
Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia Paleomagnetic evidence for a large rotation of the Yukon block relative to Laurentia: Implications for a low-latitude Sturtian glaciation and the breakup of Rodinia

Athena E. Eyster1,†, Roger R. Fu2, Justin V. Strauss3, Benjamin P. Weiss2, Charlie F. Roots4,§, Galen P. Halverson5, David A.D. Evans6, and Francis A. Macdonald1 1Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA 2Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Building 54-724, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 3Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, HB6105 Fairchild Hall, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA 4Natural Resources Canada, c/o Box 2703, K-102, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6, Canada 5Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montréal, Québec H3A0E8, Canada 6Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA

ABSTRACT in Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic Alternatively, Turner and Long (2008) argued strata, and realigns the orientation of the ca. for NE-SW extension on the western margin of Understanding the tectonic history of the 1260 Ma Bear River dikes with the Mack- Laurentia based on the interpretation of multi­ supercontinent Rodinia is crucial for testing enzie of northern Canada. This ple NE-SW–oriented structures in the Macken- proposed links among Neoproterozoic tec- reconstruction also facilitates future studies zie Mountains as transfer faults. In addition to tonics, supercontinent cycles, climate, and that relate Neoproterozoic sedimentary and these older structures, which can be interpreted biogeochemistry. The Neoproterozoic Mount structural patterns to the fragmentation of as recording early Neoproterozoic rifting, late Harper volcanics of the Ogilvie Mountains, Rodinia. Finally, this low-latitude pole sup- Neoproterozoic rifting (Windermere Supergroup Yukon, Canada, interfinger with Sturtian- ports the snowball Earth interpretation of and Sequence C of Young et al., 1979) is thought age (ca. 717–660 Ma) glacial deposits that the ca. 717 Ma Sturtian glacial deposits. to have occurred during two separate intervals: were deposited in narrow, fault-bounded ca. 780–660 Ma (Jefferson and Parrish, 1989; basins related to the breakup of Rodinia. INTRODUCTION ­Mustard, 1991) and ca. 580–560 Ma in the Here, we present new paleomagnetic data southern Cordillera (Colpron et al., 2002; Lund, from the Mount Harper volcanics and iso- The protracted breakup of the superconti- 2008; Lund et al., 2010; Yonkee et al., 2014). late four paleomagnetic directions: a low- nent Rodinia has long been associated with There are numerous candidates for the conti- temperature direction recording the present Neoprotero­ zoic­ environmental and biological nents that rifted away from Laurentia’s northern geomagnetic field, a mid-temperature direc- change (Kirschvink, 1992; Hoffman and Schrag, and western margins, including Antarctica, Aus- tion consistent with a Cretaceous overprint, 2002; Goddéris et al., 2003). However, the age, tralia, South China, North China, Siberia, and and two high-temperature directions, one of geometry, configuration, and kinematics of Ro- West Africa (Sears and Price, 1978; Moores, which is carried by hematite and likely rep- dinia’s fragmentation remain poorly constrained. 1991; Hoffman, 1991; Dalziel, 1997; Sears and resents a chemical overprint, and the other Because Neoproterozoic-Cambrian strata on the Price, 2003; Pisarevsky et al., 2003; Li et al., of which is carried by magnetite and likely margins of Laurentia are interpreted as pas- 2008; Evans, 2009; Fu et al., 2015; Ernst et al., is a primary direction. This primary pole sive margin sequences (Hoffman, 1991), many 2016). Irrespective of the identity of its former passes the fold and conglomerate tests and paleogeo­ graphic­ reconstructions place it at the conjugate partners in Rodinia, Yukon records includes a reversal but is 50° away from the core of Rodinia (e.g., Li et al., 2008). Due to the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of both coeval 721–712 Ma Laurentian Franklin this central location, studies of Laurentian basins the northern and western margins of Laurentia pole. This difference can assist in understanding the breakup of Ro- (e.g., Thorkelson et al., 2005; Macdonald et al., can be reconciled using a 50° counterclock- dinia (e.g., Ross, 1991; Macdonald et al., 2012; 2012; Strauss et al., 2015), and it is a keystone wise rotation of the Yukon block relative to Strauss et al., 2015). Several discrete extensional for future attempts to elucidate the extensional Laurentia. The prerotation reconstruction of events on the western margin of Laurentia have history in this part of Rodinia. the Yukon block relative to Laurentia aligns been attributed to the rifting of Rodinia, im- Recent geochronological data from Neo­ Neoproterozoic fault orientations and facies plying a prolonged and complex breakup his- proterozoic­ sedimentary successions in Yukon belts between the Wernecke and Mackenzie tory. Early Neoproterozoic (ca. 1.2–0.78 Ga enable more accurate constraints on basin- Mountains, rectifies paleoflow measurements Sequence B of Young et al., 1979) sedimentary forming events in Laurentia during the early successions were interpreted as recording basin- fragmentation of Rodinia. In the Coal Creek †aeyster@​fas​.harvard​.edu forming events consistent with a NNW-facing ­inlier of west-central Yukon (Figs. 1 and 2), early §Deceased. margin in present coordinates (Aitken, 1981). Neoproterozoic synsedimentary faulting and

GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2016; v. 128; no. X/X; p. 1–21; doi: 10.1130/B31425.1; 8 figures; 1 table; Data Repository item 2016255.; published online XX Month 2016.

GeologicalFor Society permission of to America copy, contact Bulletin [email protected], v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 1 © 2016 Geological Society of America Eyster et al.

67°N Paleozoic, or Neoproterozoic age. In addition, Richardson fault Yukon NW Park et al. (1992) acknowledged that their re- ka sults were inconclusive due to limited sampling, T

Alas Yukon and that additional sampling and examination were needed to validate or refute them. Here, 66°N Knorr Faul we present new paleomagnetic results from the Yukon ar Tatonduk ra Mount Harper volcanics that resolve these un- inlier block y certainties, allowing us to infer the geometry of t Mackenzie Mtn Ogilvie Mtns 65°N Neoproterozoic synsedimentary structures rela- W tive to the Laurentian craton and relative motions Coal Creek e r n inlier e c Snake River Faul Hart River k e s during the breakup of Rodinia, and additionally, inlier Wernecke M 141°W t n to explore the paleomagnetic constraints on the inlier s TintinaTintina faul DDawson thrust 64°N ca. 717 Ma Yukon glacial deposits that may re- awson thru t Dawson cord the initiation of snowball Earth glaciation fault t st 1 on Laurentia. 138°W 0100 136°W 134°W 132°W Selwyn Basi GEOLOGICAL SETTING km Paleozoic to Tertiary cover strata 63°N The Yukon block (Jeletsky, 1962) is a crustal 130°W n fragment separated from contiguous Laurentia Richardson trough 2 to the east by the Richardson trough and the Cryogenian–Ediacaran Windermere Supergroup (Sequence C) Richardson fault array (Fig. 1). The Richardson 128°W Tonian-Cryogenian Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup & trough represents a Cambrian–Devonian deep- Pinguicula and Fifteenmile Groups (Sequence B) water basin formed above a failed rift arm be- Mesoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup (Sequence A) tween the Yukon block and Mackenzie Platform area detailed in Fig. 2A additional areas noted in text: (Gabrielse, 1967; Pugh, 1983; ­Norris, 1985; Franklin Large Igneous Province 1. Nite Creek Cecile et al., 1997; Morrow, 1999; Rohr et al., regions of positive aeromagnetic anomalies 2. Thundercloud Range 2011). The Richardson fault array is a regional- scale fault system with a history of reactivation approximate boundary between Yukon block and Laurentia that has controlled sedimentation and deforma- Figure 1. Map of northwest Canada with Proterozoic inliers. Note Richardson trough (after tion in the area since its inception in the Protero­ Morrow, 1999) and Richardson fault array separate the Tatonduk, Coal Creek, Hart River, zoic (Eisbacher, 1981, 1983; ­Norris, 1985, 1997; and Wernecke inliers from the Mackenzie Mountains. The cross-hatched areas indicate Aitken and McMechan, 1992; ­Aitken, 1993; aeromagnetic highs following Aspler et al. (2003) and Pilkington and Saltus (2009). The Abbott, 1996, 1997; Crawford et al., 2010; Rohr solid green line depicts approximate boundary between the Yukon block and Laurentia. et al., 2011). Proterozoic strata in the ­Yukon ­Inset depicts the extent of the Franklin large igneous province (red; Buchan and Ernst, block consist of three ­major successions (Young 2004, 2013; Buchan et al., 2010). NWT—. et al., 1979) exposed in four inliers: the Taton- duk, Coal Creek, Hart River, and Wernecke ­inliers (Fig. 1). The oldest rocks consist of Se- subsidence have been linked to extension on et al., 2000; Denyszyn et al., 2009a, 2009b). quence A, a polydeformed succession of mixed the northern margin of Laurentia (Macdonald­ Taken at face value, these data connect exten- carbonate and siliciclastic strata of the late Paleo­ et al., 2012). In contrast, the later Neoprotero­ ­ sion or transtension recorded in Yukon with the protero­zoic–early Meso­protero­zoic ­Wernecke zoic Mount Harper Group was deposited in a paleogeog­ raphy­ of Laurentia relative to the other Supergroup (Delaney, 1981; Thorkelson et al., volcanically active half graben previously at- cratons in Rodinia. Moreover, the link between 2005; Furlanetto et al., 2013). Sequence B in- tributed to extension or transtension along the the ca. 717 Ma onset of the Sturtian glaciation in cludes the Pinguicula, Hematite Creek, and western margin of Laurentia (Mustard, 1991; Yukon and the low-latitude paleomagnetic pole Fifteenmile Groups in the Yukon block inliers. Mustard and Roots, 1997; Strauss et al., 2015). of the Franklin LIP is a key line of evidence for These groups are correlative with the Macken- Recent geochronological and geochemical data snowball Earth (Macdonald et al., 2010). The zie Mountains Supergroup, which constitutes the from the Mount Harper volcanics of the upper similarity in ages and robust Franklin paleo­mag­ oldest strata found in the Mackenzie Mountains Mount Harper Group (Macdonald et al., 2010; netic pole provide a unique opportunity to better to the east. A tuff in the Fifteenmile Group of Cox et al., 2013) highlight connections with understand the Sturtian glaciation and identify the Coal Creek inlier has been dated at 811.51 ± igneous activity associated with the Franklin tectonic movements of the Yukon block relative 0.25 Ma (U‑Pb isotope dilution–thermal ioniza- large igneous province (LIP; Heaman et al., to the Laurentian craton using paleomagnetism. tion mass spectrometry [ID-TIMS] on zircon; 1992; Denyszyn­ et al., 2009a, 2009b), which has A previous reconnaissance-level paleomag- Macdonald et al., 2010). Sequence C includes yielded a robust, low-latitude, grand-mean paleo­ netic study of the Mount Harper volcanics the Cryogenian–Ediacaran–aged­ strata of the magnetic­ pole (Fahrig et al., 1971; Robertson suggested a pole distinct from the Franklin Windermere Supergroup. and Baragar, 1972; Fahrig and Schwarz, 1973; grand-mean pole (Park et al., 1992); however, The focus of this study is the Coal Creek Palmer and Hayatsu, 1975; Park, 1981; Christie it was unclear if this difference was due to large inlier, in the south-central Ogilvie Mountains and Fahrig, 1983; Palmer et al., 1983; Heaman true polar wander, anomalous magnetic field (Figs. 1 and 2). In this area, the Mount Harper et al., 1992; Pehrsson and Buchan, 1999; Buchan ­behavior, or a tectonic rotation of Cretaceous, Group forms the base of the Windermere Super-

2 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia

A 140°0′0″W 139°30′0″W 139°0′0″W 64°55′0″N Mesozoic undivided Permian-Ordovician undivided Cambrian-Ordovician undivided Bouvette Fm Ediacaran-L. Cambrian Hyland Gp undivided 64°45′0″N Cryogenian-Ediacaran Windermere Supergroup Mount Harper Tonian-Cryogenian Fifteenmile Gp/ True N Pinguicula Gp undivided 21°31.4′ 1°33′ Mesoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup undivided Proterozoic Dikes undivided

64°35′0″N area detailed in Fig. 2B N

Dawson Thrust Grid 084 16 24 km Magnetic N B high angle fault thrust fault syncline 1 0482 12km A-A′ cross-section Trap Door fault A Bouvette Fm Windermere Supergroup “Upper” gp undivided 5 Hay Creek Gp Rapitan Gp-equivalent Eagle Creek Fm Mount Harper Gp Tango Tarn North Harper fault fault 2 Mount Harper Volcanics Member F Member E Member D A 4 Early South Harper Member C 3 fault Member B Member A Dawson Thrust dikes/sills South Harper fault A′ Seela Pass Fm Callison Lake Fm Sample areas: 1. Green Shelter 2. Tango Tarn 3. Mount Harper West 4. Mount Harper 5. Northern Dikes

