Trade Talk Predominates Eastern League Meeting Today

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Trade Talk Predominates Eastern League Meeting Today Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922 THE BRIDGEPORT TIMES. Page Kine. Trade Talk Predominates Eastern League Meeting Today LOFTUS AND MILLER INDOOR SPORTS Rv Tad AUGUST TO BOX ON TRADE LIST AT ANGELO AGAIN EASTERN SESSION ON JANUARY 12 BY CHJCK CREATON. WONT WHr , 5 President Clarke Lane Jr.. and Gene McCann were MOO S HOTS' IJSa J JJ aM It does not ocenr very often in Manager WgL boxing that a fighter winning a due to start at noon today for New Haven, where the Eastern J title defends that honor to the and are in their an- man from whom lie wrested It in League hasehall moguls mangers engaging a few weeks. nual session A quiet meeting is indicated. Although there has But such is tlie case of 'Pete been considerable trade talk in the air during the past, few weeks August, the fast-steppi- ical lightweight who stionted Young nothing may develop. Angelo of Stamford of his state Accordi'ne to reports today the Bridgeport club is anxious lightweight diadem just three to o. Dick Loftus and Tommy Miller in a sale or trade. weeks ago. August and Ills mana- dispose in his ger Jim Burns believe in the Although Loftus displayed considerable improvement theory of giving everybody a stickwork over last season, battinjr j44, McCann is anxious to chance who s deserving of it. left field. It is almost certain that So. after the Bridgeport boxer best- obtain a reliable sticker for ed the Lock City star in. a twelve 'Rabbit"' Emmerich and Ray F'alk will be retained for that ter round fracas, Angelo had no alibis to offer, but merely said that he would ritory. be to re- Several clubs, Hartford, grateful for an opportunity includinga. trieve his honors. August and Burns, are to be in neck and neck kind-hearte- reported Gus being d souls told him race to get the veteran Gardella, that he would be given a chance in and Pat Donovan, Springfield pilot, GILBERT BACK a few weeks when a return match j is angling for a catcher to succeed Xagle who is the property ON THE DOCKS would be in demand. ofJihnnythe Worcester Club. New Haven. are also January 1 2til tlie Date. Springfield and Waterbury - i Bald to be In the scramble for Gar- Billy Gilbert is back at Ills old So. yesterday Joe Chimbole. match- and to Hartford re- on New York docks maker for the Stamford Sports club della. according job the i ports Bridgeport also would take the chocking outgoing and Incoming of Stamford called up Manager Jim veteran. LiKle credence la taken in cargoes. He runs across consid- Burns and informed him that he sr to on a. return setto be-- ( that gossip, however. Manager erable Ivory from Africa, trut wanted put - McCann Is known to be a stickler for says he has seen just as much. In tween the two battlers. After a lit- young blood. tJie Eastern League. tie bickering which is almost al- Then there is a cha.nce that the Gilbert lias .received offers from ways involved in the arranging of ; rumored "Jiggs" Dona.hue deal, Denver of the Western league matches Burns consented to the wherebv the second-sack- er would and from Hnrrlftlrnrg, wliich. is to bout. The return fistic defoat is) come to Hartford from Waterbury. enter a newly formed league in scheduled for the Elks' Hal lin Stam- may be pulled. Paddy" O'Connor Xew ford on the night of January 12. It' might tet rid of some of the "disin- Jersey. is prescribed for twelve rounds. terested parties" now on the reserve lis: of the Senators, said parties be Mack Carded. whole Hartford team Al fls- Ins about the re- holmesTn Jenning. who handles th -j with the exception of two players state LOU MOSS HITS tic destinies of Kddie Mack, tim cently stlgned Hilles and Poole, M'CARTEN STAR thumping Stamford bantaTQWaaKhfc' and outfielder, respectively. announces that the little town ot" much time wast- e, There will not be Trail Danielson. up-stal- is going to bcrosa ed in the election, or, to be more cue tournament Hitting The Sport UP correct, the of the leaguers ON ELK ALLEYS WARM PACE wants Mack to display his wares lOH officers Dan O'Xeil, president of the the feature bout of a proposed cardan leaeue since its formation, is n.ssured bil- Geo. E. nn .lannarv 10. of that berth for three, more years as The statcchampionship pocket With Firstbrook five at liard tourney will be staged at the Some of the best scores of the sea- Lou Moss was the individual star he was for years VVoosttr Jan. 8. in the Poorhouse Bowling League last Prinoo vs. Ginsberg. ,j the list .annual meeting held in New parlors. Waterbury, son were posted in the Elks' tourney Wuxtra! Yale beat Harvard. It was at chess. Score, H to 1 Ms. a in 1920 when Waterbury will have three contend- MoCarten a night on the Arcade drives, posting Billy Prince, the classy icaflUM Haven, which was last night. registered 119 three-strin- g a in. JIWlH ers: Louis Police, present cTiampion, three-strin- g 323. hl"T single mark of and wegiht has bout pending "Chief Bender brought; the pennant total of The Detroit At 10 A. M. it looked as IT the Eastern league meeting at New total of 331. The River. Mass.. next week. It Is IlkatfU to the Elm City. Packy Hanlon and Charley Hamraill; captured