May/June 2012 • Volume 39, Number 3

p. 14 p. 19 p. 17 Crispin Taylor Testi- Luminaries ASPB Members fies Before Congress A new column. Students Elected to NAS ASPB Executive Direc- and postdocs interview Plant biologists join tor Crispin Taylor prominent scientists. select group of top testifies at House hear- scientists. ing on public access to scholarly publications. © Greg Piepol

The newsletter of the American Society of Plant Biologists

Society “Hops to It” to Bring Plant Biology to 2012 Easter Egg Roll A New ASPB News BY DAVID HORVATH Chair, Membership Committee [email protected]

With this issue, the Membership Committee and staff are excited to introduce to you a new and im- proved ASPB News. A year or so ago, we conducted a survey of the membership to learn what you’d like to see more (and less) of in your Society’s newsletter. In response, you’ll find in these pages a brand new, full-color layout. We hope that over the coming months you will also note some of the steps we’ll be taking to publish more articles that are of greater inter- est to you by enlisting the support of an editorial board of volunteer members from the United States and abroad to help seek out and vet news articles of interest. Please, if you know of any exciting news that you think might be of interest to other ASPB members, feel free to alert Nancy Winchester (nancyw@

First Lady Michelle Obama greets ASPB President Steve Huber at this year’s White House continued on page 4 Easter Egg Roll. See our story on page 32. Contents ASPB staff are dedicated to serving our members. We welcome your questions and feedback. For quick response, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our FAQ at

ASPB Executive Committee President Steven C. Huber Immediate past president Nicholas Carpita President-elect Peggy Lemaux Secretary Julia Bailey-Serres Treasurer Jonathan Monroe Chair, Board of Trustees Mary Lou Guerinot Chair, Publications Committee Sally Mackenzie Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Marta Laskowski Chair, Minority Affairs Committee MariaElena B. Zavala Chair, Education Committee Erin Dolan Chair, International Committee Leon V. Kochian Chair, Membership Committee David Horvath Chair, Committee on Public Affairs Richard Sayre Elected members Gloria Muday p.11 Plant Biology 2012 Marguerite Varagona Richard Vierstra Sectional Representatives The Austin Convention Center Midwestern Sarah E. Wyatt Northeastern Estelle Hrabak Southern Kent Chapman Mid-Atlantic Zhongchi Liu Western David Logan 1 A New ASPB News ASPB Staff 3 President’s Letter Executive director Crispin Taylor, [email protected] Executive and governance affairs manager vacant Assoc. director of finance and administration Kim Kimnach, [email protected] 5 ASPB Award Winners Accounts receivable and payable specialist Stephanie Liu-Kuan, [email protected] Senior staff accountant Jotee Pundu, [email protected] Director of meetings, Jean Rosenberg, [email protected] 11 Plant Biology 2012 marketing, and membership Manager of marketing and web services vacant Membership manager Shoshana Kronfeld, [email protected] 14 People Subscriptions manager Suzanne Cholwek, [email protected] Subscriptions assistant Linda Palmer, [email protected] Assoc. director of public affairs Kathy Munkvold, [email protected] 19 Luminaries Education coordinator Katie Engen, [email protected] Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, [email protected] Publications assistant Diane McCauley, [email protected] 21 Southern Section Meeting Report Managing editor Patti Lockhart, [email protected] Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, [email protected] Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, [email protected] 23 Public Affairs Manuscript manager, Plant Physiology Ashton Wolf, [email protected] Senior features editor, The Plant Cell Nan Eckardt, [email protected] Features editor, The Plant Cell Mary Williams, [email protected] 29 Education Forum Production manager, The Plant Cell Susan Entwistle, [email protected] Manuscript manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, [email protected] 41 Obituaries ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is published six times annually, in odd-numbered months. It is edited and prepared by ASPB staff from material provided by ASPB members and other interested parties. Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered month (for example, December 5 for January/February publication). Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-296-0904. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists

2  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 President’s Letter

Plant Biology 2012 doesn’t just happen. It is the fruit of labors of many people led by Julia Bailey-Serres (ASPB secretary and See You in Austin! chair of the Program Committee) and ASPB staff members Jean STEVE HUBER, ASPB PRESIDENT Rosenberg and Shoshana Kronfeld. [email protected]

ou won’t want to miss this year’s Plant Biology Jean Rosenberg Ymeeting! We will have Director of Meetings, an outstanding opportunity to Marketing, and Membership come together in Austin to share results and soak up recent de- Since coming to ASPB in 2004, velopments across plant biology. Jean has worked to establish a Although I enjoy small, special- group of skilled professionals to ized meetings, I also appreci- support ASPB’s annual meeting ate—and, frankly, benefit more and all its components. Jean is from—meetings that allow me known in the meetings industry to catch up on the wide range of as a steward concerned about topics that can only be covered every facet of an attendee’s at a broad meeting such as Plant participation. She really enjoys all the aspects of her multi- Biology. This year’s symposia dimensional work at ASPB supporting membership and range from the molecular to Steve Huber the journals. Both Jean and her husband are active in their the whole-plant level, and they communities, consummate “foodies,” and art buffs; they like cover both fundamental and to meet in small groups. Do you to think of themselves as “world citizens.” translational aspects of plant bi- want to meet new people work- ology research. I encourage each ing in areas of mutual interest? of you to come and contribute to You can sign up to go with a Shoshana Kronfeld the breadth and depth of science group for a meal. Membership Manger presented in Austin. Thinking about looking In addition to excellent sci- for that next job, whether a Shoshana joined ASPB in ence, this year’s meeting also will postdoc or a permanent posi- March 2006 and since then has have an expand- tion? There are been heavily involved in sup- ed array of lots of different porting ASPB’s annual meeting. opportunities Plant Biology 2012 opportuni- Each year, she is the person you for network- is all about cutting- ties. Perhaps see almost 24/7 at the registra- ing and career you would tion desk. Behind the scenes, development. edge science, like to talk she is responsible for manag- These op- networking, and with someone ing all meeting registrations, portunities are career development. working in abstract submissions, and our new mobile meeting app. In described in a particular addition to Shoshana’s meeting-related responsibilities, she detail else- organiza- is the primary contact for ASPB’s members. Outside work, where in this newsletter, but let tion (e.g., PUI, Shoshana likes to spend her time with her husband and two me draw your attention to just government, or private children. She particularly enjoys listening to her son play a few of them. sector) or engaged in a type of guitar, watching her daughter at ballet, and grabbing any Do you want to grab one or work you’re not familiar with spare moments that happen along to read a book or listen to two colleagues you know and (such as science policy, science music. just sit and talk? The Austin writing, marketing, and so on). Convention Center has lots of Perhaps you also would like to “conversation space” for people continued on page 4 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  3 President’s Letter

PRESIDENT’S LETTER to take advantage of this new Regardless of your particular Plant Biology 2012 is all continued from page 3 opportunity. career stage, perhaps you would about cutting-edge science, Maybe you are ready for like to continue expanding your networking, and career devel- have someone look at your CV your next career move and horizons. Take advantage of opment. In addition, Austin is to make sure you are presenting would like to apply for some career development workshops, well known for its music, food, yourself in the most effective open positions. If so, come to organized by the Membership and nightlife. That combination manner? Well, you can do both the Career Center Luncheon on Committee and the Women sounds like a perfect recipe for at the same time in Austin! Sign Saturday, July 21, to post your in Plant Biology Committee, work–life balance. I hope to see up to meet during designated CV and meet with representa- which will address jobs beyond each of you in Austin! n hours with representatives from tives from companies and orga- academia and the challenge of different groups, and be sure nizations with open positions. maintaining life–work balance.

A NEW ASPB NEWS notable members of ASPB that the electronic version of this continued from page 1 we are simply calling “Lumi- cfm). Student/postdoc authors newsletter accessible to anyone naries.” We hope you will be of interviews that are published who visits the ASPB web page., Dr. Frank Dohleman enlightened (pun intended) by will be given a $50 Amazon gift Our hope is that by sharing our (frank.g.dohleman@monsanto. the insights of these prominent card. newsletter more freely, other com), or Rebecca Arundale plant biologists. We are cur- Another column we are plant biologists who read it will ([email protected]) with your rently depending on our ASPB working on is titled “Where Are learn about all the great things ideas. graduate student and postdoc They Now?” These articles will ASPB does on behalf of plant Additionally, we are refin- ambassadors to look into the science worldwide and perhaps ing the format of our old produce these current activi- even be inspired to join our “Membership Corner” for articles, but any ties of retired ranks. So feel free to share the those of you who wish to student or post- Let us know or emeritus new and improved ASPB News introduce themselves to the doc member what you think! members of widely. rest of our membership. The is welcome to ASPB. The One last note: a special revamped column will ask submit to me column will thanks to Diane McCauley, fewer questions but encour- an idea for a 500- to 750-word be produced by Dr. Elisabeth ASPB News production manager age more in-depth responses. interview they might like to Gantt (University of Maryland). (one of her several titles in the We will also be rotating the conduct. I’ll provide you with We hope you will enjoy headquarters office), who did “Membership Corner” with a some guidelines you can use to and be inspired by these new a fantastic job redesigning the couple new columns. The first help shape your interview. Just columns, and we welcome your newsletter. n new addition will be student email me at david.horvath@ars. feedback. or postdoc interviews with, or go to (http://www. Finally, we have made

4  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 ASPB Award Winners

ASPB Announces 2012 Awards

Each year, ASPB honors excel- Charles F. Kettering Award 1925 and honors lifelong service contributions and leadership in lence in research, education, Stephen Long in plant biology. This year’s hon- plant mineral nutrition, is given outreach, and service through its oree is Andrew Hanson (Uni- to Mary Lou Guerinot (Dart- numerous awards to those indi- Established in 1962 by an en- versity of Florida, Gainesville), mouth College) for her seminal viduals who promote the mission dowment from the Kettering contributions to the field of iron of our Society. We are proud to Foundation, the Charles F. nutrition, work that has revo- announce this year’s recipients. Kettering Award recognizes ex- lutionized our understanding cellence in the field of photosyn- of iron’s uptake, long-distance Charles Albert Shull Award . Stephen Long (University transport, and distribution to Elizabeth Ainsworth subcellular compartments, as well as iron deficiency signaling Created in 1971 to recognize pathways in plants. young researchers and to honor the Society’s founding father Early Career Award and the first editor-in-chief Michael Nodine of Plant Physiology, the 2012 Charles Albert Shull Award goes Andrew Hanson Michael Nodine (Whitehead In- to Elizabeth (Lisa) Ainsworth stitute for Biomedical Research), recipient of this year’s Early Ca- who is recognized for his unique reer Award, is recognized for his and multifaceted contributions to plant biology, his exemplary Steve Long use of comparative genomics approaches to deepen our un- of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign) derstanding of plant metabolic has earned this year’s award for pathways, and his research in the his many seminal discoveries of areas of folate biosynthesis and the responses of biofortification. to changes in the physical en- vironment as well as the role of Dennis R. Hoagland Award photosynthesis in mitigating cli- Mary Lou Guerinot Lisa Ainsworth mate change. Most recently, he and collaborators are developing The 2012 Dennis R. Hoagland (USDA/ARS plant molecular plants as renewable sources of Award, which honors Hoagland’s Michael Nodine biologist/associate professor, liquid fuel and addressing the University of Illinois, Urbana– social, economic, and ethical exceptional contributions and Champaign) for her impres- dimensions of allocating part of creativity in plant embryogen- esis and seed biology research, sive scholarship that she also the food-producing landscape particularly with respect to the incorporates into her teaching to the production of fuel. function of micro and the and service. Lisa’s pioneer- timing of the maternal–zygotic ing research on current and Charles Reid Barnes Life transition in plants. potential impacts of global and Membership Award environmental change on both Andrew Hanson natural and managed plant eco- systems is widely appreciated. The Charles Reid Barnes Life Lisa will address the Society at Membership Award, ASPB’s the annual meeting in 2013. oldest award, was established in Mary Lou Guerinot continued on page 6 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  5 ASPB Award Winners

