Fluxus Codex

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Fluxus Codex FLUXUS CODEX JON HENDRICKS with an introduction by Robert PincUS-Witten The Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collection, Detroit, Michigan in association with Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York C'jviiz In tnriAV Filling Article Rnlri- PIMVIIC flriie»e' An Anthology ol Concrete Poetry 259 vUQti ID mot?*, nuws Mlllili— ODIU, rlUlUa «rU5IS Aufomanc FtuxOfChtsstra 275 seclions-BolO numbers; Fluxus Works-BOLD; An introduction to George BrechVs 187 200, 202 OFFLUXART 495-496 AN OPERA 5EI Sen's Litany 495 ANAGRAM FOR STRINGS 491, 492 AUTOMATIC TRIO 277 people, places, arl movements, etc.-regular. Anarchism 40; Automatism 104 Berge," Carol 94.115,181 Anatomy 319 AUTOMOBILE DOOR HANDLES 42&J27 Bergenren, Charles 70 and/or 53-54. 56, 88, 100, 174, 220, 255. 33B, AutomobBe Pans 427 | ] 171 341, 356, 361, 3BB. 543, 553: Photographs ot. 5 AUTOPSY 468 Berner, Jell 38,66. 123. 181, 274. 380, 434 A G Gallery, New York 22.421,506 386. 395 11 Ay-0 15.28, 42,46-48 50-53, 55-56,59. 62-63, Beuys, Joseph 15-16, 25, 100, 128, 318 A LA MODE 493 Andersen, Eric 29, 42, 53. 60-63. 66. 74-75. 97 65, 67, 69. 72-82. BB, 95, 97, 100-101, 108-110, Bianchini Gallery. Paul, New York 536 A QUESTION OR MORE 183 113-115, 123-124, 128, 171-173.236-237,510 115-116,122-123. 125, 128-129. 135-137, Bicycle 322 A To Z Series 525. color 164 photographs ol, 171. 461 146-147, 171. 173-181. 184, 186.220.234,236, BILLIARD TABLE 134-135 a V TRE EXTRA 40 Angell. Callie 69 Bmocvlats 309 AO 128 423, 484, 491, 506. 510, 570; photographs ol. BIOGRAPHY BOX 322. cofor T59 abcdelghijklmnopq'sluvwxyz 580-591 BIOLOGY 7(M 527 Abe. Sriuya 436 420, 451. 476 Ay-OKit 173 BirdCage 277 A&rams. Ha'ry N. Inc. Publishers 268 Annajanga 40»; photograph ol, AOl Baaf-Teshuva. J. and A. 70 TRICKS DOOR 322 Abslract Expressionism 16, 21 Anonymous 60-63,86,90-91,93-96. 100-101, Black Ball Puzzle 184 ACCESSORIES 525 111, 122, 124, 126, 133-149. 188,281.306-307 BLACK BOX -196-497 ACHOO MR. KEROOCHEV 493 319,417-418, 468,521 BACK SWEAT SHIRT 134 Black Mountain College 15, 22 Action Against Cultural Imperialism 248 BACKWARD CLOCK 320 BLACK PIN BOX 225 Action Against Cullural Imperialism 250, 351, 490 Anta Theatre 523 Backworks. New York 110,322 Black Power 16 Action Page 519 Anthology Film Archives 400 BAD SMELL EGGS 321 BLEEDING DOG'S CADAVER 427 Anthology Ol Film Loops 41 Badmington Rackets 321 BLIND DATE 527-528 ADD COLOUR PAINTING 414,415 Anti-Art 23, 10-1, 333, 351, 462. 518 BAG TRICK 466 Blindfold Food 300 ADDING MACHINE TAPE 426 anti-Communism 22 ' Bagatelles Americaines-I 427 Artenauer, Konrad 89, 551 ANTS 439 Bakailis. Vylas 69 Blink 416 ADHESIVE FLOOR 318 Anything Bo> 494 Baker. Chet 22 Blink Show 187,301 ADHESIVE KNOB DOOR 318 APPELLATIVISCHE SPRACHE 259 BALL 526 Block, Rene 81.128. 