Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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Digest Paper 1,3-Diyne chemistry: synthesis and derivations ⇑ ⇑ Wei Shi a, , Aiwen Lei b, a College of Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China b College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China article info abstract

Article history: Conjugated diynes have attracted more and more attention not only for their unique rod like structures Received 4 January 2014 and wide existence in nature product, but also the abundant properties and derivations of them. Revised 22 February 2014 Although oxidative dimerization of or Cadiot–Chodkiewicz reactions were the main pathway Accepted 5 March 2014 and have achieved great success in the synthesis of diynes, oxidative cross coupling, FBW rearrangement Available online xxxx as well as diyne metathesis emerged rapidly recently. Moreover, diynes could be precursors of basic het- erocycles, which represented an emerging research area. This Letter will cover the recent progresses in Keyword: the synthesis and further derivations of diynes. Diyne chemistry Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling FBW rearrangement (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling


Introduction...... 00 Synthesis of diynes ...... 00 Synthesis of symmetrical diynes ...... 00 The oxidative Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling ...... 00 Modifications of Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling reactions ...... 00 Oxidative coupling from derivatives ...... 00 Reductive coupling to form symmetric diynes ...... 00 Synthesis of unsymmetric diynes...... 00 Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling and modifications ...... 00 Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell (FBW) rearrangement...... 00 Unsymmetric diynes directly from two different terminal alkynes ...... 00 Other methods to unsymmetric diynes ...... 00 Heterocycles from diynes ...... 00 Thiophenes and furans from diynes...... 00 Pyrroles from diynes ...... 00 Other heterocycles from diynes ...... 00 Conclusion ...... 00 References and notes...... 00

Introduction have a detailed review on the theoretical studies on acetylenic scaffolds.1 Tykwinski et al. have prepared a series of 1,3-diynes 1,3-Diynes (referred to as diynes hereinafter) are a kind of con- and derivated (also known as carbyne) and characterized jugated diynes with unique structures (Scheme 1). They have a their structures using the methods including Raman, IR, XRD, etc.2 rod-like molecular shape with high rigidness. Chauvin and Lepetit In most cases, the four carbon atoms in diynes are arranged line- arly, although longer chains containing 8 or more linked sp hybrid- 3 ⇑ Tel./fax: +86 27 87284018 (W.S.); tel./fax: +86 27 68754672 (A.L.). ized carbon atoms may be slightly bent. The reported longest E-mail addresses: [email protected] (W. Shi), [email protected] carbyne is also shown in Scheme 1. (A. Lei). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 0040-4039/Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 2 W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

R R'

1,3-diyne 1,4-diphenylbuta-1,3-diyne calculated structure of the diphenyl diyne t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu

t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu Longest carbyne containing 44 sp hybridized carbons t-Bu t-Bu

Scheme 1. Rigid structure of 1,3-diyne.