C Fold test for HT2 Fold test for HT1 North Harper fault & Tango Tarn Fault SE striking faults North Mount Harper synform A1126 South A1125 A A′ A1128 A1203 A1207 1500 m 1000 m 500 m

2.5 km 5 km 7.5 km 10 km 12.5 km 15 km Figure 2. (A) Map of the Coal Creek inlier (modified from Strauss et al., 2014b). (B) Focus on the Mount Harper Group with the Mount Harper volcanics divided into informal members. Important sample areas and cross-section line A-A′ are indicated on map. (C) Cross- section A-A′ across the Mount Harper volcanics.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 3 Eyster et al. group and includes, in stratigraphically ascend- 1997; Roots, 1987). Fine- to medium-grained Miller, 1985; Yonkee et al., 2014). In the Coal ing order, the ca. 755–735 Ma Callison Lake chloritic and SE-trending diabase dikes and sills Creek inlier, for the Mount Harper Group, the Formation (Strauss et al., 2014a, 2015; Rooney are associated­ with members A and B (Mustard oldest Neoproterozoic extensional structures et al., 2015), the Seela Pass Formation, and the and Roots, 1997), and the dikes may have fed in the area include the Trap Door and Early Mount Harper volcanics (Mustard, 1991; Mus- the extrusive member B volcanics. Member B is South Harper faults, both of which governed the tard and Roots, 1997; Macdonald et al., 2010, disconformably overlain by various members of depositional patterns of the Callison Lake and 2011; Strauss et al., 2014b, 2015). The Callison the upper Mount Harper volcanics and Rapitan Seela Pass Formations (Fig. 2; Mustard, 1991; Lake and Seela Pass Formations record fault- Group–equivalent strata of the Eagle Creek for- Mustard and Roots, 1997; Strauss et al., 2014b, related carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentation mation (Mustard and Roots, 1997; Strauss et al., 2015). The Mount Harper volcanics, Seela Pass associated with early phases of Neoproterozoic 2014b). Member C consists predominantly of ba- Formation, and Callison Lake Formation occur extension in NW Canada (Mustard, 1991; Mus- saltic pyroclastic to epiclastic breccias, whereas north of the Early South Harper fault within the tard and Roots, 1997; Strauss et al., 2015). member D is rhyolitic in composition and locally broad, informally termed Mount Harper syn- The Mount Harper volcanics consist of a bi- dominated by massive columnar-jointed flows form (Fig. 2; Roots, 1987; Strauss et al., 2015). modal magmatic suite that is divided into six that weather light pink to gray-green (Fig. 3). The Callison Lake synrift strata show evidence informal members along with intrusive domes A thin crystal tuff layer marks the upper contact of thickening in the trough of the synform, which and dikes (Figs. 2 and 3; Mustard and Roots, of member D in two places. Member E is com- indicates that the folding was related to fault ini- 1997). Geochemically, the total alkali-FeO- posed primarily of dark-blue chlorite-bearing tiation at depth, with the development of growth MgO (AFM) projection shows samples on andesitic flows, tuffs, and breccias (Mustard and stratigraphy above a fault tip (Schlische, 1995; both sides of the tholeiitic/calc-alkaline divide Roots, 1997). Pillowed flows up to 20 m thick Sharp et al., 2000). This type of hanging-wall (Mustard and Roots, 1997; Cox, 2015). This is are found in member E, as well as local sub- synformal basin is well documented in exten- unusual, because, at the same time, the close aerial pahoehoe textures (Fig. 3). Three mounds sional settings associated with normal fault sys- association­ of the volcanics with normal fault- of silicic rubble, thought to be ancient rhyolite tems (Schlische, 1995, 2003; Sharp et al., 2000; ing and extensional activity indicates a relation- domes, are locally centered on feeder dikes and Gawthorpe and Leeder, 2000). The synform ship between extension and volcanism (Mustard appear to be younger than the rest of member D, likely developed during the late stages of Calli- and Roots, 1997). The existence of magmas with because they intrude member E (Mustard and son Lake sedimentation and Mount Harper vol- calc-alkaline affinities but connected to litho- Roots, 1997). These rhyolite domes were dated canism, as the broad synformal geometry is still spheric extension rather than subduction has with U-Pb chemical-abrasion (CA) ID-TIMS on apparent in the Mount Harper volcanics­ (Fig. been documented in the North American Pacific zircon at 717.43 ± 0.14 Ma (Macdonald et al., 2C; Strauss et al., 2015). The synform plunges Northwest and Basin and Range (Robyn, 1979; 2010). Member F is the youngest of the rocks in gently westward, preserving the younger vol­ Gans et al., 1989; Smith et al., 1990; Hooper the Mount Harper volcanics and includes inter- canic members of the Mount Harper volcanics et al., 1995; Hawkesworth et al., 1995; ­Morris mediate to mafic flows, sills, dikes, breccias, and in the western Coal Creek inlier. et al., 2000; Camp et al., 2003), as well as in east- tuffs that weather orange to brown (Mustard and There are also a number of syn–Mount ern Queensland, Australia (Ewart­ et al., 1992), Roots, 1997). Flows from member F are locally Harper volcanics brittle extensional structures. and northeastern China (Fan et al., 2003). In interstratified with the overlying glaciogenic de- The north-side-down Tango Tarn fault was in- such cases, it is suggested that the rift-related posits of the Rapitan Group–equivalent Eagle ferred from the distribution of members B and calc-alkaline magmatism can be explained by Creek formation (Mustard and Roots, 1997; C of the Mount Harper volcanics and the Eagle extension-related decompression melting of Macdonald et al., 2010; Strauss et al., 2014b). Creek formation (Fig. 2; Roots, 1987; Mustard subcontinental crust or mantle that was previ- The Rapitan Group–equivalent Eagle Creek and Roots, 1997). The Early South Harper fault ously hydrated and enriched by earlier subduc- formation is locally in erosional contact with was also active during Mount Harper volcanics tion events, rather than by contemporaneous members A–E, and it interfingers with mem- volcanism, but during most of the volcanic ac- subduction. The basaltic lower suite consists ber F. A tuff near the base of the Eagle Creek tivity, the southern margin of the half graben of members A, B, and C, and the more felsic formation yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 716.47 ± remained high, as indicated by a transition from ­upper suite is composed of members D, E, and 0.24 Ma (CA-ID-TIMS; Macdonald et al., subaqueous hydroclastic breccia in the north to F (Mustard and Roots, 1997). Local evidence 2010). These glacial strata are locally overlain subaerial volcanism to the south (Roots, 1987). of soft sediment deformation in the Seela Pass by various strata equivalent to the Cryogenian Following the eruption of the Mount Harper units beneath the basal pillow basalt flows of Hay Creek Group and the Ediacaran to Early volcanics, the Early South Harper fault was re- member A (Fig. 3) suggests these units were Cambrian informal “Upper” group (Macdonald activated as the partially reverse South Harper unlithified during emplacement of the volcanics et al., 2011; Strauss et al., 2014b). The Bouvette fault, and numerous SSE-striking faults and the (Mustard and Roots, 1997). Member A consists Formation, a thick sequence of Cambrian to North Harper fault were active (Fig. 2). The of pillowed and minor massive flows, and mem- ­Devonian dolostone, regionally rests with angu­ dominantly parallel SSE-striking faults do not ber B consists of basaltic flows composed of lar unconformity on the Windermere Super- cut the South Harper or North Harper faults, two facies:­ a pillow-dominated chloritic facies group and older strata (Thompson et al., 1994; but they do cut the strata of the Rapitan Group– and an overlying hematitic and highly vesicu- Mustard and Roots, 1997; Macdonald et al., equivalent Eagle Creek formation (Fig. 2). The lated unit with pahoehoe flow tops (Fig. 3). The 2011; Strauss et al., 2014b). North Harper fault near the northern edge of the transition between these members was originally Synsedimentary tectonism during deposi- volcanics displays as much as 350 m of north- defined in reference sections based on chemi- tion of basal Windermere rocks has been in- side-down displacement, indicated by the jux- cal analysis (Mustard and Roots, 1997). For the vestigated in the northern Canadian Cordillera taposition of the stratigraphically higher beds of hematitic­ facies,­ it is likely that iron oxidation of (for example, Eisbacher, 1981, 1985; Jefferson the Eagle Creek formation and “Upper” group subaerially­ erupted basalts resulted in the growth and Parrish, 1989), in British Columbia (Root, strata on the north side with the volcanics on the of synvolcanic hematite (Mustard and Roots, 1987), and in the United States (Stewart, 1972; south side (Roots, 1987).

4 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia

Sample areas

Tango Mount Harper West Green Northern Mount Harper Tarn Shelter Dikes Rapitan Group- equivalent A1129 A1126 Eagle Creek fm 716.47±0.2 Ma

Mbr F 2 km Mbr E A1203 Mbr D 717.43±0.1 Ma A1207 A1201 A1202 Mbr C A1204

lcanics Vo

p A1128 A1206 Mbr B A1209


Mount Harper 1 km

Mbr A Mount Harper Grou Harper Mount A1210 A1123

Seela A1122 Pass A1118 Formation A1120 A1127 A1117 Dike Dike A1119 Callison Lake 739.9±6.1 Ma Dikes 0 km Formation fine mediumcoarse flow

chloritized basalt/diabase Field photos hematized basalt andesite B E G I rhyolite massive diamictite stratified diamictite shale dolostone conglomerate D rhyolite flows basalt-andesite flows H volcanic breccia tuff-breccia block and ash flows F pillows A C

erosional unconformity U-Pb Macdonald et al., 2010 Re-Os Strauss et al., 2014a

section/site sampled for paleomagnetic analysis (this study)

Figure 3. Composite stratigraphic section of the Mount Harper volcanics with the approximate stratigraphic position of sampled units along with field photos of the lower members (A and B) from Mount Harper and of the upper members (C, D, and E) from Mount Harper West (photos by J. Strauss and A. Eyster). (A) Contact between the Seela Pass Formation and member A. (B) Member A pillows. (C) Mem- ber B pahoehoe flow top. (D) Member B columnar joints. (E) Member C breccia. (F) Member C mafic tuff. (G) Member D flow banding. (H) Member E flows. (I) Basal Eagle Creek formation with volcanic clasts.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 5 Eyster et al.

