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QQOC n»prencnlB Mir nw'' UUUU tlon ol Hie ST«H for tilt! DrHt tilX IIIOIItllM (ll tllU lllVH yi'iir Tl' THE WASHINGTON STAR. mmt 35T1I YEAR-NUMBElt 3. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1G, 1902. SUBSCRIPTION: 81.50 PER YEAR Among tho doorkeepora ia Ollfibrd L. and ono In German Valley. One of Newman of Rolvfdore, clerk in Judgo oar correspondents repot t3 tiifit a little HELD A TAKE AUCTION S^Ipraan's odk'O. niece, who has been visiting nt the Air. Matthews Gives But One Seance and Rasolu'tonson tho death of tho lato homo of Idell Green nt Free Union, THEIR VIEWS United States Swnator William J. has developed the symptoms of the : Then Skips. Sewtll were adopted by a rlBing vote. disease. Her undo, who'hns been suf- On tho ttmding commltteefl, which fering from smallpox, is fitting along Leaves Unpaid Bills in Washington as Well were appointed immediately after the nicely. Ic Is also Bald that a mau 1 as Ia Oilier Towns. passage of the resolutions, Warren and mamfld Reese, living nearTownsbury, AT IT Is sick with the diseaso. , A preambulatiug promoter ofnnc- Hunterdon county members get the followlngappolntments: Corporations, ( tion aules showed up In town on Wed- Temperance Meeting Last Th.'i 3- The One Hundred and Twenty' Assemblymen Latro of Warron, and Hackcttstown's Smallpox List NO SMALLPOX HERE. Townships Endorses the Propo- nesday of last week and though he Liudenberger of Huctsrdon; riparian Another week has passed and not linuorod Lore but through one night day a Lively One. fifth Session Opened. rights, Laudenberger; printing, Lau- Somewhat Increased;' tho slightest flign of Bmallpox has ap- sition Enthusiastically. tjeaBon bo lived up tj a rulo be baR denborger. eatubliahed in ether plaeeB, and went peared in Washington or vicinity. on bis way leaving nctbing behind hut Governor Voorhees' last annual mes- Thoso who are experienced iu suuii unpaid bills. Tbe auctioneer's natnu A SKSRiHSlI OF WORDS 1'ROFUSION OF FLOWERS sage was delivered to the Legislature, WASHINGTON STILL FREE matters say the chances are growing ONLY 10'VOTES-AGAINST waB Matthews. All tbe towns of any and It gives an extensive review of less every day. Every precaution has importance in the Lehigh Valley bavo various topics which bave been been tiken by the Board of Health Confounding Love Feast Willi Sacra- Francis Elected President of Senate, and Hackettstonlans Putting Up an Intelligent While One Hundred and Thirty-Uiree experienced hia peculiar method? of brought prominently before the public and practically every one haa been financing. ment Not Permitted. Bradley Speaker of Mouse. duriug the latt year of his term. He and Successful Fight. vaccinated. Ic is believed altar this Citizens Favor It. tikes a firm &tind for the election of week all danger will be passed and Mr. Matthews' first name will prob- United States Senators by direct vote tbat there will have been nothing more ably never be known and indeed he Ever}' Difference la Finally Ignored and Effort Will Probably Be Made Tbis Winter gave his last with a good deal of re- Warren and Hautenlon Represented on Some of the people, and comments favorably Business Relations Are Gradually Being Re* to fear, Amiability Is Fully Restored. upon tbe State's institutions. to Repeal (lie Law. luctance. Ho haa visited Washington of Ih: Uatfng Senile CoramltlKs. sumed With Ihe OutElde World. Tho recommendation of the Board many timeB before but in tbe past it Tne messag" states that tho income of Health issued on Saturday suggest- has been as an installment agent for If it bad not been tbat the all-day for 1901 WAS the largest in tho hibt >ry ing that the churches remain closed for Franklin township swung into line tho American Wringer Co,, a New The one hundred and twenty-fifth of the State, and showa that the treas- the next two weeks was not very kind* on the good roads question with temperance meetiDg held in the Meth- BeBflion of the New Jersey I3tatg Legis- Hacktttetown ba? recovered from the York concern of good &tandtog. He odist church last Thursday was of u ury receipt! exceeded tho9e of 1900 by flrac shock of the smallpox Bcare, and ly received, but tbo recommendation a will on Thursday. One hundred haa always paid hia bills or rather the lature opened on Tuesday under tie more than $200,000, He refers to the was generally observed latt Sunday and fotty-three, votes were -cast on semi-religious character, it migLt have clearest skies and with tbe brightest tfiough a few new cases bavo appeared man in