CITY COUNCIL Cabinet Report 10

Report of: Dr. Sonia Sharp, Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families ______

Date: 21 March 2012 ______

Subject: School Admission Arrangements for the Academic Year 2013/14 ______

Author of Report: John Bigley – 273 4097 ______


School Admissions (Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2008 place a statutory duty on the Children and Young People’s Service to determine its admission arrangements. This report presents the recommended arrangements for the 2013/14 academic year for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, including co-ordinated admission schemes. ______

Reasons for Recommendations:

The following recommendations will ensure that the City Council complies with its statutory duty with regard to setting its admission arrangements for 2013/14


20.1 Note the provisions of the new statutory Admissions Code of Practice 20.2 Approve the proposed admission arrangements for statutory school aged pupils for the 2013/14 academic year. 20.3 Approve the publication of these arrangements in the booklet “A Guide for Parents 2013/14 – A Composite Prospectus”

20.4 Approve the Primary and Secondary Co-ordinated Admission Schemes for the 2013/14 Academic Year, including the recommendation to continue co-ordination for in-year admissions. 20.5 Approve the extension of the Admission Forum for the 2013/14 academic year and delegate authority to the Director of Legal Services to invite representation from those bodies not represented. 20.6 Approve the Sixth Form Admission arrangements for external applications Background Papers: Statutory Admission Code of Practice

Category of Report: OPEN

If Closed add – ‘Not for publication because it contains exempt information under Paragraph… of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).’

Statutory and Council Policy Checklist

Financial Implications

YES Cleared by: Laura Pattman

Legal Implications

YES Cleared by: Nadine Wynter

Equality of Opportunity Implications Yes Cleared by: Bashir Khan

Tackling Health Inequalities Implications


Human rights Implications


Environmental and Sustainability implications


Economic impact


Community safety implications


Human resources implications


Property implications


Area(s) affected


Relevant Cabinet Portfolio Leader

Cllr. Jackie Drayton

Relevant Scrutiny Committee if decision called in

Children, Young People and Families

Is the item a matter which is reserved for approval by the City Council? YES

Press release


Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service School Admission Arrangements for the Academic Year 2013/14

1. Summary

1.1 This report is in response to the statutory requirement to consult on the City Council’s admission arrangements. The report provides details of the proposed arrangements for managing admissions and prioritizing admission to oversubscribed schools, for the 2013/14 academic year.

The admission procedures aim to contribute to the specific corporate ambition of supporting “Successful young people” by assisting parents to access their preferred schools and especially to assist carers access places for children in public care quickly. Children achieve better when they are happy at school. Attendance rates are higher and children are provided with the best opportunity to be active and engaged. The Authority’s Sixth Form admission policy provides an opportunity for young people to remain engaged in education beyond the statutory school leaving age.

These proposed admission procedures aim to significantly contribute to “Raising attainment and aspiration”, improve outcomes for “Looked After Children” contribute to the creation of “safe, healthy and strong families”

1.2 The City Council retains its catchment area policy which continues to receive strong support from parents. This in turn this helps to create and sustain strong communities and a sense of identity within neighbourhoods.

1.3 The timetable for consultation on the admission arrangements and co- ordinated schemes is as follows:

November/December 2011 Consultation on the proposed admission arrangements and co-ordinated schemes with Community, Voluntary Aided, Trust and Foundation Schools, Academies and neighbouring Authorities. Consultation with parents of all children aged 2-16 years. November 2011 Presentation of arrangements to the statutory Admission Forum for final consideration. The Local Authority must have regard to any advice or recommendations of the Forum 1 January 2012 Local Authority must determine co-ordinated schemes for 2013/14 29 February 2012 Consideration of admission arrangements and co- ordinated schemes by Cabinet March/April 2012 Adoption of schemes by neighbouring Authorities Adoption of schemes by Voluntary Aided, Trust and Foundation schools and Academies. 15 April 2012 The Secretary of State must be provided with a copy of the co-ordinated schemes for 2013/14 by 15 April. Failure to agree schemes will result in one being imposed on the Authority and its neighouring Authorities.

1 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 1.3 The Cabinet is requested to consider the recommendations made at Paragraph 20 of this report.

2. What does this mean for Sheffield people?

2.1 Applying for school places can be a very stressful procedure for parents and the Authority aims to ensure that as many children as possible are offered places at their preferred school. The procedures set out the way that parents can apply for school places and looks to maximize choice and opportunity. The City Council’s admission arrangements contribute to the Corporate Plan “Standing up for Sheffield” by enabling and empowering parents, carers and young people to have a voice in the type of school they wish to attend.

2.2 No Admission Authority can guarantee that all parents can access places at their school of first preference. These arrangements do however enable the vast majority of parents to obtain places at their first preference school and a significant number to obtain places at their second or third preferred school. Parents are provided with comprehensive advice and guidance to enable them to make informed decisions to achieve the best outcomes for their children.

Catchment areas remain popular amongst parents with 78.7% being allocated places at their catchment area school for the secondary transfer in September 2011. Details about specific outcomes for September 2011 are provided at paragraph 4.2.

3. Outcomes and Sustainability

3.1 The Authority operates under the provisions of the statutory Admission Code of Practice which aims to provide local communities with a greater voice when it comes to issues such as school places and the types of schools they want for their children.

3.2 Sheffield residents are treated fairly and equitably. The Authority ensures that all schools comply with the rules laid down by the Code of Practice.

3.3 The Local Authority co-ordinates applications with other Admission Authorities on behalf of parents so that they only have to make a single application.

The Local Authority is also the body that makes a single offer to the parent, ensuring transparency and consistency.

2 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service

4. Main Report

4.1 The Authority’s admission arrangements fully comply with the requirements of the statutory School Admissions Code of Practice.

4.2 The existing arrangements and co-ordinated schemes produce extremely positive outcomes for parents. For the September 2011 entry to secondary school 93.8% of parents secured places at their first preferred secondary school, this compares with 86.4% nationally. A further 4.8% secured places at their second or third preference. In other words 98.6% of all parents were offered a place for their children at one of their three preferred secondary schools.

For the September 2011 entry to Reception 91.9% of first preferences were met and a further 6% of second and third preferences were satisfied.

Finally for the 2011 transfer to separate Junior schools 98% of applicants were allocated their first preference and 1% secured their second and third preference schools.

4.3 The Local Authority assesses the admission arrangements and co- ordinated schemes to identify any possible barriers to families accessing the services. Action has been taken to overcome possible barriers such as language or a lack of understanding of the system. Additionally, the Admissions Service monitors the return of application forms and outcomes by ethnicity.

4.4 Sheffield Park, Sheffield Springs, Parkwood High and Yewlands Academies will continue to apply the same admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria as Sheffield City Council for the 2013/14 academic year, as will Meadowhead, Chaucer, and Westfield Trust Schools.

4.5 The Governing Body of Forge Valley Community Foundation School has agreed that it will retain the Local Authority’s admission arrangements at statutory school age for 2013/14 academic year.

4.6 The Authority’s proposed arrangements have been considered and endorsed by the local Admission Forum.

5. New Statutory Admission Code

5.1 The Government introduced a new Admission Code of Practice on 1 February 2012. It applies to admission arrangements determined in 2012 for admissions in the school year 2013/14 and for subsequent years. It is

3 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service a more streamlined version of its predecessor and is intended to be more user friendly and accessible to parents. Amongst the new provisions introduced by the code are:

 Give greater freedom to good, successful schools so they can increase the number of places they offer to children in their area.

 Currently all Admission Authorities must give priority to Looked After Children in their admission arrangements. This has been extended to children who were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after.

 Allowing schools to give some priority to children of staff who have been employed for at least two years or who have been recruited to meet a school’s particular skills shortage.

 Allowing schools to take twins and other multiple-birth children, and children of armed forces personnel, into infant classes even if it takes the class over the 30-child legal limit. This extends the “excepted” categories to infant class size restrictions.

 Allow academies and Free Schools to prioritize pupils from the poorest backgrounds. Respondents supportive of this proposal said it would give more opportunities to children from low-income families.

 Introduce a new in-year admissions process so fewer children face delays in finding a new school. Parents will apply direct to schools, rather than having to go through a local authority. Effectively this would remove the statutory duty on the Local Authority to co-ordinate in year admissions.

 Cut bureaucracy by requiring admission authorities to consult on arrangements only every seven years, rather than every three years, if no changes are proposed. This was supported by more than half of all respondents.

 There is already a national allocation date for entry to secondary school. A national allocation date has now been imposed for admission to Reception and Junior Schools. The date will be 16 April or the next working day prior to the year of admission. The first time this will come into effect will be 16 April 2014.

6. Sheffield Local Authority’s Proposed Admission Arrangements for 2013/14 (Recommendation 20.2)

6.1 The Authority’s Admission Arrangements are published in the Composite Prospectus “A Guide for Parents 2013/14” The Authority consulted with all bodies identified in paragraph 1.2 and 8.1.

4 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 6.2 Oversubscription Criteria

The Authority must publish arrangements for prioritizing places in the event of oversubscription. Regulations require that all Local Authorities prioritize admission for all Looked After Children, effectively guaranteeing a place at the preferred Community school. Looked After Children have been prioritized for admission in Sheffield since April 2002.

Details of proposed oversubscription criteria for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools are attached at Appendix A.

Responses to the consultation are provided at Appendix B.

6.3 Looked After Children

The statutory requirement to prioritize the admission of Looked After Children in oversubscription criteria has been expanded to include any child who was previously Looked After but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order)

6.4 Catchment Areas

There are no proposed amendments to existing catchment areas under the proposed 2013/14 admission arrangements at this stage, subject to any continued changes made as part of the Population Growth Programme.

6.5 Children of Services Personnel

Children of Services personnel will be prioritized where an application is received outside the normal admission round.

6.6 Indicated Admission Numbers

The Authority consults with Governing Bodies of Community, Voluntary Controlled, Voluntary Aided and Foundation, Trust Schools and Academies about their admission number on an annual basis. Details of Indicated Admission Numbers for 2013/14 are attached at Appendix C. Where proposed numbers are higher or lower than the indicated number this is as a result of agreement with the Governing Body. Schools that may be subject to further consultation under the Population Growth and Primary Provision Programme are highlighted in the spreadsheet. Under new provisions, popular schools that wish to expand will no longer be required to consult from September 2013.

5 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 7. Composite Prospectus (Recommendation 20.3)

7.1 The Composite Prospectuses (A Guide for Parents) for the academic year 2013/14 will be completed in the 2012 summer term for distribution by the statutory deadline of 12 September 2012. The booklets will contain all information prescribed by the regulations to assist parents make informed decisions when applying for school places.

7.2 For the 2011/12 academic year 67% of applications were made on line. The Authority encourages parents to apply on line but also makes provision for applications to be made on a normal application form. The Authority makes every effort to ensure that vulnerable families do not miss out on a place at their local school as a result of not understanding the process. Current strategies include writing directly to parents with children in the relevant year group to inform them of the requirement to apply for a school place. Further strategies are to be explored including joint working with Health Workers and Community Assemblies to ensure that the most vulnerable families are reached.

8. Co-ordinated Admission Schemes (Recommendation 20.4)

8.1 The Local Authority is required to co-ordinate admission applications on behalf of all Sheffield residents for applications made for entry to a school in the first year of admission. The experience of co-ordination in Sheffield has been extremely positive.

8.2 The Education Act 2011 removes the requirement for Local Authorities to co-ordinate in-year admissions, however Local Authorities may choose to do so if they wish. The experience of co-ordinating in-year admissions in Sheffield has been largely positive and enhanced safeguarding procedures. The Local Authority will be recommending that in-year co- ordination continues from 2013/14 and seeking agreement to do so with all Schools and Academies.

The Authority submitted the recommendation to continue in year co- ordination to the Headteachers Discussion Forum, Primary Headteachers Group both of which supported the proposal. The proposal has also secured support from the City Wide Learning Body.

Headteachers were invited to comment on the recommendation in January 2012, a summary of responses is provided at Appendix B).

The LA strongly recommends the continuation of the co-ordination of in- year admissions in addition to those at the normal year of entry.

6 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 8.3 The Local Authority is required to draw up schemes on an annual basis for covering every maintained, Foundation, Trust, Academy and Voluntary Aided primary and secondary school (but not special schools) in their area.

8.4 The proposed co-ordinated admission schemes for 2013/14 are attached at Appendix D and E.

8.5 The co-ordinated schemes do not change the duty upon individual admission authorities to set and implement admission criteria. The schemes are a mechanism through which a single offer of a place is made by the Local Authority for Sheffield residents.

9. The Admission Forum (Recommendation (20.5)

9.1 The Education Act 2011 repeals the statutory requirement for a Local Authority to have an Admission Forum.

9.2 Local Authorities may retain a voluntary Admission Forum if it chooses to do so. The Forum in Sheffield has proved to be very effective in ensuring that admission policies are fair and lawful. It also brings together all Local Admission Authorities and helps to foster stronger relationships which in turn improve the service provided to parents, young people and schools. The current Membership wishes the Forum to continue and this is a position that the LA would support, whilst keeping the effectiveness of the Forum under review.

