Mitten Crabs’ and Their Succulent Roe Are One Seasonal

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Mitten Crabs’ and Their Succulent Roe Are One Seasonal PAGE 8 | EXPOSURE SHANGHAI HAIRY CRAB HOTSPOTS OCTOBER 15 - 21, 2010 CHINA DAILY | PAGE 9 / Ebcbjtiv S H Ivbohyjoh qbsl )F* ෷ jSe vpTivo Se/ IvbohYjo Se/ v XfoTiv Z Se/ Xfotivj Se/ Tub/ H hZ e j KjbpDifoh v Kjo o S b XfoTivj Se/)F* h o [ifohYjv ZvfYjv Se/ Ebcbjtiv Tub/ [ L h o o Se/)F* RjDivo Se/ f Se/)F* Z f HvpRvb p EvoIv C hSe/ v ZpohI v * M F h ZboKj Se/)F* f Se/ j f b ) / o S ZpohI o TjQjoh Se/ f S IvUbj Gffefs Se/ e h Joof bSe/ S e i HvpRvbo Se/ D e s / hK i j / Fmfwbufe Sjoh Se/ XboSpoh v Tibohibj.Kjbejo f Lpo h o Se/ I v Fyqsfttxbz h HvbohMjoh Op/5 B23 hSe/ Z KjohZv Se/)N* QfohKjbo j S U e Zbokj Se/)N* Tub/ / / Se/)N* TivjGfo e ZbohDifoh Se/ Se/ S ZboKj Zbohqv T Se/ Op/3 Se/ o / j Se/)O/3* Yjoh[i ZvboQjoh [ipohTibo f e HvMboh Se/ h Hairy honeys HvbohMjoh S N / NjZvo Se/ Se/ v HbpQjo e o Z S b Dijgfoh Se/ Tub/ ᇣ E Q DijGfoh h o DibohI Se/ f o b fSe/ Se/ o Ibjipoh Iptqjubm b Se/ i h h o Se/ v Op/2 Se/ TjQjoh Se/ Zbohqv qbsl Z T Ivbohyjoh Se/ Tub/ I Se/ [ifoKjo!Se GvTiv v Se/)X* Tibohibj Djsdvt o YjoIv Se/ f v Hvboh[ipoh Q ZvUjbo Se/ E Xpsme Tub/ KjohUbj IvbMjoh Se/ v ZboKj Se/)X* XvXfj Se/ Se/ HvbohZbo Se/ BoTi Se/ Lpohkjboh [ifoIvb!Se Hvboh[ipoh Se/ HvbohMjoh o jSe/ bo Se CfoY Iptqjubm XvXfj Se/)F* Ebojohmjohtij Qbsl Se/ EbMjbo Se/)X* TivbohZboh h Tjqjoh Se/ Tub/ GvYj EbOjo CbpYjo e ‘Mitten crabs’ and their succulent roe are one seasonal XvXfj Se/)F* MjohTij Se/ Se/ TivjEjbo ZpohEfoh Se/ UbpQv [ifoCfj Se/ EbIvb Op/ Rvzboh Se/ Tub/ IvbMjo h Ipohlpv Gppucbmm Mvyvo Nbvtpmfvn XboSpoh Se Se/ Kjbohqv Se/ Tub/ 4 Se/ Se/)O* Tubejvn Tub/ RvZboh Se/ Mpoh Se/)X* j Se/ Botibo Yjodvo Tub/ DibohZboh S GvTiv Se/ ٷ ZboDiboh EbIvTib Yjoivb Iptqjubm treat that should not be missed, writes Xu Junqian. h Ipohlpv Gppucbmm Mvyvo Qbsl Di Se/ / [ifoObo Se/ Se/ ZvoDifo Zbodiboh Se/ Tub/ Tubejvn Tub/ E p jmxbz [ibcfj Qbsl o Ipohlpv Ifqjoh Qbsl o DibohCboh h Se/ hSe/ CbpYjoh Se/)X* Se/ IvUbj Se/ K Gppucbmm Tubejvn YjoHboh Se/ j EbIvb b Mvpdivbo Se/)F* QjohYjohHvbo o Ujbo[ifo MjbpZvbo Se/)X* Se)O/2* h Se/ t’s hairy crab season again, and time for Shang- Shanghai. Chinese ladies in traditional costume play TvjEf X Se/ Se/ GvQjohSe/ ZboDiboh Se/)N* UpohYjo Se/ Se/ v b PvZbo [ijEbo Upohkj Iptqjubm MjvZjoh Se/ Tibo o hai locals to revel in the juicy meat and trea- Chinese instruments in the main hall to keep diners UjboCbp Se/ Mvpdivbo Se/DŽN* S Iboh[ip QvTibo Se/ e hSe/ GfjIpoh Se/ QjohMjboh Se/ hSe/ Tibohibj Xftu / TibIpoh jSe/ MjoRjoh o Se/ ZjDivb [ipoh LvoNjo sured female roe of the gray-green crab that is entertained. RjohKjbo Se/ Sbjmxbz Tubujpo YjoDv Se/ Se/ / I UbpQ [ipvKjb[v Se/ vSe/ e oSe/ oSe/ Se characterized by its hairy mittens. Th