B ihar Through Figures 1981

- 5 4 / ; i Mrya Ganj ’ 310 110002 , 7112309 .


The 20tb. issue of ‘Bibar ThlQUgh TLgiires, 1981’ is in your ^land. It was an annual publication of the Directorate but low it has become a biennial publicfition due to non-avail- ibility of relevant data in time. The present issue contains 3asic data- relating to various aspects of the State economy rind other subjects, such as demography, agriculture, education, )tc. I hope this publication would be useful to research rorkers, planners and policy framers who are engaged in the ievelopment of the State.

Acknowledgement is made of the work done by Shri dhiranjeev Jha, Senior Statistical Asstt under the supervision of Shri Dinesh Prasad Sinha, Assistant Statistical Officer Publication),Shri J. Mukherjee, Assistant Director and Shri Jiridhar Prasad, Deputy Director, also niade necessary contribution to the work of Scrutiny of the publication under y|e technical guidance of Shri B. K. Verma, Joint Director.

I am thankful to the Concerned central and State Govern­ ment departments and other institutions for their valued co­ operation in bringing out this publication. Suggestions, if my, for further improvement of the publication are most welcome. i KEDAR NATH TIWARY, Dated, , the 20th July 1984 Director. Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation^ Bihar


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Table Pairticulars P a g e NOr n o .

BIHAR At A GLANCE 1—8 # CONVERSION t a b l e s ... 9—11


1 Area, population and density ( by 12-lS States) according to 1981 Census.

2 Area, population and rural-urban ratio of 14—16 Bihar by division/ district as per 1981 Census. •

3 Distribution of population by sex, females 17—19 per thousand of males and their percentage in Bhar by divisions and districts according to 1981 Census.

4: Percentfge decade variation of population 20-21 o f Bihar by districts.

5 Districtvise Mid-year Population of Bihar 22-23

6 Trend aid sexwise percentage variation of 24 Populaion in Bihar duringthe last eighty years.

7 Distribuiion of population by age-group 25 (Iitidia)according to 1971 Census.

8 Dislfcribulon of population by age-group in 26 Bihar According to 1971 Census. 9 Stafcewis* classification of working population 27—29= In dia a;cordingto 1981 Census. ii

Table Particulars P a g e n o .

10 Districtwise classification of working popu- 30-31 lation in Bihar according to 1981 Census.

11 Districtwise number of workers under 32 diiferent economic clasbificaiioi! in i daring 1981 Census.

12 Percentage distribution of workers in Bihar 33 during 1981 under the different economic classification as adopted in 1961 Census.

13 Projected sexwise population of Bihar 34-35 by age-group.

14 Birth-rates, death-rates ai d ex-potential 36 growth rates ^^Bihar and All-India).

15 N u m b e r of towns and villages in India by States 37-38 according to 1981 Census.

16 Number of towns in Bihar by districts 39-40 according to 1981 Census. •

17 Districtwise number of Development Blocks, 41-42 Police Stations and villages in Bihar, 1981

18 Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled ^3—^6 Tribes and their respective percentage to total population in Bihar by division/ district according to 1981 Census.

19 Sexwise number of literates and literacy per 46-47 thousand in India (by States) according to 1981 Census.

20 Sexwise number of literates and percentage 48-49 of’literacy in Bihar by division/district according to 198J Census. Ill

Table Particulars Page n o . no. 21 Number of occupied residential houses in 50 Bihar by division/ district accordirg to 1981 Census.


22 Net-national product at factor cost, .. 51

23 Net domestic product by industrial origin 52-53 at current prices. -

24 Net domestic product by industry of origin 54 at 1960-61 prices.

(Revised Series)


25 State income of Bihar by industrial origin 55-56 at current prices.

26 State income of Bihar by industrial origin 57-58 . at 1970-71 prices. '


27 Land use statistics (India) .. 5&

28 Classification in land in Bihar • .. 60

29 Classification of land in Bihar (by district) 61—>69

30 Distribution of area and number under 70 different sizes of operational holdings in Bihar. 31 Area under and production of principal 71-72 crops in India.

• 32 Area under principal crops in Bihar .. 73 IV

Table Particulars P a g b m o . n o . 9 33 Area under principal crops in Bihar by 74i-76 districts. 34 Area under principal pulses in Bihar by 7fii-77 districts. 35 Area under principal commercial crops in 78i-79 Bihar by districts. 36 Outturn of major crops in Bihar (by crop- 80 cutting experiments and eye-estimation.)

37 Outturn of principal crops (by crop-cutting 81-82 experiments and eye-estimation in Bihar by districts.)

38 Outturn of principal pulses by crop-cutting 83— 85 and eye estimation in Bihar (by districts)

39 Outturn of principal commercial crops by 86 89 crop-cutting experiments and eye-esti­ mation in Bihar by districts.

40 Average yield of principal crops in India . . 9tO-91

41 Average yield of principal crops in Bihar . . 92-93

42 Index number of area under crop in India 94-95

43 Index number of area under crop in Bihar. . 96-97

44 Index number of agricultural production in 98-99 India.

45 Index number of agricultural production in 100-101 Bihar.

46 Index number of agricultural productivity 102-103 in India. 47 Index number of agricultural productivity 104-105 in Bihar. ' Table Particulars Page no. no. 48 Number and area of operational holdings 106 wholly and partly irrigated (by sizes) and their respective percentage in Bihar.

49 Gross area under irrigation by crops in India 107

50 Gross area under irrigation by crops in 108 Bihar. 51 Districtwise net area irrigated by different 101—113 sources in Bihar. 52 Season wise average rainfall recorded in Bihar 114— 117 by districts.


53 Number of livestock and poultry in Bihar 118 in the last three Censuses.

54 Districtwise/Division wise number of Live- 119—120 stock and poultry in Bihar according to Livestock Census, 1977.

155 Number of livestock slaughtered in recog- 121 nised slaughter-houses of Bihar'


56 Area under forest by ownership in Bihar .. 122 % 57 Classification of area under forest, in Bihar .. 123

58 Outturn of reserved a.nd protected forests in 124 Bihar. 59 Revenue from and expenditure bn forests 125 in Bihar.

60 Production of stick lac in Bihar .. 126

61 Percentage distribution of stick lac in India 127 VI

Pc^rticulars P ag e n o . no.


62 Outturn of selected minerals in India

63 Outturn of selected minerals in Bihar

64 Value of output of selected minerals in India.

65 Value of output of selected minerals in 131 Bihar.

66. Index number of mineral produ<^tion of 132 India. VII. POWER

67 Production and distribution of Electricity > 133 in Bihar.

68 Percentage of electrical energy sold by the 134 Bihar State Electricity Board.

69 Number of towns and villages electrified in 135 Bihar. VIII. (INDUSTRIES

70 Annual Survey of Industries, Bihar

71 Annual Survey of Industries in India

72 Factory Statistics in Bihar

73 Volume of production in selected Industries in Bihar.

74 Number of _ Co-operative Societies and Industries financed by Bihar State Khadi ^ and Village Industries Board. vii

Table Particulars P age n o . no. 75 Production and Sale of Kliadi and 143-144 Gramodyog Articles in Bihar.

76 Progress of Khadi Gramodycg in' Bihar .. 14o


77 Employmer t Exchanges in India ..

78 Employment Exchanges in Bihar . •

79 Number of applicants on the leave register 148 classified by Board Occupational Groups in Bihar. 80 Average daily number of workers employed in mines in Bihar.


81 Number of different types of Co-operative 150 organisatons in Bihar.

82 Working of Co-operative Banks in Bihar 151 during 1978-79, 1979-80.

83 Number and coverage of Panchayats, 152 Panchayat Samiteeand Zila Parishads in Bihar.


84 Length of extra Mmiicipal roads by surface 153 in India. 85 Motor vehicles on roads by tyi^es in India 154

86 Different kinds of motor vehicles on road by districts in Bihar. ^55 157 vm

Table Particulars P a g e n o . no.

87 Postal traffic and earnings in Lidia .. 158

88 Number of permanent post offices and letter 159 boxes in urban and rural areas in Bihar.

89 Number of Broadcasting Receiver Licences 160 in force in Bihar.

90 Telephone Statistics in Bihar ... 161

91 Number of tourists (Foreign and Indian) 162 visited in Bihar.


92 , Number of hospitals, dispensaries, beds, pati- 163 ents treated, medical practitioners and nurses in Bihar.

93 Districtw ise number of hospitals, dispensaries 164— 169 .beds, patients treated, medical practi­ tioners and nurses in Bihar.

94 Birth and Death rate of Bihar .. 170


95 Number of recognised educational insli- l7l tutions in Bihar.

96 Number of students by stages of education .172 in Bihar.

97 Number of teachers in Bihar .. 173

98 Percentage of literacy in Bihar by division/ 174-175 district for rural and urban area accprdirg to 198lCensus. Table Particulars Page n o . no.

99 Districtwise number of permenent cinema 176-177 houses in Bihar.

100 Approved number of newspapers and 178-179 periodicals in BiTtiar.


101 Cndex number of wholesale prices in India 180-181

102 Working class consumer price inde^i number 182— 185 of different centres in Bihar.

103 [ndex number of agricultural wholesale price 186' 188 in Bihar.


104 Total Revenue Receipt and Expenditure in 189 Bihar.

105 Revenue Receipt and Expenditure in Bihar 190— 194 under Civil Administration.

106 District wipe consumption of country spirit, 195-196 opium, Ganja and Bhang and excise revenue realised in Bihar.

107 Collection of Sales Tax, Agricultural Income- 19 7 tax, Entertainment Tax, Motor Spirit ^ Duty, Electricity Duty, Transport Tax and Central Sales Tax in Bihar.

108 Liabilities and Assets of State Financial 198 Corporation in India.

109 Foreign exchange rate .. 199 Table Particulars P a g e no n o .


110 Plan provision and-actual outlay for public 20( sector by head of development for India.

111 Pi n provision and actual outlay for public 201 —209 sector (Bihar) under Fifth & Sixth Five- Year Plan.

112 Principal targets and achievements (India) 210*—223|

113 Estimated resources for public sector in the 224-225 Fifth and Sixth Plan (India).

‘114 Principal resources for financing the Bihar 226 State Plen. 115 Actual Sixth Five-Year Plan Expenditure 227—229 of Bihar.


116 Crime Statistics of Bihar .. 230

117 Judicial Statistics of Bihar .. 231

118 Registration Statistics'of Bihar .. 232

119 Election Statistics of Bihar ‘ 233- 234 BIHAR AT A GLANCE, 1981 1. General— (i) Altitude 21 58’10” to 27 3L’15” N

{ii) Longi;ude , 83 19’50” to 88 17’40” E

{iii) R ainfall— (a) Normal Rainfall .. M.M. 1,271.9 (6) A ctual R ainfall (1980-81) .. M.M. 4,2339.2

{iv) Area (1981 Census) . . Sq. K.M. 1,73,876

(o) U rban . . Sq. K.M. 2,774 (b) R u ral . . Sq. K.M. 1,71,103 (u) Population (1981 fjei^sus) .. ’000 69,915

(a) U rban 8,719 (6) R ura 1 61,196 (c) Male 35,931

(d) Fem ale 33,984 ie) Scheduled Castes .. ’ 10,142'

, (/) Scheduled Tribes .. • • 99 5,810 {g) W orkers .. 20,753 (h) Non-workers • • » 47,298 {vi) D ensity of population (1981 Census) .. PerSq.R .M . 402

{vii) SeX-Ratio ...... •• 946 fem ale per ■ 1,000 male.

{viii) Mid-year pppulation of Bihar — .. ’000 vin thousand) (a) 1971 56,74?

(6) 197? .. 57,998

(c) 1973 .. 58,860 id) 1974 60,030

(?) 1975 ... 61,245 ( in tliouisaad) (/) 1976 62,468 (S') 1977

(h) 1978 (i) 1979 (i) 1980

(i*) ?6Tee>ix^age of ^tsTacy tlQSl Census) (а) Male (б) Female

(x) Divisions No. (sei) Districts

(afii) Subdivisions Mo. (ziii) Police station (Dec. 1981)—

(a) Civil Policesabation No.

(w) Rly. Police-Station No. (xiv) Development Blocks No.

(an;) PauohayatB (1981) .. No. (oivi) Towns (1981 C ensus).. No. (xvii) Villages (1981 Census) No. (xviii) (a) Birthrates (1980 Provisional)—

(i) Combined Perthous and 37.7 (ii) R u ral 38.3

U rban .. 34.1 (b) Death rates (1980 Provisional)— (i) Combined 15.0

(it) R ural 16.0

(iii) U rban ^ 8.0 2. Agriculture (1980-81)—

(i) Total cropped area Lakh hect. 111.48

(ii) Net area sown 83.15 {it) Art a sown more than once - 28.34 (v) Gross irrigated area ., - 36.31

('<) Net irrigated f^rea tt 29.53 (») Area under principal crops(1980>81) T housand hect.—

(a) Cereals 8,333

(h) Pulses .. .. 948 (c) 5,576

(d) W heat • • i,756

(e) Maize .. •• 882 (/) Barley 120

{g) Gram .. « .. •• 196 {^) Arhar •• 94 (’»t) Production of principal crops (1980-81) (Thousand M.TO~ (a) Cereals , . 8,701

(6) Pulses •• 647 (c) Rice • • 5,439

(d) W heat • • 2,304

(e) Maize •• 869

(/) Bw ley •• 89

(g) Gram •• 143

(A) Arhar •• 91 HU) Consumption of fertilizers(1980-8l)— K harif R abi Total

ia) Nitrogenous i ,. M.T. 37,267 1,23,133 1,60,400

(6) Phosphatic . . M.T. 6,077 23,475 29,555

(c) Potashic .. M.T. 2,979 11,605 14,584 (») Loan given to farmers for Rabi production (1980-81)— (i) Agriculture Department .. .. (Lakh Rs.) 796.88

(ii) B ank fP 420.65

(n*) Co-oper»tive Department .. »P J 657.00 3. 'Live-stock (1977 C ousas)-

(i) Livestock .. In Thousand 31,662 {ii) Poultry ...... „ 14,605

(Hi) Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries (1980-81) No. 992 (iv) Poultry farm (1980-81)— la) 5,000 Birds ^lo. 5 (6) 2,000 Birds No. 10

(u) Artificial insemination (Cattle) (1980-81) Lakh 1.20 (vi) Vaccinator of Animals 38.29 4. Forests—

{i) Area under forest Q 980-81) T housand Hect. 29.22

{ii) Prodaction of sticklac (1979-80) Thousand Quintal JOO 5. Irrigation (1980-81)—

(i) Expenditure on irrigation under plar. .. Crore of Rs. 101.74

{ii) Increase in planned irrigation potential in (Lakh hect.) 0.72 comparision to pre-plar period. ^iii) Irrigation potential,created up till now .. „ 25.24 (iv) Expenditure in Tribal Sub-Plan of irrigation.. Crore ofRs. 14.07

(«) Collection of irrigation revenue .. .. „ 4.80 6. Education (1980-81) —

(a) Educational institutions— No. of No. of institutios students.

{i) Primary school 50,980 44,90,531

(ii) Middle School 11,289 28,84,153

{Hi) High School 3,304 11,39,651

{iv) College 299 4,01,382

{v) University 12,906 {vi) Research fastitute .. 31 {vii) Agriculture Colleges ., ,. 3 1,092

I (viii) Engineering Colleges .. o3 ' 19,355 * liz) Law Colleges ...... 6 6,819

(X) Medical College (Allopathy) . . .. 9 4,773

(xi) V eterinary College .. .. 2 571

(ccii) Teachers'1 raining Institute .. 105 16,645- 7. Welfare- (i) No. of hostels for S.C. . . , • • • • No. of hostels for S.T. (March 1981) .. .. 276

- (ii) No. of residential Schools for S.C./S.T. (1981)- (а) Boys (S.C,) ...... 81 (б) Girls (S.T.) .. > ...... 8

{Hi) No. of foodgrains stores run Ijy D epartm ent (M^rch 1981)

8, S tate Incom e— (а) Total State income (at current price 1980-81) Crore of Rs 6j078

(i) Agrtculture _ ' .. .. ,, 29.65 (ii) Forest ...... „ 72

(iii) Fisheries ...... „ 67 {iv) Mining and Qxiarrying ,. .. 473^

{v) Manufacturing ...... 655 (vi) Construction .. .. ,. 327

(vii) Electricity &nd Water-supply .. 128

{viii) Transport and Commimication * 238 (ix) Trade ...... , „ 401

(») Banking and Insurance .. „ 79^ {xi) Real Estate, ownership and dwellings and I3ft ^ Business Institutions.

(xii) Public Administration .. .. „ . {xiii) Other services ...... „ 353^ (б) Per capita Income (at current price 1980-81) Rs. 87(V 9. State Finaacs (1980-81) .-- 4.15,656 (a) Tdtal recoipta Rs. in Crores (i) Revenue Receipts.. 988

(ii) Capita itioceipts ,. 291 {in] GQn.tin.gei3.cy faad .. 482

(iv) Public Aocoouts .. • 3,895 (&) Total Expenditure (1980-81) 5,662 (i) Revenue Expenditure 929 471 (ii) Capital Expenditure (iU) Contingency fund .. 507 3,756 (iv) Public Accounts .. 10. Commercial Tax Receipts (1980-81) 212.98 1130.27 (i) Bihar sales tax Or ore R s. 53.87 (u) Central Sales Tax 6.32 (iii) Entertainment Ta? 11.59 (iv) Electricity Duty 10.92 (v) Transport Tax 0.01 (vi) Agriculture Income-Tax

11. National Savings Scheme- Net collected amoimt in National Savings Bcheme, 96.50 1980-81 (Prov.) ' 12. R evenue an d L and Reforms (March 1981) 2,39,216 (i) Collected Surplus Land .. • • Acre 1,,35,559 (ii) Distributed Land among S-C., S.T. andWeakar „ sections. 1,49,618 (iii) No. of benefited landless families (iv) No. of distributed developed house sites among poor agricultural labourers SU%6C (а) No. of developed house sites. . 34,752 (б) No. of allotted house sites .. 30,89£ (v) Return of grabbed land of S.T. unlawfully Acres 13. Mines and Zeology— Collected revenue from mines and minerals Crore Rs. 41.15 (1980-81)

14. Electricity— (i) Installed generating capacity (March 1981) .. M.Kw. 939.78 (ii) Energy generated (1980-81) .. .. M.K.Wh. 2280.9)

(Hi) Energy purchased (1980-81) .. .. M.K.Wh. 1735.58 {iv) Energy sold (1980-81) .. .. M.K.Wh. 2881.35 (v) Energy lost (1980-81) ...... MiK.Wh. 826.64

{vi) Electrified villages (up to M arch 1981) .. No. 31,268 {vii) No. of townS electrified (up to March 1981) No. 202 (viii) No. of electrified electric pumps (up to March 1981) No. 1,59,732 (ia?) per capita consumption of Electricity(1980-81) K.Wh. 82.48

(®) Revenue receipt of Electricity Board(1980-81) Crore Rs. 119.887

15. Transport and Communication—

(t) No. of Motor Vehicles on Road (1980-81) 1,81,694

(ii) No. of N ational Perm its issued (up tp M arch 1981) 797 {Hi) No. of post -offices (M arch 1981) 10,284

{iv) No. of L etter Boxes (up to March 1981) 31,994 (v) No. of Radio Licences (1981) 3,11,262

{vi) No. of Direct Telephone Lines (198Q) 50,590 {vii) No. of T. V. Licences (1981) 1,062 Target Achievement

it. Rural Water-Supply Scheme (1980-81)-

(i) Construction of hand-driven Tube-wells (No.) 41,025 31,463 complete 9,562 in progress

{ii) Conscructibn of Drilled Tube-wc 11s (No.) 7,757 2,366 complete 5,391 in progress

{Hi) Construction of Drinking Tube-wells (No.) .. 12,577 4,310 complete 8,267 in progre ss 8

17. Supply and Commerce—

(i) W heat levy (A pril-D ecem ber 1980) (M.T.) 6S320.® (ii) Rice levy (April—D ecember 1980) ^M.T.) 2i991.0 {in) No. of fair price shops (up to Ju ly 1980) 33,854

18. Industry—

No. of working Small Industrial Uni+s (1981) .. .. 3,557 19. Labour and Employment—

(t) No. of Employment Exchanges (1981) .. .. 64

{ii) No. of employment given to applicants (July 1980 to 23,457 June, 1981)

(Hi) No. of unemployed applicants on live register of Em- 2l,3S9,336 plojonent Exchange (1981)

(iv) No. of strikes and lockouts (1981) .. IQO

{v) No. of affected labourers on account of closer of "works 35>,053 (1981)

(w) No. of loss of mau-days(1981) ...... 13,84„566

(mi) Abolition of Bonded labour system (1981)— (a) No. of freed bonded labotirers ...... 7 ,146

20. Miscellaneous—

(i) Sixth Five-Year Plan outlay (Orore Rs.) ., ., 3(,225

(ii) No. of Cinema Houses (1980) .. .. ,. 244 (Hi) Medical and Health (1981)— ■:

(а) No. of Hospitals and Dispensaries (Prov.) .. lr»120 (б) No. of bads (Prov.) ...... 23,749

(iv) No. of Members of Parliament from Bihar .. ., 54

(v) No: of Members of Rajya Sabha from Bihar .. 22

(vi) No. of Members of Legislative Assembly from Bihar .. 324

(vii) No. of Members of Legi-ilative Council from Bihar .. 96 CONVERSION TABLES. A. L^gth—

Ytrds. Metres. Rods, Poles, Chains. Miles,

1 2 3 4 5 1 0.9U 4 0.181819 0.0454545 0.00056818

1.09361 1 0.198839 0.0497097 0.00062137

1.499977 5.0292 1 0.25 0.00312499

2J,999908 20.1168 4 1 .0.01249997

1760 1609.344 820.000966 80.0001600 1 1 Chain—loo links. 1 Km.— 1,000 metres. 1 Mile—8 furlongs. 1 Y ard- 3 feet. 1 Foot—12 inches. Area—

Sq yard. Sq. rod. Acre. H ectare. Sq. mile.

1 2 3 4 5

I 0.033058 0.000206612 0.000083613 0.0000003228

30.25 1 ^ 0.00625 0.00252929 0.00001015625

4840 160 1 0.404686 0.0015625

11959.9 395.369 247105 1 0.003861

3097600 98461.53846 640 258.999 9

1 Acre—10 Sq. chains, 1 Sq, chain—16 Sq. rods. 1 Hectare— 10,000 Sq* metres. B. Weight—

Gram. Oances(Av.) Tolas. Grains. 1 2 3 4 1 0.0352740 0.038735 15.4324

28.3495 1 2.43056 437.5 31.1035 1.09714 2.66667 480

11.663S 0.411429 1 180 0.064799 0.00228571 0.0055556 1 10

Kg. Seers. Pouudis(Aiv)^

1 2 3

1 1.07569 2u204462

0.93310 1 2-05':714 0.4535924 0.48M11 1 . 0.373242 0.4 0,.82!287

Tonnes. Tons. M aunds. G^wt..

1 2 - 3 4

1 0.98420 26.7923 19 ..684

1.01605 1 27.222^ 20 0.90718 0.89286 24.3056 1 7.8J572

0.0373242 . 0.0367347 1 01.73J469 0.0508027 0.03 1.36111 1 C .-C apacity and Vjolume-

Fluid oz. Gallon (Imp.) Litres. Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Ciibic, Cubic yard. ontimetres. decimetres. me’tres. inches. foet.

7 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.000219969 0.001 0.000001 0.061024 0.0000353147 0.00000130795 0.0351&49 0.00099997 0.00130795 35.1949 0.219969 0.99997 1000 1 0.001 61.024 0.0353147 1.30795 35194.9 5219.969 999.97 10000000 1000 1 61024 35.2147 0.57674 0.0036046 .0.0163866 16.387: 0.01633871 0.0000163871 1 0.0005787 0.00002143335 0.037037 996.60672 6.2288 28.3161 28310.8 28.3168 0.0283168 1728 - 1 1 168.178 764.53373 764550 764.55 0.76455 46656 27 26908.38144 0.0010034 1 0.00625 0.0284123 28.413-2 0.0284132 0.0000284132 1.73388 0.0000371631 0.160544 0.0059461 159.99936 1 4.54596 4546.0^ 4.54609 0.00454609 277.42124 0.00130799 35.1959559 0.219976 1000.028 1.000028 0.001000028 61.0253568 0.0353156 _; ^ ______------,------...... ------.------12



Area in Populatiou(iu thousand) States th o u s a n d ------^ ------— km. R ural U rban T otal km.

2 3 4 5 6

1. A ndhra Pradesh '275 41,062 12,488 53,550 195

2. Assam 78 17,850 2,047 19,897 254 3. B ih ar 174 61,196 8,719 69,915 402 4. G ujarat 196 23,484 10,602 34,086 .174 5. H aryana 44 10,095 2,827 12,923 292

6. Himaoh al Pradesh 56 3,955 ^326 4,281 77 7. Jammu and Kashmir 222 4,727 1,260 5,987 59

8. K erala 39 20,682 4,771 25,454 655 9. M adhya Pradesh 443 ^ 41,592 10,586 52,179 118

10. Maharashtra 308 40,791 21,994 62,784 204 11. Manip.ur 22 1,045 375 1,421 64

12. M eghalaya 22 1,094 241 1,336 60

13. K a tn a ta k a 192 26,406 10,730 37,136 194

14 . N agaland 17 655 120 775 47 15. Orissa 156 23,260 3,110 26.370 169

16. P unjab 50 12,141 4,648 16,789 333

17. R ajasthan 342 27,051 7,211 34,262 100 18. Sikkim 7 265 51 316 45

19. Tam ibiadu 130 32,456 15,952 48,408 372

3 0 . Tripura 4 10 1,827 226 *'2,053 196

21. Uttar Pradesh 294 90,963 ' 1 9,899 1,10,862 377

22. West Bengal 88 40,134 14,447 54,581 6L5 13


1 3 5 6

U n o n T e r e i t o b i e s

1. Aidaman and Nico- 8 139 50 189 23 ba Islands. 2. Ann^chal Pradesh 84 590 41 632 8

3. Clandigarh 0.1 29 423 452 3961 4. Didar and N agar 0.5 97 7 104 211 Hfveli. 5. Dilhi 1 452 5,768 6,220 4194

6. Go, D am an an d Diu 4 735 352 1,087 285 7‘. Ljkshad weep 0.03 22 19 40 1258

8. Pcidichery 0.5 288 316 604 1229

9. Mzoram 21 372 122 494 23

INDIA 3,288 525,457 159,727 685,185 216 EXiludes area nfi population, under unlawful occupation of Pakistan and China.

Prqected Population. SomoE— Census of India, 1981—.Paper 1 p f 1982. TABLE 2 AREA, POPULATION AND RURAL-URBAN RATIO OF BIHAR BY DIVISION/DISTRICT AS -PER 1981 CENSUS.

Populatior. (in thousad) D ansity Division / District. Area Rural-Urban per (Sq. km.) Person R ural U rban. R atio. Sq. km. (4+ 5)

1 2 3 4 5 . f> 7

Patu» Division 29224.0 14904 12573 2331 84.35:15.65 510 Pfttna 3202.0 3020 1899 1121 62.88:37.12 9^3 N alanda 2367.0 1641 1418 223 86.41:13.69 093 Gaya 6545.0 3134 2794 340 89.15:10.85 479

A urangabad 3305.0 1237 1151 86 93.05: 6.95 374

N aw adah 2494.0 1099 ]026 73 93.35: 0.65 441 Bhojpur .. 4098.0 2407 2149 258 89.28:10.72 587

R ohtas 7213.0 2366 2136 230 90.27:9.73 238

Tirhut Division 23940.0 15576 14618 958 93.86: 6.15 651

S aran 2641.0 2084 1915 169 91.89: 8.11 789

Siwai) .. ... 2219.0 1779 170l IS 9161: 4:39 g02

Gopalcrartj 2033.0 1362 1294 68 95.00:5.00 670 East Ohamparan 3968.0 2426 2313 113 95.34; 4.6(6 611

W est Champ a ran 5228.0 1973 1828 145 9?.6d: 7.sr> 377 T'iO 3172.0 2357 2107 19U 91.33: 8.o7 817 V aisllali 2036.0 1663 1555 108 93.50 : 6.50 731 Siiam arhi 2643.0 ‘ 1932 1845 Sf 95.50: 4.50 746 Darbhauga Division 10602.0 7906 7416 490 93.80: 6.20 881 Darbh.an.ga 2279.0- 2008 1832 176 91.23: 8.77 729 Sam astipur 2904-.0 2117 2029 88 95.84: 416 2253 72 96.90:3.10 664 M adhubaai 3501.0 2325 1302 154 89.42:10.58 759 Bfgusarai 1918.0 145f^ 8624 1029 89.35:10.65 348 Division 27703.0 9653 284.9 466 85.94:14.0^ 419 Moughyr 7908.0 3315 2314 307 88.29:11.71 468 Bhagalpur 5589.0 ?621 3461 256 93.11: 6.89 262 Sr.uthal Parganas . ] 4206.0 ■ 3717 7388 591 92.60: 7.40 472 Kosi Diviaioa 16900.0 7979 2785 169 94.28: 5.72 500 S ahsrsa 5900.0 2954 1294 135 .90.55: 9.45 467 K atihar 3057.0 1429 3309 287 92.08. 7.92 453 P uraea 7943.0 3596 4395 1650 72.70:27.30 287 North Chotanagpur Division 21053.0.' 6045 1044 1071 705 D hanbad 2996.0 2115 TABLE 2 — comld. AREA, POPULAl'ION AT^^O iHJRAL-URBAN RATIO OF BIHAR BY DIVISION/DISTRICT AS PER 1981 CENSUS-co/icZd.

