Internet Memes and Their Significance for Myth Studies
PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY, OLOMOUC FACULTY OF ARTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES INTERNET MEMES AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE FOR MYTH STUDIES DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Author: Mgr. Pavel Gončarov Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Marcel Arbeit, Dr. 2016 UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA KATEDRA ANGLISTIKY A AMERIKANISTIKY INTERNETOVÉ MEMY A JEJICH VÝZNAM PRO VÝZKUM MYTOLOGIÍ DIZERTAČNÍ PRÁCE Autor práce: Mgr. Pavel Gončarov Vedoucí práce: Prof. PhDr. Marcel Arbeit, Dr. 2016 ANNOTATION Pavel Gončarov Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, Olomouc Title: Internet Memes and their Significance for Myth Studies Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Marcel Arbeit, Dr. Language: English Character count: 347, 052 Number of appendices: 65 Entries in bibliography: 134 KEY WORDS myth, mythology, archaic revival, poetry, concrete poetry, semiotics, participatory media, digital culture, meme, memetics, internet memes, rage comics, Chinese rage comics, baozou manhua, baoman ABSTRACT This dissertation posits that the heart of myth rests with the novelizing and complexifying ritual of post-totemic sacrifice. As it makes an example of its delivery through poetry it tries to show the changing nature of poetry and art through history towards a designated act of whichever content. Transhumanism is seen as a tendency and so the dissertation imagines a poet whose practical exercise in the workings of typewriter produced concrete poetry are then tied to the coded ASCII table, emoticons and polychromatic glyphs which are subject to default visual modifications by manufacturers of technology. The dissertation then offers a view at memetic information transmission which is worked into a model that draws on Jacque Derrida’s différance. From a construction of a tree of hypothetical changes in the evolution of a state of culture of the primitive Waorani tribe, the dissertation moves to a logical exercise about hypernyms and hyponyms.
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