Because of the rigid structure, diynes are easy to stack in crystal Synthesis of symmetrical diynes cells and form a needle-like crystalline solid. This instinct charac- terization means diynes could be easily recrystallized and purified Symmetric diynes could be generated simply from the oxidative from other byproducts. More importantly, diynes are thermally coupling of the corresponding terminal alkynes (or their deriva- and moisture stable. Although highly unsaturated, the conjugation tions such as alkynyl metallic reagents or 1-halo-alkynes), as of the carbon atoms provided extra stability. According to the shown in Scheme 2. Theoretically, pathways directly from alkynes authors’ experience, pure diynes could be prepared and stored un- are more easy-handling with better atom efficiency than other der normal conditions, and remain the same for years. This advan- methods, and hence much more widely used. In most cases, copper tage has made the diynes as one of the most easily handled organic was employed either as a catalyst or additive. Since Glaser had re- architectures. ported the earliest example, and followed modifications made by On the other side, the highly unsaturated carbon chains could Eglinton and Hay, this copper mediated oxidative coupling of ter- also exhibit fascinating reaction properties under special condi- minal alkynes is generally called Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling. tions. It is known that 1,3-diynes could undergo polymerization Besides this name reaction, other methods have offered an alterna- upon the irradiation of UV light. This reaction could lead to the tive possible synthetic route by replacing the alkynes with deriva- cross-linking between different carbon chains and has been widely tions of alkynes, and have shown certain advantages in some cases. used in material field.4 Moreover, diynes could be attacked by nucleophiles such as The oxidative Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling amines, alcohols, and sulfides. For example, diynes could react Symmetrical diynes are the earliest diynes prepared in labora- with water, primary amines, hydroxylamines, or hydrogen sulfide tories. The first report was published in 1869 by Carl Glaser.10 In to form 5-membered heterocycles like furans,5 pyrazoles,6 pyr- this Letter, reacted with cuprous chloride to form roles,5b,7 isoxazoles,8 and thiophenes.5a,9 Diynes could be also a phenylacetylide, and this yellow insoluble solid could dimerize to oxidized to form complex structures, which were used as the form the 1,4-diphenylbuta-1,3-diyne in the presence of oxygen precursor of some organic dyes like indigo.10 smoothly (Scheme 3). The unusual structure, relative stability, and abundant potential Glaser coupling of terminal alkynes could achieve the diynes reactivity have together made the diynes as important building with moderate yields. This could be partially due to the instability blocks in organic synthesis and material science. More and more of the copper , the intermediate of the process. On the reports have emerged to discuss the synthesis and application of other hand, for those aromatic ethynyl compounds, good yields diynes recently. There have also been a few reviews on the nature were observed, while for a broader scope of aliphatic alkynes, the of occurrence of diynes, synthesis of acetylenic scaffolds, and reac- Glaser coupling failed to give satisfactory results. tivity of alkynes. However, few reviews concerning the synthetic The modification of Glaser coupling was then carried out. Addi- pathways as well as the applications of this magic structure were tives such as ammonium salts were introduced and in some cases published. As a witness of the rapid development of diyne chemis- improved the efficiency.11 In 1956, Eglinton and Galbraith found try in the recent decades, this review would summarize the syn- that stoichiometric or excess Cu(OAc)2 in methanolic pyridine thetic pathways of diynes, as well as their further derivations. could accelerate the dimerization of alkynes.12 Later, Hay had found that pyridine served also as ligand in this process. Using this 13 Synthesis of diynes method, Hay prepared the polymer containing the diyne group (Scheme 4). Diynes could be divided into two kinds: symmetrical or unsym- In 1962, Hay had found that some amines could be a better li- 14 metrical, according to the substituent groups linked to both sides gand for this process. TMEDA (N,N,N0,N0-tetramethylethylenedi- of the buta-1,3-diyne structure. While earlier reports focused on amine) was proved to be suitable in the dimerization of terminal the synthesis of symmetrical diynes, the unsymmetrical diynes alkynes. In this procedure, only a catalytic amount of CuCl was were much more common in nature and have attracted more needed, and good yields of diynes were obtained. Better solubility and more attention in the recent years. of the Cu(I)–TMEDA complex was considered to improve the reac- tion rate.

From terminal alkynes: 2 R R R

From derivations of alkynes: 2 R M R R 2 R X R R M = Mg, Si, Sn, etc.; X = Halogen.

Scheme 2. Methods to symmetric diynes.

