B Manawatu Car Club Inc MAGAZINE AUGUST 2018 Something for Everyone Page 1 of 49 … EDITORSPEAK… Email Trevor at
[email protected] The recent Club survey regarding the magazine, overseen by Jeff Braid, was a very interesting exercise. The response, while statistically small, was excellent in terms of this type of survey and highlighted several points. Taking out the odd random returns, the overwhelming consensus was that we are on the right track, and the majority were happy with the magazine. There were some points made however that have very much been taken on board, so you will notice a few changes over the coming months. Producing the magazine is so much a balancing act, and I am well aware that we will not please all the people all the time. The current voluntary writing team (my emphasis), Russell Harris, Richie Arber, Jeff Braid, Julie Keane and I try very hard to provide something for everyone, and undoubtably in doing so, some things won’t appeal to some people. That’s OK, none of us will be offended if you don’t like one particular contribution and choose to just skip to the next bit – after all, we will never know!! One consistent comment was the need for a wider contribution base, and I agree. Yes, we have been here before, and in a nutshell that comes back to YOU. I have pleaded before for additional content, especially the events as seen through your eyes as competitors, but my pleas seem to fall on deaf ears. So I will repeat, in bold CAPITAL LETTERS if you like, that I will publish anything you care to send in.