ere is a Address: 216 Jiujiang Road S Yj{boh Se/)O* Tub/ 8 MjoQjo Nfj[ipv v v HboRvb ZboDiboh Se/)X* p OjohHvp i general consensus among Shanghai’s chefs that the Tel: 021-6321-2010 [ Se/ j Mvpdivbo Se/ O h Mjoqjoh Se/ Tub/ MjTibo IvpTibo Se/ [ EjohCjbo UbpQv Se/ Epohcbpyjoh Se/ . Se/ KjbpUpoh Se/ Se/ Se/ Tub/ Ibjmvo Se/ Tub/ ZbohTivQ T most fl avorsome crabs come from Yangcheng Lake Opening hours: 11 am – 2 pm, 5 pm – 11 pm Upoh[ip Se/ Se/ Ebmjbo Se/ Tub/ o KJbohQv h EbMjb Se/ JoofsFmfwbufeSjoh F IvjNj Se/)T* Se/ CbpYjoh Se/)F* UpohCfj Mbo[i TvbohIf Se/ m v in neighboring Jiangsu province, but you don’t need Transport: Metro Line 2 [ipohtibo Se/)O* Tub/ f Zb hSe/ IbjMv GvDv Se/ EpohZvIboh Se/ YvDiboh / oSe/ oh w HbpMjo Se/ o o e Se/)X* [ipohIvbYjo Se/ pv b S [ijKjboh UbohTibo Se/ Se/ KjoEjoh Se/ [ijDivb oSe/ HpohQjoh Se/ u to board a train to feast on this local delicacy. Shang- CbpTibo Se/ / Se/ UbpQv f Xbo[ifo Se/ e o Se/ j Ejtusjdu Iptqjubm [ifoHvbo IvbDij Se/ e ມࢋୟ S [ipohYjoh Se/ Y 5. RjMjboTibo h hai boasts numerous restaurants that import the crab Yao Yao Restaurant Se/ f S Se/)F* MboHbp o [ipohubo Se/ Tub/ KjbpUpoh Se/ I e DbpBo Ijhixbz b v Se/ v / [ipohyjoh Se/ Tub/ RjvKjboh Se/ E oSe/ Qfpqmf(t o H and know how to cook it to perfection. Below are a Th is decades-old restaurant specializes in crab b Iptqjubm Op/2 XvKjT Zbohtivqv Se/ Tub/ E TijRvb Cbptibo Se/ Tub/ KjoUboh UpohDivbo Se/ j [ifoQjo Tibohibj Sbjmxbz Tubujpo D Se/ Se/ X Tibohibj.Obokjoh Fyqsfttxbz i few top picks. dishes and is reputed to be the cheapest place to v b v Op/40Op/5 Tibohibj Sbjmxbz o EpohDiboh[ij Se/ Gfoh[ivboh hSe/ T Ebmjbo Se/ Uvoofm Tubujpo Tub/ p gorge on crab in the city. Diners can feast here for Se/)O* B22 Se/ v Se/)F* S e CfjTij 3 4 o / h EpohEbNjoh Se/ Yj[bo UjboN ) Joufsobujpobm qbttfohfs 1. O [ifoqjoh Se/ Tub/ BpNf I Wang Bao He less than 200 yuan a head. Th e decorations are plain S Se/ f * Ufsnjobm O oSe/ e b h / Nfusp Mjof )X* IbjOjoh o Th is century-old restaurant is the “it” place for and the space is limited, but once the steaming, pink XvOjo vSe/ Se/) S Se/ Se)O* UjboN Se/)N* e Gfoh[ivboh Se/ NfjDivb IfohGfoh UjboNv GvKjbo!Se/)O* 1 / ) Se-)O* [ifKjboh!Se/)O* UjboUpoh Psjfoubm Qfbsm Sbejp boe UW Upxfs Kj[ifo Se/ O hSe- o O* O Bwf/ b * Shanghai locals to have a crab-fest. During hairy crustaceans arrive, their rich taste will bring you IvbKjbCboh Se/ oSe/ [ipohTibo o CjoKjboh LbjYvb k Ibo{ipoh Se/ Tub/ j YjoZv Se/ Zvgp Ufnqmf o Rvgv Se/ Tub/ h DibohZj Se/ RjohZ Se/ crab season, this cramped eatery can get so crowded to as heavenly a place as Yao Yao’s more expensive NfjMjoh Se/)O* S Se)N* Se/ e v vSe/ o / Se/)F* Se/ Se/ ) CfjKjoh Qvepoh Bwf/ Tub/ [ipohTibo Se/)F/2* [vjIvbo Se/ Dfousbm Ejtusjdu Iptqjubm BoZvb F that you may struggle for elbowroom, but the food competitors. Ask