Vol. 15, No. 4 (Dec. 1989)

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Vol. 15, No. 4 (Dec. 1989) MENNONITE HISTORIAN Published by the Mennonite Heritage Centre and the Centre for MB Studies in Canada Volume XV, No.4, December 1989 Today, efforts are being made to preserve this structure and perhaps transform it into a museum.3 Local officials have already indi­ cated their support of such historical preser­ vation efforts. There has also been some dis­ cussion of moving this former church, now vacant, to the largest, fairly well-preserved Mennonite cemetery in the area, located near Stogi, formerly Heubuden. The cemetery at Stogi still has many grave markers with legible inscriptions. Efforts are currently underway to fence the cemetery and identify it with an appropriate historical plaque or other marker. In recent years numerous visitors to this area have helped to make Polish authorities aware of both the historical significance and the tourist possi­ bilities of the cemetery. Several other church buildings and ceme­ teries are to be found in the delta as well as along the Vistula_ Former Mennonite church buildings in Gdansk, Elblag, Rozgart (Pr. Rosengart) and Matav.y (Montau) now serve Catholic and Protestant congregations. In some other instances, as at Lubieszewo (La­ dekopp) and Orlowskie Pole (Orlofferfelde), This is a recent photo of the former Fuerstenwerder Mennonite Church building in churches have been removed, but a signifi­ northern Poland. It is being considered for development as a museum. cant number of grave markers can still be Photo: Courtesy of Peter J. Klassen. Fresno. California identified. Certainly Mennonites in this region made an especially noteworthy contribution to the The Vistula Mennonites Revisited: Some prosperity oftheir adopted country by excell­ ing in agriculture. Drainage systems they built Footsteps Remain still function; farm homes and bams they constructed still stand. In a number of instan­ by Peterj. Klassen ces, Mennonites built homes with the distinc­ tive front arcade; often the name of the In very few parts ofEurope has there been a zig) and Elblag (Elbing) ll1ese marshy low­ builder, chiselled into the door frame, is still Mennonite presence as long as that in Poland lands, once known as Werders, and today legible. and Prussia. Events in 1945 brought to an end called Zulawy, provided a homeland and op­ Few Mennonite markers in Poland and an involvement that had spanned four centur­ portuniry for Mennonites in the 16th century Prussia became as Widely known as the ies, and that had seen Mennonites in various and in later years. Polish kings and local "Nickelstein," the granite monument erected relationships with Polish and Prussian politi­ authorities allowed these refugees from reli­ in Schoensee (Sosnowka) in 1911 to com­ cal rulers, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox gious persecution to settle on and transform memorate an event during the Napoleonic religious patterns, and agricultural and com­ these marshlands into what one observer wars 4 In 1806, on behalfofthe East and West mercial systems. At the same time, Menno­ described as a ··garden." Prussian Mennonites, Deacon Abraham Nickel nites often found themselves at the mercy of Even though Mennonites were allowed to presented "30,000 Taler" to King Friedrich national and international forces that reflec­ settle here, they were still restricted in many Wilhelm 1II to assist "widows and orphans of ted the pressures ofpower politics_ The parti­ ways, such as religious expression, occupa­ soldiers_" Today, this marker stands on the tion ofPoland in the late 18th century, when tion, and economic actiVity. Only in 1768, for east side ofthe Catholic church in the village the area ofMennonite settlement came under example, did they gain permission to build of Szynych (Schoeneich). Prussian rule, was only the most dramatic churches in the Werder. Even then, size and Researchers interested in examining var­ illustration ofthe way in which life along the style were severely limited. One of the chur­ ious aspects of the Mennonite story in this Vistula reflected political realities elsewhere.' ches built in that year still stands_ It served the region will find hundreds of documents in The role the Mennonites played in the his­ Fuerstenwerder congregation, and can be several archives. Holdings in Gdansk are tory of this region is still discernible today_ seen just outside the village of Niedzwied­ especially rich, with numerous contracts, vil­ Perhaps the most obvious reminders of ear­ zica. Although its exterior dimensions were lage charters, taX agreements, incorporation lier contributions are the church buildings strictly prescribed, an imaginative "BauheIT" papers, local government regulations, etc., and farms that stand in many of the villages designed it with three interior levels, thus providing insights into civil and economic along the Vistula2 They are especially nu­ greatly increasing the number of persons it arrangements. Here too may be found some merous in the delta between Gdansk (Dan- could hold. (cont'd on p. 2) Page 2 The Early Letkemanns Vistula Mennonites Revisited 