Register of Persons Living Outside the in 1859 As Found in the Records of the Guardianship Committee for Foreign Settlers in Southern Russia Fond 6, Inventory 4, File 23949 Odessa Region State Archives

Translated by Mennonite Heritage Archives volunteer Erica Enns, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Edited by Glenn Penner [email protected]

The following is a list of those people living outside of the Chortitza colony but registered in the colony in the last (10th ) Russian Revision List (census – 1858). The list accounts for 1,584 individuals living in 278 family units. Note that the reference to the “Jewish colony” is to the so-called Judenplan.

Please note that a similar list is available for the year 1852:

Microfilms of the original records can be found at: Center for MB Studies, Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kans. Center for MB Studies, Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, Calif. Mennonite Historical Society of B. C., Abbotsford, B. C. Mennonite Heritage Archives, Winnipeg, Man. Centre for MB Studies, Winnipeg, Man.

Printing Note: This document is formatted to be printed on 8 x 14 inch paper.

No. Given names and Current Since Where does he or she Type of Occupation Does he Which Does he Does he How does he surnames and age when has currently reside? permit reside in his family was pay his reside maintain his home village the home he listed with village outside of his continual stay person village or in the dues with home colony outside of his been have Revision List prompt- on a home village? absent relatives or was he ness? continual from his there? listed basis? home as the head village? of a separate family?

m. f. Village of Chortitz 1 Widow Margaretha Since In the city of No permit In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a Thiessen 61 1817 Jekatherinoslow. business. resident, but separate family with farmyard with Daughter Margaretha 15 has relatives under No. 47. permission two treadmills Son Johann Thiessen 28 there. from the and a vinegar Wife Helena 23 church and brewery. Son Heinrich 1 local Daughter Margaretha 3 authorities. 2 Peter Thiessen 33 Has Since 1848 on his own No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Helena 35 always property on land belonging resident, but family of his with himself on his Son Heinrich 11 been to his father Heinrich has relatives brother permission of father’s land. Peter 7 absent. Thiessen in Alexandrowsk there. Heinrich the church and Jakob 2 District. Thiessen No. local Johann 2 47. authorities. Daughters Margareta 8 Helena 4 Gertrude 3 3 Johann Ens 27 Since 1836 On his own property on One-year Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Katharina 28 land belonging to Chortitz permit resident, but family of his with house. Mennonite David Peters dated April has relatives deceased father permission of near the area. 16, 1859, there. Peter Ens, No. the church and No. 862 17. local authorities. 4 Dirk Epp 40 Since 1839 In a Jewish colony in No permit Manager Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 38 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Peter 13 has mother deceased Dirk 10 and siblings brother David David 5 there. Epp, No.4. Daughters Helena 17 Katharina 7 Anna 1 5 Klaas Wiens 46 Since 1837 On an estate near the city Two-year Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 59 of Berislaw. permit resident, but separate family stay. dated has distant under No.69. March 21 relatives 1859 there. No. 623. 6 Herrmann Wiens 34 Since 1837 In the Two-year Various jobs. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Sons Klaas 7 Mennonite village of permit resident, but family of his stay. Peter 4 Halbstadt. dated June has distant brother Klaas Daughter Anna 6 22 1859 relatives Wiens No. 69. No.1631. there. 7 Gerhard Wiebe 51 Since 1839 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has a farm Wife Anna 44 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with in the Jewish Sons Gerhard 16 has relatives under permission of Colony. David 14 there. No.56. the church and Johann 12 local Abraham 10 authorities. Isaac 8 Heinrich 6 Bernd 3 Daughters Judith 19 Elisabeth 5 8 Anton Penner 33 Since 1848 In the city of Cherson. One-year In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Margaretha 35 permit business. resident, but separate family with residence and a Sons Peter 8 dated June has relatives under No.8. permission of windmill. Anton 2 27, 1859, there. the church and Daughter Helena 6 No. 1721. local authorities. 9 Johann Schmidt 44 Since 1844 On the Jakowlew estate in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Elisabeth 40 Alexandrowsk District. resident, but separate family with house. Sons Johann 20 his father and under No.5. permission of Martin 18 siblings live the church and Kornelius 16 in local Peter 11 Schönwiese. authorities. Abraham 4 Daughters Elisabeth 21 Anna 2 10 Jakob Kehler 31 On his own property on No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Katharina 38 land belonging to Chortitz resident, but family of with house. Sons Peter 14 Mennonite Heinrich has relatives Johann permission of Jakob 7 Thiessen in Alexandrowsk there. Schmidt under the church and Heinrich 4 District. No.5. local Isaac 2 authorities. Julius 1 Daughter Katharina 13 11 Peter Penner 49 Since 1839 In the village of Schönfeldt No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Katharina 45 in the Mariupol Mennonite resident, but family of his with house. Daughters Anna 10 area. has relatives deceased father permission of Helena 7 there. Jakob Penner the church and under No.58. local authorities. 12 Klaas Heide 37 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Helena 47 Cherson Province. resident, his separate family with as a farmer. Son Jakob 9 relatives are under No.17. permission of Daughters Margareta 12 in other the church and Katharina 11 villages. local Stepchildren: authorities. Kornelius Peters 22 Sara Peters 16 Peter Peters 23 Wife Elisabeth 23 13 Johann Kampen 47 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Manager. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Justina 41 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Jakob 21 has father and father Jakob Martin 18 siblings there. Kampen under Johann 10 No.23. Peter 7 Julius 5 Wilhelm 3 David 1 Daughters Margareta 15 Christina 2

14 Daniel Peters 64 Since 1838 On his own land in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Helena 43 Jekatharinaslow resident, but separate family with himself on his Sons Franz 16 District near the area. has relatives under No.74. permission of own land. Kornelius 10 there. the church and Daughters Helena 11 local Anna 6 authorities. Grandchildren: Daniel Peters 16 Heinrich Peters 14 Katharina Peters 11 15 Daniel Peters 41 Since 1838 On the land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Maria 35 his father Daniel Peters. resident, but family of his with himself on his Sons Daniel 16 has relatives father Daniel permission of father’s land. Franz 10 there. Peters under the church and Heinrich 5 No.74. local Johann 4 authorities. Daughters Maria 8 Helena 2 16 Heinrich Peters 31 Since 1838 On the land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Katharina 31 his father Daniel Peters. resident, but family of his with himself on his Son Kornelius 8 has relatives father Daniel permission of father’s land. Daughters Katharina 5 there. Peters under the church and Helena 2 No.74. local authorities. 17 Johann Peters 26 Since 1838 On the land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Katharina 23 his father Daniel Peters. resident, but family of his with himself on his Sons Daniel 2 has relatives father Daniel permission of father’s land. Kornelius 1 there. Peters under the church and No.74. local authorities. 18 Jacob Epp 37 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has settled on a Wife Maria 37 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with farm. Sons David 10 has relatives deceased permission of Jacob 6 there. brother David the church and Peter 4 Epp under local Dirk 2 No.4. authorities. Daughters Helena 15 Katharina 13 Maria 8 19 Johann Dick 33 Since 1852 In the city of No permit Business Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a yard. Wife Maria 31 Jekatharinoslaw. resident, but family of his with Sons Johann 2 his mother father Dirk permission of Dirk 1 and siblings Dick under the church and Daughters Susana 10 live there. No.80. local Katharina 7 authorities. Maria 3 20 Jakob Thiessen 30 Since 1852 In the city of Cherson. Two-year In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He owns a yard Wife Helena 23 permit business. resident, but separate family with and a treadmill. Son Isaac 2 dated has relatives under No.36. permission of November there. the church and 30, 1859, local No.3299. authorities. 21 Isaac Siemens 36 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Margaretha 33 Cherson Province. resident, but family of with house. Sons Dirk 4 has relatives Johann permission of Peter 2 there. Siemens under the church and David 1 No.6. local Daughter Katharina 12 authorities. 22 Franz Isaac 33 Since 1855 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 31 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Franz 5 has relatives deceased father Daughter Agata 3 there. Jacob Isaac under No.51. 23 Abraham Epp 23 Since 1855 In a Jewish colony in No permit Schoolteacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 24 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Anna 1 his mother deceased and siblings brother David live there. Epp under No.4. 24 Heinrich Sawatzki 42 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Katharina 40 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with farm. Sons Peter 17 has relatives father Peter permission of Heinrich 12 there. Sawatzki under the church and Johann 10 No.71. local Jakob 6 authorities. Gerhard 2 Daughters Anna 14 Margareta 4 25 Heinrich Töws 41 Since 1858 In the city of One-year In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He owns a yard Wife Margareta 40 Jekatharinoslow. permit business. resident, but separate family with and a treadmill. Sons Johann 18 dated has relatives under No.48. permission of Jacob 14 November there. the church and Daughters Aganeta 12 6, 1858, local Katharina 5 No.2909. authorities. Margareta 2 Son Heinrich Töws 21 Wife Katharina 19 26 Johann Löwen 30 Since 1858 In the city of No permit In the flour Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a yard. Wife Margareta 30 Alexandrowsk. selling resident, but family of his with Son David 8 business. his parents father David permission of Daughter Sara 6 and siblings Löwen. the church and are there. local authorities. 27 Johann Siemens 31 Since 1858 In the crown village No permit In the oil Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Margaretha 22 Sermenka in Taurida milling resident, but family of his with house and an oil Son Johann 2 Province. business. his parents father Gerhard permission of mill. and siblings Siemens under the church and are there. No.38. local authorities. 