Alertguardprevents ParkRidge bank Garage burgIaresup; robbery; robberescapes police : urge vigilance JtSbeenadyfçb Thewoaiid-t,e robber entered robbetie& A record 67 have been other until the eobbe fled east. During February, the Village the bank's walk-upcility about Police Deparinsent needs some committedin the Chicagoareaso bound on Higgins Road, accord. of Niles experienced an increaseasaistanceflom residents. 7:15 n.m. Monday brandishing aing to Park Ridge Public Safety in residential garage burglaries. far. gunanddisplayinganote,author- Police urge retidents to keep Thanks to a recently hired DireclorRoberiColangejo, lu an effort to atop tisis criminalgarage doors and side access itiet said. The guard gave chase, bat lost activity, the Niles Police Depart- armed tecurity guard at the First Therobborwasappntiysw doors in good working order and State Bank of Chicago, 608 W. sight of the robber, who was mentineeasedresidenj, peboti witen the bank'uarmedse-wearing an orange nid cap, ion. to keep them locked when they Higgins Rd. Park Ridge, number and setup surveillance in severalarenotaround. They willcontin. çeity guard confronteed him. tuglustes and a light gray mons- areas. 68 mutt remain in theattempt. a brief face-off, gunman and 'le tu patrol theiraidontial ateas eti"cutegory. tucheundgteethatcolieethiak Arrests wear osado und several guardpoiuteddeawnguns ateacts Continued on Page 34 aggressively and set op sueveil- incidentswrreclearedup, but the Continued on Page 34

708 code out; new area code to Nues take effeét January 1, 1996 editlonof L1 t- ufrNew Nues- 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues,Illinois 60714- (7O8 -°flfl MGarea VOL.35,NO.43,Ther ISuGLE,TnuanDAy, APRIL 20,5995 50Ø Proposed cuts code i.s 847 Amid nsmots und protests, '15secondsof.. . . 'i fame'. . keep thelll8code. upset Dst. 63 Ameritech finally matin up its Accordingtothe Chicago corporate mind und assigned aTribune, u thais item code, 630, parents leads-toarrést. newareacodeforNilesand Mor-will go into effect foe DuPage ByDeborats Sherman By RoseniaryTirlo tun Grove aiwoll usai! of LaicoCounty add portions of Will, to a novai twist on televisiontickets at thòUuited Center AprilCounty, parts of north and westKane and Kendall Counties in The Board of Education of teinte, a. Nitos . man who had East Maine School District #63 Cook,McHenryundKane 1998. Those areas will remain in jumped an $80,000 bond was av. . Thelirstpernouinline, turnedCounties. the7O8aradcodeuntilthen. tabted a resolution to approve restedbyNilespollceaft.eranoff.Out tu be Conrad J. Poniutowski, -budgetary modifications at their Andthunumberis 847. The illinois Commerce Cons- duty officer saw him being inter-26, who was wanted ouwarrants Sinning noxtJan. 20, 847 willmistian approved the three-way bi.mouthly meeting tust Tuesday viewedontelevinion. ofviolatingauordocofproteciion evening. replace7O8 in thenorth suburbansplit of the aiea now under the The proposed mmlifications "I guess tiseatlraction of beingand resisting a peace officer. oc- pardon ofCook County. the port7ø8areacodelastmonth. oaletevisinnoutweighedthegr,u.cordingtuHninker. of Mctseney Coanty that is now 1emeadous growth in corn- arc part of a five-year plan de- sibility ofbeingcaught," said p,. signed toresteucture operations Poniatuwuki told CLTV he bad 708. and the northern part ofmunications. especially with the restingOfficoeJobnlJuinker. been in shier Thurnday/'He Kane County, as well as all ofaddition of cellularphones, beep- inthedistrict. Huinker said he wut watching Thebasic etemenlu provide for was a little surpsited' Plumber LakeConuty. ers,pagets andfaxmachines,hau the expenditure reductions that television at home when QTVsaid, when he and Officer Ken Only people in the southernenliansted the supply of available did a spot on the crowd that hadSallarrestedhim. and western nubwbs of Chicagonumbers in the 708 area code. edilinvolved the cutting of some assembled to buy Bulls Playoff progsains. Continued on Page 34 and in eastern Will County will Continued un Page 34 Many parents are concerned with the proposed reduçtions. Effective Ways. Nues . Threei,rogrutns that fate lost of of Getting a Job receuves Service teticpmgsaznsatGeminiJr.ñtnding are extracurricular ath- High. Are you havingirouble getting ajob? Do you want to make aca- I prové School; theEastMaiuePlayers a eilt Award performinggroupforfifth reerchange, but don'tknow how? . through eighth grade students; The process offinding u new job and tise instructional music pro- can be emotionally and physical. ly demanding. You dont need to gram atGemini. Theproposul regarding athlet- lacHe this by yourself. There are io. programs ut Gemini suggests some practical steps in making yourself more marketable. Continued on Page 34 Nitro Family Service will be sponsoringafrce seminaren "Ef- Take a look furtive Ways in Getting a Job" at the Trident Center, 8060 Oakton back in time Street, Niles. The seminar will be On Monday, April 24, at 8 heldfrom 7 tu 9 p.m. on two cnn- pm., IheNiles Historical Society secutive Thursdays, April 27 and will present John Hussou from May 4. We encourage you tu at Morton Grovo and isis vtdrotend both meetings. Cheri Miller "Walking in Time'. John io the and Ken Goldberg, gradnate in- producerand writer for the videsteens at Niles Family Service, which wasprodacrdforthe 100th willfacilitatetheseseminars. aneivrrsaoy olMorlon Grove. J-leValanble informados regarding saysThrough iutesviews, wermamewriting, how tuconducta tried to go bark us close to tOOjob search, interviewing skills, yeursaswecoutd." and handling rejection, are a few Thevideo uses thetheme thenofthetupicstubediscussed. endnaw' and shows photographs If you are interested, contact of village sites from the earlyChrriorl(rriat(708) 692-3396. days follawetiby interviews with At a recent American Public Works AssoJallon (APWA) Awards Program, the Village of Nifesre- 28 seniors, village officials and ceived the Service Improvement Award for its proactive sewer maintenance business leaders at the sites as Nues Sister program. This award is they are today. There will be Cities meeting presentedto a communilyordopaflmentimplementing a newcommunityservics orimprovirigupon an many placet and friends btunght existing one. Emphasis isplaced on the level ofaervice performed, costsavings, andintegrationwith to mtnd as we glimpse Morton TheNilesSinterCitiesmeethsg otfierservicesandfacilities. Picturedabove are (lefttoright)s Village ManagerAbe Selman,Directorof Grove before and after ou Mon. will be on Thursday, April 27 at PubllcServiceaJunNodega, andMayorNicho!as B. Blase. Mr. Notiegapresontedthe,4pwAAwar0 7:30 p.m. at the Trident Center. MayorMcholaselaseonbehatfofthe Vllla960fNilesattheMarchBoardMoeung. .. Continued on Pago 34 Pteaseplanonattendutsg. TIIEBUGLE,TIfl " \Y,APRII.20,5995 PAGE3 PAE2 TEEBUGLFThIJRSDAY. APRIL20 f995 Oakton's Emeritus Program Seniors invited offers chess seminar to annual Mass Nues Senior Citizens ThEnieri Progam ofOa]- learning to play chess asad thee Noaeishment foe the Journey' ton Community Cdlleg is offsr-join expetienced chess players. will be the themeofthe 2Ath An- 967-6lOOext. 376 ing Chess, a non-credit seminar The class meets fer six Wednes- fluaI SeniorUnilyMass oaThurs- for mature adults. The class will days starting May 3 from I I am. day, May 4, beginning at 10 am. MI;SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION be held attheRay Hartotein earn- to l2:30p.m. The fee is $25. al Holy Name Cathedral.735 The Nibs Senior Center is open loresidents of the Vilage of pas, 7701 N. Lmcohi Ave., Sko- HaIf-taitien discounts de notNorth Slate Street in Chicago. Resident discovers aeir(d) foraion - Niles age62and overand tlieiryoangersp0058a.Niles seniors in- hie. apply lo Emeritus seminars. Fer Senior citiecns of all faiths and information shoald tercated in oblaining addilional aenior center -by iosepb Zurawski Paflicipaots can learn chess mere information er to register, denominations are invited to the call orvisitthe centerand heplacedonthe mailing list The center from amasSer, Noared4ine Ziane. call the Emerims Program atMaus which is sponsored by islacatedatlø600akton Street. The professor was always em- Benner will spend three weeks (108)635-1414. Catholic Charities of the Archdi- phalic."When it's just laying ocexe of Chicago and theChicago YARN NEEDED there,ifs arock. Once you pick it andSuburbs Senim Senate. Ifyos have any left-over yarn. please bring it to the senior rea- up, ifsaslone," He was makinga The MostReverend Edwin M. lcr. LaI) robes are made for veteransfrom your generous dona- pomi - Once a rock io handled, Conway, ausiliarybishop of Chi- lions. Also, volanleers aie needed lo crochetand/or sew lap robes moved, cventooched bya ha- cago, will be She main celebrant. erslippers. lfinterested,pleaseCall thecenter. matt, the rock has u purpose Priests from Catholic Chasilics worth stttdying. will concelebraSe the Mass with BALLROOM DANCE EishapConway. Daring the past four or Ove An afternoon of fan ballroom dance is on Friday, April 21 at I centuries, probably thousands of Weather pennirling, refresh- p.m. Rcfrcshmenls and music will be provided at a cost of only menlO will beserved after Mass in feethavewalkedontherocksper- 506. Registcrtodayl - IlseCathedralcourtyard. The haps 300 yards south ofthe shop- piag center al Waukrgaa and north entrance in the coartyard is TRAVEL CLUB wheelchair accessible to the Ca- DempslerinMorton Grove. They The SeniorCenteris starling a Boyd club. based on an informa- probably looked like"recIsa" thedral. ReservalionSaro not lion eschaegeregarding Iravel within the 5øUnited Slates, as well semini. For atore joformalion, should look, especially when one conlact Barbara Carlo al (312) as intemailstaal destinations. The club will pnblish a newsletter is convinced "reeks" are being every-other month to keep members informed on climate, hotels, lookedut. 874-2400. restaurants, and any otherliavel-related infoimalion. Ifyou would Seniors celebrate like lo receive this newsletter, or have some stories or advice that Scott Kinoder, by profession yen wouldlitseloshare,pleaseeallCaeynattheCenter. an altorney in MorIon Grave, with Line stepped tó matas he was jogging WILL APPOINTMENTS eno day. Ho was alongside Ihn Dancing/Buffet Willappoinlmenlsareavailableonan inclividualbasisoxfrisday Chicago Riser near the shopping April2l.CalltheCenlcrloregister. center. As he glanced at the pal- SUBSCRIBE! ! I Thearrival ofspring is the per- leva nf cocks crossing theriver, ho fecI reason lo celebrate with a WOMEN'S CLUB LUAU PARTY noticed a hole near Ihr top of one LI ONE YEAR $13.00 Line Dancing Parl/Coanley Baf- TheWemen's Club will be sponsoring a LtJAUPartyon Mon- of them. When he altempted IO frL ThrNnrthbrook Park Districl day, April 24 atneon. The costof $6 includes lancheon and entre- eemovO it, it birAn evenly ut the EI TWO YEARS $2230 Senior Center will offer a leedOr tainmeelbyl-lawaiiaa dancers. Tickets areslill available, registre waterline. down home dance and country loday! baffrt on Monday. Aped 24. Mander, as hereconstracls his I THHEE YEARS $29.00 12:15p.m.,at3323 Walters Ave. thoaghls. gives one Use impaga- APRILLITELUNCHAJ'lDMO,n, sion thatheseused something im- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Youdon'lncedaparineriopar- The April Lite Lunch will be on Friday. April 28 at licipale; simply bring along a de- nana anti prIant at that lime. He knew he will featsar ham on rye sandwiches. The movie "Renaissance was slanding ou a man-made - sire lo have loIs offun, Advance An SeotlKlunderSlQedOflwhatltelhoaghtWaoapileof rocks the rocks (right). Furtherinvestigatlon confirmedtherock was.a - Man" will follow the lunch. The cost is $1.75. Registrationre- strucltfro As he carefully re- regisualion is suggested by call- quired. perhapsplaced there bychildrenin the Chicago Alvar near a woir, 16e firstdiscoverodin Illinois. - ing(708)291-2988. móved the remainder of the stonh of dial had a hole, he immediately Morton GrovenhoppingCefltor, (loft), henstioedaholoilt008 Dancing with GOLDENRINGERSAND9OPLUS WANTED!! noticed thatii bad been burrowed TheNilesSeniorCenteziscunendylooMagfor thosoNilesrea- outinthecenlerslraightdown. Iba ludiad paul," saya Elender.web. Laco says bois '99 percentthe dimensions and location of by Culdwell andChickEvalts golf idenlo who are 90 yearn ofageand olderANDfor couples who courses are today" seems lo be 'Country Beinie' - The - discoveryoftheweh- sure"ilwm n weh used by Indi-the web would indicate that foh (PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK) were married in 1945 ONLY. 1f you fall into eilhtir calegoey, -:Knewexactlywlieeetolook. couldbocanghtgOmgettherway. veryccedilabib. Seniors who love line dancing ;'Sf it'swbat t think it-in,lie."peaked my intoresl," mentions:uos- pinmacgllMary1e1csyattheNilesSenierCenter. - fie also says lItaI the "big ones - - IClnuderandhe inthusified bu re- ExhaustiveunalysiilcOnfirthS The discovery of ehe meir in- s enjoy Monday. gfleenoens at : - - probubly thouglitto himself. But J30 pen. with Coaatiy Brode. soaroh,Io confieus his fmdiog. He (would) get raught and the small- the CaresS preservo by Morion noono was amurallo Sulk to, so - -- UEMOCÇULTLÈCTUREANDSCRF.ENING .- eroaescouldgotheOugh." BUGLE PUBLICATIONS Great exercise,god fsiends and Klilnder-gbelced quickly- to- the- vinited the Field Museum anti As.Lac&npeakn,-Onn must ho - Gmvehas sparked interest iaoth lots offun is on the agenda al this The hemoccultkitis used todeteemine ifbldeding is odcuertng slndiedthemnissof.AlbertSchaefimpressed with -his gxhnuitive The fish were, saynLace. "sim- er areas of illinois, Luce sayo he 8746 N. Shermer Road in the gaslro'mtealinal track and to ocrera for colon cancer. The - opposile bank, estimated where weekly dance party al the Senior tenfeetmay have been and began at the Chicago ifisloricilSocio-analysis. Ho discusses the loca' mine towhntmuy hawebeen found has been contacted by nnturnlinla NUes, Illinois 60714 Center, 3323 Wallers Ave. Re- coslofthekitis $3. Formare 'reformulion, attenda free lecture on ty.Scharf mudo very detailedlion of the web and what it isin the Des Plaines and illinois near New Loners and Kankalcee Wednrsday, April 26. Registration is required. limited to 12 peo- looking. Almost immediately hr froshmenls are incladrd. found another stone with s'unilar maps ofthelndian villages,bails,made of. I4explains why "it isRivera since they once wore all who believe they may bave come pie. - - - Foraddilienalinformalinn, -burrowing. Even though that usidothersites ofthisarea. Presi-net a dam," and the selection ofconnected." aciosss'uoilarfoemationn. call29l-2988. sinnewal complelely submerged ounly Klaodor has researched thetho "there pieces (that) are lime- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED area and his article ou"Indiansbone which had the holes drilled Klander speculates that the bOunder says he "would libre The Niles Senier Center is in need of volnnleers to assist with inwater-ils lop was weathered or ofMorton Grove was pub- fish may have included salmon theoppoelanity tonumaf the site. shine away.Klanderknew it wan- Lore' into it.' Lace is very precise in . theMayLuncheonCelehraiionachedaledforFriday,May l9at 12 - lished in the city's ceatennialpointing outwbat the holes could since the river flowed mb Lake He has the name of a Pobowato- the 'companion" of theliest Even mee shaman (medicmur man) in A noon. Volanteeru ate needed to help nerve food, nearpeople, and - book-lengthpublicatiOn. have been used for lo establish Michigan at that time. ;A - mane. though Elunder repeated several mind, Main Doc ("withered A ussistinotherureas.ConlactMaryOleMyifinterestedl Kluisder alas sought eilt thewhatthoy werousedfor. He then - G HOME MEDICAL EQUIPME recognized authority in the areacompares the methods-used bytimes, "I'm no expert," he does "). The bares ofa not-quite- *4 Elender was enamiaingthe formed smile on Kiondee's ex-- AITENflOÑ; WOMEN GOLFERS stones of a wels, the first knownEd Lace, member of the illinois-Indians when making a lIebe ma have extensive famiilnrity with Indian lifeanticulburemntheurea pression coavineeus he has many The ftrst Golf Oaling for women nennt registrants will be on - discovery of "really a fish lOup."ArchaoplogiculSurvey.urchaeol' - rock.Lace says, Indians "wob- good -reasons for selecting that - Mttnday, May I Starling at 8:30 n.m. atTam Golf Coarse. The explains Klander, in the slate ofog'at and hinborian for the Cookbled a bit" when they siauedbul His suggeslioa that the culch in A peiceof$11 perpeenon includengoif, peinen, and a lilelanch. You -County Forest Prestirve Districl,then were very exact us they fin--this particular web was "verynumebútwe'iljusthavetowaitto - Illinois. C bountiful and probably fed thehear those reasom when the site .A '- , mustregisterby April24.Newcomerswelcome! "Since I was a kid, Pvc alwayswas most helpful in determiningished thehóle. - - twolndianviilages where Ihn hI- isofficiallynamed. A IA had un interest in studying aboutthut Elunder's discovery was n Lace goes on IO explainthat A : . . A A .. I A Legal Issues for. - A . A A Seniors at Library Service stIll king atNues 76 station A A The Nsles Pahlic Library Dis- when you may not. New Medie- by Rosemary Tirio A liscI will host a seminar conduct- Unbelievably, in Ibis world of heisansweeingthesamequestion A aid eligibility vales for nsirsmg forllmutnpteenthtime. WeaeB A - A ed Isy tise tacot firm of Prasmslci heme care and the "look back" profit und loss, money.grabbing \\_ & SoroSis, on May 10 from 7 and variousnundry calIbrant petroleum producliandfixcnrn. A A period ea asset transfer, plus Why hasn't this station gone . to fr30 p.m. Titis program will muelsmore will he covered.- business practices in fall force, A* A facas on the coecems of all see- three existe, right in our midat, a theway of virtually all the oth- This program is ieee and open sors. Among the topics lo be coy- to alt, but registralion is reqaaed. raggedindividualistwhois era? "I dan'tcare what otherpeo. A w need will be advance health care Foe mobility er communication above the eat race und refuses to pIe do," Rybsbd says. He mulo- . direcleves md bow a Living Will accessossistmsce call 967-8554 come down, even formeney. tains he isstill able tu make th differs from a Durable Power of money, while providing the old- 1 4 voice and TDD. We recommend Paul Rybald, owner of the '- , A Atlorsey forHealthCsre. that yen arrive a bit early, since Nues Union 76 Service Slation tirnemnenities of full service. A'- A Pend oat when yea may cancel parkingis often limited. (andwe do mean service) nl 7300 The price for bead-free gas is A A a ceetract within three days and Waulcegais Rd., NOes,since currently $1.25 per gallon, notas A .._Ì A 1969, offers a full line of service cheap as mont lead-free prices in IA with every gas purchase. There the area, but way, way below the A Senior bowlers needed are no "sete-serve"signa in his A r* Ifyoa are 55 years old or older prices charged for "Fall Seren" ut i A BnmswickNiles Bowl located steilen, norany "full-serve" signs many stations. A * A then Brunswick NOm Bowl has nr 7333 North Milwaukee will foethatmatter. A A sommer bowling league open- have new lanes this sImmer. Ifs Every easterner gote full ser- "Sure, you can get it cheaper," A ixgs for you! There is a senior nircondilionedandhas automatic vice - windshielda washed, oil lfybski says," but there are many A A complete line of Home Health Care needs. Impie needing terms Or individ- scoring.Call (708) 647-9433 lo checked, lires inflated, whatever North Shore and sobarbas sIa- nuls Mondays al I p.m. in the ai- sigltnp,Orslopby. you need - and everyonepaysthe tisas that are the sumo price or A temoon. Mon or women can join. From Ostomy to Uftchairs, Scooters & Walkers. saeseprice. more. 4 - IlslaclsMay8. A - Many models on display. Rybski says, "ThaI's the way Rybski says his station was a 4 A lfyoawoaldliketobowl in the People like A morning, there are openings Fri. we-se always danni. Pare Oil and a Conoco beforcbe- A LANG HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, INC dayat9:30 am. fer eren er wem- service. That's theway I cante io, coming a Union 76 station. The fi en starling May 19. Them arc andthewuylllg000l." independent Rybsld said that he Buffalo Grove u Nues A feue bowlers per team and the So where's the grocery slore or owns the slatioa and the land it .is at lessi the cigarclte counter.Mr. PhutobyM'skeHeuel E1!! 1-800-606-LANG . A COSI S $5 perweekl Senior bowl- slanda on, and no heis free toren A A ers bowl foe a dixcoant this sum- Rybski? Araennight ledeed: service attendant Kevin Coorsyputsauhine on Mary Jeunes' windshield, Justlijo bminnbn !'lhe way I Ilsmnk it "This is u gas slatiod," ho an- - mer. tlkegan ataban altendaets used lo do in thegoedetd days. JeffriesiaaNileurenident. thouldbedone." - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4A4AAA4AAAAA4AAA. swers theoughclenchedteelbaste PAGE4 TIIEEUGLEThURSOAY,APRJL2O, 1995 vn Ce lebrity chefsTaisefutidS ' Morton Grove Senior Citizens 7780 Milwaukee Ave. Mon. thru Sat. :for disabled 470-5223 Nues 8:30 . 6:00 P.M. (708) 965-1315 Sunday PRIME TIMERS 8:30 - 2:00 P.M. The North Shore Peiree TimersClub invites salors io their Impod.d italian npBclnuJ Feudo Werssrvo ib, jubilo lIeti quooliiIrs md eurroet prioilsg errors. monthly meeling at the Morton Grove Public Libraey. The pm- gluts begins nt7 p.m. onThursday. April 20 fentsuing ICnthryn A. HoffionnofMeerillLt'nch. Ms.Hoffmnnwillspenkabout "Under. standingMinimnm Distcibuiion Rules." Forinformntion aboutthe : SALE ENDS WED. APRIL 26 PxhneTimoes,callMarieZspkOnt9flS-5O14. EATS MEATS MORTON GROVE CENTENNIAL NORBEST FAMILY HEALTh FAIR FRESH MINELLI'S HOMEMADE MortonOrove's Cenlennini Celebialion focuses ou iho fnmily at BONELESS SKINLESS TURKEY BREAST theMorlon GmveFnolily Health Fair. Screeniogsnod exhibilsio- ITALIAN dude: .AgkThe Phnoivacistexhibit-free CHICKEN . Blood Chemisliy . $20 (25 differentblood values, comuary : SAUSAGE iisknndbloodconiR lzhowfastiugnnd48 hours withoutalcohol BREAST nrerellniiml) .BloodPressnxe Screening-free . BodyComposilion $5 (fal/musclemeasuremeot;nocnffeine, ecerdse orbig breakinG the morning offre test, also do not wear B. Manyoffhe Chicago chefsparticipatiny in the 7th annual Meals-On-WheelsCelebrity Chef Bruno!? nyloiis) . CholesterolnndBloodPressureScreeniflgfOrChildren -free fo benefit The Chicago Fund on Aging andDisability. beginntnÙ at 10:30 am., Sunday, April23 at the ColorecialTeltKils-$5 James R. Thompson Center. Tickets are $135 andmaybe purohasedbyoalling The Chicago Funda! . Denial Screening-free (312) 744-2120. .Die/?'( DELI I Row t, from left:Peter Schonman, Vivere; Suzy Crofton, Montpamause; Sarah Stagner, Ritz- .DmgAwarenessResislanceteducntionexhsbit-freo Carlton; Davidkoelling, The Greenery, GuntherKron, Skyohef's International; Erwin Dresohs!ér erwin; . HcnringTesting-free CARANDO Helmut Sussenbach, Hotel Inter-Continental; Gale Gand, Trio; RowS, from left: Saul Wax, Vidalia on .PxostaficSpm$2cAieligenfor$40(drlectsdisenses ofthepros- HOT BUTI s i 98 Park; Keith Korn, Gordon; SandroFiorifli, Coco Passo; PaulBartolotta, Spiaggia; Michael MCD onald. tateglnnd) CAPICOLA - : UHu LB. Everest Room; Lan), Glazer, Bossa Nova; Jody Denton, Eccentric; Rick Tramonto, Trio; Row S, from .SpinnlScreeniug-ñCe . Scotojueies,AcupuncWm,Excerciseexinbit-ñoC OSCAR FRESH left: Jacky Pluton, Caflos Tony Mantuano, Tuttaposto; Patrick Concannon, Don Juan's; Johnalhan s i 89 ThoFnirwillbeheldfrom9a.m.lo i p.m.onSnlneday.A,ril22 MAYER LB. Harootunian, Carlucci on HeIsted; Luigi Negroni, Carlucci Restaurants; Sean Hayes, Nick & Tony's; ntthefrrairieViewCommuisityCenier.TomalceaeelerVatiofl,calt BRATWURST I 1h BOLOGNA 112 LB. JimmyBannas, Heaven on Seven. Villnge of Morton Grove's Deparlssent of Health & Human LEAN 99ç Services at4lO'5246. LEAN Arthritis Support SIRLOIN SORRENTO GROUND GOLF CLINIC s98 MOZZARELLA $198 $189 L LB. CHUCK 3 LBS. OR MORE Group Golfsenson is hoto. The ScniorGotfClinic offered through the PAlliES 2 CHEESE I LB. A D V A N C E D Morion Grove Park OisElet ut the Golf nod Rund Rond Driving An Arthritis Support Group, Rnnge will be held on Snlorday, April 22; Saturday, April 29 und _v isio N sponsored by the Senior Health Sstmslay, Muy 13 from 2 io 3 p.m. This peogrnm gives senloes a SPECIALISTS Pyogrnm of Rush North Shore I,ssicin!roductionlogOlfthcOughilofl-vigomusexercise, Thechis- RODUC GROCER j MediCal Center, meets on the icwilcmphnsizethobasicfuodamenlahsofgrip slanceallgonient fourth Teesday of each month at sed swing. New golfers nrc welcome. Clubs are nvailnbhe and RED or GOLDEN CALIFORNIA LIGURIA TOMATOES 3:30 p.m. in the medical renter's pnrlicipnntomustbuy Iheirown bucketofbnllsfor$4uttherange. North Dining Room. Thefeeperclinicin$lhifeeresidenlsand$t2fornon.reuidente, DELICIOUS APPLES NAVEL ORANGES CRUSHED OR PUREE For more information,call APPLE SAUCE (708) 9336663. 55 ALIVE/MATURE DRIVING FREE GLAUCOMA AÑD 7-9% CAN S5 Alive/Mature Driving" in arefreshrr course for older driv- $159u seos. THE BUGLE -cts lo linpiove their delving skills and become eligiblo roe aus- 5 LB. BAG' - VISION EVALUATION (uSPs 069.760) -- 0050105 their auto insurance. Acourse is offeredfrom 9 i OBERTI PITIED - FILIPPO BERIO - Bob Semer p.m.onTuesday,AprilllandThurnday.April27hslbeFliekinger OLIVE OIL OLIVES -- As a community service, EdItor and P.,bllsber Senioe Center in Moelon Grove. Cull the Senior Hot line at 470. BABY PEELED RED 5223 fernreservnlion. ate9! sesTeros ilLiNois CARROTS POTATOES --- - John B. Bello, M.D., will be F 605. 3LTR. ' ussocsrem DIABETES SCREENING 99' offering a free glaucoma VOL 38, NO.43,APR1L2,1995 Nnn-iosulin-dependentdinbeles in grndanl in onset nod usually occurs in nduhs over age 40. Some of the warning signs nie: FAMOUS AMOS DUTCH FARMS 8746 N. Shermer Rd. I LB. 99ç and vision evaluation at hlunedoranychnugeinvision.linghingorilchyskin;nlow healing - 5 LB. BAG CHOCOLATE CHIP COITAGE CHEESE Nues, IL 60714 of cote and biulsen; and drowsiness. Free dlabeleuscreenings aie Advanced Vision Phoom 966.3900.1.24 or OATMEAL PisbllsbedWo60ly o. Thmsdoy available from 9 lo 10 Lm. onTuesday, April 25 intheFlickinger GOLDEN RIPE CALIFORNIA IB Nibs, Illinois Senior Center. Pcople coming in for the screening should fast from RAISIN - L. Specialists. s ui iBoz. SsoosdCinmPoslogs for lhee.vrningmealofthenightbefore. BANANAS RED GRAPEFRUIT 18 OZ i Theflogiepoid et Chlesgo, HL . COOKIES A\ JOHN B, DELLO, M.D. . ned nddtiiono.i muy offiens. HUMANITIES TREASURES SUPREME Poot,omtsr, Send oddieno COMMUNITY EVALUATION WEDNESDAY;MAY 3, 1995 - thungsotomoBogte, The Humnnities 'rreusnees discussion group is held Mondays ) TAMALES BETWEEN 9:00 AM. AND 11 AM. 8746 SbormerRd., Nues, IL 60714 from 930 to 11:30 n.m. in the Morton Grovepublic Libosey from FOR 39 April24 hheoughiuoe 19. Thisfrceprogeam sponsoreitbytheNa- 2% MILK Sebsorlptlon Rote (t Advoco) IME Please Call fr Reservations D'or singlo copy $.50 douaI Council on Aging nudoffereil through the auspices of Onk- IDAHO BAKING FRESH s i5PR. Oneyeor $13.00 Ion Communily College provides grout shiinulnhion asId an oppor- s iGAL 2 LIMIT RESURRECTION PROFESSIONAL BUILDING Twoyoars $2230 tenitySshsrewisdom gnineslthroughthoyeaes. 'WoektnLife is CUCUMBERS POTATOES - Thrse yours $29.00 thecurrentinsoeprovidiughivelyconveesahion. EdPerinian,asea' CORNICING - GONNELLA 7447 W.Talcott, Suite 503, Chicago, Illinois lyeor flentor ClOrons. ...$tl.50 soneddlscussiou leader, provides inìspirnhion nnddireciion forthe -- BACON BREAD CRUMBS A yen,' (outof00000y) . ..515.95 gronp.Formorciofoentahion, cnllCnthcrineDeao at 965-7447. (31 2) 775-9755 I your (fumIgo) $35.00 3FOR$1 Ali APO oddresses 39'LB. $139 OFFER APPLIES TO NEW PATIENTS ONLY os for Servicemen $25.00 TULIP TIMEIN HOLLAND, MICHIGAN LARGE SIZE u LB. 99 'DOZ ItwillbeTulip Timein Holland, Mict.iiganin May. Sigo np now for this exciting four day irip which features stops atNotxo Dame : University,ilollnnd'smlipFestivnl, whip farmn,wooden shoefac- . SMIRNOFF COFFEE iory, the Detti Porcelain Factory, the German Bnvarian town of CARLO ROSSI Fcankenuioth nsdBmnoer's Chrisimas slare.Thecostis$249.The VODKA WINE EARLY liMES LKAHLUALIQUEUR bus leaves the Prairie View Community Center at 8:30 n.m. on PETER VELLA WHISKY May 11 nndecturnvaround5p.m. onMay 14. E&J BRANDY BOXED WINE TAXI DISCOUNT INCREASED, SERVICE EXPANDED ' 700ML. The Village of Morion Grove offers a discoust ou riders of 6UTOR 1.75 LITER 1.70 LITER $1 Milwaukee Avenue, Nues AsoericanTaxis toitsrcsideohi who nreagefls nodover. Recently, u s7.633 1.75 UTER (708) 967-9393 .Fax: (708) 967-9398 this discosntwss incrcased from $2 to $2.25. Newcoupons show- R LITER -Ol'EN 7 DAYS A WEEI< - ing this change oes now available at the Filcldoger Senior Ceoter CANADIAN for nil seniors who areeegisteeed with thisprograni. Ifyon are not CLUB or .\tonday.fridoy:fr30 A.vl..b t'.vl.-S.i;ordy:r A.M..5 l'.vt.-Soird.iy:b A.M..1 I'M. SEAGRAMS$799 registered, you may do so by presendng proof ofngo 65+) and 750ML MILLER proofofresidency (Morton Grove) atthe SeniorCenler. Addilios- v.o. r 'r i COUPON ' 24 . 12 OZ. COUPON COUPON ally, leavrl service via the American Taxi Company hos . COCA COLA E BUDWEISER officially :I CANS expanded to any location within or oniside ofMorlon Grove. For . REGULAR POUND CAKE BROWNIES moto infocmslion abonE this discount or to request new coupons, u DIET call thePhickingerScniorCenterat470.S4 MILLERDr o CAFFEINE FREE CORVO SLICES Buy 2 Get BUDWEISER (l,v& E&J ABSOLUT CAKE Formoreinformaijon abontthese seniorservices nnd recreation , BRANDY WINE Plain, Marble or Nuts i BEER VODKA Buy2Get : catI the Morion Grove Senior HotLine 5470-5223,or v.S.O.P. $329 thePesirie View Communily Center nl 965-7447, To receive the i FREE : LB. i FREE ,. "Seniors in Motion Grove" newsletter, send $2.50 lo the Morton 2.49 Sapiens Apis! 26, 1995 Grove Park District, 6834 Dempstee Sireet, $399 Eoplreo Apel! 25. 1595 Espires Ap,!! 26, 1990 Morton Grove, IL $5?ML L. L .JL ' 60053, I2PKG.- 120Z. 700ML We Have Wedding & Party.Cakesfor All Oçcasions! BOTTLES 750ML 12 PAK. 12 OZ. CANS PAGE6 THE BUGLE,TUURSDAY, APRI5 20, toSS Church&Temiple