Populafion (in thousand) Density Division/District. A rea ------Rqjpal-Urban • per (Sq.km.) Person, Rural Urban ratio. Sq.km. (4+ 5)

Hazaribagh 11165.0 2198 1866 332 84.89:15.11 197

Giridih 6892.0 1732 1485 247 85.73:14.27 251

South Chotanagpur Divisioa 44455.0 7849 6181 1668 78.75:21.25 177 Ranchi 18266.0 3070 2428 642 79.08:20.92 168 Palamau .. .. , 12749.0 1917 1809 108 92.91: 7.00 150 Singhbhum 13440.0 2862 1944. 918 67.92:32.08 213

BIHAR 173,877.0 69,915 61,196 8,719 87.52:12.48 402

Total may rot tally due to rounding off. SouBOB.-Conaus of India, 1981 (Bihar)-Paper 1 of 1982. TABliE 3

DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY SEX, FEMALES PER THOUSAND MALES AND THEIR PERCENTAGE ______-INJBIHAI^ BY DTVTSTO^JS A>jr> mStTRTnTS AnnORTHNTLan }9RljaENSTTS^ Populafcion. (in ‘000) Percentage of Fem ales population» per Division /District. thousand Fem a les. Males. Females. males. Persons. 1 Males. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Patna Division 1,49,06 77,08 71,98 51.71 48.29 934 P a tn a ^ .. 30,19 15,98 14,21 52.93 47.07 889 N alanda 16,42 8,52 7,90 51.89 48.11 927

Gaya 31,34 15,97 15,37 50.96 49.04 ■962 A urangabad 12,38 6,33 6,05 51.13 48.87 956 Nawadah 10,99 5,49 5,50 49.95 50.05 1001 Bhojpur 24,08 12,39 11,69 51.45 48.55 944

R ohtas 23,66" 12,40 11,26 52.40 47.60 908

Tirhut Division 155,76 78,97 76,79 50.70 49.30 972 S aran 20,84 10,32 10,52 49.52 60.48 1019

Siwan 17,79 8,60 9,19 48.34 51.66 1068 G opalganj 13,62 6,79 6,83 49.85 50.15 1005 East Champarari 24,26 12,60 11,66 51.94 48.06 925


Population (in ’000) Percentage of populatif'n. Females Division/District. per thousand Persons^. Males. Females, Males. Females. males. '

Muzaffarpur 23,57 12,01 11,56 50.95 49.05 96? 16,63 8,34 8,29 50.15 49.85 994 Sitaraa rhi 19,32 99,9 9,33 51.71 48.29 934 Darbhauga Divisi'^n 79,05 40,12 38,93 50.75 , ■ 49.25 970

D arbhanga 20,08 10,15 9,93 50.55 49.45 978 Sam astipur 5^1,16 10,73 10,43 50.70 49.30 972 M adhubaui 23,25 11,73 11,52 50.45 49.55 982

Begusarai 14,56 7,51 7,05 51.58 48.42 939

BhPgalpur Division 96,55 49,94 46,61 - 51.73 48.27 933

Monghyr 33,16 17,23 15,93 51.96 48.04 925

B hagalpur 26,22 13,72 12,50 52.32 47.68 911

Santhal Parganas 37,17 18,99 ' 18,18 51.09 48.91 957

KoSi Divi‘?ion 79,79 41,39 38,40 51.87 48.13 918 931 29,54 15,30 14,24 51.79 48.21 4».io 32S K atiha r U,29 7,41 6,88 61.85 48.05 925 P arn ea 35j96 1868 17,28 51.95 ,47.67 911 iSiortU C iiotaaa gpur Division 60,44 31,63 28,81 52.33 44.87 813 D’la u b a d 21,15 11,66 9,49 55.13 49.00 961 Hazaribagh _ 21,98 11,21 10,77 51.00 19.39 976 G iridih 17,31 8,76 8,55 50.61 48.12 - 954 South Ohotauagpur Division 78,51 40,18 38,33 51.18 49.07 963 R an ch i 30,71 15,64 15,07 50.P3 48.91 . 957 P alainau 19,18 9,80 9,38 51.09 48.50 942 8inghbhum 28,62 14,74 13,88 51.50

48.61 946 BIHAR 6,99,15 3,59,31 3,39,84 51.39

CO rounding off. SoxTRCK.— Census of India 1981 (Bihar) Paper 1 of 1982. TABLE 4 PERCENTAGE DECADE VARIATION OF POPULATION OF BIHAR DISTRIBUTION

D istrict 1 9 0 1 - 1 9 1 1 - 1921- 1 9 3 1 - 1941- 1951- 1961- 1971 — 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1901 1971 i 1981 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. P a tn a - 0 .9 6 - ].90 + 17.10 + 16.14 + 17.89 + 16.67 + 20.58 + 34.12 2. Nalaiida . +25.73

3. G aya + 4.81 - 0 .3 8 + 10.94 + 16.20 + 10.63 + 18.80 + 22.19 + 23.05 4. N aw adah . ... + 22.93

5. A uraagabad . +21.85

6. Bhojpur - 4.94 - 2.62 + 9.88 + 16.81 + 15.45 + 19.70 + 22.81 -+20.70 7. R ohtas • +21,71

8. S aran - 4.97 +2.21 +”■6.20 + 15.0.3 + 10.30 + 13.62 + 19.19 +21.87 9. Siwan + 21.68

10. Gopalganj +23.03

11. E ast Cham paran + 6.59 + 1.70 + 10.65 + 11.74 + 4.91 + 19.51 + 17.88 +24.03 12. W est Cham paran + 24,32

13. M uzaffarpur + 3.24 - 3 .1 8 + 6.75 + 10.32 + 3.51 + 16.88 + 17.54 +23.47 4. Vaishali . » • +23.28 15. Sitam arhi +2?.05 9X- Darbhauga 4-0.58 -0 .5 5 + 8.87 + 9.19 +9.04 + 17.09 + 18.60 +23.72 17. M adhubani .. .. +22.88 18. Samaatipur + 28.09 19 +26.94

20. Monghyr + 3.13 - 0 .9 2 + 12.67 + 12.13 + 12.10 +18.88 + 20.78 + 20.88

21. Bhagalpur .. + 1.70 - 0 .7 0 + 15.24 + 14.28 + 12.25 + 19.74 +22.21 + 25.39

22 S an th al P arg aaas + 4.04 - 4.46 + 14.30 + 8.99 + 3.92 + 15.21 + 19.13 + 16.63 23. Sahsroo + 3.09 - 3 .2 8 + 5.02 + 1.35 + 15.13 + 31.75 + 24.50 +25.70

24. P tu u ea + 7.46 + 6.78 +8.16 + 8.86 + 6.13 + 37.02 +27.60 +28.20 25. K atih ar .. + 25.68 26. Hazaribegh + 9.39 — 0.91 + 18.83 + 15.42 + 10.61 + 23.70 +27.32 + 33.64 27. Giridih ” +25.98

28. R anchi + 16.81 -3.70 + 17.44 +4.91 + 11.09 + 15.86 + 22.11 + 17.62

28. Palamau + 10.90 + 6.64 + 11.64 + 11.48 + 8.00 + 20.49 + 26.65 + 27.53 30. D hanbad + 32.68 + 12.74 + 15.83 + 13.28 + 21.97 + 27.91 + 23.97 +44.27

^9. Sir.gbbhum .. + 11.65 +5.77 + 21.19 + 19.25 + 8.64 +20.54 + 18.92 + 17.39

BIHAR + 3.67 - 0 .6 6 + 11.45 + 12.20 + 10.27, + 19.77 + 21.33 + 24.07


Population (in ’000) Mid-year population—

Serial D istrict 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 no.

1 P a tn a 24,97 25,44 26,03 26,11 26,56 2 N alanda 14,26 14,49 14,77 15,16 16,41 8 Gaya 21,37 21,84 22,25 22,61 22,90 K» N2 4 NaWada 18,75 14,04 14,29 14,51 14,76

5 A urangabad 14,32 14,63 14,89 15,12 16,38 « Bhojpur 22,17 2J.7J 23,15 23,34 23,74 7 H ohtas 21,59 22,12 22,54 22,74 23,13 g Saran 18,74 19,16 19,49 20,00 20,35

S Siwan 16,08 16,35 16,67 17,11 17,40

10 Gopalganj 12,14 12,40 12,63 12,96 13,18

11 O^taojparan (S»at) 21,27 21,56 21,96 22,30 22,49

12 O'ia.raparan (W est) 17,28 17,53 17,86 18,09 18,26

4M Muzaffarpgg______20.78 21,13 21,53 21,57 21,96 14 Vaishali 14,67 14,91 15,20 16,24 ' 16,61

! 5 -marhi 17,18 13,46 17,79 17,88 18,20 16 D arbhanga 1«,57 ie,0 7 17,17 i7,ao

17 Madhubani 20,66 21,01 21,39 21,57 21,95

18 Sam astipur 19,92 20,27 20,63 20,80 21,17

19 BeguSarai 12,31 12,46 12,69 12,74 12,97

20 Monghyr 29,51 29,86 30,41 30,47 31,€2

21 Bhagalpur 23,19 23,59 24,19 24,47 24,88

‘22 S anthal Parganas 34,89 35,48 36,14 36,66 37.29

23 Sabarsa 27,{)8 28,56 29,80 30,08 31,02 M Cd 24 P araea 31,81 32,60 33,46 33,94 34,78

15 K atihar 12,90 13,22 13,57 13,76 14,10

26 Hazaribagh 18,69 19,20 19,70 19,76 20,24

27 Giridih 15,62 16,06 16,48 16,49 i6 ,eo

28 B ancbi 29,16 29,83 30,60 30,55 31,C8

2!^ Palamau 17,00 17,44 17,89 18,05 18,60

30 D hanbad 17,55 16,86 17,18 17,59 18,03

31 Singh bhum 26,80 27,30 27,80 27,80 28,28

TOTAL 6,24,68 6,37,85 6,51,57 6,56,66 6,69,04

SotraCE.—Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, . Bihar. T ^ L l • A.NTD SiiXWXS iJ VARIATION OF POPULATION IN BIHAR DURING THE LAST EIGHTY YEAKS.

Population of Bihar. Population of lodian Unioa.

Perceatage Year Male. Female. Total TotalT otal of Bihar's —------— ------pop\il»tion Perceatage Perceatage Perceatage Perceatage to ladian Popula- decade Population decade Popula- decade Popula- decade Union, tioa. variation variation tion- variation tioa. v*riation

6 8 10

1901 132.95 140.19 273.14 2362.81 11.56 M 191} 138.56 +4.22 144.61 + 3.15 ?83.17 +8.67 2521.22 +5.73 11.23

1921 139,55 +0.72 U l.7 i -1.98 281.29 - 0.66 2513.52 -0 .3 1 11.19 1931 157.26 + 12.69 156,24 + 10,23 813.^ +11.45 2790.15 + 11.01 11.24

]9 il 176.24 + 12.07 175.50 + 12,38 351. f + 12.20 3187.01 +14.2? 11.04 1951 194.92 + 10.60 192.94 + 9.94 887,86 + 10.27 3611.80 + 13.31 10.74 1961 233.01 + 19.54 231.54 + 20.00 464.56 + 19.77 4392.35 + 21.50 10.58

1971 288.47 + 28.69 275.06 + 18.70 563.53 + 21.33 5479.60 + 24.80 lo .so

1981 359.31 + 24.‘*6 339.84 + 19.06 699.15 + 24.06 6851.85 + 25.00 J0.20

SouBOE. - (o) CeasuB of In d ia. (6) Oaasus o f lad ia. 1981—Serie* 4,. 25


Population (in ’000) - Age-group Peraont Males Femalee

1 2 3 4

0- 14; 23,02.64 11,88,70 ],13,84 -• 1 6 -1 8 4,74,47 2,62,11 2,22,36

1 0 - 4,30,82 2,16,63 2,15,20 1 6 - IB 4,07,99 2,03,27 2,04,73 1 0 -1 8 6,90,67 3,55,40 3,36,17

4 0 -4 8 6,11,55 ?,75,15 2,36,40 6 0 -5 8 3,33,45 1,79,85 •a,53,61

80 and aboT* .. ' 8,26,93 1,68,71 1,68,22

Age aot known 1,16 56 60

\ lo t a l 54,79,60 28,39,37 26,40,13

FigareB have been •djuated to keep the total int*ct.

SotTBOB— Cen«u* of India, 1971. 29


Age-group P©r«ou» Males Fen^alea.

1 2 3 4

0 - 1 4 3,39,94 1,25,05 1,14,89 1 5 -1 9 44,90 23,73 21,17

2 0 -2 4 43,01 20,29 22,72 2 5 -2 9 41,55 20,29 21,26 3 0 - 39 , 73,33 36,49 36,84

4 0 -4 9 54,23 28,39 25,85 5 0 -5 9 33,38 17,65 15,62

60 and above .. 33,24 16,56 16,68 Age uot known 5 2 3

Total 5,63,53 2,88,47 2,75,06

Figures have been adjusted to keep the total intaot.


Total Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non- Main CiUtivators labourers Ir duBtry workers workers workers State workers (*) (»t) Manufacturing, [»»♦, «v, v(6) Processing, and vi to Servicing and im ] Repairs [ m ] 1 i 3 4 6 6 7 8 ♦ Andhra Pra

Himachal Pradesh J4,71 10,02 40 IT 4,02 3,4S 24,67 Januuu and Kashniir .. 18,19 10,34 64 96 6,25 8,31 ‘ 33,37

Kerala 67,91 8,87 18,17 2,61 37,36 9,80 1,76,82 Madhya Pradeflh 2,00,41 1,04,14 48,58 7,06 40,63 2,356 2,97,31

Maharashtra 2,43,02 85,36 64,71 6,21 86,76 2.416 « 3,60,66 Manipur 6,73 3,66 29 66 1,26 40 8,07 Maghalaya .. 6,80 3,63 68 6 Itarnatak . . 1,54 38 7,22 1,36,50 62,22 36,56 6,60 42,14 12,93 2,21,92 Nagaland 3,68 3,«6 3 1 98 5 4,01 Orissa 86,35 4,58 23,v.f 2,86 19,00 13,87 1,63,48 Punjab 49^8 17,67 10.92 1,27 19,41 3,60 1,15,01

Bajnstban .. 1,04,42 64,31 7,66 3,40 39,06 21,C0 2,17,19 2,82,09 Tamil Nadu .. 1,90,28 56,69 60,38 8,78 66,31 11,72 13,91 Tripura 6,09 2,63 1,46 9 1,90 54

U ttar Pra^fcsb 3,23,S7 1,89,68 61,77 12,00 70,62 16,66 7,68,11 9,81,16 WeBt Bengal 1,54,24 46,9i 38.92 6,43 63,99 10,40 1,19 Aadaman and Nioobar 63 10 2 2 48 7 8 81 19 2,99 Aruaaobal Pradesh 3,13 2,23 1 to 2,94 CO Chandigarh 1,57 2 1 1 1,53 1 53 Dadar Xagar Herveli 4S 26 6 11 i / 16 42,18 Delbi- 19,86- 35 16 34 19,02 7,04 Goa, Daman and Diu 3,32 63 32 . 11 2,26 50 30 Laccadiv and Miaicoy 7 1 9 2 4,21 •■ndiohery.. 1,73 16 65 4 99 11 6 1,64 Sikkim 1,49 89 5 2 62 ?,69 Mirore^n 2,06 1,46 6 2 64 IS 2,20,88 42,06,83 T otal 22,25,17 9,25,23 5,56,00 77,11 6,67,83

Total may not tally due to rounding off. SouBoa—Census of India, 1981 Series 1, Pap«r I of 1982 t a b l e 10 DISTBICTWISE CLASSIFICATION OF WORKING POPULATION IN BIHAR ACCORDING TO 1981 CENSUS.

Agricultural Household Total UbourerB Industry D istrict. Other workeM Marginal Main Cultivators (•») Manufacturing, on repairs workers Non. workers (»■) Processing, [m, v{b) workers (*-♦*) Servicing and vt to ♦«] and Repairs N o ) 3

1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8

Patna 834 238 269 20 317 28 2,167 494 187 207 12 78 19 1,128 Gaya 966 416 376 26 160 57 2,111 Aurangabad 343 169 123 12 30 864 w NaWadah .. 841 16S 1S3 8 41 20 739 Bhojpur 607 264 226 15 112 41 1,759 Rohtas 659 290 246 13 111 34 1,678 Saran 486 261 135 12 78 22 1,676 Siwan 410 264 92 9 66 24 1,346 Qopalganj .. 353 224 92 6 32 11 998 East ■0’ia:nparan 734 314 337 11 72 24 1,667 04 1,2»1 Wjsfc O^araparan 648 236 334 10 o» 114 38 1.G55 Mazaffarpur 664 26S 273 12 11 S8 16 1,227 Vaiahali . • • 420 207 144 10 66 12 1,369 Sitamarl^i .. 561 221 274 15 85 30 1,428 D arbhanga 660 206 24*^ 86 28 1,504 SamaBtipur 685 2?6 248 15 59 38 1,«32 M adhubani 656 277 303 17 25 160 73 2,253 Monghyr 990 407 398 322 37 118 61 1,784 BHagsJpiir 777 300 46 193 286 2,204 Saitbal Parganas 1,228 732 256 10 71 16 1,029 B3g iSarai . - 411 135 195 13 96 112 1,825 Sabarsa 1,017 415 492 2,315 447 633 17 136 49 P^nea 1,232 22 938 Katibar 469 160 232 9 68 228 11 82 60 1,237 Palam au 620 300 1,461 313 108 16 191 120 Haza'ibagb 627 1,142 270 70 10 128 111 Giridih 478 222 1,788 1,060 651 151 30 227 Rancbi 45 11 430 38 , 1,480 DhaTibad 596 109 1,739 202 26 326 187 Siaghbb'.im 936 383 47,298 7,367 496 3,849 1,864 B ih a b 20,753 9,042

Total nia,y n o t tally due to rounding off. SoUBOa.— Oensua of India, 1981, paper 1 of 1982. 32



(In 000.) Work«r« other than cultivator or agrioul Name o f diatriot. Tot*l wor- As oultiya* Ai sgriouU tur»l ken. tom. tural labourer. Ubourer.

1071 1981 1971 1981 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 S 4 6 6 7 8 9

1. Patna 668 834 218 238 231 269 219 S37 3. Nalanda .. 411 494 168 197 174 207 69 90 8. Geye 587 966 249 416 226 375 112 175 4. Aurangebad 393 8^3 177 159 157 123 69 61 5. Nawadah 991 341 190 168 155 123 46 60 8. Bhojpur .. 560 60 7 225 254 232 226 103 127 7. Rohtas 594 659 243 290 236 245 115 124 8. SaraQ 436 486 225 261 144 135 67 90 9. Siw8n . 378 410 214 254 116 92 4.8 64 1q. Gopalgauj 325 353 177 224 120 92 28 37 11. East Charaparan 639 734 239 314 342 337 68 83 12. West ChamparsQ 592 648 187 236 310 334 95 78 13. Muiatfarpur 569 664 217 265 269 273 83 1‘).6 14. Vaishali .. 362 420 182 207 131 144 49 60 '6. SitaoiPrhi 495 561 184 221 264 274 47 66 16. 442 550 157 205 216 245 69 100 17. 538 585 210 236 256 248 72 101 18. Madhubani 575 656 223 277 298 303 54 76 19. Monghyr 855 990 328 407 374 398 153 185 20. Begusarai 345 411 118 135 170 195 57 88 21. B h a ^ p u r 670 777 241 300 310 322 U 9 165 ?2. SantKal Fcrganas J04? 1?28 630 732 264 256 148 240 23. Saharsa .. 830 1017 350 415 401 492 9 110 24. Purnea .. 938 1232 409 447 412 633 117 152 26. Ketihar .. 372 469 149 160- 160 232 63 .77 26L Hazaribagh 497 627 262 313 117 108 118 206 27. Giridih .. 400 478 217 270 85 70 98 138 28. Dhanbad.. 495 596 115 109 59 45 321 442 29. Ranchi 831 1060 509 652 155 151 167 257 30. Palamau 484 620 234 300 195 228 55 92 31. Singhbhum 809 936 331 384 225 202 253 350 STATE 17489 20753 7580 9042 6806 7366 2103 4345 Total may not tally due to rounding off. SOTTROT-Census o f India,1971 1981 (Bihar) 3 3


PERCEKTAGE distribution o f w o r k e r s i n BIHAR DURING 1981 UNDEJR THE DIFFERENT ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION AS ADOP­ TED IN 1981 CENSUS. 1971 1981 EooQomio Classification Number Percentage Number Peroeu- ('000) (*000) tage.

1 (i) Cultivator ., . . 7580 43.35 9042 43.57

(ii) Agrijultural Labourer , .. 6806 38.92 7367 35.50

(»♦») Live Stock, Forestry, Fishing, 169 0.96 168 0.81 Hu-iting and Plantations. Orcharda and allied activities.

(*t>) Min-Ag and quarrying .. 258 1.48 334 l.fll

(v) Manufacturing, Processing, eerricing and repairs. (a) House hold Industry .. i33 2.47 495 2.39

(fe) Other than Household 454 2.60 816 3.93 Incustiry. {vi) Conatruction . • •. 98 ,0.56 156 0.75

(vii) Trade and Commerce .. 570 3.26 8 68 - 4.18

Tr»nsport, storage and . . 265 1.51 367 1.77 Conmunioaions. (**) Oth*r Services .. 856 4.89 1140 5.49

Total Workers 17489 100.00 20753 IOO.Oq 34


1968. 1971.


Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Tc^al.

' 0 - 4 44,348 42,740 87,088 43,618 46,839 95,157

5 - 9 37,680 37,137 74,717 41,956 40,t03 82,269

1 0 - U 32,617 31,285 63,882 36,860 36,891 73,261 1 6 -1 9 26.869 24,440 61.099 31,983 30.659 62,642

2 0 - 24 21,178 20,248 41.426 25,967 23,806 49,762 2 6 -2 9 17,831 18,768 36,597 20,634 19,826 40,159

3 0 -3 4 18,236 17,533 33,768 17,237 18,087 35,324

3 6 - 89 14.869 15,003 29,662 15.610 18,769 32,379

4 0 -4 4 12,845 12,376 25,221 13,951 14,263 28,214

4 6 -4 9 10,630 10,260 20,890 12,079 11,676 23,764 6 0 -6 4 8,895 8^405 17.100 9.808 9,567 19,363

6 6 -6 9 6,758 6,671 13.427 7,800 7.659 16,459

e o -6 4 4,962 6,145 10,097 5.809 6,873 11,682 8 6 - 89 3,863 3,776 7,138 8,989 4,288 8,277

70 and abor 3,716 4,807 8,6>S 4,390 6,644 9,934 All age> 2,62,064 2,58,571 5,20,635 2,96,479 2,91,137 6,87,616

SouBOB. —Planning Commiuion, New Delhi. 35


1976. 1981.

Ag« group. Mai*. Female. Tot*l. Maje. Fenjftle- T otal


0 - 4 61,666 49,428 1,01,079 48,864 4P,468 9A,322 5 - 9 46,628 44,542 91.070 50022 47,670 97,692 10~H 41|S78 39,982 81,060 45,989 48,966 89,955 15—19 S6,319 36,797 72,116 40,862 89,188 79.996

2 0 -3 4 tl.803 29,970 61,273 35,678 86,181 70,809 2 5 -2 9 25,807 23,172 48,479 30,660 20,820 69,980

3 0 -3 4 10,001 19,072 89,073 24,767 22,685 47,402 3 5 -3 9 16,752 17,546 34,298 19.586 18,600 88,186

4 0 -4 4 16,090 16,217 31,807 16,286 17,068 88,349 46—49 12,854 13,707 27,061 14.587 15,677 30,214 6 0 -5 4 11,078 11,378 22,466 12,675 18,111 26,786

6 5 -5 9 9,015 8,914 17,929 10,562 10,485 20.997

6 0 -6 4 6,909 6,929 13,838 8,079 8,159 *16,238 6 6 -8 9 4,853 6,041 9,894 5,859 6,043 11,902

70 »nd ebov© 5,421 6,461 11,882 6,779 7,743 14,522 7,32,299 All ages 8,85,264 3,27,562 6,62,826 3,71,155 3,61,144 ___ —► 3 6


1951-1960, 1961—19Q5,

B.R. D.R. G.R. B.R. D.R.G.R.

1 2 3 4 6 6 7

Bihat 43.4 26.1 J7.3 42.8 20.0 22.8

India 41.7 22.8 18.9 41.0 17.2 33.8

1966-1970 1971-1975 1970—19B0

B.R. D.R. G.R. B.R. D.R. G-R- B.R. D.R. G.R.

~ 1 8 9 10 11 la 13 U 15 16

Bihar .. 40.3 16.1 24.2 36.8 12.7 ?4.1 30.2 10.8 19.9 ladia .. 38.6 U .9 24.6. 35.1 11.8 28.8 28.7 9.8 19.5

SouKCB—Planning Commieaion, N ev Delhi.

B.R.— Birth-Rate. D.R.— Death-Rate. Q.R.— Growth-Rate. 37


1— i Towns

States. 1,00,000 50,000 20,000 - 10,000 5,000 Less Total and to to to to then above. 99.S99 49,999 19,999 9,999 5,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Andhra Pradesh 20 30 . 88 64 28 4 ' 234 Assam’" N.A. N.A.

Bihar 16 19 57 69 23 5 ’ 179

Qujrat 13 23 46 76 53 9 220 Btsryana 11 5 13 24 • 22 2 77

Himachal Pradesh 11 2 5 9 29 56 K J8 mmu and N.A. N.A. •• Kashmir. ' ’i Kerala 8 7 49 17 4 • • 85 Madhya Pradesh 14 28 41 113 104 3 303

Maharashtra 25 20 81 91 43 16 276 Manipur 1 2 4 9 16 32

Meghalaya 1 1 1 1 3 7

Karnataka 17 11 64 100 42 16 250

Nagaland 2 2 3 7 Orissa 6 7 23 39 - 25 3 103 Punjab 7 9 28 35 41 14 134

Rajasthan 11 11 62 98 «2 1 195

Tamilnadu 20 37 63 82 37 6 245

Tripura 1 •« 1 4 2 2 10 U ttf V Pradesh ,. 30 37 86 194 231 82 659

5 r ia u —11 38

TABLE \5 — condd,


States 1,00,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 Less T o tal and to to to to th en above 99,999 49,999 19,999 9,999 5‘000

1 2 3 7 2 3 7 8

West Bengal 12 21 36 34 20 ^ 130 Andaman and .. 1 1 Nicobar.

Arunachal Pradesh 6

Chandigarh 1 Delhi 6

©adar and Nagar 1 Haveli. Gk>a, D am an and 17 Diu. Laccadive and 3 Minicoy. Pondichery 1. 1 4 Sikkim I 8

Mizoram 1 1 4 6

India 216 280 739 1048 742 230 3255

SouBCE—^Census of India, 1981—-Paper 2. N.A.—.Not Available * (Provisional). 3 9




District. 1,00,000 60,000 20,000 Below Total and to to 20,000 above. 99,999 49,999 ______t 2 S 4 5 6

P atn a 12

N alanda

G aya Aurangabad

N aw adah . B hojpur

B ohtas

Saran 4 Si wan 3 Ijopalganj . 3 East Champaran 5

West Champaran 4 Musaffarpur 1 Vaiehali 3

S itam arhi 5 D arbhanga 1

S am astipur 4 M adhubani 3 M onghyr 12 B hagalour 5

Santhal Parganas 12 40



District. 1,00,000 60,000 20,000 Below Total. an d to to 20,000 above. 99,990 49,999

1 2 3 4 5 6

B«gutarai ,. 2 1 1 4

Salukrsa . 1 ' 2 4 1

Purnea . 2 2 5 «

Katihar 1 • •• 1 i i Palamau . 1 1 4 i

Haiaribagh • . . 2 4 4 1^

Qifidih . 1 2 ’ 8

Banohi 1 • • 3 6 11!

Dhanbad 2 4 12 12 3C

Singhbhum 1 2 6 13 2 |

BIHAR 14 , 25 76 ' 10« 22^

■ I -1 t IIII

SoTTRo*—’(0 Census of India (Bihar), 1981. (♦») I.G. Police, Biher. 41


9«rial Diatriot. No. of No. of No. of Villageai. no. Blocks. Police- Stationa. Inhabited. Uninhabi­ ted.

i 4 5 6

1 Patna 16 51 1294 189 2 Nalanda 12 2 5 / 1004 55

3 Qaya 25 36 3513 319 4 Nawadah 10 16 967 124 9 Aurangabad 11 18 1749 116

6 Bhojpur 19 33 1799 668

7 Rohtas 22 36 3003 778

8 Saran 15 28 1670 206 9 Siwfn 15 19 1437 101

10 Gopalganj 10 15 1386 160 p. Cbamparan (East) 20 32 1283 46

12 Champaran (West) 16 26 1363 183

13 Muzaffarpur 14 26 J729 48

14 Vaiehali 11 19 1399 170

Lo Sitamarhi 15 21 987 24 16 Darbhanga 12 17 1068 211

17 Samastipur 14 24 1111 135 .8 M adhubani 18 29 1032 81

9 Begusarai 11 19 692 498

!0 M onghyr 26 48 2636 815

11 Bhagalpur 21 40 2524 1111 42


Serial D istrict No. of No. of No. of VilLage no. Blocks ' Police- ———----^ ------Station Inhabited Ifninhabited

22 Scmthal Parganas 23 Saharsa 24 Purnea 25 K atihar

26 Hazaribagh

27 Giridih 28 DhanbacJ

29 Ranchi ■30 Palamau 31 Singhbhum

T otal

Excluding Railway Police-Station. TOTAL 18

POPULATION OF s c h e d u l e d CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PER­ CENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION IN BIHAR BY DIVISION/DISTRICT ACCORDING TO 1981 CENSUS. Percentage Percentage Scheduled Castes (in ’000). Scheduled Tribes (in, ’000) of of Division /District. Scheduled Scheduled Castes to Tribes, to Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. to tal to ta l populalrion. population*

1 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Patna Division 29.27 15,02 14,25 56 29 27 19.64 0.38 ■4,66 15.43 10.23 Patna 2,iS 3,23 - 7 4 3 lU C/3 N alanda 3,14 1.63 1,51 19.13 0.00

G aya 8,01 4,05 3,96 2 1 1 25.72 0.64 A uiangabad 2,83 1,45 1,38 22.88 0.00

N awadah 2,69 1,34 1,35 2 1 1 24.48 0.18

Bhojpur 3,50 1,80 1,70 6 3 3 14.54 0.25

RohtftS 2,32 2,12 39 20 19 18.77 1.64

Tirhut Division, 21 33 107 1 10 62 61 30 31 13.69 0.39

Satan 2 35 1,16 1,19 9 4 5 11.27 0.43

Siwan 1 93 93 1 00 12 6 6 10.85 0.67 Gopalganj 1 65 81 84 10 5 5 12.11 0.72 t a b l e 18 — concld.

n9?’ ^<^HEDULED c a s t e s a n d s c h e d u l e d t r i b e s a n d t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e p e r - SSSOEWoUIS,qA o t o t a l p o p u l a t i o n i n BIHAR BY DIVISION/DISTRICT ACCORDING TO 1981'

Pefcentage Percentage Scheduled Castes (in ’000) Scheduled Tribes (in ’000) of of Division /District. Scheduled Scheduled CtiStes to Tribes to Persons. Males. Females. Persons Majles Females tot al to tal population population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

East Cham^arau .. 3 21 1 65 1,56 2 1 1 13.23 0.83 W est ChampaX’an .. 2,90 1,49 1,41 27 14 13 J4.7C 0.14 Muzaffarpur ‘3,68 1,85 1,83 15.61

Vaiehali 8,22 1,59 1,63 1 I 19.36 0.60

Sitam arhi 2,39 1,23 1,J6 ■ • 12.37

Darbhanga Diviaion 11,72 5,89 5,83 14.82

D arbhanga 2,93 1.47 1,46 14.59

Sam astipur 3,74 1,86 1,88 17.67 w

M adhubani 2,98 1,51 1,47]» 12.81

B eg u sa^ i 2,07 1,05 1,02 14.21

B hagalpur Divisiorx 11,23 5,73 5,50 15,21 7,68 7,63 11.63 15.70

Moughyr 5,23 2,6« 2,57 61 31 SO 15.78 1.84 Bhagalpur .. 2,88 1,48 1,40 47 45 lO.ay 3.61

Sauthal Parganas .. 3,12 1,59 1,53 13,68 0,90 0,78 8.3Q 36.80

Kosi Divisioa •. 10 41 5 31 6 10 2 12 1,08 1,04 13.05 2.66

Saharsa .. 4,74 2,4l 2,33 12 6 6 16.04 0.41

P uraea .. 4,37 2,23 2,14 1,13 58 55 12.15 0.13

K atihar .. 1,30 67 63 87 44 43 9-09 6.09

North Chotauagpur Division, 9,72 5,00 4,72 6,16 3,13 3,03 16.08 10.19

D haubad .. 3,31 1,81 1,50 1,92 99 93 15,65 9.08

Hazatibagh .. 4,15 2,08 2,07 1,99 1,01 98 18.88 9.0

Giridih .. 2,26 1,11 1,15 2,25 1,13 1,12 13.04 13.00 VI South Chotauagpur Division 7,73 3,93 3,80 33,45 16,66. 16,79 9.85 42.

I^anchi . . 1.58 81 77 17,32 8,60 8,72 5,14 56.42

Palam au .. 4,78 2,42 2,36 3,51 1,77 1,74 24-93 18.32

Singhbhum .. ' 1.37 70 67 12,62 6,29 6,33 4.79 44-09

14.51 8.31 BIHAR 1,01,42 51,58 49,84 58,10 29,15 28,95

Total may not tally due to rounding off. ..Leea than 500 or negligible. , iqoo S o u r c e .— Census of India, 1981 (Bihar) Paper 1 of 1982. 46


Number of literates Literacy per thoasand (in lakhs) States Total Males Females Total Males Females

1 6

A ndhra Pradesh . . 1,60 1,06 54 2,99 3,93 2,04

Assam .. N.A. N.A. ’ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A Bihar .. 1,83 1,37 46 2,62 3,81 1,36 G ujarat .. 1 49 96 53 4,37 5,44 3,23

Meghalaya .. 5 3 2 3,4l 3,79 3 01 Jamtnu ard Kashmir 15 11 4 2,67 3,63 1.59

H ariyana .. 46 33 ' 13 3,6i 4,82 2,23 K orala .. 1,79 94 85 7,04 7,53 6,57

M adhya Pradesh .. 1,45 1,06 39 2,79 3,95 1,55

Tam ilnadu 2,27 1,43 84 i,68 5,83 3,50 M aharashtra .. 2,97 1,91 1,06 4 72 5,88 3,48

K arnataka ‘ 1,42 92 50 3 85 4 88 2,77 Orissa .. 91 63 28 3 42 4 71 2,11

P u ajab .. 68 42 26 4 09 4 72 3,37

R ajasthan .. 84 65 19 2 44 3 63 1,14 U ttar Pradesh . . 8 01 2 28 73 2,72 3,88 1,40 Weflfc B engal . . 2,24 1,45 79 4,09 5,07 3,03

. Andamar andNioobar 1 1 .. 5,1 5,87 4,21 Islands.

