Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Main Street


Acton Street

Roseland Road

Jensen Road

Waltham Street SITE

Pleasant Street Bridge Street Bridge

California Street

Chapel Street


North Scale: Not to Scale Study Locations Figure 1 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Site Location

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. □ Adequate Roadway Capacity & Operations. Under future No-Build conditions, the signalized intersections of Pleasant Street at Bridge Street and Rosedale Street will operate at an overall LOS C or better and LOS B or better during the peak hours, respectively. The overall increase in delay with the project in place under Build conditions will be nominal and the intersection will continue to operate with only minor changes between No-Build and Build conditions. Likewise, the central site driveway will be an exit-only driveway and will operate at LOS D or better during the peak hours with the development in place.

In summary, MDM finds that incremental traffic associated with the proposed development is not expected to materially impact operating conditions at the study intersections and ample roadway capacity will be available to support the project. Proposed access/egress improvements will minimize disruption of traffic along Pleasant Street by concentrating egress movements to a central Site location that will not be influenced by queues from nearby signals. Implementation of proposed pedestrian and bicycle improvements along with a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program as outlined in this study will establish a framework of minimizing Site traffic impacts by encouraging non-motorized travel modes and pedestrian/bicycle accommodation that is compatible with other projects along the Pleasant Street corridor.


The project Site is located at 385 Pleasant Street in Watertown, Massachusetts. The site consists of a two-story warehouse (16,100± sf) which was formerly occupied by The Field Companies and the Site is currently being used for outdoor storage of Ford vehicles. Three access driveways along Pleasant Street provide access to the warehouse and nearby parking lots.

Under proposed conditions, the site will be redeveloped into a mixed-use space providing 58 residential units as well as commercial space in a total of 5 buildings including the renovation of the existing warehouse. The commercial space will include 8,000± gross square feet (gsf) of commercial space in the first floor of the renovated warehouse building and 6,785± gsf of office space in the proposed office building. Access to the Site is proposed via the two entrance driveways on Pleasant Street; the first entrance located on the western side of the site and the second location in the eastern side of the site to the east of the townhomes. The driveways are proposed to be one-way with a single egress onto Pleasant Street. On-site parking is proposed for 93± vehicles to support the mixed-use residential/commercial buildings. The project will also include 32± indoor secure bike parking spaces to support the residential use. The preliminary site layout is presented in Figure 2.


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This traffic impact assessment is conducted in general conformance with industry standard traffic study guidelines. The first step documents existing conditions in the transportation study area, including an inventory of roadway geometry, observed traffic volumes and safety characteristics. Next, future year traffic conditions are forecast that account for other planned area developments, normal area growth, and development-related traffic increases. The third step quantifies operating characteristics of study intersections. Specific attention is given to the incremental impacts of the proposed development. Finally, improvements are described that address specific development-related operational needs as required.


This TIA evaluates transportation characteristics of roadways and intersections that provide a primary means of access to the site, and that are likely to sustain a measurable level of traffic impact from the development. The study area includes the following intersections and identified in Figure 1:

□ Pleasant Street at Bridge Street (Signalized) □ Pleasant Street at Rosedale Street (Signalized) □ Pleasant Street at Site Driveways (Unsignalized)


An overview of roadway classification and geometric characteristics is provided below for study roadways and intersections.


Pleasant Street

Pleasant Street is generally an east-west roadway classified by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) as an Urban Minor Arterial roadway and is under the local (Town) jurisdiction. Pleasant Street connects Route 20 to the east with River Street to the west. In the project area, the roadway provides one travel lane in the eastbound and westbound directions with sidewalks provided on both the northern and southern sides of the roadway. Street lighting is provided along Pleasant Street within the immediate project area. Land uses along Pleasant Street includes a mix of land uses including but not limited to Exergen Corporation, a pet resort and hospital, retail shops, and auto dealerships and service centers.


G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Bridge Street

Bridge Street is a north-south roadway under local (Town) jurisdiction and is classified as an Urban Collector roadway by the MassDOT. Bridge Street provides a connection between Watertown Street to the south and Buck Street to the north. Bridge Street provides one lane of travel in each direction with additional turn lanes provided at its major intersections. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway. Street lighting is provided along Bridge Street in the project area. Land uses include a mix of commercial activity and residential uses, which includes an office building, a car wash, a Tesla Service Center, an automobile dealership (Toyota of Watertown), and Olympic Storage.

Rosedale Street

Rosedale Street is generally a north-south roadway under local (Town) jurisdiction and is classified as a Local roadway by the MassDOT. Rosedale Street provides a connection between Pleasant Street to the south and Main Street (Route 20) to the north. Rosedale Street provides one lane of travel in each direction with sidewalks provided along both the eastern and western sides of the roadway. Street lighting is provided along Rosedale Street in the project area. Land uses include a mix of commercial activity, which includes a Central Rock Gym, office space, automobile repair center, and Plumbing Museum. Residential uses are also located along the northern section of Rosedale Street.


Pleasant Street at Bridge Street

Pleasant Street meets Bridge Street to form a 4-way signalized intersection. The Pleasant Street eastbound approach provides a shared left/through travel lane and an exclusive right turn lane and the Pleasant Street westbound approach provides an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/ right turn lane. The Bridge Street northbound approach operates as an exclusive left turn lane, a through travel lane and an exclusive right turn lane and the Bridge Street southbound approach operates as a shared left/through travel lane and an exclusive right turn lane. The traffic signal operates with advance phases for the westbound and northbound travel directions and an exclusive pedestrian phase actuated by push button. Land uses at the intersection consist of Tesla Auto Body Service Center, Toyota of Watertown, Riverworks at Aetna Mills, and Perfection Car Wash.


G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Pleasant Street at Rosedale Road/304 Pleasant St. Driveway

Pleasant Street meets Rosedale Road and the 304 Pleasant St. Driveway to form a 4-way signalized intersection. The 304 Pleasant Street northbound and Rosedale Road southbound approaches both provide single multi-purpose travel lanes. The Pleasant Street eastbound approach provides an exclusive left-turn lane and a separate through/right travel lane, while the Pleasant Street westbound approach provides a single shared travel lane with a gored out left turn area. The traffic signal operates with advance phases for the eastbound travel direction, split phasing for the northbound and southbound approaches and an exclusive pedestrian phase that is push button actuated. Land uses at the intersection consist of AWE Engineering, Felicitex Therapeutics, and Biomodels Pharmaceuticals.

Baseline Traffic Data

Peak Hour Traffic

Traffic volume data was collected in December 2016 during the weekday morning (7:00 – 9:00 AM) and weekday evening (4:00 – 6:00 PM) peak periods. Review of MassDOT permanent count station data indicates that December is a below average traffic month (approximately 5 percent below average month conditions). Thus, the traffic counts were adjusted by 5% (increase) to represent average conditions. The resulting Baseline weekday morning and weekday evening peak-hour traffic volumes for the study intersections are depicted in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Turning movement counts and permanent count station data are provided in the Attachments.

Daily Traffic Counts

Daily traffic volumes along Pleasant Street between Bridge Street and Rosedale Street were collected in December 2016 using an automatic traffic recorder (ATR) device with results summarized in Table 1.


Peak Hour Daily Percent Peak Hour Peak Flow Directional Time Period Volume (vpd)1 Daily Traffic2 Volume (vph)3 Direction4 Volume (vph)

Weekday Morning Peak Hour 13,910 8% 1,050 52% EB 550 Weekday Evening Peak Hour 13,910 9% 1,285 52% WB 668

1Two-way daily traffic expressed in vehicles per day without seasonal adjustment. 2Two-way peak-hour volume expressed in vehicles per hour. 3The percent of daily traffic that occurs during the peak hour. 4NB = Northbound, SB = Southbound


G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 3 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers 2016 Baseline Condition Weekday Morning Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 4 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers 2016 Baseline Condition Weekday Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.

As summarized in Table 1, Pleasant Street between Bridge Street and Rosedale Street carries approximately 13,910 vehicles per day (vpd) on weekdays. Peak hour traffic flow on Pleasant Street is approximately 8 to 9 percent of the daily flow with directional flow slightly skewed eastbound during the weekday morning peak traffic hour and slightly skewed westbound during the weekday evening peak hour.

Observed Travel Speeds

Vehicle speeds were obtained for the eastbound and westbound travel directions on Pleasant Street between Bridge Street and Rosedale Street in December 2016 using an ATR machine equipped with speed radar. Table 2 summarizes the average and 85th percentile speeds for the location and time period studied. Speed data is provided in the Attachments.


Observed Travel Speed (mph) Travel Posted Speed Direction Limit (mph) 1 Mean2 85th Percentile3

Eastbound 30 33 39 Westbound 30 28 33

1Regulatory (posted) speed limit. 2Arithmetic mean. 3The speed at or below which 85 percent of the vehicles are traveling.

As summarized in Table 2, the mean (average) travel speed on Pleasant Street traveling eastbound is 33 mph and the 85th percentile travel speed is 39 mph. In the westbound direction, the mean travel speed is 28 mph and the 85th percentile travel speed is 33 mph. The speed study results indicate that the observed travel speeds are generally highly consistent with the regulatory speed limit of 30 mph along Pleasant Street. The speed data will be used for the sight distance evaluation in the subsequent section of this report.


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Intersection Crash History

In order to identify crash trends and safety characteristics for study area intersections, crash data were obtained from MassDOT for the Town of Watertown for the three-year period 2012 through 2014 (the most recent data currently available from MassDOT). Crash data for the study intersections is summarized in Table 3 with detailed data provided in the Attachments.

Crash rates were calculated for the study area intersections as reported in Table 3. This rate quantifies the number of crashes per million entering vehicles. MassDOT has determined the official District 6 (which includes the Town of Watertown) crash rate to be 0.53 for unsignalized intersections and 0.70 for signalized intersections. This rate represents MassDOT’s “average” crash experience for District 6 communities and serves as a basis for comparing reported crash rates for the study intersections. Where calculated crash rates notably exceed the district average, some form of safety countermeasures may be warranted.


G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc TABLE 3 INTERSECTION CRASH SUMMARY 2012 THROUGH 20141

Pleasant Street at Pleasant Street at Rosedale Road/ Pleasant Street near Data Category Bridge Street Waltham Street Site Driveways Traffic Control Signalized Signalized Signalized Crash Rate2 0.28 0.29 0.13 District 6 Avg3 0.70 0.53 0.53

Year: 2012 4 2 1 2013 3 0 1 2014 1 3 0 Total 8 5 2 Type: Angle 4 3 2 Rear-End 2 1 0 Head-On 0 0 0 Sideswipe 1 0 0 Single Vehicle 1 1 0 Other/Unknown 0 0 0 Severity: P. Damage Only 7 4 2 Personal Injury 1 1 0 Fatality 0 0 0 Conditions: Dry 6 3 2 Wet 2 2 0 Snow 0 0 0 Other/Unknown 0 0 0 Time: 7:00 to 9:00 AM 2 0 0 4:00 to 6:00 PM 2 0 0 Rest of Day 4 5 2 1 Source: MassDOT Crash Database 2 Crashes per million entering vehicles 3 District 6 averages = 0.70 (signalized) and 0.53 (unsignalized)


G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc As summarized in Table 3:

□ Pleasant Street at Bridge Street. There are a total of eight (8) crashes reported at the intersection during the three-year study period resulting crash rate of 0.28. The crashes included five (5) angle/sideswipe type collisions (63%), two (2) rear-end type collisions and one (1) single vehicle collision. The majority resulted in property damage type crashes (88%) under dry roadway conditions (75%). Half of the crashes occur during peak commuter travel times. No fatalities or pedestrian related crashes were reported.

□ Pleasant Street at Rosedale Street. There are a total of five (5) crashes reported at the intersection during the three-year study period resulting crash rate of 0.29. The crashes included three (3) angle/sideswipe type collisions (60%), one (1) rear-end type collision and one (1) single vehicle collision. The majority resulted in property damage type crashes (80%) under dry roadway conditions (60%). None of the crashes occur during peak commuter travel times. No fatalities or pedestrian related crashes were reported.

□ Pleasant Street near Site Driveway(s). There were two reported crashed near the central site driveway during the three-year study period resulting crash rate of 0.13. The crashes were associated with businesses across the street along Pleasant Street. The crashes included a single unit truck backing into a vehicle traveling eastbound on Pleasant Street and a vehicle turning left from the east into a parking lot. None of the crashes occur during peak commuter travel times. No fatalities or pedestrian related crashes were reported.

In summary, the study intersections all experienced crash rates well below the District 6 average and no immediate safety countermeasures are warranted based on the crash history at the study intersections.


G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc SIGHT LINE EVALUATION

The evaluation documents existing sight distances for vehicles exiting the proposed site driveways along Pleasant Street with comparison to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO)1 recommended guidelines for the regulatory (posted) speed limit and observed travel speeds.

The AASHTO standards reference two types of sight distance which are relevant at the proposed site driveway intersections with Pleasant Street: stopping sight distance (SSD) and intersection sight distance (ISD). Sight lines for critical vehicle movements at the proposed Pleasant Street and site driveway intersections were compared to minimum SSD and ISD recommended for the posted and observed travel speeds along Pleasant Street.

Stopping Sight Distance

Sight distance is the length of roadway visible to the motorist to a fixed object. The minimum sight distance available on a roadway should be sufficiently long enough to enable a below- average operator, traveling at or near a regulatory speed limit, to stop safely before reaching a stationary object in its path, in this case, a vehicle exiting from the central site driveway onto Pleasant Street or a vehicle on Pleasant Street slowing to turn into the eastern or western site driveways. The SSD criteria are defined by AASHTO based on design and operating speeds, anticipated driver behavior and vehicle performance, as well as physical roadway conditions. SSD includes the length of roadway traveled during the perception and reaction time of a driver to an object, and the distance traveled during brake application on wet, level pavements. Adjustment factors are applied to account for roadway grades.

SSD was estimated in the field using AASHTO standards for driver’s eye (3.5 feet) and object height equivalent to the taillight height of a passenger car (2.0 feet) for the eastbound and westbound Pleasant Street approaches to the proposed site driveways. Table 4 presents a summary of the available SSD for the Pleasant Street segments approaching the proposed site driveways and AASHTO’s recommended SSD for the regulatory (posted) speed limit and observed travel speeds.

1A policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 2011. 10 MDM


AASHTO Recommended1 Approach/ Travel Regulatory Average 85th Percentile Direction Available SSD Speed2 Travel Speed3 Travel Speed4 Pleasant Street at Site Driveway (Eastern)

Eastbound >500 Feet 200 Feet 230 Feet 290 Feet Westbound >500 Feet 200 Feet 180 Feet 230 Feet

Pleasant Street at Site Driveway (Central)

Eastbound >500 Feet 200 Feet 230 Feet 290 Feet Westbound >500 Feet 200 Feet 180 Feet 230 Feet

Pleasant Street at Site Driveway (Western)

Eastbound >500 Feet 200 Feet 230 Feet 290 Feet Westbound >500 Feet 200 Feet 180 Feet 230 Feet

1 Recommended sight distance based on AASHTO, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Based on driver height of eye of 3.5 feet to object height of 2.0 feet and adjustments for roadway grade were applicable. 2 Regulatory Speed Limit is 30 mph EB and 30 mph SWB. 3 Average Speed is 33 mph EB and 28 mph WB. 4 85th Percentile travel speed is 39 mph EB and 33 mph WB.

As summarized in Table 4, analysis results indicate that the existing available sight lines exceed AASHTO’s recommended SSD criteria for the eastbound and westbound travel directions along Pleasant Street based on the regulatory (posted) speed limit and observed travel speeds.

