Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922 THE BRIDGEPORT TIMES. Page Kine. Trade Talk Predominates Eastern League Meeting Today LOFTUS AND MILLER INDOOR SPORTS Rv Tad AUGUST TO BOX ON TRADE LIST AT ANGELO AGAIN EASTERN SESSION ON JANUARY 12 BY CHJCK CREATON. WONT WHr , 5 President Clarke Lane Jr.. and Gene McCann were MOO S HOTS' IJSa J JJ aM It does not ocenr very often in Manager WgL boxing that a fighter winning a due to start at noon today for New Haven, where the Eastern J title defends that honor to the and are in their an- man from whom lie wrested It in League hasehall moguls mangers engaging a few weeks. nual session A quiet meeting is indicated. Although there has But such is tlie case of 'Pete been considerable trade talk in the air during the past, few weeks August, the fast-steppi- ical lightweight who stionted Young nothing may develop. Angelo of Stamford of his state Accordi'ne to reports today the Bridgeport club is anxious lightweight diadem just three to o. Dick Loftus and Tommy Miller in a sale or trade. weeks ago. August and Ills mana- dispose in his ger Jim Burns believe in the Although Loftus displayed considerable improvement theory of giving everybody a stickwork over last season, battinjr j44, McCann is anxious to chance who s deserving of it. left field. It is almost certain that So. after the Bridgeport boxer best- obtain a reliable sticker for ed the Lock City star in. a twelve 'Rabbit"' Emmerich and Ray F'alk will be retained for that ter round fracas, Angelo had no alibis to offer, but merely said that he would ritory. be to re- Several clubs, Hartford, grateful for an opportunity includinga. trieve his honors. August and Burns, are to be in neck and neck kind-hearte- reported Gus being d souls told him race to get the veteran Gardella, that he would be given a chance in and Pat Donovan, Springfield pilot, GILBERT BACK a few weeks when a return match j is angling for a catcher to succeed Xagle who is the property ON THE DOCKS would be in demand. ofJihnnythe Worcester Club. New Haven. are also January 1 2til tlie Date. Springfield and Waterbury - i Bald to be In the scramble for Gar- Billy Gilbert is back at Ills old So. yesterday Joe Chimbole. match- and to Hartford re- on docks maker for the Stamford Sports club della. according job the i ports Bridgeport also would take the chocking outgoing and Incoming of Stamford called up Manager Jim veteran. LiKle credence la taken in cargoes. He runs across consid- Burns and informed him that he sr to on a. return setto be-- ( that gossip, however. Manager erable Ivory from Africa, trut wanted put - McCann Is known to be a stickler for says he has seen just as much. In tween the two battlers. After a lit- young blood. tJie Eastern League. tie bickering which is almost al- Then there is a cha.nce that the Gilbert lias .received offers from ways involved in the arranging of ; rumored "Jiggs" Dona.hue deal, Denver of the Western league matches Burns consented to the wherebv the second-sack- er would and from Hnrrlftlrnrg, wliich. is to bout. The return fistic defoat is) come to Hartford from Waterbury. enter a newly formed league in scheduled for the Elks' Hal lin Stam- may be pulled. Paddy" O'Connor Xew ford on the night of January 12. It' might tet rid of some of the "disin- Jersey. is prescribed for twelve rounds. terested parties" now on the reserve lis: of the Senators, said parties be Mack Carded. whole Hartford team Al fls- Ins about the re- holmesTn Jenning. who handles th -j with the exception of two players state LOU MOSS HITS tic destinies of Kddie Mack, tim cently stlgned Hilles and Poole, M'CARTEN STAR thumping Stamford bantaTQWaaKhfc' and outfielder, respectively. announces that the little town ot" much time wast- e, There will not be Trail Danielson. up-stal- is going to bcrosa ed in the election, or, to be more cue tournament Hitting The Sport UP correct, the of the leaguers ON ELK ALLEYS WARM PACE wants Mack to display