Copyright 2010 by Esther Warkov All rights reserved First printed in 2010 Cover Design by Gregory Fields No portion of this book or accompanying DVD may be reproduced anywhere (including the internet) or used in any form, or by any means (written, electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or hereafter invented including photocopying, duplicating, and recording) without prior written permission from the author/publisher. Exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews. Photographs on the accompanying disc may be printed for home use only. The song appearing on the accompanying disc may be duplicated and used for non-commercial purposes only. ISBN 978-0-578-04660-0 To order copies of this publication please visit Compendium Publications or contact the author at
[email protected] (Seattle, WA, USA) Table of Contents Introduction and Acknowledgements v About the Contributors ix Remembrances from Monastic Devotees Swami Yogeshananda 3 Swami Damodarananda “Swami Aseshanandaji: Humble and Inspiring‖ 8 Swami Manishananda “Reminiscences of Swami Aseshananda‖ 11 Pravrajika Gayatriprana 15 Pravrajika Brahmaprana “Reminiscences of Swami Aseshananda‖ 25 Swami Harananda 33 Pravrajika Sevaprana 41 Swami Tathagatananda ―Reminiscences of Revered Swami Aseshanandaji‖ 43 Swami Brahmarupananda “Swami Aseshananda As I Saw Him‖ 48 Anonymous Pravrajika 50 Vimukta Chaitanya 51 Six Portraits of Swami Aseshananda Michael Morrow (Vijnana) 55 Eric Foster 60 Anonymous ―Initiation Accounts‖ 69 Alex S. Johnson ―The Influence and Example of a Great Soul‖ 72 Ralph Stuart 74 Jon Monday (Dharmadas) ―A Visit with a Swami in America‖ 88 The Early Years: 1955-1969 Vera Edwards 95 Marina Sanderson 104 Robert Collins, Ed.