Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-6-1946 The Ledger and Times Supplement, Part 2, June 6, 1946 The Ledger & Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger & Times, "The Ledger and Times Supplement, Part 2, June 6, 1946" (1946). The Ledger & Times. 717. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/717 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. na* Ira 4 S -17 • * )46 •Pki• re- 'CES 1 day ho The to_230 s r"st st. 5 2 as b Pages t. Zone tday - YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- STOPS AT EXPIRATION DATE Ing-1 leaven FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Thursday Afternoon, June 6, 1946 Vol. XVI; No. 23 •-•'even From County Attend State Meet 58 Die, 200 Hurt As Fire noway County 4-H Club win- will go tq. -Lexington Mon. HEROES WORLD WAR II, CALLOWAY COUNTY June 10, to attend the 23rd Hits Chicago Loop Hotel; ial Junior Week, which will .eld on the University of Ken- campus. I- was drafted E. PAlLMER entered PVT. DALTON D. 'PARKER y ELBERT PACE amtoN service Nov 16, 1941. and Oct 27, 1942. service Oct. 13, 1943 entered lose going are: Janet Key and • served with Co. "A" 815th Avia- Hopkinsville Men Victims • tion Engineer Battalion until he Hutson. foods demonstration, 3. D. PACE entered the service was discharged April 23, 1942 tell by, canned foods judg- Nov. 1, 1544. • Marion Workman, dress re- DEWEY H. PARKER entered Ronald Thompson and Will- Many Deaths Termed 'Tragically PFC. JOE ED PACE entered ser- service Sept 30 1942. vice May 20, 1041, and served with Foy. terracing team; Joseph the 5th Headquarters and Head- • Sr. Eugene Barnett. and Dale Unnecessary'; Some Leap To Death quarters Detachment of the Fourth 1. The group will be accom- Army. He received the American ed by Miss Rachel Rowland, Defense ribbon, and. was dis- CHICAGO. June 5—Fire leaped charged Nov. 6, 1943. e demonstration agent, and 'S. MAKE-UP ERROR IS from are'elevator shaft early td- • 'oy. county agent. JOKE ON EDITOR day and flashed through the lower L. D. PACE, ship serviceman, iring the week the county win- • floors of the 23-story LaSalle hotel barber, second class. of Murray will compete for state cham- The staff had fun at the ex- where 58 persons died in the worst - Route 1, served aboard the de' ships. This is the first Junior pense of the Heart Thought hotel fire Ili Chicago's history. air in the oyer. USS FLETCHER of this week Western Pacific area. His ship is k held since the beginning of writer Wednesday - Thacker McKenzie Moss, 45, said to have downed 11 Jap planes war and a thousand outstand- when the inside section of the Phillip R. Cornette. 16, and Al sunk a cruiser and assisted in 4-11 Club girls and boys are Ledger and Times came off the Weftetein Jr., 17. Hopkinsville, and helped destroy eight others. It .eted to attend the state-wide press. It seems that the editor another, badly damaged perished in the fire. sinking in the copy for that two destroyers and sank one•sub- :ing. turned Moss was a salesman for Corn- and marine. He entered the service re Calloway delegation will re- column at different times ette, Inc., operator of two book depart- in December, 1943. to Murray Friday afternoon, expected the make-up stores in Hopkinsville. Accompa- • about / ment to read her mind nying him on the trip were Phil TRUMAN 14. PVT. WILLARD where, to place whist She ter- student entered the service April 4, Cornette, 16. high school PACE lated in the first paragraph that 1941, and served with Co. "L", and son of Russell Cornette, own- 149th Infantry and 38th Division. ET. IJ.G.I MARJORIE J. PALM- To problems in housekeeping were er of the book firm. and Al Wett- daughter of Mrs. Marion ley Arnold He W?S discharged Jan. 3. 1942, QUIST, outstanding, then added another B. Palmquist. Wayne. Nebr., en- stein. Jr., 17, son of the manager with no overseas record. son of ...paragraph that these were rea- • SGT. TOM S. PADGETT, listed in ths WAVES July 28, )eak at Farm of the electric power plant in Hop- Mrs Genelle Padgett Lawrence, 1943. et St. Louis, Mo., and received sons for a vacation, and Aug- kinsville. formerly of Calloway county, now her decharge in Memphis, Tenn., gested that readers would have of Hardin, was drafted October, employed ireau Meeting The fathers of the two boys flew Jan. 1. 