A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Archive for History of Exact Sciences Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 19 April 2021 Version 1.50 Title word cross-reference c [Gol77]. e [R¯as78]. `em [Ras83]. th [Ari72, BS84, Bie85, Bie87, Car86, Dem82, Fra89, Hof65, Høy88, Jah87, JS94, L¨ut95, Mon72, Pet61, R¯as78, Ras83, Vig00, You76]. α [Hei68]. β [Hei68]. G [Duc11]. [BS77]. H [Dia94]. 2 [Pal85]. [BS77]. ni`eme [R¯as78]. Φ [Shn17, BB20].P π [Jam88, Sme70, Twe91a].P πλασµατικoν´ [Ace09]. R = 150 1 − n 1 2 2 − 3 [MB03]. n=0( 1) =(2n + 1) [Kri68]. n=0 1=n [Kri68]. y k = x [GL19]. -theorem [Dia94]. 1 [Pou03]. 1050 [Bri01, HA98]. 1166 [Moz19]. 12 [DF20]. 1260s [Moz18b]. 1270s [Moz18b]. 12th [Gru17]. 14 [HY86]. 1400 [Gol03]. 149a7 [Ace00]. 149a7-c3 [Ace00]. 1570s [MS15b]. 1637-ca.1750 [Bos84]. 1685 [LD01]. 17th [SS05, Lam13]. 1800 [Ull84]. 1856 [Sch75]. 1858 [Sch82a]. 1866 [Bie81a]. 1871 [Bie81b]. 1878 [Tum92]. 1884 [Bie81c]. 1887-1888 1 2 [BYS+21a]. 1893 [Bur72]. 18th [Ham76, Zab88]. 1900 [SS82]. 1908 [Bur71]. 1912 [Sau08]. 1916 [HB86]. 1916/17 [Rei92]. 1919/20 [SS06]. 1922 [HY86, Rei92]. 1922/23 [Rei92]. 1930s [Cen10, Kra92]. 1950s [Cen10]. 1960s [Bro16]. 1989 [Spa91a]. 19th [Epp98]. 19th-Century [Epp98]. 1h [Gru17]. 2 [Dob01, Nau11]. 20th [Cou04, Fer99, Hen97].