ASPB AWARDS programs in the Department Stephen Hales Prize continued from page 5 of Energy for research in basic Ian Sussex energy sciences. Excellence in Education Ian Sussex (Yale University) Award ASPB–Pioneer Hi-Bred is the 2012 recipient of the Peggy Lemaux International Graduate Stephen Hales Prize. This Student Fellowship This year’s Excellence in Jessica Rutkoski Education Award goes to Peggy Lemaux (University of The ASPB–Pioneer Hi-Bred International Graduate Student Wolf Frommer Fellowship, made possible by the generosity of Pioneer Hi- contributions in the develop- Bred International, supports in- ment of fundamental tools novative graduate work in areas and technologies essential for of plant biology that relate to breakthrough discoveries that important commodity crops. advance our understanding of glucose, sucrose, ammonium, Ian Sussex amino acid, and nucleotide transport in plants. award honors the Reverend Stephen Hales for his pioneer- Peggy Lemaux Robert Rabson Award ing work published in his 1727 Yuki Tobimatsu book Vegetable Staticks. Ian is California, Berkeley) for her recognized for more than 60 outstanding contributions as For his exceptional hard work, years of outstanding seminal a plant biology educator and thoughtful independent analy- contributions to diverse areas of educational leader and for her sis, and effective collaborations plant development research. He internationally known outreach in the areas of lignin biosynthe- is particularly esteemed for his program to promote a better sis and cell wall biochemisty, Jessica Rutkoski work on embryo lethal mutants public understanding of the in Arabidopsis thaliana, which benefits and risks of agricultur- Jessica Rutkoski (Cornell Uni- helped convince plant research- al biotechnology. Peggy’s ongo- versity) is the 2012 recipient ers that Arabidopsis is a great ing activities allow consumers, of this award. Jessica is a PhD model organism. farmers, public opinion leaders, student in the plant breeding and government officials to graduate program at Cornell Corresponding Member make informed decisions about University in Mark Sorrells’s Agepati Srinivasa biotechnology issues. laboratory. Her dissertation Raghavendra and research focuses on stem rust Frank Gubler Lawrence Bogorad Award in wheat, a devastating disease Wolf Frommer caused by the pathogen Puccinia Corresponding Member status graminis. Jessica’s goal is to is conferred by election on The Lawrence Bogorad Award Yuki Tobimatsu develop wheat varieties with the annual ballot. This honor, is made biennially to a plant quantitative resistance to stem initially given in 1932, provides scientist whose work both Yuki Tobimatsu (University rust, which could potentially life membership and Society illuminates the present and of Wisconsin–Madison) is be much more durable than publications to distinguished suggests paths to enlighten the winner of the first Robert single-gene resistance. plant biologists from outside the future. This year’s recipi- Rabson Award. This award the United States. ent, Wolf Frommer (Carnegie recognizes Bob Rabson’s stead- Agepati Srinivasa Raghavendra Institution of Washington), fast advocacy for plant biology (University of Hyderabad, India) is recognized for his major through the creation of funding is nominated for pioneering 6  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 ASPB Award Winners

molecular mechanisms that (1994–1999; chair, 1997– of the Membership Committee regulate grain germination and 1998), Executive Committee (1995–1997), Advanced Text- dormancy in cereals. (1997–1998 and 2009–2011), book Development Committee ad hoc Website Committee (2002), and Corresponding 2012 Fellows of ASPB (1996–1997), Corresponding Member Award Committee Established in 2007 and Member Award Committee (2011–2015). She also served granted to no more than 0.2% (2003–2007), Program Com- on the editorial board of Plant of the current membership, mittee (2006–2013; chair and Physiology (1987–1993). secretary, 2009–2011), and the the Fellow of ASPB Award Danny Schnell Eric E. Conn Young Investigator may be given in recognition of University of Massachusetts Award Selection Committee distinguished and long-term Amherst Agepati Srinivasa Raghavendra contributions to plant biol- (2011–2014). She has served as ogy and service to the Society monitoring editor (2000–2006) work in photosynthetic carbon by current members in areas and associate editor (2002– and stomatal guard that include research, educa- 2008) for Plant Physiology and cell function. Agepati also has tion, mentoring, outreach, and coeditor for The Plant Cell introduced innovative tech- professional and public service. (2009–2014). niques for the rapid isolation Current members of ASPB who of highly active mesophyll Karen Koch have contributed to the Society protoplasts from pea and Ara- University of Florida for at least 10 years are eligible bidopsis, monitoring cytosolic for nomination. pH by fluorescent dyes, and de- veloping a reconstituted system Judy Callis University of California, Davis of isolated mitochondria and Danny Schnell peroxisomes. Frank Gubler (CSIRO Danny is recognized for his Plant Industry, Canberra, research on the TOC and TIC Australia) is nominated for his translocons, complex protein many years of groundbreak- targeting pathways that spe- ing research in cereal grain cifically recognize and import nuclear encoded proteins into Karen Koch the . In addition to his extensive research on Karen is recognized for her the TOC–TIC system and the Judy Callis research on carbon metabo- regulation of plastid–nuclear lism and the effects of sugars communication, Danny has Judy is recognized for her on . Her “feast served ASPB in many ways. He research on the ubiquitin- and famine” framework for has been a member and chair dependent proteolytic pathway regulating the expression of the Program Committee in plants. Her research on the of genes involved in sugar (1998–2001; 2007–2011; chair E3 ligase and ubiquitin-like metabolism forms the basis for and secretary, 2007–2009), a understanding the responses of member of the Executive Com- Frank Gubler proteins has provided the foundation for understand- plant organs to sugar signaling mittee (2001–2003; 2007–2009) ing the connection between to optimize resource allocation. and the Board of Trustees biology. He has made a number hormones and protein turnover Karen has served ASPB as an (2004–2007; 2010–2013; chair, of seminal contributions that in regulating plant growth elected member of the Execu- 2006–2007), and a monitoring have significantly advanced and development. Judy also tive Committee (2005–2008); editor of Plant Physiology our understanding of protein has served ASPB in many as chair of the Women in (2002–2007). secretion pathways in plants, roles. She was a member of Plant Biology Committee hormonal signaling and regula- the Publications Committee (1994–1997); and as a member tion of gene expression, and continued on page 8 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  7 ASPB Award Winners

ASPB AWARDS Eleanore Wurtzel continued from page 7 Lehman College, The City University of New York

Elizabeth Vierling Eleanore is recognized for her What does it take University of Massachusetts research on carotenoid biosyn- Amherst thesis. Her work has contribut- to get students Elizabeth is internationally ed to the understanding of the recognized for her research on processes regulating carotenoid interested in careers plant chaperones. Her work has focused on the structure and in science? function of the family of small heat shock proteins and the YOUR involvement!

The ASPB Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) has funds to support your outreach activities at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). MAC is seeking ASPB members to Eleanore Wurtzel participate in this outreach activity either accumulation in cereal crops, by hosting a visitor or by visiting an MSI. primarily maize. As a member During the visit, the guest will interact of the ASPB Minority Af- with students, present an exciting research Elizabeth Vierling fairs Committee (2004–2010), seminar, and serve as an ASPB advocate. HSP100 family of chaperones Eleanore initiated and de- and their functional mecha- veloped the Diversity Bank, MAC encourages you to reach out to the nisms associated with heat which serves as a mechanism next generation of plant biologists. We for ASPB members to link and stress and thermal tolerance have funds from NSF and from the Society in plants. Elizabeth has served interact with underrepresented ASPB as a monitoring editor for minority students and faculty to support your visit. Send an e-mail to us Plant Physiology (1992–1995), through research collabora- at [email protected] to obtain a short applica- tions and seminars. She also as an elected member of the tion, and we’ll help you take care of the Executive Committee (1994– was a key member of the team 1997), and as a member of the that wrote a grant to the NSF to rest. Meanwhile, check out ASPB’s Broaden- Charles Albert Shull Award support ASPB efforts to mentor ing Participation Group (http://my.aspb. and train underrepresented Committee (2005–2008) and org/members/group.aspx?id=67860), which the ASPB–Pioneer Hi-Bred minority students. She also Graduate Student Fellowship has served ASPB as a monitor- supports the community’s engagement in Committee (2009–2012). ing editor of Plant Physiology outreach. (2008–2012). n

Join us in expanding ASPB’s outreach efforts!

8  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 ASPB Award Winners

ASPB’s 2012 Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award Winners Announced

Each year, ASPB awards travel grants to early career women investigators through a competitive process to attend the Plant Biology annual meeting. The goal of the Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award (WYITA) program is to in- crease attendance of female investigators in their first five years as an indepen- dent scientist in academia, Jane Geisler-Lee Susanne Hoffmann- Yan Lu Mautusi Mitra industry, or government at Benning the annual meeting by provid- ing travel funds. Selection is based on (1) the science and quality of the abstract submit- ted relative to the amount of time as a young investigator, (2) a statement describing why travel should be supported, and (3) financial need. Seven women were selected this year, and each will receive a $1,000 award to attend the Plant Biology annual meeting in Austin, Texas. A list of the Karolina Mukhtar Allison Phillips Rebecca Silady recipients and their abstract titles follows.

Jane Geisler-Lee Yan Lu Karolina Mukhtar Rebecca Silady Southern Illinois University Western Michigan University University of Alabama at Southern Connecticut State Carbondale Birmingham University “Novel transcriptional regula- “Phytotoxicity, accumula- tion of biosynthesis of aspartate- “Functions of secretory path- “grv2, an embryo defective tion and transport of silver derived amino acids” ways and endoplasmic reticu- mutant, functions in the late nanoparticles by Arabidopsis lum stress in plant immunity” endocytic pathway” thaliana” Mautusi Mitra University of West Georgia Allison Phillips Congratulations to each of Susanne Hoffmann- Wisconsin Lutheran College the 2012 WYITA winners. n Benning “Employing functional genom- “Analysis of stunter1, a maize Michigan State University ics to study the regulation of tetrapyrrole metabolism in the mutant with reduced gameto- “New aspects of phloem- green microalga Chlamydomo- phyte size and maternal effects mediated long-distance lipid nas reinhardtii” on seed development” signaling in plants” ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  9 LI-6400XT Portable Photosynthesis System with Lighted Whole Plant Arabidopsis Chamber

LI-COR® also offers the following instruments for Arabidopsis Research:

Light 6400-40 LI-3100C Sensors Fluorometer Area Meter 402 - 467 - 3576 Plant Biology 2012

We Look Forward to Seeing You at Plant Biology 2012 in Austin, July 20–24! Take a look at just some of the features and highlights we have planned for you!

Many Workshops The search function allows you to create an itinerary of and Events to abstracts that you want to make New This Year! Attend sure to check out while in Aus- When you register for Plant tin. Start planning now and stay Biology 2012, don’t forget to organized so that you don’t miss Career Center Lunch preregister for your tickets anything important to you! to the many workshops and (free FoR all attendees) special events scheduled. Many On-site Child Care of them are free, but all of them ASPB is happy to announce This year we are offering a Career Center Lunch require a ticket. If you already that this year there will be on Saturday, July 21. It is free for all attendees, registered, don’t fret—you can low-cost, on-site child care for but you must preregister. Check out the job still get your tickets by going children under 13 years of age boards, post your resume, chat with leaders in to the online store https://aspb. whose parents are attending the field, and meet with companies that have Plant Biology 2012. Discounts current openings—all in the exhibit hall. Reserve Don’t delay! Most events have are provided to ASPB mem- limited seating and may sell out. bers and those with multiple your ticket for this event when you register for children. Go to http://aspb. Plant Biology 2012 or after you register at the Minisymposia online store ( Speakers docs/2012_childcare_fees.pdf default.asp). to view the fee structure. Regis- Announced ter your child today! Minisymposia speakers have Child care is subsidized by been selected and confirmed. the Women in Plant Biology You can look for their abstracts Committee via a fund be- at queathed by Eli Romanoff.

For a preliminary schedule and list of symposia, go to ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  11 Plant Biology 2012

Your Boots Are Made for Walking!

Around Downtown Austin 1. Convention Center Attend symposia for great science, and meet friends! parking

2. Hilton Austin Home of the $4 beer and ASPB’s headquarters hotel

3. Courtyard Marriott Student housing

4. Hilton Garden Inn ASPB housing

5. Hamburger Hut (Enjoy a veggie burger)

6. Entertainment District Heart of the Live Music Capital of the World®

7. The Hike-and-Bike Trail Great place for a morning run, taking a break, or an evening ride

8. Trailer Park Eatery Home to Austin’s famous food trucks and the best priced Make your plans now and register places in Austin at 9. South Congress Avenue Shops, restaurants, and all that keeps Austin eclectic and funky

12  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Plant Biology 2012

Welcome to Austin!

Evening Bat Flight Live Music Capital of When the largest urban bat colony in the World® North America takes wing from under downtown’s Congress Avenue Bridge, it’s Music is a must in Austin, and you don’t have to work an impressive act of nature. Call the Bat © DAN HERRON hard to find it. Just step out of your hotel and you’ll hear Hotline (512-416-5700, ext. 3636) for the sounds of the famous 6th Street, where music ema- the daily estimated flight time. If you arrive early, get a space on the nates from every door. The clubs to pay special atten- east side of the bridge close to the southern bank of Town Lake. You tion to are Antone’s, Stubb’s, the Elephant Room, and should also check out the information module set up by Bat Conser- the Saxon Pub. Alternatively, you can stroll through the vation International; it explains the habits and life of a bat colony. downtown entertainment districts—the entire area is compact enough to walk through easily. But music isn’t the only “must do” in Austin, so here Hike-and-Bike Trail are a few tips from the 2012 online edition of Frommer’s Try a leisurely stroll along the hike-and-bike trail (unless you’re Travel Austin Guide. a late riser, in which case you should probably just move on to another activity to avoid the heat and crowds). One of the most at- tractive sections of the path is the loop from Congress Avenue west to the pedestrian bridge next to the Lamar Bridge.