for a bottle of Shaoxing-style * ZvboTifo Se/ NfjDivboSe/ Yjo{ib Se/ Tub/ Cf IbjGboh Se/ T ZjoDifoh Dbpzboh Se/ Tub/ u Joufsobujpobm MvKjb MboYj Se/ DibohTip b Se/ TijNf is worth it. Steamed crab tops the menu, especially yellow wine and take a sip to clear your palate. T KjbohOjo j Se/ [ipohKjboh D RjYjb / Difoh IfObo i e Mvkjb{vj Tub/ TibboYj v Dpogvdjbo Ufnqmf S DfouvszSvTibo Bwf/ Tub/ Xv KjohZboh Se/ oOp/ b with its requisite dipping sauce of rice vinegar with According to Chinese philosophy, the “cold”, or OvKjboh Se/)O* o h ZvZbp Se/ o OboKjoh Se/)F* S b Qfpqmf(t Ev e j DbpZboh Se- YjLboh Se/ hSe/ hSe/ / MvKjb K 3 Se/)N* Se/ ) Se/)F* Uvoofm GvDifo Njotifo v Trvbsf Tub/ GvKjb tpoh Sjwfs Se)O* N ginger. Th e homemade tofu with crabmeat is also a “yin”, properties of the crab can be counter-bal- O Se/ o 5 * Diboh!Ef [ifKjboh Se/)N* Gv[ipv o OjohYjb Se/ Qfpqmf(t Trvbsf Tub/ Se/)N* Kjotibkjboh Se/ Tub/ Yj[boh Zbo(b RjboZbo Se/ Se/ Kjbp[ipv hSe/ traditional favorite to wash down several fat crabs, anced by the “warm” wine. XvOjoh Zboqjoh Se/ UpohQv Se/ KjoTibKjboh [vjIvbo Se/ Epohdiboh EpohDiboh Se/ [ibohZboh Se/ as it off ers a light and delicate alternative to tantalize Address: 237 Julu Road S Se/ Tub/ e/)N* [ipohTib Zvbotifo Tqpsut Se/ )F* Se/ Se/ UbpMjo / Yjo[ib!Se/ ZvoMjohSe/)X* KjbohT Se)T* Obokjoh Se/)X* Tub/ T Nvojdjqbm e Se/ Dfouvsz Bwf/ Tub/ i Se/ S SfoNjo your taste buds. Tel: 021-5386-1522 j Hpwfsonfou KjoMjoh Se/)F* DibohOjoh N h ZboBo Dfouvsz Bwf/ Tub/ o o f Se/ UpohQv Se/ b XfjGboh f Se/ o )໋ዝࢋ Tv{ipv Dsffl* j v Se/)O* CfjKjoh Se)X* Tibohibj Nvtfvn Se/)F/3* K Address: 603 Fuzhou Road Opening hours: 5 pm – 3 am h Se/ O o XfjIbj Se)X* p Se/ p Zvzvbo Hbsefo / i Gv IbohEv 2 MbpTibo Se/ [ QvEpoh EboCb Se/ Ebtijkjf Tub/ Tel: 021-6322-3673 Transport: Metro Line 1 Xbo Se- OboRvbo Se/)O* T OboKjoh S Se/)N* ibo Se/ Dibohgfoh Qbsl e / Dfouvs MvEjoh ZboBo Se/)N* Se/)F* XvEjoh Se/)X* KjoMjoh GbohCboh!Se/)N* Opening hours: 11 am – 1 pm, 5 pm – 8: 30 pm QjohUboh zBwf/ Cfj ZvoMjoh Ej Ivbohqj Se/)T* Tub/ QvNjoh Se/ Se/)T* 6. Se/ Se/)X* [ipohtibo Qbsl Se/)F* Q Transport: Metro Lines 1, 2, 8 Songji Se/ GvYjoh Gvyjoh Se/)F* Uvoofm v HvbohGv Kjbohtv Se/ Tub/ Kjoh(bo Ufnqmf Tub/ IfObo Se)T* D [ipohIvb Se/ Se/ i Kjo[ipoh DibohMf Gvyjoh Qbsl e/ Qvejbo Se/ Tub/ Se/ * [ipohtibo Qbsl Tub/ f Songji is something of an innovator in terms of oh Se/ Tub/ Se/ T o [j[ipoh S ) h Qvejbo Se/ Tub/ ZvZvbo KjbohTv YjbohZbo Se/)X* e [ipohtibo Qbsl Tub/ S 2. I UjboTibo IvbjIbj Se)N* S Epoh e Ling Long Ge crab restaurants, having created its popular spicy Se/)X* O DibohTipv Se/ v / oSe/ ZboBo b Yj[boh b o Mbpyjnfo Tub/ o Se/ R Nfusp IvbTibo h L Tiboyj Se/)T* Tub/ Q v Gboh Designed in a quaint Chinese style, with an unpre- crab hot pot several years ago.
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