Highland Primary Care Nhs Trust
PHARMACY PRACTICES COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, 30 October, 2012 at 1.30 pm Seminar Room, Migdale Hospital, Cherry Grove, Bonar Bridge, IV24 3ER Application by Gareth Dixon of MITCHELLS CHEMIST LTD for the provision of general pharmaceutical services at The Former Bonar Bridge News, Dornoch Road, Bonar Bridge, IV24 3EB PRESENT Okain Maclennan (Chair) Margaret Thomson (Lay Member) Michael Roberts (Lay member) Susan Taylor (GP Sub Committee Nominate) Fiona Thomson (APC Non Contractor Nominate) John McNulty (APC Contractor Nominate) In Attendance Andrew J Green (Area Regulations, Contracts & Controlled Drugs Governance Pharmacist) Helen M MacDonald (Community Pharmacy Business Manager) Gareth Dixon, Mitchells Chemist Ltd, Applicant Donna Gillespie, Mitchells Chemist Ltd, Applicant Support Christopher Mair, GP Sub Committee Andrew Paterson, Area Pharmaceutical Committee Observers Nicola Macdonald (APC Contractor Nominate NHS Highland PPC Member in training) 1. The Chair welcomed everyone to Bonar Bridge. He asked all members to confirm that they had all received the papers for the hearing and had read and considered them. All members affirmed these points. 2. APPLICATION FOR INCLUSION IN THE BOARD’S PHARMACEUTICAL LIST Case No: PPC – Bonar Bridge, Sutherland. Mitchells Chemist Ltd, The former Bonar Bridge News, Dornoch Road, Bonar Bridge, IV24 3EB. The Chair asked each Committee member if there were any interests to declare in relation to the application being heard from Mitchells Chemist Ltd. No interests were declared. 3. The Committee was asked to consider the application submitted by Mitchells Chemist Ltd to provide general pharmaceutical services from premises sited at The former Bonar Bridge News, Dornoch Road, Bonar Bridge, IV24 3EB under Regulation 5(10) of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2009, as amended.
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