Pedi-Cabs Food You can walk all the neigh- Austin offers restaurants on wheels (known as food trucks) borhoods of the city, but on a and is also the original home of Whole Foods Market (a true hot summer day, you might sightseeing experience!). If you are staying at one of the Plant want to jump in a pedi-cab Biology 2012 Marriott properties, Whole Foods will deliver to to give your feet a break. your door. Walk up South Congress to South Congress Café, Pedi-cab drivers operate on a popular brunch spot where you can enjoy a local favorite— a donation-only basis, so tip migas (eggs cooked with chopped tomato, onion, chili, and them according to service. tortilla bits)—or try something out of the ordinary, such as the wild boar pozole (Mexican-style hominy stew).

For more information, check out

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  13 People

Taylor, Dylla, and Plutchak all served on the 2009 Scholarly Publishing Roundtable, which was set up by the forerunner of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee during the previous Congress. Language derived from the roundtable’s report that encour- ages a collaborative approach toward increasing public access is included in Section 103 of the American COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010. The hearing opened with the chair and ranking member each giving opening statements, both of which were balanced in The subcommittee’s witnesses included (from left) Fred Dylla, Elliott Maxwell, Crispin Taylor, Stuart scope and expressed concern Shieber, and Scott Plutchak. regarding the potential impact of legislation like the Federal Research Public Access Act (FR- ASPB Executive Director Crispin Taylor PAA) on scholarly publishers and copyright. Nevertheless, Testifies at House Hearing on Public both statements also pointed to a public interest in the outputs of Access to Scholarly Publications research funded by the govern- ment. These opening statements were followed by oral testimony n March 29, ASPB regulations. These approaches mandates that specify business from each of the five witnesses, Executive Director should engage all concerned models or embargo periods are following which chairman Paul Broun (R-GA), ranking mem- Crispin Taylor testified parties, including federal detrimental to collaborative O ber Paul Tonko (D-NY), and before the U.S. House of Rep- agencies, scientists, university progress toward improved ac- subcommittee member Zoe resentatives, Committee on administrators, librarians, cess to and utility of scholarly Lofgren (D-CA) asked a series Science, Space, and Technology; publishers, and the public, and information online. The full of questions of the witnesses. In Subcommittee on Investigations should foster innovation and written testimony can be found these exchanges, Crispin made and Oversight on the topic collaboration. Policies should at additional points regarding of Federally Funded Research: focus on providing access to the Other witnesses at the hear- the adverse impacts of federal Examining Public Access and definitive version of an article, ing included H. Frederick Dylla, mandates on publishers such Scholarly Publication Interests. which is typically hosted on the executive director and CEO as ASPB, and he was joined by Consistent with ASPB’s publisher’s website; developing of the American Institute of Plutchak and Dylla in arguing response ( robust metadata standards; and Physics; Elliot Maxwell, project that the collaborative approach c7yvqre) earlier this year to an ensuring increased interoper- director for the Digital Connec- toward broadening public access Office of Science and Technol- ability among journal articles tions Council at the Committee as envisioned in COMPETES ogy Policy (OSTP) request and other valuable sources on Economic Development; ought to be allowed to play out. for information on similar of information online. Poli- Stuart Shieber, director for Despite her enthusiasm for topics, Crispin argued that cies should also recognize and scholarly communications at public access mandates, Rep. the government should adopt embrace the global nature of Harvard University; and Scott Lofgren also appeared to have sensible, flexible, and cautious scientific research and scholarly Plutchak, director of the Lister a good sense of the importance approaches to drafting and re- publishing. Crispin further Hill Library at the University and value of scholarly societies vising public access policies or testified that government of Alabama at Birmingham. to the progress of scholarship, 14  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 People

and she expressed concern at a monitoring editor for Plant the possibility that congres- Physiology and a mentor for sional actions might cause such ASPB’s Summer Undergraduate organizations any harm. Research Fellowship program. After three rounds of ques- Keiko studies how plant cells tions, the hearing concluded and interact to establish functional the witnesses were dismissed. patterns during development. Chairman Broun’s closing state- She was among the first to ment made it clear that he feels discover a role for receptor the House Science, Space, and kinases in plant growth and Technology Committee—and development. Through the the Investigations and Oversight analysis of ERECTA-family Committee in particular— receptor kinase mutants, Keiko should be closely involved in further revealed that this family any subsequent congressional of receptor kinases regulates deliberations or actions regard- patterning and differentiation ing scholarly communication. Photo by Stephen Brashear/AP, © HHMI. of stomata, small pores on the For more information on the plant surface for efficient gas ex- hearing, including other public change. She played a key role in witnesses and a link to the Keiko Torii Named Next further identification of peptide archived webcast, please see the signaling ligands and “master following website: http://tinyurl. Editor of The Arabidopsis Book regulatory” transcription factors com/7smlojh. The official press specifying stomatal develop- release from the hearing can be TAB Provides Free Access to Peer-Reviewed ment. She is now working viewed at across disciplines to understand c6zam7b. Post-hearing coverage Articles on Key Plant Model Organism the regulatory dynamics and was published in The Chronicle signaling pathways that create of Higher Education (see http:// stomatal patterns. Greater and SPB has appointed and related species. New articles understanding of this process Science (see Keiko Torii as the next are published as fields evolve, can help predict how plants will crglbq5). n Aeditor-in-chief of The and older content is substan- cope with changing climates, Arabidopsis Book (TAB). She tively revised on an ongoing including droughts and other succeeds Rob Last of Michigan basis. There are currently more environmental challenges. State University. than 100 TAB chapters freely Each TAB article provides TAB is a free access, peer- available at a scholarly and authoritative reviewed serial publication TheArabidopsisBook. overview of the state of knowl- launched by ASPB in 2002 un- Keiko is distinguished profes- edge about the topic being der the direction of plant biolo- sor of biology at the University covered, generally including gists Chris Somerville and Elliot of Washington and was recently hyperlinks to long-lived web Meyerowitz as a new model selected as an HHMI-GBMF resources to facilitate reader for communicating up-to-date Investigator by the Howard access to information about and comprehensive information Hughes Medical Institute and genes, datasets, and other key about a broad range of topics in the Gordon and Betty Moore references. n research on Arabidopsis thaliana Foundation. She is currently

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  15 People

Members in the News

Guiliang Tang’s work on RNA family, making this a very small RNAs was featured in powerful tool. an article on the science news Jonathan Jones, a senior website Science Daily (http:// scientist at the Sainsbury Lab- oratory in , England, leases/2012/03/120301143756. spoke on the safety of geneti- htm). Recently, small RNAs cally engineered crops in a re- have constituted one of the cent news article in the March hottest areas of plant biology 6 edition of The Washington research. These tiny fragments Post, stating, “If you have a Guiliang Tang Jonathan Jones of RNA are often responsible plant with 30,000 genes, and for modulating the expression you add another, you have a of genes important for basic plant that is 99.999% identical. Stakman Award, presented by plant functions, such as growth It’s very unlikely that would the University of Minnesota, and development. However, de- make a difference for human Department of Plant Pathology. termining the role of individual health.” As an ASPB member, Jonathan small RNAs has not been easy. In an article titled “How has also served as a coeditor of Fortunately, Guiliang, associate Scientists Manipulate the The Plant Cell. professor at Michigan Tech- Genetics of Crops” (http://bit. Cathie Martin was recently nological University, and his ly/yuZQzg), Jonathan Jones featured in a Guardian article laboratory have added another provides an overview of the ( tool to the toolbox for assessing process of genetically engineer- environment/2012/mar/13/ small RNA function in plants. ing a crop of interest, from gm-food-genetically-modified- Small tandem target mimics identifying useful genes to obesity) on genetically engi- (STTMs) disrupt the actions of modify, disable, or insert into neering food for enhanced small RNAs by binding their the crop genome to testing for health benefits. Cathie’s recent small RNA targets, eventually the modification in the genome work on blood oranges, a fruit Cathie Martin leading to the destruction of and that the modified plant is requiring specific periods of those targets. By analyzing the safe. Jonathan has long been cold exposure during fruit responses of plants expressing an advocate for the benefits of development or post harvest However, regulatory re- STTMs, researchers can learn genetically engineered crops; for production of beneficial strictions create a barrier for more about a particular small his opinion pieces on the sub- anthocyanin pigments, has moving genetically engineered RNA’s function. ject have been published in the revealed a gene called Ruby blood orange varieties from the The Science Daily article Guardian (http://www.guard- that regulates this cold de- laboratory to the marketplace. highlights the usefulness of pendency. Removing the cold Cathie mentions that “there are Guiliang’s approach, originally jul/21/gm-debate) and by BBC dependency of this gene opens enormous problems in creating published in The Plant Cell News ( up the possibility for cultivat- something that can be grown ( hi/8789279.stm). ing blood oranges in warmer in Europe, and big problems in tpc.111.094144), citing the Jonathan’s research focuses climates and expanding the public funding, because of the method’s flexibility. In the ar- on the molecular and genetic reach of the health benefits regulation.” ticle, Guiliang states, “You can mechanisms of disease resis- they confer. In a press release, Cathie is a group leader at use this to study the function of tance and pathogen virulence Cathie stated, “We are now ex- the John Innes Center and a pro- any small RNA in the cell.” Fur- in plants. His outstanding perimenting with hooking the fessor at the University of East thermore, the method allows contributions to the field of Ruby gene up with a specific Anglia in the United Kingdom. for the simultaneous analysis plant pathology were recently fruit promoter so it can be She currently serves as editor-in- of related members of a small recognized with the 2012 E. C. induced in another way.” chief of The Plant Cell. n 16  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 People

Antonius and Marjori Matzke to Join IPMB BY TONY HUANG and TUAN-HUA DAVID HO

ntonius and Marjori ties of the institute in becoming (University of California, Journal of Biological Chemis- Matzke (Austrian internationally renowned. Riverside). IPMB’s 30-member try, PNAS, and Journal of Cell AAcademy of Sciences, IPMB has world-class core faculty has youth and energy— Biology. The institute has an Vienna), outstanding scholars in facilities of microscopy, bio- more than half joined the international PhD program with , , and informatics, proteomics, and institute as new principal inves- students from within Taiwan nuclear membrane transport, metabolomics, which are tigators during the past decade. and around the world, and it will join the Institute of Plant staffed with PhD-level special- IPMB has attracted faculty from also trains postdoctoral fellows. and Microbial Biology (IPMB), ists. Several senior researchers the United States, Germany, The IPMB website is http:// Academia Sinica, Taipei, as around the world have joined Japan, and now Austria. n distinguished research fellows the faculty, including Tuan-hua The faculty routinely pub- in fall 2012. The Matzkes’ full- David Ho (former ASPB presi- lishes in mainstream, high- time engagement at IPMB will dent; Washington University, impact journals, including The substantially advance the activi- St. Louis) and Anthony Huang Plant Cell, Plant Physiology,

ASPB Members Elected to National Academy of Sciences Plant biologists join select group of top scientists

Several members of ASPB have been elected as members or Foreign Associates: foreign associates of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in recognition of their distinguished and continuing George Coupland achievements in original research. Director, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research Ottoline Leyser Six current ASPB members were elected to this year’s class: Associate Director, The Sainsbury Laboratory University of Xinnian Dong Professor of Biology, Duke University; and Howard Hughes One additional plant biologist, unaffiliated with the Society, Medical Institute-Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Inves- was also selected as a new member: tigator Pedro Sanchez Harry Klee Director, Tropical Agriculture and Rural Environment; The Professor of Horticultural Sciences; University of Florida, Earth Institute, Columbia University Gainesville Sabeeha Merchant These plant biologists are among the 84 new members and 21 foreign associates just elected. There are now 2,152 active NAS Professor of Biochemistry; University of California, Los Angeles members and 430 foreign associates. n Natasha Raikhel Distinguished Professor of Plant Biology; University of Cali- fornia, Riverside

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  17 People

This article originally appeared on April 12, 2012, as an announcement on the Miami University website. It is reprinted here with permission.

