11R= %Zifii"Imuil=Ttn International Boxing Research Organization
■NWWWWOMMAA00/// NVV1,WWww■m^4440e, alri=77;11r= OM! OEM Old ' blork •10001111.1.6.m.m..4.61.11411 AO.%I %ZifiiImui"l=ttn International Boxing Research Organization BOX 84, GUILFORD, N.Y. 13780 Newsletter #9 November, 1983 WELCOME IBRO welcomes new members Dr. Giuseppe Ballarati, "K.O." Becky O'Neill and Jerome Shochet. Their addresses and description of their boxing interests appear elsewhere in this newsletter. THANKS Thanks to Dave Bloch, Luckett Davis, Laurence Fielding, Herb Goldman, Bruce Harris, Henry Hascup, John Robertson, Johnny Shevalla, Bob Soderman, Julius Weiner and Bob Yalen for material contributed to this newsletter. There was a wealth of material contributed for this issue but unfortunately space considerations caused some to be omitted. Apologies especially to Bob Soderman who contributed an extensive set of corrections for the years 1920 - 24 based on newspaper reports. Hopefully, a special edition of the newsletter can be distributed during the next month to include this information. COMMISSION REPORTS As mentioned in the last newsletter, a request has been made to various state boxing commissions for copies of their official results. A selection of those received is included with this newsletter. Please I et me know your thoughts on having these included with the newsletter. SAMMY BAKER Late additions to the record appearing in this newsletter: (from Luckett Davis) Add: 7/16/24 Bil Williams, Mineola W K OT 1 7/19/24 Sammy Stearns, Mineola W KO 3 7/30/24 Joe Daly, Mineola W KO 1 4/22/25 Pete Hartley, Mineola W PTS 8 10/3/25 Frisco McGale, New York W PTS 10 Change: 7/ /24 Marty Summers to 8/ /24 4//25 Eddie Shevlin to 5//25 and add * indicating newspaper decision / /25 Jack Rappaport - add * indicating newspaper decision / /26 Paul Gulotta - change chronological sequence to between 8/4/26 and 9/8/26 LOUIS "KID" KAPLAN Credit for the record of Louis "Kid" Kaplan appearing in this newsletter was inadvertently omitted.
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