9.3 It is recommended that the Forum continue under the same terms of reference and membership for the 2013/14 academic year.

10. The Consultation Process

10.1 Consultation on the Authority’s proposed admission arrangements for statutory school age took place with all governing bodies of Community, Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Trust Schools and Academies within Sheffield in accordance with the Regulations. We have also consulted with our neighbouring Authorities, Barnsley, Derbyshire and Rotherham. The Authority has also consulted with Sheffield parents of children aged between 2 and 16 and Local Interest Groups.

Details of responses to the consultation on the proposed arrangements are summarized at Appendix B.

7 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 11. Sixth Form Admission Arrangements – External Applicants (Recommendation 20.6)

11.1 The Local Authority is responsible for setting and applying the arrangements for external students applying for a sixth form place at a Community School. Students who are already on the roll of a Sixth Form School in Year 11 have the right to attend the sixth form at the same school as long as they meet the entry criteria.

11.2 The Community Schools that have a sixth form are High Storrs, King Ecgbert, King Edward VII, Tapton and Silverdale. Each school has a specified number of places for external applicants.

11.3 A City wide consultation on the arrangements took place between 14 November 2011 and 13 January 2012. The proposed arrangements are attached at Appendix F.

11.4 The Authority has recognized the need for quality sixth form places in other parts of the City and there has in recent years been an increase in the availability of A Level courses at Longley Park and Peaks College. The link between Meadowhead Trust and Norton College has also increased post 16 options for students on roll at Meadowhead Trust.

11.5 In addition to this provision, new sixth form places have been provided at Forge Valley Community Trust School with effect from September 2011. Students attending Bradfield and Stocksbridge Community Schools will have the first priority for places at Forge Valley, ahead of any other external students wishing to apply for a place there.

11.6 The Authority is prohibited from discriminating against students who do not reside in Sheffield(1). It can however give priority to Students who attend a Sheffield Community, Voluntary Aided School, Trust, Foundation or Academy. The Local Authority implemented such a change for the 2012/13 academic year and proposes to continue this in 2013/14.

11.7 Responses to the consultation on sixth form arrangements are summarized at Appendix G.

12. Human Resource Implications

12.1 An additional post has been in place since February 2011 to manage the additional workload. A total of 3143 in year applications were processed over the 2010/11 academic year.

12.2 The proposed changes to the administration of sixth form admissions will impact upon the workload of the Sixth Form Officer. An increase in preferences from external students i.e., 1447 preferences expressed in

1.Greenwich judgement 1989

8 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 2008 in comparison to 1757 in 2011 also has a major impact on workload. In addition the changes to the criteria and the introduction of Forge Valley adds to the complexities of the system which again impacts on workload.

13. Impact of Economic Downturn

13.1 There has been a noticeable increase in the number of applications received for Reception places in the South West of the City as a percentage of the local population. This may be as a direct consequence of the financial climate as parents who may have previously applied to the independent sector, apply for places at local community schools, although it does coincide with an increase in the birth rate. The Authority is closely monitoring the number of applications and working closely with Headteachers.

14. Environmental and Sustainability Implications

14.1 There is the potential for a greater increase in school journeys under the new Education Act, if parental representation leads to an increase in places at popular schools. The Act places a clear duty on the Authority to respond to parental representations. The focus will be away from tackling surplus places and providing additional places through expanding popular schools, academies, and free schools

15. Equality of Opportunities Implications

15.1 The co-ordinated admission schemes ensure that all pupils are treated equally by ensuring that in the majority of cases a single offer is made on the same date for all pupils.

15.2 Co-ordinating “In-Year” applications is a positive development. It means that all Sheffield parents will be required to follow the same procedure, completing a common application form which will in turn be processed by the Local Authority.

15.3 The Admissions Team is committed to monitoring the satisfaction of users of the admissions service. As part of the Equality Baseline monitoring will be undertaken after allocations are completed to determine the percentage of pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds, for whom applications have been received before the closing date.

15.4 An Equalities Impact Assessment has been carried out.

16. Financial Implications

16.1 In order to promote an easier and more efficient procedure for parents the Authority implemented a radical change in its communication with parents and carers for the 2010/11 secondary procedure. In feedback, parents and carers have told us that the Composite Prospectus (A Guide for Parents) includes a lot of information that they often find irrelevant in

9 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service context of their school application. The booklet is unwieldy and does not constitute best value or efficient use of resources. The Authority must compile a Composite Prospectus, there is however no requirement to send a Prospectus to every parent and carer, only to make it available on request.

16.2 The Authority will therefore continue to publish the Composite Prospectus which will be available on request and on the internet. Reference copies will also be available in Primary and Secondary Schools, Local Authority Offices and Sheffield Libraries. From 2010/11 however parents have not routinely been sent a hard copy. Instead a leaflet summarizing important dates and information relevant to the application process, has been sent which will inform parents of the application procedure. Parents and Carers will also be encouraged to apply online. Paper applications forms will no longer be sent automatically to all parents although they will be available upon request. For the 2011/12 secondary admission process 65% of parents applied for places on-line. Producing fewer booklets in response to feedback is estimated to save the Authority £15K

17. Legal Implications

17.1 The “admission authority” for every maintained school must consult upon and determine the school’s admission arrangements(2) and determine co- ordinated admission schemes (3). Arrangements must be determined before 15th April in any relevant year. I.e. 15 April 2012 for the 2013/14 academic year. The requirement to consult has been changed under the new Admission Code of Practice. The 2013/14 academic year will be the last time that Admission Authorities have to consult annually. From 2014/15, consultation will only be required every seven years if there have been no changes.

18. Summary

18.1 The proposed admission arrangements are fully compliant with requirements of the national Code of Practice and relevant legislation. The catchment area based system continues to be very well supported by schools and by parents.

18.2 Officers attended Secondary School open evenings by invitation during the Autumn Term 2011 to provide advice and guidance to parents. The priority will continue to be to ensure that vulnerable children do not miss out on school places because of a lack of understanding of the system. In line with the five key outcomes outlined in Every Child Matters, systems are now established between schools and the Admissions Team to identify any particular difficulties early in the process to enable early intervention.

2. Section 88C of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 3. The School (Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2008

10 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service 18.3 The Authority’s Home to School Transport Policy implements legislative changes introduced from September 2008. The changes recognize that low-income families may have historically been reluctant to apply for schools outside their immediate area because of prohibitive transport costs. Children from low-income families who are eligible for places under the Authority’s admission criteria may receive free transport. This ensures that parents can apply for the schools they wish their children to attend for purely educational reasons.

19. Reasons for Recommendations

19.1 The following recommendations will ensure that the City Council complies with its statutory duty with regard to setting its admission arrangements for 2013/14

19.2 The City Council’s admission arrangements deliver a high level of compliance with parental preference and have the support of the vast majority of stakeholders. The Authority’s arrangements are subject to external scrutiny by the Local Admission Forum and the independent

Government appointed School Adjudicator and they are compliant with the requirements of the statutory Code of Practice

19.3 The proposed admission arrangements for statutory school aged pupils and external applicants to Sixth Forms have been subject to City wide consultation with Headteachers, parents and students.

20. Recommendations

The Cabinet is requested to:

20.1 Note the provisions of the new statutory Admissions Code of Practice

20.2 Approve the proposed admission arrangements for statutory school aged pupils for the 2013/14 academic year.

20.3 Approve the publication of these arrangements in the booklet “A Guide for Parents 2013/14 – A Composite Prospectus”

20.4 Approve the Primary and Secondary Co-ordinated Admission Schemes for the 2013/14 Academic Year, including the recommendation to continue co-ordination for in-year admissions.

20.5 Approve the extension of the Admission Forum for the 2013/14 academic year and delegate authority to the Director of Legal Services to invite representation from those bodies not represented.

20.6 Approve the Sixth Form Admission arrangements for external applicants.

11 Report to Cabinet 21 March 2012 Children, Young People and Families Service

Dr. Sonia Sharp Executive Director: Children, Young People and Families Service

12 Appendix A

Proposed School Admission Arrangements for Sheffield Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for the 2013/14 Academic Year

Children Young People and Families

Sheffield City Council Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for the Academic Year 2013/14

1. Admission Arrangements

1.1 The City Council operates within the statutory Admission Code of Practice. Its admission arrangements include the oversubscription criteria and other detailed information that explains how the Authority manages this function. .

2. Primary Population Growth Programme

2.1 Over recent years Sheffield has seen an increase in the birth rate with the number of children born in the city steadily rising from 5549 in 2001/02 to 6602 in 2009/10. Sheffield City Council must provide enough places for pupils to attend school across the city. Because of this the City Council are working with partners on the Population Growth and Primary Provision Programme.

In the areas most likely to be affected schools and the Local Authority have worked together to identify which school would be best placed to take additional pupils. Approval has now been granted to increase the number of pupil places available at the following schools.

Acres Community Primary School, Increase from an Indicated Admission Number (IAN) of 30 pupils per year to 60 pupils per year starting in FS2 in 2012 for a temporary period of 1 year.

Tinsley Nursery and Infant School, Increase from an IAN of 67 pupils per year to 75 pupils per year starting in FS2 in 2012 for a temporary period of 3 years.

Hillsborough Community Primary School, Increase from an IAN of 45 pupils per year to 60 pupils per year starting in FS2 in 2012. This increase is on a permanent basis.

Hinde House 3-16 School (Primary Phase), Increase from an IAN of 45 pupils per year to 60 pupils per year starting in FS2 in 2012. This increase is on a permanent basis.

For all schools apart from Acres Hill the new IAN referred to above will be proposed for 2013/14 however schools will be able to admit to these increased numbers from FS2 in September 2012.

3. Special Educational Needs

3.1 Section 324 of the Education Act 1996 requires the Governing Bodies of all maintained schools to admit a child with a statement of special educational needs that names their school. This is not an oversubscription criterion, schools are required to admit a child in these circumstances whether they have places or not.

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4. Sheffield City Council Oversubscription Criteria

4.1 The Local Authority has an overriding duty to comply with parental preference wherever possible. In the event of oversubscription the following categories will be prioritised for places at community schools:

(i) Priority One

Children in Public Care (Looked After)

All Admission Authorities MUST prioritize the admission of “Relevant Looked After Children” within their admission criteria. A “Relevant Looked After Child” is defined as: “a child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act 1989(b) and who (a) is looked after at the time an application for admission to a school is made and (b) in relation to whom the local authority has confirmed that the child will still be looked after at the time when the child will be admitted to the school.

New Regulations introduced within the new Admission Code of Practice extend this category to also include children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order. The following is required of faith schools:

Admission authorities for faith schools may give priority to all looked after and previously looked after children whether or not of the faith. They must however give priority to looked after children and previously looked after children of the faith before other children of the faith.

Where the admission authority for the school also provides for the admission of pupils not of the faith, then priority shall be given to a relevant looked after child or previously looked after child not of the faith over another child not of the faith.

Children in Public Care – Admissions outside the normal admission round.

In accordance with the Regulations described above, Looked After Children and previously looked after will be prioritized for admission at their preferred school.

(ii) Priority Two

Attendance at the linked Infant School

This category applies to the transfer from Year 2 to Year 3 at separate linked Infant and Junior Schools. Priority will be afforded for places at the Junior School to children who have attended the designated linked infant school and whose parents apply for a place there. Whilst children attending linked infant schools will be prioritized after those in category one above, admission cannot be guaranteed. In the event of oversubscription, normal admission priorities (i.e. those at iii, iv,v and vi) will be applied.

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Children living in the catchment area for a separate junior school who apply for a place there but do not attend the linked infant school will be considered after any child that does attend the linked infant school.

(iii) Priority Three

Catchment area with Sibling

Children who normally reside with a parent or person with parental responsibility in the defined catchment area and who will have a brother or sister at the preferred school on the day of admission will be considered next, except for admission to separate junior school as described in 2 above. The definition of a sibling for these purposes is given at (v) below. This means that all catchment/sibling applications are prioritised before catchment applicants irrespective of distance. The normal distance tie-breaker will apply within each category.

(iv) Priority Four

Catchment Area Children who normally reside with a parent or person with parental responsibility in the defined catchment area, but will not have a sibling at the preferred school at the point of admission will be considered next.

In the event of oversubscription, tie-breakers will be used as describe below.

(v) Priority Five


A sibling is a child who permanently or usually lives at the same address as:-

1. a brother and/or sister 2. a stepbrother and/or stepsister (to include half brother/sisters)

and in both cases will be attending the preferred school at the point of entry. Where the requested school is a separate infant or junior school, attendance at the linked junior school or infant will be included.

In circumstances where an older sibling attends a school sixth form, Sibling priority will only be afforded if the older sibling attended the school prior to Y12.

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(vi). Priority Six

Contributory Feeder School (Year 6 to Year 7 only)

Applicants for a Year 7 place whose children attend a designated feeder primary school but do not fit into any of the above categories 1, 3 or 4 above will be considered next. (Secondary Schools only) Parents are advised in the Composite Prospectus “A Guide for Parents” that if they choose to send their children to a non-catchment primary school, they have a lower priority for entry to the linked secondary school and that there is no guarantee of a place there.

