1. The 15th Session of the Executive Committee of the International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) in Cairo was held at UNESCO headquarters from 28 to 29 June 2005.

2. The representatives of fifteen countries, elected by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 32nd Session, participated in the meeting. Representatives of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) attended the meeting as observers (see Annex 1).

3. On behalf of the Director General, Mounir Bouchenaki welcomed the participants to the opening session of the Executive Committee. He particularly welcomed the Egyptian authorities represented by Dr Zahi Hawass, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee, H.E. Ahmed Rifaat, Ambassador of Egypt to UNESCO, Mr Abdel Moneim Director of NMEC and Ms Gihane Zaki, representative of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. He mentioned to be honored to have Dr Vatandoust, as Chairman of the Executive Committee and Mrs A. Zacarias as Rapporteur. Recalling UNESCO’s long lasting involvement in the restoration works throughout the world such as in Cambodia, Jerusalem, he stressed that the Egyptian Campaign in Nubia was undoubtedly a reference model to follow. This International Campaign gave the guidelines for the preservation of cultural heritage worldwide. He further stressed that the UNESCO World Heritage convention of 1972 also took its roots in the Egypt’s International Campaign. Nowadays Egypt is still a model to follow in terms of international cooperation and preservation of cultural heritage.

4. Mounir Bouchenaki further mentioned that during his last mission to Cairo he had seen the fieldwork of the NMEC, which is rapidly advancing since its opening is foreseen in 2008. He gave a brief history of the relocation of the museum to its new site of Fustat, which is more adapted to the needs of possibility of further expansion and in close relation with Great Cairo and well integrated in the landscape. As the museological programme is now being developed, he stressed the importance to work contemporarily on the construction of the museum and its refurbishing, and training of its staff. He also mentioned that the Documentation Center on Tangible and Intangible Heritage would be established within the NMEC and that partnerships with

1 institutions abroad should be strengthened in order to create a network of museums of the same kind to enhance NMEC’s sustainability.

5. As for the Aswan Museum, Mr Bouchenaki mentioned its role of museum opened towards , in particular Sudan. He stressed the importance of the newly signed MoU between the Supreme Council of Antiquities –SCA- (Egypt) and the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums –NCAM- (Sudan) to deliver joint activities in the field of cultural heritage. He hoped that a fruitful collaboration continues and further develops the Aswan Museum as a training center in the region. He also recalled the success of the exhibition Nubia Campaign : Yesterday and Today which took place at Headquarters in April 2005 and informed the participants to the Session that an information meeting for the UNESCO Member States and Permanent Observers will follow the 15th Session of the Executive Committee. Finally, he recalled the last issue of Museum International entitled “Heritage Landscape of Egypt” which focuses on cultural heritage in Egypt with a particular attention on the Nubia Campaign and the establishment of the Nubia Museum and the NMEC. At last, he warmly wished to all Member States and observers a fruitful work.

6. On behalf of the Minister of Culture, Dr. Hawass, Vice Chairman of the Committee, welcomed the participants and thanked them for their attendance. He thanked particularly the Chairman, the Rapporteur, the Director of the Division of Cultural Heritage and the Secretariat of the Committee for their work dedicated to the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the NMEC in Cairo so far. He then expressed his deep satisfaction in the cooperation work between UNESCO and Egypt for the protection of cultural heritage. He then presented the cultural strategy of Egypt in the field of museums and the outcomes of traveling exhibition. He mentioned the exhibition King Tutankhamon already had a profit of over 9 million USD, which to be used for the establishment of museums in Egypt.

7. The Vice-Chairman then gave a brief introduction of the management of sites in Nubia and particularly the opening by President Moubarak of the Kalabsha island and the site of the unfinished obelisk. He stressed that the Egyptian authorities have concentrated in projects dedicated to preservation and restoration of sites. Since tourism in Egypt is increasing, the management sites, their accessibility and presentation are a necessity.

8. Then, he expressed with satisfaction that the contract for the construction of the NMEC was signed last year and is a very important step of as establishment of the museum. He announced that as requested by the Committee, the lake is now fully part of the museum’s landscape. He also stressed that since the NMEC is the first museum of civilization in Egypt, UNESCO’s advice is of high importance. Therefore, the museology of the museum shall be studied in close collaboration with UNESCO and in order to offer to the visitors a wide and complete outlook on Egyptian Civilization throughout different historical periods. The museum will host the collection of royal mummies and modern technology should be used to give to the visitors a lively educational approach of mummification, through the explanation of rituals, traditions, techniques etc. The scope of NMEC is to have a strong educational role.

2 9. Following the joint mission to Sudan and the signature of the MoU between the Egyptian and Sudanese authorities, Dr Hawass expressed the hope that, through the support of UNESCO, the collaboration with Sudan be strengthened. He then mentioned that the exhibition Nubia Campaign: Yesterday and Today shall soon be hosted in the Cairo Museum and presented together with Nubian artifacts. Dr Hawass expressed his hope that the Director General of UNESCO be able to attend the opening.

10. Moreover, he stressed the importance of the restitution of illicitly exported artifacts to their countries of origin and that cooperation with foreign countries shall be enhanced in order to achieve a better protection of national collections.

11. Finally, he invited the Executive Committee to hold its next Session in Cairo in order to visit the construction field of NMEC. He wished that the outcomes of this Session would be fruitful and that collaboration with UNESCO continues fruitfully.

12. Dr A. Vatandoust, Chairman of the Executive Committee, welcomed the participants and expressed the honor to be both part of the Committee and involved as an expert in the Nubia Museum and NMEC. He then thanked the Secretariat for its work.

