rr.artoea aOlM. Wkhlta tear eplrmber So itHKk local mtereat baa oeaa artaraaj DM 11 occur w yoa mage, awe taa lark "bit m aaain," and American "Sato a Aruuar Manta, ni iirMaa: naad M aad avtr Till J oar. Jr.. taw Saa lUniv turned a limad anr In the na ttirlif play. 'Klck In," whSrh lo be a popular idol? Jual mink for nSnBSlt- - Mra tmaNtk fln than "m Sata Warn) m Tarea, opena ai the "'tuSSj P. Tataiwa. Dada ftta- nr1 national a da aaaaatadi na Tetai 'Irand ttllllir lotnor It meeae In mm naSR. ttn row afternoon that rha Ttmaa baa kaked while what never have a Night. MaaMlran candidate fm tlwir ilrn..- mi auto m. Jada Barativav anana: naat ta and very the praaaaStnf uta thai aomebodv lafft DoMtlnr you out lay Ihe reaadatlea rata Kiuau IB REALTY TRANSFERS aaaaa. matMer of uuiksntr hu id well. Ihe round v.r.l 'Ufa lean. two would ii.h. dry Indiana i ai to Ma or her Impreialna of tha unuaual or oreanltlbk a crowd of admirara who at ir votl Mian am- u r b The tuperilruc Idential candidal.'. in r..r parti' i nararter aarb la i aaaay. once make you cobapteuona. Think rtfbt. Mr, K4lt K i aaaaliellel ja .Tim, ÍAafiwa2T7adal Tr Till be at weak aa Ihe. foundation Jiaiy vttnrou a tta. ka airtianka. ha in Met n ka n. Mock Hare la what Ule a tora and artreaaea van anpraaa into a quiet it sided lilull Hm. OIMa l'aittna Adv. . rat r laaaaay. tea North auaaea. narr MakNt. in parkin tor it. niiii. an na .eeaMeeaOeJi tta Wrttaad. or lhe Audra Allen playera aay about II. for a chat aad a butch and í t.i. w n i ui to Mr winiam HmumI. m and whole tlooel napalm with luiunr iwn ... hi. rtr.a and in die rreat nun. her ol people who nlied aettlna the Arut1 Oaaaht. Mil Awar. Ddk fbtHaaa ao i.air w n. Ma a. IIMaMa: even S panic amona vnaM appeal I the 14 0 are In tnaaraa- - turmoil and craattnr BREVITIES part) "liberal ota." iihlaraUm intercalad iiieatrlrala. their waiiraaaaa nt Mat.hall he aald Ira T V than al a le M Weir. lob It. la ara Marai saa. jaaaaaa Amaran alona, aa well aa ihelr eipreaalona. are tha that Onvgraaaaa HUI.i ITea No popular Idol of any period ever had -- tlir- uta II. I aiMaratl... worwrjr of rottai deration. landrtlli. drv vire lire. Idential .aad o Tartar u fuuaW J lata a. la ana aaaer roil,, than rtV. I ia Tarta Audra "Molly llewea la a n win. ranal, ir elected, 'Hn thr offtca to Aldan: Mary Plrkford. There lan'l a pla. e la I he whi. n from Ita preaent pltiriillv velona voiina Wmnan lo rue sha hat world where there'. aereen and k pic nretl.l. hi til Mlllt Bull. auiLDiaa flak. .t ., and a reaaon for llvlraf. aba wall low relate l. thr proud ih. nana riaaita ''y When ture that they don't know "Hue Mary." She r" iitimi rather. Kt. mm., t am married aha didn't know her husband had Till leo II lend. .1 il lKMlld iiccllpy." mn .inn.... "iajarajTi ' never toe anywhere thai aha It not Im TM JOIN ARITLLKRV RRII.ADK flrtwejil tumm traa to ball.l a hor aaaa. Hark laa, Kaat Samam.' Lakuaada Jual a abort time before flnlahed a term mediately rerognlied and the new, of of Columbia field ar Waaetr. II Manama. latarna Ilnnaital rumian, narer the rtrya' proa In Did her Battery A.Tlltrlrt till !.. Paaa. raal. I Vea the penitentiary aba throw tip bar I 11.... H. malar treat. l preeenca rue ail tne rapid ly la i.ani Perahlng ano win ni iiiarki'd llanly'a aperche II W PwiUBa. to kalM an adaba aae janato w reí yon toara and bark. Montana banda, rrr and into the dlvorre court around wiin ttllery. I" -- of the well known and Jn attar reiebraied thi hail jr.nrney." ha aeid, we deevire ptinnata ada.wn. Cari II M a the arerace woman would have 'on tttlnnlit ntaa to kalka an weaklinr prairie fire. ha found a rcaprmae to our plana tor lb none ra 01 anr ix.wn in bar Mart abe Recently Mlaa Plrkrord haa taken the loved the man. and by that love made their .ludio on 4ew I very bulldlnr atreel, wedlock tarred bit of ulant and yora. ror tne of the film ronaoraUon I an uaei erurth that txnaeaa la rolna be nut which beare bar name. Rirhi arroaa fcbe Into Molly Hewea for I love lust that tort ami i. a nnr.11. iu,i "low he irarher Attnctioi EitriontiMry are how Ic aaw wonoerinr they ara ever rolnar Richard r:arlye "I John Barrrtnore set any leaaon alud led or any little auoia GET IT AT McMICKLE'S laal Thick Hewea at the Republic rcanpleted with aurh an oppoafna attraction theater New York, and a hall pattern aciota the way Al receta lime the achool -- Interpretation of the character." At the rred neieei am wontna nn nc everybody haa riocked ove.' to the window Mi Than IjnWirj I hat every community baa a Whip or in amnio hulidlnr tn witch "Our Mary" At Less rorarty, ami ki raao it gnina to nave two perore me and probably more, rayajinvenriny aiiramf tomorrow Yea. Whlp'a- an ytluna bul an I.KNH THAN TMK Wholesale Prices ' wm" GROCERIES snaal, but I ret paid for belne; mean. Whan Mary Hirkrnrd announced thai tha rleor re Miirdork "Ounmlaaloner Oarvey Unique human, all pollrr offlcera ara If you would hereafter bead her own company want to know the truth. I ah all aet more and ruMe Utr making of Ita prndurtlont It SÁ TURDA Y'S PIG SPECIA LS nut of llarvey than I did out of the waa anted that hereaftrr a he Would not Today In Within the Law.' " make more than lt p rtnre rach year Harold lilla Skinner "Thrnuah the and Ihe a to be the moat elaborate, roatly or ofYI rnurleay Mayor l.ea and other rltv and beat directed m which abe haa ever groceries. Ask I waa m every type See us before you buy thut next bill of dala privilarad atady been aaen. FRANCIS X. dupe riend known in Kl raao. and Tha flral nf ibean. ''tta Than ralv hone aome rood will come of my thr Dual." will be abown at the wigwam your neighbors; they know we carry most anything you enarunent of tlie role." next Monday, whlrh la tba date or releaaei Edna Cecil hairy "Myrtle gylveater la BUSHMAN the type of woman who llvet b) tin wlta WIUUin-- A niMK COMEDY BU. I. want in groceries, at 40 to 50 saving on every purchase ami who realltaa In the end aba baa loat There la a fine comedy hill al Ihe Wig- and In the ram.' of lire, hut there la klwaya a wam hMlay. i nuns Han 'fin pin will apirear chance lo nneaelf at Inns S lap k " it In .ti. romedy. "He Piad and He there la lire Didn't." There will aleo he one of the Mina Maratón "1 ahall five to Palay Keyalone plciurea Beverly Bayne Loaf Halloran ins moat earaeet efforta. I know Monday Mary Plrkrord In "l.caa Than Hie Wholesome Only that aort of firi In private life; there are DUSi" 4c Kl BREAD hundreda or them In Paao." In - " Menaphia' ,ia a - alhertna Rhea: neaale MARY PICKKORI MONDtt wTio to woman iiilaauided (Irl haa frown When Mary la aeen Wig- hood a My Plrkrord at Ihe without mother heart roea out wam Monday m HilliM SNstWhites In thete iinfortunatea there la food In all "ln Than the Dull" aha AD-0n- r o will appr for lee rirat 1 m aa a aUr in e ElBlackCnool c i:., THRF (vary Lady In tliaU( City al Pato l.ou Polly: "Kor veara I have wanted lo a production made Ay her own company. "Romeo and Juliet" play turh a lovable old lady aa Mra. Ha- Ihe Mary Plrkford film corporation. lloran. and you want to know what I am A B. Traen a'taK'lc of nnmptuimra Crrwirnt rlght-ac- i picture aa& Oka 4 doa 7 I aa. a (llrnl) rial I OI loa. tl.Ml ta enine to lo with hart pear ahall be In hlatory of ecartani ami aa veonrtrrful aa "The Birth of Baa in ( mane you aee aa ner thr Ihe WWW Mm III""') "I"1 NHlt.-)- ll tl M; 4 doa HVdO able to her want NaUon." . ral Tall 14. IX.i.. aar 4 d M appear." I I" ai tn tl.Ml Jack Renaon: "Every man or the worhl European War Summary SHOWS IvTART: I0:4S a. m I1:S0 p. m.. 2:15, 4, S:4S, 7:Sn, S:U Sm aWal X M. A W (Pink) Tall Can Hid doa. tfjos Qkae 4 doa MM knowa a Jack Since being aalhed the part havenirrrneatlnned at leaat Sti men Your Best Bet Is the Matinae. You Had Better 'Supply Your Wants at These Prices as They Won't Last Long. the 'ihoul-th- toarn' kind and thla 'Jai'k' la aa clear in ma aa Mount I'ranklln." Yleieat rtghUna eaaUaae la aaark ADMISSION 25c, ADULTS Oil CHILDREN Hay Clifton "candidly. pene- in- . (Director) Ike atierapU la Corn. Matin. -i. can doaen (iobhardt'a lUeo ami Chill. No. S cam. S cana. ISo I io .SIM think thia It the beat caat far 'Kirk In' trate the Rumanian Itae aarU at ChlH Con roo. apectal, cm So play I produced Corn. Aaonitaltt, it. hi. t mn i.v doarn , Mo ever aaw. It waa thr laat NrnnaUdl aad HerrmanaUdl aad Hi leed licor, can lOc; doaofi at the Shobrrt. Milwaukee, and we are TonuH.M-n- . 2 a i.v-- .SIM Sumara al Tta aUff drteaae af can doaaat Sac Raaof like atari, So rolnt to lve a far better penormanrr c.irood Haah, ratn man people of Kl the Rumanians la ylaaUNat atawly la Marine ii. nn- -. ratn doaan we did there, ir the lac; SIM I.ttooli Toncuc, rraj. SOo alio, a oana . Mo raao aa a whole knew what an eirellent ihe Mow af Aataira Oeraaaa 'artillery AiaiMirHatoa. Ur taina ISc; doaeai only SIM Derby Lunch Tongue, (bum. SSo aollor . ISo little company they have here the aad iDlanlr) atxnrl Pre Seal aad Berlin . every per lriiu-- lot (tan 10c: doaam oatly .SIM Derby Boned Chicken, glaaa, SOo aollor . lac would be told out for a no are a farutar araajrv aealh af I'hlll t on Carno. 4 lot' oann S5o; ditarai . lie Derby Deviled Ham, gtawi Sfto aaUer . ISc formance weeka in advance. Ihe herder lar ihem I . r.aat af Predeal. kewwaar, Mar Knui CrtaiitMN rrulair bo arllrr, only 10c Derby BottaSgaa Herrtnc, gtaaa, ISe aeller.., Sc AUMU ALDKN F1.AYS TODAY ItulilM-m- . I and al- rrarnkar IN araHer, a So shr.-ddo- haa become an Identified taring la laa nuru t H Jar for Chd Ptah, claaa, ISc aetaar So' The Tatsamrand BR A ley AL AM Aldan In the 11 nao hate Sritaa the htvadara bark errr 0 Mii.hi Jar, ikta. dn. 4Af: qU. Sfto; a pallon . TOo In hulU, aonr, doaen . ISo witii the udra playera I a mind when It la nareaaary the Irwatler la tba region af Table i;lMwraa, wlilk t laa- n . healer rer that LAST DAY'S SHOWING Irll) laat, ilo. Mo lick lo In bulk, areree, donen . ISO the etnek tn vacate the theater BuUI. They have Meant I tta- for oonular alta taken Jolly Jam, apllor So. dinton . SSO . nun Maple Hyrup, pt. ISo; ut. SOo; 4 Kal SOc ror a ntrbt It brlnka illaappnlntrneut hi Rlrlal aad Tatuatlro. along Uaa Traaayl-vaala- t . Monday Jolly Jam. Ao ilt So. itoarai . SSo Velan Nyrap, H qt. S for ISe; qt . ISO drada. Thla waa driuonatreted laat border aulbeatt af Kroaatadt. THE GREAT EMOTIONAL STAR I and ajreln laat when re rular patrona Jam and roatular ISo a lor . I So gal. SSo; . . . SSo nlrht. RaulS el Hrrmaaaaiadt la the reglo Vdra Hymp, H al. by I he acore ware not appralied of tha timi apilar Slk- IV-- nf AiittraMler-atan- Jam r. aadlrr 10. Kan. Syrup, amall. S gal . SOc - Rotbealhurm Paaa Ihe nlabl out." have rap oj iiier'- - Chill Kauoo. rrajular 'Joe aollor, bolllo . I". Kant Syrup, (alien . So nefliiiiina with tnia aiternoon me eileaded Ihelr Hnea aad again inuAlden larras aa addllumal SM prlaaaera. Waat Hnl.lor'a hill Sniire. rrajulnr SO.- hotlk. 100 Jutoe, pi. ISe; ql . Mc (irand will be the home of Mlat l.l.-- i - and aaaoclaP' playera for a ronftldrrahle al Rnutrnuaurn. aad la ut Praaava THEDA t BARA pun- applo. Sfto aollor. holtlo SO.' rtcular starch. KddteK. Sc alae S for So; 10c idao. . . . SO time Pi come, bul tl etplalaad In yrater valley, the Ruptaalaa are helatag their t od Mali Italia, roarular Mo aollor. can . III. sinn h. Corn, 10c pkR. Be; doaeat Sfto day'a Time, aa much aa thla condition u Vi wsaáe. Nardlnoi). lmMM-tod- . Ifte; - wholly controlled. IN WM. FOX'S THRILLING .aula doaon starch, celluloid, rear. 10c alae, only...- . . So be rearetteil. It cannot Oa the eaatera rmnl righting haa tak- PRODUCTION sardine In muatard, S cana 15c; doaon S SSo; caaee. aoap. Rob White, bam sa.M L BUTtXKX TODAY. en alare eaai of Kevrl, la Volhynl aad (Hit o Oil, S oa. .to.-- on. SOo; tilma" ISe IS M oa. Imtlle. Icom soap, T ban SSo; oaae Taa laat matinee performanre of that roua- aoulkeait of l.eaaberg. la Gallrla. Ber- Otlto (Ml, pint SOo; qiarl SOo; khIIoii SIM Soup V c. rear, loo alae Sol doaen Hit romantic play. "Tne senator trom lin announce Uta repula af aeyen Caviar. Ruaalan. roarular SOo "Her. can SOo Ripe Olivan, pi. can ISc; qt, SSo; gnl Trial." la offered at the thia Rtiaataa ailarka agalati the arternixin. p aet Uaa ae the of tlyaton.. No. S can. rtgarular I So taut . . 10c Milk, tall auM. S r..r ISe; tM. left beak Double Life open to Her ('on - The entire balcony win ha anuria the Narayuvka river near Ral lei la Chill rué. u olker'- No. t oan, only. . in. Milk, amall carta, 4 for ISc; . 4So and children alike at 10 centa. and the or Oallela, walla PetraaraS aay lar Chill Con Carno, Walkor'n No. S can, roar sso . lOo Milk, Kaajto, ana 10c; doaan nl makea but one retnieat the pub SIM ll coma early lo teatad bate re aeeapled ptri af their Chill I'owdor, roarular SSo aollor, only . I.V- Milk, 'Maae enoiifh be Dime caaa ISc; than when the a how heatna." Iraaenaa aa that neat baa kef the d Chill Con 10c. S . not later .. Gohhardfa rrajt. (na 16c HctU Pidae Pear, rear. ISc . loo The clonra cmen at t a ham and thoaa Who la the regloa af Klarltn. la Vol láyala Gnbhardl'a Rttw and Chill, No. I oan Sc Onlay Ptma, oaa lie; doaen. .SIM datlra m have the front teala In the balcony Near Llpaleatelaa, la Oallela. Ihe ijnimiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ahould he there Jual as early at poaaioia. Ruaetane have bat the Aualro- - -- par- - ataait t'avnrtuam It tnown every patron no Genaaaa la at Texas-Gran- Urultr one belnr allowed any aperlal d over another Owtnr to the larta Them Sara been Girl from aiundan e the boa teala have been In con- - Uta Sena IraaL Taa French have The Frisco' EXTRACTS - alight Hall I Iba AVON DALE AVONDALE DR. alderible demand, and at tne poxet are re- made gala at aad PATRONS, ATTENTION! PRICE'S BEST aerveri at the mallnnea aa well aa at itlahl. Bit Utah tere Ukaa a Carman trearh aact 1 1 grentent of pinturea Lemon, Oil 7MC VnnilU, os 10c Vanilla, 1 os 10c patrona are advlaed that telephone order of Uueudeeaart. fort Vana, la laa Ver- the her will ne (iroperiy careo ior ny avaw. bean occupied by the Rt the The number early Lemon, 2 OS 15c Villa, 2 os 15c VanilU, OS 15c ranina dun reglen, has of seat 2 naaeh, feileabiaa Uta tvaauauaa by Lemon, 4 OS 25c Vanilla, 4) os 25c 1 III RIl. MI MAN INnCKfUTY PLAY for ''Kick In," os 10c lI which onena Ihe Teta the Beemaaa Lemon, 1 1 "kick In." it Texas-- 96c VanilU. pint 95c 2 os 15c Grand tomorrow matinee, with the Audra tithe ugh HgtaUeg eanUauea al variout at the '. '. '. Alden la to he me laat worn pauta tleeg laa FRUIT COLORING, 2 OUNCE BOTTLES, REGULAR ONLY! . player tald Grand tnmiarms TismIsj 26c SELLER, 16c In dramatic Intenalty. It waa thla "punch" is by larw-e- st that made a year' run at tha Republic BIJOU mstattae far the Price-0.ft.- theater. , pound, and II la ataca the opswartg of the Dozen n Ihl tame quivering- buman Intenalty wMch at Th8e haa alien pi "Kick In" that enmethtnt whlrh HI TOMORROW'S TINES Atndra Alden players aad Rrnnmc?00 Seller o other play poaaaaaea. The ror molt TODAY! clearly UOIIlSRcgular 50c 15c; Regular 60c Selle- r- UC rtttra ..r the land (laclare "Kick In" to be hadattes capacity S far auperlor "crook" play to "Within the Ton will rend nil about the won- WI1X SHOW TO- hoiates. Law," and about t.000 Kl Haaoant know what Mil vol proem waa derful aiory written by RICHARD DAY. RT' RK. WHAT SHE To avoid dlanppolnunent, nanke 3 lb. Cans High Quality Regular eaniivaunc cnori rvan tnia piay atarea 25c t thr Audra Aldan playera last week. HAKDIN DAVI8. CAN DO. HBB IT. aare t aoStn. Don't watt Of QA until ahow tinao. Taahyhoatn SeUer, Can 15c; Dozen - - - - "ROMKO AMB JtlUST ITtlOt'S-Th- . All about the (.rrnuut o llllllnlllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIUIIHII ssss. or can dnrinx the oar ai crowd to taa Francia Ruihiuan and toed Ttirarnr Boat íIClU Beverly Hiyne In "Romeo and Juliet'' are wrt.ncht Offloa Ask for Prices Baking One-Ha- arrowing ittu largar from day to day. and ir havoc In the urn t Knrvaueaui TOMORROW on Powder We Have It at lf the Original Coat Lo ptc you want aee the aaoat nuMrnlflcent wrnr One-Thir- ever Pickles in Small, Medium and Large Jars at d the Original Coat tuce shown in arranac now tn rotTM or Ask About Them. la net! hi imooatlbla to get scat tt the d. nlaht ahowa without a waft ounnlnc en a ton. A 4Mary Pickford9 Snowdrift, in good shape; medium pail 45c; large pail nu alunan make an admirable Romeo wltoeu fa $1.10 Ml Btvne. aa Juliet, la a beautifully Will impoaalble 10 be area In another of thoan Crusto Shortening for cakes and bread; small pail 50c; mod. 68c; large pail. tragic figure it would be troet the jlnllny of the worts. lua nlng-- Texas-Gran- $1.20 find two atari mora eulianie ror una pro aa lal praMltMllona which d Crisco; small pail 23c; medium pail 45c; krge pail only duriion The ahowa atari at 10 j a m. IN TOMORROW'S are provuuf no pop alar at 90c so p m.. It. 1, U. T: and n Ad awjoa every Snndny. tot it. - Cot ene, in good shape, medium pail 60c; large pail $135 mlaalon la II rnU for adulta or rhlldren AJtrHKMElYT PACK É HIIIIIUIIIimilUIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIUIUII LAST TIME TODAY VISIT LAST DAY IOR TNC WtYRTONK UT AT OUR CANDY, CAKE, VEGETABLE AND FRUIT DEPT. Tan añacoaja. Artnrnoon S:SS Tonurtit Stl sum and Holy will knock each other way again today about In t careleea aort af AN ALL FKATUU BILL AT THE Tow Kvery rae the laat tuna I tba Grecian for the Member of edification and aanneeroent of the lev atone É I the ratntUy. SATURDAY MEAT BARGAINS rana that will avail tnemaelvaa or thla last jr opportunity to aee the fannlaat Keyalone lo CRAWFORD From data. "Tne winning averyunng WIGWAM 'Senator Tcxu" Oysters, Fresh, Received Daily, front a rlppla 10 a roar: averythlnjr from a The Stadaast Trio Pint 25c, Quart 45c tktasty pnoiographle trick to a hair thrill will be found In thla latent Grace Havrtson ISo Shoulder Beef Roast, Best K. C. Quality, lb. - - or mi cm ana tnrtue There'a a aurprtae for AN Armatrrattg aad res nooar Rants. 10c ALL Tonight ISe to the fmtahea In a Beef Stew, lb 10c than the olhrr till picture COMEDY Mavl Hambarger Steak, lb 15c Boiled Haas, ft nrraanrtng. Hot, I LLlFirtiMRdss sssd M Roast, atanding, . PROGRAM SUNDAY MATINEE: Rib lb 15c Home Made Sauaaajc, lb 10c Chipped Beef, th 40c TMSOU SARA ALHAISSRA. Romp Roast, lb 17Vc Veal Chops, best, lb 20c Fresh Theda Rara. Iba celebrated llar of tba oAiLv- -s Brain. 2 sets 26c Pos corporaUon. la to be gaatt to- William P. jse.- -T M, aa. IN" Rollad Roast, lb 20c Sboaadar Roast, lb,17ic Fresh Lirer, 2 lbs 26c day at the Albania In tba thrilling pity MmndayMary Pick ford H I is, is t "KICK Round Steak, lb 20c Veal Lota . "Her Double Ufa." Thla nay Seals with a Steak, lb 20c Pickled Pis Feat, S for. 10c woman' a deception In order lo gam happl Leas Steak, lb 22Vc Veal Stew, lb 12 Vic 30c neat, and I Uuiltkngly Iqld and acted. Mlaa Sara, ss Mary Donne, rtnoa mat deceit and Short Cat Steak, lb 20a Mut. Leg and Chops, Lb.SOc Boloajna, best. Lb 12V4c frjiid are not the true ways to reach tha nealred goal, add by con Petaron and atone mem gama lliet which waa Impoaalble by Dressed Hens, Nice and lb. 25c; Springs, tba other way. Fat, lb. 30c Tal nlav will nruve ona nf the nauat af Tha Key torte Mlaa hra many auccaaaaa. and thoaa who Knockout! Morning Joy Pork Sausage, best quality, lb. - 20c ae 11 win niorougniy enjoy it. it Ta tttm nton nrascsv-at- m . LAST The Winning Punch" RetiMtmbsr today la the aay al the Btu. The illrl Prora VMaro" añil be bare, and AS FULL OF RAPID-FIR- E ACTION AS A Always one ap There Is Sniiistbhn 600-2-6 San Asstoaio St. tn of the beat picture aba aver peared ui uon t ran m aaa ner. aa CHINE GUN AND AS FULL OF DokTkf at McMkkle'a. real in tina lumber. AS A CANDIDATE IS McMICKLE'S EAST OF COURT HOUSE Tomorrow - There will be an all alar bill LAUGHS OF pssiinns at tha Bijoa, tneludlng the worufi DAY! 2000 FEET atad EACH FOOT A NEW of thaa iOME WOULD DIE EL PASO WILL DO To HYAMFORyiS0H Entrances New Annex, On San Antonio Street Mesa Avenue The Paso Piano Company, 208 Texas AMAZINGLY And Thru E at Street' QUICK ITS PART TOWARD By Amos Pinchot

