Caecilia V91n03 1964
caeci la Verdict on Victoria VOL. 91, NO. 3 FALL, 1964 5 CAECILIA Puhlished four times a year, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Wintel'. Second-Class Postage Paid at Omaha, Nebraska Subscription Price-43.00 per year AU articles for publication must be in the hands of the editor, 3558 Cass St., Omaha 31, Nebraska, 30 days before month of publication. Business Manager: Norhert Letter Change of, address should he sent to the circulation manager: Paul Sing, 3558 Cass St., Omaha 31, Nebraska Postmaster: Form 3579 to Caecilia, 3558 Cass St., Omaha 31, Nebr. caeci la TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorials - --_------_-_ ---- __ -- ----- ---- -- -- --__ --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -__ ----- __ 87 Verdict on Victoria --- . -_ ---_ -- __ --_ ---- -__ ------- -- -- -_ _ 91 Reflections on the Use of Sacred Chant 118 N ewslitter - __ 121 Pictures Peloquin Receives Medal 126 Church Musicians Meet -- -__ 127 Review-Recitals and Mass ----________________ 128 British Texts for Gloria and Creed 132 VOL. 91, NO.3, FALL, 1964 RONCKA BROS.~OMAHA. NEBR. CAECILIA A Quarterly Review devoted to the liturgical music apostolate. Published with ecclesiastical approval by the Society of Saint Caecilia in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Established in 1874 by John B. Singenberger, K.C.S.G., K.C.S.S. (1849-1924). Editor Very Rev. Msgr. Francis P. Schmitt CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Francis A. Brunner, C.Ss.R. Elmer Pfeil Louise Cuyler Richard Schuler David Greenwood Lavern Wagner Paul Koch Roger Wagner Paul Manz Abbot Rembert Weakland, O.S.B. C. Alexander Peloquin James Welch CAECILIA ASSOCIATES Dr. Caspar Koch, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Hon.Arthur Reilly, Boston, Mass.
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