Rabbi's Message

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Rabbi's Message VOLUME ,47. NUMBER 7 MARCH 1997. ADAR II 5757 Rabbi's Message Purim is almost here! The Conservative Mac­ It's a joyous festival of arena: All aspects of the noisemaking, gift-giving, traditional Macarena are hamantaschen noshing and retained, but there is mixed fun. Although the Scroll of dancing. Most women Esther relates the sober cover their head with their theme of jewish survival, hands, but some place the nevertheless, Purim remains hands at the back of the an intoxicating time when head as a token gesture just we can laugh and even to how they know the laugh at ourselves. In this light­ head is supposed to be covered hearted spirit, I expound the merits during that step. of the "Macarena" (a retrieved off In some progressive, egalitarian the Internet) viewed through the Conservative circles, the women various "movements" of judaism. lead. The Reconstructionist Macarena: The Orthodox Macarena: All The dance has been completely re­ dancers pay strict attention to all choreographed, but they still use details and never miss step but the music so we know it's the tend to rush through the dance Macarena. using their own rhythms. They will The Reform Macarena: The tra­ not cross themselves by placing ditional dance is on the books, but their hands across their stomachs. each row of dancers is free to inter­ As a "fence" to prevent any step pret the music and determine what from being missed, the song is steps will be danced and how played twice, and the dance repeat­ (Modern Reform has opted to ed. Rules of mechitazah (separa­ Men's Club/Sisterhood retain the wiggle, but not the tion of men and women) are strict­ Classical Reform). Of course, they ly maintained, so the wiggle has Hosts Casino Night all start dancing at least four bars lost some of it's "umph." into the song and usually end the Happy Purim! SATURDAY, MARCH 29 dance early. at 7:00 p.m. Join us for a night of fun ... Kibbutz Lotan is winter and spring agriculture, a dairy playing Bl ack Jack, Craps, and a small metal working factory. Roulette and Big Six .. Lookingfor a Few We are "traditional" in our outlook of professional dealers .. Good People! kibbutz (breakfast, lunch, dinner in 'catered food ... refreshments .. the dining-room, weekly general music ... prizes and more! (Visit our Temple Emanuel Cow meetings, as small a number as possi­ on Kibbutz Lotanl) ble of hired labor .. ). We are con­ $200 in Chips!!! For those of you who have had nected with the Israeli Movement for Cost is : $25 per person no previous contact with Kibbutz Progressive judaism (American Please call Debbie or Scott Jeffreys Lotan .. we are a young kibbutz (I4 Reform) and the United Kibutz at 75 1-511 9 for more information. years) in the southern Arava valley, Movement. We strive to achieve the Reserved seating available on a first about 40 minutes n orth of Eilat. goals we set for ourselves both eco­ come basis. Reservation forms are With a population of around 70 nOmically and ideologically. Lotan as available in the Temple Office. adults (18 thru 40) and 25 children a community is struggling with ways (20 of them under the age of 6). Our to be ecologically conscientious and main sources of income are from economically independent. The continued on page 3 • TEMPLE EMANUEl NEWSLETTER hope to bring some of the artifacts Tu B'Shevat back for display at Temple Emanuel.) Synagogue By 3:00 P.M. we were far from fin­ Restoration ished. Even in its incomplete state, by Mark Sobel we were proud of the job. We were A "Mitzvah" Enjoyed By AU very relieved the synagogue was not March 7th is our tenth annual going to open again until Rosh Rabbi Edwin Soslow Scholar-in­ by Richard Selzn ick Hashanah. There will be at least six Residence Shabbat. Our special The Festival Celebration Commit­ months work to pull this one off!!! • guest will be Doug Cotler, a Grammy tee (FCC) was in the throes of mak­ Award winning singer, songwriter, ing preparations for Tu B'Shevat. and musician. His upbeat contempo­ After it hit upon the idea of an indoor rary songs will give a whole new fla­ January picnic under the synagogue Understanding vor to our service. He will perform trees, its attention turned to social Long-Term Care some of his original works accompa­ action. With the environmental nied by Temple Emanuel's Children theme of Tu B'Shevat in the forefront, Insurance and Adult Choirs. FCC struggled with a winter environ­ Sponsored by the Senior Chai He is a cantorial soloist at a Re­ mental project. A light bulb lit in one form congregation in Woodland