Bloodthirsty Villa Bandits Shout "Death to Americans"
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THE METAL MARKET 37TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916. ENGLISH SECTION i PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS BLOODTHIRSTY VILLA BANDITS SHOUT "DEATH TO AMERICANS" ROOSEVELT SAYS INVESTIGATION OF Let Us Be Thankful It Will Soon Be Over jICKENING TALE OF MURDER WE NEED A LIN- SOARING PRICE COLN AND HAVE OF NEWS PRINT AND LOOTING ROUGHT A BUCHANAN IS CONCLUDED Add New York Federal Trade Comitalaeion Avars OF CHIHUAHUA REFUGEE "Our Nation's Crisis A rerage Coat of Producing Bl ad DocUro Hk Critiritsn at Mater's Necessity Davina; Farsa the President Has Been Abac-late-ly of Pressnt Year Far Below Accurate and Truthful. Former Average. Passenger oil Train Field Up Near l.enrna Tells of Massacre HE MISLEADS PEOPLE BY TO HOLD PUBLIC HEAR of Train Guard and Vain Hunt Through Car SHADOW DANCE OF WORDS INGS IN NEAR FUTURE for United States Citizens. Calls Wilson's Attention to What Opportunity Be Given Every to Is Washington Said to His Sol- One Concerned to Be Heard; German Physician, Mistaken for American, Beaten and diers and Decries a Nation That Certain Facto Made Public Robbed, but Life Is Spared and Goods Restored Put Its Belly Above Its Soul; Shows Unprecedented Ad When His Nationality Is Revealed. Hughes in Brooklyn. vance During Past 12 Months. By Associated Press. By Associated presa. villa bandit told passengers on the Hex Iran Central r whlcb was Usa York, Nov. I. Colonel Theodore Washington, Nov. -ln a statement to- train Roo level! crlUclxed President Wilton In night snnounclnr virtual corapleUon held up at Laguna station Monday night San Antonio Women to at its Villa Hani Rosalia anil emphsuc words UiU evening In so address iHvewgauun 01 news prim paper pnce, that had captured at Cooper Union, which ha delivered at Jlwenes and would take Chihuahua City Bake Thanksgiving Pies the federal Trsde commission declares Vl the request of a campaign orffoaixaUon or that durtnt the first half of this year when within 10 days, slier cutting the railroad business usan who oppose the , price airesdy were soaring to unprece- aline between that city and Juaret. and Cakes for 15,000 of Mr. Wilson. T skint as bis subject: dented figures, the average coat or pro One or toe passengers on the train whlen was "Our .Nation's Crisis." Colonel Roosevelt ducing news prim psper in domestic mills held up and robbed reached here last Troops at Camp Wilson said that a world cataclysm hats over- ws less than 11.46 per pounds, bight on board the trato rrom chihuahua hundred or whelmed civilisation sad that "the times or below the average cost In the past City. Because property Interests In Ch- By Associated have needed a waehington or a Lincoln, three years. ihuahua City be would not permit his name San Antonio. Tex., Nov. t The wo- but unfortunately we have been granted The commission announces that before to be used, but ha Is well known snd con men or San Antonio are to be aaked tt only soother Biichen an- Issuing Its report public bearings wlU be aldered absolutely reliable here. He laid bake eulflcleat cakes, pies and cookies ua CrlUrtzed Tratkrsilly. conducted and manufacturer, publishers be talked wlto (leneral Juan Murga, one for the Thanksgiving dinner of lbs Murga com have been assailed," said the speaker. and others Interested be given en oppor- of tí brothers, who were in 11,000 troops stationed al Camp Wilson. "I mend or toe Villa who held up BSiiam have criticised Mr. Wilson. "I tunity to appear, no daks Is set ror the bandit Plana for toe undertaking were an- have said one or him was bearings, but the report is to be the vein, having known htoi In Chihuahua nounced today si a meeting or. the not thins that seld Oily ago. Murga absolutely truthful. I resdy to send to the press In the neer ru several years Osneral local Rotary club. An eppesl will be not accural and of men htm I believe lie baa ture. wa one the who told of Santa made to every woman to toe city to have accused because Roaalla and being dras;red in the dust what Is most sacred I ep recreen ted ASvoare ! Price. Jlnitne captured and contribute s share towards sddlug a to our past and Jeopardised the hupea or Certain facts developed by the tnaulry predicted chlhushu city's rail sosa. "home touch to toe holiday dinner of our future. I crlUclse him now because sre msde public now. because most or thn (capelo Story Held up. toe guardsmen who came to Texas ta he has adroluy and cleverly and with sin- publishers' contracta ror