28 Gerhard Siemens 29 Since 1858 In the city of Cherson. One-year Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 25 permit resident, but family of his stay. Son Gerhard 2 dated June his parents father Gerhard 26, 1859 and siblings Siemens under No.1654. are there. No.38. 29 Gerhard Wieler 26 Since 1858 In the Molotschna village No permit Schoolteacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 19 of Liebenau. resident, but family of his stay. Son Jacob 1 his parents father Johann and siblings Wieler under are there. No.28. Village of Rosenthal 30 Peter Rempel 49 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has settled on a Wife Helena 43 Cherson Province. resident, but family of with farm. Sons Dirk 15 has relatives Heinrich permission of Gerhard 2 there. Rempel under the church and Daughters Katharina 13 No.45. local Helena 10 authorities. Son Peter Rempel 23 Wife Helena 21 Son Peter 2 31 Abraham Blatz 34 Since 1851 One-year Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 31 permit resident, but family of the stay. Son Abraham 1 dated has siblings deceased Daughters Maria 6 March 13, there. Bernd Elisabeth 3 1859, Kaunhowen No.592. under No.2. 32 Widow Elisabeth 44 Since 1852 In the village of Bergthal No permit Farming Does not Listed with her Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wiebe in the Mariupol Mennonite reside in her deceased with Sons Peter 14 area. home village, husband Dirk permission of Dirk 10 but has Wiebe under the church and Daughters Sara 11 relatives No.19. local Maria 6 there. authorities. 33 Jacob Fast 36 Since 1844 In the city of With a one- In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Anna 34 Jekatharinoslow. year permit business. resident, but separate family with and two Sons Jacob 13 dated April has relatives under No.61. permission of treadmills. Johann 11 18, 1859 there. the church and Heinrich 1 No.941. local Daughters Aganeta 9 authorities. Katharina 3 34 Children of the Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit With farm Do not reside With their Promptly They do not deceased Cherson Province. related work. in their home deceased father reside Heinrich Dÿck village. Heinrich Dick permanently Heinrich Dÿck 19 under No.7. outside their Katharina Dÿck 21 home village. Elisabeth Dÿck 18 Maria Dÿck 15 35 Franz Giesbrecht 38 Since 1856 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Katharina 50 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with Son Kornelius 12 has relatives deceased father permission of Daughter Katharina 8 there. Abraham the church and Stepchildren: Giesbrecht local Peter Harder 12 under No.25. authorities. Susana Harder 10 Maria Harder 8 Martin Penner 11 36 Bernd Pauls 25 Since 1856 On land belonging to his No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Maria 22 father-in-law, Chortitz resident, but family of his with himself on a Son Daniel 3 Mennonite Daniel Peters. his parents father Heinrich permission of farm. and siblings Pauls under the church and live there. No.40. local authorities. 37 Children of the On land purchased from No permit Works on a Do not reside Listed with Promptly The mother of Their step- deceased the Hutterite farm. in their home their deceased these children father, a Jacob Knelsen: Since 1857 in Alexandrowsk District. village, but father Jacob has settled Molotschna Jacob 13 have relatives Knelsen under with Mennonite, Susana 21 there. no.53. permission of shares part of Elisabeth 18 the church and the purchased Katharina 8 local tract of land. Margareta 6 authorities. 38 Peter Friesen 29 Since 1853 In the village of No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has settled on a Wife Maria 25 Friedrichsthal in the resident, but family of the with farm in Sons David 4 Mariupol Mennonite area. has relatives deceased permission of Friedrichsthal Peter 2 there. Gerhard Epp the church and Bernd 1 under No.9. local Daughter Barbara 6 authorities. 39 Karl Jäger 41 Since 1856 In a Jewish colony in No permit Manager Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Cherson Province. resident, has separate family with and a windmill. relatives in under No.50. permission of other villages. the church and local authorities. 40 Kornelius Lehn 35 Since 1859 In the crown village of With a one- In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Christina 35 Sermenka in Taurida year permit business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill. Sons Kornelius 11 Province. dated April has relatives deceased father permission of Aron 9 9, 1859 there. Aron Lehn the church and Gerhard 6 No.836. under No.39. local Jacob 4 authorities. Isaac 2 41 Dirk Rempel 31 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 31 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Dirk 6 has parents father Isbrand Gerhard 2 there. Rempel under Daughters Susana 8 No.46. Anna 4 Village of Rosengart 42 Franz Wiebe 34 Since 1847 In the village of Fürstenau No permit Day laborer. Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Elisabeth 45 in the Molotschna resident, and family of Isaac with Sons Franz 10 Mennonite area. does not have Kasdorf under permission of Dirk 3 any relatives No.7. the church and Mother widow there. local Anna Wiebe 59 authorities. 43 Johann Bergen 37 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 31 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Johann 14 has relatives under No.10. permission of Jakob 9 there. the church and Kornelius 6 local Daughters Agatha 17 authorities. Anna 9 Stepsons: Abraham Klassen 11 Peter Klassen 8 44 Peter Friesen 46 Since 1856 In the village of Bergthal No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Maria 42 in the Mariupol Mennonite resident, but separate family with Sons Peter 19 area. has relatives under No.25. permission of Kornelius 3 there. the church and Daughters Anna 21 local Maria 18 authorities. Susana 16 Aganeta 12 Agata 10 Sara 7 Adelgunda 5 Village of Burwalde 45 Kornelius Thiessen 39 Since 1849 In a Jewish colony in No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Susana 37 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Kornelius 19 has relatives father Peter 17 there. Kornelius Jacob 10 Thiessen under Johann 6 No.39. Daughters Susana 15 Maria 13 Katharina 8 Anna 4 Helena 2 46 Jacob Harder 39 Since 1837 In the village of Schönfeldt No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 39 in the Mariupol Mennonite resident, his separate family with Sons Johann 15 area. parents and under No.23. permission of Jacob 13 siblings are in the church and Peter 12 Schönfeldt. local Heinrich 7 authorities. Wilhelm 6 Daughter Maria 17 47 Dirk Thiessen 36 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 33 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Dirk 12 has relatives father Dirk permission of Peter 6 there. Thiessen under the church and Daughters Susana 9 No.40. local Katharina 4 authorities. Maria 2 48 Dirk Thiessen 58 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Susana 61 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family stay. has relatives under No.40. there. 49 Isaac Friesen 28 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Works in the Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He owns a Wife Maria 25 Cherson Province. blacksmith resident, but separate family with blacksmith Son Johann 2 trade. has relatives under No.19. permission of shop, which Daughter Katharina 3 there. the church and also serves as local his living authorities. quarters. 50 Peter Teichröw 32 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Aganeta 29 Cherson Province. resident, but family of with as a farmer. Son Peter 5 has relatives Julius Löwen permission of Daughters Elisabeth 3 there. under No.18. the church and Katharina 2 local authorities. 51 Kornelius Thiessen 59 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 43 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with Son Johann 24 has relatives under No.39. permission of Stepdaughter: there. the church and Susana Penner 4 local authorities. 52 Abraham Dick 37 Since 1853 On the Kramida estate in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Sara 36 JekatharinoslowDistrict. resident, but family of his with Sons Abraham 12 has relatives step-father permission of Isaac 11 there. David Löwen the church and Jacob 9 under No.28. local Johann 6 authorities. Philipp 1 Daughter Sara 3 53 Peter Klassen 28 Since 1856 In the village of Muntau in No permit Works at Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 20 the Moloschna Mennonite various jobs. resident, but family of his stay. his brother: area. has parents father Peter Kornelius Klassen 27 and siblings Klassen under there. No.47. 54 Klas Ens 37 Since 1853 In the village of No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has settled on a Wife Maria 27 Friedrichsthal in the resident, but family of his with farm in Daughters Helena 14 Mariupol Mennonite area. has relatives half-brother permission of Friedrichsthal Katharina 11 there. Jacob Siemens the church and Agatha 8 under No.31. local Maria 2 authorities. 55 Kornelius Wiebe 37 Since 1854 In the village of No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Helena 28 Friedrichsthal in the resident, but family of his with Sons Gerhard 13 Mariupol Mennonite area. has relatives brother permission of Kornelius 11 there. Abraham the church and Daughters Christina 9 Wiebe under local Agatha 4 No.43. authorities. Anna 2 Village of Blumengart 56 David Dick 36 Since 1853 In the village of Schönthal No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Katharina 35 in the Mariupol Mennonite resident, but separate family with Sons Jacob 12 area. has relatives under No.7. permission of David 7 there. the church and Daughters Katharina 14 local Maria 10 authorities. Elisabeth 6 Susana 3 57 Jacob Dick 30 Since 1855 On rented land belonging No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 31 to the Neuendorf resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 9 Mennonite Aron Thiessen has relatives brother David Jacob 5 near the area. there. Dick under Daughters Helena 7 No.7. Katharina 2 58 David Klassen 38 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 38 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 15 has parents father Johann Gerhard 13 and siblings Klassen under David 10 there. No. Martin 6 Peter 1 Daughters Anna 18 Maria 7 Katharina 4 Village of Nieder-Chortitz 59 Erdmann Buhr 36 Since 1835 On his own land near the No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Sara 32 village of Friedrichsthal. resident, but separate family with himself on his Son Erdmann 2 has relatives under No.37. permission of own farm. Daughters Maria 8 there. the church and Sara 7 local Helena 6 authorities. Margareta 4 60 Kornelius Buhr 32 Since 1835 On rented crown land in With a one- Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Anna 31 Alexandrowsk District. year permit resident, but family of his with himself on the Daughter Elisabeth 6 dated has relatives brother permission of rented land. Brother: January 26, there. Erdmann Buhr the church and Abraham Buhr 29 1859 under No.37. local Wife Anna 21 No.151 and authorities. 