Fluxus Codex
FLUXUS CODEX JON HENDRICKS with an introduction by Robert PincUS-Witten The Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collection, Detroit, Michigan in association with Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York C'jviiz In tnriAV Filling Article Rnlri- PIMVIIC flriie»e' An Anthology ol Concrete Poetry 259 vUQti ID mot?*, nuws Mlllili— ODIU, rlUlUa «rU5IS Aufomanc FtuxOfChtsstra 275 seclions-BolO numbers; Fluxus Works-BOLD; An introduction to George BrechVs 187 200, 202 OFFLUXART 495-496 AN OPERA 5EI Sen's Litany 495 ANAGRAM FOR STRINGS 491, 492 AUTOMATIC TRIO 277 people, places, arl movements, etc.-regular. Anarchism 40; Automatism 104 Berge," Carol 94.115,181 Anatomy 319 AUTOMOBILE DOOR HANDLES 42&J27 Bergenren, Charles 70 and/or 53-54. 56, 88, 100, 174, 220, 255. 33B, AutomobBe Pans 427 | ] 171 341, 356, 361, 3BB. 543, 553: Photographs ot. 5 AUTOPSY 468 Berner, Jell 38,66. 123. 181, 274. 380, 434 A G Gallery, New York 22.421,506 386. 395 11 Ay-0 15.28, 42,46-48 50-53, 55-56,59. 62-63, Beuys, Joseph 15-16, 25, 100, 128, 318 A LA MODE 493 Andersen, Eric 29, 42, 53. 60-63. 66. 74-75. 97 65, 67, 69. 72-82. BB, 95, 97, 100-101, 108-110, Bianchini Gallery. Paul, New York 536 A QUESTION OR MORE 183 113-115, 123-124, 128, 171-173.236-237,510 115-116,122-123. 125, 128-129. 135-137, Bicycle 322 A To Z Series 525. color 164 photographs ol, 171. 461 146-147, 171. 173-181. 184, 186.220.234,236, BILLIARD TABLE 134-135 a V TRE EXTRA 40 Angell.
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