charge of tbe crowd of agents »aBily paBBed off as a "Comedy of necessity of the preservation of the the past week, the plague Beams tj und tbere will probably be no services tho proposition, and bnt t*n of these with which be workt-d has paid the . prospects. forest lauds, the disposal of the sewage next Sunday. The ministers believed were opposed to the measure. With Errors." Now that it ia all over, those have about Bpent itself. There have bills and in this way he had worked up who attended laugh at the peculur sit- Both houses resembled conBervator- from Pateraon into the PaBsaic, and been about Bixty cases in all. Only there was more danger In the open the exception of a short piece of road a little credit in town which he pro- les more than places of legal buai- with anarchy and President MeKIn- saloons and poolrooms than in the in Lopatcoug township, urrangemanta uations which developed during the fourteen of theBe bavo developed since ceeded to use tD the best advantage day but at the time everyone was very . ness, aud many of tho members were ley's assassination, finally dwelling last Thursday. open churcheB and It was understood are now well under way for the latt week. very near buried amid the maBS of upon the deiith of Senator Sewell. that an effort would be made to close through line from Eaaton to Washing- much in earnest. bonnets and foliage. Several members A member of tho State Board of them, but aa yet nothing along that Tne man came here from Phillips- At '130 o'clock Tuesday afternoon Health visited the strk-kan town late ton and PottColden. There were several ministers present had to climb upon ttie seats in order to both houses adjourned until next line has been done. Tlie notice sent to burg Wednesday afternoon aud called and in the course of the afternoon sea- be rocorded when a standing vets wai lust week und and pronounced the ar- the paators of the churches was alao Tho diBtnnce covered by the prospec- on S. W. Christine. He tt.tad that he Tuesday, and it in improbable that any rangements for lighting tbe disease as tive new turnpike will be about ten eion these gentlemen, as well as a few 1 coat to tbo propriutonj of tho bar rooms wantad to bold a little sale of aome ladies, took a shy it the temperance : taken.-'- ••• • . • ; - -• ;•.-• real biioitibba will bo douothls month—• being ideal. He gavu U-J hia opinion niilenbuXtbia dots not includo botwoon A joint Republican jaucus for tho if there is any business of actual im- and poolrounis but these gentlemen lefc-over goods and asked if the jeweler subject. Several of them viewed it that the scourge would quickly run its bave nit seen fit to BUspend business. three and four miles of branch roads would have any objections to biB using selection of a candidati for the United partance transact id the whole sesalon. length, and fiat it was oven safe to re- which will be built in Greenwich. from different viewpoints, and it waa StatRS'Senfitnrahlp.'WaB decided upon the Nutza storeroom as a place of hold- this fact that brought about the first sume bUBineBa relations with tbe out- Mrs. H. M. Bull received a poorly This m fan B that road building will con- ing the sale. Mr. ChrUtine, already for January 23, at 2 p. m., in • tho As- K<1. Rtty Klupcft A «itl ii, nidu world. Ho stated that persons written and badly spelled "Whitecap" tinue throughout next Bummer and friendly dispute. The speakers trod sembly chamber. Spsntor Reed of! bad his name in front of tbe building on each other's toes repeatedly and [Kmm our liflvhlert! cnrreH|n*iiti]i>iit.| walking the streets of Hrickettstown or notice a few days ago. It warned; her that scores of men will find steady as he is preparing to move tbere anu Sonmrsft IH spoken o" In connection The Sherbiick woman and her dusky doing business with fie merchants not to rent her Oarlton avenue house work In the construction of t'iPse new then some touk a second round to ex- with fiostnto treiisnre'shlp, tt which naturally objected. This did not deter plain how it happened. E.icb one tried companion, El. Riy, Imvo left Ralvi- there were fur less liable tj become ex- for an isolation hospital and threatened highways if there is no hitch in tie final Mr. Mattbows'in the least ex-Mayor Frank O. litlggo of TreLtJii dore imd g*>nu tj E.atm. Thny were poscd to smallpox than they would be all kinds of vengeance If the order was arrangemmfR. It further meanB that to help another out uf Ihe hole, but in was temporarily appoiuted. living on Pir.b strcot in a littlo build- tn Newark, Philadelphia, or other not obeyed.