paper are about The paeecnger told a graphic story of defend bar border end who will ratal ister ability appealed to all that is weakest to expire, contract prices rose this yesr the irsln hold-u- and toe massacre or the the "meal that mother would nook" tf and moat unworthy to the American char- irotn teas nun gs per hundred to U snd Carransa troop escort which had aceoat- - they were beck bom. acter and also because be has sought to 81.50 and on current market purchases the penled the train rrom Juaret Monday morn. lesd many men and women, who are neith- publishers have paid 97 or more ror paper ing. "11 was just growing dusk aa we er weak nor unworthy, but who have been bought in the same way prior to January slowed down lor Lagan station," he said. misled by e shadow dance wlUi words. i ror between a ad The statement "I had teen the men off In toe distance, them. One psaesrsyer who aaked for hut He baa kept the eyes or the people daisied says tn part; a but did not knew they were bendita until grip back was beat mi by a VI lie omrer so they know not what is real and what Is "The prise advance to news print paper the train came to a asdden stop snd we with the nal or bis tword. A VIUs soldier false. In the race .of the world be has Is toe reason tola invesursuon berso earlv discovered that the englns, tender snd wea accidentally shot through the stomach covered this nation's race with altante as m ii and baa continued down to the bastase car had peon derailed," be con during the ruing and the train condastMr with a rsrmenv present. Moat saws print paper la sold tinued. "We brtrd sbooiiog and Unit wsa alas shot te musan ssssin. onseaert for per1orir"rjf a yesr or more. bsnrjn shut nnrti hat ant with his Becsiie derailed engine, we were Atraéis - t si lbs "i hanlly know whether to reel to- must nerore in pnce advanee began contract tolt drswn came throng h Uie train rorreit to remain tt Limine from 7 o'clock burning indtcnatlon at those speeches or pnoae ror new prnt paper were generally ordered us all In leave 11. Hs was swear-la- Monday evening until noon Tuesday, what loMy less St per wsa t expresses tosa r. o. tn Hpantsh especially wherein be sentiment, hundred nounda. b. - . and bitter a train from Chlbuahua City reached Lai which bis deeds bells, er at those other mills. During the first hall or contract towsrd one msn whom he thought was and took toara. I picked up pnces lttt tuna us sonta speeches wherein be displays a frank ror large quantlUee In some to' Tues of Campaign Cir- ELECTION FRAUDS Watch the Election an American, but who later proved to be Of the ammunition used by the bandits ta cynicism or belter to, and appeal to. what stance went as high aa It per 10 noundi Dr. 8. Haffner. shooting the soldiers snd round It to ha is basest in Uta humea heart. In a recent and since July t, I tit, neve run aa high culars; Resigns as a as Guests of Times "Dr. Harrner waa deprived of hit cloth- of American manufacture." Speech at I on Branca he said, as reported ing and his personal beiougings, and when Manuel Prieto, former mayor of Juarst, to the dally presa, that 'you cannot wor- Most Of the contracts now In onerstion United States Citizen be protested be waa beaten over toe head delegate to toe con- you MIDDLE and Grecian Theater snd s constitutional ship Ood Oh an empty stomach and wiu expira wiuun ntree or four ire")' IN WEST with, a clubbed rifle ut toe hands or one vention at (Jueretaro, was S passenger oa a when you are starv- cannot be patriot Publishers Paying Higher Price By AeeoeJated Press. of toe bendita. As be was lying, half con- the train tod was about to be executed "On "Hurtles It or ing' current market purchases newroanai Chicago, A. scious, on the ground and the bandit wss when Silvestre Quevsdo. one toe Vula A . No, t. Charles Plllplak, Is Sordid Untruth. publishers have been paying manufactur- on or crop or "Wilson elected! about to finish hit bloody work, a nao commanders, rlslmed that Prieto waa a was ever ut- the last year's new cu- "No store sordid untruth era and Jobbers verv much oivii.r hhmi ts na, so or UNCOVERED BY One or the other or ttiese mesesgos who hsd been a patient of the doctor's relative or bis aid saved bis lire, frleto a could be uttered rot tired reoeivlug cam- tered, ucb sentencie Before January I, ibis, current market paign he will be riaahsd over the Associated tn Chihuahua tome years aso recognised wss deprived of bit clothing snd reached only by a cares notblns for literature that resigned st a president who prices ranted generally between tt and It cltlaen today.