(vii) Priority Seven

Children of Services personnel will be prioritised where an application is received outside the normal admission round.

Viii) Priority Eight

All other applicants

Any applicant who does not fall into one of the above categories will be considered next.

Tie Breakers

For any admission category that is oversubscribed there are two stages of further consideration.

A. Exceptional medical, social or special educational needs

Where exceptional medical, social or special educational needs are demonstrated and supported by a professional, an application may be prioritised by the Admission Committee (AC) but only within its admission category. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide supporting evidence.

The applicant must supply sufficient supporting evidence from relevant professionals at the time of the original application, for the Authority to consider whether an individual case constitutes exceptional circumstances to be prioritised. In any event, the evidence must support the view that the child must attend the school applied for and that they could not have their needs met at any other school.

Applications will only be submitted to the Admission Committee for further consideration if they are accompanied by supporting evidence.

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B. Distance In circumstances where exceptional circumstances are not demonstrated, the final tie-breaker will be the distance from the home address to the school building. This is a straight line measurement from the centre of the house to the centre of the school building. Where the remaining place could be made for a number of children living equi-distant from the school the determination of the single offered will be made by random allocation: The random allocation will: i) be independently supervised by a representative of the Legal and Governance Service; ii) take place on a date and time notified in advance to the participating parents so that they can attend as witnesses. 5. Equal Preference 5.1 The statutory Admission Code of Practice made the practice of offering places on a “First Preference First” basis unlawful. All Admission Authorities in Sheffield must operate an Equal Preference system when determining the final school offer. This means that each of the three preferences will be considered as equal preferences and oversubscription criteria applied to each preference irrespective of ranking. The ranking of the preferences is relevant only where the applicant is eligible for more than one school. In this case a place will be offered at the highest ranked school for which the child is eligible.

6. Waiting Lists

6.1 A waiting list will be maintained until 31 December 2013 for transfer to separate junior schools (Year 3) and transfer to secondary schools (Year 7). A waiting list will continue to be maintained for the full academic year for admission to Reception, i.e. until 31 August 2013.

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Appendix B Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012

Admission Arrangements for the Academic Year 2013/14 Responses from the Consultation Process – Autumn Term 2011

The Authority has extended consultation to all parents of children between 2 and 16 years and to local interest groups. The Authority also consulted Governing Bodies and Diocesan Bodies on the Admission Arrangements for statutory school age for the 2012/13 academic year.

Consultation with parents and local interest groups took place between 1 November and 31 December 2010.

The arrangements were sent to all schools and placed on the Council’s website. Response are listed below to:

1. The proposed admission arrangements for 2013/14 2. The proposed increase the admission number at Hallam Primary School from 60 to 75 in Year 3, 3. The proposal for the Local Authority to continue in-year co-ordination from September 2013

General Admission Arrangements:

Correspondent Response Dobcroft Junior School: Whilst there is provision under the new admission code of practice to offer priority to I agree with the proposals in children of staff in certain circumstances, this principle particularly the clause is not something that the Local Authority is allowing schools to give priority proposing for its own oversubscription to children of staff. I like the criteria. idea that parents can apply directly to schools to save time but am unsure what would happen if all local schools were full.

Broomhill Infant School: Local Authority response:

The Looked After/Adopted The criteria to extend priority to children aspect would appear to be a formerly looked after does not have a time logical expansion of these limit. The Government has confirmed that criteria but what would be the this criterion recognises the difficulties faced period between being in care by a child having been looked after any to adoption under previous time in their life. The legislation on consideration? infant class size limits remains in place. The We agree with the twins and criteria on multiple births and armed forces multiple birth criteria and personnel are additional exceptions to the although highly unlikely to requirement. affect our school, the criteria for children of armed forces personnel. Appendix B Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012

We certainly hope that the new proposals are not intended to be an erosion on infant class sizes being capped at 30.

The proposed increase in admission number from 60 to 75 at Year 3 at Hallam Primary School:

Correspondent Response “I understand the proposal is to Hallam Primary School currently operates an increase the year intake to 75 admission number of 60. This is lower than – could you please inform me that determined by the capacity assessment. as to the effect that this would The Governing Body was therefore required have on class size i.e. would it to either publish a number that was be two large classes per year compatible with the capacity assessment, or 37-38? Or 3 smaller classes?” use part of the school building for other non- educational purposes in order to reduce the “As a parent I am not very available accommodation. Other useage for agreeing with this idea. part of the school were explored but nothing Actually I’m very concerned has been identified. It is possible for the about the huge class school to operate an admission number of management, teaching 75 across the whole school but Governors standards and teaching wished to retain a number of 60 in Key concentration for each pupil if Stage 1. By operating a number of 75 at the admission starts in 2013.” Year 3, this ensures that the published admission numbers are compatible with the “We have been given a leaflet capacity assessment. informing us about your intention to increase the number of pupils at the junior school to 75. This is a major move and parents have not been consulted. The only thing we had was an A5 leaflet that only a few parents have noticed because of the way it was presented. I think that this issue needs real debate with parents. I would be grateful if you could ask the Headteacher to circulate an email to make parents aware of this important issue because I have the impression that many parents are not aware of these changes. We would like to have a meeting with the Pupil Admissions Team to clarify Appendix B Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012

and debate the proposal”

The proposal for the Local Authority to continue co-ordinating in-year admissions from September 2013

Correspondent Response Mrs. S. Hopkinson, Headteacher Dore Primary School

I have read the new guidance received today. As HT of Dore Primary School I would like to comment that following the understandable and recognised backlog/hiccup in September 2010 I have found admissions services to be extremely helpful and effective. I would particularly like to thank your team for the support and understanding they give our school around the appeals procedure, and also in response to telephone or personal enquiries.

I have discovered at the 'busy' times in September and October and around secondary allocations it is important to persist with an enquiry when your staff are inundated with requests. I am sure that it is hard for your staff and there may be - 'on no not again - another question or query!' but I do appreciate their help and support at these times.

I very much wish to leave in year admissions with all year groups in the control of the LA and will be taking this to my full GB meeting on 9/2/12 so that it will be minuted. I am sure they will agree.

Please pass on my thanks to your staff team.

Mrs. H Haynes, Headteacher Holt House Infant School.

I support the proposals for the LA to continue to co-ordinate in year admissions from Sept 2013, for all the Appendix B Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012 reasons you give.

Mr. P Jenkins, Chair of Governors Monteney and Fox Hill Federation and Admission Appeal Panel Chair

I write to strongly support the retention of the current Mid-term Admissions system. My experience of Chairing Independent Appeal Panels for over 12 years has convinced me that co- ordinating these Admissions centrallly is the fairest way for all parents. In the past it has been far too easy for a school,on receiving an enquiry from a parent, to refuse without explaining to the parent that they had the right of going to independent appeal. This has been particularly true when the school does not want the pupil for whatever reason.

The current system is fair to all parents irrespective of social or ethnic backgrounds and to see it revert to the schools would be a retrograde step. We have in Sheffield a very fair Appeals process, well managed and professionally administered. All parents should have equal access to it.

Mr. D. Bowes Headteacher Tapton Secondary School

I have reviewed the proposal and am happy to confirm agreement with the policy to continue co-ordination of in- year admissions from 2013.

Ms. J Hobley, Headteacher, Norfolk Primary School

In response to the authorities recommendations I would like to make a couple of points. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to comment on the proposals

Firstly - I think it is a good, transparent Appendix B Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012

and fair system for the authority to continue to co-ordinate in year applications provided the current level of service can be maintained.

Secondly - In a school like mine with relatively high pupil mobility we have a small but significant minority of requests for transfers, both in and out, because parents have had a disagreement with a school. This creates unnecessary disruption to children's education. For example, here at Norfolk we had four children from two families leave last Summer Term because the parents perceived the grass as greener elsewhere. They had returned within 6 weeks, having fallen out with the schools they had moved to. In Y6 at present I have a couple of children whose KS2 experience has been unnecessarily interrupted because moves of school have occurred, not because of house moves, but because of disagreements with schools. This is unfair on children. In the current target driven climate it is also unfair on staff as we are expected to make 2 levels progress with these children despite their interrupted education. I wonder, therefore, if there is a way in which primary admissions could refer these parents back to schools to try and resolve disagreements, or refer to the Advice and Conciliation Service? In a system that is purely administrative it is difficult to challenge parents about their motives but I feel that the case needs to be made somewhere to these parents that changes of school are disruptive and should not be undertaken lightly.

Mrs. B. Jackson, Headteacher, King Edward VII Secondary School

I write to confirm that King Edward VII agrees with the proposal for the local authority to continue to co-ordinate in year admissions from 2013. Appendix B Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012


Primary Admission Numbers for 2013/14

Sep-12 Published School Name Admission Notes Net Capacity No. Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. PAN of 90 for 11/12, following Abbey Lane IJ 605 86 IYV Acres Hill NIJ 210 30 Angram Bank NIJ 210 30 Anns Grove NIJ 315 45 Arbourthorne NIJ 420 60 Athelstan IJ 630 90 Ballifield NIJ 412 58 Bankwood IJ 378 54 Beck NIJ 611 90 IAN of 87 but will admit up to 90 and published 90 in 2011-12 Beighton NI 270 90 Birley IJ 620 88 Birley Spa NIJ 420 60 Bradfield Dungworth IJ 105 15 Bradway IJ 406 58 Brightside NI 180 60 Brook House J 360 90 Broomhill I (F) 117 40 IAN of 39 but will admit up to 40 and published 40 in 2011-12 Brunswick NIJ 420 60 Byron Wood NIJ 399 60 IAN of 57 but will admit up to 60 and published 60 in 2011-12 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. PAN of 90 for 11/12, following Carfield NIJ 620 88 IYV Carter Knowle J 240 60 Charnock Hall IJ 420 60 Clifford CE I (A) 78 26 Coit IJ 209 29 Will admit up to 30 Concord J 235 58 Published 60 in 2011-12 Deepcar St John's CE J (A) 240 60 Dobcroft I 270 90 Dobcroft J 328 82 Dore IJ 420 60 Ecclesall I 180 60 Ecclesall J CE (C) 348 87 Ecclesfield IJ 415 59 Emmanuel CE/M J (A) 240 60 Emmaus CE/RC NIJ 315 45 Firs Hill NIJ 420 60 Fox Hill NIJ 315 45 Gleadless NIJ 420 60 Greengate Lane NIJ 210 30 Greenhill IJ 531 75 Greenlands J 360 90 Greenlands NI 270 90 Grenoside IJ 350 50 Greystones IJ 420 90 Final year of temporary expansion to 90 Halfway J 224 56 Halfway NI 168 56 Hallam IJ 420 60 For Admission to Reception Hallam IJ 420 75 For Admission to Year 3 Hartley Brook NIJ 594 84 Hatfield IJ 395 56

November 2011 APPENDIX C

High Green IJ 210 30 Hillsborough NIJ 315 60 Hinde House P P 315 60 Holt House I 168 56 Hucklow IJ 420 60 Hunters Bar I 255 85 Hunters Bar J 328 82 Intake IJ 420 60 Limpsfield J 240 60 Longley NIJ 399 90 Final year of temporary expansion to 90 Lound I 174 58 Lound J 240 60 Lowedges NIJ 420 60 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. Lower Meadow NIJ 315 45 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. PAN of 60 for 11/12, following Lowfield IJ 414 59 IYV Loxley IJ 207 29 Lydgate I 360 120 Lydgate J 480 120 Malin Bridge IJ 525 75 Manor Lodge IJ 315 45 Mansel NIJ 406 58 Marlcliffe IJ 525 75 Meersbrook Bank NIJ 210 30 Meynell NIJ 420 60 Monteney NIJ 392 56 Mosborough IJ 420 60 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. Mundella IJ 420 60 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. Nether Edge NIJ 420 60 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. Nether Green I 225 75 Nether Green J 360 90 Netherthorpe NIJ 199 30 IAN of 28 but will admit up to 30 and published 30 in 2011-12 Nook Lane J 238 59 Norfolk NIJ 420 60 Norton Free CE IJ (C) 210 30 Oughtibridge IJ 294 45 IAN of 42 but will admit up to 45 and published 45 in 2011-12 Owler Brook NI 270 60 Parson Cross CE IJ (A) 210 30 Phillimore Park NIJ 404 57 Pipworth NIJ 574 82 Porter Croft CE IJ (A) 210 30 Prince Edward NIJ 441 60 Pye Bank CE NIJ 360 60 Rainbow Forge NIJ 385 54 Reignhead NIJ 420 60 Rivelin NIJ 420 60 Royd NI 180 60 Sacred Heart RC IJ (A) 195 27 Sharrow NIJ 420 60 Shooters Grove NIJ 419 59 Shortbrook IJ 360 51 Southey Green NIJ 630 90 Springfield NIJ 210 30 St Ann's RC IJ (A) 140 20 St Catherine's RC NIJ (A) 420 60 St John Fisher RC IJ (A) 210 30