11 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Intersection Sight Distance

Clear sight lines provide sufficient sight distance for a stopped driver on a minor-road approach to depart from the intersection and enter or cross the major road. As stated under AASHTO’s Intersection Sight Distance (ISD) considerations, “…If the available sight distance for an entering …vehicle is at least equal to the appropriate stopping sight distance for the major road, then drivers have sufficient sight distance to avoid collisions…To enhance traffic operations, intersection sight distances that exceed stopping sight distances are desirable along the major road.” AASHTO’s ISD criteria are defined into several “cases”. Each case depends on the type of traffic control at the intersection (e.g. no control, Yield sign, Stop sign, and signal control), and the specific vehicle maneuver in question (crossing, right- or left-turn). AASHTO Case B1 (left turn from stop) and B2/B3 (right turn from stop and crossing maneuver) from the proposed central site driveway were utilized in determining the recommended intersection sight distance summarized in Table 5 below.

Available ISD was estimated in the field using AASHTO standards for driver’s eye (3.5 feet), object height (3.5 feet) and decision point (8 feet from edge of travel way) looking east and west from the proposed central driveway onto Pleasant Street. Table 5 presents a summary of the available ISD for the departures from the proposed central site driveway and AASHTO’s recommended ISD. The eastern and western driveways are enter only, therefore, ISD criteria is not applicable.


AASHTO Minimum1 AASHTO Ideal1 Approach/ Available Regulatory 85th Percentile Regulatory Travel Direction ISD Speed2 Observed Speed3 Speed2

Looking East >500 Feet 200 Feet 250 Feet 290 Feet Looking West >500 Feet 185 Feet 250 Feet 335 Feet

1 Recommended sight distance based on AASHTO, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Based on driver height of eye of 3.5 feet and an object height of 3.5 feet and adjustments for roadway grade if required. Minimum value as noted represents SSD per AASHTO guidance. 2 Regulatory Speed Limit is 30 mph EB and 30 mph SWB. 3 85th Percentile travel speed is 39 mph EB and 33 mph WB.

The results of the ISD analysis presented in Table 5 indicate that the proposed central site driveway onto Pleasant Street the available sight lines will satisfy the recommended sight line requirements from AASHTO. MDM recommends that any existing and/or new plantings (shrubs, bushes) or physical landscape features (including retaining walls) located within the driveway sight lines should be maintained at a height of 2 feet above the adjacent roadway grade or less to ensure unobstructed lines of sight.

12 MDM

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The Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) operates the following bus routes in the study area and could be used as an alternative mode of travel to/from the site. A review of census data for Watertown indicates a public transit use of 6% for residents of the immediate study area (Census tract 3701.02) and 13% for the Town of Watertown. To remain conservative no credit (trip reduction) was taken for the use of nearby public transportation. Specific route and schedule information is provided in the Attachments.

• Route 558: This route provides service between the Riverside “T” Station and Downtown with express service via the Massachusetts Turnpike (Route 90). In the immediate project area, service is provided along Pleasant Street with a bus stop located near the intersection of Pleasant Street and Bridge Street. Service is provided on weekdays and operates between 6:25 am and 7:50 pm.

• Route 70/70A: This route provides service between Cedarwood (Main Street) and the University Park via Arsenal Street, Main Street (Route 20), Western Avenue and Lexington Street. Service is provided along Main Street with a bus stop located less than ½ mile from Site near the intersection of Main Street and Rosedale Street. Several connections to other bus routes in the service area are available as is a direct connection to the Fitchburg Commuter Rail and Redline T service. Service is generally provided seven (7) days a week and operates between 4:50 am and 1:20 am on weekdays, between 5:00 am and 1:30 am on Saturdays and between 6:00 am and 1:30 am on Sundays.

• Route 59: This route provides service between Needham Junction and Watertown Square with service through Newton Highlands. Service is provided along Watertown Street with a bus stop located just over ½ mile from Site near the intersection of Watertown Street and Bridge Street. Several connections to other bus routes in the service area are available as is a direct connection to the Needham Commuter Rail. Service is generally provided seven (7) days a week and operates between 6:05 am and 8:20 pm on weekdays, between 6:20 am and 7:35 pm on Saturdays and between 7:05 am and 6:50 pm on Sundays.


The immediate study area is served by an existing sidewalk system that connects the Site to public transportation, neighborhood businesses and the nearby Charles River Greenway mixed- used path. An existing entrance to the Greenway is provided near the intersection of Pleasant Street and Bridge Street and a direct connection through the Water Mills at Bridge Point development which is under construction will be provided in the near future.

13 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc CAR SHARING SERVICES

Car sharing services provide access to short-term vehicle transportation. Vehicles can be rented by the hour or day and all standard vehicle costs (gas, maintenance, insurance, etc.) are included in the rental fee. Vehicles are checked out for a period and returned to their designated location. There are currently no Zipcar car-sharing locations in the immediate vicinity of the Site, however, the Water Mills at Bridge Point development which is under construction may provide several in the near future.

14 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc PROJECTED FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS

Evaluation of the proposed development impacts requires the establishment of a future baseline analysis condition. This section estimates future roadway and traffic conditions with and without the proposed development. A seven-year planning horizon (year 2023) was selected consistent with standard industry practice and recent area traffic studies.

To determine the impact of site-generated traffic volumes on the roadway network under future conditions, baseline traffic volumes in the study area were projected to a future year condition. Traffic volumes on the roadway network at that time, in the absence of the development (that is, the No-Build condition), includes existing traffic, new traffic due to general background traffic growth, and traffic related to specific developments by others that are currently under review at the local and/or state level. Consideration of these factors resulted in the development of No- Build traffic volumes. Anticipated site-generated traffic volumes were then superimposed upon these No-Build traffic-flow networks to develop future Build conditions.

The following sections provide an overview of the planned area roadway improvements as well as future No-Build and Build traffic volumes.

Planned Area Roadway Improvements

The Proponent (World Realty and Development) of the proposed Water Mills at Bridge Point to be located at 330 – 350 Pleasant Street will implement improvement in the immediate study area as outlined in an Addendum to Traffic Mitigation Proposal dated January 5, 2017. Specifically, (1) a direct connection from Pleasant Street to the Greenway will be provided through the Site for pedestrian and bicycle use, (2) an upgrade to the intersection of Pleasant Street and Rosedale Road will be provided using a basic GRIDSMART or other similar system; and (3) provide for and coordinate the upgrade to the intersections of Bridge Street/Pleasant and Bridge Street/California using a basic GRIDSMART or other similar system to improve operations. It is assumed that this improvement projects are in place under future No-Build and Build conditions.

15 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Background Growth

Background traffic includes demand generated by other planned developments in the area as well as demand increases caused by external factors. External factors are general increases in traffic not attributable to a specific development and are determined using historical data.

Nearby permanent count station data published by MassDOT indicates a 0.5 percent per year growth rate. For purposes of this evaluation, a 1.0 percent growth rate was used (7.2 percent increase over a 7-year horizon). This growth rate is higher than historic rates, and, as such, is also expected to account for any small fluctuation in hourly traffic that may occur from time to time in the study area and traffic associated with other potential small developments in the area. MassDOT permanent count station data and background growth calculations are provided in the Attachments.

There are also two (2) site-specific projects that are permitted or in the permitting process in the study area that may also modestly increase traffic at the study intersections that are included in background growth as follows:

• Proposed Water Mills at Bridge Point (330 – 350 Pleasant Street). This Development will include the construction of 99 apartment units and 20,600± sf of commercial space (retail/office/restaurant). Site access/egress will be provided via two driveways along Pleasant Street just west of its intersection with Rosedale Street. On-site parking will be provided for 198± vehicles. The site-specific trip tracings (see Attachments) were obtained from the traffic study prepared for the project2.

• Proposed Mixed-Use Development (60 Howard Street and 40 Bacon Street). This Development is to be located at 60 Howard Street and 40 Bacon Street, and will entail the construction of 65 apartment units, 6,530 sf of office space, and 3,865 sf of restaurant space. The site-specific trip tracings (see Attachments) were obtained from the traffic study prepared for the project3.

2023 No-Build Traffic Volume Networks

In summary, to account for future traffic growth in the study area future No-Build traffic volumes are developed by increasing the Baseline volumes by approximately 7.2 percent (1.0 percent compounded annually over 7 years) and adding trips associated with the three (3) site-specific development projects in the area. The resulting 2023 No-Build traffic volumes are displayed in Figure 5 and Figure 6.

2Traffic Impact and Access Study; Water Mills at Bridge Point, prepared by Bayside Engineering dated May 6, 2016. 3Traffic Impact and Access Study; Proposed Mixed Use Residential/Commercial Development, prepared by Bayside Engineering dated October 15, 2013. 16 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 5 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers 2023 No-Build Condition Weekday Morning Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 6 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers 2023 No-Build Condition Weekday Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Trip Generation

The proposed development includes 58 residential units as well as commercial space. The commercial space will include 8,000± gross square feet (gsf) of commercial space in the first floor of the renovated warehouse building and 6,785± gsf of office space in the proposed office building. For analysis purposes specialty retail was assumed for the commercial space. As such, traffic generated by the Site is estimated using trip rates published in ITE’s Trip Generation4 for the Land Use Code (LUC) 710 – General Office Building and LUC 826 – Specialty Retail Center for the weekday morning and weekday evening periods, which correspond to the critical analysis periods for the proposed uses and adjacent street traffic flow. As a conservative measure, no credit or trip reduction is taken for use of the adjacent public transportation system, pedestrian trips to/from the surrounding neighborhood or adjoining land uses, or “internal” trip reduction for shared trips between the on-site uses.

Table 6 presents the trip-generation estimate for the proposed development based on ITE methodology. Detailed trip generation worksheets are provided in the Attachments.


Site Trips

Period/Direction Apartments1 Office2 Retail3 Total Weekday Morning Peak Hour Entering 6 10 3 19 Exiting 24 1 3 28 Total 30 11 6 47

Weekday Evening Peak Hour Entering 23 2 10 35 Exiting 13 8 12 33 Total 36 10 22 68

Weekday Daily 386 74 354 814

Source: ITE Trip Generation, Ninth Edition; 2012. 1Based on ITE LUC 220 applied to 58 apartment units. 2Based on ITE LUC 710 applied to 6,785 sf. 3 Based on ITE LUC 826 applied to 8,000 sf.

4Trip Generation, 9th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C. (2012). 17 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc As summarized in Table 6, projected trip generation for the Site is approximately 47 vehicle trips (19 entering and 28 exiting) during the weekday morning peak hour and 68 vehicle trips (35 entering and 33 exiting) during the weekday evening peak hour. On a daily basis, the site is estimated to generate approximately 814 vehicle trips on a weekday. Trip generation calculations are provided in the Attachments.

Trip Distribution

The distribution for projected traffic for the residential component is based on Census Journey to Work data statistics for Watertown while distribution for the commercial uses (office and retail) are based existing travel patterns in the area. The resulting trip distribution patterns are presented in Figure 7 and Figure 8. Trip distribution calculations are provided in the Attachments.

Development-related trips for the proposed development are assigned to the roadway network using the ITE trip-generation estimates shown in Table 6 and the distribution patterns presented in Figure 7 and Figure 8. Development-related trips at each intersection approach for the weekday morning and weekday evening peak hours are quantified in Figure 9 and Figure 10.

2023 Build Traffic Conditions

2023 Build condition traffic volumes are derived by adding incremental traffic increases for the proposed development uses of the Site to the 2023 No-Build conditions. Figure 11 and Figure 12 present the 2023 Build condition traffic-volume networks for the weekday morning and weekday evening peak hours.

18 MDM

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Figure 7 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Trip Distribution Residential Patterns

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 8 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Trip Distribution Office/Retail Patterns

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 9 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Weekday Morning Trip Tracing Office/Retail and Residential Site Trips

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 10 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Weekday Evening Trip Tracing Office/Retail and Residential Site Trips

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 11 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers 2023 Build Condition Weekday Morning Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts

Figure 12 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers 2023 Build Condition Weekday Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. OPERATIONS ANALYSIS

This section provides an overview of operational analysis methodology, and an assessment of intersection operations under Baseline and projected future No-Build and Build conditions.

Analysis Methodology

Intersection capacity analyses are presented in this section for the Baseline, No-Build, and Build traffic-volume conditions. Capacity analyses, conducted in accordance with EEA/MassDOT guidelines, provide an index of how well the roadway facilities serve the traffic demands placed upon them. The operational results provide the basis for recommended access and roadway improvements in the following section.

Capacity analysis of intersections is developed using the Synchro® computer software, which implements the methods of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The resulting analysis presents a level-of-service (LOS) designation for individual intersection movements. The LOS is a letter designation that provides a qualitative measure of operating conditions based on several factors including roadway geometry, speeds, ambient traffic volumes, traffic controls, and driver characteristics. Since the LOS of a traffic facility is a function of the traffic flows placed upon it, such a facility may operate at a wide range of LOS, depending on the time of day, day of week, or period of year. A range of six levels of service are defined on the basis of average delay, ranging from LOS A (the least delay) to LOS F (delays greater than 50 seconds for unsignalized movements and delays greater than 80 seconds for signalized movements). The specific control delays and associated LOS designations are presented in the Attachments.

Intersection Capacity Analysis Results

Level-of-Service (LOS) analyses were conducted for the Baseline, No-Build, and Build conditions for the study intersections. The results of the intersection capacity are summarized below in Table 7 and Table 8. Detailed analysis results are presented in the Attachments.

19 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc TABLE 7 INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR

Baseline 2023 No-Build 2023 Build Period Approach v/c1 Delay2 LOS3 v/c Delay LOS v/c Delay LOS

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.75 63 D 0.89 41 D 0.89 42 D Bridge Street Westbound >1.0 >80 F 0.95 45 D 0.99 50 D Northbound >1.0 68 D 0.79 17 B 0.80 17 B Southbound 0.33 15 B 0.76 40 D 0.77 41 D Overall >1.0 46 D 0.95 32 C 0.99 33 C

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.46 9 A 0.50 8 A 0.51 8 A Rosedale Street Westbound 0.64 22 C 0.73 24 C 0.73 24 C Northbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A Southbound 0.61 19 B 0.65 17 B 0.66 17 B Overall 0.64 16 B 0.73 15 B 0.73 15 B

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.01 <5 A Site Driveway Westbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A (Western) NB Exit 0.01 19 C 0.01 21 C 0.01 19 C SB Exit 0.00 11 B 0.00 12 B n/a n/a n/a

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A Site Driveway Westbound 0.01 <5 A 0.01 <5 A 0.01 <5 A (Central) NB Exit 0.03 19 C 0.04 21 C 0.03 22 C SB Exit 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.12 23 C

Pleasant Street at Eastbound n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.00 <5 A Site Driveway Westbound n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.00 <5 A (Eastern)

1Volume-to-capacity ratio 2Average control delay per vehicle (in seconds) 3Level of service 4n/a = not applicable

20 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc TABLE 8 INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR

Baseline 2023 No-Build 2023 Build Period Approach v/c1 Delay2 LOS3 v/c Delay LOS v/c Delay LOS

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.84 38 D 0.85 28 C 0.85 28 C Bridge Street Westbound 0.96 54 D 0.84 26 C 0.87 28 C Northbound 0.80 21 C 0.66 15 B 0.67 15 B Southbound 0.22 13 B 0.59 29 C 0.60 30 C Overall 0.96 32 C 0.85 22 C 0.87 23 C

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.47 9 A 0.56 10 A 0.57 10 A Rosedale Street Westbound 0.70 24 C 0.81 28 C 0.82 28 C Northbound 0.03 32 C 0.04 30 C 0.04 30 C Southbound 0.58 19 B 0.64 18 B 0.65 19 B Overall 0.70 16 B 0.81 17 B 0.82 17 B

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.02 <5 A Site Driveway Westbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A (Western) NB Exit 0.03 27 D 0.04 35 D 0.04 31 D SB Exit 0.02 35 D 0.02 48 E n/a n/a n/a

Pleasant Street at Eastbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A 0.00 <5 A Site Driveway Westbound 0.00 <5 A 0.00 10 A 0.00 <5 A (Central) NB Exit 0.07 31 D 0.10 42 E 0.10 45 E SB Exit 0.01 33 D 0.01 43 E 0.18 28 D

Pleasant Street at Eastbound n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.00 <5 A Site Driveway Westbound n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.00 <5 A (Eastern)

1Volume-to-capacity ratio 2Average control delay per vehicle (in seconds) 3Level of service 4n/a = not applicable

21 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc As summarized in Table 7 and Table 8:

□ Pleasant Street at Bridge Street. Under future No-Build conditions, the signalized intersection will operate at an overall LOS C or better during the peak hours. The overall increase in delay with the project in place under Build conditions will be nominal and the intersection will continue to operate at an overall LOS C or better with only minor changes between No-Build and Build conditions.

