Our Ref: ML/AL0783 14th June 2021 To Whom It May Concern Land at 1 Park End Rd, Romford, RM1 4AT Thank you for your recent interest in the above property. Our Client has instructed us to write to all interested parties requesting they submit their formal offer, subject to contract, by: 12pm (Midday) on Wednesday 11th August 2021 In order for our Client to consider the offers, your proposal should be in writing (by post or email), preferably using the enclosed proforma, and must give all relevant details as stated below: 1 Your full name(s) address and telephone numbers 2 The amount of your offer in figures and words in pounds sterling (no escalating bids) 3 Whether your offer is unconditional or subject to planning 4 The name and address of your solicitor 5 Confirmation of your finance position i.e., cash, bank funding, subject to the sale of another property etc. with supporting evidence of your ability to proceed expeditiously. 6 Timescales for exchange and completion 7 Confirmation of the amount of deposit payable on exchange. We confirm this is not a binding contract to purchase but an invitation to agree the purchase price. We would also like to point out that our Client reserves the right not to accept the highest nor indeed any bid. It is hoped that an early decision can be given as to acceptance or otherwise of any offer. Your offer should be addressed to Mike Lawrence and sent by post to Kemsley LLP, Unit 270, CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, RM13 8EU or by email to
[email protected] and clearly marked “OFFER – Land at 1 Park End Rd, Romford”.