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best," Then yon feei like opening on the great ball playo* with a Gatling gun tilled with baseballs to sea blxn Jump, t fully believe, however, he would bent the gnn." But with all the applause paid the brilliant diamond art- ist, baseball fame la nevertheless fleeting. The hero of to-day .may a BYJAMES BRISTOL GREEN be dead one to-morrow. It Is not wbat you were yea- . terday. It’s what you are to-day. and the player who la a member of a championship club one year may be back In thw minors before a year or so baa passed. Of the Chicago White Sox who won the Americau league pennant in 1900 only one man, Frank Isbell, played with Chi- cago this year. The other champions of the flrst year of the league were: Denser, Katoll, Fisher and Patteraon, pitchers; Sugden, Buckley and Wood, catchers; Padden, Hartman, Shu- gart and Charley O'Ledry, inflelders; Hoy, Dillard, MCForMmd. Brodle and Shearon, outfielders Of these, Charley O'Leary of the Tigers is the only one left In the American league. The following year the White Sox were made up as fol- lows: Piatt. Griffith, Callahan, Patterson and Katoll, pitchers; Sugden and Sullivan, catchers; Isbell, Mertes, Shugart, Burke and Hartman, inflelders; Hoy. Fielder Jones. McFarland and Foster, outfielders. Of the list Isbell and Sullivan are the only Whenthe “Fans“ on the Sox roster or Hibernate survivors either White In the American league. Clarke Griffith was let out at New York last summer and had charge of the Cincinnati team this season, ITH ending of while the some Jimmy Callahan la a semi-pro magnate of the most exciting In Cbl- races for C*K°- the cham- The season of 1902 saw Philadelphia pionship pennants in win w the history of the great national pastime in many leagues, the dyed-in-the-wool base- ball fans muct content themselves with recall- ing the exciting games of the past season until the ring of the gong next spring starts the race for the leason of 1910.
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