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

CuCl O2 Cu

Scheme 3. Glaser’s dimerization of phenylacetylene.

could refer to Tang’s review20 and find more typical examples therein. Cu(OAc)2/pyridine

Oxidative coupling from alkyne derivatives n It is generally supposed that in Cu mediated systems, the cop- per(I) are active intermediates.10,17,21 The copper acety- Scheme 4. Polymerization of m-diethynylbenzene by Hay. lides, as well as other metallic acetylides, could be recognized as the alkyne derivatives, and they have also been used in the synthe- sis of diynes. Using this Cu mediated dimerization of terminal alkynes, a vari- Mori and co-workers had reported that alkynylsilanes could un- ety of diynes and macrocycles15 containing diyne structure were dergo dimerization in the presence of CuCl in DMF smoothly.22 synthesized. Detailed reviews could be found in Diederich’s publi- Zhang and co-workers used the alkynyltin but only observed low cation10,16 and Li’s textbook on name reactions.17 Selected exam- yield.19a Kukukawa and co-workers had developed this method ples are listed in Scheme 5. using organic oxidants.23 However, the highly toxic tin had limited their applications. Oh et al. found that alkynyltriisopropoxyborates Modifications of Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling reactions could undergo homocoupling, though only moderate yields were The Glaser–Eglinton–Hay coupling has represented the classic observed.24 Another alkynyl borate example was reported later pathways to symmetric diynes in a long time. However, the mod- by Paixão and Stefani, in which alkynyltrifluoroborates were ification of this process has not been static. In this new century, employed.25 Later, Stefani had proved that alkynyltellurides could many synthetic scientists have contributed to this reaction. New also be dimerized to diynes.26 Cahiez et al. reported some Manga- catalytic system, oxidants, as well as new solvents were nese or Iron catalyzed examples from alkynyl Grignard Reagents.27 introduced. The protocol had proved to be efficient to both aromatic and ali- The introduction of other metal catalysts could improve the phatic alkynes, and good functional group tolerance was also efficiency in some cases. The commonly used co-catalysts were observed. Palladium, Gold, and Nickel. Besides the catalytic systems, oxidants Although all these alkynyl reagents are generated from the cor- could also vary from oxygen in the air to other organic/inorganic responding terminal alkynes, the utility of them could in some reagents. Stefani et al. have reviewed the homocoupling of alkynes cases show better stability under oxidative atmosphere. Table 2 in 2010,18 and Table 1 here shows some selected catalytic systems has listed the differences of these processes. Comparison of yields apart from that.19 for phenylacetylene and aliphatic alkynes is listed in the table. It is noteworthy that one of the applications of alkyne oxidative Another oxidative system to yield the symmetric diynes could coupling reactions is the synthesis of polymers bearing the diyne be the oxidation of dialkynyldialkylborates.28 It is noteworthy that group. This represented a new research field and the polymers unsymmetric diynes could also be formed in satisfactory yields could found potential usages in material science research. Readers when the two alkynyl substituents were different.29










Scheme 5. Typical products from the Glaser–Egliton–Hay coupling.

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 4 laect hsatcei rs s h,W;Li A. Lei, W.; Shi, as: press in article this cite Please

Table 1 Different catalytic systems in the oxidative coupling of terminal alkynes

Year Authors Catalytic systems Comments Ref. no.

2002 Zhang and co-workers PdCl 2(PPh3)2, CuI, BrCH 2COOEt as oxidant Palladium enolate as the intermediate, and double transmetallation was proposed 19a 2006 Xi and co-workers 3.5 mol % Pd(PPh3)4, 0.5 mol % CuI, p-chloranil as oxidant. For aromatic 1-alkynes only 19b 2006 Shi 0.5 mol % NHC-Pd(II), 3.0 mol % CuI, BnNHC 2H4OH, O2 Aromatic alkynes showed obvious higher yields than aliphatic alkynes 19c

N N I Pd I N N 2 .Si .Li/TtaernLtesxx(04 xxx–xxx (2014) xxx Letters Tetrahedron / Lei A. Shi, W. erhdo Lett. Tetrahedron

NHC-Pd(II) complex

N Fe Pd Cl

(2014), 2 2007 Wu Aromatic alkynes showed obvious higher yields than aliphatic alkynes 19d

