religions Article When History Substitutes for Theology: The Impact of Quaker Scholars’ Religious Affiliations on the Study of Nineteenth Century American Quakerism Isaac Barnes May Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia, 1540 Jefferson Park Ave., P.O. Box 400126, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126, USA;
[email protected] Received: 31 October 2018; Accepted: 20 November 2018; Published: 3 December 2018 Abstract: This article argues that histories of 19th century Quakerism are often veiled interdenominational theological arguments among Quakers. It looks at the historiography of the Hicksite Separation and the emergence of the pastoral system to suggest that the branch of Quakerism from which the author originates often plays a critical role in how they narrate history. The article suggests that objectivity is not an achievable or desirable aim for Quaker Studies or Quaker history, but that engagement with the broader currents of scholarship and clarifying theological presumptions for non-Quaker audiences are important to maintaining an academically legitimate discipline. Keywords: historiography; Quaker history; Hicksite; holiness; transformation; Quaker Studies 1. Introduction Most American denominations are led by clergy and theologians. However, for the last century, Quakers have also been directed by scholars and academics. Thanks to a large network of prestigious Quaker secondary schools and colleges, in the first few decades of the 20th century, Quakers were able to educate their young people to assume positions of influence within the academy and in their faith. Modernist Quaker leaders especially came out of this milieu, and many of these leaders taught in Quaker colleges. The influence of trained clergy in the denomination was minimal, and the power of Yearly Meeting clerks was in decline by the late 19th century, so the surest route to influence in the Religious Society of Friends was to become a professor in the humanities or social sciences.