□ Pleasant Street at Rosedale Street. Under future No-Build conditions, the signalized intersection will operate at an overall LOS B or better during the peak hours. The overall increase in delay with the project in place under Build conditions will be nominal and the intersection will continue to operate at an overall LOS B or better with only minor changes between No-Build and Build conditions.

□ Pleasant Street at Site Driveway (Western)/ Watertown Toyota. Under future Build conditions, the western site driveway will be converted to an enter-only driveway. Traffic will operate along Pleasant Street unimpeded.

□ Pleasant Street at Site Driveway (Central)/Jomar Distributers. Under future Build conditions, the central site driveway will be an exit-only driveway with the driveway operating at LOS D or better during the peak hours.

□ Pleasant Street at Site Driveway (Eastern). Under future Build conditions, the eastern site driveway will be converted to an enter-only driveway. Traffic will operate along Pleasant Street unimpeded.

In summary, the proposed development is expected to have minimal impact on the study area intersection and will not result in any notable changes in traffic operations in the study area relative to No-Build conditions.

Signal Queue Impacts

Vehicle queue results are presented for the two signalized intersections within the study area. These vehicle queues are compared to available storage lengths, which are defined as lengths of exclusive turn lanes or the distance to the nearest major intersection for through lanes. Vehicle queue results from the capacity analysis are summarized in Table 9 and Table 10. The estimated queue lengths are based on the capacity analysis results provided using Synchro computer software. Detailed worksheets of the queuing analysis are provided in the Attachments.

22 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc TABLE 9 VEHICLE QUEUE ANALYSIS SUMMARY PLEASANT STREET AT BRIDGE STREET

Baseline 2023 No-Build 2023 Build Available Queue Storage Average Maximum Average Maximum Average Maximum Length Queue Queue Queue Queue Queue Queue Approach (feet) Length1 Length1 Length1 Length1 Length1 Length1 Weekday Morning Peak Hour

Eastbound L/T >1500 175 264 142 276 145 282 Eastbound R 225± <25 64 <25 62 <25 62 Westbound L 275± 218 392 166 344 175 364 Westbound T/R 1400± 98 156 71 122 105 125 Northbound L/T 435± 498 835 245 430 246 432 Northbound R 435± <25 48 40 73 43 77 Southbound L/T 600± 151 252 226 391 228 395 Southbound R 100± <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25

Weekday Evening Peak Hour

Eastbound L/T >1500 234 348 159 292 162 296 Eastbound R 225± <25 79 <25 63 <25 63 Westbound L 275± 180 334 105 229 110 249 Westbound T/R 1400± 194 281 110 176 113 182 Northbound L/T 435± 379 598 221 364 221 366 Northbound R 435± 54 106 63 126 69 136 Southbound L/T 600± 105 160 126 204 127 206 Southbound R 100± <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 1Average and 95th percentile queue lengths are reported in feet per lane.

23 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc TABLE 10 VEHICLE QUEUE ANALYSIS SUMMARY PLEASANT STREET AT ROSEDALE STREET

Baseline 2023 No-Build 2023 Build Available Queue Storage Average Maximum Average Maximum Average Maximum Length Queue Queue Queue Queue Queue Queue Approach (feet) Length1 Length1 Length1 Length1 Length1 Length1 Weekday Morning Peak Hour

Eastbound L 175± <25 48 <25 41 <25 41 Eastbound T/R 1400± 76 172 80 146 84 151 Westbound L/T/R >1500 124 244 136 242 138 248 Northbound L/T/R 50± <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 Southbound L/T/R 675± 72 175 65 148 66 149

Weekday Evening Peak Hour

Eastbound L 175± <25 92 27 113 27 125 Eastbound T/R 1400± 75 259 88 229 90 235 Westbound L/T/R >1500 136 338 160 380 164 391 Northbound L/T/R 50± <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 Southbound L/T/R 675± 47 138 38 149 40 152

1Average and 95th percentile queue lengths are reported in feet per lane.

As summarized in Table 9 and Table 10, under Build conditions the average and 95th percentile queue lengths will generally remain within the available storage lengths. The exception is the westbound left turn lane which has a 95th percentile queue that continues to extend beyond the storage area during the weekday morning peak hour. The project will result in a change in queue lengths of 1 vehicle or less during the peak hours. The location of the centralized egress driveway onto Pleasant Street is expected to remain clear of queues from the adjacent traffic signals under normal operating conditions.

24 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

MDM finds that travel conditions along Pleasant Street and in the site vicinity are generally unconstrained. Trip generation for the development is estimated at approximately 47 vehicle- trips during the weekday morning peak hour, 68 vehicle-trips during the weekday evening peak hour, and 814 vehicle trips on a daily basis. MDM finds that incremental traffic associated with the proposed development is not expected to materially impact operating conditions at the study intersections. The study intersections exhibit below-average crash rates based on historic crash data; safety countermeasures are therefore not warranted. Likewise, the available sight lines at the Pleasant Street intersections with the site driveways will exceed the recommended sight line requirements from AASHTO.

MDM recommends that the following access/egress related improvements be incorporated into the Site Plan, offsite pedestrian accommodations and a transportation demand management (TDM) program to encourage non-motorized trip activity and travel safety:

Access/Egress Improvements

□ “STOP” signs (R1-1) and “STOP” line pavement markings should be installed on the central site driveway approach to Pleasant Street. “Do Not Enter” signs (R5-1) and “One-way” signs (R6-1) and arrow pavement marking should be installed on the eastern and western driveway departures from Pleasant Street. The signs and pavement markings shall be compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

□ Sight Line triangles. Existing and new plantings (shrubs, bushes) or physical landscape features (walls, fences, signs) to be located within the driveway sight triangle should be maintained at a height of 2 feet or less above the adjacent existing roadway grade to ensure unobstructed lines of sight.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation

□ Pedestrian Connections. The development has incorporated sidewalks that connect the proposed buildings to the existing sidewalk along Pleasant Street. The Proponent will work collaboratively with the Town of Watertown to implement a crosswalk on the western side of the signalized intersection of Pleasant Street and Rosedale Street. Improvements include the addition of ADA compliant ramps, a marked crosswalk, and associated pedestrian signal equipment. This crosswalk will provide a direct connection from the Site to the proposed pathway through the Water Mills at Bridge Point development which when complete will connect to the Charles River Greenway.

25 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc

□ Bicycle and Pedestrian Amenities. The development has incorporated bicycle storage racks in the buildings for the residential units. Bicycle racks will also be located proximate to commercial uses within the project with specific locations to be identified in the final approved Site Plans.

Transportation Demand Management (TDM)

The Proponent is committed to reduce auto dependency by residents and commercial building tenants by implementing a TDM program. Per the Town’s requirements the TDM program will include quantifiable goals and a plan for collection and analysis of data to measure achievement of goals. A preliminary list of potential TDM program elements may include the following, subject to refinement of the development program and further evaluation by the Proponent and Town:

□ Watertown Transportation Management Association (TMA). The Proponent will work with the Town regarding a development of a Watertown TMA which will include services such shuttle service, bicycle and walk resources and carpool/vanpool matching and other TDM strategies. The understanding is that the TMA will operate on financial contributions based on a proportionate share of development size and may provide satisfy several of the TDM actions listed herein.

□ On-Site Employee Transportation Coordinator. The Proponent will designate a member of the on-site leasing staff as transportation coordinator responsible disseminating relevant TDM information to residents and commercial building tenants including posting of TDM information at appropriate locations within the buildings.

□ Public Transportation Information & Promotion. Service and schedule information for MBTA services will be posted to promote the use of public transportation by residents, employees and patrons.

□ Bicycle Facilities and Promotion. Provide bicycle parking, including weather protected racks for residents and visible accessible racks for visitors and employees proximate to the building entrances. Dissemination of area bicycle route maps as may be available will be postings in the building lobbies.

□ Preferential Parking for Carpools, Vanpools and Car Sharing. Preferential parking locations for commercial building tenant employees who use carpools and vanpools. The Proponent will also work with the Town to consider designating parking spaces in the parking garage for use by a car sharing services such as Zipcar as required by local zoning requirements.

26 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc □ Preferential Parking for Low-Emission Vehicles. Preferential parking locations for residents, employees and patrons who use low-emission vehicles will be considered; charging stations for electric vehicles will also be considered as required by local zoning requirements based on working in collaboration with the Town.

□ Unbundled Parking. The Proponent should consider unbundling of residential parking to provide an option for residents to rent fewer or no parking spaces with their unit.

□ Transit Pass Subsidy. Offer fare subsidies for commuter rail and local bus passes for employees and/or offer pre-tax payroll deductions for employee transit passes.

□ MassRides. The Proponent will encourage commercial tenants to promote commuter assistance programs available through Executive Office of Transportation's MassRides and NuRide Program as part of the employee orientation program.

□ Guaranteed Ride Home. The Proponent will encourage commercial tenants to offer a guaranteed ride home program that subsidizes taxi service for employees using non- auto commute options in cases of unexpected circumstances.

□ Pedestrian Infrastructure. Sidewalk connections within the property along primary pedestrian desire lines that connect building entrances with the public sidewalk network; posting of area maps that highlight area walking/bicycle routes to promote walking and bicycle travel to/from the Site and area businesses.


In summary, MDM finds that incremental traffic associated with the proposed development is not expected to materially impact operating conditions at the study intersections and ample roadway capacity will be available to support the project. Proposed access/egress improvements will minimize disruption of traffic along Pleasant Street by concentrating egress movements to a central Site location that will not be influenced by queues from nearby signals. Implementation of proposed pedestrian and bicycle improvements along with a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program as outlined in this study will establish a framework of minimizing Site traffic impacts by encouraging non-motorized travel modes and pedestrian/bicycle accommodation that is compatible with other projects along the Pleasant Street corridor.

27 MDM

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Documents\903 MR01_Final.doc Attachments

□ Traffic Volume Data □ Seasonal/Annual Growth Data □ Background Growth □ Stopping Sight Distance □ Crash Data □ US Census Data □ Public Transportation Information □ Trip Generation Calculations □ Trip Distribution Calculations □ Capacity Analysis

□ Traffic Volume Data

MDM Transportation Consultants, INC. 28 Lord Road, Suite 280 Marlborough, MA File Name : 903 West Site Drive AM Site Code : 903 Start Date : 12/15/2016 Page No : 2

Site Driveway Pleasant Street Toyota Dealer Driveway Pleasant Street From North From East From South From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 1 0 0 0 1 0 121 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 1 0 148 270 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 1 0 100 1 0 1 0 2 1 153 0 0 154 256 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 0 0 138 0 0 0 0 0 1 125 0 0 126 264 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 1 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 0 0 136 252 Total Volume 1 0 0 0 1 0 473 2 0 475 1 0 1 0 2 2 561 1 0 564 1042 % App. Total 100 0 0 0 0 99.6 0.4 0 50 0 50 0 0.4 99.5 0.2 0 PHF .250 .000 .000 .000 .250 .000 .857 .500 .000 .861 .250 .000 .250 .000 .250 .500 .917 .250 .000 .916 .965 Passenger Vehicles 1 0 0 0 1 0 464 2 0 466 1 0 1 0 2 2 552 1 0 555 1024

% Passenger Vehicles 100 0 0 0 100 0 98.1 100 0 98.1 100 0 100 0 100 100 98.4 100 0 98.4 98.3 Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 18 % Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 0 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 1.6 1.7

Site Driveway Out In Total 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Right Thru Left Peds

Peak Hour Data Right 1 0 1 18 Out 562 553 0 0 0 1021 1039 Left Total Pleasant Street North 9 Thru 9 Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM 473 464 9 552 561 9 Thru

In 555 564 475 466 In Passenger Vehicles Left 9 2 0 2 Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 Right 9 Total 1037 1019 Pleasant Street Peds 466 475 0 0 0 Out 18 0 0 0 Peds

Left Thru Right Peds 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

4 2 6 0 0 0 4 2 6 Out In Total Toyota Dealer Driveway MDM Transportation Consultants, INC. 28 Lord Road, Suite 280 Marlborough, MA N/S: Site Driveway/Toyota Dealer Dwy File Name : 903 West Site Drive AM E/W: Pleasant Street Site Code : 903 Watertown, MA Start Date : 12/15/2016 Page No : 1

Groups Printed- Passenger Vehicles - Heavy Vehicles Site Driveway Pleasant Street Toyota Dealer Driveway Pleasant Street From North From East From South From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0 87 0 0 0 0 0 2 97 0 0 99 186 07:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 110 222 07:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 2 136 0 0 138 244 07:45 AM 1 0 0 0 1 0 121 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 1 0 148 270 Total 1 0 0 0 1 0 426 0 0 426 0 0 0 0 0 4 490 1 0 495 922

08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 1 0 100 1 0 1 0 2 1 153 0 0 154 256 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 0 0 138 0 0 0 0 0 1 125 0 0 126 264 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 1 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 0 0 136 252 08:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 1 132 1 0 134 1 0 0 0 1 1 130 0 0 131 266 Total 0 0 0 0 0 1 484 3 0 488 2 0 1 0 3 3 544 0 0 547 1038

Grand Total 1 0 0 0 1 1 910 3 0 914 2 0 1 0 3 7 1034 1 0 1042 1960 Apprch % 100 0 0 0 0.1 99.6 0.3 0 66.7 0 33.3 0 0.7 99.2 0.1 0 Total % 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 46.4 0.2 0 46.6 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 52.8 0.1 0 53.2 Passenger Vehicles 1 0 0 0 1 1 891 3 0 895 2 0 1 0 3 7 1016 1 0 1024 1923

% Passenger Vehicles Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 18 37 % Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 0 0 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 0 0 1.7 1.9

MDM Transportation Consultants, INC. 28 Lord Road, Suite 280 Marlborough, MA File Name : 903 West Site Drive PM Site Code : 903 Start Date : 12/15/2016 Page No : 2

Site Driveway Pleasant Street Toyota Dealer Driveway Pleasant Street From North From East From South From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 0 0 2 0 2 1 136 1 0 138 1 0 2 0 3 0 175 0 0 175 318 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 0 132 0 0 1 0 1 0 188 0 0 188 321 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 1 0 157 1 0 0 0 1 0 172 0 0 172 330 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 0 0 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 0 0 176 307 Total Volume 0 0 2 0 2 1 555 2 0 558 2 0 3 0 5 0 711 0 0 711 1276 % App. Total 0 0 100 0 0.2 99.5 0.4 0 40 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 PHF .000 .000 .250 .000 .250 .250 .889 .500 .000 .889 .500 .000 .375 .000 .417 .000 .945 .000 .000 .945 .967 Passenger Vehicles 0 0 2 0 2 1 549 2 0 552 2 0 3 0 5 0 710 0 0 710 1269