Saunders Kept Tab BUILDING HIGHWAY and Always Had Bottle Men aire Mr. WUsaa aa the one on Every Run. hand, and Hugh as, Ha assaft aad IVrUtts ea the other, embody la Ckambar of Commerce Pledges their armaos POPULAR" re- - "THE following; la a Dart of a The society Order PrsmpUy narkable Interview with W. A. Bonn Itself to Work for Road to Saa toward Career Mesa Avenue aad Saa Astéale areet Msll aad nana Filled one of the n condur Antonio aad Fort Wotta the laffsv tor of the U A N Ry running be-- fnct between twM aamniie ana ueoatur, Ala.: E. Hernán, of National High- and 'I lost two summer work on ar J. absolutism that In the Juvenile count of acute Indigestion 1 had way Association, Untes Cit- Is going en in 111 so bad that I have been taken izens to Join Organization. this "xorrtry the train and put In a hotel or The Repab-Itran- Shoe Store Which Way Does the 1 watched the reoorts of wno Paso will do Its part toward obtaining as a atea ana noticed h building the Rl Ptrr-t-m Worth demand for Novelty aome had expired after an of Fort who.'a. stand highway and the HI Pato to tan Antonio the Msa THE dk or acuse inaiawstion. I nan fr baa extended to the nyxruna-- nignwajr. m a mtmoer or i.omnierre that the coun- a g.aniy aa to ten ,,, hM Hotel neldo n nigru, tne tantas Has dona me. si ialm try should bs children, who are anxious to for It he orraniuUnn ntarimt itaair work fur -- ured me of acuta Indigestion, of bad tl'e hi ahwan and V with syeremed by a tbe "grown- Blow? 2a. have footwear like Wind ar, ana weak atomach. I wdhld other pans of the Mate in getting ssste small group of nta and mnvuldaiu T fHavt irgimtiinn to runner ns movement iot rñclsnt, pow- ups." Our Juvenile Shoe Shop ieery remedy rort- known without fin dink. "i"1 ... erful peraofi-- a TS pretty hard to tell in politics i " JL' ahowing the lates nov- lief, vitalitaa worth tíSu ZZ tret who will is now I aad If I thought today would be Ik.m ni7.!2r2..!5"''m tu. T.Viliriinr.r .., tal) tas people what to think and elties in footwear for the little thee days; but where the "weather last opportunity to buy It f would tlon. SDd everyone present st the meeting what to do, and make tham do It . 1 r is bottles with mi." Mr. hum an aomirauon mr memnersnin inn Man folks. man is concerned, you can be sure or lindera home address Is 0I 12th took cttre blank to get other slsusturs Ilka Presiden Wilson eaera n comnanv as ma opposite Bouth. Nashville. Tenn. Trxttv wttn k. i. Hernán, to to stand for the BUT-TO- blow; it s tan dire tor genera of the nations! INFANTS' TWO TONE one thing: whichever way it People who are subjected to ner-u- s tit i Idsa that democracy, after all. lltrhwav aaaorlatlon. and T. n. Grant. With Ha Mistakes and IneMclenty. BOOTS Grey kid strain, who suffer with chronic good road advocas of Brady. Teta, and bound to be cold. nach Ilia, nervoua debility, rheu- - s director in tne Puget sound to nign kt the wiser plan, beranss It allows vamp; white kid O m way. or Chamber or Com seeple think and the like ara finding re member the to for themselves and H in Vltallta. It Is Nature's moat marre will call upon merchant and other teaches them to for -- n themselves top. A pair, at I $ HAR TSCHAFFNER&MARX jwioT I. h lcrful corrective aad, tonic. Bee tintine men ror tne purpose or saving a by governing hemseWes. H a display sample targe memneramp rrorr. r.i raso in me ouc and Vltalltas at aesncisoon. TWO TONE BUTTON Belt Back Varsity Six Hundred I'ollard'a. AST. Work tsr His ear fsaaawtM; BOOTS FOR CHILDREN- - Mr. waa speaker at Suit. hman the principal Made "Nature Form" Overcoat and Varsity Fifty Ftye tne Danqus. na span in oensir or uie gi coogrea on the Paso-t- Fort Worth highway, a a link In road building had tuned and last, with vamp of gray kid; lie Injunction ins sraitaern highway, which wiu extend concluded thst the railway lyatrms would the best you can wear stylish, when completed, rrom the Atlantic to the te I every transportation need. Tbe road white kid tooa: aorinsr heels. Are Hearing Continued l'acinr tus toulnem highway, de was then turned over to the co untie and has rlared, ha been completed to Tsxsrksna tuttne and soon became fenced In and Sues 8 12 to II, at $3.00; warm, comfortable. The overcoat small are bring In plowed tip. 5 fl, !lal Momlng and stretches low built sizes to -- to the Time. 1 varlnn rottnUe ut Tetas. It will be tunera mee I InarUie 'j above the short half belt at the back tla. Tel.. Nov. I. Ament have neoMssry. however, ror the varlou c "rrom that time m to the tira or the at a pair, $2.50 reached hy nil partir Interested In tteg through which the highway will run recent naiiure or the Bulkhead Mil. the two plaits, and below the belt is one to have aid, he titled, and he urged redera) to provide Atlanta Injunction agalnat the outside government did nothing railroad that Fl rato ro operate with the tale asso for national highway, leaving the matter MISSES AND CHILDREN'S large invertedbox plait the effect is continuance ar the trial or the case elation In It work or getting a lists high or road building to me counties or states. WASHABLE KID li' scheduled to com up at Fort way rnmmiinn to the end that Texas may continued Mr. Hernán. "Million hare been WHITE t stunning. November 0. get sua suae aid. e tended tor river and harbors work, but BUTTON BOOTS One of Attorney General Bartv National Movement. not a dollar ror Tbnuiand upon y today or mad. the wanted atylce of the wired Judge Dona Pardee, Mr. Hernán went hark a century and told thotiand or dollar have been spent to moat any or coloring $80, United State circuit court at Atlanta. or the estlv effort to create national hlgtt- - develop the hog industry, but not dollar day. Miases sizes, 1 1 to 2, Here in fabric agitation or or Y inciting that rasa be postponed unul wsy. The the tatemen tor rtisds upon which to haul ths hog to $25, $30, $35 the more you pay the early year of the country as s market. It hs bean out own fault. We at $3.80; children's zea 8'2 the Interstate Commerce commllon retnltetl. he Mated. In the appropriation have been too buty with our vsnou in to at $3.00; children's the more you get. heard oral argument on December at or tTOOMuO In IN ror the building of a tereau to insist noon good road building II. highway rrom D. Itingtoa on the qucHtion as to whether Washington. C, to the "It was throusn ths work of the Na sizes, to 8, i'acirir. Tbe work continued until 137 and tional Highways association that rengres J'i nt the so Cal led Bnreveport rate rate the road we completed to at. it where ue nil appropriating at a pair. $2.50 be reopened. Judge Pardee, late to It topped became of hard Before the statr sad countlss wirsa m approval or postponement. tas rerrvst or prosperous condition a, rail in their good road work, and the assort Todays Selling in Hon will not cease its work until the na MISSES HIGH CUT LACE Specials for imnat government nss rasen over Hie man BOOTS kid tops; or tne country. White ayitems I I Osas Nvsde Mesa Frenareaaese. patent vamps; sizes V to We hare heard much about prepared 2. A pair, Men's Good Furnishings Nothing would do more to place tht In a or condition prepsrednest at Flow-en- Spe- - trun ts Dinm a gres system or nignwsy $4.00 MEN'S SHIRTS Soft, double cuffs; coat d styles. You'll like them. way to satisfy an oenrany great sytiem or rosa nss en del today, 2 better Msa her to nght sgsinst mperior tin in style. All the wanted patterns. Made of for 55c, NOenthusiastic appetite than bsrs. While she has marched her troops or each, at 28C snd moved her artillery Over good high Crystal Cloth. Madrea and Oxford Cloths, with Uneeda Biscuit. A delight- ways tos nsvs peen wallowing allies all sizes. Saturday special. V MENS CAPE GLOVES In tan. AH ful food, as appetizing .at is mud. - it Ths National atsoniatlon hs each, r sizes. Regular or cadet finger nourishing and wholesome. Per- worked out s rotaprehrnitve tylem of at OV good road throughout the rountry and ev Priced at, a pair, $1.25 fect baking, perfect protection, ery effort Is being msde to ward securing OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS tneir completion to tne end max every sea OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS and ss. Plain they come to you with uon or tne country may be accessible Cut full and room for comfort. or PAJAMAS Another shipment just llllens Wanted la Trie. styles; military shaped col- "Vsst tumi have been snent In Texas for trimmed or V ceived. The night shirts are 50c to $2.00; good roads, but they start nowhere and get Special today. U the pajamas $3.00 a NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY nowhere. They are merely Isolated lars; all sizes. pair atretrhe or good rosd, connecting wtth no each, at r down to $1.00 comprehensive system. Tsxss snd Indiana 0)V ere oaky not tne two atalas that do have MEN'S SILK FOUR-IN-HAN- TIES (First Floor) MJOOAM of the federal approprutlop. That is wny you mutt get nenina me Hate ssso rlstlon snd ssalat in serurtnr legtslatton thst will crests tuch s rnmmlttlon and pro MISSES BUTTON Work Shirts, Gloves and Sweaters in a vlds some state funds to sttlst the poorer PATENT counties an tae wont of buildins roads BOOTS Mat kid tops; white 'I will ststs thst s Mil ror a ttate hlrh way commission has already been drafted welting around solas. A neat. Large Variety on Our Second Floor snd 11 wiu os presented ror paitare u pie dressy style. I I y ta 2, coming meeting or me lertiisture MEN S All kinds for Mr. Hernán tunen mal tne nignwtr rrom at a FLANNEL SHIRTS. SWEATERS. WORK WORK GLOVES XI Mao to Fort Worth will connect wtth $3-5- all classes of labor. Prices start at $2.00 tne international paved wsv. me Wlnniner- - pair. 0 SHIRTS AND WORK GLOVES Are highway, the a pair, and range Southweat trail in large variety on our second and tne I'uget Hound to hlghwagr, TWO-TON- shown a mgnwsys. ns MISSES' LACE downward to $1.50 txinneruoii wim tnese said floor, in the Man's Clothing Department. wiu uirow in urn travel bhi way. BOOTS White and grey. MEN S SWEATERS In Worsted. Ac- Worth More Than s Raflrssd Considering the values offered this season, The conaoietion of the hlghwsv from size. ii!2 to,2. cr cordeon. Shaker and Jumbo weaves By- ron worm to r.i raao,-- na nectareo, "win it will- - pay you to visit these sections at ron, shawl or V collars; fancy or plain be worm mors to El paso than s new at. pair. railroad, tor the reason that traveler over 35 once. weaves. Jersey coats and Jerseys, with tur- the road will stop in El Paso, whereas GROWN GIRLS' TWO-TON- tle collar, at $2.00 up; sweater vests at much or Uie travel over a rsllrosd would Light weight leave nothing in. the city. California Issued LACE BOOTS Patent vamp, FLANNEL SHIRTS French $2 to $5; sweaters at $12.50, t , in bonds ror rosd building s with kid topa. Sizea 1 many said ths state would go bsnkru grey 2' flannel, with attached collora. & down to ) a instesa, it nss attracted morn tramo ta sag 1 U U 5 pseinc roast snd It la estimstsd that tour Priced at $2.00 each, down to MEN'S WORK SHIRTS "Bhie Bell." in 1st Isst year left tso.O00.0OO in the $6.00 -- grey or blue, at 50c better grades, in all you may gain some idss or tne trsval ::Prh FLANNEL SHIRTS In created by good rosd by tbe traffic its (First Floor) BROADCLOTH colora, at 55c tistics tsken st Indlsnsitoll, where between Grey. Tan or Olive Drab, at C ay ana ah mm iaat year uom usnacon to $1.00 tlnental auto oartlet passed through. $3.60 and Vj.OO "ir you men in ei psso win get together BLACK SATEEN SHIRTS Good, strong. snd ro operate with the ttate sssoclstton In THE you will put vourteif in a position to se CASHMERE FLANNEL SHIRTS and well made garments. 4' gare state ann reaerat aid." Oliva Drab, Tan or Grey. t . Priced at each. 75c and I a UU Work of Nalloaal asasrlaUoa. ) 1 T. h trant or nrady tpoke at tome Prices range. $2.50 down to (Second Floor) lengm. He mid or We work of tlonsl aasoclatlon: how It aerured the SARATOGA aasssgs hd MAKRET or Uie nankliesu bill snd how plant to have too AM) mile or highways un lie promised tu work ror the Improve- sd by his rather In law. John Spencer, nr men! man that ths prltonsrg would be der national control within the next rew ment or We educational ytm or the state teen roils esst of Cu ursnds. Mora executed. years. He spoke of the men behind the POLITICAL RALLY and pledged his errort biwsrd s cop than a week ago he wss arretted snd movement, or one who at hi own etpense t must on or tbe rood rosd work of the brougtu to Juarex. Since then William" 303 East Overland Street nan until a nignwsy acroa ma ataia. rrlendt have made strenuous elfort to WANT ADS. "I reel the rresUng Holt, Repuhllrsn chairman obiam bond ror Mm, as hi wlfs was In READ THE conrident that bin lorsl copdlUon or state highway commltalon In Taxaa will and átate leualor from pose Ana county. a critical st the time Ms pas t uie rotiuuir legislature, but we can AT LAS CRUCES IS was the object r sllacsf by de Baca arrest not afford i lake any chances. Ivsey tpeaker that Holt waa the csuss Aesordlng to Americans residing In ths get In behind aaaa- - -f a cr casas argados district, Wlillsms has s SATURDAY rotintv nsit the state t th patting Illegally- number been SPECIALS: It In seotñv- - It was ftcnsior Holt, reputation ror honesty, snd has never CENTRAL BAR CAFE rclatlon and aelt las work of nbootlou measures. In or A 10 Hie pastare of bill .aeruriug involved the revolutionary trouble tbe and slued, wit" moved tor stijouiiiiurm Stats asasrtassol Not Interested. McCarthy, who moot wiuji Ka Fancy Prone 1 Pork Shoulder tiste sld. We went (very county Hi hive LARGELY ATTENDED iUD on the cloaing day or the legialatum R IT ' H I K, f 7 71 sort or expect every clock turned a leo has hla tntlalng quar tons oreanixaaon and and tlien moved that tbe bs tiStsie department official assert Uuvt tesa hi Rib Roart, lb Roam, lb community to Join tbe tste sssoclauon. back. "When the record or ths ensts tne lismanant Every da I2C A tliere probably will not be sn error! made S p. m. I7C or ths BS fsw countlss between Psso snd wis brougiit to me ror slgnsture," said to In case or the cspuve at Port Worth snd between this city snd San T'lt bean rsls'.flsd ao aa not intervene ths Extra Fancy Rump 1 do Baca, bad Mueiican tinea there some question a 319 S. STANTON aaaanio wiu neea rsasrai aid, and we to show thai, iba tenate bad continued In of some or the get aid have Judge Jar ataran Addresses Throng to the nationality priton c. oowaaxaa. Roast, lb IDC pot rsaeral until ws a essiou alter the ?i21d" """ l not bsllevetl by lbs govern a highway rpnamlasluo." aai Issues of Campaign in it Country Style Cast or State Miajkiraiktg. Extra Fancy 1 Pork Mr. Oram expiMnsd thst tbe cost or n New Mexico. tav esjkWAMNiNo agaibst f Sausage, lb tfl1 bershlp in die stale sssoelsnon t ts psr BUBJHJM m NKW HEX H O. Shoulder Roast, lb. lá.?C JC sear, tme tiousr or mis remain in tne Special to the Morning Time. pe al to us Morning unes M Ely. atssattr aa saa oonanr oraaniaaiina'i hare Las cruce, H. M., Nov. Dsn Osllup. N. Nov. C of Lasrs of Mutton, the goot to iisrouig, rormsr of tha Hepubil-ca- he ssld. snd remaining at the Jackson, or Kl Psso, rhslrtusn Extra Fancy Short . st sddreaalng ths comnt'.llee. wlm I campaigning A Q StaM esuocistlnn k defray tne espante ' atete of Beef, 1UC t aatass, largest poltticsl gstturing of tes cam- the tate for the IemnrraUr ticket dellv Ribs lb roUowed Mr an add here tonight hi wMh Be Ü.Ü.c&am nrs atañera dlacusatan that paign in ths srmury bsrs tonight, cmassd ered ret f$15 ar He Mvstton, itanisn tated mat tne nstiouai sstocisuon Bur-O- revealed the inner working the rf s when lie charged that the r sr- na ssnsstioa puMlcsn and gvs reason why, BBBBBBSSSr- aaa Extra Fancy Loin bill, 11011 pro machuia. and up QIIU mine 1st providing that In his opin.on, the nepubllesn csitdldste Up mine pay no ststs Stoak. lb VC ductivr thould late, ror governor sad United Ststs tenskir SW bS"BB""'áBssnButE ws wrmsn ny a oorporauon sjuorasy. thould not bs storied Mr. Ely rdtsrgwd Fancy - aaááaaaaa to Doixilarlsc it with sntomo Judge Jsckson sttaekad lh record of thst tliese men wetx rrnlsted with the MADE TO FIT THEN TO WEAR Extra Round Of asllaU It was the consensu of opinion U. Buraura. Hspubllcan nd:date for ''fivlslbls governiiirni." wlllcb, he ssld, ST.i!?..- 8c or SSSO 10T H. BX PASO ST. 1ND HAM)R Stoak, lb UC that 11 would not be necessary, to organ! la hsd controlled the the tut FHONK a county eeoeiuon here, but merely to "nuituni bunt a megiiiricatii ntgtrway or ror s quarter of a century. Ths speaker an mile hi rouuty, at rtre-lt- y ONE DOLLAR CERTIFICATE Fancy Salsean m ths crssrnasr or consmrrra the Socorro s total perianr urged upon mi nsarars to Extra or it100 work Uiat would be don by a separate or- eon of art .006." he said. "Of thl amount of electing s Dsmoorstle leglslstitre. Good one as part payataat on ooat ami peats 20c SO psr to romnsny. for dollar first suit -- DC ganisation. cent went Hurtum't ths Steak, lb .n tee cms or ma maomer-blan- Hk Uraude Suptdy rompsny. for supplle." or ovsrnral. discussion EXECUTION Extra Fancy Home Killed err re pard and the fallowing tuoge isrsson aecwrea ins aursum nsn TRIPLE Extra Fancy Shoulder 1 p d as member or the stale sssorlstloo: baas del nquattt In bit tsiss sod tried u SET FOR FIVE THIS Burt Orodorrr, J"'" M. Wystt. W. 0. 'over up Ukks dslmquenctes by (peclsl Stoak, lb IDC 30c k. e. roro, Mstrotm a. rrassr. o. bins in the Irgltlaiure. MORNING AT JUAREZ F'.aT: nan. J. M. Howard. I.. 1.. Clsmsnls. Ths spesgsr rhsrattsiissd as librlout Mae Fat Veal noy I'aasasr. t. 0, r.grna. s. rsir, c. Slid landerou the stUrk being msde by (Conunued Progs Page One.) g 11. Naumtn m T.xn intern, usorgs h tit nrpuiH.csos upon A. a. Joari. nemo Since f Ls Hre W rtaVrsek Shoulder Roast. Mb. . . IDC Baron snd u.)lrikrksijer. rrstlc rsndldato for Hulled aislas senator, law Madam revolt. ÍT. 22k in unit reference 10 alleged domaii Alberto nss yssrs ago. furcia basa Nice Fat Veal trouMss stltaeo sad dsoounced dirraMnt faction, but ataras ror the Republican Meeting 1 Ol No Apportionment of thoss restfwgUMia at r'aasssln in ths ubas of Loo Unir sad rugate Alberto Breast, lb vis is a federal prtsoasr to Tucson. Bar. 11C State School Judge Jsckson apoke ing been seised sons liras ago on ths Fund Jonas, wfco was unabte cbarge of neutrality law vloUuon. Veal Chop, and T..2Sc, the msetlag on seeount or laving milted oeslsd Paraúsele Is See Dyu.g wire. School sC- - trata connections st Albuquerque Alta Vista lb aWC 25c tjf Aasun, Tg.. Wo, t. lio apterttonmsni Be Baos Beeras Saa alar SteH. stick 0. WUii'atus. or Tucson. Arts., a 5r "c: li iiuwh: ecnuuis wiu De nasos Ults asoot k. U. da Bscs. Dsmocrstlr rand taste ror prisoner In tbe Jusrss Jail, was refused scnoromg to bus Btiosgisasadeni or governor, promiasd last the first latos as nan uy ussssrat ugasaass, military Tonight 8 o'Clock W carry a full lac of Usad; Goods. Call 47 wuiiiu 00 aster twine ins governor a onsAr aad afaalsa aatialsslnii ts go for Hjtfkost Quatoty tat eotjaetiou have would be action looking to S reorgeniia Aalaaaa to vtsrt bis Artae wire. WIDIa and Losaat Priesa. total at SI ner rai Uon or Uta stats else Uon laws. New Met. ea iiifonnsd y aster day thst lu wife liad good speaking year ha o far been leo. he declared. 1 far behind other state ths dag Before. Come out and hear some I standee! Ixiuftty ssld in in stoeuon inaehtosry. and hs pledged alsMUllaaaa Is charred with having In bli JHi,.l 1!,, HI, alOtSSlf to work far a revision or ths lataa. sysessston cants stolsa aa gee ranch own N. Menace of Unclean Teeth. attiTXla T . Bsaapt for the fact the h mat many of the wall Hi'. Songs of Sunshine formad people of ths oeustry had an understanding of Daily Short Story recently Issued by tha MMorr ' the true situation, tha figuras st rag sswigiosrw sabsx. . might as rseo rtsm oor United States public health service ha ilsssH MS. ta Melase I CVOt.OCn MrlimgTJ. astonishing Investigation shows that Ser cant of tata, a Ki. rr,nt rtnaelv ere the 4.l enaltan, cess new aserian i L.. L" .7.7. She studies nava bean L eJT nrenef moment gATTLS. . Uta rural school children where An Annivergary. amsiiry Tg only ! par coat Tmt mnrn mm wraps. emsckhsr oh tie ear Sonp before ths battle, amale, before the mads have defective teeth, and have wait STO ahe'd ousaaal M i AMX a SPACR, (By gUBAN CLAOBTt.) "Hay l ao tote her off and tJEd a Mm had dental attention. Mara than 14 per cent of the rural live." i cried , "fhst when swooas, wnereupoo mr-- j "' rsasi t i com to leave from her j When ths thunder rattto. Upa to Hps again; school children nevar used a tooth brush. tsw mortal phere. paraon and fie on then borsresnon. To be examined have Ths men leaning arsinst ths tosed door passing men l ire in an its Issues osr sh light unrigs only 17.4 par lure he bad hi. (.I par oeat use cms ooeaatonaily and cent nf hla shanty nirli up in Ike Cosnr d Atone Sty bier; when In verse he'd itrang, use one dally. f.iiM I.Mift ror BM her he atoa do an ode or wamvoth And ere ws raes wskfflel s heart to lift would Rhtael tas fOMM ajrrsBvrssntO says country In the morning wWcli la sang. iwaTíW1 Defective teeth reduce physical efficiency," ths !! al "'the rae wss rather twa BsstaP nut ne had ayei for nothing but the totter 'And mghM m- ts a a mm ui um. snaggle-tooShS- d that there will." a velea a SSSSW. report. "tMrty, supperatlng. mouths ara l rutin uiy 11 Tiien a ' w in Id hind. The envelops kOTS S ive you havs and will l very Tbs toy earthly Uniting, out of Ml fc- M mm si there be It wss of that ii a ! . asgiigum responsible for many oases of heart dtasase, rheumatism name The lueir contained me i am aure, when you here oled , the t sn ssrssat . sera Sta letter hat three WUl poor Wll trial a at and other chronic affections " Tha growing belief that words, imperative, r nuns sing PSTssMl mourn for thou and ask for theer The aun. will chase ths shadows, ths bssv-en- ima roar- asesa. Ann ne fool d alen. In their brevity sad gas longing Un j I. iw Kit anaU amllS: appendicitis and numerous other disorders 'I Bssss that ault yOB owe me fori" aarh with plied may pu.tie you how they mderaaood The hope of living in apite of all fsV n OsAag that require tha mrgwon's knife commonly result from very seldom do. And the talk life worth sss He no oilier, lovers the pai- n- poisons absorbed by the system from dirty teeth and dis had need to work. tMs SBBB whose they talked In tlloae dsya aurh outUmdlah eased gums gives point to lessons of BSBSJ Sao wed harden loll, but in work ha words ta say' .(They wefre ALMOST si Song before the battle, emites before the further the cleanli they ua today!) ness waU specialists teaching. round forsetf utosss. end worn oat si ntsfet. is the worda rain. n that Informad health aré ne sBjpi me uesp or ggs In tarlight or ta In languor or in ana neea among a ftinsuanou eh asrsnsil. Mb ftasb remaps greatest eoucationai is enl llrlon. He had been In the mountain three gmiCTLV HIM IF UN ton, ists and surgeons themaelvea In the Journal of tha yeas wsg, The faith of upright reeling I meet the L1 "B3E. sad ss be stood there he thought or A modern girl In every American Medical Or. B. hfbore-hea- d Pie th.vt UM1 ItHM la Betale Bang. grind and motl: association. Frederick month, liefore Ulem buiom every "At present are not enough dan lists love and hope sod despair, despair that Sha ipendi pert of day The love that In the shadow as In lbs sun writes: there ,s earning aor- u- for tha people, and, while the poor and Ignorant had driven him from his non. Hla eres Teir(r. alune bring aomrht the letter, it wss so appeal, Ms Ths )oy of gentle besoty whereof the spirit have been automatically excluded In the past, they must ' fe ss MM and very gay, sings. vss TkNL now of new knowledgs first last A modern girt and be dealt with because our of Ha walked ten ml le to mall M. Rhode Retta Rose, aa ll way song i" i chronic Infection, on the same basta the better classes She atudlea hard to find s Soag before the battle, and In dust .jHüj .yyiTyj y. our may be consid- a Of weiring fewer rlotbsa. sauna Perhaps not 10 par cant of dentists The long low room wss vary (O.) Tribune. attractive m Warren To wake the gentle blossoms 1th Sgflei JSrTT ered competent to undertake difficult root and canal the rtreitrht The toft rich carpet, the ta asa jsss. 4 klkl " n up to atyle. that follow ram. operations." A meld, right M beautiful painunr". brasses from foreign modern A golden muelo, and to ann Is Angelina Soooka. true of than burn Wraen so many teeth, roots and gums need attention muñirles uir woooenuliy serena sasj beauty while ing utrtfe, furniture told of and luxury Mm playa the haughty In disease and an aumoriiy wealth aa love Mas and out of sae x order to forestan serious heeded by the woman who H.r mother With before ihsSow. xÉ.Zu'i mi m only a moved restlessly iMica. love to lira. rjt from the American Medical association declares i rom technically to piare io pinre as ir driven by an In j w small par cent of our dentists are able viaible force, SB open A yet lo ser teens she held letter in modem girl Love as deeps. of us, we can at ones ase that we are In some her hand and bar May I.onlaa Redd, aban lift from the take oare thoughts were full of ll And ihsll set us on the highs. In dilemma from whose ine writer She had been him ths buys the racy mssaxtnea what of a serious situation a uunklna of Two. Memory! Chtld, Hf And reeda them all in bed. When our nobler nature aleeps re before II dad reached as L environs we asa no outward path. With both the her and she raasil Sticky UmrcrxeA frantic And our soul for courage tight. mJZil'mm!Zm'' sssM publlo service and the observations of tt ner thoughts again want bask to their Mr' not pong gaigjrs fW"-tfc- t 'Ia port of the health tStTret TTMI f last day together, to the bitter kr,TiatA H. Halter daugh ssjssSBg TT medical association beSore us, we vary clearly ass worda ttut FcxMoOrer it. 4 Mr. lemuei and There are two youths. the had pa tod 1 Mra. alary J. Halter varñ --rZl OMW m de- - between them, that she herself htUe upA ths tosryHtt tor. AansheUe, and rreah, spring SI W M . rwtJÍI kr hmwtíjtmamr that tha more serious dlsissss which result from nan sain, not anre.' tor tos Sunday evening at That iweet t. be. bus know Usa she had were entertained When life sod Joy cavlna teeth are solas; to stag with us because of a scar been the one t fault, It wss that her lesi STfB AOS LOVINO Jlr will be with Ssepsrd Togetssr sang, city of dentista We will, however, better know why ona, Imperloua- temper that bed caused the W. r!en a quarrel, The lover or the atone age was s nervy That other one, people ara stricken with many chronic affections, eran anil that rauae was so trivial a of a wtial wav as had At one. aort mi. a woo When memory'! tsars we to prevent tnem. viewed across ths Intervening apace ing when he had a air! to Would he the sudden death Mrs. Bsrs House, wife golden though are unable of years. falsi nouae Hold vlalons Merely an act of courtesy to one end her flowers and candy end do an that of Jacob House. Alloway. Mrs. or loa yeara. who, report had aald. was Ml flanre be sort of rot Would he take her to the wss the daughter the late George SO imp Why quarrel with prosperity? fore ha had met her. movies 7 He molt rerlilnly would not. if he Mr and Mra. Walter H. Stamp and Mr. ture was badly smitten sad was diffident Rschei hener. of Jericho, aoOlMt. and Mra OLD OCEAN'S MIGHTY MUSIC Thsy a had beep married tcaroely a rear. ana any, ne wouta tsip oentna a tanas aaagg Newton B. shimp, Tinted st X P shimp Beneath the moon that looked on Eva Although big at colonel seems yet while hla love was going by. Cohansey Sunday. ntnsr (P. j.) Tttne. he stilt carries a the during that time she had more than win hla t gardens of immortal Miss, El Paso Should Capitalize Its Publicity. softly once aald In to havs forgotten how to tread worda he regretted as aoon aa Old mighty measure grieve apoken. There had been ocean's Steps should be taken at ono to capital! and real acensa that had Round as this. driven him from the bouse hot anger such s modern worM lie upen the tremendous amount of advertising the city Wilson Is all right, but spelling reformers will never with As Adam beam song of old. tnd Indignation. But the tost one had beso lis has received during the past few months aa a result of vote for Hughes until the spalls It Hues. the worm, in burning, And king thM down In dun recline, nsesaonaia vana sea the wide publicity given Kl Paso by the newspapers and he demanded he So thou, 0 of mighty mould, that show no more IJBffiYS Sing Still to sunk poor san a mine class publications of Mia United Matas and Canada In held recently decided to the woman aha called her Hv.i Fort Worth a referendum and He MM published dedication of the Hie bed tried to talk quietly their accounts of the to let the movies run on Sunday. with her, she Old ocean's mighty music beer phavnt Butte dam. the proceedings of the Irrigation and remembered, hut her bitter, ran 11,- TALKSQN or mm at HEAKIrs, That rhythmic thunder the deep congresses holding the soil products arouaril last. Cry apher farm and the of Is said to be Haghea This state round the vast, eternal exposition. Indiana safe for of af une thing I cannot understand." be had Like vole that within m ileep! fairs may account for the sudden migration north of ne aain. "wny did you marry me? I thought When Cheops In th esunllght abona. Never In Its history has Kl Paso been so widely and at gro i anew, your TOPO plantation hand a oui words leave me in un- And Carthage 111 Its festal firs. the same time so favorably Qveld up to the public certainty." ' (OeaTian. tna.bes'a Sn ktstsaaa Hiena srsdueaal. on the sand votnan ahould be ling the tame diapason The pub aa It was during the past few weeks. national President Wilson and Candidate Hughes are dlstln "Be uncertain ne longer." the had re- - able to attract lover or husband, single ThM echoes now our young desire. good things own age. lic should not be permitted to forget the gutobed above all other public men In America for the "ii was a AGIXrtt WIVES WHO STILL HOLD THE and her the newspapers, class publications and the magaalnes I live So strange ao old, snd sUU so young, fact that their trousers do not bag at the knees. LOVE REINS. ( ORREéirONOg.VT. have been saying regarding this section of ths country "A mía tata I win rectify as fir sa ilea ANSWERS TO So mortal yet immortal, too; in my power," he had "Ood bleu the dear old wire! (Correct name and addreaa meat be given As ancient as the Cblde' tongos, publicity of thon answered and left An angel might have Uiop'd to see Aa a result of this the attention Loose the room, She had never to Inaure attention, not to print. Dae Ink. And yet so wundrou rreah and new: money and Talk in the Campaign. r,.rH And bieaa'd her for her purity." a. only on one aide of sands of seekers after opportunity to Invest fine aa he her Write abort letter Ths depth are In It snd the bstattsB, (Prom turned from I bave corre- paper. Money , MS homes to Kl Paso and the Port Worth Just received s letter from Addreaa Mlaa President And to Ufe Olympus lean to establish has hem attracted Before he left the house he had come spondent She frankly slang herself: "A ivreei, nroonyn, n. r.) bck valleys Irriga Now ghat President Wilson, Mr. Bryan and practically -- A through the listening day and nlshta the irrigated under the Elephant Butte ueca. Riiianetn. ne ld, "have yon noth- - bulterriy of the underworld." In her letter, every ahe saya In old ocean's mighty sweep. tion project. member of ths cabinet havs denied the truth of us to say to me 7 part: "My beauty has been my Keep ansa la Place sad Ms WUl Wad. music lulng. It has been s ratal gift, which Senator statement that ths president attempted noHung. ahe had J. M. "Aa constant I ask The question very naturally arlase are wa teady answered- - She hail few men have I men able to withstand. Most .writes: reader. A little Ms to lift her ear, to add a postscript to the second aguaítenla note to Oer oui seen mm mnre. Ana now iu letter. or my conquests have been among man advine. have kept company with a young care for the influx of settlers and Investors which will who geotsstnan going on two year. We thins A pen tie word to bring her cheer; many to the effect that tha "strict accountability" clause It made her pulaea throb to auffocaUon. are not tree ui woo snd wed. They tell me follow this widespread advertising of tha ottys advent .orne their wive ara aging. That reason highly snd sincerely of one another. He A tender bsnd upon ber bar, of the first dots was not ta be taken seriously by tha io net." li the once took the privilege of Imprinting on A' smile to brush away her tear. agesT The were that their love has cooled toward them. I German government, tha people of the country are given words peremptory. They told write to ask you plainly ir this can be an my cheek "soul klaa," He al Oh, what a wealth of simple joy In the opinion of many, competent to Judge, wa ara nothing or his loneliness, his heart hunger ir wife no waya sepa ma piare as a ganuemsn. rieses all a fine Illustration of just how correct are President Wll aa actual ran the who la old has express In this human strifs ready. be sai wnuug In M cabin. place In her husband s heart. Or is IhU opinion can when not son's criticisms of the Republican campaigners relative to I aiiDDoa want my opinion frangir, be obtained we employ The woman aald for effect?" fun I If that opinion Is correctly baaed tt is up to those "loose langusas," Lodge Is one of solid paused at last In bar restlase I do not was right In taking a klai. The ample thing of life Senator the man walk, paused berore I am very glad to be able to answer this not aay you are engaged, keep who have been most active In promoting the publicity la tempera- her secretary opening You do bun of the Republican party. Ha a historian, and a drawer ah took from it a email hn rommunrilon. assuring this correspondent In Mi piece snd be will wed yon The jingle of the money Is s pleasant sound to see that when the man and woman, who have had mentally conservative In speech. If he, then, been Seated before the that ahe la deceiving herself In regard to to has fire abe opened It It ume near old ta me tvaar. this way, arrive, they be placad speech, plain gold irien, wives. it Hssey Ostswrtag rtooey their attention directed found guilty of flagrantly careless what shall be nid bsnd. bar weddine m. nature of mm men to be drawn toward i Wish Successful sad doaoa't mimii with soma othsr in position to sea Kl Paso and Its environs at their bast. said of ths thousands of Irresponsible little spellbinders one bad taken It off that last day snd now rosy cheek snd sparkling eye. But not one O. B. ask: '.'WW you please aid aa bow 1 Is among possibilities that too much attention l alie looked within its. circle at man In many thoussnde would divorce sn to organise a rll 'Pleasure Club'? Alio ror And whet we hoy with money hearts can It the who are conducting tha fight on Wilson In the many I hem? Do you that brought back vlaloni or oto wife tor uie pretuest young women helnful amusement for tecali f ansa nave, inanea. has Itean paid In tha past to drawing attention to Kl states In the union, not to mention of happiness, she books I could find on aubject? Heart doubtful leaders a knew mother week would an they could meet You will surety see last tha Through living genUe glsdn as oray I an paradise. The val T bring anni In I Talk I like; interesting the 'aso us the center of agricultural lsss conservative temper than Senator Lodge versary. matter a true light when explain why. snd instructive." of No matter I low the yeara may glide by, tan "I'insinr ciuna" ar ios io ortng kind creed. ley lands are all light, but a great city cannot be built Mr. Roosevelt, example, upon Toying abaemiy A day of sunny for haa seised newspaper with the rtns. it .ii,.r,,i a man never rorgrts the picture In his Íroung people together indoors or on s iswn. wesjher and heart of up on agriculture alone. quotations from President Wilson's Cincinnati speech and upon her finger, she started nervously, mind's eye or the sweetheart who appealed fawn sfler finding from young ladle laughing grace. K) depends largely upon usu drawing it off. cban mmo to him more than any other girl when time amusements' suitable with sandwiches and ,'A Hule bom made happy by The future of Paso Its Indus seeks to make It appear that hare Is another flagrant re- but red her Merriment la not In books, aa woman' Taking diamond from hand, wss young with them. He can never for- lemonade amuing less trial growth, upon Its development of Industrial enter versal of opinion by ths president. The president's hr other the many WUh U ,oceeMfií declar- ah pushed the ring Into get Incidents of their Ideal court- Oh, what's ths worth of money when It ask prises which will give employment to thousands of con ation that "this Is tha last great war that Involves ita former place. ship, bop good, sweet and pur ah was, na.yUherii?g"' ths As she did ao her resolution wa lagsnj of the marriage hour, when be realised tented working men and woman at good wagea world ths Unltsd keep out Is The that States can of twisted one reached Wallace after alx dyg of that from that Ume on she belonged to him Eagsged Hearts Drift Asuader. sweetness of a abnpto tore, with aft Kl raw waiting to be to mean that' he now regrets we did not get Into weary travel and the to ana to mm only, rogeiner. tney Dent over is inta and Dtuil Paso has a wealth of material that tha answers her mi.,. A. I. writes: "1 have dear acquaintances converted Into merchantable product for which there present war and that he only desires another chance. lions caused her realieaa heart to beat with the cradle of their first born; watched engaged, yet going about maklngeconqueata apprehension. through bealUi. slcknea. death, the lttUe when alone to pass the time away They are Don't balk before the hurdle. la a ready market close at hand These raw materials As a matter of fact. President Wilson did not say any- ones who came after. They ware bound to- "Want to know how to set to by or innocent of all harm. Is this proper, Sit back and make the leap; should be worked up by Bl Paso working men and they thing Cincinnati he said In gether the closest human tie I at that has not different words absniyv the station agem asked, wa ir on of the new conquests They only fill who terry, so as soon we It plain to eyeing Through hi early itrugglei, it ber stranger, not knowing of the engagement? will be worked as can make at different times since the beginning of the war, and her curiously. "One of eis folks? Reckon encouragement that buoyed him to atruggh They only rail who sleep. money Thanks for your counsel." race manufacturers of the north and east that their what he said about She United States entering the next you've corns in the nick or time," be con- against adverdlly to aucrea. Their Inter decidedly IB llfe'i great be ready. war one aa So It la just what engaged people ran be Invested In factories here at a profit world war eras not the expression of a desire at all, but an tinued. "A Sister of Mercy started un ths eats ware their hone. arad should not do go In the company of to Hot thine to toaf and. sing. us la tha asina omeeas thai neither notices l But thin to on A movement calculated to attract tha attention of emphatic way of emphasising ths need of some method trail two hour ago. í. t w other whan the fiancee absent Ham re drive steady. Mck? Yea. HI pardnér was to .,!,.. "IU. Engagsmenta are oMn broken, heart And o'er th hurdle spring. Kl of preserving world's peace war, down .h. ivV..ri - : - eastern capitalista to Paso as a manufacturing oantar the after this and of town Uils : zz: : orin sainan, nnr mie nnaie wav or uwsrs. It. morning and aald Mae wa out have fled. The love of middlerTage la not and aa a distributing point for many artloles of America's direct Interest In or rua bead with mountain aa fervent, perhaps, but. It .non the less Whether ror on or fever ll s to at was begun by the Chamber of Commerce ."I say this because I believe that ths business of neu- With nérvea atratched to the breaking- - binding and revered. There may be t clesa Particular r"lur Sweetheart. Equally (weet love flow. of recklea men who make game of J. A. N. "I Inclined Healing last winter, but abandoned whan made his Is pouu ane ron tnrougn tne mow and tama- - would writes: un to wish that the bitter or gall trality over." said tha president, "not because I want It pretty young women. But ir put to the I some day In get upon M. rack. Her mental anguish ' teat might the near future a With Its honey and rose. spectacular attack the little city of Columbus, N. to be over, but I mean this, that arar now has such a scale made the wav ....,. destrame sweeuiean. sinniy auvise now one 111 guide th. In the opinion of the Times the movement should be that ths position of neutrals sooner or later becomes In- ninrminanie, out at tier lifted the seed wtrs for all the beauteous vouns- mi choose the rlsrht one tier rrotn her hora and abe alona body and capricious prefer those I object Ours sr the ancient days; resumed. tolerable. . . . We yet society stumbled woman's arrection ticular Parent ta hare not a of natlona up the short, aleen path to the cabin door. Aged wives hold the love reins until time Ones meet they frown on." The Idea of ureece ar young, The cry "More smokestacks" is as Insistent now aa it We must have a society of nations, not suddenly, not by come In," someone called tn answer to is no more with Ihenv Husband's reverence per laps you ar young enough to wait UU A dancing In their fairy mase for them grow deeper every year which Mr. Rigid cornea dang. Or you golden was then and there are many reasons why ft would be insistence, not by any hostile emphasis upon the demand, her rapping, but ahe could not move. A had better Their dreams are swung. holds them together. The woman who lion tn the vlewa of páranla si to th one. Wa ve more answered favorably. but by tha demonstration of the need of the times, nations she leaned against the shanty for a up port build upon married man's love builds up They have your Interest st heart. suffered and rat got say, ahe heard quick footateps snd th door was Th great year rolling by. Bl Paso Is no longer looked upon by average man of ths world must togsthsr and 'Nobody can here- - s . tha flung open, the light streaming out full in m While they In pristine glory ton of east as hotbed of Mexican Intrigue and as ttvat after be neutral aa raspéela tha distúrbanos of the world's race Beneath an April sky. ths a pesos hr only. The newspapara of the country have Informed him for an object which ths world's opinion oannot sanc- "Elltabath!" Distribute "Safety First" tion.' The peace ought to be If fun- To of tha real Bl Paso and what the newspapers have dona world's disturbed the Sbs fell tverseir gathered Into hla arms. Blotters. dare th truth as man. In that direction has been generously supplemented by damental rights of humanity are Invaded, but it ought not but could not speak as he carried her serosa Glimpses of the Past To face tha liauea plain. by to be disturbed for any other thing that I can think of, uie one room to Uie chslr lie liad left (Prom tha star.) Ah, ao we rise to Might again the hundreds of thousands of letters written tha Where soul immortal and America was eetabllshed In order to Indicate the fun Elisabeth!" be aald again, aa If he could Principal or the public schools will be reign thousands of militiamen who (have bean stationed hero uo rights of man. America find other word. Unfastening tb run TWEVTY flHJB YEARS AGO TODAY. , begun In July last. damental must hereafter be furnished with supplies of "safety rirat" since tha mobilisation I throat, h raised her bauds to hla Mrr. J t ready aa a member of the family of natlona to exert her br blottera ror lb school children by the Don't you be This Is a matter which can easily be handled by tha Upa. then burlad Ms fee In bar lap mv tnoussao bankers, merchants and troubled with trouble today, whole force, moral and physical, to ths of Washington luUlway Electric couipmy gnd on your boyhood Chamber of Commerce, but every man, woman and assertion as xnaii netore ner; broker nd their clerks listened to Put snd run out to play. those rights throughout ths round globe." The s ii lb capital Tracts; n company. Started by Throw off your Jacket and child In the city should be resolutely at tha back of ths apena, ths dread she would not Crittenden, Itepubllcan orator, who apoks travel along ' come were lb heavy the two public utilltlea companies last ron or Over th valleys of a una nine and song. E of ommeroe in a wall organised effort to There Is no reversal of opinion here. There Is told in sob that in i i in bulling Chamber shook Ids flume. February, the Illustrated blusters did their Wall street. Saw York. of Kl I'uso manufacturing elty. expression of ths opinion that In a, world just like the Donn you make a "Ttu-- told me you were in," ahe said "bit" In prevenung street car rridenu In be worried with worry today. oampalgn will coat money much money wonu hi iimuuni ueior üuwnms oi ins Huropean rus uu youi ana i The and that mi preaeuUy. Washington laat yer. th official feel, snd Mrs. H. Burgss Mft isuguier align n money generously ungrudg- war America should champion the quarrel of any na u7r .Wy for tb Should fnrthoomank and 'Ths mistake wsi natural. It was Mc and they are gad to resume the dlatrl Sw Marco. an wita Mr. Burger sntamn ingly tion In One event of war. It Is a prophecy that tha Donald, further up th trail. Poor fellow, sister I dowii-- button During the laat school term there I world will never be the same again, that the nations It went over the range an hour ago. I . To cheer with their gladness aba f were five deliveries or specially designed m sown. The New York Times aeroplane has Just madia a rec- will combina to prevent foolish wars, and that America bad just come rrom Users when you blotters, and during the present term there QenearJ Strum, general manager of knocked." Cuernavaca rurway, ,1 In must be ready to play Its part In such a society of na will h mrtnthJv distributions. The and Parirle wsi bn tm - - - ord flirht from Chicago to New York an effort to K1 nns't imn h h.,.1. liona It to saying that not only America, but no To mink It might have been you." aha distributed esrh month will have Pssn. the possibilities of the sir machines as other , blotter Put on your rapture end put Pa gray! demonstrate can aid. wlUi a shiver ''that you might never a differenUy dsslgnsd pic off even gasoline Una nation in the world keep out of the next world war have I come; gone Hug up the. sunshine snd nail carriers, though a leak la the known had without on depleting s scene (bowing school chil- IVRIiaJI TEARS ASP TtsDAY let tt soak hi because the world to done with this business of neutral word, with only Tnrougn bony nod blood th potes or Sjbjktpclle'i the driver to alight and thus Interfere with the unkind ones you last dren and adults bow accidents may bsppea nd ity. President Wálson Is acting aa 1 B. m agin. Ma journey. Still, be averaged HI miles par hour, which In this an Interpreter heard from ms to remember. I think If Is exercised by them when L. Taylor; of tb Library Supply gooe cars not or we consider aa a slight ignoring of the speed limit. While of hla time, and not aa the advocate of a theory. should have mad." crossing street oar tracks. company Washington. D. C. wa tn Kl He put hla Peso Don't you be harried sad Son distress. Is quite possible the very 'near futura will aeo our mall But because we are In She midst of a political cam hand under bar cata, raising It ne ace ao uiat be could look Into tier Wbrry don't make any bardan tt Use. bags flying ovar our heads, and wa may have a letter paign President Wilson's langusas must be twisted Into Lepson." Put on your eyas. "An Object William MicKtekl. t mining man of U sssrJkood sad rare Kf with from our sweetheart or our creditor In New York on the something other than the thing be meant "Hat hat Dear heart, do you know what day this (rrom the Springfield Union.) Cutanea, was tn the city. enner, t gays political A smile for she same day it Basiled, it certain, from information the sllnger of loose talk, "he has reversed With uermsn newspaper quite sorrow. song for lbs tear h nava, that the machinas ara not a success on cattle himself again. He says that the nan time there bsv thought of nothing Wbsa depredation of ths TPs toghsst asespsreaire ws the sis. of the T. sod Ask life ao gsjflhS It has been tried, auoordlng to a friend of world war like the present one we must act differently tney told me you were lick I off Nsatuckst ss "o object lassos to Uncle lowest 14 degree. question now. ws have We We will not talk about Ik" be laid very purpose In lending Uie Take bean snd be content HcOklahoms. He says that "a airy plane ain't so than under hla leadership. will not be Sam." ths real To Uve ronae Is quickly, frightened by ber agiution. "Ws naval submarine to our shores begins to tb erased vww hard ta ride as a bronc. But Ska alryplane to too neutral. He tired of this business of neutrality." merry A Hint to Texas. or lira's aublime must make on our wadding day be apparent. It was, ss many Ainsrtrsna (Prom tnlent. And shears the cows. We had one on the 111 a It haa been the same with the president's declaration seeping snn oout ner ne aaralnat the Marshall Messenger.) For taut through utter mi look bottle hav. sari a tiunlv veiled threat Tha rath year ago and some of tha cattle to yIt.' about being "too proud to fight." That phrase haa been from a alreir and partly rilled two glasses. a hint or what tVarraany stole of Etnas has undertaksa a Ws se a tos know fee unltatt Stats, new problem. The stass leglslsture That sever played overtime during the oampalgn. Wilson, we have "A lossL soast," he laughed, striving to could and would do tr she were involved has asking bring ere long appropriated a quarter of million AR knowledge below. Some of the political managers are now engaged In de- been told. Is absolutely against war under any circum hide hla own emotion, but his hand wa war with this ISISPPl. Will SIS. B1 doitars trembling as ha raised his own glass. praters to s la estihllah s school textbook oleo. ant termining by figures the states their respective partías stances, and saya America has not entered ths present sou, of course, take dtrrersol tato prupoess a tie sumled aa th glasses r linked. or It, to now me ssrtues-asi-i to enter unon thee In order show how respec- war because It Is too proud to fight. "The example of view Ignore publication. Books Listen. Young Man. can do without to safe their "Let us be hsppy together." she mur- ttts Inmuosnre or the perform will be distributed ss America," he said, ha example merely snd profit rre ) tive candidates are with every doubtful Mate eliminated. "must the not of mured, and leaning forward, with ber heart ance, of the Uarrnan presa suffli'lsnt Io cover depreciation tilths Wcasliu Pon peace because It will fight, but peace but ths candar rcatoessnenl or per apeaos, Botas of these managers later ua say a day or two af- not of because on her Upa, ahe tasssd Mia. makes ta attitude unteoso. snd Interest cant on sn of I school of srariseer else lion will be engaged in determining by figures pesos to ths healing and elevating Influence of the tag af ths Teia Agricultursl sad Mechan-to- ter to save up big pront taw than respective parties and candidates might have world and strife to not There to such a thing aa For tike Pregitient. Lope. ctthaas tb made by etllage. saya that tt la otterly Russia's Awful the prtvtl book contraca. Rducattoa bl for the kspl axon if asms of tha states they thought they oould do man being goo proud to fight. There to such a thing (Prom th Buffalo a instltutton to supply ths Tan.) (rrom she Memphis Newa scimitar.) inssstotorsry and ah acbool teipmok osarv for men for read work, for tever their way. This little election rami- - aa a nation being so right that It doss not need to Bvldencea muiUply SsJonsTng-1- rmmiwui without had notad rnmtalii ta Astearte 0 kst is misad by tow. Th scaka. wssrk, fur rnitood vtuessjea aa well In She benefit convince others by force that It to right When we setting in of powerful ssUmate has tost prtta work, Mellon la thrown here for of those who ads of support ror that Russia deserves th attention of aa It ss th ether Job, wtaoh bsv tasaetofore hash figuring tha victory of - Hughss orar Wood- - recall the "Alabama" case, and remember that In that lbs president by 0rikVABerico who soldiers stare th Itsglaaslng of the war. snd should mean tb taking or the achocas oat 1tove be sststod propa- not Include woo Wilson. They will know mora after the ballots Instanos America, held England to strict accouatabtl refuse to by lb Hughs tata lilas If she those of prvttnc te large measure, and that at tttamumS of tkp SfSEhl fty reparation after seven years ganda.. nd whs has learned that th Ps- - have been sasrelr disabled and woandsd. II win not be rorced to submit to bean counted know that mora of the people of and secured of ptibUren campaign When ths war si easily a chrism taod. not is ths actual death roll. pinilssiBS ror prtvsto gsins. Pans good raposa United States prefer peaceful prosperity te any un gottoilon we osa understand the tome of an. st atartos and there are only by rroaa nn neutrality regard to awatttag doing of a good atsrt, and are act Inclined to swap any argument War too frequently results In paying so great Mm sammet tn Europe, but by boettilty Log v. uasU th tost saoejlk or as aUthansmTraowttseoutwIth runt degree year. 1 Is middle of a a prios for rights involved for the world act to ttorsssray. which partisans Ilk wss ktstod. a Would Resemble CrazyXiilt But . sallab horas in the stream. ham toward serf Cher la learned a better way by US tima Hooserelt, osrdnsr snd Lodge do nal even trash gnd rue of ta Ruinan army, (0lvestoe Tribune.) rwrd. Una sararaon to mass, sug progrese To - - aasine w e'vu which leasts Texas In many ways, haa com for Tha campaign will soon be over, aud let ua hope tasa tn trounse to atoa ta sssjrtag mnamririn if tha rarmara of Teas ' a tree. iltaa that that osert distrust af oar fliressa staas are numerous, but there t a ttoo of th srttoas tney age KtWith claim U ths meanest thieves, citing ths case win pase pernea va emm we nave csen advised to bv wiui s iwi ssa cjuuaahip, sad amasarte hwuaakaoss to ah rurbaag man of every nation StaBpgppw kgriculturn trlanllss. osé Hb thugs who knocked a visitor down sad deprived having. Meantime, tot's recognise that It Is "loess talk" Of ssa peopts ake loss of to9MS pc opto U no usgugtbls fstsn ui his gold teeth. J end act aeoordlngty. I of uermsn birth sr nasegs. are ta Russia. nip tmtmmt puenwerk guilt tPAY, NOVEMBER 4, 191