Delhi ' 39 2 i 15 . 6,15 6,84 5,31 Himaohal Pradesh 19 12 7 4,25 5,32 3,15 4J


Number o f literates Literacy per thoiisand. (in lakhs). States Total, Males Females Total Males Females

2 3 ‘ 4

Laccadive, Minicoy and 5,51 6,52 4,47 Amirj dive Islan ds

Mpnipur .. 6 4 2 4,14 5,33 2,91 Tripura .. 8 6 3 4,21 . 5,17 3,20

Dadgr & Nagar Haveli 2,67 3,63 1,68

Go», Daman & Diu 7 4 - 3 5,67 6,56 V 4,76 pondicheri .. 3 2 1 5,59 6,58 4,57

AruQacha IPradeah 1 1 2,08 2,89 1,13

N agaland .. ' 3 2 1 4,26 5,01 3,39

Chandigarh .. 3 2, 1 6,48 6,90 5,93

Sikkim . . 1 1 3,41 4,40 2,22 Mizoram . . 3 -2 1 5,99 6,45. 5,49

INDIA 24,10 16,13 7,97 3,62 4,69 2,48

(----- ) Less th an 50,000 Tetal may not tally due to rounding off,

'' SoubOb. — Ceosus of India 1981 , Paper 1 of 1982. 4 8



Literates (in lakhs) Percentage of literacy. Divisiou/Diatrict------Pteraona Males Females Persons Males Female*

/ 2 3 4 5 6 P«tna Division 48.04 35.57 12.47 32.2 46.1 17.3

Pativa .. 12.00 8.37 3.63 39.7 62-4 25.5 Nalanda 5.40 3.96 1.44 32.9 46.5 18.2

Gaya .. 9.42 7.08 2.34 30.1 44.3 13-2 Aurangabad .. 3.53 2.69 0.84 28.5 42.5 - 18.9

Nawadah .. 2.91 2.2l 0.70 26.5 40.2 12.7

Bhojpur .. 7.55 5.78 1.77 31.3 46.6 IS .l

Rohtas ., 7.23 5.48 1.75 30,3 44.2 13-5

Tirhut Division .. 34.96 26.78 8.18 22.4 38.9 IO.6 Saran . .. 5.69 4.42 1.27 27.3 42.8 12.1 Siwan .. 4.22 3.24 0.98 23.7 37.7 10,7

Qopalganj .. 2.91 2.33 0,58 2U 34.3 8.5

East Chemparan' 4.69 3.67 1.02 l9.3 29.1 817 West Champaran 3.70 2.86 0.84 18.7 27.7 8.9

Muzaffarpur .. 5.72 4.19 1.53 24.3 34.9 13.2 Vaisheli .. 4.25 3.20 1:.05 25.5 38.4 19.7

iiitamarhi .. 3.78 2.87 ^ 0.91, 19.6 28.7 9.7

D arbhanga Division 18.91 44.17 4.74 23.9 35.3 12*2

Darbhanga ., 4.8O 3.55 1.25 23.9 35.0 12.6 Samasfcipur .. 5.26 , 3.93 1.33 24.8 36.6 ’2.7

Madhubani .. 5.05 3.96 1.09 21.7 33.7 9.5

Bagusarai .. 3.80 2*73 1.07 26.1 36.3 15.2 49

TABLE 20—conoid.


Literates (lakhs) Percentage of literacy. Diviflioa/Diitriot. Persocs Males Females Persons MjJes FemaUs

1 2 - 8 4 5 6 7

Bhagalpur Division 24.31 18.U 6.17 25.2 36.3 13.2

Monghyr 8.84 6.55 2.29 26.6 38.0 14.4

Bhagalpur 7.20 5.23 1.97 27.4 38.1 15.8 Santhal Parganas 8.27 6.36 1.91 22.2 33.5 10.5

Kosi Division 15.91 12.21 3.70 19.9 29.5 9.& Saharsa 5.98 4.68 1.30 20.2 ao.6 9.1 Puxnea 6.93 ' 5.31 1.62 19.3 28.4 9.4

Katihar 3.00 2.22 0.78 21.0 29.9 11.3 North Chotaaagpur 17.68 13.35 4.23 29.1 42.2 14.7 Division. Dhaobad 8.28 e.08 2.20 39.1 52.1 23.?

Hazaribagh .. 5.16 3.99 1 .1 , ^ 23.5 35.6 10.9

Qiridih 4.14 3.28 0,86 23.9 37.4 10.0

South Chotanagpur 23.46 16.67 6.79 29.9 41.5 17.7 vision. R anchi 9.65 6.69 2.96 31.4 42.8 19.6

Palam au 3-91 3.06 0.85 20.4 31.2 9.1 Singhbhum 9.90 6.82 ,2.98 34.6 46.9 21.5

BIHAR .. 183,21 136.91 46.30 26.2 38.1 13.6

Total of oolumus 2,3 and 4 may n ot tally due to rounding off. SotrBoB.- Census of India, 1981 (Bihar) Paper 1 of 1982. 5 0

TABLE 21 NUMBER OF aCGUPIED RESIDENTIAL HOUSES AND HOUSEHOLDS IN BIHAR BY DIVISION/DISTRICT ACCORDING TO 1981 CENSUS (in ’000) N um ber of Number o f Diviaioa/District. occupied households. residential houses.

2 S Patna Division 159 2176

P atna < . . 368 451 N alanda 223 Gaya 239 402 467 Aurangabad 166 182 Nawadah 138 Bhojpur 162 277 335 Rohtas 295 Tirhut Division 340 1977 2500 Saran 227 Siwaa 323 197 252 Qopalganj 166 205 East Champarau 331 West Chsrdparau 401 301 327 Muzaffarpur 309 VaishAli 390 195 262 ^ Sitamarhi 251 Darbhanga Diviaiou 340 1068 1375 D ifbhanga 266 Sbmastipur 345 275 Madhubaui 372 Beguflarai 331 411 196 Bhagalpur Division 247 Monghyr 1,432 1650 Bhagalpur 454 553 362 436 SantKal Parganas 616 661 1308 1393 Saharsa 445 Poruoa 493 624 647 K atihar 239 North Chotanagpur Division 253 Dhanbad 930 1065 Hazaribagh 380 408 314 Giridih 372 236 285 Soath Chotanagpur Division 1316 Ranchi 1424 527 565 Palam au 281 Singhbhum 318 608 551 —------BIHAR .. 9,891 11,581 SODBCE.-Census of Ir dja, i981 (Bihar) TotaJ may u o ttally due to rounding ,off. 51


1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 (P) (P) (o)

Net National Product— (Rs. 1,000 million) At curreut prices .. 691 616 - 669 748 801

A t 1970-71 prices .. 364 400 405 439 456

Per Capita Net Product (Rs.)— At current prices .. 999.7 1020.6 1 085.8 H89.1 1249.5

At 1970-71 prices .. 616.1 662.4 658.0 ^ 697.2 712.0

Index aumber of Net National Product with ' 1970-71 «8 base— At ouireat prices . . 172.6 180.1 195.4 218.5 233.9

At 1970-71 prices .. 106.4 116.9 118.4 128,1 133.3

Index number of per C a p ita net National Product— i At current prices .. 158.0 16J.3 171.6 187.9 197.5

At 1970-71 prices . . 97.4 104.7 104.0 110.2 112.5

P — Provisional* (o)—Quick eatimates. SOTTROB— Central Statistical Organisation, 197 9. 52


(All-India) (Orores oj Rupieee)

Ind u stry 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-7£ (I*) (P) (a)

1 2 •3 4 5 6

1. Agrioultiire 27,278 25,868 26,692 ^0,359 31,023 2. Forestry and Logpng 620 722 830 936 1,122 3. Fiehing 422 526 599 623 765

4. Mining »nd quaJfiying 621 806 885 928 954 A

Sub-Total 28t,36 27,922 29,006 32,845 33,864

5. Large BOale mantl- 5,636 5,831 6,623 7,256 8,135 faoturing.

6' Small scale manu­ 3,360 3,591 8,886 4.440 4,986 facturing

7 Oonstruotion 2,553 3,259 8,898 4,31i 4,732

8 Eleotrioity, gaa aod 525 , 657 867 9S6 1 173 water-supply*

Sub-T otal 12,064 13,838 15,274 16,93i 18,976

9. R ailw ay 647 795 1 007 1,04? ■ 976

10. CommunioationB .. 326 373 508 551 620

11. Transport by other 1,576 1,684 1,854 144J 2,112 means and storage.

12. Trade and hotels 7,503 8,213 8,814 9,98) 1 0,683 restaurant.

Sub-Total 10,052 11,065 12,178 13,51f 14,391 • 53

TABLE ZZ^concld.

Industry 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 P P (a)

1 2, k 5

13. Banking and Insu­ 1,352 1,760 2,072 2,249 2,451 rance.

14. Real estate owner- 1,398 1,515 1,744 2,144 2,558 ship' of dwelling and buainess services.

15. Public adm inistration 2,858 3,237 3,455 3,686 4,143 and defence.

16, O ther services 2,714 3,064 3,391 3,683 3,a71

Sub-Total 8,322 9,576 10,662 11,762 13,123

TOTAL—Net Domestic ^59,374 61,899 67,120 75,058 8Q,S54 Product.

P —Provisional. (o) Quick estim ates.

^ S ottkce — Central statistical Organisatioa, 1979. 55 Plain—5 54

TABLE 24. NET DOMESTIC PRODUCT AT FACTOR COST BY INDUSTRY OF ORIGIN. (A1 1970-71 Prices) (AU-India) firores of rupees)

ffector 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 (P) (P) («) 1 6

1. Agriculture 1,59,] 7 1,79,69 1,69,02 1,88,67 J ,91,67 ‘2. Forestry and Logging 4,36 5,01 5,49 5,56 5,81 3. Fiehing.. 2,77 2,93 2,93 2,90 3,07 4. Mining and quarryirg 3,86 4,34 * 4,38 4,40 4,42

Sub-Total 1,70,16 1,91,97 1,8] ,82 2,01,63 2,04;97 5. Large scale manufac­ 33,92 33,96 37,95 40,13 43,36 turing. 6. Small-scale manufac­ 20,78 21,83 23,06 24,67 26,31 turing. 7. Coastraction 17,19 20,1 3 22,63 24,17 24,77 8. Electricity gas and 3,93 4,50 5,14 5,28 5,88 'ifeter supply.

Sub-Total 75,82 80,42 88,78 94,25 1,00,32

9. Railways 5,62 6,38 6,99 7,43 7,04 10. Commur icatiou 2,72 2,91 3,19 3,36 3 ,5a 11. Trat. sport by other 10,42 11,22 11.4 3 11,90 12,41 means and storage. 32. Trade, hotels and 42,59 46,55 48,58 52,09 55,43 restaurant s.

Sub-T otal 61,35 67,06 70,19 74,78 78,46

13. Banking and Insu- 6,95 8,26 9,94 11,14 13,03 ra c ce. 14. R e a l estate ow ner­ 11,61 11,95 12,37 12,82 13,25 ship of dwellings and business ser­ vices. l6. Public administra­ 20,87 22,38 23,75 25,21 26,76 tion and defence. 16. O ther services 18,57 18,98 IP,34 1P.90 20,60

Sub-Total 58,00 61,57 65,40 69,07 73,64

T otai.—Ntet Domestic 3,65,33 4,01,02 4,06,19 4,39,63 4,57,8» Product.

P —Provisior al. («) Quick estimates. ®.— Central Statistical Organisation , 1979. 55


i (Crores of rupees)

— 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 . 3 4 5

1. Agriculture 22,07 23,2? 22,24 29,65

2. Forestry & Logging .. 80 67 70 72 3. Piehing 62 63 61 67

4. ICning and quarrying 3,02 3,49 4,73 4,73

Sub-Total- Prima3py 26,41 27,91 28,28 35,77

5. Maoofacturing 5,78 6,09 6,34 6,67

6.1. Registered 4,71 6,02 4,96 6,30 6.2 TJn-registered 1.07 1,07 1,38 1,37

6. Construction 3,22 4,25 3,36 3,56

7. Elec ricity & Water 66 97 68 77 fupply.

8ub-Ttoal— Secondary 9,66 11,31 10,38 11,00

8. Transport —Storage & 2,72 2,45 3,02 3,08 Communication.

8.1. Railways 1,74 1,49 1,33 1,26

8.2. Transport by other 79 80 1,48 1,60 means and storage.

S.3. Oommunicption 19 16 21 22 9. Tisde, Hotels and 2,95 2,94 5,86 7,49 Restaurants.

Sub-Total—-Transport, Com­ 6,67 6,39 8,88 10,67 munication and Trade. 56

TABLS 25 —conoid.

{Crores cf rvpees).

— 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4 r>

ID. Banking a>nd Insarauce 66 64 79 94 liw Real Esta'e, Ownership of 106 114 86 100 Dwellings & Business Services.

Sub-Tot«i.l— Finance ar d 172 178 165 194 R ral Esta;*e.

1'2. Public Adiiiiaistrati©!), 134 167 176 191

13. Other Services • 2l2 222 2C3 295

Sub-Tot^l— Gommuuity and 346 389 427 486 Personal Services.

i i . Total — Xet Domestic Product 4692 50?6 6346 6414 at factor cost.

S o u r c e .— Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar. 57


\ 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 3 4 5

1. Agriculture 1436 1376 1151 1418 2. Forestry and Logging 29 30 29 29

3. Fishing., 21 20 23 23 4. IMGcing and Quarryingv 117 157 173 211

Sub-Total— Primary 1603 1583 1376 1681 .

5. M anufacturing . . 291 307 320 352

•'5.1. R egisiered 2J7 232 231 <254, 6.2. Unregistered .. 74 75 89 as

6. CoQStruction 243 311 272 289 7. Electricity and Water Supply 28 31 31 31 A S ub-Tot al— Secon dary 562, 649 623 672

8. Transport, Storage and Com­ 163 161 143 141 munication.

8.1. Railways 100 112 . 88 84 8.2. Transport by other means and 56 43 47 49 storage.

8.3. Communication 7 6 8 8

9. Trade, Hotel and Restaurants 207 159 277 297

Sub Total— Transport, Commuaioation 370 320 420 438 a n d T rade. 58

TABliE 2%—mncld. {Crores of rupee*)

------— 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4 5

10. Banlsirg and Insur ance 33 63 38 46 H . RealEstate, Ownership of Dwellings 58 59 47 55 and Business Services.

Sub-Total—Finance and Real 91 122 85 101 E state.

12. Public Administration 62 70 71 72

13. O ther Services 101 105 119 133

Sub-T^t^l- Community and Personal 163 175 190 205 Services.

14. Total- Net Domestic Product at 2789 2849 2694 3094 Factory cost.

S o u r c e . - Directorate of Statistics anH Evaluations Bihar. 59

TABLE 27 LAND USE STATISTICS (INDIA) (Year ^ July to June) (In ’000 Hectares)

------1974-75 1975.76 1976-77 1977-78

1 2 3 4 6 .

(P) A. Total reported area according to 30,41,50 30,43,39 30,40,77 30,49,g0 village papers.

B. C3,asaification of reporting area—

(t) Forests 6,58,67 6,68,95 6,68,08 6,71,00 (»t) Not available for cultivation 4,07,68 3,94,69 3,94,74 3,91,00

{Hi) Permanent pastures and 1,28,53 1,26,23 1,24,71 N.A. other grazing land.

{iv) Land under miacellaneous 41,45 39,79 39,58 N.A. tree crops (not included in net area sown).

(v) Culturable waste land 1,66,57 1,73,64 1,71,54 N.A. {vi) Fallow Land-

(a) FaUow land other 92,61 95,27 96,88 98,00 than current fallow.

(6) Current fallow 1.62,14 1,24,58 1,42,97 1,30,00

(m ) Net area sown 13,83,84 14,22,24 14,02,27 14,26,00

(viii) Area sown more than once 2,58,07 2,87,71 2,68,38 2,97,00

(«aj) lo t a l cropped area 16,41,91 17,09,95 16,70,65 17,28,00 , __ , ______SoxjBCB.— Centrel Statistical Organisation (P) — Provisional.

N.A. — Not available* 60



Classification 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 ' 8 4 S

A. Total Geographical area according 17330 17330 17330 173SO to village papers.

B. Land not available for cultivation—

(*) Forest 2748 2768 2826 282$

(ii) Barren land .. 1000 1008 1011 1011

(Hi) Land put to non.agricnltural 1626 1669 1716 1716 uses.

0. Caltivable Waste land—

(•) PerrDanent pasture and other 146 £44 146 144 grazing land

(U) Oulturable waste other than 4,64 468 4,62 4,47 than fallow land.

(in ) Miscellaneous tree, crops and 214 217 2,16 2,12 groves.

{iv) Current fallow.. 156 1619 2102 1720 («) O ther fallow . . .. 8882 924 962 939 B . A rea sown—

(«) Net area sown 8444 8531 7900 *315

(t») Area sown more than once 2852 2849 2612 2834

(a) Bhadai crop 2115 2087 1923 1988

(b) AghaTji Crop 5234 5292 4816 5203

(c) Bia^d Crop 3680 3501 3178 3338

{d) Oarma Crop (e^clading 367 371 366 398 orchard).

(e) Orchafd 136 131 131 130

SOCTBOB.— Directorate o* Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar, Patna.. TABLE 29 TABLE ae C lassification op land in bihar (by districts) during 19 7 9 -so an d i9 80-s i (In ’000 Hectares)

Total area Barren and Land put to Miscellaneous trees. by Forest uncultivated land^ non-agricultural uses, crops and groves. District village —. paper. 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1981-81 1979-80 1980-81 1 ------5 T 3 1 7 - 10 Patna 317 14 15 51 61

Xalanda 234 4 4 2 2 35 36 Gaya 650 78 73 32 32 64 64 3

Nawadah 249 63 54 12 12 22 22 1

Aurangabad 330 14 14 15 15 4 i 41 Bhojpur 404 9 8 35 35 1 Bohtas 733 159 174 32 33 69 69 1

Saran 265 .. 16 15 29 29 7 1] Siwan 224 8 9 27 27 6 • 5 Qopalganj 204 9 9 22 23 6 5 Champaran^ East 432 6 6 69 59 10 11 Champaran, West 484 100 91 4 3 70 70 12 10

MuxafTarpur 315 6 6 44 44 11 12 TaUhali 201 22 22 35 S5 7 6 266 I 2 44 4.R 8 7 VdxDBanga 230 •• 1 I ^7 s r 6 7 S(uaastipur 286 7 & 48 48 10 12 Madhubarii ^ 353 3- 3 04 64 11 10 BeguSftrai > . . 188 21 19 19 19 2 2 Monghyr 784 132 129 61 61 82 - 82 5 4

B hagalpur 560 40 49 69 69 56 m 5 4

Santhial Parganas 1222 140 141 83 83 111 14 14 S aharsha 583 36 36 91 9J 16 13

P u m ea 775 1 1 33 33 85 85 20 20 E o tih ar 291 21 21 ! 39 3f^ 7 8 (Ji H azaribagh 1110 512 512 99 99 58 7 6

Giridih 688 233 233 52 52 45 4f> 9 9

D hanbad 299 24 24 40 40 ,68 68 3 3

R anchi 1822 399 399 107 107 98 98 7 7

Palam au 1273 600 600 79 79 42 42, 4 4

Singhbhum 1357 327 327 112 112 125 12.'5 18 13

STATE .. 17330 2826 2826 1011 1011 1715 1716 216 212

N ote.—^Total may not tally due to rounding off. S0t7E0e .~ Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar, Patna. OLASsmoATlON or IH nu«IN« X.7.-80 AND I . 80-SI-..,, ~ (In 000 Hectares)

arS^SnTU d. ■~"othe7fa..o,,and- Current fallow. Distri«?ts 1979-80 1980-81 ^ 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 Patna 33 Nalanda 18 15 Gaya 10 7 18 Nawadal* 17 124 81 4 . 3 33 27 Oi ' Aurangabad tk. 2 7 Bhojpur 81 58 2 Rohtas 4 28 25 12 11 Saran 7 44 35 1 2 iSiwan 4 24 16 1 Gopalgaiij 10 11 2 Champaran JSagfc 15 12 1 ChSttiparan Wejsfc 4 8 12 6 10 Muzaffarpur 8 33 S2 ; t 5 27 91 i fc ta m a rri 1 1 1 .1 9. 7 D arbhanga .. ' .. 1 V .5 20 18 S am astipur 4 21 21 M adhubani ' .. 2 2 1 1 . 2 3 15 15 B egusarai 2 1 1 9 7

M onghyr 3 3 23 22 32 116 80 B hagalpur 3 6 21 20 20 22 53 45 Santhal Parganas 59 59 85 84 1,42 1,45 .2,46 1,77 Saharsa 3 2 8 6 73 24 20 ... 43 05 P u m ea 4 4 8 7 23 20* 90 / 86 cn K atih ar 2 1 4 5 10 S) 36 ^ 31

H azaribagh 17 16 35 35 82 77 130 1.14

G iridih 11 12 34 32 75 76 99 88

D hanbad 3 2 20 19 31 30 '56 38 R anchi 4 3 74 74 1,87 1,86 2,31 2,11

P alam au 6 6 23 24 1,04 1,12 2,34 2,12

Singnbhum 11 • 9 84 77 1,31 1,25 1,75 1,59

STATE TOTAL 1,45 1,44 4,62 . 4,47 9,52 9,39 21,02 17,20

♦Note—T otfl may not tally due to rounding off. SoTTBc'E.— Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar, Patna. TABLE 89—con<«/i C3LASSIFICATI0N OF LAND IN BIHAB (BY.DISTRICTS) DURING 1979-80 AND 1080-81- ■■ ____ - : - - . ^ Y^ '-______Area sown more Area under Net area sown - than once Total Cropped area B hadai D istricts 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81

1 19 . 2cT 21 i r U 25 2~6 Patna 2.07 2.23 . 73 96 2,80 3.19 12 17 Nalanda 1,77 1,83 63 86 2,40 2,68 10 12 Gaya 3.19 3,69 96 1,09 4,15 4,77 21 26 Nawadah 1,18 1.23 43 71 . 1,60 1,94 8 10 Aurangabad 1,68 1,91 53 92 2,20 2,83 4 6

Samastipur 1,97 1,94 60 77 2,56 2,71 63 68 2,50 S,60 93 93 3,4i9 a,50 4,0 4 3

B egusarai 1,34 ' 1,36 60 63 1,94 1,99 71 71 M onghyr 3,31 3,71 1,42 .1,28 4,73 4,99 68 78

B hagalpur 2,84 2,89 87 A ,01 3,71 3,90 62 70 Santiial Farganas 5,42 6,09 96 95 6,37 7,04 90 84

Saharsa 3,33 3,71 1,94 1,35 5,27 5,06 96 92 P u m ea 5,10 5,18 2,12 2,43 7,22 7,61 2,25 2,20 K atih ar 1,72 1,77 87 99 2,59 2,76 80 ,86 <35 <1 Hazaribagh 1.71 1,94 21 30 1,92 2,23 50 55 G irldih 1,30 1,42 16 ‘ 22 1,46 1,65 38 39 D haubad 54 74 2 2 56 76 8 10

B anchi 7,15 7,35 41 98 7,56 8,33 2,95 3,13

Falam au 1,81 1,94 34 ' 80 2,16 2,75 91 97

Singubhum 3,74 4,09 4 5 3,78 4,14 37 39

STATE TOTAL 7,90,01 83,15 25,12 28,34 1,04,13 1,11,48 19,23 19,88

N o te.—.Total may not tally due to roimding off.

SoitboB-—'jOirectojrate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar, Patna. CLASSIFICATION OF I,Airo IN BIHAB*(b¥ Dfei'W OTS) DUUWO 1979.SU AJTD li»80.8I ------(In ’000 Hectares) Area under— concZd. D istri^ s. Aghani R abi Germa (excluding t OrcharcJ (not sown orchard) under Germa)

1979-80 1980.81 1979-80 1980-81 ' 1979-'80 ’ 1980-81 I F tS so" 1980-81 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 P a tn a 1,11 1,26 1,49 1,67 7 7 2 2 Nalandd 1,22 1,30 1,04 1,21 4 4 1 1 Q a^a 2,36 2,73 1,54 1,72 4 5 1 1 a N aw adah 92 00 1,11 59 71 2 2 Aurangabad 1,03 1,45 1,12 , J,30 1 1 B hojpur 1,83 2,05 2,19 2,23 2 2 8 8 R ohtas 2,60 3,00 2,68 2,99 3 3 3 2 Saran 72 75 1,20 1,21 8 8 6 6 Siwan 64 63 1,11 1,10 5 6 5 4 Qopalganj 47 42 89 88 6 5 4 3 Cliamparan East 1,63 1,63 1,56 1,47 16 15 9 8 Champaran West 1,58 1,58 . 1,14 1,13 16 16 9 9 MuaalBfcrpur .. 1,27 1,34 1,00 1,05 29 31 9 lo Vaishali 67 58 21 23 9 Sitam arbi 1,48 1,69 97 83 15 14 6 7 Darbhanga 98 1,12 69 71 20 19 7 6

Sam astipur 61 66 1,07 1,10 16 18 9 9

M adhubani 1,95 1,88 87 93 16 15 11 11 B egusarai 20 19 97 1,04 3 8 S M onghyr 1,93 1,88 1,93 2,10 16 21 8

B hagalpur 1,71 1,75 1,27 1,29 6 12 4 ganthal Parganas 4,63 6,27 81 89 2 3 1

Sabarsa 1,91 1,82 1,42 1,32 91 92 8 Oi CO P u m ea 3.21 3,44 1,39 1,48 29 41 8

K atib ar 89 93 71 71 17 22 3

Hazaribagb 1.22 1,43 19 25 1 1

Giridib 96 1,11 11 13 .2 1

Pbanbad 45 63 3 2 1 1

H ancbi 4,01 4,58 50 51 4

Palam au 70 1,07 64 69 ] Singbbbum 3,29 3,57 11 15 1 TOTAL 48,16 52,93 31,78 33,38 3,65 9,98 ISl 1,80

Note.— Total m»y not tally due to roiihdmg off. SOUBOB.—Directorat* of Statistics »nd ^Evaluation, Bihftr|>. piauf—6 70


distribution o f a r e a a n d n u m b e r u n d e r DIPPEREN!! SIZES OF OPERATIONAL HOLDINGS IN BIHAR.

Total Holdings - Avera, Serial Sizs Class no. (H ectares) N um ber Percentage Area P ercentage Pei (’000) (’000 holdin H ectares). (H ecta

I 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Itcss than 0.6 64,44.8 64.8 13,50.8 12.2 0 2 0 5 to 1.0 ,. 17,70.6 17.8 12,27.0 11.1 0.

3 1.0 to 2.0^ .. 11,91.0 12.0 15,92.2 14.4 1

4 2-Oto 3.0 . . , 5,93.4 6 0 13,85.9 12.5 2.

5 3.0 to 4.0 . . 3,34.3 3.4 11,09.9 10.0 3 6 4.0 to 5.0 . . 2,16.9 2.2 9,30.0 8.4 4

7 5.0 to 10.0 3,02.1 3.0 20,09.2 18.2, 6

8 10.0 to 20.0 64.4 0.7 ' 8",67.6 7.8 i;

9 20.0 and above 18.9 0.1 , 6,00.3 5.4 N

TOTAL .. 99,36.4 100 1,10,72.7 100

SoxTECE.— Agricultural Censsus, Bihar, 1976-77. 7 1



Area - Production Crops 1976-77 1977-78 . 1978-79 1976-77 li-77-78 1978-79


(In xnillion hectares) (In millon tonnes^

FooJgraili 124.4 127.0 128.1 111.2 126.4 131.1 Cereals 1 0 .4 1 0 '. 104 .6 90.8 1 U .4 119J

Bice ;;8., 40.3 ■: 0.'.’ 41.9 52.7 63.8 Jw ar . If .8 16.3 16.1 10.5 12.1 11.6

B ajra lo .s ■ 11.1 1:. - 5.9 4.7 5.5 Maize 5.7 ,5.8 6.4 6.0 6.2

Mir.] a :L'> 2.() ■2X) 2.9 3.0 Minor nillofcs . . 4.7 ■i.'j 4.5 i.s 2.0 1.9

W^eab 20.9 21.5 22.2 29.0 31.7 35.e

Parley ... 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.1

Palae'^ 23.0 23.0 23.6 11.3 11.9 9.1

Graro ^.0 >..0 7.9 5.4 5.4 5.8 Arahr 2 .6 , 2.6 2.7 1.7 1.9 1,9

3 ;'ier Pises .. 12.4 (2.0 1^.0 4.2 4.6 1.4

il Seeds 14.8 16.0 16.0 7.8 9.0 9.6

'rround'iut 7.0 7.6 7.5 5.3 6.1 6.4

'i! 2.3 2.4 2.4 0.4 0.5 0.5

i?a’3e and M ustard 3.1 '3.6 3.6 1.6 1.7 1.9

jinsaert 1.9 » 2.0 2.0 0.4 0.5 0.5

C.isfcor ■ 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 Fibr^s-^ (i: I ’ ) J ) dCjofcaras) (la 000‘ ales of 180 K g each)

Cotfcoii (Lint) 0,835 7,86G 8,087 5,839 7,343 '?,927 72

TABLE 3 1 -ConcM.


Area Production ClT'»p 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1976-77 1977-78 l97»-7^

I 2 3 ■ 4 5 6 7

Jnte 737 797 888 5,353 5,361 6,4 M 35.^ 36? 377 1,746 1,793 1,840

Olfcer - (lo ’GOO'tonnes)

Tea. 364 366 369 512 556 571 Coffee 188 192 102 125 110

Biibber (Tj,pp3d Area) . . 18(5 191 100 150 147 135 Miscellaneoas crops--

Sugarcane 2866 3151 3119 153007 ' 176r66 156450 Tobacco 432 504 411 419 494 451

P otato 620 665 790 717] 81S5 10125

Black P ap ier 114 112 112 32 26 26

Chillies(Dry) . . 782 791 .806 410 543 638 26 34 43 72 67 Ginger (Pry) . . ¥ ftocoaut 1075 105 V 1067 5765 5413 5471


1. Relates to fin a -lial year. *

2. Relates to Calendar year.

SotTB cB .-Statistical Al>^tract of Ii dia 1979 73


Crops 1078-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4

lic e 6579 5099 6575 F h eat 1807 1701 1756 116 126 Parley .. 137 882 ICaire 889 829 PiJllS'S- 196 Gram .. 217 184 i64 Kpsoor .. 156 155

Arhar 86 87 H 46S K’iesari .. . . . 544 399 Peas 36 38 36 Coainnercial Crops-

Sngajcare 131 120 111

Tobaoco 11 13 I2 132 Potntnos • • • • 140 130 15^ Jute .. If^l 150

C^iillies 13 17 1<^

SaurOB—Directorate of Statistio=* Evaluatior,Bil!ai',Pati ». TABLE 38. ▲SVA rNDKB PKINOIPAL OBOPS IN BUU.B (by DISXBIOt ) (in ’000 Hectare*)

^Ilioe W heat B arle’^ Maize Di»trict - 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 195JO-81 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 12 11 16 P a tn a 112 112 127 52 56 59 2 2 1 16 12 13 N alanda .. 129 121 130 61 52 59 1 1 13 10 16 Gaya 290 232 268 85 80 84 6 6 5 3 2 4 N aw adah 105 90 109 40 39 44 2 2 2 52 2 2 A urangabad 145 102 144 62 59 61 2 ■ 2 2 . 7 5 5 Bhojpur . . 201 180 202 134 127 125 6 6 6 2 2 2 R ohtas .. 328 262 300 180 169 178 6 6 6 50 44 46 Saran 87 86 92 93 87 89 4 4 3 35 35 Siwan 83 85 85 79 80 81 7 » 5 37 27 25 24 Gopalganj 85 86 84 71 64 64 1 1 ■ 1 28 27 26 Champ aran 211 . 211 211 89 88 80 15 14 13 E a st ]1 11 Champ aran 220 219 216 76 74 74 7 6 f> 9 W est 38 35 M uzaffarpur 138 138 143 55 50 56 ' 6 6 5 37 36 28 30 Vaisheli .. 61 63 62 39 40 35 4 3 3 9 10 11 Sitainarhi 185 160 180 40 39 35 3 . 2 tjarui^^nga io n ----- ix tr- ■ Jt3*- ST ||j^ T»f . ' w... 7 , 7 6 M adhubani 208 209 ' 204 40 40 42 3 3 3 C7 62 64. Sam astipur 74 67 74 55 53 56 2 2 1 1 1 75 70 vz Bygusarai 16 19 1» 72 63 71 1 7 6 7 74 ' 71 85 M onghyr 196 181 177 112 97 106 11 12 68 - ^6 68 B hagalpur 151 153 158 60 55 58 U 4 5 54 63 58 S anthal 476 441 501 26 27 29 4 * P arganas 4 3 69 66 63 Saharsa .. 206 198 193 76 76 70 3 38 34 41 75 5 4 4

NoiH. -Total may not tally due to rounding of figures. TABT:4S 8 4.

jL u b a TJrr0B * paitT ciP ii.o p a ti B i i i.s- 31a: v a ‘{b y d i s t b i o i s ) (In ’000 Hectare*

Gram Masoor A rhar K hesari Peas D istrict 1978- 1979-L979- 1980- 1978- 197p- 1980- 1978- 1979- 1980- 1978- 1979- 1980- 1978- 1979- 1980. 79 80 81 79 80 81 79 80 81 79 80 81 79 80 81 10 11 12 13 14 15

P a tn a .. 15 12 13 17 25 30 ~ 49 2 Nalandla .. 9 7 8 . 15 11 13 1 36 20 27 1

Gaya .. 14 11 12 14 12 13 3 52 28 36 1

Nawadah .. 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 14 6 11 1 a> A urangabad .. 11 8 10 12 11 14 1 32 18 29 1 Bhojpur .. 24 20 20 9 9 3 56 40 46 3

R o h tas ,. 27 23 28 9 13 3 55 42 49 3

Saran .. 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 Siwan .. 3 3 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 2

Gopalganj .. 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2

Ohamparan East 2 1 1 9 10 5 8 8 1

Champaran West 1 1 7 7 4 7 7 1

MuzaiTarpur .. 1 1 1 2 1 3 10 10 I ___ ihaE ______1_____ L. —L. —L. 5 _L 27 20 1 * • .. uv^i 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 2 2 26 •• 12 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 d 11 •• •• 2 2 15 17 17 •• Madh.ub»r)i 4 4 4 $ « 6 1 4 4 5 4 5 •• 1 SamaStipi;r 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 B egusarai 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 7 7 3 4 4 32 1*5 . 30 M onghyr 21 20 21 12 10 12 5 2 1 3 5 3 25 23 23 B hagalput 14 15 13 4 8 3 18 3 3 3 4 4 21 10 S an th al P arg an as 9 9 xO 3 9 2 2 1 1 1 26 28 25 Salaarsa 3 2 1 6 4 4 17 1 1 3 7 1 1 1 22 18 SI P u rn ea 3 4 4 7 5 2 2 1 3 2 1 i 20 4 K a tih a r • 3 6 4 2 3 2 2 3 •' 1 H azarib^gh 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 - •• Giridih. 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 8 9 11 2 2 R a n c h i ' 6 6 6 1 2 I 16 10 13 5 2 ' 3 P alam au 23 10 13 3 1 1

Dhanbad ^ • • ■ 1 1 1 4 2 3 Singhbeum 3 2 2 •• 458 36 38 36 164 86 87 94 544 399 State Totel .. 217 184 196 156 155 Source.—D irectorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar. N o te ;^ Total may not tally due to rounding off figure*. TABLfi 3S.

a r e a u n d e r p r i n c i p a l c o m m e r c ia l c r o p s i n BIHAR (BY DISTRICTS) {in 000 Hecrare^)

Sugarcane. Tobacco. Potatoes, Ju te . Chillis'S. D istricts 1978- 1979- 1980- ,1978- 1979-1980- 1978-■ 1979- 1980- 1978-• 979- 1980- 1978- 1979- 1980- 79 80 81 79 80 81 79 80 81- 79 80 81 79 80 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • 13 14 ■ ]5 16 P a tn a ^ 2 1 1 4 F-. 4 .. ..