Jerusalem st. Martha Alumni 'Working' to be PNA holds OBITUARIES :Obi1arY Evangelical Association hosts featured at Temple BERNICE SMITH ALICEL. DALTON EDWARD R. BENCAL- Family Mass SOPEtEZAJAC JEAN L. POLIVKA EDWARDB.WITKOSKI Riverboat Casino day GRAMBOR SophieZajac,83, diedApril 10 Jean L. Foliotas, (nne PetIots), AliceL Dalton, 76, dirtI ApriI Edward R. Bencal, 75, died Judea Mizpah blood drive . Bernice Smith Grambor, 84, 7 at Rush North Shore Medical Aped 8 at -Oleubrook Hospital. Edward B. Witkowski, 58, St. Martha Alumni Associa- The Poliuh National Alliance at Lutheran General Hospital.65, died April 9 at her Skokir - died April 8 at Northwest Corn- He was born on August 17,1919 lIeti April 6 atLutheran General Jorssalnm Evangelical Luther- lion is hosting -a day at Harmlos eutends us iovitalien la parlici- She was born on Sept. 27. 1911 home. ShewasprecesledindeathCenter. She in aurvived by her Temple Judea Mizpah willpatrie aFamity Maus an Sunday,- mualty Hospital ÙArlingtonin Chicago.Survivtol by sons: byhrrhusband,EdwardP. Sheistislera, Eather Boelim. Dorothy in Chicago. SUrvived by sister, Hospital. Me was born on April as Church ofMoelouOruve wilt RiverbootCasieoirs Solidos Sur- lt. l936inChieago. Survivedbyha spuosurieg its musst blood urday, April 22. Ticknls are $15 sponsor "Workisg," a musicalApril 23, ta he cetebrated at 9 Heights.She wag preceded inMichael (Margaert) POsa, Thn survived by her daughters, Caro-Figge and Rom Reid; nieces undWunda Cash, BroIled, Norman from the baekhy Studs Terkel un death by her husbands, George Bencat brothers: Raymond (Lorela) driveon Thursday, May4, frum 3 per person sed includes moler am. atSt.Turibjus Church, local- (Judith) Zajac, Edwnnl (telina-lyn (Orrold) Wargenki, Nancynephews. PuneS services were and Nephew, Robert Thursday, April 27, at8 p.m.; Sat- ed at 5646 Sooth Rurlov Ave., William Smith and Henry O. beth) Zajac, brostserelohn (Jean) Iseivule. Interment, St. Anne Ce- Babbitt.Services at Skaja Tee- Witkowaki and Richard (Ann) to 8 p.m. The drive wit huhnlcl ut coachlrmsportouioa, edmissious, (Roger) Powell and a non Paul and a $5 food coupon. The busurduy, April 29, at 8 p.m.; und Chicago. Orambor. She is survivedby herSIcari,, Edward Skarb, and the (Brenda)Palivka, sevengranchil-metery,St.Anne,IL. race Funeral Home. Interment at Wilkowski, Sister, Frances (laIt the Senior Center ils the Morton Sunday, April 30. at 2 p.m. at WalterKnlesa). Fourneicesand GroveVillagellall at 6101 Capu- shalt depart freno St. Martha at The Mass intention is fur all daughler, Carol SrniIh (Roben tateBrnno (Generic) Skarb). Six tiren, a sister, BarbaraPelson and Arrangements made through MontmseCernelery,Çhicago. Temple Judea Miapah,8610 A.) Weidon, and three grandchil- Funeral arrangements mude two nephews.Services held at lisuAve. 10:30 am. and return approni- Polish Notiuuol Alliance mum- grandchildren and fourgreat a brother, Richard FrItan.Srr-HabenFnneeal Home, 8057 NUes maInly at 6 p.m. A limited nom- Hilos CenterRd., Skokie. bees; liviug or decemed. All dran, a great grandson: a sister.grandchildren. Services at Skaja CeaterRd., Skokie. through Slesia Terrace Funeral SkajaTerraceFuueral Home. In- Donors are nended who are in viceshrldinFlorence,WI. bereftickets wilIbe sold. All seuls ore $5 un Thursday.1°.N.A. memburu, families and VirginiaSsadelnsan andabrothrrTerrece PaneraI Home.tnter- Funçeal arrangemenls made Home, 78t2N. Mrlwsiakee Ave., termanment at Maryhill Cerne- guad health, ages 17 through 80, April 27 fer u special revjew. Robert Sebillo.Funeral service RICIIARDLPIONTEK teryinNiles. and wrighiugatleast 110 poueds. For further iuforseatiun con- ffioed are invited to attend this ment at SL Adalbert Cemetery, throngh Haben Funeral Home, Richard L Piontek, 73, diedNitra. Cost is $8 for udoltu aud $5 for religious celebrutiun. washeldniHabenFuneralHorne.NOes. Funeral arrangements madeRefreshments will he provided. tact Laura Bnrrafato ut 966-6794 8O57NilrsCenlerRd., Skoldr. - April 5 atLuthenan General Has- urLisdaSorensea ut 967-5851. children April 29 and April 30. Refreshments wilt be served jnlerrnent was at Memorial Park Funeral arrangements made MARTINA M. FEUCHT through Sltaja Terrace FuneralTo, donatesomelife-giving Fur jnfurmulion 0e reservations, Çernelesy,Skokie. KENNEIIIT.BAUMHARDTIdtal. Spouse, Eleonore. ehrt- - blond, please cult the Hralth.De- after the Maus at Father Luchent through Skaja Terrace Funeral Kennrth T. Bawnhardt, 58,then, Keith, Karen Ogrndmk, ManlinaM.FeuchL diOIApriI Home, 7812N. Milwaukee Ave., Youth Sunday at cult the Temple Office us (708) Hall, lucated at 4120 West 57th Panerai arrangernents madeHome, 7812N. MilwaukeeAve., 9atRrsurreclionMedicalCenter, NOes. parlmerut at 965-4100 to make as 676-1566. diedApril l0suddenly,athis res-Kenneth, Kathy Hondoissue Street. through Haben Funeral Home, NOes. She wasbom on Feb. 25, 1910 in appointmest. Niles Community Il57NilesCrsterRd.,Skokie. ideare. Mr. Baumhardtwas a34-grandchildren. Funeral serenen Worship at Niles Furaclditionatinformation, year employee of she Village ofut Simkias Funeral Home. Cre-Germany. Visitation at Sr. An- . Niles Community Rabbi to leadChurch call theP.N.A. ut(312) 286-0500, Skokirin thrPssblieWorksDept. malianwasprivate. drew Home.Interment at St. Community est. 3119 er3l6. He was a gradnase of NOes East BonifaceCemetery in Chicago. Church holds n Funeral arrangements made study group NilesCot)usuunity Church, HighSchoot, Skokir. through Simkins Funeral Home. 7401 W. Oalcrun Street, invitesChurch Hein survivedbytwo.brothers, KDWINP. MILLER, SR. Rummage Sale Rabbi Juy M. Steis will Iesd Line Dancing TAKE 625tDempsterSt.,Morton Chicago study group fer the Jew- you ta worship un Yuuth Sunday, HowardandArl(Eleanar) Baum-Grove, IL 60053. Fhone (708) EdwinP. Miller,Sr. , 75, died HilesCommunityChurch, April 13. SpOuse wasUrsulaMit. NuesCommusityChurch ishThoulogical Senoinary. April 23, ut 10 am. On this Sun- St. James Lutheran Church hardt, a solee and nephew.-Fu- 965-2500. 7401 W. Oaktea Street, invites er, deceased. Daughters: Janice PreshyterianWomen Annual His supicforthe scssioruis "Pa- day, we welcome our children WELCA will be upoosuring Line JME OUTT neral arMee held at Haben Fu- you to worship ou Sunday, April Dancing with the Huflissun Call- (Richard) Reibel, Linda (John) Rummage Sale in Wedoesday,rnslintg Our Children, Our Pur- md youth julo worship for u ente- 30, at 10 am. Our worship will neral llame. Interment St. Peter LORRAINE RADCLIFFE bration ofuurmiuistey with thim. ers, Saturday, April 29 at 7:30 CatholcCemrtesy,Stcokir. Lonraine Radcliffe. 78, diedAltenberg, Diane (Robert) Mun- April 26 from 6:30 Ia 9 p.m. andnuls and Ourselves." The stady nag out with suegs of praise au san, Vom: Edwin (Mary) Miller, Thursday, April 27 from 9 am. so sessieu is scheduled for Mouday, The Eagles Youlh Fellowship p.m. al 7400 WesI Foster Asir., Memorial caulcibutions may April 2 alOood Samaritan Health we celebrate the new life which is Chicogu. For Secretaries Day: Jr., andJolm (Randy) Miller. He 2 p.m. Drop off times for rum- April24. mud Church School Children willoars in Christ Jesus. Our worubip be made to the American Dia-Center, ML Vernon, IL. Spouse, lead and siog in worship. Adultsuee$7, 15 uuduucter$5. beles Association, ON. Michigan Earl Radcliffe. Son, James Rad-had six grandchildren and 1 great mage will be April 24, from 9 Rabbi Jay M. Stein is the As- Ourwill begin with a ISymuliug. April 26 goesl preach wïlt be Senior Vate- Came uudjeiu us for u fou eight. - grandchild.Services at Skajs am. la 9 p.m.; April 25, from 9sistant Rabbi ut North Sohurbue Ave.,Clsieago,1L60602. cliffe, linee grandchildren.Fu- Pastor Buswell wilt preachun Fur informatiun, call (312) 631- Send the FTD Funeral arrangmeeats made nenl service at Simkios FuneralTerrace Funned Home,Inter- am. to 8 p.m.; ApriI 26, fram 9Syuagogue Beth El, Highlandrie furring.Val will gradaute'The Road tu Damascus" where a.m.tonoon. There willutsobea Park. Huis agraduute of The Jew- from High School ju loue and he- 7666. Time Finder" through Haben FaneraS Home,Home. Burial at Memory Oar- meet at EdenMemonial Park C- Saolbecamepaol. - 8O57NilesCenterRd.,Skokir. meteny inSchillerPark,lL bake sale. For more itformation, ishTheolugical Seminaryof gins at Loyala Uuiversity in the dens Cemetery.Memorials Io Fall. Bouquet AmeiscanKidneyFoundadon. Funeral arrangements made by contact the Church Officeat America and holds a BA. from (708)967-6921. Columbia University,a BA. 1u.irch Ftirieral S er-vices Is only takes a minute 50 GLADYSL.00TI'SCHALK Funeratarrangements made bySkaja Terrace Funeral Home, Recital at 'Edison Gladys L Oattschalk, 74, diedSinskins Funeral Home, 62517Sl2N.MalwaukenAve,,Njlrs, from the Seminary and a Maurers - A CHRISTIAN TREND- make someone feet special Notre Dame . Vinitationfwnlse At voue Church Fottawod ny Oeuvtce/Mnun April 8 at Lutheran Oenrral Has- Dumpster St, Morton Ornee, IL in Jowish Educatios from ThePark Lutheran wish flowers! Jewish Theolagicul Seminary of Total Cous, toutudiug Canker- Oaly $1,995 pilaI. Preceded in death by her 60053. Phorne(708) 965-2500. ROSEMABJEMONAGHAR students iii national . We Guneantee You Witt Savr 25%- 60% America. He served us the Dirne- Church - husband Ruasel. Surviving chit- .Rose Marie Monaghan, 60, solo contest nelow LocO Fnmneat Humer Pubtinhed Pntuen dren Bannir Ooltschalk anti Pat died Aped 7 at SL Francis Hospi- ter uf the Westchester Branch uf L%'LLA TROTFER Coagralolutiorer to the foltuw- . We 011erA Complet, Seteutiun Of Cuuketu, Vanttn, AndUrne Radinas, twa grandchildren, sis- tal.She was bora on Feb. 14, Prozdor (The Seminary's supple- Evocyune jo welcome tu a . Ce,mououn/nunintu Stunt At $u95.Ot Lylla Trotter, 94, died AprilS lug young men who ace members tees,Eleanor WiEgen, Viola 1935 in Chicago.Survived by meolusy high schuol peegrum), trtOuspet and organ eccitaI lo be . We Gtodly Hiteud One SeeviuesTo Alt Peupte R000adteen at Holy Family Hospital, Dea of the Notre Dame High School and was ulsa a Fellow in Jewish Hecht, ilariseft Baker, AudreyPlaines. Sister, the late Kathleen spenineMarlin Monaghan. Sous: held in thé sanctuary of Edison of Retigiono Affitatiuu OrLaokThee,of. Cammunity Youlh Basd. They Education at Tel Aviv Uuiversi- Park Lutheran Church un -Son- Leslie Bate - Fuoeca t Oieeoruc Doepp, brotherWilliam Rarach. Nicholson. Fascist Mass at St.Thomas (Moonin) Cuirotta. AI. receutly worn uwardod medals at ServicesatSirnkinsFuneral bent Capetla Philips, Dale Capot-. ty, spuciuliriogie the areu of Jew- day, April 23 Paul Sumoaic, dt. 2455 WBryus Mawr, Chicugu . 9MO West Devon, ttnsemnnt Martha Church inMorton Orase. Thb National Catholic Band As- isheducarion its the diaspora. crOar of the Wjndy City Brous 'Enesprhjag You Espert, Eurept The Putee" Home. Basin! at Memory Oar- Eurial at St. Joseph Cemeteryinta Frediu, daughters: Kathleen sudation Solo Cestest at Holy Far lisriher -iofennation call- Players, will play tromper and densCemeteryinArlington RiverOrove. (Andy) Humphrey, Susan (Mi- Creus High Scheel: Archie La- CHRISTIAN UNDERTAKER SE ICES Heights. chael) McOreal, Teresa (Eilioll) (312) 606-9086. David Christiansen, Director of MIKE'S FLOWER SHOP, INC. Funeral aneaagemrnns made murena. who received u perfect Music and Organist at Edisun Ctneietiau Fooeealu in Ynoellomo, Chneott orCerneteny Funeralaerangementsnsadeby through Sinskins Funeral Home,Kragen, Slseryl (Don) Stankow- 6500-06 N. MILWAUKEE, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60631 scure; Bryan Nabasg; and Low- OLR seeks vendors ParIs Lutheran Church, wjlt play 1-800-910-6000 Siaskins Funeral Home, 6251 6251DempsterSL, Mortonski;brothers; StevrFabian,Chro- eli Yap, received geld medals. (312) 631-0040 . (312) 631-0017 . (708) 823-2124 Dempster St, Morton Orase, IL Grove, IL 60053. Phone (708) tel PiCItkOWsIci, Michael Fabian, for Fun-Fest the organ. Matt Primero received u silver Servienson Sunday are ut 7:30, Toll Free 1-800-378.8770 60053. Phone (708) 965-2500. 965-2500. George Fienkowsld, Paul Pien- medal. Oar Lady ofRasuom will hold kowski; sisters Margaret Kow- 8:30, und t 1 am. The recital will WEACCEPT, VISA - MAsTER CASD - AMERAN ECPRE5S ROSE B. ZACEE These talented studeoss will ils Fourth uuuaat Fuu-Fest frum heut9:45a.m. HOURS MON-SAT. 8,30 A.M.435 p.M.-nuNDAy 5 AM-I P.M JUSTINF.MCCARTHY Roseli. Zacetç 85, died Apr06atczyk,Helen Schnock;tea also perfums on May 9 at Notre Jase 21 thruagh 25. On Saturday, Nues Assembly of God JasOn F. McCarthy, 89, died alLexingtontoeatthCareCenter,grandchildren and one great Joue 24, we will hold un Arts and ,,o,,cb,u I794F.TDJ, Dametsigh School. Men's Club April 6 in Nitra. Wife, VeronicaShe was born on Sept. 10, 1900grandchild. Craft Fais on the Parish grounds, Special Series McCarthy; children Joyce Kelly m Chicago. Husband was Carl Services at Maryhill Ceme- 8300 Grenuwood, Nibs, between holds breakfast antI James McCarthy, 3 grand- lasdlp.m. A. Zacek (deceased). Survivedtory.Interment at Maryhilt Ce- Hites "Getting your second wind" children and i great grandchild. meteey inNilro. We are seeking anyoue iolnr- ConomsuityChurch, by son, Charles Zacek, daughter ATTEND Men's BreakfaotClub will gather Funeral servicewas private. Me-Elaine (Rudy) Casselti, brother Fanerai arrangements . ruade ruled in having u booth to sell by moolah lo Rainbow Hospice, thmugh Skaja Terrace FaneraI their crafts call cuetminee chair-Saturday, April 22, at 8:30 um. ut Craig Brian Larson Joseph F. (LucHe) Fienta. Three Duppees Mami Reuluuranr, 4520 1550 N. Narthwest Hwy. Suitegrandsons, two granddaughters,Home,7812N. Milwaukee Ave., CHURCH persou, Maureen Bell al (708) authnr of "Running The 'Midnight Marafhorn" 220,PaskRidge,IL 60068. 696-2345. W. Luke Olenviuw. Men uf all two great grandchildren. Servie-Niles,ll.. ugesacewelcome. Funeral arrangements made esat Skaja Terrace Funeral This is a special series for everyone who is through Shnkins Funeral Home, Home. Interment ut St. Aslalbeet lUCHAROn. 6251DempsterSt., struggling with tough situations. Morton Cemetery,Niles. ROSENTRETERIU - Ornee, IL 60053. Phone (708) Funeral arrangemeuts made Richard H. Rosenlenter III, 55, It will encourage you to persevere and get Public Notice to All Veterans - 965-2500. through Skaja Terrace Funeraldied April 6 at Lutheran Geueral God's blessings. COLONIAL Home, 78l2N. Mitwaulcee Ave.,HospitaL He was born ou OcIo- The will minister to everyone. Nitro. ber 28, 1939 in Chicago. Sur- WoictEct-tbwsKI '' FUNERAL HOMES Gnnm vised, spouse Dolores A. (Fahy) FREE BURIAL SPACE FLOWERSandoIFT5 Rosentreter, daughter Suzanne The Field Of Honor at Irving Park Cemetery has been rededicated for veterans, Saturday, April 29th WEDDINGS- and FUNERALS «I' A FAMILIAR NAME IN FUNERAL SERVICE (Glena) Ooornky, sons,- Richard 8118MIlwaukee NIes ' ex-service personnel and their families. You are entitled to burial space, proof Time: 6:30 p.m. WEnoosesANYWhERE H. Rosentreter IV and Michael of honorable discharge is required. Although cur facilities in Nues are new, we are one ofi Rosenlreter, four geanticttildnou. 823-8570rnn..mos,o,n . In the past 10 years thousands of veterans and their families have reserved "Die hard prayer" Chicagoland's oldelt funeral home farhilies. Services held at Skaju Terrace Started by one FuneratHome. Interment Ridge- their propertyr so limited number of spaces are still available. Therefore, imme- How tenacious praying makes possible -, grandfather, Joseph A. Wojciechowski, Sr., and continued by weed Cemetery in Des Plaines, diate pre.registration ia advisable, To receive your eligibility certificate, and - God's highest purpose our father Joseph Jr., we have been serving families for over80 other valuable veterans information, fill out and mail the coupon below or calit Funeral arrangements made Sunday, April 30th years. Our newest fanerai home in NOes offers the janet in- .thmugh Skaja Terrace Funeral design and service with spacious handicapped accesible chapels. Home, 78I2N. Milwaukee Ave., Times: 11:00a.m. & 6:30 p.m. NOes. laiye parking facilities and a location central to mont Northern 1-800-366-VETS . better WALTERW.SWEGOSH Morning service "To theailter end" sabaths. Yoa'll fiad that oar prices reflect a rae considemsiot, . Walter W. Swegosh, 75, died (8387) The difference lt makes whenwe of our overhead and can be sevemi hundred dollars less thar Apr06. He was born ou Join 8, :1': finish what we start some ofoar closest competitors. Please stop in and see how oar l92Orn Chicago. Servicesheldat Maryhifl Cemetery. lnternssentat r M1 To: Name Evening service lower level family.can serve yours. er Maeyhnll CemeteryinNiles. "When Godwaits to long" Funreal aeraugemenru made IThe Field of Honor 8025 W. Golf Rad - 6250 N;Milwaukee Ave. 966-7302 Address tlsrough Skaju Tenace Funned Icío Irving Park Cemetery What to hope for when all hope isgone NOes, IL 60714- - Chicago, IL 60646 lluotoni SIoo,è 7812MILWAUKEE AVENUE Home,7812N,84ijwanslcee Ave., St Zip

- - I 7777 W. (708) 581-0536 (312) 774-0366 NuES. ILLINOiS Nilci. - Irving Park Rd. All service will be at the IChicago, IL 60634 Telephone Family Owned & Operaredfor over 80 Years PAMPHLETS AVAILABLE Nues Recreational Center e Qunntions Abaat Funeral CoOs? I Branch of Service by the Wojciechowski Family rATTEND Or Call: 5v s Funoral PrnArraotemnnt . . Faons About Funeral 5Ojvice 7877Milwaukee, Nues t. CHURCH L1-800-36&87 Discharge Date z PAGES THE BUGLE, THURS0AY, APRIL20,1995

THEBUGLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, siRs ..Edttò New Nues Park CommissionerMoli promises Defeated candidatesets expresses gratitude dedication to Medicalequipment. Mind Body Conference explores community record straight . Spirit lecture DearEditor: - firm DearEditor: told mc, he was trying to instill DearEditor: of November and December of opens in Nues - The last fewdayshave been series mental health challenges Iwealdliketothankallthosevoting duty into his son as an I would like far all the people 1993 5 wan in Okiahoma with my Lang Home Medical Equip- very difficult for lue:should 5 Robert Lang, president of lIne Fandausental changea inmen- whogavememoralsupponin myAmerican. Adding to that was of Morton Grove to know jost two sons and my latest grand- mrntCo.willhostaorandopen.siryam.ld family-run affectthequatity ofmental Io)aIIh campaign forelection totheNiles make my after MoEdti Grove compa- "SymbolsinDreams," the tal health caro aie being madeto- service deivrey? the actionof a yoang coopte howproudfamtobeamemberof child. After seveed weeks of at- ingasilinewNilesl5mlion769ny, said, 'Wespecializeinmobil. day. Foe tIse first time, the BIO. Park Board of Commissioners, tItis distiegsishod Board of Tors-trustee election concerns public N. Milwaukee Ave., third tornire in the Mind Body Toexplore these questions and coming tovoteatti:30p.m.,prob. tempting to start the truck, I gave Priday,ityandindependantaldoforly nob Departnnent before the etoction along with or should tjust "let sleeping dogs April 21, fromu Spirit Lectaee Series, sponsored ofMentalothertignffimnsmenmlh ably aftersupper, carrying a tees. We ore people that live in up and had it removed,t have pin. lo 6 p.m.,living, " Thucorporate offices Health and Developmental Dias- in. thosewbobelped me in whatever Morton Grove, have raised oarlid"As a First Party candidate andSalsirday, Apsila22, 9a, by Rnsh North Shore Medical sues, a cuoference, 'Community small baby in a car seat carrier for Morton Grove TossEd, I ammany lenes and bushes and col- and main showroom of the fins Center, will he held Wednesday, hiitirohasdirected more funding form to get out my message. Be- 5p.m. - Metitat Health and in tow,a2yearoldson with a families and dedicated our lives lrctalotofbranches. which lakes are becatedas 5552 Barclay Blvd. - Challenges in the yond that J thank all those who to service and work for our rom-sorry we loot the election and Doorprizes will be drawn April 26, at 7:SOp.m. in the medi- toward community-based nrrvic-90's and Beyond," will be held 90 skewed baseball cap, smiling- whatevrrpartlmightbavehadininc much time to cut, trim eve- io Bnffalo Grove, cal center's Sharfstein Academic rothanssate.rnoinstisjon5 Came oat to vote in that nastyly shielding their children from msuity. and remove. As a geologist and r)' hour and refreshments will be A complete lino of stairway Wednesday, April 26 from 8:35 election day weather. To those that loss, No matter what, toxm served Mannfarlisrcrs' Center. Planningfor mental healtham. to 4:30 p.m., at the Como the cold to do their civic duty, During my initial tenure as collego professor,- t have collect- represen- lifts, proch lifts andcar lifts are care in illinois has also moved who vated for me I appreciate trustee, I bave horn through thearo still too high, debt and debt tativeswill Steve Osrrman, Rrforrnco Li- Inn, 54ttMllwaukee Ave., Chica. What I tell you here could have service am also still too high.edmanyrocha.mineeais amlfos- demonstrate newavailable throngh Ilse firm, Ad- brujan as the Skokir Fsbtic Li- from acentoalized modelto small yourconfidence that! will followinst as well gone ou at any other hours of study, discussion and silt, and many of the large alteri- products and give freesamples, visors provide free evaluations then with resolve to be a dedicat- Walking the streets of Morton brary, will give the lecture. Assgeographical areas called Local For more -informationorto preciucllecalioa. very serious decisions that have mean are outside of my house on Thelalro5inskiu/woand on- nsjdconsaltatjons in the home und Aseo Networks. How ed hard-working commissioner, helped to build a heorr commuai-Grove duringthe campaign, 5 lomy prodarts, incantinenl apondiscussion will follow. can theseregister far the conference,con- One gentleman noticeably dir- saw loomany "ForSale° signs. display. When lwasmarried,Joy sup- will offer advice and suggestions The program is free of charge. communities adapt theirpro- which hy the way, is the tenor ofablest, and agonizingly walking ty for all the people of Mortun would more nenthetical(p distrito- plies,power-drivenscooters, tact Nap Meona, Saint Anthony the nest commissioners on the On Monday. April. 3. just be- for ramps, widcscd doorwayssestingis limited. Formore in- Hamming to accommodate hay.Hospital (312) 521-SitO,ext. with a rane, pushed ahead with Grove. The peuple of Morton 55001wcollection. Time, age and wheelchairs, liftchaírs andother ingpnimary responsibility forpa. Board, and for the most part of fore the election, Morton Grove home health careproductawittbe and all accesnibilitict for indo-formation or to make a erserva. 4240. determinationthat made him Grove have seen and very müch citions received, by mall fromsingnlarity may have led to aleas pendentliving, tios, call the Rush North Shore tientcare? What dostate post and newsworthy backup,stand out.Ikid you not, appreciate our efforts. They have than artistic celebration of my on display. - given what they knew ofme then that the Action -Party,ascmeilous RefeeralLieeat(708) 933-6000. legislative policy changesmean eleveu hours made my day continually voiced their approval llfe'sworkcoBection, for Chicago-area mental health theirquestionsandobservations. by re-electing this board te repre- "hstflisith"pidlitreofmewith ac- worthwhile, because all of the companying false statements. To the "moat" of Ilse Action Physician presents care providers and recipients? As a sideline comment bat im-ochooling lectores of daty, etc, scot them. Party's defamation . the Village Anxiety Disorder .portant to me aie these observa- Thepicture ofme lifted from the How does the advent of manogedMedica! miracles can never take the place of good The people of Morton Grove had lo clean his yard at taxpayer chronic pain info health cajo, decliningcoverage tirets. in the eleven hours I stood are those that we answer to andMarcIr 16Mortoa Grove Life old-fashiuoned actual esperienc- Newspaper shows me holding aexpense - that is a damnable lie. Screenings at Forest program by insurance policies and short-start with research outside ofGrennan Heights gym,ing of what some Nilesites are workforaect ooindividsal or ost- Call Ilse Building Department if a fivepeecinct pollingptace, what paper - the paper in the original Forest Health Systems will iesy reaches a level that reduces ened length-of-stay in hospitals reatlyollabout. side entity shalt ever influenco or in doubt! That statement is stan. particspatr in Naüonat Anxiety J I witnessed warmed by heart, pressure us to do otherwise. And, picture was about Morton Grove or eliminates productivity and "Ouch! St Continues Ta Hurt" Finally, I want you to know laxes. derous and dans not belong ina DisordersScreening Day os - even though I was chilled to thethat in all my days of contacting. if we arr all io agreement to up- significantly intrudeson tIse indi- will bethe topic ofafleecoimnu- bone. t had no way of knowing The text slates "refuses to our- reputable Morton Grove political Wednesday, May 3, offering free vidoat's qsalily of life. observing, and verbally giving prove proposals and ordinances campaign. sty edacatiouprogrumon Thnes- the voter's leanings but I was so chase a Vehicle Sticker .,," Since anxiety screenings from 5:30to 8 Treatmont,whichinclndes and talking with the park district that we thiekaroproperand bene- the day of Ihr glectiou, t p.m. al two locations: The Paeçst day, April 27, at Resonection BASEMENT taken by their fortitude and re- Griot to oit the people cf Morton l983,ermoiospecificallyl99O,I medication, cognitive.behavioeaj staff, leaves me with BIde doubt have been retired from the U, S. was targeted and ticketed twice Clinic,1717 Rand Rd., Des Medical Center, 7435 West Tal- solve tisaS in some way my dis-I'll-be coming aboard with dedi- Grove, when we vote our approv- therapy or a combination of both,coltAvense, Chicago. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING Annyafter3l yeass ofactiveandfornothavingavekiclesuakeron Plaines, and the Forest Health liituptitoy, .4 comfortbecame secondary evesCated,fine people, who give al, it will not be just a rubber my car. in highly effective formosi disor- The program will be held from atoraliar sabots though t did hopelgornered their reserve service (with the rank of I don't believe Morton Systems Adult Day Program, 665 dors. Leftsntreatcd, paulooraox- 110%. They are the bridge be- Stomp, but more like a brick Grove's "fmcst" -ourpolice force tI am. to nene in Ilse Aerobics LIFETIME vote. stomp, just like the bricks thatColonel) to my coanloy. As are- ToltgateRd., SoiteD,Efgin. irty disorderscan escalate into sworn the Board and the eroi- salt, 5 have been given several go Out of.their way to find cars The screenings will ¡notado on the ground floor GUARANTEE Wisst I sow was att meaner of wilt surr050dosr Centennial Ga- anagoraphobia, as the sufferer in- of the Resurrection Professional dents. Their efforts equate iota "rights without vehicle stickers.-The Overview of anxiety disorders, I residents handled and harrying robo. These bricks wilt rondadus including medical ser- a creasiagly restricts hisor her so- Building. the visible oatpus of the Board's vice, spare availabilitytravel,first ticket was issuedouliideof Written self.evatuotion fans and SH tivitirs. Other risks aro major do- againsttbeminns wind chill tern-policymaldng, andas a team, we sod alt the propte of Morton one of our polling sites, the Robert Small, a chronic peratsrc, but smiling and for the Grove, how this board and previ- pensiso and military vrhicleregu- sec- brief, oonfidentiat consultation pression and alcohol dependence and they give the residents the intention. ond was atnight, in adarkrestan- with achnician. pain specialist cts staff st Resue- mottpartcoortcousto my motori-pleasures of fine parks, facilities 055 boards supported every per- (as an individual self-medicates rection, will discass tile diffor- at handout. The commenli of a NoxI: has been cited forrant pausing lot, how many Ac- Some fear and anxiety isnor-to overcome fear and the fear of and programs.I know they get 500 and overy family in Morton lion Party workers have been onces between acate and chronic few thatit's their duty to vote be- Grove to help make o safer, bet-Housing Code violations since mal in every day life, and cao fear). paid for what they do, but a kind 1987, The Village had to cleanarrested for stealing First Party even bcaseful, helping tokeep us pais sud the latest freotasient causo sa many patriote gave soword, ifit's warranted, can make ter, oodhappierplace to live. Registration is netnecessary, methods. much to make this still possible, hin yard and make it safe at tax- campaign signs? Nane! alert ix stressful or potentiallybut to assure adequate staffing, Thin AdWnOh theirdayrnorepteasurable. I would like to bother thank all Snclosing. Swishtothankthe Advance registrationisre- that their sacrifice of coming ost the people of Morton Grove forpayer espeuse."J was in Suits- dangerous situations, paints outanyone wishingtoattenda Valilugrhnas god, Germany, from Augustpeople ofMortan Grove for their Apollo Sotreta, M.D. director of quested.For moro information $50 0FF to vote was their way of saying giviog mr the òpportsnity to screoniog is asked to call the For- and registration, call (312) RES- Or Avy eurerrtn tmnotlettingthemdown: NilosPsrkCommissioner-Elect 5957toAugust of 1955, teachingSupport - unfortunately not wir. Forest,Panic sod Asoxiesy Disor.est Clinic; (708) ti35-4l00, erst. Job work for and represent them. sting support twish toalso thank der program. Bat for 5NFG (737-46M). Amanbroughthis8solOyear Thonkyos again. geology, rnvironmenlal studies some indi-224 or the Forcit Adalt Daypro- IOsslOciss old son to impress on bias what Sincerely, and related physical nelencea to my colleagues, Joseph Hedrick vidsats, anrxplained fearor aux-graniin Elgie, (705) 695-9732. Supermarket ,:I.',I, I: 5, I voting was all about and as he USE THE BUGLE Joe Molt American military personnel for and Scott Kiunder, and our many Village Truster City Colleges of Chicago. As canipalgu workers as well us Eu- Savvy at you maylmow, Iwas oneof three nireand Donald Conu (president UOA Chapterto facally selected to teach in Eu- and advisor ofFirst Party). I do Nordstrom's rope forone year. As for the Ac- believe that tise Village has lost hear founder lion Party statement, I havere- the opportunity for the intatti- "Supermarket Sav'.'y," the first gent, dedicated service of Joseph l?F AtfredSeristelta, the physi- The chapter meets the fnarth in a senos ofsemiuors of interns THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ceiveal notice from the Building cisc-founder of the United Gsto- Deparinsent Stoat I hove bad code Hedeick and Scott IClunder, We Wednesday ofeach monthat Lo- to the community, spoesorcct by by Karin have tempomrilyu lost the ap- my's North Sabvrbse Chicago theran General. Prople withosto. Rash North Shore Medical Ceo- violotiens, the earliest notice of çhapter, will br the foatared00es, Experienced Certified Therapeutic Masseuse Enjoy executive privileges portomity of honing the security - family- membersand ter, Bank ofNorthernfltinois and which t have record of is dated speaker at the group's 20th ono)- November 1993 (which t believe of a "watchdog" on ow Board of friends aro welcome. Formero in Nordstrom, will be held st Nord- . Full Body Massage versarymeeting - at O p.m. was initiated by an oldpickup Tsiistees, formation on the graspor the strom Old Orchard, on Wednes- . Aromutherapy Products Wednesday, April 26, in the Eastmeeting, phone (700) 692-3592. day, April26, starting withsCon. - track thatwasleftoverfromade-- . Gift Certificates . Sincerely, Dimng Room (10th floor) of Lo- funclbusinessinveaunent) Mont MaIson P, Langer tiscxlatlireakfassas 8 sm. theran Gancral Hospital, 1775 Watercolor Speaker -Amy Hobbs, RD., For appointment cali: I; 9IO/ . DcmpstorSl., Fork Ridge. chief dimitas dietitian, Food and ui_u/OAPY0 First Party thankssupporters Dr. Setritelta;ogassroenlcrolo. Masters Notrition Services st Rash North 708-518-0776 gist, will discuss 'Bugs, drags Shore, will discuss ornait shop- Dear Editor: and mags . bacteria that canse sI- nIntereul Rates Camparable tu Go behalf of the candidates of theirvete torchange. Midwest show ping for healthy eating. Tips will The PirstParty cf Morton ceri.The " ho provided on how ta read food Short-Term CD Rates the First Party of Morton Grave, chapter-which was ergu- Join Moyer Madeleine Grant OFFICE HOURSBYAPPOINTMENT Grove will continue to fight for and a host nfLincolnwood civic,labels, strategies for gctting tho . Presidonl'u Accasai Mumbership Jan Hedeick, Scots SOunder and -sized in April 1975 ata meeting MiltLanger, twonidlike to thank good government. We welcome government and business leaders mostostofyosrshoppingesprri Curd calls from residents who would atLnthrran General attended bya ence, and how gond nutrition can the 46 percent of the voters who small grasp of doctors, nurses al oSpecial Preview Reception of . Free ATM Cash Station Curd supported our team.It's very like tojoin us. I can he contacled the 'Watercolor Masters: Mid- fitinto a busy lifestyle. Morton Gròve Dentistry al966-9247. and people with ostomies,now The program is free of charge. . Free Initial Order of Checks heartwarmisg to know that so has mote than 300 members and west Show" at 9 p.m. on Friday, ItaslunHea U. Palel D.D.S. mony people in oar village cast EuniceCans, President April 21at the Li000townodDue to limited seatingreserva- uFree Travelers Checks is One of the most active io tIti- rions are reqscsted by calling GENERALsed COSMETIC FOR THEFAMILY PirstParty nf Morton Grove nais. Town Center. nFree Cashiers Checks RustsNnrth Shore's Referral Line FREE CONSULTATION - UGA is a national volunteer, Forty award-wiemng artists nFree Signalure Guarantees wilt exhibit their art sed offer itst (708) 933-6000, Nordstrom 7140 Available only at nonprofit organization thatpro. Concierge Desk st (708) 677- Dempster, Morton Grove, IL60053 . Other Spuciul Sersices Maine Township vides support and education to for sale prior to Saturday's offi- rial openieg. Twenty prrcrnl of2121 ext. 5690, orBankof North- Republic Bank! - . Invitations to Special Bunk Events people who hovetsad or arc about em lltinrisst(70B) 724-9000, (708) 967-8999 collects recyclables to have eslomy sargery orretaled all soles will go toward the reno- medical procedures. It has mere vallon ofthr Liecolnwood Cam- Maine Township will collectmnved Labels oto should be re- than 600 chaplers ned nearly munity Center. A representative Rush sponsors recyclable items from 8am. tomsvcd from cans. Newspapers, 50,000 members, and its activi- fromThe School ofTheArt tnsti- -The Body Shop DARIEN1515 75th Otnt(onu) 241-45m CHICAGO2720W. Dross Ambo3121761-2766 noon Saturday, April 22, in themagazines, catalogs and card- ties incladr a nationwide hospital tate of Chicago witt award rib- Charles D. Mullenix,M.D. -I000KINO 5440 JulIet Rsad(lou) aal-mao CHICAGOOsti0.p0:90k: Road (3131Oui-400e parking lot at Maine Towushipboard mustbe bundled separately visiting program for oslomy sur- bons and sponsoran off-site enhi- Oslo CROOK ito Oak Brook Costos(lOa) 954-3765 CHICAGO4t45W.79th ntraet "The Body Shop," a anique Announces lai2l nul-450e Town Holt, 1700 Bollard Rd.,andliedwitlo string. - gerypatients. bitten. MORiON ORO0E 9147 N. Waokeger RoodYea) 966.6970 ParkRidge. andcomprehensive 10-week Maine Township's recycling Sn oddition to carrying out the Businesses and individuals are the RELOCATION ofhis Practiceof Plastic soda, milk and water invited to demonstrate their sup-weight control and fitnesspro- program is aimed at providing a visitingprogramlocally,the gram forstodents 8 to 18, is spon- General Ophthalmology andOculoplastic Surgery containers will be accepted. AllCanveniontrecycling site for resi- port for the commuvity- sod their caps and rings mast be removed. North Suburban Chicago Chap- sored byRushNorth Shore Medi- desto who do not have curbside tor's services-include a newsletter appreciation far art - by makings to the Colonial Court Building Other items thus may he recycled purbasepledge. cat Centerin Skokic. recycling, and for those who wish willi ostomy cure information The progrsm feasares s regis- at 1775 W. Glenview Road isetude aowspapers; magasines Donation is $25 per person. - to recycle acceptable items that RepublicBank and catalogs; corrugated card- and an affiliato Young Adult tored dietitian, physical educa- Member are not collected by their local There will be hors d'eosvres and Glenview, IL 60025 board; aluminum and mood Grasp withits own programs asd 60especialistsndpenonal FDIC cans;waste haulers, Collection is held meetingschedute. open bar. and greco, brown and clearbot- growth leader, who trod the sE- Phone No. (708) 724-6617or (708) 724.6618 4-loud ponentune 1o5 ffective as cf March 00, 1515. Ratessu biGotchante 050 o,,tr000 . cOrroaS 4- 0:195mm 0 mr un tIse feurth Saturday of every Gitomy is a surgical procedare dents in classes that improve nu- :0e. IntereitosI be creditsO to t veacrountmcr thly. OrOnImumb IanreofOtO,005 must bemOntalno d t oearn(nteroo tnid to tIes andjors. All items shouldbemonth, except during holidays. Fax No. (708) 724-3123 obtOnthoatatedApy. o tas_os monthi ysr,vlroc 050eEPPIISS¡ttfle mInF mumbalanrolonotma etanoS. ml500trceche sorted. required when o person has-lost tnition habits, physical sworoness Por more informationon the the normal fustion of the bowel Kce and self-esteem. Glass and metal containerstownship's hOSPITAL AFFILIATIONS recycling program, or bladder because of birth do- Formorcinformation Or to reg- should be thoroughly rinsed,andcal1297.25l0, Help Family Hospital, Den Plaines,IL lids, taps and rings shoald bere- feels, injury or diseases, suchas ister, cull the medical renterO Lutheran General Honpital, Park cojan-rectalcancer, Ridge, IL ulcerativo - Good Health Program at (708) Reourrection colitis andCrobe's disease. FitI 933.6695 Hoopital, Chicago, IL