152. 61 Wilhelm Bergmann 66 Since 1835 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 50 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but separate family with Son Franz Bergmann 36 Peters. has relatives under No.34. permission of Wife Maria 25 there. the church and Sons Franz 10 local Jacob 8 authorities. Abraham 6 Gerhard 3 Daughters Katharina 4 Helena 1 62 Peter Bergmann 53 Since 1837 On the estate belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Aganeta 52 Mr. Tolbitsch in resident, but separate family with Sons Wilhelm 24 Alexandrowsk District. has relatives under No. 35. permission of Gerhard 22 there. the church and Johann 19 local Franz 17 authorities. Abraham 13 Heinrich 11 Daughters Anna 30 Katharina 15 Aganeta 9 Helena 7 Son Peter Bergmann 28 Wife Maria 28 Son Peter 2 63 Heinrich Holzrichter 59 Since 1841 On the estate belonging to One-year He serves as a Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 59 Mrs. Mark near the city of permit foreman and is resident, but separate family stay. Sons Heinrich 35 Orechow. dated also involved has relatives under No.55. Peter 22 October 26, in farming. there. Wilhelm 18 1859 Daughter Katharina 26 No.2836. 64 Johann Thiessen 32 Since 1851 In the city of Cherson. One-year In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Christina 26 permit business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill Sons Jacob 6 dated has relatives brother Dirk permission of jointly with Julius 2 December there. Thiessen under the church and Peter Dick from 9, 1859 No.42. local Schöneberg. under No. authorities. 3385. 65 Abraham Dick 33 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Susana 33 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Johann 9 has relatives brother Johann permission of Abraham 4 there. Dick under the church and Dirk 2 No.8. local Daughter Susana 12 authorities. 66 Heinrich Penner 33 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Maria 32 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Wilhelm 11 has relatives under No.23. permission of Heinrich 3 there. the church and Gerhard 1 local Daughters Anna 9 authorities. Maria 7 Aganeta 5 67 Abraham Unger 36 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Maria 33 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Jacob 3 has relatives father Jacob permission of Abraham 1 there. Unger under the church and Daughters Maria 11 No.62. local Katharina 5 authorities. 68 Peter Unger 28 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 24 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Peter 5 has relatives father Jacob Daughters Maria 3 there. Unger under Anna 1 No.62. 69 Peter Janzen 38 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Margareta 32 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Son Peter 5 has relatives under No.10. permission of Daughter Margareta 1 there. the church and Stepson: local Jacob Fröse 11 authorities. 70 Johann Penner 30 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 32 Cherson Province. resident, but family of stay. Son Peter 10 has relatives Jacob Defehr there. under No.21. 71 Peter Mantler 41 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Katharina 40 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with Sons Peter 17 has relatives deceased father permission of Wilhelm 15 there. Peter Mantler the church and Kornelius 11 under No.14. local Jacob 3 authorities. Abraham 1 72 Heinrich Dick 44 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Christina 39 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Peter 13 has relatives under No.15. permission of Heinrich 10 there. the church and Johann 5 local Abraham 1 authorities. Daughter Helena 7 73 Johann Driedger 29 Since 1855 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit A variety of Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 25 village of Schönthal. jobs. resident, but family of his stay. Son Kornelius 4 his mother father Johann and siblings Driedger reside there. No.39. 74 Jacob Wallmann 32 Since 1856 On land purchased from No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Susana 31 the Hutterite Mennonites. resident, but family of his stay. Daughters Anna 5 has relatives brother Franz Susana 2 there. Wallmann Mother, widow under No.51. Katharina Wallmann 67 75 Franz Wallmann 32 Since 1859 On land purchased from No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Susana 32 the Hutterite Mennonites resident, but separate family stay. Sons Andreas 9 in Alexandrowsk District. has relatives under No.51. Joseph 6 there. Franz 2 Daughter Susana 4 76 Johann Penner 38 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 36 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Klas 14 has relatives brother Matthias 12 there. Kornelius Heinrich 5 Penner under Johann 1 No.47. Daughter Maria 10 77 Jacob Buhr 25 Since 1857 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Various jobs. Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 23 village of Schönthal. resident, but separate family stay. has relatives under No.28. there. 78 Johann Quiring 23 Since 1858 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 21 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Heinrich 1 has relatives father Heinrich there. Quiring under No.70. 79 Jakob Peters 28 Since 1857 In the hamlet of Nikopol. No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 27 resident, but family of his stay. Sons Peter 6 has relatives brother Jacob 1 there. Wilhelm Peters Daughters Helena 4 No.4. Sara 2 80 Jacob Letkemann 24 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 23 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family stay. Daughter Maria 1 has relatives under No.54. there. 81 Matthias Müller 59 Since 1859 On an estate in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 54 Alexandrowsk District. resident, but separate family stay. Stepchildren: has relatives under No.50. Isaac Kehler 26 there. Peter Kehler 20 Maria Kehler 17 Katharina Kehler 14 Helena Kehler 9 82 Johann Kasper 50 Since 1859 On the Besborodkin estate No permit Various jobs. Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 54 in Jekatharinoslow resident, but separate family stay. Son Heinrich 13 District. has relatives under No.45. Daughters Maria 20 there. Anna 15 83 Peter Breil 61 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Son Abraham 22 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family stay. Daughters Katharina 33 has relatives under No.48. Susana 20 there. Agata 18 Son Peter Breil 25 Wife Sara 26 Daughter Katharina 1 84 Isaac Dick 37 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Helena 27 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with Son Isaac 1 has relatives father Johann permission of Daughter Aganeta 3 there. Dick under the church and No.8. local authorities. Village of Insel Chortitz 85 Isaac Wiebe 39 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Helena 33 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Son Abraham 13 has relatives under No.7. permission of Isaac 10 there. the church and Jacob 7 local Klas 4 authorities. Daughter Helena 2 86 Paul Peters 38 Since 1842 On land belonging to his No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Has established Wife Katharina 36 father-in-law, Chortitz resident, but family of his with himself on his Sons Daniel 16 Mennonite Daniel Peters. has relatives father Johann permission of father-in-law’s Johann 11 there. Peters under the church and land. Paul 4 No.7. local Heinrich 1 authorities. Daughters Katharina 13 Helena 8 Elisabeth 6 87 Jacob Peters 46 Since 1856 On land belonging to No permit He is a miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 47 Chortitz Mennonite and is also resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 20 Heinrich Thiessen in involved in has relatives deceased father David 17 Alexandrowsk District. farming. there. Jacob Peters Heinrich 14 under No.30. Abraham 11 Daughters Katharina 9 Maria 5 Eva 3 88 Peter Penner 24 Since 1858 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Helena 24 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but family of with Peters. has relatives Wilhelm permission of there. Neufeldt under the church and No.26. local authorities. Village of Einlage 89 Gerhard Koslawski 35 Since 1850 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Maria 34 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Son Gerhard 13 has relatives under No. 23. permission of Daughter Maria 8 there. the church and local authorities. 90 Widow Anna Andres 37 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Son Johann 12 Cherson Province. resident, but family of stay. Daughters Sara 15 has relatives Jacob Andres Margareta 9 there. under No.62. Aganeta 3 91 Wilhelm Martens 44 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 36 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Jacob 12 has relatives under No.53. permission of Wilhelm 11 there. the church and Julius 8 local Peter 5 authorities. Daughter Helena 3 Brother: Peter Martens 30 Wife Elisabeth 26 92 Kornelius Martens 46 Since 1851 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 43 Einlage Mennonite resident, but separate family stay. Sons Johann 15 Kornelius Heinrichs. has relatives under No.14. Jacob 13 there. Daughters Katharina 18 Helena 8 Maria 2 Son: Kornelius Martens 22 Wife Elisabeth 24 93 Abraham Hamm 46 Since 1837 In the city of With a one- In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Katharina 40 Jekatharinoslaw. year permit business. resident, but separate family with with a treadmill. Sons Jacob 18 dated has relatives under No.71. permission of Abraham 17 January 13, there. the church and David 6 1859 No.92. local Martin 1 authorities. Daughters Helena 21 Katharina 15 Anna 13 Christina 11 Maria 8 Margareta 4 Agatha 2 94 Jacob Willms 38 Since 1844 In the city of No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Helena 38 Jekatharinoslow. business. resident, but family of his with with a treadmill. Son Gerhard 8 has relatives deceased father permission of Daughters Anna 12 there. Jacob Willms the church and Katharina 4 under No.63. local Eva 2 authorities. Stepchildren: Jacob Epp 17 Anna Rempel 15 Helena Rempel 12 95 Heinrich Heese 31 Since 1846 In the city of With a two- In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Maria 35 Jekatharinoslow. year permit business. resident, but family of his with with a treadmill. Sons Heinrich 13 dated has parents father Heinrich permission of Peter 6 March 21, there. Heese No.72. the church and Johann 1 1859 local Daughters Margareta 11 No.624. authorities. Maria 4 Katharina 2 96 Johann Heese 29 In the city of No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Helena 26 Jekatharinoslaw. business. resident, but family of his with with a treadmill. has parents father Heinrich permission of there. Heese under the church and No.72. local authorities. 97 Jacob Penner 37 Since 1843 In the city of Berdjansk. With a one- Businessman. Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a yard. Wife Maria 36 year permit resident, but separate family with dated has relatives under No.40. permission of January 17, there. the church and 1859 local No.104. authorities. 