his wares lOH officers Dan O'Xeil, president of the the feature bout of a proposed cardan leaeue since its formation, is n.ssured bil- Geo. E. nn .lannarv 10. of that berth for three, more years as The statcchampionship pocket With Firstbrook five at liard tourney will be staged at the Some of the best scores of the sea- Lou Moss was the individual star he was for years VVoosttr Jan. 8. in the Poorhouse Bowling League last Prinoo vs. Ginsberg. ,j the list .annual meeting held in New parlors. Waterbury, son were posted in the Elks' tourney Wuxtra! Yale beat Harvard. It was at chess. Score, H to 1 Ms. a in 1920 when Waterbury will have three contend- MoCarten a night on the Arcade drives, posting Billy Prince, the classy icaflUM Haven, which was last night. registered 119 three-strin- g a in. JIWlH ers: Louis Police, present cTiampion, three-strin- g 323. hl"T single mark of and wegiht has bout pending "Chief Bender brought; the pennant total of The Detroit At 10 A. M. it looked as IT the Eastern league meeting at New total of 331. The River. Mass.. next week. It Is IlkatfU to the Elm City. Packy Hanlon and Charley Hamraill; captured three games in a row Haven would Tramps are Al Benoit will represent Hartford; Tigers Louis while the today be a decidedly "wot" affair. copped two games out of three from that he will meet Mos Ginsberg, H Tho other officers rf the swing Law-lo- r. from the St. Browns, and 'the Hoboes grab- clever of section. arsured of if they want it Don Hc.'mes, Bridgeport; John Boston Braves grabbed the odd game After Stoneham has been heard from it that someone the Vagabonds mittster that business does not Shelton and Jeff Barzin, Ansonia the Pirates. George appears bed the odd tilt from the Pan- and. as the league of Xew Britain, from Pittsburgh has been "kidding" John McGraw about that Giant presidency. handlers. tnke up a tremendous amount and Derby; Ceccody, Pittsburgh National. Panhandlers. their time, rthey will undoubtedly be and Ayrault, Norwich. Is on a bout. A. J one ballot route. At Monahan 102 69 80. 251 Johnny Allen hot the trail of Pete August for Burnes 108 93 93 294 BRIDGEPORT 0. renamed via the 113 87 81 281 "Johnny tlie Bed" declared yesterday he isn't in by all means and Dolan 85 89 88 262 least none of them have expressed Lumberg a or him. The Is a y 91 84 89 264 has lot fight in local battler expecting return Mawn 120 27 108 325 a-- desire to quit their berl'hs. Dunbar .103 mac-nate- s COLLEGE SPORTS 89 95 93 277 bout with Young Angelo in January, in Stamford. Pocine 113 86 104 And about all that the LaBorty 7 that's - 93 101 107 301 98 66 10 301 ANNEXES OPENER? are going to do, although they Grant PERSONAL Joe Mulvlhill was a caller at the Sheehy, be to Atlantique Hotel, may given ample 461 500 1485 when the ll Totals 488 436 450 1874 Totals, 524 do a bit of thinking Bowling is a popular pastime at the Remington Club. Thirty Hoboes. Writers' Association of the East- ARE UP TODAY Boston National. women. was Ool- in teams are in leagues for mvn and young Wixson 91 95 91 277 Basketball revived - ern league sends its delegates Burke 89 110 93 292 Stone 80 91 92 263 onial Hall last night, when a fairly with a few recommendations. Maioney 98 91 123 312 WALTER ( AMI' S SELECTIONS. Sheridan 105 93 110 308 good crowd turned out and. saw thie i 228 much-awaite- d New York, Dec. 28. Important F. Fassanella 76 76 Walter Camp's selection has at last put in an 104 104 89 297 Bridgeport A. C. quintet trlumpfh, ' Won't Part With Donahue. ath- ..7689 87 275 we Kard Water- matters connected with college Monks 99 appearance and must admit that Camp combed the country pretty Moss 105 107 119 331 over the fast De Molay five', score Water.bury, Dec. 28 The discussion to- 9 1 96 93 280 in selection of his one in 43-1- 5 let Dona- letics were slated for Mikta thoroughly the greatest players. But point parti- bury Club will not Jigger day at the 17th annual convention of cular that we cannot agree with the