N alan da 1 .. 10 8 ® - Y G aya 6 6 5 .. 7 6

N aw adah 1 1 1 — 2 2 2 ..

Aurangabad 1 1 , 1 • • « • 2 2

B hojpur 2 1 2 5 4 4 R ohtas 3 2 2 4 4 5 .. Saran 3 3 2 9 8 7 .. Siwan 10 9 8 4 4 G opalganj 16 12 12 4 4 5

Champaraii East 14 14 12 6 6 6 3 2 2 •• Chanaparan West 37 38 34 4 4 4

Muzaffarpur 6 4 3 1 1 1 7 5 6 • V aiihali 1 1 1 4 6 5 4 4 4 1 2 Darbhanga . 2 3 3 2 5 M adhubani 3 3 3 4 4 2 6 4 5 Samastipur 4 3 4 5 5 4 *2 2 2 2 2 B egusarai 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 3 M onghyr 2 2 1 3 3 3 B hagalpur 4 4 4 5 5 •' Santhal Parganas 1 4 4 ' 4 5 25 19 20 Saharsa 2 1 1 4 7 8 /06 101 100 P a ra e a 1 1 1 9 3 3 25 26 24 K atih ar 3 7 8 .. Hazaribagh 8 4 4 G iridih 9 8 8 R anchi 1 3 2 2 Palam au 4 D hanbad 1 1 Binghbhum ir>5 13 17 110 13 12 140 130 132 161 150 ' STATE TOTAL 131 120 111 11

SoTJBo^:— Dil’ectorate of Statistics and Evaliia+ion, Bihar. N.B. Total may not tally due to rounding off figures. TA B LE 36.


(Thousand M.T.) Serial Crops 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 no.

1 2 3 4

1 Rice 5485 3596 5431

2 W heat •• 2503 1884 230^

3 B arley .. 94 69 S( 4 Maize 979 786 861 Pulses—.

I Gram • • 135 113 141

2 Masoor 86 82 lU 5 A rhar 5 77 9] 4 K hesari •• .. 239 182

5 Peas 21 19 n GommefSial Crops-^

1 Sugarcane 3569 3914 3431

2 Tobacco 9 11 a

3 P otato 1131 1033 1064 4 Jute (In bales) 839 923 699

5 Chillies 10 18 »

Rice—-Autumn + Agahani -f Summer. Maiz3—. Autumn -f- B-abbi + Summer. Potato—Agahani + Rabbi.

SotTBoE—^Directorate of S tatistics and E valultion, B ihar. 81



Biee W heat

[Hstricts 1978-79 1079-80 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 I980-S1

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

P atna 183 98 161 89 77 80 Kalandft 187 72 165 102 64 91 Raya 285 62 275 91 ■ 72 80 Nawada 156 41 143 60 35 48 Aurangaba

STATE TOTAL 5485 3596 5439 2503 1884 2304

Total maj not tally due to rounding off figures. 82


B arley Maiza D istricts 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 198(

S 9 10 11 12

P atn a 3 2 2 12 10 N alanda 1 1 1 24 15 Gaya 4 2 3 8 6 Nawada 1 1 1 3 2 A urangabad I 1 1 2 1 B hojpur 5 4 4 6 1 R ohtas 6 5 5 2 1 Saran 3 3 2 60 36 Siwan 6 6 5 36 30- Gopalgari] . 1 1 1 20 28 C ham iaran 15 •7 10 29 36 E ast. Champarau - ■ 5 4 5 10 12 W est. Mil zaffarpur 5 3 3 32 44 Vaishali 3 2 3 30 20 • Sifcamarhi . . 1 1 2 23 16 D arbha’^ ga 2 2 2 13 11 Samastipur 1 1 1 135 91 ^Ta"!^uba^i 1 2 2 8 6 Beg Sarai • ■ 1 I 1 06 45 M onghyr 3 3 4 97 56 BHagalpnr 8 7 11 67 39 Santhal Par- 2 2 2 44 63 ganas. 2 2 2 54 68 SaUarsa 2 2 Purnea t 2 42 .. 50 Kafcihar 3 1 2 32 33 Hazaribagh 1 1 1 21 15 Giridih 1 23 14 Dhanbad • • 4 5 2 13 P a’ama'i 8 9 ■29 R a ichi -1 10 11 Sirghblium 7 8

STATE TOTAI 94 09 89 979 786

SocBCE.—Directorate of Statistics and Evaljaion, Bihar. Total maj- not tally due to rounding off figures. 83


o t t t t u r k o f p r i n c i p a l p u l s e s b y c r o p -c u t t i n g a n d e y e - ESTiM\TION IN' BIHAR (BY DISTRIOTS) {In Thousand. M.T.)

Gram Masoor

D istricts. U78-79 1C79-80 1980-81 1978,79 1079-SO 1980-81 5 1 2 3 4 6 7

IG P atiia 0 iO. i3 20 30 Nala^it-.a 5 5 8 8 7 iO 7 5 8 4 4 • 7 Gaya 2 N awaiiaii 2 1 2 1 1 6 7 Aura' gabad o 4 G 5 5 4 6 Bhojpiir , 22 14 17 6 7 Rohtt.s 20 14 24 4 2 2 Sarari '2 3 1 1 1 1 1 Siwafi o 2 3 1 2 1 Gopalga^^j '<> 9 Chatnparan 1 1 1 5 E ats. 4 3 5 Chatnparan 1 ] W est. 1 1 Muzaffarpur 1 1 1 1 V aishali 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 3 Sit am art i . 2 1 1 Darbhar ga 2 1 1 1 1 Samastipur 3 3 3 '2 Ma^iWbavi 9 2 2 2 1 1 6 7 14 11 5 5 Monghyr 9 1 1 2 BhagaJpur 9 9 4 6 2 4 1 - Santhal Par- 5 ganas. 2 1 4 2 2-' S aharsa 4 5 3 3 . 3 '-4 Purr e a 2 2 1 1 1 K alihar 3 2 1 , 2 Hazaribagb 1 Giriclih 1 Dhar;ba«^ • • 2 7 1 1 Palana an 11 5 2 5 R anchi 2 ^irgbbhuTO 1 1 143 86 82 STATE TOTAL 135 113

Total may not tally due to rouncling off figures. 8 4


{In ThotuaaiM.S'.)

A rhar KhoSftri

D istict.

1978. 1979- 1980- 1978- 1979- 1980- 1978- 1979 79 80 81 ' 79 80 81 79 JO t i

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

P a tn a 1 1 22 25 34 I 1 1

N alanda 1 1 1 12 9 22 1

'G aya 2 3 4 14 12 11 1 1

Nawac^ali 1 1 1 5 2 6

A urangabad 1 1 12 8 14 1 1 Zi

B hbjpur. 2 3 3 31 17 37 2 1 1

R ohtaS 2 3 33 30 22 40 1 2

Sara'^ *2 4 6 1 1 1 1 1

Si wan 6 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 Gopalganj 4 8 6 1 1 1 1

Cham ra.’^ E a st . 3 4 8 4 2 6 1 I 1 < Champaran West . 2 2 4 4 2 6

Muzaffarpur 2 3 3 6 5 6

V aishali 1 3 1 1 Sitam arhi 1 2 2 18 4 16

Darbhang . < 1 2 5 7 6

B am astipur 2 6 3 2 2 2. 85

T a b le s s —comid.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mad] ubani 1 2 2 7 7 4 ..

Begusarai * 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 Monghyr 2 3 3 15 8 15 3 3 4

Bhagalpur 3 6 5 8 11 9 1 1 1 Santa a 1 Parganas . . 1 3 5 14 5 5

Saharsa 1 1 11 15 17 1 1 1

Purnea 1 1 1 9 11 12 1 1 > * K atihar ^ 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 H azaribagh 2 1 1 Giridih 1 Dhanbad »

Palam au 10 4 •8 2 1 2

Kanchi 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

'Singlibhum •• •• 1 2 1 2 ••

STATE TOTAL .. 57 77 91 239 182 281 21 19 22

SOUKOE.. .Directorate of statistics anc’ Evluation, Bihar.

Total may not tally due to rounding off ijgiires.


Sugarcane Tobacco Jute ^In thousand bales) D istrict 1979-80 1980-81 m s - n 1979-80 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1978-79 —,—.— — 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 " 6 7 8

P e tn a 28 21 49 N alanda ' 25 9 10 Gaya 68 80 120 N awadah 60 29 20 CO (35 Aurangatiat* 18 27 19 B hojpur 40 36 44

R ohtas 39 55 75 Saran 111 108 123 Siwan 256 226 256 t Gopt Iganj 313 556 492 1 1 Champaran East 416 639 414 15 # 9 16

Champaran West 1062 1102 869 1 1 1

Muzaffarpur 218 126 152 1 1 1 1 •• ••

-iiiiiiliiili ______41 30 12 4 6 3 •• • • Sitam arhi 91 129 122

D arbhauga 27 43 36

Sam astipur 151 123 117

M adhubani 132 166 162 Begusarai 78 81 46

M onghyr 39 56 34 1 1

B h ag alp u r 44 151 117 . . • S. Parganas 12 19 16 2 2 1 Saharsa 42 37 25 1 IV 7 129 121 P um ea 41 35 22 1 1 1 497 575 461 00 VI K a tih a r 12 4 8 1 141 213 94 H azaribagh 60 64 59

Giridih 13 14 13 O •

D banbad 2 2 2 ..

P aiam au 126 45 45 . e R anchi 3 2 3 . . Sianghbhum 1 1 ,,

STATE TOTAI. 3569 3914 3480 11 839 933 699

Total may not tally c[ue to rounding off figures. TABLE 39— Conted.


P otatoes Chillies D istricts 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

11 12 13 14 15 ie"

P a tn a 21 23 27 1

N alanda 76 109 59

Gaya 62 42 47 Nawacja 20 17 17 00 00 Aurangabad 17 26 21

B hojpur 47 33 31

R ohtas 36 33 53 1

Saran 76 66 60

■ Si wan 37 47 42

Gopalganj 66 23 29

Cliamparan East 49. 38 49

Cixam ia ra a W est 38 26 32

Muzaffarpur 82 46 51

Vaishali 88 55 4.9. S itam arhi ■ ^ 3 5 40 34

D arbhanga 28 22 20 Sam astipur 53 42 53 2 3 1 M adhubani 18 29 47

Begusarai 18 19 19 3 6 4 M onghyr . 2 9 39 30 3 6 3 B hagalpur 14 41 46 Santhal Parganas 14^ 30 52 Saharsa 31 25 27 P urnea 29 31 26 1

K atih ar, ■ 14 13, 15

H azaribagh 43 54 57

G iridih 23 15 22 . < ■

D hanbad 1 1 1 Palam au 15 8 11

R anchi 48 38 41 2 Singhbhum .. > 2 3 STATE TOTAL 1131 1033 1064 10 18 9

Sottkoe.—iDirectorate of Statistics and JEvaluation, Bihar.

Total may not tally due to rounding off figures. 90


Crops 1975-76 1976-77 i977-78 1978-79 1979-80 6

Foodgrains 9.4 9.0 10.2

Cereals 10.4 11.0 11.4

Rice 12.5 10.9 13.1 13.4 10.8 J o war 5.9 6.7 7.4 7.2 6.9

B ajra 4.9 5.4 4.3 4.9 3.8 Maize 11.7 10.6 10.5 10.8 9.7

R agi 10.0 8.2 11.0 11.6 10.5 SmdUl m illets 4.0 3.7 4.5 4.3 3.6

W heat 14.1 13.9 14.8 15,7 14-4

B arley 11.2 10.5 11.6 11.6 9.3 Pulses 5.3 4.9 5.1 5.1 3.8 G ram 7.1 6.8 6.8 * 7.4 4.8 T u r 7.8 6.7 7.4 7.2 6,5

Other pulses 3.8 3.4 3.6 3.4 2.7 Non -Foodgrains—

Oilseeds 6.5 5.3 5.8 5.9 5.3

Sesam um ' 2.1 lt8 2.2 2.2 1.6 Rapeseed and Mustard. . 5.8 5.0 4.6 5.3 4.1

Linseed 2.9 2.2 2.6 2.5 1.6 C astor seed 3.9 3.6 5.7 5.3 5.3


Cotton (Lint) 1.4 , 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.6

J u te 13.7 13.1 12.1 13.4 13.1 Mesta 7.8 8.9 8.8 8.8 8.8 91

TABIiE iO—^concld‘


Crops 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80

1 6

Plantation Crops—

Tea 13.4 14.0 15.2 15.5 •• Coffee 4.9 5.4 6.5 r •

Rubber 7.7 8 .i 7.7 7.1 7.7

Miscellaneous Cropa- Sugarcane (Gur) 52.7 55.3 57.0 51.4 50.0

Tobacco 9.4 9.7 .9.8 11.0 10.6

Potato 1J6.3 115.7 122.3 128.1 119.8 Pepper (Black) 2.4 2.8 2.3 2.3 2.6

Chillies (Dry) 6.7 5.4 6.9 7.9 6.2 Ginger (Dry) 16.2 16.9 19.9 19.6 18.1

N.A.—Not available., P— Provisional.

SoTJRCB.— Central Statistical Organisation.

(Statistical Pocket Book) 1979 and 1980 92



______(Kg. per hectare)

Crops 1-79 1979-80 1980-81

3 4

1. Autum n Rice 681 592 798

2. Winter Rice 1022 716 1041 3. Summer Rice 873 985 1104 4. W heat 1385 1108 1312 5. Barley 713 596 740

6. Maize (Bhadai) 973 723 821

7. Ragi 580 486 674

8. Jow ar 377 539 577 9. B ajra 387 492 520 10. Gram 677 611 718

11. A rhar (Tur) .. 648 881 971

12. Masoor 531 533 669 13. K hesari 454 458 614

14. Summer Maize 1057 1382 1056

15. Sesamum (Bhadei) 292 256 322

16. Castor 971 806 564

17. Linseed 381 427 436

18. Rape and M ustard 420- 438 460 19. Sun Hemp .. 378 291 334

20. Ju te 939 1120 813

21. Mista 861 1013 962 22. Potato (Agahani) 7692 8421 809

SOUBOE.— Directorte of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar.. 93

TABI^E 41— conc/d.


Crops 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4

23. Totato (Rabbi) 8010

24. Sugarcane .. 32076 32737 31415 25. Tobacc'o 850 926 774

26. Chillies . 880 1220 1132

27. Peas , 1 458 514 591

SoTTKOE__iDirectorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar. 94


INDEX NUMBER OF AREA UNDER CROPS IN IN D IA (Base—Triennium encjing 1969-70—-,100)

Commodity Group 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80

1 2 3 4 5 6

I. Foodgraiiis 105.0 101.6 104.5 105.7 101.5|

Cereals 104.0 101.5 104.3 105.6 102.4

Rice 106.7 104.4 108.9 109.4 105.4

Jow ar . - 86.5 84.9 87.7 86.8 88.4 B ajra ., 93.0 86.2 89.2 91.6 85.1

Maize .. 103.4 103.8 97.5 98.8 98.6

Ragi .. 109.4 105.? 108.2 112.6 107.4 Small Millets 96.9 91.9 94.8 91.1 84.9

W heat .. 128.8 131.4 135.1 142.5 138.3

Barley .. 95.1 75.3 68.0 62.1 59.3

Pulses .. 112.2 103.9 106.8 107.6 98.9

Gram .. 108.2 102.1 103.7 100.2 88.8

T ur 100.9 95.7 99.2 99.5 100.7

Other Pulses 115.4 106.8 110.6 114.2 105.1

II. Non-Foodgrains 108.2 106.3 112.6 115.4 108.8 Oilseeds 101.0 96.6 103.5 106.5 103.3

G roundnut 99.5 95.8 96.8 102.4 99.7 Sesamum 88.1 88.0 96.8 97.0 96.8

Rapeseed and Mustard 107.9 101.6 115.8 114.5 112.3

Linseed 120.5 109.5 114.3 119.0 93.3

Castorseed 90.9 118.2 92.1 108.3 106.1 95

TABLE 42 -concld.


(B ase- Triennium ending 1969-70—100)

Commodity G-roup 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80


Fibres 93.7 90.6 101.9 105.9 105.1 Cotton 94.5 89.7 101.1 104.4 103.8

Jute 80.6 101.8 110.0 122.0 116.2 Mesta 107.1 113.5 118.7 123.5 125.1

Plantation Cropa 118.2 119.6 123.5 124.5 124.9

Tea 104.8 ,104.7 105.3 106.1 106.1

Coffee .. 133.0 133.0 146.1 149.0 149.0 Eubber 143.2 148.9 If 3.2 162.7 152.9 Miscellaneous Crops 150.5 157.2 154.8 156.4 126.4

Sugarcane 114.7 1)9.3 130.8 128.2 110.7 Tobacco 84.9 99.9 116.3 94.4 97.2

All commodities- 105.9 102.8 106.5 108.0 103.3

S ource.— (Statistical Pocket Book, India 1980) 9 6



(Base year—1969-70)

Crops 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 (P) (P)

1 - 2 3 4 5 6

K h a rif—

Rice 98.01 104.13 102.28 93.12 102.41 Maize 85.70 78.15 78.94 70.43 72.59

Ragi .. 100.85 97.16 95.75 86.96 94.52

TOTAL -Kharif .. 97.20 101.38 100.56 91.59 99.62

R ab i—

VS heat 176.19 167.25 163.59 154.02 159.06 Biarley .. 47.46 45.18 43.50 37.01 38.11

TOTALRabi 147.67 106.22 137.01 128.12 132.29 TOTAL-Cereals .. 106,95 120.24 107.86 100.01 107.66

• P uises—

K hesari 82.03^ 80.95 81.51 61.05 70.32

Gram 81.86 83.80 80.29 68.10 72.40

T ur 53.44 61.37 49.36 50.15 53.92 Masoor .. 118.59 123.40 125.73 117.09 124.38

TOTAL—Pulses 85.58 109.09 85.59 74.41 ^2.29 TOTAL—Food Grains 103.66 114.66 104.42 96.05 103.74 97

TABLE 43—concld.


Crops. 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 (P) (P)

1 2 3 4 5 6

O ilseeds—

Rape and Mustard 110.37 124.81 111.56 98.02 104.79

Linseed 154.27 174.55 162.71 144.45 160.54

SesamuTT' 73.05 66.57 68.15 51.53 57.53

T otal Oilse ed s .. 117.46 130.18 119.44 103.55 112.71


Jute 102.80 116.86 125.12 116.48 120.16

Cotton 64.45 34.6^ 44.30 34.98 24.19

T otal—F ibres .. 97.30 88.85 122.74 . 113.26 116.77


1 Sugarcane 87.77 95.12 98.06 82.12 76.09

Chillies 64.80 88.43 59.49 ' 77.71 46.20

P otato 144.29 141.17 137.17 127.32 129.61

Tobacco 112.99 84.73 78.51 91.26 89.90

T otal—■ Miscell ajteous 118.01 118.26 104.44 96.1:. 103.46

TOTAL--NON-FOOD 108.28 101.21 119.35 107.42 113.65 CROPS.

ALL COMMODITIES 103.9.? 106.36 104.99 96.54 103.83


Source. —Directorate orf statistic^ and Evalwaion, Bihar. 9 8


I n d e x num beb os' AGBiotrLTUBAL pBotnrOTioN in india.

Crops. 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80

Foodgrains 115.7 133.6 - 138.8 113.9

Cereals 117.8 137.3 143.1 119.2

R ice 107.2 134.7 137.7 107.9

Jo war 106.6 122.2 117.1 114.7

Bajra 122.6 99.1 115.6 84.5

Maize 104.0 97.7 101.7 91‘2

R agi 108.2 151.7 160.8 143.0

Small Millets 95.2 112.5 105.0 80.4

W heat 160.8 176.0 193.9 175.0

B arley 81.5 80.4 73.8 56.2

P ulses 100.3 105.8 107.4 74.4

Gram 104.2 103.9 112.1 63.0

Tur 96.9 108.4 107.5 97.6

Other pulses 97.2 106.9 102.0 77.4

Non-Foodgrains 118.1 133.0 136.2 122.1

O ilseeds 103.9 117.5 124.2 103.1

Groundn'ut 102.0 118.-0 123.8 111.8

Sesam um 96.0 118.4 122.8 84.4

Rape and mustard 103.8 110.4 125.6 95.9

I(inseed 106.6 127.8 124.6 65.4

Casterseed . 149.1 180.9 196.3 193.8

Fibre 106.3 125.2 139.0 134.5

Cotton 104.2 129.3 141.3 137.4 9 9

TABLE 44—concld.

I n d e x n u m b e r o f agbioubtubal p b o d u c t i o n i n i n d i a

(Base—'Triennium ending 1969-70—.100).

Crops. 1976-77 1977 -78 1978-79 1979-80


Jtite 107.9 108.1 130.1 123.4

Mes:a 150.4 154.4 155.5 164.4

Plantation Crops 139.3 152.3 151.2 159.2

Tea 130.0 141.9 145.2 145.1*

C ofee 157.8 192.8 169.7 231.4

Rubber 206.5 202.9 186.8 205.0

Misiellaneous 131.4 148.1 133.9 111.3

Sugarcane(Gur) 130.0 147.3 131.5 109.4

T olacco 117.8 138.8 126.9 125.7

Potato 172.7 195.9 243.8 200.0

Pipper(Black) 136.5 110.6 112.8 95.0

Chi;iies(Dry) §6.7 125.3 lft7.1 117.8

Ginger (Dry) 210.4 266.2 249.5 270.9

AI^L COMMODITIES 116.5 133.4 l^ .O 116.5

N ote—.The indices are provisional.

SoTJBCE.— Statistical Pocket Book 1979 & 1980.) 100


I n d e x n u m b e e OS' AGElctJiTUBAL PBOOlTcTIO N IIST BIHAB. (Base year 1969-70—^100)

Crops Weight 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

CEREALS— K h a rif-,

Rice 161.24 175.77 j40.07 89.35 142.78

Maize 84.24 72.98 81.95 54.32 63.59 Ragi 79.23 98.25 102.17 65.40 94.17

T otal — Kharif .cereat s 114.93 130.79 133.17 86.41 133.04 R abi— W heat .. 262.12 244.21 266.33 200.50 245.23 Barley 44.12 44.43 48.39 34.4p 44.01

T otal—R abi cereals .. .. 235.59 219.29 239.05 179.87 220.24 TOTAL,—CROPS .. 137.28 148.22 151.97 106.35 151.42 Pulses—

Gram 83.64 73.64 79.22 66.57 83.18

A rhar 45.08 50.37 40.42 55.86 66.17

, Khesari 68.63 59.06 65.63 49.61 76.54 Masoor .. 115.55 * 102.35 115.19 107.67 143.57 T otal -Pulses 77.10 73.14 75.86 67.80 92.14 TOTAL—FOOD CROPS . . 130.08 139.86 143.26 101.99 144.71

NON-FOOD CROPS Oilseeds--.

M ustard .. 100.45 111.85 81.20 74.52 33.52

Castor-seed . . 140.62 183.70 100.11 93.47 41.30 Sesamum 55.41 83.91 57.69 38.32 50.86

TOTAL -.OILSSEDS 117.14 129.94 102.88 94.53 103.74 101

TABLE 46— eondd.

IN D EX n u m b e r o r agricultural PROD U cTION'IN BIHAR-.co»c/rf. (Base—Year ] 969-70 = 100)

Crops. Weight 1976-77 197/-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 (P) (P)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Jute 98.32 122.92 133.01 147.82 110.72 Cotton 115.35 56.22 69.29 55.60 21.58

TOTAL-FIBRE .. 93.62 122.86 132.92 146.08 115.02 Miscellaneous —

Sugarcane 76.18 90.4^ 65.13 71.40 63.49 Chillies 97.02 15rl.21 73.11 132.35 73.21

P o ta to e P 148.38 127.61 125.21 114.22 117.59

^ Tobacco 95.97 72.36 78.32 86.84 71.46

TOTAL- MISCELLANE­ 116.42 111.70 137.80 101.54 137.93 OUS CROPS. TOTAL- NON FOOD 104.89 114.50 110.81 116.56 102.34 CROPS.

TOTAL- ALL CROPS.. 127.85 135.35 136.13 102.21 136.33

SotTBcE.—'D irectorate Of S tatistics and E valuation, Bihar, P atn a. *P— Provisional.

56 plan.— 8 102


(BiiSe -Triennium ending l969-70»100)

Commodity group. 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80


Foodgrains 117.2 109.8 122.1 125.6 106.6

Cereals 118.9 111.6 124.9 128.6 llG .2

Rice 116.9 104.9 123.7 125.7 102.4

J owa'r 111.3 124.1 139.3 133.4 129.8

® ajra .. 129.2 139.3 111.1 127.3 99.3

Maize .. 114.9 ?.8J 100.2 102.6 92.5

• • . . / 135.3 107.8 140.2 150.4 133.1

Small Millets 107.9 97.0 ’118.7 113.0 94.7

W heat 124.1 122.7 130.3 138.1 126.5

Barley . . 116.7 106.0 1 1 8 .2 120.0 94.8

Pulses 105.0 96.0 100.2 , 101.9 76.5

Gram ,. 104.3 100.9 100.2 110.0 70.9

Tur 116.8 96.7 109.3 lOC-5 196.9

Other Pulses 101.2 90.6 96.7 92.1 73.6

Non-Foodgrains 110.9 107.7 113.6 113.0 108.7

Oilseeds UO.O 104.2 113.1 114.1 104.2

Grou.idnut 131.0 103.5 121.9 117.5 112.1

SoSamuir 123.8 89.6 122.3 120.6 87.2

Rape seed and Mustard 120.1 103.0 95.3 108.7 85.4

Linseed 120.3 95.4 • 111.8 109.1 70.1

Castor Seed 130.9 121.3 196.4 176.5 182.7 103

TABJLB ^6—‘eond


Commodity QrouP 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80

Fibres 112.3 1U .5 121.5 128.9 126.1 Cotton .. 112.4 116.3 127,9 136.0 132.4

Jute 111.0 105.9 98.3 106.9 106.2 Mesta .. 118.6 132.0 130.1 130.0 131.4 Plantation crops. 116.7 124.6 134.1 132.1 139.1

Tea 118.5 124.2 134.8 136.8 136.8

Coffee .. 97.4 118.9 132.0 114.4 155.3 R u b b er., 132.8 138.6 132.4 122.3 134.1

Miscellaneous crops 102.8 109.5 113.1 104.5 101.0

Sugarcane (Gur) 103.1 108.9 112.6 100.7 98.8 Tobacco 115.9 117.3 119.3 135.2 129.3

All Commodities 115.0 109.0 119.0 121.1 107.4

(Statiatic»I Pocket Book, India 1980) 1 0 4



(Base 1989.70— 100)

Or»ps 1976-77 1977.78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 S 4 5 6

K iiarif

Ric© 124.04 186.86 136.95

Maize 98.30 93.88 108.81 66.91 63.48 R agi ., 78.56 101.12 106.70 69.16 93.27

TOTAL KHARIF 119.56 180.95 132.34 R abi—

W heat 149.S5 146.01 16fi.80 2x2.17 245.73

Barley ’ 92.98 98.84 111.24 360.60 44.16 TOTAL-RABI 147.18 144.85 166.40

TOTAL- CEREALS 126.95 134.90 133.88 Pulse s—

Oram 102.17 87.88 98.67 70.66 84.27

T tir 84.86 82.08 81.89 58.88 66.80 TOiesari 83.66 72.96 80.52

Masoor 97.44 87.99 91.62 ... TOTAL-PULSES 91.68 89.8S 90.59

TOTAL- FOOD-GRAINS 128.19 180.35 129.32 •• Oilseeds—

Rape and mustard .. 91.01 89.62 78.79 78.46 88.^6

Linseed .. .. 120.08 lOfl.55 108.04 187.58 202.4i Sesamum 76.85 126.06 84.65 41.26 50-79 TOTAL-OILSEEDS .. 100.85 100.81 86.87 1 0 5

TABLE 47— concld.

Crops 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4 5 6


Ju te 102.80 105.19 106.31 60.00 20.00 Cotton 64.45 162.49 156.41 166.38 110.88

t o t a l - f i b r e .. 101.96 105.78 107.57

Miscellaneous Cropa—

Sugarcane .. 86.80 95.09 72.32 75.40 63.67

Chilliee 149.80 170.99 122.89 .,

Potato 102.83 20.39 91.28

Tobacco 112.99 85.40 99.76 92.36 71.46 %

TOTAIr-illSOELT.ANEOUS.. 100.05 95.67 124.62

TOTAL— NON-FOOD-GaAINS 103.89, 100.91 99.33 ••

ALL commodities 119.20 125.19 123.18 109.45 139.72

SousOB.—]>irectorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar, Patna. 10


n u m b e r a n d a r e a o f operational h o l d i n g s , w h o l l y a n d PARTLY i r r i g a t e d (BY SIZES) AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PER­ CENTAGE IN BIHAR.

Wholly and partly irrigated holdings

Serial Size class (Hectares) no. Number Percentsige Area (in Percentage (in ’000) ’000 hec).