"Meat Prig Will DIAZ AND DENTON Not Come Down Practical Health Talk new that comes BY LILLIAN WHITNEY, M. D the cheerful SUCCESS from the Agri CONCERT uw defatrmiu Milrjrllr arid pIMter Worn Ipirttnentof over am bunion removes th pamful awelt will wo-- iv. culture. Meat prices rear cmk and roor nn. Ms in yaatar-da- If thla treatment la raitMultV Whao nhlliaa ttaaeribrd carried out. and proprly built Iho al- - miwmtyúmmeiirm9n Heaora EqwAy DMded iWttraan article i allowed to r on. it wayi worn moat imatinoy .if an rao who Stlriairlii Into rial root, whlrh meana e trnuhlea will vanish saliryllr arid U to loiowtht Talmtod Tmor Sine atad breaklna down of the itructurea tint commonly employed In foot tmnMes Bbcuit wtt Totu-Gran- th TW 1 o tnous It arts chemlcslly upon th rtfloaj, mm Wheel tnpph Pianist at lorm rr. - ihai it rnuiraa einert treatment. toftenlna It rniaaiaji lirutriimta of Infan- If men - Bridge a moon, at th Pretbytertan churrh. more real bouy - buiWmg aa caá f acquired of true nalfool are try ara censured tl.eir Pwtr far MUs day ft The mrtcart lven lial nlrht by nafari many deirreea of partial ' sore, so th rollowtn powder adopted from - r.asi r.i raso. ihrrt are MIM Natllc Mm I oreu, a popular bride- nutriment than beeflrteak or Dlas. tenor, and Oliver Itenlon. planlat. at ,okn down arrnaa that ran be relieved Ay he Clarman will irove umat naefnl In pr. 10 b, wm the honor guest I pretty peldman rron (Iranrl lo be one-- real, nrooer and the like stir "miaja; swr icyiic arm ". pans Mrs. Fred i. haa ralumesl th Teiaa Ihraicr nroved footwear W aoap bridge party given yesterday amrnoon by to York rlty and ofhai leas ttsrrh, part;it pulvrrlsail atona. Mra. (intra Pranklto ana Bar Hilar, Mr. a dellrhUul trip Jw efgs and at much cost or the most atupenoam. music, ducraaa pana. eastern poluta. .. . mm WttB III a powder 11 L. Mrrnent. at to home or Um formar, ..... naa laa. pi..- - 10 r.i .. - u , , u, prolim the evil. liownver If fresh Storklnts duated on north Kansas Shredded Wheat remains itreet 8. Jt. Schwab returned fro CsWornla. bar of year a. airan for the benefit of tit much good reaulta from rappina in f"i . "o." ? ""."".'V"" Many lighted f'Jr,aren, wiui ailver eioarially candles In ami brea same new man school pipe tuno, all n aniialv. throuah tha m .T. Msin sticks, tied toll Down, wara plsced In Loa Angeles the same price, the ..rrn ""Y"'" r.;,m. a...i duced minimum. Iwayi:....'luppoalnt -- with Schwab. She will remain raao felt a mal Intereai in in reci- strip. nwttweir I. correct. lr sKlH- about the houea, landing rnarm throughout, a rboniha longer. Hi ,7- All upon rW supplying all toy civic V '.ai til pvjttod pink ekryeaa- - high quality, tal, and manifeated their lur llrWW-! --íta. ,i real lMtrumnla asad let. pslau and plant ami and th by th beus to Its V?rZL "nT.T raíh Perlally . c.trna. should b alertltied flrat W hsa fro th artistic uliin '""V:. - form Us wwrmim avi a svsiy wiMte Mrs. H. Thorn returned the nutriment a man needs capacity. Mince two mouths alien the ...a ttm wn. ir iwna are ledured each week with nomlre Beta! I Monument IMeUrs' SSSOcU.-tlo- ar. ular and Mpeciaily dtnrinf In the bride tama that waa played tita National commute i ral Iteran tha work in ar vtiai exarclai'iiien covered with a small round plr won by Mra. and Mra. ronvenUon t levlsnd. hlo, and everyone re recommended to itrenrtnen tna feet and they prixe wara nerada Dallas for a half day's work. Two anaína lor ta roncan, hu urron'a plMler. will not bstoms I mm U- - SUt Monumental at Tor when SMasTáMa tM trounie. and will eventually POWDER rontlon visited aitd anxiously Novenibei l. I, dlaannear Thorn a guest While in the east. Mr. tbev would bare the plaMure of liearinr Hallo, vajris the JW-"- them atlmulatel rrowti Mlaa l.orati wm presented with I In . an and lie TlHMiaan.l shredded wheat biscuits lUae a ana Out an far outward i:lllni thlr two- - ríanos ni llatttda. two or America s promiiinr miiai- - Mil nrtre. After tha mma wm ovar At y wm Iba moil lo dsrormllu or the lolnt The Absolutely Pure' waa Tha Honey Harbor, luorgl sha with bananas and cream or ian The enthusiasm wm aucmenled by auiia Asswara te Huertas. rouria lunrbeon serven. hoivvseiei of Colonel and Mrs. T. a. uurr. rraotlon is rarely pronounced barore mid- Polly nn way you war b. H. ana miss an the reel that Hsfsel max Is a TexM pro- There Is m Whtrh cas smismb Mr Mr. Boarn Íiieat wm away since dle lire, thourh It may bealn III chlldbooA, h leached to Ann Sorensrtn. Inn. other fruits make a complete, duct, and la paraonally known by s mint to "dra" straw hair Its nrtstnai ñik trtMi tfTartu teople In city, all those and for thli raason tt la often at tributad ihsde. Tha only Is to allow H. Sir of th and or sensible thlnr iiii Th niesls were Ml f.nrti. Mr. W ARMY ORDERS nourishing meal a cost of who have waited with auch tntdrrat ware Th preaenre or absence miui he hair to trow out. and encostara th l.orati, Mr. K. P. Hankln. Mra. 8. W Fiat. at Kut.nothlnt to do wllh It. tha pain and dm procaaa dally of 0ALÜH-- N0 PHOSPNATI doubly rewarded tMI nlrhl with masaara tha scalp, Mra, W. :. Baiim, Mra. rinrln Brown. Mra. not over five cents. The honors of tha eventor were divided traM In tha joint re due hi inflammation tislnr a sllmulaunr hair tonic contalnlnr B. WfJkSe Mra. C. L. Wolf. Mra. B. L. the and tha pianist. Mr. eel up oy toe pressure or inrunn M) snna nil. The oil will have a twofold effect; It : -. fsrv. between tenor Hill. Mra. A. Kinds Mra. 1. C. Whit- Dim. his tenor of rare sweat-nes- n I subjected, which in nine produces a will darken the bleached hair somewhat and I Niagara Falls. N. Y. with lyrical Mr, o. Hug., Mrs. p. Bay. c. M. at has the power of those bunion. Tha condition apolla the rait ami It will nourish the dried eat follicle. Boy H. attrsctlnr Vega Bursum I.yman. Mr. Hal Jt Christie. Mra. who know, IhoM who profess to know, cripples th patient. t say nntuinr ur tna La does Dart, Mra W T. rtweTi. Mr, n E. tad thoae who ar sincera enoufh to ad- unslhtllnesa of th foot to whlrh It Ivm Beauty ft will live me pleasure to Mad Mrs. iraní. Mr. C W. Croom. Mrs. L. I. official i. aii..ia and other election atiptUlee. mit they da not know Chamlnade. Tarhsl riae Tt will not cure IimH and causes the formule you wish upon receipt of a Reception; Last Mrs. J, Rowland. Mra. Kan of and disability. The envelope. Noisy l.ocka. 'illrhrist. On rliails furnished the rommlaahwi bafora kowsky and Brahms. Hs attracta bciuse iartodlcal attacks ..alo atantped, self addressed oath MecCetlnm, Mra tari non an. Mra. P. It left Massachussns are ate names m an he Is rlrtail with a msrnetir personality rovernment found Una th W. Wlltlama, Mr, wilt SctinU. Mr. Osorge Maaaacliiiastts will llvs frequent and pamrul deformity amona Mr. (1. 0. 0. Many retruest dupll- Speech of NM. Candidate ar voters. and a voir that mnr after other moit reidera Beaudetlr, Mra. A. K. Rowlands. Mr, w. L. a are ten army men. and after yean or expertmrn rat of have hi Latex SVat Masaarhuaetta tua alxaasn eonsTeuranai voices rorro as nwinnurne norm lis articles that aonaared Foxworth, Mr, J. Robinson. Mr. Sidney Th by tha rom- have Mid of him. "volca ones heard In tatlon. ano haa been dealrnatnd wfurb li this department. I rsrret to say that no to Mw Morning Timri. districts. rharts earrtad foot panal Mayar. Mra. Buaaall Rokar, Mr, s. J. Frank mlaalon are srranrd atnnananrsiiy aa atrsnt placet shall cleave to men's lives said to ba onoqualed for comfort and reprints can be furnished. Tha subjects will Hast La Van. .1. M., No. 1. Holm r. lln. Mra. B B. Borh. Mlaa Anna Sorenaon. towns and ao arrsnrd that It can b told with slsdneaa and sadness and Ion love health it handled arain from time in time gnver MIM Mary Mlaa Btrdle Boekalon. MPr7rtTsfTr Mr. Denton, bia brilliant, poetic Dr. Hermann Mayar, an eminent Herman. Burium, Hepubllcen cendldiu for St a rian-- Juat what uomaMignai with lit.. Mttal nman, VJIaa I Hilar, CnU. Vita. man name sosa touch, oroveit lo bs (ytnpathettr and who nrsi studied tna pponiem or prope Jsundic nor. waa wrTl received here tontrht by tha a is in if he cast bis lute th rem Masía cola. MIM Earn nuaami. miss sua Majar town. sucreiiful Interpreter or Chopin and Llilt shnsa showed that the middle of is a jaundiced one? Tnere are other A county. waa upon lln a cltliani of an Miguel It tha l.attner. Mlaa Allris swan. MIM Anna Frank raUrad. tatkastd WawaU Msr Masse Eleettan asara ni nntv did Mr ftenxon Drove to M I blf to iltould lie strelfht niuons in the aystem that rtv rise in laat Mr martin that Burium will hold lln. mim Made Steele. Misa Mllda ConaoUy, l.iaai aiaana The rommltslon has th full Dtrwer lo maiar of technic, hut ha apocaran to b drawn tnrourn was wta aim pas am a out a. "Drownian nun or ma asm. nossDiy an ar MlM Tbeo Patterson. Mlaa Wllma Elliott and be held. ao tbsoluayly sura of himself and had a me nuiinie or the back or the heel. This u faction of the Hill bean shaped Hand barora Icavin tomorrow evening for hi nam tha hours the election shall as Meyers' Una. Tile " MlM kate Stoker. After the votes cast ara counted Mas re nenrmrui way i pisjiua now known ordinary called the "adrnals. to whlrh reference homa In roeorro. Before th mltnr lhr r"8: u. than to them. iiHe recreated shoe, especially all "TMblnoably" snanrsll haa tt.-- msil In previous papera. I advlsa wm an luloirmMIe parade with ron Mnr, Nts-.- sults will be telerrapnsd to tha MMsarhu anca rather pointed 1)11 Dealoa Caeteert Mas Part or himieif not only as in artist who has had hoe, and more particularly narrow you consult a physician. machines In Una. Thin proceislou wat la ta. Mtu secretary or vale Tna rsaswi w pay no whatever to tbta All vote here be out until exrollent tralninr. but on who poaMtsas shoes, attention hv tha Laa Vara bra band and tha or the boxes war ri.leu at tha Trias rtrn Uaaa. MXST H. raANC militia cannot riven (me theaei line, hence the rreat p rears! enre or hallux Typist You ar probably from or bald sparklers ana llranrt evanln and enjoyed the mldnlrht. Whether this will bs mldnlrht unusual talent thlnr shout surrrlnv rupanU tha car theater latt ST two la that there see mi to he val sus. eve strain Perhaps nnthlnr but rlMses Tor and fired muran nndlea. Tn arand opera concert alvan by Bafael DIM t El Paso or Huston has no bssn dacldad artist' trt-manl- . ful! to afflnllv between their mmlcll tal- Olvan proper ahnea and persistent near work will relieve you. Nen the eyes. audience at tha Imuran opera ItotiM talad and Oliver Centón for tha benefit of tha yet The commission cams prepared certain th can be and vn them wllh hot or rol.l aa o a, i,,isaa at a.oon It ents which makei each ao uniiaually wsll trouble arrestad Pslhe omprss. tha rapacity of the hour and lorn two tf larn school pipe oraan fund. Th nouae sib b h la rajo lake the votes or militia man. bul Devlre Itav been mad that ran you Hot usually Ute now will not adapted to Ihc other, rured. whlrhvr prefr. water li hundrad wara compelled to atand. Bursum wm well nildd arid society wm welt at Maa aaattallee. la believed that number was be worn on the Inner bordar or th root and more st rui. waa hv Bomaro. who exceed MO majority of the MMMrhu- - ftis concert opened with Trhtkow- rr Introduced Arrundtno Matar flcnaOC tf ITSrkS r.e This aeiaction. an mi" to which th ua Is clamped. They are cum waa for tha nomination befora Amona those seen in the boxea ware: Dr. - satts troops have returned. The Ninth, skv's "Wrum. a randfflsu mraaur daiaraad arftoava- Uatia- - dlnui and vocally axpreaslve. Mr nisi fl bersome. Intsd broad piece of atirroii Rmbarrasiad- - My dear child. resin that the and who fmva way v and Mra. M. P, who had a their W. lUOaNaTAP. which Ian aome time axrp, will not even KlliesK-- I the Inner you of you aula ronvantloo Schuatrr. Hamra win iw.rd in a r Inlahe.l and diatinriiv onai pIMter attached lo lo the temible which complain " tha man ft introduced a tha next ruea ta air. and Mra. s. Fannall. Mrs artkBarfc.itataiStia arrive at horn in ume to vota. or toe; Is then drawn away insupportable. Matters of no moment elat- i. iohh r n. aasst nal stale. HU claar and faiiltieas tinutra border the it actual or New Mexico. Burium aaamad Ramemund and Mr. :. in two Uat. aad Pint Haul FMAIaaMn V. The Massachusetts commissioners hers color of rrom It as far as can be borne usually an- at the see or 15! What or Tann. aa aaaaakar aad exhibit well the Tace and Tarhsl nelrhbor tender ed ovar the Ua rnd inlhuslssm tha boxes wara the orrtrere or tha United ttalOana kafaaair aetatlaa are: I'reeland Q. Rail of Monsnn. chairman; kowtky't The tenor la orth wlihont pain, the strap of plaster passed Would you say were I to tell you that when an which in Mm L. of T. malodle. - audience nd made iddra Dauahtera of Confederacy, Robert E. Jamca nnhertv iames or so a son Brahro i "Var- under the toe alonr Ute sol of the foot to other parta of your body rrnw and mature, many raprrta w Ilia he ha' IBM) ea r nao tar, ana iMtr mentis, in one or Harria. Bosum. Kdmnnd Cole, Pall River; butirul th middle or tha outer aide and up on the they will no lonrer loom dlaaresslnrly bt t diirln the whole rampalrn. the boxM wen Mra. B. at 0. Williams. Thomaa r. Pedrirk. herrant-- rms effect ihowlntr wll ankle. A wedr of cotton can he placed larra, but will probably be In correct pro- Lynn B. Bryton. FkU or erad with lolendld r preiinent: Mr. sad Mrs. nonert i.aimer snn Arthur RlrsT. riera the, beauty and power of hit voice. between the two toes to fill up th ipse. Portion to olls-- parts" Arm einrcls. will Mra. uaora nraay. rne saner was orcu the conunlaalon The election officers are: M or point umea tennli. - Kveryon uaes i.naromaor nu sisar tha amarrad several rnlf. rowlnr. led by Mra. Henrietta cyrua. Mr. I. W ñsttth B. Mllei. snrinrrieid wiirrsa sins- I'etais lardlnler wm well received, balnr dally with oil softens the tissue and reduces etc. rny. k. it. Mrs. m. u. wnrth. Kali Hlver; Alford nmty, BOSSDn and a sort of tire. rransim, - aunt with unusual charm raws, Mra r.. O. Perklna tna Captain Stacy iohn Noranan, Sprinrflahl; Oeorts T. DM- welrdneM. the concludlnr paaM ba The officers of the or the Atnerl- - iud'. - laralns. tail nivar. delicacy. Daurhtera waTJAaa"Teaa- delivered with especial Nothtor rrom the drawing room. "Did anyone si-I- - The election ommllstoneri mor nd sweat could have tender t aw lo pledge myestr But If tha isdy Roblnton. Mrs. N. II. Allen. Mra vaaa. who are roinlnr hare to take tha vote or an old bnKnirllsh son. "I Attempt I BJOOS. (nías in. iswanad isatanil. nMHUa man, than la III and apartment it CANDY spence. Mr. Lea orndorrr and Mlaa Oar "" tha Pennsylvania trsvalinr Horn Love's Slrkness to Ply." by Purreli. desires her is all trud Yal. in another box ware Ciptatn 'mSA a tA mrrs riiiltjilii parlsl train, are expected to arrive nri the san wllh an right." with heightened color, but rigid r sssa uapww. which tenor M'Pfilln and Mr. Walker, Mra. T. M. Waller. MIM now. raeorttrMTboard. Fart iw Wiich. "In s tlsrden"' by Ethel onrteay. the airanger departed. The neigh Karma Dean. Oantaln by Homer, were with Cral. Lieutenant "TtíTlS. AKRBAUI TAWOLD WWh and 'Deareat.' tupr or lair softly rloaed the door and returned to alnaworth and Lieutenant Clayton. fluid toveilneae of tone and wtitfulneM VOt B CHANCE AT SCHOOL mrort nsHirnful surrerer Saturday Special dTSLxT " wer a uiat of Mr. th san timen i, which fins Boy, don't mis your chance at school, A fortnight passed. No Mrs. Alvea Pveatdaa at Tea. ira '7 ENGINEERS OPPOSE ability further applicant ..ta ryi iral max Turn' M It will, your lire won't count for the apartment until one An was Tha supple aanuousneM of Mr. sppard rather attrarttva icatte attained tbroucti i niesi through toil with book and rule chill a and wire ihc ruoma of the Alvea rasldanca in Haw. tenor proven to ba particularly adapted ifternoon. rentleman hit FRESH PEANUT MASS. DEMOCRATS he sens To higher purposes you mount. litokad over tha suite With approval and thorn place yettarday afternoon for th to verdl'a melodía. ell of R. an air Horn "nlfoletlu in fan, Don't iMrk and shy and suy away. signified their resdineaa to rent If terms tea trtven by Mrs. .B. Alves complimen BRILLIANT LIGHTS owiyeren were BRITTLE, 15c Lb. tary to Mrs. w. i.. Tnj or nenaeraon. the Spnlsh number ha And think you know enough today. could ba (greed upon. They desired tha well recelv-- d and the piquant sninlsh sr menu are made lo fool. y., wno is nor nousa nreii. by I'eccll, he dls- Burh argti apartment at a dlstreailngly low prlre. bill The rooms wara dimmed by drawn cur epad. "LollU.' Bnlll And have of enanca to play. Our nnwers ara Always Trash sad STRONGER Played Ihe quality or vines uw uav you'll ku their references wer MUlfacsory. and tha and wis variety ta talo abades, rutin a sort alow about by GROWING M vel of tha reasonable, many carta lea In attributed tn many Unors. "oft idre that winter north still denied from. tha um of shied ailver Boy, don't think you need not go, houM mind. Again she agreed to a4ert rryalal sticks. sruurry enryaaa Member Expelled front Brother- vet." . . ... owner's Lara Mr. Denton's piaymr. oi i.iawi You can't as far enough to tell sublet, again she packed up frocks and thamtirha or various colors In the autumn Opinion me bar For tlwae chilly! nl1tU Hot hood for Expressing ws hevonrt Jusl M How raurh lire hold that you mull know ri ilia, and books pictures, peculiarly be- shades decorated the room. Tune dows bey wnen ic and drlnka of all klnda. the Convmiaaioner Says Situa say that It wm on criticism Pitch In and learn, and laarn It well. and s wii ted rite or the ornamentad derorstlona Election on Electric Headlights. n i.ertalnlv no other loved, arrival For that Sunday dinner Ordr Mra. Arves. with Mrs. Trira ana Mrs. a ptayea u uriitj SS h Take l.old or all that comes along. u All Is More Eacutragsna pianm in r.. r naa nlavell It' IllSt your loa Crssm from Windsor, received irte aiiesia in tna tion By Assocuud Pre...... i dirrl.Milt nas Por to the strife with forre and .wrong They came, and with them s small hoy or delivery. room. people called . th" imi inroi tu flavor and free llvtnr About tto dur Than Ever Before. WMhtotton. Nor. Testimony thai intrlcaU llirlll Wv2l,c.b0IJ5 You'll need each hour the- school ran give 7 ywrs clasping In Ms arma an alert eyed In tna afternoon. or ex Mrei. the mot apaetKlan Hrntharhood Locomotive PlUlnssra wllh excelleiit To help yen battle as you live. monkey. ara anatyr the pelled member! WTO opposed the original In point of Ms tterrtr all- thai, ya aaald NTs. Albrn CMMtataa "Psopls are keflentnr to nrinunt "Wlm Is Uwt child and alíeme that and or Charlea Bvans Hurhea. and nud advocacy of power headlights, was ton creaud a profound "''h, soma tlmea, to aaek. Th Bpeelal Mrndca Brearaai l A. bum Albro entertained at nrraaa speeches blrh or over tn t does seem hard, think. iiepihcnlih tnlnvil?" questioned the aghet aide ritthJiir to them." wm the declaration of tonight at th intersUU mienircutloii Clpln. all reader la a dellfbt and yesterday afternoon at her apartments In Mass., s mem admitted young and aspiring ',n'L or book and pn and lessons trtu. dreamer or wanderlust dreams Luxe, Mrs. Karl B. John Noonan of nprlnrfleld, on 1U proposed rula Iioum P'?uu snn bfej he Da complimentary to MMMchusetU election comrol-slo- heaiinr "ah and aiplred even hlghsr in Rut don't sund back snd smirk wins "This Is our son and the monkey it H arman, who is vlsltto bar her or the lights. The commission and d" In Ms of Plttiburtrh. which here lo take be vole of the requiring such lo Mr- Denton And say you know It all at sight. little pel," replied the newcomers. parenu. Mr. ana Mra. h. m. coanay. on day. overruled objections mad by Warren S playlnaT The píanüu aleo displayed his No more Ihe enano- wm prearnwa a MMsacJiiiMM snuviMnen rlcitlon life ased rolden "You did not leii me you had a child and rr. iiarman wiio anaH Mr. Noonan I one or the five Stone and W. 9. Carter, reipectlve chief Rr OU.IIH.I may aTUrwhlla l score prixe won oy next Tuesday. 'hH!!,wuiVsre,d Than yours need it reruinly ou do not suppcae I would rlxe. The ntrb wai TMmnrratlr members of the comndMlon. Of the engineers and fireman's brother- volt and vrllloni, your learning' lance. my Potter ra. A con rae luncheon WM I nd Oo make till with anyone lo bring a monkey Into Ca. Portar. two Thara ar a Ilka number of Rep it til reus hood, holding that the Inquiry could ba with wonderful assuranca riorsl aad Caafrrliaitary served at the conclusion of Uta rama. Noo- Denton's selectionstnc' he And then awing out with long and smile abode." Mid the Indignant lady. "What the The political situation.' tain Mr. thorough th Iturttotloti tn all or Mr. ' Mills Bid. ThoM praaaat war: iiarman, airs. man n ever more without to be an artist for tonal '" child did not Ihe monkey would. I art la now more enrou aerar Hhapsodle. brak. haney, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. John Liaban, Tne of Msssschu ISocUenass, but In I tast'a Don't miss a day. nor yet an hour. am I cannot accept you unanu " C I Mm I Am Wllnvtl lipa ft wm before uetnorraia urstd.T. Heller, of Indianapolis, a Big afraid u are realtor mors encourassd than ever John X. and Soneue de Peuaca Prom learning's hell, but band me anee Again Irate personages withdrew, followed and Mra. A. 8. Albro. setts two Cí?oTro even ouido hlrnialf Robertson before, especia durlnr , me Isst Pour engineer, usttriad charras had bea SoV'l, he aeemsd to To this chano that I your dower by s child clasping a shrilly ehatter- preferred blm by Mr. Stone and ga7 wondrfnT. iremendom force In rrest scared weeks srainsi ror all the golden thing to be. alunan Ta Give Parcel Part tfawtaL In addition lo tha people analysing the he bad bean triad and expelled from hi Xch he delivered these two ntuTibers. llir No. Methodist etiptialu uste Tsk now the proreared cup, grow wise the of suMetOnr The Circle of tha rirst church siteechss of HUrbei and riraiina ttouunr in loctl at Indianapolis ror Usurymg at rhythm and That ended dream ladles' aid aocástr. ara to rive a parcel them, tbev are bertnnlnr to think or the caiaadMu .udlence to follow Mb with And after that, when lire's high prlia mlalreaa or toe home restored he hat to Ha Interslata commerce hearing that ught-u- post social In connection with an enchilada brht hour former Uitorsat P' Hangs glowing o'er your bead, you ii know cretonne-covere- bandbox, tn rede ral reserve bank Uw. th headlights were likely to enibusiMtlr b"M her slippers tar ana asas or non mm canoy, on law and such law m tbcae tJist hsve brilliant electric Those who knov. sver The way to MlM it as you go. fancy bag and got out her mirtina November to, at th blr blind engineers of running In op- ins a Planlrt wh" their ay evenlnr, been enacted by the Wilton administration. trains ha thsrs bsn In El I'mo Tile nenutnwn naro aUys right here." she announced to ' posite prevent props read- much prslss aa Mr. runton. "Bardie rburch. directions and ia wnrmv of io hM Urt-e- Mrs. H M. is or in and ware told or menial both fitends and she meant It, yet lite wnnnaid cnainnan an atooned at 8t Louis ing simáis The teéor and 'ln"I. HEM Pl.mTNi; of - anrors WI.VTU all. Trlckeey Pate hep circle. Th xnmtttM In charra the that Wilson wouau carry sum.. u ww. D. P. Trot Ce, of Harrlsburr. PS., s Phtl- ually generous with their family northwwd sfur Mrs. J. n. ma Mrs. ropa. nf St IjHllS bSVS OOOCB of were called so many tlmea wai when the menfolk or Iter nerved by and dropped an elirlMe tenant affair are Foiter IWnneMa fam adelpbu and Reading engineer, declarad fact, they audi ine? the city ror Wilson. In the mstter or by applatue. so antbi ualMti that lor wara rallen unavotoaoiy away ior a ass Into her very hand. A physician having a high orririais tor ute engineers' oroin I greedy and Kit) pea I D. .. to Hal . haaitnuariara. the national Demo that besan to feel a bit I months' absence that aha conceived the bril brought hi brida, Meeltsf hina blm he came ZZZZ.rL.aoM Tii- ,- aorrv for Ute temporary mission Tha untied nanaltlers of the Confederacy. crauc neaaquarvera ...... s " erhood bad reminded sitar é.it musicians. idea auMetttng toe trtartmeni ana a nasa ton acton -- by tna to early week to usury liant of lovesoms rrestore with for hobart E. Lae chantar. wlU hold Its re rular headquarters malnUlnedu. at Louli Washington this Not often do rtuu .receive ror a gar little outing or her bespoke apartment, to. he rule rorbiddtog Z.SZ eolne north tifie rinsnlineis. and the meattor on Prtday artarnooa, Noraaaber Democrats." that would violau the Hers wm s most deatrsbte apartmsnt, eetrest-a- school. Mrs. a. M. 0. Mr. noonan, sacompsnled by Airord Otnty, oppose Individually any legis- lot of riower; there wrschrys own. and since Ihey ware only two. they at th Alia vista members to beautiful vvay rrom Cal furnished, and arte ran ii wor- own Williams, president, will preside. Mr. alio a member or th election rommlMlon, orogram the organisation and and carnatlona attractively the owner to be S guest In her little the city coun lative of be iformaVssnt by the of good a fair rental. a Joseph H. Hurxthal It chairman ror tha ibort called on Mayor Tom and to If he against down frundsor thy Unanu and guestroom and get her meala at caff until Ia liable expulsion tettiried invaiv bouuuals were showered Whan applicant ror ran ap- - sway protram to be riven. cil yestaroay. high power ones oc tas rirst in he wm ready to flit to that brilliant Members oi uw cwimi.aa.w.i light. upon tit musicians various in person of s debonair bachelor ror alghed. Stone told me. however," ha throughout the house. peared, Ihe wlnur to th north which iba Mm sassjarSera la Eatsrtals Vkaltsra. "Brother cupyma boxM and wllh axoeeUtogly engaging manar, ana ran E. L. Son will be on n the MMM anyone who telle the truth cSnDMxsajxuMM t. miss nh. ttllbarbara la In entertain M wbirh carried sddad. "that Toa Ivlaa bad been kind. Joyously she ramps next Tuesday Tn com- - will out or tna brother- Heaven indeed bndre on rrioay ansrnoon si ute noma ot chusetU not be thrown accept a winter unsm: chill eon rarne. eochlladM. k alp mu! Mn Rnhart Hllher. misnon urourm mwwm, agreed to htm u Hmas made Ma. ni u.. u. hood." niucTp7?.uV' and atone desired sknost Imtnedtote pot tamalea Orders taken ror rsmOy parts, street, or Su. ba TT. ban, East California eomptimentary O. P. Keller, HarrUburg, a Penniylva procesara to pecs up delivery. Mra A. C Jordon, 110 to a n or session, ska st ones free limner in vistunr rris. nla lines engineer, untried bs bad been vacat- Florence. Phone Ms J. Adv. or ability. conwll-U- e her personal Treats preparatory to Cksb et pel lad In 1013 IfHf UM local Which pastóle genui. nd The home. Mra. Wttherssaas Siataaa. or Mr. JosephSH. Hftri-ih.- l ing the little kingdom lb called CLOTHES WAStTETt 14 ihe wm head had voted to disapprove a compoMd - Mra. (i. Wtthsrsoooa wm host-- ta AFTER YEARS was W very ana cany, law- l. Pennsylvania leglala-lur- Mrs. C. E. Kelly, Mr. It all took! aear bv electricity, on display st nendMjr of yeteñay bill pending In the j. chairman: . bar ftrtdrc r'ub a, l HnwMi mrm. a. to torn It ovar to anyone cue. IHABSUt Mrs. A. P. Avortll and Miss to require brilliant llghto of locomo Ó. utnelv hats ian. afternoon. Alice M.rchsnt, Mrs. abe. "I suDOoee the thoughtiesa man 40 TaXMitii The SUFFERING on exatulnaUont Mr. Moa M ntoSWi Dr H. H. alabad. It Alma J ones waa the prixe. oiun win OF tives cross Wafler Wra. Carl Malpara. Mra anu una. meet arsln on Friday week with Mra. Prea ought to show the action wm taken be Ada Will hOVS windows riung wioe AUan, Mrs A a Jordsn Ml. airuna- - to day nd night But no rtrvsNS aa to rstdRtsn. enus Keller bed' Joined s nasi labor or Olnther, Mr. B. I. wy Mr Mrs W a noyle aad their aen Sure Feels Mn Mra. Paul aha concluded. M s pMlosontae and Thursday Sal al; the city fn It isnlMtlon. Mrs. arrived in aftonioon Desarar to Let i rrssks reaeonabh Mra. Katartala This Lady Triad Cardial Her Th decision tonight sd Jo Dhina Ntiioni Morfltt hnnrtn. "osa must route lo Turson. Aril., from Orla, Texas lies waiter M ftrurv la to rive an tB- - comrolsslon'i Wright. Mr. tna rwnt - litad Uatlmony given yesterday by Wll anre ror Wear ana war ana Mra Doyle and son will winter to Tucson rnrmaLiaa nasi Wadnaadav afternoon at her Tall You the FoUowing BO ns sat ner jaunvy osu or the Mlebi Good ronxpumanaary b Ham H. Bother and A. E. Martin, former Mr. Doyle is gensrsl mrtgar Bom. Tt west noutevarn. to or upon torusbiy jaunty basd nd matas gan HUlpnur conapss". to Mra M. M. IlnlrV. Sf KV BUS to 11. 111., Sutsyment the Result members of a defunct Indianapolis local ail w P""' VirmvUMM mother of Mr. Drury, wno u insir nous They said the local' charter Bad bssn rs ii Paso ThWk. .re Atridd reedy tar sissrisri. man hbwe. ObUüxsed. aa-- nan recaoaieo o.. sKArnr visits your bed ruest. She railed altar it bad acquitua notnsr ot following nrms snd person ror However, MS wuie.ui William (lutlian or w aao.. to the isndlord-furt- ooery ram to have own ber aun to Prtdajrumii, charges preferred by Stone when Mother SUtance; .... -- r haakat tttona to nam bar pros rived In the rltv srter made warm and com APVeraaan Tas sa Wednesday. strong nesangnts. in. inundad and ruber wm private room It M and testified sgsiast Th WhlUMOuae rang uUphona , Mra i.'rnmbla bar two daurhtera. Wise. Vs. Mrs. J. M. Blam. of this vasas- tna rovuia. w- - pectiva Unset Ms bar aphy w Srward, mrstory of tato dur fortablc in a moment time on an Harm Walthall and MlM Bus cromóte ,, i sere em. C. P. KOiu ror to isy that he wm sacesdlngty sorry, but ln( pp,,,, , Abraham Lincoln's edmtots an trou-Ma- s, war not have Issued Invitations for afternoon toa female d'lbe MM proponed stibtonsMt wm not acceptable of 1 pasea. In wrltrn of her hand made xarapM. as low as tor Jetton. chillv morning, by the uae to be riven nart Wednesday, rrom to orsunr; rumorea r aoo-u- a IT Art Shop, City ai .refw Ballwav to blm It wm met or iocs, aa inaar nssjs on isomana street. says: "This trouble want on far Beeeb'i ax.air upon amen was rao aa CAPTAIN HAi-- IN) ajBIJBtlH, Radiator. No fus- Bank build Adv. looked toe wins h Hall, th an Electric n. llgtskxtog nssh tas wuater cMuea i. niaht canuin of ooilm Ska. BsssvaU Battartatas Gtah. 14 years, often I was unable to work by a uor a ill leave for lloiutoo. Tessa, tosfjatsl Ha or loas of time in getting up i. William 1. DMVltt entertained her ror Barres phone Lome Tlvs Hencb, m-- In spam were ma tow. aa to be gone leveras wags. SMiaa qv. to earth, tperu luncheon brtdre club yesse rd ay ansrnoon. and badly at . . . times, quick Ikey sre going rsst.-A- I Noru, bed. Like Truth, she was crushed i: Armatroiir will be ttoMrsg ntghi rap (inly were present. Ptidsy suffered the Tm she heat. member Next riOOr K.nutrntr BUT hut else, unlike that noble virtue, um during Ms sbssncs. '.rZimii- Lees the C1US win meet a rain wtm aara. rt. la. whan I could not ba on my raat at all. WHY NOT .oujuina loew.checking could not rtoe again a tutgtmor, wa Poster. - offerings in silk kimonos, m Mplaln Really In bad all the time dur- Sea tha new - m in was insnlored lo remato snd health Beach's Art Shop, City van surdamjor situs APPEAL waa low m I10.M? Be H??gl?- to the expected tsosnl lbs difficult A NtTRE DAME LADVS ma those It years, end nsvar Uoual Bank bulUting. Adv. tMT. UUS saiaj. .eaSaaiaar -at Ptoses, ptssM, you sea ram, Electric and Mrs. P. 0. Suitors ara to sartor 9 a rasw asmuiiuii" r An port an ( amy my naasu tain their Irlanda with an Informal dancing without pain, with awful backaohlna, ock st the hoeplul at htm 1 sat Stok to nso cena muscuL KB saN MtaJKCT TO cao IT I derperstely sorry whathar party next Prldty evento at their home, lot was nervous, at croup. sick soldasra . . ., to sptllStog) aad that am hinibaaaoa. bsckachbe. o had no appetite, but Mv son tdvvto Is subject lo Prosa 4 to O clora s rwsaapaiuat orr. Austin airases. O. to but fk deal it ur ruursbrU peine, to write to her for s . . . antra Mra. P. Iragk. Mew kstumgtoo Bowsn's e Radiator I say husband's sister haldst Mri Jsroei To a would-b- tenant which repeatedly urea hat tlms "1 Btasa home UMtotrSt hM Pa imi to many sleepless hours st Mr DU Itauahlera ef lasabas Ciafe la Mas. jn" '"."."SLif ín Oil messege wm trsniuu Md. "But why all of estos tortures- she faeU it iter duly The Dsn of the Empire club will recommended that I try Cardal, which PREZ. rburs U...... I. Unlhaaa nMri Ml .... thla naai Sr. cordially Invited. tM sudden rdssng Of Miad?" perslsUd the m und it in all aarrarara Yeu I meet next Thursday si tha some or Mra n. . . which K..1II.. ,.r I CMSU too. prot- besan so take .and ir it... Inati I'hanahrr SMd man. yourself St noise M provide B. Alvea, Hawthorne Putee , usa - will me be In better health ism-- couah Hesaatdv in the house sad MAkWsXI. MAT 'Teal hiss: vm. tsU Mat why,- came tn uric has caused to II directed always gave my uuy sanctuary This sisaos diaeevsnr banishes Mid and pleaaant warmth Weddlaaa it mumed tones from lts gtvalldl blood, ection ba sinos. a few days I fslt that relief." 'tout naote svsrywasra. aav. a Srnnatna to IBS Tors rro IBtBS looaeoi the nuienaa Jolnu Rav A. A. Davia united aasrrlaan MlM aver la J'l."-.- i of aurrsrlng. mm vea purtrue the btood. brightens the ayaa family. It is - A .. vemment hM dSSjaMt Tn ia.u snd for your entire Mead MsOsMb sad W. P. Btsata Isst Bun- Improvement had bearun. My back ?rXL.l7 occasion ally tobes s drink I" rtv tag stoeticity sad tons to toa whole i day ansrnoon. bota of SI Paso, st tas borne U-5- 7 Major Oenarsl Sir Wlto MWa'' a drink! nr aeurs f you, ror roor for at any hour of avenue. stronsrsr Isas painful. I sot German Submarine to recall takes um. ir tha above IsMnsti ready uae of the bride, Alstsad (ot and rena, enere a uke s drink'- Why shouldn't Mr. M. Summer, box S. otra lasa nervotk and my appetite bagan Convoy Deutschland .... .eiti.h force i and ha will be lur ..t.ilv as todlgnsnt rne "sttni vets artJBBBB day or night jn any room Masa Will '. If" ilnnsnT' the Mrs. ...w ta, i uiiteiisnl Oeoeral Bryan Msson Mrs, A 1. Eaton antrrlained laformally to Improve. In a fsw weeka my lm . . .aMapn renntlee more warmth is 1 M-t- y m aOSwXSaatO .a. mw.k. " where provement was noticeable, and I got on tier netum rip normi It it indispensable in Egypt Into better health than I had bad for ley Assoc! sud prsM. 11 riStl Mil li i la Eases. T New London. Conn.. Nov. I The Carman 1 homes where there are old 1 years. My walking before fctecltoo of officer! of the Pytbiaa tasara ... armored lupnuraa c 7, sieur snip ot in A for arMjGff waanssasy folks, invalids or children. win be nam me iai m no had been very painful, and could not V U. which recently Mirk five off varnber at the 7 of P. ball New I expecteddbto Grocery to any good the norland cesst. set Overland stand on my feet do convoy tha undersea frstght Preside at Tea M for The first coat is surprisingly ALer itwha, th- e- tUnsteay Frtod Wlri-isx- an eV Son. 4233, 4234. matare. i y C- - IWo small end the coat of operation afternoon tea next Friday, Ids to o'cU aver, a ttuvnu waaia rw "Valn Paul fcoenls. M BBS Tone. ciun. wna 20 Orariaad St wee ana House- The Iteuue blend's skipper added. E low. able to do tna wont "I would not be surprised if th armored keeping for aa ordinary family. My submarine appeared orr to maa mv GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES. Mr. sod Mrs A. K. Mar Par land ar tk govf EGG See them our office III In iwrl. Ton can t Hit wnat ma NOODLES at srenu of baby boy. born Tuesday. ulo back eat) appetite ware better end arnment will da." to Htrtt Uy IrraJk and oar servtoe to the beet In answer to qsMBoni t'spiasS Kosnlg also my nérvea." --, sad bs oud probably f- SKINNBI MR. COL OtOrHA. LLiA SOCIETY PERSONALS If you suffer as Mrs. Khun did. ward dak wia.V" the mut tos Fray. Asmo DaliTar, to ell Parts of Oty, HPawiacctiicRy.Co. reunrt thai as wouiu go varo urn take Cardul. tt may be Juat what IMS Of Bee. si. Bfi Mites. Base kieaaassi Bev. A. A. Davis in msrriagt Miss the Case Cod canal, saying notttiag ra B J. united by Phone 2323' aastriea SUICS sou waiver a. ajar you naad. Adv. lo bs gcoed tats rout. EL PASO MORNING TIME

