
History of the Franciscan Crown In 1422, an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary took place in , to a certain 7. Assumption & Coronation Franciscan , named James. As a child he had a custom of daily offering a crown Vision of James of roses to our Blessed Mother. When he entered the Friar Minor, he became distressed that he would no longer be able to offer this type of gift. He considered leaving when our Lady appeared to him to give him comfort and showed him another daily offering he could do. Our Lady said : “In place of the flowers that soon wither and cannot always be found, you can weave for me a crown from the flowers of your … Recite one Our Father and ten How to Pray the Franciscan Crown Hail Marys while recalling the Seven Joys I experienced.” Begin with the Sign of the Cross (no creed Friar James began at once to pray as directed. or opening prayers) Meanwhile, the novice master entered and 1. Announce the first Mystery, then pray saw an angel weaving a wreath of roses and one Our Father (no Glory Be). after every tenth rose, the angel, inserted a THE 2. Pray Ten ’s while meditating golden lily. When the wreath was finished, FRANCISCAN on the Mystery. he placed it on Friar James’ head. The novice 3. Announce second Mystery and repeat master commanded the youth to tell him CROWN one and two through the seven decades. what he had been doing; and Friar James 4. Pray two more Hail Mary’s to complete explained he had been praying the as Depicted by the Stained Glass 72 years Mary’s life on earth. the blessed Mother had instructed him to do. 5. Pray one Our Father and Hail Mary for Windows at St. Francis of the Holy Father. Assisi Church, Oakville, MO T With love from the Secular 1. The 2. The Visitaiton 3. The Nativity

4. Adoration of the Magi 5. Finding in the Temple 6. The Resurrection