November 2011 APPENDIX C

St Joseph's RC NIJ (A) 206 29 St Marie's RC IJ (A) 210 30 St Mary's (High Green) RC IJ (A) 196 28 St Mary's CE NIJ (A) 210 30 St Patrick's RC NIJ (A) 280 40 St Theresa's RC NIJ (A) 189 30 IAN of 27 but will admit up to 30 and published 30 in 2011-12 St Thomas More RC IJ (A) 175 30 IAN of 25 but will admit up to 30 and published 30 in 2011-12 St Thomas of Canterbury RC IJ (A) 210 30 St Wilfrid's RC IJ (A) 270 40 IAN of 38 but will admit up to 40 and published 40 in 2011-12 Stannington I 180 60 Stocksbridge J 360 90 Stocksbridge NI 270 90 Stradbroke NIJ 406 58 Tinsley J 270 67 Tinsley NI 201 75 Totley All Saints CE IJ (VA) 208 29 IAN of 29 but will admit to 30 and published 30 in 2011-12 Totley IJ 196 28 Valley Park NIJ 420 60 Walkley NIJ 420 60 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. Watercliffe Meadow NIJ 420 60 Waterthorpe NI 180 60 Westways NIJ 636 90 Net Cap and IAN based on draft assessment from expansion plans. Wharncliffe Side NIJ 140 20 Whiteways NIJ 350 60 Based on draft net capacity produced following work to reorganise provision at Wincobank & Wincobank NI 175 58 Concord - suggest proposing 60 Windmill Hill IJ 378 54 Wisewood IJ 210 30 Woodhouse West NIJ 351 50 Woodseats NIJ 392 56 Woodthorpe NIJ 420 60 Wybourn IJ 315 45

November 2011 Appendix D

Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for Primary Schools

2013 - 2014

Children,Young People and Families


Introduction 5

A Applying for a school place 6 (see Annex 1 and 2– Timetables)

B Procedure for Admission to Reception 6

C Procedure for Admission to Year 3 7

D The offer of a place 9

E Applications outside of the normal admissions round 10 i.e after 31 August

F Right of appeal 11

G Late applications 11

H Waiting lists 11

I False or misleading information 12 Appendix D CONTENTS – continued

J No Common Application Form Received 12

K Information required by voluntary aided schools 13

L In- Year Transfers Between Schools 13

M 14 In Year Transfers – Requirements for Sheffield Primary Schools

N 14 In-Year Transfers – Requirements for Out of Area Schools

Annex 1 – Timetable for co-ordinated admission 16 arrangements for Reception

Annex 2 – Timetable for co-ordinated admission 17 arrangements for Year 3

Annex 3 – Criteria for the offer of a single place 18 at an Infant, Junior or primary school

Annex 4 – Timetable for Co-ordinated In-Year 19 Application

Annex 5 – Explanation of Terminology 20



The Local Authority is under a statutory duty to co-ordinate admission applications for all Sheffield residents on behalf of all schools in the City in the “Normal admission round”. i.e. the first year that a child enters a school (Reception, Year 3 and Year 7). The scheme excludes admissions to maintained special and independent schools.

Co-ordinated schemes are intended to simplify the admission process for parents whilst reducing the likelihood of any child being left without a place. Co-ordination establishes a mechanism that ensures that, as far as reasonably practicable, every parent of a child living in the local authority who has applied to a maintained school or academy is sent one, and only one offer of a school place by the Local Authority (Their Home Authority).

From the 2010/11 academic year, Local Authorities have also been required to formulate schemes for co-ordinating applications made during the academic year and applications for admission to age groups other than the normal year of entry (“In Year Applications”). This was extended to all applications from September 2011. This requirement has been removed from September 2013, however Sheffield Local Authority proposed to continue co-ordinating in-year applications and consulted on the proposal within its arrangements for the 2013 academic year. The proposal was approved by the Cabinet in February 2012.

Effectively therefore, Sheffield Local Authority is responsible for co-ordinating all admission applications on behalf of all Sheffield residents, whether applying for schools in Sheffield or in another authority. This co-ordinated scheme explains how the Authority will carry out this duty in partnership with all schools in Sheffield and with neighbouring Authorities.

This co-ordinated scheme confirms arrangements for:

. The “Normal admission round” i.e. Admission to Reception at a Sheffield primary or infant school and admission to Year 3 at a separate junior school for the 2013/14 academic year.

. All other “In-Year” applications.

Sheffield Local Authority must have a scheme in place each year. All schools including Community, Voluntary Controlled, Voluntary Aided and Foundation Schools must participate in the co-ordinated scheme. If a scheme cannot be agreed, the Secretary of State will impose one.

The co-ordinated scheme does not affect the rights and duties of governing bodies of Voluntary Aided, and Foundation Schools and Academies to set and apply their own admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria.

In order to provide every parent with an offer of one single place the Authority will be working collaboratively with the Governing Bodies of the Catholic, Church of England and Foundation primary schools and Academies within the area of Sheffield and with neighbouring Authorities. Appendix D

Sheffield Local Authority is the Admissions Authority for all community and voluntary controlled primary schools in the City. There are also 21 Voluntary Aided Primary Schools in Sheffield (7 Church of England, 1 Anglican/Methodist 12 Catholic and 1 Church of England/Catholic) and 1 Foundation school, Broomhill Infant. The Governing Bodies of the Catholic, Church of England voluntary aided and Broomhill Infant Foundation primary schools are the admission authorities for those schools. An application has been submitted to convert Hatfield and Hartley Brook Primary Schools into Academies from April 2012.

For the purposes of this scheme all further references to the Foundation school mean Broomhill Infant School.

Any reference in this scheme to a primary school is also a reference to a separate infant or junior school.

Normal Admission Round

Sheffield Local Authority will be the body that makes an offer of a single place to a Sheffield resident for Reception or Year 3 during the normal admissions round. The offer of a single place to a parent at a Sheffield primary school will be made on 16 April 2013.

If a Sheffield resident makes an application for a school in another Authority, Sheffield LA will process that application on behalf of the parent and notify the parent of the outcome.

Definition of the normal admission round is the process by which:

a) An application for the admission of a child to a relevant age group at a school is submitted in accordance with the requirements of the scheme. b) The relevant year group is Reception for separate infant and through schools and Year 3 for separate junior schools;

In-Year Admissions

Sheffield Local Authority will be the body that makes an offer of a single place to a Sheffield resident for any application for a year group other than the normal year of entry. The Authority will co-ordinate applications on behalf of the parent and liaise with Voluntary Aided, Foundation, Academies and neighbouring Authorities where applicable.

References to the Local Authority mean Sheffield Local Authority.


A Applying for a school place – Normal Admission Round (see Annex 1 and 2 – Timetable)

1 All applications for admission to any primary school within Sheffield in relation to the academic year 2013/14 for Reception and Year 3 at separate junior schools must be made by applying online or on the common application form (CAF).

2 All parents will be invited to state up to three preferences for Reception and Year 3 places in rank order and give reasons for their preferences.

3 Parents can state preferences for any combination of the following Primary schools:

 community  voluntary controlled  voluntary aided.  Foundation  Academy

4 The closing date for applications for Reception and separate Junior Schools for 2013/14 is 15 January 2013. This is a nationally imposed closing date.

5 Applications from residents in other local authorities for a Sheffield school must be made on their Home Authority’s common application form. The Home Authority will then liaise with Sheffield and notify the parent of the outcome of their application.

B Procedure for Admission to Reception

1 The closing date for applications will be 15 January 2013. By 7 February 2013 Sheffield Local Authority will send details of applications to neighbouring authorities, where schools in their area are stated on the application.

2 The Local Authority will send applications for Voluntary Aided and Foundation Schools and Academies in Sheffield to respective schools by 20 February 2013. The respective admission authorities will apply their own admission criteria to determine eligibility and notify the Local Authority by 12 March 2013 of children who can or cannot be offered places.

3 By 19 March 2013 Sheffield Local Authority will exchange potential offers with neighbouring authorities.

4 By 26 March 2013 Sheffield Local Authority will:

a) compare the lists of provisional offers for community and voluntary controlled schools against the lists of provisional places from the voluntary aided schools, Broomhill Infant (Foundation School), Academies and neighbouring authorities.

b) make determinations on which provisional offer will be the single offer taking account of: Appendix D

(i) provisional offers from voluntary aided schools and the Foundation School and Academies.

(ii) Provisional offers for any community or Voluntary controlled school in Sheffield.

(iii) Provisional offers for any school(s) in a neighbouring authority.

(iv) the ranking of the expressed preferences on the common application form

5 Where a child is eligible for more than one offer of a place, the parent will be offered the highest ranked of those offers as determined by their preferences made on the application.

6 At the end of this cycle of determining provisional offers it will be possible to identify those schools which are:

a) undersubscribed; or

b) oversubscribed.

For undersubscribed schools all preferences will have been met.

For oversubscribed community and voluntary controlled schools the effect of the provisional offers in Voluntary Aided and the Foundation school to parents who also have a provisional offer at an oversubscribed community or voluntary controlled school will create vacancies at that school in the case where the provisional offer in the Voluntary Aided or Foundation school is ranked higher.

Waiting lists for oversubscribed schools will be established. The waiting list will comprise of:

a) applicants with no provisional offer;

b) applicants with a provisional offer ranked lower than that of the oversubscribed school for which they also have expressed a preference.

7 On 16 April 2013 all parents will be informed of their single allocated school.

C Procedure for Admission to Year 3 (Separate Junior Schools)

1 The closing date for applications will be 15 January 2013. By 7 February 2013 Sheffield Local Authority will send applications to Sheffield voluntary aided schools, the Foundation School, Academies and neighbouring authorities, where they are stated on the application.

2 The respective admission authorities will apply their own admission criteria to determine eligibility and communicate this to the Local Authority. 3 By 12 March 2013 Sheffield Local Authority will:

a) have completed a list of provisional offers for community and voluntary controlled schools 7

b) have received from the voluntary Aided primaries and Academies lists of children who can or cannot be offered places

4 By 19 March 2013 the Local Authority will:

a) compare the lists of provisional offers for community and voluntary controlled schools against the lists of provisional places from the voluntary aided schools and Academies.

b) make determinations on which provisional offer will be the single offer taking account of:

(i) provisional offers from voluntary aided schools and Academies.

(ii) Provisional offers for any community or Voluntary controlled school in Sheffield.

(iii) Provisional offers for any school(s) in a neighbouring authority.

(iv) the ranking of the expressed preferences on the common application form

5 Where a child is eligible for more than one offer of place, the parent will be offered the highest ranked of those offers as determined by their preferences on the application.

6 At the end of the first cycle of determining provisional offers it will be possible to identify those schools which are:

a) undersubscribed; or

b) oversubscribed.

For undersubscribed schools all preferences will have been met.

For oversubscribed community and voluntary controlled schools the effect of the provisional offers in Voluntary Aided schools to parents who also have a provisional offer at an oversubscribed community or voluntary controlled school will create vacancies at that school in the case where the provisional offer in the Voluntary Aided school is ranked higher.

In order to complete the allocations to schools with vacancies a second cycle of the procedure will be undertaken.

This second cycle of allocations will deal with waiting lists for oversubscribed schools where vacancies have arisen as a result of point (5) above. The waiting list will comprise of:

a) applicants with no provisional offer;

b) applicants with a provisional offer ranked lower than that of the oversubscribed school for which they also have expressed a preference.

Appendix D 7 By 26 March 2013 the Local Authority will:

a) make determinations on which provisional offers will be made to applicants taking account of:

(i) The highest ranked preference

(ii) provisional offers for voluntary aided schools and the Foundation School; and

(iii) the waiting list for places at the school

b) amend the list of provisional offers for each oversubscribed community and voluntary controlled school to take account of point (a) above c) inform separate infant and Junior schools of which offers are to be accepted or not accepted.

8 On 16 April 2013 all parents will be informed of their single allocated school.

D The offer of a place

1 The criteria for determining the offer of a single place at any primary school for which the child is eligible to be granted admission is given at Annex 3 to this scheme.

2. Parents will be invited to express up to three preferences on the application for a Reception or Year 3 places, in ranked order, and give reasons for their preferences.

Where an application contains fewer than three preferences, it will be considered under the same criteria as one that does contain three preferences.

3. All application forms for Reception and Year 3 must be returned to the Local Authority by 15 January 2013. Any applications sent to Voluntary Aided Schools will be forwarded to Sheffield Local Authority.

4. Parents residing outside Sheffield who wish to apply for a Sheffield school should apply directly to their “Home” Authority’s by completing the common application form. 5. Parents will only receive a single offer for admission into the Reception Year or Year 3 at a separate junior school. It will be assumed that parents will be accepting the allocated place unless written notice is received within 10 working days, to the contrary.

6. In the case where a parent fails to complete and submit CAF they will not receive a single offer on the allocation date.

7. Nothing in this scheme prevents a parent of a child attending a through primary school making an application for admission to a different junior school when the child reaches the end of the infant stage of education (Year 2). Any such application will be considered under normal transfer arrangements.


8. The attendance of a child at an infant school does not guarantee a place at the linked junior school. In the event that more applications are received than places available, the Authority will apply its published oversubscription criteria.

9. The relevant Admission Authority will determine whether the child is eligible for admission to the schools for which a preference has been expressed by applying its own published admission criteria.