: Womén's NAWIC's AnnualNAWBO presents Show appreciation with aunique Garden Club holds 'Managing giftduring Secretaries1 Week Menopause' Yr PRE SCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Spirituality Fashion Luncheonbreakfast seminar 4346 Howard Skokie ProfossianaSecrclarios' Week secretury's-woekstutioTn will allow Spring Luncheon, raffle Program Eue.Oeeo. is,ChildCar.aiea. 7948 Program set Attend cYllaee Subueban TheChicago Area CbapterNa-is April 24-28, and businesses both wrists to stay in a struight, TOT' liana1 Associatiou of Women "Managing Menopause" will FULL DAY CARE Citapter #193'tAW1C) Mnu. across the nniou will uguiu pay neutral position and reduce the be the tepic ofa special presenta- st Scholastica High School i al-Fashion Lsmcheon,Eisteo Bosinest Owners (NAWBO) willtributo to the employees who ore chances of carpal tunnel- syn- WITH SUMMER FUN in the midst ofihe second year of holdabeeukfast seminar on "Em- lion at the GaIter LifeCenlor. #593" ott Someday, April 22, at the 8/up backbone ofthe business deomo. Another goodgift chuico 5157 N,Francinco,feom 8 am, to Camp Dates: JUNE 19th thru AUG. 11th, 1995 - Ito Women's Spirituality Pso-- the Avales Banquets, 1905 E ployens Vs. Independent Contrae- -is a computer glare -sceeen. ge world. According to the 1994 In- noouOtt Saluoday, April22. Swimming Lessonsut the Pluydiusss...Artn & CrufIs...Wudivg gram for alumnae and friends of Higgins lCd,, Elk Geove Village. toes--How Safe is Your Basi- helps reduce the glare antI ecOSoc- forsnatiou Plomo, Business Al- A panel of speakers, Deborah PouI...Cunsp Songs...Hut Lanelses...Barbecues...Music...Gumes st. Seholastico High School, fa- Cocktails will be teived at ness?" on Wednesday, April 26,mauac, the number ofsecretarios lion from area lighting while. at Doewke, MS, RO; Janet Sweu- ciisated by Sr. Suzanne Zuerch- 11:30 am,, luncheon at 12:30 from S ta 9:30 am. ut Altsehuler, in the United States will reach al- the same time increasing the eon- sen, PT; anti Dr, Nina Maniquin, For Information, call: -(708) 675-661 9 7O'im er, OSB. Thesnssions do notcon- pm., fashions andeafile will fol- Melvoin 'Ir Glussee, 30 S. Wack-most 3.5 million by the yeartrasthetwoenthe letters and back- will discuss the combination of sUbite a series, nor necessitate low,Fashions are by Lili of er, Ste. 2600, Chicago. 2005. ground on thescreen.Glare hormone therapy. exercise and baring attended previous Salue- Trieste, Speakors include Myrua Or- This year, instead of showing screens also- aid in elimivating nutaitioa. days. Eachis an a separate topic. Prureedabenefit NAWIC5 dower of Myrna Ordowen Enter-yuar appreciation withflowers oreyestrain, headaches und vision Fee, which includes nominar The next session, "We All Scholarship Fund,Tickets ace prises, Judithft. Megaine of Alls- fatigue. materials and eefreshmenta, in Need Otbnrs: Approach to Hu- . -candy, why not give your teere- $25 from VicH Ifalsin, (708) chialer, Melvóin & Classer, andtury u gift thee can ho pot 50 good Show Thanks Ali Year Long $22. For moro infosusalion or to mast Community," wilt be held Co- 620-4788, or Gail mous, (312) attorney SIeves Kyriazes. use everyday. A chango of puce. Surprise register, call Barbara Schmidt, au Saturday, April 22, from 9 te 507-7998, sponsoted by the Midwest Chap- your Secretary with a member- (3l2)878'9936,ext,73l7. lt am. The cost is 515. If yoo UniqneGifla Show Appreciation 1er, National Technical Services The ergonomicsexpertsas ship in a professional ussociatiots wouldlilce more infoematiou, call Jewish Women Association, the cost is $15 forQuill Corporation sngest you re- or business group fer u fresh new North Glen aEAuTY SOLON O 000LIH GLU 5 UNDER ONO 000F Margarita Walters at (312) 7M- NAWBO members and $20 for Ganden Club ofMoslon Grove officers (from loft) Marguorilo . - perspective. Or, soggestacoofor- tIll Oo,flp,Is SI,lO,Io, 0,0,0 or170019570421 5715, ext. 363. inforco your appreciation wills Women sponsor 206)067-002G if Politics nâa-mnmbers. Call tIsNAWBO 00e of these uniqoe gift ideas: once or seminar to update skills, Smoesynnkl, first vice-prenidont nndprogram chairman, Myma officeut(312) 322-0990, loregis- Taylor, prinlinft chairman and Hoberta Sobradar. prenidont, re- IMAGE consuisun sERVIcE Joyce Scheagor Presents Jew- An orgonomicfootrest. Foot- moot uew peopleand keep cruise aVaIlABLE Annual ter. - ubreusl of new developments in celen donation from Janet Clenkus (rOghI), designer and oF/e-o lab women ja Fe1iticswi1l be rostsOOt only pèovide support for A cruise on the Chicago River FINS5000 cono FLATEERINX - the feel, they reduce prissure onthefield. - - - - manageratWalterE. Smith Co. of Patio Ridge. and Lake Michigan wilibe spott- HAIRCOLOR & STeLE, Rummage Sale spoeserAd by Ketura Itadossalo'Niles Park CALL FAUST on Tuésday, April 25. from 10:30 the back of the thighs und mini- Any one of these gifts shows soecd Mey 7 by the Noelh Glen - Walter E, Smithe of Pack Ridge, NilmCommunityChurch, District preschool mizo strain on the lower buck. A you care ahoot your secretary's The Mount Spring Luncheon Butineus andProfesuional Worn. NEWEUROPEAN TECI'NOLOOV 7401 W. Oakeon Strefe, Nilea, a.m.3o3:30p.m. atTempte Judea of the Garden dab of Mortars willberuffledoff, Fu, Faite and Bs5t,rPn,.aa a Colo,. ; Mizpah, O6llNiles CeuterRoud, footrest designed with roller balls comfort, safety and well-being all en's Oegnoizalions, The tour will will hold aRummage SuIe, April .registration Grovewllltakeplace ai the liria- Cncklaila irin be served nl li in thè center allows for foot mus- -year, nos just during our special be from i to 4 pm. aboard tho Skoloi6Cost is $23, light lunch g sIMr 26 (Wedneaday) from 6e30 pur - tol CouoLpronpectsueighte, April um,, with luncheon following nl included.For jufoemation, call sage the encouragés lowerleg io- week.- - jamnica," u peivately-chartercd to 9ptas. and April 27,(Thura- Registration for the 1995-96tivity and improved circulation. Fremere ergonomic gift ideas, 25. noen,Donationia$14. Included will be horn (708) 674-4609. . Makeeeaervalionuby April21, boat. day) 9am. to 2 a,m, A French SElci Park Ojttrict BrightBegin-Alt of these features add up to aas sPell as the Easy 8-Step Ergo- Axlington Floral of ¡selinglon d'oeuvres. mmic and a canE bar. norePrescheol will be taken at the - Heights will present an uil-fiorai Fur more information, call . European Permanent Waving Mastuore : Room.(choíce items) will be fra- morecomfortäble and pretissetive nomiciGuide, afee booklhi with !ncasoofrain, the glass-enclosed . turetlpluaaBaknSaleandCofmee BaltardLeisaalCenter, 8320 Bal- program. and many prizes, in- (708)966-4264, n Eurøpmn HaIr Cntur, a PedIcure employee. - tips onhowto bi sufe ètyeur lowerdeckwiilbe used, Indiuld- Shoppe, Parking is convettienrin tard Rd. in Nilea onthe following çludltsg a $400 cltnir donated by n Hair Shaplug Mansage An ergonomically correct of- workssatiosi, send your nurse and ualuandgroupnureinvitedtolnke e HairStylIng FacIals the Bait and West parking lota, dales: Moaday, April 24, eegit-flee chair. Many styles of task address on year company loller- SklnCa,e EndyWaxhsg traMe begins for resident chit- thgcrnine. For information, cali (708)967- chairs are uouvailnble, -and in--. bradtú: Quilt Corporation, Fob- EnUmeration at birth NoelIa Glen BPW in n local Mnkmup - 6921, then. Monday,May 1, open pro-today'noffices, so mauy tasks uro tic Rèlutions Department, too chapter of the Business and $5je-. sehoojregistrationwill beheld. porforttsed from a touted position- Schelter - Rd., Litscolnshire, IL fesalonalWomen's Organizalaon. Our Health Club COUPON Both 3-year-old and 4-year-that ski chair has become thi 60069-3621. - AsIcforPacket -now a commonpractiçe theoldesnaudlargeut gioupinthe r old programs are avuilnbld.Reg- loworking . most important piece of furnitureP95121. worlddedicated Of all the babies born in the - frum the inne the birth infuemu- for Women Only 8a«e«e-5c ittration aeceptool An a first- IÇa/.' Al in the workpluco. A chair do- United States lust year, almostlion is received by Social Secitei- women. All woeking women, re. come, first-serve basis between Featuring: Handmade Gifts & Crafts signed correctly for tho peesun..Wornafl's'club- three million were signed up to ty. gardleus of wham they live or Au4NIJAL IVIEMBERSHIP the haars of 9 um. dOd 5 p.m.usiog it wtll improve posture and Currenlly, parents of newboens work, ase eligible tojoht. Local EuetctsePtoqrnma iMondaytltronghETida. get their Social Security curd be- Reg. $250 Now $198 : ctrcalatton, anddrcroasebgdy fo- of Niles plans fece they left she hospital. Theyhave this option in all bol four chaplees spomorleadership Sauai iO%OFF, Ugur. stAtes. Oklahoma, Alaska, Con- wotkshopa. conferences and StalPtd I oceounted -forabout half of all i N Northwest Hwy Area sttide,nton Ats attracstve drsk lame To pth!gIL!rlehen - ow Social Socority carde issurdisoetieut, audlihude island du not wiae mirtioroaarsiuldee. almas Bath- 3MO. MEMBERSHIP __H Tie-IrMa ate $32,50 per peeson, Whiltt help alleviate eye stem, w4esk - io 1993. -- -- offer this option yet. lu the state -,- jI:.=?5 P.arkRdge,%L6OO6B The Woman's Club- Of Nilm aAamliolioe,ila. Reg. $75 Now $60 I tamp can bemoved oessdjunted to .- Under the SOcial Security Ad-wheneparentacan choose thisop- Proceeds will go toward a col- --(GFWC-IFWC,IOlh District) is iqulpmetst NEWWOLFFSUPER BEDS , (108)------696-4795 help eliminato glace from over- lion, about 85 percent ofthe par-lege scholarship for a working - il1ì-r} Déaù ' s List holding its annual spring- lunch. ministration (SSA's) "enumera- aîtillerlraidmlIt wiIh 2 Face Tanners each, bead oc outside lighting. It can lion at both " peogram, parentsenta use il. Since 1987, when the woman. Information andlichais 1O8.Sat16$in4 eon-Snturday.April29attheCha- Nancy t2l Llie Cycles lo Visits $50 20 Visits $85 L Michelle Vostri, daughter ofalso be esed to ta rouse light fortoan Rifr 9100 N: Milwaukee. can have the hospital birth regis-program began as a pilot project, are available by culling Steve and Josephine Veuci, nfspecific projects. Whenever pos- Nilm, Theiheme ofthe luncheon teatino form they complete sorneatotal ofl2.3 million babies have Young,(708)724'442l. Nitos, has beonuamedto the sshlo, allow yone secretary to con- is 'Distinctive Women On The us an upplication for their new-beenenumorutedtlsis way. -dean's list- at Otte Uuivetsity oftrot wotkstatiou ltghting so suitGo" and-will beijefit local chil- . bum baby's SocialSecurity num- A Social Srcunity number is NoIre Dame foeoutstandingpersonalneeds antleedo o stress. tiren through a popular founda- ber, The Stute vital statistics of-needed to claim any child who Is . ,.s ADAM & EVE HAIR STUDIO Compatee sccessortos. An ad- fice provides the birth at least one year old as u dopen- scholarship duning the fall sèmes- - - s jostabtn keyboard tray at year doti, dent on federal tax returns. Aud 8945 Golf Road - MiesITho B k I Liz-Claibornc and Elisabelh'u information to Social Security, The dean's list is comprised of and the parruts nu longer need lo the number is eroded lo start a Fashions will be be featured with savings accouutorbay bauds in a (708) 635-0007 V select group of students whoMayfair Women Isair by- Rusalee's Hair Design. mail or lobo the newborn birth . have succeeded ja muintaitsing s There will be raffles and door certificato and other requiredchild's name. UEIlVI SPECIL scholastic average of 3.4 and to meet prizes donated by local mer- -dacameuts as a Social Security One mmmdcc: Don't ho misled office afterthoy have loftthe hes- by any company whose offer lo (Req. $70) Vbovcduriugthopastsemester. chanta na weB as,music by Mali .Veuci, a 1993 graduate of Re- Wednesday,Mury 3, is the date pilaI. got your child u Social Seourisy ln.aksde Set or Btew Dry Only Gezaldi, COCktails begin at. 11 cardincludes ne-barge forthe see- gina Dominican iu Wilmette, isaafthe nextmgalsc meeting of the Lm,-nnd hutch will be served ut Wlten SSA receives the uppli- Fk,t Ti CIiÑO,ty-With AdO,,ty. flJj355 Women's Association of Mayfuir cutiun, a Social Security numbervice. Getting u new or replace- -sophomore in the University's noon, Ali women of the aiea are Presbyterian Church, 4358 W. is assigned. The card is mailed inmeutSociulSecnritycardis afice College of Liberal Arts und Let- invited to allenti, - Tickets aie MusEo Street. Pullowing a noon the child's name to the address sorviceofthe Social Security Ad- tors, mujeninginEdonamics. availableat$20. - Business Meeting, theI p.m. - For, udditiotsalinfoemalion, nhuwn On the birth certificate.ministration. SANDWICH BONELESS BUTTERFLY Tourthe 11* S* luncheon will be prepared andcatiTeas al(3l2) 583-9632.Nan- Theprocesn talcos about one work STEAK PORK CHOPS served by memhors of Circle I,- _cyal (708) 318-6635 or Bisa at BABY with Ella Schallor and other Ness- (708)967-6800, . - Holy Family Auxiliary 89 SENIOR CITIZENS Circle members in charge of the s89 BACK RIBS$ Shnspoo S &t $2$O & Up aftrrnoensalosproject. LB. LB. -$3,00 & lIp ORT Chapter Huirnot Ethel- Ifopp and Margaret Au- elects new Board Officers LOUIS RICH ExtaynoyEXCEPT SUNDAY beet will give devotions for the - - CHELLINO OVEN ROASTED Sr. Mes'A Clipper Xt4ing $3.05 day. Promptly at 2 p.m. s review features Met's 809.lair 5151159$S.uu FRESH RICOrrA TURKEY BREAST of the book, "lt's BetOer ta hr.signei/guitarist - CHEESE MAMCWE Over-the Hill Than Under It" will IN HOME t pEoIcI.mE he presented by IvIPC's favorite, The Washington Courte Chap- HAIR LiluLotchiesger. ser of Women's American ORT $159 $1791/2 LB. - will hold un open meeting Tues- . LB. I FOR A TREASURE CREÑT OF VALuES, FREDERICKS COIFFURES Cestofthnhsncheonis $5;ove- COME TO COOMERS CRAFT MALL'S 5391el. MILWAUKEE AVE. ryone is welcome so attend. For day, April 25, at noon nc Maine RACCONTO SIRLOIN TIP CHICAGO, ILL. furtherinformusion,callthe TownshipVillagekialL - - BALSAI8IIC VINEGAR ROAST CRAZY DAZE SALE (312)6310574 churchoffice at(3l2) 685-0104. Ammni-lanchwillbe served uf- APRIL 21st antÌ 22nd ter which Rick Manu, a popular Singer/Onistiristwillentertain s29 s 9 (10to50% OFF.Pardcipating Dealers) \ ' members and guests. According 17 FL. OZ. LB. toShirleyMitssick.ProgrAm Chair, this is a good opportunity TANNING & MASSAGE formatoroludiesinthe cootmuni- 2 to come oat for a lively after- Coomers. . noon. High Quality e-Low Pricésh, Vry.Good Servjce Ncw CUritpcciI Washiogsoo Coorle Chupter is a friendly group of women that BEEF PORK LAMB POULTRY 2 1s orfty 51O eulti/y Medical Cedola Auxiliary elected new AUxiliary Nan Chesge moloc new camere feel welcome T501 Mudo,a,ToeeMeIt NeW offIcers In- Fur F°eis Shcp6E i MorI 11l Un[irrii I;re $45 and helps them become acquaint- Boardofficoro atlheiranflaalmeetiflg in March. TEL: 70S/698-7424 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK I5$meaGaIf& Mitaaakwl (Coletto AlgoeVuia nodO necreiuly, Pros- lane. OoIfEa,d, tAlo 270 ed with the ORT worldwide pru- ciado (fromleft lo right): Edna Bigda, recording Monday. On5unduy tr011 AM. te 7:00P.M. 8205 OoItOose 708/698-7025 Vandoy: 5:00 AM. tn 2:00 P.M. NiIttO t011A Ostieg Modem 0,60005 o gramofedocationalfacilities. pecf-Heights Donna Fisher, correspondingsecretary, Prospect 7oEtto.o922 008/290-lItI 708.827.1656 Theed is a nominal donation of Heights; Eleanor Hotsinger, second vice president,Park Ridge; 8130 N. MILWAUKEE AVE NILES, IL 60714 $3.50 required to help defray the Mildred Marek, first vice president, DesPlaines; und Vetta Picase Ca!! usfor your special order & we will hove it readyfor you \F'I't 11R1 N \H) 34 E. Densspstur . Ñu Piaieses cost of the mini-lunch and pro- - Welch, president, MouniProspect. - - -gram. - PAGE 12 TUEBUGL, TRSJRSDAY, APmL2O, 5995 TUE BuGLE,TilultSDAY, APRIL 2e, 1995 PAGE 13

---Take stockof daily McPartlin awarded for :.:p0ftj N,ws_ routine forinvestment ôutstanding service byjeffreyL. Cardells Christopher Leadership Course LaSalle Taiman First of America Bank EdwardO, Jones & Co, session to begin Bank FSB open Someinvestorsfind theretors a few phone calla (Baby thought afinvesting io the stocksBell tolephone cempoales). Be- The Spring Session of the begins soonin thisarea. The pub- offers Illini Visa Card of individual campaniessome- Christopher Leadership Course lic is invited to attend a free, nohouse fore you knew it, your watch . - what intimidating. After all, how(May Dept Stores) indicates it's obligation preview which pro- LaSalle Talmas Baak, 8745 do you. possibly decide which vidosanoverview ofthe tO-weekWaukegan Road, Merlos Grove, Itree for lunch. Yac telephonecolor to paint (Sherwin- ILEGAL NOTICE companies, nut of liserally thou-(AT&t) your friend te cesfsrmWiffiams) the livingroum and the coarse. The coarse helps individ-onessnces a frnnecisl seniors sands, to choose? Notice is hereby given, pur- aals to understand and practiceopes house ea Saturday. April ysorlusctsdate, stop by the ATMpossibility of purchasing seme 112flt to "An ACE lfl relation to A good pluce to Start is by ak-machine (Bane One Corpora- new furnitssre(J.C. Penney). the skills, habits and attitudes29, from9a.m. te t p.m. ing a closer look al the products the use ofen Assumed Name in This e-est 'sill be an cppcoso- lion), then grab o quick hambur- These are typical of the goods needed to exert leadership 0e a and services you ose is your the conduct or transaction of practical. thy-to-day basis. Theseairy to erect Duo Goloran, Ac- awngcr(McDonald's)undCokeand services avenge Americans BusinôssintheStale;as skills include, public sprakmg,comer Esecutive sod RrgisLcied daily routine. Consider o typical(Coca-Cela). use every day. Mary of th000 amended, that a certification self-confidence, intergn-xsoaal re- slay in the life of an average On your way home from workproducts are provided by campa- Rereseacotive sfLaSalle Pince- American.- was filed by the undersigned iodons, und an entranced ressac ctcislSerriccs/LaoghlieGroup that night,thecellularpheoe (All-nies whose stocks can be pur- with the County Clerk of Cook parpase. .Athisr. Gao soul be happa Io At 6 am.. the alares clocktell and Motonola) rings. Ifs yourchased puhticty. Of course, yaar County. The course is oonthrcttd deseoso the niaoy vays ateeey rings, inlerrttpting yasr peacefulspause reminding you that be-loyalty to a particator product Pie No. D027233 on trained voluotuers sod poe-waLedmo be made te ssork horsier for slumber. You reluctantly roll outcanse the sicond cor is getting adoesn't guarantee that compaoy's March 27. t995. Under the As- by the Gabriel Rklssed lasciarLo,You. He ssitl else sehedule pri- ofbed ondhead for the buthroom,new starter (Genuine Parts Co.),ststceSs, but it does previde a Jun'0 McParttin(center), I/ice gamed Name of Cleaning Un- where you turn on the light (En- Presidenfoíthe Hotel and Res- au etiucatiarral osn-cet1torpani-Voteuppomlments for these inter- you need lo nsa a few errands engood ssartingpeint in your search fauranfEmploy000, Local I, AFL-CIO, is congrafulafed-by Corn- limited with the place of basi- zacion. The propalesisnais- tergy Corp.), shave (Gillette) sedyour way heme. You strip byfor un attractive stock invest- outed in teaming moro about hew mise/oner$ PafriciaYoungand Terrence O'Brien ofthe Melro- nesslocatedat5021W. secrarisnarol oçeara alL shower- (American WaterToys 'R' Us topiclç up a "Littlement. By discussingthe company armuilies and mutual ftmds can pol/fanWater Reclamation District following a recent Dialriet Waveland Ave., Chicago, IL Thu flea preview will be heldhelp you meet your retiremeet VISA Works). - Tykesslide (Rubhnrmaid) forwith an investment professional, 60641-3420. - April21, ariIO p.m at Sc. lobaseeds. Next you geldressed (Dil!urd'syour sos's birthday and by theyou can determine if the stock beardmeetingin which Ma. McPartlin was honored fo(heryèars Tise trae lame(s) and sesi- Brelasif (School Library) 8301 Dept. Store) and then treat your-- pharmacy (Walgreen Co.) feru provides an attractive investment of outstandingservice to lhe working peopleofthe community dance address of Owner(s) iv For those interested in finding N. Redens Avenu; 1451es Ç72IXI oat mere about how mortgages, srlf to a hearty breakfast of eggs.prescriplioa and some Copper-opportunity orifisnother cumpa- andhercòntinuingdedication fe Chicago'alabormovement.- - - - Difiera V. Gandhi, 143 Cor- seest,notlhoføaklcsnSteeet). Fictured(from L to R) are FionGuetfhes, UI'sDlrecior o! Alb- and Jimmy Dean sausage (Surs ny might better salt your invest. taireLa.,Schaumbsrg, IL Diano Creagh, Loan Origination buca tone sunscreen (Scberiog For mote information, callOfficer andDick McCord. Pres/dentaod COO o! F/ref ofAmerica Lee). Mter you enjoy your sec- meatneeds. for - 60173.6576. Samuel Rodei- LaSatle Talmas Bank-illinois. Plough)fernextweek'svacatieo. James P. Ryan Mona Rocks C312) 792-3806 orHeme MortgageCorporation end cup sfMaxwetl House Cof- At home that night, yes start a gaez, 5021 W. Wavetand As-e. RcruaiNiziolekçfo8)967-9767. fee - (PhilIp Morris), you kiss AirFercr CodrtlomesP. Ryan do Springs, Colo. Chicago, IL 60641-3420. will be at the open heute to dis- Fighting Illinois atlsletes are eigiblnceedit cardusera theubit- loaduflaundty(Whirlpool) cuss the many toas options avait- year spouse good-bye, hop inwhile yonrspouse cooks dinner. READ has been placed on the Dose's Ryae is the seo efThemus M. rarely given the credit they de- ity to help suppers the DIA pro- your Taurus (Fard Moler Co.) Listforacademic excellence with ondtrllen V. Ryan of ParkRidge. obleintoday's market. seren. that is, until now, Iltrough Later that eveniag, white eajoy- THE RUGLE ADS J: gramatnocottlothem. Fiestof andheadforwork. - o3.Oorbetter grade pointaveeugc The cadet is a 1994 grodnute of Refreshments and dear pricesfass' use of thn new Illini Visa America will pay royalties to the ing an ice-cold Pepsi (Pepsico), FOR YOUR will be an odded attraction to the At work, you turn on youryou andyoarsposse discuss what at the end of the semester at the NotrrDumefligh School, Nitos. CursI from First of America DIA program each time the caed computer (Hewlest Packard) thon SHOPPING NEEDS. U.S. AirFerceAcademy, Colora- CONTRACT Open House. Bank-Illinois. is used. CARPETS Officials fromFirstof Anterica ThenewDlAcardspocoape- Skokie resident Bunk and the University of IlE- cisl six-month inlroductoty offer 8038Milwaukee nuis' Division of Intetcollegiate of9.8% APR. Afterthattiase, the Wiles, Ill. named leader in Athletics (DIA) bave teamed up lllieiVlSA wdlofferaveoçcom Business JUF campaign Io introduce an Oliai VISA credit petitive 14.9% APR. In addition, s ALL NAME BRANDS card, which features a full-color the curd does not cart7an unnual :. . ALL TEXTURES Skokie resident GeorgrD. Ha-aerial viewofUl's Memorial Sta- fee. Thn9,8% introductory APR _I IA p-.- jtii-r Directory SPadding and Installation eus is Chairman of the Congrega-6am. Among the partim who also epplies to all cash udvance available tisas and Community Campaignwere involved in the program's and charges that are transferred of the 1995 Jtwish United Fund-design and introduction wentfrom other higher interest este DON'T WAIT We quote prices loranEmergency Fand Cam-Ron Guenther, UI's Director of creditcardu. It's simple to switch O Over the phone prega. Athletics, undAnsociate Director sud save from other credit curds Do It Now and Save! of Athletics Bili Yanas, as well becausethellliniVjSAoffers su- 9. Jewish United Fund (tUF) an- FAIR PRICES naoily allocates sens of millionsas First of America Bunk repro- tomatic payment on existing CALL . COMPARE -ThEN SEE USI anulativas Jumes 0. Welch, Re- ereditcardaccounts and lamsfers ofdollsrs to humas service agen- gisnal President afilie Cham- SEIEtK5 Pttti8fntIttt Gnet Strafrrg £rtocessweed Patte Rtdgg Ves Puittea (708) 966-3900 6924l76 cies that help 160,600 Chicago- thebatancra tothnnew cnrd,Thn ass and more than a millionpalpa Region, und Dick McCord,tlliniVlSAaloocanbeusedtoget - Ittcttititttl-Cttisntt ,Paqk,-Gaei--K{ie-CesK(eitte, GstìÍtw-t1nsIkEqgVk To Place , President und COO of First of C'2828575 needy Jews in Israel and over 50 instant cash at Automated Teller Your Business Ad AmericaBank-flliuoia, Machine other countries. The Illinois VISA card offers


PHONES - - -


(O,NidL,,j,JoierMcI) - -- - &TAILORS (8151439-5100 - I HARLEM & MILWAUKEE i (312) 763-9447 Sigor up for a Time Pack 50 plan-withAmeritech cellular aoci geta new NEC - P120 haridheld phone, plus 50 minutes ofuirtime each month for $20.50a monthNEC Hcrndhelcl OAKTON-WAUKEGAN with a 2-year contract. Phone & tI,tas llits'rralre,. Aso. CURRENCY EXCHANGE ERA CALLERO & CATiNO That means, far less than a $1.00 a day, you can stay iv touch with friends and t7Ú-') 557-taLo) - - - WESTERN UNION AGENCY fancily, keep up business contacts and feel safer on the road. 50 Minutes 8018 WAUKEGAN RD., NILES - - REALTY Th getthis great deal, stop by any ofour fourteen convenientAmeritech Cellular of Airtime(;- -967-7770 - 7800 MILWAUKEE AVE, Centers m the Chicogoland area Roch one with the expertise designed around your Each Month F CAB-I ADVANCE WITh VISA sr MASTERCARD .967-6800 need far cellular, paging and wireless data communications. NORTHBROOK Ameritech Cellular Centers. Your authority for on.the-go communication.And better value. lasAbolSe 1usd. NILESCITV STICKEIIS NOW AVAILABLE r700 272.77T( Stop by or call 1-800-MOBILE-1, ask far extensionACC, forone ofour 14 Chicagoland locations.


------w- -.-. ,, . -

I4GE 14 THEBUGLE,TUURSDA, APRIL20, 1995 xnn nutacE, THURSDAY, APISIL 20, 10t95 PAGE 15 Po!ceew

Iwo paychecks and keys to the The offender denied strikingstolen items was entimaled atbattery, driving under the influ- Nues victiinehomeaadvehicte. the agmtnnd said that the ginsses ence, hit and run, driving with n Golf Mill secm4ty reportedbmkeduring thestruggle to hand-Theftfrom Vehicle snspended license, no insurance, Distinguished Speaker Earth Day Oakton offers courses Residential Fire that the purse was found in thecuffhim. Theoffenderwas lewIs. suspended registration, improper ase ofregistention, and failure lo family program GotfMill parking lotatS:30 p.m.ported to theNfimPolice Depart- A 30-year-old Niles man re- Serles presents CurtMeine POliceespondcd to a call However, the above tinted itemsment for investigation of theft reduce speed to avoid an acci- during interim session about a fica in progress In the parted that person(s) unknown dent. and pizza party Oukton Çommenity Caltege io wesestillmisstng. - and battery and was releaaed Biologist Curt Meise,will mitics (MAT 1)1 lEI); and Cul- 9200 block of Coortiand at 10 withoutchnrges. The store agentused a hard object to break the AcourtdatewassesferMay8. offerseg n vnrirty of short tetto driver's side window of his 1993 speak on Coeservation Biology District 71 wants you nial your culauforliusinensandsocinlSci- amApeiI 10. declinedtopmsecuI in she 1990s: A View from tIar family to celebrato lhaEueth withclasses during the interim nesusen eure (MAT 180 lEl), all four The 80-year-old Nifes manBattery/Theft Nissan betweeñ 10 p.m. April 3 Unlawful Firearm (between the spring semester and and9n.m. April4. Trenches as part ofûakton Corn- us on Saturday. April 22 (Earth stit hoar classes, mort from who owns the house lives on theby Deception Burglary Ammunition Possession mueity College's Distinguished Day) from 10:30 am. to t p.m. utthe summer session) from Muy 12:10p.m. bottom ftooeandrents the second A $200 cellular telephone was 15 to Suso 2 at the Des PIsanos Spoakoe Series or Tsosday, April Sooth School.Our Eorth Day Onefeurcredithosrclunn,Col- flooetoa35-year-oldwomanand Police welt catted lo a retail Unknown offender(s) enteredremoved. The cost to repair the A 58-year-old Morton Grove Cnmpun, 1600E. GolfRd. Class window was estimuted ut $100. 25 at 7:30 p.m. io the Msltipor- Family Program und Pizca Party ,-- lege Physics (PHY 131 tEt) her family. The fire was ni thestore in the 9000 block of Golfa homein the 76bIock of Ked. man was stopped at the internee- will feasaro Mother Nature (aliasos least aatoy ioaoiiaay----j----meets utrongit from 8 to 11:50 n.m. and second floor northwest bedmom lion of Beckwith and Lehigh pose CompltIx (Room 1610) ut Friday thorn twit to five hours, de- Road to investigate a theftby de- nie using a prying loot to force the Des Ploiera compus, 1600 E. Mo Scwiurki), liob Sawinski, Computer Science I (CSC 155 where some of the tenant's chi!- Ception at 8:20 p.m. April the front door sometiasebe. Morton about midnight April 13 and nr- and thr Illinois Young Natural-pendingon the course. lE!) meets from 8:30 n.m. to circa steep. rested fordriving wsderthe latta- GolfRosd. Admission is free. Thom who are intoreuledin oc- Upon the officer's an-ival, the of-coren 5 p.m. and9:45 p.m. April Moine is s researcher, writer, ists_ Many South students mot 12:20p.m. The fire was put oat by thefender, a 36-year-old Evanston Grove ence of alcohol und othee traffic quhing muth, physics ee comput- . editar, eeviower and advisorforo Mo Sowiaski last year when she Two favo credit hour chases, NOes Fire DepartmentThere man, was in the store security of- When thevictim,a34-year.oldHit andRun offenie came 50 talk abont endangereder science credits muy register for Calculan and Mtalytic Geomet- will be a farther invesligatioa of Theoflanderhadfoop.22cali- broad range of conservation or- thefollowingctassm: ftcewenrieghandcaffs. Niles woman,eetumedhome, the gasizations.tir is currently o species. She's an amazing speak- cry III (MAT 252 lEi) mente this incident The store security agent anddiscovered a large jewelry box A4$-yme-oldChicagomanre-blelnagriflecarleidgesinhispos- er, filtrd with energy, stories, and Two one credit hoar classes,from 8:30 n.m. to 1:10 p.m. or session, but hadItovalid Illinois consulting Conservation Biolo- forperseusinterestedin carolling clerk related that the offenderon the kitchen licor. The victimported that while stopped on gist for the Biodiversity Support facts. Eight diffnront aosivitystu- Calculus and Analytic Geomet- Theft ofPurse walked ap to the service counterexIted the hotine and called po Wankegan Road, at the internee- flemnidentifiewion med. lions will be set-up, covering ain one of Onkton's allied health eryt(MAT25O lE!) macIs from tian ofrtcmpsler Street. his 1990 The offender was charged with Program os wetl as the Crase Ac- progenrns,Moth for Allied MeaIIh carrying two welding tips and a lice. tian Coordinator for the Interns- rango of environmental educa- 1:30 n.m. to t2:20 p.m., May 17 Unknown offender(s) le-prepone torch, which he told the Ford Plebe was struck from the unlawfulfireartiiammunition tian saabjectareas. (MAT 102 lEi) or (MAT 102 to June 13. Calculun and Aunlyt- Apairofpeart eareings valued tional CesoePoundation. Cuit Meine 1E2)meets on Tuesdays and moreti a 24year-o!d Palatineclerk he wanted te-rechange forat$250,aweddingbandvaluedatrearby a 1983 Cadillac belonging possession and given a $3.000 I- The programcostio $1 por per. icGenmetryll(MAT25I IEI)is woman'opursefrointheunlocked -TheDssliegsrshed SpeokoeSo- Thursdays from 9 n.m. to 11:05 to a 28-year-old Chicago man at bond. A court dele was set for . oneanotherbstdidnothave are-$80o. a man's goldeing valued a eles Is sponsoeed by the Honora ties office. Formore iñforsflation, son. which includes -small earth offered during the nummer teem hostess stantlatarestaurantin theceiptfortheweldissglips. about l!p.m.Aprilll. May 3. call (708)635-19go day prizes. croft project maléci-amor noon to2:05 pta. Jane 14 through July 18 and $250, an antique diamond wed- Program and the Student Acttvi- Two three credit hour classes, GolfMitl Shopping Ceuternome- Thecleitts,ldhim that withoutding ring valued at $10,000 to Bothparsiespulledinto a park- als, and lunch-pizza, bevertige, meets from 8:30 n.m. to 12:20 thee between 3:15 p.m. and 5:45n receipt, all the store could do is ing lot in the 8800 block ofBurglary to Vehicle and dessert. A FIA Book FairElementary Algebra (MAT 052 p.m. p.m. April 8. The victim mahnst- 512,O andaclassringvalned at lEI) und College Algebra (MAT mail him a releed check, which$200wenasaken born adsesserinWaulcegan wherethe victim te- wilt coincido with this special Fer more information regard- heagreedto. lates! that the offender appeared While n 33-year-old OstIario S.EJ.U. #25 family prograan, featuring roots-140 lEi) meets from 8:30to ing math, physics sud computer the masterbedroom. 11:20a.m. The stolen purse contained a Atthattinse, anothermale sub- A neighbor reported seeing ato be very intoxicated. The of-man was at a bar in the 9000 gp books. Registrations aro due crestitcard, an identification cars!. Inteetnediate Algebra (MAT science coarsen, coil (708) 635- ject started an argument with thebeige/gray van in front of thefender told the victim that there bleckofWnukegan, unknown of- Scholarship Competition by Wednesday, April 19.No 1690 or refer to the Oaktou Re- offender, letting him to just taIse was no need to cali police, as fender(s) used a slim Jim tool to walk-ins will be accepted.Call 120 lE!); Finite Malhemulicu house at about 6:30 p.m.The vic- Eugene P. Moats, president of (MAT143 lBl).BlementarySta-porlfortheclasnuchedule. the items back and not cebra tim said thntshehad received soy- there was minima! damage donegain neceas into his 1983 Mus- Marguerite Adelmanat647- them. The second subject look tothevehicles. tang nnmetinse between 1 n.m. Lacal#25 ofthe Seevice Employ- eral hang-np calls between April eau International Union, has an- 9752, formare information. theweldingtipsvataedat$titiand3andApril8.Therewilibea When theoffender saw that the and2a.m.Apritl4. . Nues student to enroll at Wesleyan two locks valued st about $19, victim's passenger, a 39-year-old Theitems which weretaken in- conucos! that the annual Local further investigation into this in- #25 scholarship competition is Wright celebrates and left the store without payingcident. Chicago woman, was ou n essEn- cluded$2l5incnsh,awaliet,sev- Mike J. Lopez of Nttes, has forFall 1995 andietends lo major for them. The subject entered a larphone, he became very heIlig- eral credit catete, n back pack, a opon to all members or their bren accepted ut Iowa Weslryan Refurbished nons aad daughters. The appli- Shakespearets in biology. He is the son of Carol brown Ford with unlmown Ii-HitandRun eeentmdspitntthepasseuger. bag withclothingitems andubag Cottage, Mount Plantant, Iowa. Ann Lopez of Nitos. cense pintes nod fled the aren, . The offender then retstened Io containing varioushockey equip- cant or parent of the applicant Birthday Lopezplaoa to enrotl atWosleyan Office muss hove baco ioitiatod into the leavingthefirslsnbjectbehind, A Chicago man in his tills washisvehiclenndleftthescene. The ment. The offeuder was lehen to Ilse victims telephoned police and Thevictimslatedthathewasin mamhership ofLocol#25 no laser Wright Collego studeots and involved in a motorvehicle soci- lbanfannney3l, 1992. .e - stores security office and qnes- dent April 1.Police coutactedgaveadesceiptionand the licensetown for a hockey tournament. faculty wilt celebrate William tioned. When the security agent him at tais residence, and he ad-namberoftheoffendersyehicle. Thetotalvnlsenfthe stolen items President Moats said that Lo- Shulsespeore's431stbirthday IRISH Prices start at $295 said he was going lo cnt! the po- Police observed the offenderswasestimntednt$1,840. oat #25 io pleased to spaesor tIto with o two-day serios of special See or cat! un. We are: milled tobeingiuvotved in these- progromdoaignedto eusethe bun- lice, the offender snack him in cides!. Heresponded to the Nitesvehicle weaving in and out of its / events bogitoniag Tueoday, April COPIER EQUIPMENT the face, cnosing his glosses toPoliceDepnesmeattoclearupthisInne of liavel while leaveitigGarage Theft dea of college odncntion costs to 25, at4300N. Narragansett Ave. CONNOISSEUR break.The secucity agent assi! south onWaukegan. The vehicle two deserving students who wiab The Burgoudiar Consort, mut- CENTER incident. sa study at on accredited four- 728 S. Milwaukee Ave. two employees wrestled the of- Theoffenderwas charged with was stopped at Milwaukee and Unknown offender(s) gaIned .t li-talented musicians in 15± coo- Wheeting, IL saneo fender to the geoaod, handcuffed Toahy Avenue. entry into n 49-year-old Morton year college or university in the tarp dress who bring a fresh inter- leaving the arene of a property United States. Two$4,000 setto!- Eugene P. Moats 1232 Waukegan Rd., Glenview, IL 60025 PHONE: 708-520-0022 him and called the Nites Police damage nccident and improper Police detected n strong odorGrove mon's garage in the 9000 peetution ofthe musical arrasares block ofNew England sometime -arahips will be awarded to 1995 President,S.E.LU. Lncal#25 (1 block south of Lake Ave.) FuOWarranry on al! Copiare Department. lane usage. A court dote wasof alcohol ou the offender's of the Middle Ages sod the Ren- breath. He had bloodshot eyesboceces 8 am. and 8:20 p.m. gradoalen of any public, privato aissaecr to area audiences, will schedsted foe May 5 and bond 0e parochial Chicago-area highJackson Blvd., 2lstFloor, Chica- s was netat$1,000. and his sieech was slurred. Fo- April11. headline the initial celebrados Waterford Crystal lictold the offender that he had A lawnmowee and n bicycle school. go, L. 60604. The deadline date from 12 p.m. to 2 pm. tinmedi- CANTERBURY Garage Break-in been stopped for being involvedwere taken. The items were val- To appty, write to Local 4125foe the opplication is May 31, ably following at 2 p.m., there sHerend China in a hit andreu accident The of- nednt$700. Scholarship Committee, 111 W. 1995; will be a mock debate about the LANDSCAPE Person(s) unknown entered a fender said that he had been at nDriving Under true authorship of theBard's s 61-year-old Niles man's home inlocal barsince he got off of work Town Hall Spring into works. Liadro LAWN MAINTENANCE INSTALLATIONS nt6:30p.m. the Influence The full progeom, coordieated CORE AERA110N POWER RAKING the 8300 blockofOketo possibly through an wstncked service door -The offender was transported meetings on Summer by English ProfessooPear Buck- I Irish Dresden FERTILIZATION betweenFebrstaeyandApeil4. to the Morton Grove Police De. A 43-year-old Maryland man Facilities Study Bsicklon Monteusoei School, ley, will also iselude two original (708) 470-1313 (312) 282-4527 Onceinside,theoffender(s)re- partIssent where he was asked to was observed driving erratically 8622 W. Catalpa in Chicago is acting-and-reading porformaocos sCladdagh Jewelry submit tofieldsobriety andin theti2tiO blockofDempsler at apoasorirg'Spring into Sum- that will be prrseeled by faculty, . moved a snowblower, two drills, The Distriót 71 Board of,Edu- Member Illinois Lm,d,catu Conteno, Association abont4a.m.Aprill6. He was slodoots, und administrators on (including Wedding Riasgs) and three bones ofteols, and leftbrenthtesls,whichherefiised, cutiañiscouspletinganothermer," a faohion show of chi!- clocked driving 74 mph in a35 then's apparel and banchetto nlTuenda, April 25, at 7:30 p.m. o: O , the area. The total value of the Theoffesderwas charged with phose of its Facility Study. The mph zone. t:30p.m.on Snlorday, April29. und on Wednesday, April 26, at ¿;e(1ee(7 . The offender failed to yield to stsdy has concentrated an the 1:30 p.m. with a Birthday Reeep- AIVIE E3AV SEFe\IICE preseutcoedision ofboth schools, The event will be held at the (708) 998-1988 oI'_I .L,LL IVIAJJR APPLIAI'JCES the police sqnad car which had Park Ridge Commanity Center tien ut 3 p.m. These events at activated lights and siren for 5ev- educational advantages and dis- Wright Collego, 4300 N. Nuera- advantages of maintaining bested at 1515 W;Touhy Ave- SERVICE AND PARTS eublocks. Upon stopping the of- flue in Park Ridge. The fuedeain- guesett, are free te the comattOei- ALL MAKES AND MODELS fendernt Dempster and Nedonal, scitoals ut 2 locutions or combin- Now ring - ing effoet willbenefit the school's ly. NEW! ADDITION TO .Refrigeratnrs . Freezers the officer detected a strong oder inglo a singlo location, costs for . Washers - Dryers improvements, and plans and ncademicpcogsam. of alcohol ou the offeedef s Tickets are $15 per person and - Relneinber . Ovens - ntoves breath. When asked lo taIn off costs nf constructing an addition 'MAZING KIDS . Dishwashers . Disposals loCelverMiddle School. are available through ndvunce his engine, Ilse offender acciden- parchase only. Por information, to Mazing Masterpieces YMCA . Misrowaves . Air Conditioners seniors tally activated his windshield Befare próceeding lo the next plsnse, the Beard has plonuedcall BricklonMoatennoriat (312) . - J. P. APPLIANCE SERVICE, INC'°°t wipers und squirted windshield 714-0646. Bucklé Up! Creativity Center. Now when your flnidoutheofficer. three open, town halt type meet- ngaut. (708) 677-6165 iìjiLersnrs The offender failed the field ings to abure the progeess of the children visit "Mazing Kids" they - nKoKtE sobriety tesIs and was pinced un- stedy and te obtaIn ceactions andL A GIFT THAT'S PERSONAL & UNIQUEk can do something creative. We will u' derarrestfordrivingunderthein. suggestions from parents, cam- '.-:fluence ofnlcohol. The offender munity and staff. The meetings art 'a la mode has developed a beautiful have arts and crafts supplies out for wasgivesabamthteslnttheMor- are acheduled for: Saturday, giftset of S note cards with envelopes, ton Grove Police Department April 29at 10a.m. at Calvee Mid- packaged in agiftbox them to create with. We will also be which showed a blood/alcohol dIe Sehaol, 6921 W. Ooklon cooteutofø.l5. Street in NOes, in the school's Each card has a different hand-decorated running some Mazing Masterpieces The offender was chargedwith esfeteria; Thoesday, May t t at 7 face in brilliant colors, glitter, and LT driving under the influence, dciv- p.m. at Culver in the cafeteria; lovely jewelry adornments. classes with an arts and crafts ing in Ilse wrong lane, speeding. and Monday, May 22 at 7 p.m. at instructortohelp themcreate. Thank you for trusting me to serve all of failing to yield to un authorized Culverin the csfesoria. They are then personalized with emergency vehicle, driving with your name in stunning calligraphy. Come In today! your insurance needs. ;SPÌtN&GiN: a blood/alcohol coulent of 0.15 Demeter joins LAWN CARE and having no valid drivei°s Ii- BILL SOUTHERN, AGENT TREE CARE cense. Greek system They each meaauro 4" x 5", .FERhILIzIsa . DEEP ROOT FECOI5O and are processed on LEANING TOWER 7942 W.OaktonSt. . CRAB neuss &wreo coNtRol. TAEE upuevisu A$3,000l-bondwnsgivenund . Noeclu otneune CO5TROL . FIttE ESTIMATE5 aconetdabesetfoeMay3. at Ripon richly embossed top-quality paper. Nues, IL 60714 .CORECOLTIVATION FAMILY YMCA Julia K. Dometer, daughter of The cost is only $10_00 per set. Tel: (708) 698-2355 FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL BUCKLE Mr. and Itlrs. tsbuan Demoler of 6300 Touhy Avenue (708) 698-2357 Nilea has pledged Alpha Chi Call 4-4( (708) 863-6255 Omega, national sorority n! Rip- . Nues, IL 1up1. . Barb(708)291'1446 -Øg Stato Farm ¡aluenGo Comportas . 140mo Off ceo. ßloomiogloo, Illioois s. on College. Demeler; an ande- clares! mnjer, is a sophomore al orludie (708)966-4567 (708) 647-8222 Ripou. PAGE 16 THEBUGLE,TIIURSDAY, APRIL 20, anna LI s rärylParks Bu:le T New fitness centeropen at Oakton's World Bowling Tournament

