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Subject Index Subject Index Subject Index Subject Index Acacia Axo harpophylla 6 nopus200 tortiUs 50 canescens 80,164 Acevedo 68 pulcher 80 Acromyrmex 88 actynomycetal symbiosis 48 bacteria 178 Adansonia digitata 50 Bate 68 Addy 152 BeJj.ze49 agriculture 23 Belsky 50, 181 Agropyron repens 48 Bilbao 49,176, 178,201,202 Agrostis scabra 48 biodiversity 90, 91,121,175,199,200,201, air contaminants 86 202,203,204 Alatalo 98, 99 biogeochemical cycles 82, 90,175 allelopathy 81, 90 biogeochemistry 90, 91 Allosyncarpia ternata 125 biological control 150, 153 Alnus rubra 152 biological fixation 86 aluminum 222 biomass 154, 168 Amazonian campos 4 above ground 85, 89 amphibians 127 accumulation 82 Amundson 50 aerial 89 Anderson 187 arthropod 143 Andrew 122, 162 consumption rates 154 Andropogon leaf 88 brevifoUus 163 root 49 gayanus88 standing dead 84 gerardii48 biotic interactions 54 semiberbis 70, 163 birds 128, 129 Anecics 183 Blydenstein no antibiotics 90 Bombacaceae 17 ants 82, 88, 126, 143, 178 Bormann 179, 187 aphid honeydew 152 Bothriochloa bladhii 6 Arias 49 Bourkina Faso 64 aridity 166 Bourliere 64 Aristeguieta 64 Bowdichia virgilio ides 4, 68, 164; 165 Aristida 6 Bowman 125 aspartate-forming 48 Brachiaria Astrebia 6 humidicola 88 Ataroff66, 162, 165 mutica80 AUa88 Braithwaite 131 Australia Brown 144, 180 savannas in 200, 201 Browsers 182 228 Subject Index Bulbo.stylis 80 consumers 180 Bulla 47, 114 consumption 154 buriti3 Cook 122 buritirana 3 Cordia hirta 164 burning Coutinho 165 Aboriginal 125, 133, 134, 137 Cox 51 Byrsonima crassifolia 49, 68, 164 Crawley 146, 149, 150, 151 Crush 49 C4 plants 49, 82 Cuenca 49 caatinga3 Cunha 222, 224 Calabozo64 Curatel/a americana 4, 49, 68, 164, 165 calcium 49, 50, 53,178 Cyanophyceae 178 Callitris intratropica 125 Cyperaceae 17 campo Czekanowski's proportional similarity index .cerrado 2, 51 101 limpo2,51 sujo 2, 51 D index 106 Canales 163 Dactyloctenium 6 carbon soil 49 Danell154 Casearia sylvestris 4, 68, 163 Dargie 53 Cassia fasciculata 150 DeBenedictis 98 cation exchange capacity 50, 222 decomposer 180 cattle 221 decomposition 82, 90,176 cerambycid 152 defoliation 88, 152 cerradAo 2, 51, 53 tolerance 88 cerrado 2, 222 deforestation 53 cerrado sensu stricto 47 demographic responses 150 cerrado tipico 2 Dendrobium affine 125 cerrados 51, 64, 221 density tree 50, 165, 166 Chaco 3 Denslow 135 Chapin 45,179,181 detritivores 143 chemical composition 202 Dichantium sericeum 6 Chloris 6 dicot -grass ratio 153 chrysometid 152 disturbance 46, 210, 211 Chrysopogon fal/ax 6 diversity 73,81,84,90,179 Clay 154 alpha 131 clipped leaf biomass 89 beta 131, 150 coastal savannas of the Guayanas 4 floristic 73 Cochlospermum vitifolium 164, 165, 166 functional 64, 73 coevolution 88 habitat 131, 200 colonization 84 indices 97, 161 Combretaceae 17 insect 143 commercial ranching 24 morphological 64 community plant 144 equitability 99 dominance 125, 133 heterogenity 200 drought 166, 178 patchiness 200, 203, 204 evasion mechanisms 87 structure 200 stress 179 compensatory growth 88 tolerant 87 competitors 81, 84, 88 Dunlop 124 woody 90 complexity structural 54 earthworms 15 Connell 162 ecosystem processes 144, 154, 180 Subject Index 229 Eiten 51, 64 