CV Andreas Sebastian Marquardt

Education: 16/7/2010 Ph. D. in Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, , UK. 2005 Diplom (M. Sc.) in Biochemistry, Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 2002-2005 Undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 1999-2002 Undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.

Employment: Jan. 2018 – Tenured Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Plant Science Centre (CPSC), Denmark. Leader of non-coding transcription group. 2015 - 2017 Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Plant Science Centre (CPSC), Denmark. Leader of non-coding transcription group. 2012 - 2014 Visiting Scientist at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT, , USA. Topic: & Pol II kinetics, with Prof. Mary Gehring. 2010 - 2014 Postdoc at the Harvard Medical School (HMS), Boston, USA. Topic: chromatin-based lncRNA repression in budding yeast with Prof. Steve Buratowski. 2006 - 2009 Ph. D. research with Prof. at (JIC), Norwich, UK. Topic: lncRNA-mediated chromatin regulation of Arabidopsis flowering. 2005-2006 Ph. D. rotation projects with: Prof. , Dr. Sean Walsh and Prof. Caroline Dean. 2004-2005 Diplom thesis research with Prof. Arp Schnittger at Max-Planck Institute (MPI) for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany.

Summary publication and bibliometric information: Total number of peer-reviewed publications: 15. First author publications: 6 (e.g. Science, Cell, Mol. Cell). Corresponding author publications: 5 (e.g. Nat. Commun, eLife, PLoS Gen). Last author publications: 5 (e.g. Nat. Commun, eLife, PLoS Gen). Citations: 1309 source, H-index: 21: ).

Current Research Funding ERC-Starting Grant 2017, 2018-2023. PI. Hallas-Møller Investigator Award, Novo Nordisk Foundation, 2015-2020, EMBO Young Investigator, 2020 - 2023. PI. Project grants biotechnology, Novo Nordisk Foundation, 2020-2023, PI.

Awards and honors: EMBO Young Investigator, 2020 - 2023. Postdoctoral Feodor-Lynen fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2011-2013. “John Innes Foundation Award for Scientific Excellence” for Ph.D. thesis research, of the year, 2010.

Current Supervision activities: Current group size 11: four Ph.D. students, 3 postdocs, four M. Sc. students.


CV Andreas Sebastian Marquardt Management activities to promote scientific synergies: - Fund management. Treasurer of the Danish RNA Society. - Event management. Organization of international conferences in Copenhagen: “Stalling DNA processing” in 2017 with Novo Nordisk Foundation and annual Danish RNA society meeting (2015-2019). - Danish National coordinator of Impact of Nuclear Domains On and Plant Traits (INDEPTH), a COST action.

International Relations: Since 2006 I was invited to more than 50 times for talks at international scientific meetings, research institutions and international advanced schools across Europe and USA.