Alertguardprevents ParkRidge bank Garage burgIaresup; robbery; robberescapes police : urge vigilance JtSbeenadyfçb Thewoaiid-t,e robber entered robbetie& A record 67 have been other until the eobbe fled east. During February, the Village the bank's walk-upcility about Police Deparinsent needs some committedin the Chicagoareaso bound on Higgins Road, accord. of Niles experienced an increaseasaistanceflom residents. 7:15 n.m. Monday brandishing aing to Park Ridge Public Safety in residential garage burglaries. far. gunanddisplayinganote,author- Police urge retidents to keep Thanks to a recently hired DireclorRoberiColangejo, lu an effort to atop tisis criminalgarage doors and side access itiet said. The guard gave chase, bat lost activity, the Niles Police Depart- armed tecurity guard at the First Therobborwasappntiysw doors in good working order and State Bank of Chicago, 608 W. sight of the robber, who was mentineeasedresidenj, peboti witen the bank'uarmedse-wearing an orange nid cap, ion. to keep them locked when they Higgins Rd. Park Ridge, number and setup surveillance in severalarenotaround. They willcontin. çeity guard confronteed him. tuglustes and a light gray mons- areas. 68 mutt remain in theattempt. a brief face-off, gunman and 'le tu patrol theiraidontial ateas eti"cutegory. tucheundgteethatcolieethiak Arrests wear osado und several guardpoiuteddeawnguns ateacts Continued on Page 34 aggressively and set op sueveil- incidentswrreclearedup, but the Continued on Page 34 708 code out; new area code to Nues take effeét January 1, 1996 editlonof L1 t- ufrNew Nues- 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues,Illinois 60714- (7O8 -°flfl MGarea VOL.35,NO.43,Ther ISuGLE,TnuanDAy, APRIL 20,5995 50Ø Proposed cuts code i.s 847 Amid nsmots und protests, '15secondsof.. 'i fame'. keep thelll8code. upset Dst. 63 Ameritech finally matin up its Accordingtothe Chicago corporate mind und assigned aTribune, u thais item code, 630, parents leads-toarrést. newareacodeforNilesand Mor-will go into effect foe DuPage ByDeborats Sherman By RoseniaryTirlo tun Grove aiwoll usai! of LaicoCounty add portions of Will, to a novai twist on televisiontickets at thòUuited Center AprilCounty, parts of north and westKane and Kendall Counties in The Board of Education of teinte, a. Nitos . man who had East Maine School District #63 Cook,McHenryundKane 1998. Those areas will remain in jumped an $80,000 bond was av. Thelirstpernouinline, turnedCounties. the7O8aradcodeuntilthen. tabted a resolution to approve restedbyNilespollceaft.eranoff.Out tu be Conrad J. Poniutowski, -budgetary modifications at their Andthunumberis 847. The illinois Commerce Cons- duty officer saw him being inter-26, who was wanted ouwarrants Sinning noxtJan. 20, 847 willmistian approved the three-way bi.mouthly meeting tust Tuesday viewedontelevinion. ofviolatingauordocofproteciion evening. replace7O8 in thenorth suburbansplit of the aiea now under the The proposed mmlifications "I guess tiseatlraction of beingand resisting a peace officer. oc- pardon ofCook County. the port7ø8areacodelastmonth. oaletevisinnoutweighedthegr,u.cordingtuHninker. of Mctseney Coanty that is now 1emeadous growth in corn- arc part of a five-year plan de- sibility ofbeingcaught," said p,. signed toresteucture operations Poniatuwuki told CLTV he bad 708. and the northern part ofmunications. especially with the restingOfficoeJobnlJuinker. been in line shier Thurnday/'He Kane County, as well as all ofaddition of cellularphones, beep- inthedistrict. Huinker said he wut watching Thebasic etemenlu provide for was a little surpsited' Plumber LakeConuty. ers,pagets andfaxmachines,hau the expenditure reductions that television at home when QTVsaid, when he and Officer Ken Only people in the southernenliansted the supply of available did a spot on the crowd that hadSallarrestedhim. and western nubwbs of Chicagonumbers in the 708 area code. edilinvolved the cutting of some assembled to buy Bulls Playoff progsains. Continued on Page 34 and in eastern Will County will Continued un Page 34 Many parents are concerned with the proposed reduçtions. Effective Ways. Nues . Threei,rogrutns that fate lost of of Getting a Job receuves Service teticpmgsaznsatGeminiJr.