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 eExam Question Bank


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Question Type  Question  A  B  C  D  Answer  Remark 

FBQ Alexandrinus was 5th century fifth century eExam which

FBQ was Mount Horeb eExam discovered by Constantine Tischendorf convert of St. Catherine on which mountain

FBQ codex sinaiticus is 1st first eExam designated with what Hebrew letter

FBQ The full New International 1978 eExam Version was first published in

FBQ While Peshitta is Syriac, Egypt Ethiopia eExam Coptic Version is

FBQ While Septuagint was a Literal eExam paraphrased translation, Pershitta was

FBQ Peshitta means Simple eExam translation

FBQ what is the oldest translation Syriac version Vulgate eExam of the Hebrew Scriptures

FBQ The was Koine Greek Greek eExam written in which language?

FBQ Which version became the King James KJV eExam authorized version? Version

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FBQ The Wycliffe English version Vulgate Latin version eExam was translated from

FBQ the first Bible version that Vulgate Latin version eExam was ever issued from the press was

FBQ The Greek Version of Old Septuagint LXX eExam Testament is called

FBQ The Latin Version of the Vulgate eExam Bible is called

FBQ The popular version of the Pershitta Syriac Bible eExam Pentateuch used by Jewish Christian around 4th Century was

FBQ MSS stands for Manuscript eExam

FBQ LXX stands for Septuagint eExam

FBQ Syriac Version of the Bible is Peshitta eExam called

FBQ Christian religion was 4th century fourth century eExam pronounced the official faith of the Roman Empire in which century

FBQ The major reason for the Change in eExam revision of the King James English Version is

FBQ what that were minuscules eExam written in a running hand or cursive style

FBQ Chester Beatty Papyrus is 400 eExam dated around

FBQ Chester Beatty Papyrus is a Pauline eExam papyrus of which Epistles

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FBQ Presently, the number of 100 eExam known papyri is about

FBQ The earliest papyri are dated 2nd eExam from which century

FBQ Codex Regius is what 8th eExam century uncial

FBQ Codex Claromontanus Epistles eExam contains only the

FBQ contains Four eExam mainly and Acts

FBQ The Alexandrian text is Vatican eExam represented by the Sinaitic codices and

FBQ The biblical Manuscripts Wadi Qumran eExam were discovered in caves around

FBQ While the Old Testament was Greek eExam written in Hebrew and Aramaic, New Testament was written in

FBQ The Alexandrian text is Vatican eExam represented by the Sinaitic codices and

FBQ What type of translation is Paraphraistic paraphrase eExam Septuagint?

FBQ what reflected one form of The Septuagint eExam Hebrew text in the third and second centuries B.C as a witness of high values

FBQ what was written before The Septuagint eExam Antiochus destroyed several text ancient Hebrew manuscripts

FBQ The usefulness of Targums methods of eExam is interpretation

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FBQ what gradually came to Aramaic eExam replace Hebrew in the later history of the Jews

FBQ The word targum is Hebrew, 1 eExam but not found in the Old Testament: True or False

FBQ The American Standard 1901 eExam Version was published in

FBQ A major reason for the English Usage eExam revision of the King James Version was

FBQ The King James Version of 1611 eExam the Bible was published in

FBQ Richard Taverner published 1539 eExam a revised edition of Matthew’s Bible in

FBQ Whose work in the reign of John Rogers eExam Queen Mary was properly taken as the first Authorized Version from the order of Henry VIII?

FBQ what is the oldest among the Syrian eExam Hebrew Scriptures

FBQ The fourth class of Greek Lectionaries eExam manuscripts is called

FBQ The minuscule of which 12 eExam century, containing the entire New Testament except the Apocalpse .

FBQ Codex Bezae was first given Cambridge eExam to which university in 1581

FBQ Codex Bezae is which 6th eExam century Greco Latin text

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FBQ Codex Ephraemi is a mixture Alexandrian eExam of and Byzantine

FBQ what contains portions of Codex eExam every book except 2 Ephraemi Thessalonians and 2 John Rescriptu

FBQ Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus 5th eExam is which century manuscript

FBQ , is Alexandrian eExam considered almost to define text

FBQ what is bilingual Greek and Codex eExam Latin manuscript Claromontanus

FBQ what is the most Codex Bezae eExam controversial text of all New Testament manuscripts

FBQ what is widely regarded as Codex eExam the most important surviving Vaticanus

FBQ The earliest minuscules date 9 eExam from which century

FBQ Codex Vaticanus is an uncial 4th eExam of which century

FBQ which was the first uncial to Codex eExam come to the attention of Alexandrinus European scholars?

