''The Elsie Item'' Official Newsletter of the Uss Landing Craft, Infantry, National Association, Inc
''THE ELSIE ITEM'' OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE USS LANDING CRAFT, INFANTRY, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. JULY, 2003 ESTABLISHED MAY NORFOLK, ISSUE #45 14-18, 1991, VA I I THE COLOR GUARD AT THE LCI MEMORIAL SERVICE (See Page 2) "THE ELSIE ITEM" Number45 July, 2003 Again it's a pleasureWelcome to welcome Aboard! aboard a new "draft"· of shipmates, freshly arrived and ready for service and fellow Official Newsletter of the USS LC! National Association, a ship in the LCI Nationa.l Organization. non-profit veteran's organization. Membership in the USS LCI National Assciation is open to any U.S. Navy or U.S. OK, guys, stow your gear in your lockers, get your paint Coast Guard veteran who served aboard a Landing Craft, scrapers and follow me! Infantry. Associate Membership, without voting privileges, is offered to others. New Members: Published quarterly by the USS LCI National Association. John P. Cummer, Editor. Any material for possible publica LCI Name/Rate/Residence tion should be sent to the Editor at 20 W. Lucerne Circle, Orlando, FL 32801. AKA 15 David A. McCaffrey, BMIC, Framingham, MA ? William G.Albee, Madison, OH 24 Ronald H. Smith, MoMM JC, Benton Harbor, MI This fine color Aboutguard from the Lhc Cover Washington Picture: Ceremonial Unit made 369 Clifford Richard, Clearwater. FL au especially finecontribution to our memorial service at the Navy 406 Edward DeChant, Jasper, AR Memorial. In visiting the memorial afterwards, we were pleased to 664 William C.(Mickey) Sherr, LTJG, see the pictures and exhibits commemorating LCis. We tend to think, Phoenix, AR not without cause, that for many people, in and out of the Navy, 687 Hassel Justice, GM3C, Pikesville, KY LCis are a long forgotten ship of the far-distant past.
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