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PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE STUDENT (~] HANDBOOK 1963-1964 Student HANDBOOK PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE STUDENT (~] HANDBOOK 1963-1964 Student HANDBOOK 1963 1964 CHESTER. PENNSYLVANIA FOUNDED 1821 • A CCRED ITED BY MIDDLE STATES ASSOCIATION OF C OLLEG E S A N D SEC ONDARY SCHOOLS STUDENT HANDBOOK 3 PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE PREFACE TO THE STUDENTS This is your stude nt handbook. Whether you are a senior or a freshman, you should know its conter ts. Requirements for graduation. What constitutes eligibility. Rules for probation. Class attendance. Procedures for change of curriculum. These points and many others are answered for you in your handbook. Ignorance of any of the rules and regulations as set forth in this book is no excuse. You are all urged to take full advantage of the coun­ seling program. Know your counselor and your division chairman. Your professor sets aside a number of hours a week for office consultation with you and his other students. But you must make the appointment. Best wishes to the Class of '67. WILLIAM l. COHEE Editor STUDENT HANDBOOK 5 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO THE STUDENT BODY Over the past few years I have on numerous occa­ sions placed great emphasis on PMC's physical and edu­ cational developments, its new physical plant, its ex­ panded faculty, its better selected student body, and its sharper cadet corps - in short, a PMC whose educa­ tional excellence makes it stand out among other col­ leges. These are exceedingly important attributes for they to a great degree determine the value of the PMC diploma in the academic market place. Ours is a college rich in accomplishments, proud of its traditions, and, above all, known for producing grad­ uates of character and integrity, none of which are dulled by PMC's new achievements. In the midst of other advances, we must continue to emphasize those things which characterize the PMC Man and mark him in all walks of life - his sense of honor, his sense of fair play, his respect for the rights and privileges of others, his loyalty to his country, and his pride in himself and in PMC. These a re the marks of a "Man of PMC." These are the characteristics which you seek as you choose PMC for your education. As a member of the PMC student body - cadet or day student- it is your respon­ sibility to uphold this standard everywhere. May I extend my sincere personal greetings to each of you, and especially to those of you who join the PMC family for the first time. 6 STUDENT HANDBOOK MILITARY COLLEGE STATUS The following resolution was passed by the Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania Military College on 24 May 1961: "WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Military College has long been a military college, with a corps of cadets of which all connected with the College were justly proud; and WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Military College also serves the area in which it is situated by affording educational opportunities to civilians both as day stu­ dents and as students in its evening division; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is, by law, charged with determining the policy and setting the goals of The Pennsylvania Military College NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania Military College that the prime goal and policy of the College shall be to oper­ ate as a military college of academic excellence and its secondary mission shall be to afford educational opportunities to civilians in its area; that in case of conflict between the two, the policy of furthering the prime goal shall prevail; and that there is no place in this institution for any individual ..... who is not heartily in sympathy with the above policy and goals." STUDENT HANDBOOK 7 MATHEWS M. JOHNSON B.S.C., M.A., Ph.D. Vice-President for Academic Affairs & Dean RAYMOND J . McCAFFREY Financial Vice-President WILLIAM S. BIDDLE B.S., Maj. Ge n., U.S.A. (Ret.) Commandant 8 STUDENT HANDBOOK CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES First Semester 1963 - 1964 SEPTEMBER 5 Thurs. All new cadets will report for classification, 0900 to 11 00 hrs. Complete freshman week schedule to be published separately. 7 Sat. Movies: " Boys' Night Out," (Cinemascope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. 8 Sun. Church attendance, morning. Movies: " Five Weeks in a Balloon," (Cine­ masc:ope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 1930 hrs. 9 Mon. All new day students report for classifica­ tion, 0900 to 0930 hrs. Address by President Moll, all new stu­ dents, 1015 hrs., Alumni Auditorium. Afternoon: Testing program and counseling orientation. 10 Tues. Continuation of testing program. Meeting with Division Counselors. "Social Customs and Courtesies," Mrs. Moll, Alumni Auditorium, 1900 hrs. 12 Thurs. Dinne r with the College Chaplains, 1800 hrs., followed by conferences. 