The agenda was adopted as follow:

i. Opening of the session ii. Adoption of the agenda iii. The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (a) Report of Secretariat (b) Report by the Egyptian authorities (c) Revision of implementation by topic, discussion and decision of the follow up of activity iv. The Nubia Museum (a) Report of Secretariat (b) Report by the Egyptian authorities (c) Revision of implementation by topic, discussion and decision of the follow up of activity v. Discussion and recommendations



13. Progress of work and implementation of recommendations:

i. Mrs A. Paolini, Secretariat of the Committee, presented the UNESCO report on the implementation of the recommendations of the 14th Session and the last Bureau meeting of the Executive Committee related to NMEC, with a detailed budget breakdown of the expenses made for each recommendation. The Secretariat informed the Committee that two missions of international experts were organized to further develop together with the Scientific Committee of NMEC the concept of the Museum into the museological programme. The themes were developed into sub-subject and the object selection has started in accordance to the themes, from prehistory to modern era. ii. The Secretariat further stressed that the construction of the museum is very advanced and that three missions of experts were carried out for the revision of the architectural project. Following these missions and after revision of the architectural project by the Egyptian authorities the final plans have been approved. It was stressed that there is still a need to review the security in the building, both in regard to object’s and visitor’s security and to further develop the museum’s landscape. Since the architectural part is near to completion, UNESCO’s task is to concentrate on training programmes and education. iii. A brief presentation on the results of mission, carried out by two experts, for the Documentation Center on Tangible and Intangible Heritage, was given and it was mentioned that the Egyptian Society for Folk Tradition received a contract to start a research on intangible heritage. The Secretariat stressed that since the Supreme Council of Antiquities already carries out a programme for establishing a GIS on archaeological sites in Egypt there was no use to duplicate the work and that the Committee should decide on the use of the funds for the establishment of the above Documentation Center. The Secretariat further gave a brief outlook on the two workshops organized for the NMEC staff which included practical activities in Cairo museums, and training in history of Egyptian civilization which is ongoing. It was mentioned that the English and computer basics classes would follow in October 2005. Moreover, after a mission of expert a long-term training plan such as a proposal for the organizational chart were submitted to the Egyptian authorities. iv. Several visits abroad were organized for the Director of NMEC, in order to start building a first phase of partnership with international institutions of the same kind. In line with future partnership programs, the Civilization Museum in Quebec offered to host several persons from the NMEC staff for training. Portugal also kindly offered to organize meetings with the ethnographical museum in Lisbon and the Gulbenkian Foundation. v. Finally, the Secretariat mentioned that the equipment for the photographic laboratory was delivered to the museum. A mission of 2 international experts was also undertaken for furbishing the permanent storages of the museum.

4 14. The Egyptian authorities then presented their report on the implementation of recommendations. Mr Abdel Moneim mentioned that the project of NMEC undertook important achievements since the signature for the construction phase (317 000 000 EL/ 55 000 000 USD). As recommended by the Committee, the lake is now fully integrated in the museum landscape. He stressed that all the experts who visited the fieldwork mentioned that the construction was a model to follow in terms of organization. The construction is ongoing 7/7 days and is therefore very ahead. He then underlined that the next step in term of architecture was the interior designing since the museum is bound to open in 2008. As for the concept of the Museum Mr Abdel Moneim distributed to the Executive Committee the museological programme of NMEC. The collection and storage of object has started and 22 000 objects have been selected from museums in Luxor, Cairo, Saqqarah…

15. The Chairman thanked the Secretariat and the Egyptian authorities for their detailed presentation and opened the floor to discussion.

• Concerning the concept and museological programme for the museum

16. Several representatives of the Executive Committee such as Belgium, Portugal, Switzerland, expressed their satisfaction in the review of the museological programme and progress done in the past year. Thanks to the efforts undertaken in this regard, the concept is now developed. It was stressed that the objects on display in the museum should not only be exceptional artifacts or masterpieces but also less known and testimony of quotidian life and therefore give the possibility to the visitor to see objects less shown to the public. Dr Agrawal, representative of India stressed that the role of a civilization museum was also to concentrate on all different aspects of the society and not only show to the public masterpieces as center of interests. Daily life, different aspects of Egyptian society, the relation of Egypt with other countries, are all topics which should be addressed in the NMEC. In addition, Mr Elawad, representative of Sudan expressed that the NMEC could show the history of the Nubia International Campaign in an attractive way perhaps in the open-air section. Dr Valloggia, representative of Switzerland, further mentioned that a temporary exhibition with objects from the Nubia Museum in Aswan could be foreseen at the NMEC.

17. Dr Hawass explained that even if the concept of the museum had notably improved, the scenario still needed to be further detailed. Since the NMEC is a Civilization Museum he fully supported the comments of the Executive Committee in regard to the display of objects that might not be masterpieces but nevertheless testimony of the Egyptian civilization in all its different aspects. On the other hand he also mentioned that it is important that visitors be attracted to the museum and that the royal mummies were the highlight of the NMEC such as the treasure of Tutankhamon for the Great Egyptian Museum in Gize. As a masterpiece, the mummies will certainly attract the visitors and bring a large public in the NMEC but he further mentioned the museum had other scopes and targets to reach. Mr Abdel Moneim added that the location of NMEC in Fustat is related to El Marlawi civilization and that this would

5 fully be integrated into the museum. Furthermore he stressed that the different aspects of daily life would be present in the section dedicated to “state and society”.