not only Bred ant his weaker opponent rest me aouad la said to have "Mt Ha bul aleo the spectators around the ring stride tor tlie Drat UaSt SaaVJ TIMES : RA : as' well. Referees nave Ihe absolute power mewart a waan cannot hrjcaa to 10RNING SPORTS : TBA kind of root-- CING FO holding and by playing hardest BOXING 0 LL to stop Itoxers roautantly rent the i rest ins and toes are not competent ring arbiters If thy do bed enforce Use rule arrvmr otbaj' gtunea In the aootowaast 3TB ALL LEAGUE DILLON LACKS SPEED p toper ly be the ptasle fctaiamru Louisiana 9te Arkansas at glweveporV Henry Kendall GETTING UNDER WAY r in, VANSURDAM'S IN BOUT nw t in nt i lege and the Oklanrsma Agrie in tinne T I g. titiM. ' reatad, nrav at Tula. The iiventlty of JUST SPORT FOR JUST SPORT FOOTBALL COLUMN Big Jim Coffey muni be awrnlly tired. He Arixoaa play toe Tesa MSjrar Officer Elected and Playing Seech Would Seen to Be Cae wSata and her three months rest outside Texas Aargle and Rice era to cUarTS yon year Dal Taken Up at Meeting Since Trial Lew- the mpes can brat that? Houston. The Aggtes loa s sr hr The doable Hi Against ir Coffey was a wise bird be would com ska score of to to 7. Laat Evening. at the HI medium to insky in Boston Ring. bat Frank Moran again, and try and re day bold the mistreat deem himeeir. fancy Moran has lost ACROSS THE BOARD AND BACK away. y CKMLCft W or the biral fans. To hl big kirk since lie put flbarnnj bwav those you Uiat are Benny and Johnny Dundee TIM Army l launched, ami fr. .in of Htipertor boxing nctence What. lonard leasc HY SGHMBOga interested m seeing will alway tell as a in ' Will It be the ame old bop. skip mlTOaSPORTlJGHr laiin. hum party ' m the Ions) run, aa I have an or ten aid b ilrtaen leame renre- eollesre men Ih action Baftltog snd Jump afralr Le us hope not wirr HI for. Levlnakt- proved thi Ihr very to hand Limi, i "U or ni HHII I AH ARUT Mr. I the kenturky first That was bad Judgment Camsin tu.' nat.tii Mat auiianer. Milliner heartily game tuner evenina in Bos announcing hl rt YiAga, qpo inrantry. the meeung to orner miKrilamcn brtier uill have a In favor or toe move or the Juaret leeni will give ton Tom Mr.Mahon t cablegram SSVIS raited track i Ifela when he o as he the ring gawwn kaag at atssstar pasas o w a. In t peso last F'd time k'epmr Oielr date thl Uiat mi opportunity, 1 y father's desth Just enl?red reef tha ball room the del virus manareihnt elimínete the book a or e r outgeneraled OTanrmell In But night, two elevens are week and up to the 1Mb or the tomugh thr In tallan, m of for number Tren husky to rombal Les Australia end al least nairr the n.utuel. u n I rugged Jack Tom showed hi by In Uw mooUi. Lit. i romea the Maaeat hoW -- 1 O. aay .vívanla verslly brave treat forttUidr aght Star dw soaar gton nt xals. HMatM enter rln mi thai there will be rive or Hlllon In li round knocking his opponent out In Ihe tenth r sad nt plan, in inram tale, rail of all that at lamp cotton ueit Tura ne te car rrom revonhlre. Hie Da atara will be m thr The "Hooaler Man line up. In ISM when ""Hid Wa wha d for thr playina nf games each Miitday al day fvenlna, when election return will vi atante or It bead la reported to be Killer" may be the certainlyf by upecial to Mari. tu played ken The boxing commission should Vfr Grande park. Lamp wtewsrL camp be rerelved wire the apmnr tlmae en rout. moat upon Pop Rudolph, the mussy Pershlnir School nf Col arena. Thl bill will be beaded by j lucky HUte at dangaroua sit down Mines and .ani. a fighter In lona or Al M. t cry He if always making mBtDoBlele-heedrr- a may be played al ftlo Tonino l.lvlnyalon and Tommy li'Toole J A Ml s r.. (ILFARi AND WAVNF. flAB.NKB Transylvania gruelling batUe. father but eoiialderahl Now be wanta Jaca Ma al IK pound over the ten round Jour got In rrom Kentucky yeaterriay morn- tifiiveisiiy waa then uiversltir of Ken- he great trouble. Patlwntu wwaakaa. at Jest nasa aasaw. lark the iispended a post- raaw w illTrun'fnm ne) in Inter eat-l- the ing. tucky, when hi Hw I returned to LanrtDg-to- Dillon for two weeks' rwaad rrrwa Uva ataaaas sa tha 0 sxaay the following organliatlon bill' O'Learr al oara entered upon hla speed and skill lo alleged kwa mm the writh thr L'nlicrelty of Uie ponement or his matrh with the Wa .boned loa tbaaa a had - MM comprise the league, wloi U possible leader will lie all chaptered ello dutiea of tilling ue appiiratlnna for Soun J win lo or if round middleweight champion. fmtém- add U on oT (Wfi Llghih between Baitliny Liillln of the Twen- alalia ror bound again play Kentticki atate my team was w mi fts or three more nhlo horemen tor Juarea. - As bout aurh Dillon was between two He either . ty third infantry and rrowahnw, a minus all equipment. la custofnary tic aa l.erm-ak- fire. Bran If jmritry repreeemird lv nptait huh. JlmmJe round rloee lo a hundred borer many artlal had lak oibbon on November to or Hsxleit. Haatinga and Llghth Held Miehlran ti.eii.ei of ihe Thirty on Hie upon hla Bv wiui college lesme, toe unlrorma of and Mlk- - nib- - to TearVa .nil a Yniintt, hrt track arrival. are lose iinportapt en gag sanest John Hae wtUi Uaat nam -- III realmenL Kelly will rarry Ihe the men carried In two huge trunks bona It booked to box toe "Bt. this rtlllrlV. Lieutenant wmik: lull, Ohio rofon Tueadaxr night the flrat anadian and trupka union Welsmantel gave his consent but the elder T.H i ku ta Ta i louu nam i.. ... Chauibcre: Third of Ihe .'venteenth i avalry arainat Med Kentucky contingenta ahould be over well our did not reach l.fxlngton Paul Phantom" on November to next, and iw. oa our tram, so we I nttdolpb immediately kicked, a usual ftvajU field artillery, lieutenant Yoiina of lie aerood Ifhh in four the river. Thoe who ablp from Wlnd-Mi- r there were "The expect to see almost an exact repetition are still Nfaa Tad Jones the rreateat l world to rooquer hut kid Williams and Johnny Bte i mm mm irtranirv. rounrla Mrl'lie. or the iral (Ihlo am and tomorrow, nothing lo wear." of the combat, when Mike toe newsp- Usat Yale emeries 0. J. 1. Oaw of lieutenant bulan, tolt afternoon of Tlte central imivereity or at it. righting each other In ever bad?" llth. Washington. 0. i field stillery. outfit appear aint Andrew enure, will md be in unui later. Mr. Kenturky. hear- and lack get together within the ropa. aper, In the ring. Dont this the greatest, any Way. Other atara wars Hie ing or our plight, brought Levlneky In matead of I. Btrope; Thutv set mid Mulligan mían or iwenlieth Inrantry machine aun Oamer la nn a realdenl of F.I I'aan over their suits It ran eutpolnt luilon t pair us all wearyT Oesaullea, Hockwell and Flncke not to ror company a aa (Tom lienvllle and game was played ahould not able to make Lieutenant Mm nam, Hi-- i Snrlh caro In preliminary, doea and thi year, aa in year pant, will be rounds, Oibbon b" Ho Brltton and Ted (Kid) Lewi are get Harry Beecber, rrom the old regime, i in Kenturky- uniforma. The memory repeat the ierfot manee In 10 Jack Infantry. Sergeant Brill loutlli ''in., .d Ihe .mil nhlo. Who meal In the employ of the Jorkrv citm. of rounds? 90 to rlali again on November tt next. In a a Pastry, Sergeant urr; m lloluui ,,r the rlahtcenth I'eainaylvanla. to to the keen sportsmanship of these boya has fair fudge of boxing will deny that Mike combat, toes ran Imore to ends Stan a ever I Bosbsn This will be their third Tale's ilea J Trurty rir-- A few or the yiiardamen promlae to remained with me and look back la not aa speedy and kHlfiil aa Hie Hebrew in next rive trsat-ea- t .un: i r. jnikis Jnny imitys. vvh" WAS rrsy games and I can only aee one rsaufl their to quarterbacks. Protably the ray: engineers, sergeant kriieel) avail themaelvea or Ihe npjiortuillty In iiapended al laat aprlng. to in Lexington with a greet battler. same as two. of ends to American fooitiaH would be list "hi" Juarrt ha or I meeting the the other stidniience company, box with Johnny MrtiarUiy al the been ie metaled by Me aere llrlevogel, deal pleasure. While have alwaya classed Dillon as course. ed aa Hlnkey, saevlln. kiipairirk. canan lurray. and ntantoti alreet central ranp ttila and Ireland, Hiere So now all you loyal fans take a few a powerful, game, rugged rigbler. I ran Johnny Kllbane get here, bell and Snow. Oftha or thale sse sheilv ateward at hours and see some good not acknowledge him as a riaahy. Walt until Three The Iniual mulct will lie tag. d Sun- week. Kid la.h will Ilk. ly the lime or toe auapenalon. off football. brilliant snd you will hear seme more fltlc fire nrst toree-- all belong to Yale, wltb Her Iota Mon be With MrLartby not later toan Mon- J boxer of toe hlahest type. He haa shown aporUna; column or dally vara Michigan represented by Camp- day Novernber I. Knttv The Mines are JL great risflc ability alow fellow works in the th' and day mailt wtien ihe . 'hi,' in i,na "f the day afternoon al f:M. In working with J0ar.gT HUGH MfllXlNO, TEXAB HIDKB playing University of with such preaa over bis propaed matrh with Freddy bell and snow. limit oi the i all torn ai Ihe Mlla- - rrom the ramlly or that name which at Tucson this afternoon. They are aa Frank Moran, Bailor (lrandr and even toe crafty Welsh MHrue will tie hold in the room fori realher haa meeting- a Charley he the great WKlak. l don't think 7 weiviii will he OH to the team Uiat haa had a longer sea- Walnert, but baa not raw. KlBxane any AS BALKFTaXD. m Del Norte al Jn orlock. Team de preparing hiinarlr aent everal nark rider turf, or Le- - mM. hi in hoi under SOSB. lili' league IhhiIiI get hi match at ' amp Stewart on the night now rank teoUt In Ihe American Jockey son of training and better facltlttea for lightning larUc either nibbons or eondlUons. But what a flashy fight Otrittr In enter in, practice- - ao I aee fair Another aldelloer aakl for an opinion sa 1. r ii hainhei or the ol November when he meet Young record the year. Jockey Claude hardly how they ran win, un. se- brh with tenant for but you may will to to it woinu to toe rreateat backfleld that might be gun rompan; nf II i "in,, in Hentpaey In a len round head Unci m Hunt, in llw cnaplnv or Kay 8 pence, rest asaumd Uiat they all played. machine mi' give a good or DILLON IS ALSO lected from who bare ' fant r y wliii In i of tin ihe e.'ud P. me Harend Heinpaey go at account themselves. haimian rummltlee - no XING TOO I n Hearhttir to proper answer bare leads I l gov the army tlirater will appear army on piminled to draft a net of ti thai CHAmT (Hilo On IS Dillon boxed Larry WIL one Into water too deep for safety. Hiere a lldi al ol lite lialitivelght dlvialon THE FOMM THE NKW DKVOM-ahlr- r The Atate university Wisconsin October tin the nryanl nation. Lieutenant flwlng, ir' game la or llama, a rather iinaatiarartory alt round have been ao many brilliant backs that went pnloter, nr the Llghth R Harry iScoggiei Muakopf. For an op track dally preenu great num decided Interest to the local to would be rornier Ohio militia boya, ror they are going to bout hi Philadelphia. The next evening tie to cut the pick down four fluid artillery, and Lieutenant Brown nf the p.aiiii. Miukopr mil have Terrible Itera of Juarez iHtran and la the be kipped to almost impossible. Tedd) Murphy or the I'enn troopera, Uiat won most lf at Ihe T).d Norte tonight WO strong to get over Boston and met defeat Third pennaylvanUa rteld artillery are Ule Juarea runner frequent at the or I evinaky. This. In my H Jammed Into a corner, however, and arid regard Teddy, tilla bout remind ly. l or a few the returns. On the dope to dam, Wis- hands con- mehibcre of the committee. la It but a matter daya opinion, was very bad Judgment No r forced to make a choice, we would be fBr t.un Mini, of h company or the the riier or Uie two i lumberjarka until they will all tie bark at toe Mexi- consin should win. enough, and sale enough, to name this luí can rullv recover hi form and stam- CACTUS Ajáf,MMI LtAUI tent Eighth i ihlo Infantry waa elerted prealdent once ined lo caatura a baliy wild can plant. a a a a me- CLUkVjgAJ2 Thorpe, Ned ataban, Willie cal rat Han Kenan. In writing ina within f hours. Thrre's happy quartetJim of tlie league nlfrTit. The other orn in the tun in iHHi. it hap iolTsyVDIITH of the Williams dium hi boxing, like everything else. A Heston and Walter Eckeraall. Mon petted about aa follnwa It waa at Till FEHHI CoMBIWA-lu.i- i Wealeyan game at WllUgmstown today, It ae--Tf 8 put on or era will be elected at llw meetin aaya: man ran go too often or too aeldian to t This quartet rnuld French day night and Mlke'a rinf year aa lumberlacka haa hern much in the limelight at "Our scout tells ma that Williams the ring. a B. Oil ihlgkisi it I unlrorma, take the ball outside of and. or new Haoul haa one or the A aullante tropl-- will probably h" c comae, baby wildcat looked ihe Canadian track. Ferrt' best teama that he haa seen m m to aw" ITT - Parta and carry It to straight rathe to ass about a tame an ordinary hoiiaa cat equaled toe Devonahlrr track record thla season. They've had a hard season, i lln being ror a losa. Wired r" the championship organiatinn WHY DART.Y COLLON autra without thrown - Uie i" them. Ihe two managed in the laat week Uie horae ran three playing big teams, our gama proml '1 STOP Willie nllii r mallei- pet lallllllll In trre when and res CLASSY IN TWENTY MOUNDS. n b. lll mil Mnnday main wild one and Pat circled to make a qiiarbT or a mile Hi II.' to be a regular battle from start to rtntsh." b. a a ABOvt TmMAJUt. learue be thrashed Juat to ahow how superior ring krlencc A. KsUj B i i llntb up a blr hemlock to bag Ule rat. He mrtlier adds, "Schumacher EI Peso J. teams ilrelriny In enter lhl It nil inn af Is always so errectlve, i nv quote the fol- I There are only s very few that stand meeting Mon. Aa If II Waa Uie proper thing to bag a COMINO ALL THE WAY MOM CHILAOO, Is making good all the way around- - In his have a representative al Ihe game lowing rrom Snowy Baker's "Boxing In above toe matt over a long ttretrh or day Ma Is InipergUve, aa the entry wild rat ni. I'at carried a gunny aark after making aomewnai roundabout rlass he drop kicked a ill yard goal so ratals wan naaaaastl. : or Michigan six nlrlii looped Charley not bad As I Australia," wlilrh that great proinoiei Ssss years Oertnsny Schuls. will poalUvcly close then. tlilniiah hi bell When Pat trip overland In hi roadetcr, at that." near as ran recall, Boas. ISf Rtsk taaal f MO a lift ran Chicago, regularly sends me: feet four - pounds and as raat aa end, rcarhed Utr limb where baby ral waa Ford, racing of this la a college record. aova In aa Jimmy waa pen at A fcaaa gataawd árdeas te has bad no rival at renter. He tha l'rcvaraUnn fur the field ar aerufmy bed, he reached out hla haa arrived lo apend tor winter the a a a i'lMnt fteht Laa Dane. Prleaa iaor.l rrom IT 5 AAVxaew:"'0 nonpareil of brigade. In toe same n, graao the waa accom- Yale a dereat-in- aaírt Ig- - JM tolt Jllery Thirty fli-- Mlrlilaan game iinday band anarllng one by Ihe Juarea race. Mr. Ford Is going to have hard time 4eam to ft. Fnr lona Urna n had liawi Utal way Hogan, or Yale, It still remem neck in to above her heed by Kaln, or Chicago. Colgate knowing Yale t'lahliT miahl bam a rhanea of rtetarr In l f: siSSS. 18 H M Jim M Rio (II ande nark are going aluna with, readme panied Frank aln but the spirit, - lea 1 be aa a classic, one of into the walUng with the memory of but the kaxwat fan- .11,1 M thltit ao. a J red tackle those man. The District ,.f Columbia hoya, rirt aark. Then the Kxrept for being thoroughly aiinburned. but year's dereat urg main iuaaU,a, foe dwei waa whathar 1'lal.hv would who come onee eevry trouble Mil aome two are In fine health and lug them on. boys In m Set eta IM about wetil Uirouyh a lirr praillre session yea atarted. rat had the traveled those blue will play ha kan) oat or aaoaia but uumwh iwwnu rooa tSam. Hryanl re Ihlng to aay to Pat In the or oh and expreaa theuiaeive aa having aiiperhuman ball and ahould win. rtaanrta Ha want. Iha knaraar; Mat rraaa W lArtloJ . tardav afternoon, and Heraeant ai aplrlt W A alo andl Itt I g porta hla lo be in Up lop lection bv nurimjr. arratclung and bit enjuyed Uie trip liiunenaely. Becauar all the arar It ama state that ha waa out to mke Snow, luat aa avrreaatliin lltatee arte U riaM. fkasah law atea Achula and Yale altape Ihe emiflt, i Hie Wolverine are Ing. VVlien the rurrie got warm. I'at Mr. Ford dealred to Halt Colorado polnU iioih the Mini and Mary hare hard tea r. net la names Hlnkey. Ho for llegan to awear farad oh othwr for alttf mlmitaa. thara waa not Will never forget the of nurkliiK hard, lite rinal pi a, in r drill anil the rat began to toe travelera rovered more mile than gimea. Motre Dame, Uie Army's opponent, mora than flflaan muiataa' flahUn Uw raat of aim a de- Ut ira un hrinr Krheduled for thia afirrniM.n at Lamp youl like regular bear caL Mike, on unid have been the raae had they has been playing stellar bail all season Unas waa osouptad In rlnao Tha Amanean wajrs recall ttibbiee, Campbell. Brlckley Snd the a ror rafaawd to gira and In fraa hi Uvaurti In Ootton. rentad uie fart that hie pel alred to make bee line me border. and so has Washington and Lee. toe Navy's lea Ulna. y an Dueon. It High totalritaCeeaV Mf Waelilnalon battery leain will line aktft waa experiencing dUTIrultr In All told, they gpent ten nay In driving opponent The Navy's wonderful showing a raw aireanew of thai aart hw acarad ayatto haiwl gttll or Poe and The iMuglna woaawv. Ha eass Ma ounnln and awnwral.hlc to Princeton thinks White. up aa follnwa Hobenaark. I.. K Mullen MUa Lat He nnally yelled to Ume. In the north, they encountered against Pittsburgh makes them favorite In or DeWltt Kelly and Cochran. Penn haa "id aay, prrranl Oarer from ruahlna or liaejailis hhn. READY and berk. I. I.. ItTODf '. U nwyer. C: I'at. ahail come up an' now, but nearly the enure trip were , their game, but Notre Dame la picked to bora arraottns any dead Is wort in Ik Maw fiahun BAYLOR BEARS her list to Woodruff and Wharton, Oasxaod, RUIUin, It II IIIH'llrtii'K. II. ruminate In finning all roada in good win oyer the Army. Tha tiHwrikwra foand ih a.hiMilun dull rroai the Hare .'u n. come MUlng TODAY and others. JL 1.1 Week. O. It Xinllli. L. H. kelli ilttltk an' ahape. After New Mexico terri- FOR BATTLE ' H k lielp me I.KT (Mi la the Chicago men report they tTniversXy Attimg II Mr, ..nun, V. lltlirta Ui play of r." That pial tory that Mewanee v. of Alabama at thouaU Sr.wi llw ptSnt ot jnitK alHiut vi Mm II III were wnatsciUn. oolf ett. jm Bryant, t ola. sutith. hamberlaln, be win, actually at tlmae made uncomfort- ninnlngliain Is or Interest to the lauriliif dutenea against atara pownful anUi Waco,' Texas. Nov. Baylor Bears make further proof that goir Injures toe batting hub Murphy. will broUlng mid- lyr.onnéll aild ltala in.. Terrible Teddy able from the heal of the tnlhtis sewanee'a win over toe strong I wvaww toa aanaaina wins- - aaanms tm irairr aw one more lap or the race ror the southern eye waa offered this laat season. end nf the out proliably need aaalalanre In keeping day aun. Thi will mark Mr. Ford's L. fl. II. team laat Saturday make ttilni Uiat the latter rruld KrAir Mt at all. nr avntn on Coach The ball who played more golf V,rrn, nrht Vahlhtnn bi SB championship when they take player fame In Hie eaal clear or Uie lerriric onlaughla Uiat aecond aaaaon at Juarrt. Mr. Ford will ravorltes. with wonderful aeaursnr luat tat of raae. than any our leaguer was Tris Speak- rii. aamed nmlderalile ajniuat u atage aarlr eUAaa JIsjudx aawn kapt akawd an sntnls. but lilt's squad rrom Moiiutwesterxi uinewreaw other lili Uie elev scoggle la aure again! arrive by train Monday. at auffarad to staged on the er, or Cleveland. And look what It did while playinc Ttrlmlral liiah Ihe )'eiuiy gamea llarrj oaacliaalad alas latar. Both asas lu a gridiron contest, be aa hi Waahiiiatnn Tei-- ha tut ut inn rrnnt the lap or Ihe a a a nhlo scheduled for today are: aonve rtamaa aad MaJ flweil from Uas nna aad Carroll Meld today. lo him: It was all Tria could do to hit aUrllng bell le U- - gOIWt (TAW ,,r in,, HF.BK'R A CHALl.F.NltK FOR THE TEAMS OF Marietta Va. Wealeyan al Marietta. aauuth. Nobedj awe baa mada baa Wat sal senh a the eighth Bp. MDir ni'dei ful arholaatlr ayareaalloita, rrom Today's contest will make and Norn - a Inetiiliei' nf lite chat) leieiee, which ahould not be over the Army league or oilier good football Miami- - Paulson al Haylon. gory agattarla aa ha did when tha little atnwm which Baylor has entered so rar thla season, or a round rrom Uk the border patrol, or even any Mount nion kenyon Alliance, hla rut nnaa waa asresd mar lile faca b WOmJt Which cleaned up cvcrvlliltiit III alahl Me' beginning. crew of at Wl. touk (laMar'a swaallii am wllh only a score or 3 has been made to mar toe THAN BUNK. That all. or Northern-Akro- Due, soul little blaaer and a little tain now. the civilian elevena that are Id search onto at Ada. ' hasnur aed would uU ba loasavad Into Mw ftaXB. clean record they have had up to the last The ultimate Is bunk we have seen ss ah LI I'aan rana bullid mc a uonderrully to to to of a dale. The defl cornea rrom Lieut. Oblo University Wittenberg at Atoen Tha b itng ásalas ñas set te h ri with Texas l.ongtioms. With thla far l talk of abandoning the world sertas. rODAT, TUB ( contest raet In Sunday In Norria, mit KIKiTBALI. PLAYKRS HF F. A. Mckenry, company II. Eighteenth l at Huntington. knee J lanar CUbby when Umgkttv) roans they have aiitTtrieni cause to enter Thla feature haa grown to be Uie moat litan attion toe high rasa aaiama r record, lite Harvard lar, Pat well and border patrol teama Pennsylvania, and la made Ih behair or OWn Wealeyan Case at Delaware. shws liiajjc Uie with and appealing In the game. Beyond that, it liltcbrork, ahould aee plenty H. n.eabli Uva Udrieaotk sad aaaar today's contest entouslasm need any to rnnlhall of anion In the two the eleven representing Company in at Hiram. waa liaray able to adsabitevar aay eeewre iiisss1sg However, they will not kuow add naire toan usual interest tn toe pen- known lo introduction - the new McKeury aya: confidence rana, wlille Hollenheek, Oavia, Bryant, Hut note al high erhooi atadlun. his cJullenge Lieutenant w Now. '.labby In my opinion file been oti treir record to Interfere with their playing, nant races, which with toe big series cut all voter Al I i tM artornoon, the Júniora and "We have a good rnoUiall Held out at To all nhlo Stale tiaJveratlv aara new Ie many He has of the out would now be flat, stale and aofty. ae. O'Dwytir and Ur utliara are in- - the down grade for moutlu. according to the remarks or members aa at tlte. rame. The oiiieat will lUrt Fourth Pennaylvania inrantry and Camp Stewart and. while the beat that Kl Paso aad sukurbw yen are hereby eam-- ! been battling hard and often for the past team. The fight which will be waged with Tie- price scale mat prevailed last lau nt lili Walab. of Mlchl toe regular hi team meet the Ken- we oeti orrer a team la a good rural after weeded to be at Uta Pago del Norte tonight to years, IS prvuy wrn ring worn. will be nroinpt'v orloek tucky Kngtneer aaanre we ana the Southwestern warriors not lesa nil. teten in. in Uie aecond conteat. we llrk Ibera, we all that have Kin wlffi' all that, be gkve the vlgomSSi fierce rrom Baylor's standpoint than thai a at Uie beat meta ergeant and tlie beat St rf young Airatrallan a stiff and soma the Hear gledlatore waged against the In Ihe same 1IALK IM any or which HuHth of! fI rnmpany or the it. 'MILLINEJI, JI'S'I Hit WIND of rook In the ouUIL Mo. ir the Laat night's concert at the oiiahli-- able piuilahiisriil alao mis initi Texas pigskin Lleitb'naot Mir - or a game waa a artists. Tfclrd talo ñu, mt will coach Hie Third and other Hack- that vicinity league teams would like practice real treat. Hafael Dlax and Oliver i.iin n.,,i ...v indwmoni with all Ma A victory with a large margin today will rroin now on. Ha atarted yealeiday hrlng Uie good new that nearly all we will be more han glad to arcuutmo lienlon proved Jeatlr right lo lie classed with physical deterioration. Clabhy had still his strengthen tlte hopes of toe victory over Uie outfit Uie who CominuuleaUnna the of- In - anil had a hi quad out. The Third HhHl '.anadian plan to race table dale them." addreeaed leaders IBS Lnlted Stales their uuick brain and superior srlenre to nre- A. A M. Aggtes In the contest al Waco Cot- thl wlnb-- r conxe F. A t H, indlvhlual Sa ex- - lar til It Sunday ariernooh at will to Juarez Along to Lieut. Mrknery. oinpatiy sdJSJBM tenor and pianist. In vent llsrrv from aUuminr bun In the 11.' battle the nhlo Hie ton Palace, November I with tlte greater number or ImraeuuMi EigieenUi Pennsylvania infantry, will rendition af his spanisn songa Mr. Dlax t nded contest Lamp PeralMiiR. and a buttle rnval belna mee ,, gMsuSSj) The lineup for today s rnntest follows VhyamfoVilsoh looked lot u aid lo by the iiiciuhei - ol both who raced on Hie Canadian trarki the rrcelve prompt attention. he probably no other tenor a at a Hsylor Positions, sioutoweatern. haa Paso, H 'Ihe Third boya mie-n- the readied; m as in Ihe Chopin PIIYNIt.AL AND MILITARY Thompson Carter rarlmenta flat Sonata Mr. Denton IN II 1 Klahth nhlo llurty Drat Mlchlran traiite 1 minor displayed his IIHIMM. THE at Norrls ,L.iiT crote at amp I.niton, and they reallM lerful mulles talent. The "Marrh Two new state laws providing ror pluft-lea- l Tlmmons Minilav o every Fielder X. 0 By St anna rd Baker It wilt take a mlyhty aKarcaatlnii STRONG NAVY TEAMS Fúnebre." well known to one. a and military training or school child Ray that fal OHIO ELEVEN ARMY AND open-In- Turner ...C lao atop t.oaeli Hailetr- - hoya, who are number ii. al la a real teat aa to the artistry ran were pralaed by speakers at Uie Hughes ,.R. to ui a piamai. waa puyen, per- of Mnd of Ihe 0 Turker Fmmom Fol- abo Inn nt- .i pep and peed each day. MEETS BADGER TEAM IN FOR HARD SCRAPS anmiraniy session the ronvrnllon J. Roach .B. T Hcrogglns Author and Former sonally wish to af- or York, day M m m thank both artists ror state New the other al Petti ,B. T. fording me tin- moat i, am of Yale University, Perrto Col. Roooewelt. The LnrtiiMTa Went a bald profitable evening slnre Irving Fisher, .Q. B Hell. lower of ohm tliroualt In- Col- my return rrom New believed the law would lend Iloarp. Jack ... practice aame yrUrday In nnal pretiara Contest at Columbus Excites West Pointers Meet Indian York. declared hr L. Roach .R. H...... Knlckerbocra conp-a- to make the next generation stronger and lion Tor the t with the ltd ly ee terest Among Fans One legians Skippers Clash Wlleon L. H ,. Mar th) sim.iay t amp lÜlHolt. and longer lived. B ottd Mlcbiaan al PAYÓ Mr. - Ponto (captain) ..r. Curtis Bacanas trust htm. a May Be At GENE FIRST TO Julie right, Flatter; bul th- very beat I Manaacr kttlaely batí hla aquad leppma Eliminated. With Washington Lee. physical to a pro- - lively pace all the .n and attvaiue re WWEaRTHY preliminary and military training Because ho irernine TAKE ON in Uie public schools Is boxing, under porta or lite Mnliur.ui rom By Aaaoclated Preaa. By Aaaoclated MISSOURI VALLEY TO apsak ror a ballh -- un Presa and competent rnatructura. which lllnatlon well llir Chicago, Nov. undereated elevens New York, Nov. I. With few exceptúan, rerlenced long advocated In these columba. Bocanas aa or. college Calif HAVE BIG GAMES TODAY Minnesota. Wltconaln, North the more Imuortanl eastern tool omian Looks Good in Action The manly art is not only tor very best has tha bow to to onto and ball leanrs face comparatively easy gamea or or Hw i i s But Most Fans exercise for the children tola rountri My democratic Llaubwant swiuy iahtli weatem will appear tomorrow In games mini .now ana defeat. Willi He'll rug con Reach Camp but n also Inslllls In them the proper ag- Aaaoclated Prsi. snd Hi LI artillery la confident ol hem able in wblrli III Hai, an imporUnl bearing on tests only a week or to ago would be When It Is All Over. gressive American spirit or defense and kanaas city. Mo.. .Nov. a Hie football co - oporathrs pul a liona club In the Atniv learue. Al Hie Hla Nine naitlisll championship. The Hie most sensational rorm upset or Ma preparedness. celdrnti or the Missouri valley will be bub view of Inter- file inixtniK laat mailt Lieutenant contest peí ecu Wisconsin mid nhlo HUte season. hltng noisily tomorrow with what will per waa an nnd he la hlrh-l- i at h ul u a hold Hy R. O. PRDARENA. To ?h hapa be the or on any national rela- attendant uill si of the Interest Among Uie leading elevens, Army JIMMY IIIMK As t beat series fames eiiibualaatlc over un- rormatioii ot tlw af football follower thr One feat-a- single schedule or the HHA aeisrsli. tionships weabrn alíei' tt.bémií5 U1(1 'ssms appear to have toe nioa't of those lightning boys with IN u Mini n AS in IS HI hl thus far eleven will lose aJmoat all n 1 am pleased to print the rollowinit com Bach af llin learns will have man bet that Because ba MM to to at top nan get roue opponeoia or uie aay. quirk shirt when ha ttellvers punches la uie in the western conference race. The Army will rigure Uio one pllmcntary notice rrom Australia regard- ahould develop Into close, boon test- Hi., II. H. hiraniry will alan Ohio. Uie or In UiU'r mu McCarthy, the raat' little Ban Fran- Twentieth youngest member the confer- aecUunal game, mseutig Nutre Dame. While 'i ing my old friend, Jimmy Dim who was place a club mi Ui. race for Uie army chain ence, has devi'loted an eleven of powerful ciscan, who is billed to meet Willie Mtehle. Nebraska snd Ames, loth undereated this ed and tried in Manager laai Weat Point It admitted to be stronger pioiuhlp. funk lab! ntiu scoring ability and will enter Uie game wltb than S year aso, Uie Indiana collegians former American lightweight champion. In season, will right mil their differences on the firs of ths that hla team liad Iteen prarUclnir for av-ar- a well forUfied defense. have hope Uie tha on the Noveni toe Comhuaker neld. Two learns rrom Sunday a week, not abandoned ol lepeaiuia Juaret arena afternoon of daya, and Uuii by hie nnstn. If vlPtollniis, apparently wUl vlutory indi- II. For toe the south will come north, (iklabntna play-lu- rreateat cluh lie in bape lie the of laat season, and report bar first time since his arrival. events. would only eleven with a rhance to over cate that toe la fully aa Johnny worked at eme Ualwr and uva taabUe ksa kanaaa at Lawrence and Texaa meeting pi, .balde Utai Ihe "in,,. Kourtb throw team formidable nut yesterday afternoon alia eicaw Because He Third Minnesota's early claim to Ihe con aa is months sao. the cenu ti corner or Second and Stan if emeu nuriaancr hi uiaa. ana n u leti him wwan- Missouri on the Tigers' home grounds. I tin... mi, and Uie Olilo Liialnnera nr. arar ana ar Jlaaaav'a mu nag n win (Irlnuell nhio lerenre tine. He gave a pwd-slae- of tas and Uroke will play al Des Motnes Mm ta -- me ronUtalT Tits Navy race the Washington and l.eeln streets crowd raraaelw wf iiwai hla bwaL nd will do Jlaa.ay , will all Klfhtli rmn rield. crllb-- generally agree that Minnesota will ttM mea of hla abtllly. Tully ta ll iii'i the Vv hington I8t. .mil-- Aqticd will possess la the end nf Uie toiss, which the A noy defeated October " Promoter ainl tile oartr asa alraadl aislad lo ralee Unas tha Kit neld lusted at Irlutnbh nver Illinois 17 rueate bio of eoktlere' runda, awsldsa wnrkttis travel to Ann Arbor for a riiug at Yost's Hill car lino, la eaally by s acore of it to 1. AU three cum if1" number of arnved luat aseda desert far man. clearest under- and In ! to wiuiess hla feel workout with (leiin asar raae Sax wiUi tha stow that la build to all the em fnlinwers biualloti involved thi tríaoste have game may val- stand in tr of ths rcrlnienl. mothall wttli lu dashing play, iiiiitrovud considerably season, rayo, but will be down to forre this after lag heaaaa Sw iflaalwad aotdtara The at Lincoln deride the win meet Indiana Htooiuington. since early At at at ley tille, Ames and Missouri, having at The go to new in an at noon. a true American spirit of say rtMimux McntLTa. Kvaiislon eleven nuisl win to remain In the coisata wiu iiaven TUSK TO BE TAttK.N lit I rnugbi a lie sama, both have a claim lo piibttc rn-n- . tempi to repeat Ha tail victory over Uie McCarthy Is rlaaay. now in life. jm Aaaoclated race. blue There Is no aboiit Ui bla FOB CLINCHING BOXERS. toe premiership. aHyiaraWT. ArTr Ifaay. 1 Tlte Chicago bat ins New York state team will doubt this. B. Andrews, toe of Nortivrn will rice Pudue at Chicago, but Yale an entirely proposi- gooda. He Is exceptionally good at offensive Tom expert authority Ames, however, haa had a two weeks' flaoaa Nonnal at Iwol won the atate I nave no nnd dirrerani eleven fame win bearing on the "Big tion toan tost s year aso. They liavn wurs. leaamg villi lila tantalums- - left J! " aej Brmai and Inait rooiball riiamimui Nine" race, a each or Uiaae eleven has ' sltnwn thai they are above the ordinary and billowing aiy waaa. of ArlKHi ,i 11 by dereaUnt today been beaten hy two coiirerenca rivals. season. int. W1,iL.KeTK:e5"..Il good anwat Sa. boalx Hpat Tentiie a acore or this Neither has been defeated. upperrut hie. asas nee ases earns- - naa nuaa raawrva. waua it,, nnd team by fl Primed for a desperate battle. Notre Dame Pviinsylvsnia at or twjttaf Tjft The P Princeton aad have draws bear itérense, and haa one toe hardest Hot ton esa sal Mr. Saiilia lajtwiii tha f Northern ArUooa normal ain win face the Army eleven at Waal weakbaippoiients kirks by any man fn 1st nghtara oawld ba onopatWd .aa oat tbatr (lele.Hed III! comparatively and each carried the lightweight Waa ll"l Point. The Notre name eleven la accredited eleven should through lo victory. class sarrly concealed In bla band. tnnldna tactlw wlUumt nuortlua to law prwaaju to be one tome right Uw ratVwa Jofci uuicU of the strongest developed at toe The Tirara will be opposed by Bucknell v. nen reentry ana meet eos aSajd awdna Jst the aed Lincoln rbrak Wealeyan. 0: üorn ni me nve nitanie ins Vat """i university last year. and Lafayette will fare Pennaylvania teat wll undoubtedly be the claaalast that wis rwir t tasara etsra lie neaaara Mraldr culleire. 17 Coach Harper ha to de- "ra área "i attempted build a Mucn interest win attach to um na ever oren wimeaaea in toe outoweel t am Haw aunak. u Mr. afeaban, "aaa bar tn .Al Atkinaoii Midland rollete, t: Bellevue fensa to atop tiliphaiit. tor Army ' umneae, star. game to view of tlie reel Uiat lioto or Ulnae Hule men have a nauooal i. Mlrblgan, In preparaunn ror coming defeated Uie team. St to I, or gamea lals southern reputation and are known to enthustaau wto Uva roc Uva nMud would have ea-- I ax am kaajth with Pennsylvania and Cornell, will earlier tn the ssssna, glove game s round, (law ba sod haoeineet been stssal aad ar amasad by a SAH) II uie tne world over. Rltcble nunwlaa Tee Snow sscaS nghtara Ska lo bear I Mi WHOOPING LOLCH. entertain the eleven from Waablngton uni- Cornell will up against Carnearte S aaaadal the well lio Foley's Hon y line will arrive early tolt morning from hta s ball and If thaf wan forosd to fwaUse thai m being of strong osad of SOtuera haie uwd versity at Ann Arbor. The m. Louis team r, initi al, with Its team in the process or san sanase home in Francisca, snd will go Into asa as tasa éadj aim has made a disappointing showing In Mis nsirucuoo ana as ins visitors are immed ate traininw foe tr. c.nte.i u. would aaaVbtt oa .top d would hw low asstas tsss since cms wba.naa.aV8. is pegatUted Small, laylou. N. M.. writes: "My aourl valley etmrerenre games, but la heavy me ordinary in strengxn, en ana to refere. It a hail cotigti anoin si earth works nut rormillv asa avine .oh aa4 aaaakt kaaav Mam Mssrally. health la iilawHina when and plucky and ought u give Coach Yoafa strategy, toe conteat be close. Tlie Uve to Bssist aasaas In three montlia ,Ad We need Foley's llgnlers should aflemoon at Central eainn. and i considerable trouble. more iiiiportant sames to use eaal follows Uiough in good ahape at present Is going to eoaagbt by everyone tboaav ano si ami believe II saved bis Other gamea of Importance to thla aecUon Harvard vs. L'Btveraliy or Virginia. laasfOk aoa now a leave no stone unturned that will aid him saaaa ssaisrass; (toas ie is big and rat it la rtn include: Princeton Bucknell uva aeon as rsnowe anaaa wan waai aarwru ua area aa biooá vc ih.- va In S victory over nil Old opponent on Uie over worked in House in raae or Al Vermillion: üouth Dakota university va Yale va. '.óigate. s krisL aaaladaai, (ivlng and Douooed Ugh. ri iih. roiurlta. The sriernoon of November II, at f o'clock. In I agree Mr. An- aia thanks cdib Michigan Aggies I'eiuiaylvaula va. Lafayette toe Juan arena. cannot aulle with euirr "jSE' titood, xtitk lb) help, loaacit phlegm, heal ml lain At Columbus Texas va. Mlaaoarl. Cornell vi. earnests Technical. drews or Mr. B bee ban on this suggeaUoa, to l Its wroaaderfal rawiu air passages, ato rarkuie At Lawrence: Oklahoma vs. AJMshany. aa in my opinion. II would Use alrosa-ei- t B. Hyan Kansas. Plttabtjrgh v. five ttsromgb at. kV. as. tngvsmbUqaaliriaa Hrug Store.- - Adv. Al Lincoln: Ame va. Army Dsssa. man the greatest advantage He could nl Nebraska vi. noire CHURCH LEAGUE CLUBS cHnclmeg Al Tulsa Oklahoma's A. k. M. va. Henry Navy v. WMhlasmn and Lee. keep on cUnchtof and onui ba Kendall Peimaylvajtia sua va. Oenssa PLAN Al Delaware: Chase va. Wealeyan. Brown vs. VermonL STRENUOUS NIGHT Al Cleveland ftyraruae ESTE iberltn va. Weatem na- - v. Daramtouth. la B8JPJUS Maine v Bowdola. There much conjecture among toe At flrand va. Church Basket Bail league rani salo tha A Forks. North Dakota Agates vs. Waahlnston and Jafferaon Muakin of toe gamea i.ui mi i iimveraity. result to he nlavwd tbia "wiuiami va. Wealayan ov iiiii rn, dupe waa all upeel last Sat- MtllOW V urday, ao the wlae onee ara making iiiitiiera v. Holy Cro. any not AS PIMLICO RACE ENTRIES. Araherrt positive slatetneut this week- In Ihe n. rrtolty. game OS Km HaverTord va Frankltn and Marshall. fitai at t between th Flrat M00NU6HT aaBaat. Hopkins va. First Hapu.u Uie Mcit.odi.t, Johns tlnioa. ought to vi. Rhode eland SUIe have a little "" ier on Iba SMnismKniviBwwa Tuna ra. Mmaachusaskt Atalas. Ba,llata on araxooatf of many bard s held toll week, InrJudUlg a long one Mat evtning At SiM the Christlsaa. who 'Sisla PIMUCO RACE RESULTS be sssstaaal aUaabanafi ..Sana aayw aSs ravfcawai: Prawtaa ransV kartgaa mtnafcra, who wlfl turn out one of Uie beavlsat teama la mt league. BigG Ths Mexican and iava. nrat Pros ello BlSJf St t:00. ought to ml ASC one or the elasasi games of Use erfa-e- l thoiish the staa lean boya have been swarm cmtwtxLai.. cmmukhati. duncutty getting toe gaits. The last si vary Houston VUrffatoaVS: -- "rrUSa latera lili a.a prcrv,ri aaaeWtiOB ot duo to camsfmtga" prnmlana ns uat-- i .of yeaxrs, is attsslia to try ha oa are siaai iiimx over tea pturmlity Kiaau rdy and will Saerw Tlxare wltr Iti BcoreTToiaw beakettsah! he ready to do battle of CarSaVaiaf BottUmg asm ton Mexican T. BtC A. laat evening The lllii iiwi hciva ban OU OoJtf Utos tronp wha fcava kmea DlcKau. e Company, I JstaU. KVats 1 TO 8 DAYS Vi''mTV; in. hard nrartiraa snd atusara mtu Calvary boya ra aoanav LL Stabs T, We owa Sks beat Mas of pa C PRMER, Acra, Waco, to Ska citar. Montana Auto Aerar S Tria tara Si to ear beur.-A- dv, corns sate fts mot for practice tSo. at Wo do not Svilsstl nor ahto ewxteam gamos aay taargttortos la violation of Tmtaa tow Rl EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916.