98 Kornelius Neufeldt 40 Since 1840 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Schoolteacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Elisabeth 21 village of Schönthal. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 15 has relatives brother Jacob Jacob 11 there. Neufeldt. Daughters Maria 17 Susana 13 Margareta 5 99 Jacob Dick 52 Since 1849 On the Chutor Felsenthal No permit Schoolteacher Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Son Johann 17 in the Molotschna resident, but separate family stay. Daughter Susana 15 Mennonite area. has relatives under No.81. in other villages. 100 Martin Hamm 35 Since 1849 On the outlying farm With a one- Miller Not a With the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 25 Juschanle. year permit resident, but family of his stay. Son Heinrich 2 dated has relatives brother Daughter Maria 4 September there. Abraham 21, 1859 Hamm under No.2534. No.71. 101 Jacob Reimer 29 Since 1847 In the Molotschna No permit Various jobs. Not a With the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 24 Mennonite village of resident, but family of his with Son Jacob 2 Münsterberg. has relatives deceased father permission of there. Peter Reimer the church and under No.28. local authorities. 102 David Hausknecht 25 Since 1848 In the Molotschna No permit Employee in a Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 22 Mennonite village of business. resident, his separate family stay. Son Abraham 2 Gnadenfeld. relatives are under No.76. Mother, widow in the Anna Hausknecht 56 Molotschna. 103 Siblings: Have In the Moltschna No permit They are They have Listed as a Have not They do not Dirk Esau 16 always Mennonite village of being raised relatives. separate family needed to reside Heinrich Esau 12 been Gnadenfeldt, with their by their under No.70. pay any permanently Maria Esau 14 absent. stepfather Benjamin Voth. stepfather. fees so far. ouside their home village. 104 Michael Kehler 40 Since 1849 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Helena 20 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but separate family with Sons Kornelius 13 Peters. has relatives under No.58. permission of Franz 9 there. the church and Jacob 5 local Philip 4 authorities. Daughters Anna 7 Helena 2 105 Heinrich Kirsch 46 Since 1837 On the Lukaschewitsch No permit Farming and Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Maria 36 estate in Alexandrowk business. resident, but separate family with and a treadmill. Son Heinrich 5 District. has relatives under No.73. permission of Daughters Maria 9 there. the church and Juliana 2 local Siblings: authorities. Johann Kirsch 40 Wilhelm Kirsch 30 Christina Kirsch 48 Mother, widow Anna Kirsch 76 106 Jacob Thiessen 37 Since 1850 In the hamlet of Nikopol. No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 49 resident, but family of his stay. Sons Jacob 14 has relatives deceased father Franz 12 there. Jacob Thiessen under No.36. 107 Aron Lepp 30 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Manager Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 29 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Johann 7 has relatives brother Peter Daughters Maria 9 there. Lepp under Helena 3 No.74. Katharina 1 108 Gerhard Kehler 33 Since 1852 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Susana 32 Chortitz Mennonite resident, but family of his with Sons Kornelius 5 Heinrich Thiessen in has relatives brother permission of Peter 1 Alexandrowsk District. there. Michael the church and Daughters Susana 10 Kehler under local Elisabeth 8 No.58. authorities. Katharina 6 Gertrude 3 Helena 2 109 Peter Peters 46 Since 1852 In the hamlet of Nikopol. One-year In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Katharina 47 permit business. resident, but separate family with with a treadmill. Sons: Peter 21 dated has relatives under No.31. permission of Kornelius 15 September there. the church and Johann 16 14, 1859 local Abraham 14 No.2412. authorities. Jacob 12 Daughter Katharina 10 110 Johann Hiebert 53 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming and Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Helena 29 Cherson Province. barn resident, but separate family with Sons Peter 20 construction. has relatives under No.87. permission of Jacob 11 there. the church and Dirk 2 local Daughters Helena 18 authorities. Elisabeth 16 Katharina 13 Margareta 8 Agatha 1 111 Kornelius Hiebert 25 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Blacksmith Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a Wife Susana 23 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with blacksmith Son Heinrich 3 has relatives father Johann permission of shop. Daughter Susana 2 there. Hiebert under the church and No.87. local authorities. 112 Kornelius Hiebert 48 Since 1853 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Katharina 52 Einlage Mennonite resident, but separate family with Kornelius Heinrichs. has relatives under No.54. permission of there. the church and local authorities. 113 Johann Dick 31 Since 1854 On the Mordwinow estate One-year Locksmith. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Emilie 21 in Taurida Province. permit resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Helena 2 dated 14 has relatives deceased August there. brother Martin 1859, Dick No.46. No.2096. 114 Gerhard Andres 45 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 38 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Johann 19 has relatives brother Jacob permission of Gerhard 13 there. Andres under the church and Jacob 11 No.62. local Daughters Agatha 17 authorities. Katharina 7 Maria 7 Margareta 1 115 Jacob Sawatzki 29 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 37 Cherson Province. resident, his separate family stay. Daughters Maria 4 relatives live under No.3. Christina 2 in other Stepdaughter: villages. Margareta Unger 9 116 Jacob Heinrichs 28 Since 1857 On land belonging to his No permit He runs his Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 20 father Kornelius Heinrichs father’s resident, has family of his stay. near the area. business. parents and father siblings there. Kornelius Heinrichs under No.35. 117 Peter Heinrichs 25 Since 1857 On the second piece of No permit He runs his Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 22 land belonging to his father’s resident, has family of his stay. Sons Kornelius 3 father Kornelius Heinrichs business. parents and father Peter 1 near the area. siblings there. Kornelius Heinrichs under No.35. 118 Johann Driedger 29 Since 1857 On land belonging to No permit School teacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Sara 32 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 7 Peters. has relatives deceased Franz 4 there. brother Isaac Daughters Maria 9 Driedger under Sara 2 No.5. 119 Johann Hiebert 27 Since 1858 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Elisabeth 25 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but family of his with Sons Abraham 3 Peters. has relatives brother Peter permission of Peter 1 there. Hiebert under the church and Daughter Elisabeth 6 No.13. local authorities. 120 Peter Löwen 39 Since 1859 In the city of No permit Carpenter Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Katharina 39 Alexandrowsk. resident, but separate family with Daughters Anna 15 has relatives under No.82. permission of Katharina 4 there. the church and Margareta 2 local authorities. 121 Abraham Ens 32 Since 1856 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit School teacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 33 village of Schönfeldt. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Elisabeth 11 has parents father there. Abraham Ens under No.27. 122 Abraham Hiebert 26 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Margareta 30 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Abraham 2 has relatives brother Peter there. Hiebert under No.13. 123 Abraham Wiebe 25 Since 1859 On an estate in No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 32 JekatherinoslowDistrict. resident, but family of his stay. has relatives brother Jacob there. Wiebe under No.69. Village of Kronsweide 124 Heinrich Janzen 50 Since 1850 On the estate of Mr. No permit Miller. Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 51 Kuljabki in resident, but separate family stay. Son Wilhelm 18 JekatherinoslowDistrict. has relatives under No.15. there. 125 Heinrich Janzen 75 Since 1843 With his son-in-law, No permit Is cared for by Not a Listed as a Is exempt Temporary Wife Katharina 73 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel his children. resident, but separate family from stay. Granddaughter: Peters. has relatives under No.61. paying Helena Janzen 18 there. fees. 126 Kornelius Janzen 55 Since 1847 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 48 Einlage Mennonite resident, but separate family with Son Kornelius 18 Kornelius Heinrichs. has relatives under No.23. permission of Daughters Helena 15 there. the church and Susana 12 local Eva 9 authorities. 127 Johann Lamke 49 Since 1848 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 44 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but family of with Sons Jacob 21 Peters. has relatives Jacob Nikkel permission of Johann 15 there. under No.8. the church and Daughters Maria 19 local Elisabeth 17 authorities. Katharina 12 128 Franz Janzen 57 Since 1848 On the estate of Mr. No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Aganeta 30 Pechotinski in resident, but separate family with Son Jacob 5 JekatharinoslowDistrict. has relatives under No.81. permission of Daughters Aganeta 7 there. the church and Susana 3 local Son Franz Janzen 29 authorities. Wife Margareta 30 Sons Franz 9 Bernd 5 Dirk 3 Daughter Margaretha 1 129 Peter Fröse 31 Since 1850 In the crown village of No permit Miller Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 30 Kamischewoche resident, but separate family stay. Sons Peter 9 in Alexandrowsk District. has relatives under No.22. Heinrich 7 there. Abraham 3 Kornelius 1 Daughter Anna 5 130 Abraham Neufeldt 38 Since 1847 In the crown village of No permit In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Helena 24 Jurkowka in Taurida business. resident, but separate family with and a windmill. Sons Abraham 14 Province. has relatives under No.64. permission of Jacob 12 there. the church and Johann 6 local Daughter Katharina 8 authorities. 131 Franz Reimer 27 Since 1850 In the Molotschna No permit In a year of They have Listed as a Promptly Temporary Schwester Helena 20 Mennonite area. service. relatives separate family stay. there. under No.76. 132 Johann Peters 41 Since 1845 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Day laborer. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 39 village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 9 has relatives deceased father Jacob 4 there. Johann Peters Daughters Aganeta 13 under No.65. Anna 2 133 Peter Banmann 44 Since 1839 In the city of Berdjansk. Permit has In a variety of Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a yard, a Wife Maria 41 expired businesses. resident, but separate family with windmill and a Sons Peter 19 has relatives under No.5. permission of brickyard. Jacob 14 there. the church and Heinrich 7 local Daughter Anna 9 authorities. 134 Jacob Ketler 44 Since 1845 In the city of Berdjansk. One-year In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a yard Wife Helena 38 permit business. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Son Jacob 2 dated has relatives brother David permission of Daughters Katharina 18 October 14, there. Ketler under the church and Elisabeth 15 1859 No.63. local Maria 13 No.2714. authorities. Anna 11 Margareta 7 135 David Ketler 47 Since 1857 In the city of Berdjansk. No permit Miller Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Judith 45 resident, but separate family stay. Son David 16 has relatives under No.63. Daughters Helena 20 there. Maria 18 Sara 13 Judith 11 Elisabeth 7 Katharina 3 136 Heinrich Banmann 39 Since 1839 In the Molotschna No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 32 Mennonite village of resident, but family of his with Sons Peter 7 Prangenau. has relatives brother Peter permission of Franz 5 there. Banmann the church and Jacob 1 under No.5. local Daughters Anna 15 authorities. Maria 3 137 Kornelius Krause 29 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 29 Cherson Province. resident, but famiy of his with as a farmer. Son Kornelius 3 has parents. father Peter permission of Daughter Katharina 9 Krause under the church and No. 24. local authorities. 138 Julius Janzen 47 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Elisabeth 44 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Julius 17 has relatives under No.16. permission of Heinrich 11 there. the church and Jacob 8 local Franz 5 authorities. Daughters Anna 19 Katharina 15 Susana 12 139 Johann Hiebert 64 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 58 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with Son Johann Hiebert 28 has relatives under No.37. permission of Wife Anna 26 there. the church and Son Johann 5 local Daughters Sara 3 authorities. Anna 1 140 Jacob Wieler 51 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 46 Cherson Province. resident, has separate family with as a farmer. Son Jacob 18 relatives in under No.80. permission of Daughters Aganeta 15 other villages. the church and Sara 12 local Elisabeth 9 authorities. Katharina 5 Son Johann Wieler 26 Wife Katharina 20 141 Franz Ketler 29 Since 1854 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Aganeta 25 Chortitz Mennonite resident, but family of his with Daughters Katharina 3 Heinrich Thiessen. has parents father permission of Maria 1 there. Kornelius the church and Ketler under local No.41. authorities. 142 Kornelius Harms 40 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Helena 38 Cherson Province. resident, his family of with as a farmer. Sons Kornelius 7 relatives are Jacob Nikkel permission of Peter 3 in other under No.8. the church and Daughters Anna 15 villages. local Helena 13 authorities. Anna 10 Margareta 1 143 Jacob Janzen 36 Since 1853 On rented land in the No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 27 Berdjansk District. resident, but separate family stay. Sons Daniel 18 has relatives under No.69. Peter 5 there. Daughters Helena 8 Katharina 3 Elisabeth 1 144 Kornelius Ketler 23 Since 1855 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Agatha 42 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but family of his with Stepchildren: Peters. has parents father permission of Helena Dick 17 there. Kornelius the church and Agata Dick 16 Ketler under local Aganetha Krahn 10 No.41. authorities. Maria Krahn 6 145 Jacob Krause 24 Since 1855 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Elisabeth 23 Chortitz Mennonite Daniel resident, but family of his with Sons Daniel 3 Peters. has relatives father Peter permission of Peter 1 there. Krause under the church and No.24. local authorities. 146 Heinrich Siemens 33 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit In the oil Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Katharina 32 Cherson Province. milling resident, but separate family with business. has relatives under No.55. permission of there. the church and local authorities. 147 Peter Siemens 42 Since 1859 On rented land near the No permit Economist Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Margareta 41 area. resident, but family of stay. has relatives Jacob Dahl there. under No.40. Village of Neuenburg 148 Peter Klassen 60 Since 1845 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Gertruda 34 Mennonite Daniel Peters. resident, but separate family with Sons Franz 16 has relatives under No.31. permission of Abraham 9 there. the church and Daughters Anna 7 local Helena 5 authorities. Gertruda 2 Son Peter Klassen 23 Wife Maria 24 149 Jacob Löwen 41 Since 1843 In the Mariupol village of No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Margareta 46 Heubuden. resident, but separate family with Son Peter 13 has relatives under No.3. permission of there. the church and local authorities. 150 Johann Hilbrandt 52 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Maria 45 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Johann 19 has relatives under No.32. permission of Peter 16 there. the church and Jacob 15 local Daughters Margareta 21 authorities. Susanna 13 Maria 11 151 Johann Friesen 41 Since 1857 On land belonging to No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 39 Mennonite Daniel Peters. resident, but family of stay. Son Johann 1 has relatives Johann there. Martens under No.6. 152 Gerhard Braun 41 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Anna 40 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Jacob 13 has relatives under No.21. permission of Gerhard 10 there. the church and Daughters Helena 19 local Aganeta 2 authorities. 153 Franz Dick 35 Since 1856 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 26 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with Sons Isaac 6 has relatives father Peter permission of Peter 5 there. Dick under the church and Daughter Margareta 3 No.36. local authorities. 154 George Krahn 38 Since 1853 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife village of Friedrichsthal. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Bernd 15 has relatives under No.27. permission of Peter 11 there. the church and George 3 local Daughters Margareta 13 authorities. Agatha 8 Sara 3 155 Kornelius Harder 26 Since 1859 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 21 Chortitz Mennonite resident, but family of his stay. Heinrich Thiessen. has relatives deceased father there. Peter Harder under No.17. Village of Neuendorf 156 Johann Friesen 58 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Anna 57 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Children: has relatives under No.71. permission of Peter Friesen 27 there. the church and Wife Helena 27 local Daughters Katharina 4 authorities. Anna 2 Jacob Friesen 24 Wife Agatha 22 Son Johann 1 Abraham Friesen 22 Wife Judith 21 Daughter Anna 1 157 Isaac Friesen 53 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Helena 47 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. has relatives brother Johann permission of there. Friesen under the church and No.71. local authorities. 158 Abraham Ginter 29 Since 1843 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Gertruda 28 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Son Abraham 1 has relatives deceased father permission of Daughters Anna 5 there. Abraham the church and Gertrude 3 Ginter under local No.50. authorities. 159 Jacob Wiebe 54 Since 1843 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Helena 52 Prince Kudaschew in resident, but separate family with Sons David 20 Jehatharinoslow District. has relatives under No.17. permission of Gerhard 14 there. the church and Abraham 12 local Daughters Anna 17 authorities. Susana 15 160 Jacob Wiebe 30 Since 1843 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 30 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but family of his with Foster daughter: has relatives father Jacob permission of Margareta Giesbrecht 11 there. Wiebe under the church and No.17. local authorities. 161 Paul Neufeldt 31 Since 1846 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Agatha 28 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but family of his with Sons Heinrich 7 has relatives deceased permission of Peter 5 there. father-in-law the church and Gerhard 2 Peter Friesen local Daughter Agatha 3 No.91. authorities. 162 Michael Hamm 38 Since 1848 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 35 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Anna 11 has relatives deceased father there. Peter Hamm under No.82. 163 David Redekop 44 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Elisabeth 44 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Peter 20 has relatives under No.12. permission of Jacob 17 there. the church and Wilhelm 6 local Karl 3 authorities. Daughters Helena 18 Elisabeth 15 164 Martin Friesen 46 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 48 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with Son Martin 10 has relatives under No.67. permission of Daughters Susana 16 there. the church and Aganeta 14 local Agatha 6 authorities. Son Heinrich Friesen 23 Wife Aganeta 23 165 Isaac Klassen 46 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Elisabeth 45 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Isaac 14 has relatives under No.46. permission of Jacob 11 there. the church and Daughters Susana 19 local Katharina 17 authorities. Maria 12 Helena 2 Son Franz Klassen 24 Wife Helena 22 Son Isaac 3 166 Johann Dick 37 Since 1852 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Elisabeth 39 village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his with Sons Gerhard 14 has relatives deceased permission of Johann 12 there. brother Aron the church and Abraham 2 Dick under local Daughters Sara 15 No.24. authorities. Katharina 8 Elisabeth 4 167 Abraham Dick 31 Since 1855 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Various jobs. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 25 village of Schönthal. resident, but family of his stay. Son Kornelius 2 has relatives deceased father Siblings: there. Aron Dick Aron Dick 15 under No.24. Anna Dick 24 Judith Dick 18 168 Kornelius Dick 27 Since 1855 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Various jobs Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Sara 27 village of Friedrichsthal. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Anna 2 has relatives deceased father there. Aron Dick under No.24. 169 Peter Löwen 40 Since 1853 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Christina 38 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Son Peter 13 has relatives brother Jacob permission of Daughter Helena 15 there. Löwen under the church and No.38. local authorities. 