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 N Fe Pd PPh Cl 3 2008 Mizuno Monomeric dicopper-substituted silicotungstate Broad substrate scope, catalyst could be recycled 19e 2009 Beifuss 2 mol % CuCl, 1.5 mol % ligand, base, O2 Influence of bases and ligands were investigated 19f 2009 Tsai 0.0001–1 mol % cationic 2,20-bipyridyl palladium(II)/CuI system and 1 mol % CuI Reusable catalyst, low Pd loading, water as solvent 19g 2009 Lee, Oberhauser NHC-Pd catalyst Much better performance was obtained by aromatic alkynes 19h 2009 Pale, Sommer 10–30 mol % copper–zeolite Morphology of the zeolite would affect the yields 19i 2009 Radivoy Copper nanoparticles Neither Palladium nor ligand was needed 19j 2010 Chen 3 mol % CuCl2,Et3N, air Solvent free 19k 2011 Jia 5 mol % CuCl, in DMSO, 90 °C Base-, ligand-, Pd-free, electron-rich aromatic alkynes perform better 19l 2013 Sonoda 2 mol % PdCl2(PPh3)2, ligand Moderate to good yields were obtained. Trans-spanning ligands were proved to be effective 19m


N W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2 Oxidative homo-coupling of alkyne derivatives to form diynes

Year Authors Alkyne derivatives Reaction conditions Yields (%) for Ref. Ph n Phenylacetylene Aliphatic alkyne

2000 Mori and co-workers R SiMe3 Stoichiometric CuCl, DMF, 60 °C, 3–12 h >99 80 22

2002 Zhang and co-workers R SnBu3 5 mol % PdCl2(PPh3)2, PhCHBrCOOMe, THF, 3 days 20 — 19a i 2004 Oh et al. R B(O Pr)3 Li 5 mol % Pd(OAc)2/DPEPhos, 10 mol % CuI, THF, 60 °C93 87 24

2007 Cahiez et al. R MgCl 5 mol % MnCl22LiCl, dry air, THF, rt, 45 min 89 91 27

2008 Paixão, Stefani et al. R BF3k 10 mol % Cu(OAc)2, DMSO, 60 °C, 6 h 97 86–88 25 n 2009 Stefani et al. R Te Bu 8 mol % PdCl2, AgOAc, MeOH, Ultrasonic 85 75–87 26

KI R X R R R1 X R2 R1 R2 DMF +

entry substrate X product yield (%) Cu(I) salt R2 R2 1 Br 94 X Scheme 8. Side reactions of the Cadiot–Chodkiewicz reactions. 2 I 97

3 Br 83 X have reported the diyne synthesis from reductive coupling of 4 I 90 1-iodoalkynes using palladium catalysts.30 Jiang et al. have pre- pared a variety of symmetric diynes from the bromoalkynes or 31 5I85X iodoalkynes under the reduction of potassium iodide, as shown in Scheme 6. The procedure was free from transition metals or bases, and moderate to high yields were achieved. The authors 6I73X had also investigated the cross-coupling between two different haloalkynes, and statistical distributions of mixed diynes were obtained as was expected. 7I86tBu X Synthesis of unsymmetric diynes 8 Br 72 MeO X Unsymmetric diynes are more important and more challenging 9 I 75 in synthesis other than symmetric diynes. Typically, there are sev- 10 Br 89 eral pathways to form this structure. Simply by mixing two differ- F X ent terminal alkynes together in an oxidative atmosphere a 11 I 93 mixture of diynes could be obtained. However, the yields of differ- ent products are mainly based on statistical distribution. Lack of Scheme 6. Diynes from haloalkynes. chemoselectivity had inhibited the application of this method. One alternative method is the iodine oxidized dialkynyldialkylb- orates with different alkynyl substituents.29 Reductive coupling to form symmetric diynes The most efficient and widely used method till now is the Besides oxidative coupling, diynes could also be prepared by Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling reaction32 and its modifications, reductive coupling reactions from the alkynyl halides. However, which requires a 1-haloalkyne as the electrophile and another ter- few reports were published using this protocol. Lee and co-workers minal alkyne as the nucleophile. Another pathway to unsymmetric

Cadiot-Chodkiewicz Reaction Cross coupling of two alkynes

R1 +X R2 R1 + R2

Metathesis O R1 R1 1 2 R R R1 R2 R2 R2 decarbonylation Br Br R1 R2 1 2 R2 R B R X R2 R1 Li FBW rearrangement Elimination from halo-enynes

Scheme 7. Different pathways to form the unsymmetric diynes.