John Kiss Receives Benjamin Harrison Medallion

ohn Kiss, distinguished 2010 with the Orr E. Reynolds in 1997 he received the Alumni professor and chair of Distinguished Service Award Enrichment Award from the Jbotany [Miami University, for service “above and beyond” Miami University Alumni As- Ohio], received Miami Uni- the call of duty, especially for sociation. versity’s prestigious Benjamin his efforts in education, out- His professional reviewers Harrison Medallion during the reach, and support of under- concur that Kiss has established May 5 commencement cer- graduate and graduate students himself as the current interna- emony. The announcement was in independent research. tional authority on plant biol- made during faculty assembly In 2010 Kiss led a team of ogy research in space. April 11. botanists—including Richard At Miami, his nominators Kiss is internationally Edelmann, director of Miami’s state that Kiss’s mentoring and known for his research in Center for Advanced Microsco- advising of undergraduates and space biology, in py and Imaging, and Katherine reflects his “engagement, skill, particular his research on grav- Millar, current postdoctoral and dedication to students and ity perception mechanisms in fellow. They received the 2010 science” and that his “charis- plants. He is “a faculty member John Kiss NASA Ames Honor Award for matic personality contributes to who has achieved impressive their research on Tropi-2. Kiss his lasting impact on students’ global stature,” commented scientific articles—many of and his team were also hon- and colleagues’ lives across one nominator, “and yet con- which have high impact in ored by NASA in 2007 for their c ampu s .” tinues to contribute locally in the fields of gravitropism and work on Tropi-1. The Harrison Medallion is significant and personal ways.” phototropism research—122 Kiss, who joined Miami in presented to members of His prolific research activity book reviews, and close to 200 1993, has also been recognized Miami’s faculty or staff who has been funded by $5 million invited talks. for excellence in teaching and have made outstanding contri- from more than a dozen major He has held leadership posi- research with many awards butions to education. It is named funding agencies in the sci- tions in national professional at Miami: He was named a for the 1852 Miami graduate ences, including NASA, the associations including serving University Distinguished who was president of the United National Science Foundation, as president of the American Professor in 2011; a University States from 1889 to 1893. n and the National Institutes Society for Gravitational and Distinguished Scholar in 2006; of Health. His research has Space Biology (ASGSB). He a Distinguished Scholar of the resulted in 89 peer-reviewed was honored by the ASGSB in Graduate Faculty in 2005; and

18  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Luminaries

Welcome to the ASPB News “Luminaries” column. Student and postdoc members are welcome to submit their ideas for a 500- to 750-word interview they might like to conduct with a prominent scientist. Just contact Membership Committee Chair David Horvath at [email protected], who will help you develop some questions to frame your story. If we publish your interview, you will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. For our inaugural column, we are delighted to publish Christos Noutsos’s interview with Professor Rob Martienssen. Rob is a professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and Christos is a postdoc at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.


CN: Thanks for sitting for this Later on, obviously, Barbara viruses; in my case, mostly in interview. Let’s start at the be- McClintock’s work was a huge transposons. But it all turns ginning. How did you become inspiration to all of us. I learned out to be the same thing. It’s an interested in biology? Which about transposons first in ge- interesting thought as to what scientific fields attracted you netics undergraduate classes and would have happened. But I’m the most? was really inspired by the whole still very happy that I ended up area. It was a privilege to meet working on transposons, and I RM: Like many molecular her when I first came to Cold wouldn’t change that. biologists, I was more inter- Spring Harbor 10 years later. ested in physics and chemistry It was remarkable to be able to CN: When you graduated, as an undergraduate. However, spend about three years with research on characterizing a I quickly realized that mathe- her before she died, and I got to single gene was being reported matics was a major component, know her pretty well. She taught in prestigious journals. Now and my mathematics wasn’t me a lot, not just about science you need a way to generate more that hot. As a result, I pursued but also about scientists. She was data. What do you think of the genetics, which still has an a tremendous inspiration. amount and quality of work abstract, mathematical side to Rob Martienssen PhD students produce now? it that I fell in love with. CN: If you had a chance to RM: Technology has really At the time, I didn’t see vi- CN: Was there a specific ad- redo your graduate student moved on, obviously. It’s been ruses as particularly interesting. viser or scientist who inspired or early postgraduate years, an incredible ride the past However, he and I have both you to pursue a career in would you do anything 20 years, just thinking about speculated about what might science? differently? sequencing, for example. I have happened if I actually had sequenced one gene, maybe RM: This is so interesting. I did RM: That’s a very difficult chosen viruses instead of trans- two, for my PhD; now it’s question. Obviously, my PhD my PhD with David Baulcombe, posons. The very first experi- about how many genomes adviser, David Baulcombe, is a who at the time was just starting ment he did of significance on you sequenced. I think it’s very important person for me. his position at the Plant Breeding viral silencing was done when important to not get too wed- But as an undergraduate, I read Institute at Cambridge. I was his I was there, but by someone ded to the technology. What genetics at Cambridge, and first graduate student. He was else in the lab. It was a really really matters is understand- Mike Ashburner was a really working on a number of things, important experiment on virus ing, and sometimes you can important inspiration for me at and I ended up working for my satellites having a significant understand a huge amount of the time and very much since PhD on a transposable element effect on silencing that impli- biology through just a handful then. His appreciation for the we discovered in wheat. Trans- cated RNA. Of course, it took of genes or a single pathway. subject is really unique, and posons has been a theme of my almost 15 years for small RNAs These days, it tends to be put he’s quite a character as well! research ever since. to be discovered, but we’ve both in a much broader context, He probably led me on this At the same time, he was just ended up working on small path more than anyone else. beginning to work on viruses. RNAs. In his case, mostly in continued on page 20 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  19 Luminaries

ROB MARTIENSSEN CN: How do you compare CN: What advice would you pocketbooks; you’re going to continued from page 19 research in genetics during give to educators to encourage appeal to their imagination and the time when you were a PhD young people to explore to the future. And don’t under- student to now, taking into science and plant biology? estimate the importance of the so understanding everything consideration all the sequenc- arts and culture. The science around that pathway or that RM: That’s an excellent question, ing technologies? fiction of today may be the sci- phenomenon is now much and a very important one. I ence of tomorrow! It certainly more important. That’s really RM: Well, certainly technol- think the appeal of science as plays a big role in promoting the big change, I think. ogy has changed dramatically a career is changing. We see science. But getting insight into in epigenetics. We can now this in applications to graduate There are lots of ways to mechanisms still requires routinely look genome-wide at schools in the United States. get people excited aside from the same sort of deductive all sorts of epigenetic marks, There are fewer American traditional lecturing. Involving reasoning and logic that it not only DNA methylation. students who are interested kids in experiments early is a always has, McClintock being When I was a graduate stu- in going on to a postgraduate good thing. I remember being a great example. Just look at dent, DNA methylation was degree. fascinated by chemistry sets what she was able to do with pretty much the only widely I would say that in the early when I was a child, and I think such limited tools (though accepted epigenetic mark. Now, years, encouragement, confi- that’s still true of most kids. don’t forget she was a fan- of course, we have hundreds dence, excitement, and convey- Getting them involved in DNA tastic experimentalist—her of histone modifications, not ing the importance of science experiments early—why not? I microscopy, for example). But to mention all the noncoding all matter. Young kids in school think the DNA Learning Center the genetic logic she used is RNAs and small RNAs. I think are very smart; they want to has done an outstanding job of still absolutely viable today, what’s interesting is that the know what the most important that. It’s really impressive. The and that sort of logic can still principles behind epigenetics things are. Emphasizing science kids love it! provide extraordinary insights haven’t changed that much. and giving it the attention it I think plants are coming into biology. We still know the importance deserves is half the battle. into their own. Plant biology So it’s not just the huge of heritable changes that are Part of the problem that is going to lead the way in the amount of data that’s impor- not caused by DNA mutation. we’ve had in the past few years biology of this century. n tant. You can’t ignore it, and They’re reversible, environ- has been the emphasis on the it’s no secret that informatics mentally induced, and can be economy. The disparity between Read Christos’s full interview and the ability to handle and inherited through generations. scientists and other professions with Rob Martienssen online summarize large datasets in All of that is still true. Some is something that should be at meaningful ways has become a of the observations made by addressed economically, and luminaries/martienssen.pdf key skill that I think all biolo- McClintock, Ed Coe, and R. A. different countries have very gists entering the field now Brink working in maize in the different ways of addressing it. have to learn some aspects of. 1940s and 1950s are still prin- Getting people excited I think it’s impossible to do ciples we live by now. We just about science from a sort biology without understand- understand a lot more about the of “inner sense” is the most ing at least the principles of mechanism, and the technology important thing, I think. You’re informatics. has helped a lot with that. not going to appeal to their

20  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Southern Section

SS-ASPB Meeting Report 2012

he 2012 meeting of the (all from Charleston College) ASPB Southern Section won the Aubrey Naylor under- T (SS-ASPB) was held graduate poster competition. March 3–5 in Myrtle Beach, In all, there were 77 reg- South Carolina. Jay Shockey, istrants for this year’s annual SS-ASPB secretary/treasurer, meeting. Crispin Taylor, ASPB’s in cooperation with local host executive director, attended Doug van Hoewyk, organized the meeting and presented the meeting. Rebecca Dick- a short informational talk at stein presided as chair, and the awards banquet about the Paul Stephenson served as vice activities of the parent society. chair in putting together this The program pages are avail- year’s thematic Kriton-Hatzios able at Symposium. Next year’s meeting will be The symposium featured held in Little Rock, Arkansas, three invited speakers on the and will be organized by Ashlee general theme of chloroplast McCaskill, incoming SS-ASPB Left to right: Caleb Kirkpatrick, Kala Peek, and Cody Mullins (all biology. Plenary speakers were secretary/treasurer for 2012– from Charleston College) won the Aubrey Naylor undergraduate Klaus Apel (Boyce Thompson 2013, with Mariya Khodakovs- poster competition. The award was presented by Jay Shockey (far n Institute, Cornell University), kaya serving as local host. right). Photo by Stephen Banks. Elizabeth Haswell (Washington University), and Henry Daniell (University of Central Florida). The meeting enjoyed sup- port from 24 colleges, universi- ties, and government labora- tories from nine states in the Southern region. There were 34 oral presentations, includ- ing 22 graduate student oral presentations. Twenty-three participants presented posters, including nine from under- graduates. In an exceptionally com- petitive field, Elspeth Murday (Clemson University) won the graduate student oral competi- tion, while Kala Peek, Caleb Kirkpatrick, and Cody Mullins

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was the site of the 2012 SS-ASPB meeting. Photo by Stephen Banks.

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  21 The Chlorophyll Content Meter - for Almost Everything Else

Immature Rice Prickly Pear Cactus Turf Grass Juniper

The new CCM-300

Lichens Various & Bryophytes Aquatic Plants

Some types of Conifers Fruit Algae on Rocks

Pineapple Arabidopsis Agave

Tel: (603) 883-4400 Fax: (603) 883-4410 Web: Email:[email protected] Public Affairs

Policy Update BY KATHY R. MUNKVOLD, PhD ASPB Associate Director of Public Affairs, [email protected]

resident Obama released tives on discretionary programs of the cost-cutting burden to tion for the Advancement of his budget request for by $19 billion below the level nondefense spending, including Science, fellow of the Entomo- Pfiscal year 2013 on Febru- set last August in the Budget funding for scientific research logical Society of America, and ary 13, in the midst of major Control Act of 2011 (debt and entitlement programs. distinguished graduate alumnus disagreement in Congress about limit agreement). If the House of Cook College, Rutgers Uni- federal spending and future tax passes this legislation, it will Sonny Ramaswamy versity. Congratulations to Dr. policy. In this election year, the further complicate efforts to Tapped as Director of Ramaswamy as he begins his request reflects a political and conclude the annual congres- USDA’s National Institute new position at NIFA. campaign strategy for the presi- sional appropriations process dent that communicates to the before the elections—or even of Food and Agriculture ASPB Signs on to Group public that his administration before the end of the calendar On Friday, March 9, President Letter in Support of USDA is “all in” on the president’s top- year. The legislation also would Obama announced his intent to Research, Education, and line objectives of job creation, inhibit the House’s ability to appoint Sonny Ramaswamy as Economics clean energy, education, manu- fully support proposed funding the next director of the USDA’s facturing, and infrastructure for research agencies. National Institute of Food and In March, ASPB joined more renewal. The White House is The budget resolution pro- Agriculture (NIFA). Ramaswamy than 900 signatories on a hoping to draw sharp contrasts posed by House Republicans will be replacing Acting Direc- letter to the leadership of the with the Republican presiden- lays out a vision for this election tor Chavonda Jacobs-Young, U.S. House of Representatives tial candidate’s ideas. year and is similar to legislation who filled the vacancy left by and Senate Committees on The president’s FY2013 bud- outlined by Chairman Ryan in Appropriations; Subcommit- the departure of former direc- get request maintains federal 2011. It provides a framework tees on Agriculture, Rural tor and ASPB member Roger funding for scientific research that would require reductions Development, Food and Drug Beachy last spring. Ramaswamy agencies and federal postsec- in federal spending, but it also Administration, and Related is currently the dean of the Col- ondary education programs. leaves many of the details to Agencies in support of fund- lege of Agricultural Sciences at Agencies include NSF, the individual committees of juris- ing for the USDA Research, Oregon State University, where Department of Energy’s Office diction. Education, and Economics he has served since 2009, and of Science, and the USDA’s Although many of the pro- (REE) mission. Agriculture and Food Research posals are unlikely to become director of the Oregon Agri- The list of signatories Initiative (AFRI). As for science law at any point, Congress cultural Experiment Station. included 30 private-sector and technology supporting job remains focused on avoiding Previously he held the positions enterprises, 90 societies and creation, the Obama budget the across-the-board spend- of associate dean of Purdue Uni- organizations, and 110 uni- embraces advanced manu- ing reductions that are to be versity’s College of Agriculture versities and research institu- facturing research; renewable triggered by a sequester of all and head of the Department tions. The letter called for a energy technologies; science, spending in January 2013. With of Entomology at Kansas State strong federal investment in technology, engineering, and the “supercommittee’s” failure University. USDA’s extramural programs math (STEM) programs; and to come up with a deficit reduc- Ramaswamy’s research has within NIFA, such as AFRI research commercialization. tion package last fall, a budget focused on the reproductive and formula funds, as well as On March 22, House Budget sequester is designed to imple- biology of insects and the the department’s intramural Committee Chairman Paul ment annual savings if Congress interaction between insects and programs, including the Agri- Ryan (R-WI) unveiled the Re- cannot act. The House Repub- crop plants, including pests of cultural Research Service, the publican budget resolution for licans are primarily focused on wheat, cotton, beans, and trees. Economic Research Service, FY2013. This resolution would the $55 billion in defense cuts He has been honored for his and the National Agricultural peg federal spending available set to take effect in January 2013 scientific contributions as a fel- Statistics Service. to the House of Representa- and are looking to shift more low of the American Associa- continued on page 24 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  23 Public Affairs