170 Heinrich Wiebe 66 Since 1853 On the estate of Mr. No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Exempt Temporary Wife Anna 60 Pechotinski. resident, but family of from fees. stay. has relatives Jacob Berg there. under No.62. 171 Peter Sawatzki 36 Since 1854 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Shoe maker. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 33 village of Schönfeldt. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Abraham 13 has relatives brother Johann Peter 8 there. Sawatzki under Daughters Helena 14 No.10. Susana 2 172 Peter Friesen 37 Since 1854 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Sara 41 village of Friedrichsthal. business. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Son Jacob 13 has relatives deceased father permission of Daughters Sara 10 there. Jacob Friesen the church and Katharina 8 under No.64. local Aganetha 6 authorities. 173 Jacob Friesen 27 Since 1854 In a Jewish colony in No permit Various jobs. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Barbara 30 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Jacob 5 has relatives deceased father Peter 3 there. Jacob Friesen under No.64. 174 Peter Friesen 24 Since 1854 In the Molotschna No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 21 Mennonite area. resident, but family of his stay. has relatives deceased father there. Abraham Friesen under No.66. 175 Jacob Görzen 50 Since 1856 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Agatha 53 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Son Isaac 15 has relatives under No.87. permission of Daughters Agatha 20 there. the church and Helena 18 local Son Gerhard Görzen 22 authorities. Wife Helena 23 176 Jacob Görzen 27 Since 1854 In the Molotschna No permit Various jobs. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 26 Mennonite area. resident, but family of his stay. Daughters Anna 4 has relatives father Jacob Katharina 2 there. Görzen under No.87. 177 Abraham Ginter 32 Since 1855 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Various jobs. Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Margareta 27 village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his stay. Son Johann 5 has relatives deceased there. brother Aron Ginter under No.81. 178 Jacob Hamm 34 Since 1856 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Agatha 29 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Daughter Sara 1 has relatives deceased father permission of Stepdaughters: there. Peter Hamm the church and Helena Siemens 9 under No.82. local Anna Siemens 4 authorities. 179 Gerhard Braun 28 Since 1856 On the estate of Mr. No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Katharina 27 Ossinski in resident, but family of his with Son Peter 1 Jehatharinoslow District. has relatives deceased father permission of Daughter Helena 3 there. Gerhard Braun the church and under No.101. local authorities. 180 Kornelius Martens 28 Since 1856 In a Jewish colony in No permit Barn Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 23 Cherson Province. construction resident, but family of his stay. Son Jacob 4 has relatives deceased Daughter Katharina 2 there. brother Jacob Martens under No.89. 181 Martin Wiebe 61 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Various jobs Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Barbara 37 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family stay. has relatives under No.36. there. 182 Martin Klassen 24 Since 1852 In the Mariupol village of No permit Various jobs Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Margaretha 22 Friedrichsthal. resident, but family of stay. Brother: has relatives Johann Janzen Johann Klassen 20 there. under No.15. 183 Salomon Dirksen 26 Since 1854 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Various jobs Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Margareta 23 village of Heubuden. resident, but family of his stay. Son Jacob 2 has relatives deceased there. grandfather Salomon Dirksen No.77. 184 Johann Heide 29 Since 1858 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 28 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Jacob 8 has relatives deceased father Daniel 6 there. Jacob Heide Johann 3 under No.86. Klaas 1 Daughter Anna 4 185 Hermann Heide 27 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Christina 25 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Katharina 1 has relatives deceased father there. Jacob Heide under No.86. 186 Peter Klassen 37 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Susanna 40 Cherson Province. resident, but family of stay. Sons Gerhard 16 has relatives Johann Janzen Peter 7 there. under No.15. Daughters Maria 14 Anna 12 187 Martin Klassen 26 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 24 Cherson Province. resident, but family of stay. Sons Johann 3 has relatives Johann Janzen Peter 1 there. under No.15. 188 Dirk Wiebe 37 Since 1859 In the crown village of One-year In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Helena 33 Kamjanka in Taurida permit business. resident, but separate family with and a treadmill. Sons Heinrich 11 Province. dated June has relatives under No.18. permission of Dirk 9 12, 1859 there. the church and Abraham 7 No.1541. local Daughters Helena 4 authorities. Maria 2 189 Anton Ginter 25 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Katharina 21 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with has relatives deceased father permission of there. Abraham the church and Ginter No.50. local authorities. 190 Jacob Neufeldt 23 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 19 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. has relatives deceased father there. Jacob Neufeldt under No.94. Village of Neuhorst 191 Peter Wiebe 40 Since 1852 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Katharina 39 village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his with Sons Bernd 12 has relatives deceased father permission of Peter 11 there. Bernd Wiebe the church and Johann 5 under No.8. local Daughters Helena 7 authorities. Katharina 2 192 Hermann Peters 38 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Has settled on a Wife Helena 41 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with farm. Daughters Anna 13 has relatives under No.12. permission of Helena 8 there. the church and local authorities. 193 Bernd Wiebe 30 Since 1855 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Helena 30 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Bernd 9 has relatives deceased father permission of Peter 5 there. Bernd Wiebe the church and Daughters Helena 6 under No.8. local Maria 2 authorities. Anna 2 194 Heinrich Wiebe 28 Since 1855 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganetha 27 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Abraham 4 has relatives deceased father Heinrich 2 there. Bernd Wiebe Bernd 1 under No.8. Village of Schönhorst 195 Widow Katharina 27 Since 1843 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Business Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Rempel village of Bergthal. resident, but family of her with and dye works. has relatives father-in-law permission of there. Dirk Rempel the church and under No.14. local authorities. 196 Abraham Löpke 47 Since 1849 In the city of No permit Blacksmith. Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a Wife Aganeta 47 Alexandrowsk. resident, but separate family with blacksmith shop Son Abraham 12 has relatives under No.64. permission of with adjoining Daughters Aganeta 24 there. the church and residence. Katharina 22 local Sara 17 authorities. 197 Peter Löpke 36 Since 1844 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 35 village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his with Son Peter 5 has relatives brother permission of Daughter Katharina 12 there. Abraham the church and Löpke under local No.64. authorities. 198 Michael Löpke 33 Since 1859 On land belonging to No permit Miller Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Agatha 31 Einlage Mennonite resident, but separate family stay. Son Michael 3 Kornelius Heinrichs. has relatives under No.63. Daughters Agatha 9 there. Helena 5 199 Martin Harder 47 Since 1851 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Susana 45 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Martin 20 has relatives under No.70. permission of Heinrich 18 there. the church and Aron 16 local Franz 6 authorities. Daughters Susana 14 Maria 11 200 Abraham Wiebe 56 Since 1838 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Sons Peter 23 Prince Kudaschew in resident, but separate family with Heinrich 16 Jekatharinoslow District. has relatives under No.15. permission of Daughters Maria 31 there. the church and Anna 25 local Katharina 21 authorities. Son Abraham Wiebe 27 Wife Margareta 25 Sons Abraham 3 Peter 2 201 Bernd Giesbrecht 52 Since 1837 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Susana 47 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with Son Martin 24 has relatives under No.37. permission of Daughters Barbara 19 there. the church and Katharina 17 local Margareta 15 authorities. Agatha 6 202 Bernd Giesbrecht 27 Since 1837 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 24 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but family of his stay. Son Bernd 2 has relatives father Bernd there. Giesbrecht under No.37. 203 Gerhard Giesbrecht 41 Since 1845 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Margareta 38 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but separate family with Sons Heinrich 15 has relatives under No.39. permission of Gerhard 9 there. the church and Johann 3 local Daughters Margareta 17 authorities. Christina 14 Anna 12 Helena 7 Katharina 1 204 Jacob Sawatzki 54 Since 1838 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Margareta 50 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but separate family with Sons Bernd 29 has relatives under No.72. permission of Franz 22 there. the church and Johann 14 local Daughters Margareta 16 authorities. Aganeta 12 Foster daughters: Sara 21 Anna 15 Son Jacob Sawatzki 24 Wife Gertruda 22 Son Jacob 2 205 Hermann Olfert 57 Since 1836 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Aganeta 64 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but separate family with Stepdaughter: has relatives under No.1. permission of Anna Steffen 40 there. the church and local authorities. 