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Less than 0.5 .. II40.7 32.34 184.0 26.40

2 0.5 to I.O 478.9 35.54 230.0 28.54

3 1.0 to 2.0 416.0 37.51 S68.2 28.71

4 2.0 to 3.0 217.6 36.87 305.9 27.41

5 3.0 to 4.0 127.7 37.51 246.0 27.18

6 4.0 to 5.0 84.7 37.72 198.1 26.24

7 5.0 to 10.0 115.5 24.83 389.6 23.65

8 10.0 to 20.0 37.7 35.75 199.1 20.52

9 20.0 aT"d above 12.22 173.77 124.4 85.52

TOTAL 2,632.0 34.73 2,244.4 25.73

SoiTBcB.— Agricultural Census, B ihar. 1970-71 Figures of 1976-77— N.A. 107


Crops 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78

Rice .. .. 14.7 14.7 15.1 14.7 16.2

W heat .. .. 10.7 11.1 . 12.7 13.7 13.8

Barley .. .. 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1

Jowar .. .. 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Bajra .. .. 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5

Maiie . . . . 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.9

Other cereals and pulses 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.2 2.2

Sugarcane .. .. 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.6

Other foodcrops .. 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.4

Cotton .. 1.6 1.6 1.7 ].5 2.0

O ther non-food crops .. 3.0 3.3 2.9 2.8 3.3

TOTAL .. 40.2 41.7 43.2 43.1 46.9


SOTTBC* --.Statistical Pocket Book, 1979 and 1980 108


(In ’000 hectares)

Crops 19T8-79 1979-80 1980-81

1941 1707 1898

W heat 1298 1225 1269

B arley 22 20 18

Maize • . . .. IT l 182 190 Gram 9 11 7 Other cereals and pulses 18 17 20

Other food crops 252 172 178

S ugarcane . . 34 30 30

Non-food crops •• 16 U u

SouBcE.-— D irectorate of and E valuation, Bih«r. P atna TABLE 51 t a b l e 51 DISTBICTWISE NET AREA IRRIGATED BY DIFFERENT SOURCES IN BIHAR

♦ (In ’000 hectares)

Qovemment Canals Private Total Tanks Districts 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81

5 6 7 8 1. P atn a 40 44 40 44 1 2. Nalanda 8 , ® 8 8 12 1 8. Gaya 21 *7 .. 21 S7 1 3 4. Nawada 7 7 7 7 1 1 6. Aurangabad T4 89 74 89 1 1 6. Bhojpur 105 152 105 152 6 7 T. Rohtas 185 211 185 211 7 6 8. Sarftn 6 6 .. 6 6 9 6 9. Siw«Ha 86 *6 86 »6 4 1 10. Gopalganj . S9 *4 89 S4 2 - 1 11. Ohamparan East 49 4S 49 45 1 1 li. Ohamparan WpBt 89 9S .. 89 95 2 IS. MurafSEarpur 4 9 4 9 2 1 14. Vaishali . 5 .5 7 Bi^uniarBK 'W.. .. •z 16. Darbhanga .. 5 6

17. Madhubani . . 8 9 8 9 8 18. Samastipur .. .. 1 2 19. Begusarai ..

20. Monghyr 49 79 49 79 4 8

21. Bhagalpur .. 69 63 .. 69 63 6 9

22. Santhal Parganas 8 S8 8 28 15 8

23. SaharsS 87 88 67 62 2 5

24. Pum ea 38 38 S8 58 ••

25. Katihar 7 9 7 9 . 1 1 26. Hazaribagh .. 1 1 1 1 3 3

27. airidih .. 2 1

28. Dhanbad 2 •• 89. Ranchi 10 9 10 9 % 1

80. Falamau 4 8 4 8 % g

SI, Singhbhum .. .. 8 10 . . . 8 10 \ 4 19(^4 loa 96 STATE •• 920 1094 920 . .Nil or less than 500 hectare* Noip.—Total Kiay not tally due to rounding off SOTTBOB.—.Directorate of Sltatistics and Evaluation, Bihar TABLE 51— concld. DISTRICTWISE NET AREA IRRiaATED B T DIFFERENT SOURCES IN BIHAR

(In ’000 heotajes)

Total net are irri­ Tube--welhi CHhef wells Other Bourees D istricts 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-8 1

10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17

1. Patna 57 69 11 2 35 41 143 166

2. Nalanija 101 82 12 18 31 68 164 177

3. Giaya 76 53 9 7 193 20J 298 302 4. Nawacja 24 28 8 17 67 67 107 121

6. Aurangaba(J 14 8 4 3 27 68 120 158

6. B hojpur 25 25 3 2 90 66 228 263

7. Rohtas 50 42 6 3 23 25 270 288 8. Sarau '. 13 18 44 SI 32 41 104 103 9. Siwan / 62 47 10 10 7 4 99 99 10. Qopalganj ,. 40 44 2 1 1 4 85 85 11. (Jhamparan E ast 48 47 1 1 10 9 108 10* V 12. Champarein West 10 14 1 3 4 103 114 18. Muaaffarpur 46 40 2 3 8 8 62 62 ...... 10 - I ...... 3 2d 28 16. Dftrbhanga .. IS IS 6 6 25 25 17. Madhubani . . 9 8 3 7 28 81 18. SftmastipuF .. 46 41 1 3 6 11 54 57

19. B«guiHkr»i 43 45 1 7 6 50 52

20. Monghyr 51 21 14 34 19 S4 147 161 21. Bhagftlpur .. 11 17 8 4 84 87 128 131

22. Santhal Pargfanas 6 11 4 11 8 45 54 2S. Saharsa 41 34 1 4 19 18 1S2 124

24. Pumeft 17 21 a 5 62 64 25. Katihar 15 17 2 S 4 3 28 32

26. Hftjsaribagh .. 1 2 8 10 1 1 13 18

27. Giridih 2 6 5 1 1 9 9

28. Dhanbad 1 1 1 3 1

20. Ranchi 1 5 15 13 < 7 S3 S5 2 i 9 10 IS 28 34 5S 30. Palamau •*4 S i. ^ ^ b h u m .. 1 1 2 2 IS 16

STATE 859 79S 198 ' 208 689 767 JI77f 2953 114


June, October, January, March, Serial Distriota 1979 to 1979 to 1980 to 1980 to Total Normal uo. Sep- Dece- Febru- 1979-80 rainfall tember mber, ary, 1979 1979 1980


Patna 652.8 95.5 11.3 42.4 802.0 993.8

Nalanda 726.9 49.0 11.4 19.3 806.6 990.0

3 Gaya 604.9 46.6 14.0 20.9 686.4 1130.8 4 Nawada 712.9 53.6 13.6 31.4 811.5 1047.5

5 >^urangabad 509.8 52.1 9.2 9.4 580.5 1236.8

6 Bhojpur 651.7 45.8 7.9 19.1 724.5 1077.8 7 Rohtas 605.4 53.3 17.2 2.5 678.4 1143.8

8 Saran 755.5 289.0 5.9 61.9 1112.3 1093.3 9 Siwan 687.6 234.9 2.9 45.6 951.0 1071.8

10 Gopalganj 664.8 205.1 8.2 28.9 907.6 1184.4

11 Cbamparan (E) .; 916.7 190.8 1.8 125.1 1234.4 1356.4

12 Champaran (W) *.. 1028.1 140.1 3.0 94.4 ■'1265.6 1447.6

13 MuzafEarpur 808.4 285.5 2.3 91.6 1187.8 1180.9

14 Sitamvahi 991.2 162.3 3.5 168.0 1325.0 1266.8

15 VaiBhali 679.1 161.3 2.3 57.8 900.5 1042.3

16 Darbhan ga 726.3 179.8 2.3 165.7 1074.1 1202.3 17 Samastipur 828.9 103.2 3.3 89.7 1025.1 1168.6

18 Madhubani 990.3 118.3 0.3 169.4 1278.3 1307.3

19 Begtisarai 771.7 60.5 3.0 43.7 878.9 1201.6

20 M onghjr 761.9 ,2.5 8.9 51.5 894.8 1206.7

21 Bhagalpur 630.2 46.3 4.2 79.7 760.4 1166.2

22 Santhal Pargaraa 954.3 110.8 33.8 104.2 1203.1 1377.2 1 1 5

TABLB 63— co»td.


Jime, October, January, March, Serial District* 1979 to 1979 to 1980 to 1980 to Total Normal no. Septem- Decem- February, May, 1979-80 rainfall. b er, her, 19S0 1979.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

23 Sabarsa 908.5 164.2 3.2 233.4 1309.3 1385.3 24 Purnea 1215.0 213.5 0.0 303.0 1731.5 1699.0

25 K atihar 774.4 171.8 0.7 257.8 1204.7 • 1458.0

26 H asaribagh 734.4 40.7 31.7 64.3 871.1 1284.5

27 Giridih 696.8 76.6 22.8 65.6 861.8 1210.8

28 Dhanbad 730.3 43.0 14.8 72.5 860.6 1310.7

29 Ranchi 706.8 63.1 30.8 109.5 910.2 148^6

30 Palam au 588.8 33.6 15.4 35.1 672.9 1335.8 ^91 Singhbhum 688.4 49.4 19.8 170.6 928.2 1438.6

s t a t e a v e r a g e 764.6 115.8 99.8 91.4 981.9 1 2 7 1 .^

SoxTBCE__ .Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar 1 1 6


(In mm.) Provisional. June, October, January, March, Serial IMBtriott 1980 to 1980 to 1981 to 1981 to Total Normal »o- September, December, February, Kay, 1980-81 rainfall. 1980 19S0 \%%\ m i

1 P a tn a 1020.0 24.1 28.0 81.1 1163.2 998.8

2 N alanda 1106.2 26.6 89.5 74.7 1246.9 990.0 3 G a ja TT7.S 36.6 49.4 66.6 928.9 1130.8

4 Na-vrada 1048.5 60.4 55.0 67.7 1216.6 1047.5

5 Anrftngabad 856.0 26.6 41.0 18.8 941.3 1236.8

6 B hojpur 1039.0 26.8 30.7 86.7 1132.2 1077.8

7 R ohtas 876.6 62.3 21.0 18.8 967.6 1148.8 8 Saran 1188.5 12.9 7.0 128.9 1282.3 1093.3

9 Siwan 1287.8 10.6 18.1 111.8 1402.7 1071.8

10 Gopalganj 1186.6 26.2 11.8 100.0 1802.1 1184.4 11 Cham paran(E) 1149.6 17.7 6.8 88.0 1256.6 1368.4

12 Champaran(W) 1810.4 60.0 61.1 284.0 1666.6 1447.6

I t MuaaflSarpur 1160.1 19.9 24.0 185.1 1389.1 1180.9

14 Sitam ariu 1013.0 32.6 11.7 155.4 1212.7 1266.8

15 Vaishali 1088.8 13.1 29.4 156.6 1236.4 1042.8

16 Darbhanga 1002.6 13.5 28.0 168.7 1207.7 1202.3

17 iSansastipur 1168.0 2.6 30.9 196.5 1398.0 1168.6

18 Itadhubani 1106.7 12.3 37.8 198.9 1354.2 1307.3

19 Begusarai llf7.8 28.3 65.5 179.6 1890.6 1201.6

20 M o n ^ y r 1146.8 36.8 49.2 162.9 1398.2 1208.7

21 Bhagalpur 1812.0 77.6 80.T 268.6 1688.9 1168.2 22 S«ntli»l 1198.2 121.9 53.7 251.5 1620.3 1377.2 ( Pargana*. 1 1 7


Jime, October, January, March,. Serial D istricts 1980 to 1980 to 1981 to 1981 to Total Normal SeViem- Decem- February, May, 1980-81 rainfall ber, 1980. ber, 1981. 1981. 1980.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 7 Saharsa 1299.4 22.3 47.6 256.1 1625.4 1385.3 24 P um ea 1717.8 34.4 40.6 322.3 2115.1 1699.0 25 K atihar 1194.2 41.a 34.3 328.6 1598.1 1458.0

26 - Hazaribagh 1066.5 69.1 61.0 131.9 1327.5 1284.5

27 Giridih 1335.2 71.3 56.9 141.4 1604.8 1210.8 28 D hanbad 1280.3 . 148.2 89.4 195.0 1712.9 1310.7

29 Ranehi 1181.8 55.2 98.8 118.3 1454.1 1482.6

36 Palam au 937.6 42.7 ^ 53.0 35.1 1068.3 1335.1 ' 31 Singhbhum 108«.6 62.4 90.9 257.2 1497.1 1438.6

State Average 35012.7 1270.6 1335.3 4720.6 42339.2 1271.9

SoTJBcliv—'Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar 65 Plan—9 118


— ■— 1966 1972 1977

1. Cattle—'

{a) Males over 3 years 69,30,719 72,95,418 72,82,188 (6) Fem ales over 3 y e a rs.. 41,14,769 41,85,659 43,08,136

(c) Young stock 41,20,967 34,30,035 35,71,190 ------4^.. TOTAL—CATTLE .. 1,51,66,455 1,49,11,112 1,51,61,514 2. Buflfaloetit—

(<*) Males over 3 years . 7,32,018 7,17,867 7,94,223

(6) Females over 3 years .. 16,62,685 19,03,079 21,25,680 (c) Yoimg stock 12,59,661 10,57,701 15,43,J48

TOTAL—BUFFALOES 36,45,364 36,78,647 44,63,251

3. Sheep 12,46,890 , 9,82,878 11,49,724

4. Goats ^ 78,01,141 73,63,977 99,24,940 6. Pigs 6,46,248 '8,78,965 9,17,716

6. Horses and ponies 1,17,397 99,341 1,10,786 7. Camel 122 191 312

8. Other livestock .. 32,810 30,717 29,217

TOTAL-LIVESTOCK 2,86,65,427 2,79,45,828 3,17,67,466

TOTAL—POULTRY 1,02,45,363 1,25,60,071 1,-40,75,955

SoTJECE.— Director, Animal Husbandry, Bihar, Patna 119


District /Di vieion I(ivestock P o u ltr

1. P a tn a .. 6,24,199 1,14,497 i . Nalanria .. 5,29,693 1,31,776

8. G aya 13,76,045 4,02,512 4. A urangabad 6,48,066 1,36,667

B. UTawaKla . .. 6,13,208 1,35,315

6. Bhojpur . 9,79,344 1,33,917 7. R ohtaa 9,98,268 2,04,203

PATNA DIVISIOK 56,68,818 12,55,8^6

8. Siwan .. . . . 5,22,595 59,010

J. QopalganJ 4,34,094 46,200 ■ Saran .. 6,84,«16 56,815

1. Champaran East 9,0T,887 1,29,428 L Champaran West 9,66,376 2,84,337 i. Muzafiferptir 7,07,037 80,782 - k V aisbali 4,69,333 32,364 I Sitaiaarhi 6,38,96t 91,827

TIREUT DIVISION 52,26^04 7,80,663

D arbhan ga .. .. ' 4,73,725 1,53,035

Madhiubatni .. 7,96,715 92,219

Samastip'ur .. 5,53,957 42,824 Begusiaraii 3,68,208 45,771

DAiiEHANGA DIVISION 21,87,605 3,33,848 12 0


District /Division Ltivestock Poultry.

20. Saharaa 14,18,429 1,99,11

21. Katihar 6,45,379 3,31,81 S2. P u rn ea 18,46,944 13,40,41

KOSHI DIVISION 39,10,762 21,71,41

S3. Sauthal Parganas ...... 32,74,146 22,76,31

24. Bhagalpur 12,21,48b 3,45,4( 26. Monghyr 13,94,682 3,08,3*

BHAGALPUR DIVISION 58,90,311 2 9 ,2 9 ,3

26. Ranchi .. 24,64.226 21,84,71

27. Palamau .. 84,73,313 4,34,6^ 28. Singhbhum .. .. , 18,01,479 27,04,93 ...... SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR DIVISION 67,38,988 53,24,SI

29. Hazaribagh 13,18',860 4,77,W

30. Giridih .. 10,94,076 4,04,7£ 81. Dhanbad 7,21,556 3,98,31


STATE 3,17,67,460 1,40,75,0 SouaoE.—Director, Animal Husbandry, Bihar, Patna, 121



Year Bulla and Buffaloes Shaep Goats Others Bullocks. ------I 2 3 4 5 6

1976-77 .. 45,216 57,908 25,011 5,10,946 1,956

1977-78 .. 38,706 51,182 13,997 4,66,638 28,606

1978-79 .. 50,588 67,491 25,666 5,31,397 9,839 1979-80 .. 38,660 45,752 25,163 4,11,923 3,146 1980-81 .. 27;679 52,989 36,069 4,34,422 2,296

SorrSKs.—Director, Animal Husbandry, Bihar, Patna. 1 I'L


(Sq. K m .)

Forest Civil P riv ate Y ear D e p a rt­ authorities. Indivi- Total m ent . duals.

1976-77 29,282 44 29,276

1977-78 29,232 44 29,276 1978-79 29,2a2 44 29,276

1979-80 29,232 .44 29,276 1980-81 29,232 44 29,276

SGtTBCE. —Chief Conservator of Forests, Bihar 123


(Sq. Km.)

Year ReservecJ Protected Unclassified Total Forest. Forest. Forest.

1 2 % i S

1975-76 5,051 24,174 7 29,232 1976-77 5,051 24,174 7 29,232 ' 1977-78 5,051 24,174 7 29,232

1978-79 5,051 24,174 7 29,232

1979-80 5,051 24,174 7 29,232

1980-81 5,051 24,174 7 29,222 0

Includes civil authorities '1^

SoUBCE—-Chief C onservator o f Forests, B ihar 1 2 4


Year Timber Fuel Sabai (c.m.t.) (o.m.t.) graaa (Tonnes) (Quintals)


4,73,227 3,54,364 4,629 1,86,631

4,64,141 3,27,359 13,299 1,71,572

3,80,16S 4,28,743 12,909 97,169

4,60,087 4,94,258 643 88,009

4,78,000 5,10,000 675 85 846

SouR G B . — Chief Conservator of Forests, Bihar 125


Tear. Revenue Expenditura realised. inouned.

1 2 S

1972-78 5,19,25 ■4,62,98

197S-74 7,84,95 4,76,16

1974-75 11,16,79 5,85,99 1975-76 .. • 12,a2,72 6,18,53 1976-77 14,71,13 7,26,48 i 1977-78 .. 15,96,15 7,35,17 1978.79 18,11,71 9,64,18

1979-80 16,17,€9 9,01,95

1980-81 16,23,27 11,59,20

SouBo®.—'Chief Conservator of Forests, Bihar. 126




D istricts 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Normal

R anchi 71,246 82,362 44,900 63,280 58,041 Palam au ' 36,800 14,800 39,430 48,260 36,55(

Singhbhum 19,217 7,540 10,550 16,800 15,60(

H azaribagh 3,750 850 1,790 3,420 8,39C Gaya 5,457 2,605 2,150 2,500 2,88(1

Santhal Parganas 473 523 470 600 SOQ

R est 950 i65 500 670 740

TOTAL 1,37,901 59,045 99,790 1,35,530 1,17,700

Source.— Director of Lac Development, Ranchi 1 27



State 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 N ormal

1 2 3 4 5 6

Bihar 66.0 64.8 65.4 66.2 65..^>

Madhya Pradesh .. 15.4 14.9 14.4 12.4 14.2 West Bengal 10.5 6.6 5.0 7.4 8.0 Maharaahtra 0.7 1.3 0.7 0.4 0.7

Rest 7.4 12.4 14.5 13.6 11.6 .

TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Sduac®.— Directorate of Lac Development,. R anchi 128


Minerals U nit 1976 1976 1977 1978 1979 xP) (P)

1 2 3 4 6 7

CQal MiUion 96 101 100 102 104 tonnes.

Lignite 2.8 3.9 S.6 3.6 3.3

Petroleum (Crude) ,, 8.3 8.4 8.7 11.3 18.8

Bauxite ■ 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9

Copper ore 99 1.8 2.4 3.6 2.1 . 2.2

Iron ore 99 42 44 4* 89 40

Manganese ore 99 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.8 Dolomite 99 1.4 1.9 8.1 2.0 2.0

Gypsom 99 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9

Limestone 99 27 30 30 SI 81

Magnesite (raw) 99 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 Chromite Thousand 500 402 368 266 aio tonnes.

Mica (crude) >> 12 9 9 10 9

K yanite . 99 63 49 44 31 "*0

Gold Thousand 2.8 8.1 8.9 2.8 2-6 Kgg.

P— Provisional.

SOUBOB— Oentral Statistical Org anisation (Statistical Pocket Book, 1979 India) 1 2 9



Minerals 1976 1977 1978T 1979 1980


Coal 4,24,37 4,13,83 4,10,64 4,14,31 4,34,69

Iron ore 61,33 68,06 (o) 66,34 60.39 59,48

ManK6me8e ore 5 4 8 6 2 Mica 5 5 5 6 6

Steatite 5 9 7 8 15

lim estone 24,55 22,72 2 3,93 24,30 24,13 Fire-claj 1,89 1,46 1,50 1,69 1,22

China-clay (

9. Kyatiite 31 20 • 17 16 21

10. CJopper ore 11,86 12,86 10,78 9,88 11,45

11. Bauxite 5,01 f,43 4,67 6,49 4,90

12. ABbeetos 2 2 2 9 2

13. Dolomite 1,08 1,79 82 1.39 1,52 14. F e lsp a r.. *

16. Quart! and Silioa 76 9S (6) 82 23 15

16. A patite 16 3 17. Stone .. 9,67 14,07 12,50 12,16 12,75

(a) Includes clay and white clay.

(b) Re-piaed

( - ) Nil.

(*) Negligible.

SoTTBCH__.Director-General of Mines Safety, Dbanbad. 130


(Million. Rs.)

M inerals 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 (P)

1 3.

B auxite 34.1 42.9 45.9 61.3 75.9

Chromite 157.7 196.2 168.7 129.5 138.8

Coal 6756.5 7122.7 7071.1 7153.4 9324.0 Coppe^'-or^ 196.2 238.3 298.7 255.5 256.0

Crold 128.0 151.2 169.7 178.1 176.0

Gypsom 13.0 15.6 16.8 19.1 23.7

IroD ore 767.0 869.7 915.9 932.9 1023.0

ManganeBe ore 134.0 164.7 185.6 J72.7 214.0

ahite 13.7 16.0 12.3 8.8 11.4

LiiBestone 50'9.5 597.2 626.0 625.0 688.0 Mica (Crude) 24.4 22.2 2^.6 24.9 24.8

Petroleum (Cnide) 2276.2 2403.4 2949.4 3402.5 4566.0

Lignite 148.6 184.8 199.7 197.8 263.3

Magnesite (Raw) 29.7 40.4 50.1 54.2 53.9

Dolomite 43.8 61.7 ' 74.2 72.0 6).l

r TOTAL 12274.1 13311.1 14152.9 13922.9 18635 0


SotSTKOE — Central^Statisticpl Organisation (Statistical Pocket Book, 1979 and 1 3 1



Mirerals 1976 .1977 1978 1979 1980

2 3 6

1. Coal 3,12,51,59 3,07,14,79 3 ,28,51,20 4,31,73,37 5,33,30,97

2. B a u ^ te 85.06 82,21 99,26 1,01,81 1,16,49

3. China clay («) 45.07 54,01 36,35 43,80 42,49 4. Coppdr 13,63,97 14,74,95 12,86,60 13,97,08 18.59.07

6. Fire-clay 32,69 ^18,66 33,53 35,82 26,71

6. Iron-ore 14,44,42 15,88,2 £(a) 14,28,66 19,14,62 11.88.08

7. Kyanite 1,30,26 85,58 71,95 53,29 67,97

8. Limestone .. 9,14,58 6,98,94 9,05,63 7,55,95 6,67,03 9. Manganese .. 1,59 1,44 3.87 2,66 1,35 ^0. Mica 1,48,52 1,89,39 1,75,44 1,55,62 2,07,75

11. Steatite 50 1,13 81 1,01 1,02

12. Asbestos 17,51 18,64 11,55 14,12 11,89 18. Dolomite 17,20 44,77 51,80 99,03 1,07,64

14. Felspar • • - 17 15. Q uarts and 40,27 37,97(a) 40,98 3,74 ],98 Silica

16. A patite 10,T7 3,04 •• 17. Stone .. • 91,78 1,21,03 1,19,81 1,28,78 1,06,43

(a) Includes clay and white clay.

(..)Nil (**) Negligible. (a) Revised. SoTJBCE—Director Cenerol of Mines Safety, Dhanbad,. 1 3 2


Mineral Weight 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Coal m ining (incluf? - 623.6 128 136 185 137 139 ing Ugnite).

Crude Petroleum and 166.6 124 - 131 163 167 193 natural gas.

Metallic mining 121.8 146 162 16S 147 153

Iron ores 68.5 133 139 1S6 123 126 Manganese ores 19.3 94 108 110 95 103

Non-metelic mining 88.1 116 131 186 139 138

Lime stone 47.0 111 126 1S7 129 129

Mice (Crude) 5.1 69 .57 56 57 54

ALL MINERALS 1000.0 129 188- 141 143 160


SouRcB.v-Statistical Pocket Book, 1979 and 1980 1 3 3


Particulars 1976-77 1977-78 ^1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 S 4 5 6

1. AggtegaW. maximum 858,9 929.4 903.9 961.4 1050.5 demand (M.V.A.).

2. Energy generated 2465.56 2578.44 2 472.87 2641.18 2280.69 (Million K .W .H.). ^ 3. Energy Purchased 1865.59 1708.50 1882.26 1475.23 1733.58 (MiUion K.W .H.). 4. Energy sold (Million 3028.26 2976.62 » 3058.00 2838.66 2881.35 K.W.H.). 5. Energy used as auxi­ 363.20 357.78 335.23 356.61 306.06 liaries in power-station and sub-station (Mil­ lion K.W.H.). 6. Energy lost and un­ 939.69 952.48 961.90 921.14 826.86 counted for (Million K.W.H.). 7. Loss percentage against 23.68 24.24 23.93 24.50 22.30 A the energy generated P and purchased.

SoTJKCB.—.Bihar State Electricity Board.

55 Plp.n. -1 0 134


Class of consumers 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 19.79-80 1980-81

1 2 S \ 5 6

1. Domestic and 8.51 9.99 9.98 8.90 7.32 Commercial. »> 2 Industrial (upto 8.17 10.27 9.50 8.29 7.79 650 volts).

3. IpdufJtrial above 650 volts 51.04 51.88 48.78 48.25 4. Public lighting 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.17 0.16

6. Irrigation 14.86 10.05 6.43 15.50 14.91

6. Traction 8.53 9.42 7.34 7.51 7.21 7. Public water 1.61 1.71 1.75 1.71 1.70 works.

8. Bulk sale to 7.09 6.51 12.43 9.14 12.66 distribu+ing agencies.

TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

SOXTBOB.—Bihar State Electricity Board. 1 3 5


Year ended No. of towns No. of villages '' electrified. electrified.

1 2 3

1978-79 202 18,703

1979-80 202 19,199

1980-81 202 21,268

A Glance 1981-82, 1 3 6


Serial Item 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 no.

1 3 4 5

1 No. of registered fac- N.A. 723 670 716 749 torieS. I 2 Number of factories N.A. 709 657 700 732 reporting. 3 Productive Capital N.A. 2,63,345 2,76,814 3,71,464 4,46,940 (Lakh Rs.).

4 Number of persons N.A; 3.08,804 3,33,106 3,25,540 3,09,840 employed.

5 Ex-factbry value of N.A. 1,89,367 1,97,831 2,37,409 2,58,870 s output (gross) (Lakh Rs.).

6 Value added by manu- N.A. 41,765 37,182 49,337 49,613 facturer (Lak)i Rs.).

—.Provisional result.

SotTBCE— Annual Survey of Industries, Central Statistical Organisation, Industrial Statistical Wing, Calcutta. N.A— Not available. 137


Item 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79

2 3 4 5


1. RetuiTi received 17.25 17.34 17.28 16.95

2. Productive Capital 14.14 17.50 17.43 17.00 3. Em ploym ent 18.26 18.28 17.78 18,16

4. Ex-factory value o f o u tp u t .. 24.05 25.04 24.71 24.39 5. Value added by manufacturer 24.60 24.35 24.93 25.20 •


1. R eturn received .. .. 8.31 8.53 9.94 9.19

Productive capital. . 8.13 9.52 9.17 8.47

3. E m ploym ent 14.33 14.52 15.00 14.61

4. Ex-factory value of output 11.50 . 11.39 11.21 10.86

5. Value added by m anufacturer 13.33 12.49 12.15 11.75


1. Return' received . , 10.98 9.76 10.09 10.53

2. Productive capital 7.03 8.07 ■ 8.30 8.72

3. E m ploym ent 9.22 8.41 8.31 8f.55 4. "i^x-factory value of output 10.05 9;66 10.28 10.65

5. Value added b 3' m anufacturer 8.94 9.08 10.04 9.05 138

TABjLE 1 1 - contd. a n n u a l s u r v e y o f i n d u s t r i e s i n INDIA (PERCENTAGE SHARES OF IMPORTANT (STATES)

Item 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1 2 3 4 6


1. R etu rn received 10.25 14.99 10.33 9.77 2. Productive capital 7.0Q 7.79 7.69 8.39

3. Em ploym ent 10.04 10.24 9.54 9.52 4. Ex-factory value of output .. 9.77 10.45 10.81 10.52

5. Value added by manufacturer 8.52 9.47 10.09 9.82


1. Return received 6.82 7.79 9.78 10.18

2. Productive capital 4.91 10.45 10.68 10.33

3. Em ploym ent 8.51 9.35 9.96 9.64

4. E x-factory value of ou tp u t 6.74 7.06 6.98 6.81

5. Value added by manufacturer 6.50 7.38 6.38 6.21


1. Return received .. .. 5.98, 5.18 5.71 ■ 5.84

2. Productive capital 4.02 4.33 4.61 4.59

3. Em ploym ent 5.15 5.19 5.03 5.04 4. Ex-factory value of output 4.13 3.96 4.07 4.73

5. Value a ded by m anufacturer 5.07 4.86 4.93 6.72


1. Return received 4.02 6.64 4.33 4.14 2. Productive capital 5.76 6.33 5.83 5.96

3. Em ploym ent 4.27 4.28 4.21 4.26

4. Ex-factory value of output 4.21 4.61 4.30 3.91

5. Value added by manufacturer 4.34 5.01 4.50 ,3.85 139


Item ]9'/5-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-7»


1. Return retseived 8.58 7.40 7.87 8.52

2. Productive capital 4.27 5.14 5.53 5.61 3. Em ploym ent 7.30 6.95 7.08 7.50

4. Ex-factory value of o u tp u t 5.7) 4.97 4..1 4.94 5. Value added by manufacturer ..00 4.84 4.75 4.81 BIHAR

1. R eturn received .. 5.14 3.91 4.26 4.15

2. Productive capital 10.47 10.74 10.65 11.83

2. Em ploym ent 5.51 5.68 5.92 5.68

4. ET-factory value of outpvt 6.61 6.63 6,23 0.51 ’

|5. Value addac^ by m anufacturer 7.78 6.33 5.10 9.TS

SoTTBCB.—Annual Survey of Industries (General Review)—Provincial result. TABLE 72.

No. of No. of No. of Average no. T otal no. No. of No. of registered factories - factories o f workers of stoppages. man -days Year. factories. worked submitting employed accidents lost. during the returns. daily. reported. year.

1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8’ ------r------1976 .. ------27,290 24,756 24,546 3,33,533 8,346 N.A. N.A. 1976 , 28699 25,816 25,234 336,777 8,326 N.A. N.A. 1977 30,687 27,380 26,408 3,46,882 7,662 N.A. N.A. 1978 32,298 29,039 27,912 3,60,451 7,371 N.A. N.A. o 1979 34,188 30,544 29,412 3,63,671 7,506 N.A. N.A. 1980 35,636 31,415 30,257 3,66,449 7,185 N.A. N.A. 1981 37,713 33,384 32,199 3,80,925 7,851 N.A. N.A.