Observations of the regional outcrop extent plagioclase that was later filled in with hematite. made with a 2G Enterprises 755 superconduct- of the Seela Pass Formation and Eagle Creek Primary iron oxidation likely occurred during ing rock magnetometer (SRM) in the Massachu- formation highlight the potential development the eruption of the hematized facies, in addi- setts Institute of Technology Paleomagnetism of two distinct and slightly diachronous sub- tion to later iron oxidation that occurred during Laboratory using an automated sample handling basins with opposed but offset footwall scarps secondary mobilization for both the chloritized system (Kirschvink et al., 2008). This instru- (Mustard, 1991). The emplacement of the and hematized volcanics. It is likely that syn­ ment has a sensitivity of 10–9 Am2 and is located Mount Harper volcanics may have been related volcanic hematite formed in some of the sub­ in a magnetically shielded room (direct current to the development of an accommodation zone aerially erupted basalts (Mustard and Roots, [DC] field <150 nT). The natural remanent mag- between the two offset grabens (Mustard, 1991; 1997; Roots, 1987). netism (NRM) was measured for all specimens. Mustard and Roots, 1997; Strauss et al., 2015). Then, we immersed a portion of the specimens The angle between the SSE-striking faults and METHODS in a liquid nitrogen bath to preferentially remove the North and South Harper faults could repre- the magnetization carried by multidomain mag- sent minor counterclockwise block rotations in Paleomagnetic samples were collected via netite and hematite grains. This procedure was a sinistral strike-slip system (Roots, 1987). drilling of small cores and hand sampling with followed by alternating field (AF) demagneti- The modern expression of the Ogilvie Moun- orientations measured by a combination of zation up to 15 mT on most of the specimens, tains is a result of late Mesozoic northward- Brunton and sun compass. The orientations and finally thermal demagnetization on all the directed shortening associated with the Cordi­ ­ of flow tops, along with any nearby sedimentary specimens. The thermal demagnetization was lleran orogeny (Norris, 1997; Mair et al., 2006; or water-lain units, were measured to correct conducted using an ASC Scientific thermal de- Martel et al., 2011). Despite this regionally sig- for any tectonic tilting. Although the original magnetizer with peak DC fields inside <10 nT. nificant tectonic activity, map relationships in volcanic­ units were likely tilted (gentle paleo- Specimens were thermally demagnetized in west-central Yukon suggest that the Coal Creek slopes), the areal and stratigraphic sampling was steps of 2.5–50 °C until completely demagne- inlier acted as an orogenic welt, with wrench large enough to hopefully average any paleo­ tized. Similar demagnetization behaviors were faults on the west side and counterclockwise slope effects. The parallel orientation of flow observed in specimens that were subject to both faulting on the east side, but with minimal fault- banding and flow tops to sedimentary bedding thermal and AF demagnetization and those that ing or reactivation of faults observed within suggests paleoslopes of less than 10°. Even so, were only thermally demagnetized. the inlier itself. In the Mount Harper volcanics, errors in bedding corrections due to paleoslopes Because lightning strikes can cause remag- some primary structures in the area experienced cannot be unambiguously quantified and may netization, care was taken in the field to use minor reactivation, such as the Early South affect paleohorizontal corrections (Irving and both a sun compass and a Brunton compass to Harper fault (Roots, 1987). Thorkelson, 1990). identify locations that may have experienced We collected a total of 255 samples from 20 strong remagnetization. AF demagnetization Diagenetic Considerations different rock units or localities, including two up to 10–15 mT was able to remove randomly conglomerate tests and five measured sections. oriented minor secondary NRM components The Mount Harper volcanics experienced We sampled the upper and lower members of that may represent lightning-induced isother- prehnite-pumpellyite-facies to lower-green­ the Mount Harper volcanics, the Mount Harper mal remanent magnetization (IRM) in 31 out schist-facies­ metamorphism resulting from volcanic dikes, and sedimentary deposits within of 220 specimens. A1128 was the only section burial and fluid alteration during Mesozoic– the Seela Pass Formation and the Eagle Creek from which specimens did not undergo AF Paleogene­ shortening associated with the Cor­ formation, with sampling concentrated at five demagnetization. However, specimens from dilleran­ orogeny (Roots, 1987; Greenwood main regions that ranged over 14 km across A1128 did not demonstrate strong single-com- et al., 1991; Mustard and Roots, 1997). The vol­ regional strike: Mount Harper, Mount Harper ponent magnetizations and high NRM intensi- canics are highly hydrated and display abundant West, Tango Tarn, and Green shelter and North- ties that would suggest lightning remagnetiza- ­chlorite and sericite alteration (Cox et al., 2013). ern dikes (Figs. 2 and 3). The lower suite mem- tion. Lightning remagnetized specimens were During alteration, volcanic glass was altered to bers were sampled at four of the regions, while identified in ~2% of analyzed specimens. Most quartz and feldspar, olivine phenocrysts were the upper suite members were sampled only at of the specimens (~84%) from sites and mea- pseudomorphed into quartz and hematite, and Mount Harper West. At Tango Tarn and Green sured sections yielded resolvable components plagioclase phenocrysts were replaced by clay shelter, we collected both clasts and matrix of magnetization. Magnetic components were minerals (Mustard and Roots, 1997). Primary samples for conglomerate tests from the base of determined using principal component analy- paleomagnetic signals carried by magnetite can the Eagle Creek formation. For the stratigraphic sis of both best-fitting lines and, for 15% of the survive heating to the greenschist metamorphic sections that spanned multiple flows/sites, we specimens, great circles (Kirschvink, 1980). range (300–500 °C) but not to the amphibolite normally collected at least six samples total, When analyzing the data, we used a maximum range (600–750 °C; Pullaiah et al., 1975; Dun- with one to three samples per flow or strati- angle of deviation (MAD) cutoff of 15° follow- lop and Buchan, 1977). Furthermore, metamor- graphic horizon. We collected at least three sam- ing the recommendation of Butler (1992), but in phic changes that alter the ferromagnetic min- ples from dikes ranging between ~2 and 12.5 m most cases the MAD angle was <10°. Specimen erals can destroy the primary natural remanent thick, focusing on sampling at the chilled mar- analysis was completed using the PaleoMag OS magnetization and result in chemical remagne- gins, which are more likely to contain primary X program (Jones, 2002). If multiple specimens tization. Consequently, understanding the oc- magnetization due to the smaller sizes expected were prepared from a sample, then the specimen currence and nature of the magnetic minerals for the magnetite carriers. directions were averaged. In this and every other (hematite, magnetite, and titanomagnetite) is Individual samples were drilled and cut to case, we applied Fisher statistics to calculate of particular interest for paleomagnetism stud- specimens 2.5 cm in diameter and 2 cm long. mean directions. ies. Alteration in members A and B involved One to two specimens were measured for each For our sites (single flows or cooling units), hematite replacing olivine and albitization of sample. Magnetization measurements were it was straightforward to calculate mean com-

6 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia

ponent directions using all the samples from the ABZ,W Z,W C Z,W zoomed 1 NRM view site. For our sections, we typically had one to 6 horizontal projection 1 475 200 of origin two samples for each flow and calculated mean LN vertical projection 4 AF100 AF100 575 LN component directions three different ways. In 100 565 2 our first approach, we calculated section means 0 N NRM 575 2 0.5 using all the samples. For our second approach, −1 0 1 –0.5 0 580 N 565 −2 0 2 4 6 580 we calculated section means, but using flow NRM 565 475 −2 LT MAD=10.2° mean directions when possible. Here, when we −1 MT MAD=1.7° N 450 –2 0 2 collected multiple samples from a single flow, −4 HT MAD=2.5° 0 we calculated a mean flow direction. If this LT MAD=6.1° x10-5 Am2 LT MAD=8.6° −6 mean flow direction hada 95 < 20° (for n > 2) or MT MAD=9.6° –2 MT MAD=4.8° angular standard deviation <20° (for n = 2), then –5 2 HT MAD=2.9° -5 2 HT MAD=3.6° ×10 Am it was combined with data from single sampled ×10 Am D 1 E 1 flows to obtain a section mean. In the third ap- F1.6 proach, we focused on directions from the indi- 0.8 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.6 1.2 M/M0 vidual flows within a section and only used data M/M0 0.4 0.4 1 from flows withn ≥ 3 and a < 20°. We then 95 0.2 0.2 M/M0 0.8 calculated flow or site-mean component direc- 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 0.6 tions. The first two methods are more relevant Thermal Demagnetization (°C) Thermal Demagnetization (°C) 0.4 to postemplacement magnetic acquisition (i.e., Key: Low-Temperature component 0.2 Mid-Temperature component Thermal (°C) 0 chemical remanent magnetization [CRM]), AF(2.5-10mT) High-Temperature component 100 200 300 400 500 600 which is expected to cut across depositional Liquid nitrogen final steps once sample was judged to be demagnetized Thermal Demagnetization (°C) flow boundaries, whereas the third method is Figure 4. (A) Representative orthogonal projection diagrams showing the demagnetization most applicable to primary thermal remanent of sample A1207-5 that carries HT1. (B) Representative orthogonal projection diagrams magnetization with eruptive events separated by showing the demagnetization of sample A1203-3 that carries HT1. (C) Representative brief hiatuses and non-negligible geomagnetic orthog­onal projection diagrams showing the demagnetization of sample A1123-17 that secular variation. ­carries HT2. (D–F) Corresponding M/M0 plots (M—magnetization and M0—initial mag- netization). The stars represent the liquid nitrogen demagnetization step, the squares rep- RESULTS resent the alternating field (AF) demagnetization steps, and the circles represent thermal demagnetization. The representative orthogonal projections are shown using in situ coordi­ We classified the magnetizations based on nates. LT—low-temperature component; MT—mid-temperature component; HT—high- their unblocking temperature range and direc- temperature component; MAD—maximum angular deviation; NRM—natural remanent tionality into a low-temperature (LT), a mid- magnetization. LN—liquid nitrogen. temperature (MT), and two high-temperature (HT) component directions (Fig. 4). Although both conglomerate tests (A1126 and A1129) include those with a95 > 25° and two or fewer The MT component direction was found in yielded random clast directions, only one of samples with resolvable directions (A1119, eight sections encompassing 128 samples (Figs. them yielded a coherent HT component matrix A1122, A1127), sites dominated by samples 5C and 5D). These sites included member A, direction (A1126). with no obvious decay to the origin that required member B, member C, member E, and the Eagle The three approaches that we used to cal- great circle fits (A1118, A1201), and those with Creek formation. This component was demag- culate mean directions for the sections yielded strong (moment >10–6 A m2) random directions netized upon heating to 425–500 °C. In 50% of essentially the same results (see supplementary that responded strongly to AF demagnetization the measured samples, this direction was tightly 1 Tables S2, S3, S4 and S5 ). In the following and were interpreted to be the result of lightning clustered (a95 < 10°). The MT direction is also

discussions, we use our first approach, except (A1202, A1121). Additionally, two sites (A1117 a post-tilting direction, as the maximum t1 oc- when discussing HT1, where we also mention and A1120) had three samples with resolvable curred at –10% untilting, and the 95% confi-

our results from the third approach (only ­using directions and a95 > 20°. The Tauxe and Watson dence interval spans –10% to 8% unfolding. individual flows/sites) because we interpret (1994) fold test was applied, and uncertainty Finally, the HT directions from the indi- that component to be a primary thermal rema- was quantified by utilizing bootstrapped data vidual samples were observed to fall into two nence. The within-section/site precision param- sets and repetition of the fold test for various groupings, one with moderate positive inclina- eters normally ranged between 10 and 50. The percentages of unfolding. tions toward the south and one with low nega- sections or sites that did not yield useful data The LT component direction was found in tive inclinations toward the northeast. We label two sections (39 samples), representing mem- these the HT1 (Figs. 5E and 5F) and HT2 (Figs. bers A and B (Figs. 5A and 5B). This compo- 5G and 5H) components, respectively. Two 1GSA Data Repository item 2016255, Tables S1–S6, figure of conglomerate test, additional dis- nent was removed during thermal demagne- sections (A1128 and A1209) yielded both HT1 cussion of paleomagnetic analysis, as well as tables tization between 100 °C and 150 °C. The LT and HT2 components with a95 < 20°. Section with the low, mid, and high temperature mean di- direction failed the Tauxe and Watson (1994) A1128 was 191.5 m thick, and samples carry- rections, results for Watson’s v statistic test for the fold test. The maximum eigenvalue of the orien- ing HT1 were identified throughout the section, MT pole, and rotation parameters for the reconstruc- tions in Figures 7 and 8, is available at http://​www​ tation matrices (t1) occurred at –10% unfolding, while samples carrying HT2 were scattered near .geosociety​.org​/pubs​/ft2016​.htm or by request to and the 95% confidence interval of bootstrapped the top of the section. Section A1209 was 273 m editing@​geosociety​.org. samples is between –10% and 28% unfolding. thick, and three samples carrying HT2 with

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 7 Eyster et al.

A N B E N F The HT1 component passed the Tauxe and Watson (1994) fold test, as the maximum t LT 1.0 HT1 1.0 1 0.8 0.8 occurred at 109% unfolding, with 95% confi-

0.6 0.6 dence bounds from 42% to 109% unfolding,


E W E W ,


, , suggesting that the magnetization was acquired

1 1

0.4 τ 0.4 τ prior to folding. Using the third approach, the 0.2 0.2 HT1 direction also passed the fold test, this 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 time with maximum at 92% unfolding, S S t1 % untilting % untilting with confidence bounds from 89% to 109% C N D G N H unfolding. 1.0 MT HT2 1.0 One sampled unit (A1207, member D) dis-