intensity 127, 132, 133, 134, 135 elfdemicity 121, 137 lepidopterans 127 Endogeics 183 lizards 127 energy 209 mammals 128, 130, 136 Epigeics 183 plants 122,131 epiphytes 125 richness 122, 124, 127, 128, 130, 136 equitability 98,99, 107, 114, 115 Fisher 224 index 99 flooding 199 Eriachne spp. 6 floristic structure 161 Ernst 162 foliage 50 erosion 224 Fonseca 135 Eucalyptus food web 144, 151 alba 6 structure 143, 151 crebra 6 forest dicromophloia 6 rain 124, 125, 135 melanophlioa 6 Fournier 64, 66 microneura 6 Freeland 125 miniata 7 Frost 178, 180, 199,201 populnea6 frost damage 150 tetradonta 6, 7 fruzivores 182 evaporative demand 68 fuel evapotranspiration rates 87 biodiversity 201 evenness 73, 98, 200 characteristics 200, 201, 202 evergreen tree species 68 density 200 mixture 201 Fariiias 64, 114, 164, 165, 166 vertical distribution 201 Feisinger 101 functional categories 144 Felflli47 functional groups 61, 64, 180,200,201 Fencham 124, 125 Furley 53 Ferri 53,143 Futuyma 151 fertility gradient 53 Fete Ole 64 gall-makers 148 fire 53, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 90,150,166,176, galls 148 178,199 Georgiadis 50 exclusion 165 germination 79, 90 frequency 53, 165 Gillon 143 volatilization 85 Godmania macrocarpa 164, 166 fire as determinant of tropical savannas 199 Goedert 222 behavior 200,201,202 Goldstein 68, 70, 163, 176 characteristics 200, 201 Gondwanaland 14 history 200, 201 Goodland 53, 64,143 impacts 200, 203, 204 Gramineae 17,64 intensity 201,202,203 Gran Sabana 4, 104 line 200 granivores 182 regimes 200, 201 grass-tree dynamics 90 types 201 grazing 90, 166, 168, 182 fire (effects on) tolerance 79 amphibians 127 Groombridge 121 ants 126 growth, compensatory 88 birds 128, 129 forms 64 canopy 133, 134 plant 85 epiphytes 125 rates 82, 85, 87, 88 ground 133, 134 Guarico State 104 230 Subject Index guilds 146 Isoberlinia 50 . Guinea savannas 4 Ivory Coast 64 Izaguirre-Mayoral 48 H'98 habitat Janzen-Connell model 150 diversity 125, 131, 137 Johnson 49 herbivory 121,131, 133 Jones 114 Hairston 144 Julien 150 Hali187 Haplopappus 150 Kapalga 122, 127, 128, 130, 133, 136 Haridasan 53 Karban 152 Harper 149 Kellman 49, 50, 125 Harrison 162, 166 Kenya 50 Hazen 144 Klink 222 herbivore diversity 154 Lamotte 66,143 outbreaks 151 Lamto 64 herbivores 81, 82, 88 lattice clays 15 herbivory 82,88,176,178,199,211 Lavelle 182 Heringer 64 Lawton 144, 180 Heteropogon contortus 6 layers 123 hierarchy 145 canopy 132, 133, 134,135 Hill 98, 99 ground 132, 133, 134, 135 Hoare 122 leaf Hobbie 176, 180, 181 air vapor pressure difference 84 Holling 162 area 87, 88,176 Hooper 180 area index 87 host specialization 151 area loss 150 Huber 47, 48, 97, 107, 115 area ratio 85 Hughes 179 chewers 148 Huntley 48 clipped biomass 89 Huntly 146, 151, 154 elongation rate 85 Hurlbert 98, 99 feeders 148 Huss-Danell154 nitrogen 86 Huston 180 phosphorus 86 hydrology 90 senescence 87, 88 Hyparrenia rufa 70, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, water potential 70, 84 89,90,164,200,202,203 Leguminosae 17, 48,86 hyperseasonal savannas 68 lepidopterans 127 Leptocoryphium lana tum 70 India 6 life history 132 Ingram 187 life-form 66, 162 insect Likens 187 feeding modes 148 lithoplinthic soils 82 herbivory 149 litter 50 outbreaks 