B ihar Through Figures 1981 - 5 4 / ; i Mrya Ganj ’ 310 110002 , 7112309 . DIRECTORx\I E OF STATISTICS AND EVALUATION, BIHAR PREFACE The 20tb. issue of ‘Bibar ThlQUgh TLgiires, 1981’ is in your ^land. It was an annual publication of the Directorate but low it has become a biennial publicfition due to non-avail- ibility of relevant data in time. The present issue contains 3asic data- relating to various aspects of the State economy rind other subjects, such as demography, agriculture, education, )tc. I hope this publication would be useful to research rorkers, planners and policy framers who are engaged in the ievelopment of the State. Acknowledgement is made of the work done by Shri dhiranjeev Jha, Senior Statistical Asstt under the supervision of Shri Dinesh Prasad Sinha, Assistant Statistical Officer Publication),Shri J. Mukherjee, Assistant Director and Shri Jiridhar Prasad, Deputy Director, also niade necessary contribution to the work of Scrutiny of the publication under y|e technical guidance of Shri B. K. Verma, Joint Director. I am thankful to the Concerned central and State Govern­ ment departments and other institutions for their valued co­ operation in bringing out this publication. Suggestions, if my, for further improvement of the publication are most welcome. i KEDAR NATH TIWARY, Dated, Patna, the 20th July 1984 Director. Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation^ Bihar NIEPA DC SN1026 T 3 f^ ? of ^diiioitiond V : ■■' ,' ■ ■ .■'"'^ D O C . '1 Qate.....*— / s n t 1 1 . 3 VO CONTENTS Table Pairticulars P a g e NOr n o . BIHAR At A GLANCE 1—8 # CONVERSION t a b l e s ... 9—11 I. AREA AND POPULATION 1 Area, population and density (India by 12-lS States) according to 1981 Census. 2 Area, population and rural-urban ratio of 14—16 Bihar by division/ district as per 1981 Census. • 3 Distribution of population by sex, females 17—19 per thousand of males and their percentage in Bhar by divisions and districts according to 1981 Census. 4: Percentfge decade variation of population 20-21 o f Bihar by districts. 5 Districtvise Mid-year Population of Bihar 22-23 6 Trend aid sexwise percentage variation of 24 Populaion in Bihar duringthe last eighty years. 7 Distribuiion of population by age-group 25 (Iitidia)according to 1971 Census. 8 Dislfcribulon of population by age-group in 26 Bihar According to 1971 Census. 9 Stafcewis* classification of working population 27—29= In dia a;cordingto 1981 Census. ii Table Particulars P a g e n o . 10 Districtwise classification of working popu- 30-31 lation in Bihar according to 1981 Census. 11 Districtwise number of workers under 32 diiferent economic clasbificaiioi! in i daring 1981 Census. 12 Percentage distribution of workers in Bihar 33 during 1981 under the different economic classification as adopted in 1961 Census. 13 Projected sexwise population of Bihar 34-35 by age-group. 14 Birth-rates, death-rates ai d ex-potential 36 growth rates ^^Bihar and All-India). 15 N u m b e r of towns and villages in India by States 37-38 according to 1981 Census. 16 Number of towns in Bihar by districts 39-40 according to 1981 Census. • 17 Districtwise number of Development Blocks, 41-42 Police Stations and villages in Bihar, 1981 18 Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled ^3—^6 Tribes and their respective percentage to total population in Bihar by division/ district according to 1981 Census. 19 Sexwise number of literates and literacy per 46-47 thousand in India (by States) according to 1981 Census. 20 Sexwise number of literates and percentage 48-49 of’literacy in Bihar by division/district according to 198J Census. Ill Table Particulars Page n o . no. 21 Number of occupied residential houses in 50 Bihar by division/ district accordirg to 1981 Census. II. NATIONAL AND STATE INCOME 22 Net-national product at factor cost, .. 51 23 Net domestic product by industrial origin 52-53 at current prices. - 24 Net domestic product by industry of origin 54 at 1960-61 prices. (Revised Series) (All-India) 25 State income of Bihar by industrial origin 55-56 at current prices. 26 State income of Bihar by industrial origin 57-58 . at 1970-71 prices. ' III. AGRICULTURE 27 Land use statistics (India) .. 5& 28 Classification in land in Bihar • .. 60 29 Classification of land in Bihar (by district) 61—>69 30 Distribution of area and number under 70 different sizes of operational holdings in Bihar. 31 Area under and production of principal 71-72 crops in India. • 32 Area under principal crops in Bihar .. 73 IV Table Particulars P a g b m o . n o . 9 33 Area under principal crops in Bihar by 74i-76 districts. 34 Area under principal pulses in Bihar by 7fii-77 districts. 35 Area under principal commercial crops in 78i-79 Bihar by districts. 