DEPUTY IS SHOT BY INQUIRY SHOWS CAR1 r TO VOTERS MEXICO ESCAPING SOLDIER SHORTAGE IS THE OF NEW 60,000 ead the Record of A. A. Jones in the Department o! the Interio C. H. Haytx, of Almmogoróo, U Formal Invesication ssssssssssss ill l WWk, Aakajd Wowitd Takin, Pmoa-r- a by HOMINttNT WAhHINOTON I.AWVBK MAIM TEIt KITX IIK ( II AHfiKN (IF WlUINGDOIBlli. SHOWING POIatCY AND PRACTICR OF III M(K IUTK to Ft. BUm Gomrd Ham. FtIR IMTI II STATES 8KNATT' IN HIA CAPAfTTV AS POBIilO MM) .It III. "A NI1HIKI K A. STATR8 8KKATK," RATA, "IB A VtrTK, KIT1IKR AFFROVAIj OR CONDONATION OF TIIK By VOTK FOB JONF.H FOR TUR l'KITED HE OF nwputy Sheriff C. M. Hjrw or Alamo- - Associated Press. WORST PXMKIItl.K VICRH IN ADJUDICATION OF CIiAIMH TO TIIK PL'BUC LANDS" AND DltOVRU HIS AMKRTION IN SWOIIN KT Ml M KNT DRWVN KHOM Louisville, ky . Nov. 3 As or de Till. M.. In the end - a result RKCORDH DKPARTMKNT mrdo. s. wu shot rlrtit irm velopmenu today in the PT'BMr OF OF INTERIOR. on informal hearlnr struck the heed Wttt in aiitotnaUe put being held here on th- alleged car short. NDRIKI S A. JONES HAH BEEN HEIxD Vf TO THE FKOPIiK AS A MODEI. PT'BIiH1 SERVANT. HIS SITVORTERS HAVE ASAERTKD THAT HIS HKBVHEJI tol at 7 o'clock lut nlfht In front of Uie gfe on tne railroads of the country, :. AS I HINT ASSISTANT MCCBKTAHY OF THE INTF.RIOR WERE A TtKDlT TO THIS HTATK AND OF SERVICE TO ITS PEOPLE. Tissasam infantry haadqtiarttn wiulr uk Net. herd. laxsiiBii ef age Interstate cnni- IN THE STATEMENT BEIXIW. TO WHICH PATBICK H. I.ot (; II It A , OF WASHINGTON, D. C A WIDELY KNOWN SI'H lALIsT IN PVBMC LAND LAW, HAH Bay r I Hats Oeot-g- I. rrrby tmi private meros commission, roo la presiding, an MTHUi His oTH, IT 18 SHOWN THAT NOT ONLY HAS JON EH NtPT BEEN A CREDIT TO THIS STATE, RUT THAT HE HAS BEEN A DIKI HKDIT THAT THE Phil Wgldron, of the machine gun rom nounred toaifht that be had telegraphed SAME SRIiFTeTH, COLDLY CALÍT'LATINtS CHARACTER WHICH HAS BEEN HIB THROUGH 1,1 CI-'- HAH RIIjER RTJI KVRRY ACT AH PI'BLIC LAND JCDGE: I'll to the St Waalilngvm reroin- - " IN WOULD HAVE BROUGHT ABOI'T (ONGREMHIONAL peny. Seventeenth cavalry, to Um irautl rommiaaion Ills THK DEPARTMENT BECAME KNOWN IN OFFICIAL WASHINGTON AS "JONErllBM," AND mendlng thgt sn order for a formal IN fiATION HAD HE REMAINED IN INISITION hfMiM at Port mm. The peieooert VESTI THE mt be tntered immedHtaly. ONE HIDE Or THE LIFE OF A. A. JONES, DIRECTING FORCE IN THE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN. HAH BERN luVID BEtRE THE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO. TU Oro in agiera were pleked up by Tne formal hearing, ir ordered, he said, NOW READ IN THIS HWORN STATEMENT OF AN UNPREJUDICED FACTA IN THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF THIS MAN Dl RING THE PAHT aa they relight would In- EXPERT THE relimad watchman were be merged with the pretest FOUR YEARS AH A MEMREB OF WILHON ADMINISTRATION. war freight train formal inquiry. The reply to uie lerom- - THE Mint w - They were brought tn Alemogordo. N. M. mendatlong Patrtf'k H. TstHiaTltran Is a widely knovrn lawyer of Waedilngion. D. C, who e'htllaeri in pnhlh- law. Ho ruta horai In a position to otsaevrrr clossrly and Hi nrai..v ftiSnjul la expected tomorrow. kad snrl Avar tn Ik hsrsfr nitnntv given to ad Inlet ration ot live publtc land doparttnont al Wnxlilngiou. and the policy acta of the DiiusjilHBM of the Interior, In eoeineetkm with mhll- land admlnlatra-ttrm- . Hay The taethnony iiikht oath at the in and sheriff nee ww detailed to take naia day's Inquiry will be heard at the formal Hta atatevnent, given below, ta that of radm, nnpeejndloed obnertor, and haw been volttnlaarutl by him bcoauao of the iimvli-tio- he átate that A. A. Jonoa, aa a to rort niiss. United Matee tva crou aulasjnlavunttlon, In ghown been aa Public Land Jnitam. The train arrived at Port Bliss at hearlnf. It la said. member ol the senate, would be liana In law aad order In public land aa be to have o'clock last nlrht and ftTt roJn titea later An apparent shortage or cari opon the eg the deputy tlierirr and hta urleoaere railroads of the country was hi atara) head declared patslng the Twentieth Infantry he the result of the lack of eftleleawy In artera Private Corby a platol from A STATEMENT LOUQHRAN fn pulled by W L. Barnes, super- BY PATRICK H. nut mouse ana nreo tnree snot, tine Uetr distribution, peraon In one public from a (list fat with not, and practically tlutt could not. to, of transportation iiu Chlrago, If the general mmlwt of a office tonne and baa been In sympathy admitted he testify the bullet entered Hgynes' rlrht intendent of may be salten an a sound Isael tow Jualgmeot aa to what hi" every effort that has been made to protect the public mind or produce anything. Ui enpiwart Ida own alleged finding. eeueirur a alla-h-t rieeh wound. The aoldiar IHirllDftnn and yuim railroad. or ap.Milnted an- against those felted by him on wag brought of conduct would probably be ir deeted tn undue Influence from the pnipaganda of V the officer ttnking ta It oat that the rallrneds peraon aw pre- nean. rnen ma two escapea. the United Bastea bow own approximately other office. If son fideos e In a a public nervanl dilettantes, largely resident In the eastern átales, who That Pululo land Judge Amlrioua A. Jones, although The officer wu round In a dared cornil 1. unió cars, and that an apparent shortage hi ealabllMltrd or dealroyotl by the nature of such peraoti'H tend that tlte petMile of the western states should be pro- thrice entreated by a homestead settler to support such tlnn and taken to the bear hospital at Kurt on all lines is only about au.osi. .Mr. Heme acta and tendencies when ctothed with official power and tected against themselves by remolina their natural re- settler's lawful and prior claim under lite pubik- land utwe, Rilan na received a bad bruise on um aave It as hit opinion Uuu much of this bouavd by oath to cxemte the will of Use aa sources from their reach aad continuing them Indefi- tiki, tn violation of law. and arbitrarily, thrice deny the eetlotiely injured. shortage rrom shippers asking naab-ll- e rorehead. bat It not resulted for In the lnw, If a mart who haa retired from one nite.) In Uie control of officialdom at Washington. The protection of the law to ii. li homestead settler and did In After giving a deacrlptlon of the aofdlera, more tars than they neea in order thai mnnt he In a western Harnea was hotel in their tne office to seek another and hlrher offttv criticism this article proceeds from source thus thrice refusing the benefits of a law of congress in taken to a downtown allotment might approximate auiu peofile's in htm In by reason In Including real, an armar embdlanee. K search wu made ber they really want. Any apparent abort to have the naaan of the experience of Ufe the weat. a cltlgcn clearly cm led thereto, render decisions which a why 11 In torea rh the campa tor Uie earaped pni agea resulting rrom other causes, he said, determined by his rntet performaivces.. then should denee the state of New Mexico, and western In Ideals court of the United Stales suharquently tleclared were con- ooera. could be met by a mora erricieul dtsuiim riot be obvious lo the inters uf New Methvi that a 1 and sentiment from rvhnervn. trary to well established law and pros extent. the Itepuhll-ca- a Prtaaaar flhoota Private. lion of rar supply. duty reata opsin them tn Inqnlre and to Inform themselves Neither Is AndieuH A. Jones criticised here by a YT Private Jotren A. Bomhvn of WOOD f Vartout reaaons for car shortages were IpetdenU of Andrieaa A. Jones partisan. The wholly assigned cofxvseiiliie tlic of lite iwreer irltlilsm emanates from one Thai Public Iaand Judge Andrieus A. P.lrhth cavalry, was ahot through, the right by other wltgetset. Ciller among Mrat Aaatatitnt hesretary of the Interior. independent In couvkstkms with no man or Jones, in vacating, I hand by a prisoner who earaped from the them wen- .the large volume of as Kltlrfal and on certiorari, an order entered arter exorcise of munition When tlx- ,.d-- organlaation employing or him to irlticise, or hold- due tho street oar station at Port Bllae at I o'clock thiliinents to the seaboard, tin- increased Mr. Jones Mas the repository of ' trust paying discretion of the commissioner of the general land office un- or ore with rvwpect pn lilac ing out prism lacs of rewards hereafter for doing ao. Tho last nlfht. Army officers have been output in the lake regions and the to the lands of the 1'nltcil States his requiring a sous lor to allow Hint In nils were of the afiecirie able to find out bow the automatic platol removal of many eolliera irom the coal first duty was dllUcently to see to It that Justice nan admin- critic Is profoundly convinced that no man other than the I) waa aa be was carrying along the Atlantic could, character described In tlic act under which at elector obtained by the prisoner, trade roast. istered In aeonrdaiM-- tsitli lite ilrlt of law and eqnlt and worst type of slave of highly organised polities with applied, did, In constantly under guard, lie waa believed Rarli or the railroad testi- knowledge had vkilathm of law. ami arbitrarily, and the lnaOiution.s of tlte country. He was tlvcn pract'hwlly Intímale nf tho chatres.- of the aolurvontents without a uf evldeiui- - showing to be In hiding tn a pile of hay near Port fying today rerommended the assumptlnn of o"e A nd Hens A, aa xtiulllta the land In be of hilsa late night. by the commerce control over the admlnlalraUtnis of public land lawa by of Jones Flrat Assistant Secretary of the the required character, but, on last control Interstate column K. Lane, necrclary Interior, a duty patrititixsaliy by a the cnuirary, with abun- All camps were notified of toe escape Hon for the division or cars. of the Interior Seldom. If iierform dvle twtlng dant evidence before him showing that II never waa of or tne xnrr-- prisoner irom ron at all, was there sitsrrrstlon to or InlerfrreiHse with Mr. vote to roakc Andricua A. Jones, who failed creditably to mis. New Mexico office Judge, lite required character, declare that he was convinced the Jones from Mr. latne In thla Baa Iter of tremendous public represent In the of public land aelector land show n land to he Central Department of Imporutaoa. lite representa U e of that state In the tanate of thai United the of the rctulnsl charac- Tucson Conspiracy ter and did diresl thai patent Uuvrefnr Issue to the --elector ne of Mr. nfti-- Stales, Jones' first aeeompllMhments being; - VII Minerals and Metals Indui-te- Into offlis- - as AaWlstajit Secretnry In- Neither la Mr. Jotres criticised lyvrr by- one not aeqnalnt-e- d Hearing Continued Elntt uf the congruas Tlutt 1'ubllo mid Judge Amir lexis A. Jones. In reversing terior was in obtain from congrí ess an additional aipro-prlatln- n with the unscientific mode lute tsrdalned for a tamuuiaalom-- or Inn, Proposed for England the administration of the public lawa. Nine years of derision of the the general orflce By for addltltuutl stlorneys and employes lo advlae land that anstalneal htsmestend Associated Presa. active practice la public twaea and a long period of the entry nf a sel Her. did Tucson, Arli., Nov. I. The hearing of and assist In the adjudication of public land sasea. He In- land lo a decision against the homestead settler that Aiao laied Prets Correspondence. fluenced contrasta to provine a of Appeals In service aa an examiner and field agent In the employ of Dr. n. n. servin. charted with complicity London. Nov. g A suggestion Is being for llosril contained palpable distortions of tin CTUjeace lu the ease, public land caatw and represented 11 is I such ap- the general land office should suffice to enable one to gross live In a plot to equip a revolutionary faction made to establish s "cential department or additional public tlte mlaivprcaotitatlnn of testimony given by the wit- In waa and governm-u- l propriation and such Is sard were itetasssatry If the business appraise the effect on the interests of official nesses Ignored Mexico opposed to Carrania. which minerals metals" under af- and thai and disregarded fumtaniciilal to beeij held United usplrrs lo collect and Impart inlorniaUoti of his office was to be Uwitaarted with the deliberation acta of a man whose apiuirent suavity and overworked of lite have today before disguise es- hnniesteiui bttvs mul no unbroken line of Jones, waa postponed bearing on the sources of mineral and which It requlrtsl. Conauss provided atu-- a hoard as Mr. fectations of a certain type of politician, an extending years In sutes Commissioner tbr production or meláis, as beuig selfish over forty vlndltwiinn of those indefinitely impera Jones desired, one shorn of authority, naked of power, ami sentially and arbitrary nature. i pending the further proseo inch neceaaary in the public princlplea, ami did. all. his attention had been ailed, lion or the I nit k tent of aotsimirlislsment of anything: eontrary to the The words of Platarch, that great student of great men's personally, to egreglnusly of the InvrsUratlon illered Thla Is advancsd In a letter aent to the Uvea, should be In mind by lite people nf New Mex- the erroneous and otilregtoua conspiracy. italrman of the "advisory rouiull or gcleo-tlll- i will of Mr. Junes. However, It la a board In name only, a borne character of the dcclslnn neglect or decliue to do simple make-shif- ico In oosinectlon candidacy. classic biog- ileneral Rivera, wanted In cormrrtimi and Industrial research" by the pres- spine! oa t, which luis been both tgmorantly and with Jones' That Justice to lite homestead eittryman by retailing the decision with tne allefed conspiracy. Is known idents or the "Institution of Mining Pngin- falsely mlsdcacrlhed as the brilliant reform achieved by rapher aald: "That nothing show ei h a man's nature and although petitioned to do so many wont lia before br re- have momma wra, 01 mining aim nrianiir Mr. In tin- system of atljndhwtlnt public land condition more than when one is in authority ; for thai be left Tucson last Saturday try" and or Jones tired from the First Assistant Secretaryship. l "Inauuite Metals." Is trayeth hla humor, and the arfeottona of fila mind, ami for Nótales, but he lias not been hear The at It la iiotliliuc In the way of a reform; ll eince. letter points out that there Is layetii open all atawet vkvss In him." Mil Mom before leavlnt he wrote a no una oetween va- nothing In the way of a benefit; It Is nsHhlnar In the way the That I'nbilr Land Judge Andrieus A. Jones, In rendering lrrcni 1 knowing pub- note to one of his bondsmen on a white rtout organisations, mat there Is consld even of an Innovation tar It nothing; beyond the Only tlte person well what Jonealsm In the a decision knots- well nature, humor, affec- that overruled as authority and revoked aa slavery cbarsjc, pending- atalnst him In erablr overlapping and much waate and name lor an Increase of the salaries of throe semienten In lic lands meant can the the tHrnstatcnt expressions of aU of hla prtHlixessors the federal court. Alberto Moreno, Jailor confusion, ir a properly orgaiUfed and ef the employ of the land iletmrtmriit. who. while fully en- tions of mind and vices of the author of Jonesaam. While In sithjcct, rirlently conducted department or minerals immpaign In New Mexico re- office on the sauir did approve the action of a a! the Pima county Jail, where Rivera waa titled to Uie Increased companaatlon. were aa powerless lo It may be too late In the to subordínate officer itf the land liofiartmont In giving some telling and uieials had been in. eilstenr.i much val people state guhtaucc In select- ronflned for time, him of hla uable time, many and vaat prevent many of the discreditable arts and decisions done vesino the of that for their Information by lesrruat to a hind hu mors to as llvrt sums ui ing a to In United senate firm nf intention to (o Notalea and flvlnt money would have been saved to lie- na over one slxnaturc of Antlrtewg A. Jones aa waa tlte humble man represent them tho Slates and real estate dealers of a clutnge In the construcllou of a sumiré that he would return in accord- tton In the conduct present war, and and faithful darky who guarded the entrance to the Star all and everything known about Jonealsm, the niwr future oosiiprch enai ve view statute, which sudden change established a now ruin In de- ance with bond. murn m uie coat ana inconveni m e 10 Chamber-lik- e Court which Mr. Jones conducted during, will probably furnish a reasonably fiant opptssltlon lo the evident and unques- M say Rritlsh denendlne larevlv for I algnlfloant'c government. therrloftire ireno he Is Ignorant of Rlvera'l Industries the reenter part of hla Incumbency. R la lids anomalous, of It and oí ta evil In tioned meaning of the express terms of an act of congress, whereabouts. their raw material oa mineral products vlgorless Appeals which ta It would be fur- - wouia nave been saved, rne loiiowiiig and deceptive Bostrd of to ttte But unfair to the llemooratk candidate operated to confer privileges and uufalr advantages with are some or only monument lo the semina displayed by Mr. Joat eg aa titer to criticise him In only a general way for hla ol ricial In t n I i tile duties suggvstrd bv th restloot to an Immense area of public ml on those per- HIM it o WITH HUB81A. new department: public land Judge. It neither promoted the required de-I- tvindoct aa public land Judge. No criticiaru can be fair By Associated. Press. sons having such advance Infornuitiiiii and vlslled misfor- Arrangement ror eipedltlng Uie comple- Deration In the adjudication of land controversies nor to a man who haa donned the toara candida (which, by tune upon oilier peraona who were proceeding to Wilmington. Del., Nov. Annnunrrmrni tion or mineral surveys of the United king pon of Mr. way, la toga which been by appli- Initiate was today D. operated aa a restraint the tesndent'lea Jones tho a has whitened the and perfect luimcaload claims to the lands lu asxsurtlautce made that di inieiiuisi, and dojp sod crown colonic, and olhur British wtn reara tesa advice ii or substance) la hold- company of had a Hystetnatlr collection co- to enfisree Ms rfl of Uie and recrsrhme cation of chalk other similar and with the rule In force before sudden change lu con- this city dosed contract possessions. and aa public confi- the and for leather amounting- to ll,6oo,oti with ordination of Information bearing on the tlaUona of the hoard, or any or all of hi coadjutors. ing himself out a desirable repository of formity to ttte plain Intendment of a mandate of congress government. It occurrence, uses and economical value ol No man who ever lite sec- dence, which Is not specific In character. Mere abuse of which aaltl utterly disregarded. the Humen la understood - nihil office of First Assistant source Jones the to shoes the mlutral- and their producís: special at retary of the had more ample means furnished a man Is. often a of strength to htm. Resentful or IX leather li be uaed for for tenilnn being to Interior Hi army. devoted securing industrial htm by congress for an efficient, bril- ma Ions attack serve only to rouse a public aymiHtthy That Publk Land Judge Andrieua A. In rendering for newly discovered minerals consistent. Just and object But f Jones. or uielalliirglcal product and to finding liant manaeTraavent of the courae of adjudication of public and support for the of such attack. 'annulate decisions hit ol lug lands formerly In a stale of withdrawal mineral new land vasca yet who occu- Jones la not abused here. He la not resentfully or In e required for than had Mr. Jones, and no man SUB-JK- and reservstion ux ordain with acts of congretw and pruducU or UtvunUotu. The in pied that office during the past twenty five yetar did more, attacked here. HE IS NOT MADE THE other lands formerly not subject tn the Jurisdiction or the wllgatlon or all questions anil problems nr nearly as much, as Mr. Jones did tn prove the unwis- OF THIS ARTICLE FOB ANY PURPOSE OTHER dctmruniont of the Interior antl removed from Um) operation I relating to the utilization or the mineral dom a system forees ct Hiena who are In THAN A PURPOSE DEEMED TO BE HELPFUL TO of tlte land lawa, did, of any HY AM FORlLSON or metallurgical resource, of th- empire of that imitation PA- public without authority law with one over 'Halana public lands to sub- MEN WHO EXERCISE THEIR JUDGMENT AH In lawful The co urdlmtlon and dlssriulnatlun ur In another to the NOT DISPLAY THE or practice, abuse of discretion. In subvention of loimaUoh. mit their oontroverslng for deUvrml nation by and In the TRIOTIC CITIZENS. AND MERELY ortleriy admlnislratlou. In encouragement of all the vices By A general review rrom time to lime of executive or pollttiwl department of the grovornment and BHiOTRY OB PEAR OF PARTY REGULARITY IN and evils of aooiterlaui, ami with advantage and profit Dr. Irving Fisher the developed and undeveloped mineral re by In depatrtanont. The no CANDIDATES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE knowingly or or not and the Judicial cureer of only to those who had iiishshsIiiI contrary to sourcs and the position each mineral man hi the office ot First Aaatatitnt Secretary of the In- MB. ANDRIEUS A. JONES IS SPECIFICALLY law In contempt of the rcgulatkms ProftMOt of Political Economy or metal, tu Insure that the mineral wealth BASIS OF CONTENTS and established of tho o, served to make quite aa plain to the thinking; CHARGED UPON THE THE OF land disjMrtnteut Iambi were to disposal, ol lie pire It being exploited with due terior has ON IN LAND DEPART- before tbe otamed a YmU regard to imperial Interests Oenerally to citizen the absolute neo realty of truly eiillsbtened and Im- OFFICIAL RECORDS FILE THE sustain and approve the Illegally asserted claims of sooner Univert9. - DECIDED BY HIM OVER OWN aWvlae-th- Imperial government on all quea- partial administration of Justloa In pullUc land disputes MENT IN CASES Ills and other violators of law and regTnlatlons aa against the i PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE, iioiih ueanng on uie mining anu meinour of Use tsstablUhmcnt of a Judlcaal tribunal with Jurlsdli--tloi- SIGNATURE, AND WITH valid claims of law abiding and complying clilaeiis. giral Industries to take uogrnUance of such disputes. And for Ilist OF THE CONTENTS OF THE RECORDS IN THE CASES, X Taker, as a arbola, the Wtlao., much, aa well aa for the creation of the aald Inverte- WITH HAVING DONE TH: THINGS. ONLY A FEW OF Public Iaand Andricua A. and BY HIM. WHICH ARE That Judge Jones, In reversing administration baa been mora Representative of . P. brate Board of Apfvoala, hut for no more, the country may MANY I.IKE THINGS DONE the of tlan general land office who had or- than any prevloua Justly commend Joneelam hi the public lands. EUMEHATED HEREINAFTER NEITHER THE NAMES agricultural entry In constructive TO CASES REFERRED TO IN dered cancelled an of lands the oil tat ration for a (feneration The Morgan Company Tells It Is. possibly, only a of tiplnlon OE THE PARTIES THE regions of California for obvious and confessed matter and taste whether N ME RATION. NOR MORE SPECIFIC, DETAILED Re- - a to an requiring; dlscliai-g- THE with law, did rcmler a decision wbh-l- i dis- mail appointed office the of ACCOUNT THEREOF, Wil l BE GIVEN UNLESS THE Act, the of Old World Credit functions almost entirely Judicial in character should dari- torted the unmistakable facts In lite case, contained VERITY OF THE ENUMERATION BE IN ANYWISE upon cause, C ood ng; hla Incumbency of that office, retain a position neoes-sartl- JONES, WHEREUPON, findings not based anything in evidence In ttte ultra Associated QUESTIONED BY CANDIDATE which dismissed duly Tnrht Art. the I'rett. engaging; his lime and UiougTht In mat tors of a parti- A ELEOTItlN, AND a asserted and valid adverse claim Chicago. Nov. I. Henry I'. Davlaon of J. san pollilcal of opinion Is, WHETHER BEFORE OR ITER to the land, which catiaed to be tsinaldcred and psnsed by Child & clutratrtrr. But the cxMieensaa BE OR ELECTED, Labor P. Morgan New York, tonight toM be, that ought to WHETHER MIL JONES DEFEATED Hie board of equitable adjudication a oaae over which said .and a half Uankris or c luengo and the middle weat and should that Judicial mind he freed A COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE STATEMENT OF Art fsi i ions poll w I board did not have, and onuld not have JurtadUglon be-- a rioaen others whit he had learned or the credit situation from insiders of a tl Títere la THE CASES WILL BE PUBLISHED THROUGHOUT THE In K pa on his recent trip there and III plainly something; absolutely Inconalsttsnt brttiaan the cause of the limitations upon Its Jurisdictions us1 specifi- . NTRY. ATTENTION OF CANDIDATE JONES f Importance op financial Detins-rnilc- sommit-tccmu- n OI THE cally defined by congress which caused to be ertecl affairs In this country uf a or Republhwn, national ENUMERATION, HIS DENIAL, JUfsTIFICA-TIO- and delivered ara a mona Mr. Davison and charlea H. SahJn, preal. to hla party organisation and the obligations of a TO THE to a peraon who did not, omtld not and had no Intention of the Guaranty company or New OR APOLOGY FOB THE DOING OF THE THINGS man, and an dent Trust public land Judgre to the public and the litigants who come CHALIjENGED. to comply with tho law a patent under tlte agricultural Yoik weie guests or (Murta M. Heyuoida. ENUMERATED IS INVITED AND IF upon b vVork looking imnesln one. president of the Continental and Commercial before him. The truly aa cared obligation of the Judge to SUtX'ElsesFULLY DENY, JUS- lawa for lands whit lo tlevehirsnsent Imposes M JONES CAN N EITHER oil been basrati by the lawful adverse claimant, to Mr Wllaon'a National bank at a dinner, also attended by administer Justice upon ham a further obligation, NOR EXCUSE THE THINGS ENUMERATED. of had a acore leading of the one Is from TIFY anVlency i n ir the bankers which the sensitive man fro and realises within THEN IkOUM mor THE RECORD OF ANDRIEUS A. tmrxolnsr. west. ami of which no need exists to bo r minded from without, JUDGE, AND THAT RECORD The foregoing enumeration contains reference to only While the meeting waa confidential. It designa JONES AS PUBLIC LAND a few of many like acts Andrieus A. Jones within waa one or waa to sever a relation to and connection with the and WARRANT AND REQUIRE OF THE RIGHT of the and known mat in nr talked the of laurtlsan politics ao close and Intimate as tlutt ALONE knowledge of the writer. None of the esses on which noshing n necesrlty of a liberal credit to Kuropran activities ACTING AND TRULY QUALIFIED - mcmlMsrsidp In of a política THINKING, RIGHT the foregoing charges are predksatcd will Ik- fairly con- through countries buying American produ. is of the national VOTERS OF NEW MEXICO CONDEMNATION OF HIS Karber hi the day Mr. Davison emphasized party, Andrieus A. Jones, during hla period of ser vice aa UNITED STATES SENATE? sidered aa a oaae with respasst to which men knowing the Concraaa. hla the aolveney of Oreat na- CANDIDACY FOR THE publk- fat by legal falthln Britain and public land Judge, retained hla position aa Iemocratk specifically charged,, land lawa and what naoant evidence will Mr, Prance. He denied a published report that tional iinanillleiaiian from New Mexko. Whether the of- It la here draw variant conclualtina aa to the terms suitable for a a demand would be made by the entente commiltee-nui- I ren- baa withstood, with remarkable alllea fice of public bind Judge and the position as deacrlptlon of the character of the iloelalona therein ure thai Amertraiit accept unsecured ungnbtnatlon laatnllnaj That Public I send Judge Andrieus A. Jones, on tlte ap- by Mr. Jones. Trie y are not caaes entirely nórmese, the tremendous prase mint ur race the demonetisation or gold. nuuh- an effective working la pi persons dered within the war la over, will buy of any isilltkati ambitions of Andrieus A. Jones, In plication of corporations and, who had been duly the practice and of ouo lawyer disgruntled aad of and maintained "Alter iturope of the guilty In with well aa any prevloua wnere it rati ouy beat," ne agio, "not only accordance with his desire that thery abottld, no man who found of fraud connection timber and coal resentful by reason of decisions by Auilrlcus A. Jones ad- aa president. in the matter of prtivea, In the ef texts after procedure before Use department of the In- . neeiallv sit si of adminia- - but matter does not know Mr. Jones' mind may aay. But It may safely ia verse to hla clients. They are caatw within the practice and rhtnrt credit. To do our aliare of the business we by terior, did, contrary to the findings and rotaiuuuciulailona several lawyers; with Uta principias of drfl must attend the be aald that each a combination would be desired a man experience of and three or four of tration. credit." political and made after due investigation and assstxrialamenl of the Um lawyers Washington apectallslng In the practice service The attempt to who so far craved distinction opportunities for findings, at reform. honors at the hande of hla party aa not to be averse to frauda, notwithstanding tlte recorantnislatioiui and before the land dciarigitcui excepted from the Inquiry It n reive the emitiere has fallad. Supreme Court Delays making such Judgeship only a ataspptng atone to the of all other officers of the land department could be learned from lite others tlutt like InstaJtuea of I Ik. luiir ntli.r wnn I aim tgtrtusbotd of the United Utatlee aasssaatea. Thaalti la anllhrsr no connected with the lasts, regardless of Che Indubitable Joneslsni arc dlscntcrable In their practice and cxpi haa a, repelled, rather than attracted, by Gilmore Case Decision really effective segal restraint upon, nor Judicial review evidence of the fraud. In paiten l i tola lion of law, and arbi- Why other lawyers al Washington before a campaign of .arpiña criticism of, tlte acts of First Assistant Sswretary of the anterior la) trarily, order to Isa presented fur payment to the treasury tlte land deisirtracnt have not been solicited by the writer - olalme many Ridicula la a cheap political device Special to the Morning Timet. doctdlng isublk- Und twaes. He may make swoh findings of the United States aggregating thousands lo Join in thla representation to the people of New Mex- 1. dollars. hich ni befits Mr. M urn an. Austin. Tel.. Nov. The supreme roan of facta In such caaes as his Judgment or desires of ico oiMscrolng Incidents in the career of Andrieua A. Jones today conaldered the Ollmore injuncUon by the courts, for the courts n aa Assistant Secretary of the Interior la due in ma- case, involving the right without fear of review thereof Flrat of the sute Itemn. held his findings of fact are binding upon the That Pubiio Land Judge Audrteus A. Jones, In acting jor part to Hie fact that nothing therein contained stands rratlr eierutive committee to isertiry the have that upon claims otjal deptsdta name uf a nominee on Judiciary. Hat cuiKslnaSkMts of law cannot be examined Into a large number of to valuable In aead of ununited or ive effort to randaa ll the state ballot to of United which luul been pna-ure- to be tucceo tne tete juugu vv. u. Williams, nut by Use amorta on appeal tlierefroan. It la because of thla the States, made credible. Substantiation of every charge nusde failed to render a decision Ig expected. No substantial Immunity from ciilichasn or review of Ida fraudulently bf representatives of the ultimate but against Candi liste Jones will be found In tlusee revngsjkt uf amien waa isstaat tty mura nt outer mat by the Judiciary that a man In the office of Flrsjt beate fletarles of audi Halms. Which the indubi- the land department wldcb were palraWahlragiy considcrtxl tars penning. flaaaalaal Sessretary of Use Interior should perceive luatautiy table giUarteg ahowad bad lasen ao prutsured to be made, In agsjggjiiliig the istarges aad upon which the ebaagajgag ara more, active patrtatipevttOW I which the ad m burtons of Uie persons Implicated allowed I HABOKtl WITH Ut atusTJI ON HltVal the bad tavate, If nothing of realed. NKA. pureed cat been ao procured to be nusde and which the official ANDRIEUS A. JONES' UNIT-E- Ban n am Nov. I Warrants the drJlbesssdlotta of a political body daring his had A VOTE FOR FOR THE iso. charg psssute aa public Judge. Investigations, roports, and decisión of STATICS SENATE IS A. VOTE AP- ing murder oat the high seal were Issued service to the a land EITHER OF d every person In the department of the Interior connected CON DONATION VERY today la tot united state A kaleidoscope never showed snore utuner) ua and PROVAL or OF THE WORST t diitnct court the otábate showed had been so to be made, IN ADJUDICATION OF CLAIMS TO THE against Capuin " klllinan, of Um cokera nor more odd. erratic and shapeless fiarures with VICES TBE l. did, In iilea i gag rrl to expresa and unmistakable law, cause American achooner Henry k. Hall and hill tlutn were dlasjilayed la the ItgnusiBlaltint, hide and seek, and HURLIC LANDS. deUveraatcaa In pub- the lands covered by such ola lists to be pafeaifed and the (Slsrned) PATRICK H. LOUGHBAN. mile Pred Hansen rut meBtheri of Uie United S to be unjustly deprived of title thereto. Attorney Uldg.. crew of the schooner marched to Use lic tend twassa astadas over tlte aagnature of Audrteus A. talca at Law, Barrister Washington, D. C. Auction Sale federal building, and, etidbiung bruiaeg.l Jotaes, whose tsottdtst aa a Judge in such tsautes would un- Ill A. I V SN. told a tata of horrora aboard the ship be- - doubtedly have led lo a oongresatnautl laves ligation If Jonas That Public Land Judge Andrieus Jones, tn acting DISTRICT OF l OI Mill Of Genuine iween Purl Townsend, Wash., and Durbaa.l had longer remained In office and persisted along a course upon the lawful prior claims of a hiawaatratd eottler, aad lief ore me, Emily p. Camp, a notar) public lu and for Boum Africa ami return which m.. marked by conduct habitually at variance with precedent, because of tho act of a Democratic iwndidate for the sen the District of Columbia, ajppeared Patrick II. long bran, Indian Mexican the murder of two of the crew, they fresraertfly contrary to law, often la exeseaa of lawful ate in nr of the aouthcro stalest, and when it wag impos well known to gave tax be the person who subscribed Uta aid charted. and many tunes ta dlsregavril to controlling maierlaJ sible for aaM Jonas not to nave known that litare was no fmogol at paper and who, in my lanaarttoa. subscribed tho Captain klilman and Hansen are charted! Mas, any fact for the eaultabte claim, which aald Jones same, aad take aaM Patrick H. Umghrau. after being flrat in the the of one 1 the aald candidate for Usa saeta la bad acquired. duly sworn by aaa, depraved and staid thai he prepared and warrant with death taaa, No one ban Justly oritlctee a liberal litterpretatioa of the t while Hansen indlvltually is accused Of the Such did. In flagrant violation of law and and lo a I. is read the aald paper and knows the contents thereof, public laud lawa. u the Uttearmvtataoa rvanajigsta reject brant eat murder ef another tallot, In a second they ahoald receive and Mat la Ilka ltttUFtaataUksn anaii nit wholly arbitrary the sad aaitlar'a sod that die atakinenu appeartata; therein are sin. sere warrant. people United lavaktt claitu and carder that the land be made aobject only to the of desSaveraga Judgment with rvwspec to lbs mat- that the of the Mates ahall be given - ohau-ge- s Curios - The Henry K. Hall arrived here yester- ao one jtxttaw An claim under a ecrtp filing made by such D aaai.i araiic- land ter. Utearayia est forth and that the esrvvarsd gaatattled rniap But familia sun tttuao lasti ii day lit days out of Durban. . Jones' aeta sued duiasAuaa genearafly oaa aalaslake iwadtdate for the aenatc. iliiitfct ma tie ware formautted after egamlnafkia of and tilegal Uustsausi or apfdhsatlon ra- IT upon knowledge, of the louteuis of rrsorda In tlte land Will Mal tap SAME, for ubrral of the atatalea basis asset. at te tun. su VICTIM BUNCO avectlna the iHxhUe dómalo. There were too ana ay of thosss That Public Utnd Jada Andrieus A. Jones, when sub- depailBBfinl and that such records ara the at (Beu-- of Orxtdorff Hoaasl) stpokaoe. Wash , Nov. 1. A man giving Ota aad deotatons ai obvious variance both with the law poenaed by Use rotator, a humastead settler, la a a the name of charlea Carroll of Abilene, and the evidence Id leave anyone in doubt aa to wtxejUsar protssssdlng la the attasssnae rjourt of the IHetrkt of In'wltaeate wttexraof I hava aJtUed nr band aad On TUESDAY, NOV. 7th Kan., stated to the portea today that while -- - vsere tsagggd a ilbaara! grdgnlakWratioai t olumtda aa a wttneaa to tasjttfy oonorarnlnc, and to produce that lard day of October, 118. In Denver he met a man who of g pub- EMILY F. OAMP, introduced the law or Uiwarda a iHgaoaal of ttte Unda, at tisúes. In, aa the evtdenca In anpnort of, A fatdhag of fact made ta t i . V. a P. Bf. to a "rare horse king" and lost at.grjj isauw war si hiat tsordance with has lUafitaTaial will and anhaaaprrad by y lic land deokdon restdsared over the sigaafura of tas aald wotsary in ana us mini K NT betting oa a raor. Carroll told the poltra Steal I tia.teBO rflXX Ml BJ OU lio us upon sUav naurrellnn powete authority. Trrttnt. wiuVti riudlag the relator had allegtsd In hu be was ruruiehed with a Uclutt to bpokaur., limits and and iKi.rll AT Al trriOM W i ear of as Atidriettg A- - Jttnoe baa con- petition waa a willful faiaittoaUoo of the record My oogwulaalou exiilres March I. itlf where he wag to meet hla friend who in hate eritkiam fur verified PueitlveJy no Itinert Mllou duct aa public land Judge stay appear rastréala does not pro- to the cwae of said Joavae lei nevgtasxded etiHssm ol hla dasalal aPattutU him h (ha "rara horse king" and ra claim, not baca see bo osmld (IMIllhwl W. A. H ll l.l iMs they were to wager the ttoa thai Carroll cess! from an ultra mass talannkat source. It prtwraasdt of taaa horn eatead aettloPa did Asststtoaataer still has hi a bank and wtn Back the rooaay he lost In Denver. Mm to EL PASO MORNfNG TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916.