206 David Friesen 37 Since 1846 On the Christophorow No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 36 estate in Jekatharinoslow resident, but separate family with Son David 8 District. has relatives under No.30. permission of Daughters Maria 12 there. the church and Katharina 11 local Anna 3 authorities. Aganeta 1 207 Johann Penner 44 Since 1853 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 37 Einlage Mennonite resident, but separate family with Sons Abraham 11 Kornelius Heinrichs. has relatives under No.16. permission of Johann 7 there. the church and Daughters Margareta 17 local Katharina 9 authorities. Maria 3 Susana 1 208 Peter Löwen 42 Since 1854 In the crown village of No permit In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Maria 33 Tomakowka. business. resident, but separate family with and a windmill. Sons Peter 11 has relatives under No.77. permission of Johann 10 there. the church and Jacob 7 local Abraham 4 authorities. Daughters Aganeta 12 Maria 5 Anna 3 Sara 2 209 Gerhard Thiessen 38 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 33 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family stay. Sons Gerhard 10 has relatives under No.18. Jacob 2 there. Daughter Anna 16 210 Isbrand Friesen 33 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Elisabeth 31 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Peter 9 has relatives brother David permission of Isbrand 7 there. Friesen under the church and Heinrich 3 No.30. local Daughters Elisabeth 11 authorities. Katharina 1 211 Peter Rempel 23 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Margareta 23 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Daughter Margareta 2 has relatives father Peter permission of there. Rempel under the church and No.26. local authorities. 212 Peter Thiessen 29 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 26 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Peter 3 has relatives brother Wilhelm 1 there. Gerhard Thiessen No.18. 213 Heinrich Olfert 37 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming and Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 34 Cherson Province. teaching resident, but family of his with Sons Heinrich 9 has relatives brother permission of Peter 7 there. Herrman Olfert the church and Hermann 5 under No.1. local Abraham 1 authorities. Daughters Maria 14 Katharina 13 Margareta 3 214 Franz Niessen 22 Since 1858 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 21 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Helena 2 has relatives deceased father there. Franz Niessen No.66. 215 Bernd Bergen 26 Since 1858 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Katharina 20 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with Daughter Katharina 2 has parents. father Elia permission of Bergen under the church and No.13. local authorities. 216 Isbrand Friesen 27 Since 1858 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 23 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. has relatives father Wilhelm there. Friesen No.61. 217 Jacob Töws 25 Since 1858 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 22 village of Schönthal. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Katharina 2 has relatives stepfather Dirk there. Braun No.81. 218 Isbrand Peters 27 Since 1857 In the crown village of No permit Miller Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 27 Wosnessensk. resident, but separate family stay. Daughter Maria 3 has relatives under No.68. there. 219 Jacob Friesen 38 Since 1857 In the city of No permit Carpenter Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 31 Alexandrowsk. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Jacob 7 has relatives deceased father Abraham 4 there. Isbrand Friesen Daughters Katharina 8 under No.74. Maria 5 220 Kornelius Friesen 29 Since 1854 In the Molotschna No permit Various jobs Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Elisabeth 32 Mennoniten area. resident, but family of his stay. Son Isbrand 4 has relatives deceased father Daughter Elisabeth 2 there. Isbrand Friesen No.74. 221 Heinrich Friesen 28 Since 1855 In the Molotschna No permit Various jobs Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 25 Mennonite area. resident, but family of stay. Daughter Anna 3 has relatives Kornelius there. Rempel under No.90. 222 Jacob Abrahams 30 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Elisabeth 28 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his with Sons Jacob 4 has parents. father Peter permission of Peter 2 Abrahams. the church and Heinrich 1 local Daughter Elisabeth 7 authorities. 223 Kornelius Giesbrecht 31 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Maria 31 Cherson Province. resident, but family of the with Son Kornelius 3 has relatives deceased Peter permission of Daughters Anna 9 there. Harder under the church and Maria 2 No.54. local authorities. 224 Wilhelm Giesbrecht 26 Since 1859 In the hamlet of Nikopol. No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Maria 23 resident, but family of his stay. Sons Wilhelm 3 has father and father Jacob Peter 1 siblings there. Giesbrecht under No.10. Village of Kronsthal 225 Kornelius Banmann 56 Since 1830 In the city of Berdjansk. One-year Trade and Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Susana 65 permits farming resident, but separate family with Son Kornelius 29 dated has relatives under No.6. permission of Banmann December there. the church and Wife Katharina 29 28, 1859 local Sons Kornelius 8 No.3537, authorities. Abraham 5 3538 and Jacob 3 3539. Franz 1 Daughter Katharina 2 Son Jacob Banmann 26 Wife Margareta 26 Sons Kornelius 5 Jacob 3 226 Bernd Braun 66 Since 1850 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Son Heinrich 22 Prince Kudaschew in resident, but separate family with Son Dirk Braun 33 Jekatharinoslow District. has relatives under No.10. permission of Wife Gertruda 31 there. the church and Sons Dirk 7 local Bernd 5 authorities. Daughters Gertruda 3 Anna 1 227 Johann Braun 26 Since 1857 In the hamlet of Nikopol. No permit Miller Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Susana 26 resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Anna 2 has relatives father Bernd there. Braun, No.10. 228 David Penner 44 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 41 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons David 18 has relatives under No.31. permission of Johann 12 there. the church and Daughters Helena 20 local Susana 17 authorities. Eva 10 Maria 8 Margareta 1 229 Heinrich Banmann 53 Since 1834 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Temporary Sons Franz 17 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family stay. Kornelius 9 has relatives under No.7. Daughters Anna 21 there. Elisabeth 20 Susana 15 230 Heinrich Banmann 27 Since 1834 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 22 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Heinrich 2 has relatives father Heinrich there. Banmann, No.7. 231 Peter Banmann 23 Have In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Sara 25 always Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Daughters Margareta 3 been has relatives father Heinrich Anna 1 absent. there. Banmann No.7. 232 Johann Banmann 30 Since 1834 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit School teacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 27 village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his stay. Daughter Anna 2 has relatives father Heinrich there. Banmann. 233 Johann Rempel 32 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Sara 23 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Son Johann 5 has relatives under No.36. permission of Daughter Judith 3 there. the church and local authorities. 234 Jacob Braun 32 Since 1853 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 31 village of Friedrichsthal. resident, but family of Peter with as a farmer. Sons Peter 11 has relatives Dick under permission of Jacob 6 there. No.16. the church and Johann 2 local Daughter Helena 9 authorities. 235 Kornelius Kröker 40 Since 1853 In the Mariupol Mennointe No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Susana 36 village of Friedrichsthal. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Kornelius 17 has parents father permission of Jacob 10 there. Kornelius the church and Peter 2 Kröker under local Daughters Maria 14 No.38. authorities. Katharina 4 236 Johann Schellenberg 27 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Helena 24 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 3 has parents father Johann David 1 there. Schellenberg under No.24. Village of Neuosterwick 237 Peter Hiebert 40 Since 1837 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Various jobs Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Sara 31 village of Schönfeldt. resident, but family of his with Sons Wilhelm 11 has relatives brother permission of Peter 10 there. Wilhelm the church and Johann 7 Hiebert under local Bernd 5 No.33. authorities. Daughter Katharina 2 238 Children of deceased Have In the Mariupol village of No permit Are being They have Listed with Dues are Their parents Johann Wiens: always Friedrichsthal with their raised by their relatives their deceased paid by have settled Johann 14 been stepfather. stepfather. there. father Johann their with Jacob 12 absent. Wiens under parents. permission of Maria 17 No.62. the church and Helena 6 local Anna 2 authorities. 239 Wilhelm Rempel 50 Since 1839 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 45 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but family of his with Sons Wilhelm 22 has relatives brother Johan permission of Johann 18 there. Rempel under the church and Peter 8 No.52. local Gerhard 3 authorities. Daughters Anna 19 Agatha 15 Katharina 13 Helena 6 240 Bernd Rempel 24 Since 1839 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Christina 22 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Jacob 3 has relatives father Wilhelm Daughter Helena 1 there. Rempel No.52. 241 Jacob Friesen 38 Since 1842 On the Ossinski esate in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Elisabeth 38 Jekatharinoslow District. resident, but family of with Sons Jacob 11 has relatives Johann permission of Johann 4 there. Klassen under the church and Kornelius 1 No.43. local Daughters Anna 12 authorities. Elisabeth 8 Susana 6 Maria 2 242 Abraham Friesen 37 Since 1849 In the hamlet of Nikopol. One-year In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Katharina 38 permit business. resident, but separate family with and a treadmill. Son Dirk 1 dated has relatives under No.18. permission of Daughters Helena 16 Januar 11, there. the church and Katharina 8 1860 No.64. local Margareta 6 authorities. Anna 3 243 David Bergen 44 Since 1837 In the hamlet of Nikopol. One-year In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Margareta 30 permit business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill. dated has relatives brother Jacob permission of October 13, there. Bergen under the church and 1858 No.5 local No.2649. authorities. 244 Peter Friesen 30 Since 1855 Im the hamlet of Nikopol. One-year In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Margareta 29 permit business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill. Son Jacob 3 dated May has parents father Wilhelm permission of Daughters Helena 6 1, 1859 there. Friesen No.40. the church and Margareta 1 under local No.1035. authorities. 245 Johann Epp 25 Have In the city of No permit In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Margareta 20 always Jekatharinoslow. business. resident, but separate family with and a windmill. Daughters Katharina 2 been has relatives under No.57. permission of Helena 1 absent. there. the church and local authorities. 