Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 175 (2019) 253–283 bki Three Eras of Indonesian Arts Diplomacy Matthew Isaac Cohen University of London
[email protected] Abstract Sukarno took a personal interest in using the arts for presenting Indonesia in a pos- itive light. He oversaw cultural missions abroad and produced ‘cultural events’ that showed off his grace and charisma on the dance floor to overseas guests. While Soe- harto showed little interest in the arts, new modes of arts diplomacy flourished dur- ing the New Order—scholarships for foreigners to study arts, artists in residence at Indonesian embassies, large-scale festivals aiming to facilitate artistic exchange and encourage foreign investments, to name but a few. In Indonesia today, arts dip- lomacy is represented by its own sub-directorate in the Ministry of Education and Culture. Indonesia is promoting itself through collaborations between Indonesian gov- ernmental agencies and professional, international producing bodies, galleries, and festivals. Cultural Houses are being built in key cities abroad, along with a nation- wide platform for international festivals, Indonesiana. ‘Indonesianists’, including for- eign academics and students of the arts, are being recruited to promote Indonesia abroad. Keywords arts diplomacy – cultural diplomacy – soft power – Indonesia – Mochtar Kusumaat- madja – Sukarno 1 Three Eras of Indonesian Arts Diplomacy Arts diplomacy is arguably one of the oldest forms of diplomacy and interna- tional relations. Anthropologist and historian Johannes Fabian (1999) ponders how time and again in ‘first contact’ scenarios hosts and guests feel compelled to present dances, songs, and other arts to communicate something essen- © matthew isaac cohen, 2019 | doi:10.1163/22134379-17502022 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the prevailing CC-BY-NC license at the time of publication.