10. Sheffield Local Authority will make all offers to all Sheffield residents on behalf of:

a) community and voluntary controlled schools for which it is the admissions authority; and

b) voluntary aided schools and Academies.

c) Broomhill Infant (Foundation) School

d) Neighbouring Authorities.

11. Prior to the offer date all Sheffield schools will be sent a list of those children who have been offered a place at the school. If children residing in other authorities are offered places the relevant Maintaining Authority will be informed.

12. No acknowledgement of an allocation will be required from the parent where they accept that offer of a place. However, where a parent does not wish to take up the allocation they must inform the Local Authority within 10 working days.

13. Where the Local Authority cannot make a single offer for any of the preferences expressed by a parent resident in Sheffield, a place will be allocated to the child at the nearest community or voluntary controlled primary school, with places available, to their ordinary place of residence. (see Annex 5 below) This may or may not be the catchment area school and will depend on the availability of places.

E Applications outside of the normal admissions round

1 Sheffield Authority maintains a waiting list for the Reception year group for the entire academic year. Applications received within this time are considered to be within the normal admissions round. At the end of the Reception year parents wishing to apply need to apply on a Common Transfer Form as an “in year” applicant.

Sheffield Authority maintains a waiting list for the transfer to Junior until 31st December. Applications received during this time are considered to be within the normal admissions round. Applications received from 1st January should be made on a Common Transfer Form and are considered as “in year” applications.

F Right of appeal

1 Any parent* whose child is refused a school place for which they have applied, Appendix D has the right to an independent appeal. The right to appeal also applies at times other than the normal times of entry to school (e.g. when families move into an area during the year), and in respect of admissions at times other than the normal age (such as a year early or a year late ). Parents who have missed the normal deadlines for applying for admission or who have had an offer of a place withdrawn also have a right to appeal if they are refused a place.

*(Where a child has been permanently excluded from two or more schools, a parent can still express a preference for a school place, but the requirement to comply with that preference is removed for a period of two years from the date on which the latest exclusion took place. This does not apply to children with statements of special educational needs, children who were below compulsory school age when excluded, children who were reinstated following a permanent exclusion and children who would have been reinstated had it been practicable to do so)

G Late applications

1 Late applications for Reception received by the Authority up to 31 January 2013, will be allocated a school place on the offer day.

2 Late applications for Year 3 received by the Authority up to 31 January 2013 will be allocated a school place on the offer day

3 All other late applications for Reception and Year 3 received after 31 January 2013 will be dealt with after 16 April 2013. H Waiting lists – Normal Year of Entry

1 Sheffield Local Authority will establish a waiting list for all community and voluntary controlled primary schools where the number of applications for those schools has exceeded the places available in Reception or Year 3 at separate Junior Schools.

2 Names of children will automatically be placed on the waiting list for a school where they have been refused a place where it ranked above that at which a place has been allocated.

3 A vacancy arises in Reception or Year 3, only when the number of offers to a particular school falls below the published admission number (or a higher admission limit where one has been set).

4 The waiting list will be established on the offer day and be maintained until 31 August 2014 for Reception and until 31 December 2013 for Year 3.

5 Voluntary Aided and Foundation Schools will maintain their own waiting lists, which must be prioritised according to the school’s published oversubscription criteria. The Local Authority will still be responsible for making the offer on the schools’ behalf.

6 Following the offer day should an application be received for a school where the pupil has a higher priority for a place at the school, as determined by the admissions criteria, they will be placed on the waiting list above those with a


lower priority.

7 Parents who intend to appeal against the decision to refuse a place at a preferred school(s) should do so irrespective of having their child’s name placed on the waiting list.

8 For those parents who proceed to an independent appeal the panel’s decision will not depend on the child’s position on the waiting list. 9. A child may be prioritised on the waiting list in line with the Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol. I False or misleading information

1 Where the Local Authority has made an offer of a place at an infant, Junior or through primary school on the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application from a parent which has effectively denied a place to a child with a stronger claim to a place at the school the offer of a place will be withdrawn.

2 Where a child starts attending the school on the basis of fraudulent and intentionally misleading information the place may be withdrawn depending on the length of time that the child has been at the school. Where the place is not withdrawn, parents should note that their application for any subsequent child will not benefit from sibling priority.

3 Where a place or an offer has been withdrawn the application will be re- considered and a right of appeal of independent appeal offered if the place is refused.

J No common application received

1 Every effort will be made to encourage parents/carers to complete and submit an application. However, the Local Authority will monitor Sheffield children for whom no application has been received.

2 Parents will be regularly contacted to determine whether they intend to apply for a maintained school.

3 Where parents inform the Local Authority that their children will be attending a school not maintained by a Local Authority (private/independent) no school place will be allocated to the child.

4 In the absence of any application by 1 June 2013 at the latest, all other children will be allocated a place at the nearest Sheffield school with available places, to their ordinary place of residence.

K Information required by voluntary aided schools

1 Voluntary aided schools require additional information, which is not contained Appendix D on the online or common application form and relates to the church of which they are a member.

2 In addition to the application completion of an “Additional Information” form is required. This can be obtained from the Local Authority.

3 The Additional Information form is not an application form for admission to a voluntary aided school.

4 Sheffield parents who intend to express a preference or preferences for voluntary aided schools must follow the procedure set out below:

a) Apply online or complete the common application and the appropriate additional information form(s);

b) Return the application to the Local Authority and any additional information form(s) to the school to which you are applying, by the closing date.

5 The supporting information provided by parents will be used by the school in applying their admissions criteria. Where an additional information form is not submitted, it may affect the consideration by the governing body of the preferred school. In these circumstances the individual school will be responsible for pursuing additional information.

6 The completion and return of the additional information sheet does not guarantee a place at the school.

7 St Thomas of Canterbury and Sacred Heart Catholic Primary Schools also require the completion of additional application forms. These will be sent to parent/carers who express a preference for St Thomas of Canterbury or Sacred Heart Catholic Schools. Alternatively parents/carers may obtain the appropriate additional form from the schools or Local Authority. 8 For late applications see section G.

L In-Year Transfers Between Schools 1. Applications received for admission into any other year group are classed as an in-year transfer. The procedure for determining a single offer and timescales for processing applications are given at Annex 4. The general requirements of the scheme are as follows: 2. To ensure that each parent in Sheffield who has made an application on the Transfer Form in respect of admission of a child to a school receives a single offer of a school place under the scheme. 3. To require a transfer form to be completed enabling a parent to:

i) Provide his name and address and the name, address and date of birth of the child, ii) Apply for at least three schools, whether or not any school is within the Authority’s area, iii) Give reasons for his application, iv) Rank each application


4. To ensure where a child is eligible to be granted admission to more than one school that the child is granted admission to whichever of those schools is ranked highest on the transfer form.

5. Any School that is its own Admission Authority must identify the body responsible for determining eligibility of an applicant.

6. Following the allocation of a place, the school is expected to make admission arrangements with 5 school days in order to minimise the length of time that a child is out of school.

M In Year Transfers – Requirements for Sheffield Primary Schools

This part of the scheme confirms the actions that must be taken by all Sheffield Schools with regard to In-Year admissions. 1. Where the Local Authority receives an application for a Voluntary Aided or Foundation School or Academy, it will send the application and any supporting information to the Governing Body for consideration. The Authority will send the application to the school within 5 days of receiving it. 2. For a school where the Local Authority is the Admission Authority the Local Authority will determine eligibility by checking the number on roll and applying its oversubscription criteria. 3. For a school that is its own Admission Authority, it will determine eligibility and notify the Local Authority of the outcome within 5 school days. 4. On receipt of decisions in relation to any school that is applied for, the Local Authority will determine whether or not a child is eligible for any school. Through application of the scheme the Authority may determine a single offer or determine that the child is not eligible for any of the schools. 5. The Local Authority will notify the receiving and exit school of the single offer to be made to the parent/carer as determined by the co-ordinated scheme. 6. The Authority will communicate the outcome of the application to the parent if they are a Sheffield resident. Where the decision is about a Voluntary Aided or Foundation School or Academy the Local Authority will write to parents on behalf of the Governing Body. 7. Where any application has been made for a Sheffield school by a parent residing in another Authority, Sheffield Local Authority will communicate the decision to the Home Authority.

N. In-Year Transfers – Requirements for Out of Area Schools

This part of the scheme applies where a parent residing in Sheffield applies on a transfer form for a school in the area of a different Local Authority (Maintaining Authority). 1. Sheffield Local Authority must notify the Maintaining Authority of the application and forward details to them on the day of receiving the application, together with any supporting information from the parent.

2. The Maintaining Authority will determine eligibility and notify Sheffield Local Authority of the outcome within 5 school days of receipt. Sheffield Local Authority will determine eligibility for a single school, or that places must be refused at any school. 3. Sheffield Local Authority will send notification of the outcome directly to parents on behalf of the Maintaining Authority. 4. Sheffield Local Authority will notify the Maintaining Authority of any offers made on behalf of a school in that Authority. Appendix D 5. Annex 4 is a flow chart describing the process and timescales.


Annex 1

Timetable for co-ordinated admission arrangements for Reception

Closing date for applications 15 January 2013

Local Authority exchanges applications with Neighbouring Authorities 7 February 2013

Local Authority sends applications to Voluntary Aided and Foundation School 20 February 2013

Voluntary Aided and Foundation School send Local Authority list of potential offers 12 March 2013

Admission Authority exchange decisions 19 March 2013

Final offer exchange of information with Local Authorities 26 March 2013

Offers Made to Parents

16 April 2013


Appendix D Annex 2

Timetable for co-ordinated admission arrangements for admission to Year 3

Closing date for applications 15 January 2013

Local Authority exchanges applications with Neighbouring Authorities 7 February 2013

Local Authority sends applications to Voluntary Aided and Foundation School 20 February 2013

Voluntary Aided and Foundation School send Local Authority list of potential offers 12 March 2013

Admission Authority exchange decisions 19 March 2013

Final offer exchange of information with Local Authorities 26 March 2013

Offers Made to Parents

16 April 2013



Annex 3 Criteria for the offer of a single place at an Infant, Junior or primary - Normal Year of Entry

1 A resident in Sheffield will only receive an offer of a single place at any primary, infant or junior school if they have completed an application.

2 Parents are invited to express three preferences for primary infant or junior schools they wish their child to attend and list them in rank order.

3 All three preferences will be treated equally by the relevant Admissions Authority.

4 Where a preference meets the criteria for a school the child becomes eligible for a provisional offer.

5 Where the child is only eligible for one school, that will be the allocated school.

6 Where the child is eligible for two or three schools, the ranking of the expressed preferences on the application will be used to determine which of those provisional offers becomes the single offer of a place.

1st School A

2nd School B

3rd School C

Preferred Schools Outcomes

in rank order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1st School A P P P P     2nd School B P P P P   3rd School C P P P P 

Key Places available – child eligible for admission P

School oversubscribed – child not eligible for admission based on priority of admission criteria

 Child allocated place at this school as the highest ranked school for which the child is eligible Appendix D Annex 4

Timetable for co-ordinated in-year applications

Schools that are their own Community and Voluntary Admissions Authority or Controlled schools Maintaining Authority (MA)

Sheffield Local Authority receives trans fer form from Sheffield resident

Sheffield LA sends details of application to school within 5 days of receipt (or on day of receipt for schools maintained by another authority)

School or MA makes LA collates outcomes LA makes determination determination within 5 school of all preferences within 5 school days by days and notifies Sheffield checking number on roll LA at preferred community school

LA makes single offer or refusal(s)

LA notifies school LA notifies parent/carer of single LA notifies or MA of outcome offer or refusal(s) and right of receiving and exit appeal Sheffield community school of outcome Annex 5

Explanation of Terminology 19

Additional Information Form (AIF)

The form required by voluntary aided schools to assist the governors in fairly applying their admission criteria. The AIF is included in the composite prospectus and should be returned to the Children, Young People and Families completed with the application.

Admission Arrangements

All the procedures, criteria and publications which must be arranged by an Admission Authority in order to process applications for admission to school. Admission arrangements will determine eligibility for a school place and details will be contained in the composite prospectus.

Admissions Authority

The body responsible for determining the admission arrangements for a school. This can be the Children, Young People and Families or the governing body of a school.

Admission Year

The school year to which admission arrangements apply

Allocation of a School Place

Where a single offer of a place at a school is made to the parent and the child’s name is placed on the admission list for that school.

Children, Young People and Families Service

The Children, Young People and Families Service came into effect from 1 August 2005 and replaced the Local Education Authority. The statutory functions previously carried out by the LEA in relation to school admissions will continue to be carried out by the Children, Young People and Families Service.

Common Application Form

Appendix D The form to be used by all parents residing in Sheffield to express preferences for schools and to give reasons for those preferences. It is referred to as common because it allows parents to name schools from different admission authorities.

Eligible for Admission

This is where a child can be offered a place at a school either because:

 The number of applications is below the admission number; or

 It is oversubscribed but the child meets the requirements of the admission criteria when assessed against other applicants.

Home Authority

The local authority in which the parent resides.