IS FAVORED LOCAL REPUBLICANS Upon motion of Jonae Howe, the commfttM was to spend a tarn r Specials asmmlssO Of Week In The 7 ufficient to have a ware and ooerator mi iniiiirnn nm i nil Mailed lit the erabrooms on Mil Tuesday f nlfht to receive election returns for the con- EMPHASIZE VOTING Dl UNIVtlttllHIUB venience or Iha club me rnbe ra. It waa alao decldr d that the would várale IU dab or ge prat ant quarter in the nanemenl 'he Special Dresses Oil norte on November is provided Sale Pato Our ofSer STRAW VOTE TAKEN imitable arran remanía could be made win ON COUNTY TICKET the hotel manacement Today was unusually attended, but large as the crowds were, there are still some of the very best President Norcnp announced that the membarablp or the orranTtaUon waa about HO and that new members were comln In styles left, and must ask you to come Saturday before the entire line is sold. Meraasrs Favor Sale of liquor in at the rate or about a month. Speakers Declare that "Man for Now Quarters by Forty to " G. O. P. Hat Batter Toa Voto 2,000 MEN QUALIFY Une-U- p in Field. New Serge Dresses Silk And Satin Dresses For Sir purpose of tentatively ronelderrox With tbe política in MUa i Saturday sad Mdf for furnlshlne; the neav qusrte-- s of Ute Monday nlghta lbs casan sign that have In Colors At $21.95 the Uliw'lIU club. Ul1 lv. lo asiertaln been waged ror ssntlmatrt of the memliers. as newly ss FOR COMMISSIONS President Wilson and ESPEClaALLY attrachve line of silk possible, towarrt the proposition to estsh Charlea Kvens Hughes as well as the local NAVY Brown, Groen and Black llah buffet In the n quarters, a aperlsl and Republican tickets, will be ANand satin dresses are offered fot Satur- of held isst OF nteetlnr thai orssnlrstlon wn concluded. Tuesday morning, st leaat aa some styles trimmed in fur others in rar as early fall models KB vote wss IN RESERVE CORPS tbe local tickets are concerned, the day, lines selected from our After ronatrtersMe rtlerusslon i decision anil be in Has hsiida or the rotara braids and woolen yarns. Also collars taken on the sntijert of the bufrnt. tml by He- and more than At meetings heretofore held the in good and wanted colors, including taoss present voted at the ratio of publicans the attention for the most part every finir to one for the iMirreL Purta the tits ne cuffs of satin and broadcloth, of the appeal eu to devoted in me preainenuai new straight line also Black; r nation It waa alleessil that aotne nwa waa trie or national issues Navy Brown, Green and Taupe, member ha1 Joined the organization with Act Próvida Branch Shall Ba dieruastnn no liquors The meeting held last night was different short waisted in IBs Implicit unirrundinr that Unlimited RaOOfwOaT Supply laid empna styles sizes from 16 to 44, at sizes in lot dresses that really sold up as would be tuM. It waa alao announced by to apstutsrs particular stress and all the ala on the local Republican ticket and de President A. W. !tormp, who orrtipletl Army Wltii Officers. "man man" the Reuubll the chair, that the rnnatitution and hy laws dared that for very exceptional sj 1 (f high as $35.00 on sale tiir p., cans bad a better ticket In the neld. The Q fT feQl contain a provision hlrh romnilttei toriated I'reaa. csndldslae were Introduced to the audience 7C nun arainsi nipmuvou 01 mt'i"'" price of tpiasVaVJ Saturday at iit he favored nrmn, Nov. I -- Approilmetety tjoeo and each made a short address i the rlulirooms. Althoiifti w.h tlx special country already bastases Mea Needed, buffet. President lorriip asirl loci thmurbnut the have from the talk rrtsde t meeitna arnuio not aivmpi vi n mt qil(tiried ror the the commissions in nrrirera Knollenherg. W. H. Fryer, fmocrstlr Further fllaeua.lonidevel,med IHMkaSe county attorney: urn fart that an amendment for Setb on at same i. by ennrreae. The act provides that dorff, candidate ror eherlff. and 4MI slued and voted the meeunf. tl Hlrhey, Iiemorralic nnndnea ror county tan "Wet" Wn by Hlq Malnrlty. Hector, are tne three men ine Hepunu The Utmost In Footwear Twins to the abaeticc of the secretary the necessary additional offlcert for the cana are particularly after Mr. knoiien there waa no ropy of the constitution and reamar army and tnose ror all volunteer berg alao urged the support or 1). H. stew by laws available, and none of those present realmente that may be authorised. Republican candidate ror commi asios - wording on tlx- of No. I. need Misses could remember the etart ine army are well pleased with er precinct "We business For ornriaii And Children subject of amendment s made :n this vital step toward men aa cotintv romndsalonera." dedsred shows a still further discussion hrnurm out the adequate national defense it la aiperted Kncrflenberg. "and Mr. mawsrt la aurh The utmost in material, Made in boots that assure The cut opposite ran met ine was no raneo vi mat witnm anoiner year nearly imsjo or a man. I believe that It would be a rrluui Black amend ihe constiiuiion. bin merely to aacer-- ' rjcert will have been accepted and com ror the voters to rail Pi support Mr. Blew workmanship and style. All new lace pattern in a tain the sentiment of the membera on the missioned, reedy rer immediate active du art as rv deserves to be." Comfort. Made in delight- Subject. Thereupon a "atraw vota" waa ty, should Use need arise. Freelsnd 0. Bell, chairman or the Mssas and Gray Combination, tops taken and the vote was in to 10 in ravor or At the bureau of pr'ntlnr end engraving husetis election commission, .which la hare combined in the splendid fully combina- Vampa the buffet, with aeveral memtMra claiming the commissions ror the reaerve olttrara to taae ine vote or me naasac misens nu 'effective or Gray and of that they held proales or members to vine am now being prepared. They will cor litis men on election day, and Ralph s line of Shoes shown by Black Kidskin Slender In favor ef the buffet. 17 "U" aeemed rcapond rloaeiy ui those teaued to ora Miles and Thomsa F. tvdrtck. inembers of tions. Also in plain leath- to be In a decided majority, and It proba-- cers of tbe regular army and will bear that ronsnisslon, attended the Republican lasts, that a movement to amend the constltu the signature of the president every meeting us at per pair medium and low tton will be made before the new MBS, QueeMoa of Patriotism. ers to suit the individual heels. In the jMartln buildlne. Milla and The orricers Reserve corpa, as d atliui This Is not a ante we should draw ntanion atreana, are completen fiom the Iteaerve nfflcera' Training icorps strict line between the Republican and $6.00. taste. Price. riirnllurc aid BattafSeterv. alao newly created, was designed by nrmocrai. aaid rren i;. anoiiennerg $6.50 or $7.00 John Fielding. Jr read the report of the grets to furnish within Ihe shortest poaal Thla la a nueallnn patriotism. Tta la a eomndttee which was appointed to receive ble time a great body of men whoae principle we are righting ror. bids on all of the furniture and futures ability to lead tmopi i. u field had been "Firty tnoiiaatid American nave gone into In the pear rliibrooma, ana the report rov- - tented eird approved and who would ! Mexico and made Metlco, developed mat ered the grourid thorongbly Bids were ' under definite obligations to reapond In country The only time we have had pro received from rour dealers and they called stantly to a rail to Ihe aislo ra, Kvery man tectlon since IBM waa when Diss became for the vrrv beat of evcrvtnina that will ha must bass an examination before a board president Nobby I New needed to make the cluhroomt comfortable Of army offlcera. In which n:t knowleüire if we rsnnot go across the line with and In good taste. of military theory and practice is tested out taking our lives In our hands, what The reiiort called for a total aiprndltura W hen he has Ixwn commissioned, the re condition la thla country In? The same as Of M.asc.tH, which were tlie figures of the serve officers keep, the commander of UV Rome before her downfall. lowest bidder. erlnive or Savejo rug for military department :n which he Uvea In "This 'pesor at any price' pay sound all the lounging mom. which will be purchased formed of his movemrnta, ready ror mo right, but it will not work out It may. Sailors direct rrom the Indians m me san Juan hilinallon. , but we may not see it. reservation, Upon motion the iiunte. for Halllrst Mee In Br.ersr Home tr Wilson's Crimea. the neceaasry fumllure and other article Reserve officer will be named In gradea "Wilson committed una of Ihe biggest neeoea in me ninmg room ann aitcnen were up In mjjor and lire selected for uir va crimes ever committed by rurnlshlng those ordered separated and they will be pur-- rlous surf corps as well aa Ihe line. In Indiana In Metlco arils and ammunition At $2.98 chased separately. eluded among tlioae who already hav Some day we will have to race those arma Meal furniture n.m.ihi made anpllc allon foi appointment are many and we cannot get away rrom Ik" special Serge Dresees At $3.95 Mr. Fielding Ihe very doctors, enrtneera, telegraph and telephone Mr. Knoltenberg declared that tr Wilson As a inducement slated bct furniture not he obtainable unid be nurchasrd for the "I"" lallsls. i illroad eiialiiceis, contractor had artually Intervened In Metlco loiinalna room and also ror Ihe ladlea' anil Ule like. had legally done so, and losses of property Saturday we will continue dreutor room. .Iieep uptiolaterrd chairs The war derailment has Issued regula Monro sustained by France, normally govern ng the ann and other foreign countries would have to $3,95 and are to be The, linns enrollment train Sale Felt At wsannils obtained. out. of Satin and Sport Coats woodwork In the new hulldm la Ui have a log of the iiffirenr Reaerve rorna. the He be paid by the l ulled sutes. mahogany finish and II Is probable tltal Ihe serve officer' Training corps and for the "the idled stales will have to pay those offered Friday, in furniture In the club rooms will harmonise minor schools wbich will eventually form losses." ne asid, "if w sabers to the Sailors WOOL DRESSES SPORT COATS with the woodwork, although volrea were a feeiter to ihe training corpa as the latle Monroe doctrine I Economy Basement. $4-9- 3 raised In hettair or oak rurniturr. will be the nut n source from wtilrh the Take far oral Ticket our $3.95 And $3.93 And $4.93 A member of the local i Turned club an- Iteserve Oirpa Itself will be recruited Mr. khollenberg did not think ba would walk meet nounced that the Cornellltes would pieaent I'mpoaata aa to ream latIons to govern around the corner to President You will find this assort received, . 100 new serfs big racks of new sport the t'nlveralty club with i larga and hand- the rnllated reserves, alao newly crested Wilson, even If the latter Is president. He la red, black, blue, TWO In soft velours and hard some table, lie was applauded. anil Including provisions for tbe enroll urged all u get out and work for tls eler ment in ÍUBT The committee ran rurulture and natures nient of skilled workers In all trade and ti the local Republican ticket. aad green; full flare Light and dark mix- was authorlied U proceed with the aelectlon proles on, that would be valuable to the ompare the two local tickets. " he said, all colors. white poplin front In dress. Round tures; big quantity In stripes. of the furniture and rttttnga. and tbe etlat army In or war, are now being pre and if you do not aay that the Republi $2.98 collars with colored pipings, wide Brown, blue, black, green stripes. ig finance waa to pro- A or general will cans have the beat ticket, I will set them committer ordered pared serins ordrra colored satins, Soft foil collars, pockets, belt ef- ceed with the financial arruigemcnu. It soon be laaued after which the enrollment up to you." cuffs, pockets with was declared that there would be no dim ef the aten will begin. Coaapsraa rsadllslaa pleated fronts, different colored col- fects, fancy bons and metal but- The regulations for Ihe reaerve con k'nollenlierg compared the Uenairratlr and lars and cuffs, wide belts. In pop- tons Square and round collars, that eny American clt:ien with n the pre Republican randtdalea "man for man." The lins, whipcords and aergee. Fancy trimmed with velvet, full flare. In embed aire limits and physically fit Republicans have the best ticket, ssld military duty may apply for a ciairamleelon kiioiienberg. In the comparison or the two trimmed buttons. White House sisee from Id to 40. White House The general beads of tin- subject lu wh tickets Knollenberg had a good word ror values, SS.SS values 03.90 BANK1NC BY HAIL he will be required to pass oral or prac tlie following. James t. Marr, candidate for to ileal trta are given and a full Hat of ref representative or the liath district. H. The WHite House $4.95 $4.95 rrence bonk, army regulations and the namble, candidate ror district attorney; 1.. like with which he may prepare la pub I.. Roblnaon, for county attorney; I. A. Compound I). llaned. The part rular i roup ementa Smith, ror ahertrr; 1. Bukey, for county esch branch or the service are also set clerk: C C Klefer, county la collector; 49b forth for each available grade In rank J. C. Roua, Jr., for county tat as sea sor; V. Interest C. U. H. Toilet The corps has been divided Into twelvo Woodbtim. for district clerk: or Slevena, ror county treasurer; Orvll - sections one ror each dlst net branch keene. Raquear tea- asar sow the military serv're. Tbeee are Ihe In for hide and animal Inspector; u. s fllew free booklet. Banking by fantrv. cavalry, field artillery. Coast ar an, ror county commissioner of precinct dental and Vet !to. I. and M, L. Cadwallader. candidate ror Jewelry ttllery, medical (Including Novelties A Mall.' arrise with it ae county Mo, ermaryi adjutant generals. Judge advocate commissioner of precinct j All Goods ebllgaUoa to open aa account, inspector generals, quarlermaster generals' Ibese are ins Republican candidates, kuol sat sil we ask la aa opportunity engineer, ordnance anil signal. Domm'l leniM'ig particularly urged tne support or Saturday's Selling ror huvwan. ornee or county couc- e alona will be laaued for five years, but "rae For oiesvxly way your to aisla can renewed until the orrirar na inlsioner Is an Important one," said kind asura 4 per eeot, aaa) should bed tin- prescribed maximum aye limit leobery. "air. Stewart la one or the most Prices Novelty In Crystal yevur anoaey will for h:a rank. He will then be dttcbar sitrressnil business men the city we Earrings tray ba shss county Pearl lately if by unless ho shows on cisininatlon r nssd that kind ss commissioner safa seat mail ta ues for promotion to a higher rank He baa consented to serve if the ciutens ibis institution Xaai tasty have want mm to serve." 39c Pair,50c Beads, $1.00 TOOK TIIK HI HI M r Sf HKK BACK. Candidate Introduced Medium Hlse Ldstertne. Physicians report more ot kidney Mr. HnbmwHi. Mr. Rous, Mr. Woodbtirn 29c Wax filled Round Button Style, New Colored Crystal Beads auMeatloa. cat5 Stevens, were trouble among women than man. Mrs. and Mr. all candidate, In attach-ment- v Write today, and at Saw asar Anna Bvrd. luseumbia, Ala, writes: "I trodured. At V aleta Mr, Steven stated all sizes. Gold wire Purple, Amethyst, Burgandy i 13c New aoaklet waa down with my back an 1 could not onsldersiile encouragement was encouii up half or Ihe time. Fo tered by the Republicans Thursday. " Worth double. and Blue. stand more loan Race race Powder. ley kidney mos sit ot uie nurv irai would be surprised." said Mr. Htcveui. fosa 33c They are the beat kidney pilla I ever took." "if e did not any lint for Hughes EL PASO BANK Rheumatic palna, swullen anklsa, backache, The local ticket la going to be very proud La Blanche Face Powder atirr Joint, sore muscles and sleep dis- or Die support tiist It la going to get. Not 33c Sterling Top Cameo FcK turbing hladdir ailments Indicate disor- only from Republitsant. but from some AND TRUST CO. dered kidneys. Foley kidney phi art Demócrata. Keep on working inurt lay 16c promptly. A. k Ryan Owl Drug Store. Adv. uown. Brooches A, HatPins.Pr.lOc entry C. ror 30c G tear Fast C klefer, candidate county l av lbs rsnsdstlee Rlgka- - collector advocated everyone getting out S1.03 Real dainty new designs in Carved Pink Real Cameo 1f you would build well, the founds and working for the election of the Repub- EIPtscTatt. Hon mutt be right The tupsrstruc lican ticket. genuine sterling top Hat Pins. Brooches, pretty gold plate ture will be as weak aa Ihe roundaUon W. H. Case, secretary or lbs County 13c Adv. tiepubllrsn club, urged the support or tbe Two pair on a card. mountings. stale Republican ticket ss wall as the loca Woodbury's Facial Soap.. 13c ticaei. Pollllcs Backs Ferauaaa. Tooth Peste "The greatest iHillllral maciilnr that waa Pebeeo 33c ever nrganiaaa is in Texas," declared Mr. Accessory Items For Saturday anu tt was organised ror tne pur Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder pose or getting Qevernor Ferguson into 13c the united states senate two years Novelty HandKerch'fs Merc. SUR Wash Rags now. ITU Glycerine Soap. 13c articular! y advocated tbe suo-- Women's all white and fancy Fancy colored novelty mer- CASH GROCERY AND MARKET port oi n. n. cieagoc or nrowusviiie, rts Dr. Lyon's Dental Cresta 18c embd. cord edge and cerized Silk Wash Rags. Full ISSS-1M- publican randtdate ror governor. colored Fbones 7 511 N. Mtantoa roiiigtit tne HeptiDitcan win noiii tDC CAN Al.WAYM DEPBKD ON OROeliSHliATT'S FOR QtlALdTY. meeting at Ote Alta VIsU school. Present hemst i tched, s size. Best qual- plans in. nine noiaing several msstlurs J ity. Monday night In dllTereut parts or Ihe city, Each.... 25c r, U Stevens presided st lbs meeting 14 lbs. Sugar - $1.00 isai uujuk Cape Tatn Gloves Crepe de Chine BAT AT THE BAVOY-- HO 8. Stsntoa. WIUi astea SS.Ofl order, not IttrsudinaT Women's Cape tan gloves, one Camisoles clasp, good wearing It Iba. Nena IVrtatoes. sos- S lbs. Good PotoUMw. . Extra motor New novelty Camisoles in pink Corn 1 lakni. pkg as' areah fast Wbeat, pfcsf. . ISO gloves, all sizes, Paris Point taaraje Olives, plat ifti- uiu , lsc or white. Plain tailored or lace Wtaa. twasv 3 Special trimmed, rv 6 O'CLOCK TO 8.30 $i.QQ EXTRA SPECIAL rÍ f each VC arartasf Ann btah I" f uHo. 2 can Corn, Pests, Tomatoas and Park and Baa ns, fk sjasnurtua j Bags IfC Sat'dayNignt Leather Hand aach $1.25 bottles full 12 ox. Extra Special Genuine Black Seal Leather Mary Cardan perfume, Introducing $2.50 COFFEE GROS5BLATTS SPECIAL Try a pound mm1 famous Handbags in a variety of styles. read boxea. Royal Wor- - , of tkú Delicious Co ea Pound 30c packed in Extra Corsets pi. vt7Q Germany stiver and self covered Basa bat rtrw. .lex: Pires rasa In 1 lb. rata tps caster Utcsbea. 1 Good heavy Coutil for the full 27 I (tesALmsssaL scads'ü ái aa 79c 3 B I $2.50 uwitsT, ammmW ... it i ... figure, graduated clasps, three Fresh Meat Department sets of hose supporters. Ribbon Fancy Silk Hose HHsse DreaMd SpaHstCei . . . . . We A New Novelty Silk . and embroidery trimmed. Lace. Plain Senna! rr-.i-.r.:"- whltv' or Vs ft. tar Baann ess, Extra new modal; introductory price and combinations, stripes, checks Kib BosaSt. 17Hc H and plaids. New- - s4 IN OVK BAKCKY DRPAKTMktNT Special Oar baeotal aMajaernoe BreasJ Wm Breed, Coffee. Cake. Ansjie road $1.69 eat ideas, pair. . . yltUUgf Castes asad a large VartotT ot Caltas atad Mea, 6 O'CLOCK TO 8iS0 A THIAI, YOCY VVILX Sirr IVK Ml MB Pl.KAHIalO. Otar Mpeedy Bkryose seutHeet U at Your drarvtoe. We ara THK Gnsoar, Utr BaU-he- r, she Maker, sha tss Price Sat'dayNignt lit) tasa fall 16 ox. bottles Witch Haxel splendid for Grossblatts various pur- - a Little r Phone CASH GROCERY AND MARKET a san V sai. csajsroar. P'stzta 45$0 SB. B5e Store q Service MMaTMIM"jBnmmmmj MM"W 9 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY,

ninety settled m their iaiiuhri ramp, The runeral will be held from the j J. PRFMRVTS Kasler CO. MIAMI CON. LISTED A the ruardsmen ware orfereci to break camp under US lor parlors at Ism Oeorre Price, a Women Dies of Joy HERE'S CHANCE TO TWO BATTERIES OF ana Stan ror r.i raso, rne trip out nr nera O'clock this afternoon. Riirlal will he at and return waa about 7" nuict. accord Bverrreen cerjattery. western, presented M etty Win a Ian Upon Seeing Friends to one of i Maclean earle, capturad A Hew Merle uired the at MatN rno. nnrn. too The bird was to While murb is am about women turned orar ON NEW YORK CURB heM tired W. Fisher, chairman parks, yester Funeral service wore yesterday GET PRIZE OF $500 COLORADO TROOPS ft must be that men siso pay of the for Julia rere. M year old, who died the penalty of overwork when the kl7 day and lie had tt tent to I'ert Thuraday aa the reiult of over- neys are Inactlv. nr beinr inaran aWrCr? old. died weak, inrrith. when it was placed in a joyed upon aeelna frtendt she had not 0FmnlBTen. at one feels tired out snd iniaersble. lack when een o'clock Thuraday nlfW at his ma (dance, for a lonr time. Thin waa a Myrtle enerry and ambition. Foley Kidney Pill or coroner jm- - M. rio avenue rlrht't dlseaaa H. Eastern Fmandcn Exprea Con 'eran reaver. Problem Offers Birr HIKE FROM ITEMING He naa are tonic and ttrenrthrntnt Win Clsrk, Lay the Fanneal loa meat-I- wno neio the tsxrtiest m Mm eaaa yea hnb been In ta Paso ror ti year and Sprtnrfleld. Ohm. wrltet: round no re- fidence in Men B erday OpportoriHy to Thoa VVbo came here from Dearer, coin lief from kidney trouble until dlwoverad you would build wen. the founds Mr. F shirr cn la by a and I tion must be The Newr Company. The woman lived .at Kl Pasa and survived widow Foley Kidney 1'IHs .Now am In Al shape " rlrht. eepeisefm rtevenUL noma old manda from ha Try Solution. two aaurnter. Mrs. C. F, Shepherd, of El They act julckly and surely a. F..Iye tare will be a weak at the roundsMMM itmi. anil Mr H smith, of Tsylor. Art. --Ada. aparta! Om Mornlns; Interior of Mexico arrived In the ofty owl Jrtuf WOTe .Adv. to Timea. Thursday and . ailed on Mr peraa. The If spsneonr offered you son for a few Field Artfflawynssjn Matin 170 Olob, Aril.. No. ConsoUrtsteil woman had not her frienda hours work, you would Jump al It. MauTcIl Nina) atnl teen you. no MB an Days, Mines onjpmy htre. will be Usted on for aeveral year. When the vllior wouldn't matter bow hard that Now walked into room, woman work mlrht be? It would be too blr an RaMkCn the Tort Mr market next Widnw her the airad peas D Pato. day. erordintto t Mhhb reentrad betan to clap her hand, withmrt offer to up. by LouU l.eraovtte front John 8. Cook.lm warninr be fell bark and waa dead That Is exactly what The Morntnr Tartea Ratterle R and C, of the Colorado Held w company toa mm or tne when her Mends reached her aide. Is orrertnr you in its prise put tic prob artillery, arrived aa an nao St M SO o lock nlon Commercial rnmnai.i. artwi u lam. The Time does not soy you will jetteraay morntnr. aner a rayafd "avfk9MswfsnaT New York with Um Trkiia win. but II doe av that von tand a nise overiann rrom manar. the ami "r. san mr. i.ersnvtts tpnaersu na- chance to win. Someone Is so lnr to win lerymen have marched lT aaUaa In (he laat na wthe llJOnr committer of the Hew the first capital prise, and If that person nine day, whlrh Inrlnded a trlanrular hike Wk Curb 4Moclatlon ylrtly. preteni Lefkovite at niaht that two aeonmnanle his answer with a full rear's rrom nemtnr to ron i.umsnmr. naca 10 edthetreredenaals tad MM dMlh of tha aauau ipuon na win get saw. Keminr and toon at siltaH e CI Paso. PEYTON'S oftknJMMon and procreas of us company Una purposes and mat smelter ship TIM Tiroes has olTered SUM In prises The Colorado artillerymen. In command any bad bo dimeuity m obtain lnr an or- its win beam within the next four or and there will he an winners. You may be or Major W. F. Sharp, (topped at the nor PHONE 6400 "THE BEST nar for Um luttn of Sia stock. five daya. A rich vent of ore Is belnx amonr them, provided you r't busy now derland Inn, II mllea from the Santa Fe in The soeoaes of Needles worked and a quantity of commercial rock i is simple enourn. tsn pare is tematlonal bridle, laws Thursday and te liumirstlon It now company anotner nlrht. 114 N. OF MEATS" abara, which na ama financiar, nluwi on the dump read for an sdvertlsement carrjinr a chart contain after t hurried breakfast at 4 o'clock Friday Stanton shipment to the smaller lnr a larra Dumber of fir1 'res. All you mnrnlnr ronUnued on their march to this I tor in tha nsttnr of Miami onniit.iAO Minina- men are pleased with the an have to do la to add those rtruret and etty. Appmiliuately IS boura' rest dally Henry V. Snell. eminently In you It, Market eastern ail sseull Mat ana rr nnncament that send Ibe loul as find sccom was token by the artillerymen durtnr the rii" in the nro behind the co turressful as a minin enrlneer and as panyinr the answer with a subscription nine days IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT OUR MARKET TODAY rare It preference over atany men arar and superlntandet of the Warrior Arma MWItMav The fact that Um inspiration Copper eorrtpay. Ma assumed the manare or one year, the full detail's concerning The two batteries left Demlnr Sunday Mlapl Gonagawtad ara ha ment of the Miami Consolidated Mr. snd the conditions will be found In the pare nlrht and arrived at Camp Fwshtnr at t THE BEST OF MEATS AT RIGHT PRICES fatfaycompaniaa that hare bean Usted was a oollere nato of E. n. Rice, superln mi in tnis cu i won. o'clock Friday afternoon They were here In many vean and an two rómpanlo tendeo of the inspiration needles, at the A indicated, you may win (Mo If you cheered as they passed the Ohio can. The that fulfilled mmtj promiae to if Michlawn School of Mines, and they will carry off the first capital prise, ft depends supply company warons brourht up the public, rbaa ha man the . co operate In the development of the two upon you accompany your rear or the propase! pa riven hahint promlalnr properties. wnetner ant tnrcw a Maw atandbir wtth the Investios: wor witn a iuii years sujestiiuinai va Capt. 0. A. nianchard. lent Canton Spring Lamb Legs, per lb. -- - - the Times, ir you subscribe ror two O'Donnald and I. lent W- H. H. Cranmer 22Xc Two star ana svmmn ntoM iMotanmoN RELnrvm months you only were R, drIUt on the war era for my ran win m. If sou In command or Battery whlrh was development work on the Miami Con snltdat "Before taklnr Chamberlain's Tablets subscribe for three month, the winnlnr first in the line of march, capt victor w. ed husband suffered fur several years rrom any (round, but In the meantlmn prepara Indigestion, om oe an"; ror aix mootnt. run. in Hunrerfnrd. Ileut. W. H. Bchade, Lieut J. Spring Lamb per lb. - - non have been causlnr him in have pains In event, the H. Shoulders, 15c made for the ttnonatirt of the and winnlnr Is worth while spnd dowdy snd Lieut. D. W. Knowltnn In oxide oree stomach distress after catín the few would be or B and the new company will be Chamberlain's Tablets relieved him of lnr hours that required rommand Battery C followed Battery aaa Mr. the.' Ic successfully olve the problem. In line. , v'uuuooi wiun next raw days. ieii rlrht away." writes Mrs. Thomas - casay, Canevá, R. y Obtainable every- There are other prises, of course. There Serrt Albert R. Oardlner, of newspaper Choice Breast of Veal, per lb. - 12Hc where Adv. Is the second csolisl nrite. which i m fame, brourht up the second section of It which will be added time the amount RaUery i: errt. William R. Wrlrht. also para on auotcrtpuon br the winner. It a Denver newapaper man, brourht up the WHAT DYSPEPTICS Attorney will not be lower than tllt.50 and It may first section of Battery R, led by captain Choice Shoulder of Veal, per lb. - 18c and 15c General be UT4. Blanrhard In this section there were U There fi a or SB0 black horse None of these horses had to Decides New Mexico third prise rash and be chan -- SHOULD EAT it Ume the amount paid In on subscrip- red durlnr the hike. Best Round Steak, per lb. - - tion. The fourth prise Is ror ,n( to Men In Dead CasMHtlaa. 20c Soldiers May Vote tlmea the amount or the subscrlpUonr, paid All of the colorado artillerymen are In A rTrVSICIAJTS ADVICE. in. The nrth It ror and seven limas splendid condition, and mart of them ap- tin peared to be special to toe Morntnr Tunes. the amount of the subscription paid In. rreeh and ready for another Best Rump Roast, per lb. - - and practically all or The prises from the slxut to tenth lnr in start If neretsary The horra received the mc forma Sania Fa, hi.. Nov. t. Attorney oen "'11Pfntrouble are, nine timet out !. slve are for 110 each, to which will be nrst attention at soon aa the national of tan. eral Clancy has decided that men at Cnlum camp, sromeen turrar have added five times the amount paid with the ruardsmen arrived in their new and -- r a Tt KiST but who had residence for 0 dan In winnlnr solution. The eleventh to twen were riven water aa quickly at possible. per lb. - - fes county sad SO In the town, and Best Shoulder Steak, 15c lnr food that I acid in Its nature, or davt ueth Inclusive are for at each, to which Then artillerymen ramped for dinner. which declare an Intention to make Columbus L. o. tmm in Hie stomarn will be added two times the amount paid Lieut. carpenter, of the quartermas- acidity. their residence are entitled to vote there. with ter battalion, la one Unfortunately, such a rule "The says Clancy, thn winnlnr soluUons. The prle of the eliminates moat roods which are pleasant voter." Mr. "Is nol from Uie twenty to rortleth Inclutlv Coloradnant In rommand. Private Frank Beef Shoulder Pot Roast, per lb. and 15c mm nrt aa prohibited by constitution from r fof Battery C. 12c to the taste well aa those which ire rich are at each, to which will be added the xtark. of a member of the In blood, qulrtnr a new residence merely because he amount paid, these very yonnsrr society In says nesh and nerve bul Id lnr prop- a prises, the lowest set Denver, he It erties. This I the reason why dyspeptics is soioier. orrered. may be worth II each. leadlnr the .imple lire on tna border. One lb. - - and etomerh sufferers are usually so thin, The prtf puxtle problem ends at of Denver's policemen Is wtth Bsttery B. Choice Pig Hams, whole, per 20c emaciated and lacklnr In that vital enerry Sania Fe Railroad Sued on December t. This means Uial ir Trip I I aetseeted. whicti can only come from a wan rea you win you will have some money for The trip to F.l Paso waa an unexpected body. Christmas shopplnr Possibly to one. aa the Colorado artillerymen had lust enourh a itav- Fresh Oysters, Lobsters, Hens and Spring Chickens For the benent of (hose sufferers who for Death of Engineer do all the shopplnr and atari a bank ac- returned from three hike to tort 5fT." 'red to exclude rrom their count. Don't you think it worth while iCumniinr rrnm Demlnr and returned to all starchy, sweet or fatty rood, IV. M Demlnr in s trlanrular routs. At soon as are and Santa Fa, . Iter. .Federal J odre trylnr forf trylnr to keep up a miserable exist- Pollock heard today the case of Oeorre Rerulars or national piardamen doinr iney nan arrivea in Demlnr and were ence on fluían products. I would turret! M. Simmons, administrator of the aetata of duty on the border within the territory In that you should try a meal of any food or C. Simmons the Santo Fe Railway which civilians are to roods you may I. trains! ellrthle enter the which Ilka, In moderate company ror SSO.OOD dam are for the death prise puxtle problem, may submit solutions amount, talons immediately afterwards a or Hlmmons, who was and will stand on an eon of run down and killed all tv with all toamoonfttl biaurated meanest, in a by a passenrer train near Mccarty. It. M., others. Utile hot or cold water. This win neutral- while on ise any standlnr the track near his entine and which may be preeent. or Neriirettce Is charred, the company cW which may be formed, and Instead or the Simmons Examining realm tendlnr that was abaeni rrom his Trial for usual of uneasiness and fullneaa, place or duty and that the enrtneer of the yon will rind that your food arrees wltn yon perfectly. approecmnr train ravr ampie wammr. Michigan Guardsman I know of notlimr better than plain rated marnesia as a food corrective and Countervailing Duty on Frogery Charge SEARCHLIGHT ON antacid. A It has no direct action on the stomach: but by neutrallxlnr aridity of the by V. S. Harold l.aBiirf. a member of the' Thirty-firs- t the food contents, and thus rrmovinr the onPotatocs Mlrhlran Inrantry, was betnr riven source of the acid Irritation which in- an riamlnlnr trial yesMrdsy by Justice flamas the delicate stomach llnlnr. It does The two cents per kilo import duty placed James M. D saver on a rharre of thrrery. more than could possibly be done by any uj nmiru uu pgwwv esportea trom mi Nine checks drswn on the First snd Old Detroit Mstlonal bank were involved In tha As a physician. I believe in the nee or case. The defendant Is altered to hare medicine whenever necessary, but I most or to cenia on the i valuation fixed by forrad the cndorsem-n- l on checks. Ths unut um i see me sense doe- - and cannot Wilson of romplainlnr witnesses were Hughes members of Strength lnr an Inflamed and irritated stomach with tosa brourht into this country from Maxloo the Mlrhlran inrantry. dnirs Instead of ratttnr rid or the arid This Is the only Initanre Quia J. M. Proctor, sssistsnt cashier of the cause Of all the far where the trouble. Oet a little niiiraieiua nun naa pwan iiaao ay Tetaa Bank a Trust company, stated he imano intm jtjtjr nni had cashed four of the chacha. Mr. Proe X dunea made by OV. de facto severn- tor aetd ha had oussttoned Um darendant IN )bisur It It probable, however, that other aa to hla Idcnuty and he had told him ha and seeTm'notárnt m duties will be announced. waa tha man to whom the checks had bean made. H. M. Roland, of Detroit. Mleh.. with the tticniran ruara, stated ne bad been em- Illinois-Indi- ployed by the fliudebakrr corporation, of New York ana Ohio New Jersey Detroit, and had never seen a es.lft check - of that corporation shown him by W. H. Pryar, assistant county attorney. The Groceries Were Never So High. cneca was payable to Holand. The drrend ant, he ssld. had sorted the msli or the If we can catch the voters in the glare of the searchlight as they, are shifting from one polit- Mlenlrsn soldiers and had access to all mall for the camp, checks ror tot and ical camp another, and count them, we can tell which camp will be found to have the heaviest taso from the Mtchlrsn Ktata Telephone to company and made payable to l.loyd Wil- battalions next Tuesday. So we have shot a ray of light at five big "doubtful" State where the ton, of the Mlrhlran mllltls. alto were in- troduced In evidence. As were checks paths from camp to camp are crowded with marchers, coming and going, and have made a count Our Prices Are Right made payable to Oeorre (hrorus, serreaat In company B. Thirty-rtrs- t Mlrhlran, for caught by momentary gleam. (JO snd N. Checks made payable to How of those its ard Hlewert amountlnr to Its and checks ta ana. Boat ratanniashtl payable to Joe Wlrl'Tia amountlnr to tot The Editors of THE LITERARY DIGEST wrote to 50,000 "Digest" subscribers in the wen also Introduced In evidence. Furtner testimony. It was stated, would States of New York, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and New Jersey. They were asked to name the S Baa. áñMjMw Mnaatorsi be taken before the preliminary beartnr waa ronciuuea. candidates they voted for in 1912 and for whom they would vote next Tuesday. More than or ... ; 25C OoaYaas, par an. 25c 30,000 responded. fwatoy rink laiim, mmm- - OA-1- have 1 Aa r"10 VC County Collector pea- - (MM ... tie, lOo; launye bottle to Receive Current In THE LITERARY DIGEST for November 4th the result of this canvass is shown. Sev- Cos. asas fmr 25c Taxes About Nov. 20 eral significant phases are apparent, and the article teems with interest. Vast Oasxata Ftark awal There are many other articles of importance in this number, among which are: 25c tTJOtzsc County Tax Collector Dal Rlchey will be ready to receive the payment of current rrr.rr. Maes novemoer su rnus anout me tat have been turned over to him and as toon . Driving Globe Mills' aa the necessary receipt have been made What the Somme Drive Is At l73x5 ""'"IL'Z: up ma collector s orrtre win ne ready to I.,4! $2.50 accommodate county tax ieyere. A CoatsMatsratinn of tha Allied Ottawa What It Has Accomplished and What b Its Ultimata Objacttra Yukon Beet !t Up to data IK paid poll ux receipts have been Issued This does not Include Prasanrin; tha VUm potato of Stria, Garatan, and Briüah AuthotTtie. exemptions. Poll tax I callers averare about ...... 25c pw"'"c!ri"'. in a day. The payment ta expectiid to pick up about the laat of December and London's Campaign Against ..25c throurh January. The last few days Protestant Ireland's Opinion Vise of the previous poll tst paylnr aessons MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED have always witnessed a rush on the col German Exporters' Plans The Jew and the Election lector's ofnee and this season Is not ex- pected to be tny different. Bee as Fighter Modern Hospital Train for American Army THIS AKU 1VK CaWTKI Flying By Night The Movies as a Sanitary Aid The Lion Grocery Co. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut tins slip, five canta to Foley 4 Co.. ato Machirte-Energ- Ave., Qhlcaro. III., wrillna your iisine A French Illustrator of Poe Saving Wasted y PSoaaaa 340S arad 2424. lOO--fl a and address clearly. You win receive In return a trial pactare eontalnlar Foley's Musk's Debt to the Ballet Tha Future of War-Book- s Honey and Tar Compound, for bronchial courns. colds and croup: Foley Kidney Died Pills, lor pain Ui sides and back, rheuma- American Aviators Who Have for France An Unintended Literary Hoax tism, backache, kidney and bladder all menu, and Foley Cathartic Tableta, a What Germany Thinks of the New British Too Much Sunday Paper wholesome and tnorourtuy clean shir re tharuc, especially cotuforonr to aloul par. WarTauiks The Religious Order New Style fat0t ttf tk Girl Yw Lett MmHÍ,ltTi sons. k. g. Ryan OwT Druy 9 tora --Adv. Colioct of 1T1SI atllMS City Detectives Fire SOfl Every girl who has a aoldier aweetheart want one of these dainty ruin, in memory of the Four Shots at Mexican The Digest" Preeminently a Home Magazine days ot -1 LK SWLLIHLAKI 3 service on the border. The Suspected Robbery h of You will find it on the table of tita livirg-ro,o- it is without a rival and your boy or girt will find lady a ring is exactly like cut beautifully enameled in the aa Detectives A. Várela and Martin in home length text-boo- k acquiring knowledge of the NeJiaaMkl Colora a ahield in the center 1916 on aide cultivated American throughout tha better for a one la all world, and an eagle on the other. ha eaeaned serosa the river Into and breadth of oar land. It wTconisd in these event that are taking place over the The man. whose identity has not 14-- bean home because it ia clean, wholesome and inspiring; Kat and colleges are everywhere recognising this Gold $6.50 ALL FINGER SIZES karnedwas believed to Jjavw been wantod 10-- because it prints nothing that parents would hot and THE LITERARY DIGEST is being regularly Gold $8.00 Suitable for any member of hü li?ve7edde3e?n'ítovr' htm at . read, because its high tudied in eJUtas. Read thia splendid maga Sterling Silver $2.50 any army organization. Bevesith and suuton stryeu Prttay morn-lar- want their children to and ef sine for he ran to tits river and waded across. educativa value. Uva of history yourself and you will see why. The police communicated with the police As a record current 3ILBERBERG BROS. at nares.

Texas and Mean, El Paaa. To-Da- News-dealer- November 4th Number on Sale y All s 10 Cents

DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS SHERBETS and CANDIES State National Bank 347 and 348 lfaurkof April. 1861. We detrrer -- RIOHT NOW" tf $200,000.00 wantad or PROatPTLT al any Inskfeet Plaid on adven Utne between 1 a. aa. and U a. aa. O B. KORBHSAi). Prnaldent. JOaUUPH MAOOrriN. Vaua Fran. a m. njumwrrr, TWe PreeidauL d. caahiar. Ua Yotsr tntvLtag; oeorob Phone Ordars U J. OlLTJlKJaT. Aaat. Caahiar. flort. Ourre TheDiteCiifectwaeryCo. FUNK 41 WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher, of the Pamous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK

i WtUTT AND JEFF MA YBE JEFF WAS TRYING TO CURVE THEM. BV BUD FISHER ui. r a. C. rwkr. Tnuto Mar rm. v. b nl o.