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 6 W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx diynes is the Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell (FBW) rearrange- obtained, and the hydroxyl group in haloalkynes was found to be ment,33 and these methods are usually used to prepare the long crucial in this protocol. In a recent report Wang40 et al. have used whole Csp-carbon chains. Elimination from halo-enynes could also CuI and tris(o-tolyl)phosphine and yielded the unsymmetric diynes generate the diynes.34 Other methods include the oxidation of dial- in good yields. kynyldialkylborates29 mentioned in section 2.1.3, decarbonylation To further improve the efficiency of the Cadiot–Chodkiewicz of diynones,35 and metathesis of symmetric diynes.36 Scheme 7 coupling, Palladium catalysts were employed together with Cu(I) has listed these different pathways. salts. Potts, Wityak, and Alami et al. have reported the Palladium catalyst in the coupling of haloalkynes and terminal alkynes Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling and modifications respectively.41 The mechanism of the palladium–copper catalyzed Since Cadiot and Chodkiewicz’s first report on the copper cata- cross coupling reaction of haloalkynes and terminal alkynes was lyzed cross coupling of 1-haloalkynes and terminal alkynes in the investigated by our team,42 and the proposed pathways in this pro- 1950s, this procedure had been the major synthetic route to the cess are shown in Scheme 10. A phosphine–olefin ligand was unsymmetric diynes over the past half-century. The advantages proved to accelerate the path A by in situ IR spectra. In a recent re- of these coupling reactions include the relatively high yields, low port also from our team,43 the loading of the Palladium and copper cost of catalyst, wide substrate scope, and mild conditions. There could be less than 0.01 mol % and 0.2 mol %. The TON of this system are so many reports focusing on the total synthesis of naturally could be up to 350,000. Palladium nanoparticles were proposed to occurring diynes that have used the Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling be the catalytic center by kinetic studies. as the key step.37 However, though powerful in many cases, there are also some disadvantages. They often suffer from relatively poor Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell (FBW) rearrangement selectivity and yield a considerable amount of homocoupling Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell (FBW) rearrangement reactions byproducts, especially for those bulky alkynes, or the case that are named after Paul Ernst Moritz Fritsch, Wilhelm Paul Butten- when the electronic properties of the substituents attached to berg, and Heinrich G. Wiechell. This type of reactions could gener- the haloalkynes and the terminal alkynes are similar (Scheme 8). ate alkynes from 1,1-dihaloolefins under low temperatures, as Kurth and Schore co-workers had utilized the polymer sup- shown in Scheme 11. In the case that either R1 or R2 was the alky- ported haloalkynes in the Cadiot–Chodkiewicz couplings to pre- nyl group, the product could be unsymmetric diyne.44 Triynes or vent the homocoupling of the haloalkynes.38 Though lower yields even longer chains could be obtained through this trans- were observed, the side products were effectively inhibited formation when both R1 and R2 were alkynyl groups. (Scheme 9). Due to the low temperature in FBW process, this method is Another improvement was made by Jiang,39 who has used the widely applied in the synthesis of polyynes with bulky groups, supercritical CO2 as the reaction medium and NaOAc as the base which may be unstable in higher temperatures. Tykwinski and instead of the organic amine. Moderate to high yields were co-worker have done a great work in this field and prepared a

R X + Hex R Hex + R R cross-coupled product homocoupling product

entry Alkyne ( = 2% crosslinked cross-coupled homocoupling polystyrene backbone) product (%) product (%)

1 Br CH2OH 97 trace O 2 Br 69 0 O

3 Br CH2CH2OH 93 trace O 4 Br 81 0 O

5 Cl CH2CH2OH 95 trace O 6 Cl 84 0 O

7 Br CH2CH2CH2OH 66 34 O 8 71 0 O Br

9 Br CH2CH2CH2CH2OH 37 15 O 10 34 0 O Br

11 Cl CH2CH2CH2CH2OH 40 18 O 12 36 trace O Cl

Scheme 9. Polymer based haloalkynes in Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling.