POLICY UPDATE Director Roger Beachy, to ASPB Offers Public Com- small team research projects continued from page 23 elevate the perception of and ment in Support of Plant addressing specific research need for food and agriculture Biology Research at Fed- problems. The letter highlighted ag- research in general and specifi- eral Agency Meetings 4. ASPB called for funding of riculture as one of the “bright cally to establish a foundation specific programs, such as spots” in the economy during similar to that proposed in the On February 22, ASPB offered training grants, that are tar- these difficult fiscal times and legislation, but with the ultimate public comment at NIFA’s geted to provide the needed stressed that “For every $1 in- goal of a federal match on listening session on its com- agricultural research work- vested in publicly funded agri- private investments. The ad hoc petitive grants program, AFRI. force over the next 10 years cultural and food research, $20 coalition garnered support for The goal of the session was to and to adequately prepare in economic activity is generat- the legislation through a letter obtain stakeholder comments these individuals for careers ed.” The letter and the complete with nearly 100 scientific societ- to consider in developing the in the agricultural research list of signatories can be viewed ies (including ASPB), growers’ FY2013 AFRI solicitations. of the future. on the Public Affairs Advocacy and producers’ associations, ASPB’s comments included the 5. ASPB called for additional Page at universities, and private compa- following recommendations for funding targeted toward members/group_content_view. nies signing on. The letter and the program: efforts to increase the utility asp?group=68890&id=99035. list of signatories can be found 1. A top priority for ASPB is and agronomic performance at to sustain and grow AFRI of bioenergy crops. ASPB Supports New One extremely successful because competitive research ASPB also submitted written Legislation to Establish a precedent for such a founda- drives innovation, promotes comments, which can be read Foundation for Food and tion is the Foundation for the the formation of effective in full on the Public Affairs Agriculture Research National Institutes of Health research teams, and delivers Advocacy Page (http://tinyurl. (, which tangible advances in food com/cjj4knl). While the ASPB Committee on during its 15-year existence has and agriculture. On March 9, the President’s Public Affairs made its rounds raised more than $500 million 2. ASPB asked for support of a Council of Advisors on Science on Capitol Hill on March 29 in private donations to supple- robust competitive research and Technology (PCAST) held advocating for plant biology ment NIH research funding. program with broad pri- a meeting that included a ses- research (see related article It is expected that this legisla- orities where proposals that sion with Secretary of Agricul- on p. 25), new legislation to tion will be included in Farm address critical issues in the ture Tom Vilsack. Members of establish a Foundation for Food Bill discussions. Accordingly, USDA mission statement are PCAST confirmed that they and Agriculture Research was Chairwoman Stabenow stated funded solely on intellectual are taking up a study on our introduced by Senators Debbie in a press release (http://tinyurl. merit and not on tightly nation’s agricultural prepared- Stabenow (D-MI) and Pat com/cmkjwuf), “The potential constrained parameters. ness that many expect to focus Roberts (R-KS), chairwoman to create this foundation as part 3. ASPB asked that 30% of on the role of research. Ac- and ranking member of the of the new Farm Bill is yet one AFRI’s budget be dedicated cordingly, Secretary Vilsack Committee on Agriculture, more reason to get the Farm Bill to foundational research for highlighted the challenges Nutrition, and Forestry, completed as soon as possible.” individual investigator or facing agriculture in terms of respectively. The foundation food security, sustainability, and that would be created by the regulation in a global market. legislation aims to facilitate He also stressed the role of ag- public–private partnerships and This column provides just a small sample of the riculture in creating a bio-based leverage private investments in content from ASPB public affairs, including ma- economy. food and agriculture research. terial provided by ASPB’s government relations The council heard from The full text of the bill can be consultants, Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC. Also several scientific societies, found at http://roberts.senate. be sure to check out our blogs: Plant Biology including ASPB, about the gov/public/_pdf/WEI12224.pdf. importance of agriculture ASPB has been working Policy, Funding Opportunities, and Plants in the News. Please visit research. ASPB highlighted its closely with an ad hoc group in efforts in convening the Plant support of food and agriculture publicaffairs for the most up-to-date news. Science Research Summit and research, spearheaded by ASPB member and former NIFA continued on page 26

24  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Public Affairs

director for Operational Committee on Public Affairs Advocates Energy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the for ASPB Priorities in Washington, D.C. Navy for Energy 4. U.S. Department of BY KATHY R. MUNKVOLD, PhD Agriculture (USDA) ASPB Associate Director of Public Affairs, [email protected] • Edward Kaleikau, national program leader, Institute of Food Production and Sustainability • Liang-Shiou Lin, national program leader, Institute of Food Production and Sustainability • Mary Peet, division director, Institute of Food Production and Sustainability 5. Office of Science and Tech- nology Policy (OSTP) • Mary Maxon, assistant director, Biological Research, Science Division Each agency highlighted relevant programs currently supporting plant biology research and the future of such research within the agency. A ASPB Committee on Public Affairs members in front of the White House. Pictured from left to right: Nick common theme among the Carpita, Sally Mackenzie, Julian Schroeder, Dick Sayre, Beth Hood, Pat Schnable, and David Stern. Not speakers was the challenging pictured but also attending the meeting were Steve Huber (ASPB president), Norman Lewis, Maureen Mc- fiscal climate and leveraging Cann, and Colleen Doherty (early career representative). the funding available to make the largest impact. It was clear midst the iconic cherry from ASPB’s government rela- 1. U.S. Department of Energy that translational research— blossoms early this tions consultants and meeting (DOE) moving scientific findings from Aspring, the ASPB hosts, Lewis-Burke Associates. • Gail McLean, program man- bench to marketplace or field, Committee on Public Affairs Considering the current fiscal ager, Basic Energy Sciences in the case of plant biology—is ( environment, the outlook for • Catherine Ronning, program important to this administra- Leadership#public) was hard scientific funding in general manager, Biological and tion as well as to each of the at work advocating for federal seems promising. However, Environmental Research agencies. But ultimately, the support for plant biology re- Lewis-Burke expects that the 2. National Science greatest influence on support search during its annual meet- government will not pass a Foundation (NSF) for plant biology research ing in Washington, D.C. Held budget until after the elec- • John Wingfield, assistant comes from Congress during over two full days, the meeting tion, obliging funding agen- director, Directorate for Bio- the appropriations process. consisted of discussions with cies to prepare for potential logical Sciences On March 29, the commit- federal agency representatives cuts. Likewise, Lewis-Burke • Jane Silverthorne, acting tee dispersed on Capitol Hill and policy makers on Capitol anticipates that the pending division director, Division of for a full day of visits with their Hill that focused on the impor- Farm Bill reauthorization will Integrative and Organismal respective delegations and a tance of plant biology research. be delayed until 2013. Systems number of relevant congres- March 28 began with a Following the update, the 3. Department of the Navy sional committees to commu- detailed update on the status committee met with representa- (DON) nicate the importance of plant of overall scientific funding tives of five federal agencies: • Chris Tindal, PE, CEM, continued on page 26 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  25 Public Affairs

COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC Affairs members carried a mes- POLICY UPDATE ence on social media outlets AFFAIRS sage of increased support for continued from page 24 such as Twitter and Facebook continued from page 25 scientific funding agencies and allows the Society to provide biology research. In each of their emphasized priorities for the asked that PCAST continue timely updates on plant biology 38 meetings on the Hill (see box forthcoming Farm Bill, along to focus on the critical role in the news, policy changes af- below), Committee on Public with other ASPB priorities. n of research—especially plant fecting plant biology research, biology research—in address- and funding opportunities ing urgent societal challenges. to anyone who is interested Congressional Office Meetings ASPB’s comments also can in these topics. As our online community grows, so will our Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) be read in full on the Public Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Affairs Advocacy Page (http:// ability to communicate with Senator Dan Coats (R-IN) others about the fascinating Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) world of plant science. If Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) ASPB Tops 1,000 Twitter you haven’t already done so, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) Followers please join us online: “like” Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) us on Facebook (http://www. Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) By March 2012, ASPB had and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) amassed more than 1,000 fol- “follow” us on Twitter (http:// Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) lowers on its Twitter feed and n Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) more than 600 “likes” on its Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) Facebook page. ASPB’s pres- Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) Representative Joe Baca (D-CA) Representative Brian Bilbray (R-CA) Representative Larry Bucshon (R-IN) Representative Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) Representative Jim Costa (D-CA) Representative Susan Davis (D-CA) Representative Norm Dicks (D-WA) Representative Bob Filner (D-CA) Representative Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) # Representative Chris Gibson (R-NY) # Representative Martin Heinrich (D-NM) # Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) # Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) Representative Tom Latham (R-IA) Representative Bill Owens (D-NY) Representative Steve Pearce (R-NM) Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Representative Todd Rokita (R-IN) Representative Adrian Smith (R-NE) Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Senate Committee on Armed Services Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Subcommittee on Science and Space Senate Committee on Foreign Relations House Committee on Agriculture House Committee on Appropriations; Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

26  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Public Affairs

ASPB Member Gary Coleman Testifies in Support of NSF BY KATHY R. MUNKVOLD, PhD ASPB Associate Director of Public Affairs, [email protected]

n March 22, ASPB mem- ber Gary Coleman Otestified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations; Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies in support of the Na- tional Science Foundation (NSF). In his testimony, Gary urged the members of the subcom- mittee to fully fund NSF at the president’s requested level of $7.373 billion for fiscal year 2013. He stressed that “without significant and increased support for Directorate for Biological Sciences and the NSF as a whole, promising fundamental research discoveries will be delayed and vital collaborations across scientific disciplines will be post- poned, thus limiting the nation’s NSF’s support for plant biology either written or from public ability to respond to the pressing Gary Coleman is an associate research since its inception in witnesses—as the appropriations professor in the Department of scientific problems that exist 1998. process gets under way. In ad- Plant Science and Landscape today and the new challenges we Subcommittee members in dition to Gary’s public testimony Architecture at the University can see on the horizon.” attendance during the session supporting NSF, ASPB also has of Maryland. Using poplar as Gary also highlighted the included Chairman Frank Wolf submitted written testimony a model system, his research benefits of an NSF-funded (R-VA), Ranking Member to both the House and Senate interests include understand- summer training program for Chaka Fattah (D-PA), John in support of the president’s ing the biology of tree growth underrepresented high school Culberson (R-TX), Tom Graves budget requests for the U.S. and development, regulation and undergraduate students in (R-GA), and Adam Schiff (D- Department of Agriculture, of vegetative bud dormancy, plant biology that he and his CA). The majority of testimony U.S. Department of Energy, and nitrogen storage and use colleagues developed. In addi- focused on support for NSF and National Institutes of Health, efficiency. Gary also serves as the tion to support for education NASA. The members present and NSF. To view the full chair of the Mid-Atlantic Section and training programs at NSF, were all engaged and repeatedly statements, please visit the of ASPB ( Gary stressed the importance stated the committee’s support Public Affairs statements page group/midatlantic). of the Plant Genome Research for scientific research as a whole. ( Program, which has provided Each year, Congress accepts group_content_view.asp? a significant portion of the outside witness testimony— group=68890&id=99039). n ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  27 CALL FOR PAPERS

Plant Physiology® Focus Issue on the Plant Physiology of Global Change

Deadline for Submission: August 3, 2012 To submit an article, please go to

Plant Physiology is pleased to announce a Focus Issue on the Plant Physiology of Global Change to be pub- lished in December 2012. Lisa Ainsworth and Don Ort will edit this Focus Issue. Research article submis- sions on all aspects of the impacts and interactions of global change on plants as well as the impacts of plants on global change are invited. The scope of this Focus Issue includes but is not limited to adaptation to single and interacting global change factors, perception of and signaling in response to global change factors, the biology of global change mitigation, agricultural impacts of global change, global change im- pacts on plant biotic interactions, and plant migration in response to global change.

Authors interested in contributing should indicate this in the cover letter when submitting papers online at Please select “The Plant Physiology of Global Change (December 2012)” from the Focus Issue list in the online submission system. Articles published in Plant Physiology on this topic within 2 years before and after the Focus Issue publication date will be collected in an online Focus Collection on the Plant Physiology of Global Change.