FBQ contains Clement of eExam the two letters of Rome

FBQ which king received Codex King of eExam Alexandrinus in 1628? England

MCQ The Alexandrian text is Talmud and Jordan and Egyptian and Sinaitic and D eExam represented by the Qumram Dead Sea Libyan Vatican ______Codices codices

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MCQ Before the centralising Alexandria Antioch Caesarea Ethiopia D eExam influence of Constantople, there were types of Greek text associated with a number of cities and regions, such as the following except ______

MCQ While the Old Testament was Latin Greek German Arabic B eExam written in Hebrew and Aramaic, New Testament was written in ______

MCQ The earliest copies of the the eleventh or eigth or nineth fifth or none of the A eExam Samaritan Pentateuch were twelfth century century seventh aboveq believed to belong to A.D. ______

MCQ Describe Septuagint Literal Paraphraistic Amplified Exegetical B eExam ______Translation

MCQ what reflected one form of The Septuagint Talmud Vulgate Authorized A eExam Hebrew text in the third and Version second centuries B.C as a witness of high values ______

MCQ which destroyed ancient Alexander the Nebuchadnezer Antiochus Macabees C eExam Hebrew manuscripts after Great Epiphanes the Septuagint text was written ______

MCQ The usefulness of Targums Annual methods of Sanctification Baptism B eExam is ______festivals interpretation

MCQ what gradually came to Greek Latin Aramaic Arabic C eExam replace Hebrew in the later history of the Jews ______

MCQ The word targum is Hebrew, no Yes not true Not Sure B eExam but not found in the Old Testament ______

MCQ The first copy of the 1760 1976 1616 1712 C eExam Samaritan Pentateuch got to Europe in ______

MCQ Scholars claimed that the Moses Joshua Abihu Eleazer C eExam person who wrote the oldest Hebrew MSS was ______

MCQ The Hebrew Pentateuch The Judeans Egyptians Jordanians A eExam preserved by ______Samaritans

MCQ The texts from Qumran were The orthodox The orthodox The orthodox The A eExam are sectarian and probably rabbinic rabbinic rabbinic orthodox form the preChristian and transmission transmission transmission rabbinic early Christian era, while the from the from the third from the transmission texts from Murabba’at and second century century A.D. fourth from the first Masada, represent A.D. century A.D. century A.D. ______http://www.tmanouonline.net/activate_eexam.php?coursecode=CTH211&stid=172&pid=T 6/10 7/19/2017 Untitled Document

MCQ The biblical Manuscripts Sea of Galilee Wadi Qumran Lebanon Golan B eExam which were discovered in Heights caves around the Northwest of the Dead Sea in 1947 was ______

MCQ Three systems of Supralinear Infralinear Mizraim Tiberian D eExam vocalization in Hebrew texts include the following except______

MCQ who introduced vowel-signs Massoretes Saducees Pharicees Scholars A eExam and punctuation or accentual marks into the consonantal text ______

MCQ Which of the following is a Jeremiah Isaiah Joel Kings D eExam former prophet ______

MCQ Which Scribe probably Josiah Ezra Nehemiah Jeremiah B eExam brought Torah to Jerusalem? _____

MCQ The Torah includes the Deuteronomy Joshua Genesis Numbers B eExam following, except ______

MCQ The American Standard 1801 1701 1901 1601 C eExam Version was published in _____

MCQ A major reason for the Factual error English Usage Evangelism Exegesis B eExam revision of the King James Version was ______

MCQ The King James Version of 1611 1911 1711 1811 A eExam the Bible was published in ______

MCQ Richard Taverner published 1950 1289 1539 1620 C eExam a revised edition of Matthew’s Bible in ______

MCQ Whose work in the reign of John Calvin John Wesley John Rogers John C eExam Queen Mary was properly Christostom taken as the first Authorized Version from the order of Henry VIII? _____

MCQ what is the oldest among the Coptic Syrian Vulgate Alexandrian B eExam Hebrew Scriptures ______

MCQ The fourth class of Greek Lexicon Lectionaries Lectern Lenten B eExam manuscripts is called ______,

MCQ The minuscule of which 10 12 14 16 B eExam century, containing the entire New Testament except the Apocalpse ______