ñtnding are extracurricular ath- High. Are you havingirouble getting ajob? Do you want to make aca- I prové School; theEastMaiuePlayers a eilt Award performinggroupforfifth reerchange, but don'tknow how? . through eighth grade students; The process offinding u new job and tise instructional music pro- can be emotionally and physical. ly demanding. You dont need to gram atGemini. Theproposul regarding athlet- lacHe this by yourself. There are io. programs ut Gemini suggests some practical steps in making yourself more marketable. Continued on Page 34 Nitro Family Service will be sponsoringafrce seminaren "Ef- Take a look furtive Ways in Getting a Job" at the Trident Center, 8060 Oakton back in time Street, Niles. The seminar will be On Monday, April 24, at 8 heldfrom 7 tu 9 p.m. on two cnn- pm., IheNiles Historical Society secutive Thursdays, April 27 and will present John Hussou from May 4. We encourage you tu at Morton Grovo and isis vtdrotend both meetings. Cheri Miller "Walking in Time'. John io the and Ken Goldberg, gradnate in- producerand writer for the videsteens at Niles Family Service, which wasprodacrdforthe 100th willfacilitatetheseseminars. aneivrrsaoy olMorlon Grove. J-leValanble informados regarding saysThrough iutesviews, wermamewriting, how tuconducta tried to go bark us close to tOOjob search, interviewing skills, yeursaswecoutd." and handling rejection, are a few Thevideo uses thetheme thenofthetupicstubediscussed. endnaw' and shows photographs If you are interested, contact of village sites from the earlyChrriorl(rriat(708) 692-3396. days follawetiby interviews with At a recent American Public Works AssoJallon (APWA) Awards Program, the Village of Nifesre- 28 seniors, village officials and ceived the Service Improvement Award for its proactive sewer maintenance business leaders at the sites as Nues Sister program. This award is they are today. There will be Cities meeting presentedto a communilyordopaflmentimplementing a newcommunityservics orimprovirigupon an many placet and friends btunght existing one. Emphasis isplaced on the level ofaervice performed, costsavings, andintegrationwith to mtnd as we glimpse Morton TheNilesSinterCitiesmeethsg otfierservicesandfacilities. Picturedabove are (lefttoright)s Village ManagerAbe Selman,Directorof Grove before and after ou Mon. will be on Thursday, April 27 at PubllcServiceaJunNodega, andMayorNicho!as B. Blase. Mr. Notiegapresontedthe,4pwAAwar0 7:30 p.m. at the Trident Center. MayorMcholaselaseonbehatfofthe Vllla960fNilesattheMarchBoardMoeung. .. Continued on Pago 34 Pteaseplanonattendutsg. TIIEBUGLE,TIfl " \Y,APRII.20,5995 PAGE3 PAE2 TEEBUGLFThIJRSDAY. APRIL20 f995 Oakton's Emeritus Program Seniors invited offers chess seminar to annual Mass Nues Senior Citizens ThEnieri Progam ofOa]- learning to play chess asad thee Noaeishment foe the Journey' ton Community Cdlleg is offsr-join expetienced chess players. will be the themeofthe 2Ath An- 967-6lOOext. 376 ing Chess, a non-credit seminar The class meets fer six Wednes- fluaI SeniorUnilyMass oaThurs- for mature adults. The class will days starting May 3 from I I am. day, May 4, beginning at 10 am. MI;SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION be held attheRay Hartotein earn- to l2:30p.m. The fee is $25. al Holy Name Cathedral.735 The Nibs Senior Center is open loresidents of the Vilage of pas, 7701 N. Lmcohi Ave., Sko- HaIf-taitien discounts de notNorth Slate Street in Chicago. Resident discovers aeir(d) foraion - Niles age62and overand tlieiryoangersp0058a.Niles seniors in- hie. apply lo Emeritus seminars. Fer Senior citiecns of all faiths and information shoald tercated in oblaining addilional aenior center -by iosepb Zurawski Paflicipaots can learn chess mere information er to register, denominations are invited to the call orvisitthe centerand heplacedonthe mailing list The center from amasSer, Noared4ine Ziane. call the Emerims Program atMaus which is sponsored by islacatedatlø600akton Street. The professor was always em- Benner will spend three weeks (108)635-1414. Catholic Charities of the Archdi- phalic."When it's just laying ocexe of Chicago and theChicago YARN NEEDED there,ifs arock. Once you pick it andSuburbs Senim Senate. Ifyos have any left-over yarn. please bring it to the senior rea- up, ifsaslone," He was makinga The MostReverend Edwin M. lcr. LaI) robes are made for veteransfrom your generous dona- pomi - Once a rock io handled, Conway, ausiliarybishop of Chi- lions. Also, volanleers aie needed lo crochetand/or sew lap robes moved, cventooched bya ha- cago, will be She main celebrant. erslippers. lfinterested,pleaseCall thecenter. matt, the rock has u purpose Priests from Catholic Chasilics worth stttdying. will concelebraSe the Mass with BALLROOM DANCE EishapConway. Daring the past four or Ove An afternoon of fan ballroom dance is on Friday, April 21 at I centuries, probably thousands of Weather pennirling, refresh- p.m. Rcfrcshmenls and music will be provided at a cost of only menlO will beserved after Mass in feethavewalkedontherocksper- 506. Registcrtodayl - IlseCathedralcourtyard. The haps 300 yards south ofthe shop- piag center al Waukrgaa and north entrance in the coartyard is TRAVEL CLUB wheelchair accessible to the Ca- DempslerinMorton Grove. They The SeniorCenteris starling a Boyd club. based on an informa- probably looked like"recIsa" thedral. ReservalionSaro
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