Please contact Lisa Ainsworth ([email protected]) or Don Ort ([email protected]) for additional information. Education Forum

ASPB Outreach: Growing Awareness about the Importance of Plants in Daily Life and Education BY SCOTT WOODY, University of Wisconsin SUZANNE CUNNINGHAM and SHERRY FULK-BRINGMAN, Purdue University

our ASPB has been and open-to-the-public event member Scott Woody. The busy during these early that offered visitors the oppor- booth was staffed at various Scene from an overlook at Fam- Ymonths of 2012. We tunity to interact with scien- times by Tom; Scott; Barbara ily Science Days, held February have hosted outreach booths at tists, members of professional Alonso (University of Cali- 18–19 during the AAAS annual both the AAAS convention in societies, commercial vendors fornia, Berkeley); Rob Mc- meeting at the Vancouver, BC, Vancouver, British Columbia, of science-related products, and Clung and Mary Lou Guerinot Convention Center. Total February 15–20, and at the even astronauts from the Cana- (Dartmouth College); George attendance was estimated to be National Science Teachers As- dian Space Agency. Among the Haughn, Carl Douglas, and approximately 6,000 visitors. sociation (NSTA) conference in many lasting memories of the Ljerka Kunst (University of Indianapolis, Indiana, March weekend event was the sight of British Columbia [UBC]); 29–April 1. Both occasions long lines of parents and their and other UBC volunteers, plantlets within a necklace they provided opportunities for our children waiting to register and including Tess Grainger, Lacey created using soil in a plastic membership to communicate then explore the exhibit hall. Samuels, Robin Young, Heather container, a bit of water, and to the public the vital impor- The ASPB booth at Family Rowe, and Teagen Quilichini. some ongoing TLC. This simple tance of plants in our daily lives Science Days was managed by Tom brought the Kalaenchloe activity and the enthusiastic and, especially, the utility of University of Wisconsin– (Mother of Thousands, or response, especially from plants in the classroom to en- Madison undergraduate Tom MoT) citizen-science project to the youngest of the budding gage students and their teach- Bryan, with the assistance of the booth, offering visitors the scientists to visit the ASPB ers in biology education and ASPB Education Committee opportunity to nurture MoT continued on page 30 the practice of science. Given the hearty appetite evident in the general public to learn more about the natural world that surrounds us and given teachers’ needs to adapt to a rapidly changing, standards- based educational landscape, our outreach efforts were very timely and warmly appreciated at both venues.

ASPB at AAAS Family Science Days ASPB booth at Family Science Days, in Karl Douglas (foreground, at right) and Barb Alonso Vancouver, BC Vancouver, British Columbia. Rob McClung (background, at right) engage young visitors to the ASPB and Tom Bryan (above, at right), using booth in using their senses to identify hidden gifts from Our exhibitor’s booth during Mother of Thousands (the remnant plant, plants within paper bags and to make evolutionary con- the AAAS convention was part center) to help visitors appreciate the plea- nections among citrus and vegetable plant products. of “Family Science Days,” a free sures to be gained by growing plants. ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  29 Education Forum

ASPB OUTREACH continued from page 29 display, is an effective testa- ment to the power of plants to engage people of all ages in the scientific enterprise. Rob, Mary Lou, Barbara, and George were especially dedicated to engaging visitors to our booth, and UBC student volunteers were likewise energized by the experience.

Scott Woody describes how the Fast Plantssc® Purdue undergraduate Kirsten Thomas guides a teacher suite of genetic and molecular resources can through plant-based classroom activities. help students and teachers alike to better understand genetics, evolution, and modern genomic sciences. ASPB at NSTA Indianapolis, Indiana hands-on soil experiments for eager teachers seeking ways In stark contrast to the public to incorporate plant science outreach connection established and soil properties into their by the ASPB booth at the 2012 biology, chemistry, and earth Promoting plants at AAAS. AAAS Family Science Days, the science classrooms. Kirsten While volunteers like Rob, Mary annual conference of the NSTA and Melanie, Purdue agronomy Lou, Tom, and Scott are becom- at the cavernous Indiana Con- undergraduates, assisted at ing veterans at such outreach vention Center presented the the ASPB booth. Suzanne and events, another lasting memory opportunity for ASPB to inform Kirsten answered lots of ques- of the Family Science Days educators on the front lines of tions about our orange (high experience at AAAS 2012 was U.S. science education of the β-carotene) corn, how we got to witness the rewards of public many ways in which plants can our seedlings to grow so well outreach obtained by UBC un- be used in their classrooms to (“There’s no mold! How did you dergraduates who stepped up to help students better appreciate ASPB Immediate Past President do that?”), and the multitude help host the ASPB booth. plant biology and to leverage Nick Carpita (right) discusses the of ways to use starch-agar gels the presence of living organisms usefulness of plants for reaching in demonstrations and labs. to engage student students in biology education. Sherry and Melanie discussed wonder and excite- many properties of soils. Ero- ment in the scientific sion and its prevention, “soil enterprise. During graduate student Jessica Lucas, has a charge,” nutrient move- three full days of out- along with Scott Woody and ment, the nitrogen cycle, and reach, ASPB members Tom Bryan (UW–Madison), soil pH were among the many Suzanne Cunning- hosted the ASPB education and highlighted experiments and ham, Sherry Fulk- outreach booth. demonstrations showcased. Bringman, and Nick Having NSTA in Indianapolis The ASPB booth offered Carpita (all of Purdue enabled Suzanne and Sherry an oasis of sorts to teachers University), Purdue to present to visitors starch- roaming through the vast sea Future plant biologists put their undergraduate volun- agar gels, varieties of corn and of vendors stationed in the visions of plant biology to paper teers Melanie Jones and Kirsten developing corn seedlings, soil exhibit hall. That is, unlike most using crayons at the ASPB booth. Thomas, and Indiana University monoliths, and a multitude of continued on page 39 30  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Education Forum

Focus on Education at Plant Biology 2012 Enhance your conference experience by including some of these events designed to pique the interests and meet the needs of science educators. Please verify all logistics online at or on-site in Austin.


Poster Session for Welcome the next generation of plant biologists! Undergraduates display their Open to all Undergraduate Networking posters during this special session. Light refreshments Friday, July 20, 9:30–10:30 a.m.

Small Colleges/PUI Research Join with scientists working at or interested in primarily undergraduate Online preregistration Networking Event institutions (PUIs). Network, discuss common interests, find out about PUI- required. Free. Friday, July 20, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. related opportunities, and provide feedback on ASPB programs for PUIs.

How to Be a Great Teacher: Consider goals for teaching diverse groups of students, discuss and practice Online preregistration A Hands-on Workshop for methods for engaging students, and explore ways to assess student learning. and ticket purchase Postdocs and Students We also will share ideas about how graduate students and postdocs can find required. Saturday, July 21, 7:30–10 p.m. opportunities to teach. $30 faculty/$25 post- docs/$20 students. Buffet dinner

Education Workshop: Explore case study teaching and related teaching materials available through Online preregistration Case Study Teaching— the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS; http:// required. Free. Engaging Students in Plant Attendees will tackle a plant biology case, ex- Light refreshments Biology Problem Solving periencing case study teaching from the student perspective and seeing how Sunday, July 22, 7:30–10 p.m. cases can be used to foster learning of science concepts and skills. The work- Speaker: Paula Lemons, shop will end with an invitation for participants to apply for sponsorship from and NCCSTS ASPB to join a weeklong professional development workshop at the NCCSTS in New York in May 2013. Sponsored by the ASPB Education Committee.

Education Minisymposium (#26) Learn from plant scientists sharing their education and outreach innovations, Open to all Monday, July 23, 3:45–5:30 p.m. including ways to study the efficacy of instructional materials and teaching approaches. Presenters: Eric Brenner, New York University; Jelena Brkljacic, Ohio State University; Robert Donaldson, George Washington University; Stacey Lundy, Wake Forest University; David Micklos, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Competition for Innovative See how colleagues are teaching plant science in the laboratory, classroom, During exhibit hall Instruction—Winning Projects and other venues. Speak with the Education Booth competition winners hours Daily in the Education Booth about their innovative techniques, technologies, and strategies for teaching plant science.

Hot Topics in Science Education Meet experts for interactive 30- to 60-minute sessions to discuss the hottest During exhibit hall Daily in the Education Booth science, outreach, and education topics (PB2012 session topics TBA). hours To suggest a topic or facilitate a discussion, please e-mail Erin Dolan, Education Committee chair, at [email protected]. Sponsored by the ASPB Education Committee.

Resource Library Peruse selected resources on how people learn and help yourself to educa- During exhibit hall Daily in the Education Booth tion and outreach materials—all free for the taking. hours

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  31 Education Forum

ASPB Invited Back to Host Science Outreach at the White House BY KATIE ENGEN and KATHY MUNKVOLD

n Monday, April 9, on the South Lawn. First Lady First Lady’s hand ASPB returned to the Michelle Obama spoke at the while wearing a lab OWhite House to host a Kids’ Kitchen with weather apron bearing the ASPB plant science outreach booth guru Al Roker, chef Marcus name, and Mrs. Obama as part of the 134th Easter Egg Samuelsson, and three children indicated she recognized Roll. A tradition started in about gardening and how fresh, the Society. Steve thanked 1878 by President Rutherford seasonal eating is a healthy her for all her effective ef- B. Hayes and his wife, Lucy, the goal everyone should aim to forts to promote health and Easter Egg Roll soon became achieve. Mrs. Obama shared nutrition, pleased that such known as an exhilarating day that she tells her daughters, a brief encounter sparked a of play for everyone. This year’s Malia and Sasha, “Vegetables positive comment for ASPB. theme—“Let’s go. Let’s play. Let’s aren’t really a choice. You’ve By design, the ASPB booth move.”—embodied that same got to eat your vegetables every was planted adjacent to the high-energy spirit. From 7:30 day.” Leading by example, she First Lady’s garden, and several a.m. to 6:45 p.m., some 30,000 then enjoyed the vegetable and continued on page 34 visitors (in five waves of 6,000 shrimp tacos prepared by people) from all 50 states and Chef Samuelsson. Washington, D.C., hopped, After lunch, Mrs. Obama strolled, sprinted, and rolled greeted members of the across the South Lawn to all the crowd, including ASPB activities, sports, and games. President Steve Huber and The Obama Family and several others who were the Easter Bunny greeted the volunteering at the ASPB crowd at midday from the booth. Steve shook the White House South Portico, then joined the fun


32  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Education Forum

Thank You, ASPB Volunteers!

We really had to “hop to it” to keep pace with the crowd of youngsters eager to make garden cups and talk about plants. Staff representatives Katie Engen, Shoshana Kronfeld, Diane McCauley, Kathy Munkvold, and Crispin Taylor are grateful for the expertise and energy volunteered by the Society members and associates who joined ASPB President Steve Huber for a fun and productive day. Thank you to Andrew Auffarth, Briana Bostic, Elena Del Campillo, Brennah Engen, Joan Huber, Melantha Jackson, Samuel Jones, Daniela Parker, James Parker, Janet Slovin, Clare Taylor, Cynthia Taylor, Dylan Taylor, Emma Taylor, George Ude, and MariaElena Zavala. Well-deserved thanks also goes to the six volunteers from the general public assigned to our booth by the White House. The booth benefited from their energetic efforts, and each volunteer learned a bit about plant biology, too.

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  33 Education Forum

ASPB AT THE WHITE HOUSE allowed gardeners to transfer they provide nutritious foods hosting an activity on the South continued from page 32 plants from the greenhouse that help brains and bodies act Lawn this year. early and thus the kitchen staff “quick like a bunny,” too. Volun- To help everyone recognize ASPB volunteers enjoyed a already had prepared full salad teers from the Society (see side- the ubiquitous presence of “cook’s tour” of the garden with courses for a variety of official bar on page 33, Thank You, plants in all our lives and to White House kitchen represen- White House events this spring. ASPB Volunteers!) guided the reinforce an interest in voting tative Chef Rachel, who pointed Chef Rachel and the garden young visitors to assemble gar- during this election year, ASPB out peas, arugula, broccoli staff were thrilled to take a do- den cups and chat about also asked visitors to decide rabe, spinach, strawberries, nation of soil pellets as a thank what seeds are, how plants which “party” of plant-based herbs, the cluster of blueberry you from ASPB. She called the develop, and the many ways products—food, fiber, or bushes, and even the new fig pellets “black gold” and agreed plants are important in daily fuel—help them the most to tree sapling. A lush array of that using them to enrich the life. For example, many families think and act “quick like a cabbages and lettuces sporting soil ecosystem would improve were pleased to learn that the bunny” each day. The ballot a range of colors and leaf shapes the garden’s yield. garden cups and lids were made defined each category in very were so beautiful that even our Inside the ASPB “Quick- not from regular plastic but basic terms. And ballot boxes geneticists, who might normally Like-a-Bunny” booth, young- with recyclable, corn-based were decorated with colorful prefer plants with more signifi- sters sowed lettuce, carrot, and material. Overall, booth visitors images of each “candidate,” so cant genetic variations, were radish seeds to start mini gar- were very eager to dig in to all even the youngest voters could enamored. In fact, most all the den cups full of yummy bunny- the biology concepts we offered, make a well-informed choice. plants were particularly robust and kid-friendly food. These a response our volunteers espe- Exit polls showed that food for early April. Chef Rachel quick-germinating vegetable cially appreciated because ASPB had an early lead over the other explained that the mild winter seeds were selected because was the only scientific society candidates. The final count was FOOD–440, FUEL–146, �� Which�PLANT�PRODUCTS�do� and FIBERS–157. Either way, you�use�the�most the day proved that sowing the �each�day? fruits,�veggies,�grains,�meat/dairy/honey�from�plant�eaters� FO � seeds of plant biology concepts � OD

in the fertile minds of gleeful biofuel,�ethanol,�coal/electricity,�wood�FU � EL and curious Easter Egg Roll

furniture,�building�materials,�cotton�clothing,�paper � F IBER participants is a winning com- Place�your�completed�ballot�i