0.8 0.8 played a reversed HT1 direction (Fig. 5E). This F

0.6 0.6


CD represents a double reversal, as this direction

, ,

, , 1

E W 1 0.4 E W τ τ 0.4 is reversed from those both stratigraphically 0.2 0.2 above and below. In tilt-corrected coordinates, 0.0 0.0 the reversal test (for the isolated reversed sec- 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 tion) resulted in an observed angle between the S % untilting S % untilting in situ tilt corrected open=up closed=down Franklin LIP mean direction of 16.8° and a critical angle of 38.7° calculated for the two sets of observations Figure 5. (A) Sections with a low-temperature (LT) direction. (B) Results from the at which the null hypothesis of a common mean Tauxe and Watson (1994) fold test. (C) Sections with a mid-temperature (MT) direction. direction would be rejected with 95% confi- (D) ­Results from the Tauxe and Watson (1994) fold test. (E) Section results for the first dence. However, due to the limited number of high-temperature (HT1) direction. Note that site A1207 has a high stability HT1 direction observations, the high value of the critical angle reversed from the rest. The direction expected from the Franklin large igneous province places the reversal test in the “indeterminate” (LIP; Denyszyn et al., 2009a) is also indicated. (F) Results for HT1 from the Tauxe and classification of McFadden and McElhinny Watson (1994) fold test. (G) Section results for the second high-temperature (HT2) direc- (1990). For the HT1 directions from the third tion. (H) Results for HT2 from the Tauxe and Watson (1994) fold test. For the plots of approach, the observed angle is 18.0° and the the section-mean directions, the in situ directions are indicated with brown triangles, and critical angle is 18.7°; thus, these directions the tilt-corrected directions are indicated with blue circles, with negative directions rep- pass the reversal test with a C classification resented by open symbols and positive directions represented by closed symbols. For the (McFadden and McElhinny, 1990). Finally, Tauxe and Watson (1994) fold tests, the black curves indicate maximum eigenvalue (τ1) as the primary nature of this direction is also sup- a function of untilting. The green line is the cumulative distribution of the percent untilting ported by one of the conglomerate tests. An HT required to maximize τ1 for all the bootstrapped data sets. The dashed vertical lines are component was isolated in five clasts and four 95% confidence bounds on the percent untilting that yield the most clustered result (maxi- matrix samples from one of the conglomerate mum τ1). If the 95% confidence bounds include 0, then a pretilt magnetization is indicated. tests (A1126; see supplementary Fig. S1 [see If the 95% confidence bounds include 100, then a post-tilt magnetization is indicated. If the footnote 1]). For the clasts, the critical value of 95% confidence bounds exclude both 0 and 100, syntilt magnetization is possible. CDF— the resultant vector (Ro) was 3.50 at the 95% cumulative distribution function. confidence level, while the value of the resul- tant vector (R) was 2.2, which is less than the critical value and indicates that a uniform dis- ­unblocking temperatures expected for hematite matrix from the Rapitan Group–equivalent tribution can be rejected at the 95% confidence were collected from near the top, as well as one strata of the Eagle Creek formation. Using the level (Watson, 1956). This contrasts with the sample near the base. Additionally, one sample third approach, we identified HT1 site mean di- four matrix samples with HT components that carrying HT1 was analyzed from the top of rections with a95 < 20° in seven flows/sites (34 display the HT1 direction. A1210. In most cases where we collected multi­ samples) from members B, D, and E. In most The HT2 direction was found in four sec- ple samples from a single flow, HT1 and HT2 samples, this component was fully demagne- tions (35 samples total) only from members A were found in different flows. However, in sec- tized between 565 °C and 575 °C, indicating and B. The HT2 direction was more likely to tion A1128, one flow had one sample with HT2 magnetite as the principal ferromagnetic car- be isolated using great circle fits in the princi- (A1128–50), while the other samples from that rier. Among all the samples, some were demag- pal component analysis than the HT1 direction. flow carried HT1. In two cases, a sample dis- netized much earlier than 565 °C, starting at Depending on the sample, the HT2 component played both HT1 and HT2 directions: Both speci­ 400 °C. There were four samples where the HT1 could be removed after heating to 350–680 °C, mens from sample A1209–17 displayed a HT1 direction had unblocking temperatures between but in most samples, it was removed by heating component direction unblocked by 575 °C and 605 °C and 680 °C. Under further examination, up to 570 °C or 680 °C. These unblocking tem- HT2 unblocked at 680 °C, and sample A1209–4 it was observed that these samples, carrying a peratures are consistent with the temperatures displayed a HT1 direction unblocked at 565 °C HT1 with high unblocking temperatures, also expected from magnetite and hematite. The and a higher-temperature circle fit to HT2. displayed a substantial decay of the intensity Tauxe and Watson (1994) fold test for the HT2 In total, using the first approach, we resolved of the magnetization at 580 °C in the direction direction was ambiguous, with the maximum

HT1 site/section mean directions with a95 < 20° of HT1. From this, we conclude that the HT1 t1 occurring at 40% untilting, but with the 95% in one site and four sections (60 samples), in- direction is carried by both magnetite and hema- confidence interval spanning –10% to 109% cluding members B, D, and E, along with the tite in these samples. unfolding.

8 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia

MAGNETIC CARRIERS FOR HT (GAP; Fig. 6). We decomposed the measured the samples that carried the HT2 direction dis- COMPONENT DIRECTIONS IRM data into cumulative log-Gaussian (CLG) played two peaks, suggesting two populations curves, each of which is characterized by the of magnetic carriers (Figs. 6A and 6B), with the

Thin sections were made from select samples sIRM, mean coercivity (H1/2), and dispersion higher-coercivity component containing 75% that carried the HT1 (A1203, A1207) and HT2 (dp). H1/2 is a measure of the coercivity of rema- of the sIRM. Of the HT2 component–bearing

(A1128, A1210) component directions. The nence Hcr if a sample contains only a single pop- samples, sample A1123-10 displayed only one samples carrying the HT1 component were ulation of ferromagnetic grains. The two most dominant peak, with 99.5% of the saturation observed to include small interlocking opaque important magnetic phases in geological ma- reached at 500 mT. This suggests that in rare minerals, likely magnetite and titanomagnetite, terials are magnetite and hematite, which have cases, a lower-coercivity mineral, such as low- in the matrix. The vesicles in these samples maximum coercivities of ~300 and >1000 mT, coercivity magnetite, carries the HT2 direction. tended to be filled with calcite. The samples respectively (O’Reilly, 1984; Banerjee, 1971). The backfield IRM experiments generally indi- that displayed the HT2 direction were found The principal ferromagnetic phase in samples cated Hcr of 220–490 mT, which is higher than to have some smaller opaque minerals in the that carried origin-trending HT1 reached satu- those of samples carrying HT1, except for that

­matrix, with some larger likely magnetite crys- ration magnetization before 300 mT, consistent of A1123-10, which had an Hcr of 31 mT. tals, as well as vesicles filled with quartz and with a lower-coercivity mineral such as magne- titanomagnetite. Finally, we observed some fine tite (Figs. 6A and 6B). Furthermore, samples Hysteresis Experiments hematite­ staining that preferentially filled cracks carrying an HT1 direction displayed a single We obtained hysteresis parameters after and veins. Because multidomain (MD) grains peak in the GAP plots, suggesting that they processing the uncorrected hysteresis data by visible in the microscope do not necessarily contained only one significant ferromagnetic closing the ascending and descending loops carry the bulk of the stable magnetization (Jack- mineral (Figs. 6A and 6B). The dike samples when needed, subtracting the high field slope, son, 1990), we relied on rock magnetism experi- (A1120-4 and A1120‑3) contained a minor and adjusting such that the y intercepts were ments to characterize the bulk properties of the component of a higher-coercivity­ mineral, equal (plots and analysis were done using the magnetic carriers. The magnetic mineralogy of possibly hematite or pyrrhotite, but the peak PmagPy cookbook code; methods discussed in 16 different samples was analyzed with IRM ac- on the GAP plot was difficult to distinguish. Tauxe et al., 2010). The uncorrected data for all quisition and IRM backfield experiments, ther- These samples reached 99.5% of their sIRM at samples displayed loops with strong positive mal demagnetization of saturation IRM (sIRM), 550–840 mT. For all samples carrying the HT1 (paramagnetic) high field slopes and potbellied AF demagnetization of sIRM, and hysteresis ex- component, the backfield IRM experiments in- shape. This paramagnetic component dominates periments. We applied stepwise IRM acquisition dicated Hcr values of 26–47 mT, consistent with the uncorrected data for most samples (dashed in a field up to 2.5 T to determine the coercivity a low-coercivity magnetic mineralogy. lines in the hysteresis curves in Fig. 6A), ex- spectra and saturation fields and thereby resolve All samples with an HT2 component reached cept for four samples that had an uncorrected distinct populations of ferromagnetic minerals. 99.5% of the sIRM between 500 mT and shape closer to pseudo-single-domain shape: Following the IRM acquisition, backfield IRM 2000–2400 mT (Figs. 6A and 6B), which sug- A1210-23 (carrying HT1), A1123-5, A1123-10, was applied in order to determine the coerciv- gests these samples contain a high-coercivity and A1123-17 (all carrying HT2). Potbellied ity of remanence (Hcr). We obtained hysteresis mineral such as hematite. In addition, most of ­behavior can result when the magnetic carriers experiments with maximum fields of 1 Tusing ­ the vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology laboratory of C. Ross to determine the values of Figure 6 (on following page). Results of rock magnetic experiments. (A) Comparison of rock saturation magnetization (Ms), saturation rema- magnetic results for representative samples shown in Figure 3 carrying the first and sec- nence (Mrs), and coercivity (Hc). We used these ond high-temperature components (HT1 and HT2). Sample A1207-5 from member D car- parameters to constrain the domain states of the ries reversed HT1, and sample A1203-3 from member E carries normal HT1, while sample magnetic carriers. Next, for five samples carry- A1123‑17 from member A carries HT2. (i) Linear acquisition plot. (ii) Gradient curve of ing the HT1 component and five samples car- isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition. (iii) Backfield IRM data. (iv) Ther- rying the HT2 component, we investigated the mal demagnetization of saturation IRM (sIRM). (v) Alternating field (AF) demagnetization thermal demagnetization of sIRM to identify of sIRM. (vi) Hysteresis curves for A1207-5 carrying HT1, where dashed line is raw data, the magnetic carriers based on their unblock- and solid line indicates data corrected for paramagnetic slope. (vii) Hysteresis curves for ing behavior. Finally, on six samples carrying A1203-3 carrying HT1, where dashed line is raw data, and solid line indicates data corrected the HT1 component and four carrying the HT2 for paramagnetic slope. (viii) Hysteresis curves for A1123-17, where dashed line is raw data, component, we conducted AF demagnetization and solid line indicates data corrected for paramagnetic slope. (B) Comprehensive plot of of the sIRM to determine the crossover values all rock magnetic results for selected samples carrying HT1 (left side) and HT2 (right side). and the strength of the interactions between the (i, ii) Linear acquisition plots. (iii, iv) Gradient curves of IRM acquisition. (v, vi) Backfield ferromagnetic grains (Cisowski, 1981). IRM data. (vii, viii) Thermal demagnetization of sIRM. (ix, x) AF demagnetization of sIRM. (C) Day plot of results from hysteresis experiments. Blue asterisks mark results for samples Rock Magnetism Results carrying HT1, while red circles mark those for samples carrying HT2. Also shown are boxes marking single-domain (SD), pseudo-single-domain (PSD), multidomain (MD), and super- IRM Acquisition and Backfield paramagnetic (SP) regimes as well as the MD-SD mixing curve of Dunlop (2002) in green. IRM Experiments Inset shows behavior of samples carrying HT2, specifically, the wasp-waisted behavior of Following Kruiver et al. (2001), we display A1123-17, likely due to dual-population ferromagnetic mineralogy and the SD hematite the IRM acquisition data on a linear acquisition behavior of A1209-18. H—applied field intensity, M—magnetization, crH —coercivity of plot (LAP) and a gradient of acquisition plot rema­nence, Hc—coercivity, Ms—saturation magnetization, Mrs—saturation remanence.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 9 Eyster et al.

HT1 A1207-5 mb D 1 1 ABHT2 A1123-17 mb A HT1 A1203-3 mb E HT1 i HT2 1 0.8 0.8 ii HT1: A1207-5 0.8 i vi 4 0.6 0.6 0.6 M/Ms

M/Ms 0.4 0.4 M/Ms 0.4 2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 110100 1000 0 M/Ms

H IRM field H(mT) –2 110 100 1000 110100 1000 1 Hc=14.18 mT IRM field H(mT) IRM field H(mT)

ii Mrs=0.00828 Am2 1 H 1 0.8 H –4 Ms=0.05850 Am2 iii iv 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.4 –400 –200 0 200 400 0.6 0.6 0.2 H(mT) 0 110100 1000 HT1: A1203-3 vii 0.4 0.4 normalized d(M/Ms)/d IRM field H(mT) 4 0.2 0.2

1 iii 2 0 normalized d(M/Ms)/d 0 normalized d(M/Ms)/d 110 100 1000 110100 1000 IRM field H(mT) 0 IRM field H(mT) A1203-3 Hcr=41.1 mT 0 M/Ms A1207-5 Hcr=43.6 mT M/Ms 1 1 –2 vvi –1 A1123-17 Hcr=221.3mT Hc=13.58 mT –400 –200 0 Mrs=0.00946 Am2 0 0

Backfield IRM (mT) –4 2 M/Ms M/Ms 1 Ms=0.05520 Am –1 0.8 iv –400 –2000–1 –400 –2000 0.6 –400 –200 0 200 400 H(mT) Backfield IRM (mT) Backfield IRM (mT)

M/Ms 0.4 1 cr HT2 A1123-17 1 viii 0.2 viii vii 4 0.8 0.8 0 0 100200 300400 500600 700 Thermal demag step (C) 2 0.6 0.6 M/Ms M/Ms solid line IRM acquisition field H(mT) 0.4 0.4 0