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 7

PPh2 Pd 1 X R1 X Pd R

M R2 O P-Olefin ligand Path C Path A 2 1 R1 Pd R1 R Pd R R2 R1

M R2 R1 R1 1 M R Path B

2 2 R Pd R X = Cl, Br, I

M = Cu R2 R2

Scheme 10. Proposed pathways in palladium mediated Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling.

plenty of symmetric or unsymmetric diynes and polyynes through since then, but the requirement of excess of one alkyne had still this rearrangement. For a detailed review, readers could refer to a limited the application scope. publication in 2010 and references therein.45 However, since strong bases such as butyllithium were used, the tolerance of func- Other methods to unsymmetric diynes tional group is usually poor for this method. In most cases, the sub- Negishi et al. had developed a tandem protocol by combining stitute groups at the end of the diynes or polyymes were silyl, Palladium catalyzed coupling of terminal alkynes and 1,2- phenyl, aryl, or alkyl groups without active H atom. Moreover, dihaloalkenes with subsequent base-induced elimination to afford the relatively long synthetic steps would be another problem. the conjugated unsymmetric diynes,34,47 shown in Scheme 12. This These disadvantages had limited the application of FBW rearrange- method could reach high yields under mild conditions. Eneynes, ment in a wider application range. also widely existing in nature, were also achieved conveniently. Like the FBW protocol, this method also suffered from the long Unsymmetric diynes directly from two different terminal synthetic steps and the limited functional group tolerance. alkynes CAC bond cleavage could be utilized to construct unsymmetric Although Cadiot–Chodkiewicz reactions have achieved great diynes. Dong et al. have reported the Rh(I)-catalyzed decarbonyla- success, the unstable 1-haloalkynes had limited the application tion of diynones to form the unsymmetric diynes via CAC activa- scope of this reaction. Cross coupling directly from two different tion, shown in Scheme 13. terminal alkynes could be the most efficient pathways to form Another example was the alkyne cross-metathesis, which rep- the unsymmetric diynes. However, the lack of selectivity often resented a new route to unsymmetric diynes. Tamm and co-work- leads to a mixture of the possible diyne products under the classic ers have reported a tungsten benzylidyne complex catalyzed Glaser–Eglinton–Hay conditions by simply mixing two different al- metathetic conversion between diynes to give the unsymmetric kynes. Although complex products were obtained, this method diynes recently.36 This method could start from the readily avail- could be potentially useful if the mixtures were easy to be isolated, able symmetric diynes under room temperature. Scheme 14 has or one of the starting alkynes was in large excess. There are also shown the transformation and the structure of the tungsten ben- some achievements recently that could solve the problem in some zylidyne complex. High selectivity was achieved with 4 equivalent cases. Lei and co-workers have reported a nickel catalyzed oxida- excess of one diyne. The authors have proved that the reaction tive coupling reaction between two different terminal alkynes.46 time was also crucial to the yield of the product. Degradation of In this process, oxygen was employed as the sole oxidant, and the product could be observed for prolonged period. 20 mol % of TMEDA was used as the ligand. Although 5 times ex- Although excess of one initial diyne was necessary to achieve cess of one alkyne was required, this process has represented a po- the selectivity, and column chromatography was required to iso- tential pathway to unsymmetric diynes. Several reports emerged late the unsymmetric product from the diyne mixture, this method had shown another possibility in the synthesis of the unsymmetric diynes.