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MCQ which manuscripts were pinacles miracles minerals minuscules D eExam written in a running hand or cursive style ______

MCQ Chester Beatty Papyrus is 100 200 300 400 B eExam dated around ______

MCQ Chester Beatty Papyrus is a John Epistles Pauline Peter Hebrews B eExam papyrus of ______Epistles Epistles

MCQ Presently, the number of 100 1000 10000 100000 A eExam known papyri is about ______

MCQ The earliest papyri are dated 1st 2nd 3rd 4th B eExam from which century ______

MCQ Codex Regius is which 6th 8th 7th 9th B eExam century uncial ______

MCQ Codex Claromontanus Epistles Gospels Acts Apocalypse A eExam contains only the ______

MCQ Codex Bezae contains Four Gospels Four Gospels Four Four A eExam mainly ______and Acts and Epistles Gospels and Gospels and Apocalypse Old Testament

MCQ Codex Bezae was first given Leeds Oxford Cambridge Edinburgh C eExam to which university in 1581 ______

MCQ Codex Bezae is which 4th 5th 6th 7th C eExam century Greco Latin text ______

MCQ Codex Ephraemi is a mixture Alexandrian Alexandrian Alexandrian Alexandrian A eExam of ______and Byzantine and Coptic and Vulgate and Talmud

MCQ what contains portions of Codex Codex Codex Codex D eExam every book except 2 Alexandrinus Vaticanus Sinaiticus Ephraemi Thessalonians and 2 John Rescriptu ______

MCQ Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus 1st 3rd 5th 7th C eExam is which century manuscript ______

MCQ Codex Vaticanus, is Jerusalem text Syrian text Alexandrian coptic text C eExam considered almost to define text ______

MCQ what is bilingual Greek and Codex Codex Codex Codex B eExam Latin manuscript ______Alexandrinus Claromontanus Bezae Ephraemi Rescriptu

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MCQ what is the most Codex Codex Codex Codex C eExam controversial text of all New Alexandrinus Vaticanus Bezae Ephraemi Testament manuscripts Rescriptu ______

MCQ what is widely regarded as Codex Codex Codex Codex B eExam the most important surviving Alexandrinus Vaticanus Sinaiticus Ephraemi Biblical manuscript ______Rescriptu

MCQ The earliest minuscules date 10 9 8 7 B eExam from which century _____

MCQ Codex Vaticanus is an uncial 2nd 4th 6th 8th B eExam of which century ______

MCQ which was the first uncial to Codex Codex Codex Codex A eExam come to the attention of Alexandrinus Vaticanus Sinaiticus Ephraemi European scholars? Rescriptu ______

MCQ Codex Alexandrinus contains Augustine Clement of Ignatius of Tatian B eExam the two letters of Rome Loyola ______

MCQ which king received Codex King of Rome King of Israel King of King of C eExam Alexandrinus in 1628? England Egypt ______

MCQ Codex Alexandrinus was a 4th century 5th century 6th century 2nd century B eExam ______

MCQ Codex Sinaiticus was Mount Horeb Mount Camel Mount Olive Mount A eExam discovered by Constantine Hermon Tischendorf convert of St. Catherine on ______

MCQ codex sinaiticus is 1st letter 21st letter 11th letter 2nd letter A eExam designated with which Hebrew letter _____

MCQ what is the most important Codex Codex Codex Codex D eExam New Testament palimpsesi Alexandrinus Vaticanus Sinaiticus Ephraemi (that is, a writing material on Rescriptu parchment or tablet that has been used more than once having its earlier writings washed off ______

MCQ the identification mark used English letters Greek letters Latin letters Sumerian C eExam in uncials came from letters ______

MCQ They are actually called italized letter lower case upper case none of the C eExam uncials or manuscules letters letters aboveq because they were written in ______

MCQ Religio licita means favoured by Saved by grace legal religion illigal C eExam ______God religion

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MCQ which 5th century MS of Old Longoni Berli Ephraemi Sola fidei gracia Deo B eExam and New Testaments reused Rescriptus the 13th century for the works of Ephraim the Syrian in Greek translation ______

MCQ The Alexandrian text was 3rd century 4th century 2nd century 1st century A eExam edited about the beginning of which version ______

MCQ Which version gave the Vulgate Authorised Coptic Talmud C eExam English speaking world the most reliable text of the New Testament that was then accessible? ______

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