1 M/Ms 0.8 v 0.2 0.2 0.6 –2 Hc=25.03 mT Mrs=0.2460 Am2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600700

M/Ms 0.4 –4 Ms=0.9474 Am2 Thermal demag step (C) Thermal demag step (C) 0.2 solid line: IRM acquisition field H(mT) solid line: IRM acquisition field H(mT) 0 –1000–5000 5001000 1 0 50 100 1 dashed line AF demag step (mT) H(mT) 0.8 ix 0.8 x 0.6 C MD-SD mixing curve (Dunlop, 2002) 0.6

HT1 HT2 M/Ms 0.4 M/Ms 0.4 1.0 SD 1 0.2 HT2 0.2 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 50 100

M/Ms dashed line: AF demag step (mT) dashed line: AF demag step (mT) A1123-17 A1209-18 A1210-23 mb A A1123-5 mb A 0.5 –1 A1209-9 mb B A1203-2 mb E A1123-10 mb A arc to HT2 Mrs/M s –100001000 A1209-12 mb B A1203-3 mb E A1123-17 mb A PSD SP H(mT) A1207-3 mb D A1203-7 mb E A1210-5 mb A A1120-3 dike A1207-5 mb D A1209-18 mb B MD A1207-7 mb D A1120-4 dike 0 0 4 8112 6 Hcr/Hc Figure 6.

are a mixture of single-domain (SD) and fine- The corrected hysteresis curves displayed IRM acquisition experiments, many of the sam- grained superparamagnetic (SP) magnetite. For pseudo-single-domain behavior (A1123-10), ples carrying HT2 had two populations of ferro- samples carrying HT1, the shapes of the cor- wasp-waisted (A1123-5, A1123-17, A1210-5), magnetic carriers with distinct coercivity ranges. rected hysteresis curves were consistent with and single-domain hematite behavior (A1209- Saturation magnetization, saturation rema- those expected for pseudo-single-domain grains 18). The wasp-waisted curves occurred when nence and coercivity, as well as backfield coer- reaching Ms by ~300 mT (Fig. 6A, right side). there were multiple fractions of magnetic min- civity, were used to construct a Day plot to de- As most samples carrying HT2 were not fully erals with strongly contrasting coercivity or in termine if the magnetic carriers were SD, MD, saturated by the maximum field allowed by the the presence of a significant superparamagnetic pseudo-single-domain (PSD), or SP (Fig. 6C). VSM, minor hysteresis loops were obtained. component. As already determined from the Samples carrying the HT1 component were

10 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia

­either in the PSD range or a mixture of SD and instrument. Most curves therefore went off the The failure of the LT direction fold test sug- MD particles, but there was no real trend in the scale, and thus a crossover point was not deter- gests that the LT direction postdates any activity data along any MD-SD mixing lines. Addition- mined. One sample, A1123-10, had an MDF of on the North Harper fault, which displaces the ally, some samples carrying the HT1 component 15 mT, with low MDF more consistent with a Bouvette Formation. The failure of the MT fold were located far to the right, likely indicative of MD-dominant sample, and a crossover point at test suggests that it was likely acquired after the

SP-SD mixtures of magnetite grains (Dunlop, M/Ms = 0.3074, suggesting the presence of neg- development of the Mount Harper synform and 2002). Day plots are not as informative for sam- atively interacting SD minerals or MD minerals. movement on the SSE-striking faults. As the ples with multiple magnetic minerals, and when We conclude that the magnetic mineralogy of HT2 fold test is ambiguous, it is difficult to in- considering the samples carrying HT2 and there samples carrying HT1 can be characterized by a terpret the timing of the HT2 overprint. is no dominant clustering observed. single low-coercivity population of interacting magnetite that is likely PSD or a mixture of SD Discussion of the Primary Nature of HT1 Thermal Demagnetization of sIRM and SP states. The magnetic mineralogy of most The thermal demagnetization of sIRM of samples carrying HT2 includes two populations Several lines of evidence suggest that the HT1 samples carrying HT1 displayed a distributed of minerals with distinct ranges of coercivities. direction is primary. The HT1 direction passes range of unblocking temperatures (Tub) up to Observed unblocking temperatures suggest a fold test defined by the Mount Harper syn- 580 °C, in some cases with ~70% of the rema- that the higher-coercivity mineral is hematite, form and passes a conglomerate test. Also, the nence destroyed, followed by a steep drop at and the lower-coercivity mineral is magnetite. presence of a reversed unit adds weight to the 580 °C, as expected for magnetite. These data In some cases, the samples carrying HT2 only conclusion that HT1 is primary. The rock mag- combined with the IRM acquisition curves sug- have high-coercivity SD hematite as the mag- netism experiments suggest that HT1 is carried gest that HT1 is carried by low-coercivity mag- netic carrier. by a single low-coercivity population of inter­ netite. In one sample from a dike (A1120‑4), acting magnetite grains that are likely PSD or a there was a minor decay at 100–325 °C, fol- DISCUSSION mixture of SD and SP, which is consistent with lowed by a gradual decay to 650 °C, indicat- the expected primary ferromagnetic mineralogy ing a small contribution of pyrrhotite or Ti‑rich Timing of Magnetizations Determined of volcanic rocks. In the few cases where HT1 titanomagnetites as well as hematite. Some by Fold Tests was carried by hematite, there is evidence that magnetization carried by hematite or pyrrhotite the basalt flows erupted subaerially, and we sug- is also suggested based on a higher-coercivity As discussed already, while the LT and MT gest that this caused some early alteration and component in the IRM acquisition curves. directions are characterized by failed fold tests hematization, resulting in a practically primary Samples carrying the HT2 direction were and the HT2 direction results in an ambiguous magnetization but carried by hematite. observed to have only hematite or both hema- fold test, the HT1 direction passes this important With respect to secular variation, based on tite and magnetite as magnetic carriers. We confidence criterion. For the HT1 fold test, the the geochronological constraints, the Mount observed a distributed range in unblocking tem- most important sections were those of members Harper volcanics erupted between ca. 739 and peratures for the samples with both hematite A and B with dips to the SW near Tango Tarn 716 Ma (Macdonald et al., 2010; Strauss et al., and magnetite, with steeper drops observed at and Mount Harper, and members D and E with 2014a), but the eruption duration was likely 560 °C, 580 °C, and 680 °C. Sample A1123- shallow dips to the north near Mount Harper much shorter than that. Typically, around five 10, which carried a great circle fit toward HT2, West (Fig. 2C). The difference in paleohorizontal lava flows are used to characterize paleosecular displayed a drop at both 560 °C as well as at orientation between these areas is likely related variations at a site (McElhinny and McFadden, 680 °C, consistent with the presence of titano- to the synvolcanic Mount Harper synform, which 1997; Johnson and Constable, 1995). Here, our magnetite and hematite. initially developed during extensional activity stratigraphic sections vary in thickness, but sec- on the Mount Harper fault and deposition of the tion A1128 spans around 200 m and has multi­ AF Demagnetization of sIRM Callison Lake Formation. As HT1 passes the ple flows with samples carrying the HT1 direc- For samples carrying the HT1 component, AF fold test, it was likely acquired before the fold- tion throughout. The time interval represented demagnetization of sIRM resulted in ­median de- ing involved in the Mount Harper synform and by a thick section, such as this, is likely >1 m.y. structive fields (MDF) of ~25–35 mT, which are therefore may represent a primary magnetization. and long enough to average out secular varia- typical for PSD magnetite. The field at which the It may be confusing that the Mount Harper vol- tions (McElhinny and Merrill, 1975). demagnetization and acquisition curves cross canics are characterized by a remanence that pre- Butler (1992) suggested using the scatter of (the crossover point Rx) is sensitive to particle dates folding while at the same time the folding virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) to determine interaction. All the crossover points for HT1 oc- was syneruptive; however, because the volcanics whether secular variation has been averaged curred at normalized Ms values <0.5 (between were likely erupting at the same time as the syn- out or if there is excess scatter in the data. If 0.3 and 0.4), suggesting a moderate degree of form was developing, the primary magnetization secular variation has been adequately sampled, interparticle interaction. The shape of the AF de- was acquired on much shorter time scales (related the observed angular dispersion of site-mean magnetization curves is softer than expected for to the cooling of the lavas), while the synform VGPs should be consistent with that predicted noninteracting SD grains. Additionally, one of developed over a longer time scale—this differ- for the paleolatitude of the sampling sites. As- the dikes (A1120-4) was not fully demagnetized ence in the timing results in passage of the fold suming that the last 0–5 m.y. recorded similar by 145 mT (the highest AF level available), sug- test and a prefolding primary magnetization. For field behavior to that in the Neoproterozoic, the gesting the presence of a high-coercivity min- all of the flows, the magnetization was acquired observed angular dispersion for 15–38° paleo- eral such as pyrrhotite, hematite, or goethite. As before it was folded or tilted, and thus the most latitude should be around 12.1°–16.46° (Table 4 seen in Figure 6B, most samples carrying HT2 clustered result for the HT1 direction is when all of McElhinny and McFadden, 1997). For our were not fully demagnetized by 145 mT, which flows were at around 100% of the untilting, i.e., site/flow mean VGPs determined from ap- was the AF demagnetization capability of the restored close to paleohorizontal. proach three, the observed angular dispersion is

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 11 Eyster et al.

7.3°, i.e., less than the expected dispersion, sug- is on the younger sediments of the Eagle Creek ent: The HT1 pole longitude is ~50° east of what gesting that we may not have successfully aver­ formation, the matrix in that conglomerate does is expected based on the Franklin pole (Fig. 7A). aged out secular variation. However, another carry HT1, so that indicates that the test itself There are at least three options for explaining method for investigating secular variation is to still constrains the magnetization as an intrafor- this difference: (1) secular variation of the geo- use confidence envelopes for A95 as a measure of mational (Mount Harper volcanics combined magnetic field, specifically a 50° excursion dur- secular variation (Deenen et al., 2011). Deenen with Eagle Creek formation) conglomerate ing the eruption of the Mount Harper volcanics; et al. (2011) investigated values of A95, given N, test on HT1. (2) rapid oscillatory motion of Laurentia, which the number of paleomagnetic sites, and K, the could have been due to either plate motion or dispersion. Comparing our VGP data (K = 71.8, Interpretations of Directions and true polar wander (TPW); or (3) a counterclock-

N = 7, A95 = 7.2°) to the A95 envelopes of Fig- Comparison to the Laurentian wise tectonic block rotation relative to Laurentia ure 3 of Deenen et al. (2011), our data fall in the Apparent Polar Wander Path subsequent to the eruption and emplacement of gray envelope, which indicates that the observed the Mount Harper volcanics. scatter is consistent with adequately averaging Four paleomagnetic poles were distinguished Anomalous directions dissimilar from the secular variation. in this study: a low-temperature (LT), mid-tem- Franklin pole were previously recovered from Our HT1 pole passes six out of the seven reli- perature (MT), and two high-temperature poles Borden dikes on Baffin Island (Christie and ability criteria of Van der Voo (1990), failing the (HT1-primary and HT2-chemical overprint; Fahrig, 1983; Pehrsson and Buchan, 1999), structural control and tectonic coherence crite- ­Table 1). These poles are plotted in Figure 7 and dikes on Ellesmere and Devon Islands rion. Specifically, the primary nature of this di- along with the Laurentian apparent polar wander (Denyszyn­ et al., 2009a, 2009b), as well as from rection is supported by a well-determined rock path (APWP) from 510 Ma to the present (Tors- the Rapitan Group in the Mackenzie Moun- age and sufficient documentation in one site and vik et al., 2012), for 200 Ma to the present (Besse tains (Park, 1997; Morris, 1977). Initially, the four sections (approach 1: 1 site and 4 sections, and Courtillot, 2002), and for 230–50 Ma (Kent northwest-trending Borden dikes were thought

60 samples, a95 = 14.3°, A95 = 13.8°, both <16°, and Irving, 2010), along with a schematic pole to be part of a much older event, due to an older and k = 29.5 and K = 31.6, both >10; approach envelope that encompasses Cryogenian–Edia- ca. 950 Ma age, crosscutting relationships, and