Yale oracle is his relegation of George Totals 48'6 490 501 1476 Althous'h beaten by a large score, hue go to any other Eastern League Athletic asso- 443 472 462 1387 Owen to his second selection. How critic could overlook the work the De showed up well con. Owner Sullivan the National Collegiate Totals any great Tramps. Molays Club, declares John ciation. Among questions expected St. Louis Americans of the Crimson star the past football season, is a hard one to understand. Dallas 79 100 89 268 sidering the fact that they bucked up of the Bnasscos. to be considered were several Owen came through in every game In wonderful fashion with the possible Kochen 115 84 108 307 against one of the best teams in tfhe The from consti- Hart 83 89 79 251 of the Brasscos bought "Jiggs" .changes in the ' exception Princeton game, but his work against Yale amply made up 114 114 96 324 city. 'last for a of $2,500 organization's Flynn 88 76 79 243 for his There have been Innocent smarted the of tttm Albany year price tution, formation generally among 82 82 82 246 Tiger showing. might greater backfield players than Crenneris, J 102 97 98 297 snoring and laid out tho coin mainly to have of sectional conference sim- Riellv the Crimson back, but no more natural football or more 96 92 96 285 dajr when he dropped in a ifield goal the 1923 colleges Suck'ley .. .. 98 83 98 279 athlete has been seen on a player thorough Gordella a few' seconds after was called. the veteran for campaign ilar to those now in existence in the ". 93 121 296 college gridiron for years. play when the Vocals expect to make a bid west and proposed membership in the Keith .. 82 Totals 509 484 488 1481 Mello Burns' pretty basket then for By way of a New Year's Jim Corbet has evened the count. the pennant. be American Olympic association and Totals 433 423 459 1315 greeting, thrust upon Vagabonds. B. A. The report that Donahue would the National Athletic "Federation. the unsuspecting fistic world a new set of boxing rules which should Dellaven, 96 130 92 318 As the game progressed the tet go la due to the fact that Htwnan General John J, Pershing and John Detroit Americans revolutionize the gentle art of fisticuffs, hut it looks as if "Gentleman Mac 99 H2 83 294 C.'s gradually drew away, sliootins; has an- G. Jim" is a little with of from all of the floor, I'.ronkie, tho likely manager, Hiib,len, president of Princeton, Mills 83 114 99 296 ancient the Marquis Queensbury rules holding Newman 106 86 82 274 angles Uhe leading nounced that lie will .play second base, were eceduled to address the dele- Barnwell 8 6 8 9 87 262 full sway. Mazak 96 97 87 280 by a score of 22.7 at end of tha has been covered by at a 8 7 7 3 8 5 97 9 9 9 3 first half. the position that gates dinner tonight. McXamara .... 245 Reed 289 Tho De to even Donahue. Affiliation of the N. C. A. A. with Burgess 9 3 7 7 89 2 59 John Heisman, the football coach of last season, seems to Mobys tried hard Evidently it has been forgotten that the Olympic association and the N. McCarten 120 101 102 323 be slated for "Greasy" Neale's old job at Washington and Jefferson for next Totals 494 524 457 1455 the count in the 'final minutes of play Donahue is an outfielder and that he A. A. F. was discussed at the meet- fall, while Neale appears to be in line for the Columbia berth. but superior passing of Burns, Sc.hine into this league with Provi- ing a ago and action deferred 469 454 462 1385 and Shea proved too much for them. broke is year Totals Mello Burns, ex-Hi- school and dence as such. Punliermore he until the 1923 Seven of the world's greatest are booked to RS gathering 60-ya- sprinters compete DEWEY-WATE- a, j to In the rd former Notre Dame star, played anxious to go to the outer garden special sprint at the coming Eordham College games. for the aa did piny as he figures it will improve his 30 G AMES FOB CUBS. They have not mentioned Charley Paddock's name in the least. At great game winners, He hit for .304 this year but LYRICSlPiELD that the Coast flash is making a wise decision in keeping away from Kddie Schine and Jimmy Shea. hatting. 