% Passenger Vehicles 0 0 100 0 100 100 98.9 100 0 98.9 100 0 100 0 100 0 99.9 0 0 99.9 99.5 Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 7 % Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 0 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.5

Site Driveway Out In Total 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 3

0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Right Thru Left Peds

Peak Hour Data Right 7 0 0 0 Out 715 714 1 0 1 1262 1269 Left Total Pleasant Street North 1 Thru 1 Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM 555 549 1 710 711 6 Thru

In 710 711 558 552 In Passenger Vehicles Left 6 0 0 0 Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 Right 6 Total 1273 1266 Pleasant Street Peds 552 558 0 0 0 Out 7 0 0 0 Peds

Left Thru Right Peds 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0

2 5 7 0 0 0 2 5 7 Out In Total Toyota Dealer Driveway MDM Transportation Consultants, INC. 28 Lord Road, Suite 280 Marlborough, MA N/S: Site Driveway/Toyota Dealer Dwy File Name : 903 West Site Drive PM E/W: Pleasant Street Site Code : 903 Watertown, MA Start Date : 12/15/2016 Page No : 1

Groups Printed- Passenger Vehicles - Heavy Vehicles Site Driveway Pleasant Street Toyota Dealer Driveway Pleasant Street From North From East From South From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 1 0 118 1 0 1 0 2 0 135 0 0 135 255 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 1 0 131 1 0 0 0 1 0 148 0 0 148 280 04:30 PM 1 0 0 0 1 0 143 0 0 143 1 0 0 0 1 1 159 1 0 161 306 04:45 PM 0 0 2 0 2 1 136 1 0 138 1 0 2 0 3 0 175 0 0 175 318 Total 1 0 2 0 3 1 526 3 0 530 4 0 3 0 7 1 617 1 0 619 1159

05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 0 132 0 0 1 0 1 0 188 0 0 188 321 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 1 0 157 1 0 0 0 1 0 172 0 0 172 330 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 0 0 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 0 0 176 307 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 0 0 162 287 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 544 1 0 545 1 0 1 0 2 0 698 0 0 698 1245

Grand Total 1 0 2 0 3 1 1070 4 0 1075 5 0 4 0 9 1 1315 1 0 1317 2404 Apprch % 33.3 0 66.7 0 0.1 99.5 0.4 0 55.6 0 44.4 0 0.1 99.8 0.1 0 Total % 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 44.5 0.2 0 44.7 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.4 0 54.7 0 0 54.8 Passenger Vehicles 1 0 2 0 3 1 1060 4 0 1065 5 0 4 0 9 1 1311 1 0 1313 2390

% Passenger Vehicles Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 14 % Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0.3 0.6

□ Seasonal/Annual Data


STATION H13139 - NEWTON - RTE.90 (MASSPIKE) - EAST OF WALNUT STREET YR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 12 113,670 116,053 119,736 122,393 118,787 117,135 104,817 108,189 116,147 118,130 120,698 113,644 115,783 1% -4% 1% -1% 2% 0% 0% 4% 3% 6% 1% 1% 1% 13 114,418 111,712 120,591 121,718 121,585 117,179 104,962 112,795 120,144 125,653 122,463 114,726 117,329 -2% -1% 1% 2% 2% 2% -3% -1% -2% -1% -1% 3% 0% 14 111,935 110,154 122,055 124,195 123,739 119,209 101,490 111,933 117,956 123,938 120,678 118,110 117,116 -1% 6% 4% 3% -1% 3% 11% 4% 5% 4% 2% 3% 4% 15 111,269 117,009 126,654 128,154 122,505 122,561 112,605 116,305 124,235 128,984 123,425 121,883 121,299 Seasonal Adjustment Factor 1.03 1.04 0.97 0.95 0.96 0.99 1.13 1.05 0.99 0.95 0.96 1.01 (to average month) Growth 1.58%

STATION 4165 - I-95/ ROUTE 128 SOUTH OF I-90 YR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 12 130,033 133,659 138,451 142,034 158,583 148,787 138,599 144,999 141,340 146,271 140,898 128,666 141,027 1% -6% 0% 3% -7% 1% 10% 3% 6% 5% 2% 1% 1% 13 131,812 125,662 138,122 145,780 147,000 149,925 151,813 149,393 150,507 153,009 143,498 130,116 143,053 -18% 1% 3% 3% 3% 3% -5% 0% 1% -1% -1% 6% 0% 14 107,508 127,134 142,024 150,125 151,576 153,916 144,679 149,503 151,538 152,148 141,875 137,826 142,488 Seasonal Adjustment Factor 1.17 1.10 1.02 0.97 0.93 0.94 0.98 0.96 0.96 0.95 1.00 1.08 Growth 0.52%

STATION 4798 - LEXINGTON - RTE. 2 - WEST OF PLEASANT ST. YR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 07 68,000 68,616 72,673 74,017 78,084 77,591 72,321 73,150 73,355 79,113 74,842 67,488 73,271 -19% 3% 1% 2% 0% 1% 1% -1% 3% -4% 1% 5% -1% 12 55,236 70,544 73,419 75,499 77,822 78,480 72,707 72,609 75,859 75,964 75,836 70,622 72,883 Seasonal Adjustment Factor 1.20 1.05 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.94 1.01 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.97 1.06 Growth -0.53%

Average JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Seasonal Adjustment Factor 1.13 1.06 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.96 1.04 1.01 0.98 0.95 0.98 1.05 (to average month)

Average Growth 0.5% Yearly Growth Factor Used 1.0%


□ Background Growth

Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts Site Driveway Site Driveway Site Driveway Rosedale Road Bridge Street

Pleasant Pleasant Street Street Bridge Street Office Driveway Jomar Driveway Toyota Driveway NOTES: NEGL.= Negligible = Signalized Intersection North Scale: Not to Scale Attachments TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Background Projects - AM Trip Tracing Bacon Street Mixed-Use Development

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts Site Driveway Site Driveway Site Driveway Rosedale Road Bridge Street

Pleasant Pleasant Street Street Bridge Street Office Driveway Jomar Driveway Toyota Driveway NOTES: NEGL.= Negligible = Signalized Intersection North Scale: Not to Scale Attachments TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Background Projects - PM Trip Tracing Bacon Street Mixed-Use Development

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Waltham St.

Rosedale Rd.




Bridge St. 5 1 8 15 4 4 2 5 5 3 12 4 20 11

5 3

5 5 3 Pleasant St.

21 21

West Driveway West East Driveway East

Charles River

5 3


3 2 California St.

California St. 0

Bridge St.


Note: imbalances exist due to driveways not shown. N.T.S.

Water Mills at Bridge Point Figure 6 Watertown, MA Site Generated Weekday Morning Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Waltham St.

Rosedale Rd.





Bridge St.

3 20 4 10 19 18 20 24 22 24 15 13 5 15 23

27 23 31 Pleasant St.





West Driveway West East Driveway East

Charles River

5 5 9

13 9 California St.

California St. 5

Bridge St.


Note: imbalances exist due to driveways not shown. N.T.S.

Water Mills at Bridge Point Figure 7 Watertown, MA Site Generated Weekday Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volumes

□ Stopping Sight Distance

Stopping Sight Distance - Posted


Direction 1 EB 30 110.25 86.3 196.5

Direction 2 WB 30 110.25 86.3 196.5

INPUTS Direction 1 Direction 2

Travel Direction EB WB Speed 30 30 Grade 0 0 t 2.5 2.5 a 11.2 11.2

Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) - Source: AASHTO

SSD = Reaction Distance + Brake Distance

Reaction Distance = 1.47 x t x V

Brake Distance = V^2 / (30 x ((a/32.2)+G))

Where: t = reaction time (sec) V = travel speed (mph) G= roadway grade a - deceleration rate (ft/sec^2) Stopping Sight Distance - Average


Direction 1 EB 33 121.275 104.4 225.6

Direction 2 WB 28 102.9 75.1 178.0

INPUTS Direction 1 Direction 2

Travel Direction EB WB Speed 33 28 Grade 0 0 t 2.5 2.5 a 11.2 11.2

Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) - Source: AASHTO

SSD = Reaction Distance + Brake Distance

Reaction Distance = 1.47 x t x V

Brake Distance = V^2 / (30 x ((a/32.2)+G))

Where: t = reaction time (sec) V = travel speed (mph) G= roadway grade a - deceleration rate (ft/sec^2) Stopping Sight Distance - 85th Percentile


Direction 1 EB 39 143.325 145.8 289.1

Direction 2 WB 33 121.275 104.4 225.6

INPUTS Direction 1 Direction 2

Travel Direction EB WB Speed 39 33 Grade 0 0 t 2.5 2.5 a 11.2 11.2

Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) - Source: AASHTO

SSD = Reaction Distance + Brake Distance

Reaction Distance = 1.47 x t x V

Brake Distance = V^2 / (30 x ((a/32.2)+G))

Where: t = reaction time (sec) V = travel speed (mph) G= roadway grade a - deceleration rate (ft/sec^2)

□ Crash Data


CITY/TOWN : Watertown COUNT DATE : Dec-16



MAJOR STREET : Pleasant Street

MINOR STREET(S) : Bridge Street

Bridge Street (2)

INTERSECTION North DIAGRAM Pleasant Street Pleasant Street (Label Approaches) (3) (4)

Bridge Street (1)

PEAK HOUR VOLUMES Total Peak APPROACH : 1 2 3 4 5 Hourly Approach DIRECTION : NB SB EB WB Volume PEAK HOURLY 960 278 580 565 2,383 VOLUMES (PM) :


( A * 1,000,000 ) RATE = CRASH RATE CALCULATION : 0.28 ( V * 365 )

Comments : MassDOT District 6 Avg: Signalized = 0.70; Unsignalized = 0.53 Project Title & Date: 903 - Watertown INTERSECTION CRASH RATE WORKSHEET

CITY/TOWN : Watertown COUNT DATE : Dec-16



MAJOR STREET : Pleasant Street

MINOR STREET(S) : Rosedale Road

Rosedale Road (2)

INTERSECTION North DIAGRAM Pleasant Street Pleasant Street (Label Approaches) (3) (4)

PEAK HOUR VOLUMES Total Peak APPROACH : 1 2 3 4 5 Hourly Approach DIRECTION : NB SB EB WB Volume PEAK HOURLY 5 247 683 459 1,394 VOLUMES (PM) :


( A * 1,000,000 ) RATE = CRASH RATE CALCULATION : 0.29 ( V * 365 )

Comments : MassDOT District 6 Avg: Signalized = 0.70; Unsignalized = 0.53 Project Title & Date: 903 - Watertown INTERSECTION CRASH RATE WORKSHEET

CITY/TOWN : Watertown COUNT DATE : Dec-16



MAJOR STREET : Pleasant Street

MINOR STREET(S) : Site Driveway

Site (2)

INTERSECTION North DIAGRAM Pleasant Street Pleasant Street (Label Approaches) (3) (4)

PEAK HOUR VOLUMES Total Peak APPROACH : 1 2 3 4 5 Hourly Approach DIRECTION : NB SB EB WB Volume PEAK HOURLY 5 2 711 558 1,276 VOLUMES (PM) :


( A * 1,000,000 ) RATE = CRASH RATE CALCULATION : 0.13 ( V * 365 )

Comments : MassDOT District 6 Avg: Signalized = 0.70; Unsignalized = 0.53 Project Title & Date: 903 - Watertown MassDOT Crash Report for Watertown for the year 2012 Total Total Distance from Number of Nonfatal Fatal Road Surface Distance from Nearest Roadway Nearest Distance from Distance from Nearest Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Vehicles Injuries Injuries Manner of Collision Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Most Harmful Events Vehicle Configuration Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition At Roadway Intersection Intersection Milemarker Nearest Exit Landmark Non Motorist Type Pleasant Street at Bridge Street V1: Passenger car / V2:Light Property damage V1: Collision with motor truck(van, mini-van, panel, only (none Sideswipe, same V1: Changing lanes / V1:Northbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision pickup, sport utility) with only 3253960 WATERTOWN 29-Aug-2012 8:14 AM injured) 2 0 0 direction V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Northbound with motor vehicle in traffic four tires Dry Daylight Clear BRIDGE ST / PLEASANT ST

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Turning right / V2:Turning V1:Eastbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / 3253969 WATERTOWN 14-Sep-2012 2:24 PM injured) 2 0 0 Angle left V2:Southbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear BRIDGE ST / PLEASANT ST

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Turning left / V2:Travelling vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / 2998781 WATERTOWN 25-Mar-2012 12:42 PM injured) 2 0 0 Rear-end straight ahead V1:Eastbound / V2:Eastbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Cloudy/Other PLEASANT ST / BRIDGE ST

V1: Collision with motor V1: Travelling straight ahead / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / 3156558 WATERTOWN 16-Jun-2012 8:59 AM Non-fatal injury 2 1 0 Angle V2:Travelling straight ahead V1:Eastbound / V2:Eastbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear PLEASANT ST / BRIDGE ST Pleasant Street at Rosedale Road/Waltham Street Property damage only (none Dark - lighted PLEASANT ST / WALTHAM 3044369 WATERTOWN 19-Apr-2012 2:22 AM injured) 1 0 0 Single vehicle crash V1: Turning left V1:Eastbound V1: Other V1: Passenger car Dry roadway Clear ST

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / PLEASANT ST / WALTHAM 3114391 WATERTOWN 16-May-2012 11:00 AM injured) 2 0 0 Angle V2:Turning left V2:Southbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Wet Daylight Cloudy ST Pleasant Street at Site

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Single-unit truck (2-axle, 6- 3084873 WATERTOWN 11-May-2012 10:33 AM injured) 2 0 0 Angle V1: Backing / V2:Other V1:Eastbound / V2:Eastbound with motor vehicle in traffic tire) / V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Cloudy 385 PLEASANT ST

903 WATERTOWN2012 Page 1 MassDOT Crash Report for Watertown for the year 2013 Total Total Distance from Number of Nonfatal Fatal Road Surface Distance from Nearest Roadway Nearest Distance from Distance from Nearest Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Vehicles Injuries Injuries Manner of Collision Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Most Harmful Events Vehicle Configuration Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition At Roadway Intersection Intersection Milemarker Nearest Exit Landmark Non Motorist Type Pleasant Street at Bridge Street

Property damage V1: Slowing or stopped in V1: Collision with motor only (none traffic / V2:Travelling straight V1:Northbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / 3414669 WATERTOWN 08-May-2013 4:46 PM injured) 2 0 0 Rear-end ahead V2:Northbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Wet Daylight Cloudy BRIDGE ST / PLEASANT ST

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Turning left / V2:Travelling V1:Westbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / Dark - lighted 3699940 WATERTOWN 21-Dec-2013 4:59 PM injured) 2 0 0 Angle straight ahead V2:Westbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Wet roadway Clear PLEASANT ST / BRIDGE ST Property damage only (none 3428064 WATERTOWN 24-May-2013 3:57 PM injured) 1 0 0 Single vehicle crash V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:Southbound V1: Collision with utility pole V1: Passenger car Dry Daylight Cloudy/Other Pleasant St BRIDGE ST Pleasant Street at Site

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Turning left / V2:Travelling vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / 3585299 WATERTOWN 22-Aug-2013 12:09 PM injured) 2 0 0 Angle straight ahead V1:Westbound / V2:Eastbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear 385 PLEASANT ST

903 WATERTOWN2013 Page 1 MassDOT Crash Report for Watertown for the year 2014 Total Total Distance from Number of Nonfatal Fatal Road Surface Distance from Nearest Roadway Nearest Distance from Distance from Nearest Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Vehicles Injuries Injuries Manner of Collision Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Most Harmful Events Vehicle Configuration Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition At Roadway Intersection Intersection Milemarker Nearest Exit Landmark Non Motorist Type Pleasant Street at Bridge Street

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Turning left / V2:Turning V1:Northbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / Dark - lighted 4012320 WATERTOWN 28-Sep-2014 11:04 PM injured) 2 0 0 Angle right V2:Eastbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry roadway Clear BRIDGE ST / PLEASANT ST Pleasant Street at Rosedale Road/Waltham Street

Property damage V1: Collision with motor only (none V1: Turning left / V2:Travelling V1:Southbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / PLEASANT ST / WALTHAM 3725671 WATERTOWN 24-Jan-2014 12:16 PM injured) 2 0 0 Angle straight ahead V2:Westbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear ST

Property damage V1: Slowing or stopped in V1: Collision with motor only (none traffic / V2:Travelling straight V1:Westbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Passenger car / Dark - lighted PLEASANT ST / WALTHAM 3910680 WATERTOWN 13-Aug-2014 9:59 PM injured) 2 0 0 Rear-end ahead V2:Westbound with parked motor vehicle V2:Passenger car Wet roadway Rain ST

V1: Collision with motor V1: Slowing or stopped in V1:Southbound / vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision V1: Truck/trailer / WALTHAM STREET / 3968642 WATERTOWN 25-Oct-2014 11:51 AM Non-fatal injury 2 1 0 Angle traffic / V2:Turning left V2:Eastbound with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear ROSEDALE ROAD

903 WATERTOWN2014 Page 1

□ US Census Data

B08134 MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK BY TRAVEL TIME TO WORK Universe: Workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Supporting documentation on code lists, subject definitions, data accuracy, and statistical testing can be found on the American Community Survey website in the Data and Documentation section.

