Issue 63.qxd:Genetic Society News 1/10/10 14:41 Page 1 JULYJULLYY 2010 | ISSUEISSUE 63 GENETICSGENNETICSS SOCIETYSOCIEETY NENEWSEWS In this issue The Genetics Society NewsNewws is edited by U Genetics Society PresidentPresident Honoured Honoured ProfProf David Hosken and items ittems for future future issues can be sent to thee editor,editor, preferably preferably U Mouse Genetics Meeting by email to
[email protected],, or U SponsoredSponsored Meetings Meetings hardhard copy to Chair in Evolutionary Evoolutionary Biology, Biology, UniversityUniversity of Exeter,Exeter, Cornwall Cornnwall Campus, U The JBS Haldane LectureLecture Tremough,Tremough, Penryn, TR10 0 9EZ UK.UK. The U Schools Evolutionn ConferenceConference Newsletter is published twicet a year,year, with copy dates of 1st June andand 26th November.November. U TaxiTaxi Drivers The British YeastYeaste Group Group descend on Oxford Oxford for their 2010 meeting: m see the reportreport on page 35. 3 Image © Georgina McLoughlin Issue 63.qxd:Genetic Society News 1/10/10 14:41 Page 2 A WORD FROM THE EDITOR A word from the editor Welcome to issue 63. In this issue we announce a UK is recognised with the award of a CBE in the new Genetics Society Prize to Queen’s Birthday Honours, tells us about one of Welcome to my last issue as join the medals and lectures we her favourite papers by Susan Lindquist, the 2010 editor of the Genetics Society award. The JBS Haldane Mendel Lecturer. Somewhat unusually we have a News, after 3 years in the hot Lecture will be awarded couple of Taxi Drivers in this issue – Brian and seat and a total of 8 years on annually to recognise Deborah Charlesworth are not so happy about the committee it is time to excellence in communicating the way that the print media deals with some move on before I really outstay aspects of genetics research to scientific issues and Chris Ponting bemoans the my welcome! It has been a the public.