15 Dec. 28. Na- the Eastern Indoor athletic Welch copped the scoring honors j unvs he can boost his mark points Chicago. The Chicago game. Easterners are just as nifty on of the with six field , 1f he is played in the outfield. tional League baseball club has ar- a board track as on the cinders and no one knows this better than TILT NEXT WEEK evening goals. 3.0 Paddock being closely followed by Shea wlthw ranged exhibition games on the himself. five and Kddie Schine and MelloV Pacific coast and in the southwest FOR CAGE ACTION Burns with four each. for the training trip this it YANKEES START was announced Thespring, The proposed bowling match be- Schless and Captain Mike Eddy today. pitchers 'top-ple- r, looked for the De wfhtlai; and catchers will leave Chicago Feb- OLD EFFICIENT UMPS tween Lou Dewey, local star pin' good Molays. for The A. C. basketball SPITBALL and John Waters, the Hartford Innocent's work, at the (pivot station j ruary 22, Catalina Island. the Lyric team, will be rolled on was good. club's permanent training camp. under 'the management of Jack Reno, star, the Washing- A. C. TRAINING MAR. 7 the "Fighting Botblack." is desirous NEAR EXTINCT ton alleys on East Washington ave- The Bridgeport will play a.J of booking games with any junior GETTING SCARCE nue next week, according to Dewey. the Colonial Hall every Wednesday! hereabouts. Waters is rolling in great style at night hereafter and Manager BllljJ combinations The Lyrics "Moose" Fuller's indicates Lee hopes to give the fans some goooTj will cp en their season tonight at the request that present and die dope that basketball. March 7. the date set for the be- Municipal gym where they will play the Brasscos trade or sell him to he will defeat the local man if he L. M. The some other club, to mind "Good umpires are fiar more diff- in true form. A return match Lineups: of spring training for the the Stamford quintet. brings plays Bridg-cnor- t .V-- ginning Is has been cus- RINGSIDE for follows: the fact that the spit ball pitcher icult to get than star ball will be played on tJhe Charter Oak C, Yankees. later than lineup tonight has in players," drives in Hartford a week after the G. F. Pts-r- ! for them to go Into Lyrics Sevesa, right forward; practically passed the President told the 4 1 tomary tiling leXt cen- Eastern League. Heydler National first match. Schine, pf quarters in the past, but tallied up Flanagan, forward: Teery, Fuller League owners at the recent Potterdon. If o well to custom when it is re- ter: Glob, right guard: Jones, left and Kewpie Pennington meeting 6 pretty the season will oren guard. Stamford L. M. It. Brown, of Hartford, are the only damp In New York. TVelch, c 0 membered that for- ball on which Burns, rg 4 0 one week later than usual. right forward: Bernstein, left artists the lists President statement was . r. o CHIT CHAT C. once included as Heydler's BEN HURS PLAY Shea, lg ' Miller Hugglns, therefore, will have ward: Clark, center: Brown, right such performers the result of criticism If " 0 six weeks in Which to guard: Goldstein, left guard. Marty Walsh, of Bridgeport, the directed at his Flynn, practically veteran Pitts-fiel- d: staff some of the club owners. his charges for their third as- Freddy Rciger of by Totals sault the gates of lvnnaiu-vill- e. "Mike" Hogan of Wor- "If any of the club owners can tell against or eleventh hour Jack Kernstein. the Yonkers sensa- cester: Chadwick of Waterbury. me where- to get umpires who will HERE SATURDAY Whether not tional Junior and "Pep-ipe- r" LEAGUERS De ,itfa . trades eventuate he will in command lightweight, POSEY and "Bill" Roran of Albany. deliver, there will be contracts at a G. can Martin, were matched yester- Young: pitchers, having an eye good salary awaiting them at my of- F. of a veteran array and dispense day to right at the Garden next week for