3: 7 sites, 34 samples a95 = 7.7°, A95 = 7.2°, both caran poles from Laurentia (Park, 1995, 1997; a steep paleomagnetic direction (Christie and <16°, and k = 61.8 and K = 71.6, both >10). Ad- Mitchell et al., 2011, and references therein), and Fahrig, 1983). Reevaluation of these dikes by ditionally, we applied adequate demagnetiza- the pole for the coeval Franklin LIP (Table 1). Pehrsson and Buchan (1999) updated the age tion with vector subtraction and benefit from a For the Franklin LIP pole, we used the autoch- to Franklin times (ca. 720 Ma) and suggested positive fold test, a positive conglomerate test, thon-only mean pole (D+09can) from Denyszyn that the steep magnetizations resulted from the presence of reversals, and no resemblance to et al. (2009a), which overlaps with the older superposition of a Cretaceous–Tertiary–aged younger paleopoles. mean pole of Buchan et al. (2000). CRM on normal and reversed primary Franklin When considering the key pole criteria of This primary pole (HT1) is located at similar components. The anomalous paleomagnetic re- Buchan (2014), HT1 is related to a robust age, longitudes as the Mount Harper pole interpreted sults from the Franklin-affiliated dikes on Elles- the primary remanence is properly isolated, and to be primary by Park et al. (1992), but the errors mere and Devon Islands were shown to be due secular variation may have been averaged out. associated with the pole have been improved, to chemical remagnetization (Denyszyn et al., With regard to the Buchan (2014) field tests that and the latitude has been refined. Our paleo- 2009b). In contrast, at Mount Harper, we have constrain the magnetism to be primary, our fold magnetic data from the coeval Neoproterozoic documented a double reversal, presence of the test just establishes the relative timing of the Mount Harper volcanics (HT1, this study) and HT1 direction throughout the Mount Harper magnetization. Although our conglomerate test Franklin LIP (Denyszyn et al., 2009a) are differ- volcanic complex, and a robust single-domain

TABLE 1. PALEOMAGNETIC DIRECTIONS AND POLES In situ directions Tilt-corrected directions Paleomagnetic poles† Declination/ Declination/ MHV

inclination α95 inclination α95 Latitude/longitude A95 paleolatitude Component (°) kN* (°) (°) kN* (°) (°N/°E) (°) NK (°) LT 54.0/80.9 1886.5 2 5.8 209.2/69.7 21.6 2 56.6 69.6/265§ 10.82533.83 NA## MT 161.7/–82.1 89.6 8 5.9 49.1/–65.4 9.5 8 20.1 77.7/197.4§ 10.4829.4 NA*** HT2 52.2/–50.3 62.3 411.7 45.8/–15.3 39.0 4 14.9 14.5/176.0§ 13.4449.8 NA*** –9.8/174.3# 9.8488.1 NA*** HT1 approach 1 179.1/58.1 6.9 5 31.3 190.0/42.1 29.5 5 14.30.4/210.7# 13.8531.6 24.3 HT1 approach 3 174.9/48.3 18.1 7 14.6 182.4/44.4 61.8 77.7 1.4/218.1# 7.2771.6 26.1 70 Ma** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** 75.9/204.74.6 7 169.8 NA*** 77.9 Ma†† NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** 74.7/207.45.9 14 47.2 NA*** 80 Ma§§ NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** 74.5/201.37.9 7ND††† NA*** Franklin LIP## NA*** NA*** NA*** NA*** 243.2/35.0 NA*** NA*** NA*** 6.7/162.13.0026ND††† 19.3 *N—number of sites and/or sections. †Poles calculated as means from site/section poles for the Mount Harper volcanics (MHV; 64.7°N, 139.9°W) with HT1 directions from site A1207 reversed and only the matrix HT1 directions from site A1126. §Calculated from the in situ direction. #Calculated from the tilt-corrected direction. **Pole from Kent and Irving (2010). ††Pole from Besse and Courtillot (2002). §§Pole from Torsvik et al. (2012). ##D+09can pole from Denyszyn et al. (2009a). ***NA—not applicable. †††ND—no data.

12 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia


HT2 d in situ*

f HT1* HT1* HT2 HT2 e in situ in situ HT2 g HT1 Franklin Franklin tilt* Franklin h LIP LIP LIP HT2 i HT2 a. 3.1 Ma tilt d. 310 Ma g. 490 Ma tilt b. 77.9 Ma e. 400 Ma h. 500 Ma c. 136.8 Ma f. 430 Ma i. 530 Ma 200–0 Ma Laurentian APWP-Besse and Courtillot, 2002 200–50 Ma Laurentian APWP-Kent and Irving, 2010 530–0 Ma Laurentian APWP-Torsvik et al., 2012 720–530 Ma Laurentian pole envelope

Figure 7. Paleomagnetic poles from this study (red, with the circle identifying the circle of A95 confidence). Blue indicates the Franklin large igneous province (LIP) pole, i.e., the D+90can pole of Denyszyn et al. (2009a), with the

circle identifying the circle of A95 confidence. The 200 Ma to present apparent polar wander path (APWP) is from Besse and Courtillot (2002), the 230–50 Ma APWP is from Kent and Irving (2010), the 530 Ma to present Lauren- tian APWP is from Torsvik et al. (2012), and the 720–530 Ma Laurentian pole envelope is from data of Park (1995, 1997) and compiled by Mitchell et al. (2011). (A) Poles in current positions. (B) Poles plotted with expected locations if the rotation occurred between the Carboniferous and Cretaceous, after the second high-temperature component (HT2) overprint was acquired but before the mid-temperature component (MT) and low-temperature component (LT) overprints. (C) Poles plotted with expected location if the rotation occurred in the Cryogenian–Ediacaran, before the HT2, MT, and LT overprints were acquired. The asterisks indicate a pole in a restored (prerotation) position, and the lowercase letters indicate poles of particular times of interest (a, b, c from APWP of Besse and Courtillot, 2002; d, e, f, g, h, i from APWP of Torsvik et al., 2012). HT1—first high-temperature component.

magnetite carrier, all suggestive of a primary Mount Harper volcanics and the Franklin LIP. rocks below basalts (Wynne et al., 1998), or magnetization. Moreover, calculation of the sec- The HT1 pole can be restored to its original migration of fluids along fractures and uncon­ ular variation captured in the stratigraphic sec- position aligned with the Franklin LIP by rotat- formities during uplift-enhanced surface me- tions suggests that we have adequately sampled ing the Mount Harper volcanics ~50° clockwise teoric fluid circulation (Geissman and Harlan, for secular variation. (Figs. 7B and 7C). 2002; Preeden et al., 2009). Rapid TPW could involve up to 90° rotation As for the HT2 direction, rock magnetic re- As the HT2 direction resulted in an ambigu- of the crust and mantle relative to the spin axis sults and unblocking temperatures suggest that ous fold test, both the in situ and tilt-corrected due to changes in Earth’s moment of iner­tia (e.g., hematite is its main magnetic carrier. As high poles are plotted (Fig. 7). The HT2 pole over- Kirschvink et al., 1997). As paleomagnetic stud- temperatures were needed to thermally de- laps with other Laurentian paleomagnetic poles ies assume plate-tectonic speeds have remained magnetize this component (680 °C for many in both prerotation and postrotation positions relatively constant through time, observations samples), this requires a very high metamorphic (Figs. 7B and 7C). If the rotation occurred after of large, rapid (>20 cm/yr) continental move- temperature in order to have a thermoviscous HT2 was acquired (Fig. 7B), then after restor- ments, particularly in the Neoproterozoic, have origin;­ therefore, we interpret this result as being ing the HT1 pole to align with the Franklin pole, been attributed instead to TPW (Kirschvink a CRM. CRM is acquired as a magnetic mineral the HT2 direction is similar to the Carbonifer- et al., 1997; Li et al., 2004; Maloof et al., 2006). nucleates and grows through a critical volume ous (HT2 in situ) and Silurian–Devonian poles For example, it has been suggested that a rising at which its magnetic direction becomes stable (HT2 tilt) of the Laurentian APWP (Torsvik superplume centered under Rodinia initiated a with respect to thermal fluctuations (Stokking et al., 2012). Alternatively, if the rotation oc- Neoproterozoic TPW event (800–750 Ma) as and Tauxe, 1990). This can occur during mineral curred before HT2 was acquired (Fig. 7C), the well as the breakup of Rodinia (Li et al., 2004). alteration (e.g., oxidation of magnetite to hema- HT2 pole is similar to the Cryogenian to Edia- As noted already, the Mount Harper volcanics tite) or mineral precipitation (grain growth or caran poles and later 500–490 Ma poles (HT2 were emplaced coeval with the Franklin LIP, and crystallization), which may accompany weath- in situ) and 530–500 Ma poles (HT2 tilt). At no regular trend in the paleomagnetic data was ering, diagenesis, or low-grade metamorphism intermediate restoration times, the HT2 in situ observed stratigraphically through the Mount (Stokking and Tauxe, 1990). CRM remagneti- pole bears similarity to Laurentian Cambrian– Harper volcanics members. These observations zation overprints via secondary precipitation/ Ordovician poles. suggest that it is unlikely that the rotation was growth of hematite or conversion to hematite are Throughout the northern Cordillera, there caused by rapid TPW, and thus we consider the generally a result of large-scale fluid flow during have been several periods of orogenic, hydro- third possibility: that the rotation was due to a orogenesis (Miller and Kent, 1988), pronounced thermal, and igneous activity that could have counterclockwise tectonic block rotation subse- hydrothermal events (Witte and Kent, 1991), induced hematization that facilitated the acqui- quent to the eruption and emplacement of the hydrothermal systems circulating in permeable sition of the HT2 overprint. These events could

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 13 Eyster et al. include Ordovician–Mississippian mineraliza- polarity, it cannot have been obtained during the differences in Neoproterozoic facies belts and tion events that resulted in localized sedimen- Cretaceous normal polarity superchron (120.6– stratigraphy across the Snake River fault be- tary exhalative deposits (SedEx) or volcano- 83.0 Ma; Gee and Kent, 2007). Thus, the MT tween the Wernecke Mountains and the Mack- genic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits (the Late pole is due to greenschist metamorphism ac- enzie Mountains (Eisbacher, 1981, 1983; Aitken Devonian thermal event, the Howard’s Pass de- quired either between 136.8 and 120.6 Ma, or and McMechan, 1992; Abbott, 1996; Thorkel- posits, Tom and Jason deposits), as well as Cam- ­after 83.0 Ma but before the end of Cordilleran son, 2000). More specifically, distinct strata of brian–Late Ordovician Selwyn basin volcanism metamorphism, and the large-scale rotation was the extensive Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup and Neoproterozoic hematization events (e.g., completed by this time. Finally, the LT pole is are abruptly truncated at the Snake River fault Morrow et al., 1990; Goodfellow et al., 1995; similar to the present-day field, and given its low and are in part represented by strikingly differ- Park, 1997; Martel et al., 2011; Ootes et al., unblocking temperature, it is likely a recent vis- ent strata of the Pinguicula, Hematite Creek, and 2013; and references therein). Of these, the Neo­ cous remanent magnetization (VRM). Fifteenmile Groups to the west in Yukon (Eis- proterozoic­ hematization events have produced bacher, 1981; Thorkelson et al., 2005; Turner, documented paleomagnetic overprints (Park, Geological Context of Rotation 2011; Macdonald et al., 2012). The Winder- 1997), while the effect of the other events on mere Supergroup also shows dramatic facies paleomagnetic data is currently unclear. Thus, The paleomagnetic data presented here sug- change across the Snake River fault (Eisbacher, the most straightforward explanation is that the gest that the Mount Harper volcanics rotated 1981; Gabrielse and Campbell, 1992; Macdon- HT2 direction is Neoproterozoic to early Paleo- relative to the Laurentian craton sometime after­ ald et al., 2013). Therefore, geologic evidence zoic in age and postdates the rotation. the eruption of the Mount Harper volcanics­ suggests that large-scale tectonic displacement The MT direction unblocks around 450 °C, (Neoproterozoic) and before the acquisition may have fortuitously juxtaposed the Protero- and given the usual temperatures for green- of the MT overprint (Mesozoic). There are zoic strata of the Wernecke inlier adja­cent to schist-facies metamorphism, this direction is several possible scenarios for the scale of this cogenetic­ but not originally contiguous strata of likely a thermo-viscous remanent magnetiza- rotation: (1) local block rotation of the Mount the northern Mackenzie Mountains. tion (TVRM) due to regional metamorphism Harper volcanics, (2) regional rotation of the Any displacement or rotation inferred from associated with the Cordilleran orogeny. In Coal Creek inlier, and (3) a greater rotation the Mount Harper volcanics paleomagnetic data the Yukon, this metamorphism is broadly con- of the Yukon block relative to the Laurentian should be matched by the orientation of regional strained to be Late Jurassic to Cretaceous in craton. As suggested initially by Roots (1987), basement trends; however, the crystalline base- age, with widespread mid-Cretaceous meta- the Mount Harper volcanics and accompany- ment is not exposed in Yukon. Previous workers­ morphism along with intrusions of granitic ing SSE-striking faults may have been rotated have used aeromagnetic data to elucidate the rocks (Greenwood et al., 1991; McMechan counterclockwise between the North and South extent of the basement (e.g., Norris and Dyke, et al., 1992; Tempelman-Kluit, 1970; Murphy, Harper faults during regional transtension 1997; Aspler et al., 2003; Crawford et al., 2010; 1997). In the Ogilvie Mountains and Selwyn ba- (Fig. 2); however, the observed angles between see cross-hatched area in Fig. 1). The greater sin, the youngest deformed strata observed are SSE-striking faults and the North and South Mackenzie region is dominated by a large posi- dominantly Late Cretaceous, and intrusions of Harper faults suggest that only 20° of rotation tive curvilinear magnetic anomaly called the the mid-Cretaceous Selwyn plutonic suites are can be explained by this mechanism, and there- Fort Simpson anomaly to the south, and the large with minimal postemplacement deforma- fore it is unlikely that a 50° rotation could be Mackenzie River anomaly in the north (Aspler tion (Yorath,­ 1992; McMechan et al., 1992). accommodated locally. It is possible that the et al., 2003; Cook et al., 2005; Pilkington and However, defor­mation­ did continue later, as tectonic rotation involved just the greater Coal Saltus, 2009; Crawford et al., 2010). Although suggested by folded Paleocene–Eocene stra- Creek inlier, but regional geological data (Eis- it is possible that the Mackenzie River/Fort tigraphy in the northern Ogilvie and Wernecke bacher, 1981; Aitken and McMechan, 1992; Simpson anomaly reflects continuous crystal- Mountains. When considering whether the MT Abbott, 1996) support wholesale motion be- line basement into the Yukon block, it cannot be pole was acquired before or after a rotation, we tween the Yukon block and autochthonous demonstrated that it represents a single tectonic compared our MT section-mean poles to those Laurentia. Additionally, there are two scenarios entity along its entire length (Brunstein, 2002; predicted from the APWPs of Torsvik et al. for the timing of the rotation: (1) the rotation Aspler et al., 2003; Cook et al., 2005). In fact, (2012), Besse and Courtillot (2002), and Kent occurred between the Carboniferous and Creta- a recent aeromagnetic study of the Wernecke and Irving (2010). Specifically, we focused the ceous, after­ the HT2 overprint was acquired but inlier suggests that the present geometry of the comparison on those Mesozoic poles furthest before the MT overprint, and (2) the rotation Mackenzie River anomaly is partially offset be- east and most likely to be similar to the rotated occurred in the Cryogenian–Ediacaran, before tween the Yukon block and the rest of the craton MT pole (Table 1). We applied Watson’s V sta- the HT2 overprint was acquired. with ~100 km of sinistral displacement (Craw- tistic test for a common mean (Watson, 1983; ford et al., 2010). Tauxe et al., 2010). For each APWP pole, the Geological and Geophysical Constraints MT direction passed the test for a common mean on Rotation of the Yukon Block Carboniferous–Cretaceous Rotation, After if it was acquired after the rotation, but failed the The restoration of the Yukon block to a pre- HT2 Overprint but Before MT Overprint test for a common mean if it was acquired be- rotation position results in alignment of the cor- If the rotation occurred after the HT2 over- fore the rotation (supplementary Table S6 [see relative Bear River dikes (e.g., Schwab et al., print but before the MT overprint, it could be footnote 1]). Statistically, the MT pole is similar 2004) and (LeChemi­ linked to the putative Jurassic–Cretaceous open- to poles ranging from 136.8 to 3.0 Ma in age, nant and Heaman, 1989; Thorkelson et al., ing of the Canada Basin, during which the Arc- but as we suggest that it is an overprint acquired 2005), as well as paleocurrent orientations in the tic Alaska terrane has been proposed to have ro- during the Cordilleran orogeny, that constrains correlative Wernecke and Hornby Bay–Dismal tated ~66° counterclockwise about a pole within it to be likely older than the Late Cretaceous. Lakes Groups (Aitken and McMechan, 1992). the Mackenzie Delta region (Halgedahl and Jar- Additionally,­ as our MT direction has a reversed This tectonic rotation also explains the profound rard, 1987). Despite the apparent similarity of