Sample size and data quality measures (including coverage rates, allocation rates, and response rates) can be found on the American Community Survey website in the Methodology section.

Tell us what you think. Provide feedback to help make American Community Survey data more useful for you.

Although the American Community Survey (ACS) produces population, demographic and housing unit estimates, it is the Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program that produces and disseminates the official estimates of the population for the nation, states, counties, cities and towns and estimates of housing units for states and counties.

Block Group 5, Census Tract Watertown Town city, 3701.02, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Massachusetts Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error Total: 744 +/-202 18,778 +/-585 Less than 10 minutes 50 +/-45 1,917 +/-379 10 to 14 minutes 221 +/-147 2,082 +/-344 15 to 19 minutes 91 +/-67 2,410 +/-359 20 to 24 minutes 114 +/-75 2,757 +/-485 25 to 29 minutes 46 +/-37 1,284 +/-268 30 to 34 minutes 130 +/-72 3,434 +/-516 35 to 44 minutes 70 +/-68 1,538 +/-287 45 to 59 minutes 14 +/-22 2,066 +/-338 60 or more minutes 8 +/-17 1,290 +/-262 Car, truck, or van: 692 +/-195 14,459 +/-726 Less than 10 minutes 45 +/-41 1,627 +/-336 10 to 14 minutes 221 +/-147 1,874 +/-326 15 to 19 minutes 91 +/-67 2,028 +/-328 20 to 24 minutes 114 +/-75 2,498 +/-484 25 to 29 minutes 21 +/-25 961 +/-238 30 to 34 minutes 130 +/-72 2,787 +/-457 35 to 44 minutes 70 +/-68 1,096 +/-240 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 1,032 +/-275 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 556 +/-156 Drove alone: 677 +/-193 12,833 +/-728 Less than 10 minutes 45 +/-41 1,547 +/-319 10 to 14 minutes 221 +/-147 1,834 +/-321 15 to 19 minutes 91 +/-67 1,911 +/-320 20 to 24 minutes 114 +/-75 1,880 +/-317 25 to 29 minutes 21 +/-25 884 +/-227 30 to 34 minutes 115 +/-69 2,281 +/-416 35 to 44 minutes 70 +/-68 1,008 +/-222 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 995 +/-274 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 493 +/-151 Carpooled: 15 +/-23 1,626 +/-446

1 of 4 01/11/2017

Block Group 5, Census Tract Watertown Town city, 3701.02, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Massachusetts Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 80 +/-57 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 40 +/-37 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 117 +/-80 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 618 +/-368 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 77 +/-72 30 to 34 minutes 15 +/-23 506 +/-179 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 88 +/-76 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 37 +/-40 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 63 +/-62 In 2-person carpool: 0 +/-12 1,468 +/-440 Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 43 +/-31 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 36 +/-36 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 62 +/-50 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 618 +/-368 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 77 +/-72 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 444 +/-176 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 88 +/-76 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 37 +/-40 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 63 +/-62 In 3-or-more-person carpool: 15 +/-23 158 +/-93 Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 37 +/-46 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 4 +/-12 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 55 +/-64 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 30 to 34 minutes 15 +/-23 62 +/-47 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 Public transportation (excluding taxicab): 47 +/-37 3,187 +/-444 Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 33 +/-51 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 20 +/-33 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 190 +/-103 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 152 +/-118 25 to 29 minutes 25 +/-28 283 +/-176 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 442 +/-167 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 346 +/-143 45 to 59 minutes 14 +/-22 1,011 +/-199 60 or more minutes 8 +/-17 710 +/-189 Bus or trolley bus: 47 +/-37 2,475 +/-405 Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 20 +/-33 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 190 +/-103 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 152 +/-118 25 to 29 minutes 25 +/-28 283 +/-176 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 340 +/-140 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 337 +/-138 45 to 59 minutes 14 +/-22 666 +/-169 60 or more minutes 8 +/-17 487 +/-172 Streetcar or trolley car (carro publico in Puerto Rico), 0 +/-12 654 +/-207 subway or elevated: Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 102 +/-100 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 9 +/-15 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 345 +/-140

2 of 4 01/11/2017

Block Group 5, Census Tract Watertown Town city, 3701.02, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Massachusetts Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 198 +/-93 Railroad or ferryboat: 0 +/-12 58 +/-62 Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 33 +/-51 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 25 +/-29 Walked: 5 +/-14 562 +/-196 Less than 10 minutes 5 +/-14 234 +/-144 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 110 +/-76 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 67 +/-51 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 55 +/-61 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 64 +/-60 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 18 +/-35 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 14 +/-21 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 0 +/-25 Taxicab, motorcycle, bicycle, or other means: 0 +/-12 570 +/-199 Less than 10 minutes 0 +/-12 23 +/-24 10 to 14 minutes 0 +/-12 78 +/-115 15 to 19 minutes 0 +/-12 125 +/-98 20 to 24 minutes 0 +/-12 52 +/-49 25 to 29 minutes 0 +/-12 40 +/-40 30 to 34 minutes 0 +/-12 141 +/-96 35 to 44 minutes 0 +/-12 78 +/-56 45 to 59 minutes 0 +/-12 9 +/-14 60 or more minutes 0 +/-12 24 +/-26

Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. The degree of uncertainty for an estimate arising from sampling variability is represented through the use of a margin of error. The value shown here is the 90 percent margin of error. The margin of error can be interpreted roughly as providing a 90 percent probability that the interval defined by the estimate minus the margin of error and the estimate plus the margin of error (the lower and upper confidence bounds) contains the true value. In addition to sampling variability, the ACS estimates are subject to nonsampling error (for a discussion of nonsampling variability, see Accuracy of the Data). The effect of nonsampling error is not represented in these tables.

Workers include members of the Armed Forces and civilians who were at work last week.

While the 2011-2015 American Community Survey (ACS) data generally reflect the February 2013 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions of metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas; in certain instances the names, codes, and boundaries of the principal cities shown in ACS tables may differ from the OMB definitions due to differences in the effective dates of the geographic entities.

Estimates of urban and rural population, housing units, and characteristics reflect boundaries of urban areas defined based on Census 2010 data. As a result, data for urban and rural areas from the ACS do not necessarily reflect the results of ongoing urbanization.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Explanation of Symbols:

1. An '**' entry in the margin of error column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute a standard error and thus the margin of error. A statistical test is not appropriate. 2. An '-' entry in the estimate column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians cannot be calculated because one or both of the median estimates falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution. 3. An '-' following a median estimate means the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. 4. An '+' following a median estimate means the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution.

3 of 4 01/11/2017

□ Public Transportation Information

Route 52 Dedham Mall or Charles River Loop - Route 59 Needham JuncƟ on - Watertown Square St. Arlington St. 553 Ash St. Charles River Plea S Indicates MBTA pass and fare sales locations. Watertown 558 556 Wa tertown Square Arsenal St. Mall Fuller St. Moody St Fare vending machinesLowell St. are also locatedW at all altham St. GalenWa St. tertown N. Beacon St. subway stations and Dudley Station. Adams St. 70 70A 170 Yard Arsenal Mall 20 Rumford 505 Watertown St. Crafts St. California St. Adams St. Newton Derby St. Corner Ave. River St. Albemarle Charles River Route 59 Plgd 59 Express to/from 64 556 Crafts St. 558 Washington St. Boston via MassPike Faneuil St. N Watertown553 Brooks St. Waltham St. Exit 17 501 16 Square554 57 503 Pine St Tremont St River St. Oak Faneuil St. 9 mins. Elm St. Worcester Commuter RailFranklin St Square Watertown St. 553 554 501 503 Market St. 170 Washington St. NEWTONVILLE Washington St. Lexington St. WEST Exit 16 Austin St. Brighton NewtonvilleNEWTON Cabot St. 558 30 Express to/from Dudley Center Square via MassPike Ave W Highland Kenrick St Express to/from North Newton Foster St. AUBURNDALE Boston via MassPike High Commonwealth CHISWICK86 RD 16 Plgd CHESTNUT HILL AVE Waverly Ave. Golf Course Woodland Rd. Highland St 52 Mill St. SOUTH ST 14 mins. 505 Temple St Lowell Ave. Edmand’s Park BOSTON COLLEGE "B" Branch Grove St. NEWTON 59 Newton 30 Ward St. RIVERSIDE Ward St. "D" Branch Fuller St 30 Woodland Highlands Commonwealth Ave. Ave. Golf Commonwealth 30 Course Homer St 500 Washington St. Walnut St. Newton Beacon St. 555 WOODLAND Centre Centre St. 15 mins. Plgd Green Line “D” BranchGolf H a Hammond St. m Course Chestnut St. MW Beacon St. Beacon St. m 2 o n Beacon St. d Green Line Needham NEWTON “D” Branch Exit 21 P o Crystal n Juction d Lake CENTRE Langley Rd. P

Hammond k CHESTNUT

Cypress St w

WABAN Reservation y HILL Approximate total . NEWTON Hammond running time Carlton Rd. 52 Pond one way 38 minutes R HIGHLANDS 60 Cedar St. Quinobequin Rd. The Mall at Chestnut Hill Charles River Lincoln St.

Parker St. Store 24 Hammond Hammond St. 9 WELLESLEY ELIOT Exit 20 52 9 Pond MW a - via Needham St. Pkwy. Winchester St. Eliot St. Eliot St.

Ch Wheeler Rd. Golf Course BROOKLINE Hammond e Pond Pkwy. s Needham St. Newton St. Cedar St. t n t. 59 Newton St. Wellesley Ave. Central Ave. ut S Rachel Rd. Webster St. Oak St.

Gr Gould St Dedham dSt. - via Meadowbrook Exit 19 Goddard St. Charles River ve. Ave. Country Club 52 W Hunnewell St. Central Jewish Brookline St. Independence Dr. Ave. Community Nahanton St. Center Mount Corey St Hunting Rd. Lagrange St. Highland Ida College . Highland Ave. Kendrick St. Baker St. NEEDHAM y. VFW Pkwy Forest St. High St. w Manning St. e - via Centre & k 37 Weld St. HEIGHTS Wiswall Rd. P ve. Winchester Sts. k A Greendale Ave. o Charles River Lagrange St. ro Corey St Sawmill B Central Lasell St. Nehoiden St Rosemary Brookline St Lake VFW Pkwy. Great Plain Ave. Vermont St. HIGHLAND Baker & 59 NEEDHAM Cutler Vermont sts. 95 Park

Webster St. Webster WEST 128 ROXBURYROXBURY Centre St. NEEDHAM Great Plain Ave. LaGrange St. CENTER 36 Rivermoor 36 Needham Commuter Rail Industrial Park 35 HERSEY V.A. ve. A Riverside Dr Hospital

Chestnut St. Needham Dedham Ave. DEDHAM Country Club Great Plain A Charles NEEDHAM Greendale River High Rock St ve. Loop Spring St. JUNCTION Exit 18 Needham St. Needham St. South St South St Pine St. 52 DED Route 52135 Exit 17 Grove St

Centre St. South St W est St DED Stimson St

Dedham Local Bus Bridge St. St 781-843-4505 WatertownNewton Yard Corner Newton Ctr. Oak Hill CharlesLoop RiverDedham Mall 109 35

Chestnut St. Common St

Wilson VFW Pkwy. Mountain Dedham Reservation Motley Line Charles River Dedham St 3 mins. 10 mins. 14 mins. 7 mins. 7 mins. Pond Westfield St Dedham Mall Ames St. ApproximateDedham total running time one Countryway 41 Club minutes

Washington St Bussey St. Ded ndale St Wld 59 52 Informa Winter December31,2016-March24,2017 (TTY) 617-222-5146 • Needham Junction-Watertown Square Watertown Yard Dedham MallorCharlesRiverLoop- • Worcester Commuter Rail • Needham Commuter Rail Line • Green • Newtonville Highlands • Newton Heights • Needham Center • Needham • BC Law School • Jewish CommunityCenter Corner • Newton Hill • Oak Center• Newton Serving Ɵ on 617-222-3200•1-800-392-6100 schedule change 52•59 52Weekday 59 Weekday 59Saturday 59 Sunday Inbound Outbound Inbound Outbound Inbound Outbound Inbound Outbound

