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' * i A* ÍW, ^ > ^¿¿t f Ü i •HmMÉ S ^MMraM^HH § i ' S g ^ / SI . tagËMli M 11 s|i I ? -'Û ¡¡¡¡Sili' jRfe* -w \ 'Zmî td 's'/ ft (m « ^ -W.* ^ %; HÉH| * ' ^ J &î ¿ / Until you see and feel Troy Weaving Yarns . you'll find it hard to believe you can buy such quality, beauty and variety at such low prices. So please send for your sample collection today. and Textile Company $1.00 brings you a generous selection of the latest and loveliest Troy quality controlled yarns. You'll find new 603 Mineral Spring Avenue, Pawtucket, R. L 02860 pleasure and achieve more beautiful results when you weave with Troy yarns. craft horizons March/April 1967 Vol. XXVII No. 2 4 The Craftsman's World 5 Countercues 6 Letters 8 Our Contributors 9 William J. Barrett 1895-1967 10 Francine Del Pierre by Fance Frank 14 The Woven Structures of Alice Adams by Barbara Kafka 18 The Feather Merchants by Fray Bernardino De Sahagun 24 California Arts Commission by Bernard Kester 28 Wood:.. the friendly mystery ..." by James Krenov 30 George Sugarman by Wendell Castle 34 Anonymity byKajFranck 36 Folk Art of Nepal by Susan Peterson 40 Exhibitions Modern British Silver by Jonathan Stone The International Report by Elaine and Emanuel Benson 55 Where to Show, Product News 56 Calendar 58 Books The cover: "Family Stele" by William Wyman, slab constructed of stone- ware with epoxy and fiber glass, inscribed with a poem from The Book of Changes by an anonymous Chinese prophet, 42" x 16" x 6". The work is on view in the exhibition "Monuments, Tombstones & Trophies" at New York's Museum of Contemporary Crafts (March 17-May 14), to be reviewed in the May/June 1967 issue of CRAFT HORIZONS. Editor-in-Chief Rose Slivka Managing Editor Hal Halverstadt Associate Editor Patricia Dandignac Editorial Board Robert Beverly Hale William Lescaze Leo Lionni Aileen O. Webb Ceramics .Daniel Rhodes Metal. .Adda Husted-Andersen Textiles: Uli Blumenau Wood Charles V. W. Brooks Bookbinding. Polly Lada-Mocarski Published bimonthly and copyrighted 1967 by the American Craftsmen's Council, 16 East 52nd Street, New York, N?Y. 10022. Telephone: Plaza 3-7425. Alleen O. Webb, Chairman of the Board; Kenneth Choriey, Vice-President; May E. Walter, Secretary; R. Leigh Glover. Treasurer; Joseph P. Fallarino, Assistant Treasurer. Trustees are: Alfred Auerbach, Mrs. Lewis G. Carpenter, Kenneth Choriey, Mrs. H. Lansing Clute, Rene d'Harnoncourt, Mark Ellingson, R. Leigh Glover, August Heckscher, Walter H. Ki I ham, Jr., Jack Lenor Larsen, Dorothy Uebes, Francis S. Merritt, De Witt Peterkln, Frank Stanton, John B. Stevens, May E. Walter, Mrs. Vanderbiit Webb. Honorary trustees are Valla Lada-Mocarskl and Edward Wormley. Crafts- men-trustees are: Trude Guermonprez, Esther Houseman, Earl McCutchen, Donald McKinley, William E. Pitney, Kenneth Shores. Membership rates: $8.00 per year and higher, includes subscription to CRAFT HORIZONS. Single copy: $1.50. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. The complete content of each issue of CRAFT HORIZONS is Indexed In the Ait Index and Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, available in public libraries. Book reviews published In CRAFT HORIZONS are Indexed in Book Review index. Microfilm edition Is available from Universal Microfilms, 313 North First Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. meeting of the National Council on Education for Ceramic Arts, The Craftsman's World to be held in East Lansing, Michigan, April 14-16. Purpose of the NCECA is "to stimulate, promote, and improve ceramic art, design and craft by providing a forum for the exchange of thoughts and Scholarships, Awards, and Grants feelings about ceramics, gathering information vital to the artist and teacher, and by spreading this thought, feeling, and information Among the sixty painters and sculptors receiving grants of $5,000 throughout the creative studies community." The meeting will be from the National Council on the Arts are five whose work has been held at the Inn America (2736 East Grand River Road), and those shown in CRAFT HORIZONS. Congratulations are in order to Billy wishing to attend can make reservations by writing to the Inn man- Al Bengston, Manuel Neri, Kenneth Price, George Sugarman (see ager, Olds Anderson . "Finland—Design Today" is the title of a page 30, this issue), and David Weinrib ... Winners of the Frederick design forum which the Designer-Craftsman Guild of Fort Wayne, Lunning Prize for 1966, presented by Georg Jensen, Inc., have been Indiana, is hosting on April 15 at Eero Saarinen's Concordia Senior announced. Equally dividing the cash award of $7,000 are Swedish College. The event will lead off an exhibition of Finnish design at the glass artist Gunnar Cyren and Finnish furniture designer Yrjo Kuk- College, scheduled to run through May 14 . Those living in the kapuro . With a supporting grant from the National Council on Boston area may be interested in two events at the Harvard Grad- the Arts, the Archie Bray Foundation is offering five $500 scholar- uate School of Design, Cambridge. On April 28, the seventh Gropius ships for eight-week sessions of "total individual involvement in Lecture will be given by Thomas P. F. Hoving, new director of The ceramics" at the Foundation this summer. Open to advanced stu- Metropolitan Museum of Art On the following day, April 29, the dents as well as professional potters and/or teachers, the program School will hold its eleventh Urban Design Conference. The theme: requires applicants to submit six color slides of their work, a state- 'The New Technology: Its Implications for Urban Design"... A con- ment of purpose, curriculum vitae, and two recommendations. The ference sponsored by the South Central Region of the American winners will select a period of work between June 1 and Septem- Craftsmen's Council will be held June 9-11 at the Center for Con- ber 15. Applications are due by May 1 and should be sent to: David tinuing Education, Norman, Oklahoma. Displays, discussions, and Shaner, Archie Bray Founadtion, Box 344, Helena, Montana. demonstrations by invited craftsmen are slated, with potter Ken Shores and glass blower Pat Esch announced at press time ... The Southeast Regional Workshop of the ACC will hold its conference at the Memphis Academy in Memphis, Tennessee, June 9-11 .. Mt. Competitions Snow, Vermont, will be the location for a crafts fair and conference sponsored by the Northeastern Regional Assembly of the ACC, July Jewelers should be alerted to two international competitions, both 11-16. Invitations to participate will be mailed to all ACC members soliciting designs rather than finished works. One is a "jewelry de- in the region, but all are invited to attend. sign fine arts competition" sponsored by D. Swarovski & Co. of Aus- tria, offering a total of $7,000 in cash prizes. For details, see the paid advertisement opposite this page. The other competition is the Diamonds International Awards, Crafts in Education which has an imminent deadline of April 14 for submission of de- signs to N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc. (1271 Avenue of the Americas, New News from Southern Illinois University is the opening there, in the York, N.Y.
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