14 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia this proposed large counterclockwise rotation, nuities across the Richardson fault array (e.g., Thus, the Corn Creek structures likely formed there are inconsistencies in kinematic mod- Abbott, 1996). Next, we discuss three intervals between ca. 780 and 635 Ma and could repre- els for the opening of the Canada Basin (e.g., of tectonic activity that occurred subsequent to sent transpressional activity related to motion Lane, 1997). Furthermore, more recent models Mount Harper volcanics eruption and prior to along the Snake River fault. The syn-Rapitan for the opening of the Canada Basin suggest a Bouvette Formation deposition and could signal Hayhook extensional event likely reached its multiphase extensional and rotational history the development of this tectonic rotation. This peak shortly after the emplacement of the ca. involving a number of smaller tectonic blocks rotation could have been accommodated along a 717 Ma Mount Harper volcanics (Jefferson and (e.g., Miller et al., 2008; Shephard et al., 2013) structure or structures between the Yukon block Parrish, 1989). or strike-slip motion along the margin and Mackenzie Mountains. Following the Hayhook extensional event, of Canada. Additionally, the collective rotation The first episode, the Cryogenian Hayhook the next possible time that the Yukon block of Arctic Alaska plus the entire Yukon block extensional event (Young et al., 1979; Jefferson could have rotated is during the deposition of is inconsistent with the geometry of structures and Parrish, 1989), was marked by block fault- units overlying the Rapitan Group in the upper­ within northern Yukon (Norris, 1997). ing, uplift, and basinal subsidence during depo­ Windermere Supergroup, such as the Keele Alternatively, a Mesozoic rotation could be sition of the lower Windermere Supergroup and Ice Brook Formations, and the equivalent consistent with a potential rotation related to the (Young et al., 1979; Eisbacher, 1981; Jefferson Mount Profeit dolostone (Eisbacher, 1981; Ogilvie deflection (Johnston, 2008). The Ogil- and Parrish, 1989). North-trending normal faults ­Aitken, 1991a). Near the Snake River fault in vie deflection refers to the 90° change in orien- controlled the facies patterns and depositional the ­Wernecke Mountains, sedimentary facies of tation of the boundary between basinal shales outline of the basal Windermere Supergroup the Hay Creek Group dramatically change from (Medial Basin) and platform facies (Ogilvie or (pre- to syn-Sayunei Formation of the Rapitan the massive Mount Profeit dolostone to carbon- Yukon Platform) as well as a change in the strike Group; Young et al., 1979; Eisbacher, 1978, ate olistoliths encased in shale and sandstone of the Cordilleran fold-and-thrust belt, from 1981, 1985; Jefferson and Parrish, 1989; Norris,­ turbidites (Eisbacher, 1981; Thorkelson, 2000). east-west–trending to a north-south orientation 1997). The NNE-trending faults also control the The olistolith-bearing succession is overlain by in westernmost Yukon (Norris, 1972; Johnston, proximal to transitional facies of the Rapitan a thick package of siliciclastic turbidites (Eis- 2008). If the Ogilvie deflection is original, then Group (Eisbacher, 1981, 1985), and although bacher, 1981). Eisbacher (1981) related these the Cretaceous propagation of thrust sheets con- many of the faults are inferred from thickness dramatic facies changes to synsedimentary tinuously around a preexisting bend should have and facies patterns, some of the synsedimentary tectonism along the Snake River fault zone. A resulted in strike-parallel contraction within the paleofault scarps are observed to have distinct similar pattern is seen west of the Plateau thrust hinge region, which is not observed. Addition- stratigraphic offsets and associated alluvial-fan in the central Mackenzie Mountains, where ally, palinspastic restoration of the Mesozoic conglomerates (Eisbacher, 1981; Jefferson and platformal carbonates of the Keele Formation thrust sheets results in an ~10,000 km “hole,” Parrish, 1989). “break away” into olistoliths and overlying tur- which has been argued as evidence of Creta- The Hayhook event faults are also associated bidites of the Durkan and Delthore Members ceous bending about a vertical axis of rotation with tight folds beneath a prominent angular un- of the Ice Brook Formation (Aitken, 1991a, of an originally more linear fold-and-thrust conformity; for example, in the Nite Creek area 1991b). The Durkan and Delthore Members of belt (Johnston, 2008). If this Cretaceous bend- (Fig. 1), folds in the Coppercap and Sayunei For- the Ice Brook Formation are locally overlain ing occurred and was involved in our rotation, mations that are overturned to the west are over- by glacial diamictite of the Stelfox Member the scenario requires that HT2 be related to a lain by flat-lying Shezal Formation glacial de- (Aitken,­ 1991a, 1991b), along with overlying Silurian–Carboniferous fluid-flow hematization posits (Helmstaedt et al., 1979; Eisbacher, 1981; carbonate of the Ediacaran Ravensthroat For- event capable of resulting in a paleomagnetic Yeo, 1984). Further south, in the Thundercloud mation, which are correlative with the ­Marinoan overprint, and that the creation of the Ogilvie Range (Fig. 1), a large faulted and overturned glaciation and associated cap carbonates, re- deflection occurred before MT overprint was anticline-syncline pair underlies an undeformed spectively (Young, 1995; James et al., 2001). acquired. section of the Shezal Formation (Jefferson and This correlation suggests that any tectonic activ- Parrish, 1989). The north-trending tight folds ity associated with the dramatic facies changes Cryogenian–Ediacaran Rotation, and unconformities are interpreted to represent must have been initiated after 662.4 ± 3.9 Ma Before HT2 Overprint regional transpressional contraction during the (base of the Twitya; Rooney et al., 2014) and Although a Mesozoic rotation of the Yukon deposition of the Sayunei Formation, followed finished by the deposition of the 632.6 ± 6.3 Ma block is permissible, previous studies have by an intra-Sayunei unconformity (Helmstaedt Sheepbed Formation (Rooney et al., 2015). concluded that the Cambrian–Devonian paleo- et al., 1979; Eisbacher, 1981; Yeo, 1984). In the Finally, the rotation could have occurred dur- geographic features are regionally continuous Wernecke inlier, Thorkelson (2000) observed ing the deposition of the Ediacaran to Early between the Yukon block and North America east-trending normal faults of the Hayhook ex- Cambrian informal “Upper” group (divided to the east (Cecile, 1984). Despite deformation tensional event that crosscut older, west-verging into four major depositional sequences that in- along the southern segments of the Richardson thrust faults and folds in Sequence B rocks, sug- clude the following formations and informal fault array, Paleozoic strata such as the mid- gesting that the compressional folds represent units: Sheepbed, Sheepbed carbonate, June Cambrian Slats Creek Formation persist across an earlier event referred to as the Corn Creek beds, Gametrail, Blueflower, and Risky) and the fault array with only right-lateral displace- orogeny (1.00–0.78 Ga from Thorkelson et al., Backbone Ranges Formation, specifically dur- ment on the order of 10–20 km (Fritz, 1972; 2005). The Corn Creek structures fold the ca. ing deposition of the June beds (Aitken, 1989; Cecile, 1984; Morrow, 1999). By the Late Cam- 850–780 Ma Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup Dalrymple and Narbonne, 1996; MacNaughton brian, the Bouvette Formation was deposited (Eisbacher, 1981; Jefferson and Parrish 1989) et al., 2000, 2008; Pyle et al., 2004; Macdonald across the entire Yukon block, and its equiva- and are sealed by ca. 660–635 Ma strata (Mount et al., 2013). Previously, June bed strata were lents are present on the Mackenzie-Peel shelf. In Profeit dolostone of Eisbacher, 1981; Macdon- interpreted as Sheepbed-equivalent slope depos- contrast, Proterozoic strata show large disconti- ald et al., 2013; Rooney et al., 2014, 2015). its characterized by debris flows and turbidites

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 15 Eyster et al.