Leave Lv/Arrive Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Dedham Charles Newton Watertown Watertown Newton Charles Dedham Needham Newton Watertown Watertown Newton Needham Needham Newton Watertown Watertown Newton Needham Needham Newton Watertown Watertown Newton Needham Mall River Center Yard Yard Center River Mall Junction Highlands Square Square Highlands Junction Junction Highlands Square Square Highlands Junction Junction Highlands Square Square. Highlands Junction ..... 6:15A 6:33A 6:43A d 7:00A 7:10A 7:31A ..... 6:20A 6:38A 6:52A a 6:05A 6:19A 6:38A 7:05A 7:25A 7:40A 6:20 6:31 6:48 7:50A 8:08A 8:20A 7:05A 7:16A 7:32A ..... 6:45 7:03 7:13 d 7:25 7:37 7:59 ..... a 6:55 7:14 7:31 6:35 6:48 7:07 8:35 8:55 9:10 7:50 8:04 8:21 9:20 9:38 9:50 8:35 8:48 9:07 ..... bs 7:05 7:26 ..... d 8:05 8:19 8:42 8:46A 7:30 7:53 8:17 a 7:10 7:30 7:53 10:05 10:25 10:40 9:20 9:37 9:55 10:50 11:08 11:22 10:05 10:18 10:37 ..... 7:20 7:42 7:56 e 8:30 8:44 9:08 ..... 8:05 8:28 8:43 a 7:45 8:08 8:31 11:35 11:55 12:14P 10:50 11:07 11:25 11:35 11:49 12:08P ..... d 7:45 8:07 8:19 9:00 9:09 9:26 9:32 a 8:40 9:01 9:21 8:20 8:40 9:03 ..... d 8:15 8:37 8:49 9:45 9:54 10:10 10:16 9:15 9:35 9:51 a 8:55 9:11 9:33 1:05P 1:25P 1:42P 12:20P 12:37P 1:00P 12:20P 12:39P 12:54P 1:05P 1:19P 1:38P a 9:50 10:10 10:25 a 9:30 9:46 10:08 2:35 2:54 3:10 1:50 2:07 2:27 1:50 2:06 2:21 2:35 2:49 3:08 9:00 9:13 9:27 9:35 e11:15 11:24 11:45 11:49 10:35 10:54 11:10 10:05 10:21 10:42 4:05 4:23 4:39 3:20 3:37 3:57 3:20 3:39 3:56 4:05 4:19 4:39 e10:30 10:36 10:56 11:06 a 11:20 11:40 11:55 a 10:35 10:51 11:13 5:35 5:53 6:09 4:50 5:05 5:24 4:50 5:08 5:24 5:35 5:49 6:09 12:45P 12:53P 1:08P 1:14P 11:20 11:36 11:57 7:05 7:22 7:35 6:20 6:35 6:54 6:20 6:36 6:51 12:00N 12:11P 12:30P 12:39P e 2:15 2:24 2:46 2:50 12:05P 12:25P 12:42P d 1:30P 1:34 1:53 2:10 ds 2:47 3:00 3:23 ..... a 12:50 1:10 1:25 a 12:05P 12:21P 12:43P d 2:20 2:24 2:48 3:03 e 3:00 3:12 3:33 3:41 1:35 1:55 2:13 12:50 1:06 1:27 d 3:05 3:09 3:28 3:43 3:50 4:01 4:21 4:29 a 2:25 2:45 3:04 a 1:35 1:51 2:13 e 3:50 3:54 4:16 4:29 e 4:35 4:47 5:08 5:16 3:10 3:33 3:50 2:20 2:38 3:01 4:25 4:32 4:48 5:02 5:10 5:25 5:47 5:52 a 3:45 4:05 4:24 2:55 3:14 3:37 e 4:45 4:49 5:12 5:25 e 5:45 5:57 6:18 6:26 4:20 4:43 5:00 a 3:30 3:49 4:12 a 4:55 5:18 5:38 4:00 4:19 4:45 5:30 5:39 5:55 6:09 6:20 6:32 6:52 6:59 a 5:30 5:54 6:14 a 4:40 4:59 5:20 All buses are accessible to persons with disabilities e 6:10 6:14 6:37 6:50 6:55 7:05 7:23 ..... 6:10 6:30 6:46 5:10 5:34 5:59 e 6:45 6:49 7:12 7:22 7:30 7:39 7:57 ..... 6:40 7:00 7:14 5:45 6:07 6:33 ++ a 7:15 7:34 7:48 a 6:20 6:39 7:00 NOTE: Approximate running time from Watertown Square to b - To Newton Corner 7:50 8:07 8:21 7:00 7:15 7:35 Rapid Bus + Rapid Newtonville Square is 7 minutes. Local Bus Bus + Bus d - Via Meadowbrook & Wheeler Roads Fare Transit Transit e - Via Centre & Winchester Streets a - Via Needham Street s - Does NOT run during school vacation Approximate running time from Needham Junction to CharlieCard $1.70 $1.70 $2.25 $2.25 Newtonville Square is 25 minutes. CharlieTicket $2.00 $2.00 $2.75 $4.75 Cash-on-Board $2.00 $4.00 $2.75 $4.75 Approximate running time from Watertown Square to Homer Student* $0.85 $0.85 $1.10 $1.10 No Route 52 service on and Walnut Streets is 11 minutes. Senior/TAP** $0.85 $0.85 $1.10 $1.10 Saturday or Sunday VALID PASSES: LinkPass ($84.50/mo.); Local Bus ($55/mo.); *Student LinkPass ($30.00/mo.); Approximate running time from Needham Junction to Homer **Senior/TAP LinkPass ($30/mo.); and express bus, commuter rail, and boat passes. and Walnut Streets is 18 minutes. FREE FARES: Children 11 and under ride free when accompanied by an adult; Blind Access CharlieCard holders ride free and if using a guide, the guide rides free. * Requires Student CharlieCard, ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƚŽƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƟŶŐ middle schools and high schools. ** Requires Senior/TAP CharlieCard, available to Medicare cardholders, seniors 65+,   ĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶƐǁŝƚŚĚŝƐĂďŝůŝƟĞƐ͘ Route 52 Dedham Mall or Charles River Loop- Route 59 Winter 2017 Holidays Watertown Yard Needham Junction-Watertown Square January 2: see Sunday January 16 & February 20: see Saturday Route 70 Cedarwood, Market Place Drive, or Central Square, Waltham - University Park Route 70A North Waltham - University Park Route 170 Central Square, Waltham - Dudley Square 70/70A•170 Ave. mer St. Concord Ave. ALE via Rt. 2 Rd Farm Rd W Hig igh St. MassachusettsMinuteman Ave. Commuter a Winter December 31, 2016 - March 24, 2017 V Boston Ave. 94 Salem LEX Mystic St. 60 T ALE 225 Exit 32 rapelo Rd. Tracer Peaco Bikeway Central St. Appleton St. Mystic Lane 78 Wachusett Ave. Gray St. Concord Ave. Watertown St 84 Route 170 Fares62/76 Mystic Express to/from 2 80 Route 70 Boston Haymarket Cedarwood, Market Place Drive, or Ave. 62 Pleasant St Medford St. Medford station Lawren 70 V Square ALE LEX Oakland alley Lexington Local Inner InnerARLINGTON Express Inner Express Arlington Center Harvard Ave Central Square, Waltham-University Park Ridge Fare W Park WinthropGeorge St. St. 134 Riverside Exit 28 PM . Service Rd. Pkwy. 94 ring St. Bus Express Cir.+ Local Bus + Subway 80 Trapelo Rd. Eastern Ave. Jason St. Sp Waltham St. 96 Exit 31 Ave. Belmont E. Service Rd. St. Main AM Metropolitan Pleasant St. North Waltham-University Park Walnut St River St. Country Club Highland St. 71 70A CharlieCardParkway Dr. $1.70 $4.00 $4.00Menotomy $4.00 16 101 70A N Union St Rocks ve. 87 y. West ServicePark Rd. Spy Broadway 95 University North Winter St. Waltham Central Square, Waltham-Dudley Sq. Concord A Cedarwood Central Sq. Tu f t s Watertown Sq. 93 Park Waltham Hardy CharlieTicket $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.75 Pond Pkw 170 Lincoln St. East Service Rd. 67 77 University Pond Curtis St. College A Brook ve. Waldo Rd Main St. PM Mystic 350 Clarendon Hill y St. Mead Cash-on-Board $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.75 ve

AM Mass. Wyman St. A College A Serving Marsh St. 62 ValleyGlen Lake St. Wellesle Mystic Ave. AM A * Tyler Rd. 67 350 6-10 minutesve. 87 9-18 minutesPrinceton 13-37 St minutes Student $0.85 $2.50Clifton $2.50 St. Brighton$2.50 St. Alewife St. PM Powder Harvard St Fletcher St. Packard • Central Square, Waltham AM BELMONT 351 76 Herbert Rd Cambridge 170 88 House ve. 79 Square Marion St Reservoir PM 79 62/76 89 Medford St. Senior/TAP** $0.85 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 Approximate total running time Main St. Holland St. E. Myst Express to/from Mill St. Pleasant St. Albion St • Watertown & Arsenal Malls Cross St. Burlington via I-95 Concord 60 one way 42-65 minutes Broadway VALIDTrapelo PASSES Rd. : Inner Express Bus ($128/mo.), Outer Express Bus ($168/mo.), 2 94 ALE WALTHAM Ave. 78 77 89 r St. Cross St. • Watertown Square Exit 27 PM commuter rail, and boat passes. 101 70A Red Line DAVIS PM AM FREE FARES: Children under 12 ride free when accompanied by an adult; Blind BELMONT Channing Rd. Mass. AM Totten Pond Rd. Access CharlieCard holders ride free and if using a guide, the guide rides free. ALEWIFE • 1265 Main Shopping Center, Waltham Blanchard Rd. Route 70A 89 t St. Russell Ave. PM ALE 90 * Requires Student CharlieCard, ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƚŽƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƟŶŐConcord A Field 96 Highland Av 4th A Cedar St 80 Broadway 3rd Ave Express to/from Burlington • Red Line ve middle schools and high schools. ve. 351 Rindge Ave. 554 School St. via Rt. 2. and Rt. 128 88 Fourth Ave Forest St ** Requires Senior/TAP CharlieCard, available to Medicare cardholders, seniors 65+, 83 e. Medford St. Ave.

Goden St. 170 Fifth W   ĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶƐǁŝƚŚĚŝƐĂďŝůŝƟĞƐ͘ • Fitchburg Commuter Rail 76 78 Waltham Shuttle Lexington St. 554 Local bus fare applies if yourPleasant trip St. does not include Masspike 74 87 Waltham–Bay Colony Danehy rtown Sq. Waverley St. 781-890-0093 84 WAVERLEY Bright Rd. Park AM Avon St. University Bentley Trapelo Rd. PORTER Lexington St. Lexington & College Washington St. Waltham Ctr. Wate Summer St. Park W Trapelo Rd. Common St. Grove St. Pkwy. Concord Dale St. 554 Beaver St. 77 Somerville Ave. Oakley Rd. Fresh Pond Lexington St. Waverley Oaks Rd. 73 Ave. Summit St. Pond 85 Waltham 60 Belmont St. 83 556 Beaver St. School St. Fresh Union Highlands Lyman St 554 AM 13-24minutes72/75 9-18 minutes96 13-37 minutes Square Market 170 Belmont St. Huron Ave. Place Drive 75 86 Linden St. Approximate total running time Beacon St. 87 70A Main St. W Bacon St. arren St. Belmont St. Washington St. Hammond St. one way 35-79 minutes W Main St. 20 72 91 Warren St. Aberdeen 117 Highland Oakley South St. Orchard St. Mt. Auburn St. Stow St Prospect St. 73 Ave Bear Hill Rd. Country Club HARVARD 69 Ave. 71 73 Lexington St Grove St. 70 1 68 Exit 26 Cedarwood 1 Inman WA LT H A M 70A Waverley Ave WATERTOWN Mt. Auburn St. Square Gore St. Fayette St. Common St. 66 74 66 85 W Pine St. altham St. 71 Grove St. 68 75 Weston St 558 River St. 20 Main St. 186 64 83 16 Windsor St. Calvary St. 69 77 7-Eleven Broadway Seyon St. Store 24 Auburn St. CT1 91 Mt. 71 78 70A CrescentMaple St. St. Pleasant St. Spring St. Walnut St. CT2 High St. Newton St. Nichols Ave.

Arlington St. 72 86 Coolidge Ave. 47 70 553 Charles River Pleasant St. School St. Ash St. Allison 73 96 CENTRAL Plgd Dexter Ave. Brandeis Watertown Watertown 72/75 Mass. Ave. University 558 556 Farwell St. Chapel St. California St. Square Arsenal St. Mall South St. Fuller St. Waltham St. Watertown Coolidge Ave. Galen St. N. Beacon St. 7-Eleven 59 Yard Soldiers Field Rd. Green St. BRANDEIS/ NEWTON Adams St. Moody St. 70 Ave. River St. ROBERTS Watertown St. 550 series routesroutes Arsenal Mall 70A Pearl St. CT2 Roberts Rumford run expexpressress to/fto/fromrom 20 Western Crafts St. Boston weekdays 7-Eleven Magazine 47St. 170 California St. Adams St. 64 Derby St. 502 BRIGHTON Boston 555 Market St. CAMBRIDGE 1 River St. Albemarle Newton Corner 504 Mass. Turnpike Check St Charles River Ave. CT1 Plgd Cambridge St. 90 Granite St. 95 ashington St. Express to/from Cashers 556 Crafts St. 558 W Boston via MassPike 64 N. Beacon St. BABCOCKPLEASANT ST ST 8 Walnut St. Faneuil St. Union PACKARDS Exit 17 Brooks St. 128 Brookline St. Waltham St. 501 Square ST. PAUL ST 19 South St. 505 16 CORNER 503 BU WEST BU.CENTRAL BLANDFORD ST 57 57 HARVARD Pine St KENMORE Tremont St BU EAST 60 Elm St. 52 Oak Faneuil St. ALLSTON ST GRIGGS ST Franklin St Square WARREN AVE 65 ow Brook Rd River Rd. Watertown St. 553 554 NEWTONVILLE Green Line “B” Branch 501 503 Market St. Ave. Indicates MBTA pass and fare sales locations. Washington St. 57 ST. MARYS ST Lexington St. 59 Washington St. W ST Fare vending66 machines are also located at all Exit 16 alnut St. Loring Rd. WEST Harvard St. averly Brighton HAWES ST InformaƟ on 617-222-3200 • 1-800-392-6100 Marriott NEWTON Cabot Rd. Centre St. 558 W Center subway stations and Dudley Station. YAWKEY Hotel 30 Express to/from Dudley KENT ST 86 ST. PAUL AUBURNDALE Square via MassPike Kenrick St COO (TTY) 617-222-5146 • Foster St. FENFENWAYWAY ve. C Branch 70/70AWeekday 70/70A Saturday Inbound Outbound Inbound Outbound

Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Cedar- North Water- University University Water- North Cedar- Cedar- North Water- University University Water- North Cedar- wood Waltham town Sq. Park Park town Sq. Waltham wood wood Waltham town Sq. Park Park town Sq. Waltham wood 5:30A ..... 5:50A 6:12A 4:50A 5:05A ..... 5:23A 5:40A ..... 5:55A 6:18A 5:00A 5:12A ..... 5:30A 5:50 ..... 6:10 6:33 5:05 5:20 ..... 5:38 6:10 ..... 6:25 6:48 5:30 5:42 ..... 6:00 6:10 ..... 6:30 6:58 5:20 5:35 ..... 5:53 6:45 ..... 7:00 7:23 6:00 6:16 ..... 6:39 ..... g 6:10A 6:45 7:07 g 5:30 5:47 6:04A ..... m 7:20 ..... 7:37 8:05 m 6:30 6:46 ..... 7:09 6:30 ..... 6:49 7:17 5:40 5:55 ..... 6:18 ..... g 7:55 8:26 8:52 g 7:05 7:23 7:48A ..... m 6:45 ..... 7:07 7:38 m 5:53 6:10 ..... 6:36 8:30 ..... 8:52 9:22 7:40 7:56 ..... 8:19 7:00 ..... 7:23 7:54 g 6:03 6:20 6:41 ...... g 9:05 9:36 10:02 g 8:15 8:32 8:58 ...... g 6:55 7:30 8:07 6:08 6:27 ..... 6:53 m 9:35 ..... 9:57 10:27 m 8:40 8:56 ..... 9:22 7:18 ..... 7:41 8:12 g 6:21 6:39 7:04 ...... g 9:55 10:26 10:53 g 9:00 9:19 9:45 ..... m 7:27 ..... 7:50 8:21 6:25 6:44 ..... 7:10 10:30 ..... 10:52 11:22 9:35 9:56 ..... 10:21 e 7:44 ..... 7:56 8:27 m 6:34 6:53 ..... 7:19 e 10:55 ..... 11:03 11:30 g 9:55 10:14 10:42 ...... g 7:29 8:08 8:48 6:45 7:04 ..... 7:30 ..... g 10:50 11:24 11:52 10:10 10:30 ..... e 10:44 7:47 ..... 8:10 8:41 g 6:53 7:13 7:39 ..... m 11:13 ..... 11:35 12:09P m 10:20 10:41 ..... 11:05 8:00 ..... 8:23 8:54 b 7:00 7:16 ..... b 7:27 e 11:45 ..... 11:54 12:22 g 10:35 10:54 11:22 ...... g 7:55 8:33 9:06 7:06 7:25 ..... 7:51 ..... g 11:35 12:09P 12:37 10:50 11:13 ..... 11:38 m 8:25 ..... 8:48 9:18 m 7:15 7:34 ..... 8:00 11:00 11:21 ..... e 11:36 ..... g 8:28 9:05 9:32 g 7:30 7:58 8:24 ..... e 12:10P ..... 12:19P 12:47P g 11:15 11:35 12:07P ..... 8:50 ..... 9:11 9:39 7:45 8:08 ..... 8:34 12:00N ..... 12:23 12:57 11:25 11:47 ..... e 12:02P m 9:10 ..... 9:31 9:59 g 8:00 8:28 8:54 ..... e 12:30 ..... 12:39 1:07 m 11:35 11:57 ..... 12:22 ..... g 9:00 9:35 10:02 m 8:10 8:35 ..... 9:01 ..... g 12:15P 12:49 1:23 11:45 12:07P ..... e 12:22 9:30 ..... 9:51 10:19 8:20 8:45 ..... 9:11 m 12:35 ..... 12:58 1:32 ..... g 9:25 10:00 10:24 g 8:30 8:58 9:22 ..... e 1:10 ..... 1:19 1:47 h 12:00N 12:21P 12:55P ..... m 9:50 ..... 10:11 10:39 m 8:45 9:10 ..... 9:36 ..... h 1:05 1:31 2:06 12:15P 12:37 ..... 1:03P ..... g 9:55 10:24 10:48 g 8:55 9:20 9:47 ..... 1:20 ..... 1:43 2:17 12:25 12:47 ..... e 1:01 10:20 ..... 10:41 11:09 9:15 9:40 ..... 10:06 e 1:40 ..... 1:49 2:17 h 12:35 12:56 1:32 ..... m 10:40 ..... 11:01 11:29 m 9:35 10:00 ..... 10:26 e 1:55 ..... 2:04 2:32 12:50 1:14 ..... e 1:26 11:05 ..... 11:26 11:54 9:50 10:15 ..... 10:41 ..... h 1:50 2:13 2:45 m 1:00 1:23 ..... 1:49 ..... g 11:08 11:42 12:15P g 10:08 10:33 11:03 ..... m 2:10 ..... 2:32 3:03 1:10 1:34 ..... e 1:46 m 11:30 ..... 11:51 12:23 m 10:30 10:55 ..... 11:21 e 2:35 ..... 2:44 3:13 h 1:20 1:43 2:20 ..... 11:55 ..... 12:18P 12:51 10:50 11:15 ..... 11:41 ..... h 2:30 2:53 3:25 1:35 1:58 ..... 2:24 g 11:10 11:33 12:03P ..... 2:40 ..... 3:00 3:31 1:45 2:09 ..... e 2:21 m 12:15P ..... 12:38P 1:11P m 11:16 11:41 ..... 12:08P e 3:10 ..... 3:19 3:47 h 2:00 2:23 3:00 ...... g 12:08P 12:38 1:11 11:40 12:06P ..... 12:34 ..... h 3:08 3:31 4:03 m 2:15 2:38 ..... 3:04 12:45 ..... 1:08 1:41 m 3:15 ..... 3:35 4:06 2:25 2:49 ..... e 3:01 m 1:10 ..... 1:33 2:06 m 12:00N 12:27P ..... 12:55P e 3:35 ..... 3:44 4:12 h 2:35 2:58 3:35 ...... h 1:25 1:49 2:22 h 12:20P 12:43 1:19P ..... e 3:50 ..... 3:59 4:27 2:45 3:09 ..... e 3:21 1:40 ..... 2:03 2:36 12:35 1:02 ..... 1:30 ..... h 3:45 4:08 4:40 2:55 3:18 ..... 3:44 m 2:00 ..... 2:23 2:56 m 12:55 1:22 ..... 1:50 3:55 ..... 4:15 4:46 3:05 3:29 ..... e 3:41 2:25 ..... 2:48 3:20 h 1:15 1:40 2:17 ..... e 4:10 ..... 4:19 4:47 h 3:15 3:38 4:15 ...... h 2:30 2:56 3:27 1:25 1:52 ..... 2:20 e 4:30 ..... 4:38 5:06 3:25 3:49 ..... e 4:01 m 2:46 ..... 3:11 3:46 m 1:45 2:12 ..... 2:40 ..... h 4:25 4:48 5:20 m 3:35 3:58 ..... 4:24 e 3:20 ..... 3:31 3:58 2:08 2:35 ..... 3:02 e 4:55 ..... 5:03 5:31 3:45 4:09 ..... e 4:21 3:17 ..... 3:45 4:20 h 2:20 2:47 3:26 ..... m 4:45 ..... 5:05 5:36 h 3:55 4:18 4:55 ...... h 3:30 3:57 4:30 e 2:30 2:56 ..... e 3:09 e 5:10 ..... 5:18 5:46 4:10 4:34 ..... e 4:46 m 3:45 ..... 4:13 4:48 m 2:40 3:08 ..... 3:35 ..... h 5:05 5:28 6:00 4:20 4:43 ..... 5:09 4:08 ..... 4:36 5:11 3:00 3:30 ..... 3:57 e 5:28 ..... 5:36 6:04 4:25 4:49 ..... e 5:01 e 4:25 ..... 4:36 5:08 h 3:10 3:36 4:15 ..... 5:20 ..... 5:40 6:11 h 4:35 4:58 5:35 ..... m 4:30 ..... 4:58 5:33 m 3:22 3:52 ..... 4:19 e 5:45 ..... 5:53 6:21 4:45 5:09 ..... e 5:21 ..... h 4:25 4:53 5:26 e 3:30 3:56 ..... e 4:13 ..... h 5:45 6:08 6:35 m 4:55 5:18 ..... 5:44 e 4:55 ..... 5:06 5:38 h 3:40 4:07 4:49 ..... m 5:50 ..... 6:10 6:41 5:00 5:24 ..... e 5:38 4:59 ..... 5:27 6:02 3:50 4:20 ..... 4:47 e 6:10 ..... 6:18 6:46 h 5:15 5:38 6:13 ...... h 4:55 5:28 6:00 e 4:00 4:30 ..... e 4:46 e 6:25 ..... 6:33 7:01 5:25 5:46 ..... e 6:01 e 5:24 ..... 5:35 6:07 h 4:10 4:38 5:20 ...... h 6:25 6:46 7:13 5:40 6:03 ..... 6:27 m 5:30 ..... 5:58 6:29 m 4:20 4:50 ..... 5:17 6:40 ..... 6:58 7:25 5:45 6:05 ..... e 6:20 ..... h 5:28 6:01 6:29 e 4:30 5:00 ..... e 5:16 e 6:55 ..... 7:03 7:28 h 6:00 6:21 6:56 ..... 6:00 ..... 6:23 6:54 h 4:40 5:08 5:50 ..... e 7:15 ..... 7:22 7:47 6:10 6:30 ..... e 6:45 ..... h 6:00 6:24 6:52 4:50 5:20 ..... 5:47 ..... h 7:05 7:26 7:53 m 6:20 6:42 ..... 7:06 m 6:12 ..... 6:35 7:06 m 5:00 5:30 ..... 5:57 m 7:15 ..... 7:33 7:59 6:30 6:50 ..... e 7:05 6:30 ..... 6:53 7:19 h 5:10 5:40 6:22 ..... 7:50 ..... 8:05 8:31 h 6:45 7:06 7:41 ...... h 6:30 6:54 7:22 5:20 5:50 ..... 6:17 b 8:00 ..... 8:09 b 8:28 6:55 7:17 ..... 7:41 m 6:40 ..... 7:01 7:26 m 5:30 6:00 ..... 6:27 ..... h 7:55 8:16 8:43 7:10 7:30 ..... e 7:45 7:00 ..... 7:17 7:42 h 5:40 6:10 6:51 ..... m 8:25 ..... 8:40 9:06 m 7:30 7:52 ..... 8:15 ..... h 7:00 7:23 7:50 5:50 6:20 ..... 6:47 b 8:45 ..... 8:54 b 9:13 7:55 8:15 ..... e 8:30 m 7:15 ..... 7:32 7:57 m 6:05 6:35 ..... 7:02 d 9:05 ..... 9:21 d 9:40 8:10 8:30 ..... 8:55 7:28 ..... 7:45 8:10 h 6:15 6:45 7:25 ..... b 9:30 ..... 9:39 b 9:58 8:40 9:00 ..... e 9:15 ..... h 7:30 7:53 8:20 6:25 6:55 ..... 7:19 d 9:45 ..... 10:01 d 10:20 d 9:05 9:20 ..... 9:43 m 7:45 ..... 8:02 8:27 m 6:40 7:08 ..... 7:31 md 10:30 ..... 10:46 d 11:05 dm 9:45 10:00 ..... 10:23 8:00 ..... 8:17 8:42 7:00 7:24 ..... 7:47 d 10:50 ..... 11:06 d 11:25 d 10:05 10:20 ..... 10:43 m 8:15 ..... 8:32 8:57 m 7:15 7:39 ..... 8:02 d 11:50 ..... 12:06A d 12:25A d 11:10 11:25 ..... 11:48 8:31 ..... 8:48 9:13 7:35 7:59 ..... 8:22 b 12:45A ..... 12:54 b 1:13 b 12:15A 12:32A ..... b 12:44A m 9:03 ..... 9:20 9:45 m 8:10 8:34 ..... 8:57 aw 1:10 1:27 ...... 9:35 ..... 9:52 10:17 8:40 9:04 ..... 9:27 m 10:00 ..... 10:17 10:42 m 9:05 9:29 ..... 9:52 10:30 ..... 10:47 11:10 9:35 9:59 ..... 10:22 70/70A Inbound Sunday Outbound 11:05 ..... 11:22 11:43 10:10 10:33 ..... 10:54 Arrive 11:40 ..... 11:54 12:14A 10:50 11:10 ..... 11:31 Arrive Arrive Leave Leave Watertown University Watertown Arrive 12:15A ..... 12:29A 12:49 11:25 11:45 ..... 12:06A University Cedarwood Square Park Square Cedarwood b 12:40 ..... 12:47 b 1:04 e 12:10A 12:27A ..... e 12:35 Park 6:45A 7:04A d 7:22A d 6:00A 6:13A 6:32A Route 70A indicated by shaded areas aw 1:04 1:19 ...... m 7:30 7:49 d 8:07 dm 6:45 7:01 7:20 Running time from Central Square and University Park is approximately 2 minutes. 8:15 8:33 d 8:54 d 7:30 7:46 8:05 a - Central Square, Cambridge - Watertown Square. m 9:00 9:20 d 9:41 dm 8:15 8:31 8:50 b - To/from Central Square, Watham - Central Square, Cambridge 9:25 9:45 d 10:06 d 8:40 8:56 9:15 d - To/from Central Square, Cambridge m 10:00 10:20 d 10:42 dm 9:10 9:26 9:47 e - To/from Central Square, Watham - University Park 10:25 10:46 11:13 d 9:35 9:52 10:14 g - AM routing - serves Totten Pond Road & Wyman Street outbound, and m 10:50 11:11 11:38 dm 9:55 10:12 10:34 Smith Street & Trapelo Road inbound 11:15 11:36 12:01P d 10:20 10:37 11:01 h - PM routing - serves Smith Street & Trapelo Road outbound, and m 11:40 12:01P 12:29 dm 10:45 11:03 11:27 Totten Pond Road & Wyman Street inbound d 11:05 11:23 11:47 m - To/From 1265 Main Shopping Center (Market Place Dr.), Waltham. 12:00N 12:21P 12:49P m 11:25 11:47 12:08P w - Waits for last train to arrive at Central Square Station. m 12:20P 12:41 1:09 11:45 12:07P 12:29 12:40 1:01 1:29 170 Weekday m 1:00 1:21 1:49 m 12:05P 12:27P 12:52P Inbound Outbound 1:20 1:41 2:10 12:25 12:48 1:13 Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive m 1:40 2:00 2:30 m 12:45 1:08 1:33 Central Sq. Back Dudley Dudley Back Central Sq. 2:00 2:19 2:49 1:00 1:23 1:48 Waltham Bay Station Station Bay Waltham m 2:20 2:39 3:09 m 1:20 1:43 2:08 3:55P 4:50P 5:03P 6:15A 6:26A 7:21A 2:40 2:59 3:29 1:40 2:03 2:28 m 3:00 3:19 3:50 m 2:00 2:23 2:48 4:55P 6:01P 6:11P 6:40A 6:52A 7:48A 3:20 3:39 4:10 2:20 2:43 3:08 No service on weekends and Holidays- see fare information on reverse m 3:40 3:59 4:30 m 2:40 3:03 3:28 Route 70/70A 4:00 4:19 4:50 3:00 3:23 3:48 Cedarwood, Market Place Dr., N. Waltham or m 4:20 4:39 5:10 m 3:20 3:46 4:10 Central Sq., Waltham - University Park 4:40 4:59 5:30 3:40 4:05 4:29 m 5:00 5:19 5:51 m 4:00 4:25 4:49 Rapid Bus + Rapid Fare Local Bus Bus + Bus 5:20 5:40 6:13 4:20 4:45 5:09 Transit Transit m 5:40 6:00 6:32 m 4:40 5:05 5:29 6:00 6:20 6:50 5:00 5:25 5:49 CharlieCard $1.70 $1.70 $2.25 $2.25 m 6:20 6:39 7:06 m 5:20 5:45 6:10 CharlieTicket $2.00 $2.00 $2.75 $4.75 6:40 6:57 7:24 5:40 6:05 6:30 m 7:00 7:17 7:44 m 6:00 6:22 6:47 Cash-on-Board $2.00 $4.00 $2.75 $4.75 7:20 7:37 8:06 6:20 6:42 7:06 Student* $0.85 $0.85 $1.10 $1.10 m 7:35 7:52 8:18 m 6:40 7:02 7:25 7:50 8:06 8:33 7:00 7:22 7:45 ** $0.85 $0.85 $1.10 $1.10 Senior/TAP m 8:15 8:32 8:59 m 7:20 7:42 8:05 VALID PASSES: LinkPass ($84.50/mo.); Local Bus ($55/mo.); *Student LinkPass ($30.00/mo.); **Senior/TAP LinkPass ($30/mo.); and express bus, commuter rail, and boat passes. 8:30 8:47 d 9:06 7:40 8:02 8:25 FREE FARES: Children 11 and under ride free when accompanied by an adult; Blind 9:10 9:27 d 9:46 8:15 8:37 9:00 Access CharlieCard holders ride free and if using a guide, the guide rides free. 9:38 9:55 d 10:14 d 8:45 9:02 9:24 * Requires Student CharlieCard, ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƚŽƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƟŶŐ middle schools and high schools. 10:10 10:27 d 10:44 d 9:15 9:32 9:54 ** Requires Senior/TAP CharlieCard, available to Medicare cardholders, seniors 65+, 10:45 10:59 d 11:16 d 9:55 10:12 10:34   ĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶƐǁŝƚŚĚŝƐĂďŝůŝƟĞƐ͘ 11:20 11:34 d 11:51 d 10:35 10:51 11:14 11:55 12:09A d 12:26A d 11:15 11:31 11:51 Winter 2017 Holidays b 12:41A 12:47 b 1:03 b 12:05A 12:20A b 12:30A January 2: see Sunday January 16 & February 20: see Saturday aw 1:10 1:23 ..... All buses are accessible to persons with disabilities Hotel Ʃ schedule change schedule on 617-222-3200 • 1-800-392-6100 Ɵ Central Square, Waltham Square, Central Serving • • Newtonville • Marrio Rail Commuter Fitchburg • Rail Commuter Worcester • Waltham Highlands- Waltham Riverside-Downtown Boston (TTY) 617-222-5146 • 556•558 Winter December 31, 2016 - March 24, 2017 Informa 556 558



alnut St. H W

Arsenal St.