18. The UNESCO expert in museology then gave a short presentation on the outcome of her last mission to Cairo for the revision of the concept of the museum with the Scientific Committee. Six themes are developed in the museum course: Dawn of Civilization, the Nile, Writing, Material culture, State and Society, Beliefs and Thinking. The Scientific Committee wishes that the Core exhibition, localized in the center of the museum, the most spectacular part, is organized in a chronological order following a clockwise course. The main eras exhibited in this central section are Prehistory, Pharaonic, Greaco-roman, Coptic, Islamic and Modern. This part of the museum gives the possibility to visitor, if they wish, to make a short visit of the museum. Since the Core area is linked to the thematic exhibitions it offers the visitor an opportunity to go from chronological to thematic areas. The thematic areas though will follow a chronological order as well to facilitate a clear understanding. The permanent exhibition will express through the museum’s course the continuity of the Egyptian civilization through the social, economical, political, environmental changes occurred in time. The Scientific Committee is now working on the development of the above themes keeping in consideration that the museum shall be both attractive and understandable.

• Concerning the architectural project

19. The Secretariat gave a brief outlook on the recent evolution and changes in the architectural plans of the museum. The UNESCO experts involved in the revision of the architectural project of NMEC concentrated on the interior of the building while, during their mission, the outside of the museum was not reviewed. It was mentioned that the interior layout had been adapted to a better circulation of visitors, artifacts and goods. It was noted with satisfaction that the space is more flexible, has been increased with a mezzanine where educational activities could take place in relation with the exhibition area. Moreover shops and restaurants, cafeterias received special attention by the experts. It was further stressed by the Secretariat that the Museum shall be attractive to the public and that the open-air spaces offer a unique opportunity to host outside events, such as concert, music, dance, theatre…

20. Dr Jakobielski, representative of Poland, agreed with the Secretariat that the outdoor spaces should be fully used for the activities of the Museum and offer the possibility to the visitors to enjoy as much as possible from the landscape and exceptional location of NMEC. Mr Abdel Moneim further stressed that the position of the Museum was indeed outstanding and in perfect accordance for a civilization since it was connected with different eras of Egyptian history from Pharaonic period to Modern era.

21. As mentioned by Mr Abdel Moneim, the NMEC shall target at first Egyptian visitors, and secondly tourists from foreign countries. Mrs A. Cummins, ICOM

6 President, stressed the importance of the investigation on the expectation within the Egyptian community raised by a civilization museum. She mentioned that the conception of the NMEC could be a unique opportunity to establish a constructive communication with Egyptian community and gather information on their expectations towards a civilization museum and therefore fully involve the population in the process. This investigation should also further focus on the needs of the Egyptian public in terms of education and start building the museum’s education department from the context of Egypt’s curricula. Dr Agrawal, stressed the fact that in the last ten years the approach of a museum had changed and that it is now commonly accepted that a museum is also a place dedicated to informal education. Therefore he mentioned that it is important to include this possibility to transmit all different aspect of the evolution and continuity of the Egyptian civilization in an informal educational way. Dr Hawass replied that education is a new topic in Egypt but the awareness of the public has increased in the past years in regard to cultural heritage. He further mentioned that the Supreme Council of Antiquities has developed programmes of education in museums, targeting children, which are very successful. He further stated that the NMEC will focus on the development of educational activities. Moreover the NMEC will benefit from an association “Friends of the Civilization Museum” who could be foreseen as a link between the authorities and the public. As these fields are new in Egypt, the benefit from such programmes will be felt in a few years’ times.

22. Mrs Zacarias, as representative of Portugal, raised the importance to check the salubrity of water in the Al Seera lake since the pollution is an important issue and further study the problem of the raising waters of the lake since the museum is build over ancient quarries. She also further stressed the need to develop the security issue. Prof. Valloggia further mentioned that the water could be used as a cooling energy and that ecological technology, such as solar energy, should be taken into consideration by the NMEC engineer. The Secretariat further mentioned that a landscape architect will take part in the forthcoming mission for NMEC.

23. Further on, Mrs. Zacarias, Mr. Mgomezulu, Director of the Division of Cultural Heritage, and ICOM jointly outlined the importance on the way of exhibiting the intangible heritage in particular, the way of linking the intangible heritage to the museum’s course. The concept of Intangible heritage should previously be clearly defined in order to be integrated it in the most appropriate way and in close relation with tangible heritage. It was also mentioned that the intangible heritage be linked to the modern era and therefore further refine the target in data collecting. The selected artifacts and data related to the intangible heritage should convey a message, save practices, techniques and traditions from disappearance. This collection shall become a living testimony, as an informal education target of NMEC and further stress the relation between the modern Egypt and its past. The UNESCO expert in museology explained that the intangible heritage would be present throughout the stream of the visit and that it is part of the whole museum course.

• Documentation Center for Tangible and Intangible Heritage:

7 24. The Secretariat gave further details on the outcomes of the mission carried out by two UNESCO experts for the Documentation Center on Tangible and Intangible Heritage. The scope of the above center is to focus at first stage on the museum’s exhibition needs. It may, in the future, become a National Center but not at this stage. It was then mentioned that the Supreme Council of Antiquities is already carrying out a database for archaeological sites and a GIS, therefore there is no use to duplicate the work already being done. On the other hand, there is nearly no programme established for collecting living heritage and this field should be explored. The methodology in the collection of data and its recording should be further developed. UNESCO will explore possibilities of cooperation with International experts on the field. It is very important that a digital archive is started and contemporaneously carried out with a collection of objects. It was stressed that a methodology of data collecting should be defined. It was mentioned that UNESCO established a contract with the Scientific Committee of NMEC for collection of traditional artifacts in relation with the themes developed in the museum. Upon completion of this collection, the exhibition of the data should be carefully thought and stress in particular the links with the intangible heritage. The Secretariat suggested that the input of ICOM in this field would be very welcome and fruitful. In line with the above-mentioned needs, Mrs Marciulionyte, representative of Lithuania, kindly suggested that the Egyptian colleagues undertake a visit to relevant documentation centers in Lithuania. The Rapporteur gave the example of the Ethnographic Museum in Macao where intangible heritage is addressed to the visitor through the theme of families. This approach had a strong impact on the visitors since they could recognize themselves in the scenario. Mrs. Cummins, ICOM President, further stressed the importance that the interior designer keeps in mind the development of the approach of intangible heritage, which is not yet finalized, and therefore keep flexible the exhibition spaces to allow a proper integration of intangible heritage in the museum course.