246 Kornelius Siemens 39 Since 1853 In the Mariupol village of No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Katharina 35 Friedrichsthal. resident, but family of Peter with as a farmer. Son Kornelius 13 has relatives Siemens under permission of Daughters Katharina 11 there. No.46. the church and Agatha 9 local Aganeta 7 authorities. Anna 2 247 Heinrich Klippenstein 30 Since 1854 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 26 Prince Kudeschew. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Heinrich 6 has relatives father Heinrich Jacob 3 there. Klippenstein Daughter Katharina 2 under No.7. 248 Heinrich Klippenstein 52 Since 1859 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Agatha 52 Prince Kudeschew. resident, but separate family with Daughters Katharina 16 has relatives under No.7. permission of Maria 13 there. the church and Aganeta 11 local authorities. 249 Bernd Klippenstein 23 Since 1859 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Elisabeth 31 Prince Kudeschew. resident, but family of his with Stepchildren: has relatives father Heinrich permission of Peter Martens 10 there. Klippenstein the church and Jacob Martens 5 under No.7. local Anna Martens 7 authorities. 250 David Defehr 27 Since 1856 On an estate in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 35 Akexandrowsk District. resident, but family of his with Son David 2 has relatives father David permission of Daughters Maria 5 there. Defehr under the church and Margareta 4 No.27. local authorities. 251 David Defehr 66 Since 1859 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Maria 57 Prince Kudaschew. resident, but separate family with Son Johann 19 has relatives under No.27. permission of Son Dirk Defehr 21 there. the church and Wife Anna 21 local Son Kornelius Defehr 23 authorities. Wife Maria 23 Son David 1 252 Jacob Defehr 39 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Elisabeth 39 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Jacob 4 has relatives father David David 2 there. Defehr under Daughters Maria 12 No.27. Katharina 10 Agatha 6 253 Jacob Ens 31 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 31 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Son Jacob 5 has relatives brother Isaac Daughters Aganeta 3 there. Ens under Katharina 1 No.38. Village of Schönberg 254 Jacob Defehr 40 Since 1842 In the Moltschna No permit Blacksmith Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Aganeta 47 Mennonite village of resident, but family of his with Son Jacob 15 Prangenau. has relatives father permission of Daughter Anna 16 there. Kornelius the church and Defehr under local No.9. authorities. 255 Daniel Hiebert 45 Since 1837 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Shoemaker Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Anna 45 village of Schönfeldt. resident, but separate family with Sons Abraham 17 has relatives under No.25. permission of Daniel 16 there. the church and Daughters Sara 21 local Anna 14 authorities. Maria 8 Margareta 6 Helena 4 256 Jacob Schellenberg 33 Since 1848 In the hamlet of Nikopol. With a one- Business Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Maria 27 year permit resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Sons Jacob 7 dated has parents father Jacob permission of Johann 5 January 9, there. Schellenberg the church and Martin 3 1859 No.64. under No.11. local Daughter Aganetha 1 authorities. 257 Martin Schellenberg 31 Since 1848 In the hamlet of Nikopol. No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Maria 28 business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill. Son Martin 2 has parents father Jacob permission of there. Schellenberg the church and under No.11. local authorities. 258 Widow Elisabeth Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Redekop 34 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with Sons Heinrich 20 has relatives under No.15. permission of Benjamin 9 there. the church and Peter 4 local Daughters Maria 18 authorities. Anna 11 Elisabeth 6 Katharina 2 259 Gerhard Redekop 30 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Anna 24 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Jacob 4 has relatives under No.16. permission of David 1 there. the church and Daughters Susana 5 local Anna 2 authorities. 260 Jacob Redekop 29 Since 1852 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Maria 28 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with as a farmer. Sons Jacob 7 has relatives under No.17. permission of Peter 3 there. the church and Gerhard 1 local Daughter Katharina 9 authorities. 261 Heinrich Dick 26 Since 1854 In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled He has settled Wife Maria 25 village of Friedrichsthal. resident, but family of his with as a farmer. Sons Peter 4 has relatives father Peter permission of Heinrich 2 there. Dick under the church and Daughter Maria 1 No.12. local authorities. 262 Peter Dick 28 Since 1856 In the city of Cherson. One-year In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Aganeta 27 permit business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill. Son Peter 2 dated has parents father Peter permission of Daughter Aganetha 6 December there. Dick under the church and 9, 1859 No.12. local No.3384. authorities. 263 Peter Reimer 33 Since 1855 On land belonging to No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Aganeta 33 Prince Kudeschew. resident, but family of his with Sons Peter 7 has parents father Peter permission of Franz 3 there. Reimer under the church and Isaac 2 No.1. local Daughter Aganeta 10 authorities. 264 Martin Klassen 32 Since 1857 In the hamlet of Nikopol. No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Margaretha 26 business. resident, but family of his with and a treadmill. Sons Martin 6 has parents father Jacob permission of Jacob 3 there. Klassen. the church and Daughters Katharina 11 local Maria 4 authorities. Margareta 1 265 Aron Neustädter 37 Since 1859 In a Jewish colony in No permit School teacher Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganetha 40 Cherson Province. resident, but family of his stay. Sons Johann 7 has relatives deceased Aron 3 there. brother Jacob Stepdaughters: Neustädter Katharina Peters 12 No.23. Anna Peters 15 Village of Schönwiese 266 Jacob Eitzen 35 Since 1846 In the city of Berdjansk. One-year Farming and Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house. Wife Agatha 34 permit business resident, but family of his with Sons Jacob 4 dated has relatives brother Daniel permission of David 2 March 13, there. Eitzen No.1. the church and Daughters Anna 9 1859, local Helena 6 No.584. authorities. 267 Johann Eitzen 27 Since 1853 In the Molotschna No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly According to Wife Katharina 27 Mennonite village of resident, but family of his the Revision, Son Johann 2 Klefeldt. has relatives brother Daniel is registered in Daughter Katharina 4 there. Eitzen No.1. Klefeld. 268 Abraham Harder 35 Since 1836 On rented land near the One-year Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Anna 33 city of Mariupol. permit resident, but family of his stay. Son Abraham 9 dated has relatives deceased father Daughters Anna 10 October 22, there. Jacob Harder Margareta 7 1858 under No.16. Maria 5 No.2752. Katharina 2 269 Abraham Janzen 35 Since 1848 In the crown village Two-year In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Eva 33 Gulripol in Alexandrowsk permit business. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Sons Kornelius 12 District. dated has relatives deceased father permission of Abraham 10 January 19, there. Kornelius the church and Daughters Anna 8 1860 Janzen under local Katharina 4 No.117. No.13. authorities. Elisabeth 1 270 Jacob Harder 21 Have In the Mariupol Mennonite No permit Farming Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 20 always village of Bergthal. resident, but family of his stay. Brothers: been has relatives deceased David Harder 18 absent. there. grandfather Abraham Harder 16 Jacob Harder Peter Harder 15 under No.16. Heinrich Harder 13 271 Peter Neufeldt 38 Since 1857 In a Jewish colony in No permit Farming Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a farm. Wife Anna 32 Cherson Province. resident, but separate family with Sons Peter 11 has relatives under No.9. permission of Wilhelm 8 there. the church and Johann 2 local Daughters Katharina 5 authorities. Anna Stepchildren: David Redekop 14 Heinrich Redekop 8 Gerhard Redekop 5 Katharina Redekop 10 272 Heinrich Janzen 28 Since 1852 In the city of No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Maria 26 Alexandrowsk. business. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Son Heinrich 4 has relatives deceased father permission of Daughters Maria 6 there. Heinrich the church and Helena 3 Janzen under local No.11. authorities. 273 Peter Görzen 32 Since 1857 On land belonging to No permit Blacksmit Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Katharina 28 Mennonite Heinrich resident, but family of his stay. Sons Kornelius 6 Thiessen. has parents father Dirk Peter 4 there. Görzen under Daughter Katharina 2 No.15. 274 Dirk Görzen 26 Since 1858 In the crown village of Half-year Blacksmith Not a Listed with the Promptly Temporary Wife Aganeta 42 Werbowa in permit resident, but family of his stay. Son Peter 2 Alexandrowsk District. dated Sept. has parents father Dirk 15, 1859, there. Görzen under No.2478. No.15. 275 Abraham Ens 56 Since 1858 In the city of Berdjansk. No permit In the milling Not a Listed as a Promptly Has settled Owns a Wife Sara 52 business. resident, but separate family with windmill. Foster children: has relatives No.2. permission of Gerhard Giesbrecht 15 there. the church and Anna Görzen 21 local authorities. 276 Jacob Janzen 41 Since 1853 In the city of No permit In the milling Is a resident Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house, a Wife Sara 41 Alexandrowsk. business. of the village. family of his with treadmill and an Son Jacob 15 deceased father permission of oil mill. Daughter Katharina 17 Jacob Janzen the church and under No.7. local authorities. 277 Heinrich Janzen 28 Since 1857 In the city of No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Anna 27 Alexandrowsk. business. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. Son Franz 3 has relatives father Franz permission of Daughters Anna 6 there. Janzen under the church and Katharina 2 No.23. local authorities. 278 Franz Janzen 25 Since 1859 In the city of Orechow. No permit In the milling Not a Listed with the Promptly Has settled Owns a house Wife Sara 23 business. resident, but family of his with and a windmill. has relatives deceased father permission of there. Heinrich the church and Janzen No.11. local authorities.

Total: 804 780

This directory is presented to the Guardianship Committee of Immigrant settlers in Southern Russia by the Chortitz Regional Office on January 27th, 1860 under No.170.

District Mayor Dÿck Assistant v Kampen Assistant Hamm Regional Secretary Unrau.

Created 26 September 2018; corrected 25 May 2020. HTML by Richard D. Thiessen

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