X X base Heterocycles from diynes R1 R2 1 2 R1 R2 R R The derivation of the diynes could be dated to 1882, by Baeyer X = Cl, Br who oxidized the diyne to indigo,10 shown in Scheme 15. Indigo Scheme 11. FBW rearrangement.

1. BuLi or LDA X X 2. R2X/Pd 1 2 R1 + R1 R R I

Scheme 12. Negishi’s protocol to unsymmetric diynes based on elimination.

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 8 W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

O O Rh(I) (III) (III)Rh R1 Rh R2 R1 R2 2 1 2 R CO R R R1

Scheme 13. Diyne synthesis from decarbonylation of diynones.

R1 R1 R1 1 eq. W complex + R1 R2 R2 2 2 R R 4 eq. 62-87%, 11examples

W complex:

t t BuO O Bu OtBu Si O t W Si O Bu t t BuO O O O Bu t t Si O Bu BuO t O Bu

Scheme 14. Diyne cross-metathesis to prepare unsymmetric diynes.

O H H2SO4, (NH4)2S N


Scheme 15. Indigo from diyne by Baeyer.

2 R O R R2 R Br R 1 R O R1 S

R1 R2 Cu(I) O R R R R 2 R2 R 1 Si R1 N R H Cu(I) R2 Cu(I) R3 R R O Scheme 16. Heterocycles prepared from diynes. R R Cu(I) Cu(I) has been used as a blue pigment, and was extracted from plants H2O/base historically. It is the blue of blue jeans, and the structure could be recognized as the two heterocycles connected by a double bond. OH R O R Cu(I) O R Heterocycles are important in organic chemistry and bioorganic R R base R chemistry. Although traditional methods to heterocycles were Cu(I) mainly condensation reactions, the methodology of cycloadditions from alkynes had also been developing rapidly. Recently, synthetic Scheme 17. Proposal mechanism for the formation of furans from diynes. chemists have found new pathways to generate heterocycles from diynes directly with high atom efficiency. Synthesis of five-mem- co-worker,50 the sodium hydrosulfide, NaHS was used and had bered heterocycles, such as thiophenes, pyrroles, and furans, was greatly improved the yields in most cases. Substrate scope was also reported from the diyne structure, shown in Scheme 16. investigated and satisfactory results were obtained for those aryl substituted diynes. Furans from diynes were much more difficult Thiophenes and furans from diynes than thiophenes. Catalysts and relatively harsh conditions were typically required. Jiang et al. have reported a Cu(I) catalyzed Thiophenes prepared from diynes were firstly reported by synthesis of thiophenes and furans from diynes using 1,10- Reisch and Schulte in 1960.48 Later, Kagan and co-workers had phenanthroline as ligand.5a For the furan formation, the authors used this method to prepare the a-thiophene oligomers in had proposed a mechanism, shown in Scheme 17. 1982.49 By this novel method, Kagan had prepared a series of thiophene oligomers in moderate to high yields.9b Potts et al. have Pyrroles from diynes used the gaseous H2S as the sulfur source to react with 1,4-diphenylbuta-1,3-diyne in NaOH solution and obtained the Methods for pyrroles from the diynes could be dated to 1961, 2,5-diphenylthiophene.9a In a recent report by Zhao and also by Reisch and Schulte.51 In this early report, five pyrroles were

Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022 W. Shi, A. Lei / Tetrahedron Letters xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 9

R1 In a word, diynes are unique in structure, important in potential R2 usage, widely existed in nature, and far from perfect in research. HN N Acknowledgements

2 R 1 2 2 1 R R R This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun- R Si 1 R R Ge dation of China, No. 21202050 and ‘the Fundamental Research 2 R2 Funds for the Central Universities’, Huazhong Agricultural Univer- R2 sity, No. 0900206031.

R1 N R3 References and notes

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Please cite this article in press as: Shi, W.; Lei, A. Tetrahedron Lett. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.03.022