• Training courses for NMEC staff

25. Following the mission of Dr. A. Vatandoust for the preparation of a training plan for NMEC, he submitted to the Egyptian authorities a proposal for an organizational chart of NMEC. The Rapporteur insisted on the importance to set up rapidly the human resources of NMEC and to link the training of the staff to the human resource plan. Dr Vatandoust then gave a presentation of the chart proposal starting with a Board of Trustees composed of high-level authorities supervising the museum and policies; the President is a link between the Director of NMEC and the Board of Trustees. The Director shall be in charge of implementing the activities of NMEC. Six main departments are then foreseen in the museum, represented by a Deputy Director: Information Technology, Conservation Restoration, Research, Education, Administration and Finances, Cultural Affairs. At the opening of NMEC about 250 people are foreseen to work in the museum and at present time the staff is composed of 49 professionals. The outcome of the preparation of a training plan stressed the fact that museology and curatorial activities are the main subject of attention. Therefore the training should involve different specialists in different fields of museology and recommended to be done shortly. Dr. Vatandoust also pointed out that a long-term learning process from the scratch was necessary and that it would be

8 very fruitful if a center for museological studies in Egypt would be established in order to build a strong sustainable programme in the field of museum studies. A training center within the SCA for example, would give an important tool to capacity building to Egypt since curatorial activities and museology are not taught in the country. Moreover, this would enhance the expertise of future generation of specialists in the museum field and therefore reinforce capacity building in the country.

26. The members of the Committee, such as Switzerland, Poland and India approved the idea of establishing a center of museum studies in Egypt and further stressed that this could be done not necessarily within the SCA but could also be the sub-section of the university of archeology or in a museum itself. Dr Agrawal gave the example in India where courses of museology are carried out both taking into account theoretical and practical aspect within a museum. Classes are given in the museum offering all different issues of museum activities in a very lively and practical way. Mr. Abdel Moneim further stressed that there was a need to receive a long-term training programme on site to enhance the experience of his staff on the field.

27. ICCROM expressed its satisfaction in the progress of work and outlined that the establishment of the NMEC is a big challenge since the time frame is very short in order to address the numerous needs of a museum. It was therefore suggested that a publication on the experience of building up a museum be done in order to keep a testimony on the different stages of the work and the achievements made.

28. In regard to the ongoing training course on history of Egyptian civilization and due to its success, the Rapporteur offered that the course be reinforced and extended for another 4 months. As for the long-term training programme, the Egyptian authorities will prepare a plan of action based on the report of Dr Vatandoust and further discuss it with him during his next mission to Egypt foreseen in September 2005. The training shall target the future needs of the museum and be adapted to experience of the already constituted staff of NMEC. Furthermore, it was mentioned that the proposal organizational chart shall be thought over by the Egyptian authorities who shall submit their final chart and an action plan for the museum’s human resources.

• Educational visits for the senior staff of the NMEC and partnership programs

29. The Secretariat noted that the outcome of the missions to London, Paris and Latvia organized for the NMEC Director, had a very positive impact and that these study visits could be planned together with the establishment of partnerships. To this end, the funds allocated by the Committee for the establishment of partnerships could be used for a meeting in Paris of specialists of museum of the same kind to further discuss a Memorandum of Understanding or an Agreement of cooperation. The budget could also be used for future study visits since missions to Canada and Portugal are foreseen.


• Procurement of equipment

30. Mr Abdel Moneim mentioned the positive outcomes of the mission of experts for the storages of NMEC and stressed that the temporary storages such as the conservation workshops shall soon be moved to their permanent location upon completion of construction of the building. Another mission involving the same experts is planned to take place in July 2005 to further define the criteria of selection of furniture of the permanent storages.

31. The equipment of the photographic laboratory purchased from Headquarters has arrived to Cairo and the Egyptian authorities mentioned that further material would be needed, such as professional cameras.

• General

32. Mr. G. de Puymège, from UNESCO Cairo Office, stated that the translation of documents is in process of completion and all documents translated will be sent at once to the Egyptian authorities.

33. Dr Agrawal stressed that it was very important to start a publicity campaign to keep the public informed on a regular basis on the project of NMEC. He further mentioned that the part dedicated to the International Campaign on the UNESCO website was updated and a link to the Nubia Museum was done. The website of NMEC should be carefully thought over since it is a major tool of communication and very important element in terms of promotional activity to attract visitors. Dr Agrawal also suggested that an electronic newspaper on the NMEC be circulated via email while the concept and creation of the NMEC website is being accomplished. This tool will have an important impact especially in raising awareness of the public and publicize the museum.

• Provision of assistance to the Secretariat in HQ and Cairo

34. The Secretariat mentioned that in order to implement the recommendations of the Committee it was important that assistance to the Secretariat remained. Moreover, as the links with the Egyptian authorities should be strengthened it was suggested that a young professional be contracted in Cairo as a counterpart who could report daily on the activities carried out and be a focal point for the Egyptian authorities. Furthermore, the Secretariat outlined that the budget allocated by the Committee at its last session to cover assistance to the Secretariat was not sufficient due to the fluctuation of the dollar towards euro. Therefore it was asked that an amount of 60 000 USD be allocated for salary and 5 000 USD for missions abroad of a junior consultant at Headquarters and that 15 000 USD be allocated for assistance to the Secretariat at UNESCO Cairo Office.