� � bination. Here are some quips Enter�to�win�a�plush�bunny�&�plant�science�a1�per�person,�please!�n�the�correct�ballot�box. � Name:�______�� and quotes from our youngest Address: ctivities�to�do�with� family�or�pals.�� plant fans: � Adult�Signature Drawing�occurs�after�the�event�ends.�Prizes�mailed.��to�approve�entry:______� • Twin 1: Now I’ve got a carrot � On�the�back�draw�one�thing�you�can�do�‘quick�like�a�bunny! around my neck! • Twin 2: Look, Mom, we’re go- ’� ing to have two carrots in our garden now! • Toddler in arms: I yike [sic] this, Daddy. • Mommy, I think it’s definitely fiber that should win. • I have to care for this plant. It needs water and soil and caring. • I have planted my whole garden now. Thank you. • We did all the other activities, but we just wished we could come back and plant the other kinds of seeds, too. Can we? (Yes!) n

34  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Education Forum

Robert Bayne, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill SURFing with ASPB Mentor: Michael Blatt, University of Glasgow 2012 Summer Undergraduate Project: Evaluating the interaction between the KC1 K+ channel and the Research Fellowships SNARE SYP121 Thanks to the SURF grant, I will be able to conduct research full-time throughout the ASPB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF; http:// summer and then present my findings at an international conference. Such an opportunity simply cannot be 93217935) allow promising undergraduate students to conduct replaced, and I believe it will be instrumental in preparing me for a meaningful research in plant biology early in their college careers. career as a scientist. SURF students must work for 10 consecutive weeks with a mentor who is an ASPB member. An important aspect of SURF is its recog- nition that institutions have varying resources for sustaining different Hannah De Jong, Cornell University types of research, and so applications received from larger (group Mentor: Georg Jander, Boyce Thompson A) and smaller, primarily undergraduate institutions (group B) are Institute for Plant Research/Cornell Uni- reviewed separately. This year’s nine group A recipients and six group versity B recipients will present their SURF research at the undergraduate Project: Does turnip mosaic virus and general poster sessions during Plant Biology 2013, July 20–24, in induce volatile production in Nicotiana Providence, Rhode Island. benthamiana to attract aphid vectors? The ASPB SURF Committee would like to thank all the students Research in Georg Jander’s lab has shown and mentors who applied to the 2012 SURF program. Once again, that aphids are more attracted to TuMV- the applications for this increasingly competitive award were both infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants plentiful and outstanding. In fact, the reviewers needed extra time to than to uninfected plants. For my project, I will be performing bio- choose the 15 SURF recipients and 11 honorable mentions this year. assays to determine whether TuMV infection elevates plant volatile Congratulations to all the students featured here! production, thereby increasing aphid preference for the infected plants. Group A Xinxin Ding, Worcester Polytechnic Research and Doctoral Universities Institute Mentor: Luis Vidali, Worcester Polytech- Tara Alpert, Washington University in nic Institute St. Louis Project: Isolation of conditional loss-of- Mentor: Joseph Jez, Washington growth mutants in the moss Physcomitrella University in St. Louis patens and morphological characterization Project: Uncovering missing steps in the of their growth phosphobase methylation pathway of I am really honored and grateful to be Arabidopsis thaliana chosen to receive the 2012 SURF grant. I am so excited to be able to do research With this fellowship, I will be able to start my research on the this summer with the Jez Lab at Washing- conditional mutants of the moss Physcomitrella patens and gain ton University to continue my work from valuable experience to promote my future education and career in the academic year with the phosphobase methylation pathway. My the field of plant biology. I would like to thank ASPB for providing goal is to attend a top graduate school to continue contributing to this great opportunity to international students. Thanks also to the scientific plant community, and the invaluable experience I will Dr. Luis Vidali and Dr. Elizabeth Ryder for their continual encour- gain this summer thanks to ASPB will surely get me there. agement and guidance.

continued on page 36 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  35 Education Forum

SURF WINNERS Alexander Reynolds, Louisiana State continued from page 35 University Mentor: Aaron Smith, Louisiana State Colleen Hartel, Purdue University University Mentor: Keith Woeste, Purdue University Project: Excluding arsenic uptake by Project: A comparison of the genetic modifying phosphate transporter expression diversity of yellowwood (Cladrastis Receiving the ASPB award for summer kentukea) trees sampled from captive and research is definitely an accomplishment wild populations to be excited about. I am very honored I am so grateful to ASPB and my mentor, to have the opportunity to continue my Dr. Keith Woeste, for giving me the op- research through the summer and further my career in science with portunity to participate in undergraduate the help of this award. research this summer. I know this provides me with invaluable experience that will surely aid me in all my future Alex Shaw, University of Illinois at academic experiences. Urbana–Champaign Mentor: Thomas Jacobs, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Stephanie Klein, University of Illinois at Project: Directionality of Urbana–Champaign sensing molecule in Pisum sativum Mentor: Andrew Leakey, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Winning the SURF this summer will Project: Auxin control of Medicago greatly improve my scientific inquiry. My truncatula root development under work also will be essential for my senior thesis project for my university. elevated CO2 Receiving the ASPB Summer Undergrad- Group A uate Research Fellowship will allow me Honorable Mention to grow as a scientist and as a leader and prepare me for a career in academic research and education, which Hillary Cirka, Worcester Polytechnic will allow me to encourage the next generation of scientists in Institute much the same way that my past instructors and lecturers encour- Mentor: Pamela Weathers, Worcester aged me. It will allow me to pursue a senior thesis project exploring Polytechnic Institute root development in a lab setting that was previously observed in Project: Artemisinin and flavonoid the field. production in shoots via root elicitation for hydroponic use Christina Lee, University of Michigan Applying for ASPB SURF has encouraged Mentor: Erik Nielsen, University of me to pursue my interest in plant biology. Michigan Project: KOR2, a membrane-localized Lily Gage, Carleton College beta-(1-4)-endoglucanase, and its role in Mentor: Kenneth Olsen, Washington cell wall synthesis in root hair cells University in St. Louis With the support of this fellowship, I will Project: Investigating the role of water and have the opportunity to continue with my nitrogen stress in white clover cyanogenesis project this summer, which will help de- clines velop my skills as a better researcher and Applying for the ASPB SURF grant gave analytical thinker, as well as allow me to broaden my knowledge in me great insight into the scientific process. the field of plant biology. I grew as both a student and a scientist, and I am honored to have received recog- nition for my proposal. 36  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Education Forum

Leslie Holland, New Mexico State Crystal Owens, Duke University University Mentor: Meng Chen, Duke University Mentor: Aymeric Goyer, Oregon State Project: Phytochrome photobodies and University protein degradation Project: Functional genomics of potato Applying for the 2012 SURF award led nutritional value: Identification of regula- me to explore plant science as a potential tory genes of folate biosynthesis career field and develop and articulate my I feel very fortunate to receive an honor- future goals. The process has exposed me able mention in my category for the SURF to a fascinating area of research that I had program. I believe this achievement will not previously considered. As I am still make me a competitive candidate for future opportunities and exploring various topics of interest, receiving an honorable men- strengthen my background as I continue my studies in plant biology. tion has boosted my confidence to continue following my research dreams.

Praphapan Lasin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Group B Mentor: Pamela Weathers, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Primarily Undergraduate Institutions Project: Comparison of root and shoot Keri Caudle, Fort Hays State University elicitation of flavonoids and artemisinin in Mentor: Brian Maricle, Fort Hays State Artemisia annua L. University Applying for the SURF grant gives me a Project: Genetic and environmental influ- chance to reflect upon my research and ence on physiological drought tolerance in my future career path. This encourages me big bluestem to pursue my goal of becoming a professor and a researcher with The ASPB’s SURF award will provide me more certainty and confidence. with a prime opportunity to strengthen my research skills so that I may excel in future thesis and dissertation projects. Rachel McCabe, University of Maryland Additionally, research experience gained through ASPB will help Mentor: Janet Slovin, USDA–ARS me advance in my desired field of research in plant physiology. Beltsville Project: A novel chloroplast small heat shock protein in Fragaria vesca Jon Cody, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Applying for this scholarship has given me Mentor: Darron Luesse, Southern Illinois my first opportunity to design a project, University Edwardsville and it will be the basis for my future career Project: Over-expression of GGPS3 to in the biological sciences. I look forward to rescue ggps1-1 mutant phenotype continuing this line of research! Receiving the ASPB Summer Under- graduate Research Fellowship is a great opportunity to expand my knowledge in the field of plant molecular biology and gain experience working in a laboratory setting. This grant will en- able me to further pursue my research and aid in my transition into graduate school.

continued on page 38 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  37 Education Forum

SURF WINNERS Kristen Versluys, The King’s University continued from page 37 College

Colleen Friel, Allegheny College Mentor: Hank Bestman, The King’s Mentor: Catharina Coenen, Allegheny University College College Project: Investigation of carbon allocation Project: Auxin effects on root exudation between biosynthetic pathways in and colonization by biocontrol bacteria Neochloris oleoabundans under nitrogen‐ limiting growing conditions using 13C-­ The ASPB SURF grant will allow me to labeling techniques continue research at my undergraduate college over the summer, bridging the This award will provide me with the time between my independent research opportunity to connect my book-based knowledge of metabolic as a junior and my senior project. This pathways to practical, hands-on research. It also will solidify my continuity will enable me to conduct a longer-term project prior to desire to pursue further studies in plant biology. graduation, substantially enhancing the depth of my research expe- rience and my chances to produce publication-quality data. Group B Honorable Mention Seanna Hewitt, Pacific Lutheran University Mentor: Rosemarie Haberle, Pacific Molly Gorder, University of Minnesota Lutheran University Duluth Project: Phylogenetic systematics of the Mentor: Clay Carter, University of North American genus Triodanis (Cam- Minnesota Duluth panulaceae) and comparative chloroplast Project: Sucrose-phosphate synthase 2F: genomics and phylogenetics of the Cam- A gene involved in nectar production in panulaceae subfamily Campanuloideae Arabidopsis thaliana I am honored and excited to have been Applying for the ASPB SURF award gave chosen as a recipient of ASPB’s 2012 SURF grant, and I look forward me the opportunity to further consider a to the opportunity to investigate my botanical interests in greater career in plant biology. I greatly appreci- detail. As I continue to study chloroplast genomics and phylogenet- ate the honorable mention I received. I look forward to applying ics this summer, I hope to solidify my career objectives while playing the knowledge I have gained through this process as I continue a part in the valuable research of a fascinating plant family. my work in the Carter lab, where I examine the genes involved in nectar production in Arabidopsis thaliana. Iftekhar Showpnil, Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity Spencer Gordon, University of Puget Mentor: Chris Wolverton, Ohio Sound Wesleyan University Mentor: Andreas Madlung, University of Project: Investigation of the rate of Puget Sound auxin transport in pin3, pin4, pin7 single Project: Transcriptome analysis during mutants, and pin3pin7, pin4pin7 double flower reversion in Arabidopsis suecica mutants in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana Applying for the ASPB SURF award gave The ASPB SURF award will allow me to me a very good understanding of how to spend the summer working on research write and edit brief proposals. This op- that I have been involved with and am passionate about. It will portunity also allowed me to learn how help me finish the ongoing project and give me the opportunity to to write a personal statement. author a scientific paper, which would be a great experience for me to have as an undergraduate student. This experience will open new doors for me in the fields of plant research and biochemistry as I prepare for higher education after college. 38  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Education Forum

Nurlybek Mursaliyev, James Madison ASPB OUTREACH University continued from page 30 Mentor: Jonathan Monroe, James Madison University other booths occupied by science education supply companies, Project: Characterization of a catalyti- the ASPB booth merely gave free advice on how to use plants in cally inactive β-amylase (BAM9) from the classroom to enhance student learning in biology and science. Arabidopsis Also remarkable was the cross-pollination between the ASPB booth and other education-oriented stations. Thus, throughout I am dedicated to becoming a researcher the three days of the exhibit, we sent our booth visitors to the Wis- in plant biology. Applying for a SURF consin Fast Plants® and Soils Science Society of America booths grant made me better prepared for ap- for more hands-on plant and soil demonstrations, respectively; plying to graduate school, and it encouraged me to achieve my and they, in turn, sent their booth visitors our way! career goals. Clearly, ASPB has been very active in outreach and education in 2012—and it’s only spring! We have been fortunate to have had the assistance of several ASPB past presidents (Nick Carpita, Kelsie Musil, University of Nebraska at Rob McClung, and Mary Lou Guerinot), and their involvement Kearney is a testament to their continuing commitment to the mission of Mentor: Paul Twigg, University of ASPB. Next up are the 2012 ASPB annual meeting in Austin Nebraska at Kearney (July 20–24) and the National Association of Biology Teachers Project: Effects of zinc deprivation on meeting in Dallas (November 1–3). We rely heavily on local lipid accumulation in Chlamydomonas volunteers to conduct these outreach events and hope that ASPB reinhardtii members in Texas will pitch in to help later this year. You won’t I appreciate being given an honorable regret it! n mention for my ASPB SURF application. It’s an honor to be considered, and the process of designing the project and focusing my thinking will be worthwhile as I work toward my BS in biology.