N. Beacon St. Auburn St. Auburn


503 remont St

Common St. Common T

Mt. Mt. Kenrick St. Kenrick 30 Golf Course Commonwealth

Express to/from Boston via MassPike


57 Ave.

Spring St. Spring Ward St. Waverly Waverly 73 Orchard St. 504 502

Watertown Watertown GalenYard St. Franklin St. Square

Belmont St.

Watertown Watertown


Centre St. Centre

Fayette St. St. Beacon

averley averley W 52 WATERTOWN 59


Ward St. Ward

Commonwealth Ave. Commonwealth

Lexington St. Lexington 550 series routes St. Centre Boston weekdays Boston weekdays Boston weekdays Routes 556 and 558 run express to/from run express to/from run express to/from Newton Corner

20 ashington St. ashington W Belmont St. Park

Cabot St. Plgd


Indicates MBTA pass and fare sales locations. Indicates MBTA Fare vending machines are also located at all subway stations and Dudley Station. atertown St. atertown Edmand’s Allison Centre

Newton W

California St. 558 30

Warren St. Lake 70A 554

Crystal easant St. easant

Highland Ave. Pl Chapel St. Adams St.

Crafts St. Mill St. Fitchburg Commuter Rail Commuter Fitchburg 70 NEWTONVILLE Walnut St. Homer St.

Adams St. Walnut St. 59 Beaver St. 59

alnut St.

averley O averley WWalnut St.

ve. W

Warren St. Warren Waltham St. A Ave. 554 Lowell

California St. California t 60


s i Gore St. Gore 16 r w t

e a St. Austin

leasant St. 553

P Patriot N News Federal StAve. Highland




Seyon St. Seyon Plgd Franklin St Franklin STATION Atlantic

Charles River Commonwealth Beacon St. Beacon Albemarle

Beaver St. Essex St East St

h Farwell St. Farwell 7 St High

Main St. c

Crafts St. 448 449 459 South St South Watertown St. Watertown a

Grove St.

St Highland St. Highland

e Beach St

re St re Lincoln St Lincoln P

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Tufts St Utica St Utica

Linden St. Linden Peach L L’il

92 93 Waltham St. Waltham

Otis St Otis Drop-off only d St d St. Chestnut Summer St

Kneeland St

Bedfor Express to/from Dudley Square via MassPike St Lincoln Express to/from Dudley Square via MassPike 554 556 558


NEWTON Waltham St. St Kingston Essex St Calvary St. Red Line 7 501 504 505 553

11 River St. 448 449 459 20 Elm St. Newton St. Newton Kingston St WABAN 556

Downtown Boston Fuller St. Artery Surface

Lyman St. Express to/from Boston via MassPike

554 556 558

ve 30 Temple St. Temple


Derby St. 170 Chauncy St Chauncy L Exit 16 A 501 504 505 553


De Lafayette A Brae Burn o Dudley W WA LT H A M Lowell St. Lowell 16 T

CROSSING High St. Country Club

Lexington St. DOWNTOWN 70A St. Moody 554

WEST 170 St. Pine

553 554 170

. River St.

Dale St. t 505

S ton Rd. ton

NEWTON St. ashington


505 W


Bacon St. Bacon Green Line e


s e r C t “D” Branch Ave. e Waltham Highlands - Downtown Boston Boston Highlands - Downtown Waltham Boston - Downtown Riverside k r r


a t 558 Hammond St. Hammond Hammond St. Hammond Beacon St. Dale St. Prospect St. S Star M Market


oodland Rd. WOODLAND Rumford St. Lexington Summit St. W

South St. .


Grove St. Grove 16

Tomlin St. Tomlin v




Grove St. Grove t

RIVERSIDE "D" Branch l TS Waltham

70 553 a Highlands


e Charles River Charles


Waltham w

Exit 21 n

Children’s o m

Exit 22



Main St. St. South o

Hotel Cedarwood C Marriott Roberts Brandeis University

558 W Route 556 Route 558 Route

South St. South

Pine Grove Ave. Grove Pine Concord St. Stow St. St. Weston

gRd. 556 & 558 Weekday Inbound Outbound

Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Leave Depart Arrive Arrive Leave Waltham Central Sq. Newton Downtown Downtown Newton Central Sq. Waltham Arrive No service Riverside Highlands Waltham Corner Boston Boston Corner Waltham Highlands Riverside on weekends ..... 6:15A 6:19A 6:35A ...... 6:45A 6:59A 7:04A ..... 6:25A ...... 6:55 ...... 7:00 ...... 7:30A ..... 6:40 6:46 7:07 7:31A 7:05A 7:20 ...... 7:55 ..... 7:10 7:16 7:38 8:07 7:25 7:42 8:04 8:10 ..... 7:35 ...... 8:10 8:43 8:10 8:25 ...... 9:00 ..... 7:45 7:51 8:14 8:43 8:25 8:42 9:02 9:08 ..... 8:00 ...... 8:35 9:04 ..... 9:45 10:01 10:06 ...... 8:15 8:21 8:44 9:13 ..... 10:45 11:01 11:08 ..... 9:05 ...... 9:35 9:53 ..... 11:45 12:02P 12:09P ...... 9:15 9:19 9:38 ...... 10:15 10:19 10:38 ...... 11:15 11:19 11:38 ..... 12:15P 12:29P ...... 1:03P ..... 12:15P 12:19P 12:38P ...... 12:45 1:02P 1:09P ...... 1:15 1:19 1:40 ...... 1:45 2:02 2:08 ..... 1:15P ...... 1:45 ...... 1:50 ...... 2:20 ..... 2:15 2:19 2:40 ...... 2:45 3:05 3:12 ..... 2:25 ...... 2:55 ...... 3:00 ...... 3:31 All buses are accessible to persons with disabilities ..... 3:15 3:19 3:41 ...... 3:45 4:05 4:12 ..... 3:35 ...... 4:07 ...... 4:10 ...... 4:44 Local Inner Inner Express Inner Express ..... 4:15 4:19 4:42 5:01P 4:25 4:45 5:13 5:20 ..... Fare Bus Express + Local Bus + Subway 4:48 ...... 5:23 5:48 4:45 5:02 ...... 5:46 CharlieCard $1.70 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 ..... 5:22 5:27 5:52 6:10 4:55 5:24 5:53 6:00 ..... CharlieTicket $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.75 6:00 ...... 6:30 6:46 5:14 5:41 ...... 6:23 Cash-on-Board $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.75 ..... 6:32 6:36 6:54 7:08 5:25 5:56 6:23 6:29 ..... Student* $0.85 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 7:12 ...... 7:35 7:51 6:00 6:24 ...... 7:06 ** $0.85 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 ..... 7:20 7:24 7:41 7:55 6:25 6:44 7:11 7:17 ..... Senior/TAP VALID PASSES: Inner Express Bus ($128/mo.), Outer Express Bus ($168/mo.), commuter rail, and boat passes. FREE FARES: Children under 12 ride free when accompanied by an adult; Blind Route 558 indicated by shaded areas Access CharlieCard holders ride free and if using a guide, the guide rides free. * Requires Student CharlieCard, ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƚŽƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƟŶŐ middle schools and high schools. ** Requires Senior/TAP CharlieCard, available to Medicare cardholders, seniors 65+,   ĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶƐǁŝƚŚĚŝƐĂďŝůŝƟĞƐ͘ Local bus fare applies if your trip does not include Masspike

Route 556 Route 558 Winter 2017 Holidays Waltham Highlands-Downtown Boston Riverside-Downtown Boston January 2: see Sunday January 16 & February 20: see Saturday

□ Trip Generation Calculations

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 9th Edition Land Use Code (LUC) 220 - Apartment

Average Vehicle Trips Ends vs: Dwelling Units Independent Variable (X): 58

AVERAGE WEEKDAY DAILY T = 6.65 * X T = 6.65 * 58 T = 385.70 T = 386 vehicle trips with 50% ( 193 vpd) entering and 50% ( 193 vpd) exiting.

WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC T = 0.51 * X T = 0.51 * 58 T = 29.58 T = 30 vehicle trips with 20% ( 6 vph) entering and 80% ( 24 vph) exiting.

WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC T = 0.62 * X T = 0.62 * 58 T = 35.96 T = 36 vehicle trips with 65% ( 23 vph) entering and 35% ( 13 vph) exiting.

SATURDAY DAILY T = 6.39 * X T = 6.39 * 58 T = 370.62 T = 370 vehicle trips with 50% ( 185 vpd) entering and 50% ( 185 vpd) exiting.

SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR T = 0.52 * X T = 0.52 * 58 T = 30.16 T = 30 vehicle trips with 50% ( 15 vph) entering and 50% ( 15 vph) exiting.

903 LUC 220 (Avg. Rates) Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 9th Edition Land Use Code (LUC) 710 - General Office Building

Average Vehicle Trips Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Independent Variable (X): 6.785

AVERAGE WEEKDAY DAILY T = 11.03 * (X) T = 11.03 * 6.785 T = 74.84 T = 74 vehicle trips with 50% ( 37 vpd) entering and 50% ( 37 vpd) exiting.

WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC T = 1.56 * (X) T = 1.56 * 6.785 T = 10.58 T = 11 vehicle trips with 88% ( 10 vph) entering and 12% ( 1 vph) exiting.

WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC T = 1.49 * (X) T = 1.49 * 6.785 T = 10.11 T = 10 vehicle trips with 17% ( 2 vph) entering and 83% ( 8 vph) exiting.

SATURDAY DAILY T = 2.46 * (x) T = 2.46 * 6.785 T = 16.69 T = 16 vehicle trips with 50% ( 8 vpd) entering and 50% ( 8 vpd) exiting.

SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR T = 0.43 * (X) T = 0.43 * 6.785 T = 2.92 T = 3 vehicle trips with 54% ( 2 vph) entering and 46% ( 1 vph) exiting.

903 LUC 710 SF (Avg Rates)

□ Trip Distribution Calculations

Journey-to-Work Distribution Residents US Census Journey-to-Work Data Out To/From Routes Total Pleasant Street Rosedale Road Bridge Street Pleasant Street Bridge Street All % of Total Residence Town Name Workplace Town Name Workers Rounded Workplace (East) (North) (North) (West) (South) Watertown Town city Boston city 4,986 27.0% Boston city 20% 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 80% 21.6% 27.0% 100.0% Watertown Town city Watertown Town city 3,405 18.4% Watertown Town city 50% 9.2% 20% 3.7% 0.0% 30% 5.5% 0.0% 18.4% 100.0% Watertown Town city Cambridge city 2,002 10.8% Cambridge city 100% 10.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.8% 100.0% Watertown Town city Waltham city 1,171 6.3% Waltham city 0.0% 0.0% 20% 1.3% 80% 5.1% 0.0% 6.3% 100.0% Watertown Town city Newton city 1,006 5.4% Newton city 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 5.4% 5.4% 100.0% Watertown Town city Belmont town 667 3.6% Belmont town 100% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Lexington town 299 1.6% Lexington town 100% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Somerville city 285 1.5% Somerville city 100% 1.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 100.0% Watertown Town city Wellesley town 278 1.5% Wellesley town 20% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 80% 1.2% 1.5% 100.0% Watertown Town city Needham town 265 1.4% Needham town 20% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 80% 1.1% 1.4% 100.0% Watertown Town city Framingham town 231 1.2% Framingham town 60% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 10% 0.1% 30% 0.4% 1.2% 100.0% Watertown Town city Brookline town 224 1.2% Brookline town 50% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50% 0.6% 1.2% 100.0% Watertown Town city Burlington town 202 1.1% Burlington town 20% 0.2% 0.0% 60% 0.7% 0.0% 20% 0.2% 1.1% 100.0% Watertown Town city Norwood town 157 0.8% Norwood town 10% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 90% 0.8% 0.8% 100.0% Watertown Town city Woburn city 157 0.8% Woburn city 80% 0.7% 0.0% 20% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 100.0% Watertown Town city Malden city 110 0.6% Malden city 70% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30% 0.2% 0.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Marlborough city 109 0.6% Marlborough city 100% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Natick town 107 0.6% Natick town 40% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 60% 0.3% 0.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Acton town 106 0.6% Acton town 70% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30% 0.2% 0.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Westwood town 103 0.6% Westwood town 50% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50% 0.3% 0.6% 100.0% Watertown Town city Andover town 94 0.5% Andover town 0.0% 0.0% 70% 0.4% 0.0% 30% 0.2% 0.5% 100.0% Watertown Town city Medford city 92 0.5% Medford city 50% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50% 0.2% 0.5% 100.0% Watertown Town city Southborough town 91 0.5% Southborough town 100% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 100.0% Watertown Town city Chelsea city 89 0.5% Chelsea city 50% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50% 0.2% 0.5% 100.0% Watertown Town city Wilmington town 86 0.5% Wilmington town 0.0% 0.0% 80% 0.4% 0.0% 20% 0.1% 0.5% 100.0% Sub-Total 16,322 88.3% Sub-Total 38.0% 3.7% 2.8% 10.7% 33.0% 88.3% 0.0% Other 2,161 11.7% Other Total 18,483 100% Total 43.1% 4.2% 3.2% 12.1% 37.4% 100.0% SAY 40% 5% 5% 10% 40% 100%

In To/From Routes Total Pleasant Street Rosedale Road Bridge Street Pleasant Street Bridge Street Workplace (East) (North) (North) (West) (South) Boston city 20% 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 80% 21.6% 27.0% 100.0% Watertown Town city 50% 9.2% 20% 3.7% 0.0% 30% 5.5% 0.0% 18.4% 100.0% Cambridge city 50% 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50% 5.4% 10.8% 100.0% Waltham city 0.0% 80% 5.1% 0.0% 20% 1.3% 0.0% 6.3% 100.0% Newton city 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10% 0.5% 90% 4.9% 5.4% 100.0% Belmont town 100% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 100.0% Lexington town 30% 0.5% 70% 1.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 100.0% Somerville city 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 1.5% 1.5% 100.0% Wellesley town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 1.5% 1.5% 100.0% Needham town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 1.4% 1.4% 100.0% Framingham town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 1.2% 1.2% 100.0% Brookline town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 1.2% 1.2% 100.0% Burlington town 0.0% 90% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10% 0.1% 1.1% 100.0% Norwood town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.8% 0.8% 100.0% Woburn city 0.0% 100% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 100.0% Malden city 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.6% 0.6% 100.0% Marlborough city 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.6% 0.6% 100.0% Natick town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.6% 0.6% 100.0% Acton town 0.0% 80% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 20% 0.1% 0.6% 100.0% Westwood town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.6% 0.6% 100.0% Andover town 0.0% 90% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 10% 0.1% 0.5% 100.0% Medford city 0.0% 70% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 30% 0.1% 0.5% 100.0% Southborough town 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.5% 0.5% 100.0% Chelsea city 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.5% 0.5% 100.0% Wilmington town 0.0% 90% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 10% 0.0% 0.5% 100.0% Sub-Total 24.1% 13.4% 0.0% 7.3% 43.5% 88.3% 0.0% Other Total 27.3% 15.2% 0.0% 8.3% 49.2% 100.0% SAY 25% 15% 0% 10% 50% 100%

G:\Projects\903 - Watertown (385 Pleasant)\Excel\903 Journey to Work Residential Traffic Impact & Access Study Watertown, Massachusetts Site Driveway Site Driveway Site Driveway Rosedale Road Bridge Street

Pleasant Pleasant Street Street Bridge Street Office Driveway Jomar Driveway Toyota Driveway NOTES: NEGL.= Negligible North = Signalized Intersection Scale: Not to Scale Attachments TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. MDM Planners & Engineers Trip Distribution Calculations Average of Morning and Evening Distributions

Date: December 2016 Dwg No. 903 TIAS.dwg Copyright © by MDM Transportation Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.

□ Capacity Analysis