Indicated Admission Number

The number of places in any relevant age group intended to be admitted in any school year as determined by the admission authority.

In Year Admission

Any application for a year group that is outside the “Normal admission round”

Maintaining Authority

The local education authority within whose area a school is situated and for which they are responsible.

Normal Admission Round

An application for the admission of a child to a relevant year group (i.e. a year group into which pupils normally enter the school) at a school is submitted in accordance with the requirements of the co-ordinated scheme.

In the case of schools in the Sheffield area the relevant year groups when pupils are admitted for the first time are Reception (Through primary and separate infant schools) and Year 3 (separate junior schools)

Ordinary Place of Residence

A determination of the nearest Sheffield community school is the distance measured by a straight line between the child’s ordinary place of residence* and the centre of the school building. 21

*The child’s ordinary place of residence will normally be a residential property at which the parent or person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the latest date for receiving applications for admission to school.

Where more than one person holds parental responsibility and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will normally be the property at which the child resides with the parent or person or persons with parental responsibility, for the greater part of the week.

Oversubscription Criteria

The rules which determine who can and cannot be offered a place at the school.


Where the number of applications for the relevant year group in an admission year exceeds the indicated admission number.


The legislation allows for parents to express preferences for desired schools ranking them in priority order and give reasons for those preferences.

Provisional offer of a school place

Where a child is eligible for admission to a school, having satisfied the criteria. Whether a place is offered depends on the co-ordinated scheme for admission arrangements.


The order in which parents have to list their three preferences on the application to enable a local authority to determine the single offer of a school place.

Admission Year Date of Birth Year Group Reception 2013/14 01/09/08 to 31/08/09

Year 3 2013/14 01/09/05 to 31/08/06

Single offer of a school place

The one offer for a school place which is made to a parent from the potential offers available as a result of the co-ordinated scheme.

Appendix D


Appendix E

Co-ordinated Admission Scheme

For Secondary Schools and Academies 2013 - 2014

Children Young People and Families


Introduction 4

A Applying for a school place – Normal Year of 7 Entry

B Procedure 8

C The offer of a place 12

D Preferences not met 12

E Applications received after 31 August 13

F Right of appeal 13

G Late applications 13

H Waiting lists 14

I Information required by voluntary aided schools 15


CONTENTS – continued

J Information required by neighbouring Local 16 Authorities

K Misleading or fraudulent Information 16

L No common application form received 16

M In-Year transfers between schools 17

N In-Year transfers – Requirements for Sheffield 17 secondary schools.

O In-Year Transfers – Requirements for out of area 18 schools

Annex 1 – Timetable for co-ordinated 19 admissions

Annex 2 – Process for the offer of a single place 20 at a Secondary School – Normal Year of Entry

Annex 3 – Process for the offer of a single place 21 at a Secondary School - In-Year Admission

Annex 4 – Explanation of Terminology 22



The Local Authority is under a statutory duty to co-ordinate school admissions on behalf of all Sheffield residents when applying for any Sheffield School or neighbouring Authority in the “Normal admission round”. i.e. the first year that a child enters a school (Reception, Year 3 and Year 7). The scheme excludes admissions to maintained special schools and external applications for Sixth Forms.

Co-ordinated schemes are intended to simplify the admission process for parents whilst reducing the likelihood of any child being left without a place. Co-ordination establishes a mechanism that ensures that, as far as reasonably practicable, every parent of a child living in the Sheffield who has applied to a maintained school or academy is sent one and only one offer of a school place by the Local Authority (Their Home Authority).

From the 2010/11 academic year, Local Authorities have also been required to formulate schemes for co-ordinating applications made during the academic year and applications for admission to age groups other than the normal year of entry (“In Year Applications”). This is extended to all applications from September 2011. This requirement has been removed from September 2013, however Sheffield Local Authority proposed to continue co- ordinating in-year applications and consulted on the proposal within its arrangements for the 2013 academic year. The proposal was approved by the Cabinet in February 2012.

Effectively therefore, Sheffield Local Authority is responsible for co-ordinating all admission applications on behalf of all Sheffield residents. This co- ordinated scheme explains how the Authority will carry out this duty in partnership with all secondary schools and Academies in Sheffield and with neighbouring Authorities.

This co-ordinated scheme confirms arrangements for:

. The “Normal admission round” i.e. Admission to Year 7 for the 2013/14 academic year.

. All other “In-Year” applications on behalf of secondary aged pupils resident in Sheffield.

The Local Authority must have a scheme in place each year. All schools including Community, Voluntary Controlled, Voluntary Aided, Trust and Foundation Schools must participate in the co-ordinated scheme. Academies are required by their funding agreements to participate in the scheme. If a scheme cannot be agreed, the Secretary of State will impose one.


The co-ordinated scheme does not affect the rights and duties of governing bodies of Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Trust Schools to set and apply their own admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria nor for Academies to agree their own admission arrangements with the Secretary of State.

In order to provide every parent with an offer of one single place the Authority will be working collaboratively with the Governing Bodies of the Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Trust Schools and the Academies within the area of Sheffield and with neighbouring Authorities.

Normal Admission Round

Sheffield Local Authority will be the body that makes an offer of a single place to a Sheffield resident for Year 7 in September 2013 during the normal admissions round. The offer of a single place to a parent at a secondary school will be made on the national allocation day 1 March 2013.

This co-ordinated scheme includes any arrangements to deal with preferences expressed by Sheffield parents for schools in any other Authority.

Definition of the normal admission round is the process by which:

a) an application for the admission of a child to a relevant age group at a school is submitted in accordance with the requirements of the scheme. b) In this case the relevant year group is Year 7, entry to Secondary School.

An explanation of terminology related to this scheme is provided at Annex 5. i) The following schools are their own Admission Authorities and the respective Governing Body is responsible for admission arrangements:

. All Saints Catholic High School . Notre Dame Catholic High School . Chaucer Business and Enterprise Trust . Firth Park Community Arts Trust . Forge Valley Community (Foundation) School . Meadowhead Community Learning Trust . The City Community Trust . Westfield Sports College (Trust) . , . Sheffield Springs Academy .

Autumn 2011 5

. Yewlands Academy; ii) For schools maintained by Barnsley, Doncaster or Rotherham, the respective Local Authority is the Admission Authority except where the school is voluntary aided, Grammar, Foundation or an Academy.

In-Year Admissions

Sheffield Local Authority will be the body that makes an offer of a single place to a Sheffield resident for any application for a year group other than the normal year of entry. The Authority will co-ordinate applications on behalf of the parent and liaise with Voluntary Aided, Trust, Foundation, Academies and neighbouring Authorities where applicable.

The single offer of a school place

Sheffield Local Authority will normally be the only body to offer a Sheffield resident a single place at any secondary school as follows: a) For community schools where the Local Authority is the admission authority; b) On behalf of Governing Bodies of schools listed in i) above c) On behalf of any Community, Foundation, Voluntary Controlled or Voluntary Aided school maintained by Doncaster, Rotherham or Barnsley Education Authorities.

Derbyshire Local Authority will not be operating a formal cross-border co- ordinated admission scheme with Sheffield. Whilst they are not formally part of Sheffield Co-ordinated Scheme they are required to exchange information with other Authorities. Therefore parents residing in Sheffield who wish to apply for a Derbyshire School will still be required to complete a common application form and return it to Sheffield Local Authority, which will liaise with Derbyshire on the parent’s behalf. In these circumstances parents will still receive an offer from Sheffield (for a Sheffield School or on behalf of Derbyshire for a Derbyshire school.

. For the purposes only of this co-ordinated scheme any reference in this scheme to a Sheffield school is a reference to a secondary community school where the Local Authority is the admissions authority. Any reference to a Sheffield school does not include All Saints Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic High School, but does include Chaucer Business and Enterprise Trust , Firth Park Community Arts Trust, Forge Valley Community (Foundation) School, Meadowhead Community Learning Trust, Sheffield Park, Parkwood and Sheffield Springs Academies, Westfield Sports College (Trust) and Yewlands

Autumn 2011 6

Academy which have adopted the City Council admission arrangements.

Sheffield Secondary Schools

Community Schools.

There are currently 13 Community Secondary Schools in Sheffield

Voluntary Aided Schools

All Saints Catholic High Notre Dame Catholic High


Sheffield Springs Academy Sheffield Park Academy Parkwood High Academy Yewlands Academy

Foundation Schools

Forge Valley Community Foundation

Trust Schools

Chaucer Business & Enterprise College Firth Park Community Arts College Meadowhead Community Learning Trust The City Community Trust Westfield Sports College

References to the Local Authority mean Sheffield Local Authority.

Autumn 2011 7

A Applying for a school place – Normal Year of Entry (See Annex 1 – Timetable)

1 All applications from Sheffield residents for admission to any secondary school in Sheffield or any other Local Authority must be made online or on the common application form (CAF)

2 Parents of children attending Sheffield community and voluntary aided Schools will be invited to apply online for a secondary school place in July 2012 when pupils are in Y5.

3 Applications from parents for a Sheffield school, who do not reside in Sheffield, must be made on their respective home authority online facility or CAF.

4 Parents will be invited to express up to three preferences on the application form in rank order and give reasons for their preference.

5 Parents can state preferences for any of the following schools:

 Community  Voluntary Controlled  Voluntary Aided  Foundation  Trusts  Academies

In Sheffield, or in another local authority area.

6 Where Sheffield Local Authority, as the home authority, receives an application from a parent not resident in Sheffield, it will be sent directly to the parent’s home authority to be processed.

7 Sheffield residents will be encouraged to apply online although paper forms will be made available on request. Completed paper forms can be returned to the primary school, where a Sheffield resident attends a Sheffield primary school, or directly to Sheffield Local Authority 3rd Floor, Howden House, Union Street, Sheffield S1 2SH. Supporting documentation for Voluntary Aided schools must be returned directly to the school for which they are applying.

8 The application must be received by the closing date of 31 October 2012.

9 The process for determining the offer of a single place at any secondary school for which the child is eligible to be granted admission is given at Annex 2 to this scheme.

Autumn 2011 8

B Procedure

1 By 5 December 2012 the Local Authority will:

a) send applications made by Sheffield residents for All Saints, Notre Dame and to neighbouring authorities where schools located in another Local Authorities are named on the application.

b) will have received copies of application details from other local authorities for admission into schools in Sheffield including All Saints Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic High School.

c) The Authority will exchange information with neighbouring authorities in accordance with the timetable at Annex 1. Derbyshire Local Authority will not be obliged to strictly follow the same timetable as they do not intend to operate a cross-border co-ordinated scheme, however Sheffield Local Authority will endeavour to work co-operatively with Derbyshire for the benefit of parents and pupils.

2 Any applications that are received by Voluntary Aided Schools, Academies or Trust Schools will be sent directly to the Local Authority.

3 For all the preferences stated on any application received, the respective admission authorities will be required to apply their published admission criteria.

4 By 19 December 2012 the Local Authority will:

Have received a list of children who would be eligible for a place at All Saints Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic High School, and details for those who would not be eligible. Where children on that list are resident in another Local Authority Sheffield Authority will notify the home authority of the outcome of the applications.

5 By 17 January 2013 the Local Authority will:

a) have received notification from other Admission Authorities/Local Authorities of any places, which those Admission Authorities/Local Authorities can offer in response to any preference expressed by a parent resident in Sheffield.

b) apply its own admission criteria again and complete a list of provisional offers for schools for which it is the admissions authority;

c) have notified any other Local Authority where children resident in that Local Authority who have applied for a Sheffield school can or cannot be offered a place at a school.

Autumn 2011 9

6 By 30 January 2013 the Local Authority will:

a) Compare the list of provisional offers for Sheffield schools against the list of provisional offers from other Local Authorities/admission authorities. b) Make determinations on which provisional offers will be made to Sheffield residents taking account of:

(i) provisional offers from voluntary aided schools, Academies and Trust Schools.

(ii) Provisional offers for any community or Voluntary controlled school in Sheffield.

(iii) Provisional offers for any school(s) in a neighbouring authority.

(iv) the ranking of the expressed preferences on the common application form

c) Amend the list of provisional offers for each Sheffield school to take account of the determinations at point (b) above

d) Inform any other Local Authorities/admission authorities of those provisional offers which are to be accepted or not accepted

e) Receive from other Local Authorities/admission authorities details of those offers for places in Sheffield schools, which are to be accepted or not accepted.

7 Where it is the case that a child is eligible for more than one offer of a place, the parent will be provisionally offered the highest ranked of those offers as determined by their stated ranked preferences on the common application form.

8 At the end of the first cycle of determining provisional offers it will be possible to identify those schools which are:

a) undersubscribed; or

b) oversubscribed.

For undersubscribed schools all preferences will be eligible for an offer irrespective of their ranking by Sheffield residents, or any co-ordinated scheme adopted by another local authority.

For oversubscribed schools the effect of provisional offers in other Local Authorities to parents also with a provisional offer at an oversubscribed school

Autumn 2011 10

in Sheffield will create vacancies at that school in the case where the provisional offer in the neighbouring authority is ranked higher.

In order to complete the allocations to these schools a second cycle of the procedure will be undertaken.