35. Progress of work and implementation of recommendations:

i. The Secretariat of the Committee, presented the UNESCO report on the working progress for the implementation of the recommendations of the 14th Session and Bureau meeting of the Executive Committee related to the Nubia Museum, with a detailed budget breakdown of the expenses made for each recommendation. It was mentioned that the Committee should decide on the use of funds reallocated from the documentation of archaeological sites and GIS to the establishment of the Documentation Center on Nubian Studies. The purchase and collection of documents, maps, and publication on Nubia, under the responsibility of a UNESCO consultant based in Cairo, is achieved in regard to materials available inside Egypt. It was stressed that the activities related to the Documentation Center should now focus on providing a methodology and tools to the Egyptian authorities for its establishment. Moreover, it was proposed that future UNESCO activities should target the purchase of computers, to allow data entry, further continue the purchase of publication and documentation on Nubia available outside Egypt and provide the Museum with the assistance of a librarian. Also the duplication of documents related to the Nubia Campaign available from Headquarters’ archive was done and delivered to Aswan. Furthermore the contract for the production of 3 CD Roms and 1 DVD has been established. The Secretariat then gave an explanation on the Nubia Museum catalogue. A first contract had been established in the past years for the publication of a museum catalogue but due to its poor quality the publication was stopped. The Secretariat stressed that it was to the Committee to decide which action to follow.

ii. As for training, the Secretariat informed the Committee that following the mission of expert for the preparation of a training course in conservation a list of material was under procurement at UNESCO Cairo office and headquarters. The three weeks training course in conservation is foreseen to take place in September 2005.

iii. The Secretariat then warmly thanked the Egyptian and Sudanese authorities for the realization of the joint mission to Nubia. During the mission the archaeological sites along the Nile River were assessed in terms of needs, management and presentation. The outcome of the mission was extremely satisfying and lead to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the SCA and NCAM under the auspices of UNESCO. An exhibition on the above mission is foreseen to take place both in Khartoum and Aswan. The Secretariat then stated that the funds allocated by

11 the Committee at its 14th Session for the National Museum of Sudan in Khartoum have been used for the rehabilitation of the shelters of the Nubian monuments in the garden of the Museum and presentation panels printed in English and Arabic. iv. It was then stressed that the Nubia museum opened in 1997 and will soon celebrate its 10 years. As mentioned during the 14th Session of the Executive Committee by the representative of Greece, UNESCO’s activities for the museum should gradually start their phasing out. The representative of Lithuania expressed the fact that, since the Nubia Museum is a central topic in the International Campaign a representative of the Museum should attend the Session. Mr Ayman Abdel Moneim replied that both museums -NMEC and Nubia Museum- are under the umbrella of the Nubia Trust Fund and that the designated representative of Egypt to attend the Session of the Committee represents both museums.

36. The Egyptian authorities then reported on the activities carried out for the Nubia Museum in Aswan. Mr Abdel Moneim stressed that the course in English language carried out by the American University was very successful and that another course on the same subject is scheduled to follow in the coming fall. He then mentioned that the CD Roms shall be ready for the next Committee Meeting. Regarding the Documentation Center on Nubian Studies it was mentioned with satisfaction that the collect? of documents has increased considerably in the past two years. He further outlined that many original documents and maps were saved from destruction. The scanner and plotter for the duplication of maps and documents are in course of purchase and a computer has already been delivered to Aswan. Duplicated materials should then be sent to other institutions in the country and the original documents kept at the Nubia Museum. He then expressed with satisfaction the very positive outcome of the joint mission to Egyptian and Sudanese Nubia and further mentioned the MoU signed between both countries. He also mentioned that the work for the protection of shelters of the outdoor Nubian temples at the Khartoum National Museum was ongoing. Finally, Mr Abdel Moneim outlined that the display of the Nubia Museum had to be reviewed in order to allow a larger presentation of collection on Nubian artifacts.

37. Following the report of the Egyptian authorities, Dr Vatandoust gave further information on the “hands on” training course to be delivered at the Aswan Museum next September. The training course shall focus on the study of object, pathological analyze, cleaning techniques and conservation. The equipment already available in the Aswan Museum can be used and further material is now being purchased from Headquarters and UNESCO Cairo Office. Subsequent to the course, two research projects on ceramic and metal will take place and are foreseen to last one year. These research projects shall lead to a publication. The above-mentioned material will be used both for the training course and two research projects.

• Phasing out the activities concerning the Nubia Museum

38. During the 14th Session of the Executive Committee, the representative of Greece stressed that the Committee should take into consideration the phasing out of

12 UNESCO’s activities in favor of the Nubia Museum. The representative of Jamaica further stressed that a stage has been reached where we can hand over to the Egyptian authorities the full responsibility of the Nubia Museum and concentrate on NMEC. The representative of Greece then took the opportunity to clarify that the title of the Campaign mentioned “establishment” and therefore not only opening of the Nubia Museum. UNESCO should target activities linked to the management of the Museum and, since the cooperation with Sudan has started, further build links in this scope.

39. It was then mentioned by the representative of Portugal that in 2007 the Nubia Museum will celebrate its 10 years of opening. This could be an appropriate time to seize the chance to start phasing out the activities concerning the Nubia Museum. It was stressed that within a timeframe of 2 years, until next General Conference, the activities should be phased out. The Executive Committee could ask the Egyptian authorities to provide a final report on the museum, which activities could continue in the future but the budget shall no longer be allocated. The members of the Committee commonly agreed on the above. Dr Agrawal stressed that UNESCO’s involvement should focus on the following activities until the deadline of the activitie’s phasing out in 2007: the collaboration with Sudan, training and education.

40. ICOM stressed that there should be an evaluation of the activities of the Nubia Museum to verify if the objectives of the institution were reached. This evaluation should be carried out within the 2 next years and be presented in the form of a detailed final report. ICCROM pointed out that UNESCO and the Egyptian authorities work together on the terms of reference of an external independent expert who will undertake the evaluation of the Museum. Moreover it was stressed that the recommendations to be carried out for the Nubia Museum should also be implemented for the phasing out of the UNESCO activities.