advancement In fice," said O'Xeil. rf of recruit fifteen-roun- d the national Heydler. basket- 2 0 with that long period study, in a tussle. Bernstein are the proves the of The Knights of Columbus Simmons, If so essential to less favored duns that has been for a the re- pastime, sidetracking "Nothing difficulty ball team will face the toughest op- Innocent, c 10 from aching try at IN CLOSE SETTOS moist delivery because it bars getting good umpires more than the 2 ate forced to reconstruct green doubtable "Pepper," and now that them from the show oth- position of the season Saturday night Schless, rg 0 material. The Giants .will begin he has it to big and fact that Connolly, Emslie, O'Day, when it stacks the Ben FJfldy. lg 0103 intends make good. er class Klem have um- up against training a week earlier. But then high leagues throughout and Evans all been Hurs of Hartford in the High school Willamson, rf 0 0 been an advo- tho country. piring 20 yeiars or more and are still 0 0 AlcGraw has always Willie Herman. the New Jersey Some keen and close rolling mark- at it." gym. The Ben Hur team is one of Baker. If cate of euch policy. Furtherm are. lightweight champion, fights Johnny ed the Posey bowling competition the oldest in the history of Connecti- this season he is confronted wit a the Martin this evening at the Hamilton on the Arcade alleys last night. The KELLY IN DEMAND cut cage circles. It has alw-ay- been Totals 6 S task of developing a first rate your.g A. C, Passaic, N. J. Martin is the league-leadin- g Goldenrods copped two up in the front with a top notch pitcher or two and his time at Sun southtpaw that conditioned Benny games out. of three from the Sun- combination. Antonio will not be wasted. Leonard for the Tendler battle and Is flowers. Joe Kelly, the old Oriole outfielder, Extended Y. M H. A. a dangerous rival. This will mark Daisies. who has scouted for the Yankees for SPORT SNAPSHOTS Last season tho Ben Hurs gave the Mrs. Wall 63 92 231 several years, may sever his connec- local Y. M. A. team a Herman's third tight within ten days. tions with club to a sim- It. hard hub BOWLING DOWN Mr. Dallas .... 95 104 294 that accept in a bristling game and lost , by a NUTMEGS ilar iposition with the White Sox, of of two Sammy sitger will box twelve Glea-so- n. LAKE PLACID. N. Y. The Dar- - close points. Hurwitz, 158 196 161- - which his former "buddie," Kid margin Is out- rounds with i'rankie Brown tomor- Ttotals 525 is 'the mouth College hockey team defeated who plays right forward. the row night. at the Stadium Boxing Dandelion manager. Columbia's seven 8 to 3. star of the Ben Hur outfit. Mrs. 81 74 69 According to friends in . here David standing CHATTER Club of Jersey City. Dallas .... 224 B. Rogers, of Columbia, was the in- The Catholic Community girls' ZOO LEAGUERS Mr. Hall 90 5 2 111 283 Kelley just now is confronted by a will tfilemma of offers. dividual star. team have the Stratford Legion- ' Max Hnff. one of Several big league ettes as their in a prelim- Iou Moss, who rolls anohor rot" tha Philadelphia's 180- - clubs have sounded hSm out on the opponents e- ' leading sportsmen, occupies a unique Totals 171 156 XEW YORK. inary tilt. Th main game will start Hobies in the Porhouse leagosv - position in the boxing world. HorT Buttercups preposition of doing scout duty, while George and Billy 8:15 o'clock with Waddie Maher tablished two city for Sonu- exciting pin marked S other Shade will next at league recorujp toppling is in the sport for the sheer love of Mrs. Leech ... 84 77 245 influential friends of Annapolis perform Tuesday as referee. Lineup: the season week 159 for lilgn special match game between Bill . are him for the evening at Pioneer Club. 2 five it. anil doesn't take a penny from his Mr Krapp ... 