265, 281, 319 ADHESIVE NET 318 Appollmaira Show 109, 275, 279 Ball Box 239 ADHESIVE POSTCARD 318 Aprons 134.319.397,525 Ball Chair 454 Bloedow, Elaine 94,182 ADHESIVE PROGRAMS 318 BALL CHECKERS 32J Bloedow, Jerry 106-108, 114, IS2 ADHESIVE SOLED SHOES 31B ARCHAEOLOGY 900 134 Ball Game 184 Blueprint lor a Higher Civilization 248 ADHESIVE TOILET SEAT 467 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF THE BALL GAMES (TaKako Sailo] 454, -155 BoardGames 18-* Adler. Bengt 242 WORLD, ATLAS OF MAPS 319 BALL GAMES (Ben Vautier] 495 Bock, Guenter 111-112, 182 A dorno , Olga 69 Archhr Harms Sohm, Slullgart 120.201,416, Ball, Hugo 121.150 BODY ACCESSORIES 416 425. 437. 464, 576 . Ball Puzzle 184 Body Art 18 AEROPHONE 318-319 Balloon Event 475 Boehmer, Konrad 111-112, 301 AESTHETICS 494 Archives ol American Art 17 BALLOON JAVELIN 321 BOEKJE 231 Alter Ellect Meals 40 ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 319 BALLOON OBSTACLE 173-174 Agit Prop Train 40 ARE ERA 307-308 BALLOON RACKET 321-323 BOIIB en Valise 532, 561 Arman 71, 11B-119, 243-244, 267, 447. BALLOON TICKET 322 Botte Mystere 497 AIR CONDITIONED 184 485-486. 498, 504 BANANA STANDARD 24S BOLTS 184.(85 AIR DISPENSER 415-416 BANNEHS 527 BOMB 462 AIR EVENT 475 Armory Show 436. 540 BOOK 528 AID tr^lll DTLIRP 171 Min ULULr I line [ ' J AVademie Der Kunst. Berlin 80-82. 195,265,401, PROSTITUTE 426 BOOK OF PHOTOS 528 Arp. Hans 121, 150,505 BAROQUE ENGRAVED PICTURE SHIRT 134 Books 135. 322.427, 46B Akademie Der Kurrst. Dtisseldorl 24 ARROW 184 BOREDOM 1 & II 400 Art Academy ol Berlin see: Akademie Der Kunst. Borowskl. Wadislaw 121. 182 photograph of, 267 Berlin BATHING KIT 527 BOTH/NEITHER 185 Aktual Group 99,121.296-297 An & Artists 57,237,345 BATHING SUIT 527 BOTTLE BOTTLE-OPENER 213-220 Akuiagawa, R. 436 Art Lending Library. Copenhagen 42 Bathroom Weight Scale 527 BolWes 427 Alice In Wonderland 402 Artaud. Antonin 17 Bauermeister, Mary 111-112, 1S1 Boucourechliev 118, 461 BOUNCING BALLS TIME MACHINE 135 1 TICKET 134 ARTISTS INSPIRATION 225 Bayle, Francois 118-119, 181 BOUNCING SHOES 528 ALL OTHER THINGS 319 Arts Councils of America 45 Bead Puzzle 184 Bourgeois, John 70 all photographs copyright nineteen s&Venty by ARTYPE 320 Bean Kit/1984 Edition 299, 300 Box So* 225 pelermooRE 40 Aryama, Kuniharu 113, 115-116. 173 BEAN ROLLS 299-300, color 159 00" From The East 322 Assemblage, Environments i Hepoenings £88 Bearing Ban Checkers 322 Box Of Smite 416 Alocco, Marcel 171 Assemblages 115-116,288 Beatitude 22 Box Steps 322 Alphabet Bex 184 ASSHOLES WALLPAPER 494-495 Beats, the 22 BOX WITH NO LABEL 135 ALPHABET FACE CLOCK 319 ASSORTED TOOLS 526 Hacall. Lauren 124,524 flo.oo* 288 Alphabet Poem 5B1 Athletics 41 Beik, Julian 17 Boxed Events 251 Alvard, Julien 118, 171 Atlas 495 Becker. F. & Co. 102-103 190, 217. 580-581, BOXED PORTRAIT 265-266 American Formalism 17 ATTACHE CASE 406 583 BoxerJ Solids 288 American Yesroox 40 Attache Case 41. 173,277 BEGONIA 134 BOXES 185 Attorney General Event 320 Belgium ,41 BOXING GLOVE DOOR 396, 397 Amstel 47. Amsterdam 54, 88. 236. 435 AU 296-297, Bell 277 Bozzi, Robert 59,183 amusement center V TRE 40 AUDIENCE PIECE NUMBER 5 495. 496 Bell Chair 454 Branded Woman's Thigh 52B Amusement Place 40 Auscdwili 436 BellChess 134.454 BRANDS 528 AUTOMATIC DUET 275.276 Ben Dieu 22. 