three games in a row Haven would Tramps are Al Benoit will represent Hartford; Tigers Louis while the today be a decidedly "wot" affair. copped two games out of three from that he will meet Mos Ginsberg, H Tho other officers rf the swing Law-lo- r. from the St. Browns, and 'the Hoboes grab- clever of section. arsured of if they want it Don Hc.'mes, Bridgeport; John Boston Braves grabbed the odd game After Stoneham has been heard from it that someone the Vagabonds mittster that business does not Shelton and Jeff Barzin, Ansonia the Pirates. George appears bed the odd tilt from the Pan- and. as the league of Xew Britain, from Pittsburgh has been "kidding" John McGraw about that Giant presidency. handlers. tnke up a tremendous amount and Derby; Ceccody, Pittsburgh National. Panhandlers. their time, rthey will undoubtedly be and Ayrault, Norwich. Is on a bout. A. J one ballot route. At Monahan 102 69 80. 251 Johnny Allen hot the trail of Pete August for Burnes 108 93 93 294 BRIDGEPORT 0. renamed via the 113 87 81 281 "Johnny tlie Bed" declared yesterday he isn't in by all means and Dolan 85 89 88 262 least none of them have expressed Lumberg a or him. The Is a y 91 84 89 264 has lot fight in local battler expecting return Mawn 120 27 108 325 a-- desire to quit their berl'hs. Dunbar .103 mac-nate- s COLLEGE SPORTS 89 95 93 277 bout with Young Angelo in January, in Stamford. Pocine 113 86 104 And about all that the LaBorty 7 that's - 93 101 107 301 98 66 10 301 ANNEXES OPENER? are going to do, although they Grant PERSONAL Joe Mulvlhill was a caller at the Sheehy, be to Atlantique Hotel, may given ample 461 500 1485 when the ll Totals 488 436 450 1874 Totals, 524 do a bit of thinking Bowling is a popular pastime at the Remington Club. Thirty Hoboes. Writers' Association of the East- ARE UP TODAY Boston National. women. was Ool- in teams are in leagues for mvn and young Wixson 91 95 91 277 Basketball revived - ern league sends its delegates Burke 89 110 93 292 Stone 80 91 92 263 onial Hall last night, when a fairly with a few recommendations. Maioney 98 91 123 312 WALTER ( AMI' S SELECTIONS. Sheridan 105 93 110 308 good crowd turned out and. saw thie i 228 much-awaite- d New York, Dec. 28. Important F. Fassanella 76 76 Walter Camp's selection has at last put in an 104 104 89 297 Bridgeport A. C. quintet trlumpfh, ' Won't Part With Donahue. ath- ..7689 87 275 we Kard Water- matters connected with college Monks 99 appearance and must admit that Camp combed the country pretty Moss 105 107 119 331 over the fast De Molay five', score Water.bury, Dec. 28 The discussion to- 9 1 96 93 280 in selection of his one in 43-1- 5 let Dona- letics were slated for Mikta thoroughly the greatest players. But point parti- bury Club will not Jigger day at the 17th annual convention of cular that we cannot agree with the Yale oracle is his relegation of George Totals 48'6 490 501 1476 Althous'h beaten by a large score, hue go to any other Eastern League Athletic asso- 443 472 462 1387 Owen to his second selection. How critic could overlook the work the De showed up well con. Owner Sullivan the National Collegiate Totals any great Tramps. Molays Club, declares John ciation. Among questions expected St. Louis Americans of the Crimson star the past football season, is a hard one to understand. Dallas 79 100 89 268 sidering the fact that they bucked up of the Bnasscos. to be considered were several Owen came through in every game In wonderful fashion with the possible Kochen 115 84 108 307 against one of the best teams in tfhe The from consti- Hart 83 89 79 251 of the Brasscos bought "Jiggs" .changes in the ' exception Princeton game, but his work against Yale amply made up 114 114 96 324 city.
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    WQEeWZInd WDmNSHERE " For'Series vith Athletics phillies again meet, PittSB INDIANS ARRIVE , FAST BASEBALL CLUB ON ONE OF U. S. SEAFIGHTERS PHILS WINNERS Bingles Bungh v v. -- - and fjsl ' 43 wwv., piuiT-n f aiaMiBBaiB aiiiai '"- ajMiiiK ,..,.;.... iVt tf TO MEET MACKS it- ,.j r ,..'",, IN THIRTEENTH KSjl Th .4IMeHr made n crari rallv n f ir -- Kl . E ! ' :' '4 mi m.1 .1aHav ' fm av HKaaBiaBTrTrr,'1aalEOiaTKliiwS - , feoiif halt of tht ifoM.iivtt- at shlbe . '' Pork. Onto one oome )irdlert or till ntmtUmJUmXMbutsUB aawBtSSr (BBBBHHHiuHA v ,' f mil Wfiat May 'M,'uVIHiiiiBr'1 llue' i nfernon. Jtorflno nor icoi cl ot J.JO Happen Siz p. in, rie Athletics Have Won But Cravath Sole Scorer in in Baseball' Connie Maek ban nnnonneei thnt Venn zling Extra-Innin- g C.rerr nnd Srott Pern will ore piteh- - Two of Eight From Fohl na the .nnruen in tlie Weart memorial came XATIONA L ?.EAtir e to he utaaed between tne Athtetlffl nnfl Contest I'hltlle net at the rhlllles' hall rinh Won I Mat This Season park. Monr rhlcaao . .JfrM New lock fllberr dMn t hln ewnttlns v with I'llUburgh '.sit .i nlm in the flret hem lpriiis. He Hep- rhlllles .at M HURLERS JACOBS BLANKS PIRATES ped into btttert' boi three tinrcs and thrice Cincinnati na ARE IN FORM did ho mw the breeze Boiton .. ft. Louis .in' nrooklyn ...., Larry Horlo hn been aotnr alone fnlrU ,i ,ai af v Lee Fohl and his company of Cleve- rittebnrah, Pn July 19. The Phillies wru. Bine ne renrnen to tne .
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