85 99 290 boosting secretary- Sporting Ben Hurs. K. of C. single, and 39 for a total. Sadler's Nutmegs and star rollers This is in ship of the State Racing Oeorge Shade meets Mike Burke, and j lighters. certainly odd Hurwitz Burns, Buckley of the Zoo league last night on the Ed- 169 176 190 Association. It Is said that Joe can Billy Shade meets "Wolf" Larsen, ICane, Cremins ar ftrora t these days of gold. Hoff pilots Totals 535 R F and Sheridan Aro.ide alley s. Both teams one die and is now anx- Goldenrods have the latter honor for the both are scheduled the first Three on the Poorhous other ti'.t resulted in a j (Kid) Wagner, Oppe't McClellan, Fanning game and the - ious to rematch him with Jack Bern- Mrs. ICnapp .... 70 77 24S Danny Ross, Brooklyn, welterweight, L Honor Roll, with marks of 361, 868 tie. Another setto was rolled to set- 9 6 91 faces Al Boyle, of Harlem, also a ten F and em - stein. The last time they met, Ifr. Leech 288 Ebere McGran and 344, respectively. tie the issue the Nutmegs erg- Bernstein got the honors and Hoff round affair, and Alex Sclair, former C ed the victors. Musante os:ed the Totals 156 1 SS CREDIT McGRAW amateur heavyweight, meets The match between Lou doesn't try to alibi or excuse the 536 four-roun- Jerry Pinto Dondero, Delmore proposed high total mark of 313. of All Kenny in a d bout. Dewey and John Waters otf Hartford s showing Wagner. he wants R G Sadler's Nutmcg-- is one more vhance. Mrs Hall . ... 99 75 74- - 248 John J. McGraw discovered auto- Haff ner - Rowe, Cretella will be rolled on the Washington al. Sadler 103 99 93 295 Mr. Brown 82 101 78- - 261 suggestion in baseball before M. Coue BOSTON". The Boston Xationals L G leys next week. Downey 92 9 2 87 271 "Kid" Williams and Harry (Bat- was tver heard of. and Cleveland Americans will meet in SS 90 79 257 will Totals .. 181 176 152 509 McGraw once had a Mission two exhibition games. The second round of the Y. M. C. Kohout tling) LtMllll fight their battle tig spring A. will next Kail . . 89 89 -- S3 over again on January 19. at the Bluebells Indian catcher, John J. Tortes, called Colonials Win league get underway 11S "0 3 3 Garden. Mrs. Brown .... 66 79 71 216 Chief Meyers. For a of sea- C. Thursday. The DooDads are now Musante Mr. couple PIXEHl'RST, X. Morton L. the in the Wall 101 90 98 289 sons Meyers was a mighty slugger, Fearey, of Garden City, X. Y., won Sixth showing way competition. 4SS 43S- Ti x Rii cabled an offer .Tim-- ; then his fell off. Straight 473 - 1399 kaid to tuatting the medal in the twentieth annual The Odd Post Office, Y. M. my Wilde to visit this and Totals 161 169 169 505 Like all bail Indians or mid-wint- er A. A. Fellows, xh l.eaguco. country players, golf tournament with a The Colonial basketball team C. A., and other leagues are laying det'end his world's flyweight tiitle otherwise. Meyers loved his batting round of 3!s 39 77. Howard G. posted its sixth straight win of ".he holi- Suliivan . . . Villa or . He brooded over his an- season off this week because of the Vis i 47 against average. slump, Phillips, of Yonkers Pinehurst, last night when it defeated Dal There is little doubt tha-- Genaro and j SCHOOL TILT ON an he 37 41 78. Six- Mohrican days. 1 seeking explanation. Finally took second, with the Separates at the Boys' Tottle 9 1'3 296 Villa will clash unless the - it was to 32 S.V- - yellow- developed the idea that due teen for match plays. Club by a score of to i9. O. one Phillips 98 104 US7 skinned lad hotfoots for home. If The B. H. S. basketball team ia the on the centre qualified with points Anderson broke record end 1 0 6 1- 4 advertising signs The game sparkled action from tied in Odd Fallows' Connors 97 9- 29 j he does he wiil stop off at London playing the team which field wall at the Polo Grounds. offset to the final whistle. another the In represents BLOOMIXGTON. Ind. Ewald O. the Spec- league last week. He set up a new and to inveigle Wilde into a Congress High the school three-strin- g S S try High director of athletics at In- tacular shooting by Rich and Carfello mark of 383 Totals 467 4 181 1436 match for the real 'title. gym this afternoon. The game start- STRTFOKIS DEFEAT