Kiwi. TMCM

I Houiapat ADVKRTIHIXf. H CARD MaUtallona wanted Main Iloomlnit tor Mf. Wantaad lo MlatvIlMaxrlAS. 1 siKi lal NotiaN-- SHI Misil l ll Roorna for Rent. SB Real Estate mká CU Proper! i í,a Bur Mr iki UKMp mlflilV Hv ' 1 pr iaii If rianatlrr aipartanwl aa dtswrlmrtil fCTfJB wiiitf. RAfla. WML 111 N Aftas ÑiíftiSlia ansí haaial loaMls Minn Mli KIVF. TIT SITM, "f1 on Hiiivlav naaan Snaps iisrrt IKK rol Ml IlltaTHaaTO AT MMPMr; aaa aanallll; rlaaa In Phtakw TiMBa hi mini aa tiFFit r Miiar aa iijiam Nit F.1.1 roma f. ar.Um.ii . larpaat a Ira aValaa. 10 ROOM futrl.lw.1 fr.ail Purrpar Una par m.mlh urnWBU.. ünliad N00MINB HOUBf WANTIO TO RUY HUIatT.' Aprily r 104 lilla. Nt. itI.N will po Ih.a hlnrk fraaa P n ataaaa rant A íia Natural rrntrtt.oa. rtfaranraa. Beautiful Place to Build rataa a 10 wun Mlanin aat Aaaarlnan Kn rrlnrtarila al I'MITVHAIIO. lira marktrain oparalar Manlrur santa Ma. and I mil II It". Hrlla.- l- OELMAR ROOMS. 417 N Mian InnnUia .air.; YOUR maul. riral tnarrtlmirn TIUVUJMI al raprriannad. antiaarfnl. (AIT Tidal. M Taaaa I ni IVrk ra..r nurtna IllVt Maaa. I nana IIM. HOat. fl" m arriad WM kalha. dap; MM aft) waaS. Irrta In Kam Plana. and Torna) Adtartlaan harina availliU anrounu. and all Iran rnatanmwtl rutina WANTlilt klntl --I l Win M A K I Al II A H HI, II N Kan Pilla fry rrat Twn Murta of P O tu lo SiftlT rams for or wan, waJh- I ant not .aah, rharnad tall trnlfha 1 Km MorMni fnai I uftatt. wrkt itM.v Uaa dawn. mining 'K'k. 1. Hnnk Rtnra. 1 IS faat, SaasM am aaa an Ufa By ha lino Rataa a rfflti dot Una. nrruntlna alt W nara Tlrnaa J.NO Offices. .llaiaiirr, nn al.k Phnna aJ drtra; Manta aooa MOUBI WANTKIi To aiersa aaa M riiy and tallarr. Flnaal bur on lha In a lU WAVTKIl Vranf man wan Aaalii v aim. attaa hut LAjUlK laratrnrwat far aaa. I blank north of T. M. Na laaa 1ft Rial .1... TCplc Mi ..1 Nlir. ana Tria ad aiiasta! fur titan tanta an Mil HrrV DNOOfti R0OMINO HOUftl. 0. A Phooto IIM Mfals t:M a. a nan (1 r I H atarapa Thrrw iiuartm na ad far an indrftatta aarVnl laaaa NT ONLV Baft, half tbrwn MM WAKTBIl Nr.rat.1 hand whaal. Ullfl irtan tradina HOUSTON LÁSSI badroaai wHh arar laftatNtana Ordnr In dlacounttaua it f Rf 1NSFIN ANOf iwlakaalari af fraal" aabauoo and rlisMhl irffl,. In lha Aloiandsr addition lb ids HtMiKKt.K.lTÍR ftl ROOM ROOM NO Hon Una n BT0RA0I lha . Oaa- - Btua4 na aapaaiariiOTl lahaa ritra .rail ami MOUBI. 0.. pataft. sis taw, rataa Int. HilH. In wrIUna AnwOi VT Imj aHrr.ii h'an.l If fou ara from ftftaaowrt. rlataatpaxl ana lUna or biiataaaullia Inral rafrranraa. Hal X. Rika' .11. low rant. wu larraa II TM rlnthlaa. lítaaa iMl. XníTI TTTlt A Ihlrd rath, balanoa Uaw MB Anrounla fur ara ifua afta flrat in iTfflt iTwrimj aat rar.p.,,.11,1- - (Tab, OOW In milk I 1m ara TWIII It Utwan. fDT TfT Mm At. rroni AAtiu amina pat fnr lt.h ill Phaaa N Inanril.... Huild'ln, atitt --nal, of anVlrind: fast Suatte St fif t.Allftatia a.m See for .l.l Will Mar aarnnd band pawdl. Ynur wadll LASSS, "Mmsf. laratohad pa I.MIII. AlnSUTlNINO. laraa and amall Call MI I III Main, MM ABK MR. TOWLI. To I tt luinjtc Mlartrllairroauj. IS jMfftaUtalF íí laljal Itarttolna laeaj ratap al alaliaa plana mtrnlnaa rafrrtan II ROOM Ara" RN Iota.; llHIPt.AY All RPAI'N ll.l.rT1R ROOMINO MOUBI. rloan In tat Maaa TI mar. hanl fw a tlkr nr Iwn and NKIJ. lhai nsalHABMC rnuaa. prlrata famlli; aantlo- Irnblaii Hill i haaililful I.Mi tilalvad I'hnaa ÍÍVriitt:--l.rt 111 I.OflO Oaarn war par tnrfa, onlttmn taltla. ml MN BIN kw nvaiih Vnu ran i taaka a mtataka uaad aftMa Hall It thrnuall lita TIM KM a.lrarUa-In- NTOHKiiooM. Mall éM.M ss. rsaaa msi I'aao, blnrk .... flat rata dart, IMa plana All ntrlalda rnraraa I RUnlon. on maaa. aril TftrV WtttavtioTaa FaMnJaie. 4 t'haa rail Tina lual aa ntlatt manlianu aall Uitnaa Bran Of aufworaa NlrftXY 50iU. l.SM Inanrllra. Unnlttl rn toa. f..n,l.h1 nrtraut famlli Kauaaa. parol atraal. aaat Rundan, aarh taatartian. uraat ftna at lai Tmaa Rt. am Maaa. ONtIL StAlfV ajé. Piwaa WfT ftl ftOllii. uta. tt. ixrtClllKNi III atanrarratrivar tVaTlaa pnalll.a nal naat . . , .paa sar Nana in. lift ,.1 ' Pria-- II nfflra kt MUM feldg. la with JiaMlkll apaaa nr anta irafrrrad irfajnaa. Addraaa M. II nmm; rial' no ajaua' full i ftwan I Sale. 14 tt alara ONE Qt NT Li MAN fmnl KaMi BagrhtaftMlM Barpaln .... 1.990 ilHW ad iirnliiirr for trarU Phono TTM. raataa Wa nara many nth Toa hit! pawr' IM HI Nil ni iti. I raara aiparlaliaai Htuaea Rent. far ail, rlaaa la ranatrla Uhran in. raadlna haat a Wanted for ti PBn rrfrrnn m Mtaiiana Be. I anal. jr mu4 Iniirtiof. IV Wuiti h dar AT ONCI prttSka faaabr: auraa' prafoirad. Phona SM Maaa I'hona MM. Acoau. atMSf with laajp aaaaaMaa par ok; ahw aaraaa. isM If n rtlff- TIM KM BRANCH OPK1CH8 i.nii ihu mkm -r PIINOI FURNITURI CO.. Tlian iltaVl lai lliW Taaaa at. takTaa ara, T M B. AÍ''Hms KL PARO TWF.N OMrftNT itar ataind rtdt CRftL RIAL TV CO. m$. Ill tm For Rent AA6tfvráTa5aa; Kl Tln.aa raal pai tata pat aaar Saapaal far Irh- dafiralt I'uhlkaliara I'aaa Murnlna NIW FURNITURI f XCMANCI 0 a. aa r, Paw. TWaa prtart a frnia wnta naar. Attaa nittiianina ar aid. will taw lililí laaad atada four rradit . ITM Mlaaaaati lio PTOASP pad rasa, aftaa aajwam aj. CaaNfthaftl. Mayfield Building ra patron, Timar Rna l Mam a. If COININ0 MONIY. Portland Ara IU.M Fnr law ranranianaa lu lha malí TRANRlr.NT Nan Aataafta W a amd rtuna 11 aad tara nvmar NOMI till aaalnlaiaa hranrl. itTlraa al tha fnllnwlaa plana. Imuaa ONI: MINT Rnan nf CO.. Ill N. Blaataa tt. Improvement Co. aira lit mm and at In aorrt, AM Artanba. Branch t If. Taita (rMirtunlUrfi. Irma taaVM '. C t nmw Soanavd and Bl r.ANt Irrnt Hani Pna nal. I Msat BUIL0ERS. Branch la Maahwn TNIB. PARK ROB fnr old. For DRRIRAHuc. laodtrn maaa llMna mis. aap Tipil II Ill Mala. naa rurtilltira Sale Wa aill balM In pan of tha dir. oa toar ajínala rlaaf PriO.NT In laMnn JI5 rtaMia or you Hlatiland ntnra Para. IN I II I'aaa at Ptiaaa r.wn uulat lata nun. rita pood tarraa and ruaran taa Ifuhlanrl Nr Wa Rati ÍI ra, in Atwa, Nil Llamada airo MtltlONAIRI'B MANSION. ron ml Jf Haiidaoata aalaMTtM man. Trfli nltw fronl Sill. aaUafaalton datoto oar anUra titan Una to wt naan ' loapf Now Inwaa hMldhid aad would ha piad hi aurall plana Roulafard Irtaa Rinra. Brndatard and Floran oa laaa In ta atkartiiánc Montan. NU Pina croan da Ptxana Uaa nioaiwua nral n'RNTBftap rocana Mfrtla. and rumijura. jaaM dajru. HASliHtiMK IN mi far lift an aTaOkatftaa an pour milldlfU fraa On lonount MMft aaaa o nf mtr aprlantlld htilins farfllliaa wa nan pita rou N..t.rrtrrUt.ia anil adrarUalnp anoaMDd al all Opportunities oua. i a, mttaaahta ranL DrraaNoiablna;. I iiriil-'it'- - IN'IH 3(1 naa. Business PftiCS M.MS. nf nooni. our manar than par flna In tha Mir. bran WITH twpUal tlM.BM. wl MAVI CLIINT W.tN Main NI Phona tina fnr All K Mil IN a III, K nan raraaa Tli Wfot TO A ir. t It llraaanuaklna II. far rati al INVIH IN OLIAN MAN 10 (hit third aaah. balan tw and THAT FOR BITTIN ROOMING MOUBII ajintMninaa lha tananlnf nf a wool. FACTUHINO. BUalNCtM It PlNlawaal Ata.. Mratdai, Nar. I ANO PATINO. maAarlai niaka driaaa UalTAfLIMDAT ONCI II -K and ant Boftrtl anil Room offereil. 37 See daalrlnf furlhar Inlomiaunn phono 1711. MERE IS A ftalDINT PROP- - t.niili I. aril lk u.rolal and var. rmaaa SIS SACRIFICE. INTV FON SALI ON TNAOI. J. ti. Smith A Sons Taa aill rati at noma hart, and rou will Ilka the liluak IU Alriaadar addition. Par PHorac 411. MB ISLAS ST. loraUon. M.M araak. Al 1 N. Kl I'aaa BL. PIEDRAS MIAN MONTANA. IdaaJ far aaaitaMnla. blnrkt nnrth of Uhran, or laka Maaa ear. pal off II. blmk II. al ai Mp ft room (linaluat far alir..nila Si .alk hlnrk awl Into. tomar. fiiUSllMlIM; hnuaa. TIIK ftdMaln. art nf lantj I'ark brink sarasa. Iota af aBada; atraal patad aad paid. Ttraaa Want Atta fur an áfara In 14 Sunny sanatorium. raniaa Un land mi- l- na parrñaacrest Bailara hoaaa will rant furulahad for f par month iraitlol laaa cat an by ranina al patarl road half ttilla Irian artinnl Larpa. auasp rirrll i l inaala. trainad Mp SIS Raoan i mora bullillaaa, ar rartalnlt within a Irfflaa. 17 Tria. nana; IU.M and awok. Fraa Ira aarrkw location - liii Park oar In Portland and llakota. Iltrait IMT nar IMa will ha rhotco far a (Miljani build- " ' MOOINN 00TTA0I1. Will aall. Inrlu.lbuj I um tura. MOM; wlUmuL l.ftfta) naañ; I. and haih; tarea, apa Maaa In II two all raan. nr IIIHWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHWIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIlllMIMIIMItllllWI aaata Wiley Sanatorium for convalescents .MB on. third raah. halan.w I. 1 Mad I raan. A Uhar.1 lar will bu a Bind. hrauUful finar. ra. MwaBlMT and tllriilual Ural natlauraa. aiaiaao pntaio moma, If raw want ptHaa. ham I.M. Appir .1 and a nal It la but rota m an iiataaw iai MarUnra al. nant jjo. lio to 115 wwak. IS1 Uapla. Port ll U. rar I'hona aal hurrr lhnaa ais, T. X MIAS wSM lha naw .traultl artinnl. naar LAY R t ALT AND TRUST CO.. ISTS. PARK W. PITMAN REALTY (aanlngliaii )M Stag. Ptwa Ml ft. 00.. park. TM BirOMH ami hoard, attVOV taa haal; Kariaaloo ABMH. nor 11a tit Anrauvtr apaaiiliil tat no apeW haMB, aaaNBaa aai haaaaiaL Mft Orand ruanlna walar Mr. F. .114 W Mlaaoun. MS.f raw mml Kldl It. I rorana anil balk, lot ft) Br Vlaw Ata Will rapalr Jar F Knm Ml Caplaa loin. IN Prttw $.l.M: ll.tM raah. bal POM U. rataa aad board for ladf ttoatalaaaaiL Pbotit anna In autl laaraliaaar. ft par rant la El Paso Real Estate as Fmrnlshed Houses for Kent. SO THEjklOHLANDB F.r M a waaft Wa aaaka a arrarftajtr nt When You thai ara matiuaitr Build a Home rlaiuaa an ROOM with hoard, ta l.Blllaaa) or aoapia IIM 0ET A COMPETENT FIRM muat - lama flda Investment F0S RINT FURNIBMID HOUSE. If roa want flnaindaj lialaltlra til Daalra lo laaaa nar aoaa. ottaaUad on tomar, laraa antliiti( thai la laara aaawa la Comparison will show that for the past sev- lawn It mn taina nina rary Una lataaa: wat alfa: Ba, fSAraa fita had.taaaM. with two hatha, alan two norraa aaa aaa h of flna huaaaa la eral years values have been constantly on the oorrant' built .mirada El Paaa, The Lone atrrwavad. Uta oUwr aarowaad and alaaaaS ln. and auaranlana Star rotwa and lath In liar: afta haal; oab pfltaaa "WHAT ,fATOMo.,LVtS --AY. rise with apparently no other reason than the faatUr aonalSaarl. Phtaaa MIT. with or wftthotil hoard STW Investment and Security greatest future that could be predicted for any Board Room WnnUfl SS w aaaa and wlfa m twa laatJaa wllh and Company city. out rhlldraa to taha I or I room houaa rsiMaMil HOARI! In a prlrala lamllr r.nlnp tkatr hosa. oa for roaaa and board of fillaaaon Addrwa A. 1111. ar saa: sot aani aka aaaata. Would El Paso o rara TI rota. Ilka M tWrfrania laaanna far part baud. has had no boom, but enjoys the Ad. Iraaa Maw Addlnplnn ran Tlrnaa. New Suite 303 Trust Bidg. reft ÉafllT KraMhaS hraiaa, flirtr daaa M. Bungalow prosperity of which few Cities can boast. 10 Rlrrr Ni ftsft month .ran tloanjnp built In faaturaa; Phone 1206 Pkaaa IMJ. PHILLIPS REALTY CO MS Mata. Poultry and I'.km. 43 tare utrvcllrali fumlabad on oar lina: Help 1 Money Alia VI.IA litad Ownw muat aaU Male nmMT" 1AY t. OOLKMAN. Ppa. invested in El Paso Real Estate will run Saw urttk. man, alaaaa parnh; all For mad: Yuunp t ohlu and allhln a it rah. hint Itm. mill,., HI la your opportunity la pat a tholrr Itoma and i ijcaiiimi' ñ. B NANNliON. Baa. 4 Ttaaa. niaitanlancwa: ttaodaralatr ranüaharf; 140: oa Port hr.p II. Kfttrimum hoi an. multiplied. ... lilt 11, AM. Will aatt aMk ar without alauilunjbal IraAkronar. (Iral rlaaa j aanaral af return ia - Manhattan llatahla 1'htata 7T. R. I Util ttraatala for aal. Zli: Hold Nt I'hta.t fumltara ., II.IH H0 1MIWN. MS PBS MO.NTU. fl.a inm ti; iraiaral rlrrka IIM. luilaaa ham FOR HKN'T '. rtaana ami both. furnUlnKl. mndnm MiSnrtlns Muraal lajai raaip aairlritt dn nftt anpli uaaatasitaalaa Read the Offerings in Tha Tones. oratrantanraa AkaaT aftimiBi MM Orpraaa Pfeaaa abatanad: liara trail rara ftratth Amarina, atarjla man MSI Monejr to Iidan. 44 IUl Hpanlall tWj imalnlir ptHrttr--l firr TMHIVINU CITY PARK HROI. HlCE ROOM laádMioa. MM par aáÜT Town ley Realty Co. aalaraaia. Mailm Hiaai t.,.. ... rnrmian famlallal. tlllkAT KORTHEH.N HON ANO MOBTllAI.I O lila. lirn. l: Rln 4) Maalrr. rkaOkrrcatr ra.lilrr I'M Arlaona Krar flranda lltutit Mat. llnuauat. Tun linn ran aiul calila loan.; itli lan (ITS, Mm,-.- Hallrna.1 MIIIIKKN hunaalira nnmplatali funilahatl Phnna larpa aiaouula at low rataa Inrtp unir. atnajniaiit. Ila. CIRY Fu.a mnior IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl . Matin. Trama mau far hanmtar In ifflta. Ill par BR00IRY BUBINIBB ia latiaaM. wraa far aaauin an aa idtr, aiual na apt In raltillnl tat In mutinr. RIITAURANT Naat P. II CATTLE M0RTSASE CO.. Ill Ul Nat Bita prafaralilr iimln upatarllaT. BUT POOL MALL liar.. Ma WHiili d lu Hrnl. SI lubll. Ntrlatt atrinarataVri lubllr BÁ'lL00N,''5r0ITY mod am Maticalow all larpa lasan; I laaaa M4 Milla lililí I'htai. ni IllrpXvi NB flnUhad rttphar: Parma I baaaananl undar asara 1NY paorlr man Hnntara. lib availli pnodar laaa". aa B r o i III .i., hnuaa. aaraaa; f limara sad ad bath am Kl WANTKI) T r. I liaasilio. laaa than rat J; pauna paM. A saauLr. Baar nr.. r iaj IIMaaiaiaa. nit,. rorai. haafd llmoillalla inn Una n.irl. 4JftTlaa Otwdarff I Mar Miami tara ar will mtaat laan- -t rr rallrtaul ora. tortaraaara, .. afg tasa anAoBoMia aa Bart tfaraaatiL II haul Mtsgw. pan nailhMp M aaat loa ar m. am. ralima.l oirttan ruak. najl arHat. W araak prlrala aala a. .sonáis, pmone sm. It $100,000 fcatoralsbftd Ajftsilaftiaits for BeMI. SS tarbw lliuna ail Kaaldatua . mo n. in New and Art lililn I A Ut ATA. Auttltaltara pBfdaaa Ualni mi HaMja a BUY THIS INCOME PROPERTY, FALL a MITCHILt. IU Man krannlna.. Ni I ti If hUaillaBtl ftl lw haatl al V'tUaVl MSt for UrtnaMtUftklnsT. tan an IM Titan Phona al par own u ana bad for I M oaaar liur.lioft tu ttioa tala ini IN and I l nan aa fftvl) tlrwaainaklna ri.,r aan ill noruar. SanU Fa KL Thto lha baft hay tu wm iW nil BBfti.tuft Kl 1'aa.t . aa in th maiki-- Hiii.i. fMiimm tu own wkm4rtrUy Ah Newest and Neatest The New Hammer Itraal Kaute and Hie Insurance. i wodap. in aw i ar ai laaal II pw ant m tf iB.iftMi.h-- irvcluillim m1i liuliiM. filia.. l otal la lha til Pajtl I M pat oonl on latralaaaL R. maumiiB tuiil Minar aqulpMamt to tt aoid ai a AuLow tuTMl SlTIRHIlMal SS SILLASD. Phaaa Ml cvwjni ut utím liualitaaaa Itoucn SlA. Truat Apartments IAMEB L. MARR A CO.. Rooms-Stea- m THE F0LLOWINS OASS bata lawn lofl will, ua M Son Aattaily BL fen neat lar aala llar ownara ornar Taaaa aad Alamada Aaa. Naw raadt al MB 1Bm MM WANTIO T0UN0 man ua old. a trata i in . a. Plaaa. BaauUful hooka thai M aalf t'halmara M loaftrtaa aparlaaanu 0. SUCH0I A CO.. FIRST CLASS BUSINESS PROPS NTT niuai alawp al auppuruna IMna of funiluira !. National ft. paaaaaar ShMPaa Bids., fiaaa Uttla Plaaa. 1'htna i Uha baaluhla papar all wa han to i, u a. Shoe Shine Stand a totano. Rataa MS and Iftft .lur t Apalr al lift toadatat A. P. COLES A BROS. IU. ami Is. ThU to tha oat of propttu wa han tar aala Haal InaaMaa on Ban Anianlp Nt up ton lha No llipill M thaw. Na raíala luauranoa f aDlandbUi At. Epps ..Hilar a".!,4, alma. I'laoaa IPS. hi.uirrol nlialn raai laaa- rrnl ITS Prttw taf Nettle Van Rulfk MEN Our a altan taf laataBi Wiablaa (SaM Asaati. W. CRUTCNIN A SI lu laarn . Baaafaaal aaaaakb hualnaa. aad Maaa 1100 Want In aall Ifcla ladat. Htudahahai Nil -- "vinisofc.. SEORSt rati itrofltahaa a wnia SM BMSAia. I'hnoa ..Mr- 1. Mcrahnuaa Hlunk l'ht.ta dar t aU.(. Main NI Part ft'radi o.ot M. rJoMrt. I HUFFMAN A RINTLEMAN. Raal Msaia f lK RAKliv REALTY 00-- , jPTWf rlranara pal Van Epps Mud- -. ft .Kautr1.t.rl rin.l.m (..l Nettie Bargains ftf. paawaaww. ftrindar lf7 iBaya ana, shm ftMS rbona mi jraael p in F.l Rooming house ll Hn la I'aaa Wladow rlaanlna 'n ?3; Maaa MM. aa auna ara ia anailMaan la If you wABI bwaUfatl a. At. JTtm an nral ,ia.. atari THE VICTORIA APATA. a 0ÓUOLAS C. CR0WELL. ON N MU. o n t loaiaJa. ftaaaa. Iwaullfullr fur a ISaoJ. aoaaa uaa prtaaa faaaart. TW Tha and a.t.1 lha naakly adorn aaaTamftthad atarlwanl IUal Ijtal. and liiau.ajtt. 114 Milla (TIO- - ulahatl; iral I mi tW laaaa MM luoa. MM baja aoa rtwhi Ttaaa aaaa will baar haw Blip i'.X''mai"i $300 Cash raah balanna MS par amath sad Ma awrtSy nf inar aoaal.larallrai c. a. na., hbal iptuti and inb. hot atl KILSwNNaHALE REALTY CoT Maraai' IN ""rth "f aaha. nmaaa wall fur NAUMAN MOTOR sr. I' aiaasw William. Mar Inanranoa DoM will pad raw lo paaaanitai of rlaaa to pnatarritwl t10Ut SALES CO.. THAI rafi ulahad Ownar muat aall at onrw MM; ISM tttah. Tri W Nan tuluula SJS W. OtOTtn SB Phuna WANTIO I firat 4aa nr. I ruttan So othara aaal raatV Maaa Tau'li aata to Iturrt par auailh. luí K K ABK MR I R balaaot I Rail IU Wt an. brlnalam aaota than 11 pw nan on tha i ..i... MiaJI 10. Naw Maibat Oil I okaaa lar raatiaraa aarhauaa ALL atamlard aaa lank, i. l. aaaa a tu. It tat maid llu hoi TH niiik tair l iOlaalll for llahUtia AUTO aniaa BMs. TalaBtMaia mm. Tha aruund aSaWaal SVotMI laantlAa iaa aaaa. lira co raaaa ioij. k and MOTORCYCLE haadUahu t until. tol.l.Kill. ai ahila iiant MSs'pw aLwASanftr Yau Par Shaahat tltu I'rlrt HaXTV 'KM noia UM UftCATftOBl i atatlad Iraa 110 IL ISUi Fart Wottli .utnlaaa raauplaia of aatabltaltml nndlttn ilr "''isrftlETr1 IBM la aa m n HltlM INVIITHKÍf36a.niiV: KILBURN Smm Moujr AM. Uaa aaU aaar, maniata hn mm iKa'r"- anal don a Uaa. an aaaak Baa iutná. huaitiaaa In of II. Bar atual ir natal tuna rnnna IPS. Nat. ami Artaotia rlfllil or aalc In aiaift aiai ' TM0HNÍ, inral Hal ..I ala III N. Stanlan hirttfal iSKwarola. I M 'm M SS RICHARD H. 403 Milla Bita IMM U ma.. 1, ittti niiii ami mñSW MraW- Kurnlahetl Apartmenta for Rent. liutlda Itualneaa and aarafluuaa pratMatr. BIB a l HiMal tl('i l.uka fur aalillna. 2Vat' fL Dandy rlJ KtorUudl'l tiul ftdlj VERY DESIRABLE ft rana aparttBanl ; aa atek. as Wan Urn . itlal.l tit, Maula ra PL HORACE B. STIVEHS. 1 yaar M SM a ÁipI wSs I. a Npal aj.d Tng nf lalaaara furlillBirl. liurka anua Patluairva Truat llulluliuj lalau Inaltlaana otaiut.latl in. in IR00BH THblapur Al- -n 11 i Kl I'aaa RUNT Laaaa s. MASaiWft anr ft ores. Poll ar lltaat Buial. Ualtaalaa pea IHuM faaaMhad aaraasakatt. I f. MS MftBft BIAS Laaa saifT n asaawa rVata MS. MS, LBErflaarral raal aatala I Iaa 10 t all Hoaaa In raapoaialbla iwnlo on tana laaa and alaatdlut pnrnlil wMI luna bad Phoaa TMP-- sta. , Pao Nal Han aaaa aa na nan axiar nar. la, fi UUÍ-&- Ln in TIMES. Autos WrecJcedP Renl fíala u- - autl 1ty 4S h. BM twaafta St. OUliaanlal- - lavalr' mau haart (lalaun IU. OAS! Proiierty. at .m.w. taiaaUiai wrlla Wa but. tall or aaohanaa ran nf .11 loa paid far. Add Mtdar. lt Taaaa aul alaak af laaalt parta Wa fa. rubbar all. dal CÓ"" . OMI'UctÜXY ai. MILL LLHSawaa' aam lanalrtáf." T. M. A.. aS EL PASO AUTO WNECKINS lBilallr-ha- WIS. S0L0IN SACRIFICE C ptaaa, aVaa M. Phaaa Newman Investment Co. adata mama, all bafttt-- fa HBfTjioaaUnaiur r... PHILIP POLLOK0FF. Mar HEAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. BONDS. hualnaaa. aaar FIVH ...... ni iíM BM lluaia IIM "ftM Loan fins flaw flaw. Ill N. Kl aOTawaBaar-''- 'Wiwiiara. ftoaa fMaV P o Kant 140 I'ranu IIM atunth. Ua taraaa. n$Takh. tlft.MS I MODERN RESIDENCES, wllh 11 waU "liaKll SSOft, ' - UM Ml ill MOTOR ft) aaJaani.i. .Ill II,.,. Inda ! IBM. Park Hna Main fmiaiiM miiu naat. BPICIaT Tita I' o la npaawUr laanas nar; aantralll locatad Blabaa. lo rarlianpa iMiaiii Hotiaekiseulnc Itooass tor Rent. S4 IM CASH SUNBALOS CUT FROM ftl .000 TO I7M FOR OUlCK BALI. Inwi and rouiMl. OTIand tourina .ax: Oiarland truck Bid k traa CLÓBE IS.SOT ll APT. BLOB., Baa An koala u Uaa of Uaa ntaaat Uula raal.wranla In lha aat I dlamtaad Bull NIOELV FURNISHED ATAR MENTI. IN. ft SaJfuinmi A an led. a lAttrT tkil.l link ...tía alts Suaa roadalOT and a Saillli Sotat truck. Than sal -a taha hi alaar Bl Pawn anaanr. aptbtalli til top V .turnad lu Mr. A. P Walla alia, how fill par ana, SirOTS MMaaa i Phoaa UN Tálala aaaa. Phaaa Ha I Taaata. l.aia Star Motor fa. ,,rN"tM7aiXT. M.MS IP RM. MODERN MOMS. I NEW STATE REALTY Sto ur ujifumlahad nía NU1. wa L1. aud DrailaiMl apaaiat Orara UMtT hlauk ntna ultl. and a iaawar TIRES FOR SALE Wa na a ri'ftMHIIEU haatMitaPiis ni tu naca, i lota. ISM hataft Miatltan WM aapp haal bar Mi I ld Sasa IML uraa XSL1 rabullt una rf MV Blaa o. auae amo. ala haftfOT about 7 pAftk ran. naan a SAaial aftaatVud aaaka. AU aftaa taa iOOO BALES THIS Wka' SaaaTliaa. rna la alaak. Ell. addiaaa alitor I ID N M Errs-- ríssssas M sMpSpb. 'will 'imóvm 4rmam jr MU' tm- - MR f Prtaaa fraat II M for urn to ill fur nal. Wa hap fWBm BMs tM imf wVlX aaralad alaar aad afana aiiltii .land far oala. MlAlX' Uta and Iwown WK dW7aaaak MMBt!R - taarw. awjaf kaaaa Appal II u. aua " "fBSKi UmUUss-'Ma- s aaataa taf II Baaatd toluni- -l IwarftWAk sir rcjrs?" sisi. UMM JUI Ua ti HaS leu. baaullfal laaa, praaa artaw. larpa sarasa, nar SNAP II IAKIN AT ONCE )5 a a UNIVERSAL TIRE SPECIALTY 00. SbMbSM utaaa BrBS iwaaar aal ifaa ia Una IIM catk. IM aaTlataraat- par waath. S aaaasai MukfÚM prU.una olhaa. taa lor Sale MlmwuantNMir. it WILL BILL OR TRA0E iwmwiaar ChAlmare, In TW uMsb flamjahSr jgg M.MS I RM. BUMS.. I iota, aaad rttadip Borah; imrpa haU; 4 UU; 1 Uoak fraaa AaajbtTiB Naw aftaal car Uaa: anoi M aapaaar f.Jkaaaa fTi putv flfat claaa tap. naw paint will uu ham. siaMd aaa, y aad aaata in wtaur pnptpa winotatfjaulad 'fpasw la li Ma, aad Sha MB ''itiaV' la'iasks. srtota. Mack M Lha ft Basta IV ftirft-risL- E ASH. I aM t r W Matad al aurarUta Tha lallal MS ftCMto poyato. eswam o., lm Han Wwultw. n't Ncuil, Taaaa anptil, r Baaumiatl. Taa. ftf BiVraVU kaWatC P laraa aaraaa. coat 11.MS I pr ass. mat SM Will aauaifka II iniMlBBa Womb a tor Hale. ..wtplaU aaa; 11. fw MSMO0WN HAVE ta. hand uu. aat of tfttokaiia. Wtlkia MM. aVsIU aSMTH. AT M d M Bar aat AU alfada af I OSTTASE raw. LOO THIBI aai. ONE "StVíTufirtlL sa. ata I rvaaaa Mi;; furaltura ftaao raatr lawfanlawd braaaa. Tha Knác SaaS atara. BM Tawa. PASSINSER Ma m. Balck paad u na, nal arfiuj al a aaartfto Iftl MrrU. Ata JKhoaa NEWLY ruRNISMED S0S-- B. ,rl All ja ala. pool Ubla. liutudbai Mil IB laaaa; fast MB; attaa in Moa a and all aatdaaaat, la MANO MORNS. U. Buna nealty tjfpaa raaaaa. lift); award laaaa Mf aft BOSS RUBBER CO.. ftfi Taaaa. mi pan., appar naap, BM ll raat I tPAfM gt ar aall No Mf htwa aorta iraoa tar f&t mu. Daadj i haaSaj .I I ran affard yaa To ftftUiBaSaaa aar. aaad appaS-- jESh Mil Kit ia aftaa aaaraardtearr M.MS AOSCB i mi km Bl Paso, ' aa par taaaa thSft. BSATSM MSMf Oa 144 holes flna M loewaa' 3TÍ a laaM ndand iaaalliai .laara ituanar a r i alullr napa, with prttaia hatha. Ill laaa pan. Sauna, aaah M aaal aft eat-- it, aa. NKW - taídl Pnrd rár - an aal. ratal laanala- fa Pkuna lT0 li bloah awalh af au aM Botal Ai- ftJE?M-- I tVutari drnll.ui rtpft all BarasT h taa mmfk -- pian Taaaa SS a m Tllririr apactal Nottttwi. FON ÚF..NTi, BlaaaAaft Pon. la Maaaa haalad. aaod mi. rm laMJal OB, MainamtL Ttaaa. M Mads fur rfttp nap raí ptSa' MM. SICK NELL. Phaaa SMS. KT mik Mtaaftp ffJtaBi ASH RESISTIR. ,uai Mftft. oatrwrt ,OT Will IMS OS. da nar wtaaatw aaat hoa. aall al haiaaM COOPER. f Tkaaa. aaaat Newman Investment Co. AN EKOUIBITE flMSllsp.1 ' ml.MML AiMSiC titulí Ptaaa ua A". lamllr ta iwa. M rw u wa aaa tWatli naa, oiMMf lattOaa laraa jfard, afaada iraaa WtiiTs.wm wiaM- -a Up kal '""j"' rjuatw wm i " nn at. sai "yt,irtl MmUammm najfáwmt wawaJ hatataw.ak p ll SSOMB BTEAsTmÍaVeo. walhMi du. aim b4 A complaint wss riMe tnajra llnllad SUITS UiminlsMouer Haaiuet L. tí nil. km Naa- n- -- -- dsr mornlnt ssrslnPt Joiui Hesthinun jja nj MJp- with lha- drltar nf Nil" -. rhstvtnr aim uiart uf some loal loaj. BKaatlanui Ftl. NAIJt Hum. Autt. N...1.. Ml CsMM aids. lauaa I from s stwBrnnMiii nfjtai.. wTfe saw taatftsTuW Waai insttunti ario LBMk. . UM hssSI 3an- - y'liMerS South . lorrora .irrrt. tim irrlanflMBl ai I Ui Balas aaaad asaiaW Mát á a Tsr uvum wsived s hsarins aim tits borní I afti , SERVICE PLUMBERS. Phava wsa ruad --aft Add.- -. W aw. POH mi r call ftlftl ót wWc nwr ÍgtJtmlJLiZm. PNMBTlNS aad s fimff tohlíÍi,uJl f POLLY ANÜ HER PALS HE MUST HA VE LOOKED CLEAN THROUGH PA . BY CUFF STERRETT I y'M&m vfcc L v&tkJ rpfe 5víiRUC, Jtti' MttiL' ua' c-- k.domj tmí 'Paction..