- Des Plainescampus . televised at Harper - A brand nw ste-of-the-art ter,treadmilland recumbent All members need to attend a The William Rainey Rasper us 50 share this exciting live event fitness center is now open yearbikes. The center has a fitnessone time requirement orientation. Cnllege Athletic Center in Pala-with an even greaser number nf roand to the public Oakton Corn- roam, a warm-up area, u loungeThe 45-minute session will intra- tine, hat been selected us the ve- bowling fans." rnunity College's Des Plaines and lecher rooms with shuwern. duce participants to the eonceptu nue for the nationally televised This will be the first time in campus, 1600E. GolfRoad. TheQualified and experienced staffafphysicalfitness and coerect use arena bowlingfinalsof the over 30 years this a Chicagoland center will be open from 6:30members will be in the center atof the equipment.Orientatioes $300,000Brnnswick World bawling lourtsument will be held am. to 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 8ailtisaseste assist members. wilt be held starting the week ofTournament ofChampions, outside u bnwting center; the last p.m., Monday through Priday, The fee during the summerJm. 3 fram 7 am. tu2 p.m. orS tn which will he heoadcast live onevent was the World Invitational and 8 a.m.tonoon on Saturday. (June 2-Aug. 12) is $3 i far sin-7 p.m., Monday throngh Friday Saturday, April 22, an ABC-TVheld at McCormick- Place in Featuring the latest Cybex anddents and $38 fer uon-stuiteats. ar8 te 1 1 am., Saturday. heginningat2p.m. - 1963. Life Fitness fiqaiprnent, partici-The walk-in daily rate is $6. ladi- Members shoatd snpply their "This tournament is a show- Tickets for the arena finals are pants can exercise all major mus-viduat semester rates are alsoowe lurk and towel, wear appre- case event, tinuited only lu the Pro $15 and are available through the ele groups ea aver 20 differentavailable. A $5 registration fee ispriate gym clothing and footwear Bowlers Assnciatian and interna- Harper College Box Office machines andincreuse eardiovas- required. (Scalars livingin- (no street shoes) and carey mcm- tionalchainpions, and as nach de- (708) 925-6100) or Brunswick calar development on 10 aerobic districtdo notpay the registrationhership cards er an Oakton ID serves a showcase finals," saidDeer Park Lanes ((708) 438- machines, inctading a slairmus- fee). with a Fitness Center sticker te AdrianSakowicz,Brunswick5585). Doors will open at 11:30 gain aceesstothe contar. Corp. Director of Public Rota- am. T)on April 22 for u pre- Residents can pick up a fitness tians and tournament chairman. show entertainment program that card at the Center after compte."As bowling's most prestigious will include bawling trick shots tian of the orientation. Registra- event it draws signifscaut intenest and Brunswick product givea- s fous wilt be satten daily at the from all averthe wand; the Harp- ways; seating io required by 1 er College venue will acconstno- MONNACEP affscein Room p.m. (CST). - t4tl at the Dot Plaines cumpas date 2,000 opectasors and allow from 8:30 am. so 4:45 p.m. and - after5 p.m. io sheFissess Center. For questions regarding thc Old Timers honor new Oaktan Fitness Center, call (708)635-1839. baseball greats It's been 50 years since theSack Brickhonse, who hasem. o Earth Days Cuba played the World Series, reed theprogrnsn forniany years, bat they'll be remembered again la expected to da so again this Celebration aa theOldTimers'Basobafl Asso- year, - fixecutive Class Service offers courteous, elation ef Chicago halda their The evening will begin with - The Skukie ParkDistrict's 77th Annual Banquet and Reus- dependable, punctual service by Fondly Oaks Nuore Ceoterwil be cecktails in the VIF room at 6 professional drivers in climate controlled, hosting as Eorth Days Celebra- iouonMendayevrning, April24, p.m., amI dinnerwill be served al at Pezybyla'n Wlsite Eagle, 68397:30 p.m. after the Parnde lo the frail-sized, four-door sedans. Smart Cars, doe un Saturday, April 22 from N.MilwuakeoAve,,Njlrs, naos to 4 p.m. Step backinto the Dais. The prngrum will followa Inc. offers both local and long-distance Aleen8 the many gueula lIsisdelicious White Eagle family t970s and celebrate the 25than- yearare Andy Pomo, Walt service. There are no know your rate nivcrousy offiaoth Day by purtici- styledissaer. "Mense' Moryss, Billy Pierce, An excellent opportunity for before you start. Rates are comparable to taxicabs; in paling io eociting eco-gamos and Nap Gaily, Muro 1otbiaIl, Chico some cases even leso)! ($6.000 crcaliag special projects. This antagraph scckncs, as well au a fare.) Whether Casrasquel5 Fuel Papovich, Ed- terrific dinnerfarthe whole fami- you are traveling 3 or 300 miles. Be Smart, Go Smart. eveututto features fulkmusic and die Gold, Ed Bonchee, Rich Rye, autore tongs perfoensed by tacat lys ticketuare$33 each. 0610.00 on credit card orders and prearranged tiare pickups. Bob Hale, Buzz Capra- and Elisa. Tickets are available lis entertainers. Admission is free. both Matson mod ElIje Dapkan the For information or rates call Colt (708) 677-700t, formore in- general pnblic threugh tIse Old Wolf of the Ail American GirlsTimers at:(312)553-2446. 312-878-SMART (7627) formation. Professional Baseball League. All Major Credit Cards Accepted SmART Spring Softball Tu raseeve a Carie so ethaeU.5. riSes, t Tournament Bowling benefit eau t-teo-usA-LeMo (346e). THE SmART WAY ID GO The Skokie Park District in- for Help Lines vsles tslernsted adulto (age 18 -A bargainbuster weekend sistedalmost3ll,000caltersjn the yours und otder) 10juin so on the brightener is planned lo benefit weekend uf April 21 md 23 at Chicago saharbs.Canfidential WHERE TO GO WHEN YOU Tatkline Hetp Lines:"Candle emotinaut tappers-problem iolv- Tersaient and Oukton Parks forLight Briwl" will be held on Sun- Oar Spring 16' Saftbult Tourna- ing help, crisis intervention, in- day, April 30, from 6:30 lu 10:30 formation uad referral are isntne- WANT IT DONE RIGHT. meut. The fee is only $120 perp.m. at Hoffman Lanes, "llame team. Peizemaney will be award- diatelyavaitableto those who call ofthe Peterson Classic," in Huff- Taikline. ed to the frost and second place man Estates. teams. In case afrain, the tourna- Inctnded in the $25 per couple Environmental ment wilt be held the weekcsodefticket price is a dinner buffet, 3 programs celebrate April 28.30. Contact Sandy Har- lines af Scatch Doubles bowling ris ut (708) 674-1500, fermorn and a chance to win game prizesEarth Day informatipu. and a grand prize. Raffle tickets The Forest Preserve District of wilt ho availableso select winnersCook County will canmsemorate Vendors wanted nfa"Kssight"fartwo asMealieval thn25th anniversary of Earth Day Mona 2046521" The Skokie Park District isTimes Dinnerand Tournament in with a series of environmental Schaumbarg. Call 981-1271 forand recreational programs in- SUPIR RECYCLERMOWIR looking for vendors for itsup- coming Flea muekot/Cruus ticketreservatiusss. eluding an 'Earth Day, Every . We koow our prod- Shows. Paravendorpacket, con- . Talkline Help Lines has been Day, Walk-A-Thou," guided na- sets. sod cao tot you tact Howard Aronesti al (708) -serving sobarbas Chicago resi- tare hikes and walks, and "Reey- thr d!ffrrrours. 674-1500. dents far over 23years and car- ele Fest." All activities will lake . Wo otrora fuit lino rently providno fear 24 lanar heI- place au Saturday, April 22 at 9 intruSion ufibro plisses: Tatktine (for adntts)-228- n.m. at the Dioteict's six nature producto, ytarrauod. 6400; Teen Line (for teens).228- centers. . Wo toll attyfully 8336; Kids Line (for chitdren 13 Foradditionalinfoematian assembled, trrvictd and undcr)-228-5437; Hopeline about specific Earth Day events aud totted producto. --(for those who are bomeleosora! at the nutrice centnes, contact the . w000cvico what risk of becoming so)-228_3463. District's Depuotsoent of Conser- wo soll. Fuctu,y Laos year atour, Tathline'spro. vatios at(708) 771-1330. uuthoriaod warranty - fesoionatly trained volunteers ted ropair work. as- Fitness First. . . v'ouso toI, cosuito thea - memberships- ooplouomtnt pants. vGitt (708) 674-4283 7140 N. Carpenter Fitness First membershipsare s r-'gobacco booming.If you have not par- 5 TORO SMOKIE, Illinois chased your charter membership Emporium VlIIug Crunuing Shupping yes, there is still lime. Stopby the sales toailertocatadin the parking When you want it done right. Premium Brands of CIGARS: lot uf Weber Leisure Center, Partagas Fuente Upmann 9300 Weber Park Place (Church and Gross Point), to preview the . and many, many more! equtpment and apply formcm- onRetirement Living, Facilities and Extended Care FRANK'S LAWN MOWER bersiap. Staffmesnbersare avail- . AUThORIZED SALES AND SERV!CE LightersPipesPipe TobaccoPipe Repairs able la answeryear questiom 8113 N. MtLWAUKEE AVE., NILES,IL from 10 am. until 8p.m. Mon- OFF Fantasy Figurines daysthroaghSntsirdays.For (708) 966-2223 5 0% Clearance Sale moreinfoemarian, call l-(800) Thuthdap, Ap Caretakers of Senior of the Month Mayprogram for seniors

- VNA North to share Aging Parents - 'Acting Up! ' celebrates Oakton's Bernice Riley at Devon Bank - experience in four state forum support group Devon Bask will present dy- "Votunteering is coo way ofat her home and briiign along a an wrIt. She hanperformed world Home care is the fastest Caretakers of Aging Parents,keeping me younger, I have pain Berger King Whoppec. 'She namic Singer and entortainer, En- wide in alt facets of show bnni- grow-tise and experience with home 25th anniversary ter Hana, in a morning office en- ing Component in the coraptex- men and women who are re-in my back bat Fm active and if! loves thern.and no do t," can- nesn. careprovidera in fourstates. Ad- trrtainmentfor United States healthcare system, w spossible for taking care of ag- don't think about my pain I don't fesned Bernice, "I love to eut and areasenior Devon Bank sponsors free en- ministralors, clinicians, Quality ing parents meet to cflseusscon- citizens. The program will begin Tokeeppacrwiththedernandfortmprovernentand staff education have any," says Seriar of the I'm a toany cook no I enjoy it." tertainment for senior citieensou cost-effective,- cernaandoffereachotherMonth Boenice Ritey. "t'tt be 79 Bernice also deives people toat 10 am. in the bank's confer- outcome-basedmanagers will have the apporta- the second Wednmday of each service delivery, homecure peo- oily to traen more about the cr63- snggestions and support; Thethis yearbottdon'tfeetlike it." medicalappointments, takes ence center at 6445 N. Western month. The bank has free nenior Ave., in Chicago. Refreshments - videra are increostnglylooking to col pathways process applied to gronp is sponsored by the Worn- Ritey made this statement an them shopping, md baby sitn for citizenn checking with direct de- ens Health Pregram of Rushshe folded dining atennila into will be served before the perfar- ceilical pathways, protocols foehomecurent sessions in Chicago, neigbborhoodkidn andpets (at no posit, which asnarestbe safe, on- - homecarepraesice. North Shore Medical Center. mance. - - Philadelphia,. Dallas and San naptdnn at Macton Grove's new charge). tislie arrival of governmentpay- Lois Huminink, Director of - Jose - The program is free of charge. Senior Nuteition Site whore abe Morton Grove's "Tradition Of Mn. Rana, well-known and monts.Seniors with questionn Qoality Management for Visit- - Continuing Eduration credits Reservations are required.Fornow npendn her Friday mornings Service" loved by Devon Bank aeniors, Byesandbreathes about Devon Bank prodacts, sor- ing Nonne Association North innreavaittibte loanendees through additional information or to reg-Volunteering to help feed 60 neu- throughthis"Seniorof the performs selections in ten differ- vices Or the ncbrdoted programs ister cati the Rush North Shore Ontlangaages, from Jazzto $kotoe,willuecrethfrspringonnthe fllinois Nurses Association ices, hot natritioun tanches. Manth,"BemiceRiley. nhoatd cat! tenida at (3t2) 465- facatly ofpioneers in the devel- Referral Line at (708) 933-6000: Once a week she visits aMend Broadway hits and Conternpo andtheCaliforniaBoardofReg- rart' tanes to Classical selections 2500X1302 daring regalar bank-- opascnt fo Home Care StepseaisteresI Nurses. For more infor- inghours. protocols (critical pathways formotion, contact the VNA First at st. Andrew's hosts home care), to share their rugar- (708) 758-20.47.

dinner, auction for - Satellitecoverage of -

Seniorsare family at Tni. BREAKERS. - - - st. Matthew's - spaghetti dinner to benefit Conferenceon Aging The St. Matthew Lutheran Herne in - NorthwesternOMets wide conference for profession- Paekttidge wit! be hold Saturday, Area Agency on Aging (NIAAA) als,nouions, caregivers and is : April 29 at St. Andrew's Lather- annonucedrecently thatilhas ne- held May I and 2. The confer- "I've madeas manyfriends heré an Church, 260 Northwest High- cured n satellile feed of President erceis co-sponsored by the Cesfrnembers ofActing Up! Standing (I. tor.): Lee JuPe, Chicago;ftvAthort, Evanston; Mueles! di- way in Park Ridge from 4:30 to Clinlen't address to the White NortlswmternlllinoisArea Agra- sector, Georgia Cohen, Evanston; endffve!yn Wigodner, Chica9o.Seeted(!. tor.): Barbera Johnson, 7:30p.m. liouseCoaferenceon Aging. The cy on Aging, Northeastern lili- SylviaJoocphsndSam Brown, es of Chica9o. St.Matthew Home offers V,'lsite House Conference takes noiaArea Agency on Aging, sbofi-terre rehabilitative nEcke ptace approximolety every ten Suburban Area Agency on Ag- As part of the cottcluoion ofmance detenare as follows: inayearasldidin3Oyearsin years and helps to fonnulate fu- Joyce Stern Greenberg with mu- and surgical care and long-teem ing. and the illinois DeparlisentOakton'u 25th amiveesary yearWednesday and Thursday, April lltrepellcyforagiogconcerns, nicol accompaniment by Georgia -skilled ans! intermediate nursing onAgieg. celebration, the College's older26 and 27 at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Cohen aedDorbarulirown. care. - Satellite Coverage will lotee Por more infontsntion ou theadelt troupes proudly presents,April 29 at I p.m., Snnday, April - placeinconjunctioawith the 17th Tickets are $1 and $6.($5 my.old neighborhood." - - Among the itemsoffered Workers In Aging Conferetice orHighlights ofActingUp!: ARel-30 at 3 pm., Friday, May 19 atgroup rate for 12 or more). For - Annual Workers ht Aging Con- throngb the Silent Anction arti-a the White House Conference onrospeclive,. in the Performing 1:30 p.m., Satoeday, May 20 atO ticket inforsaalion, call the Oak- ChicagoBallspennantonto- ferrncn on Mey 3 al the Naper-Aging SateHte Coverage, con-Arts Center at the Dru Plainesp.m., Sunday, May 21 at 3 p.m. tos Box Office at (705) 635- graphed by John Pareos,a not of ville Holiday Inn. Live coverage tact Terry Egon, MA.AA (815)Compas, 1600 E. Golf Rd., dar- and Wednesday, May 24 at 1:30 1900. Ìfyou've recently undergonea change ¡nyour life, Chicago Blackhowks leEn vide- wiflalaetala.m.andwill festere226-4901. ing Iste April and May. Pcrfor-p.m. The troupes see directed by On and a Chicago Bears signed the opening nession of the White come home to the comfort and secm'ity of the football, Raffle items includea HooseConference. weekend at lotion Lakes Resort Pro-registration is encouraged Breakers, Chicagoland's premier fentalcommu- and a portabte compact disc anden siteregistrations are being

- - accepted, Costs for the event are player, - nities for seniors. Our residents and sthffareso Tickets for the dinnerare $7 - $loperindividual or$8 per per- foradalts and $3 for ebildrrn6 to -sopforgroopsefl2orrnore. friendly, everyone's on a ñi'stname basis, Find out Workers inAging is a state- - Is FUN! 12. Por tickets and information foryoutaeff. Talk to one ofour residents and contact Deborah Case at (708) get a 825-5531. Legal service- free information kitwhonyou call the Breakers at Being your family to St. An- available at drew's Lotheran Church and on- EdgewaterBeachat 312 878-5333 orthe Breakers joy great spaghelli, live music, a Center of Concern raffle and she silent auction. An entirely unique approach at G0IIMIII at 708 296-0333. The Center of Concern. 1510 to retirement living awaits Free I.D. cùrds N. Northwest Hwy., P63k Ridge, available for offers the services of a relire,! you at the Lawrence House theBreakere,weeoyincomparah1eameijtj Park Ridge althnsry, Abe Lin- derissan, in Chicago. There, - residents and services, ¡ucluding: - seniors, disabled in their office on Salar- day mornings. Lindeezean will can take advantage of the s Betffih1aparhnentswkhfullyeqtdpped1ojtehens Secretary of Stale George H. give you the-benefit of hin cotta- fine social atmosphere, ac- - Ryan announces free identifica- sel on any legal malter. -He will and full-tise bathawith safeÍj hindrails - tion curds for residents age 65 or not draw uppapren, or represent cented by many planned - ac- older and persons with disahili- you, but he will advise. tivities and programs, as well s Spectacular diningrooms and nutritious ties. The State identification If you would like to lake ad- homemade meals cards ore being offered in cooper- - vantage of this free service, call as by the hotel's convenient anon- with The Peterson Bank. TheCenter at (708) 823-045310 They are offering this special location.The Lawrence - - . Weekly housekeeping service - -shake an appointment. pholoidentification session in the House makes available such Pelersan & Krdzio Ave. comma- - Nues - . Fitness center, heated Indoor pool and nity. - conveniences as a delightful Weilness Program Photo ID cards will be issued at Grandmothrs restaurant, the security of a- Peterson Bank, 3304 West Peter- . Regular courtesyvan transportation son Ave., Chicago, on Thursday, - set meetings 24 hour switchboard and the April 20, from 9:30 am. lo 2:30 luxury that maid services . - p.m. NOIes Graodmothees...Are- - Those individuals undor the - miader ta ascot at-the Ree Ceo- provide. Other amenities in- baths instantlysignaithe 24-hourEmergency - age of 65 may obtain photo. ID ter on Saturday, April 22 at dudeBflin-house food shop, Response Center - curds nl the most convenioul driv- 10:30 n.m. - ero facility for a fee of $4. Dciv- beauty and barber salons and - Thirty-four of un can attend . Custom packages are also available ers and nondrivers may be issued TheFoundërs-Day Luncheon. It a -drugstore.Visitthe a photo ID provided they submit iuimprolant we leave on time. three acceptable femas of identi- Lawrence House .. fication. April is a busy month. - You ace eeqaieesl to alsomeet prove name, date ofbieth, illinois -- Wewill os Chicago's in-town retirement Free Information Kit residency and provide signature Wednesday, April 26 at the Ecc hotel for active seniors. Ceoter for our monthly mectittg. - for comparison red a Social Se- TßRKER emily number. M usual, we will serve a tite HGWATlll !EtiUl 1301F M6L For additional informationon lunch. 6333 N. Sheridan Ed. 8075 Golf Rd. acceptable forms of identifica- Chicago, tL 60640 Nileo,tL 60704 lion, contact Human Services,at 012 070-5333 700208-0335 - (000) 252-2904, Voice and rt'Y. !tftrnff 1020 West Lawrence Avenue Just mail this couponor call Chicago, Illinois 60640 -312 878-5338 or 708 296-0333. I 312-561-2100 - The BugleNewspapersRétlremènupuràjng HomeGuide, Thursday, April 20, 1995 Page5 i. .1. Lì !a4: 1üimdayArRo is Glee, Bridge Oakton offers non-credit New toll-free number to aid Morton Grove Centennial Emeritus classes disabled Family Health Fair Oakton Community Collegesbasic dmwig skills using avarie- GLENBRIDGE Ementus Program is offering aty of exercises.Emphasis is The Illinois Department of Re- varietyofspringnon-creditplacedoaform,Iightandshadaw. habilitation Services (DORS) an- - - - Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - - - MONNAGllPclassesasoalsions A variety of media is explored, veiled a new toll-free, automated Ray Hartsielis Campus, 7701 N. Sladents are asked lo briug a number, 1 (800) ASK-DORS, for LincolnAve. Skokie. skeiclibook andpescil lo the first citizess interested in slate servie- - - THE Cannoning (ART E47 81,class. The class meets for six es for peepte with disabilities. HEALTHCARECHOICE ALWAYS MADEWITH CONFIDENCE AND TRUST Touch-Tone code 5031) is de-Thursdays starling May ti from Using slate of the net technolrigy, signed lo leach participants how 9 am. to noon. The instructor is this sew service goes beyoad todevelop characters outofbasic Beverlysthlsirand. most automated aaswering ser- shapea and create comic strips, Students can register for these vices by being accessible so (loose peeling cards or whatever thuyand oIlier Emeritus spring non- ssing telrtypewriters (TfYs) or choose to express by offerings through MON- thosewho speak Spanish. Parlidpants also learn the sainte-NAP, Onkions Adult Consia. "In assessing how we could t)', humor and fun of cartoonoingEducation Program,in best serve people interested in Discover the drawing. The class meets far sixRoom 160 aSsise Skokie campas. services for people with disabili. Fridays starting May 5 fromThose who have registered -for ties, we decided an automated exceptional 10:30 am. to usen. The insiruc-Oaklon or MONNAcEP classes 800 number was the best option," healthcare loris David Sokoloff, within the lastfive years and said DORS Director Audrey services Creative Waterniedia (ART have theircoeeect Social Secaei MeCrimon. B17 81, Touch-Tone code 2530) "The new system gives the our nnmberoa lite, may register (us- ' professional focases on how to usc watercoloring Ilsecodes lislednexi tocowse calleroptionsfrom apre- oracrylic in new and imaginativetitles above) by the Touch-Tone recorded menu and a defaultop. staff provides ways.Participants learn about telephone system as (708) 635- lion to a human voice," said - in a warm, color and compostlion lo choose 1616. MeCrimon. "Most significantly, . ¡i.- L. caring, secure themes or different points of Fora bruchurelisting all of fr the system will make calls from view. Students areaskedto bring Pictured above in a Morton Grove resident readying for the environment. programs, seminars and toar indsvsduals who ar deaf, hard of BloodChemistry test administord by a local medical proies- anyartmaleeials thatthey have to hearing or speech-impaired who - available for the older adult, in stonaI.. Family nights, birthday parties, thefirstelass. Theclass meets for eluding registration information communicate via Tfl'as well as six Tuesdays staelingMay9 fromcall(708) 635-1414. thoseindividuals who speak Morton Grove'sCentennial health information and medi- and complimentary family holiday dinners 9 am. to noon. The instructor is Spanish. These individauls oftenCelebsarion focuses on the familycal referrals will be available are all part of GlenBridge's "Special Touches" Beverlyllllslraad. find themselves left out of todny'sat the Morton Grove Familyfrom Morton Grove medicalpro. - You Cas Draw (ART SUO 82, Stay Healthy! outomatedonswerisgsystemHealth Fair to be held Saturday,fessionals. Touch-Tone cede 2577) covers weeld." April 22,from 9 am. to I p.m. in For more information Or lo

- The system wilt operate fromthe Prairie View Commanitymake a reservation call the Vil- fr30 am. to 5 p.m. daily aridanCenter. luge of Morton Grove's Depart- GEORGE J. GOLDMAN answering machine will respoad Many beneficial health screen-meetofHealtls dr Human Servic- during see-business hours. Eachtugs willbeavailable including: etat47ll-5246. MEMORIAL HOME caller wilt be offered an initial Ask the Pharmacist exhibit- Heart Transplant GLENBRIDGE'S HEALTHCARE PACKAGEINCLUDES: menu of ten options, each withfreeof charge; . 24 Hour Nursing Services ranging fromskilled to assisted living FOR THE AGED sub-options. A special function - Blood Chemintty - $20 (25 (if- Support Group ORQ. ,ORG allows callers to punch in a zipferentbleod values, comnaiy risk The cardiac rehabilitatiOn dr- . Your Personal Physician welcomedor Board-Certified Staff Physicians available snot WeO Tohy Ayo. '- [\-. cede to get the address of theandblood coane 12 hour fastingpaelrnentalllolyFamily Medical . Comprehensive Rehabilitation Nilo,, IL 60714-4562 DORS office nearest them. and4ll hansa without alcoholareCenter offers a new suppers Stimulating Social Servicesand Activities (700)607.9075 required); - - - grOup for those who have ander- Specialized, Secure Aigheimer's Unit Elegant Dining Cuisine ícíhl4 Elood Pressure Screening--gorfr heartttonsplant surgery, re- Beauty and Barber Shop Srvices floe;- cendy or years ago. The group Support Services forResidents and Families Body Composition - free (fat- merits the second Monday of each Religious Services- all religions observed Complimentary Laundry Services Where 'Lovc 0(ever 'rows O&' muscle measuremenb no caf- month at 7:30 p.m. in the cafete- F°- feine, exercise or big breakfast oni1°Thti1erLezthCare' isgiven to na's Arlington Heights room at the morning o( the test. also do 1-lolyFamily. - uwfio enter outflows notwearnylous. For mom infonnatian,call Koshv5 Dìstxy Lxxi Obsovv4 Cholesteeol and Blood Pees- RnthWieder,at(708) 537-2105. snreScreeaingforchildeen-fr - Thr fl5ct5 sunli, tosrvsixc 1950 - ColoreclalTesticits-$5 - Paul RJ. Yoo GlenBr-idge's Dental Screening- free; Diet/Nutrition exhibit- free; Army Spec.Paul 11.3. Yoo hm Stratford Dining Room - Drug Awareness Resistanceentered basic training in Fort always displays the - - Education exhibit- free; Jackson, Columbia, S.C. ambiance of a HeaeingTcst-frce; Yso is the sos ofllyowon Yoo finerestaurant - fJ(eeping the Style Peoslalic Specific Antigen for of Skokie. 4: $40(dctects disedses ofthe pros- The specialist graduated in I lategland); 1991 from Niles West High Rehabilitationprograms Spinal Screening-free;and School, Skokie, and- receiveda keepshe mind and - Sports injurien, Acupuncture, bachelor's degree in 1994 from Exerciseenhibit- free. Northwestern University, Evans- body alert to maintain inLife ton. - or restore optimal physical health Physical, Occupationaland The Manor at Speech Therapy

LINCOLNWÜDE, - MEDICARE AND MEDICAID APPROVED - - 24 hour Nursing Care ?ur Social Service Staff will apply for financial assistance.,if needed . Skilled Nursing-Medicare Certified - - -

n Assisted Living - -- . - -. - Medicare * . A Member of Health and - - - - - Approved ; Home Management group facilities . Stúdio Apartments, Semi- Private & PrivateRooms GlenBridge - I I ProfessIonal relatIonshIps wIth n 24 Hour Professional Nursing Staff & Security Holy Family i: ..'i over 30 Major Chlcagolanci hospitals . Physical,Occupational & Speech Therapy Health Center (708) (708) 982-2660 296-3335 For further information and a Sharon Moravec I Admissions Director

- "A Warm, Secure, Caring Home for Someone Special" 7000 McCormick Blvd 2380 Dempster Lincoinwood, IL. 60645 - St.

A FULL SERVICE LICENseD tsURSIte3 CARE COMMUNItY Des Plaines,Illinois -- Gleñlidg - cleñBridge li -3L*1 - Thursday, April20, Oakton offersnon-credit E - Oakton Communîty Colleges meritus classes Glenview Terrace Ray ilarssteio Campus,7701N. - -Life after Emeritus Program is offeringa Lincoln Ave., Skokie. thoirconuctSucedSeeyno- heart attack Norwood Park variety ber on file, may rogislor (using Ahoartaltockin a seriousmesi- ofspringnon-credit Students will exploro the offers therapy Enercise, weight lossand a low- MONNACEPclaes atOaktons evo-the codes EstesI nont lo coursed. iraI condition, but lItaidoesn't salt diet will help Home needs Senior Center's lotion, stylo add developmentof51es above) by Ilse Touch-Tone mean you can't return lo livinga lower your thesymplsony during the firsttwo fallECe. blood pressureYour physician telephone system at (708) 635- may also prescribe medication Volunteers Women Club INYEST IN eras of symphonic music: Pee- 1616. "The changesyou make can officers Classic (1750-1785) sodClassiç help reduce your risk of anotherforhighblooriprmsere, NerwoostParkHomeis Forabrochase titling all of the Coasrol yourstress. AMERICAS (1785-1820)in Enjoy theSym- - beset allack. For thefirst several If siress searching fer volunteersof alt phony t (MUS E37 81, Touch.programs, seminars and leers Casses problems, y so findnat ages toasssitanswering the BEST available for Ilse older adult,in- weeksafteranasackfollowyourwhatseiggersit Manypeopte phones evenings and Tome code 2065). The classwitI physician's instructions andre- sse weekends. These corporate bonds , eluding oegisteasion informalien, imngeiy or deep Although several volunteer meet forfourTsesy afternoonscall (708)635-1414. view your risk factors,"says Dr, breathing Or posi- offer a big advantage beginning May 2 from 12:3010 Ellos Gordos, assistant professer writing to coniroler vest their lioso are avaitabto,we sino need - sa-esa. If yoa are depressed, theyre all issued by p.m. sod is taught by Jim ICenNorwood Park of internal medicino at she Uni- ask additional vntsnteersto assist U.S.- tIros. your physician for help. In based comoanies Home now offers voesity oflowa College of MedJ- mosteesidantsetmaj Great Tenais (MUS E2781 cases, lakiagconteol oftho sitas- Norwoo,j Park Home,a resi- AT&T 8.O%* cine and medical sifrectorof Iowa tion by controlling risk Touch-Tone cede 7544)covee; skilled nursing care factors desee foe seniors, islecased at EeHsouth Cardiovascular Health Assess- and increasing activity 6006 N. Nina the lives, careers and stylesof Norwood Park Home,a resi- mont, Management and Prevon- helps tre- es Chicago's Telecomm 793%* great tenors frotu the I810s using mendoasly, shesays. Northwest sido. lt offers Coca-Coin donen for seniors locatedon Chi- Lion Services al UI Hospitals and a spot- recordings, discussioas and livecagos tsr northwest side, furlhor Clinica, Resume sexual activitiesgrad- less homeandawImyof ser- Enterprises 7.70%° enamples. Participants willalso sadly. When you're ableto climb vices for the more inttepeedest expanded its services tIsis fall. Gordon suggest Ilse followingtwo flights ofslairs without Ford Motor Credit swdy the slam who precededlo- ThoHomeis now licensed by the steps forrecovery: chest sentor, as welt as for thosewho day's steed Nursing Caro 716%* three lenors. The classillinois Department of Publie Talkwith yourphysician aboutPainorshormessofbreath,yon'ro asid/oc Res- meets for six WesJneodys begin- probably ready loresume inter- pite caro. To invest in the U.S. Health lo offer Slotted Nursing exorcise. An exorciseprogram ning May 3 from 1:30lo 3:30Caro, a moro advanced level of coarse, she says. Norwooti Paik Homeoffers today, please callor stop lailoredespecially foryou is beat, Return to work when p.m. and is langht by Warnen nursing caso sisal allows forpro- Once you start one, stick with il. you and ma55yoncitingvs155borop by my office. Moallon,Bol Canto winner. yourphysicianagreeyou're sities, fojas participating coluros such as the use of LYs, Many patients becomemore in resi- Feldenlceds: Posture, Poise treatment of residents with ad- ready. Often a treadmilltest will dent artivities lo planningand physically fit aller their heartal- help detormineifyou areready. insplementieg opeciat and Gonce °ED EUE 81;Touch-vaneed skin problems, swallow- lack, shoadds. events, For Tone codo 5612) focuseson Ilse Slickwithyourlifestyle moreissfos-mation on thoseoroth ingdif6estItjes,andmuh0 Stop smoking, "lt's neverloo The Nifes Sen!orcenfe?8Newlyswomofficers gentle sequences ofmovementlo "Wore delighted lo be able changes. Itmaytakoawltiloto er volanleer opportanilies, catI for the Senior lo lato to quit A smoker inmore Pat Zabel in the volantee, Center's Women Clubare shown (L to R) Celine Tymczuk- reduce Ilse effects ofaireas, in- expand one conlunussm ofocr- likely lo have another heatt achieve them, butitwill be worth office lieve backand neckpainassd at- theeffort, Gordon says. at(312)631.4liSs 0x1,2621. President; Evelyne Wielgus-Vice Im-vice," mid ExecutiveDirector lank. Ask your physician about President; Genie Elder- pmvoposllo-e, balance, breathing Marcia R. liagopian. Por more information about Socrefary,-afldoons Unrath-TreasurerThe Ni/es Senior Worn- 'Our new stopping. Sotaquitdateanddoit, en Club meets the fourth JEFFREY L CARDELLA andonergylovol. ThocIasameo 55x105 allows us lo baudIomoro ti you start smoking, ley to quitheartatatchaaj talk la USE THE BUGLE Mondayefthe Month. Newcomersare forsix Thursdays beginningMay medical procosIuro righthoroon yourphysieian, - always welcomed. 8143MILWAUKEE 4 from 3:30 to 4:30 again. Many peopletoy-and fail p.m. and the premises, instead ofliasisfer- several limes before tinafly kick- NUES, IL60714 IraghtbyChristinel oing residents lo the hospitajo Students can ingister for these ing thebabit for good, shesays. (708) 470-8963 For decades, NorwoodPark Those-who keep trying eventual- and other Emedlus optingnon. Home has been licensed tooffer GIensdew Terrace resident lysuccoesj Edward credit offerings theaugh MON- Intermediate Care°--an industry Dorothea Bonebs-ajce proudlyex- One ofJennjferand Lisa's hibitsap/iiow made fach Find oat aboutyour choleste- - D. Jones & Co. NACEP, OakEn's AdultCondii- thesoconthsonsmaycompajof er tbce/ebeateher 100th birthday. stIngEducation Progon, rol levels, not just the total.bnt in soreness in their legs daringac- Weall lake forgranted thatweADL's, occupational the "good' and °bad° fiactioas, favorite things SOURIRA HEADOUARTEItS Room lIl0atIlwSkokiopus livity, scalyer dry skin, numlwwill be able towako therapists is the twinide nae XpUSd . yiCd OmSuy, of. uplomoorowalso help patients with too. "Your cholesterol may drop Those who have registeredfor ness or cold feet, PhysiciansuIl-and contInue our normal activi- any need- Ucfvo 4/1305. Mkefño],j, aos,id,,. Oaliroo or MONNACEI° classes lizo tholatmesjcmj edphysieal envisonmentclonigea whilnyouaroin thehospital,soto ation si, iflVe,511e005 sold poor to nOmi. technologylies throughout the day,Forsuch as arm Hr html o1im,t,,, have an accamle result,you in Grandma'seyes. to. Sbjmtto avth1biIity. withlnthoImtfivoy andbave lb diagnoseandtreat those condi-somennowho suffered a dobili- lions. bracing and/or whoelrchaio should have n chOlesteroltest toting illness or injury, however, sEveral weeks after yourheart ThCostor for Vascular Most importantly, they assistthe at- andthe tasks of eating, washingandpatient in realizing lack; shesays. Many peoplecan We intendto keep it there. Hernia Repair is locatedhi suite thenelf- dressing can seem almost hopos-confidoncono-edtoliveasjnde lower theircholesuirol bychang ) 488 inside Lincoln WestHonpisible, ing their eating habits Ial, 2544 W. Montroso pendeady aspoasiblo, to inclade Let Ils WIllcnmP Y-1 Avonno, Occupationaltherapistsat April is Occupational Therapy more goabis,fruits and vegeta- On Chicago's north side.If youGlenview Terrace Nursing Ceo- bIes. arosuffering from discomfooasa -Month, Formoro informationre- "You may want lo meet :----;- torean maknadifferencobyhelp- garding the Occupational Thera- with a dietitian to help change - emulE of hemonitoids,varicosoing a person maintainor regain your diet. If changing your diet veins,ahonoia,orarela py Services ut Glenview Terrace, condi-his or her ability to perform thesecall Suma Bagniofsld at (708) doesn't lower year cholesterol, Ent, cal_1 and schedulean ap-Recessa_iy activision of daily liv- 729-9090. - your physician may proscribe Forest Villa pointaient at the Conter forVas-ing ÇADL's), They design - - t pro- medication,"shoaddr, cItlarsedHeedaRopak Patientsgrasas so maxImize indepon - 0CC Ementus Control your bloodpressure. matting tho Center forthe fa-sldesire by applyingpurposeful litan receiven free evaloation,ocovstses lo iOtpmvosleength, co- Program offers Nursing Center Appomtmentscan be scheduledordination, mEmory androncen. non-credit seminars CoC offers i , - . through Lmcoln WoolHospital'sa-altos. in-home wnere your happiness Health CeaneclionLine at (312) For nomo residealsal Olen- 533-CARE (312) 533-2273. viEw Terrace, rehabilitationmay ThoEmeriusPmgrmnoføaja- healthcare involve ooleaoning skillsafter alOfl Community Collego is offer- is our primaryconcern. Summit Square - slrokeoraecidont. Formany oth- ing non-credit seminars forma- N.The Center ofConcenn, 1580 participates in net, they must learn new wayslo nslults.Classes are held at Northwest Highway, Park accomplish an activityor adapt the Ray Harsalein Campus,7701 . - - Ridge, offers a bee referral ser- - We offera friendly,home-like their surroundings WWH discussion lo obtain anN.LuncolnAvo,,Skoloe. . - viç:o forin.homehesjthcare, Thn Participants canjoun insleuctor Sauvait Squareofp Ridgeoptimumlovelofpeformanee Conter Itas a registry fopeople atmosphere with i Paeticipaling in an Oalreach According lo Basisara King, Karol Verano lo leans how louse whoaroskfllodinassisdeghome- a-engram or Oakton Commaniy OTR, occupational therapistin Humor in Auag. Accordinglo boundpoople with their personal skilled, subacute Collego, RehabIlitation Servicesat Glen- Vermin, humonsan untemalional care. Remembering World lubricant to social War II," which willbe led by a550w Terrace, occuatiosed thor- interaction, Thestoffunterviews these indi- keowleslgmble expert apy goes beyond the physicalre-and, given the changes inaging, vidsals lo&termine their qualift- and os the his- humor is an important anecdote tOiyofthe Warvmas Sroin-,O, habilitation of the body."We cations and thoroughly cbocks invited to juli;iilicassion Oplimizenotonlvthoohvsieul boolo getting older.The seminur - - their roferoseos. These caeegiv- intermediatecare beds groapand addtheirremembmae also the emoli'onal iTO11meets foj see Mondays starling ors work full-time, pan-timo or When a person's capacities p-,a- of She palieres lives May I from lOa.m.tonoon. are dimin/shed by age orI/ness,that doesn't esofthowa?smajor events. for The live-in. You paythmnhelpoes di- mean they've last their thirst far I/fe. Or Iheir love them to becomeas independentfi$20. cocUy; The Center does of surprises. Or their seed available. There is no charge forlIsis six Rol re- tomu/stain the same kind of dignity they weekpoogram which willbe hold aspamible; says Barbara."This lladma and Balancecovers ceive anypart of theirremanora- enjoyed when living independently. is siefutitely the negative stales such tian. attIse SummitSquaeeRe01 an inler-dinciplusan as anger, AtGlenview Terrace,we offer skilled norsing 'corewith the hamac toueR'' Fora tour of our facility, Hotel nlarImgon Thursday, May If we aren't working r seit-image and lone- If you, or someoneyou know, Oar facility, both inside and 11 at 1:30 edth the physical lineas,Parficipanta loam what toald uso such help, call Mary oat, is modern, elegant and comfortable. p.m. Following each therapists, - call Sandy one hour group discussion,re- nurses, activities aides and socialrasem these disturbing emotions Maroxtoy at TIse Center, (708) Oar medical and narsieg staffsare all saperbly trained professionals who wositers, the whale lo edse and howta Iransfoom 823-0453. freshmonto will beserved. CaIn process will first, respect their putients andsecond, love their work. at (708) 647-8994 Jony Or Irene by MayS lo makefap" them inlopeaceful. compassion- youreeaorv Call (708)825- In addition to thetherapeutic mastatesthroughshiIPuflywo. Alzhejmer's Oar doily programsore a mix of medical sapport services and planned 1161. activities needed to releamthe ingedththOfrth. Pasticipants activities designed to help residents live also learn how tosee unploasanI Support Group fall, complete lives daringtheir slay. difficult silesalionsnot as Pias After all, there's nothingon earth like the twinkle in lenas but as precious for adult children a grandma's eyes. BRANCHES OF oppoetuni- --Except, maybe, her sm/le. - ARrvsal CcostosO i5SnrvioeResith0500fAslAeeSELMDALE lies far spieitaal WishOpoioaslS,,jees geowth, Each An Alzheimnr's Support session will include timéfor Groap for Adult Children Only, 'lenr'kw- - For a free brochure, or toset an appointment for a tour ofour facility, Senior-Living that jg questions, answersand guided sponsored by the Senior Health please phone 708.729.9090. meditation, The seminarmeets Program of Rush North Shore C7'rrace FOREST VILLA for four Wednesdaysstarting Medica! Center in association NURSING CENTER CLOSE TOHOME May3from 101oll:30&m,The with the Alzheimer'a Associa- NURSING CENTER foeis$20. Close in Size, Locationand Lifestyle lion-Chicago Chapter, meetson Care wIth the human Inneh 6840 W. TouhyAvenue, Niles Half-tuition diucoanto donot the fourth Wednesday of each Quiet Residentjaj Area apply Io semjpnrFor more in- Eimdale Apartment Homes month at 7 p.m. in Rush North 1551 Oruevwosd toad Senior Directoron Staff 920 Beau Dr. Des Plaines formation er toregister, call the Shore's North Dining Room. Courtyard with Pool Emeritus Programat (708) 635- For moro information,rail si novAn. IIïnoIs 05025 7O8-593-3l45, 1414. (708) 933-6663, Tolaphonn (700) 70e-5050 p.500:57 j_vj F