(Dalrymple and Narbonne, 1996); however, the proterozoic Laurentian tectonic events divided by Cecile (1984). An analogous tectonic rota- abrupt appearance of poorly sorted and coarse- into three main phases. First, prior to this pu- tion would be the >60° clockwise rotation of grained sandstone and conglomerate units tative rotation, a NNW-trending (present-day the Transverse Ranges of the southwestern within the lower June beds, and the regional coordinates) failed rift developed during early United States during early development of the documentation of rapid facies changes from Neoproterozoic extension along the northern San ­Andreas fault system (Jackson and Molnar, northeast to southwest in the central Mackenzie margin of Laurentia (Aitken, 1981; Macdon- 1990). In addition, some amount of sinistral Mountains and the Wernecke Mountains sug- ald et al., 2012). With this failed rift, the pre– translation seems consistent with displacements gest synsedimentary tectonism during “­Upper” 811 Ma WSW- and ENE-oriented structures in observed in the aeromagnetic data (Pilkington group sedimentation (Macdonald et al., 2013; the Fifteenmile Group of the Coal Creek inlier and Saltus, 2009; Crawford et al., 2010). Moynihan, 2014). Ediacaran fossils in the June could represent conjugate structures to the ex- beds can be correlated globally with the ca. tensional structures in the Mackenzie Mountain Low-Latitude Glaciation 580–560 Ma Avalon assemblage (Narbonne and Supergroup, rather than orthogonal extension on Aitken, 1990; Narbonne, 1994; Gehling et al., the northwest margin of Laurentia (e.g., Turner The snowball Earth hypothesis suggests that 2000; Narbonne and Gehling, 2003; Narbonne and Long, 2008). During the second phase, Neoproterozoic glaciations were global and et al., 2012). This ca. 580–560 Ma age for the syn-Windermere extension resulted in oppos- synchronous at low latitudes (Hoffman et al., June beds would place the possible syntectonic ing asymmetrical extensional half grabens in 1998; Hoffman and Schrag, 2002). The geo- event coincident with the ca. 570 Ma synrift the Coal Creek inlier and the Mackenzie Moun- chronological correlation between the Mount volcanics preserved in the southern Canadian tains (Figs. 8A and 8C) with the eruption of the Harper volcanics and the Franklin LIP suggests Cordillera (Colpron et al., 2002) and with ther- Mount Harper volcanics coincident with the that the glaciogenic Rapitan Group equivalent mal subsidence models (e.g., Bond and Kominz, emplacement of the Franklin LIP. Synmagmatic in the Coal Creek inlier was deposited at low 1984) that indicate latest Ediacaran rifting on extension associated with the Franklin LIP latitudes (Macdonald et al., 2010), and this has the western margin of Laurentia. could have been related to rifting on the north- been used as the highest-reliability evidence for ern margin of Laurentia (Pisarevsky et al., 2013; the low-latitude nature of the Sturtian glaciation Neoproterozoic Paleogeographic Rainbird, 1993). (Evans and Raub, 2011). However, the paleo­lati­ Implications The development of smaller extensional tude predicted for the Mount Harper volcanics­ structures (e.g., the north-south–trending Mount from the Franklin LIP paleomagnetic data This rotation has implications for the inter- Harper fault) orthogonal to larger, margin-scale (21° ± 3° in Evans and Raub, 2011; or 19.3° ± pretation of the Neoproterozoic stratigraphy rifting is a common feature during opening of 3° using the D+90can pole of Denyszyn et al., and structures in the Coal Creek inlier and their ocean basins such as in Africa during the open- 2009a) is higher than the previous estimates of bearing on the breakup of Rodinia. In its pres- ing of the South Atlantic, in which rifting along paleolatitude for the Sturtian glaciation (Park, ent position, with the assumption that the Yukon the future continental margins was accompanied 1997; Evans, 2000; Evans and Raub, 2011). The block has not rotated, the pre–811 Ma WSW- by activity in basins trending orthogonal to that paleomagnetic poles from the Rapitan Group ENE structures in the Fifteenmile Group sug- dominant rift expression (Maurin and Guiraud, (Morris, 1977; Park, 1997) suggest very low- gest north-directed extension on the northern 1990; Guiraud and Maurin, 1992). Finally, we latitude (6° ± 4° and 4° ± 6°) glaciogenic sedi- margin of Laurentia (Macdonald et al., 2012). suggest that the Yukon block rotated counter- mentation; however, it is uncertain if these poles Additionally, syn-Windermere extensional clockwise during either one or more of the fol- are primary (e.g., Evans, 2000). As the Mount structures involve a 120° bend in orientation lowing events: the Cryogenian Hayhook event, Harper volcanics interfinger with glaciogenic from the Mackenzie Mountains to the Coal deposition of the Cryogenian Keele and Ice Sturtian deposits, these paleomagnetic data are Creek inlier, with southwest-oriented extension Brook Formations and equivalent Mount Profeit well suited to better understand the low-latitude in Mackenzie Mountains and north-directed ex- dolostone, or the Ediacaran to Early Cambrian nature of these deposits. The paleomagnetic data tension in Yukon. With the rotation, pre–811 Ma deposition of the informal “Upper” group and from previous study of the Mount Harper volca- WSW-ENE structures in the Fifteenmile Group Backbone Ranges Formation (Figs. 8B and 8D). nics resulted in very low paleolatitudes of 3° ± rotate roughly parallel to the strike of the Mack- It is possible that, in addition to this rota- 12° (Park et al., 1992) and substantial overlap enzie arc (Aitken and Long, 1978) and could tion, the Yukon block may have experienced between the Yukon block and Laurentia. Using­ be related to east-west–directed extension of large-scale translation relative to stable Lauren- our HT1 pole, the Mount Harper volcanics­ re- an aulacogen related to the deposition of the tia, potentially localized along the Snake River stores to a paleolatitude of 24.3° ± 13.8°. This Mackenzie Mountain Supergroup to the east. fault. Although the folding and unconformities is consistent with the interpretation that the age Restoration of the Yukon block to its prerotation in the Wernecke and Mackenzie Mountains from member D of the Mount Harper volcanic position also aligns extensional structures of the have previously been interpreted to represent re- complex provides a maximum age constraint Coal Creek and Hart River inliers with those of gional transpression during the deposition of the on the low-latitude Sturtian glaciation and the the NW Mackenzie Mountains, as well as con- ­Sayunei Formation (Helmstaedt et al., 1979; Eis- Mount Harper volcanics–Rapitan Group equiv- necting Mount Harper Group embayments to bacher, 1981), there are few constraints on the alent sequence provides a unique exposure that asymmetrical extensional half grabens in the nature of lateral displacements. If the counter- captures the transition into glacial conditions of Coates Lake Group of the Mackenzie Moun- clockwise rotation was coincident with a trans- the Sturtian glaciation, after which ice advanced tains (Strauss et al., 2015). lation, it would have occurred within a sinistral extremely rapidly to the equator. Here, we pro- Here, we integrate our data from Laurentia strike-slip system. Eisbacher (1983) initially pro- vide a paleolatitude for volcanics that were into a recent model of Rodinia put forth by Li posed sinistral displacement between the ­Yukon emplaced immediately before and during depo- et al. (2013). Our preferred model of counter- block and Laurentia, although he suggested a sition of the Rapitan Group that indicates low clockwise rotation of the Yukon block with Devonian age for the displacement that was later latitude (<30°) ca. 717 Ma, i.e., at the beginning respect to Laurentia is consistent with Neo- called into question based on geological grounds of the Sturtian glaciation.

16 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX Paleomagnetic evidence for a large Yukon block rotation relative to Laurentia

A ca. 717 Ma B ca. 640–560 Ma Figure 8. Top: Change in orientation with time of the Proterozoic inliers, where black boxes match the extent of the Figure 1 map of Yukon bloc northwest Canada with Proterozoic ­inliers. Yukon The orientation of the Bear River dikes k block Snak in the Wernecke inlier and the correlative Snake River faul Dawson faul e River faul ­Mackenzie dike swarm on the Laurentian Dawson thrust craton are represented with green lines in their approximate geographic location and t t t orientation. (A) The Yukon block restored to its position prior to tectonic rotation. (B) The Yukon block in its present-day position. Windermere Supergroup Bear River dikes 0100 ­Bottom: Paleogeographic reconstructions km Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup/ Mackenzie dikes that incorporate the tectonic block rotation of Pinguicula and Fifteenmile Groups the Yukon block into the context of the rifting Wernecke Supergroup zone of extension of Rodinia. The reconstructions are modified slightly from those Li et al. (2013). The pole C Franklin LIP Mount Harper D 615-Ma Long for the is from Buchan volcanics Range (2014). Brightly colored continents are those dikes with paleomagnetic data within 5 m.y. of the reconstructed time. Continents overlain with horizontal lines are those with paleomag- netic data within 30 m.y. of the reconstructed time. Continents in gray with colored out- lines lack paleomagnetic data within 30 m.y. 0° to support any reconstruction for that time.

0° Steps in the reconstruction: (C) Following the development of an aulaco­gen and rifting on the northern margin, the Mount Harper volcanics (MHV) and Franklin large igne- ous province (LIP) erupt ca. 717 Ma. (D) The Yukon block rotates counterclockwise rela- Laurentia Siberia Tarim Australia East Antarctica Congo tive to Laurentia. Subsequently, Ediacaran Yukon Block North China India South China Sao Francisco Kalahari rifting commences on the western margin of West Africa Amazonia Pampean/ Rio de La Plata Laurentia.

CONCLUSIONS abundance of potential overprint events in the chemical overprint. Next, during the Cordilleran Neoproterozoic and Cambrian compared to orogeny, Cretaceous greenschist metamorphism We confirm the presence of a Mount Harper the later Paleozoic suggests that the rotation imparted the MT thermal overprint. Finally, the volcanics pole 50° away from the expected 721– occurred during the Early Cambrian or Neo- recently acquired LT VRM overprint records the 712 Ma Laurentian Franklin pole of Denyszyn proterozoic. We explain the paleomagnetic data present-day geomagnetic field. et al. (2009a). The paleomagnetic direction via the following sequence of events. First, the Northwest Laurentia records the complex identified and used to create the reconstructions Mount Harper volcanics erupted, and two re- breakup of Rodinia. Vertical-axis tectonic block presented here does have some issues, most no- versals were captured during volcanism. Syn- rotations can complicate interpretations of this tably that the HT1 direction is not ubiquitous in volcanic normal displacement along the Mount geological history; however, identifying and re- the Mount Harper volcanics, but it is based on Harper fault resulted in the development of the storing those rotations may also provide insight data from five sections. Additionally, we sug- Mount Harper synform. Although volcanism into earlier tectonics. With the rotation presented gest that we have captured secular variation in and the development of the synform were oc- herein, the WSW-ENE structures of the early our primary pole, although we lack definitive curring at the same time, the magnetization was Neoproterozoic basin-forming events (Sequence evidence. Despite these limitations, the primary acquired on much shorter time scales, result- B of Young et al., 1979) on the Yukon block rep- nature of this paleomagnetic direction is sup- ing in passage of the fold test and a prefolding, resent the conjugate margin of a extensional sys- ported by six of the seven Van der Voo (1990) synvolcanic, primary magnetization for HT1. tem formed opposite of the Mackenzie Mountain reliability criteria. Finally, we acknowledge Second, the Yukon block and the Mount Harper Supergroup basin, rather than extension on the that the paleomagnetic data do not provide firm volcanics rotated 50° counterclockwise rela- northwest margin of Laurentia. In addition, the constraints on the timing of the rotation, only tive to autochthonous Laurentia. Regional geo- HT1 pole from the Mount Harper volcanics is a that the rotation occurred after the eruption of logical considerations suggest this rotation may low-latitude pole from volcanic units that inter- the Mount Harper volcanics and before the MT have been Cryogenian to early Paleozoic in age. finger with deposits from the Sturtian glaciation, overprint was acquired. Although a Mesozoic Either before or after this rotation, fluid flow thus adding more evidence in favor of a global rotation of the Yukon block is permissible, the and hematization events resulted in the HT2 snowball Earth event at ca. 717 Ma.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 17 Eyster et al.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the last 200 Myr: Journal of Geophysical Research, Crawford, B.L., Betts, P.G., and Aillères, L., 2010, An v. 107, no. B11, p. EPM 6-1–EPM 6-31, doi:10​ ​.1029​ aeromagnetic approach to revealing buried basement Field work in Yukon was supported by the Yukon /2000JB000050​. structures and their role in the Proterozoic evolution of Geological Survey, National Science Foundation Bond, G.C., and Kominz, M.A., 1984, Construction of the Wernecke Inlier, Yukon Territory, Canada: Tectono­ (NSF), National Science and Engineering Research tectonic subsidence curves for the early Paleozoic physics, v. 490, no. 1–2, p. 28–46, doi:10​ ​.1016​/j​.tecto​ miogeocline, southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: .2010​.04​.025​. Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Polar Conti- Implications for subsidence mechanisms, age of Dalrymple, R.W., and Narbonne, G.M., 1996, Continental nental Shelf Program. Francis Macdonald would like breakup, and crustal thinning: Geological Society of slope sedimentation in Sheepbed Formation (Neo­ to thank the NSF Sedimentary Geology and Paleo­ America Bulletin, v. 95, no. 2, p. 155, doi:10​ ​.1130​ proterozoic,­ Windermere Supergroup), Mackenzie biology Program for grant EAR-1148058. We are /0016​-7606​(1984)95​<155:​COTSCF>2​.0​.CO;2​. Mountains, N.W.T.: Canadian Journal of Earth Sci- grateful to Fireweed and TransNorth Helicopters for Brunstein, F.C., ed., 2002, Magnetic Anomaly Map of North ences, v. 33, no. 6, p. 848–862, doi:​10​.1139​/e96​-064​. Yukon transportation. Erik Sperling, Esther Kennedy, America: Denver, Colorado, U.S. Geological Survey, Dalziel, I.W.D., 1997, Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic geography­ Grant Cox, and Eric Bellefroid provided assistance scale 1:10,000,000. and tectonics: Review, hypothesis, environmental specu- in the field. 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