Register of Persons Living Outside the Chortitza Colony in 1859 As Found in the Records of the Guardianship Committee for Foreign Settlers in Southern Russia Fond 6, Inventory 4, File 23949 Odessa Region State Archives Translated by Mennonite Heritage Archives volunteer Erica Enns, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Edited by Glenn Penner
[email protected] The following is a list of those people living outside of the Chortitza colony but registered in the colony in the last (10th ) Russian Revision List (census – 1858). The list accounts for 1,584 individuals living in 278 family units. Note that the reference to the “Jewish colony” is to the so-called Judenplan. Please note that a similar list is available for the year 1852: Microfilms of the original records can be found at: Center for MB Studies, Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kans. Center for MB Studies, Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, Calif. Mennonite Historical Society of B. C., Abbotsford, B. C. Mennonite Heritage Archives, Winnipeg, Man. Centre for MB Studies, Winnipeg, Man. Printing Note: This document is formatted to be printed on 8 x 14 inch paper. No. Given names and Current Since Where does he or she Type of Occupation Does he Which Does he Does he How does he surnames and age when has currently reside? permit reside in his family was pay his reside maintain his home village the home he listed with village outside of his continual stay person village or in the dues with home colony outside of his been have Revision List prompt- on a home village? absent relatives or was he ness? continual from his there? listed basis? home as the head village? of a separate family? m.