TThhee Friendly Companion Friendly Companion “The L ORD hath made all things for Himself.” (Proverbs 16. 4.) January 2014 2 Friendly Companion January 2014 Editor: Mr. G.D. Buss, “Bethany,” 7 Laines Head, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1PH. Tel: 01249 656910. Email:
[email protected] All correspondence (except that which relates to subscriptions) to be sent to the Editor. Annual Subscriptions inc. postage: U.K. U.S.A. & Canada Australia Europe (Netherlands) £13.50 $36 A$38 €25.00 All correspondence concerning subscriptions should be addressed to Mr. D. Christian, 5, Roundwood Gardens, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 3AJ. Cheques should be made out to Gospel Standard Publications. For United States and Canada, please send to Mr. G. Tenbroeke, 1725 Plainwood Drive, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081, USA. Volume 140 January 2014 CONTENTS Our Monthly Message 3 Our Front Cover Picture 4 Good Wishes 5 For The Very Little Ones: Naomi Returns 6 Colouring Text: Ruth 1. 22. 7 Bible Lessons: The Burial Of Jesus 8 Three ‘B’s For 2014 10 A Dark Episode 12 Naaman 17 Sin 17 The Necessity Of Divine Life 18 Editor’s Postbag 18 Fascinating Flowerpots 19 Bible Study For The Older Ones: Light And Darkness (I) 20 Bible Questions: Washing And Making Clean 22 Poetry: A Conversation Between Two Brothers 24 Friendly Companion January 2014 3 OUR MONTHLY MESSAGE Dear Children and Young People, As you pick up the Friendly Companion this month it will be to read the first issue of another year. How quickly, to those of us who are older, do the years fly past! When you are younger, often time seems to drag, and there is a danger that you might wish your time away faster than God intends.