1905 She was a vacation from Heart Thoughts 1942. He trailed at Camp Crow- 'music department of Mur- by chartered plane from Ken- with the parts got mixed in der, Mo. Attached to the Signal ray State College. and returned to The tucky Wednesday to Chicago, and Pad- he CallowaY• County Farm Elu- Construction Battalion, Sgt. her position there after being dis- T-5 GROOVER ARMSTRONG the composing room and when identified their sons in the Cook served in England. France. of Jesse Parker. 1 is inviting all member fami- gett charged. PARKER, son the paper came off the press, county morgue. and Belgium. He wears he Good Springfield, Tenn.. and husband to attend a special meeting at the result was: Because of Conduct ribbon, the FT O. ribbon • of Beatrice Wofford Parker. was Courthouse. in Murray, on Coroner A. L. Brodie set the stars. His brother. Pfc. this county June 30, Murray's disposal system, "there and battle drafted from iday. June 10, at 8:00 pm., ac- de ath toll officially at 58 and said John Padgett. served in the FAME 1943. He was trained at Ft. Sills, would be no more 'Heart' ting to an announcement by 'many of them died as the result of theste, Okla . then assigned as clerk at Thoughts" recorded on paper then to Camp Phil- mass hysteria and panic. Many • Ft. Ord, Calif, ardent Rudy Hendon. After all—that is lips, Kans. He was sent in Aug- for awhile." leaped to their death from win- Hendon stated that arrange- ust. 1944, to New Guinea, Manila, r. one good way of disposing of dows high above the crowded Maleprinyo where its have been made. ehrough Mount Macolod columns along with other wastes streets of Chicago's Loop. his unit received a citation from Kentucky Farm Bureau Fed- Lieutenant Gen- of the town. tire Commissioner Michael J. 0. W. Griswold. ion, for Riley Arnold. organi- eral in Command. He wears the Corrigan said many of the deaths on direeter for the Southern Good Conduct Ribbon, Asiatic- were "tragically unnecessary." Pacific Ribbon with two battle ;ion of the American Farm Hu- Fire Commissioner Michael J. stars, and the Philippine Libera- e to speak at this meeting on Coast Guard, Navy Ribbon with one battle star. Carrigan said many of the deaths tion pin Bureau Services to Mem- He was given oceoational duty in were "tragically unnecessary." Tokyo-Yokohorna Area. ?. Getting Ready For the The flames spread from an el- • Ir. Arnold is one of the, out- evator shaft to an adjoining cock- PARKER entered ding speakers of the South.1Maritime Strike PFC. JACK tail lounge and within seconds, service Jan. 5, 1942 and served with will include in his talk an - - — the ornate lobby into a Service Command Unit 1947 in nation of the plan whereby turned after going overseas WASHINGTON, June 5—The !eery death trap. New Guinea Bureaus of five Southern Jan. 14, 1943. He received the ?arm Guard-An.sters16.aa. Hie SWF to ---/OP,drrnforfelrirttir,r• tRINIIIIIPry In Asiatic-Pacific and Good Conduct as will offer life insurance counted its manpower today as the discharged Oct. the bar ignited almost instantly 21, ribbons. He was ,r member families. question "will there be a MT. BOBBY PACKMAN, trained at Ft. Sill, big . and soon the e x pen sive wood enlisted 11, 1945. He he meeting will be open to loomed son et William Packman, Lewis. Wash.. Camp Car- maritime strike June 15r._ panelled walls of the lobby were in January. 1940, and Okla., Ft. public and ladies are especial- in the, Army son. Colo. He receiv i a burn in over Washington. .served in both the Air Corps and enveloped in flames May, 1944. that cawed his hos- invited. suspended all Infantry In 1941 he left the discharged The Coast Guard Fire department officials investi- -India pitalization. He was States 'for the China-Burma 1945. He is the son of discharges. The Navy considered gating the caw*. found that the hal left Pearl Harbor Oetober. unty Man Arrested theater and and Mrs. H. L. .Parker. Route similar action. Naval stations were fire apparently started in an ele- seven days before it was bombed Mr. Ph M ASYLE E. PARKER. 1. Whiskey Charge reporting to headquarters on the vator shaft below the street level. Decembe r 7. Pyt. Packmen re- • W. B. • 1945, 19, son -1 Mr. and Mrs men on hand with car- ceived his die•harge Judy 15. was drafted into number of They believed it started in a sig- Asiatic, Parker. Murray, of the Potter- and has the CBI ribbon. the Navy ?rem this county March lbert Garland, go vessel experience. nal cable beneath an elevator car. ribbon with two bronze Pacific SGT.
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