. . Iieu1e I lescene Aûea residentnamed to Use earnings Sheriff and local police White House AgingConference . report to avoid SS Paramount Tall APRIL23 APRIL27 Jonathan Lavin, a isident ofthat will ocew throughout their . sponsor Senior Police Academy - Taking SIZZLING SINGLES SELECTIVE SINGLES SkoldeandExecuijve Directoroflifespan: and (2) unique contri-benefit overpay Club of Chicago charge Sizzling Singles (30+), theSOCIAL CLUB the Suburban Area Agencyon - biggest butionsand needs ofapecialpop- and best singles party in Selective Singles Social Club Aging in Oak Park, has been - ulations,especially-vetelans. Social Secueity beneficiaries ParamouneTofl Club nf Cinca- of Chicago, welcomes you eachfor professionals between the named by Congressman Sidneycaregivers (including grandpar- go isa sor/uI sisgles club for tall- your ilatinglife Suiiday for un evening of good- - who submittheir earnings se- - ages of25 and $7 arr invited ton Yates (illinois Ninth Congres-ests), rural elderly,women, mi- erthon overogepeeple. Menmust music, fan, and delicious food. sional Disirict) as a delegate for ports by the April 17 due date br 62" ensIler and On Wedneeriay April26 st 7 Kentucky Derby Partyon Satur- noities and individuals with dis- should remember thatthe reporta women 510',iaysis, April23 atHyattDeerfleld,Drer-day, May6fsom 1 to5p.m. the 1995 White House Confer- abilities. or taller in stocking feet. Ail p.m. at the itattisson Hotel Lin- Mort a dysesmic fieldat 7p.m. Ill? Costis $8. For at the con bechanged at any time if their colnwood, 45go W, Touhy group of sin- AxlingtnnInternationalRace- ence on Aging (WHC0A), so be A twenty-one year veteran members msstbe 21years or old- Ave.,gles in the 35 to 55 further information, call (708) held May 2 thsough May 5 in ofestimate offuture earningsprove Lincotnwoori, the City of age group. course inArlingtonHeights. senioradvocacy,jothe leo low or too high, Social Se- er. Call (312) 853-0183 formose HopeProceeds from thisevent benefit 945-3400. Washington,D.C. information. Singles Councilpreento"Taking 'Mint Julep" attire is suggested. Suburban Ases Agencyon Aging easily officials reminded. "The the City of Hope Hospitalund Cool is $55 per person which in- The 1995 WHCoA isthe Oar monthly meeting is Courge of Your DatingLife," an as the Executive Director inbestway toavoidoserpayssseng every Medical Renearch CmterinColi- ARPIL 27 eludes 3 hour open bar and bof- foueth such conference in history 1978, after serving at the City of second Monday at 8p.m. dt osr eveningwithGailDe5fa5,foils/a.Price is $10 which in- and the lastofthis centuey. More - benefits so which you are not girt Authority. NORTH SHORE - frl. Freeparldng. RSVPby May Chicago Department on Agingretitled -- is to repottany change new locationat the Sheraton eludes, light refreshmentsand JEWISH SINGLE than 2,250 delegates fros all 50 Suites, 121 NW. PointBlvd., Elk Gail Prince, Mild.,whomdancing loa D.J, 1 at(3123 651-4262or(708) 510- forfive years.The Suburban la your estimated rantingsas Oltests Winfary calls "The Join with theNorth Shore Jew- 0202. siatesandIheU. S. territories will Grove Village(off -Arlington Dr. Ifyoaarraiready amember,or gather at the Washington Hilton Agency on Aging services sana as it occurs,' stated Nancy Rulli of the SiuglesWorld,"has isb Singles 45+on Sunday, April the 130 municipalities and nnin- Dowell, manager of the Des - Heights Rd. between Higginsand if you join us at thisevent, you Hotel in Muy to develop renolu- 190). bren a profession-sieducator/will receive a free 30 ut 7:30 p.m. Dance to the Mu- corporatesi areas in Cook County Plainea5neial Securityoffice. - copy of the lions which will shape agingna- ttiner,- Communications expert sic ofFratskMjtohefl'sLive Band . u surrounding the City of Chicago. Dowelt said beneficiaries who Looking for fon, fliendship, and conuultasn for ChicagoSinglesGaide, at the Radinson Lincoluwood, Isoca! poltcy over the next den- fasesnatingopportunities twenty years. For more information ade. Under the auspices ofttsn illinois work and carts over theenempi with A leading 'how-to" cali Mi- 4500 W. Touhy Ave. Cont,non- Acten Aging and the U. S. Older tall people? Come toour Spring expert sitechaelschttlnsan (708) 291-9366. The theme oftheConferencejg amount aje requited to submit deals with real issues singlepeo- members $7; call Elaine (708) Act, the Suburban earnings reporto on how much Membership. Dance,Saturday, 966-6t96. America Now and tnto the 21stArea Agency os Aging is the April29 01 8 p.m. until t Ceslusy. Oesesations Aging To- they made the previousyear and am. DJ. tesdur for aging ses-vices to older - and cash bar. Cost $4 for gether with independence. 0g- how much they engere to make aun- persons age 60 and overin subur- during the enflent year. The members meeting membership portunity and Dignity." The un- ban CookCounty. - usaI timitis 1994was $8,040 for requirementsatthe Sheraton agenda consists of foursssues: receivesi the 1994 lIli- prenotounder age 65, and Suites, 121 NW, PointBtvd., Elk Assuring Comprehensive Henith noie Coalition on Aging Leader- Care including Long Teem Care; $1 l.I6fiforpersous betweensge Grove Village. Award und the 1992 Nation- 65 and 69. Benefits - - -- Promoting Ecnsomic Secursty; are reduced Formore information call Pam UR OFFICE : t Association of Area Agencies si for every $2- ot(3l2)a53.0l83. Maximizing Housing and Sup- in excess earn- on Aging Distinguished Director ings forpeople under 65, and$1 poet Service Options; and Matt-Award for development ofnewfor every $3 in mining Opsiom fora Quality excess earnings City of Hope programs and leadeeship in advo- forpeogle 65-69. Ifyouam still AYBESIÍALL, Life. racy for olde peenons. He cur- Two rross-custhsg concerns WOekiug at age 70, the earnings Singles Council rently serves as President of thelimita do not apply soyou no pervade the agenda and wilt in-IllinoisAssociationof Area The City of Hope Singles future discussions at the Con- lunger have to reportyour earn- Agencies on Aging.Governor ings to Social Security. Council presents: "Twice Tees- - - ferrare. These are: (1) interde- UT \VE ARE BIG iimBdgarrecectiyappointo. - Every year ubouta million Cook CountySfloriftMjchaefF days", normal-buffet and dance- peadence among generations and Sheahan talks with sen/orn at- mixerfor ages 35+. All Lavin to the Comtonnity-Base4people receive mote money from tending the Sheriff's first SeniorCitizen Pol/co Academy, are wet- among members of extendedLong Term Care Reform Com- a pro- corne, Di will be uttpplying mu- Social Security than theywere 91am aimed at aducating aun/ornand 9eiting i/tern involved/n families, and the responsibilitymiare of the illinois Deportment entitled io receive Sic. \J\ ofindividuals toplanforchangea as a result of communityc/mepmvent/oflprog5 FREE CHECKIIcGII,. on Aging. unanticipated earnings. Most of The affair will be heldut the 94th Aeco Squadron,1070 5. these overpayments occurredbe- Cook County Sheriff Michaelget involvedin community crime cause beneficiaries who workF. Sheahan has unveileda new Milwaskee,Wheeling (jnstnorth preventionprogrun.' --of WillowRd.) E Even Though while drawing benefitsearnedprogram designed tobring senior Ou the first and EX IF OUR REQUIRED There is no cost to panictpat- third Tuesdays at 7pto. on the more than theyhadeatimased andcitizens and the police closerto-ing seniors, Upon compleisonof gether. - - - followingdases: May 2, 16; jane thefrincomeegceerjej Social Se- this program, seniors- will- be- 1ia The SeniorCitizen PoUce 6, 20;july 12 andAug.lanci 15. cttritysaJsnnaIlimito. The annual qualified to become members Of linsilafor Iil95are$8,1ofrepor Academy is a joint effort by the $6donatiouancj for furtlsorissfor- LAIVCE ISN'T, local senior advisory boardsund mation, call Meld at (708) "5 suns under age 65, und $11,220Cook CountyShrziffs Policepartictpate in other community 498- Pepamnent and the Atherican t462orlleneat(708) 537-5997, . Zero Monthly Balance for persona betweenage 65-69. - policing prngtams, suchus the Requirement People who are overpaid by Association of Retired Peesom Move,!... So- Neighborhondwawh, - . No Monthly Fee cisl Security are requiredto re-(AAIiP). This 10-week insInue- The Sheriffs Office will work tutu the money. either by directdonaI psogruusjs designedto . Unlimited Check Writing give senior citizens u belier mithpolicedapsejnenta through- 'Cu" eefwsdu re by having their bene- un-outCookCotusty to offer thepeo- John M. Blumm . Free Clock Radio with NewCheckiDg fitoreducedtocovertheovesgay derstanding of the differences, ment. gram to senior citizens from all responsibilities andduties of fad-communities, For futtiser infor- Marine Capt. JohnM. Blsmm, Call Marta at (708) 647-8555 sui! Yfril These is a substantial penalty eeaLslato.coantyandlocalpoli to open matiou,call(708)865.4799 son'of Prank J. and Oersy C. Call Today Fo, Information for not filing anannuaI report ofagencies. Blumm of Des Plaines, recently your FREE Checking Account, today. Or To Arrange ATour earnings on or before the due The academy, which wifi be reporteeS fer duty with Marine We Look Forward ToMeeling You! date. April 17 this year becauseconducted by police offres from A Taste of Class Medium Helicopter Squadron theusual due date, April 15, faIlsIlse Sheriffs Police Degiletinrut with Afternoon 262, tstMarineA/rWing, Ok/sa- onaSalurday. and local police departments, is wo, Japan. "Bernnse it is difficult to enti- Tea open to anyone over the age of The 1982 graduato of Fdrost . mato cauce eamnga for theyear, 50. Tapien covered in thepm- View High School of Arlingtos We encourage beneficiaries whogrunt include basic opeations of Those interested in learning Heights,jo/ned the Marine Corps woektoculists toadjtistthejreafi- police agencies, crimesagainst 150cr uboat Onkton Community inianuney t989. 5597 W. Toshy Avenue. N/Irs, IL 60714 matodearningsiftheygeta seniors, elderly abuseand ne- College'sEmeritusprngtams 1209 N. Milwaukee AvenarChicago, IL 60622 LLC REST work overtime, or otherwise in- glum, gang awarenessand ceinte should attend A Taste ofClass Nursing Çentisr crease their income,' Dowell prevention. willi Afternoon Teaon Wednes- sIntesI. "ilducatirtn asid community in- day, May 3 from I230to 2:30 (708) - Ifs easy io r*n excessearn- volveineut aun very important p.m. inkoom 118 (adjacent to the 546.5301 ings and other cuerna that wouldfactors incrimeprevendon,'stat- Center Esat Theater)at Osicton's I\IEEID cause you to be overpaId. Visited SheriffSheaJsan. Thekisowl- Ray Hartaseis Campus,7701 N. BEEPE.F! the nearest Social Security officeedge gainedby attending the Lincoln Ave., Skokie.High Tea THE MOTOROLA BRAVO ENCORE 1740 North Circuit Drive Sen- 'u Ou,emory orcallus on our loU-free number,ior Citizen Police Academywill will beserved from 12:30to 1:30 G Round Lake Beach, IL 60073 TimeS5nmpt,, mli MOTOROLA FIOEESPIRIT t-800-772-1213, business daysenable seniors to protectthem- p.m. in Room 112. Admissionio o flue. Mn,knJAlers to-lnctur.vs,r Me,arge Stese between 7 n.m. and 7p.m. selves from various- crimesand 1 -Participantswillreceive a protrneon,t,te Atar,. 52 cbnmeser DEptey attraIt preview of what's . Vtbe / o-vp . One nnsenOpr,sten - to come R Vibe/neey whes thepropmmmoves into the %58$SS Cantyss. Anoverview of the E S,RWsI.ÑIO sewers sew proglams and classesoffered A . 1gakO0 Kiafter is.. unique retirementliving, a m the coming year witibeprovid.. - ssor 'ii ed. Someofthoseiuclnde. a superb suburban location, - Doro- ' .to a small friendly residence, .enjoying thy Doherty'sVision Quest to New Mexico, .E;leere retifement with friends, .interesting activities, a Spring tour down N 89 soo privacy when the Amazon withPoirick Casail, you want it,}.a epportonjtjm and companionship whenyou need it. - events offered by the new Emeritus N Alumni As. ligli7auu U 5 s e sociotion anda variety of credit D LY $9.00 A MONTH! and sun-ermit classesfor 1995- rs.I IeI (Iar k... 'OO,plus ethersutprisc G For moreinformation, call these thiìgs dmore. (orne visit us. (708) 635-1414 . - ; e 4 CICIL FORJEwtsHELDERLY''after Group Living Residence, 615Ridge Road, Wilmette . Ti' Cali Rena Schalter at 312-262-3113 - . s, s =

______,=.----.v----".-.------.- TIIEBUGLE.THTJRSDAY,APIm 2O I93

-J 'Ari Nì' ntertainment : NPD receives awardsfor Loss . - Service Club Colleen Moore's CLTVpresents . Late Nite Catechism Control Program Spring Luncheon Fairy Castle tornado special Each year, illinois and Indiana The MountSinai Service Club More than 500 people witlat- catapults into thirdyear get hit with an average of25 tor- The eriginal cast of Late Nito wilholdits SpiingLúncheon andtend, according to Board Chair- nadors, more than most states in nero. Previews are Aped 21, at Fashion Show Wednesday, April Catechism..Maripat Donuvan person Carole Rudoy of Lincoln this rountry. To helpprepare lIti- 7:30 p.m.; April 22, at 8 p.m.; and 2il, in the Grand Bailmom of thePark. Nearly $60,000 is expect- and Patrick Tretteners.-embarkApril 23, at2:30p.m. Opening is noisrrsidenhsforthjs spring'stor-soon On nnationwide tour leaving Eonr Seasons hotel, 120E. Dala- edtoberaised. nado season, CLIV News will April 28, at 7:30 p.m., nl The ware, Chicago. Raffle co-chairs are Service the original show here in the gift-Ivanhoe Theater(750 West Well- produeratornado special, "When edhands of spellbinding monolo- Featuring fashions by Saks Club members Dayle Krim and Seconds Cnunt." This show wilt ington), performances run Pri- Fifth Avenue, the event will be- gist/poet Lisa Buscani andper- day, at 7:30 p.m.; Saturdays, Shoshana Winton, both of High- provsdr practicultipsto help at 8 gin wills cocktails ai 11:15 am. landPark. hops the most versatile actor inp.m.; and Sunday matinees, at viewers stay sale during violenttown, the lovely and talented and lunch al neon. Proceeds will Since 1953, Mount Sinai Ser- weather and frutare the latest 2:30p.m. Tickets ureSlS to $18. beneilt cancerresearch and treat-vice Club lias raised nearly $5 Marc Silvia. Call (312) 975-7.171 for reserva. technology used so detectterna. Written by Maripat Donovan ment at Mount Sinai Hospital million to fand cancer-related cf- dors. tines. MedicalCenter, forts including oncology fellow- and Victo Quade, Lata Nito Cate. Hosted by the weatherexpertschism is led by one indomitable Newscustces Maiy Ann Child- ships,laboratoryconstruction, atCLTV, the first airing of"when PSYCHIC FAIRS ers and Jay Levine wilt receive high-tech equipment and patient- nan now uproariously portrayed Seconds CatinI" will alsogive by Bascasi. She whisks her class the "Humanitarian of the Year" treatment airas.With Service viewers the opportunity APRIL 22, 23 Award. to call(the audience) along, weaving Club's help, Mount Sinai is lead- and ask their own qnestions.Lo- SAT. 9-7; SUN.10-7 "Mary Ann Chitdern and Jay ing the war on cancer by making cat cabIn oprraturs sturies, jokes, and livelypce- HOLIDAY iNN Levine are offeringVatuean II dogma into one issinsi- have beendedicated available stale-of-the-am cancer this special lo schools throsgboat Et llsluunndl, - spokespeopte in the struggle todetection and treatment equip- tabty colorful tapestry of Catho- lo nui WutSi, Garns the Chicago region foruse in the liccoltarr. ltok.!9iu gano.MItInnial raiseawarenesa about the diseuse ment to residrnts of. Chicago's classroom. . and lo find a cure," says Service This newly cost Late Nue Cu- Staffing R) Lawndale area and surcoanding "When Seconds Count" Pictured (L to areCommissioner Rick Sheridan, CommissionerMarlene Baczek,President Club President Nancy Dooze of wilt echsisns, is aIse directed byTretsr- IRENE Elaine Heinen, CommissionerandSafaty communities. show tivrTursday, April25 from Committee representative Budsicaja Ill, VicePresidentMyr- Glencoe. Tickets are $75 per prison. HUGHES natrreitzman, andPDRMA representative KevinHoffman. Service Club membeca Junis 6:30 tu 7:30 p.m. and witl'repeat 2OuIAanCma'u Raffle tickets-are $10 each or Thegreathailin"CoPeen Moore's Fairy Castre" Wednesday April 26 at t Bust - Museums of Higalanaaunaand at the Mu- am., Pmyehloo One of the many goats of theProject" for a task marinaI that is three for$25. Forresecvalions or saumofScienceandlnduatiyfeatures Saturday, April 29 at 8am., and Nuca Park District is to make its will help prevent losses and save ToniPticeofNorthbrook wiltco- infornsation,catj(3l2)257.64rj2, the floating staircasesur- s tanteas an essential part of Mining ei- roundedbya hostofminialure treasures, SnndoyApeil3oatflp,m. 'ConsattatInn parks and facilities as safe as pos- even more money," stated Beati- chah. ineludingan alabaster furls. Is. jarfromtheTombofthe CLIV News provides 24-hoUr 8161MILWAUKEE AVE. MARLENA'5 rible for ils residents. Their et- Kingsinthe Valleyoflhe Nile to osiginal local weather PnyehIn The Nues Past District is e aslworkbyWalt Disney. coverage with dr- NILES,IL stanca A Conmiats forts are heginniag topay off. Atmember of the Park DistnictRisk Profess iona Nues Historical Society tasted weather updatesat least IRENe HOGHEti be regatarMarch Boast mecting, MansgementAgency (PDRMA), evety 15 misutes all day tong. ALSO . apriI 2. the Park District received spaced a self-insurance pool made np of CLIV utsoprovides WON Radio (108) 966-4733 AmelIa's Restaurant Secretaries' Day Kidstage Goes Plum GeSseBd,,lustN. aI Euclid, recognition frotn tIre Park Dis- lt4park andrecreation agencies. hosts speaker Broadway with regular weather forecasts Hnurs: Irict Risk Management Agency Kidsinge Productions, Inc., io 11 ans. . 9 pm. PalalineapM.11 PM The risk pool annually evalsatescelebration Time to sake another Inok at from a rural village to a crowded 23.29and30,asland4p.m. and special reports inemergency IRENE HUGHES, plumnlheru (POEMA) foran Excellent-Lev- cOoperation with the Northbrook Seats are priced at $5 each and situations, May 2 . its mrmhers' toss controlpro- yestnsyear.Jelsjsflansonhj suburb, as well as personal anec- ParkDistrset, will performAMu- tunic Chicken -$4.35IsOu Dnly Mntty'a Place elAmtingtorkslosscontrolprw grams. gdwartt A. Swahb, M.D.,ten and preduceda great video are reserved. To order tickets sr ChicagoLand - Telrvision BBQnr Gnsinn Stola 1751 HintzRd., dosesfromlongtimeresidenh. - siculRevue, gram. Shannallezilta,SafetyCoorej. Ph.D., Executive Disector, Clint. Walking in Tune which hr will KidstageGans for additional information, call News, tac. (CLIV), Chicago's m.nmuStomk Wheeling6 PM .Il PM lirieg your friesds and come - Snndwjct. PDIiMA awarded NUes Parkestor fortheDistrietwas very ap- cal Research, O.DSearle & Co., Ernadway, feataring 30 of the Kidstage Productions, first and only 24-heur localnews IRENE HUGHES, plus alhers presrnttothrNitesHistoncni Se- early. Take a tsar of the replies mostpopular songs made famous Melndmj Jny .Nunn .5 PN District a finsi point rating ofprecistive ofthe award os welt as be the guest speaker for thecsrty on Monday, April 24 at the (700) 559-0790. channel, serves over 1.3 million l=F Balad 96.74 percent. Points are award- SkoHe Valley Chapter of l'rofes- 1900's home which is on the third by children on Broadway. At the Bar the hard work of the District's Museum, tullflatstwnukreAvr. fleoeoftheMusesns. Many hsurs homes - nearly 95 percent of the PSYCHICPHONE CONSuLTATIoNS sionat Secretaries International Leisure Center Theatre, 3323 . ed in areas such as recreation - CALL 9llO72540oo 56981 - region's cable households. CLIV Safety Committee and all of the .This promises to be a Inneve- oflaber, painting, sewing, clean- --DINEOUT FULI,.SLAB $7.75 safety practices, claims manage- at the Studio Restaurant, Wahres Ave.Northbresk, on 93.NOlnoin.Mast be ISo staff."PDRMA appreciates its song as weluokas 'ttsrnandnow" lug, hanging and arranging have - TONIGHT : - covers Cheiago, its ssburbs and Barbeque Ribs Profumi ea.605.554.742: ment, hazard inspection, and nus r I.Incom morion (arose, on Saturdays and Sundays, April 22, .- -. Nortlswestlssdisaa. OuflS: ea,SIau,poarnaBmua . . members' close participation he- et suc neighbor coy, Morton resuttedis apronddisptay. . many other accident prevention Wednesday, April6, Pestes- mom la, FrIc, f frnauo.,a) $1OFF i CONSULTATION W/AD cause there is a óorrelation be- tIrase. Itepetis in the kiirtseafòf - methods, In addition, theDistricl sional Secretaries' Day. The top- -- Mark yur ¿atendars andptirs twmnquality safety programs the Haupt-Yrbt Hasse, new the oxjeiuing 55 andlohn Hansonas was recognized su being Excel-and redaced losses. ic will be "Assets, Qualilini, andMortenGroveHsstorscat Seciety, lent for two years in a cow. Por Redaced we relive yesteryear, 7:30 p.m., losses translate into lowermcm-Expectations Of A Secretary" ataedgees suIe ethrrsshesfromthe this the District was awarded the 7:30p.m. Hors drames wifi start Monday, April 24 at the Niles LeHii, i herconleibutiens lo the risk pool. early days sud as they are today. GRAIth suprcme status of "Accredutcd,' Historieut Mssenm, 8970 MilL OPEMJ%G ¡ We are already saving a lot et taxut 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner The video illustrateschanges whereby thny wifi not be esatti- at6:BOp.m. waulçeeAve, DEMPSTER FISHMARKET- doltarsbybetongingtoakp,ol with early pictures as itgrew - - atcdfortwo years. rather than sting commercial Guests are invited; being a The Park Services Department in-friend. Cost is $18. For reserva- SAN Sushi & Sashimi surtiere. The continued develop- REMO CAFE ofthe Districtalso reccivced upe- dons r iafonnation, call Rose - Glenview StatéBank 11 - cislrecognition for "Best Safety ment otear toss control pmgramDrexler at (708) 675-3060 by Casual Italian Cuisine (In Trattoria Setting) Carry Out April21. 'Sushi Lunch Spociiai The Skokie Valley Chapter expands Specializing In 5846 W. Dempster usually meets the second Mon- . . Glrnview State Baltic recently botti-srknts, tax-defeisedaisnu. $6 Morton Grove, IL 60053 day ofevesy monthatThe Stadio:annoanced that alternative in PASTA 95 ides and muhusal funds offer dis- CHICKEN SEAFOOD S5l1 . (708) 581-9220 Restaurant. vestmentproducts are now avail- ilarI advantages today for such able to ita customers through needs as phanniuig did saving for DAILY FRESHFISH STEAKS Proposalmay GNASecurilics,lnc. retirement, reducing taxes, estate help enforce Paul A. loom, President ofplanning, increasing income,or Olenview Stale Bank,states, planning for children's or grand. Daily Lunch & tyRay Cooiwy "Oardecisiontsbegi.n makissgol- Dinner Specials Cometty flit ordinânces childeen'seducasionemta' - International tentativeinvestlssretproducts L.nohuMnn..Fri,i 11u30 n.m-ZerOp.n,. Dinnnr 4:30 p.n,..lO:OO p.m. The Experienced, GNA inventaient snt.i 12 Noon-lI p.m. Abiilsponsocedby StateRep.availablrsbroughGNAwasincc. representativenwill now be avail- - Sun.: 12 Nnon.9 p.m. RosemaryMnlliganofDesspense to Ihr changing needs and able at Glenview State Bank. Wrraeprirfr tri mAcfacttliureurfumi(ylnns Plaines couM make it easier forrequests of Ourcustomers..The These investment professionals. - :ELO; addition of annuities and mulini I- i e i - s Maine Township to enforce its are dedicated to the job of offer- garbage pickop ocdinance for thefunds is a.eatsural step towardsing investment adsistance years. W stripe regive3mou r,îcienroeovtire helping meet these needs by in- at the s i - sfliecocporateiiarea. Busti, by phone or at custOmers' i: ii asníqnthrgferyourbanquer nred;r. Weeifer Î creasing the range of preducts House EjE 1004, now on thiasl home ee offices. More infonna- árlt and services available at Oleo- private armrícornforrafl/ settings to- reading in the Illinois House of lion can be obtained by culling Representatives,wouldgive view State Bank. It is siso an ex- aacemmedarrfrerrs 10 to 15e peep[e Plkase LauJ. tension nf our commitment taJim Ekola or Bob Resin at (708) Evgnin;il1 ton-stOU townships in Cook County the 729-6604; - calTas wit/lyouc inquiriesafter.lp.m. rightta oar customerssimplifyand ,Vlcc 9224Waukegan Rd. errs to overarm lera! regulations. managetheir financed affairs.' smc awards Sisfwe%, lt also would authorize township GNA Cerperntioa and its sub- Morton Grove S'aula af Beil£ethmntr cnforcrment officers throughout sidinricscempñseafimumcial ser-U degrees the state so issue citations when vices company tttatspecializrs in TAKE OUT & DEUVERY ttsny observe viotatioss. tise design and marketing of tax- A sotat of 1,473 graduate-and Jsostò Currently, Maine seid all other.deferred annuities, mutual funds undergraduatestodrots earned 20% DISCOUNT Conk County townships cannot and other insuranceand securities degrees from Southernillinois Ufl (708-) 965-3330 On all Dinner Entrees appointenforcementofficers, products for financed institution University at Carbondate in Dr- Italian Cuisine- Pizza white townships in counties with Customers. cembec. Degree recipients will Sero cd its our Pin itsg loimni apeputationender 3 milBen have Jones adds, "Wesciecled DNA br recognized May 12to 14 dur- PIZZA - DELUXE SANDWICHES- SOUP & APPETIZERS became of its fmancial strength sag sprisg cossmoecement the anitsority to do so. However, ruer- DINNERS - ALA CARTE ENTREES enforcemeat officersistthose and track record, and its ander- cisrs on campus. Local graduates counties cannot now write tickets standing ofour cmtomers. GHA- included: lames W. Prego,Tree- WINE & BEER In Dining Room for violations. understands how important the Sa J. Taylor, and Shata A. Wings We Specialize in Catering (Private PartyRoom Available) Jfapproved,shepropesatcould relationships we'vebuilt with oar of Des Plaines; Jeffrey M.Cues. APPETIZERnPAITATRAVB - MEAT TRAYS SUBS help Maine Township improve customers are, DNA's conserva- miegs, Beasmon L. Smith,Wodr PARTY SIZE PIUA SALADS FRUITS DEuSERTS compliaucewithitsgarbagrpick.tisemanagementphilosophy D. Smith, and David A.Wein- np ordinance, which has been an matches our concern for safety berg, of Gtrnvirw;Walter P. IAItTYROOM Ongoing source ofconeern in the and security." Gaesz sad ChristopherPetit of Small Party Room avuilablu for parties et 10 to 28. anineorporatetj area, said Super- Lori Powell, Sales Manage- Pork Ridge; and LeylaC. Aunan Bushtheeshire dining raum fur you and your goeslu belwnen Candlelight & Forum Theatres visorMarkmompson. ment Consultant of DNA Corp. and Laurence h. Singerof Lie- i1:30 and 3:00 on Saturday & Sunday allemsnsa. says,"Glrnview- Statcltank dcci- coinwood. Reutauront & Lounge 'We greedy appreciate Rep. HOURS: Weokdayu 11:30n.m. to lOOn p.m. Friday I I 35 n.m. tu 11:05 p.m. otiy Mulligan's efforts to help us,' sion is well-timed to benefit its . 8717 UncolnAve. 708-49 6-3 000rl n- - Satsrduy3:Osp.rn.tu 11:00p.m. loso tir.. ModonOroy. o .Thopspsonsatd. customers, With changing inter- MAJORCREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 7O8-965-19i2 ...... est rated and volatile utock miti-- = ThEBUCLE, ThURSDAY, APRIL20, 1995 . PAGE2I en Entért Talk, bulb saleat Passages lecturer 'Cinderella'at True West-to Botanic Garden 'Fiddler On The Roof'at discusses -Russia's The Wiseonsn-flhinojs Lily Candlelight'sForum Theatrerun in Harper Society will sponsor a lily bulb past For those who have always faithful companion (Adam - - Lew. Pheasant Run wished to attend the Royal Ball, Drama Lab sale and present a pane' discus- Emeritus Program iusteuetor is) are kept busy searclthogfor siano. HowloGrowLiliss" at 3 yOurwishbasbeengrnjsteoj, Grab dragons. WItile hauling, the Elizabeth Birgdiscusses Russia's yone mugie coach und glass slip. True West, a play by Pulitzer Linneausp.m. on Sunday. April 23 in the past as part of the Passages Lee- Prince mmli u beautifal maiden, Room at the Chicago pers. and head to Candlelight's Prize winning playwright andac- toser Series on Tuesday, April25 and falla in loveat forst sight. 1er Sam Shepard, will bepresent. Botanic Garden. Both are free Forum Theatre, 5620 S. Harlem They meetoace againat the Roy. from t to 2:30 p.m. in Room i12 Ave., Summit, lo see Cinderella, ed at Harper Collegeon Thurs- MEL ROSE and open to the publie. at Gakton's Ray Harlstein cam- alBall. Thrlovely maiden, Friday and Satarday, April Offered fer sale to the public reuuiug llsrough August 5. The peaeu leaving only a singlo glass pus, 7701 N. LincolnAve., 5ko- play is produced by Mark Pence 27, 28 and 29 at 8p.m. and on THERESTAU RANT are exbibjtiou size teunspet lily kir. Admissjonisfree. slipper. Ria search fur the maid- Sunday, April 30 at 2 bulbs, some of the largest and and Susan Holm of AlphaBet enbeg'ms. p.m. The In l9t7 "Mother Russia" was Soup Productions, with diuecliou performances Will be beld inthe most aromatic of all lilies. Bulbs qoieted. In this lecture, Birg du- Additionalenchantmentisnew Detasa Lab, (lier Black Box are$3each, orthreefor$7. by Holm. This adaptation of Cin scribesRussian authors who supplied by a befuddled PalsyTheater), in Building L,Room The panel discussion and bulb derella is writteu by Mark Pence,Godmother (Scam MeNicka) ALWAYS 0-PEN struggle to depict the many yeats with music and lyrics by Julie 109, 1200 W. AlgonquinRoad, tale are free sed opes to the pub- and a dancing King's Messenger Palatine. * MELROSE SPINACH lic, although the Botaoic t3aeden of silence. Shannon. OMELEFES IS... For more information,call (Sean Hayes), who invite allthe Tockets for the playare $7 for charges a $4 parking fee for non- People of all ages will enjoy eligible ladies to thr kiugdomof zuAs Bigas a Baseball Mitt & (708) 635-1414. this topsy-tnrvy version of thu geeeral admissiso with discoaots Botaejc Garden members. For the Royal Ball where theycanfor oteodeosts and sesior cilleros. farther information, cali (708) Classicfhirytale. Cinderella (Jeu- "boggie." Popeyed with Enough Spinachto Call Harper College BoxOffice, 733.0Çj71 Auditions being nifer Gordon) lives with her evil Weekday performancesare BUST A MUSCLE" at(708) 925-6100 . held for Twelfth Slepmotherella(Js9azyzenyrr)Tuesday Ilsreagh Friday at 10:15 NILES COMICS andselfishstepnistcms Mozzarella am. and Satordayatnoon. Tick.Tricks and PAT BRUNO - Som-Tiooee & CARDS Night (AmberJ. Lawson) and Temutel-cts am $5 with group discounte la (Loris A. Punk), An theypee- available,McDonalds lanches * zu delicious meals that taste Grove Players announces open pare lo alleudtheRoyal Ball, Cm- Treats: Hermes 217 Golf Mill Center asditions for Twelfth Night by are available for gcoeps of 15or ILosoted te GutS Mut Mutt derrIta wishes that she might gomom for an additional $2. the Trickster home cooked..... Aemm frore Cybne Ssuttnn) William Shakespeare. Tisis corn- also. - skyline edy will be directed by Soon Por reservations, call (708) Elsewhere in the forest, Prince496.3000. The C. G. Joug Institute will (708) 297-0113 McKay. The show will be per- Charming (Kevin Paul) and his present author and storyteller, 3233N. Broadway formed Jase 30 and Joly I in Fis- OUR NEWEST WE CARRY Art and Craft Dime Wotkstoie, Jonglasana- Chicago, illinois 60657 chel Pärk, Downers Grove. The Bolero Benefit lyst, Murray Stelo, sed orthistori. Comic Books performances are in conjunction (312) 327-2060 7201 N. CaldwelI Life inAnafeyka. Show exhibitors an, Olivier Bernice in a program, Sports Cards te the Tony Award wieniong withthoDowners Grove Heritage at NEIU Tricks aud Treats: Nues, Illinois 60714 Non-Sports Cards views at the Pheasant Run Thea-balance between tradition and Festival. sought Hermes the - musical Comedy, idloot thetre in SI. Charlm, retervutiotoschange. Bolero Benefit Weekendpre- Tnckster, exploring themauy (708) 588-1500 Signed Sports Reef," the forst jines of its be- Tevyr himself says, All roles are available; Como facets ofthe mythological fleece caebemadebyealling(708) 584- "Mtl how do we keepour bai- prepaund to read from the script. sonted by Ensemble Espauol Applications are new belogac KOPIELD'S Memorabilia loved prohigouiut Tevye,are A 6300. Hermes. . Magic/Star Trek azoe? That I can tell you inone The aaditioes will be held on Spanish Dance Theater will be cepted forthe Art and Croft Skew 5035 N. Lincoln 930 W. Belmont fiddler on the roof. . .- Sounds era- "Fiddler on the Roof' containswoed..Tratlitiou." held onFriday sed Someday, to be hold at the Malt of America, The program will be heldon Card Games zy. no? Well, au Crazy as this Tradition is Sunday, April 23 from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 22 from tO Chicago, illinois 60025 Chicago, Illinois 60657 a complexplot, whichmevrals the yesbolie of Tevye's and his and Monday, April 24 from 6:30 April 21 and 22, at 8 p.m. atBloomingtee, MN. This event em. Start u idea may bave soundedat the 104 p.m. Cestis $95; $75 meg In. (312) 334-2182 (312) 404-7901 Comic BooI Subueriptiue! trials and tribalationt of a Jewishneighbors' faith in Godand Jude- to 9 p.m. atSt. Andrew's Episco- Northeastern Illinois University, witlbeheldjone9, tOaod lt. Broadway premiereon Septem- Commanity living under theop-kim us areigiouandawayoflife. 5500 N. St. Lonis (Bryn Mawr For applications, exhibitors 18 stitote members at the CG. InsU- ber 22, 1964, 'Fiddler polChsrch,1125Franklin, tote, Subribe5o on thepeessien of a prejudiceti Czarist Tloroughout the musical, Te- Downers Grove. For additional andCentral Park), Chicogo andpeor,exhibitingoriginal 1567 Maple Avenue in as Leuss 5 Title.oMonIS Roof has been Cousideresl "Theregime during 1905. The settingeye attempts lo understand the A special piece inspired by work, should contact Judy Fre-Evanston. For more information undO eoeioeB°/ OFF World'n Most Aeclaimed Musi- information call Sean al (708) and registration, call the Jongla- is the viCtitioas town of Attatev-Changing worldaroantlhim 963-7016 or the Grove Players Ravel's Bolero sud several paint- ment, PG. Box 1064, Beloit, Wt lo . 15 TiIIe- i0% OFF caL Theproclamation stili holds ka, where Tevye, a Jewish dairy- through an ubandant ings ofFicosso will performed as 53512-1064 or call lady at (608) 511100e at(708) 4848. 8501 W.DEMPSTER trote today, not 000rpritingly, ariose of ha- BnxGffoceat(708)964-6888. 15. 2OTjtIeu-15°/o OFF con- man, his wife Ooldeandtheic fivemor and an ongoing monologue Production crew assintanco,is well os a full Cuadro Flamenco. 365-2133. NILES 692-2748 W. Buy & To,d, Conto Beuto & Clod, sideeiosg its popntarioy and mIe- daughtecu live. Theutoey frenteswith God, as culmivated,in his Priday's evoosts inclade the Bole- fou,. W, Po u Y,,r. Vance more than thirty-one yeats ateo needed.If ieiemested, call 10%SENIOR CITIZENS upon thecharacterofTevyc, whoanthem°IflWereaRjchMan, Rick Ralph at (708) 964-2643. ro Dance coseros with refresh. DISCOUNTS 2 P.M.- 6 P.M. following its debut. sliuggles to kgep a precarious monts and Silent Auction. s- s a Cesoently running to tavern: The Grand Firsts Dinner will . Ito Ae2 Oatay61 Local student lake place on Satarday, April 22 ill - 1. 1i Las Vegar Jazz bands to play at 8p.m. Saturday will begin with joins Men's - the Bolero Dunce Concert is the S74/SFRIDAYAPRIL 21ST- Breakfast Specials air 4 nights. hotels The Niles West High-Scheot fleO instojomentatien of traditional SuperiorLNWIIBE Travel, Inc. auditorium followed by a febo- Semod Monday ths Foiday born 0:00 s.s. te i 1:00e.v. JazzBand will host un evening of Big Bands. The numbersper-Chorus leus paella diener, live Latin ma. TamHunku"FORREST GUMP" 2 SCRAMBLED EGOS with LOX & 011100 27 2 7504 N. Harlem Ave. Crujimos free jonc muoio at their annual formed will include classics from Millikin University freshman sic aoddancing, seda Silent Anc- SAT. &SUN, 1:20, 4:85, 6:50, 9:38 CREPES wish Chulo. nf Filliog 2.75 "Just For the Fan of It" TWO XTHREE, 2 Punokos, 2 Eggs and 2 (0 IBleaulO, Ao.uu) concert. the Gelde. Era of jazztheough Encyantrrnigo ofNorthbrookis lient'esleoringtrips to Spain, WEEKDAYS: 6:80, 9:35 Busen or Suaoogos. .2.75 Chicago, IL 60631 Includes air Jazz bands from Nibs West. PRENCH TOAST with 2 EGGS 2.75 compositions by contemporarya member of the Millikin Men's tickets to sporting events, theater u. 312-594-0444 Niles Noet.lo and Gleoobmeok SnaIls composero. "HEA,yWEIGHTS" SUPER SUPREME. Dined Hum & Seruorbied Eggs 2.75 Chorus. This 34-membergroup - and concerts, sports memorabil- BELGIUM WAFFLE with STRAWBERRIESnr BLUEBERRIES. . .2.75 . AIOUNETICISETS . TOURS caussEs will share their talents at 7p.m. The cufuleriawill be decorated iso. SAT.&SUN.: 1:10,3:10, 5:10 performs bothouandoffepus. - entertainment and dicing PANCAKES with FRUIT . HOTEl. coo SENTAIS niocancu air only 275 Friday. April 21 in Cafe Westin jazz club style and refresh- packages and more. The Latin WEEKDAYS: 5:10 n.EGGS BENEDICT, 2 pouched Eggs und Ceodian Bucen (the school's cafrturiu) at 5701 Van F.enige, a musical theutsa. un English Foreign & Domestic meula will be available through. major, sings first tenor. He ii a SalsslMerestgor mosic will be- MaRis, Hulluodul,, Boaco - 3.95 Losar P055I5LL ruse - OaktonSt. in Skokie. out thu evening ala nominal provided hy.Victer Pasqaataed Holdneer "BILLY MADISON" g. TOASTED BAGEL with LOX & CREAM CHEESE NOCHARBE - son of Jumes and Lioìda Vue lie- 3sa Foe au. unvicas air only The program will begin witha charge. EVERYDAY: 7:10, 9:05 !PG.131 rootoloyen apply nige, and a i994 graduate of his Ocquesto Magica. Tickets for HOURS MF 9-5 half-hoar 'free-fee-all' jamoes- Formare information, call l(a. this exciting evening are $25 - soon featuring members of all GlenbrookNoethHigbschooL In per dio. C005eyjleldfloor Daily Specials$6.35 thy Spceitzer or Niles West Jazz person or $45 percosple. bolados: Soup, Sotad, 1-800-232.4943 high school, - he participated in - Potato md Dessert - three bands. Following dijo - E.MAlL Spy.,e doiphi. oem ope.- Band Director Bill Kochat 581- ebomnsandthespriugmusical. - To reserve tickets or gel more "DUMB & DUMBER" (Jolie or Ajee Paddlnt or loo Croaw) http'Jfosono.lsiwun aoO-t,uooyujr.htos, ing performance, each individual 2973. - information call (312) 583-4050, SAT. & SUN.: 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, MONDAYo GRECIAN STYLE CHICKENwith Gracies Strie Pelate band will perform half-hour 9:40 PG.131 sets. ext. 3015. WEEKDAYS 5:20, 1:30,9:40 VEAL PARMESANWien apeghas, Ne Pesate All three bands will be playing TUESDAY: BROILED SKIRT STEAK - - ''flnnanwwn TImHuttao,Jlold000r PORK TENDERLOIN, stews Gray Big Band style jazz, featurouga USE-THE I., BUGIE--: "SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION" WEDNESDAY: SHRIMP IN A BASKET (21),CeoktollOsuno GRECIAN STYLE CHICKEN BREAST, CrashPetalo SAT. & SUN.: 1:30,4:15,7:00,9:40 THURSDAY: STIR FRY CHICKEN BREAST - i' TOASTIES7301 Milwaukee- Nues WEEKDAYS: 7:80, 9:45 VEAL CUTLET.Orean Osry . ALL SEATS $1.7 FRIDAY: BROILED RAINBOW TROUT, Foes0m Home To Your Home PIZZA .-. Lomen Sanar Sesee - -This cRUST 12 54' 06' a CHICKEN BROCHETtE, Riso, Chicken Gray, Ne Potete (7O8 647-0980 SATURDAY: CHOPPED STEAK,GCld Onions i=r g 8 BROILED PORK CHOP, Applsseuea Addudtegnedluoto. . t.25 t_50 Forrner1y4jJ,, SUNDAY, FRIED CHICKEN Meoleon,ou, Pupsf1, eaten. Ocrhodus, LIVER BREAKFAST SPECIAL SOFF -Grum Puppen, Code, Oninno, BOok OlOon. r sith Ooiens er Besen - MAI' . . Cran Olios, Must Oetto. narcea Pionne . Ne Socio, silicon Discount ICE CREAM ITALIAN CUIOSINE u, Home Çooking sp,eIut al a 5055.50 t2.50 u, Ham & Egg . Shk,, Susonne. M,atennms, Omm Puppen, Onnisa -, , 1624 N. Milseauker Ave. (South of Lake St.) . Sundaes Cone, 6352 W. GUNNISON Sooedulu2 9.50to.7s 1350 Jonathan's Chicken Breast Creatións 5uu5uW, Mestoenons, Osun Puppen. Oe,en, CLENVIEW, Oo,vod silh Soup en Salad erAdos and Cheles el Sandwich ChIcago,IL 60630 Peppureni, Croan Oilers lt. 60025 (708) 803-0050 (FFe Parislsig In Rear) Rina Pudd:vg, Jelie, 0500p el Ice Creeener Sliced Frosh Fslt Sp.otoIe5,Weuim9.45 10.25t3.75 FAX:(708) 803-2285 CHICKEN BEARNAISE.Sesto' Chicken BrosstTepped with - noorres, 5lrTnmurn. A,srhoku, Anposgus sod Osawsise Seûes, Sawed sith Rina staue Pappe,,, OnIon . - 6.55 312-792-3322-3 CHICKEN MARSALA -Sauta' Chiekoo SnnaetTnpped with $1.75 SnIFFED PA 02 54 ' . HOURS Cboe 1050 tt5O s6.95 5audDCty55,.n.5tpz BREAKFAST SPECIAL MarsHa-Wine Causo, Sewed with Rice 62B Tauuday-Thseoday: 3 F.M. Ta ii P.M. Ant, I tos,odl,nt...; .tt,60 t2.75 . tnetedre: seep ceneteS reuse, casa naSo. CHICKEN PICATIA .Saulo' Chicken nruestToppod with LUNCH & DINNER SPECIAL Mdltordllogrudluntn . .1.150.25 j Dm0,05: meoyeddtc5x,ptn,, P ddieneJ,tte Broiled Bute Steak with2 Eggs, Lesveo-Wioe Sauce, Sawed with Rina Fslslay & Saheday3 P.M. To Midnight PANPIOZA 62s 12.. 54 s000cl From, . nuteed ScrodBruitas W0010000,h Hash Browns tin Toast CHICKEN MARINARA. Saute' ChickenSneastTeppadwish Sandsy, 3 P.M. To 10 P.M. Ckuuou 7.25 9.55 .Booa,d Steak Sandwich withFries Aot to rodioS naso Stoutsneue .a Sutmun Mezzaralla Cheaoo end Marinara Saune Monday, Clesad 0.55 tt.50 - Greek SyIa Pork ChepsStouimp leo u nuokos 625 Mditondttosoedlena 1.15 1.25 - JONATHAN'S CHICKEN BREAST'Seule'ChickenBreasI Topped with Rnuov00000Aocuptuot i'o PosSe 0t4 O More Deliro5 Chose . New York Strop . Geeck 59,1 Chicken Saoul $5_95 $1.00 SperiolSr,-rrd 7DuyeA Week-6A.M. - 55 AM. Mushreern-Wine Sasee, Sawed w!th Rina 625 $3.55 PRIcESSuSJECrT0CHAMOE WIISIOVTNORcE CHICKEN DE JONGHE - VI0AIMASTcRCARDiDIOCOvEISJ,4.c. Nu shariegersebeeientieoo Cocktails Seuls'ChiekenSraesI00e, Paltaciva 005 . coia900 Topped with De Jeoghe Banor 655 r Murals ltnlium CuIsine 312-792.3322-3 CHICKEN PARMESAN . Sesto' ChickenSroastleppedwith r-----êc5i:ïcöup------Mezzerolls Choeseend Meet Sauce, Sewed with SpuheS 6.25 I 50% Off 2nd LUNCH or DINNER of Equal or Lesser Value GRECIAN STYLE CHICKEN BREAST-BroiledChicken B,aent wlt.awon f Butler Sesee & Spaslei Seasoning, Sawed sc_nfl !» 'I Valid for Lunch or Diener- 7 Days a Week li em.- 10 p.m. a/Greek Style Petetees. . . 6.25 I(1:r STIR FRY CHICKEN- Seute' SI/po el Chicken Sreest with Vesetables GRAND OPENING I * . I Not valid oIs $6.95 npedalo or with other eifern. Rice Ose, 625 UNDER NEW OWNERShJJP i- -I Pleas. . . lie Senior Citzon Dismunt \ I - CHOICE iiHH _htAdl_3fl_t5_ Dining Room Only AssnuMuele'o Offen nupieu 4/30/95 OF ONE WELL COCKTAIL, or HOUSE WINE L i WITH THESE SPECIALS - BUGLETBDAY,APJ 1995 I I ¡LIJ'i YiI1I'aI'1;T'I'1Ia 1h'ifTI' THE BUGLE NE SPAPERS . THE BUGLE NE SPAPERS