13 Fri . Entertainment: Mr. John Kolisch, "An Eve­ ning of Hypnotism," Alumni Auditorium, 1930 hrs. STUDENT HANDBOOK 9 14 Sat. Freshman Field Day, 1330 to 1630 hrs. Picnic for all new students. Host and hostess - President and Mrs. Moll, 1630 hrs. Movies: "I like Money," (Cinemascope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. 15 Sun. Church attendance, morning. Movies: "It Happened in Athens," (Cine­ mascope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 1930 hrs. 19 Thurs. Regi stration for previously matriculated students. Old boarding cadets report for duty, 1800 hrs. 20 Fri. First semester classes begin. 21 Sat. Commandant's Formal Brigade Inspection - all morning. Movies: " Satan Never Sleeps," (Cinema­ scope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. Week of 23 September 23 Mon. 24 Tues. 25 Wed. 26 Thurs. 10 STUDENT HANDBOOK 27 Fri. Dance for boarding freshmen, Memorial Hosp ital, Wilmington, Delaware, 2100- 2400 hrs. 28 Sat. PMC -Wagner, football, home, 1330 hrs. Movies: "Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation," (Cinemascope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. 29 Sun. Week of 30 September 30 Mon. Tues. October 1 through 30: WAR ART EXHIBIT, (Oct. ) Lo bby of Alumni Auditorium. 2 Wed. 3 Thu rs. 4 Fr i. 5 Sat. M.S. Tra ining (ROTC ) 0800-1200 hrs. PMC-We ste rn Maryland football, a way, 1330 hrs. PMC -Ha verford cross-country, home, 1330 hrs. PMC -Eastern Baptist soccer, away, 1400 hrs. STUDENT HANDBOOK 11 Senior Class Picnic & Sophomore Class pic­ nic, 1400 hrs. Movies: "Sweet Bird of Youth,'' (Cinema­ scope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. 6 Sun. Week of 7 October 7 Mon. PMC -Ursinus freshman football, home, 1530 hrs. 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thurs. CULTURAL ACTIVITY : lecture by Dr. Ken­ neth Prescott, Museum of Natural His­ tory, 1320 hrs., Alumni Auditorium. 11 Fr i. 12 Sat. ALUMNI HOME-COMING DAY. PMC -laSalle soccer, home, 1 030 hrs. PMC -lebanon Valley, cross country, home , 1200 hrs. PMC-Wilkes football, home, 1400 hrs. Movies: " lisa ," (Cinema scope Co!or), Alumni Audito rium, 2000 hrs. Informal Dance, sponsored by Student Council, Armory, 2030-2330 hrs. 12 STUDENT HANDBOOK 13 Sun. Parade, 1530 hrs. Week of 14 October 14 Mon. 15 Tues. 16 Wed. 17 Thurs. Four-week Progress Reports due from Fac­ ulty on students who are failing. CULTURAL ACTIVITY : President Clarence R. Moll inaugurates first of series of Presi­ dential Addresses, 1330 hrs., Alumni Auditorium. 18 Fri. PMC-Moravian soccer, home, 1530 hrs. PMC -F.&M. freshman football, home, 1530 hrs. PMC-Moravian-Temple cross-country, home, 1615 hrs. Dining-in Ceremony for the Cadet Officer Corps at 1800 hrs. (place to be an­ nounced). 19 Sat. PARENTS' DAY (schedule to be announce:ll Cadets who have parents visiting the campus w ill have special time out frcm after the final Parents' Day activities until 1200 hrs., Sunday, 20 O ctober. Parade, 1145 hrs. PMC -Moravian football, away, 1400 hr~ . STUDENT HANDBOOK 13 Movies: "Hell and High Water," (Cinema­ scope Color), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. 20 Sun. Week of 21 October 21 Mon. 22 Tues. 23 Wed. PMC-Rutgers S.J. soccer, away, 1530 hrs. 24 Thurs. 2 5 Fri. PMC-Dickinson cross-country, away, 1530 hrs. PMC-Johns Hopkins freshman football, away, 1530 hrs. Entertainment: Mr. Hector Acebes, explorer, presents and narrates his color film "Mystery of the Yucos," Alumni Audi­ torium, 2000 hrs. 26 Sat. Commandant's Formal Brigade Inspection - 0900-1030 hrs. Parade, 1100 hrs. PMC-Dickinson football, away, 1400 hrs. PMC-Ursinus soccer, away, 1400 hrs. Movies: "'The Hustler," (Cinemascope), Alumni Auditorium, 2000 hrs. Interfraternity Dance - followed on Sun­ day by Open Houses. 14 STUDENT HANDBOOK 27 Sun. Week of 28 October 28 Mon. CULTURAL ACTIVITY: Symposium - Dr. Roy Nichols, Vice President, University of Pennsylvania, · "A Humanist View of Man in the Age of Space," Alumni Audi­ torium, 2015 hrs. 29 Tues. 30 Wed. PMC-Swarthmore cross-country, away, 1530 hrs. 31 Thurs. Fri. Nov~mber 1 through 30: Art Exhibit, Im­ (Nov.) pressionistic, Lobby, Alumni Auditorium. 2 Sat. PMC -Delaware soccer, home, 1030 hrs. PMC-Drexel football, home, 1330 hrs. Movies: "The Pigeon That Took Rome," (Cinemascope), A I u m n i Auditorium, 2000 hrs. Informal Dance, sponsored by Student Council, Armory, 2030-2330 hrs. 3 Sun. Week of 4 November 4 Mon. STUDENT HANDBOOK 15 5 Tues. PMC-Aibright cross-country, home, 1615 hrs. 6 Wed. PMC-Phila. Textiles & Science soccer, home, 1530 hrs. 7 Thurs. CULTURAL ACTIVITY: Temple University All Girls' Glee Club Concert, 2000 hrs., Alumni Auditorium. 8 Fri . End of mid-semester. PMC -Drexel freshman football, away, 1530 hrs. PMC -Washington-Delaware Valley cross­ country, at Delaware Valley, 1615 hrs. 9 Sat. M.S. Training (ROTC) 0800-1200 hrs. PMC-Temple soccer, home, 1030 hrs. PMC -F. & M. football, home, 1330 hrs. FATHER AND SON BANQUET, PMC Armory, 1830 hrs. Subscription for father and son, $7.00. 10 Sun. Week of 11 November 11 Mon. Veterans' Day: Band Box Parade, noon. CULTURAL ACTIVITY: Address by Dr.
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