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Vol. 27, No. 3 u hansenreport.com u April 2014 JASPAR Big Data Benefits for Carmakers in the Distant Future Update At $18.6 billion the global IT market Amidst plenty of hype from the IT com- for big data is already huge and growing panies and others about the value of big Since its founding a decade ago, JAS- fast, rising annually by 28.1% from 2013 data, the market research firm SBD recent- PAR, the Japan Automotive Software Plat- through 2017, according to the Wikibon ly published a report, Automotive Big Data, form and Architecture consortium, has Project. Thus far, some of the biggest bene- What’s It Really Worth?, and came up with enlisted 136 member companies. In addi- ficiaries of the big data market are the some numbers that it thinks are realistic: tion to the five board members, the ranks mega-IT vendors such as IBM, HP, Dell, $130 total value per car, per year, based on include 75 regular members and 56 associ- SAP, Oracle and Cisco Systems, companies 15 use cases. ate members. JASPAR was founded to en- that provide the services and produce the “We are seeing some fairly wild claims able the Japanese companies to speak with hardware and software used to wrest value about the value of automotive big data; the a collective voice at the international stan- from big data. One needs to look no fur- industry needed some harder facts,” said dardization bodies but many Western auto ther than Google to see the vast potential Lee Colman, one of the study’s authors. electronics suppliers are also part of the to create enormous wealth from great The study’s top three use cases ranked in consortium. quantities of data, but while carmakers are order of value are: usage-based insurance, Yoshimichi Kudo, from Toyota Tsusho definitely interested and are actively explor- customer relationship management and Electronics, one of the five board level ing how best to proceed, they are not yet lower warranty expenses. member companies, recently brought us up big customers. Kevin Link, senior vice president of to date on the work JASPAR is focused on Wikibon defines big data as “those data Verizon Telematics, agrees that diagnostics today. Of a total of six working groups, sets whose size, type and speed-of-creation and warranty management will be among three are most active. The Next Generation make them impractical to process and ana- the leading big data use cases. “OEMs can High-Speed Network working group de- lyze with traditional database technologies use that data to drive costs down dramati- votes the most man hours to its projects, and related tools in a cost- or time-effective cally by being proactive, fixing problems roughly 380 man hours per month in meet- way.” before they become major issues. … Veri- ings alone, plus the work performed at the Carmakers have access to and could col- zon is making big investments in big data. members’ work places. lect vast quantities of data from which in- We have a team in Palo Alto with about 50 “Regarding Ethernet as a common tech- sights could be drawn, services rendered, people, and we are hiring people left and nology for in-vehicle networks of the fu- and value created. But what are the best right.” ture, the working group is compiling the use cases for automotive big data? What Still, many sizeable obstacles stand in requirements and is going to propose them value does each use case deliver and at the way of big payoffs from big data. For to the related international standards bod- what cost? best results, cars should be connected to a ies such as the IEEE,” Mr. Kudo wrote in 4G cellular network by means of an em- an email. The JASPAR working group and Automotive Big Data Use Cases bedded modem so data can flow freely to the AVnu Alliance have been working col- and from the vehicle. By 2018, according laboratively under an agreement an- u Usage-based insurance to SBD, 70% of cars sold in Western Eu- nounced in May 2013. Work with AVnu u Cloud-based maps for self-driving vehicles rope will have embedded connectivity, and USCAR has initially been focused on u Recognize customer/market trends largely due to the eCall mandate. In the camera and infotainment networks but the u Improved product planning U.S. 40% of new cars will be connected by intent is to eventually standardize a control u Text analysis of online forums 2018. system network as well. u Remote diagnostics and prognostics Even by 2018, however, much of that JASPAR’s Functional Safety working u Faster fixes of quality and safety connectivity won’t be 4G. According to group has mostly completed its work in problems IHS Automotive, of the 45 million new creating development tools and documen- u Over the air software updates vehicles worldwide that will come tation to assist carmakers and suppliers in u Driver HMI usage pattern analysis equipped with embedded telematics in complying with the requirements of ISO u Location/usage-based ad targeting 2018, just 31% of them will have LTE or 26262. The working group released the u Customer relationship management 4G connectivity. Even a 4G data pipe will English language version of its functional u Crowd-sourced traffic information have its limits: “At the end of the day, u safety templates and guides recently, in Crowd-sourced safety warnings someone has to pay the phone bill for the u February 2014. Parking directions/reservations data,” pointed out Tim Nixon, chief tech- Turn to JASPAR, page 8 Turn to Big Data, page 2 The Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics, www.hansenreport.com Page 1, April 2014 Big Data… Continued from page 1 nology officer for GM Global Connected created software that lets its customers use pose. “Customers will probably agree to Consumer. “Anyone thinking they are go- flexible resources in the cloud to store and let OEMs collect information, provided ing to get megabytes of data should be process vast sets of data. One of Pivotal’s they get something out of it,” suggested aware that transmission costs start to add customers is collecting and analyzing data Raj Paul, who manages the M2M solu- up pretty quickly.” from a fleet of 500 vehicles almost in real tions team at CW Professional Services. In a study of LTE network speeds in the time. “You have the car data and GPS data, “And anyway, people complain about United States published in June 2013 by so you know where the car is,” said Mr. Google collecting all kinds of data, but PC Magazine, AT&T’s LTE network had Natusch. “And then you bring in all sorts they still use their Android devices.” the fastest pipe, averaging download speeds of external data such as weather, and you of 16.65 Mbps and upload speeds of 7.43 can build a picture that is holistic. You can OnStar Mbps. learn how real people use cars in the real A necessary first step into big vehicle “People are suggesting that 4G is the world.” data is 3G or preferably 4G connectivity. answer,” said Andreas Mai, director of Changing the vehicle’s architecture to Founded 18 years ago, now with more Smart Connected Vehicles for Cisco Sys- accommodate big data won’t be easy. than 6.6 million active subscribers world- tems. “Not so. The speeds are faster, yes, “We’ve got to find a way to aggregate and wide, GM OnStar has more connected but they are not fast enough to support all process the information that needs to be vehicles on the road than any other car- of the big data use cases.” sent without breaking the bank,” said GM’s maker, by far. This year GM will begin Data could be sent via Wi-Fi when the Mr. Nixon. “Given the tight competitive the transition from 2G to 4G, well ahead vehicle has access to a hot spot at home or space we are in, we are not going to add of other carmakers. GM is also farthest elsewhere, “But people tend to forget that tens of dollars to a car to do this. That along in its adoption of one of big data’s the 3G or 4G or Wi-Fi link is only the last won’t be tolerated by anyone.” best use cases, vehicle diagnostics. On- mile,” cautioned Mr. Mai. “Carmakers will Star collects about 13 kilobytes of data also need to improve and scale up their Privacy per month from each connected vehicle back-end infrastructure. Rather than pump- Another challenge to consider is pri- for its diagnostics emails. While the ing the data all the way up to the cloud and vacy, which has become a hot-button issue amount of data sent today is very small processing it there, we offer products that in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revela- and therefore doesn’t require the use of put some computing at the edge of the cel- tions about U.S. spying. In its push for data warehouses and big data analytics, it lular network to filter relevant data from progress on data protection reforms, the does suggest that GM is very well posi- irrelevant.” European Union reported that nine out of tioned to eventually wring value from big 10 Europeans say they are concerned about data products and services. “We are in Car’s Onboard Systems Must Change mobile apps collecting their data without Continued on page 8 Once carmakers decide which use cases their consent.