ANNIVERSARY SALE f f Great Northern Cabinets Slow & Nt Credit is Accejta6le. OLYMPIc Attractive Rates for Quaified Borrowers. Call Today For PLUMBING & SEWER Debt . Your Free Analysis Affiliated With Omega Plumbing HOURS, 9 AM - 9 PM Consolidation COMPLETE PLUMBING & SEWER Your Residential 5 Cnmmerolat Lawncere Prafesslonsls 470-0295 Loans We do Sinks to Sewers- Faucets to Repipes . WE BUY NOTES . HOME IMPROVEMENTS YouNamelt...WeDoLt M. I. WE SPECIALIZE IN: . RECENT & CURRENT BANKRUPTCIES ACCEPTABLE 10% SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT 7900 N. Milwaukee, SUite 26B, NUes, IL . Lawn Maintenance All Work Guiranteed- i 00% n Writing Edging Specializing in Low Water Pressure We Are Snpertn in Complete Kitchen fc Sathnoom Remzdeting . Bush Shaping EatablishedSince 1937 Tree Trimming & Removal (708) 795-0331 (708) 788-5312 Sodding FREE ESTIMATES- Licensed Bonded & Insured . Cultivation WET BASEMENT? . Planting of Annuals & Bushes Let your ima9ination mn free without spendinga We','egar il,e,n adern adunan! WE INSTALL: fortane. Great Northern Cabinetryis a egacy of fine . FREE Estimates craftsmanship and exceptional value. . aflyseassn. any weathe,Inslatlat,onI . Ponds Because of the . Finished o,uflhjnhi fled basemenisi harmonious appeal of our cabinetry andaccessories, . Sn Costly OulsJdo digOnat Retaining Walls you can mix and match styles lo create just the look CatffisToduy! . Custom Waterfalls you want. Bring in your ideas and let us showyou just how affordable your dream DRY BASEMENTS cao be. . CnII for . Free Lsmdsespe Evnhrntirns OF SSASON RATES AVAILABLE I O CHICAGOLAND 708-358-1955 I 'w i-800-778-6200 TOLL FREE Over2MOtaeFantlaagng Or,neris Edeob,aek,asjdent ...... HIn... \1_iDis,a,' ''yiie, t.:... : I The raths arid terms listed below ore subjeot ta change without natica. Rutes are upda ed each Thursday by 3 pin. for the following weekseditions. TheseInstitutions are Illinois Rnoidentiul M Oguge Licensees

INSTITUTION PAYMENT TERM RATE POINTS APR AAA HOME FINANCE Fixed 5% 30 8.500 0.00% 3619 W. Devon Ave. Fixed 5% 15 8.250 0.00% Chicago, IL 60659 Fixed 5% 20 8.500 0.00% (312) 866-IAAA Adjustable 10% 1 6.025 0.00% IBroker) Adjustable 10% 311 Year 7.750 0.00% LENNOX Balloon 10% 5/25 Year 8.125 0.00% s Oaa(itypraven arar time ILLINOIS HOME Don't Rip It Up, MORTGAGE CORP. Fixed 5% 30 8.750 0.00% Locked 60 Deys Restore 330 E. Algonquin 7/23 Balloon 10% 30 8.125 0.00% Locked 65 Days Duly Carpetsu IrHJ:THEQUIET ONE Arlington Heights, IL 60005Adjustable 5/1 Arm . 5% 30 . 8.250 0.00% Looked 60 Days Adjustable i Yr. Arm 5% 30 Year 7.125 0.00% Looked 60 Days Thinking about ripping (708) 290-0971 lLendar/Brokerl up that old carpet in your III S COMPRESSOR home or business because it LONG GROVE 3/1 Arm 5% 30 7.625 0.00% Jumbo or Conf. just won't come clean? You MORTGAGE BANCORP 7 Year BaIIoòn 10% 30 8.000 0.00% Jemkc se Coot. might wahl to think again. i- rs Long Grove Executive House 30 Year Fixed 5% 30 7.875 2.50% WARRANTY The experts from FACTORY GUARANTEE Long Grove, IL 60047 15 Year Fixed 5% 15 7.500 . 2.25% Jonsko or Conf. Professional Cleaning 6MonthArm 10% 30 e.125 0.00% Jcmbc or Conf. Systems may be uble lo (708) 634-2252 restore il, and alan R ENERGY SAVER- UP TO 78%+ A.F.U.E. lLender/Broker). affordable price. The . WARM COMFORT. OUTSTANDING ENERGY SAVINGS MAINE MORTGAGE CO. Fixed 5% 30 8.500 0.00% husband-wife learn of Dan QUIET PERFORMANCE i 43oTouhyAve. Fixed 5% 15 8.000 0.00% und Carla North believe Park Ridge, IL 60068 Adjustable 10% . 5/5 Arm 8.000 0.00% thnt with n little "elbow (708) 292-6500 Adjustable 10% 3/3 Arm 7.500 0.00% grease" they cue restore IBroker) Adjustàble 10% . i Year 6.750 0.00% just about any carpet or 25% upholstered ftmiture that Arm 5/5 Arm 9.250 0.00% 5-12 Units looks hopeless. [$200001 . Fixed 5% 30 8.875 0.00% . 8.875 NED BANK "Where a lot of other j One S. Northwest Hwy. Fixed 5% 15 8.375 0.00% 8.375 companies fail, I think we I ParkRidge.1L60068 Fixed 5% . 10 8.375 0.00% 8.375 are experts at getting out Rebate Fllh1l (708) 518-7100 Fixed/Jumbo 5% 15 8.500 0.00% 8.500 the touh stains, and we NOT000DINCONJUNcrioN (Lenderl 5/1 Arm 5% 5 8.125 0.00% 8.829 can do lt at an affordable . IWITH ANY OTHER OFFER I ASK FOR DETAILS' rice. siliji; No Income PROFESSIONAL N RES-COM Fixed 3% 30 8.750 0.00% MORTGAGE CO.. Fixed . 5% 30 8.750 0.00% VorifitIeO CLEANING, ' 9101 Greenwood Ave.. Fixed 5% 20 8.875 0.00% & 100% Eqsittyionns .'t SYSTEMS Niles,1L60714 Fixed 5% 15 8.250 0.00% . 1 24He,arn (708) 452-5908 (708) 296-0300 . Adjustable 10% 6.625 0.00% S S (Broken Adjustable 5% 6 Months 7.000 0.00% AzI s, . Si

lii T l'AGE 24 THEBUGLE,ThURSDAY, APRIL 21995 - TliEBUGLE,TllURSDAY,APbm2O, 1995 l'AGE 25

I I IIUJL'1l u I IuI TÑEBUGLENESPAPERS THE BUGLE NE SPAPERS C4RPET CLEANING ROOM ROOMS JnomcProJ I *,-- We're The Insideguys 4t' SERVICES INCLUDE: 24 e'BoecS)eon, CS zng.F,nDoe PO)eDze .SIoioRe.izontCo,p,,, e'MODNoniDooMoeed Il eCoIoSrig), teze,.High)ySkiI)edTechnicien, =1 CALL. TODAY . CANTODAY .HOURS - - (708)581-1988 7AMTO1PM HEATING R COOLING Beautiful Plush In All Popular Colors °eUc.Ooaeoo,,a:Swo, MON-SAT INCREDIBLE PRICES GOT A GAS GUZZLER? r Before our Weathermaker HighEfficiency Gas s $100FF Furnace, your only choicewas to buy afurnace ANY DRAPERY CLEANING ORDER that used gas more eficiently. WithWeather- Muay (With This C,,,pon-MinImurn. SeMe.) maker you save on electric costs, too. Specializing In MANNINGTON Complete Take DOwn :4't7 s . s NO-WAX Cléaners & Re-Hang Service s 00 N,tV.I)d WitflAflyOther Oe.peryOffersO, fli,coe.t,. KITCHEN VINYL L E,p)resS/1O/S5 * EXPIRES MIKE NUll CEMENT CONTRACTORS 6!1!95 !Thm Ou1Sfrcei7 $20000 Rebate INSTALLED UP TO 9x12 7our,Çan FREE ESTIMATES Not Good In Conjtinetion With Any Other Offer uamijje4 Everyday Is SENIOR CITIZEN DAY 7166 West Dmpetor SL 1335 Drne.pSte St. FINANCING AVAILABLE - 15% OFF in the Lonore P1na h the De-Wost Plazá NUes, IIIinOis60714 (708) 965-6606 $200.00 off,, geRd ceo peleche.. et Roth Convient in Home Shopping (Dem pstera t STartern) (Dempeter at Greenwood) He,Rng & Confiog nils oOtnhined Available 470-8622 692-4234 L. TRESONO CARPET & TILE 5853W. Law Ions, Ave., Chleogo, IL tolto . I . - - u: . i. 31 2-736-6028 NnD*orui

. I P RFi I OUR INSTALLERS WORKING KRAFTEX FLOORS IrLT SOLARIAN FLOORS' LAMP SHADE from VINYL PR&SEÄSON SALE ARMSTRONG REPLACEMENT TRADE-IN The no-wax floor WINDOWS SPECIAL! 21%To 40% you love to I Recéive... come home to Dmg,or 501050e I, Co en5 no.550 lico, 01h I flodchn me el Iced coleE" FF! -&n1,Inn g,oxclu,lvo p,000ss 1101 I, buIldsup Iho calo, wd p50010 elI, $7500. In OuOwOS el vwlcelo,od vinyl PoncIo,. T he,osulI Io o dthn000 cl col nr onda unIqunIyc,nllodInni 1h01 no c,Inlod IIOudrg can 509mb nOch. Md.I a,OIrO.du osa dowswaop MLit(4I nn.00X oudoca 0001,10 scull, 001 PER WINDOW! hvfhI 5501505, 00IIsalOn,II, 'lIwnoW 1001, 51h00 Wooing Ion Inngor 1h00 Onylo no.500 11505. so como in sono wd seo for y nursolls he OmIgnor II - Solo.rlon Iron A50olmng Io 'On nIco Io 1Cc posntingever. SoveMoney! ' CusEoccis, oes made to year exact Hundreds In Stock (-mstrong window meaourcments. I ' From lhe Tailored to the Fanciest, e 1)10% Ii I Solid cinyl to c000eexo ceee5nJ, we have a large selection; so nice stay boaotifel. Hand Sewn & Cloth over Vinyl. eW,edows tilt-iaforcony incide cl caning. Bring in your lamp for a perfect fit - ) come home . Enciccnioe LifrlimcLimitod Wariaolnj. II I II WE ALSO RECOVER YOUR OLD SHADE Lamp Repair & Remodeling . Storewide Clearance of CHECK OUR LOW PRIÇES OFFERS VAL ¡LI AT TIME OF Lamps & Furniture DEMONSTRATION ONLY BONUS! PRIOR SALES EXCL LIDED. d7n T,o,,h,, A.,. FREE Low EGlass rl -,--,', KRAFTEX To First25 People Who RespondTo This Ad! I I Lincoinwood PeojtiC Low E with argon keeps the I ______. (4 Blocks) E. of Expeeeneeoy summer heat out FLOOR CORPORATION and the winter hoot in. FREEwhen Call I-800-922-8050 you buy 5 ormore windows! -z--- 708-675-4 100 6444 MILWAUKEE AVENUE *= Daily 9 am. to 5:30 p.m.; Moe. & Thom. 9 am. to 9 p.m.; or7 -199 For FREE ESTIMATE! OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Io StO p.m. (Tu End ol April) CHICAGO (312) 763-6468 PACE26 THEBUGLZ TBVRSDAY, APRIL20, 1995 ruR'' BUsiu*THUR6DIiYSAPRIL-20,-1995

P-ER-SO flft-.L Spring Fest Volunteer helps Walk-a-Thon brighten the lives at St. Scholastica of ill children commemorates Earth Day i-900432-2222 To imderslandtheniguiflcuncrpledges from sponsors prior to - (81.95 permIN) of preservation of natural ateasthe walk. Sponsors will pledge a I forpcencntaudfaturegmnreationsspectfic amount of mouey based OPSATUSOUS. 5500 SiSee 55011:50 500f snOresriosiNr, and tocommemorate the25tlì au-on the distance or the length of SbuS 045f non, 0. r, 105 ISv 5005 or,, 550459 l51 WISe' rM PtlPJs lOflA IrN lO. n,Idsnh Iosk,r OisIs 5r. 1100 WoIdIrbelsOSlSssaloOEOII'hOsred*oraSellsr niversaryofEarth Day,theForenttime of the walk contpleredby the Ils IO uk sISad,, InO (nl 011ao) cd,. key, oele a SPRING SPECIAL 155 100151, 10, 11,005415 10, 5,S cemnb,i 105od nid snil,likcanl,hrn. Dlerod.ukO,,s,lOiOseoc,00tlls, 000 lOSO 5514 LIso 550. ISO . 151150, INI7411. V(LCOM t°reoerveDistoictofCookCountyparticipant. Hedges are due at rclrasisloinoo, Plcsst000,leyao,000!cpoknso, presents the "Earth Day,Every- the appropriate nature center on ,lnce,oa,a,suossfrslm.Jos005lc,o-s7.ExTcol. AttentjonAlL Advertisers!! MEMIF,lnASCAltaLHdadssoosMlmoolnosOdsSi Isle, 0, 011', 10 Ils, 00000551,ea Sees 505es. 1010e oses day, Walk-A-Thou,' on SaIne-Apnl 22 and no later than Sun- IJtElOtWlc bapsl000ducladn,,yaall sOil, -,r .- toslso,gI000iIeIn,,sI,.55'd5000r,.eIocsor,aUlllsIsesad day, Aped 22 from 9 am. today,April3O. r,,l,okt,Olistn'Saflsl101sl05005015klIli'lsl,, Eee PrintedAd Ot- 0,5,01,1orlI001,15p101IslaliaodIX.40e0501,O00l,05 5,11,0 ta sir ly. froid, ta a, ad,o AnIlle o, add, k,f,, , Olse OOsien, sdOi,5 5595101, 501 1540 WVENIDO noon at River Trail, 3120 Mil- Partscpants can walk for less rocio, keel aO,fro., 0kw 011In od fc e0 Iba 00051 ross 100lsodsSlaIcule(sllosOsa,n nOioso,, :-I9:w WISDSEUtILoeloIuslSroIdiaSfrr000IOellIOSInhO' waukeeAve.,Northbrook. than three miles orcontinueatong ,,,thaws,,lseer,odyl,baathsnlfrT es 'gee Personal Greeting IT, r500001.ILS nonudsaslISOI, OSOSOs55591. 1501 "FarthDayinevesydayutthethe trail for as longas they feet drOSaseSneaOX,sioar,aOdnon imI0505vOranSinUO AtttAtltIEsIefre,Otepnlufrmlleafr,O.el,Oln,oelc 7 n,droOsOETTlIlS Forest Preserve District of Cookcomfortable, Walking a second paba,a&idlo,000rsl&05-Ob YislllrbauMtl&sNosIord,, Eee Message Retrieval HopeMalis ioaccdh. tIOrS dr,r,a, saO,, redr,Q, mi,in, 0150k OUMISSIC. 11,501511O55O5l, sis, 150059 10100 County,'said Cook Countyorthird thuearnandthecoursets 504m. nul,, 01', 2 IO IO. Ose 15 050e, ase 35 sols Shelve, omIs,, Place YourAd Now-- Absolutely 'Zeee umso. ase TuNO Ile 00 n, 451 705 Hope Malls, owner and presi- Boarttpresidrntjohn H. Sifoger,alsopenuissible. lOItEflAD ¡utacum. Ooret bleck,tOSI,in 00 dent of Kreative Parties & Wed-ir, The entry fee for each pamoci- Cdista.O, liok005k,rlltsIfri.SIT,tceoa.taot,i,t AStR50105EPSUDSImInreasaraInfr lenìrr0000 FnJUS010aEOE,404'led IO0 ce Ill dl EITh000PSIASLN I in 001 n IIaoel I tnfrms,rrsl,,frsocdead,uSceO,m,l,.stqslc,social. bOOSIsssl,S00,5'N'.1IrlOc1sdsed,sX.olIwnnr01Iso1 004 oosOnunsOutS 0001 lO OellI 15' 151150101515551 515100 sISsne, 5501ra BfflVEL« dings, Lui, hi Skokie, helps the The 'Walk-a-Thou'invitespuntis$tO. Thoentry feeentitles Ou, ayes Oso, (iNns, SIS, h, 0005. 51101, danesa, ruonS. I 01 ,Oaionlde.t514ilt 5 5 0,00 I 00sed000s,di Soreesl5*1 EIJSSSSO51nAWSEIE, s so sins 550051 SnaSlo0000 S reals 150,5 0 515505,150 r Starlight Foundation,an interna-residents to walk or hike along a ISIS 05,51 lOolliand, 005 podaesnksiN. Ssdsoo, aloe. 051 5,510011 00l55S3 I oleOSo non dm0501500 451101 participants to fice refreshments FlOmy nIb lad dab od ala, 00. ii, i, curO el sen 550 heede,dooasis,I,rh*rol000OXlNOn, layo 51110X01 I 55 ail050 15 donutnon-profitorganization,specially designed trail, apparel-andaT-nhirl,wttilesupptytasls. can lar Ian arw SOa,frl,e rdnnsrfrdj5sa Y, solO snonoutamnI less4110505, 015 SEOUO0I0I leaS sllosmasenseu RERAN, groenfna,40.00,105IS,,sn,ta,5m015550115 511001 cr51 00155 505515 I ' 0500id,0OlaOl. - -, - - I 00Th 'OoSsSslSordlsOarldSSnsdnonifManl brighten the lives of critically,mutely three-miles in length, to Tooblainadditional 'Walk-A- Isolo tools dorS ociO ruS fISsI, Nia. INn COOl 1Tl0I I eOIOu eis alla naserMis000u chronically tIr teminally ill chil- raise funds to assist the DistrictThon' infomsalion, contact the FlOnn e, iv er, s lbs, mrd ay, la ml 000lt&aNIsesUoEIl480. " , . F?l0?sl51ra rslIfrnoIr055535,55' n nthdO, oc Or 0-10100 1,15 051,, 27.5, OSent 01 IodiO IO 50 dem. with its environmental restera-Disltiefa Consernation Depart- Stube. 000mkw Loon Pm saca. udo,. 5001 bollI mat od crolli. s Lo,i,Ii Irdle 0 oese ostro, dressed. 1051. S'SIIsE.Ilnonilaoplsoduc 5001 lOot rl 510 1100(501501105541111 ;iadlentanlkleroransoels atwsune.ra'anwnnp.p o I 01clon Ibi e.1ljdcoesdsosrui i555510,059SNTI41I etooconoom - U 115 115015 1515 OSI 50 5 59 .S Mol tO The Starlight Foundationuses tion projects. The Diutict in re-ment at (708) 771-1330. Entry 0dl5 l5 054I0 iI[5 Pl'.00 11iluso. 1105 nob Ion cIsisI 0:00 r r Nl o b WI al 500 .51 01 NO51In011905IE.S Ilmols 500 radoOd nu on uses oç ImsStassyIS 00 OIIotSbyav . Sdaos.linalaI l,l,fll ' 5501350 050500 1X14025 Mails's knowtmdge to bring storiugmam than 50,000ucreoof unYEr1eun?cnd,drsda0bleds0ss6sseInn, uso,,-'le,,kwIs0tu5o.0P ° 407120 N a forms are available only at the SII SOy. 0.51480 °° o.lsay,550cv,askLslunlan555aoi,swsiIeufr unSFonnoTIcesnosnisas sNi dose of fun to hospitalized chit- Forest Preserves to their Original s OSI 5 5v[NT7X1I Smwnosm000aytleaosnloolr Sirle Ill RiverTrail, SandRidge, and Lit- unmako,, 4-iO. s,dal dO1,o, lo lio,dlhmn lsfrea ls lelal,so. 011511(1559 tain 5145550, 05000er, lloroS 0101e 1ml, i, bids -01005550I 1a5IS10s0.nIOc O Oo ted,5 LSS1CHMCEEA000E.sio I no lOs noii no 5,0 515115 05505 0 n 510X11 essI 500 'II dren while they ase inidergoing preseltlementconditien, osn.ts000snly,nlsoo,tOlyoc. 5Th, 53', Ilk IO, Ib511,0 1,0S as,e, sill, aal 551 .rea. al coos o 11501 5505, 0 sOlenuloX 05 e, deRcdSchoolhouseNature Cen- 50011 Ill 2 15555T 5105 1000 0 9 1,1515e140 0501eS no mo l'I nCcSII Participants are asked to seek StUDS UDS. 001fr. *10, l,rcle il frScrtO 0101 050, ti, Ose nib'S5s,a,n. 00151 ScOres, oo,00s. ssLnoo LS Oms" 05501 trealtneutandenhancetheirlivro tors, - s OsI lb 5900 15,050,01 0.5 510 lo 45 4*00052 1,50 sOil, rsln IS'S ow SO'. Ocas, mio aloI 000,, bOisa SUSu%01510011.'rrlIu.OSOsnOnSoolS,onlssooI,,lsl,., mr,oSSoun,nuIiHeoaIsaIiosIlXlILas, Since 1986, Malts has volse,- i nioow,Ooas,oe0500a [014927. Oaaln,00osSeo r sOlenOl Ill 105 421505511 . eniiSlesOSe,LnoOs,52,n050,Ser,s11,1:0'ic5m' temersi her time and used herparty -Id suoloanudolintuksancos.nsi,sl,sOiIonle,50- 15001 los S. ILlSill5.00Il S Op I os ilUs101W&O. IO' II Its 0500551 ey IWO' and oSI bra su'1-02 lO 00 snSsSplod 005s.nnsl, 05 db les 45 (or orI sJlstipllUrnS 511551 b04sse 55 5 5 hIosl,IdssNlden(,ndetsn 1051 100511 0X21 Illin essol plonsingexpcoisetoftjsdtheprr.. Rep. Lang rips DCFS .nob es,Ola 0. 50 s, ruy, all, 0,0 cl, aasi,t, Inch n9 als leeicdssorls,05000.S000, 005lisal500I'ooksosacdloo 10151:555:0 scsSuSwa Balsear. i05s55ea Os ese 10151moO insu io Sul 05510734 cclaftSndSncdnl.S,nbsaIeaceidobaraolsS'OOIleOslo. 705 feet entertainers guaranteed to 0100010 Ia - S SOS State Representative Louis L alt the sponsorship credit they caeoecldas?rX7404, " ' . flSisnislnolosadsaoldsoh,a,er,ISslsib,ro- tPl0lS,nSiVt%Slas Soonrdio101 bOO emyouuSIaSIII seres make children smile, 'I In50111m 5,01500 0713* 1,01 J,osXnO (571 She pro-Lang (D-Skekie) today lashed 5a50,3l',Le5i15.000lonslIsrcLns,,oSOn005,lnsn 15,1 5 25' SInd 5, osOso ,.SlnonsesOeaoi SIFtDSEAiOlS0000tIb0111 1 ' 2015 Led want. DCFS is their disaster. But tinAeODth lelOS lOO'Brawoynl nan. so',s, IS hone t1100, aSol, sad sIeri, hob assIed 45510 elSe 1151000v çl sOI 55,1 eId 52 .1slesosli 4 0 0 I IIIII5 ingbeor la COI 05 nBc 1011510 loro 1202 lOISIr vides the Starlight Foundation las 011,, 200 100050101510 tools ananlsfrsousfrar050rl, °'l ontal thnDepnrtonentofChildemn to kilt goadlegislotion in order to alar551,050ioan,Nb[iX,linndslleank,soiOSll055lIrood, sIn C 11115 51005005,11 55000150 Sonlulooias 055551 Is509u000000noo.050172 nsfrros5.l'leo,caro,aou-frnueaInkros 1001550 with clowns,jugglers, magicians, U 'Oodeo.'nNl4lIs. . i es nues onsoossnfrl soncos no101odonfOSSPn andFomity Servicesforitofaiture deny a Demoerat credit, when 10351ilJ1E'5550151US1401111, 010 15e 0, IDSEYUD5OItIS( s dol . 45 ° ' ib 510101 0' 2110,0015 venlriloquisls, and even face 50550555 'lo no I 950 5001515501 I em) 0,0052 55050515 5000 555005,55' to advance or defend key reform noch new day brings same fresh Sgi SCTdMlfiÑ,li0cl,'sll-,,dUmn1pn6H01scIcls0157, LPIYDSAWUDDSel,eabs510300ion,yoasoss,, painters to entertain the children en ass sod Osco. losSSs In n,Io dlrssnhd, hsaaaIfr noofrn 3 50 0 105 0 OlI Tesio o 115,5111 ibloo 011010 I II S 550505Balises legislation befese a key illinois .n5°,'lu Ils lawn 05101 05001 1001*0 Usad, m0 *00559 O 005001500 horror in the form of a ehilds o,051s,, at,d O-15, baOsI,d 's IrleoSbn 01 SnobaI, loll,,- nDpn,2W0i O ' luSIUluFOBIlOOIsI05n00005 0051X1 in the pediatric departments ofHouseCommitece. 00, SIn 0,045 el,00n, ecotoc. 55005110 ssO u000sllO seals shin 1001,50 sly Ilmo. So lloro, ONT 405' i death or abuse, leaves the blood asr,rcsres honak rad,cias, Orto 007409. uumernusChieagoIandh,pj. I 000 sI s ill Many Cultures . One World isprize is $1,000 mcash. Fourth 'DCFS is being polluted with 155ES 1510n,IA 0 a 5145db, nos aI 0500,10 5*115159 le r si si s ilhI i,Sn001bn soyesi of mach new child victimou ssj lOiStlO dosed 545 Ios 5055 010100 onarol I I k,OO S4,oI 05es1h05lsosO0sO4dIT45 li01O?O5 "We provide two hones ofen- O 001000 aid liasse SOld (SaIru a11051 o,400500 1rO, 00 b°5, 4 the theme of the 65th annualpriee is a Magnavox Camcorder the revenge politics ofthe tinsse DCFS and House Republican OasaOa 50.5,5100 55, eldluss VdS 500 SOUe arad pssiO iaXOsoI,aiSO,lO odses SondO. nnotlo SOdO Od 5100000dOTnl5l Osos 00000 IUSESSRØAEMOSSUSI,5a'5Ie'aylls teutainment and refreshments for le, luo senoral 115,55 (rOel nSmabIlOs scoulco, IS, Ir 'n, unanoemiwois *SSSodOS5000eOf Spring Fest at St. Scholaulicacomplimentsoftinanlinports. Republicans,' said Lang,a mmm- hands.' 550550155 and 0551555 ,o 1551 My eMs 505 tOO, En Sed '5 55 SiOunlrin011sOd - 000X155 501 15055,05001 sIn 1014090 st ° '°' a College Prep for young women. Raffletickelsare$3 each;2 forthe children who aie ableto beber of the 1993 House Snbcom- lsIyistelinfloedSl'neOOIsar osWI00 SlbssI non sosJisi brought to the party room," Lang cited the defeat of the UUPACOISEIRTSFSOFt, III n5I,. 1,51,400, soled. 57eS EnSSflsI. Eroudosle 1510,0, hot NO, la This years' Fest will be held from sayo- mioee 051 T $5. 4for$l0orlüfor$25. Ad- ofChild-Welfare,"ItFoster Farents Bill of Rights by sosdaaa Iii bsrsOakoa Ins adt 1501,0 In Oser [dc, SS-Od. Sr Iseo uso .rouhsresoSnsSOlsed000s I5,5 O ob OSSOhaOOlC. 1b51 00010050sotsnnaIdSNi noon to 6 p.m., Sunday, April30 Malls. "For those children who avIses souri bnl adinfool, bou li I ossi all liolilO seams to me DOES bas enough muosonisansio mo ss I I n I VOI mission is $4 for adults, $2 for theRepablican-eontrolledjuatcj 105115 leluwoleasafaon, Sbm.IfmnSa,as,,y,LiO'anS anslcsnloslneyonraheooam' 5US014USIel'SWNUSbsre i[oj,0 nocnlosdnuth oo*59es e 0.051 0 nIl'r io knoll at SI, Scholastics High School, can'tleave theirrooms, the enter-problems without aAlutUtDStlI 'L ,°sSsOa sOsoS SI 'rU'r", - ataderos and childien under 12. gettingin- ury Committee and the failure of hOel,45r05.5515551...." . leC 1550 I 50 5 . .0 74161'4.Ridgelllvd. tommes will come and sec them if 450 05050001045' ,.l,aclFsb[dsldo cuyas da,OlnS I 0155000, NO.5000.0,05501 01100001 51501SOfln Family admission is $10.For volvedinpartisanpolitics.' DCFS to testify on behalf of leg- Othello dansa ee,00L50 5, 5 508000. 'oSOoheISo I vlSSISoIuSnnl,, novahosnIo' P 515011431 , Ola000S,5SSsIisnhe050l sSOIueeooe'aodUndllr, thryasealiowedtobevevis." 0570ca0000Tsna , , . , a,lodno,lfr0clO,IS00000IScOolsOe'SOlOinlssledO'lOuluno.m.Ms0O(004.lm arsios 1111 55000105591,a1oeP51000151501d00b050*0e Exciliug professionals nod "DCFS sat back and edo . siemtìàù'IbI'no ,0d101,doSlI .pIo moie information call the Spring istationpeevinusly euauthoredtjy sWan05,0,, OefreiOiakOasnp IO050055 .555000 0,80 S , 501,10 0005 Scholaslica's very own talented Malls is a 25 year resident ofbill they helped draft- foster par- afllWf%AtsOlnO,,000lL1,Ooaj,k10160 II tOlJUGit"tSUtIOti101'ana Sieplais 1,0500e 0 '0h lIb ISI 50505151 5,00505 aodlSnIo ; Fest office at (312) 764-5715, them. "DCFS allowed itsolfto he OlrdrslissoOsSEaTSOl...... A 'inranss.031 utedents,represenlingavarietyof Northbrook and a member of the ISO, r nO I eIoS,lIll,a 055er,, so5*,,5e,0a ooluseonlod5oaOisssus1,cssroo 45 od S asscKSnOKSOTiSl exL364. eats standards - get killed in the steamrolied by House Republi- 05805 thaosOl SI -SEiilSlOIenISIn foltaImlInraIn 450 5,0550, IdOS l,elO45%SbrSnan5 Ossa 00511 050 500515 5nbsl0 lulemnalional Special Evento So- 5555. eSo 0501W 055,10 051 55 01 es 5db 5050 orral, INS, PImIStIS,5 In laso doused S5551 0 camOnes including Mexico, the iudicioiyCnmedttee,' saidLang, 150505551 51140000011 5 551 1tl cans,' Lang soid. telmo tnrnd50a.s'rl dOSSO 50.00 unen' nun .05 l,lIr doadnisdu,Senenl50,01 eoeOLisiCoen,I lOMoS 5050510 thu mossI nsaosoaeellkmn. Philippines, Columbia, Ireland, ciety und Association of Bridal I 5151505 0 e "Whot woo the bills flaw? A 'Children ase being murdered alncl ,abe,n,aOdadI 1,1,11,5 504571 ' aSImSIFoRsomofls,.srnsbroosep,olocsismlulesrn i0hsIIeoìslImoornoisIaeosooaSn)ensloc0arnhlo . Consultants. 0o50a, na 5i,sol0000l 1ers, u,nsc O' 11515 and countries of Central and Preparing pizza Democratwos thesponsor." , - 1,10051 n and abused. The legislation ta d,0at doe 4 I b lleno 500510 pltUDalntmotSmSabo,s,ao,00dscsre,aIsoo l,nSI' i 54,500 TroStS Osai South America willjom together For further iuforniation about 555,50 anos0,0, tales :051, 5050 1,000,end, ,5055m, elacdhsseStiOSsnhbsIdb0000uoSSIl?51, lS11SoiOosSSnsolo.si550ld1055iUoss,40014d5505 mEWS. ISSS IiushOioysÓ0110lS000uso Lang said Rouse Democrats help them is being choked off by DOthS5IZTAYIDStDtUtJ4E.L to present the most exciting en- Ose of America'sfavoritethis exciting volunteer program, 0550, 50.505' 55004 ISOlO asTe WO 0 101005, 000, OIl's. 000e *00' are willingtogiveup sponsorship veugefstRepnblicans, and DCFS ss01n,C0.suioçnSensaons ,nniLI55510500 hodbeedadln 451 uscaiboor 150 51155155050,eolie?, e.esr.5rI,ls,nossrsa000al,'5ocrauosoinla tertainmeutprograms ever! Areameals is the focus of the North-costactilope Malls, the Starlightof child-welfare reform legista- Snr,lsdslsa OIls, OSI, 05 eosIna, I IN' lum.000InOMab,cuNar05sraSSdeynO,OmrOsO brook Park District's first spring is lotting it happen," Long said. O p55 (clIsan ttRYAiiP005lhtdlndel,osIoln IosnOTn00500bsaisru I0s,aae&&nosida10abiIdnl0T.101OI's55lssicss0 bOIOOSsiSeSluiu01101SloOdSSOSlksXtOsIOsils FUsFLPIlutUAS,droiodoisnrde,454n,5OIO, restaurante will feature the fmrst Foundation hospilalparty coordi-tios if that wilt guaranteepos- 'Itbreaks yourbeart." raSlsS'Sli roIesIe.slfedssesa,sOoIikoSrsois,aoalX5 OlaiSsNOOsOlI050tuOsl0050ilfrltlSIbSdSlbdlSelISn011 SOsrdXsosOoawSlI?SSt. lnri0500*1I0,ILaOsIrSsSnS,.00r5050080050*, Gourmet Cooklug Series. Learnnatorats (708)470-2544. tOVSUtMNaasb aSIdOS anar *121 lIsa 550015O,g.5515e Oonsl aed Olios SSO loadas Io a roladso. 0i4.X5n405.55T5125 0001sdinsSOO,5O'OlnIsOocXivONI?SS, food from atoned the world sage. 'The Republicans can take - cdaS.t Sur 500 OnO 1521 sOI 0,5 caso so, 0iS'ENT4SSI. ' . peryntureFeooeoitorngssyeeosonsle.sooscsias.n 0.51155010 Orms55000ni3O00sleUlo,Se000S00000l,500?mlen' lDSIUsE.UEl5E,W5flY'roboal5InssIn505W.oMer lhroughouttheaflrrnoon. An ex-to prepore basic pizza cools and - c05locIa,n 05500-009409 WIIIUIIIIEMU,S0'Ol.aosdluhrnasrl sauces and top off your creation TAlOu3yioloasslsosonrc o40fas05arocsrheoalnno, 1000010180005151i59.Ssn,Sil,bu1i1a1515055.50 OlsrIsoos,Is0540nuI0500b5COo5, laoe,O5XIO0NO. emcs.lso.thessoSnks4ira050aod,nil'cscIaaIofrmsoIo citing variety of games for the It's never too aeTllETecDSfaN00000ss lud ,OloOaS,da, 44,51',lSElcsedsr,IonanXsanfrllo. Oslnsllin00fl5 aosaao.li5lSc.05',Siorol,blshbs,Srakc,anlsoInIoml drlresiXTTIOI - bet sInnt Us len. 005554,1, F51 5,05 std, 2515go alo, young and the veiy with unusual,lightgranishes. Des Pbines Camera 500*0 S'IS laibsOnaOsI 5555155 05 nO soness lus,. 00555,15 5005555 Ma 14n Ido Sss' ObOo,00025'nasoosiosndssiooedeeaslr,snsTilll 10054 young al nrSa0000sS Ld0005IsOslaal aIeo,frnfroedennoled eicasaate,amatcmiovloociInuIs,s5r4',2ess. heaxtwillbeavailabletoall thosePreparing Pizza begins at 7p.m.early to think culOp 05101505 555 555511 INlemnlSIS,bs'OlandeOolsse,dlorsle,srs050,ilSl'. 4555 5511,05055 1010505n511105i050Su000l tSIauh'JmOaiOtKeSSOi.ers.ouIInese,O,nv,loldo, on Wednesday, April 26 ot the em, .zaulwsa, 1,1011000. ossasybs Od 151159 sr,5I,aOa, bIOnd,esIl0IXs,Ir 5(550 100e OOiSnS,Ifnisbi,in5010ass Oss,,.0100nssioo.sools,XsieISeressOo,lnS,lsni,olc o,ubuIs,odscOSsIshlI'O.iS000IsSyalslaSiOslsOlo. attending this fun-fitted event. Club to hold meeting atUUUlWnlU59slrejaL050lrosd 10*050,00 lnrsle le,kbnt Ial bul dbel ai br (5l.47l Io aaie Irle's so,,l SeOSbnXe,Ss srotl,sOrlosoI,(55'55(0000l515IiSsXd .aOiIelessIe,07'04.-Iusisiadenolopressaesobnbsdonbasi eooedeslobosns.SnIo,roodsOcSmosoldrOSOssOaes' The very popular dance contestLeisure Center kitchen, 3323about college 00esHI 2l59na,550010591 40 0515061 ST mIes 0515 055510e, Cssusils,,l 550-500e olsas,r nih Ss,ulsOsSuos,,sasasOiodsnuSn00005lrillt- 115500iSssdossTseTOTlbn slendfrrElITna The next meetIng of the Des ulsulnl 510101kolonaS I0000700aoodlleoll 5X11041, wilt topoff the afternoon's enter- Waiters Ave. Freshman und sophomore sta- oneflonorableMention. Honora- 051455 SSJI5OISISDI0000UY, 0,110011: 0500,OolandepiojaoisS aUsOHessOSuilaGnUsisooalo rdtIarlLd.aayisXIo IS5tORlOSM,SESIAUSIS,lsroSSlsish,e.5I',101Se, Tasty samples and cookware Plames ComeraClub witt be bold hIe Mentions were also gives EtUI, 15150,45.505555,53',s'olt.eel. Iuralc,oroI0loOsIboIfnsrlo5o0,0is5n0s,'olW esoedscn,sndsaa,ed,oleaolnOosuo,slse'meo,raranls, 5010010501551005l050005055i5151d11015i0,Oa lainment, dents andtheirparests ore invited to UD11,luTIJD55H e00 bIO S eolsanokn, no' sledcsslssbasilonobsol0edra,miSbaosl SOsIodSr onIsoouI,0'ET,00nsyr.sksblsdebolsonosasdbesl O000nsanososlb5eolafs.esmoaoohlinorosoonlosos olruilr,ImS'odarnlcds,sIsvnSe,OmtaOsold, on Monday, April 24 at the Des dnkbcd 011*50 a00 005II o hsoosSa105054,)oXslnioluooes.noçododS,ad000 000dnldcoet0055SmOSSlllSS This year's raffleprizes willadvicealso willbegiven, Signupte ottesd 'Anticipating the Cot- JeonUngarnodjoeBagdonss a SSS 0l,nIOs0000k,35100I,SOrIObeod,.27-I?.5,cSSObelSion adoeeslosilnsonsensadnlsolslt40loO. Plaines RehIle Library. The li- neo 0005seosnnlo mllooeda plan 5, 010,01 includeugrandprizeofS2,SOOinfortlsiscourse,oratsrven ofourtege Process" os Thursday, April The Des Plai,ins Cassera Club Sa, aoesISarowScl ssneltSIalOd,lno(ah,4ossossosasshsee.sIst 005500 MSIUUSUSUI,lnnaridorllor00 ,dras(5,00 brasy is located ut84l Grocetand ,IlanNlliba ,Oolalsnlorslelllcsbbna- 05oIsaossaidau.s60000sn000l,.asswnssoenllear ,80NOodrsdeoueraanASOooleetsOo IO(soOsbaOSassoOgSX,3T-0510155001o51h05'tshsiasn cash. Secondprizewillbe dcketspopular SpringiSummer Gour-2Ofrom7 to 8:30p.m. ottheNites meets twice monthly on the sec- lrsl55wandb005i5010 Id5bso5Oo,TooIls5Iossso, Ave. sn Des Plaines. The inter- lu%St*tUslsI SO lff5020sOSSs I 50000 s000aldba,00neslsao.onlnsIsros.ols,isroo,le000, 40e01001Jb[Ih5'soSdlmlSseObslSlnslDSISlSrOO,r,lO 5105:51511If.)'n5rr59udSo05S0sIO,aben0all met Cooking Series. For details, loda ff,odp,s,a o,, 550150,seTskMacsalcS ,5511405155i00105 5e01SCSmn 100nonoi50005Si. eolia , IS OsI,son,sosoresl000,osaIm,ssOlasnioaolsardnol' 5004055SOolO4t000.5O?TIO. for two on American Airlinm to Nneth High School auditetians, and and fourth Monday of the 100.051 al, yos 50 lIsO lois 50 [X15s55 consultyour1995 club moutbiy competition will mo-Am.esmeenrsssol,ts',lnIsonL,nbo edS'iodOTTSO, anywhere in the U. S., Menlco, SpengI9looLawterAvesue, is Skokie. mouth, September tlsrough May. lu (ISSUS el, Orode slIo assI, loSo 00 abs Osa --'S1mtIEfMsISn0lJOeo0lSisiO'nslsbeX5nb,5sdn5 Summeretecreation Guideorcall begin following a brief business it5101DSad.d'S,J01le,ess,.daun05IkSrOw05 d,0005uIIOSSS[NOSSOISIomlSO l5'osslg(la It lssOfr00oadoud 'obu'ssh fr5150, 1155 thrCaribbranorHawaii, compli- This program is designed to Refreshments ate served follow- Lnlk SeStO 41.04'. 110 ta 5100050. sso loes sII ¡oaoS. od 40er nu.0, S'IO, On 0151150gns0 51l,sOO.di saio no,Sco0 meeting which begins at 7:30 al0000sOsns00100ls,losl055en,So,thenrdaO,oS. meula of Adventttra Travel of(708)291-2980. answer the common questions ing the meeting. Gnestsore sI- Oar n-n, Iraisa, 5m. 5141.50. PlnlonsionL nlIS5i 551,051 ls,051IISI,tl, 5055,00 Cailoinn il. Iegsaos, lInse1 l0.r.uIIOoILlss?lbclniiom.Oia050000SelT4lI 'dolflosmnithnlfo,OSstuOoBXTOln. p.m. Each member may submit 805, 5000. nOclolsafredadse EXT 455. 00'40,eaiOlu.05011.5.SOlndsuS0040wISai. Evanston and Chicago.Third asked by students and theirpar- ways welcome. Whatever your 5111511551,O5',lnlbn,SO,llnouc,,SuOreo,Sosscby EMOlIONASbOSnilrSOlsiioemrndOiOdo,OblOmsleoOs,, four slides d/grahsin r!' AsE Uf Im, 200500 10,00, 0, 1n01dc. IO lOo SPillO!, FUSILO slslea'slst InnI,, 515,0er 53', soI 151 Ills el0ATUIE00 SsnIseSNSoSsOedeOksOsSnOrId ' uosIlls0500bnoSse000loc a000iS-lyoSdnI000indIs, ruts os they begin to think about level of interest in photography 05 9051105*5, 5051W 5005 shO,l55S0 001b50015i5. 0001 Sooth sasod oso Oisoq scm (SchoSs 5000 sSS e, ata OmaOistsddl'en.IsSabSSO,sOdSiSiOO,YOrOOIrtnIS- f- color or black and white. TIns ,0DSao.Tu.n 001500ml bosOn HsrcLalayooaL,. sr' aa ds*0la baco sia es: O lollon anisbia enso lOI 000e. SFIonimoesnnsslSIISdI , - .00,15OOa01050sSSStSbiOalOdnsbi Paoicsl.a500 j, you ore cordially invited lIle is Isolbeg, awl, yss lissa oecoala eau Sal - , - the college application process. to ut- 1,0 bS,snsfr,,lraLsoislnr.TI000i3O000osonslse Inks ,OoerSfrss 40.0,0010leal OIe 01,1551051 051e, '.'.Oln009b000,45.511',172l50,5001nlSOSiOIlOIltIntleaSiI, month there is a special category Oslo: OsnSO.Son,01fl.tnbebsocu,OltaidaidO,5505, lTO;1S1Ssl ml14 Ossrhl0055cldi 501151 Which college placement tests teudomeetingus agoest. 551554 I4n05ldeaemeledat for the second shde submitted lISIES Uf SallEn WSsads.g 00'51*0 opelisi 0,sloa 14111010E ISeo imOl dlooed soil, noIe. 45, 0,550 551,00 shentd o stsdent take?Wlses For odditisnol informationre- 5n51i515U(lldSaOlnSrbdo.nSIboOsres,OII 50545 50110550 nIssiomImls0000nyoslona,iealolmlw to,lsIlssd're.aiaoo,iaSedsndlun000IsOSIsr000 I F nWIImDSt?frsesldr,Oc.Ieoco,0,cio45a,eS',Ooody OsOthiogoOaS,0c053o21-O5plaslXIOOS 000,0. I55l50.00rShlsrIoolslini,ress.Sleefifel,,Soab, which tsWheels". A tItrer- leole 5011, DraIn sellS's, ososo Iismiy not 5505150, sheald he or she take them? How fording the Club, youare macocr- 05051e 000dslos.assdneOosnlonnofrmoeLTeedoOsn bel, O7', 155 lIt OSOnsislu,tP.11 loO. 05501 SalO. 00550040 sms Olf aOv, S,Xs le,s'Ieln uisbl0.OiO 00 atStrvo 5011e -n 15-N0,nN*u000nI'-1,oralsrbost .Ssalusoasion o55474? lAOISaLmSssS 101050,0 UsoOss. 110. 510.30, 51505 member-panel ofjudges from lo- te55agaoo'3T,LoDìeassS SIlsn0050I5000 [01004, S'O, 050,, 501 005100,1501 000150 551 4015 lmI000o,odO,ol IeiSthOssObslseNIOlS should an isdivjdnal prepare fer aged to cuit (708) 696-2899er 00 0,51,0 SedO 'malo 5.0,, W, 0551 51105 fl 501,0 IS, cal cotIsera clubs wiltscore and MWSAtEOOE0500dSSs000erSSolensslc,SOaIscO'Se, these tests? When shontd s ffrsti- (708)296.8282. ElISSU e Seso, tells eIb'IasXieooOOilL SI, 04. 17 la. 541 lIS ION, 505:10 5155155 (0* 5011 SsS,. 4E, 10054, N'I'. IO lo. Sn 5200 050 01 Hr000Is WOe, 2400. envol en- nlsCOrOnOcuss0100000sol.OSIIOSXI?44T, 55111X11 sieIooIssi SO'. ITO io, 50 5000 eouob 0m. bia005arm, 0151,0 eSSI, I,rsb, ases 200511 5045 5,5100 727 W. Devon Park Ridge crctiquetbeentrtm 801,00,52'. 110110,s005soboddSl,Oew,Js'csfnn' llnSn100sSo,54?51h4, SsbOdlasOlOmsSOl,1 esnisdea,uao*,lasnlo,, ly start teoking at colteges? How 001 rinosds orsO e,sI,o ins and do.00nklIs can,, Sole o lnen,erse,000so,S.Ll'o*'soeoeopoohloswe IllS SOTtIE sod Osn0 too 'o lIlt Seils soon TIC 00m irdoo,mon,100lOn,, ,oslu.000IOs,r,l.SonII,od400, for adO00SesdSSd.000s59leelSInXsle.lOSlXleIisOimlsir, Sb el05 :0500 lodo. 13.01, OrooSo, 001720 does one choose o college match? Local students make ssO 060105 500 edn &dirSaa as0 essoda la nadeln lelo hIsnenlosdeg Isdo. P1,5, sIl 101 lOir IMS,A.SIS11RESO. OSlnnSbOTelasSslIisSaO (708) 692-6255 March was captured by Bvatyn asOOkS.EXT4Ou bellos s0000 bsysscsilSoseento to Orodsa 5001011510 ,nn,10.esOlaslClTlSIl - How can o family determino if Willows Dean's FUSS, 055011rs5 sod asados elosle 0445 10,80 55 5?'. lsssuIs0rsoSos4500oumo,0S,o00o551I?2O 1550% 55 FUn. TrIed sI U5S sod boleo mbl,sO Oath 5 MUces. Awards for smallmoco. WeUn,taNcso5aanoIs6sthare0si IS Ifs, 05b59. 10051' aloI, 015515, dl 055 0X1 0001 10010 SlpSIffiemn,lsoiolloilb000005lesso,tInle0000bIo. OlO 0550e oSa m lrimds? lee, 000, OndeS bees escs aSO they con afford o csltege? These solid 0,55 lIT. nOn 0100045 O WOO 0 10511:051 ISo 1551' pscih oo a uS alIOOrsn de lnsOils nulo, 5iic5 OS sOdIO, Ial nUOlOnOB.t s'oslo Oslo Isbn sels 45,0 sndldsaneso, 20- h3s,,osnelu,IrseciOlysSsre,losoleP1151dn,II,l0l55 Sed. 7.55. SI', 5550. 550 010d boed lOcoaieb,' E? 72401 i chrome prints were given to Jerry List, Honor Roll tasbooe,sao*nsss,anarslan00500[ar.4005.4t otis5 lSppylOsliSosi. PIse, be 5055. 0.5141st IOinpeSIe,SSbo,Osnerlo-nbthlObmldl:10550155.uioO ndsds Isais, 55150, naso 00 noola SsOnI5 lenish Ioule osd mony other qoestions wilt he o Hog and Frese Stolto with ab,lslas'sOl,blsOOiO 55550.555710 sOslnaoSoeSS000sn,Iseabl,,lSnoOiO 5577171. NIITIVU,FUE011W011bcl0l51Isin5ls,105 00011', rad' addressed at this program by the two Judith Cantillo of Glenview c000sioatanalenamnecu,Sssdlssybea05015ed sse dotIno, 51,15510051 os000010, 0501010, au 0,501st Hoaorablo MeutsonstoJerry . B[OlOAIotOst,st,s4', 124 lbs. diosrod,oen 015055e,L aloe 101510 eX s nodrsr, birlO 04'. 2?, Ia sld 51X5505 50505. lao's tEtlanlil SSO PeSO, sOlaIo, OSS plaso'nnd bruIe SOInSHOSE,0055 anS ssl,panionhln ylOsel. stilt ssno biIdl, 001ssS. 4f51550554n, 055:00 cobolS IS, 551e, ,liom. college/career coonsetors of Dis- and Macian Fernandez madethe i015501 76 0.15'. ama lose Od eevoaolnoslfrssd 5555es 5110 Hog, who olsoroceived anAwoed Sdo,s los olsbnl,, Saoe mso'n, I, aid Od aid asee bd rS.sodfn0100lolaesouolelaod1005ols055 t54(eooksssraaa'ed59lO01r5crO0rcOch0ia5IeMle(55 bI i500t 0555, dsseiOl and loll mois 05559,, 00105, aIdS- trict2lb. Deou'sListforthe secondqoorter 15015 55r,or010lsioskedarlotooan,2t'sa. OrtoS EsSOc. lsOi,aolnolssrdolsodsoil00015,O,ST-55.edsnl000e' 0(OtISiIS100lObOlSS PSle.,,sin.b55Cl,t.Os590io,I,ss000btor.daa05015 E,rn,nao' For forsher informatico, con-and H000robto Mention foro offre 1994-95 schoolyen-. Both 0X7494. nl *10 0.55 5 laOs 100065 O,S 1501 55 lin 401115 55 sr ba 45591 elsIe IST 1155, 000 10X105015 5X1 1555 tocs Nibs North Coltogr/Careerlarge m000chromoprtst. attend The Wiltows Academy io Awards for small color photo- Cososelor Donna Virklonat Nitos. To ho eligible for the °'Send inyour coupon today! ft will ho pubtishod FREE! Ouestions?Call 1-800-759-2e11 F (708) 933-8873 or Nitos Westgraphs were recesved by Evolys Dran's List, a student most have Listen and Learn b11 ieIoenloIl,lswbll Sn Ospein Ssno 00,5.050biobboshoosassslsh Iso, p000, snly' FREEMessage Retriveal Cottege/Csreor Counsetor GlorioMskcs and Simone Pool withtwo s grade point avec-age nf3 695 Coilthe extenslonn of poor choice. When you lister to the voice behInd Honorobto Mostions toTom Chi- to NssTIywXTs SiMs 5511 0055535 (tInsse hou to 30 ssordst, Sed laseN' Is colIno. -o Moore st (708)581-3169, 4.0. the ad, you eolo more about the-person behind the voice. obstas. Jerry Gosld receivedon Gretchen Sooko, Hitlory NaIls 000lnos ' hpO.# s - Award and Ronorablo Merlino Myers, Elizabeth Cassidy But the first step io to... for a targe color photograph. Er- and Stefasie Weaver nf Glenyjew - nieStetleolso reeeivedonHoaor_ and 5(50 Stole Loura Fernuedee mode tIseHonor . TakeTime to Listen! Stop By And Say Hello able Mention for o largo color Roll for the second 000 Plane) Ebm,(n 00000,1 t ' z photograph. quarter nf the -:.- - ' ' 1994-95 scbuol year. To be F44 eigi- 5otSfe Pnia'acealConnmctsa,s,SUiTN 266, We're"Not JustNails" The Slide-of-en-Monthfor blm for the Honor Roll, , 19004322222 65 E. Chestolt St, ChIcago, IL 61611 e a studeul 055 0150, 750111,0 bO,MWILOS,oysso,doiII Sopeso medieelno 555 onhinto 0,554,0, 511, uopsne,o. Gels March was awarded tu Ernie Tutepho,oRotu $1.95 S E4 ..5100snaI C 000eofi onsrns, 055tha OghIts 01150 nleoOa,yod TanningFacials most bave a grade pointaverage . . 1: . as well as twoAwards und of2.955 to 3.694. nnQa .o ,IIJFIA .(AUOSIJHT SJi)!Jlt ilS-Il TnFP,tJin0Át,TmJEs TUEBUGLE,TIOUESDAY,APRIL2O, 1995 - Your Ad Appears YourA'd'AppearS USETHE BUGLE : In -The Following Editions USETHE BUGLE In The.FolIOWiñgEditions n NILES BUGLE o NILESBUGLE Clàssifieds o MORTON GROVEBUGLE Classi fieds .MORTONGROVEBUGLE o SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOODBUGLE oSKOKIE/LINCOLNWOOD BUGLE o PARK RIDGE/DESPLAINES BUGLE RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE t PARK 966-3900 a GOLF-MILL/EASTMAINE BUGLE 966-3900 tGOLF-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE

. INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS At: 8746 N. ShermerRoad, NUes, IIUnoIs. You Can Place Your Classified Ads by CaUIng966-3900 or Come Tò Our Office In Person Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9A.M. to 5 P.M. Deadline for Placing Ads is Tuesday at 2 P.M. Moving Sale, Personals,Situation Want ;.s Certain Ads Muste Pre-Paid In Advance:Business Opportunity, For Saie, Miscellaneous, S- aa, ed, Or If The Advertiser Lives Outside OfThe Bugle's Normal Circulation Area. RICHThE HANDYMAN LOW COST WHELAN PAVING J.M.Z. ROSEBUD . Bldg. M.intotonon - Coopootrp ROOFING CONSTRUCTIOrJ CO. CONSTRUCTION, INC. Electeical . Plonebing FULL/PARTTIME Of Lincolnwood CUSTOM CARPENTRY . P.inting4otaoicdlotomiOm Ccwpintc Qalrty Ovo, 35 Yoro Sorving KlOah.on R Bath. Cement Work W.ath.r Ion.Iatice Racfint Service Ittje u1e' Nll.c TownOhtp Ron Roacta nd Addition. GUTTER ANING Free Written Entiwotes Potehing a Specializing In Concret. . . Now Innt.IItlon Dannoon In. - Rnn.. Rosen- Fma. EatinOton o RoocrfoaingSont Canting Custom Dock. a Staimn Porches 966-9222 u81 (708) 675-3352 DryIl Hanging t Tapio9 965-8114 Caransic A Na-Woo TIlo n Room Additions FREERSTIMATES - exzape Roplocoo,cot Window. A Doom n Garage Floors i.M.Z. Parch.. Robotic A Ropoiotd n Driveways a Sidewalks ROOFING CO. VInyl A AIan,lnon, SiAn LANDSCAPING IhiegIn. Flat lilao TorI. AÚTQ 11e .11in Befit, Pn.lo a 0000m o Patios. Etc. ModiflOd Osbbw& eco cacto (708) 966-6860 o Insured ° Bonded O Licoñsed inspeCta at roof 000r'offnl GILBERT LANDSCAPING tilnyl &aluoiruea lidias, DEALER. . Free Estim,tes SPRING CLEAN.UP 5e09 A Foci. &Gtittorn 966-3900 To Place Your Bulletrn BoardNotice! : NEWYORK - Chiamavo Rthuil Call (708) a CATCH BASINS (708) 773-3676 . Cowpinte Laws Samien Full Hosto Tcnkpcistles IRECTORY Sf : CARPET WORLD &SEWERS . Foetilioleg . Trimwiog GIno, Black Wiedawo AMERICAS LARGEST a . Bushos . EnortreotrS skyliohto Inotaltad OaofRopaie Work : CARPET RETAILER a JOHNS SEWER PRESTA Law Pricos Froc Estimulas AT HOME. a CONSTRUCTION (108) 459-9897 (708) 966-6860 Buick E ROOFING & : SERVICE . Stairs . Parchas . Goragn FlanCs LENEEE'S I Call Oaktofl & Milwaukee, - Dricowoys . Sldowolk5 LOREN SUICK/HYUNDAI TUCKPOINTING 967-0150 : Nues - Posies - BeinE Ponces MASONRY SYNTHESIZER 1620 Ro,d. GIenow -.v Í Ing i'. ni (708) 529-4930 1708) 729-8DO o Glass Block Windows o Stucco .Remodeling CARPET CLEAN (708) 696-0389 Li n'eco d - I 05cm d - Fron Ectilnotes J.M.Z. . Room Additions ' Porches .Garages . Decks BUGLE VacrNolghb h dS M SYNTIHJfSIZEJL o Chimmey Repair ' Siding . Gutters (708) 966-8430 . CLASSIFIEDS DONT GET STUCKI MERIT CONCRETE INC. MASONRY CONTACT CLEANING I. GET HELP...LOOK Prompt. Frao Writt.n Entiwstec Now Black A S,iak Conotesatice ROLAND - KORG - YAMAHA (312) 622-7355 WORK Step, - Podes - Walks . cuuam Firoplocas RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL IN THE CLASSIEIEDSl . Drivas . Etc. .Fauadotlae Rnpoi,5 $50.00 STEVEN SIMS SUBARU tttDAiI! .cnioaeyoeobuin&Tuckpciesod (708) 453-1605 frooE,tin,otoo Licensed - Fuiiy Insured . Fall Osuno Tuakpnistieu Call (708) 541-2877 115 Chkgo Avono- Evndon FREE ESTIMATES - Gloss Olank LIntel/Sill eoplosoe,oet 170B1 869-5700 - I3121 SUBARUS (312) 283-5877 Between 7 - 9 p.m. . Chlnaroyt Swsps&Fluos noplocod Ask for Tom AUTO DEALERS! (708) 966-6860 Cali Classified . CONCRETE WORK .5 to place your ad / f- t a MOVING FOR - MIKE NITfl INFORMATION oju Manicurés . Pndicorns . Tanning . Facials CEMEIII'CONTRACTOR (708) 966-3900 -----...... patin Dock. . DnvcwOyR MOVING? : AcrylicsFiberglass . Gels . Wail AG . SidawelkO MIKWAY Froc Eatimatno 668.4110 Matti & Paula , n TUCKPOINTING unique. personalized gifts I.icnnnAd Folly Ingsomnd o BRICKWORK THE BUGLESI 965-6606 Coli Barb Call Judie 727 W. Danon . Park Ridge, IL 60060 "'° Masonry -Business l70e 652-6255 f708) 291-1446 (703) 966-4567 l5, Chimneys Repaired & Rebollo Service schcnem,te Glass Block Installation STOP Window Caulking Directory Bsildina Cleaning is beckoning DEL'S MOVERS, Residential - Commercial EM-EL ELECTRIC Industrial you to: TRY US FOR INC. Cal! Wo specialize in lacal mocos. s Fully Insured . A WELCOME CHANGEI L 00K ATTHE BUGLE'S CLEAN Residential - Commercial n Free Estimatos Lcw, low ratos. which . All Phasnu nf Elostrical Work. Office. enablc 5es to (708) 965-2146 SWEEP (708) 966-3900 . Low Pricen. Coil un far o 50 OtO. . Gnaraoteed Werk. ADVERTISE - i-708-766-8878 - Professional . And Cinon-Up Witon We Reich. VCR - iii.CC64735 MCC i h5UP d - potential custonloho! Office Cleaning And To Place Your . Sonior Citiaec Disaccota. MAINTENANCE _s1,.1fl To yost phano and Window Cleaning Service EM-EL ELECTRIC PAINTING Specializing in: -I_lu CALL NOW Bulletin Board Notice! (708) 967-8372 & DECORATING O VCR HEAD CLEANING fffftrn...(7O8) 324-3945 a REPAIRS 966-3900 . . HOOKUPS IN HOMES i GUTTERS PAINTING & DECORATING Jay's Home Repair o REASONABLE RATES & DOWNSPOUTS CALL DAVE: DONT GET STUCK! - n Excellent Painting AD QUICKLY and ACCURATELYON OUR FAX MACHINE GET HELP GU1TERS. REPAIRED a Wail Papering 965-6725 WE WILL GET YOUR OR REPLACED WITH NEW o Dry Wail Repair LOOK IN All Typen - Gosier Clnonisg FREEESTIMATES or leave . Owonr Does Repair Work message THE BUGLE 20% Off J00. & Fab. (708) 259.3666 Hoips Prenons Wator Dawsgo FOR ADVERTISING COPY CLASSIFIEDS Coli Poryi Just check the BusinessService section of The Bugle's (312) 262-7345 - Est. 1972 AG. PAINTING WALL WASHING the job! Youii find AND DECORATING Classified Ads and let the pros do o Qoality Pointing competitive skills and rates thstii give voti agreat se- . tntsrior/Estericr job done or are offering iectiOfl. Whether you need. a o Wallpopering NORTHWEST your serviCes. read*nd use our Ciassifiedsfor an infor- o Drywall Ropairs . area's marketpiace FREE ESTIMATES WALL WASHING u1 ftizpapirz mative iñexpensive handle on your (708) 966-5529 Walls, Ceilings, and Woodwork for life's everyday needsand wants. woshcd, CootS clegsnd. - SPECIALIZE IN Find the help that RESIDENTIAL CLEANING. 8746 N. SHERMERROAD, NILES, IL(708) 966-0198 THE BUGLES You need in our Free Estim500s Insured (OUR FAX NUMBER) .. BUSINESS SERViCE classified section, 12121 252.4e70 13121 252-4074 DiRECTORY ' INFORMATION ONCLASSIFIED ADS INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIEDADS (708) 966-3900 or Come ToOur Office in Person At: You Can PIaCeYOurClassified Ads by Calling Ads by Calling (708) 966-3900 orCome To Our Office in Person At: Our Office Is Open -Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5PJQI. You Can Place Your Classified 8746 N. ShermerRoad, Nues, Illinois. 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles,Illinois. Our Office Is Open - Mondaythru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. YourAd Appears Your AdAppears USE THE BUGLE USE THE BUGLE . In The FollowingEditions . .. InTheFollowlngEdltlons . ocevo NILES BUGLE iet n NuES BUGLE ° . Classifieds MORTON GROVEBUGLE Classifieds MORTONGROVEBUGLE eus SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOODBUGLE :Lrnteneur SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOODBUGLE 9 6 6-3 900 PARK RIDGE/DESPLAINES BUGLE ltsioecoenonene n PARK RIDGE/DESPLAINES BUGLE . GOLF-MILL/EASTMAINE BUGLE 9 66-3900 n GOLF-MILL/EASTMAINE BUGLE .

INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling966-3900 or Come To Our Office In Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, NUes, Illinois. You Can Place Your ClassifIed Ads by Calling966-3900 or Come To Our Office In Person At: 8146 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois. Our Office Is Open- Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. OurOffice la Open. Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. Deadline for Placing Ads is Tuesdayat 2 P.M. Deadline for Placing Ads Is Tuesday at 2 P.M. Certain Ads Must Be Pre-Pald inAdvance: Business Opportunity, ForSale, Miscellaneous, Moving Sale, Personals, Situation Want- Certain Ads Must Be Pre-Pald In Advance:Business Opportunity, For Sale, Miscellaneous, Moving Sale, Personals, Situation Want- ed, Or t? The Advertiser Lives OutsideOf The Bugle's Normal Circulation Area. ed, OP lt The Advertiser Lives Outside OfThe Bugle's Normal Circulation Area.


BANKING OPPORTUNITIES PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNES RESTAURANTS! SALES I TELEMARKE11NG MEDICAL! FOOD SERVICE - SALES j RETAIL HEALTHCARE B,nkin9 MANAGEMENT I QOOItY WAITRESS . Northwet Sido PINKERTON SECURITY BRANCH MANAGER FULL TIME Eupnrleneed CUSTOMER SERVICE RetiremenUN.reing Home Looking For Tuesday Thro Senday Positions open immediately at.. 'f?: Arlington Heights Seeks Expending FLEX OFFICERS 5PM-11 FM OPPORPJNITY 3- 5 yxers COnsmoer lending experience for finance lelemarketing Company Apply In Pursue- Armstrong Diamond Center 7g $18,000 Guaranteed! company office. Good manegeriol skills.Respond with CNA's Northwest Suburbs Car and Phone A Nicky's Rest. & Pizza We are looking for a hard working and detail resume and solory history in cooRdonne to: For Varied Shift3 Must! 6063 Dempstar - Mosten Grenu oriented person to work flexible hours as cus- RINISI OPERATION tomar service representutive in a fast paced re- . . Director of Human Resources Competitive Pay & Supervisors & ." MANAGER COUNTER HELP tail environment. Competitive salary & complete BANK OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS, N.A. Excellent Benefits Security Officers Matera, ralinhln individuels Position Available benefit package. SEEKING ENTHUSIASTIC One S. Genesee St. Come Join A u Account Managers upedad for Skcbie Bekery. NOW! 5:35 ant - 130 pm, Men-Fri. ucd For an interview contact: R. Rosenthal TE LEMARKETERS Waukegan. IL 60085 Quality Organization Full & Part Time 1:30 pm - tSO pm. 5-6 duys. Hove Oponiogu At Corporoto Ac- (708) 296-401 3 TO WORK IN A FUN & FRIENDLYATMOSPHERE Call Monday Thru Friday Feat Paced Service Cell for Appointment . counts. Good Customer Service - Between 9 AM. . 3 P.M. Bureau Needs (708) 673-0660 s PAID TRAINING - SkilluApprecioted. Neod 15-20 Suies Experienced Operation s HOURLY RATEAND BONUSES CLERICAL I OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES NORWOOD PARK People. Moct Hove Phoce & T,wc- Beaufort Transfer Company. CARPET 401 K/PROFITSHARING HOME ToOvesee pertstioo. We Provide Fme Uni- Rastaurent u regional LTL carrier, is ex- SALESPEOPLE . forc,c & Trainiot. ALSO Openinnu Exciting New Restaurant FLEXIBLEHOURS (31 2) 631 -4856 Talemarketing Production pending to the Chicago ma-MujercarpetreEeilur. New Cle,icul And General Office. Io Northb,00k. Arlington Heights, Now Hiring treurea.Seekingexpeni-Vnrk Cerpetwodd. ¡s growing CALL TODAY: (708)635-8050 -i-r c HAS Rolling Meedows, Hcff,con Eu- n WAIT STAFF enced Sales personal.and ecpanding faut in the Chi- In Oak MillMeli BUILDERS Must Hava totes,ElkGrove, Ebb.Des Experienced Excellent salary. benefits endcage eroe. duel eppertunity fer EXPANDED ! DENTAL - Pleines, & Skokie. individuels with carpet seien Telamarketing Salen Apply In Person: e bonus program. BUGLE NEWSPAPERS Grand Opening SQUARE ASSISTANT With RETIREES & Please send templete buobgreund er frein TelemarketerS INSTALLED People Management MILITARY WELCOME! ANDREW'S OPEN PIT resume in conf,donce to: the right person. Higb.earningn FUR CLASS I I I EUS In New Nues Location Skokie Dental Office. Experience. and SPIRITS und future manugeméint psi- Earn Cash For (in Oak Mill Mall) SALES Apply In Persan Beaufort Transfer Co. - 2610 Dumpster tionc posnfb!u. Placca call: The New Year' THE REST PLACE TO OFFICE Needs Reliable Assistant Mon. - Fri.. 8 AM to 3PM .. - N. Hall St. Full Time Position Negntiabla Salary Plus 3106 Don Plinoc Ava., Des Plaines Mr.Allen Cash Paid Daily. RECEPTIONIST! ADMINISTRATION Louis, MO 63141 f708) 967-0150 ABIJERTISE Builders Square is locking fu, an Employer Paid Benefits Bonunas/Benefitn/401k Soito #15. Des Plaines Atte: John Elli Start Now! Will Train! SECRETARIAL eoperinecedcEtvueludo ut ad- flkL Position Must Be Filled! ninistrator for thai, Instollud Call Marcia Flexible Hours e WAITRESS . Hanover Park Dayn/Evas. (7UU 966-3000 H.4U Suies Oepnrtntnnt.Thisposition (3 1 2) 2369581 ccoo.., WantedFor SALES/TELEMARKETING Ideal Candidate Must Be reqairos good office org uniuu- TOOLING ENGINEER Full Or Part Time (708) 372-2102 TO PLACE YOUR ADS Available To Handle Mul- ticnelskills,icclrtding35.40 Call: IMMEDIATE OPENING wpet Occur etC typing and nbility Chullneging epporlunity with iedun- Will Train If Necessary Villa Park tiple Tasks. ResponsiblE. to hnndlo busy phenne. MISCELLANEOUS (31 2) 409-4620 " lodnr in outcerolieereiclord (708) 530-1 5 1 3 Ourclassifiedads reach ties Will Include Answer- Interested cundidetes should up- 000ponnn products te work out et more people per week for ing Phonos, Light Typing, O perseo ut the Instullod divisioc kuudquu,nurn. We denimin- (708) 692-2748 DriversAlso Needed . SuiesOfficelrnnrentrnncnl dicidoel ukillud in th uuruus cf de- the least amount of dollars. Interviewing & Some Moeduy.tandsy fromSAOn.m. Fax Resume To: sien follow-up cod stuS-upcfboth Or Apply In Person TELEIVIARKETING We cover the near northern Computer. to 5W p.m. cc nmtd a recome EVENING COOK molde ucdeuc iliu uqoipntscn send Your credit ¡s suburbs and the northside For Immediate ne- Prestigious VPIOM n the SMC melding leduutrv. De- Jonàthans Work Three To Five Days grue prufnS. For cocEdeetial cue- Restaurant of Chicago with 2 insertionS Consideration Builders Square Retirement Home (312) 5454034 eiderunion nehnci nrusu mn ned edo- good with us! per week. See how your Call: Afln: Miko Miuner On Northwest Side '°requi,nme,flnno Eeglo.Pivhe, 8501 Dempster - Nues At Niles Newspaper money can work for you by " °°'°'edit is gocd with ou. Plettim thuisioe. ucmen Rencoreus We accept Visa 9000 W. Golf Road Of Chicago M nontor. P.O. Boo 109. Grabill, lodi- ads in both (31 2) 409-4623 vin uempt Visu cud Muster Salary Plus Commission putting your Or Fax Resume: Nues, IL 60714 Has An Immediate cou 46741. &MasterCard. editions of The Bugle.. An Equal Oppertonicy Curdl Cull: 960-StOS Employer Full-Time Opening C 00 K (3 1 2) 545-4034 For An Experienced Cook . (708) 9663900 Notice Shift Needed Is Top Pay Busle Nawnpu peruru neroanthe rightut unytime to et.nsify ut udner- GIRL FRIDAY SEASONAL HELP 11:30 A.M,-1:30 P.M. Glenview tinamnotu cad te reimt ncy udvurtininadeemed cbjeunioaubla. We Fell or Pnrt Timo Wednesday Thru Sunday rPaTimSTRG cuncot bu rnnpccnihle t ercer bel ntatamontsin conflict with our poli. Good Phone Skills $10.25 To Start n e Reporters and Photographers uinu. All Help Wetted udo mentnpovify nh eaCtera uf the wuch TempjParm. Dayc. toanicss. Previous Health Care ( 708) 724-9865 CANCELLATIONS . Ne Oenalfisd AdVSIIia.mmcth will ha can- Typing & Computer Experience Preferred offered. Bogie Nnwnpnpecu douesot beewinaly uecupt Help Wanted Eopeniuece Needed Waeknnds Acellnble. Wanted for Weekly Newspaper. Icalled after 12 neon en Mundey prnestEng di. Thursday pcb- ecivartiniog thu ticen y wer v,ol,tuuthe Homen Rightn Act. For for. Students Welcome. Filling Fust. Also Seeking Yuur urudit i. eaod with en. i hectic,, dat., er Thursday 12 neun pisneding line Wnekned thur icfo,mntioa contuct the Deperincnctel Humen Rights, 32 W. Call: (708) 967-2200 Oppertocity For Advuncencent Part.Time Help Experience Necessary We accept vin. end Mentar Jab Guide. Rnedclph St., Chicuqo, IL 793.6490. Ask For Jeff Curd! Cell: 960-3900 (708) 509-0058 Apply In Person At: 6016 N. Nina Ave. (708) 9663900 Or Call Mr. Toohey At: WE WILL GETYOUR AD QUICKLY and ACCURATELY ON OUR FAX MACHINE r HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT '(312) 631-4856 Askfor Rosemary PART.TIME TYPIST Sophomore or Junior About 10.12 hours per week SKOKIE PARKDISTRICT CORRECTIONS . FOR ADVERTISING COPY B average or above . Each ad i. carefully preef read. 2 to 3 days a week after school Seeks Dependable.Enthusiastic, but arreca du occur, If leu find . and Saturdays Sports Minded LeadersFor Its an nrrur pleann notify un Im' Projects Play çommunityOutreach Program. mediately. Errors will be resti- CALL:966-3900 fiad by rapublleetlen. Sens, The Bugle Newspapers April Through August At VariousPark Locations: but If an arrur continues after ufr:Nuzjrnpirí : the first pubiloatlun and we : 8746Shermer Road, Niles 5pm ' 9pm Weekdays And/orWeekends, are net nutlfiedbaler. ths L. sant Inamtien, the reWenelbll- For More Information . uy Is years. In na event nhull 8746 NSHERMERROAÒ, NILES, IL (708) 966-0198 The Bugle Nawnpspere Contact HowardAronesti: the lIability fur the errer ex- The Newnpapern That Deliver' ed the cent et the npaoe ne. (OUR FAX NUMBER) (708) 674-1 500 ' oepled byth. errar. CN CLASSIFIED ADS INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS , You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling (708) 966-3900 or Come To OurOfficeIn Person At: You Can Place Your ClasSified Adsby Calling (708) 966-3900 or Come To Our Office ¡n Person At: '8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles, IllInois. Our Office Is Open- Monday thru Friday,9A.M. to 5 P.M. 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles,Illinois. Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. TEBUGLF,THIJDAY.m2,1995 - TISE 0UGLETUURSDAY.APRIL2O. 5995 t'AGESS