• Documentation of archeological sites of Nubia

41. The Secretariat stressed that since a GIS was already undertaken by SCA there was no need to duplicate the work and that the budget allocated by the Committee should be used in favor of the establishment of a Documentation Center at NMEC and/or Nubia Museum.

• Documentation Centre on Nubian Studies

42. UNESCO Cairo Office mentioned that the expert responsible for the documentation center on Nubian studies had gathered a remarkable amount of

13 publication, maps and pictures. Due to the amount of work to accomplish this task it was suggested that her contract be renewed for a period of 6 months and that a final report be prepared on the collect of documents and publication. Further to a request of Lithuania, it was stressed that the documents on the Nubia Campaign were in course of duplication and shortly be sent to the Sudanese authorities. It was also stated that the exchange of documentation between Egypt and Sudan was a bilateral decision.

43. Finally, the Secretariat stressed the importance to continue the collect of documentation and publication for the Documentation Center, that very basic materials be purchased such as 2 computers and provide the expertise of a librarian to organize the archives. A mission of a librarian is currently carried out at the Nubia Museum in order to start a fist archiving and training of the staff. Another mission is foreseen in the fall 2005.

• Museum catalogue

44. The issue of the museum catalogue was then raised and it was mentioned by Prof. Valloggia that it was necessary to be cautious on the content and production of a new issue of the catalogue since the previous one was not satisfactory and money was spent without a sustainable result. He suggested that the draft be presented to UNESCO for revision before printing. Dr. Limme agreed and further stressed that since the museum design and exhibition of the collection changed, the issue of the catalogue should be pending for the time being. Prof Valloggia also agreed with this position and proposed that the brochure available at the museum could be translated in 3 languages, reprinted and put at the disposal of visitors while the catalogue is under production.

45. Dr Hawass insisted on the fact that a museum catalogue is an important and necessary tool and that the Nubia Museum could not make any use of the previous one. He then offered that a script and a photographic coverage of the collection be done in collaboration with the SCA. This draft could be presented to the Committee for further discussion.

• Training course in conservation:

46. Dr Vatandoust gave a brief summary of the course in conservation foreseen to take place in September 2005. The aim of the 3 weeks training course is to start from the documentation to the different process of conservation with a practical aspect since it will be a hand on training. The training shall last 3 weeks, target the staff of the Nubia Museum, possibly include 3 Sudanese trainees and be followed by a monitoring of one year with the implementation of 2 research projects.

14 • Educational activities

47. UNESCO Cairo Office purchased material for the education department of the Nubia Museum. The Committee stressed that the purchase of materials, especially in regard to educational activities, had to be carefully thought over and result from a previous study on the scopes to target. The Egyptian authorities agreed with the remark of the Committee to whom they offered to submit a detailed report on the complete activities and programme of the education department of the Nubia Museum.

• Sudan

48. The Committee expressed its satisfaction in the outcome of the joint mission to Nubia, which resulted in the signature of a MoU between Egypt and Sudan. The Sudanese authorities further expressed their satisfaction and hope in a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration.

• General

49. The Secretariat pointed out that some of the recommendation’s budget was carried out for several years, part of which was never used. In order to avoid any misunderstanding and to facilitate the work of the Secretariat it was suggested that the recommendations of former sessions be closed down. In the case there is a wish to carry over the activity and funds it was suggested that it clearly be stipulated in the recommendation.

50. Dr Hawass stressed the fact that the communication between UNESCO and the SCA should be strengthened and that his office be kept fully aware of all activities implemented within the International Campaign.

15 The 15th Session of the Executive Committee adopted the following recommendations:



The Executive Committee,

Acknowledging the work undertaken by the Secretariat,

Having taken note of the achievement obtained in the execution of the implementations of recommendations,

Noting that the budget allocated by the Committee for certain recommendation remain unused for long period,



That if not provided otherwise in the recommendations, there is no carry over of budget which remains either fully or partially executed from past recommendations.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendations 1 and 3 of the 14th session,

Acknowledging the importance to continue to provide assistance to the Secretariat for the execution of the recommendations,


That a global amount of 80,000 US put at the disposal of the Secretariat for covering the expenses of assistance in Paris and in Cairo to allow the smooth implementation of recommendations.

That the Secretariat in cooperation with the Egyptian authorities prepares the job description and identifies a suitable young professional in Cairo to become the focal point for this project and serve as counterpart of the Secretariat for the implementation of recommendations. That this person be at the Cairo office under the supervision of the Director of the office and reports to the Secretariat in Paris.



The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendation 3 of the 14th session

Further recalling the rules of procedure of the Committee and the resolution of the 112 EXB /Decisions in 1981– Annex 1 – point 6.1,


The carry over of the remaining budget of the US$50,000 allocated by the previous Committee session for supporting the organization of the next Committee and/or Bureau meeting.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendation 10 of the 14th session,


The carry over of the remaining budget of the US$4,000 already under disposal at the Cairo office for further translation in Arabic of the experts reports concerning Nubia and NMEC and provide copies to the Egyptian authorities and UNESCO Secretariat.