N.A.—Not available. 141


(Thousand metric tonnes)

Production Industry U n i t ------1979 1980

1 2 3 4

1. Coal Th. tonne 41,580 44,350

2. Sugar Th. tonne 237.4 191.8 3. All Yarn Tonne 5,066 5,013 4. All clotk Th. m etre 2,871 1,486

5. Hessian Th. tonne 2.3 0.2

6. Sacking T h.^onne 15.2 5.2 7. O ther Jute Products Th. tonne 0.3 22.7

8. Petroleuna refinery products Th. tonne 2,852 , 96

9. Finished steel Th. tonne 1940.0 1469.3

10. Pig Iron Th. tonne 3239.7 3293.1 11. Semi-finsihed steel Th. tonne 586.9 865.0 12. Steel ingots .. Th. tonne 3327.6 2 943.2

13. E lectricity MiU. 6,454 6,053 K.W.H.

14. Railway wagons (4-wheelers) Nos. 904.5 885

SoUKOE.— Monthly Statistics of the production of selected industries of India^ C.S.O., Calcutta. 1 4 2

TABLE 74. NUMBER OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS FINANCED BY BIHAR STATE KHADI AND VILLAGE INDUSTRIES BOARD. No. of Aided Oos No. of depart- No. of Individual Serial Name of operative Societies mental centres units no. Industry. and Institutions (u P to)- (up to) (up to) ,

1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 198 0-81

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Khadi ,. 342 342 57 57

2 Village oil .. 1,106 1,105 5 5 1,028 1,304 3 Paddy H usking 764 775 1,325 1,673

4 Grur-khandsari . . 342 346 408 506

5 Palm-Gur . . 73 73 451 474 6 Soap . . 61 61 29 48

7 Village Leather. . 165 165 2,185 3,184

8 Village P o ttery . . 150 167 3242 3,574 9 Bee-keeping .. 11 11 209 301 10 Fibres . 98 98 289 321

11 Hand paper .. 3 3

12 Village Matches. . 21 13 Gobar Gas . . .. 5,619 6,829

14 Carpentry and 41 41 2,748 33,72 Blacksmithy. 15 Lime . . 16 16 75 107

16 Cane and Bomboo 7 7 25 51

17 Gums and K atha 1 , 1 18 Herbs .. 8 8

19 'Fruit Preservation 1 1 20 Shellack .. 2 2

TOTAL .. 3,190 3,222 77 77 17,639 21,778


Production Sold Persons employed Wages paid (Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.) (’000) (Lakh Rs. ) Industries 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 ' 1980-81

' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 •. 9

K hadi 691. U 846.55 976.06 1137.41 157.61 186.10 314.17 407.34

Village Oil 984.70 1529.00 977.04 1532.59 ^.48 7.66 127.01 188.37 Paddy husking . . . : 133.71 129.07 143.01 136.60 5.18 5.28 15.47 300.00

Gur-khandsari . . 302.88 - 372.29 290.48 394.56 8.33 9.46 33.44 38.49

Palm gur 3.94 3.42 5.03 4.25 0.42 0.51 2.56 2.26

Non-edible oil soap 3.52 7.06 3.72 7.16 0.08 0.15J" 0.43 0.89 Village L


Production Sold.- Persons employed Wages paid (Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.) ' (’000) (Lakli Rs.) Industries / 1979-80 1980-8] 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 • 8 9

Lime 6.13 12.85 6.62 15.11 0.45 0.28 2.09 1.36 and cane ' .. ^ 0.43 1.58 0.44 1.64 0.03 0.24 0.17 0.73

Gum and Katha 0.27 0.28 0.00 0.02

Forest Herbs 0.73 1.70 0.76 1.74 0.05 0.07 ,0.20 0.29

Lac 0.09 0.21 0.12 0.22 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02

TOTAL 2461.0,3 3510.99 2786.32 3932.07 212.09 252.32 622.50 878.38

SoXTROB. ' Bihar State Khadi and Village Industries Board. 1 4 5



(Lakhs of Rs.)

Production- Sold —

1979-aO m O -81

1 . 2 3 4 5

Cotton Khadi 562.15 700.69 654.53 766.00 Woollen Khadi 64.36 58.22 167.77 '231.51

Si Ikyn K hadi •• 64.62 87.64 153.77 139.90

TOTAL 691.13 ' 846.55 976.07 1137.41

S ource.— Bihar State Khadi and Village Industries Board. 1 4 6


1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

" ' 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Number of exchanges 504 517 528 535 546 2. Registration (’000) 5,443 5,619 5,325 6,144 6,127

3. Placem ents (’000) 404 497 462 461 466

4. Application on live- 9,326 9,784 10,924 12,678 14,334 register (’000).

5. Average number of 11 13 12 13 14 employers using Employment Ex­ changes (’000).

Soubgb.— Central Statistical Organisation.

(Statistical Pocket Book, 1979 & 1980) 1 4 7


1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of exchanges* . . 42 44 62 66 68 Registration (’000) 4,91 8,09 8,45 8,45 8,06

Placem ents (’000) 29 25 20 23 23

Applicantson live-register 10,69 15,12 20,00 2,44 23,14 (’000).

Total no. of employers 3 3 3 3 using Employment Ex- changes (’000).

*Inclu(^e8 camp exchanges.

SoTTBo®-— Directorate of Employment and Training Bihaj:, Patna. 148


Number of applicants on the Uve register 1977 1978

1 2 3 1 Professional, Technical and related workers 56,684 70,582

Administrative, Executive and Managerial workers . . 367 547 Clerical, Sales and related worl^rs 72,238 50,999

Farmers, fishermen, hunters, loggers, and related 3,026 2,950 workers. Production and related workers .. '2,87,591 2,91,628 Si' Transport, equipment, operaters and labourers

Service workers, e-g-, cooks, chowkidars, sweePe^s etc. 36,105 39,399 Below Matric including illitrates 2,07,208 4,46,905

Matriculates a|xd above but below gradtfates 3,30,844 4’81,815

Graduates and above 71,0t)5 85,851

TOTAL 10,65,286 15,03,676

Source.—Statietical Abstract, India—1979. 1 4 9


M ineral 1977 1978 1979 1980

1. Coal .. .. 2,20,183 2,19,451 2,19,147 2,21,952 2. Copper-ore 7,171 7,246 7,306 7,535

3. S teatite 89 41 54 53

4. Fire-clay , 8 7 6 834 939 880 5. China-clay (a) 1,958 1,617 1,524 1,651

6. Iron-ore 7,740 8,009 7,215 7,460 7. Lime-stone 6,544 6,829 8,215 8,067

8. K yanite 1,111 1,058 1,043 2,096

9. Manganese -ore 60 84 50 96 0. Mica .. 5,015 4,606 4,103 4,884

1. Bauxite 1,123 1,149 1,365 1,744

(a) Includes clay and white clay.


’ Bihar State Central Central Cane O ther Prim ary Primary Farming Co-opera- Co-opera- I^and D e­ M arketing Central A gricultu­ Mfi-rketing Co-opera- tive tive velopment Unions. Societies ral Credit Societies tive Bank. Bank. Bank. Societies. Societies.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1979-80 1 28 1 72 22 6,182 298 346 1980-81 1 28 1 72 22 6.182 340 346

TABLE 81—•concld. o

Salary Co-opera- Weavers’ F isher­ Oilm an’s Milk earners tive Co-opera- m en’s Co-opera­ Co-opera­ O ther Year Co-opera­ Consumers tive Co-opera- tive tive Societies. lo ta l tive Store Societies tive Societies Societies Societies (Primary) Societies

1. 10 11 12 J3 14 15 16 17

1979-80 375 1,568 715 375 1,108 594 6,057 17,732 1980-81 375 1,571 663 375 1,108 598 6,077 17,759

SotjbcE. -Co-operative Department, Bihar. ^ TABLE 82


1 Name of the N um ­ Member­ W orking Paid-up Iioans Total Total Balance Percen­ Banks. ber. ship. capital. Itoans capital. issued demand collection at the tage of ou tstan d ­ during for the during end of collec­ ing. the year year. the year, the year. tion. (Rs. ’000)

3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1978-79 Bihar State Co­ 10 HI 6,01,056 18,725 4,02,945 operative Bank. 5,46,873 3,50,964 1,95,909 64% 3,78,104

Central Co-opera­ 28 25,483 9,21,534 9,36,333 1,98,631 tive Bank. 7,54,070 1,98,290 5,55,780 26% 5,89,490 Central I^and De­ 7 26,100 12,88,736 1,12,848 52,351 3,82,776 1,55,232 velopment Bank. 2,27,544 7,59,907

1979-80 Bihar State Co­ 10 U1 7,29,424 23,725 1,60,723 4,08,601 1,74,992 operative Bank. 2,33,609 43% 4,40,029

Central Co-opera­ 28 24,699 10,47,452 96,812 1,77,873 7,75,553 1,80,608 tive Bank. 5,94,945 23% 6,29,330

Central Land De­ 7 2,78,000 13,08,948 1,41,077 85,588 4,23,575 98,461 velopment Bank. 1,89,003 23% 7,97,670

SouRoB. Reserve Bank of India Statiatical Statemeuts relating to the Co-operative Movement, 1978-79, 1979-80. 1 5 2


Number Particulars 1977 1978 1979

1» Number of Panchayats NA.. 11,445 11,378

2. Number of Panchayat S amities N.A. 2 U 587

3. Number of Zil® Parishade N.A. 8 8

4. Number of Villages covered under N.A. 77,949 77,967 Pajnchayati Raj,

5. Rural populatio^ covered (Million) N.A. 60.7 60.7

6. Percentage of rural poi-ulation covered ,. N.A. 100 100

N.A.— Not available. ' \ SOUBCB. -Central Statistical Organisation (Statistical Abstract ,1978 & 1979) 153


l e n g t h o f e x t r a m u n i c i p a l r o a d s b y s u r f a c e i n IN DIA

(Thousand Kilometres)

Year/State/U.T. Surfaced Unsurfaced Total length.

1 2 3 4 4,1S 6,14, 9,27 1976 4,60 6,17 10,77

1977 5,13 6,58 11,71

1978 6,19 7,09 12,S8 1979 5,29 7,63 12,82 STA TES- 1979

Andhra Pradesh 46 44 90 Assam 6 44 50 B ihar 25 39 64 Q ujrat 28 15 43 H aryana 17 2 19 Himachal Pradesh 4 12 16 Jammu and Kas(hmir 6 3 9 K am atak 53 39 92 K erala 17 67 84 Madhya Pradesh 45 14 59 Maharashtra 51 82 1,33 Manipiir 1 7 8 Meghalaya 1 2 3 Nagaland 1 4 5 Orissa 12 90 1,02 Punjab 81 31 R ajasthan 30 ie* 46 Tam il Nadu 76 80 1,56 Tripura 1 6 7 Uttar Pradesh 45 70 1,15 West Bengal 25 1,00 1,25 Union Territories 7 14 21

Include National Highways, other P.W.D. and Local Bodies roads only. SOUBOE.— Central Statistical Organisation (Statistical Pocket Book, 1980). 1 5 4


( Numbers in thousand.)

Types 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 R. R. R. P.

1 2 3 4' 5 6

1. Motorcycles 9,36 10,45 12,35 14,32 16,75

2. Auto-rickshaws 74 86 1,01 1,19 1,39

3. JeePs 93 94 98 1,05 1,21 4. Private cars 5,91 6,02 6,31 6,77 7,24 5. Public Service vehicles—

{a) Motor cars 77 81 80 77 83

(b) Other Public 1,00 11,4 1,15 1,19 1,27 Service vehicles. V

6. Goods vehicles 3,34 3,48 3,61 3.75 4,10 7. Miscellaneous 2,36 3,09 3,47 4,00 4,65

TOTAL- VEHICLES 24,41 26,79 29,68 33,04 37,44

N otes.— Figures relate to number of motor vehicles taxes, tax exempted. P— Provisional ^

R - Revised

S o u r c e . -Central Statistical^ Organisation (Statistical Pocket Book, 1980) TABLE 86 TABLE 86 DIFFEREI^T KINDS OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON ROAD BY DISTRICTS IN.BlHAR, 1980-81

(Taxed and Tax e^mpted)


Three Cars Trucks wheelers and T otal D istrict and in - Buses Station TaxJies Jeeps Three Two Tractors Troley Others all Lorries eluding Wagons - wheelers wheelers Vehicles Tempo

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

yi P atn a 3,887 548 2,095 . 4,227 1,372 2,094 465 14,486 6,519 1,903 62 37,855 05

Gaya 395 5 534 965 121 294 48 ‘ 495 689 463 29 4,038

B hojpur 381 214 210 27 186 400 587 417 . ,242

R ohtas . . 771 403 629 26 274 36 701 2,287 1,125 29 6,281

Chapra . . 660 533 529 242 . 719 20 802 661 354 .4,520

Motihari . . 248 77 127 3 186 3 950 181 166 1,941 D arbhanga 474 6 239 467 34 649 23 2,732 389 121 37 5,171

Mnzaffarpur 883 6 911 745 194 869 61 2,397 272 173 21 6,532

P urnea .. 670 5 270 296 60i 382 75 1,580 798 138 35 4,309 Saharsa . . 304 41 59 75 52 387 227 624 354S 7 2.130 Monger 301 75 125 235 240 190 5 390 30 35 9 1,635 Begusarai 380 4 140 349 76 254 5 453 327 196 61 2,245 B hagalpur 553 1 287 759 91 558 250 1,665 105 70 1 4,340

Dumka . . 455 2 320 241 28 365 7 766 54 69 12 2,319

R anchi .. 2,654 35 761 2,715 300 535 285 10,995 303 175 18,758 Hazaribagh 3,478 399 2,340 782 140 2,170 78 68 294 9,749

Giridih . . 1,049 122 ' 395 136 245 7 710 34 61 374 3,133

Palamu . . 1,209 268 694 29 4 404 212 234 4 2,067

Dhanbad. . 3,113 268 2,678 783 792 349 7,334 39 88. 15,510 Chaibasa . . 452 92 1,048 23 315 300 767 19 20 3,036 Cft Jam shedpur 3,136 261 408 6,307 118 1,550 330 15,835 156 362 63 28,526

Nalanda . . 105 1 248 130 96 77 6 21& 63 58 999

Total. . 26,607 1,068 ),011 11,815 2,604 74,928 15,283 6,968 1,136 1,81,694

SotjBcE- -State Transport Department, Bihar, Patna. 1 5 8


1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1 2 3(P) 4 A. P ostal T ba ffic-

1 Post offices f’OOO) 125 131 137

(a) Telagraph officee(’OOO) 23 27 29 2 Registered articles handled (Miln.) 218 231 233 3 Postal articles handled (Miln.). . 8,161 8,484 9,107 4 Money-order issued (inland and foreign) 108 108' 109 (Miln.) ■ ^ ' 5 Value of money-orders issued (inland and 1,047 1,100 1,150 foreign) (Rs. in crores) 6 Number of telegrams. (Miln.) .. 62 62 69 7 Number of Trunk Calls (Miln.) (Effective) 155 160 167 B. P ostal E arning s -

(t) Sale of stamps and Postage realised in 668.2 762.8 835.0 each (Rs. in crores).* (it) Telephone revenue (Rs. in crores) ') 461.3 523.6 575.8 (iu')L,Telegraph revenue (Rs. in crores) J"

* Including wireless Revenue P —provisional

Source. - Central Statistical Organisation (Statistical Pocket Book, 1980) 1 5 9


P ost offices Letter Boxos Y ear ending — R ural Urban T otal R ural Urban Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13,201 31st March 8,689 569 9,178 10,431 2,770 1977 21,703 31st March 8,707 575 9,282 18,330 3,373 1978 26,488 31st March 9,0X5 583 9,658 23,094 3,394 1979 31,493 31st March 9,563 622 10,185 28,094 3,399 1980 33,651 31st March 9,747 627 10,374 29,514 4,137 1981 ___

SOTJROE.—Postmaster-General, Bihar Circle, Patna. 1 6 0



Year Domestic Con- Co- Fosses- Deniona- ceseional mmercial sional t ration

1 2 3 4 6 6

1977 •• NR , NE NR NR NR

1978 •• 5,49,201 72,347 6,773 1,688 222 1979 ... 5,89,300 76,856 6,800 1,766 269 1980 •• 6,24,327 96,702 6,960 3,302 374 1981 2,62,943 44,084 2,863 1,846 107

N, R.—Not repored

SoTTBCB.—Postmaster-General, Bihar Circle, Patna 161


Telephone siATiaTios iisr bih ar

Yeai' Number of Number of P B X ’s Total direct eX- extensions, Junction; c'laiige liae.


31st March, 1977 35542 1365 391 37298

31st March, 1978 36893 1135 405 38433 i3 |st March, 1979 38512 loOO 427 40439

3 is t March, 1980 42245 8043 452 50740

31st March, i98l 43582 7899 463 51944

Source.— General Manager, Telephones, Pat^a. 162



Nationality.. 1978 1979 1980 1981

Foreign 81828 95872 3022* 30995

Indian 966327 968432 1002718 1055492

T otal 1055655 1063304 1032953 1086447

Tourist Centres.

1. Bodh Gaya,, 2, Gaya, 3. Rajgrih, 4. Naland^, 5. Ranchi, 6. Patna, 7. Vaishali, 8. Jamshedpur, 9. Dhanbad, 10. Hazaribagh, II. JS'etaxhaU 12. SaSaram, 13. Hazaribagh, National Park managed, by the Department of Forest, Bihar, 14. Bali Rajgarh (-Madhubani). Bhim Bandh (Hunger) (Nalanda), Rajrappa (Haearibagh), Deoghar, Sitamarhi, Balmikinagai' (East Champaran). TABLE 92

N u m b e r 01- H o s p it a l s , ©ispeitsabies , b e d s , p a t i e n t s t r e a t e d , m e d ic a l pracxiiionbbs a itd n u r s e s i n B i h a r .

Patients treated Year Hospitals Beds Medical Nurses and practitioners. Indoor Outdoor Total dispensaries.

f— I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1979 760 16933 1805 1630 448098 5861169 6381267

1980 904 19049 2024 1293 179845 5007904 5187749

1981 926 19543 2262 NA. NA.NA. NA.

* Incomplete figures.

N.A.—Not available.

Souree — Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihar, TABLE 93 DlSTRlOlW ISE NTTMBBB OS’ HOSPITALS, DISPEJTSABIES, BEDS: P A ilE K T S t r e a t e d , M E D IC A t, PBA c t IOMTEBS A NU 3SXTBSES lie BIBAB. 1979

Patients treated STauie of (Jistriot H ospitals Beds Medical Nurses and practitioners. Indoor Outdoor Total dispensaries.

2 8

1. P a tn a .. NA NA NA NA 182786 741598 924384 »P-, 2. N alanda NA NA NA 18 15626 201574 217200 3. Gaya .. 39 ' 1267 142 NA NA NA NA 4. Nawadah 27 186 51 NA NA NANA a> 6. A urangabad 19 129 56 NA NA NA NA 6. B hojpur NA NA NA NA 23489 470474 493963 7. R ohtas 46 642 62 NA 49682 304028 3537io 8. Soran .. NA NA NA 153 12518 200159 212677 9. Siwan .. NA NA NA 129 NA NA NA 10. Gopalganj 21 258 38 NA NA NA NA 11. Champaran (W) 23 460 75 NA 976 125628 126604 12. Champaran (E) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

13.. Muzaffarpur 33 1374 120 144 3828 248987 262815 14. Vaishali NA NA NA n fi 17’Ta7 1fi97d9. 1TftKOQ X9. oivMHarm 2< IH <1 57 $S14 UBISS 1C. Darbhatkga 26 1000 44 NA NA 80786 80785 17. SaZQastipur J1 271 40 113 2700 283337 286048 18. Madhubaai 41 211 91 NA 6901 360226 867126 19. Begusarai 29 27 B SO NA NA NA NA 20. SaharSa 4S 617 SI 76 5366 463118 468474 21. Purnea 61 37* 70 31 4391 366686 371078 22. Katihar NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23. Biiagalpnr 40 733 132 97 2332 - 231718 234060 24. "' 4 t 917 109 208 NA NA NA 35. Santhal Parfanas € t 1248 126 389 21692 619201 640798 26. Haaeribagh 43 796 99 NA 22264 192741 114096 27. Giridih NA NA NA NA 42661 12468S 167289 1^. Ranchi 7t 6616 264 NA NA NA NA 29.' Palama

30. Dhanbad NA NA NA NA S i. Singhbhuiu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA _ NA Total 760 16833 iaO£ 1630 448098 £861160 6309267 Sb^fcistio* *nd JSvaluation, Bihar, TABLE 98

Disrsici'i'wis® NXTMBTSU of H08PTTAB, l>IKPHir«AJtflli, *«>«, 3 P A * i^ tT » PRAoTinoKBBs AJTO inm «n» u r »i«rA». 1980 Patients treated N«ia© of d istrict H ospitals Becis M edical and p ra 3tition«r«. Indoor Outdoor T otal dispensaries

1. Patna .. NA ■^TA XA NA NA 1043161 1043161 2. N alanda 29 294 66 KA NA NA NA 3. GaTa 41 1267 139 NA 1550 15746S 163068

4. Ka^a<5ali 28 206 59 14 NA NANA 6736 189666 196402 6. A ura’igaba^^ 20 ' 141 71 NA 05 6. E hojpur 45 S«9 66 25 21879 467837 489710

7. KohtaP 47 642 66 NA NA NA NA

8. Sarati .. NA NA NA 4« 10551 172019 182570

9. Siwan .. 20 167 41 129 NA NA NA

10. Gopalgan,? 23 265 41 NA NA NA NA

11. ChamparaD (W) . 25 484 90 NA 309 86489 86798

12. Champaran (E) NA XAKA NA S t i l l ll* 0 i6 lSi067

13. Mozaffieurpar 33 i*?4 m i 1 ^ t m 4 t4 f2 64688

WA lyn wmA j m tA M B L_ 16. D«rbhAnj» 26 1000 44 KA NA 87798 8779# 17. SAmMtipur 25 273 58 188 11784 288912 300696 18. Mftdkubftui NA NA NA 112 748 283277 23402S 19. B«gu8ara.i NA NA KA NA NA NA NA 20. Sahars* 46 617 88 77 14724 870776 385999 21. Purn«* NA NA NA NA 11T41 100486 162178 2S. Katihar NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28. Bhagalpur 4a 733 182 NA NA NA NA 14. M aiig«r 4» 817 109 NA KA NA • NA Sfi. S an th al Fargftn as 6S 1248 111 80004 05oAa8 680667 SO. H azaribagk 89 1018 187 NA NA NA NA 17. GiTidih 86 710 T6 NA 9189 496S7 58798 18. Banehi 78 5641 289 NA NA NA NA Id . Palam u 84 464 70 8» ld088 31044S 825481 80. Dhaabad. NA NA NA NA KA NA NA 81. Singhbhum 99 650 78 NA NA NA NA Total 994 19049~ 2034 1 2 ?l 170845 5007dtH 8 1 8 7 7 4 ^

2r.A.~ Net Ar«ilabld. Souree.- Direotorat© *f 9tattoti«« ««4 M M r. TABM at (ca«M) OW XOVXTiX, MSMWUmi**, BBSa, »A.tIWIT» DisTmioirwisa wdi y*AOjlTlOHBBBS AKD W BIHAB. 1081

B©d« M«dio*l Nuw®* — o f dilrtrioi Ho«pit*U Indoor OiTtdoor Toi*l and Fractition«n>>

2 t

NA NA NA NA NA 1. P*tn« .. VA NA 85 »» PP pP 1. K »l»nd» •• 088 f9

99 1055 167 f9 Pt PP 1. G»y» .. o> PP 99 ipp 00 4. N»«r»d«li to 208 70 $f

PP PP 71 9P P* I. Aurang»b«i •0 141

PP P9 70 PP PP C, Bhojpwf 4 t OSS PP 84 tf PP P9 f . RoMM 4J 8«t

PP P9 NA PP P9 8, 8«r»r .. KA KA

99 9P ITS 42 PP 9 9 t. Sfwao .. 11

PP 51 PP PP 10, GopalgMd S i SSi PP 99 08 9P P9 11. CbMkpu^ (W) 14 404

P9 99 07 PP PP dHtC^wniffW B (B) 9£ 404 15. Sit»m»rhi 2C 6« 99 99 ••

16 . Darbh»ng* SO 1000 62 •» 99 »»

17. Samastipur 25 278 66 9> 99 99

18, Madhuban i NA KANA 99 99 99

19. B«gusarai KA.NA NA 99 99 99

SO. Haharsa ^ fil7 76 ft 99 99

31. Puna«» 61 •74 68 »» 99 09

22, Katihar ?S 884 56 99 99 ••

« 28. Bhagalpur 49 738 166 99 9 99

34, Munger 4S f l7 115 99 99 99

25, Saath*ipaig»nM .. «8 1805 128, 99 99 99

26. Haearib*gh SO 1108 186 99 *9 9>

27. Giridih 40 710 12S 9f 99 99

38. Kanobi 7* 0041 260 99 99 9 9

29, Palam u NA NA NA 99 9 9 99

30. Dhau bad NANA­ NA 9 9 ^ 9 9 9

31. Siaghbhum NA NA . NA 99 99 99 Total 999 10643 STA MA 32

J ^ .A.--, AT«fi*bl«. OiravtarM* «f Statwti • a sd Mh«r. 170



Year Are* Birth -rate D eath-rate

1 2 3 4

1975 Rural .. .. 27.7 13.6 Urban 26.9 9.6

CJombin«(i 27.7 13.3 1976 R ural ,. 31.4 12.3

Urban 27.6 9.4

Combined 31.1 12.1 1977 R ural . . 30.4 - 12.4

Urban 26.4 8.0 Combined 30.1 12.1

1978 R ural 31.6 13.6

Urban • 27.2 9.1

. Combined 31.2 13.3

. 1979 R ural .. 39.7 16.3

• Urban .. .. ^ 30.2 7.4

Combined 38.4 15.1 1980 R ural 38.3 16.0 (P) Urban 34.1 8.0 Combined 3 7 J 16.0

P»* Provisional.

SotJsoK.—Sample Registration Scheme Bulletin, Regi«tf»r-General, Government of India, New Delhi. TABIK 95 mJMBER OF RECOGNli^ED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN BIECAR.

1978-7Q ^979-80 1980-81 Girla T o tal Boys Girls T o ta l Boy* Girls T o tal Boy«

8 9 10 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 ’ - / 60,871 46,701 4,279 50,980 Primary/iuixio* B**io Schools 46,386 4,382 60,718 40,677 4,294 10,936 10,301 988 11,289 Middle/Sanior B«sio Schools 9,818 916 10,738 10,010 926 2,961 2S3 3,244 High/High©r Secondary School* 2,864 261 3,126 2,928 276, 3,20^ 3 3 . Pre-Primary/NurserySchools 3 3 3 •• 3 > ’ 94 61 33 94 Teachors’Training Schools 61 3» 94 61 33

SOTJBOB.— Eduoa-tion D©p»rtoietJt, Bikar. TABU ifTJMBEB OF STUDENlfl feY STAGES O f EXJDCATION IN W SU it

. — li------1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Stage of Education B oyi Girli T ot»l B oyi Girls T o ta l B oyi Girl« Total

1 2 3 4 8 6 7 • 0 lo

Classes I—V 45,81,146 18,80*086 64,61,181 46,21,497 19,08,362 66,29,849 47,10,467 19.86,716 66,97.lM

Classes VI— VUI 8,89,802 2,21,624 11,11*326 9,62,434 f,49,394 12,11,828 10,46,886 S,8I,S71 1S,29»107 Classes IX and 3,65,482 6l,86S 4*27,346 3,77,074 66,094 4,4S,168 4*00,SOt 74,t8S 4,74,6tf abovo. Pre-Primary/ 8,488 3,679 12,Ola 7,497 S,9t6 11,426 4,896 11,610 Nursery Schools. leachers’ Training «,227 6,368 ] 4,590 7,411 6,318 13,7*9 9,567 6,616 is ,0i 8 Schools.

SOTJBOB.— E ducation Departmeat, Bihar. T A i i » : r .


1978.70 1079.8^ IMMX Institution* — Boy* Girls T otal Boy» OiaU T otal ^ 7 * 7«fe«l

1 2 ■ 4 6 • 7 'ft •

l,» l ,l7 t Prmary/ junior 92.60S l« ,8 6 t 1,08M» 9 8 ,li« 10,691 1,99,037 9446a 17, Basic Schools. Middle/Senior W,400 1J.35* 7e,76J •3,832 1S,09« 78,629 i8,aM tlb4M Basic School*. High/Higher fecon - Sl,Q75 1,S17 9i,192 as,sM 3 5St 3«i4l7 > ttu S 7 it t7 .* 7 f day Schools. Pre-Primary/Nur- , 7 IS • l i 26 u % B©ry Schools. Teachers’ Traininf fM 2*8 tM 621 272 m it 7 M7 •74 Scbo»ls.

SovBca.—Ed«e«tion Depmrtmen^j Bih*r. 17-4


Piri8io»/Ditlric‘ Rural Urban

P*rao»«. Mftles F *m » l®s. Persons. ir*lee. F en ft'lcs.

Patna Division .. 28.37 42.71 18.26 53.09 68.77 4C‘,56 P « t n n S0.17 44.11 15.15 . 56.94 65.62 44.25 N« 1*D c’ • 30.26 44.23 1,6.25 49.87 *1.04 37.4»

G »y« ?7.3t 41.86 12.3S 52.70 63.66 40.18 Aur*ngal-» d 27.01 41.46 12.38 48.32 61.06 33.99 N«w»c’a k 25.02 38.98 11.23 47.80 59.03 35.54 Bhojpur .. 29.16 44.79 lS.76 49.6f2 61.77 35.65 Robtas 28.42 42.14 13.45 50.29 62.0* 36.19 Tirhut Divi«ipn .. 20.82 32.26‘ .9.15 47.26 57.71 35-03 r* n 25.69 41.37 10.51 45.28 57.99 30.77 Siwa n 22.62 36.60 9.66 47.38 58.37 35.03

Gor»%»uj .• 20.47 33.40 7.69 38.44 51.10 24.42 E»»t Oh» rai a r» n 17.P2 21.61 7.46 48.20 67.54 36.62 Wast CI-® mp a 16.74 25.67 7.00 44.62 53.65 34.19 MuKaifarpur 21.12 31.71 10.29 69.94 67,70 50.22 Tai*h»li 24.59 37.45 11.72 39.50 50.98 , 26.68

S itaraarhi 18.46 27.51 S .tt 42.86 54.11 29.71 Darbha ng» Divisio n 22.82 38.61 10.77 48.35 57.68 35.1®' Darbhijnga .. 21.32 33.15 10.37 51.20 6J.S4 37.73 Samastipur .. 28.56 35.29 11.56 54.91 65.39 42.64 Maihubani .. 21.10 33.08 . 8.96 41.75 54.45 37.03 Begusaiai .. 23.89 83.95 18.27 44.45 55.75 31.64 175


P«roeutftge of Liiteracy.

Divia'on/Distritt, Rural Urban P«rsoniS. Ual«8. F«male». Persons. Males- Femfkles.

Bkagalpur Division . . . 22.11 22.12 10.42 50.94 63.05 38.02

M unfer 33.13 34.S1 11.14 48.18 60.10 34.57

Bhagalpur 24.31 34.88 12.81 51.34 61.5t 39.84

Santhal Parganas 19.80 J0.91 S.29 55.47 ' 66.18 42.85 Koti Division 17.95 27.83 7.93 45.07 25.00 33.91

Saharea ^ 18.90 29.05 8.06 42.81 54.32 28.C« K atihar 17.07 26.72 8.69 50.46 59.70 49.80

Punaea 17.U 26.1^' 7.52 43.88 58.17 S2.SS Nortk Ohotanagpur Division 20.8* 34.2S ' 7.I8 51.00 61.i2 37.54

Dhanbad 26.87 41.38 9.58 51.63 61.85 37.87

Haaaribagk 18.61 30.S7 6.64 51.03 60.64 38.50

Giridik 19^8 3 3.53 6.26 48.18 59.16 34.94 South Ohotanagpur Division 21.94 33.66 10.05 59.33 68.37 48.60

Ranoki 23.72 35.03 12.41 60.49 69.75 49.4«'

Palamm 18.51 29.22 7.40 52.22 62.50 39.94 SinghbhiaMa 22.91 S6.15 9.55 59.8 6 68.09 49.08

BIHAR 23.50 34.38 10.17 52.18 62.47 39.81

SOTTBOI!.— CJqubu* of India, 1981 (Bihar) Final Tables. 17 * .

BiWlWOTWlSE NI7MBEB OF JPfilijtitoNT CUCEKA B0ini£8 BT b u b a a .

i m 1«T8 1®T» l»tO IM l

1 j j 4 6 • * “■ 1. . i« I f i«

i i 4

». ^ s * . . 7 s t 7 ]«

4. IT m d iik S s t 1 S

i . Ai»Mng»b»4 1 t S <. Bfaojpqr 7 < 7 t 7 7. Bokiwt < «C

t. Uitrnn ( < t 7

9. S^ivae .. ( 7 t t 7

!• . Oops^aaaj 4 » e 7 « 11. XMt CimmptHfi .. 9 10 10 1 I t

12. W»at ChompetfMi .. t 9 11 I t 11

13. KiiatalfarpiiT 7 7 7 11 9

U . Y M tm li 3 t t f 6 IS. jKtAzoafki 7 7 j ~ S 11

K . ]>arbhan|j;« 7 7 7 7 7

17. Madhubaui < « t « I t. Samaatipui* < « 7 t e H. Begusarai e 6 C « 7

Hunger u IS 1« I t IS

31. Bhagaipur 8 s S 13

22. Banthal Parganas I t 10 10 10, 18 23. Saharsa 6 e 6 6 24. Purne* 6 6 6. I t

26. B^tihar 4 4 4 4 It 177

TABLE 99— eomld.