Cameron Venable, Lebanon Valley College Mentor: Robert Carey, Lebanon Valley College Project: Effects of amino acid capping agents on ZnS nanoparticle phytotoxicity Applying for the ASPB SURF grant al- lowed me to explore a field of research in which I am interested. This field of research is not only interesting, but it also has the potential to benefit humankind. n Tom Bryan helps visitors create Mother of Thousands necklaces.

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Phibus’s PhD work dealt with direction on lytic processes nectar secretion of ephemeral in fungi and plants. In 1964, flowers, a scientific topic to he returned to the ETH as an which he returned after his assistant professor. He was retirement in 1998. Thus, not promoted to extraordinary surprisingly, his last scientific professor in 1967 and to full paper, published in 2006 in professor in 1970. the same journal as his PhD Phibus was the first to work 50 years earlier (Botanica describe fungal lysosomes and Helvetica, formerly Berichte der plant vacuoles as the subcel- Schweizerischen Botanischen lular storage compartments Gesellschaft), allowed him, as for hydrolytic enzymes. His he said himself, to “close the work delivered physiological circle of my scientific life.” explanations for the multitude Frey-Wyssling had expected of cellular degradation pro- Phibus Matile, 1985 Phibus Matile, 2011 Phibus to spend some years cesses occurring during leaf (source: Giorgio Zehnder) of postdoc abroad, the usual and flower senescence. This procedure toward a scientific pioneering work culminated in career, which in Swiss German the publication of a renowned was termed IAX (in Amerika textbook in 1975, The Lytic Philippe Matile xi, “having been in America”). Compartment of Plant Cells. A Phibus, however, had other second milestone in Phibus’s (1932–2011) plans. In 1956, he married scientific career was the Christine Lutz and moved to elucidation of the pathway of BY STEFAN HÖRTENSTEINER Florence, Italy, for three years chlorophyll breakdown. Phibus University of Zurich, Switzerland as a teacher at the Scuola started to work on this topic Svizzera. After returning to in 1980, after a meeting with the ETH as an assistant in Robert F. Troxler, a porphyrin hilippe (Phibus) Matile, at the ETH he later headed), Frey-Wyssling’s group in 1959, chemist from Boston Univer- emeritus professor at where he was taught in differ- Phibus worked on the influence sity, whom he asked: “What is Pthe University of Zurich, ent science topics with the aim of light on respiration in plants known about natural chlo- Switzerland, passed away Octo- of becoming a school teacher. and yeast. In 1962, he submit- rophyll breakdown?” Troxler ber 29, 2011, at the age of 79. During these studies, he real- ted his habilitation in the area answered: “Nothing,” and even Phibus’s youth was influ- ized his interest in biology and of plant physiology. With a seven years later, the mecha- enced by the troubling times moved to the Department of two-year scholarship from the nism of chlorophyll break- of World War II, which even General Botany of the ETH, Swiss National Science Founda- down was termed a biological though not directly involving where he obtained his PhD in tion, he went to the Cytology enigma. Phibus established Switzerland, affected daily life 1956 under the supervision Department of the Rockefeller intense collaborations with two considerably. After attending of Prof. Albert Frey-Wyssling. Institute in New York in 1963. scientists who became very high school in Zurich, Phibus Frey-Wyssling was a specialist Phibus joined the group of close friends as well: Bernhard was indecisive as to which in the ultrastructural cytol- Prof. George E. Pallade, who Kräutler, an organic chemist direction of further education ogy of plants, but Phibus was received the Nobel Prize in at that time at the ETH, now to choose. He found the biol- more inspired by the physi- Physiology and Medicine in professor in Innsbruck, Austria, ogy lessons at the high school ological and analytical methods 1974 for his innovations in and Howard (Sid) Thomas, extremely boring and would he learned from Martin H. electron microscopy and cell from Aberystwyth, Wales, who never have imagined becoming Zimmermann, an assistant in fractionation. Although Phibus had identified a famous fescue a biologist. He finally decided Frey-Wyssling’s group, who felt a bit lost between all the mutant that turned out to be to attend the courses at the Ab- later was appointed Charles coryphées surrounding him at deficient in Gregor Mendel’s teilung X of the Swiss Federal Bullard Professor for Forestry the Rockefeller Institute, his green cotyledon gene, required Institute of Technology (ETH) at Harvard University and New York years inspired him for the initiation of chlorophyll of Zurich (the department director of the Harvard Forest. to develop his own research continued on page 43 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  41 Obituaries

the development of anatomical Helen was the first Reed structures and the effect of light professor to win a Guggenheim on timothy grass seedlings. Fellowship, which she took at Her thesis was published in the Harvard in 1958. She received American Journal of Botany, the unbroken funding of her research first of more than 70 publica- from NSF for over 30 years. tions over her career. She also was a member of the To pursue her PhD, Helen reviewing panel for requests for went to the University of NSF research grants in plant Pennsylvania; prejudice nearly physiology. Her stature within prevented her from teaching her field led to her serving as botany to male students, but she commissioner of the Committee persevered, teaching the course for Undergraduate Education and earning a doctorate in in Biological Sciences, and as 1951 for her discoveries about president of the Phytochemical plant enzymes. Helen went Society of North America. She to the University of Chicago was a member of the editorial as a postdoctoral scholar; board of Plant Physiology for meanwhile, her exemplary nearly 30 years and editor of Re- record of research, publishing, cent Advances in Phytochemistry. and teaching impressed Lewis Helen retired in 1987. Three Kleinholz [biology 1946–80], years later, she published Fla- Helen Stafford [biology 1954–1987] was the first who recognized how much she vonoid Metabolism, a definitive Reed professor to win a Guggenheim Fellowship. could strengthen the depart- textbook providing a compre- ment at Reed. She arrived on hensive review of the biosynthe- campus in 1954 as the only sis and catabolism of flavonoids This article originally appeared in Reed Magazine, Vol. 90, No. 4: female faculty member in the and their regulation in plants. December 2011. It is reprinted with permission. division of mathematics and In 1996 she received the Charles natural sciences. Reid Barnes Life Membership It was a tumultuous time: Award from the American President Duncan Ballantine Society of Plant Physiologists— Helen A. Stafford [1952–54] resigned her first the first woman to receive the year, and department chair honor. “Professor Stafford has a (1922–2011) Ralph Macy [1942–55] the most well deserved international next. Biology was the smallest reputation, a fact all the more department at the college, and striking given that essentially all Helen was challenged by the of her research was conducted elen’s interest in plants body came to give a seminar limited facilities available in the at an undergraduate institution,” first blossomed when talk about metabolic biology basement of Eliot Hall. Helen wrote Norman Lewis, director of Hshe gardened beside and I got excited about it. That’s began lobbying for grants from the Institute of Biological Chem- her father in Philadelphia. “My why I like tissue culture, I still the newly organized National istry at Washington State Uni- father was an avid gardener like to watch things grow.” Science Foundation and National versity. “Her numerous scientific but he had to do everything A career in science was not Institutes of Health—both contributions can be character- himself. I was allowed to help easy for a woman at that time, helped provide resources for ized not only as incisive and him. My father got sick one but Helen was encouraged by research. She and her colleagues truly creative, but also ahead year and I had to then plant the her mentors at Wellesley and worked to integrate classroom of their time. Her studies were seeds myself. That just started Cornell, where she worked as a teaching with vigorous research superbly conceived, brilliantly it all.” Her interest deepened research assistant. She earned by both faculty and students, and executed, and represent a signifi- at Wellesley College, where a master’s degree from Con- transformed the department into cant and lasting contribution.” she studied plant physiology, necticut College for Women for one of the top biology programs Professor David Dalton [biology earning a BA in 1944. “Some- her groundbreaking thesis on in the U.S. 1987–] stated that Helen helped 42  ASPB NEWS | MAY/JUNE 2012 Obituaries

design the highly successful and ’82. “I remember that she was their peers for the first time, Scholarship at Reed in memory distinctive attributes for which a bit annoyed at us vegetarians. and usually subjected to severer of her brother, who was killed in the Reed biology department is ‘Plants have feelings, too,’ she criticisms than ever before, stu- World War II. Helen is survived known. “Her career has been a would say.” “She was a great sci- dents deserve, not merely need, by her niece, Anne W. Scarff of model that demonstrates that it entist and a wonderful person,” encouragement.” Even as she Amherst, Massachusetts, who is possible to be successful and wrote Jerry Marshall ’82, who faced the onset of Alzheimer’s, provided many of the details productive with research in a was Helen’s thesis student. On Helen continued to exhibit the for this memorial piece. She setting that strongly emphasizes the subject of teaching, Helen courage and curiosity she was was predeceased by her parents; teaching.” stated, “I have learned to ap- known for with the help of brother; and sister, Marie Louise Helen was a pioneer in many preciate how deeply students devoted friends and caregivers. S. Scarff. Helen died August 12, ways. Declining the role of need encouragement, as well as, A lover of the outdoors and of 2011, at her home in Portland, firebrand, she worked tirelessly say, expertise. Typically required the dogs who were her constant following a long struggle with as a mentor and role model for to work harder than ever before, companions, Helen found a true Alzheimer’s disease. Her ashes the next generation of women expected to comprehend unfa- home in the Pacific Northwest. have been scattered in the Reed scientists. “We all loved dinners miliar and often difficult sub- Ever frugal, she was able to en- canyon. n at her house,” wrote Pam Ronald jects, obliged to compete with dow the Morton O. Stafford Jr.

PHIBUS MATILE ETH and the Universities of and he was invited to many ex- continued from page 41 Zurich and Bale. Furthermore, hibitions, among them the Swiss he was a cofounder of the Swiss foundation Pro Helvetia’s travel- breakdown. Together with Foundation for the Promotion ing “Handmade Toys from Swit- Bernhard and Sid, Phibus suc- of Organic Agriculture, which zerland” exhibit on the occasion ceeded in identifying natural established the internationally of the United States bicentennial degradation products of chloro- renowned Research Institute of celebrations in 1976. phyll and elucidating the com- Organic Agriculture (FiBL). The During the last interview plex biochemistry of chlorophyll “bud” he invented as the logo with Thomas Alfödi from FiBL breakdown. In 1985, Phibus for FiBL is now omnipresent on in April 2011, Phibus said: left the ETH and followed a call Phibus invented the “bud,” the food packages in Switzerland to “Once I am dead, the bud will from the Institute of Plant Biol- Swiss quality logo for food pro- indicate organic production ac- be the most visible track of my ogy at the University of Zurich, duced by organic agriculture. cording to the strong guidelines life.” This might be true, at least where he continued his research of Bio-Suisse, the umbrella orga- in Switzerland, but this cannot on chlorophyll breakdown until workers. About 50 PhD students nization of organic agricultural neglect all the other tracks of retirement in 1998. passed his “school”; several of organizations in Switzerland. the diverse and fulfilling life he Phibus was a member of them are now successful Swiss Phibus’s interests were not leaves behind. several scientific organizations, plant scientists, such as Thomas restricted to science. He was Phibus died unexpectedly such as the German National Boller, Enrico Martinoia, and an inquisitive reader and a October 29, 2011, from cardiac Academy of Sciences Leopol- Andres Wiemken, just to men- multitalented artist, craftsman, arrest during a meeting with dina and the Academia Euro- tion a few. Not only in this and musician. He was a skillful old friends and colleagues. paea, and he was an honorable respect was Phibus an important painter and produced his own He is survived by his wife, his member of the Swiss Society promoter of plant science in pigment colors based on plants three children, and four grand- of Plant Physiology, a member Switzerland, but also in the late and minerals. The wooden toys children. n of the Swiss National Research 1990s, his input was decisive Phibus made were well known, Council, and a corresponding for the continuation of the member of ASPB. Institute of Plant Science at the Even though he doubted it University of Zurich, and he Professor David Alan Walker, , died again and again, Phibus was a participated in the foundation on February 13, 2012. A tribute to Prof. Walker by Richard dedicated teacher and mentor, of the precursor organization of Leegood and Christine Foyer will appear in the September/ who fascinated and inspired the extremely successful Plant October 2012 issue of the ASPB News. generations of students and co- Science Center between the ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 3  43 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ROCKVILLE MD American Society of Plant Biologists AND ADDITIONAL 15501 Monona Drive MAILING OFFICES Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA

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