Notice. 51 the lava flows sovered It Kroslon preceded rork seen In the Heart pit, the principal ICa ghovel company, TBS "TATE Or TEXAS: the Tertiary lava flows. The mineralisa- uam pit of the chino run WEED'S tion of Hie the This GREAT DEMOCRATIC TO THK I WALTER H. porphyries of the anu RIU ills toward runts nils rompanv's tract KHERirr OR ANT ONSTABUE OT M. trlrt also took piare before this period. leads to the heller that tne same ore bodies abo ( oi'ntv. Texas, nurnxu Therefore the ores were doubtless enriched continue beneath th Santa Ittta company's tiki am nares? uuwM la eaavMon J Smith, CLASSIFIED lo some degree long before the lava floods ground. ,. 1 LeSM O. Oman, hr mllat x company Lhto rttaurwi. covered them up and arreated leaching. On the Ruddle group nr this is Business, In one lliilim to th areaf. la mm Telephone and Professional SANTA RITA REPORT Less learning has occurred here than mine that has already produced a RALLY TO BE HELD nnutc", aalinasail In mar awMi, II than he a other erroded localities The ground water amount of payable ore coming III Hkepil milllirill IkerMn. but M not. tkea. In In this region must have onre stood at A rrom s deposit on or near a fault flsanre mt imUMH pttblUherl In tha Situ nrili height very different from that which It Inssan outcrops exhibit evidence Indicative bodies, MM HÍiú lililí Jiallrtal .ttattíót! rtS now occupies ilon feet from the surf see In of ore (losssn outcrops, heavily iron pages- - SaNkKM M the mkm HMrtrt u, uM HIGHLY FAVORABLE abandoned workings since the chslroettt Ulned tioriihyry and the Intense alteration ON MONDAY NIGHT nil Judicial rMetrlrt. In t UM January. iRECTORY lone desrenda ntfiiy fiundreds id reel While of tha shale by contact mrtamnrphtam and mt. um e mk muí acirruth wmm the exact of The por- and atrong of Muui Hani This Up In Your Moms or office for Quirk Rsfsrsncs It Will Hsva eiunt mineralised later ntldliaiton with exunslve aaasl El raw nruntjr, Taaaa. in ha taita a Ik phyry beneath the lava cap is not precisely rtssurinr. are all ravnrable fertors for ore ay--r You Tims. If You Wsnt Your Hualness Listed nrs Csvll ROBO deUrmlnshle, It would Appear reasonable to iiepnaition. The around is well worthy or January. III. than and lhara. to answer snd Ask for the Advertising Depertmrnt. Mining Gives Opinion estimate It at not leaa than ion acres and the exploration From the huddle shaft there Final GathfiririK Be pailMiin mad In aaM matt on Jr.Mtha aarhth da of EnfMr lava ran at pi Mi reel thick the have been shipped to Kl Paso SmelUug Wil h mi the laHlajbar. Ills. In a auit numbered litis. Ml Ik Which Is Gratifying to Cop- iivitinuln top and pmportlonaUly Irsi on IM Work, li raro of ore. running from S.t per for Demon otra tiort in Mat of said court, hartan T. W. Itnuariman la ACOUWTAT. MONEY TO LOAN, slopes. copper, ptsiniirr and K. Noal M. Smith, rent lo 7r7 per cant the general Uauraanar it per Company Management. 4 Cleveland Square. and lamia O. loeer. ara .Mandante, aald aaSUjao rOOIOM SSOS. A 00 Milla Bid íhona or, lair loa aa raaaayiaa h An 8 rea average being nearly per cant, neuing nayaon. Carinar. pi anna. t. of Aiured Creucrona alíales I. W. Raaldml auloaaohllaB. TiaSIII' Baa Bana. nor- - rrom rino to fl.lM, or a general average of horaaa. amia In any whose snllnlerv rrsaments resemble U fan. aad aarurily proearajy By L. MU per ear. Mr. Weed the n next Mnnday night, ths night before Thai II a auit to raro ACCOUNTANTS CERTir I ED. wiihout pakllrTty ar nay II. DAVIS. phyry. This rock conUlns mtnersllied shear recommends allomar, faaa oa tbraa iaa aad aall rod note The full following ex- nr the Muddle and deepen general election day, a Democratic' rally II I1I1IIIKS Thona SlIM EQUITABLE LOAN ASSOCIATION report, the recent (ones amnr boin ores untvsterlnr snsft f Till HHTtiS I' ti uiiiih disseminated Ing wf on will be held in Cleveland square. This will Nallonal Hank It Ida! III Truat Bids. amination, has been made by Walter and ore shoot or ore are It snd exploration the root level, bataa rar MM a and No. 1 and I Mag for Ii (Hr ,m sulphide possible bo the final gathering, panaDIa m h " Weed, the noted mining engineer, 4. The which passes through and exploring the property by rhum drill nemorratlc for Mas, lo El (emirtlln TMraalU A tetad o A.DDIN8 MACHINES. NEW AND' atCONO HAND 00001 chino fault Tuesdsy morning o'clock ine aXMlna. in Ureal At tha rat of par rant Bar annum, the properties or the Msnu hiU Perelop tha main bodies of the chino deposit, ing in ine pnrpnyry area snn nv driving s at vnthif - In lite city BCBRIH OHa aldln maohliM. Ml Milla Sida Exchange .our old rami now. Wa pay nient company, snd has Just been nurie pub crosses the claims the tunnel Into this aiured porphyry Imme- bnnths different and county aaar roar soasa Laan any other northern of Sanu pre. in. in will be. open to the vot 0ALT0N addlni marhlnaa. Ill Baa Flllliaaaa. far fin He. The conclusion of thu eminent mining RIU Development company ilhe Huddle iiiairiy neneatn tne lava rapping at the point receive lar tfafaadanta aturad rlty. M SXaato Waatarn lamltara Co sn ers. The pulls close 7 . and Ill S expert, who is considered one of the most group i Is a where the root shaft has Just been sunk. mil al o'clock that bj A ran dor-- tier, on II. ama of land M El fTaaaat Mtt of the tract. This fault probable night The will ( ronservAtlva mining men In the United ex- In accordance with his advice, work has llepuhlleans probably hold anutlll.. Oran I, Kl Paao noaatr. Tesas, daaorUmO wSS, fcT aaai bMll aaaaTMal locus or copper ore ikxIIcs wnrtny of aa relima. AST ACADEMY. II Biaálar liiisl faSXaaaia tiaatjll. sums, is rsvorsblt. and should bo very begun under mansrenient of II. W. I nomls. their last meeting m Monday night at their " BMsaSri. Wl S. aataaaxa. nana tIM. ploration. The ore developed and mined headqiiArters on Man Antonio Oregon nKsSECUEP ATS. 1 na a aa gratirylng to the stockholders And manage nnn rhuru drill Is now Installed and two and rtalm triangular plan of cmuad and babul all Mf r kl' from the Ruddle short probably comes from Tuesday tha land In north weet oamar of OPTICIANSj nient of this newly organised copper corn- more purchased and being shinned to the streets. mnmlng when the polls tha ntma tha EL rAAO BABECU. l3 MlS St- this fault. open the HeuairiAt.s snd IIADUblleana will SR. pari of I'anaUllo Orant aa par map if A J. pany, which Usa enured the mlnlnr Held of 5. The dlorlte porphyry area Is traversed property, and Also hoisting machinery fur nam. r. an.i iwnf ui lan.i weal or a rorw EL STUDIO. SM N. orsnt county New Mexico. the Ituddle shsft, snd It Is predicted be busy seeing thst the voters gat to ths root Ora.. St by several shear iones, most or which show thst IUI ranal: aald US of land bataa bound H Munjoi an days of payable polls and cast their balloU. ad an tha north oy Slmplasnanna oa f. TODD. CONtULTINO ENSlNIES. In his introduction he holdings sopper minerals, and one or two are worthy within ililpmenu ore will rrioby Ian, tha pal. hyilraullr aaaltary mark. Mundy PAVEMENTS stsus the ir tne c rally Mondar the aaal lamn.lary Ma of tha Hani and Ittl of the or begin. neimcrat nlrht liailaaal raasaa lEfaV EL PASO CO cninpsuy sre sltusted ninth snd cast exploration V Oram. i ha Aa SITULITHIC PAVEMENT Judge J. noggin senator Claude Huds Tana ia. aaM tar aaM aaaal. wtnoh "Baal Sv Swarv Taal." of the town of Hants niu. a settlement on Tna proximity or the santa nils rompan "B roma iba aaal lina ,f aald M.Í tract, ai. L. llaraM aaaal. ISaaas lots. peth and Judge Lian M. Jackson will be am aad lh rider, ill I Na rtrat National Bank the chino copper company ground and to developed hv Hie hlno com- waat Itn of a Iract I land darlfnaterl aa th W H Bid. rtuau ths around that Judge Murphy Leaves among the speakers. The band for the XL tcrmlnu of the Rgnu rallrnAd. lo pany Is shown by sn explanatory map. Tiala Strahan lia.M arr Invrt aa aaM ras af J Ovan, C10THIN0 EXCMANQE. PLUMBERS. le It occasion already has been obtained. Those c. E. of data Man f. 111. to wise asa accessible by dally train, and by excellent snows mo i nun. sank a shaft go reel lafsam WE PAT ha haihaat aria NT Mat Iff - uill In charra or the progrram. nene Harris, la alada In aM of tha alan a ilaarrtntlon raw in lluaililnt roads from Darning- or from silver City, deep, within a few hundred reel rrom tha Speeders Alone While Sled ?aaejliil county chairman, being tha chainoan of the And piaimirr aaba for a forardaaara of Ma tarn, a III large Area Mineral Croat no foot shift nr the Hani Hita commibXI taa ta aliaaad) U ireaafaree atuiwraar of sf ad. comiuiuee on ai rangemenu, Intend that the balm CLEANERS AND rRESSERB. EE SCALES RtPATSTlTs The property nr a group 4S now being sunk In the altered porphyry, His Dine conslsu Monday po- ata and lh Ilan aarurlna aaaia. and daf andante of near the or the lsva capping. Thla night arralr shall be the largest UMtr daad or al- - i'NION II AT A TAIIIHINÓ CO llau rliauiad "anil claim. mined! ste y adjacent to snd esst of base rally ever staged here. There prob- aaaoadan or dlsseml-nau- litical Blaaeaat tlaMaa rMana aaaax ' the Unds Of the Chino Copper company, tbs hart shows an excellent grade ably III lit a having glace In Laat night would have been a gals occa ho plenty of "red fire" supplied J (TJCANINO VVOKKB .111 Han Pb boiindsry of the group being About A ore. rentier the frac Ja.tnto til --trlram. nuar sion and this will be carried by the loyal Wil DETROIT a.noroaili araiaa. Charlo ter of a, tullo rrom the big Hearst pit. And ture planas and peppering me rock. In the for aiihdsU who desired Pi try out son Aanaa. raoaa IMS. company por- - rieinoerau, wlio will march through the raatum Vhmncn, ilnwlf htm OHIMNEV tWEEfs. the main upen cut of the chino compsny. Santa RIU ground nearby tlte their inaclunes on the county roads, had streru of ths city on their way hara amulad STOVE Ths pnyry is snauered and snows ine same Brlnclpal SIMON VIENTA, awaap Kmm rapalrad "EPsVfJ. trart rovers the iteepar western they only rcAllted it Jl was purely by i square. Those Democratic asé aat up. Pboo 1M1 (II South Mtaatoa ÉL slopes and top of Kneeling Nun snd structural' features found In mountain accident that II was UAmod Judge Murphy nominees, who were selected for the coun- and Hie easterly slopes. To the west And the oxidised capping over the steam shovel ty offices In the 0ENTI1TI H the company. no pi canica otar ut nnsuuies or IDS speed last nemorratlc primarles, Iron VRaria. earner E. PVU and S taSaoca Ste. In front of It sre the greAt waste dumps of pits of rhino will In the lina of march oc- Ds, aTtaTTaVlfS. Mi aü aaVal. raoaa 1 or iinnergTutinn develop- iniirt. had every county apcd ollicer at be and will J A. aWCAJE))A. ll the Chino; to the east the oak dotted nioiiii wmio nriiimg hla home, cupy places on the platform with the DR A E. BROWN, dantlal II Afilia Bld( Uln foot slopes ment la needed to prove IU value and ex- mo Last Rio nrande street, laat TOILET PREPARATIONS. snd a rather deep vslUy a Hutch" lunch. addi- speakers, captain W. D. oreet, who is UK MAI 1IKHT an bottom tent, the ground will. Mr. Weed believes. nlaiit enjoying In Mill! Hld Hnaia IMT H. k M. Utlei The elevaUon varus between O.StO tion to the guardians of peed, sit a patient al Hotel nieu, will bs unable maattf. IIS If. and 7.710 feet above sea level. he found Pi contain "disseminated" or the Judge laauad tha thirteenth day of Oetohar. IIK. DETECTIVE ASENCIES. "raoronyry copper ore. Murphy had aa his griesU Ounty Attorney to he present. However, his many friends (Saall A. ESC AJ Ths properly eonslMs of the group The extension of J. EPA. THK lloran :. W. Cronm, Asslatsnt County Attorney are looking arur his interests DtotrMi --nan. of three claims adjoining the slid this nunerallied. altered porphyry beneath nn BJ--j, chino uva or the mountain is proven Frank r'eullle, Justice James M. Heaver, Chris Aran da, chirr deputy county clerk, W covering an altered rea of the tna. rapping Daaau. aTrat attooal Hank Bid porphyry I by good geologic evidence. The sulphide IMutablo Domingo Mnntnyi And Deputy yesterday had all the ballot boxes brought TAXIDERMISTA. Ruddle grnup on the north and of many Constable J. W. Brown. out from the bassmsnt of tna court liouse. ORESSMAKINS. recent Incstlons msde In the current yesr to rones should occur nearer the surface under Cama lo hand lh Say of Ooiabar. at II. The speed regulators who attended ware Today ballot boxes and election supplies ralnl rsas atSa-l- cover intervening snd adjacent ground the lava rapping than outside of . at., aad I ai anulad ta within tAUtAaa at The predominant shear tone of sheeted C, i:. Ciitchet, ilenrge Spenier, Tlhurclo will he expressed to Kort Hancock. Sierra , an El raao nounty. Taaaa. Vart gaaraptd. faoaa laP-a- t Tas OolnglrM Cea 4 lues favorable. i. iron, fred lielg-ad- and Corporal Huiieil BUnra and Allasikore. on Monday election ay la Aba , TYPEWRITER AND OfflCE SUPPLY CO. uMIablnt In aatn OMUaT STORE Ths following synopsM af the swolotlr and Fufley of tha inotortycu corpa. T supplies will be delivered to the other tow- A un aaSUatllá M lh aaanty of Kl raao 'satures of the body valley On Monday aula of Taaaa. one aarn rat t r four aaaaaaataa atino ora Is adven In er towns. haltoi boxes aaraar. aald aua EM Taaaa. SPmSsS'mm WlWat T order that the reader may appreciate the M vol; have mum rroMAcai? will be sent to the upper valley voting Unfy oa tha knlaUla yaaafS pllrttirteAnrs of the fact that His RIM ir you ara troubled with sour stomach precmrU. The ballot box and sup JRNlfURE PAC KINO AND "anu election 1111. aaM REPAIRING upal tea far all raak aaarhlaaa. Development property Is lu the Igneous t you should eat slowly and maturate your piles fur Morrison's ranch, precinct No. ao. rlntad ropa tharaaf la Banda alllohad. Ta día rSar Oa . IM Mats. ioa sflT. bordar is sones food thoroughly, then lake one of Cham have Monday Uno I aotually ' snd traversed by shear Official County already been sent out On traralM PACKINS. ST0RIN8 AND The ora body and town of Sanu Rita are Tablets Immediately afur supper. and early Tuesday morning ballot boxes VkSS'. located s.t"u'.v FINiaHAD hi s distinct basin, and the rocks In ihUluslile everywhere Adv. will be JlstrlbtiUd In the city praoincu. tP. HIVE aAv.1US TRIAL. Hie district may be roughly divided aa fol- 6! White Mia To lows: (0 sedlmeniry; (f mtrusUve: (!) ox Democratic Be cererui of your baggars Dwity ATT act"6rV. 0M.V.."iffl.,lT. The TRANSPÉRak1 truilve. scdlmrnury formailon. of (hecks. Loara at Longwelt'E. Tal. I -- Adv. CITATIOS ST rUBLICAIlOW PACKING AND IHIPPINO and baaaa which there Is A lArge area In compArlson THE STATE OT TEXAS. hold rurnSara. iaáuaí? Hrinlahliuj with the Intrusive etnoanres cnnaiata r T. A. Thurston O. M. Grlder To lh Hhartff or any CaaiataM of El raao Cauaty our raark. limestones or more or lags purity and be Ticket uraaBJw: ino semi Ill afyrlaa. Paaaat 111 " caroomrerous aeries, Tau Ara S araba Comal andad u yfflBINARY there also being some Isolated Devonian CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS maUna URt6mi V n Wrarin b oubllraBon Z-- C rocks. Through faulting is sigo Primary AUTO SERVICE JUL 1 rii"SIN0. ÍS BoríR. auomwor lo Dr. B. ÁT there Nominated at the HONE oaira In aarb waafc for four ru naarlra MrTaaAU T ÍUm s groo or aa day baroof. In aaaaa Baaaiaajar pub BUlBDBJtSStNa. máSKr od Praa HaaaSUl for horaaa and doca. Mil Taxaa. Ill IBM considerable Crstareoiis City National Bank Building;. lh ratam Saórteruri Sobarte Bannar nUndsbines 22, 1916 B. TOM surra. Uf r. lataad In your nuntr. lo amarar at in rant rafuli Maa aaaa SM. ataal nm, and shales, the former being Election My :i Paa R altered to cjiutruilc um Ultruglvas. Phone MM Kl Paao, Texas tana of lb Mlily nrUi ltxt. Court rf JUNK OEALERt. MAX UÁtBTb. V. Phone lllT a tkaa. " near to ha Imldan at Uia I'lairl Houaa taonaof The principal intrusive rocks In tha 8anta ,.r Kl Taaaa. N Ki. SOfX AND METAL WAO0N YARDS. IweprMeataUve Dis- i ll. I'aao. ia tha flrat Mandar In rASO (.. liaa taa Rita basin are aranodlortu, a For llth Phone 1800 i a iba iaan batna th ath Say of N orara lASTÉAS WAOON YARD Horaaa m.(hart porphyry, and snothar of a trict All New Cars liJO u u.oo Bar kattr bar. mil. and thar lo aua war a patltAan braaS, Baaas. ear. ffaaaaS tarn awe; horaaa bwtktd. Maournl and alstinrt un tna nay or pohihyrltlc texture, srhlch may bs rlsssed aaaaa old Slave Ara. mart in ahi nan tat Baaaaaabar. laia IIXINOIH BOTTLE AMI! JUNK CO.. swat ' ira R. E. Thomason ir am ault nuail IM Weldins. ss andeaite and In tbo form of intrusiie aar morad MS W sills, lacollths snd dikes. The boundsry or ror RfwryrajajajBLatlve 1 1 nth ti Wrarm la IMfandanl. aaVI patlthai lo rtaeklln Itraal Pama aad alladm avakakjaaaanl aaaaa the southeast aide of the Sania RIU ASSAY Office I pUlnUfr and dafaadaat ar huanand and wira. aad aaaa aerrtr basin Custom KI. WtaZtNu niiiiposed two hará laaat arar alnot Haatr marrtaaa at Raaan- - laWIIWW BfaaawT Osti ÓSaW' TYaaMfW Oa. PASO to.. of flows, toe principal one Dudley i. RITCHKTT ak KEfWil HON California, Man II. That pUlnllfr baa laaaM VkWaMtaMl. aSta. hslng rhyollte snd rhyolle tufa overlaying R. M. flld III. MATTRESSES RENOVATED. an AaaxayerB, Chernlsta, Metallurfttata. baas bona flda lnhaMIAnl of Iha State of Taaaa IlKAVT ouibUi aad auloaaobila pane waida.1 older now which Is of an andesiu iU-trto- GEO. H. HIGGINS, M. D. or lUTTaaaaaaUM BAMS "aeS7 for Ja(lcei Mth Judicial for mora than a raar laat paal. aad a raaldant rajtaaWaaS. faaaaSaXw. promptly Brown Waldloi i n nature. Itrprxwaentativea for Ore Hltlpiiers. HorurrrtMiLhtn Phyaartaax, Kl I'aao County for mora tbaa all monu laat Hoaeer A War tsl Myrlla. raSa till. naear Zeaee paal Thai drfaodant baa baan yulllj of nrtaalty. ATA.TY1.KNK iaa tar waldln. 2U nauta out foot (oataln Valnable Cappoi Da- - I1Ó (tan Krnit. i, o hi. kUTTKaMSJCS aeder MNSrslai Kl Co 111 Capíes Bldf. and oulraaaa toward plaintiff In thla Thai sksas to aad K raao rboae Dan M. Jackson BI Paao, Tazas. til atraatra The area tlic" PHONB NO. M4. itefandant liaa aaaabaad Texas WELDINS 0 Broken maul within Main hss bean sUong-l- Dis- and would ant Mk or a aaaa M any baaanaaa that aaa Taaaa rkoue IIM roulted in wide sones in two general For Jodaje 41 at Judicial Iliaca scm dlrectlona. of Infanta and ChUftrea tWrrVJlS and AUTO SERVICE The inMrserttnns or the mimer-ou- trict Court W PN0MI IIM. faults have resulted In a roughly circu- P. R. Price aad i bal he adlfully abandnoad pUlaUTT and lar shear sone that hss a dtamstsr or three U Maa with bar, and baa at no ihae oonuibuud fointiis or a mile. Oeoeraily Judicial Di- copy speaking, the ro Judie Mth Uaalr marrlaa arel a printed tharaaf la returned herewith The pries ur sulpriur due to rne avsr or I granodlorlM. IIIIIUUIIIIIHIIIINIIIIINIIIINIII aetueily Ui at hss stlm ceiiur. tore. of sur luid Court plalnUir are net dteuane urareled th ataoutkai auoh In Uils rounded by llrbla arei SSSSakt M .... BUMS. ulatsd niterrst reflun. ür. mil shesr nines. This abrar tone Coldwell K. or has been the depository or BalUrd Wharafor. priailiai ronakterail, plain sosas snd L Porch the unlveraiiy tha valuable aamrirr of Kl i'aae i ouuiy bureau to copper minerals, chairóme, cuprite and County JudaT hsva ton HuiUer's Sprints, s nativa ropper. BomlU, ror with lloran ranch About forty rrom Oris to be cnalcopyriu ami and aanaral rattef miles cupiirerous pyrites are Also found, In E. B. McClintock their survey. The deposit Is bul fin round in much leaser exUnt than the oilier named ror County Attorney Sulphur Deposits of the surface shsle and sypsum of the Per. copper ores. There. is also some rnslschlu. HIDES mlsu formation, snd Is about forty miles Afilrlb' and rhrysseolln. W. H. Fryer loor snd twenty miles wide. The Toys Mlarralla'lun af Mania Rita Ga. Tract. uiaaa under aw band aad aaal of aaM Court, at Culberson County Tha value of tract ror Nhcriff omea In tha City of Kl I'aao. Tata, this lh IMA uu linns are annul sixty miles assy, (me this must. In the ab- sence ur underground work or drilling, be Stall. B. Orndorff We rtellell Venr Constfatsaets el fay of lllf cornpany slresdy hss been orrrsnlied lo HklBS, We. 1 A to Be Investigated judged by geological evidence only. Hldea. Peiu. Goal rara. develop the sulphur deposits, snd sre The prtre paid al ail Clark DsdaiM court. Kl raao County. Tau. estimation of possible mineral values de- ror Couutr Clerk Hlflhaat atarkrt tines. About slflil tons psr dsy. .No ship, pend upon Wrllf wire nr phooe at tur axBsVaSS By If. B. Haines. Deaaaty. Austin, Texas. Nov. i. The sukptmr ds-- l the lesser and ofun nbaaura W. D. Greet ÍwÍnt rnsnts hsve besa for. soon lor suelsllona. laauad thla 13th day of oí kVtll be invesll-slc,- i nisde thus At s structural regluras and on the affects of 0rtA1,JjJUjLrB, mi mini) the rwve County eV inuiieiiisMly try Hirtverslty or invosiirsAor.a nnlslwd their survey, ururroii coiitaci coiemi .rpnum My exam ror las ..aaraaor El Paao Hide Leather Co. By K. HAV.NES. Uaaaity. Tessa Illation shows I It. experts sent out 67 UM burssus of Eco s complete report on Ule rasión w ill be pre John T. rboae tan. 398 123 South ksasas. Na. 14073 I. Thai the trart rovers the Cb Donuc reolory sim iscluaoiory ror the pur- pored by the bureau or rroininii. xiilir.v nan of the P. 0. Box lias. CITATION BY PUBLICATION altered poitihvrr are conauuitln. th re ror County Tas Collector pose of io ic iiiiininx the rxtrnl or Lh snd formation, or liHIIIIHIWIIIIMUIII T. A aa. fiaailmi (lahoa A. "porphyry cupper deposit of culur i (Titrable TIm Mir R. D. Richey IV C Porurrfleld. Ataomey and thetr value. nlfb ( i.hlno Copper company. The extent of HAItUKO WITH Of ATk HIKi riM, thla aiured rork Is roughly THK STATE OF TEXAS. New York, Nov. f. Two men who sre rstimsUd At ror Dlstrtct Attorney T SbarttT ar say Ooaaubla af SJ rae County. char with or 11 n IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIItlfllllMHIIMIfMIIIIHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllMMIIMIIItltllllUninMI the AUTO STAGE LINES red bolos sreomnllcea t. An eXMnslon of ths mineralised nor Leigh Clark (IreetUs WllkriH. In rrukln or (Hualnr counterreil pnyry mass Tau aaa hi MrAd ' bsneath are Kneeling Nun Court Clerk Indian rive dollcr bills, wsrs ar mountain .and the Igneous ror Duuict Ooha A. by rested hi Brooklyn today. tuffs snd leva Co. In aaoh araak far retar (aTuaMaawa Wllkens was knows forming tbs top of the C. M. McKinney Rio Grande Fuel and Feed laxuiMIIll Laara PLuoear daily srrsslsd In Ssnu cruz Caí,, a few mountain. Iba talan daw hereof la eoaee ru ax. days Tru oyldencs Is thai County aad Tiftr Mia. aaju. w nnu-- mineralised uorohvrv ror County Treasurer FEED la El I'aao Taaaa. U asiur at tha farm: IH rita to raaaffllA ffa ASakaay, 11. SS: "no ui narria said bOBOIIh this rapping wis enriched before COAL, WOOD and irfiilu 'am of the Vorte rtrat JadVtal lrlauirt Court IWrtaXM, Ktaatt. l.Mi AtaaAU rari. C.'li lax wss an ensrsver. ronncrlv rmiiloyed by A. R . Webb r El raao coaati Taaaa, lo be boldaa al Um Toan A Mr bonk nou comtsny of Una city. His houaa therein, fa El Paao County, on Uta rim Bakarabat aaaa kaaraa B T Tnhna' Maaa BiaaaL son wss Uken into custody County Hurt ey SERVICE AND QUALITY Matutey In January, la aaaaa batas Sva let day of Laa cruraa. p. m. Pbome 1U with Dun. ror or A. D, HIT. then and Chief Klynn, or the I'nIMd Ststea January. lhara to aaever tha - aeerai A. S. Albro meet in aaaa raaajs aa iaa oaw ar up. somes, who mkdi- the arrests, said botli Trade with us Atad save money. atfi fneeUae May 7. IMf. ay. call lakMkaaxa less. nan roniesseo to netinns wiiKens insnu Iklounuli. Standlrq fTme.) ror Hide and Animal lrasfkakt). ST, facture counasrfsit 320 S. St Vrafaa St PHONE 1544 Traj paral (kobo M snvernment noMs six tor la eutnurr aaS A. defandani that the younger insn had Admitted pass rrom North tapas. 15 P RA, dally aaS San Say, fay rua oka, ins mors UUn u or them in or near this lh R. W. Love iiimiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiiniimiiiiiNlT Ttaule. Baasa. IiWwIÍl "art Bifsaxs, Wa aad CM ooMan mu. LfadMs'!':!:::::::::;:: z rer aaaafaarta tendrill of ISyeo á payante eight raara after data. I Taraakmrl-B- l tamal ai I trRKOMY BTCAKe) IK BAI.nMIHST rrom ah WaaA- - AtaT Arrlae uarlty teuaa for rallare lo pay prtnrtoal or la. i" XJSrZJl iSTs ar Baluinore, Md Nov. y. United HtsMs Ltotdan BUM Limited Misa Myra Winkler aat whoa dam aaaurad bp a raodoCa Ilan aa Lea skns Bill Sil a. m. K A I. W. wata I AHurway taensrw OfwaXtyry. apeek. IttFays. IS p. m. Oaly A rnnsssi OnasBBlaslnBgr. aaM the Baa aa ha M Vat M ta Bleak M of arrlrm Kl fee la lii hiw Jlkx m M a Defnocrsur rruus here afor Prwinot aad Mew addttloa la da Chy af El raao. Taaaa. meeUnr hranlaht daelarwrl thai iw nreahiani Oarldan Sun I Amlu .No. I Lincoln and WAsblUaTtuo ostl been TaiiiMiaiTri Pea. ' Robert E. Lyons by Ahla aaaa ouLraseoiisly" Wa- j- . raaeaa af the aniaiHia af paaAatlfr 'IBsWaU. coafjAjnr. "so ss has iTestdsm ..'erJAe i baaaat M par aaaa aooardtas to Iha Msasa auto Foiariclatiori mm lice of Peace, Pre- Lay jaaaaaaxWa. ror Jo the the (haraaf. later aat aa aaM ta duo kwmaaa sad rmm ISS. asi in That the aau aad llerendlnr lbs foreign policy of the ad u tTt cinct No. I. Place I mlnlairstloo. bs said in North mtmmt-- Antra J. M. Dea ver far raraelaaura of Ma Han. altar "The onuras pursued by PreskHint Wil Kl raao peeMuaw r 1 faaa. IntaraaL, aaa dt aad son in utilise ': ::::::::::::::::: Pre-cln- words, not ear North am Sea 13 ror J oslice of the Pence, aa be mar aboa eailtled warn, axss not only inmmi um course die- tha DP Omv aaal CMaaaa 1. Place a ain Pall Not. but here before m H RIGHT YOU Bap aaM flm day of Um lera saafay tttósraTá-w- aaáryS judirmeirt. Is trAillUonsl iaxsa-?- A. J. Hall n ahowhaa baa at aaajaal rata Make raaaraaateaa aMM but the foreign "' iwiiii y na rraas in aww re Tlaww OaaarWaaaL rboae aat. in tinned atBAtw iinosr pre SI Am Constable, No. 1 J. A. ESI'AJBfTA. datota of every political fAlLh." a Ma as. Por IrefAikCt Clark af Iha Daainot Caart M M Paao CppkU. Taxaa Lon Garner Would Ouild Well Oaaaa aaakar my head aad the aaal of Uue court. CtJLfJBlAJAA 1.IBBABIAMS MSCaTT - La Thy Taaaa. (Ala Iha SM of Bt raao. IflA day af X. ::5ís- County OaMtiar. A D. ISIS iMuvsr. Nov. KiUMialun of lllxarv wort Por (Saall J A rayAJaaaÉ Hiruuslauut Um UI and a i.iupoaal fui a OlakOt Clark af lh Mearte Lean of M raao Ceuair. Taaaa. aarrafuai a acnool. isuauir IM Mwaaat limlual s George Pendell amy A. "T by BTonNnoot were Ad mm Mam Irnnad sus stlh af ft Niks. u ill llhrailaaa atad ui I. A. akkCAJEDA. SeAÍlak pkMrs read St the twenty rirth annual con arw.: ror County uiTiaailBaloiier, (art of th Plakrkel faaart M faaa Caaaau. Tkaaa. volition uf the Colorado l ibrary sssoclalliHi I tyiwlae ,. OfiaTa. ciact I krklh All Tratea) rtona ' ' CaaakaaakM at akaxM .. sutlat : : Henry L. Herring Caaes ka haws aa Um ... day w IIM. in ui jjjg rWii' h'jliti'jjI ' and Lh . mOBOLLOB BTABf LtNf A MTBatiSllf stsr dlacMssiuii. fcnual anion on ream County Coi rjuoStMEi wa poitiKiiuyd U Beet - Arria. ror until toiunrruw. I I II M a m Daily paaamurar aaraW to a Vlaiun deinssies were nnMruUiNrd si a KIKJTJPHUOrGunterajaajT AlHTOKIO. tÚXWk EUnOPataVI niiiiHT sun rneaier wsny tnnltht. Toauor-1W- ncgla-- J. M. Walling program g ninnd utile dl A HoaioJ Built for the Climate UM 'te (l'oUliual ) of Advertlsonient uoaiiin books bi forssnan aiui in.. TTaTaMKAt, MaiuvAyar. OtYtaaal IseaatAvrtaara T. V A. V V oWmét huslBSajs ae salon, with suction of 1EHOT 9. s aad the day af amm i uaiicars ui aiuaruoou THK WANT aVJJ HVnTOCK MABKtTS. ' " haa been roportro that In Mratil Casaba Melons Make Appearance on Market; Miiajat kjk: Mat It r ii iinn no TtM n MMt. prrrlnrM In the aMte there are raae. of Km moouci eaaairt. M fraudulent ramtrtUon. TTM fadaral anthorl 'Wa an Florida Tangerine and Grapefruit Offered M M.M i naikaai, l.g- -. ,'J! at.ajaj...... p Neu) Mexico G. O. P. ilea lava MMrjuend Mat peraon vioUt M. Tf to Mtwr. M taajia Mm. M Mai. JÍV.' lor United MM atatntaa Willi refere nrea M VIMHU Cnaanan. Kar --MMr Mr: ftaa A. Wall proper an.) KWtl I Supplied With eMctaVM be vlrmnly utrd canana MPaeM gait aMoeranro tm Uw mi kid 9m4m iímMi, pw vw. : Well paeMi inMl are now In the PUV for the MM MM Mat MMM Mr U in nana BIstst4 MMftt Hura IMnMMd Zaaa purpoea atherlnp evidence. WIM MB " ill of natía MM MM rs-rsTlrr- SiI eeeiv amaTrtv Money for Campaign " 'I am bnnalna thin matter tt your t '"?' !J!LLJ Opfi ''kflHrM --TwUSlikS tenUnn thin ynu may mm. .. M.M mp tt Ulna In order that tll.M. AaMMÉfltapTal " rM. be on your aaainitt vollny. Ma MMM t a ti.IT MM Manar. Wataara. Tmw. ta: tw fnSM. sprrial to IM Morninn Tlrnoa. rard fraudnlrni at two for u auta. nmi IM laaailM MMM. ffew. t. MmiiHi pMM., 1 pa ' "I hope you will report promptly to the fw ?'. . tnU N. M No. J TaU UM Bepuo Al Kaanaa OM. t, reneral inllkorttMa Any ronaplrarlM to MMpi f. atnrkMti M ft MM FnHowIn, h II. I Mr MM At Kaaaaa CM. llrtn rarnpalfll WlMMItt. aro wall apt)Matl threaaVm or Intimidate votara or attempt to of Ifta MM M BM NaOaaa Ml altw.i MM, Mr MM M atatatm PXaa MKMMX!7w I MMr. mm rnrropt aMctton wMch may "mall MM, Mr prwnd M MM with nindt btcMa known today, and tt I" ofriclali roma iajil praparan to turn loaac n w. under your notice Mdarat'a ! r Ma M Mr Majaaaa áVaaua Ataka. of Uv rtty nrwefneti. to "Iriied. ARTHUR HRI.inMAItrt, trial npjaMkatt kaaata aaMdf War rarh " oerroH mapkit. tin- fnainn rwra " ChMrman.' kMeJfaet aanwaa. MftMík?MJMei! drfaat tlckau IXSrSiT: "TT "JIM rMrMrfÍMf.MJ At Vart. Bapnti . Ik B Of a fund of tltOA. wnirh tlw mía. hall lb a " npid MOÜ00 haa new Loevetrr. gat apt I ptmda Mr lo" "t- leapiirVití ran ('nil Arm. áaia. lirant aro to havr ralsad. VTen a cold on a often happen. WMMr 1111!. I CmL" Mar y V hanr XI Mil Tf í- is uplamla. It ao Ij harn aprmt and tlM halanrr. In br or wtaM voii have hardlv rouan over Oarwiaai rrajae Hrmr.4 íoeroaM4aí." Lauaka. Iir Saárkwi- pafci of ttattiPíl looar hrtwram now son PlrrUon day II' lMMaB.' .'.'.'.'' IT Im pimp; illM.iraj turnad rold before you rontract another, lookout par mm t. Par; m n. .: "TE It FJrrUoa pi ill MM warBM a you noma mm nM-'- M.M'HH Ik M i(Ma: MUfái It.l4a. for are liable lo root ran very UWMMr!!& nor Ml Mar. iuir. 0U WtlRLT IVIIW Tha followlnt Iattar to alartion ludiraa dtaeaja. of cold MM Ma nM pMaV Or) .' . -- nrrtout Thli aurveMlon Ibmv, mm QBtm Mt UiTOuatkniil the nMtc wm MM ont today by weaken the ayttem and lower tha vi- Apuerarea. fanor Florida, aa. Mi PBMM mTÍ of lno-rrttl- r IM Matt York. Nar. Daa 'a Mat-a- Arthur Aallrman. rMlrman tha tality no that you are much more liable to Loaaoaa. mi MM Ma 'ttiimfH: VS?imVmM"M. M4? rampatrn rommlttca: mntrert rhronlr catarrh, pnaumonla or Oraapwa. p daa Mr rtaa aoeak jMTitt l Trf. ml.Wlh.1 II IM "iakTtM?rUMa! manaarra ' t f.M: l "That tlw nat"ilHrn rampalm naunrnUon. Cure your cold while you MeatMl l.tM. Marka PMtaaaM pan! Mn.ODO of ftrafl of lllfi.flon o ran. i Hemecty a tmítíMa'. MM af PM MaMMP htra ratmberlatn' Coutrh ha pouol it BM for aamat a loo ra i ullfi V" MM (hurt Maea P" MMeM BOSTON WOOL rr In tha uta and will lorn the real rrpuiauon. it reliad upon By Bead lot r"M M rkntM till iklMita oWI imTIiM thn farfii on Monday MM. tm ü"r ... :;: mT.'- p At r art Worn Uaa for Mtk praPiaáwa MaSaUon, MMr malnln i.nm tnd Tunday, inounj,nn of people ind never dlnappolnta nu larpe fn aim -I iTMiktl M today. Tt In Mid Try only a Cm pm ....!!!!!!! Mi M. akd kta pM aaajaM af MtrM aatMp harame knon hara ihtl ibetn. It It roau quarter, Bran, par M, aja, lillMII Tm MM M n araka aa aMafaaMrhaj ta aanni Miaatkau Car M.nm will lio apant In fanu Fe county to obUlnabl Mykflatia Adv MT Ük. Moot Mir markol I. n. aud a work of oaaaaaanpaa a ceJnaApe. Can Mar. par paoM M I Unajk akoriaaa an aM a pad PM defeat the rualim ticket here, It ,000 In aach M eM TTÍMÍi I an. Inrroaalnp foal MM ON at ilpli, I M MalniM tM ralraa atani IrMo rf o( rtty ail ara fwm about the four precinct. . Oun repalrtna, Mt It. Orrayoo St Allen M niMft MM .. la ...par. Ma aM Ma esrtAr-dt.vuvmrt- tm M far tanrMry rra, aMMM airoaair paaMá. piailaoMl AbMwp "The folloKlna letter to elertlon Juiafai Arma c.ycM Co. Adv. of muttaeM pm Ik Mt ss táM Saov'ejeraIt M itk iM JiTaad MNM, tVeMaa. P"1 jnoM. .y... P lb Ma ranal Man. mm la. II Sir aM Ila MM, Ipnr MM I ytjánt Vallav pound, tor I Ik Ma M MM Mm. lrlv.v::.-:.v".v.v:::- ; PM PM lb K -r lb Mr (lahforala imim pm Ik. Imt mm Ik ItUta. mWÍ5 ÍmK-T- E S- --m r, M . w pound tar Mm um periuuja Mrri taa, k. Not flat parkaa. Marran . -- fiv no alibi auaJuj '. ui

t alaa, pm pom II ' ' M M alaa. Bar MM Ma wMM ÍM jp' W VVV.' .' V.V.Víl' M M tina, par pound Mt DaucáTañMKn nucas. MK onalaM koa. Ma: Mk. ban AC atM. T M radT'pM S Kaállaid ?arft. pmmm'.'. I, M lk. K F PM Ik. TM fan. rwr vouM Mr onM MM Mi M llotna hakaH park SmTVÍÍm7::::::::::::::::::::: taina ,,,, knitMakat Córtala l tanaapa. MUwaufcaa 5 mm:::::::::::::::::::::::S aauaaaa. Mllwaakaa H ON Sv U'or llajn aataiaaa. kJllwaukM PM lk Mr OlMr. per vHH .. u Ilaakar illa) MataM PM lk. Me NUTS. Hloau tail Miiaaan. kfllanukaa lk Mr unaxtD ntnti Kuahar frajnfcfuntt.u pm lk Mt

BIG EXPORT TRADE Curtiss, Manning & Co. Santa Rita Development Annouutv that Of y l to thelr HELPS WHEAT PRICE New Offices in the SANTA RITA CHINO COPPER SHELDON HOTEL Irirra-- prltait- wire to Iaifraii STOCK STOCKS K. Bryan itvranbtyra of all Pulls Market Oat of Material De tni'lvanRra. NEW Ijoratlnn. cline; Goee Unsettled at Closing price on New York Closing price on New York 'V Curtiaa, Manning & Co. $1.85 for December. Company Stock Sheldon Hotel Curb Market today Stock Exchange El Pmo, Tex. Bt AaonrtakJrt Pea $1 .87 to $2.00 $63.38 i hiñan. Not aavort bualnaoa rmlllad lha whom markM bxtnr aflar a Malarial 'loHlno. Ahloh won Inrpalr tka rank of raM M Apaaan. rtM (Next to Chino Copper Co.) Monad tauMUad ml tl aoaBI USt for pMaauM aM M n.Mltel MH far Mar. rrttk UM anorto aa wtMrla HSV off raanpnrai with rterlnr't nntah STEEL AND METALS Com ..atlo to m- - and oala US f Vv thn oulnnuo roiifnd frtan IVar dr. Una to n According to Financial Report sheets New York Curb rtaa otI Mb the of the Kipott antra ware aaumaud M blph at l.kM.PM truanaa Mao r loapa to tdtnninao of ton rtaa In MU prlooi aad Indultad In profit laldn to aurti STRONG ON 'CHANGE mtant that üio markM won tan ad toward tka Association tor the week ending Saturday. October 21st, 1916, am ra I. an1 kar ad low tarn II llBW hnwoTM wbwat atrMiath and lha ilntMl aafnuitapa UM thirty-nin- naa a twnitawarj lo bulla e thousand four hundred (39,400) shares of the Santa Mita psaha UM aloadr Mexican laattea in Bettor Demand to MarkM ralaUrMi uTirt, 17! Than at Any Recent Time; iavdXTmTZpZaaaad off. owia a tka talue of Development Company stock were bought and sold, the high price Island Rock Reartkmary. puiiir. WoJT i II. M: Ma. M. rr AMoHatod riaaa ivwwnitwr Miar. Mar tMoamlwr. $2, low tow T o. N.w I Aaldo Mwm a II par QmB Mr; Mar. was the price $1.12. In ttw tradln. lotw i markM aao talIn Mool Januar?. tM M: Mar. nF MMM a duplloau of tha praaadki MOnUn lloal Uarit Januarr. IIMTH. M. aaan o ora Utni naartntal lo 1'iiHo.l PltiM Rite January, ilt.m. and afflllatatf tnduoulala. tlw MM tit and MotPttwnta. wlin a Ubaral admlttura i4 nwidlvtdwid ralla. Tha aaaaj aunrlwr of aaw rooorda warn raflalarMI. naaon IM BaUilakaa Sua at T. l uh ( nptwr at III aM kar oppar at M aoia. Ma líllli. Cuitad BUtoa tual at an Uaa nan.o alUtln a point Corn Ma I mliad. fllav. No. I vtatka, tt; No of la klpll rwawd of a prertoua dai I'lah i tttiaaa speculative admn oa of 14. ata af ahiak aaa itiaiaMlkMWi George Graham Rice, who advised the pur- Santa Rita stock has excellent In lha final buur. waa aUandad br rurotwa it an M tra dlrtdaa Cantial Laalkar'a rtaa to Mlt, atoo a itlMd. and chase of Emma Copper at 50c per share, Green possibilities." tr Tiawirll furtbM fain of Mt lottvad raparla of lonranawl dlatniraMuMita In luadora of IRREGULAR f COPPERS is broad, ikan al aar ra Monster at $1.25, Magma Copper at $10.00 There a active New York market furUwr iwlralnt. SMM UM prtraa altatnwl M ailhatdla rtaa. Tha anaau. tartlllarra. papar laauaa in Santa Rita Development Company stock. and lnduolrlal Iron. 4 tlaliloil ladilla Tha and United Verde Extension from $5.00 up, doman d far mlanr ralla waa Ui mora naitaahaaa BUT PRICES STRONG karaaaa af tka karkaardaaM m lirojularllr ot In Eleven different Now York Stock Exchange iMtial laauaa of that dlattlon haa the following to say on Santa Rita De- Rook lalau.1 wm apata raaoUonarr Tlw of tka aaw IwlUab hatn waa nan. houses have very actively dealt in this stock. m tha tan I at ipamt uat lha mllra aninunl Bmt auiworllwd Naa York rwitral and OB Utah Feature Market With an velopment Company stock in his market let MjBj HurlliMtua m Oulaar aulnuluwl rarr faruralda Among the large eastern newspapers which BaMMtw titlamailt of aarampt and n.oaiu of Advance of Over 4 Points; tka wwafclr atoaanant tndloaut anollwr larpo raak tar of Thursday, October 26th, 1916: gain t lona lauika Santa Rita Up. favorably De- Honda awe firma, on laitw iCf.rtnra have commented on Santa Rita aalM par value ipataaalad .BM.aM l idiad Btalaa laaid. mm nnhajiawl oa oall Noramkar t Itlrart I'urtUa. velopment Company and its prospects, the i mom qaotauiaa: iFumiah,.! iai, hr ftlrata Witt lo "Santa Rita sold up to $1.25 in the Curb am AaiTaa uar ....IMU k C B uanniiig a n nuaaa anil raoaot. raa na- Aa t'aa laaearoii i aajaa tional Hank II Ida Kl I' aao. Taaaa ) Am t ar aaa tow, i. ano taawra warn Imaular Italar, but atrvtt fur Uta New York World, Sun, Evening Sun, Globe , paa 4 part, ttr I tab, whtnh oaw market today, gain of The man- All, Ira.' aktttra .. ltt Math-a- faalurad a Snut It Mid Baf. Ill Ila In a naa hlah Iltli al tha rloaa llilno. ta JITt ira! Sk Miami ami .dhrr iaaiMa arir alio atmtujat Curta Evening Mail, Telegram, Telegraph, New Am taf and Tol Uíiaourl I'.. in. waro Irrnaular nauta him aptin tvaturiai. adrano agement is concluding arrangements to begin ..luff ahtrply (ho prior IVa Am Unr. I. d a i s Montana Ina fmoi .anl..t of to anual I r .. ttV. NaU.aial wad 750-acr- e York Herald, Commercial, and the Brooklyn AliMM . 1M Kara. la i iaawr churn drilling at once on the company's BalaMM twaamiatta. Mli p). T r aM O I N. T N H and H 3 Arla ana Bar Daily Eagle. otT Wm M. aad w Hll IwaVpa tract at Santa Rita, N. M., which adjoins aau aad aun t op aa ntannan. raiario CaluM aM iiWum la raotrir Man MVwM 1'n.tna If! Miitjlianla the property of the Chino Copper Company. Santa Rita Development Company stock is 1'M.trai Laalnwr .... 'nil ' ti I. u. lrw Artaona I l i5"' The boundary line is within a quarter of a mile actively quoted daily on aU New York curb wk Arta S M ü M I'anlfla 100 a ".15 market sheets and the ticker of the New York railSaM Iron M of the Hearst Pit, the big producing section tMBMaa tana, ltk InarAraloua Naadlaa News Bureau, tha Yellow Slips, SaMhia aua 1V CMnpaai jr ruara VmM on in the I'a.liV Jmoum VIM of Chino. Some shipments of ore assaying lili fea afd 43 Financial America, and the Industrial Mining IWK V 4 India Atoakjol 42 , o. a MaM nmTL-- from 4 V, to 6 per cent copper have been made ém$Té w ti Age, M& 4 1 from a shaft on Santa Rita ground within 500 BaMCMÑ t WaMan alon ... 101' oVuii' KL tajatatar njjT M l rrdw The average dealings in Santa Rita Develop- WtMkliai M Vara for' Uw feet of the Santa Fe Railroad depot Work twaal aalM dar. I. HIM altana stock the open New York PRODUCE MARKET ment on curb have wUl be continued in this shaft and a tunnel been more than 6,000 shares per day during rrtrwa wkolMllo doalara an aarlii for rallar praflkwit will also be run on another part of the prop- the fifteen days since it has bean actively Alfalfa faaor. all llalla Mr MB. par loa. Bntton Davit C. Smith I AMalfa. .fcv.pM.r.fane,. rataU. erty to supplement the chum drill work. placed on the curb. Davis & Smith 'rtfettñawi. mi!!; I I É3 Mt art TOCK BROKERS graT wlSaaaafiTpar aaatir.!"'".;;'.!!;"""! I 230 Masa Ave. ahíLrrk,?iirri.',K' Phone 7940 I IrWktV. trkolata pk farnlahod mt Taaaa fro, TtaraaavaTlaeÁ Development Company Stock 8. can SPECIALTY kta; Mill tka. Maa. Uva. Ma: Santa Rita be purchased in the Mat lie. rrrava. Boa. Mt. draaaae. Me. Darto. I Afisxena Copper Stocks I MfMralO. open New York curb market, through your own bank, trust company fttmlTmTaU-m- & ITAJ. MABKITS. or broker, at current market prices, which are daily quoted in New Naa Al Vara. V t AaaaaMIM Itaaa Maa Yark. Naa I --Cap it rim. kMrMtky Tall aa your paint iroubtca. nrai aaattar. aol tavStwM York. Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago papers, as well as on quota- MmW. nw TaetÍM THE TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS COMPANY tion sheets of all reliable brokerage firms throughout the Southwest raa

tl Mi futarm. AIM la. Give your Santa Rita orders to your own Broker. inBPHM CM IM. .US.