INIORMATION ON CLASSIFIEDADS -- INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Place Your Classified Ads You Can Piace YourClassified Ads by by CIIing 966-3900 or Come To Our OfficeIn Person At: 8746 N. ShemierRoad Nues, Illinois. Calling 966-3900or Come To Our Office In Person At: 8746 N Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois. Our Office Is Open- Monday thru Friday,\A.M. to 5 P.M. Our Office Is Open- Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5P.M. . \Deadline for Placing Ads Deadline for Placing Ads is is Tuesday at 2 P.M. Certain Ads Must Be Tuesday at 2 PM. Certain Ads Must Be PrePaid In Advance: . Pre-Paid In Advance: Business Business Opportunity, For Sale,Miscellaneous, Moving Sale, Personals, Situation Want- Opportunity, For Saie, Miscellaneous, Moving Sale,Personals, Situation Want- ed, Or if The Advertiser Lives Outside Of ed, Or If The AdvertiserLives Outside Of The Bugle's Theßugie's Normal CirculationArea. . Normal Circulation Area. FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE -. I TRADES I INDUSTRIAL j DRIVERS TRADES I INDUSTRIAL / DRIVERS . TRADES! AUTOS FORSALE FURNITURE HOMES FOR SALE PERSONALS ; INDUSTRIAL/DRIVERS APTS FOR RENT CUSTOMER 0000V lOSOLomina-Cleaslo&Oot RESTAURANTEQUIPMENT ,-, NILES WOMEN WANTED NORTH CAROLINA DRIVERS OTR STITCHER OPERATOR Cull 17001 905-Otto NILE5 -0151 MllwaokooI Rod- PICK-UP Priced to Sell - $4495 room. 2ndFloor. Heated Ssno/Mo TO DELIVER WEDDINGS Truckload Carrier Search- MOlam uomacnrulnl pOstor needs Krsell MItt 17401 920 9199 P IIGy M tt G 2 - 3 Bedroom - Split Merchandise Control MARINE avperioecod Muller itituher eporater c n o wt 13121 725 1212 F fished Nec Room Low Tax Part Time ing For Qualified Drivers. with Vidmiat knewlrdge. AtOntO- Part-1ine.IncludingSome . 7 Nfotat Centro-Red- Slot -- . $165.000 - Must SeUl Evenings & Weekends. Must Must Have Big Car Or Van MECHANIC Must Have 1 Year Reòent tige noisy and benefits. Easy Chair. Sofa A Loyeo000 Pieuse aont.vt Joy Asgnleeo \ ' . Call For Appt: Be Very Detail Minded. (312) 282-8272 IMMEDIATE OPENING Experience And A Safe Nertheant Grephias . 17601 020.9109. CONDO FOR SALE No Heavy Lifting (708) 9651 478 Aberdeen Florist ForMarinalocatedon Driving Record. We Oper- 251 Stute 5f. Noyer Used . Mont Sell. Birthday No Experieace Needed North K eue,, , CT 00473 Old CI - C t - tt . V:- J lcWv inNorth Carolina. 17001 540-1040 . , Apply la Persoa: ate Mostly In A 5-state 10001245-2460 Oupe°S1°NiOntert ar Roseonary Year round work. Or feo 12031240-6470 Kmeuoell MSs- 17081 520-5199. OPENHOUSE ABT Appliances EARN EXTRA MONEY! Midwest Area And Onto- AO ePSOn held io aSist oestidenve April 19 ROOMS FOR RENF Send resume to: - . SALE - NILES . APRIL 27 ONLY! 9000 N. Waukegan Rd. Drivers - Part Time rio. Canada. We Offer Ex- 1984 Ponteo Furo : EDISONPARK union 000m-Bedroow-l(itnhon-rv L Love, Carolina Inlet Marina Leaded - Anto to A/C 51995 N ' Morton Grove $7.20 . Mini Bus celient Pay And Benefits. M.chin.OeaIctcr Crodie Cord or Cach OvIy The Bu IersL . 801 Paoli Court. Ste. 101 FLAME BURNING Krunnnll MIca. 17081 520-9199. Cell For Appt: 17001 047-2199 an oy.pril 23'' $9.25 - School Bus Freight Is Primarily Auto i p.m. . 4 p.m. ROOM AVAILARLE No Experience Necessary Wilmington, NC 28409 MACHINE OPERATOR .4 IN TOWNHOUSE (708) 967-8830 Parts iNo Touch Loadsi. . . I ' 2 BedroomCondo. Boosts, 2 Ooffale Grove eme. with nicole SEPTRAN needs esponsikle don- IMMEDIATE OPENING e7 Roiob LaSahra - Loadod. Like Whlto Ferwnro Trondla Bnd wOk Baths. Eat-In-Kitchen. ers who enioy children for routes Smull eggresSixely sruwing atani M0U005. Blouny. Mom S 2 school nhildmen. Ste. CABLE TV INSTALLERS pinot is test Chinese. IN snoda e New-Rnbuih Eng. &Tmonn. 03005. Elevator.Hooted Garage. VisI- dent er womcn.onn-ewoker. Cell LANDSCAPER is the North i Northwest Suber- i (800) 588-4244 Krunnell MOo. 17001 52S-9t99. ., ban orna. Will train on easy-tn- Be your own bonsi All you need is skilled Burning Meohlso Operator. iGiml:;Bil RESALE BOUTIQUE E veninan .17001 041-5555 nmbitiun and self conhldeeuel Cu- We oRar vempotitivn wages fi fall B0yBko. LABORERS drive,fully aetometlu school bas- Ext. 3005 .00 Ckouy Caprino Wogen - O Paso. Cell DefleseAftnm5P.M rear advancement epportueitiesi bauaMt. Juk doouciption Effialesnly METRA 2 Years Experience n Must heno cleanpick up/van. & nobly o paretea 10 took o0V/tOoI VomyCl::n-7lOOCcrt.M.lao$ At Door. ow Assesn Hoom j Doy. Paid Treininn Pest-wiring position aise ancua- JDC LOGISTICS nema nuttieg as cubico . Ox, AlOCO ment IncludesHeat. 5142900 English Speaking .50% Aneuol VACATION RENTALS Performance Botus blei bocelen nr nohina hen onmpetnricOd Fomaitara . Cherry Gooey Anne (312)545-9085 Offices in Palatine . Pnrnrltted Drivorn start remediste openings baroyCNC 0000x15.Naxou.u,y 91 ISEO Metco4000r-A000 A A/C StyloParfont:ondutoflRedw SUPER SPRING RESALE with Higher Pay Call: I (800) 397-7389 COURIERS skIlls: Moat ko abb to med komma Congregation BJBE MUNAOREALTY Must Have Valid - Trannpartatiee te & from sahomntlun. most be familer wIth Kruasell MIce. 17601 02S-919n. DR Sut $1700. Och DR Sot 51900. 001 Milweuhee, Glenview work for minimes tomplate hemina fi CNC contools. HILTON HEAD Illinois Drivers License NEEDED Mn t S li C mplote Set. 17081 Sundoy,ApniIS3-9e.rn.-4p.m. If y usan. ano, 21 with a Oued mean be lemloar with mauiwiolng 'e7tlodIe Ch taer- Shilby - Vary 545-1040. DlsCouNIRENT9L5 Partlime Monday, AprIl 24- 9 0m-t p.m. - Excellent Hourly Wage driuieg roon,d & a mUid DL for i TECHNICIAN yield. making pert.. & teylna nut Niva-Sporty-$1950. Why oet gen .wey to ko,etlfoI years. Good monday paid dailyl plateo.Euporin000 meittuielna fi ds m-é WEWILL GET HiltonHeadlnlond.5.C.y & Benefits Minimum 5 Years Exporleuce Kmoesdll MOe. 17001 525-9199. MODEL HOME CONTENTS . Call Tedayl Must have car in good nreoklanhootloo theta maohlnm Is moan a weotj,ew ° Ofl I RR-60R meen eovdoe S knee.. Heatina & Ai Conditioning enedvontese. Platas tend letter in- Sole/f. uv050c t SetSSOy. Toll free fer reetnl brechare Year Round Work Sereine Person.Tep Psy. 4m PP0r (708) 392-1252 working Condition oloding your rename to:Learner Et$1555 eCO (708) 358-1955 Dm0 Somnole9 Ooqnlrnd Year-Round Crnploymeot (708) 679-7420 59ml Company, o/o Applloante ter D ot991p h1 bl' QUICKLY& Flngn Benefits Buemioa Ponitino. 1250 E. 145th Et.. COLLECTIBLES BR Set FmotoBuildom:fdodcl Homo In. cl Golf, s. of Glnnview Rd.) Call: 17081 967-2200 IBetween te AM- 3 PM Anydayl Etat Chisme, IN 40312. ACCURATELYON Drivers Wanted AskFe,Jnff Call far Appointment BU6LE NEWSPHPERS OURFAX WE NEED DRIVERS . AUTOMOTIVE Collectibles FOR CLUSSIFIEDS : - GARAGESALE SALE MACHINE IN YOUR AREA COLORADO Emmett Kelly - Kryetonia - . . UTAH . No Experience?? THE BEST PLHCE TO STEEL RULE 05MAI69 TECHNICIAN Ron Lee - Largo . Little People BMC&DTDTS ROOFER IMMEDIATE OPENING iMMEDIATE OPENING DragonKeep-Be.rSteias- RDUERTISE Clos. talnrenue nemmmcl.I eipeclnnnu TECHNICIAN NEEDEDIMMEDI- NILES COMMUNITY IMMEDIATE OPENING requlcod CAD knowiedaac plun. Michael Gemmen NILES - 0755 N. GIocO CHURCH Will Train Top wages and benefits. Impend Din Ce. ATELVI Ill CSI Deale, le Sn malen liEgi 674-4283 Sot, April 22.Sem-2 pm Pool Tablnf 111J8) 966-3900 f1,40 of US vends nno BMW &ana Por. 7451 Oslmten Street FOR Sait Lake City, Utah area. 1091 E. 605k Aun. M Bod/Eleo. Stone/Moth Moco) Call 1-800-332-7364 000vor. CO 00229 sehe teohnloian te womb In buey Wednesday, April 2e ADVERTISING EQUAL HOUSING Tuition Repayment Nielco 801-263-04-44 303-2es-969e eathorized dealership in Rimming- Tlll;0r;. Find the help that ham, Alabeme. Plenty of work. FREE NILES - 8728 W. Stulting AfiI27 o p o RT UNITY Program Available. Will pay up t $18-20 p/hr fur the lWoot of Grnaewoodl 9 0m. - 2 p.m. ¡j('jQ5 You need ¡n our Our classifiedads reach right perote. Friday 4/21 & Sot. 4/22 - 12-fl French Room - Bake Sale ' 98 Excellent PayPackage. PART TIME Cell Rory Chrono BUGLE CLASSIFIED classified section. more people per week for G d Pool & Dook 30K = ist Year Earnings Tow Williarno Impto. Ab60099111 BugleNewspapers the least amount of dollars. PEOPLE NEEDED Gine Awayl To Hand Prepsre Mailing 1-800-443-1413 ADS GET RESULTS! We cover the near northern M.nsane) PERSONALS The BugleFdew.p.pers Labels. You Must Hava Call 17001990-0372 C 'The Newepaper. That Deliver suburbs and the northside A Il to duD I Place your ad now of Chicago with 2 insertionsComputer Or Good Hand- BUGLE CLASSIFIED TANNING Serving The North and Northwn.t Suburb. writing. 966-3900 (708) 966-3900 per week. See how your ADS GET RESULTSI PRO SPORTS PICKS I money can work for you by Call Now: BUBLE NEWSPRPERS I pattingyourrecruitment I (809) 474-2923 Place your ad now SUNQUEST WOLFF WE WILL GET YOUR AD QUICKLY ads in both editions of The Lung Diotenea Rates Applyl FOR CLIISSIFIFOS loxS2Minoto- J TANNING BEDS & ACCURATELY ON OUR Bugle.You now get both (708) 966-3900 THE D[STPIHCE TO T hTRqd24H wcm: n. insertions for the price of FAX MACHINE One!Call for details. We ClearsOut YourGarage' wit be happy to assist you 7OO) 966-3900 H.3 CvIlTodeyFOExNEWCoIvrCotdee in placing your ads and also DELIVERY ...Cleilrs OutThe Garage! in reserving space for our next issue. We offer two Deliver Bundles Of Newspapers FAX Our classified ads reach morepeople per week for the LET US deadlines each week for WANTED TO BUY . !,L yourconveniença. And take To Area Businesses. least amount of dollars. Wecover the nearnorth suburbs DO ir FOR ADVERTISING COPY and the north side of Chicagowith 2 insortmons per wook. ll )ll) p advantage of our specialsi WITH A Cali i708) 966-3900. and ask Must Have Car. See how your money can workfor you by puumng your i% - BUGLE NEWSPAPERS for our classified advertising recruitment ads in both editionsof The Bugle. You now WANTED IL4 'jGARAGE department! get both insertions for the priceof one? Call us today fold WURLIEzERs . 8746 N. SHERMER RD.,NILES,IL details We will be happy toassist you in placirmg your ads ---- JUKEBOXES SALE! (708) 966m3900 , I and in rserving -space forour next issue. We offer two jj SlotMoohinee Find the help that deadiiges each-week for your-convenienCe.ANO ALSO. 5 MyCoedition +/ kìJ.j (708) 966-0198 TAKE ADVANtAGE OF OURSPECIALSI SIMPLY CALb / 12001900-2742 CALL you need in our The Bugle Newapepar. ---- CLASSIFIED . our closuified department. - - . (OUR FAX NUMBER) classified section. The Nnwepepere That Deliver" 1708) 966-3900 and ask for 0 - . Our trainect staff will be availableto take your orders. - INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling (708) 966-3900or Come T. Our Office in Person At: You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling (708) 966-3900 or Come To Our OfficeinPerson At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois. Our Office Is Open-Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to5 P.M. 8746 N. Shermer Road, Wiles, Illinois. Our Onice Is Open .. Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. THItBUÒLE TI1UESDY. APRIL20, 1S TBEBUGLE,TE010SDAY, APRII. 20, 1990 - . Family Folklore :.;- ...... Classical guitarist at . F .. A1ert:. Area 4 health testing Hynés mails 1994 Lincoinwood Library evént güari code The Skokir Park District in at Harlem Irving homeowner exemptions Shinobo Suso plays classicalcru coassoflapan,Sals is a leach. Continued from Pagel Continued from Pagel csopecatian with the Skokir Fob- Harlem Irving Plaza apontes YorkConvalescentCenter guitar st the Lirscolnwood Publie er as well as a performer. Now alic Library is basting a Family ils Health sod Community Expowillprovide information on Cook County Assessor Thom-summer, Hynes said, adding that esemptious,Hyrres said. Ho add- mayhaveeenfake. which was first introduced aboatLibrary, 4000 W. Pratt Ave., on Skohie residenl, he performs reg- Folklore Event at 2 p.m. an April Satsseday, April 22, from 10 am, the exact amount saved will de- ed that last year. more than one frveyeaes ago, when the 312 area nursing services,therapies and as C. Hynes announced that ap- The guard was commended by Sunday. April 23, at 2 p.m. Chi- utarly in cancers hulls, ntfstk frs- 22.Participants will be able to to9p.m. Thesbowistobeheidwill give free blood pressureplicatiom fe a lax exemptionpend on the lax rate from local millionhnsnrownesrealized cede facedasimilarprcdicanlent- tivuls and wsrkshaps. FBI spokesman BobLong of the cago Msgarine called him "the view "Family Folklore" and the at the center which is located atscereenings. Smith Chiropractic that could save qualified home- laxingbOdies. over $400 million insavings Chicago field ofiee. "The guard An earlier proposal called for fincas aceustic goilurist in the He has released three CD's: SkakirHissorical Sdciety geeeal- Homeswnrrs can receive an frombothexemplions. the 630 area cede to be assigned Harlem Avenue, Irving Parkwill offer free sIeso and health owners as much as $500 have did evetything he was supposed Midwest.' A Sato coocert typi- "On This Day Earth Shall Ring," agisl will be on hand so soswec Road and PorestPreserve Drive, beenmailedtoalmostonemillionexrmption simply by signing Myers sponsored the Home- to cellular phones sad beepers,catty includes music by Bach,which was chssrs as nm of the questions about your family ge- evaluations and the Norwood to be doing and: Icept the bank Paslicìpathsg community or-Pack Fist Depaelnsent will pro- luralresidenL their application ansi returning it owner Exemption while serving them losing money," Long said. hal the wireless industry object- New Age music from Japan, Ira- hrssChristmas albums uf 1985 by nealogy. At 3 p.m., paryicipanss to the Assemoe'e Office by April an Illinois Sanate President and, ed. Mollee suggestion was add- fanizali005 will be on hand tovide information on fire peevnn- The 1994 liomeownertsxemp- Sirennons efforts to apprehend diliosaldancerones,Shuker Billboard Magazine; "Red Drag- arc encosragedlo visitthe Skokie lion casI save Cook County25. asassessor,woekedturnceeasesls ing 'oveclay" code, lo new nom- songs, Stephen Fosler melodies, on Fly" au the Hying Fish Label, present jnhlsrnsalion and answertim and emergency medical see- the offender proved Unsumme- PublicLibrary loview ashorl bis- queslionsregarding programs homeowners from $200 to $500 "Thisexemption repreuenss benefils lotheptesent amount. ful. A stete police helicopter mir- bers in the 708 area. Bol that ragtime, consemporory folkand 'Little Signs of Assunse" antarirai film pertaining lo the ex- vices. Medicine informationin property laxen payable thissignificant tax relief for home- Poeadditionalinformation, mied the area forseven hours, and wonlct have meant li-digit dial- 500gs, origisal compositions and the Walerbog isbn. Tickets are sud services that they provide.will be available from Service in property namers should contact: hibit entitled "Keep the Home Exhibitors include: King Chico- owners and I almortgly erge any- s pair of Chicago police dogs ing and was widely ceilrcizedsumr George Gershwis on she required and are available freestFires Bunting: World War I is the Neighborhood for Seniors Sailors sought one who is eligible to make sore Cook County Assessor's Office, sniffed through lawns to luck nodflnally dmo. side. circulation desk. Call (708) 677-the Midwesl." Refreshments will pcaclic Clinic who will provide(SINS Program) in addition to theyreceiveis,' Hynes said. (Skokie Office), 5600 Old 0e- him down. but thé offender was Grumbling and unhappiness Barn is Kohe, a sesparl lawn5277, voice andTDD. ho served. Fer more information free blood pressare checks, spi-health caer infonnution, for Association ThelilomeownerEnemption is chard Road, Room 149, Skokie. are quickly spreading throughout nolfonnd. sas far fram Osaka on Ihr soolh- shoaltisisspecial evens, call ml screening and ehiropraclic Resurrection Medical Center forownersofsingle-family Phone (708)470-7237, Bank officials and costumers the new area code area, as bust- (708) 677-6672. care infounalion, The Noeridgewill provide date ou their corn- The United Slates Navy Cesio- 150mm, condominiums, coopera- can be happy about the bottom ness owners particularly are muli- Police Deparlment display in-manity progeaast and on nutri-re Sailors Association is now oc-lives, and apartment buildings of l'me: he got away, bat he didnt mating the cost, not to mention Swedish Pancake eludes a working police vehicle,lion. SpittaI screenings will alsolively seeking oew members to I LEGAL NOTICE I Lions seek op tu six units, The current or Notice is hereby given, por- take anyone eines money with the inconvenience, of replacing radar demonslration and unimalbe available at Gallon Claro- swell oseeanks. previous owner must bave occu- him. business cards, letterhead, corn-. new members costrol display and information,prode. The Cook County Sher- Membership is open taall pied the properly as a principal axant IO "Ass Act in relation to pater systems, invoices, receipts Breakfast. the rise of an Assumed Name in As members of thelargeatser- the Jefferson Park Branch of the iffs Office will be available inship's company, Marino Detach- place of reuidence as of January and even thesignon the door. Varblornrnan S4wedish Chit-will also be held at Ilse Swedish moat, Aviatiao Division and Hog the cenducl or transaction of vice organization in the weld, Chicago Pahlic Library will be Carmas Court from 10 tern, to 3 s, 1994. Bolineas Dist. 63 One pet shop owner in Hoffman ileen'o Club is having thrir 1551Museum Sunday, May 7.The Personnel that served or ore sers'- Senior citizens who complete intheState,"as Cofflirn.ed from Pagel Balotes predicted that the change.Swedishpancakebreakfastof theSpring Qoern js Miss MelissaLioes Club members know the accepting donations for used pa-p.m. tu offer free fsngerprinling amended, thou s certification pride in helpingtens of thou- peeback books, while World ing abased cruisers.Associsletheir application for a 1994 Seo- that Iheexistiog programs becon- wouldcost$l,000. reason on Salueday, April 22MaelhaPerry. Meissahoslteen a of children (for parental ase),memberships are available for was filed by the andmsigned Born 8 am. to nona at the Swed- sands ofpeople every year, With Book Education will eshibit ed-tips on crime prevenlioa, senior ior Citizen Exemption, which with the County Cleek of Cook tinned ander the auspices of the Bat the good news is, dialers member of Varblomman since past sad presents Navy mes andwas recmlly mailed, will sato- wilhavea three-month grace pu- ish American Museum, 5248 N.a987, She alteoded the Swedish almost 1,500,060 members in ncationsl materials parents cansafety information and menEes- warnen, Reservists, widows of County. park district threagh a fee slac- use at home including Ilse World matically qualify for the Home- rind. They can reach numbers in ClarkSt.,Chicago. Language Camp in Minoesola inover 42,000 clubs in 178 coon- lion record cards. McGrsff, ap- craisemes and interested individ- Pile No. 0027572 on April tore. setes, Linus help the sight and Book Medical Encyclopedia. ownerExemplion as well, Hynes Thesame woald Ije trae for the the new mea code using either Asalways,unlimitedpancakes1989 and 1993 and travelled to pearing at 10 am. and noon, and nais. li, 1995, Under the Assamed hearing impaired and those in said, Homeowners who lamed Name of Victor's Cleaning Ser- East Maine Players. Instractional 847 or 708. However, on April will be served with your choiceSweden and Norway in 1994. a specially Irained dog from the Forisfeemoliou contact: Podro65 last yearor earlier must notify 21, 1996, the new cede lakes cf- of lingonbereies or maple syrup.Mellaseis a sophomore atMaineneed in ways that really make a IRS offers Sheriffs Canine Unit from t lo 3 Dr La Cruz, (U.S.S. Rosooke vice wIlls the place of bmiaess maskwoatdbecondoned positive difference.Last year the Assessor's Office to receive through theschool, batabsodac- fertpeesnanenlly. Sausage, juice and coffee, tea erSoothMigb School inPaekRldge. p.m. CL-145), 5503 McFarland Road,an application for the Senior Citi- located at 7323 W, LilI St, milk will be served at a cost ofShe is involved in Spanish Club,alone, Lions Clubs worldwide toll-free number Moreinformationonthe Indianapolis, 11146227-7006. Nileu,tL 60754, iivityfeewontdhechargesl. If you bave already filed yesr renEsemption. The disadvantage of the llave $4.50 for adoRe and $2.50 forArt Obb and St LuIse's Churchraised over $140,000,000 to aid Expo is available by calling the The Irste name(s) and resi- Arrest in restoring sight to the blind and 5994 tsar return sod haven't re- An eligible senior citizen can deuce address of owners(s) is: proposals is that some stodents Continued from Page t children under 12, There will beYouth Choir. Harlem Irving Plaza at (312) realize from $400Io $700 in corn- a bakery labte with deleclable Thanks to all the friends whonighrerlatedprogeams. ceived yoe refonsl, you can Eva Beyski,7323 W. LiE may not be able lo pay the fers, "Bol after a while, he sounded In the past 43 years the Lions check on ils status by calling an625-3036 er (708) 453-7800. Gli liAV binad lax savings from the two SaOeI,Niles,IL 60754, which maid resait in decreased homrmade goodies and limpshave been so kind and generous like be was relieved. Deep down bread. throughout the year with theirClub ofNileshas made apositive solomated erfand service operas- paslicipalion. inside, t thinkhewas gelliag kind difference in the lives of thou- ed by the Internai Repense Ser- . The badget resolalion will be Themaseum will bave on dis- supportand donations to Var- I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ofçold," Huinkersaid.Poaiatow- play, Designer Carolina Olamosbloraman, The proceeds go to-sands of area residents. Having vice. discassed again at the next Board ski offered no resistance, accord- beeneccognized as one of the top Thisfreeservicecanbe of Edacalion meeting April 25. Fashion's, from Traditional Folkward sending the children to the STATEOFtLUNOI5 I F_40, 5 n'caoS OIr,) iagtoHaiakei Coslumrs. What a great way to five Liom Clubs in the area, thn reached weekdays by calling sull- I SS OpoUins P0.550,5-Is 9,223 In other business, the Gemini Swedish Language Village in OpreissT,on0n'OuS Italo» Nilespolice transported Ponia- spend Saturday morning, pan- Minnesota and on future trips toLions Club ofNiles coatinaes its. free 1 (800) 829-4477. The IRScoueerv-opcoosc I Maslang seventh grade girls vol- towski backtothewarm confinen service to those in need leeally, says you'll neeiitn bave acopyaf leyball team was henored. The calces and fashion. Sweden, TIrrAsuReu'SANN5tALSTAreMrNTOFRFcrwib F%,Rfl8fld Oth,.rFi,,roim of the NilesPolice Station where Varblomman's Spring Concert statewide, nationally and around yoorlsxreturaouhand when yea ANnrnsnrmsEMEN'roFoRnonusaINnrmErRoTecTtONnJSTmCr S,e,,O.nOtntntn,,.,esis,ma following players were honored: he was processed. 18e was trans- dseworld. TheLionnpeovideaas- call. . COOK COUNTY, fi-UNOIS Emergency . l(arine Birasian, Lanco Belleau, ported to County Jail Friday, and Building Your sislance to individuals from sen- 1f you bave a bach-Inne ruodnatrece,eI,ocr,ytt. tItO 5,521,217 CassieFaumaber.NilckiGaeippo, inc citizent to new born babies, phone. use the push buttons en rcndßats,,onasnnoenbnst, less 11,705 057 hadaboadbearingMonday. preparedness bei.5tat dty,eonooethdepo,es"dSmt'S" Tiffany Guzmarde, ITollie Kohl, As far as Haiper knows. this Thinking Power homes and associations dedicat- your phone to enter your serial Thecod,ntkn,d, Stut,oO,o,stO,t raton, . cOMBHbEDBALAÌtCE5HEET-M.5,i'U5UTYUOMtDACCOUNTGRO1tP ladyLee,ToniaLymperOpoalOa, is Ihr first sisan 1e NEra Police program ed to helping those in need as security number, filing status, Jancesa Maltose, Kim Mwphy, Depselmeat has ever apprehend- The All-American Srmn wellaseOuinstrnity programs and the exact amount nf the en- t. TIn Sei,tkeduty.ppotnt, 0, qc,5td .S,Ot,gfleas,,,,,.fthNcv' will hold an evening workshop . AnoaSienkiewicz,Rexy Thomas ed an offender via a television Is your fansilyprepseed toban-and projects. peeled refund, the IRS says. Por rt,eP,tmioeOi,t,it ccokCuay, tlt,,oT ad by,dOc, ofO,d na on the "Building Your Thinking .. to,dt,b u,s,n,O ,,d d,thcnethe thals cfuidFj,,P,tc,tton 01,0)0 romeo foOl aedSandsayaidiviezo. show. die emergencies? How conyou If you would like to find out touch-lane pbnne users, the best PowcrThrough Mental Floxibili- Maso 'That's the priceofbeing a 5v prolnct your brlongings frnrn smore on how yoacan truly make timelocall is doringthe evening. Sleet therono'aoaan,e,eeo,o orn oeoi,', c,ee4 ,oaar,tt monle,pMd no Ip" at the Thdent Center, 8060 W. natural disasler? What do you 2. Take a tIar." Huinker said. a positive difference,contact Ifyna huye a conventional ra- by h, ,o,d,,sian,d c S,trntrofuid Fi,e P,oteoic,5iS51aro,ttofioal 5,80 Cr,I, s 550,504 Oalrton SI,, NUes on April 24 eeed lo remember when cleaning 5,544,540 Lion President Walt Beusse at tory ne pulse-dial phone, un IRS bes)e,i,gtSetr eday ert,8,0Ir, Od e,,djnath, ttst d,y ofD,cenbe, 500. I,o55S,,mys - from 7 to 9:30p.m. up afloraflnsd? opetalne will enter. tisis informa- nnkoslopossnrattes,mcesensunsosscstbtes) 967-7515 or Lino Many Kinow- 8I.r,MowwsrAmostT lwnvor.'eoTsrrxrr.rns si sos . NAMFS ANO 2,405,554 Look Thiuprogium will help you be- The answers so these and otherski at 296-7328. Comejuin un at lion foe you, These lines am only (I) PsapesyT,nW cuffie n keener observer, a helter assolons PAW - VYN000SO' t'eso,rlP,npe55R5pIr,e555sTa55r . 5,557 Continuad fromPage S Garage questions will be peesroled dur- open during nonstal business 3,255 our "get acquainted' meelingt Prmid 50051205 . listener, and a more effective Ing'FamilyProtectionPlan- sts,r45 day. April 24. Continued from Pagel You will Iso under absolutely no,'-. hessen. M,On,Equtpmn,t,5nc a,4tt. Ateeu,d,,naotovco.t,s9a. ,Yoni,,aN,tjoe,tnaok&TTc,t fo,OamOshoP,c,dr . Comeeaelyaadlakeadvanlage problem can have aning," a program sponsored byobligation. t05,t55. taoed"8" Tt ce,,te,.555.'00000 Oit coepeOyS,7S4 ARCDi,pc,at c 580 lance as nrceslaey, botciti- greater impact on your thinkingMaine Township's Emergency t,tat. nn*,ioToie4t6,430. scitd&,SqUor. Inc. t,427c.oerat Tet.phc,eco. 000)50,55'. of the opportunity to visit the 5,205 Co,nno,ne,tehEdi,o,co.7.54s. Dcothowm&Aoco.4.t49. aoo,tdBzto& 1900's replica home whjch basreo msislaaceisneededto lessenpercUss. Registration is open toManugemeet Agency. The pro-Recta teacher ..' I LEGAL NOTICE the eppoetuoity for wonid-bethe public. A minimal fee is re-gram is scheduled fnr 10 am. lo Publication Dale: As,00 5,555. rogleriee& 00,0cl etc, t,75t. Fi,,ro,,aooyTet,0)rio,Netwok 2,255. AmcmsAs,it.bt0000utO 50505SPSSd been setup on the 3rd floor of the receives 'Heart of April 20. 1995 Fosirnr,etls tO,U0r008 c. 4,5tO. Geeo.t r,,e 5,Ñc. t.33t. Gt,e,b,00k nomad poca Aooco,4505P,n0)dcdro,P,y,555001 Mnsenm, There are a few items thievow qoirrdformalerialsngedad. noon Saturday, April 29, st the t,525. GtoS,t S'i,, nqutpm,a 2,725. ttieoi,Fi,ecoießndoot,oc&tO-c,o&"S Foccd,ti.n Saspicioasactivitiesinall The All-American SpeakersMaine Township Tnwa Hall,the School' award FOR: 1995 3.WHEEL TURF soon. Ittiuoi,rcblidte,kPo,d 55.555. t,00,,ttcn,tP&,o,md M,n,soc,,t As,oc 5,505. still needed and if yoa have arti- TRIJCKSTER cIes from thin period yon want looeighborhoodn shoald be reportcelebrated their 10th year as an1700 Ballard Rd., Pack Ridge. Regista Dominicas High Katettohf000r, ho 5,240. 5.c,h0000coo,tO,cU»0)OsOItStthC80002,ttt. MA O AS. organization ofToaslmauters that AND 5995 LIGHTWEIGIIT DiotCn,052,350. Moti, n. Lit000Es qc,,e 5,050 Natioo.tO,,ProsetiOo 5MOCiS5lO5,220 P05,1 00,5' donate or loua, call Marilynthem to the Hiles police by call- Adosissinuis free. Scbaol English teacher and pee- - helpstheir members develop FAIRWAY MOWER SOolhMrtrefl,00n0, Peu,icoF,rnd 557,758. Nosheoltliroi3OO 4,452. Otto,n,, 51,50e, Brown at (708) 390-0160 anding9ll. The presrnlalíon will discuss admissions dierclor, Vema All- TreorOt,n,&OStOLtd 24,541. Pth,cipatMut,otfleaoei,tO'ocO tSs,tIS. 5&noprnoi, J..Auo mro saneen» roI good speaking skills, listening worth of Glenview, is one of 16 Notice in hereby given that Hn,pttht 5,135. Untos Oit cc. 2,007 VitI,5, 05051 trw 15,att. Votunt.opi,cne", leave amessage. Ways in which families can make the Nilea Park District liall re- Bring your friends and enjoy nIMSA announces skills and prodoctive leadership sore they see prepared foe tEsas- teachers chnsan to receive the,,n25,?5O tudo skills. You learn by doing. Su-lera. Also featured will bes vide- Archdiocenr of Chicago's 1995 ceive and open mated lads fora Docto 00h,, FOdr s ssr,14s eeminiscent evening with the 1995 3-Wheel Turf Truckutee (t) ¡J,!. MONWS commiT OI5COMP5ONSA0ION FOR prsssoroAr.seevsres aefnsodR.'osucs-Pop,OoTrS', 2,297.721 math, science san Siebers is the current presi-elaped programand ademnnstea- "Heart of the School" Award. -v 525 am Niles Historical Society, 8970 denloftheclub#5577. and a 1995 Lightweight Pasrway INAMES AND TOTAJ,AMOUNT5 PAtOht 0054,p090ht, MilwaakeeAvenne. Ashoribusi- tian on how so properly fill and Allwoeth has been a leacher st award recipients For addItional Mower WIlli ME on Thursday, 0,0)), SaSSO. Wittj,oßa,,dot,o 5,000. S 552 559 ness meeting will precede the jnfonnalion,use sandbags. ReginaDominican since 1982. 0,8,0 Andctikts.S47. ut,h&d tusfiotS 500. coSco Tout Lirbi5tt, t.) call Susan at (708) 674-8999 or Far more information, call the Qualities which identify Ilse May 4, 1995. The bid openmg 00500 natty56.790. tos,phOefr,i,2,2t4. Sa't,yOen,tA03,00t. SobeO,.ytoc 5.400 program at 7:30 p.m. Free re- The illinois Mathematics and BillShippat(708)825.6241. aIslE be held at 3:00 pm os 0.Ii,t,a,I O,o,k4s,ZtI IcIced Ourgsof45,4t5. maCS 1,80 tOtS 5:do,yCeh,e 0,000. F,,odttt0iO freshmenls willfollow. Everyone lownshipat297-2510. Heurt of the Schuol award nuoti- M'Ir ccnbops,52t NoctD,i5t t,ttt 005,0n,:bt,,058 Isoh,d oosco,ki 45,485. Science Academy (IMSA) has ares include making special nf- May 4th. at the Park District's rvdo ustroces iswcicome. Recreation Center, 7877 N. Mil- to,,ps DeSh,c, .072. Lyt.Sdo,0dr 47,285. 005,5 Etoe,44.702. Moo), Fatheno 74,594. naso,) 0,rrmptoyrnnetfrsm,,t 0,OtE,I53 announcedthe tatesteecipients of forlson behalfafstadeuss, imple shetooc Fot,t Ott. Miohact PDX Stets Vicc,ct 05910,4 77,545 t.t'esyootdtut, 7,703. t80 Ooso-v,d rooeohs Sns)o waukee Avenue, Hiles, illinois IMPACJlt adaptor leaching Judge Frossard to meeting creativeprnjecls and 5000) 53,5t7. t400&dHUterSS,454. Is,tt80dFtott,St.t09. Lecood totosoc4O,5S4 n,semd f,,PvtcOLSS1iti,, 9.525:505 awards in mathematics sad sci- programs, demaeslessisg excel- 60714. Bid specifications and ts0tti,oKS,y5 5t,53t canotS L,oierJt,t54. nApe Lu,btdcs 7t5. Daci,t 55,9005to talO. Uso,,,0) .Ued,,icert,ô 354 SOL esce. Local recipients include further information may be ob- p5ut Mo0),cO 0.000 oC,oSact Qirn, 45,4t2 aoogta. ttadtotro,554. 5t,,, 50)moed 57,208 address Glenview K of C lerce, mainlaining gond parish tn,55,O 45,000 MrORc'e' 3,000. P80,,, s,9e004s,04s 0otScSkioI, Oto. 08050, Tot,t rcod eo,,1t5 lt 057 999 Carol Schmitz of Park Ridge, and school relations, modeling seined at the Adsssin'oleatiee Of- fice at the above oddness, or by 500005,576. tohaot spchc 44.500 Oat,00,d Voed, 05,5ta Maycerd vottim, St,508. who teaches st Ihr Balemass Ele- Circuit Court Judge Margaretthrough the tunics of the Slate's :hritsian leadership and minis- TvOIOi,hItiIi,,,04F2000",,itS mestsry School in Chicago and O'Mara Frossaed will speak be-Allomey's Office to her appoint- contacting GolfOperulsoas coMurlco STATEMENT opssnvnsur, nxpcNnrrcrscs try, and consribosisg to the facal- That St,, aodmiao,d lIas ,,0d th. ahvoe sod 08550)51 555055,550 otiveolpa 1 Aracely Feldman efSkckie, who focetheGlenview Knighls of Co-ment as Associateiodge in 1988.Iyandschoalcomnssnisy. Manager Greg Gesto at 965- ANO GlANOnS ss ruND OALANCeS She has presidedover hundreds 2344, or Greenskeeper Dan Vor- 0i,bc,s,,s,,Saro0 thatSh,,m,immo,sd senches al bIer-American Mag- lambas on Monday, April 24 at8 This year's wieners include 16 jO,Sc,co 0,1v)

- 0,0,0W netSchool io Chicago. p.m. in SI. CsthnrineLaboarnofcivilandcrimjnujtsiats.ceasie-teachers, one from each 0f the gas at965-3311. v000ai,1:. Ail bids shall exclude sales T,,ssc,,, Church, 3425 Thorawood Lane,ingesseaofhatecrhne,55.. Deaneries of the Archdiocese. loan . ssmio,,ajiL Otenview. sanll,domesflc violence,gang vi- "Thu "NessI of the School" sax and shall be submitted in a P,vp,9yT ,0S- Nt 52, 202. 9 73 Joseph Smesse, coordinator,olencg, and narcotics violations Awoed was essoblished by the. seated envelope clearly markedp,,,vnctPop,#y5vpt5,,ctT00 03 .793 annaunced that the judge willamong ethers.Jndge Fronsard either"Propusal,19953- t 59, 595 Archdiocese is 1989 as a way lo AmScicceO S,odce F, 25,245 Secretars \Veek April 24 28 share hmm expertise ou smallcurrently lectores at srveral Chi- Wheel Turf Truekoter, May 4 411 recognize the classroom Iroeher 4th, 1995" or "Proposal, 1995 05 Cr, claims mosel. Cago universities. inclading Chi- as the "heurt" ofthe student's ed- Lightweight Palrway Mower". 2 440 057 JadgeFrossued bas been fight-. cago Kent Schools of Law and ucatisnal experience. Total 50eq5,,, ing crime for twelve years, risingtheUniversityof Chicago. The Board of CommIssIoners tUoscmapa aod 50000.0400 e - ¡a I reserves the right to accept or 5'oe,,d it,' ceo rojocl any and all bide er tu be'000 m,OOr /2 s'-vo day Degree awarded Area students elected t'urvot e waive technicalities deemed tu CCOOlG ov0000,ct I.tta,sss. SS 0,200 0r,4P,t'¿._ ts9S. to Nues student be in the District's best interest Ambvtaoc, to UIC's Phi Kappa Phi 79,544 Vms I MasterCard accepted in awarding a contract n"'evo So-vivo The University of Iowa held For soperior scholarship, 327 . °L,L_- Guglielmo of DesFlames: Va- BY ORDER OF THE DoCt Soavi,, 4 fall commencement ceremanicsjaoior, senior und gradaste sta- sto,000 708-470-1333 sesso Yang cf Glesview; Arnie t',io,,p.tR,tiaO"t Not t'oblio Doc. 16 and 17, awarding moto dents, and three facalty members BOARD OF COMMISSION- trt,,,se,9dFi,vatAO,vtFflr 75t345 fran 1,400 degrees. Among Ihn SOIr of Lincolnwood.Christine ERS, 'OFFICIAL SEAL' as the University of ILlinois have Socqotst and Albert s/Timothy D. Royster 7 507 200 M000InJ.Fann,,wN cudev Bowf Ot4le+ studests from she Nues sera who bren elected blue phi Kappa Phi Tseng of Tout I'XpcSCit,,S,' InT,zIçtutscsSalsanosou Fork Ridge; and Judy Secretary MYn*ulsusleOIInss/nqsr received degrees al the UI corn-Hosoe Society. Kim and 7142 Dempster - Morton Grove. L David WntfnfSt,t-;.. Niles Park DistrictFo-O,' It,"0"OcotSIedoot y,a,nI,a,,,es mescementis Douglas Urban. The studeols include:James '""' Personal Loa

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