This second cycle of allocations will deal with waiting lists for oversubscribed schools where vacancies have arisen as a result of point (6) above. The waiting list will comprise of:

a) Sheffield residents with no provisional offer

Sheffield residents and non-Sheffield residents with a provisional offer ranked lower than that of the oversubscribed school for which they also have expressed a preference.

9 By 13 February 2013 the Local Authority will:

a) Inform neighbouring Admission Authorities of those potential offers that will be required and those that will not.

b) Advise neighbouring Admission Authorities of any additional potential offers of places that have become available as a consequence of the 2 February exercise.

10 By 20 February 2013 the Local Authority will have:

a) updated the list of provisional offers for oversubscribed schools as a consequence of the exercise on 13 February.

b) notified any other Local Authorities where the provisional offer is for a resident in their area.

c) updated the list of provisional offers for All Saints Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic High School, Springs, Park and Parkwood, Yewlands Academies and informed any Local Authority where a provisional offer is for a resident in their area

d) received information from other Local Authorities of any places, which those Local Authorities can offer in response to a preference expressed by a resident in Sheffield as a result of the second cycle under their co-ordinated scheme.

e) Allocated places to those pupils whose parents have applied but have no provisional offer.

f) compared the updated list of provisional offers against the updated list of provisional offers from neighbouring authorities

Autumn 2011 11

g) made determinations on which provisional offers will be made to Sheffield residents taking account of:

(i) Ranking

(ii) provisional offers from neighbouring authorities; and

(iii) the waiting list for places at the school

h) amended the list of provisional offers for each oversubscribed school

i) informed any other Local Authority/admission authorities of which offers are to be confirmed for places in their schools and those which are not to be accepted

j) received from other Local Authorities/admission authorities details of which offers for places in Sheffield schools are to be accepted or not accepted.

k) sent final details of applications accepted or not accepted to other Local Authorities and Admission Authorities on or before the allocation date of 1 March.

C The offer of a place

1 Parents will normally receive one offer of a place for admission to secondary school. Sheffield residents who apply for a Sheffield maintained school and a Derbyshire Local Authority school may potentially receive an offer from each Authority. The process for determining the offer of a single place at any secondary school for which the child is eligible to be granted admission is given at Annex 2 to this scheme

2 All offers of the single place will be made on the 1 March 2013, the national offer day. This would include any offer made by Derbyshire Local Authority. It will be assumed that parents will be accepting the allocated place unless written notice is received within 10 working days, to the contrary.

3 Sheffield Local Authority, as the home authority for the co-ordinated scheme will make all offers to residents in Sheffield on behalf of:

a) those schools for which it is the admissions authority; and

b) any other admission authority, which is offering a place to a resident in Sheffield, with the possible exception of parents applying for a school in Derbyshire, who may receive more than one offer.

Autumn 2011 12

4 Prior to 1 March 2013 all secondary schools and Academies within Sheffield will be sent a list of those children whose parents have been offered a place at the school.

D Preferences not Met

1 Where the Local Authority cannot make a single offer for any of the preferences expressed by a parent resident in Sheffield, a place will be allocated to the child at the nearest community secondary school, with places available, to their normal place of residence. This may or may not be the catchment school, depending on availability of places there.

2 The single offer of a place will be determined after all preferences for schools, where the Local Authority is the admissions authority, have been dealt with prior to national offer day.

E Applications received after 31 December

1 All applications for admission to a secondary school by a Sheffield resident received after 31 December 2013 must be made on the common transfer form. Parents will be invited to state three preferences on the common transfer application form in rank order.

2. Sheffield resident wishing to apply to another Local Authority or Voluntary Aided School must complete a Sheffield common transfer form and return it to Sheffield Local Authority. Sheffield Local Authority will share this information with the relevant Admission Authority or neighbouring authority on behalf of the Sheffield resident.

In circumstances where parents apply for a school outside Sheffield, that 3. Local Authority will notify Sheffield Local Authority of the outcome.

4. The single offer of a place at a school will be made by Sheffield Local Authority.

F Right of appeal

Any parent* whose child is refused a school place for which they have applied, has the right to an independent appeal. The right to appeal also applies at times other than the normal times of entry to school (e.g. when families move into an area during the year), and in respect of admissions other than the normal age (such as a year early or a year late for transfer from primary to Autumn 2011 13

secondary school). Parents who have missed the normal deadlines for applying for admission or who have had an offer of a place withdrawn also have a right to appeal if they are refused a place.

*(Where a child has been permanently excluded from two or more schools, a parent can still express a preference for a school place, but the requirement to comply with that preference is removed for a period of two years from the date on which the latest exclusion took place. This does not apply to children with statements of special educational needs, children who were below compulsory school age when excluded, children who were reinstated following a permanent exclusion and children who would have been reinstated had it been practicable to do so)

G Late applications

1 Late applications submitted in the normal admission round that are received by the Authority up to and including 26 November 2012 will be included in the first cycle of allocations of places made for the offer day.

2 A parent that moves from one South Yorkshire Authority to another after 26 November will have their initial application considered by the Authority in which they were resident on 26 November. A second application made to the new home authority after 26 November will be considered in accordance with 3 below. 3 After 1 March, applications received from 27 November 2012 will be processed in accordance with the admission criteria. Applications will be processed as they are received and notification sent out as appropriate.

4 By 1 June 2013 at the latest Sheffield Local Authority will have allocated places to Sheffield residents it is aware of for whom applications have not been received. This will normally be the nearest school to the normal place of residence with available places.

5 Any further late applications will be processed as received in accordance with published admission criteria up to the 31 December 2013. Applications received after this date will be processed as “applications received after 31 December” described in Section G.

H Waiting lists

1 The Local Authority will establish a waiting list for all community secondary schools, Academies and Trust Schools where the number of applications for those schools has exceeded the places available in Year 7.

For All Saints Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic High School, waiting lists will be maintained in accordance with the school admission criteria. Autumn 2011 14

2 Names of children will automatically be placed on the waiting list for a school where they have been refused a place where it is ranked above that at which a place has been offered.

3 A vacancy arises in Year 7 only when the number of offers to a particular school falls below the published admission number or a higher admission number where one has been set.

4 The waiting list will be established on the offer day and be maintained up to 31 December 2013.

5 Priority on the waiting list is determined according to the Local Authority’s admission oversubscription criteria.

6 For any application received after 26 November 2012 where the pupil has a higher priority for a place at the school as determined by the admissions criteria, they will be placed above those pupils with a lower priority.

Waiting lists cannot be prioritised based on the length of time spent on them.

7 For those parents who proceed to an independent appeal the panel’s decision will not depend on the child’s position on the waiting list.

8 A child may be prioritised on the waiting list in line with the Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol. I Information required by voluntary aided schools

1 Voluntary aided schools require additional information, which is not contained on the common application form and relates to the church at which they are a member.

2 In addition to the application form each Voluntary Aided School in another LA and All Saints Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic High Schools will require applicants to complete an “Additional information form”. All Saints and Notre Dame also require a copy of a Catholic baptism certificate or an MR1 form, or an AR1 form The additional forms will be available from Catholic Primary School, The Local Authority or can be downloaded from the Admissions website.

3 The Additional information form is not an application form for admission to All Saints or Notre Dame. 4 Parents who intend to express a preference or preferences for voluntary aided schools must follow the procedure set out below:

a) Apply on line or complete the common application form and the additional information form and, for All Saints and Notre Dame, enclose a certificate of Catholic baptism or MR1 or AR1. Autumn 2011 15

b) Return the application to the Local Authority and additional information to the school to which you are applying by 31 October 2012.

5 Where an additional information sheet is not submitted with the application, it may affect the consideration by the governing body of the preferred school. In these circumstances the governing body will be responsible for pursuing additional information, NOT the Local Authority.

6 The completion and return of the additional information form does not guarantee a place at the school.

J Information required by neighbouring local authorities

1 Oversubscription criteria may be different in neighbouring admission authorities. Barnsley for example does not operate catchment areas whereas Rotherham and Derbyshire do.

2 Parents who reside in Sheffield but wish to make an application for a non- Sheffield school should:

i) Obtain a copy of the relevant Admission Authority’s Composite Prospectus;

ii) Familiarise themselves with the oversubscription criteria;

iii) Apply online or complete a Sheffield common application form and return it to Sheffield Local Authority NOT the Authority where the school is located.

Ensure that any relevant information required by the other Admission Authority is attached to the application.

3 Any additional information that is provided will be considered by the relevant Admission Authority when applying their admission criteria.

4 Failure to provide additional information may affect consideration of the application.

K Misleading or fraudulent information

1 Where the Local Authority has made an offer of a place at a secondary school on the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application from a parent, which has effectively denied a place to a child with a stronger claim to a place at the school the offer of a place will be withdrawn.

2 Where a place or an offer has been withdrawn the application will be re- Autumn 2011 16

considered and a right of independent appeal offered if the place is refused. L No common application received

1 Every effort will be made to encourage parents/carers to complete and submit an application. However, the Local Authority will monitor Sheffield children for whom no application has been received.

2 Parents will be regularly contacted to remind them of the need to apply for a school place for their child.

3 Where parents inform the Local Authority that their children will be attending a school not maintained by a Local Authority (private/independent) no school place will be allocated to the child.

4 In the absence of any application by 1 June 2013 at the latest, all other children will be allocated a place at the nearest Sheffield community school with available places, to their normal place of residence. M In-Year Transfers Between Schools

1 Applications received from 1 January 2014 onwards for admission into any other year group are classed as an in-year transfer. The procedure for determining a single offer and timescales for processing applications are given at Annex 3. The general requirements of the scheme are as follows:

2 To ensure that each parent in Sheffield who has made an application on the Transfer Form in respect of admission of a child to a school receives a single offer of a school place under the scheme. 3. Parents must be allowed to complete a Transfer form enabling a parent to:

i) Provide his name and address and the name, address and date of birth of the child, ii) Apply for at least three schools, whether or not any school is within the Authority’s area, iii) Give reasons for his application, iv) Rank each application 4. The scheme must ensure as far as is reasonably practical, in any case where a child is eligible to be granted admission to more than one school that the child is granted admission to whichever of those schools is ranked highest on the Transfer Form.

5 Where the Local Authority has been informed that a child may be eligible for a place at more than one school, a single offer will be made to the highest ranked school. If this school is a Voluntary Aided School/Foundation/Trust or Academy the Local Authority will make the offer on behalf of the Governing Body.

Where the child is not eligible for any school applied for the Local Authority

Autumn 2011 17

will notify the parent in writing, confirming their statutory right of appeal. If the school refusing a place is a Voluntary Aided School, Trust or Academy the Local Authority will notify the parent on behalf of the Governing Body.

6 Any School that is its own Admission Authority must identify the body responsible for determining eligibility of an applicant. N In Year Transfers – Requirements for Sheffield Secondary Schools

This part of the scheme specifies provisions to be made about applications made for a school in Sheffield – Including Voluntary Aided, /Trust and Academies. 1 Where the Local Authority receives an application for a Voluntary Aided School, Trust or Academy it will send the application and any supporting information to the Governing Body for consideration. The Authority will send the application and any information within 5 school days of receiving it. 2 For a school where the Sheffield Local Authority is the Admission Authority, it will determine eligibility by applying its oversubscription criteria. The Authority will liaise with the school to confirm the number of pupils on roll within the respective year group prior to any offer being made. 3 A school that is its own Admission Authority, will apply its own over subscription criteria to determine eligibility and must notify the Local Authority of the outcome within 5 school days. 4 On receipt of all decisions in relation to any school that is applied for, the Local Authority will, through consideration of the applicants ranking, determine a single offer or determine that the child is not eligible for any of the schools applied for. 5 Any decision made under paragraph N(3) will be communicated to the Governing Body of any Voluntary Aided School, Trust or Academy. 6 Sheffield Authority will communicate the outcome of the application to the parent if they are a Sheffield resident. 7 Where any application has been made for a Sheffield school by a parent residing in another Authority, Sheffield Local Authority will communicate the decision to the home Authority who in turn will communicate the decision to the applicant.

8 Following the allocation of a place, the school is expected to make admission arrangements with 5 school days in order to minimise the length of time that a child is out of school.

O In-Year Transfers – Requirements for Out of Area Schools

This part of the scheme applies where a parent residing in Sheffield applies on a Transfer Form for a school in the area of a different Local Authority (Maintaining Authority). 1 Sheffield Local Authority must notify the Maintaining Authority of the application and forward details to them on the day of receiving the application, together with any supporting information from the parent. 2 The Maintaining Authority will determine eligibility and notify Sheffield Local Authority of the outcome within 5 school days of receipt. Sheffield Local

Autumn 2011 18

Authority will determine the offer for a single school, or that places must be refused at any school. 3 Sheffield Local Authority will send notification of the outcome directly to parents on behalf of the Maintaining Authority, or the Governing Body where that is the Admission Authority for the School. 4. The timetable for In-Year Admissions is provided at Annex 3.