The Executive Committee,

Recalling Recommendation 1 and 9 of the 14th Session,

Having noted that a written concept paper for the museum has been presented to the Bureau at its session in July 2004 and that a draft museological program has been presented by the Egyptian authorities at the 15th session of the Executive Committee,

17 Congratulating the Egyptian authorities for the achievement made in the development of a museum concept and a first draft of the museum museological program,

Stressing on the importance that this museum shall serve first the desires and aspirations of the Egyptian people but also the community worldwide,


The Egyptian authorities

• To appoint the interior designer as soon as possible to work with the team of UNESCO’s experts to translate the museological program in to the exhibition layout,

• To continue the choice of objects taking into consideration their significance and value for the illustration of historic background of the exhibition and for the development of themes identified by the Scientific Committee. Therefore to justify the choice of objects and to start preparing them for the exhibition while taking advantage to train the staff of the museum on their conservation and documentation,

• Taking into consideration to carry out an assessment on how Egyptian civilization and cultural heritage aspects are being taught and presented in the school curricula at primary and secondary level, in order to support and target the development of the educational aspects of the museum, in cooperation with UNESCO.

• To take into consideration and further identifying the role of intangible heritage within the definition of the concept of the museum in order to enhance the intangible significance and value of the objects displayed and also to identify and show relevant aspects of the living cultural heritage of Egypt

• To involve intangible heritage innovative approach in the collection of data in order to allow the definition of the relations between the past and the contemporary use of the tangible heritage as a way of valuing it.

• To provide the Committee at the next meeting the complete museological program after discussion with the UNESCO experts team


• To continue assisting the Scientific Committee of NMEC to further refine the first draft of the museological program in to a museum planning document including aspects concerning and to present it to the next Bureau meeting with the assistance of UNESCO’s experts

18 • To support the Egyptian authorities in devising a security plan for the museum and the surrounding area and at this purpose organize a security training workshop for the staff of the museum and prepare and distribute relevant documentation concerning this issue.

• To use the remaining funds allocated during the 14th Session (102,688.15 US) for providing further technical assistance to the Egyptians authorities



The Executive Committee,

Recalling Recommendation 4 and 9 of the 14th Session,

Congratulating the Egyptian authorities for the finalization of the architectural plan and for the progress made in the construction of the building,

Considering appropriate to start planning for the surrounding area of the museum,


The Egyptian authorities

• To explore the possibility of using environmentally friendly technologies such as reusing wastewater and lake water but also solar or other alternative energy, for enhancing the energy saving and the use of renewable energy resources.

• To continue developing the landscape plan and present a more developed proposal during the next Committee session.


• To continue assisting the Egyptian authorities to further develop the plan of the landscaping and send as soon as possible a mission of a landscape architect to Egypt

• To use the remaining funds allocated during the 14th Session (102,688.15 US) for providing further technical assistance to the Egyptians authorities.




The Executive Committee,

Recalling Recommendation 6, 7 and 9 of the 14th Session,

Acknowledging that a preliminary training plan has been developed in cooperation with UNESCO,

Taking note with appreciation of the production of a UNESCO/ICOM practical handbook on “running a museum”,

Considering appropriate to enhancing and further develop the capacity building activities for the staff of the museum,


The Egyptian authorities

• To developing and finalizing the organizational chart for the museum and start appointing staff in key positions in order to start as soon as possible the functioning of different sections of the museum such as administration, conservation, promotion, exhibition, etc…

• To document the history and the establishing process for this museum in view of preparing a publication to be presented at its opening.


• Based upon the proposal of the Egyptian authorities for the extension of the training in history, allow a budget of 10,000 US for the extension of the history course in order to cover modern and contemporary times.

• To use the remaining funds allocated during the 14th Session (102,688.15 US) for providing further technical assistance and training for the museum personnel




The Executive Committee,

Recalling Recommendation 2 of the Bureau and recommendation 9 of the 14th Session,

Taking into consideration the result of the UNESCO experts’ mission for the assessment of the national projects and activities in the field of documentation of tangible and intangible heritage

Having taken note that a project of collection of information concerning the living cultural heritage of Egypt is on going under the auspices of UNESCO,

Having noted from the report of the Secretariat that an on going GIS on Nubia is already on progress at the SCA ,

Noting that the establishment of a documentation centre of Nubian studies within the premises of the museum is in progress and instead there is a need to enforce a documentation centre within the NMEC


The Egyptian authorities

• To further pursue collection of information about the living heritage of Egypt,

• To start devising methodologies on the digitalization of collected data on the living heritage with the assistance of UNESCO and in particular the section for intangible heritage,

• To present the results of the survey of living intangible heritage to next Committee session,


• To organize in cooperation with Members of the Committee visits to already established documentation centers for intangible heritage,

• To start making use as soon as possible of a data collection management tool for documentation and management of the collections of the museum,

• To further develop the mandate and the role of this centre within the museum activities but also in the context of national activities aiming at preserving and documenting cultural heritage,


• At this purpose using the funds already allocated by the Bureau at its past meeting and the Committee under recommendation 8 of the 14th session (100, 000 US) and add the amount of 50,000 US for the purchase of further materials for the centre such as computers, printers, plotter, etc….



The Executive Committee,

Recalling Recommendation 8 of the 14th Session and 6 of the Bureau 2004,

Having taken note that already contacts have been made by the Egyptians authorities and UNESCO with cultural institutions and museums in , UK , Portugal and Canada


The Egyptian authorities

• To engage in further partnership activities with the museums already contacted and pursue a strategy for the establishment of long term cooperation


• To further organize study visits in major museums of civilizations with the aim to build join activities and programs

• To explore possibilities of organizing a meeting of professionals working in similar museums, in particular curators and staff of the temporary exhibition sections and at this purpose make use of the remaining budget allocated by the Committee during the 14th session (150,000 US)



The Executive Committee,

Recalling Recommendation 9 of the Bureau,

Noting with satisfaction that the material for the photo laboratory has been delivered to the Civilization museum in Cairo,

22 Having taken note of the need to use more professional equipment,



• To purchase of a professional digital camera for documenting the collection and at this purpose allow a budget of 10,000 US



The Executive Committee,

Noting the need to develop and launch promotional activities for the museum,

Having taken note of the limitation of information included in the existing UNESCO web site due to restricted space allocation,