Dnnna«vwm w iA u ov nmcAjrasv outjika kktss ii7 k «a».

Divtviofc 1977 1»7S 1079 1980 ld *l

1 2 S 4 5 < u HaKftrlbagk « 9 9 9 It 17 Giridih 4 6 4 8 9

28 Rsnefai 12 16 17 It It 2 t Palam u i S g t t

3« Dbftnbad 19 26 21 20 25

Si SiughbhuiD 14. 12 13 13 I* STATE Its 341 24fi 2ft te«

Sni7«o«.— Dir*oiari^* of «ad F



I • A B 0 T otal A » CJ Tot*i A B C T otal

DaUy $ 7 9 22 i t 12 1 .. ■ 1 'WeeMj . . 1 19 105 116 s 12 1# 1 1 Tortnigktly • •. 2 20 22. $ • . .

XontiUj .. , 1^ 2 34 ' 37 1 1 , 4 <

Quftrtwly •• 2 2 •• 1 1 1 2 3 »

Olasg 5 A.— Circulation of 20,000 »n<3 «bot'«.

B.— Oirculatioa of 8,0d0 t* ld,08d.

C.— Circulation of 1,000 t® 7,8lf. TABLH 9$m li.

Atpboved mrMBrcn or new rAiisiis an» p*bio»Ioai« Eer bxhah to ujbcbscbi’b, iS 8l .

Classification according to L»nguivg»- eOTKld.

Per’odieitJ Urdu B hojpuri M aithili *

1 A B 0 T otal AB 0 T otal A B C Total

D aily 3 9 12 ., ,,

W eaH y . . 29 2» 1 I

Fortnifbtly 3 2 • • ' - 1 1 (£> MontWy 2 2 1 1

Q uarterly •• •• •• 1 1 •• •• •• ••

S ottkc® .- Home (Speoial) Dopartment, GoT*rwr*nt of Bihar. TABLW 101.

IvDBK ov tr*>o&MAis n r xvdi^. (Re» i8e«J 8®’‘i e«.) : 1970-71- 100).

1976 1978 1977 1978 I97t 3 8 4 5 6

Jood Articles 170.2 152.2 170.8 17-3.S n n . t


P r iiU * 142.2 143.3 171.8 165.1 182.9 Hilk »nd Milk Pfoduot* 163.7 153.6 156.0 163.6 169.S

*dibl« Oil .. 149.7 125.6 179.2 160.8 181.0

Tish. *gg BE»eat 174.2 173.0 190.6 21S.6 230.6

Ungor ai«? alHod prodoaU 117^ 218.1 194.S 151.6, 187.8

OtIleTg 150.9 167.8 21P.7 191.8 V.A.

U^uor aii

Toet, P

BaidaMatals. Metal Pr:>- 18? .0 189.8 192.6 205.5 241.* doots. OilsMdn ltS .8 180.7 188.3 162.6 178.4

Mifi«r«ls .. 489.7 444.7 474.0 484.4 6M.8

K bw * 180.6 172.2 IfiO.O 172.4 16-.6


MaeUntfT and Tranapoii •qaipoMnts 171.0 170.8 171.1 179.8 20T.2

Mawifa^tawrs 178.1 171.7 179.4 177.9 208.9

Ta»til® 150.9 150.6 169.6 176.7 197.2

Metal Produvis Mineral* 176.9 179.8 189.S 197.7 226.4

Xon-metallic prodact* 184.9 191.0 192.0 207.4 240.1 181

TABL 101—concld.

Index kukbeb o t whot.bsale pbices in india.

(Base : 1961-62— 100)

1976 1976 1977 1978 1979

I 2 S i 5 ft

Leather and Leather products . . 198.3 226.6 225.8 250.7 329.7

Rubber products 155.4 i57.5 156.6 174.6 205.4

Paper products ^ . 187.0 180.1 183.2 191.8 224.6

Oil cakes .. 143.0 160.1 229.2 199.2 195.2 Miscellaneous products. . 168.9^ 165.3 176.6 183.3 204.2 ,

ALL COMMODITIES 175.8 172.4 185.4 185.0 185.9

S o o B c E .— Central Sattistical Organisation. Statistical Pocket Book 1979 N.A..—Not Available,

55 P la n —13 182



Base : - Year

M onth P atn a.

1*79 1980 1981

1 2 3 4

Jan u ary 1710 1981 3380

F ebruary 17114 1966 2328

March 1765 1984 2260 April 1774 199S 2263

May ' 1769 2084 2271 June 1796 2185 2120

Ju ly 1886 2197 2370

August 1980 2209 2410

Septem ber 1962 2268 2463

October 1982 2291 2409

NoTembar 2084 SS49 2085 December 8067 2301 2487 183



Ending ^uly 1939—100

Mueaffarpur. Mniiger.

1979 1980 1981 1979 1980 1981

6 7 10

1744 1950 2169 1622 1874 2100

1746 1963 2254 1545 1837' 2156 1760 2005 2236 1581 1854 2107

1749 , 1966 2187 1555 1862 2069

1738 2029 2238 1708 1909 2087 I 1762 2070 2318 1711 1918 2144 1798 2107 2406 1752 1937 2231

1829 2128 2486 1786 1990 2317

1803 9153 9545 1816 2036 8377

1894 2219 2253 1878 2096 2421

1990 2262 2595 1900 2078 2461

1963 2241 2594 1876 2008 2374 1 8 4



Jamshedpur. Jharia.

Month 1979 1980 1981 1979 1980 1981

1 11 12 13 14 15 16

Jan au ary 1685 2071 2074 1907 2277 2427

F ebruary 1586 1934 2093 1864* 2189 2441

March 1579 1946 2101 1864 2164. 2480 A pril 1638 1981 2082 1965 2188 2461

May 1665 2004 2107 1978 2235 2454

June 1687 2036 2194 2018 2284 2507 July 1751 2047 2279 2096 2350 2542

August 1833 2085 2349 2133 2369 2674 Septem ber 1901 2114 2481 2166 2419 2690

O ctober 1917 2167 2516 2195 2448 2670

November 1990 2216 2463 2285 2483 2644 !December 2086 2101 2391 2316 2400 2652

N.A.—N ot

SOUBOE.—Diractorale o f 1 8 5


D if f e r e n t c e k t b e s nr B ih ak

July, 1939- 100)

R aachi Dehri-on-So'n ®

1980 1681 1979 1980 1981

17 IB 19 20 31 22

1,867 2,294 2,358 1,886 2,219 2,427 1,851 2,199 2,395 1,838 2,) 51 2,416

1,872 2,209 2,395 1,841 2,210 2,398 1,933 2,268 2,363 1,896 2,220 2,303

1,940 3,341 2,391 1,892 2,213 3,368 1,970 2,384 2,441 2,021 3,359 2, 488

2,052 2,440 .2,477 2,028 3,333 2,538 2,147 2,492 2,552 2,079 2,373 2,604

2,250 8,530 2,587 2 , m 2,397 2,587

2,307 2,472 2,688 2,274 3,403 2.627 2,361 2,415 2,714 2,303 2,423 •^,722

2,330 2,356 2,698 2,*74 2,403 2,700

available Statistics and Evaluation* Bihar 1 8 6


(Base : l95B-6»-l0O)

M onths Sarial Commoditieg '•Year n o ‘ ^nuary February M arch April.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 Cereals 1979 286.13 291.53 297.78 296.3{

3980 352.76 358.28 368.20 361,91

- 1981 361.43 381.40 379.58 874.54

2 Pulses 1979 501.16 464.42 462.35 459.22

1980 476.82 466.15 472.74 480.22 1981 779.41 806.18 630.88 599.98

3 Vegetables 1979 232.05 1§6.86 174.42 156.94

1?80 295.30 216.95 264.57 346.88

1981 309.83 231.06- 294.62 815,95 4 Gbee 1979 489.75 4 7.57 499.13 492.54

1980 497.20 497.57 408.63 409.06 1981 532,58 532.58 558.65 547.47

5 Sugarcane 1979 340.OO 349.00 349.00 349.20 1980 356.18 856.13 356. J 8 856.18 '■ 1981 626.78 626.78 626.78 626.78 6 Other 1979 122U78 X 146.19 870.47 '818.55 1980 644.96 eos.of* 610.37 587.87 1981 603.67 600.94 707.89 731.81 B - NON-FOOD

1 Tdbacco 1979 624.68 635.82 670.61 489.5S 1980 1105.06 1117.85 1117.85 810.11 1981 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 2 Industrial raw 1979 430.14 374.24 415.61 1117.85 m aterials 1980 537.15 557.14 527.75 527.75 1981 658.76 693.69 654.52 654.52 187


Months Serial Commoditie* Y ear — no. May June Ju ly . August

1 2 3 8 9 10 11


1 Cereals 1979 298.65 308.55 324.28 333.46

1080 380.04 384.63 390.33 384.5 1981 377.77 386.28 403.96 418.97 2 PuUas 1979 448.98 449.90 463.46 496.05

1980 547.84 576.32 ‘ 614.81 660.43 1981 610.41 633.56 653.45 700.42

3 Veg&t»blee 1979 146.78 219.61 283.91 296.98

1980 426.86 469.61 490.58 564.89

1981 356.67 352.95 436.55 430.03

4 Gh»e 1979 491.61 491.61 489.75 491.61 1980 505.76 506.04 492.54 491.61 1981 558.65 558.65 558.65 572.61

♦ > Sugaro£uue 1979 349.00 349.00 356.13 356.13 1980 356.13 356.13 356.13 356.13 1981 626.78 626.78 626.78 626.78

6 Others 1979 859.88 982.62 1047.24 ' 918.09 1980 576.96 563.38 538.11 488.29 1981 779.07 761.06 704.43 733.29 B—NON-FOOD

1 Tobacco 1979 491.95 525.32 690.44 743.41 1980 1117.55 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 1981 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 2 Industrial raw 1979 449.73 477.56 493.87 526.16 m aterials 1980 575.28 626.05 551.00 686.25 1981 686.65 650.06 658.93 729.82 188


M onths Serial Commodities Year no. Septem ­ October jSPovem- Deoem- ber ber ber

1 2 3 IS IS 14 16


, 1 Cereals 1979 246.4S S67.32 817.01 299.84 1980 888.81 385.06 376.36 353.46

1981 426.59 432.01 436.15 416.41

2 Pulses 1979 502.89 518.06 491.24 480.78 1980 700.04 764.36 802.23 768.76

1981 700.79 698.47 661.86 607.63 3 Vegetables 1979 291.86 307.71 303.83 458.60 1980 618.92 599.47 558.19 410.09 1981 3U .49 451.91 398.36 440.6C

4 Ghee 1979 500.92 493.01 497.20 497.20 1980 497.20 516.19 526.99 530.01 1981 680.99 608.92 625.68 625.6S

6 Sugarcane 1979 ,356.13 356.13 356.13 356.H 1980 S56.13 356.13 356.13 605.41 1981 626.78 626.78 620.78 626.78 6 Others 1979 768.37 724.25 693.45 676.7C 1980 487.34 529.42 556.44 584.67 1981 746.91 817.82 893.50 914f.9l B . - NON-FOOD

1 Tobacco 1979 585.88 987.56 1008.26 1050.27 1980 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 1117.81 1981 1117.85 1117.85 1117.85 1117.81

2 Industrial raw materials 1979 521.95 509.64 545.43 568.W 1980 683.65 659.09 704.03 678.51 1981 695.65 696.0S 696.50 716.21

SoxjBCE.— Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, Bihai tABLfi 104


Revenue Receipts. Expenditure. Year C apital aoeounts outside Closing Gross expenditure. Total Debts Opening Gross Expenditure revenue balance. revenue and balance, revenue. on revenue accounts receipts. others. accounts. and debts.

1 2 3 4 6 « 7 8

00 1976-77 5,18,41,28 21,67,61,44 ( - )14,08,07 27,00,10,79 4,11,63,78 23,59,88,05 ( - )66,51,11 27,05,00,73 (£>

1977-78 .. 5,88,20,43 22,84,99,06 ( - )9Q,47,36 27,82,72,13 4,85,17,08 23,10,64,26 (— )13,09,21 27,82,72,13

1978-79 .. 6,86,12,96 27,80,00,60 (-)13,09,21 34,54,04,35 5,67,58,03 29,59,65,67 (-074,19,35 34,43,04,35 1979-80 .. \ ■ Not available 1980-81 ..

P — Provisional

N.A.—Not available.

Source.— Finance Department, Bihar. 190


Revenue Receipts H eads — 1978-79 1979-80 1980'-8l

I 2' 3 4

1. Gteneral Services—

(o) Public Service Commission .. 9,67 10,94 10,05

(6) Police l,iO,93 68,12 i,oi.oi (c ) J a il 10,48 5,24 10,65

(d) S tationery a n d P iin tin g 14,72 11,50 • 3,73 (»•) Public works 1,06,46 95,16 1,50,21

(/) Other administrative services.. 5,22,80 7,86,20 4,66,82 (flr) Pension a n d others 10,77 9,12 8,12

(k) MiscellsBeous G enerla Services 52,12 55,56 10,81 2. Social and Commuo ity Services—

(a) Educa^'ion 1,39,39 10,82,89 1,34,19 (6) A rts an d Cultur® .. 18 45 44

(o) M ediOs 1 4,33,17 8,30,028 8,94,82

(d) Fam ily W elfare .. U ,16 1,21,44 14,91*

(e) Public HealthSauitatioD and 93,93 51,06 80,35 W ater. (/) Housing ,. .. 29,58 19,17 31,24 (flr) Utban Dovolopmen* 18 20 73 (6) Informatioa and Publicity .. 96 2.80 2,15 (() Labour and Employment .. 69,86 79,55 78,82 (^) Social Security and Welfare ,. 94,74 2,35,12 1,79,72 (i) MiaceUaneoui, Social and Com­ 18,02 1,65,49 1,20,86 munity Serviceg. 3. Eoonomic Servicea— (o) Co-operatioa TS,4l 37,05 6,1? (6) Other General Economio Services 29,97 79,23 87,fi~ 1 9 1

TABLE 106—con/d. r e v e n u e r e c e i p t s a n d expenditure i n BIHAR UNDER CIVIL ADMINISTRATION. {R a. i n ’000)

Revenue Receipts Heard - — 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 8 4

(c) Agriculture .. .. S,02,38 2,08,70 1,17,87 (d) IWinor Irrigation, Soil Conserva­ , 76,8* 55,82 32,00 tion and Area Development.

(«) Pood and nutrition 37 1,46 35,

(/) Animal Husbandry 4S,S9 51,19 50,15

(fif) Dairy Development 1,49 4,41 18

(A) FisherieB .. 64,0« 67,59 70,32

(»■) Forest 18,11,71 14,74,00 15,64,08 (j) Community Development 1,48,77 1,18,26 1,02,29

{h) Industries 11,17 8,88 44,17 (t) Village and Small Seale Industries 29,09 6,16 36,89

(m) Mines and minerals 21,12,45 38,51,99 42,05,62 {«) Water and Power Developnasnt 3,82 29,19 5,80 Services. (o) Multipurpose River Projects .. 1,43,61 19,0,47 2,74,81 2,87,03 4,37,34 7,73,07 ip) Irrigation, Navigation, drainage 9 and flood projects. 0 (g) Civil aviation 45 1,86 (r) Roads and Bridges 1,26,44 , 1,56,47 2,31,94 ( s) Tourism 3,92 3,00 » 4,50 1. General and Administrative Services Expenditure—

(o) S tate Assembly .. 1,50,59 1,88,17 2,26,35 (b) Qovernor 18,62 14,51 22,13 (c) Cabinet .. 87,32 75,56 86,51 1 9 2



(ii». in *000)

Expenditure Heads 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

(d) Administration of Justice .. 5,20,00 6,19,76 7,88,96 («) Election .. .. 55,80 1,26,217 ' .13,68,17 (/) Public Service Commission . . 25,53 28,32 28,52

(flr) Secretariat General Services . . 3,91,86 4,24,90 6,14,58

(fc) District Administration .. 6,35,87 6,89,92 8,80,80 (»■) Treasury and Accounts Admi- 58,10 65,05 81,75 nistration.

(j) Police .. .. 41,00,62 40,72,14 68,08,08 (*) Jails . . .. 6,24,60 6,54,63 7,73,16

(1) Stationery and Printing .. • 1,25,82 3,66,91 2,38,94 (m) Public Works . . .. 6,82,24 10,72,21 18,53,15 (») Fire Protection and Control . , 14,72 17,92 20,92 (0) Other Administrative Services 6,23,95 7,26,39 1,42,407 (p) Pension ' . . . 8,62,27 9,83,57 10,26,09 {q) Miscellaneous General Services 3,46 17 55

2. Social and Community Services

(a) Secretariat, Social and Com- 51,55 61,05 70,75 munity Services. Education . . .. 1,49,59,27 1,70,48,62 2,34,96,68 (c) Arts and Culture .. .. 66,59 58,03 51,78 (d) Medical .. .. 26,79,80 27,37,47 37,49,24 (e) Fam ily welfare . . . . . 8,19,93 7,24,14 8,78,86 (/) Public Health, Sanitation and 10,31,43 18,24,76 20,81,27 W ater. (g) Housing .. .. 55,30 39,86 45,09 (ft) Urban Development .. 3,22,97 3,64,82 7,37,47 (1) Information and Publicity ,. 96,74 1,10,87 1,38,52 ______;____ ------1 9 3


(i?«. in ’000)

Expenditure H^ads

1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 • 1 2 3 4

(j) Itabour and Employment .. 1,95,950 3,79,614 2,06,850 (&) Social Security and Welfare 1,72,844 2,07,475 4,68,072 (I) Relief aooount of Natural Calamities .. 84,061 1,84,268 1,83,751 (m) Other Social and Community Services 48 58 37

3. Economic Service*—

(<*) Secretariat Economic Services 5,900 6,635 7,759

(b) Co-operation .. A .. 78,617 67,182 83,568 (e) Other General Economic Services 14,718 17,325 21,653

(d) Agriculture 2,25,650 2,20,986 3,69,375

(«) Minor Irrigation 36,653 50,850 1,01,63

(/) Soil water Gonaervation .. 27,596 35,596 39,786 (fif) Area Development 79k998 1,61,971 1,44,588

(h) Animal Husbandry 93,369 1,08,978 1,16,893

(«■) Dairy Development 2,918 4,048 8,370

(;) FiBheries 11,061 10,813 17,205

(i) Forest 90,503 1,07,065 1,17,959 (1) Oommunity Dev^lojiment .. 3,82,280 3,24,178 5,19,649 (f») Industries 45,250 38,180 89,053 (:») Village and Small Seal© XndustrieB 31,767 33,311 63,937 (o) Mines and m inerals .. 8,406 9,425 11,593 1 9 4

t a b l e 105—coftcirf.

REVEJTCTE R EC EIPTS AJvD E X PE N D IT U R E IN B iH A K U N D E R d V lL administation

(B8. in *000)

Expendi;ure Heads 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

1 2 3 4

(p) Water and Power Development 31.451 41,680 50,849

(g) Multipurpose River Projeote 51,94,3 59,640 87,001

(r) Irrigation, Navigation, Drainage and 85,909 1,05,140 1,38,208 Flood Control Projects.

(s) Civil aviation .. .. ; . 1,056 815 2,186

(<) Roads and Bridges .. * 79,210 1,52,981 2,72,962 ' * (■m) Tourist 2,417 3,322 4,190

(vf Compensation, etc. to I^ocal Bodies and 39,668 32,002 42,585 Panchayati Raj Institutions.

SouaoB.—-Finance Department, Bihar. TABLE m DISTRICT WISE CONSUMPTION OF C50UNTRY SPIRIT, OPIUM, QANJA AND BHANG AND EXCISE REVENUE REALISED IN BIHAR. Exoiso , Con sumption D istrict Revenue realise^ Country Spirit Opium Qanja Bhang (R b. in lakh) (’000 L..P. I4tre4) (K.a.) (K.a.) (K.G.) 1979-80 1980.81 1979-80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81 1979.80 1980-81 1979-80 1980-81

1 g 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. P a tn a 848 66.0 336.5 240.0 24.58 220.35 51.28 2. N alanda 269 .. 81.0 35.0 11.0 7.90 338.0 16.86 75.15 3. Oaya 334. 67.0 305.0 CO

5, Auraoigabad 131 .. 43.5 131.0 207.0 4.85 29.25

6. B hojpur 336 49.5 119.0 98.0 7.13 67.99 7. R ohtae 306 130.0 448.0 498.0 6.25 60.78

8. Saran ■ 188 44.0 8.0 7.0 12.50 50.46

9. Siwan 185 35.0 18.0 13.0 3.00 40.74 10. Gopalganj , 109 .. 22.0 7.32 33.88

11. E ast Champaran 160 .. 23.6 13.0 12.69 41.96

12. W est Champaran 120 87.0 27.0 20.0 41.60 90.28

13, M uzaffarpur 81 41.5 42.0 4S.0 88.03 63.20 14. Sitam arhi .. 65 15.0 .... 7.38 20.22 15. Vaisbali 35 23.5 7.5 19.0 9.01 18.70

16. Darbhanga .. 88 34.0 32.5 18.5 11.S4 35.86

17. Samaatipur .. S5 74.0 34.0 30.0 2.17 17.57 18. Madhubemi .. 25 8.5 1.0 S.57 8.26

19. Begusarai .. 45 17.0 22.0 25.0 2.85 15.68

- id. Monghyr 209 99.0 72.0 43.0 8.97 45.24 ‘ 21. Bhagalpur .. S7 39.0 37.0 26.0 6.S0 14.04

S2. Santhal Parganas 207 297.0 124.0 199.0 43.47 52.61 83. Saharsa 42 41.0 42.0 4.0 3.01 11.46 (£> 24. Burnea 208 91.0 18.0 15.0 3.02 44.45

26. Hazaribagh.. 450 113.0 714.0 434.0 35.77 127.22

8T. Giridih 562 71.0 141.0 167.0 1.31 101.99

t8. Dlianbeid 1,062 188.0 155.0 385.0 11.99 205.38

29. Rettichi SOS 286.0 6S9.0 716.0 4.84 115.44

to. Palam au 5S7 76.0 1115.0 1002.0 2.99 30.15

SI. Sin^bhnm .. 1154 197.5 1746.0 1247.0. 5.76 60.11 7,641 2302.0 6377.5 , 5840.5 854.04 1958.64


(Ra. in ’000)

31. no. Heads of taxes 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 ¥

1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7

I, State Sales Tax 83,42,58 87.71,00 91,54,00 11.22.00 130,85,00 2 Agricultural Income Tax 16,01 11,00

3 Entertainment Tax .. 5,50,55 5,10,00 5,44,00 5,77,00 6,32,00 to 4 Motor Spirit Duty ..

6 Electricity Duty 8,86,77 7,53,00 13,96,00 12,57,00 11,24,00

6 Transport Tax 6,47,59 4,64,00 6,70,00 - 9,50,00 17,21,00

7 Central Sales Tax .. 38,39,87 17,47,08 38,21,00 43,76,00 11,09,00 ' 8 Professional Tax

TOTAL.. 142,82,37 122,25,07 155,85,00 181,82,00 169,21,00 Includes Motor Spirit Duty. Agri-Income t ax repealed with effect from 1st March 1979. Passengers and Gooes Transport tax Act repealed with effie



{Bs. in emeu

Y ear/S tate Num ber T o tal Tot al Loans Loans Loans of oepital liabilities o u t­ sanc- dis­ Corpora­ or standing tioned bursed. tion. assdts. C'SeCtwe. *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1975 .. .. l8 29 337 276 N.A. N.A 1976 .. 18 38 434 357 739 501 1977 .. 18 50 535 440 887 801 1978 18 63 648 537 1035 70l 1979 .. 18 73 769 629 1224 84( S tate 1979

Andhra Pradesh 1 4 55 51 107 Assam 1 1 11 9 15 il B ihar 1 4 43 39 77 s G ujarat 1 10 97 79 166 l y H aryana 1 3 33 29 45 X Himachal Pradesh 1 1 10 8 12 J Jammu and Kashmir 1 1 10 9 22 u Kaisnataka .. 1 3 58 44 74 s K erala 1 3 40 36 60 V Madhya Pradesh 1 2 24 ' 20 35 s Maharashtra 1 8 106 95 191 I f Orissa 1 2 24 16 41 w P unjab 1 3 31 27 53 Rajasth«

1. A nnual £fgar©s relate to th e last F riday o f th e year ending March. 2. As on 31st March. . J| 3 . Tamilu^u Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd. incorporated i« IS^' under the Indian Companies Act.

S o u b o e .— Statistical Pocket Book, 1980). 1 9 9


FoMiQjr BiCHAjraB r a m s.

(Uuita fo foreigu evirr*ncy to R«. lOO)

Goantries. Ourreuoy 1970-71 1971-72 197X-7* 1973-74 A« in Septem ber, 1974.

OftniMi* Dollar 13.47 83.37 12.75 12J5 11.96

U.S.A. Ditto 13.23 13.27 12.93 12.74 12.21 Hongkong . Ditto 80^30 76.95 72.94 64.46 61.22

M8>iay»i« D itto 40.65 39.38 36.59 30.51 28.98

Singapore D itto 40.56 39.38 35.90 30.72 29.75 Belgium F ren ca 6,53.27 624.72 558.79 485.77 474.92

D enm ark . K ro n e .. 99.03 97.01 88.14 75.73 75.14

Pr*Miea T rance.. 7a.91 71.90 74.07 56.36 58.25 Ita ly Lire 8,246.62 8,099.98 7,498.63 7,542.86 8,024.58

N etheriand Guilders 47.58 44-65 40.85 35.21 32.93

Norway K r o n e .. 94.87 91.88 83.58 7j^.09 67.42

Sw d d en D itto 68.42 66.68 60.67 55.15 54.30

Ja p a n Y ea .. 4,731.18 3,221.34 3,824.14 3,443.16 3,628.33 Switzerland Franea 56.87 52.23 47.96 39.17 36.41

West Gerr^any Mks.. 47.93 44.07 40.55 32.79 32.34

L ondon On DoUars to 2.3982 2-4914 2.4552 2.4180 2.3038 N®wTork. Pound.

SoTJlica.—Ceotral Statistical Organisation (Statiatical Ab8tract of India), 200


P l a n p r o v is io n a n d a Ctttai, oxttlay b o b p t t b u o s e o t o e b y h e a d s o f DEVELOPMHNx— INDIA.

(Rs. in crores,)

Heads of Development. 1974— 79 1978-79 1979-80 Approved Actual Approved outlay. outlay. outlatY.

1 2 3 4

Agriculture and allied services 46,44 17,45 18,15 Irrigation and Flood Control .. 34,34 11,61 12,60 Power .. 70,16 21,87 24,47 Village and Small Inc^ustries .. ' 1,02,01 2,19 2,‘89 Industry and Minerals Transport and Communication 68,81 24,14 25,47 Education 12,84 17,94 21,36 Science and Technology 4,45 4,14 2,74 H ealth 6,82 1,38 1,11 Family Welfare .. .. 4,97 2,82 2,68 N utrition 1,16 1,12 1,16 Water Supply and Sanitation .. 9,30 3,39 4,29 Housing and Urban Development 11,07 3,06 3,02 including State capital project. Welfare of backward classes 3,27 2,19 ' t2 ,1 5 Social Welfare > 86 29 27 Labour and labour Welfare 50 17 22 Other programmes 9,19 2,64 3,43 Employment promotion programme 2,34 H ill Areas 1,70 , , Tribal Areas 1,90 North Eastern Council 90 •• ••

GEAND TOTAL 39,303 11,650 12,601 -I-—,------

SotT B oE.— Central Statistical t)rganization (Statistical Pocket B o o k , 1980).

N o t e .— Totals may not tally due to rounding off the figures.


P la n PBOVISION A><1> ACtUAI- Oim.AT fob PuBMC SKGtOR (BIhAR) u n d er PIFtH a n d 6 i 'H FIVS-TBAB PLAN. gaAN. (Bs. in lakhs)

1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 SI. Name of Sector/Sub------—— ------,_w——^ no.t sector. Plan Expendi- Percen- Plan Expendi- Percen- Plan Exjpencli- Percen- provision. ture, tage of provision. ture. tage of prevision, tnre. tage oi expendti- expendi. expendi­ ture to ture to tnre to provision. provision. provision

1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11

1 Agriculture 2445.03 1807.64 73.9 2509.14 2491.59 99.30 4157.00 4151.34 99.86 to (i) Agriculture Edu­ 136.96 136.96 100.00 117.24 117.00 99.79 117.00 117.00 100.0 o cation and Research. ts3 (ii) Crop Husbandry 356.89 149.60 41.92 485.00 419.04 96,33 490.00 479.59 97.87 (in) Integrated Rural 643.38 479.99 74.00 899.54 899.54 100.0 1761.00 1761.00 100.0 Development. (iv) Lac Development 5.00 5.00 100.0 6.00 4.65 77,50 8,00 6.00 75.00

(v) Sagaroane Develop­ 60.00 15.58 25.97 60.00 60.00 100.0 60.00 57.50 95.83 m ent. (vi) Food for Work 350.00 350.00 100.0 (vii) N.R.E.P. 447.50 447.50 100.0 1210.00 1210.00 100.0 (viii) l.R .D . 899.54 899.54 100.0 1761.00 1761.00 100.0

{ix) Marketing (Agr.) 167.00 134.00 80.60 191,06 191.06 100.0 150.00 150.00 100.0

(«) Storage and Ware­ 2.00 2.00 100.0 2.00 2.00 100.0 3.00 14.75 491,67 housing. (ut) D.P.A.P. 427.50 2 3 9 . ^ 56.02 350.00 350.00 100.0 350.00 350.00 190.0

{xii) g.F.D .A. 296.75 295.00 99.41

2 Land Reforms 501.26 463.05 92,38 595.00 593.86 99.81 626.00 609.68 100,98

3 Minor Iri'igation . . 2347.00 2231.70 95.06 2500.50 2497.68 99.89 3268.60 3275.00 10^,20

{i) Agriculture Depart- 1240.00 1637.54 132.00 2412.00 2412.00 100.00 3234.00 3234.00 100.00 mei\t. (m) Rural Developrnent 500.00 500.00 100.0

{iti) Irrigation Depart­ 107.00 94.16 88,0 88.50 85,68 96.8] 34.50 40-90 120.12 m ent. ill)) W.D. Corporation 700.00 300.00 42.86 • «

4 Soil Conservation .. 239.12 239.12 100.0 275.00 275.63 100.23 300.00 290.20 96.73 {%) Agriculture Depart­ 189.12 189.12 100.0 205.00 204.77 99.89 225.00 223.11 99.16 m ent. {ii) Forest Department 50.00 50.00 100.0 70.00 70.86 101.23 75-00 75.09 100-12

6 Area Development 130.00 i02.88 79.14 301.00 293-60 97.54 475.00 475.00 100.0

5A Antodaya 47.10

6 Animal Husbandry 239.80 227.98 95.01 237.85 259.58 109.14 300.00 300.53 99.16

7 Dairy Development 129.00 128.95 99.96 109.00 101.73 93.33 200.00 199.33 99.66 8 Fisheries 86.16 52,52 60.90 125.00 113.57 90.85 ini.oo 110.01 9 0 .^ {i) Animal Husbandry 81.15 50.82 62.62 120.00 109.12 90.93 117.00 107.02 91.47 Department. (ii) Co-operative De- 50.00 1.70 34.00 6.00 4.45 89.00 4.00 2,99 74.75 9 Forests j72^0O J73,26 100,73 266.00 266.50 99,81 380.00 377,90 99,43 ta b l e 111—con<(?. PLAN PRO'VISTON AND ACTUAL OUTLAY FOR PUBLIC SECTOR (BIHAR) UNDEB FIFTH AND SIXTH FIVErYBAR PLAN {Ba. in lahh’i) ------» 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 -- - ——.— SI. Percen- no. ^b-Soctor. ^ Percentage Percentage Plan Expendi- of Plan Exp m- of Expendi- Plan Expendi- tage of provision ture expenditure provi- diture ture to provision * ture eJfipendi- to sion provision ture to provision provision

10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to o 54.00 5 l7 1 98.46 10 Agricultural Credit 429.00 230.00 53.G1 165.00 *^165.00 100.0 33f.50 637.50 188.89 11 Community Develop­ 141.03 120.00 85.09 484.46 484.00 99.90 m ent. 95.12 12 P anchayats 4 0 .0 0 39.71 99.27 50.00 49.22 98.44 50.00 47.56

' 13 Special Programme • • ... • • for Rural Develop­ ment Corporation. 10269.96 10815.76 105.32 T olal aqbicctltxtre ano 6947.36 5817.17 83.73 7617.95 7590.96 99.64 allied P roguammes.