Autumn 2011 19

Annex 1

Timetable for Year 7 co-ordinated admissions Closing date for applications 31 October 2012

Applications received by the Local Authority from neighbouring Local Authorities. Final transfer of applications from home Local Authority to other admission authorities within Sheffield. 5 December 2012

All Saints and Notre Dame Catholic High Schools send eligibility details to the Local Authority 19 December 2012

Sheffield Local Authority applies co-ordinated admission scheme criteria to determine single potential offer. Local Authority will notify neighbouring Authorities of potential offers for their residents. 17 January 2013

Sheffield Local Authority applies co-ordinated admission scheme again following exercise undertaken on 17 January. 30 January 2013

Local Authority informs neighbouring authorities of offers at their schools that will be required and those that will not. Also advises neighbouring authorities of potential places for their pupils as a result of exercise on 30 January. 13 February 2013

All pupils for whom parents had applied by 26 November 2011 will be allocated places. Including those who could not be offered one of their 3 preferred schools. 20 February 2013

All Authorities keep each other informed as places become available up to the allocation date.

Schools informed by own Authority of the final results

Offers made to parents resident in Sheffield 1 March 2013


Autumn 2011 20

Annex 2

Process for the offer of a single place at a secondary school – Normal Year of Entry 1 A resident in Sheffield will receive an offer of a single place at any secondary school if they have completed an application. Sheffield residents who do not complete an application will not be considered until every positive application has been dealt with. 2 Parents may express a maximum of three preferences and give reasons for secondary schools they wish their child to attend and list them in rank order. 3 The Local Authority will treat all three preferences for community, Voluntary Aided and Foundation schools and Academies equally. 4 Where a preference meets the criteria for a school the child becomes eligible for a provisional offer. 5 Where the child is only eligible for one school that will be the offer of a single place at a secondary school made to the parent on the offer day.

6 Where the child is eligible for two or three schools, the ranking of the expressed preferences on the application will be used to determine which of those provisional offers becomes the single offer of a place.

1st School A

2nd School B

3rd School C

Preferred Schools Outcomes

in rank order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1st School A P P P P     2nd School B P P P P   3rd School C P P P P 

Key Places available – child eligible for admission P

School oversubscribed – child not eligible for admission based on priority of admission criteria

Child allocated place at this school as the highest ranked school for which the child is eligible. Autumn 2011 21

Annex 3

Timetable for co-ordinated in-year applications

Schools that are own Community and Voluntary Admissions Authority or Controlled schools

Maintaining Authority (MA)

Sheffield Local Authority receives trans fer form from Sheffield resident

Sheffield LA sends details of application to Voluntary Aided School/Trust/Academy or Foundation School within 5 days of receipt (or on day of receipt for schools maintained by another authority) for decision

Voluntary Aided LA collates outcomes LA makes determination School/MA/Trust/Academy of all preferences within 5 school days by makes determination within 5 checking number on roll school days and notifies LA at preferred community school

LA makes single offer or refusal(s)

LA notifies LA notifies parent/carer of single LA notifies Voluntary Aided offer or refusal(s) and right of receiving and exit School/MA/Trust/A appeal SheffieldAutumn 2011 cademy of 22 community school outcome of outcome

Annex 4

Explanation of Terminology

Admission Arrangements

All the procedures, criteria and publications which must be arranged by an Admission Authority in order to process applications for admission to school. Admission arrangements will determine eligibility for a school place and details will be contained in the composite prospectus.

Admissions Authority

The body responsible for determining the admission arrangements for a school. This can be the Local Authority/local authority or the governing body of a school.

Admission Year

The school year to which admission arrangements apply

Allocation of a School Place

Where a single offer of a place at a school is made to the parent and the child’s name is placed on the admission list for that school.

Common Application Form

The form to be used by all parents residing in Sheffield to express preferences for schools and to give reasons for those preferences. It is referred to as common because it allows parents to name schools from different admission authorities.

Common Transfer Form

The form to be used by all parents residing in Sheffield to express preferences for in year admissions and to give reasons for those preferences. It is referred Autumn 2011 23

to as common because it allows parents to name schools from different admission authorities.

Children, Young People and Families

Children, Young People and Families Service came into effect from 1 August 2005 and replaced the Local Education Authority. The statutory functions previously carried out by the LEA in relation to school admissions will continue to be carried out by the Local Authority.

Eligible for Admission This is where a child can be offered a place at a school either because:

 The number of applications is below the admission number; or

 It is oversubscribed but the child meets the requirements of the admission criteria when assessed against other applicants.

Home Authority

The local authority in which the parent resides.

Indicated Admission Number

The number of places in any relevant age group intended to be admitted in any school year as determined by the admission authority.

In Year Admission

Any application for a year group that is outside the “Normal admission round”

Maintaining Authority

The local authority within whose area a school is situated and for which they are responsible.

Autumn 2011 24

Normal Admission Round

An application for the admission of a child to a relevant year group (i.e. a year group into which pupils normally enter the school) at a school is submitted in accordance with the requirements of the co-ordinated scheme.

In the case of schools in the Sheffield area the relevant year groups when pupils are admitted for the first time are Year 7 (all secondary schools) and Year 12 for schools with sixth forms.

Year Group Admission Year Date of Birth

Year 7 (Secondary) 2013/14 01/09/01 to 31/08/02

Ordinary Place of Residence

A determination of the nearest Sheffield community school is the distance measured by a straight line between the child’s ordinary place of residence* and the centre of the school building.

*The child’s ordinary place of residence will normally be a residential property at which the parent or person/persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the latest date for receiving applications for admission to school.

Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be the property at which the child resides with the parent or person/persons with parental responsibility, for the greater part of the week.

Oversubscription Criteria

The rules which determine who can and cannot be offered a place at the school.


Where the number of applications for the relevant year group in an admission year exceeds the indicated admission number.

Autumn 2011 25


The legislation allows for parents to express preferences for desired schools ranking them in priority order and give reasons for those preferences.

Provisional offer of a school place

Where a child is eligible for admission to a school, having satisfied the criteria. Whether a place is offered depends on the co-ordinated scheme for admission arrangements.


The order in which parents have to list their three preferences on the application to enable a Local Authority or local authority to determine the single offer of a school place.

Single offer of a school place

The one offer for a school place which is made to a parent from the potential offers available as a result of the co-ordinated scheme.

Autumn 2011 26

Appendix F

Proposed Sixth Form Admission Arrangements for Sheffield Community for the 2013/14 Academic Year

Children,Young People and Families Service

Appendix F

Draft Admission Oversubscription Criteria for Sheffield Community Schools for the 2013/14 Academic Year

1.1 A minimum entry criterion of 5 A*-C GCSE passes has been agreed by all seven schools.

1.2 All schools set individual subject requirements. Appendix A sets out the requirements for 2013/14 entry. These apply specifically to High Storrs, King Ecgbert, King Edward VII, Silverdale, Tapton Community Schools. Requirements for All Saints Catholic and Notre Dame Catholic Schools and Forge Valley Community Trust are also set out in the attachment.

1.3 It is proposed that for the 2012/13 intake:

 The Local Authority in consultation with the five community schools, set a minimum entry requirement of 5 GCSE passes at A*-C for Level 3 courses which reflects the actual entry requirement for the whole range of their provision all schools. Some subjects may also have specific grade requirements.  The minimum entry criteria have also been agreed by the Governing Bodies of All Saints and Notre Dame Catholic High Schools.  The prospectuses for the 2013 intake reflect the arrangements agreed between the schools Local Authority and, where possible, the colleges.

2. Proposed over-subscription criteria

2.1 For the 2013/14 intake, it is proposed that places at Sheffield Sixth Forms will be allocated as described at paragraph 2.3.

2.2 It is important that proper provision continues to be made for pupils in exceptional circumstances. For some applicants the Local Authority may wish to exercise reasonable discretion for an individual young person who could benefit from the programme offered in sixth forms but because of his/her exceptional circumstances has not met the minimum entry criteria. These circumstances may, for example, include students with special educational needs, which can only be met at a particular school and students with a physical disability who require adapted buildings and/or facilities.

These circumstances may also include students with English as a Second Language where the current school can demonstrate that the pupil would benefit from attending the sixth form, but may not meet the minimum entry criteria. Any placement in this category would require careful discussion and the views of the school and any potential prejudice as a result of the placement would always be considered before a decision is made. The incidence of such cases is expected to be low.

Appendix F

2.3 It is proposed therefore that, for the 2013/14 intake:

Minimum Entry Requirements

Minimum Entry Requirements apply equally to internal and external applicants.

 A minimum entry requirement for entry to the sixth form in all Community Schools is agreed at 5 GCSE passes at A*-C for Level 3 courses.

 A further minimum requirement in specific subjects for specific courses may be set by each school. These required grades must be reflective of the standard that a student must achieve at GCSE to demonstrate the ability to pursue a given subject at A/AS or vocational level to a successful outcome.

 Requirements at each subject will be published for each school in the individual school prospectus and a composite table, available to all pupils and parents, showing all schools’ requirements.

 There may be circumstances in which an individual young person could benefit from the programme offered in sixth forms but, because of his/her exceptional circumstances, does not met the minimum entry criteria. In these circumstances the Local Authority may waive the minimum entry requirements for that individual young person. Further details are set out in paragraph 2.2 above.

Oversubscription Criteria

Where there are more applications from external applicants than there are places available places will be allocated in the following order:

 Looked After students. New Regulations introduced within the new Admission Code of Practice extend this category to also include students who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order.

 Students who are predicted to meet the general minimum entry requirement, and subject grades where applicable, and who attend a Sheffield Community, Voluntary Aided, Foundation, Trust School or Academy (named at paragraph 4 below). Within this category there will be discretion to offer places to students facing exceptional circumstances as described at 2.2 above.

 Students who are predicted to meet the general minimum entry requirement, and subject grades where applicable, and who do not attend a Sheffield Community, Voluntary Aided, Foundation, Trust School or Academy. Within this category there will be discretion to offer places to students facing exceptional circumstances as described at 2.2 above.

If an entire category cannot be admitted without exceeding the number of places available then places will be offered to those students within the category that live closest to the school. All distances will be measured in a straight line from home to school.

Appendix F

3. Alternative Options for Lawful Oversubscription Criteria

3.1 The national Admission Code of Practice confirms lawful admission oversubscription criteria must be clearly defined and assessable. Options include:

. Catchment areas . Feeder schools . Sibling links . Distance from home to school . Selection by academic ability and/or aptitude

It is acknowledged that a distance-based criteria may be perceived by some as discriminatory because of their proximity to the sixth form schools. Priority based on the individual journey was considered to be a subjective judgement and difficult to assess.

Distance is a lawful tie-breaker and continues to have the support of the vast majority of those who are consulted.

4. Designated Feeder Schools

4.1 The following schools will be afforded “designated feeder” schools for external admission to Sheffield Sixth Form schools:

All Saints High Catholic High School Birley Community College Bradfield Community School Chaucer Enterprise College The City Trust School Ecclesfield Community School Fir Vale Community School Firth Park Community Arts College Forge Valley Community School Handsworth Grange Sports College High Storrs Community School Hinde House Community 3-16 School King Ecgbert Community School King Edward VII Language College Meadowhead Trust Newfield Community School Notre Dame Catholic High School Sheffield Park Academy Parkwood High Academy Silverdale Community School Sheffield Springs Academy Stocksbridge High Tapton Community School Westfield Sports College Yewlands Academy

Appendix G Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012 Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2013/14 Responses from the Consultation Process – Autumn Term 2011

Governors and parents were invited to comment on the proposed Sixth Form Admission Arrangements for 2013/14. The following response was received;

Correspondent Response My daughter currently attends In 2011 Cabinet commissioned the Local Westbourne, a fee paying school. Authority to consider amendments to the Westbourne does not have a sixth Sixth Form admission policy to respond form facility but even if it did, we to parental concerns that places were would struggle to continue to pay being made available to students private school fees. She has applying from outside Sheffield and from therefore applied for King Edward the independent sector at the expense of which is our closest state sixth students attending Sheffield state form at around a mile and a half schools. As part of the 2012/13 away. She is predicted to obtain admission consultation it was proposed 10 Grad A GCSEs so there are no that priority be afforded to students problems with her meeting entry attending Sheffield maintained schools, requirements. I am concerned effectively treating these schools as regarding the following statement feeder schools under the criteria. There within your proposed selection were no objections to these proposals criteria in the event of and they were supported by the Sixth oversubscription: Form Schools. Cabinet approved the policy change for the 2012/13 admission “If a school is oversubscribed by round. The same policy is proposed for external students who are 2013/14. predicted to meet the minimum entry criteria, priority will be The statutory Admission Code of Practice afforded to those attending a prohibits the naming of fee paying Sheffield Community, Voluntary independent schools as feeder schools. Aided, Foundation, Trust school (maintained schools) or Academy”

I don’t fully understand the definitions for Community, Voluntary Aided etc. schools but I suspect that this statement means that if my daughter was competing with another candidate for a place and that other candidate lived in the same street and had the same GCSE qualifications but had been to a state school, the place would be given to the other candidate rather than my daughter who had been to a private school. If so, this is deeply unfair and I cannot see why you would want to include such criteria and how you would justify it. Appendix G Report to Cabinet 29 February 2012