The Egyptian authorities

• To prepare a quarterly electronic newspaper to be sent to concerned persons in and outside the country, including Committee Members and partners institutions, on the progress made in the establishment of the museum,

• To develop a web site for the museum and link it to the UNESCO web site


• To further update the UNESCO web site with recent information on the follow up of the Campaign

• To start exploring possibilities to prepare a promotional campaign for the museum and at this purpose engage the consultancy of an expert to assist the Egyptian authorities to develop a promotional strategy

• To make use of the funds available for international expertise (rec 9 of 14th session 102,000 US)





The Executive Committee,

Recalling the proposal made by the Greek representative during the past Committee meeting for the phasing out of assistance to the Nubia museum,

Noting that at the end of the next biennium the assistance given to the Nubia museum after its opening is reaching 10 years,

Noting with satisfaction that activities in the Nubia museum are improving and staff is getting more knowledgeable on running a museum,


The Egyptian authorities

• To prepare an appraisal report on the planned activities of the museum such as educational activities, refurbishing of the exhibition, training courses. This report should also include cooperation activities with Sudan and the museum’s relation with the entities responsible for protection of Nubian archaeological sites.


• That an external evaluation on the institution for which the terms of reference shall be agreed between UNESCO and the Egyptian authorities being done by an independent expert and be provided to the Committee at its next session, and at this purpose that an amount of 15,000 US be put at the disposal of the Secretariat for the implementation of this activity.

• To limit the activities of this Committee in favor of the Nubia museum and instead concentrate on few issues such as the documentation centre, the capacity building activities and the cooperation with Sudan.

• To complete the activities in favor of the Nubia museum by the end of next biennium being the year 2007 the tenth anniversary of the opening of the museum,


• To include the Nubia museum in the regular activities of museum programs of the UNESCO Secretariat.



Recalling Recommendation 1 and 6 of the 14th session,

Having noted with satisfaction the progress made for the establishment of the centre and in particular the collection of documentation,

Stressing on the need to empower the local staff to pursue the project,


The Egyptian authorities

• To designate staff for the centre, such as a documentalist.

• To start cataloguing the collected materials with the support of UNESCO’s experts.


• To complete the duplication of materials within the country, to purchase or duplicate the essential bibliography on the archaeology of Nubia and at this purpose renew the services of the Nubian studies expert for a period up to 6 months,

• To engage the consultancy service of a librarian or documentation technologies experts to document on electronic support the materials collected and to train the staff on its use,

• To purchase the remaining needed material for the centre, such as computers, digital cameras, special shelves or drawers for the rare collection and any other needed materials

• To duplicate the relevant documentation and provide it to the Sudanese authorities,

• To make use of the remaining budget already allocated for this purpose (126,000 US).




Taking note that a Nubia catalogue has already been printed and due to its poor quality a decision was taken to stop its diffusion,

Stressing on the need to provide the public with a high standard catalogue for the museum,

Considering the wish of the Egyptian authorities to review the layout of the publication as well as replace its photos to improve its quality,

Taking note that the exhibition display in the Nubia museum is in view of being reorganized by the Egyptians authorities,


The Egyptian authorities

• Once the exhibition in the Nubia museum is changed, to present a proposal including budgeting, for the publishing of the catalogue and this be presented to the Secretariat. This new proposal be reviewed by the Egyptologists members of the Committee and be presented during the next Committee meeting for final decision.


• That based upon the proposal received during next Committee session, a new budget be allocated for its implementation



Recalling Recommendation 11 and 12 of the 14th session,

Taking note that the training course in conservation is due to start in September 2005 and the material for the course is being purchased and delivered to the Nubia Museum,

Stressing on the need to follow up the implementation of the research project,

Taking note that part of the training course in English language has already taken place,


Taking note that the course on conservation will be starting at the beginning of September 2005 and that the materials for a total amount of 70,000 US have been purchased for the research project and the training,

Recommends to


• That the remaining budget (11,196 US) for English training be used as soon as possible for the implementation of the second course

• To further develop a follow up the program for the research projects until the end of 2006 and that an additional amount of 45,000 US be added from the Trust Fund for this purpose



Recalling Recommendation 3 and 4 of the 14th session,

Acknowledging the excellent results of the UNESCO mission to Sudanese and Egyptian Nubia which brought to the signature of a MoU under UNESCO auspices, between the two countries,

Considering the need to reinforce the partnership between the two countries in the field of conservation and protection of cultural heritage,

Noting that the budget allocated for Sudan (rec 3 and 4 of the 14th session) is already been spent,


The Egyptian authorities

• To include three Sudanese conservators in the training course due to start in Aswan museum September 2005 and ,


• To use an amount up to 10,000 US to cover the cost of the mission of the 3 Sudanese trainees and their visits to archeological sites inside Egypt.

• Based on the result of the UNESCO mission in Nubia, to support the production of the joint exhibition on the Nubian archeology at the Nubia museum in Egypt and at the Khartoum museum in Sudan and an amount of 30,000 US be used from the Trust fund for this purpose


• In order to enhance the cooperation with the Nubia museum in Aswan and the Nubia museum under establishment in Wadi Halfa and possibly to exchange temporary exhibition, to assist in the conservation of the Nubian collection in Khartoum museum that an amount of 30,000 US be used from the Trust fund for this purpose until the end of the biennium.



Recalling Recommendation 2 of the 14th session,

Taking note that educational programs for children are on going at the Nubia museum according to an established plan by the staff of the museum,


The Egyptian authorities

• To present to the Secretariat and the Committee at its next session, a report on the on going educational activities for children and adults at the Nubia museum


• To use the remaining budget (10,500 US) to assist the Egyptian authorities to purchase the needed materials to be able to carry out the educational activities foreseen.