14 Co-operation 51L70 480.82 93.96 751.09 870.77 115.93 610-00 .543.52 89.10

15 MajorandMe- 8120.00 7744.08 95.37 9860.00 9923.70 100.65 12495.00 12505.42 100.08 diumlrrigation. 16 Flood Control 20(50.00 2042.85 102.14 2241.05 , 2293.07 102.32 2600.00 2580.87 99.26

17 Pow er P rojects 87.28.00 2731.00 31.29 10705.45 10710.07 100.04 13749.00 14057.00 102.24

TOTAL-Water 18857.00 16817.93 89.19 22807.30 22926.94 100.52 28844.00 29143.29 10L04 and, Pow er Development"

814.45 107.05 18 Large and 1335.00 718.50 53.82 1173.40 1171.62 99.85 ' 760.78 Midium Industries 755.10 808.83 107.11 (i) Industrial 1335.00 , 218.50 16.37 1167.00 1167.80 100.0 D epartm ent 5.62 100.26 {it) Weights and 5.60 3.82 68.21 5.60> Mesures. o in 835.04 106.891 19 Village and Small 771.70 591.49 76.65 761.00 ,760.00 . ‘ 99.95 781.22 Industries. 778.22 832.04 106.9 (i) Industries De­ 768.70 590.44 76.81 758.00 758.00 100.0 partment ‘ , 3.00 3.00 100.00 {ii) Co-operative 3.00 1.05 35.0 3.00 2.60 86.67 D epartm ent

129.00 127.97 99.18 20 Mineral Deve­ 100.00 83.77 83.44 100.00 97.17 97.14 lopm ent

1671.00 1777.43 106.37 TOTAL—Industries 2206.76 1383.76 62.70 2034.40 2029.39 • 99.75 and Minerals TABLE \ \ 1 concld.


1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 SI. Narne of Sector/ no. Sub-Sector Percentage Percentage Percentage Plan Expen- of Plan Expen- of Plan Expen- of pro vision diture expendi- provision diture expenditure provision diture expendi­ ture of to ture to provision provision provision

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

21 Roads and Brid­ 3125.00 2754.42 91.19 4822.00 4810.73 99.97 5851.00 5851.00 100.00 to ges o 05 (i) P.W .D . 1775.00 1424.17 80.23 1900.00 1980.00 104.21 2476.00 2476.00 loo.oa

(ii) R .D . D epart­ 1200.00 1200.00 100.0 2300.00 2300.00 100.00 3200.00 3200.00 100.00 ment (RE.O.)

{Hi) Urban Roads 75.00 75.09 100.12 467.00 467.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

(iv) R oads in 75.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 - 63.74 84.97 75.00 75.00 100.00 Sugarcane Area

22 Road Transport 445.00 42.95 96.52 322.00 322.00 100.00 395.00 323.94 82.01

23 Other Transport 10.00 5.28 52.60 14.00 11.90 85.00 16.00 16.00 100.00

(») Water Trans­ 5.00 5.00 100.00 8.00 5.90 73.75 8.00 8.00 100.00 port

(ii) Civil Aviation 5.00 0.26 5.20 6.00 6.00 100.00 8.00 8.00 100.00 Pilgrimage (<) Tourism 16.00 15.00 ;.oo.oo 28.00 28.00 100.00 18.00 18.00 * 1©O.90

(■»») Pilgrim Deve­ 10.0© 10.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 100.09 lopm ent 6218.94 98.87 T o t a l - Transport 3605.00 3207.63 88.98 5196.00 5181.63 99.74 6290.00

and communication. ------______------:------— ------3029.22 104.46 25 General Educa- 191.95 443.35 34.32 2816.00 2757.98 97.94 2900.00 cation 26.54 94.79 26 Arts and culture 25.00 17.52 70.08 26.00 22.68 106.46 28.00 75.50 85.80 100.00 89.00 89.00 26A Science and 88.92 34.75 39.08 88.00 t>5 Technology O •<1 1800.00 100.00 27 W ater-Supply 1570.00 1519.96 100.00 1820.00 1799.25 98.86 1800.00 431.25 431.25 100.00 (i) Urban Water- 520.00 519.96 100.00 460.00 . 439.25 95.49 Supply 1368.75 1368.75 100.00 (ii) Rural Water- 1000.00 1000.00 100.00 1360.00 1360.00 100.00 Supply (P.H.E.D. ) 97.33 1350.00 1770.00 131.11 28 H ealth 1029.70 710.09 68.96 1300.28 1265.57 104.80 989.50 907.50 91.71 29 Housing 620.00 620.00 100.00 916.00 960.00 100.00 357.00 357.80 100.22 (i) Housing 220.00 220.00 100.00 435.00 435.00 96.42 13«.50 132.50 100.00 (ii) Police Housing 131.00 125.00 210.00 208.00 99.05 (ii) Housesilesfor 150.00 200.00 133.33 R ural and. L and­ less Labourers TABLE 111—concZd PliAN PROVISION AND ACTUAL OUTLAY FOR PUBLIC SECTOR (BIHAR) UNDER FIFTH AND SIXTH FIVE, YEAR PLAN ' (jRs. in lakhs)

1979-80 1981-82 SI N^-me of S e c t o r ------—------—:------— ------t------no. Sub-Sector Percentage Percentage Percentage ^ Plan Expens of Plan xpen- of Plan Expen- of provision diture expendi- provision diture expenditure providion diture expendi­ ture to to ture to provision provision provision

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll ts3 O 00 House Advances 400.00 400.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 210.00 210.00 100.00

30 Urban Deve- 95.00 25.00 26.31 150.00 147.66 98.44 174.00 173.90 ' 99.94 loprDent 31 Information and 15.00 15.42 102.80 9.75 9.90 101.54 11.83 11.78 99.58 P ublicity 32 Labour and 35.00 35.00 100.00 42.00 42.20 100.00 65.00 52.82 81.26 Labour Welfare ( 33 W elfare of Back­ 338.41 297.57 87.93 490.00 494.35 100.89 550.00 695.00 126.48 ward Classes 34 Social Welfare 23.00 21.37 92.91 37.50 33.59 89.57 41.00 39.96 97.46

(f) Welfare De- 13.00 21.17 164.38 35.50 ' 31.49 88.70 36.00 34.96 97.11 p artm ent (ti) Jail Depart- 10.00 0.20 2.00 2.00 2.10 105.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 •mon-t 35 Nutrition 750.00 105.00 14.00 165.00 164.89 99.93 , 165.00 155.60 94.30 85.00 100.00 {i) E ducation 75.00 30.00 4o15o 65.00 85.00 130.76* 85.00 Department (»») Welfare De­ 75.00 75.00 100.00 , 86.00 ■ 79.89 92.89 80.00 70.61 88.26 partm ent

TotaI.—Social and 5231.98 39 14 .9 7 74.83 7060.45 7778.65 110.17 8094.33 8751.17 108.11 Oommunity Development

36 E valuation .. 1.00 0.00 2.00 2^00 0.06 0.03

37 Statistics 24.00 16.39 68.29 28.00 23.93 85.46 28.00 28.82 102.93

38 O thers • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• (i) Police Housing 96.00 88.18 92.82 •• •• •• •• •• 113.33 93.00 182.00 195.70 {%%) Administrative , 55.00 55.00 100.00 45.00 51.00 o Buildings. <£ 12.25 100.08 27.00 27.00 100.0 23.17 21.09 91.02 {Hi) Planning Ma­ 12.24 « chinery. {iv) Printing Press 15.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 100.0 5.50 5.50 100.00

(v) P roject A d­ ministration (o») District Re- - 75.00 75.80 101.09 55'00 55.00 100.0 60.00 49.50 82.50 organisation Buildings (»»«) Autonomou s 15.00 0.00 10.26 10.00 97.47 10.00 9.65 96.50 Development authority ______

T otal-M iscellane7u^’*292^4 168.26 167.93 99.S0 221.67 216.62 97.7^

GRAND TOTAI^ 37652.00 31879.50 84.67 46443.45, 46547.27 100.2 56000.00 55466.73 99.05

N.A.—Not available SptJBoB.— Planning D epartm ent, B ihar TABLE 112 PRINCIPAL TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS (INDIA)

F ifth Plan (I974-- 79) Item s U ‘nits Achieve­ Achieve­ Achieve­ Achieve­ Targets m ents m ents m ents m ents 1974-76 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 (P) (P) (P)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Agriculture Production— 121.0 111.2 125.6 1. F o o d g rain s,to tal Million tonnes.. 126.0 99.8 to I 52.6 2. Rice D itto 39.6 48.7 41.9 3. W heat .. .. D itto 24-1 28.8 29.0 31.3

4. Other cereals D itto 26.1 50.5 28.9 29.9 5. Gram and Pulses, total D itto 10.0 13.0 11.4 11.8

6. Oilsee(?9 (Five Major) D itto 10.8 8.5 9.9 8.2 10.8

7. Sugarcane .. ^. D itto 16.6 144.3 141.0 153.0 181.6 S. Cotton (lint) Million Bales 7.5 7.2 6.0 5.8 7.1 9. Ju te Ditto 7.6(c) 5.8(6) 6.9(c) 7.1(c) 7.1 10. Tobacco ’000 Tonnes 363 350 414 12. Coffee . . D itto 93 84

1 3 . Rubber .. .. Ditto 130 138 Forest and Soil Conservation— 13557 15904 14 . Forest Plantation .. .. ‘000 He«tareS 2780 1637.5

15. Rehabilitation of degraded forest . . Ditto 16. Forest Communications (Roads) . . Kms. 59000 32600 5669 5932'

17. Survey - ...... Hectares Demarcation ...... ‘000 Kms. Community Development— 5028 18. Number of Blocks Nos. .. 5026(d) 5026 l-A 632 19. Villages covered (‘000 No.) 567(df) ^ 632 470 20. Population Served Millions 568(d) 470 Co.-operations- 21. Primary Agriculture Credit Societies— (i) Number ‘000 .. 154 153 iii) Membership .. Million 36.0 350 Agricultural Credit disbursed— - 22. 13400 {i) Short and Medium-term Rs. million 8991 11800

(U) I,ong-term (outstanding) D itto 8282 • •

(c) F o r Ju te and M esta b o th (d) As on 2nd April, 1975 (e) As on 2nd April, 1976 ( ) Indicates Provisional TABLE 112—confer-

F ifth Plan (1 9 7 4 - 79)

Items Units Target Aohieve- Achieve­ Achieve­ Achieve­ 1978.79 m ents m ents m ents m ents 1974-76 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 (P) (P)

1 2 4 6 6 7

Irrigation by crop—Targets (1969—74)—

28. Food Crops ., .. ' .. 36.7

(i) Foodgrains .. ,. Million Hectares 32.4

(ii) Sugarcane D itto 2.3 iiii) Other food crops D itto 2.1

24. Non-food crops D itto 5.0 ..

(») Cotton D itto •• 1.6 .. (it) Other non-food crops T. D itto 3.4

25. Net area irrigate^ D itto 33.7 26. Crops area irrigated (23 + 24) D itto 41.7

Power— 2T. (i) Installed capacity .. Million K.W. 31.0 20.3 22.2 23.88 25.8

(ii) Energy generated D itto 116000 76678 85296 95615 to 117000 zs. iowKS an a viUageB electrified by popu­ lation ranges—

0'rer one lakh .. No*. 151 151 151

S©,#00 to 1,00,000 Do. 21« 219 219

19,®00 to 49,§98 Do. 275 . 2752 2753 up to 9,999 Do. , •• 171127 185806 202843 ••

T otal 258358 174,257(c) 188926 205966 - ..

Irrigation Pumps/Tube-well energisefi- No. 4013000 2621657 2585873 302916S ...

M illing—

Coal Million Tonnes 128.5 gl.Q 102.7 104.S

Iron or# D itto 36.0 37.0 42.0 42.4 40.f Manganese or© .. D itto Limeston® D itto , , Gypsum D itto ■ .. Bauxit# .. . ‘000 Tonne* •• •••• •••• 5 plan.--15 TABLE U%-~contd- Fifth Plan (1974-79)-

Achievement Item s U nits 1974-75 1975.76(F) 1976-77(P) 1977-78(P)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Industrial Production- m Metallurgical Industries-

36. Iron anf’ Steel-

(*) Steel Ingots . . Million Tonnes 11.3 6.4 7.2 8.2 ft.9 ■ 6.89 (i«) Finished Steel D itto 8.8 4.9 I—*• yx (Hi) Pig Iron for sale . * D itto 2.5 1.56

37. Aluminium 2,000 Tonnes 310 126.6 178.6 209.1 178.15 Mechanical Engineering Industries-

38. Industrial Machinery—

(i) Cotton Textiles machinery Ra. Million 1300 727 781 1430

(n) Cement machinery D itto 150 90 62 118 226 (iii) Sugar machinery D itto 400 270 322 398 S13 (iv) Jute Mill machinary D itto

(v) P aper m achinery D itto 280 151 I2» Steam Boilers" D itto {vil} Machine Tools D itto 1300 92S US7 1140 1027 {viii) Coal Mining machinery ‘000 Tonnes 39. 'Structural Fabrication—

(i) For Railway Wagons .. ‘000 Tonn«*s (ii) O thers D itto 40. Railway Rolling Stock and Components (») Locomotives

(а) Steam ,, Nos. (б) Diosel .. Do. 14* (c) E lectric .. Do. 2S0 172 192 (ii) Wagons (In terms of 4 Wheelers) .. ‘000 Nos. J5 ie.2 (»m) Passenger coaches Nos. 1200 Si9 41. Automobiles Auxiliary Industries- (t) Passenger car ‘000 Nos. 32 (ti) Commercial vehicles D itto 60 4».4 41.24 (m) Jecpa and Station Wagons, etc. D itto 9.14 («V) HotbrGycle and Scooters D itto *20(rt) 14».0 182.3 2SS.2£ ■42. Ball and Roller bearings Million Nos. 4S 23 24 26.2 TABLB 11Z-ecmd. Fifth Plan (1974-79)

Iteaac Unit* Tai^et ------—------T ~ 7 ' , 1978.79 1974-76 1975-76 1976-77 1977-7* (P) (P) (?) 5

43. Agricultural Implements and Machinerie*— (i) Povrer-driven Pumps .. .. ‘000 Noa. 282 275 {it) Die»el Engine* (Stationary). .. Ditto IIO.S 136.e (Hi) Tractor ...... Ditto 53 40.9

44. Bicycl# ...... Million Noa. 3 2.4 2.3 S.18(K)

45. Sewing machiues .. •. ‘000 Noa- •70 327 266 3«4.1(K) 4«. Shi}) Building Hindiiatan Shipyard ‘000 GRF 42.4

Eleetrical Engineering Industriea— 47. Electric Transformers (33 K.W. and below) Million KWA 12.5(1) 13.9(1)

4*. E le«trie Motors and b«low .. Million H.P. 3.6 3.5

49. Klectric Fans ...... Million Noa. 2.S 2.3 2.1 S.4

5ft. Ra^io Receiver* ...... ‘000 No». 1949 1533

51. Heavy Electrical Eqviipment in Publie Ra. erorea Seclwr#. t;nemicai ana AUied Industries 62. Fertiliaer»—

(i) Nitrogenous (in terms of ni trogen) *000 Tonnes 2900 1186 1635 1900 2016 (it) Phogphat ic(in terms of p-205) D itto 770 327 327 480 670 53. Heavy Chemicals—

(♦) Sulphuric Acid D itto 2700 1471 1416 2082 (ii) Soda Ash .. D itto 710 616 566 568 574 (Hi) Caustic Soda D itto 610 426 469 505 527 Drugs, Pharmaceuticals and Pesticides- (i) Sulphur Dinigs Tonnes 1759 •• 1203 K> ki^ (ii) Penicillin >4 M.M.V. 520 271 313.28 Streptomycin Tonnes 400 230 199.92 (iv) D.D.T. 4400 •• •• •• •• 55. Rubber Mai.ufactufer_

(i) Automobile Tyres Million Nos. 8 4.8 4.7 i.6 6.17 (ii) Bicycle Tyres ,, , .. D itto 30 25.0 24.3 21.9 28.44(d) 66. Paperand Paper Board ’000 Tonnes 1050 836 836 891 965 (») News Print.. D itto 80 . . ' 57.7 56 87. Cement Million Tonnes 20.8 14.7 17.2 18.7 9.83 Plap.--1§ TABLE i\2 —contd.

Fifth Plan (1974—79) IteiuB U nits Target Achieve- Achieve - Achieve­ Achieve­ 1978-79. naent, m ent m ent m ent 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-t8. (P) . (P)

5^,. Petroleum Prpducta- .

(i.) Pro<;essefl • • 1 ’000 Xonnes 27,qo (ii)'Lubrieating^oil J ko TeXtile*L Indui^t^ie#- hi* *8> 69. Cotton— .

(t.) Y am .. Million Kg. 1150 1026 1003 1068 1092(#»)

(it) Oloth (Mill*mad^) 4450 3961 4191 412$ Million'Metres 4800 • V 60. Ju te ’000 'Ponnes 1280 1049 1143 1186 1178 61. Rayon an4 StasRle K h re - (t) Rayon filaments Million Kg. 40(c) (ii) Staple fibre . D itto 100(d)

{Hi) Chemical Pulp ’000 Tonnes 62. Woolen Manufacture—

(t) Woolen and Worsted Yarn Million Ke. {ii) Woolen Cloth Million Meters

(iii) Wool Tops Million Kg. Timber Industries—

63. M atches Million Gross Boxes .. Food Industries— 64. Sugar Million Tonnes 5.4 4.7 4.6 4.7 6.4 65., V anaapati ». ’000 Tonnes 610 353 489 639 672 Transport and Communication—

66. Railways Governmeni^

(t) Passenger Train (Kilometres) Million 186 216 bO

{Hi) Route Kilometres .. .. ’000 K.M. 60301 60231 {iv) Rolling Stock on line—

(a) l 40comotives .. ., IQOO Nos. 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.14 i» Coaches .. .. Ditto 30.3 30.7 30.2 34.7«

(c) Wagons .. .. Ditto 466.6 465.9 475.9 480.87 (r) Rolling Stock procurement—

(a) Locomotives .. .. Ditto 0.96 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.19

(b) Coaches, .. ,. Ditto 5.6 0.77 1.13 0.81 1.05 T a b le 112—cow* tZ.

F ifth P lan (1974- 79) Achievement Item s U nits T arget — 1978-79. 1974-75. 1975-76. 1976-77. 1977-78. (P) (P) (P) 6 7 1 A 2 3 4 6 10.9 11.86 (c) W agons .. ’000 Nos. 13.0 10.4 12.9

67. Roads and Road Transport—

(i) Surfaced road s including N.H. .. ’000 Kms. 550 493 725 430 to (»») Commercial Vahiclea on Roads .. ’000' N o b . to o 68. Shipping— 430 406 (t) Coastal .. ’000 GRT 600 311 417 4709 4977 (ii) Overseas D itto 5900 3518 4305 TOTAI, 6500 3829 . 4722 539 5383

Ports and Harbers- 66 67 67 69. Handing capacity (Major ports) ,. Million Tonnes 110 to 115 66

Posts and Telegraphs— 120 70. Post offices (Urban and Rural) ., ’000 Nos. 130 117 118 124 15.3 17.6 7 1. Telegraph offices .. D itto 17 12.9 12.9

7 2. Number of Telephones D itto 2,592 1,744 1,914 2,096 2,247 9 ooial Services ( Education)------73. SchooUng facilities for chUdren in different age-groups-----

{*) F n m ar7 ( 6 to 11) e n ro lm e n t Million 17.16 63.64 64.71 67.53 70.15 (ii) Middle (11 to U) enrolmen t D itto 21.10 15.22 15.94 17.01 17.77 (m) Seconda,ry to 17) enrolmeat D itte 11.21 8.23 8.81 8.77 8.62 74, University Education ___

(i) University Stage (17- 23) enrolmant. NoS. 3,937 2,1 81 1,995 2,099 ii') Enrolmant in Science classes . . 75. In stitu tio n ----- bO (A) Schools— — N5 . T

[i) Primary Schools indudini ’000 No3. 4i3.46 J xniof Basic. 45^.53 433.33 477.04 («) Middle Schools including ’OOJ N"o3. 1)2.03 Junior Basic Schools. 1J1.45 SU.21 97.02

{ili) High/Higher Secondary .. 41.67 Schools. •• 42.94 i3.88 44.23

\iv) Secondary Schools with . . . Elementary Science. •• •• •• (B) Colleges— —

(*') Arfcs^Science/OomTieroe 3,467 3,166 College. 3,582 3,227 (%i) Universities - • D itto 96 103 105 ' 105 TABLE 112— com ld.

(Fifth plan) 1974 - 7 9

Achievement Item s U nits T arget - ,1978-79 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977.78 (P) (P) (P)

1 2 3 ,4 • 5 6 7

76. Teachers’ Training Ihetitution ----- {i) Training Schools Number 1.267(c) 1,185(c) 962(c) 871 \ 2 543 ' (ii) T raining Coil®g®s D itto • * 314 326 500

1 77. Techuioal Education— ts3 (a) Degree Courses— bO

(i) Institutions D itto 141 142 ••

(ii) Admission capacity D itto 21,870 22,454 ••

(iii) O utturn , D itto 14,079 14,073 •• (6) Diploma cOurses— (i) Institution D itto 326 325 (it) Admission capacity D itto 47,291 48,769 ••

(iii) O utturn D itto •• 16,887 20,141 H ealth - 78. Hospital and dispenaftries beds 000 .. NoB. m §86 295 301

79. Primary H©»lth Oe nitres . , N oss 5,361 6,293 6,328 6,380 80. Medical Education

(i) Medical colleges Numbers .. 105 106 106

(m) A nnual admission ’000 Nos. .. 13.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 81. Training Programmes

(») Doctors .. ’000 Nos. 176 146 1S4 162

(»t) Nurses D itto 125 93 97 102

(»»■»■) H ealth Visitors . .. Numbers .. 82. Family Planning Centres

(i) Bural .. D itto ^ 49,400 .. 44,240 (tt) U rban D itto 1,952 .. 1,937 to H ousing—

83. Subsidised Industrial Housing ’000 Nos. 0.4 2.3 0.8 1.6 84. I^OTY Income Qrpup Housing .. D itto 5.6 0.3 9.5 6.5 3.7 2.3 85. Village Housing ., ,, D itto •• 4.8 0.9

/ SouROB.—Statistical A bstract of India, 1978 P— Provisional.

. Not available. — Nil or negligible. TABLE 113 ESTIMATE RESOURCES FOR THE PUBWC SECTOR IN THE FIFTH AND SIXTH PLAN (I) (INDIA). (Ba. in crorea)

D raft Revised Sixth Item F ifth F ifth Plan P lan I'lan (1980— 85) 1974— 79 (1974- 79)

1. Domestic budgetary resources .. 33,807 31,515 81,751 A. Balance from current revenues 7,348 (a) 4;,901(«) 14,478(c)

2. Gross surplus of public enterprises .. 5,988(6) 849(6) 9,395(d)

A. Railways 649 ( )1,118 1,698 B. Posts and Telegraphs ...... ■ . 842 380 *2,365 to C. O thers ...... 4,497 2,287 5,332 ko 3. Market borrowings of Government, Public Ejiterprises and L|OcalBodies 7,232 5,879 19,500

4. Small Savings 1,850 2,022 6,463 6. S tate P rovident Fund 1,280 1,987 3,702(0) 6. Term loans from financial institutions (net) 895 628 2,722(h)

7. Comjnercial credit from banks .. 1,185 (/) •• . .

8. Internal resources of public financial institutions for own investment 90 if) in fixed assets- 9. Miscellaneous capital receipts (net) .. 1,089 556 4,009

10. Additional resources mobilisation 6.850 14,693 21,203

A. Centre ...... ■ ... 4,300 8,484 12,283 (») 1974-75 measures ...... 7,594 {ii) 1977—79 measures

B. States ...... ' 2.550 Q ,m 9,01^

(t) 1974-75 measures ...... 5,498

(ii) 1977 —79 measures .. 701 (fir)

11. Borrowings against utilisation of foreign exchange reserves 600 1,000

12. External assistance (net) .. . , .. ' 9,929 A. Other than oil and special credits .. .. 2,443 5,834 B. Oil and special credits

13. Defeoit anancing 1,000 1,354 5,000 37,250 39,303 97,500 Isa 14. Aggregate resources bo

SOUROB.— Statistical Pocket Book, 1980

(1) A, published in the fith Five P lan Docximent, 1974 — 79. (2) At 1972-73 prices. (3) The estimates for 1974-75 are at current prices while those for the subsequent y<3ar are at 1976-76 prices (а) At 1973-74 rates of taxation. (б) At 1973-74 taxes, freights and tarriffs. (c) At 1979-8.0 rates of taxation. (d Relates to utilisation of public enterprises at 1979-80 taxes, 'freights, tarriffs and rates. («) Relates to Central and State Provident Funds. (f) 'Subseciuent to the formation of the Draft Fifth Plan. It was decided to keep these resources nil in the outlays corresponding to them oi^tside the plan. i^g) Includes some amount to be raised through letter collection of taxes and better Government dues and economic in non-plan expenditure. TABLiS 114


SI. no. Item s 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 A ctuals A ctuals A ctuals A ctuals A ctuals

I 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Plan outlay • • • • 154.60 211.55 236.66 250.84 328.18 State Budgetar, y Resources other than negotiated loans (-)9 .8 3 49.07 26.99 176.85 (-)1 6 .1 7 and State Enterprises, market borrowings. 3 Additional resource mobilisation 25.32 60.36 83.49 ••

4 Negotiated loans and State enterprises, market borrowing ' 23.36 29.34 38.43 29.90 39.51 kO td a> 5 States Total Resources (2+3+4) •• ^ 38.85 138.77 148.91 206.75 83.34 6 Central Assistance 65.38 110.24 92.97 121.47 243.68

(a) G rants 19.61 33.07 25.38 36.45 73.11

(b) Loans ' • • 45.77 77.17 66.39 86.02 170.57

7 Increase in overdrafts during the year .. 3.02 14.83 •• •• -

8 Aggregate Resources for State Plan(5 + 6 + 7) 107.25 263.83 241.18 328.22 267.02

9 Qap in Resources ^—8) ...... (- )47.35 52.28 4.52 77.38 -)6 1 .1 0

10 Opening overdraft . . • • • • < )56.84 38.20 - )94.23 14.08 91.46 11 CJloaing Balance .. •• •• ( - )104.19 14.08 - )89.71 91.46 30.36 Sou^BCE.-' Finance Department, Bihar. 227


£eri»al Head of Development Plan no.. O utlay (R s. in lqkh

1 Agricultufe 24,720

2 Lan d Reforms 3,850 3 Minor Irrigatio a .. 16,870

4 Poul ConS®rvaition • • , 2,000 5 Conmiaiid Area Development 3,200 6 Animal Husbandry ...... 1,900

7 Dairy Development 76o 8 F is h e rie s 696

9 F o re s try 1,800

10 Agrioultural credit • • 765 H Rural Development 1,985 12 P an o h ay ats 250 I. TOTAL—Agrioultura 1 and Allied Programmes 58/796 f 13 Co-operation 2,725

II. TOTAL—Co-operation .. 2,725

Major and Medium Irrigation .. 85,000 # 15 Flood control .. .. 15,800 16 Power projects 80,000 i n . TOTAL— Water and Power Development 1,80,800 228

t a b l e 115—conic?.

Plan Serial Ho ad of Development O utlay n o . (Bs. in lattha)

17 Large and Medium Industries 4,515

18 Village and Small Industries .. 4,700

19 Mineral D©velopn:eu.t 650 IV. TOTAL- Industries ar d Minerals Q.86,6

20 Roads and Bridges 32,735

21 R o a d T ran sp o rt 2,000 22 Aviation 40 23 Water Irar sport ,, 50

24 Tourism and pilgrim Development 150 V. TOTAL— Transport and Communic»tion8 24,975

25 Gen,®ral Education 14,300 26 Art and Culture 150

27 Science and Technol ogy 950 28 Water Supply 10,014

29 H e a lth 8,240 30 H ousing 4,625

31 Urb^ n Development 1,100 32 In fo rm a tio n an d publicity 55

33 L ab o u r a n d L abour W elfare 315

34 Welfareof Backward classes 3,200

35 Social w elfare .. 260

36 Nutrition • • • • 1,000 VI. TOTAL—Social and Community Services 44,209 2 2 9

TABLE 115—concZd.

P lan ferial Head of Development. outlay n

37T Evaluation .. •• •• •• lO 33 Statistics ...... 180

39 O th ers .. .. •• 940

V n. TOTAL-Miscollaneoua .. . J,130

GRAND TOTAL ...... 8,22,500

S ource -Ilanaiivg Department, Bihar. TABL lid

Crim e Sta tistic s Os’ B ih a b

Years R ioting M urder Culpable Decoity B.0bbery House Theft homicide Breaking

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1977 7,482 1,804 1,02,313 2,454 1,325 17,236 24,208

1978 9,019 1,867 1,06,963 2,307 1,408 15,284 23,839

1979 • 9,0^ 2,017 1,08,234 2,349 1,464 13,715 22,982

1980 10,228 2,108 272 2,722 1,579 12,569 23,485 N5 3,343 1,882 12,460 23,983 C/S 1981 11,350 2,435 191(F) O

Source— Criminal Investigation Dapartment, Bihar. TABLE 117


No. of No. of No. of No. of other No. of No. of Sessions Judges of District and Judges(in- District Panchayat Year. Division. the Sessions eluding Magia-irate Courts. High Court. Judges Magistrate including eXersmg A. D. M. pow er u/s 30. Cr. P - 0. and do both Civil and Criminal works.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1977 2 i 25 90 N.A. K.A. N.A.

1978 . . . 28 26 95 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1979 29 28 142 N.A. N.A. N.A.

1980 29 26 142 N.A. N.A. N.A.

1981 29 28 142 N.A. N.A. n :a -

SousoB— Registrar, .


Year No. of Fees Total Total gross Total Refunds and Total registration receipt. receipt. expenditure drawbacks, net iiiomc. office-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1976 122 61,089 6,519 67,470 9,392 9 60,348

1977 123 61,507 5,678 68,021 7,636 12 58,692 8,149 74,792 9,451 205 73,433 to 1978 123 68,064 w to 1979 124 75,634 1,752 78,044 - 9,111 12 73,382

SotTBOK- I.G., Registration, Bihar. 2 3 3


e l e c t i o n s t a t i s t i c s o f BIHAR.

House of People January. 1980

ferial Name of Party No. of No. of Percentage Seciirity UO' Contesting seats of votes for feited Candidates, won. secured, (No.)

1 Congress (I) 64 30 36.44 3

2 Congress (U) .. 16 4 6.76 7 3 J anta 64 8 23.53 15

4 3 ant ft. (S) 36 6 16.58 14

6 C.P.I. 14 4 7.28 5

6 C.P.I.(M) 3 •• 0.93 2 7 Jharkband 12 1 0.69 11

8 R.P.I. 3 0.04 3

9 S.P.I. 2 0.01 2

10 Independejtxt 400 ? 7.68 395

SouBpB—Chief E lecto ral Officer Bihar. 2 3 4

TABLE 119—conc/d.

Ele'ctioa Statistics of Bihar State LegislativeAsseiably Ju n e 1980. SeTi>l Namo of Party, N o.o f N o . o f f®'centage S’eourity ncr. Contesting seats of vot«es forfeited Coadida-:0. wor. aecured. (No.)

; 4 5 6

1 I.N.C.(I) 308 167 34.17 30 2 I.N .C .(U ) 182 146 7.28 137

3 B.S.P. 244 21 8.41 171 4 J.N.P.(Ch) 264 42 16.(30 133

5 J.N .P . (Raj) .. 153 1 1 ^62 U6

6 J.N.N.r.(J.P) 240 13 7.41 l9 o 7 C.P.I. .. 133 ?3 9.07 62 8 C.P.I.(M) 27 6 1.76 13 9 Forward Black 6 0.02 6

10 J.M.M. '2 7 11 1.6-7 l a 11 R am R a jy a Pariahad 2 0.0(03 2

12 a.9 . D al 22 0.57 20

13 S.UC.I. 7 •1 0.22 5 14 Jh a rk h a n d (Hero) 32 0.13 31 15 Bhartiya Sooiaeiist Party 1* •o.otoi 1

16 R.P.I. .. 2 .0.002 ' 2

17 R .a .p . 1 0.0»5 1 1,249 18 Independents 1,318 •• 11.94 19 A.I.h Jarkhand

20 Bharprautiya Hul Jharkhand •• •• ••• •• ______SoTraos- Chief Bihar.

B-?.P.(Plan) 55- M.O— 300—5-7-1985- M-NTR ^ M .O ll NIEPADC

... |M '■ SN1026