499. 509. 583 BreadPuzzle 185 BREAKABLE BASEBALL FILLED WITH FLUID Chess 136, 388. 325,416, 455. 529 COLD TOILET SEAT 136-137 CHESS BOARD DOOR 455 Collective 35-130; list ot works if CHESS SETS 497 ol collective anthologies, 40-41 Cafe An Go Go, New York 187,206 CHESS TABLE WITH LAMP AND GLASS Collective Essays 248 Brecht Cards 185 Brecht, George 15, 22-25, 27-29, 40-42, 1 U-U3. 179.'230. 243. 248.'333, 350. 399. CHESS TABLE WITH LAMP AND SPICE Cl- 47-48, 50-56, 59-66, 69. 71-78. 80, 82. 88-90, 401, 426, 429, 432. 462, 531, 579, 583 325 92-97, 100-101. 103-110, 115-116, 122-128, Cale, John 29.61-63,66, 114, 123-124,221 CHESS TABLES AND LAMPS 325 COLOCOLOREED B 261 142. 148,183-219, 220. 222, 229, 231-234, Calendar 475 CHESSMATES 301-302 ClColoredd MealMl 236. 239, 241. 244, 246, 248, 251. 258, 267. CALENDAR PAGES 427-428 Chest Ot t Bills 529 COLORED ROCKS 530-531. Cotof 165 270, 286. 292. 301, 309, 343. 363, 396. 409. CALENDAR PLAYING CARDS 306 Chevrolet 426 COLORED WATER TOILET BOWL 531 416, 428, 430, 432-433, 436, 462-463, 477. Cammarata, Joe 66.222 Chiari, Giuseppe 74,109-110,113-114, Cotors 497 494, 497-499. 505. 509, 511, 517-518, 533. Columbia University. New York 45 CAMOUFLAGED DOORS 323 222-22.3, 234; photograph ol. 223 540, 554. 579. 583-584; pnofoaropris ot: 182. Campaign Ribbons 529 COMING REVOLUTIONS IN CULTURE, THE CAN OF WATER RACKET 323-324 Chick, I 38, 75, 2: Brecht, George and Rlliou, Robert 219-220 Cancellation Stamp 251 :KEN Brecht, George and Kaprow, Allan 220 LEADERSHIP IN CULTURE 250-251 Brecht, George and Maciunas, George 220 Canned Bean Roll 300 Chien. Ying Yuch 116-118. ISO Compartment Steps 326 Brecht's Complete Works 185 CANNED MYSTERY 267 Children's Arl Library, Copenhagen 243 Compartmentalized Suitcase 531 Breer, Robert 243 Capsute 41 CHILDREN'S TOYS 428 . COMPASS FACE CLOCK 238-239 Car 497 CHOCOLATE FILLED NUT SHELLS 453 Bremer, Claus 40.111.220,580 COMPLETE DOORS 1B7-1BB COMPLETE FLUXUS PIECES 41 CardGames 135, 186, 497 COMPLETE WORKS [Eric Andersen] 171 CARD PIECE NO. 1 231 Chnsto 66,' 7t. 94. 109, i'i9, 123, 225. 243, 2 COMPL ETE W 0 RK S (Rooe rt Fi II io u) 239-240 CARDBOARD BOX PROGRAM 135 372, 485; pbctograph ot. 225 COMPLETE WORKS [Henry Frynl] 248-250 CARDBOARD PROGRAMS 135 Christo, Cyril 225 COMPLETE WORKS [Tostii Ichiyanagi] 271 Caidew, Cornelius 118-119,222,371 ChrislO, Jean-C'aurJe 225 COMPLETE WORKS [Milan Knrzak) 295, 296, 297 Bronze Pencil 529 CARDS [Albert U. Fine] 246 Chiome 529 COMPLETE WORKS [Nam June Paik] 423 CHROMED GOODS 529 COMPLETE WORKS |Ben Patterson) 439-442 CARDS [Mlako (Chieko) 5hiomi| 475 CHROMED LOLLIPOP 530 COMPLETE WORKS [Tomas Scfimil] 462-463 Cards 186.239.324,529 CHROMED PENCIL 530 COMPLETE WORKS [Ben Vautier] 497-498 236 Carnegie Foundation 45 Chromed Toothbrush 529.530 COMPLETE WORKS [Robert Walls] 531-532 Chukhra, Grigorl 120, 225 Brown, Earle 40 Carnegie Institute of Technology 21, 45, 355 COMPLETE WORKS [Emmet! Williams] 582 "iMPS 325 Brown.
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