Hills, member's head. "Why don't we find The issue of Long-Term Care has California. He tours the country and an old, fading synagogue or Jewish become a cause for concern for our his audiences become enchanted cemetery and spruce it up or adopt parents and ourselves. The popula­ with his original, uplifting perfor­ it?" Everybody agreed. tion is living longer, and there is mances. He has released a number an ever-increasing need for medical ext step was finding the syna­ or supportive services as we age. of albums and has written for 1V and gogue. Through a business contact, movies. He has performed as two Medicare does not p ay for Long­ Earl Nagelberg, found just the Term Care, and Medicaid is unrealis­ separate UAHC regional events with­ place - Sons of Israel Synagogue of ing the past year. He had the entire tic for people with assets. Long-Term Clayton, New Jersey. The synagogue, Care Insurance can cover many audience, including me, singing and built in 1906, is comprised of about clapping along each time. of the costs associated with home 50 elderly congregants. Only open health care, nursing home care, care Make sure to celebrate this special on the high holidays, the synagogue in an aSSisted-living facility and adult Shabbat Service with our Rabbis, appeared to be on its last leg. Just day care. Choirs , and Doug Cotler. Children what we wanted to find. However, Long-Term Care Insur­ and adults of all ages will love him. On the Sunday morning of Tu This is one event not to be missed. ance is confUSing because the poli­ B'Shevat weekend, about 15 of us cies offer very different coverage Remember how special we felt as arrived at the Sons of Israel Syn­ options for a wide variety of services. children when our parents invited us agogue. Picture the Little Red School Most of us don't even know what to into the living room when they were House in the middle of nowhere. anticipate, what questions to ask, entertaining guests? We knew to be The kids that joined us (there were how much is needed, for how long a on our best behavior. four of them, ages 16 to 5) were time period and what are their eligi­ amazed. With modern synagogues bility requirement or restrictions. Our children need to know that their reality, they had never seen any­ Therefore, the Senior Chai Program our sanctuary is that kind of special thing like it before. Like stepping of Jewish Family & Children's Service, place. It is a place of worship and into a time warp, we entered the syn­ funded by the Saltzman Foundation, dignity, a setting where adults and agogue, a world gone by. is sponsoring a workshop on children act w ith reverence and Once we got over our initial rever­ "Understanding Long-Term Care respect. It is not a place to eat or Insurance ". Frank Karasick, an drink juice, climb about on the furni­ ie, we looked at the job ahead. It was a small synagogue, indeed, but a expert in the field, will advise as to ture, color or tear out pages from the general guidelines for purchasing the prayer books. Just as parents big project. Most of us were not known for our craftsmanship or a Long-Term Care Insurance policy in help their children's growth and order to get maximum coverage ben­ development by setting limits for painting ability. (In fact our Jewish genetic fear of such work came right efits. The workshop will be held on them at home and in other social Thursday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. at situations, so too they can help to the surface.) Leadership was des­ perately needed. Scott Jeffreys Congregation M'kor Shalom in Cherry their children learn proper conduct Hill. Everyone is welcome, there is and respect in their Temple home. stepped forward and became the no charge, and refreshments will be Parents need to reinforce our "rules" foreman. ("This is a piece of sand served. Please contact Laura Merkin of behavior with their children. I paper. Rub it hard on this surface at Senior Chai (665-3300) for further always have with mine. until it feels smooth!") We were grateful for guidance. information and to reserve a spot. • On a similar note, it is not appro­ priate to enter or leave the sanctuary Everyone worked hard. The kids when the Ark doors are open. It is carried books, sanded and painted. We warmly welcome our new mem­ also our custom at Temple Emanuel (Of course they a lso got paint bers into our Temple Emanuel family. to participate in services through the globbed in their hair!) Old Purim concluding hymn, and not to leave groggers were found in boxes, along Jay and Deborah Amsterdam earlier.
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