Stiehm, featured the tilt. Petrino Ful- total and 2 diana University, has returned to and equaled "Oap" Peterson's high single ed at o'clock and the teams lined FAIRMOrXTS, 40 TO 32 for further medical ton played well for the Mohicans. mark of 150. up as follows: The Stratford Legion basketball Rochester, Minn., The Colonials will the Xichols No Grid Irish B. H. S. Mr-azik- treatment, and friends here today said play Big Champ Coming right forward; 'team defeated the Fairmount tossers he would have to an Five a the Boys Club next Wednes- The Wopowages are leadSng the Bert Cohen, left forward: Randolph, last nlgin at the Legion hall by a probably undergo day night. Score: in Odd Fellows com. Ruh heavy-treigr- 4 0 3 2. other operation. procession the Changes Harney Toophy. champion center; Louis Cohen. right guard: score of points to Doc WiL Colonials. with 32 wins and 10 losses. of Ireland, will arrive here in Krlekson. left guard. Congress High j hams' playing featured the tilt. G. F. Pts. petition at- - : enrass victoks nrcifTts f nianv coaches .me to enter he tournament of Burns, right forward: Stewart, left The Park City girls won from the OVER Y. M. C. A. KITE Sevess rf 2 1 8 The Hunters and Scouts are tied t nding the second a nnual mpetirijr heavyw rights at Madison Square Gar- forward; Skeritt, center: Cisero, Stratford Legionettes by a count of Rich, if 5 1 11 In Red. ' o:ii-lie- right for the leadership the Men's of the American den. Jan. IT. Barney, they say in guard; Benner. left guard. .25 to 11 in a preliminary tilt. Mae The Y. M. C. A. basketball team Carfello, c, 5 1 11 league with five victories and four Association yesterdn y .. at the old con nt ry. has wh iypod every Carroll. Park City center, starred. La Mastra. lg., 2 0 4 rtrno:i. y was defeated by the team which rep- defeats. th Hotel Astor, w ci sternly re.t-b- man he has met including- the famous resents Curtass High school of Brook- Marcello. rg 0 1 1 the other members. amon: Jim Coffey. N. Y. GETS GAME PASADEXA. Calir. Penn State X. Y.. on Y. M. C. Mei?-BMJ- 1. lyn, last night the ;hem hclni the plan of John I'. players and officials showed much 36 20. Tota'.s 14 4 32 CECIL LEITCH ILL t 28- - A. floor by a score of points to Pennsylvania coach. Philadelphia, Dec. The Army-Nav- y concern here over the injuries of F. The Brooklyn schoolboys smothered Mohican Separates. Kivln; each i chant CAMPBELL FAST football next fall proba- J. Bedenk, star Lion G. 28 1 - game Xittany guard, locals 'the count F. Pts. London. Pec. Miss Cecil Lei ton, rtieSims tho bai on 'h:-.- downs . Al- the in first half, the advum Reports from Xew Haven show bly will be played in Xew York. who came disabled out of a scrim- being 2 to 1 at the end of the initial Fulton . rf 3 0 6 ormer British woman golf champion, he ifrcatest distance earned to et Tommy Campbell, captain of Yale's though no official announcement was mage in yesterday's play. Opinion but the "Y" tossers came Neary, If 2 0 4 is at present In the hands of a special- extra point. An alternaJ Lve pro- - track team. i faater than it was was from ex- period, c. 3 0 -- moving made, learned that athletic expressed superficial back and made for Petrano, ist for treatment of her arm, and she I i t u iCvv - III. t'N.- - ever over the board floors. Tom has of West that the lines- things interesting 1 0 ' . - -- a Point and amination outstanding in the half. rg s has said that she could not 0 v r tki. n .vi- representatives the visitors last Frye. recently roach i rUlu...... m.t ii nn entered in several special events To Annapolis at a meeting had decided man of the Penn State team would Dare, lg. 0 1 1 define her prospects in the matter iawm dct1 the matter, mot with a be contested in ihe metropolitan to recommend that city to the heads not be able to play in Monday's game of 'playing in the next ladies' cham-- uimlax fate. of their respective institution. against U. S. C. Advertise In The Times Totals ... S 1 19 pionship.