36 Outturn of major crops in Bihar (by crop- 80 cutting experiments and eye-estimation.) 37 Outturn of principal crops (by crop-cutting 81-82 experiments and eye-estimation in Bihar by districts.) 38 Outturn of principal pulses by crop-cutting 83— 85 and eye estimation in Bihar (by districts) 39 Outturn of principal commercial crops by 86 89 crop-cutting experiments and eye-esti­ mation in Bihar by districts. 40 Average yield of principal crops in India . 9tO-91 41 Average yield of principal crops in Bihar . 92-93 42 Index number of area under crop in India 94-95 43 Index number of area under crop in Bihar. 96-97 44 Index number of agricultural production in 98-99 India. 45 Index number of agricultural production in 100-101 Bihar. 46 Index number of agricultural productivity 102-103 in India. 47 Index number of agricultural productivity 104-105 in Bihar. ' Table Particulars Page no. no. 48 Number and area of operational holdings 106 wholly and partly irrigated (by sizes) and their respective percentage in Bihar. 49 Gross area under irrigation by crops in India 107 50 Gross area under irrigation by crops in 108 Bihar. 51 Districtwise net area irrigated by different 101—113 sources in Bihar. 52 Season wise average rainfall recorded in Bihar 114— 117 by districts. IV. LIVESTOCK 53 Number of livestock and poultry in Bihar 118 in the last three Censuses. 54 Districtwise/Division wise number of Live- 119—120 stock and poultry in Bihar according to Livestock Census, 1977. 155 Number of livestock slaughtered in recog- 121 nised slaughter-houses of Bihar' V. FOREST 56 Area under forest by ownership in Bihar .. 122 % 57 Classification of area under forest, in Bihar .. 123 58 Outturn of reserved a.nd protected forests in 124 Bihar. 59 Revenue from and expenditure bn forests 125 in Bihar. 60 Production of stick lac in Bihar .. 126 61 Percentage distribution of stick lac in India 127 VI Pc^rticulars P ag e n o . no. VI. MmERALS 62 Outturn of selected minerals in India 63 Outturn of selected minerals in Bihar 64 Value of output of selected minerals in India. 65 Value of output of selected minerals in 131 Bihar. 66. Index number of mineral produ<^tion of 132 India. VII. POWER 67 Production and distribution of Electricity > 133 in Bihar. 68 Percentage of electrical energy sold by the 134 Bihar State Electricity Board. 69 Number of towns and villages electrified in 135 Bihar. VIII. (INDUSTRIES 70 Annual Survey of Industries, Bihar 71 Annual Survey of Industries in India 72 Factory Statistics in Bihar 73 Volume of production in selected Industries in Bihar. 74 Number of _ Co-operative Societies and Industries financed by Bihar State Khadi ^ and Village Industries Board. vii Table Particulars P age n o . no. 75 Production and Sale of Kliadi and 143-144 Gramodyog Articles in Bihar. 76 Progress of Khadi Gramodycg in' Bihar .. 14o IX . LABOUR 77 Employmer t Exchanges in India .. 78 Employment Exchanges in Bihar . • 79 Number of applicants on the leave register 148 classified by Board Occupational Groups in Bihar. 80 Average daily number of workers employed in mines in Bihar. X. CO-OPERATION AND PANCHAYATS 81 Number of different types of Co-operative 150 organisatons in Bihar. 82 Working of Co-operative Banks in Bihar 151 during 1978-79, 1979-80. 83 Number and coverage of Panchayats, 152 Panchayat Samiteeand Zila Parishads in Bihar. XI.TRANSPORT, COMMUNICATION AND TOURISM 84 Length of extra Mmiicipal roads by surface 153 in India. 85 Motor vehicles on roads by tyi^es in India 154 86 Different kinds of motor vehicles on road by districts in Bihar. ^55 157 vm Table Particulars P a g e n o . no. 87 Postal traffic and earnings in Lidia .. 158 88 Number of permanent post offices and letter 159 boxes in urban and rural areas in Bihar. 89 Number of Broadcasting Receiver Licences 160 in force in Bihar. 90 Telephone Statistics in Bihar ... 161 91 Number of tourists (Foreign and Indian) 162 visited in Bihar. XII. MEDICAL AND VITA*L STATISTICS 92 , Number of hospitals, dispensaries, beds, pati- 163 ents treated, medical practitioners and nurses in Bihar. 93 Districtw ise number of hospitals, dispensaries 164— 169 .beds, patients treated, medical practi­ tioners and nurses in Bihar. 94 Birth and Death rate of Bihar .. 170 XIII. EDUCATION 95 Number of recognised educational insli- l7l tutions in Bihar. 96 Number of students by stages of education .172 in Bihar. 97 Number of teachers in Bihar .. 173 98 Percentage of literacy in Bihar by division/ 174-175 district for rural and urban area accprdirg to 198lCensus. Table Particulars Page n o . no. 99 Districtwise number of permenent cinema 176-177 houses in Bihar.
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