1642, in which the king granted broad privi· leges to the Mennonites.s In a cryptic com­ (cont'd from p. 1) ment, he refers to his royal grandfather as by Henry Schapansky having granted similar rights earlier. Whether The unusual Mennonite surname "Letke· episcopal letters granting permission to build Sigismund Augustus actually did so or not mann" has provoked some authors to 6pecu· churches, and specifying obligations ofMen· remains uncertain. Thus far, historians have late that this name is derived from "the little. nonites iftheywished to live on land belong· been unable to find the corresponding leiter man" o[ "the little Luedtke." Be that as it may, ing to the church. or statute. Perhaps other students of Menno· the idea of Dr. H. Penner that the Mennonite One ofthe more remarkable documents is nite history will take up the challenge. Letkemanns are descendants of one jacob that of King W1adyslaw, dated 22 December Undtkeman, resident at A1tendorf, in the Vis· Peterj. Klassen is Dean ofthe School ofSocial tula delta, in 1727, appears to be correct. It Sciences and Professor ofHistory, California seems the Lindtkemans were among the orig· State University, Fresno, California. inal German settlers of the Vistula delta and joined the Mennonite church in the 1700s. The earliest written form of this name in the Mennonite church records is that bf jacob Endnotes Utckemann (1781), later written as jacob Let· tkeman (1807). lA recent sketch of backgrounds is part of this author's new book, A Homeland for The early Letkemanns had close ties to the Strangers. An Introduction to Mennonites in village of A1tendorf. The Konsignation Liste Poland and Prussia, published earlier this of 1776 shows only rwo Letkemann families, year by the Center for MB Studies, Fresno, both resident at A1tendorf. jacob (1737· California. Cf. also PJ Klassen, "Faith and 30.11807) and Peter (1756·12.9.1796) may Culture in Conflict: Mennonites in the Vistula have been brothers or otherwise related, as Delta," Mennonite Quarterly Review LVII jacob's daughter Agatha, married (7.4.1799) Peter's son Heinrich. Peter Letkemann mar· Ouly, 1983), 194·205. 2Cf. illustrations found in Horst Gerlach, ried a Sara Goosen, likely the daughter of Bildband zur Geschichte der Mennoniten Heinrich Goosen, also resident at A1tendorf (1980), 21ff. (1776). Ae, late as 1840, the binh of a great 3Cf. news release by Mennonite World Con· grandson ofJacob is recorded at A1tendorf. A Maria Letkemann (Mrs. johann Rahn) from ference dated September 6, 1989, for a sum· mary of information on Polish cemetery res· Halbstadt, Russia, visited the ancestral village toration and development provided by the in 1861, where she passed away 12.8.1861) i Hans Denk Fellowship of West Germany. and was buried. Helmut Reimer and Horst Heidebrecht direct There is good evidence to indicate that all /. the work of the Fellowship. the later Letkemanns are descendants of 4A "Nickelstein" photo is found in Gerlach, jacob Letkemann's sons Nicholas (Klaas) (1781·1830) and jacob (1788·?) or of Peter 55. sCf. John Friesen, "Mennonites in Poland: Letkemann's sons Heinrich (1779·1885) and An Expanded Historical View," Journal of Jacob (1792·?). Heinrich, his brother Jacob, A grave marker that has survived in the Mennonite Studies IV (1986), 94-108, for and jacob, the half-brother to Agatha Letke· cemetery of the former Fuerstenwerder congregation. materials related to understanding the Polish mann and possible cousin of Heinrich, emi· Photo: Courtesy of Peter J. Klassen, Fresno. California Privilegia of the 17th century. grated to Russia in 1818. Jacob Thiessen, the father of Heinrich's second wife also emi· grated to Russia in 1818. Heinrich and his Klassen and Arnold Dyck. Tiegenhagen Church Records, 1796·1944. mother had originally enlisted for emigration Jacob (born 4.8.1792, baptized 1808), the MHC Archives microfilm 73, 289. in 1803. Possibly the ill·health of Heinrich's brother of Heinrich, seems to have settled at Grosses Werder Baptismal Records, 1782· brother Peter, who died 2.12.1804, annulled Halbstadt, Molotschna, in 1818. Later Letke· 1840. MHC Archives microfilm 174. these plans. Heinrich's first wife, Agatha Let· manns resident at Halbstadt included jacob, RH. Unruh, Die niederlandisch-niederdeut­ kemann, died 19.2.1816 at Petershagen, Prus· the bookstore owner, and Peter, the Kom· schen Hintergriinde der Mennonitischen sia, and he re·married (6.10.1816) Elisabeth merzschule teacher killed 18.2.1918. Some of Ostwanderungen im 16.18. und 19. Jahr­ Thiessen of Petershagen. the Molotschna Letkemanns later wrote their hundert. 1955. Heinrich Letkemann settled at Insel Chor· names as Loetkemann. H. Penner, Die ost- lmd westpreufiischen titza, Russia, where his youngest son, Jacob, Nicholas Letkemann (1781·1830) remained Mennoniten. 1978. was born (25.1.1834). Another sonJacob had at Altendorf where he died (7.1.1830). It V. Peters and]. Thiessen, Mennonite Names. died previously. A grandSon, Heinrich appears that his widow, Anna (nee Hein), 1987 (27.3.1854'3.2.1900), later may possibly have together with the children, Anna, Agatha, ].S.
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