Land at Manydown, Basingstoke
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Land at Manydown, shaping a place, creating a community Basingstoke MSD12t: Invertebrates ES Appendix 9.9 February 2017 shaping a place, creating a community MANYDOWN ECOLOGICAL TECHNICAL REPORT Terrestrial Invertebrates 5161.01.026 Document Title Manydown Ecological Technical Report – Terrestrial Invertebrates Prepared for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council / Hampshire County Council Prepared by TEP Ltd Document Ref 5161.01.026 Author Mark Tunmore Date December 2016 Checked Rachel Roberts Approved Rachel Roberts Amendment History Check / Modified Version Date Approved Reason(s) issue Status by by 1.0 Dec 2016 MT RAR First draft for Client review Draft 2.0 Jan 2017 GAR RAR Amendments following review Draft Amendments following boundary change & 3.0 Feb 2017 GAR RAR Final review Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates Contents Page Preface ....................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary .................................................................................................... 2 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Terms of Reference ....................................................................................... 4 3.0 Method ........................................................................................................... 6 4.0 Results ........................................................................................................... 9 5.0 Conclusions and Implications ...................................................................... 27 6.0 Mitigation and Recommendations ................................................................ 28 7.0 References .................................................................................................. 31 Tables Table 1: Daytime survey visit dates and associated weather conditions. ............................... 6 Table 2: Additional static trapping effort. ................................................................................ 7 Table 3: Invertebrates recorded during the survey. ................................................................ 9 Table 4: Species of conservation value identified during the survey. ....................................25 Figures Figure 1: Site Areas ............................................................................................................... 5 Drawings G5161.01.053 Invertebrate Survey G5161.01.054 Key Habitat Areas for Invertebrates 5161.01.026 February 2017 Version 3.0 Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates Preface TEP was commissioned by Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council jointly with Hampshire County Council in May 2015 to undertake an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) to contribute to the production of an Environmental Statement (ES) in support of the Proposed Development at Manydown. A series of ecological and arboricultural investigations was undertaken to inform the EcIA. This report is one of a series of Ecological Technical Reports (ETR) produced to document these investigations and to provide the framework on which the EcIA is based. The purpose of this ETR is to: Detail the method and findings of the invertebrate surveys; Identify the implications for invertebrates in terms of relevant legislation and conservation status as a consequence of potential adverse, or beneficial, impacts arising from the Proposed Development, and to contribute to the assessment of significance of effects on hazel dormice contained in Chapter 9 of the ES; Outline a framework for mitigation that will ensure that the Favourable Conservation Status (FCS) of invertebrate populations is delivered on completion of the Proposed Development; and Determine the need for any further surveys, monitoring or management measures pre-, during or post-construction. The findings this ETR have informed the EcIA and, where relevant, other elements of the EIA. The EcIA is detailed in Chapter 9 of the ES (Ecology and Nature Conservation), including impact characterisation and assessment of residual impact significance in accordance with guidelines published by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). 5161.01.026 Page 1 February 2017 Version 3.0 Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates Executive Summary An invertebrate survey was carried out during the months of May, July and August 2016, using a variety of techniques to sample populations within the Site. Assistance was provided by various national experts to identify some species from the more specialist groups. A total of 603 species was recorded, which included: 10 Nationally Scarce species; two Red Data Book species one species of principal importance for conservation; two Hampshire biodiversity priority species; and a new species for Hampshire. The Site is identified as being of county importance for invertebrates. Appropriate mitigation measures are recommended to preserve the Site’s invertebrate assemblage prior to, during and following completion of the Proposed Development. 5161.01.026 Page 2 February 2017 Version 3.0 Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Manydown Estate comprises over 800 hectares of land immediately to the west of the built-up area of Basingstoke. In February 1996, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council (BDBC) jointly with Hampshire County Council (HCC) (‘the Applicant’) acquired a long leasehold interest in this land with an option to purchase and have promoted the land for development as landowners, also acting on behalf of private freeholders - the Manydown Company - in order to secure the proper planning of the area. 1.2 In the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 (adopted May 2016), the northern portion of the Manydown Estate from Kingsclere Road to Pack Lane (plus adjacent land at Worting, in separate ownership) is allocated for approximately 3,400 dwellings, two primary schools, a secondary school site, local centres and supporting infrastructure, in addition to covenanted land for a new Country Park. That part of the allocation which lies within the Applicant’s ownership is referred to as the Site. 1.3 The Local Plan outlines the approach to be taken for development of the Manydown allocation at paragraph 4.55. This notes that: “Manydown will deliver a high quality sustainable new development of approximately 3,400 new homes in the plan period. The proposals will be designed sensitively to respond to the site’s opportunities and constraints, in particular its landscape context, heritage assets and relationship with existing communities.” 1.4 Since submitting high-level work to promote the land allocation in the draft Local Plan, the Applicant (as landowner) has appointed a multi-disciplinary consultant team to prepare detailed masterplans, layouts and supporting assessments, in tandem with a comprehensive programme of community engagement, and to prepare an Outline Planning Application. 5161.01.026 Page 3 February 2017 Version 3.0 Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates 2.0 Terms of Reference 2.1 Manydown lies immediately to the west of Basingstoke. Several site areas within Manydown are referred to in this document, as follows: Manydown Estate: wider estate area, totalling approximately 800ha, situated between Basingstoke and Oakley (in the east and west, respectively) from Kingsclere Road (A339) in the north to fields just north of Winchester Road and the M3 in the south. Local Plan Allocation: the wider area of north Manydown from Kingsclere Road (A339) to Pack Lane in the south, including multiple land ownerships proposed for allocation in the draft Local Plan to 2029. Site: that part of the Local Plan Allocation wholly within the ownership of the Applicant and comprising the Proposed Development. The Site extends from Kingsclere Road (A339) in the north to the railway in the south and totalling approximately 32ha, inclusive of the Country Park and additional Primary Mitigation lands. Built Development Area: that part of the Site, totalling approximately 210ha, which is not anticipated to be the location for the Country Park (excepting for built elements within the Visitor Hub) and which excludes approximately 10ha land identified for landscaping or other ecological measures (including Primary Mitigation). Country Park: land within the northern extent of the Site which is subject to a covenant and proposed for the creation of a new Country Park, measuring approximately 10ha. Study Area: widest extent for ecological field survey, comprising the Site, additional land to the west, north of the railway, and additional to land south of the railway, north of Pack Lane, totalling approximately 485ha. 2.2 The relationship of the above areas are illustrated on Figure 1. 5161.01.026 Page 4 February 2017 Version 3.0 Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates Figure 1: Site Areas Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2017 5161.01.026 Page 5 February 2017 Version 3.0 Manydown Ecological Technical Report Terrestrial Invertebrates 3.0 Method 3.1 Survey visits were made to the site over a total of seven days during May, July and August 2016, during which time a variety of invertebrate capture techniques were employed. The sampling locations for each capture technique are illustrated on Drawing G5161.01.053, at the end of