149 burn 201 interspecific competition 152 metabolism 152 invasion cycle 84 lizards 127 Invertebrates 61 Llanos 80, 221 Iridomyrmex 126 de Moxos3 irradiance 90 del Apure 4 Iseilema 6 Long 114, 224 Isichei 50 Lopes 51 Subject Index 231 Louda 150 nitrifying bacteria 90 Lovera49 nitrogen 50, 84, 178, 222 Lugo 97,115 availability 48 biological fIxation 86 Machaerium pseudoacutifolium 164 soil 152 magnesium 53 use effIciency 86 Main 176 Nix 1212 malate-forming type 48 non vascular plants 61 mammals 128, l30, 131, 132, l36 Noy-Meir 162, 177 Masters 153 nutrient Mattson 152 availability46, 152, 176, 178 Mauritia concentration 45, 85 martiana 3 cycling 81, 90,151,176,221 vinifera 3 fluxes 168 McBrien 151, 152, 153 nutrients 209 McNaughton 45,143,178 requirements 86 Medina 47, 48,68,97,107,110,115,176,178, uptake 176 181 Melaleuca spp. 6 O'Connor 48, 162,165, 166 metabolic sinks 149 Oliveira 163 Melinis minutijlora 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90 Oliveira-Filho 53 Menaut165,176,187 organic matter 50, 178 micro-organisms 61,182 osmotic adjustment 87 microbial biomass 50 Owen 148 microclimate 81,84 oxisols 14, 222 midgrass savannas 6 mineral nutrients 81 Palicourea rigida 163 mineralization 82, 176, 182 PAM-AN 121 miners 148 Pandanus 200 miombo4 Panicum maximum 80 Molinari 98, 99 Pantanal 3, 222 Monasterio 66,162 Parker 151 monsoon tallgrass 6 pastoralists 24 Moran 153 patchiness l31, l32, 133, 134, l37,200 Mordelet 50 Pearcy 187 Moreira 163 Peet 98 mortality 163 persistence 209 Mott 122, 162 perturbation 161 Mueller 222 phenology 64 Muller 179 diversity 73 Munmarlary 122, 124, 125, 126 Philpot 202 Muoghalu 50 phosphorous/nitrogen ratio 86 Murdoch 144 phosphorus49,50,51,86,178,222 mutuaIistic phytophages 148 photon flux density 84 mycorrhizal fungi 49 photosynthetic rates 87 infection 49 phytophages 143 Myrica faya 48 phytophagous insect surveys 146 Myrtaceae 17 Pickett 162, 165 Pinus caribaea 49 Nazinga64 Poa pratensis 48 nectarivores 148, 182 plant net photosynthetic rate quantum yield 84, 87 architecture 150 Nicolis 210 available moisture 67,162,166,176,199 232 Subject Index av:ailable nutrients 162, 176, 199 sav:anna eating insects 143 deriv:ed 122, 124 nutrients 45 model 133 strategies 64 sav:annas of the Rio Branco-Rupununi 4 Polis 143 Schizachyrium fragile 6 Pollard 53 scoparium 48 pollinators 148 Schnell 143 population dynamics 90 Schoener's index of niche ov:erlap 101 potassium 49, 50 Schulze 181 Press 122 seed bank 165 primary producers 54, 180 dispersers 148 production 82,114,176,178 Sehima nervosum 6 productiv:ity 82, 90221 semideciduous forest 51, 53 Proteaceae 17 Senegal 64 senescence 87 quantum yield 82 Serenguetti 4 shading 163 Rachid-Edwards 202 Silva 47,61,66,163,165,176,181 rainfall 12, 168,210 Sinclair 143 interception 87 soil 14, 53 leaching 86 catena 61 Ramia 110 characteristics 166 rare species 47 dystrophic 15, 48, 53 Ratter 53, 222 microorganisms 54 Rav:ent6s 162 organic matter 182 red/far red ratio 90 properties 221 Redford 135 water potentials 68 redundant species 73 water recharge 87 resilience 153, 166, 209 Solbrig 73, 121, 199,211 resistance 209 Solidago altissima 150 resource capture 46 canadensis 151 supply 82 Sorghum
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