The University of at Austin GOV312L Professor Jim Enelow



1. Match the following names and identifications

A William Hobby 1 elected Governor twice in the 1920s B Charles Culberson 2 U.S. Senator who retired after 1922 C Pat Neff 3 defeated in 1922 U.S. Senate run-off primary D Jim Ferguson 4 elected Governor in 1918

(a) A4, B3, C1, D2 (b) A4, B2, C1, D3  (c) A1, B2, C4, D3 (d) A4, B1, C2, D3 (e) A2, B4, C1, D3

2. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) During World War I, the Texas Legislature passed a law allowing women to serve on juries (b) In a special session in 1918, the Texas Legislature approved a 10-mile "dry zone" around Texas military bases  (c) In 1919, Texas voters defeated a state constitutional amendment establishing the statewide prohibition of alcohol (d) During World War I, the Texas Legislature refused to pass a law making it a criminal offense to criticize the U.S. government (e) In 1919, the Texas Legislature refused to ratify the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the vote

3. During the 1920s

(a) Ma Ferguson was elected Governor twice on a platform of honesty in government (b) the Texas Legislature passed a law banning the teaching of evolution in the Texas public schools (c) the became an important political force in Texas state politics, electing a U.S. Senator, members of the Texas Legislature, and taking control of several Texas cities  (d) Pat Neff fought against the Ku Klux Klan, denouncing the Klan for a crime wave which had swept the state (e) used favoritism in awarding state contracts, leading to his defeat by Ma Ferguson in the 1928 governor's race

4. Jim Ferguson

(a) ran for President in 1920 on a third-party ticket and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1922 against Earle Mayfield (b) supported the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1920s because the Klan supported traditional social values (c) never ran for political office again after his impeachment and conviction in 1917 (d) chaired the Texas Relief Commission when Ma Ferguson was Governor in the 1930s  (e) supported Ross Sterling's use of martial law to stop overproduction of oil in the East Texas oil field in the early 1930s

5. Miriam Ferguson

(a) was well-known as a political activist before her election as Governor in 1924 (b) ran for Governor in the 1920s against the wishes of her husband, who wanted to retire from politics (c) pardoned thousands of state prisoners when she was Governor, many of whom had violated the state's Prohibition law  (d) began the custom of leaving a marked passage of the Bible for the next Governor (e) refused to sign an amnesty bill which would have pardoned her husband and allowed him to run for office again

6. Match the following names and identifications

A Dan Moody 1 chairman of Reconstruction Finance Corporation in 1930s B Jesse Jones 2 youngest Texas governor and Ferguson opponent C Tom Connally 3 progressive and "father of national prohibition" D Morris Sheppard 4 initially elected U.S. Senator in late 1920s

(a) A2, B1, C4, D3  (b) A1, B2, C4, D3 (c) A4, B1, C2, D3 (d) A3, B1, C4, D2 (e) A1, B2, C3, D4

7. Which of the following issues was NOT important in Texas state politics in the 1920s?

(a) the Ku Klux Klan (b) Prohibition (c) old age pensions  (d) Fergusonism (e) the White Primary

8. ______ran for Governor in 1926 and 1928 as a "business progressive" and for the U.S. Senate in 1942 against Pappy O'Daniel

(a) Jimmie Allred (b) Ross Sterling (c) Ma Ferguson (d) Dan Moody  (e) Jesse Jones

9. During the 1930s

(a) the Texas congressional delegation solidy supported the , including FDR's plan to reorganize the U.S. Supreme Court (b) John Nance Garner was a loyal Vice President during both of his two terms (c) played a minor role in passing New Deal legislation since he was opposed to most of it (d) most Texas congressmen were as liberal as FDR (e) party loyalty, a populist heritage, FDR's popularity, the crisis atmosphere of the early New Deal, and a fondness for federal money were among the reasons why Texas congressmen voted for New Deal programs 

10. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) John Nance Garner released his delegates to the 1932 Democratic national convention, allowing FDR to win the party's presidential nomination  (b) John Nance Garner believed that deficit spending by the federal government would restore prosperity and prevent a recurrence of the Great Depression (c) Sam Rayburn was a political opponent of John Nance Garner and felt that Garner was too liberal in his political views (d) Sam Rayburn felt that the federal government should not regulate Wall Street and so he opposed the Truth-in-Securities Act and the Securities and Exchange Commission Act (e) Sam Rayburn and John Nance Garner were initially elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in the same year

11. After FDR announced his Court reorganization plan in early 1937

(a) most Texas congressman and Vice President Garner pledged their enthusiastic support (b) a young Texan named Lyndon Johnson ran for Congress pledging to support this plan  (c) Hatton Sumners immediately announced that his committee would hold hearings on this plan and report it favorably to the House (d) Tom Connally accepted a seat on the Senate Judiciary Committee to help this plan win passage in the U.S. Senate (e) Sam Rayburn denounced the plan as an attempt by the President to tamper with the federal judiciary

12. The "Purge of 1938" refers to

(a) Governor Allred's attempt to purge the of anti-New Deal conservatives at the Democratic state convention (b) the Texas oil and gas industry's attempt in 1938 to defeat Texas congressmen who favored federal control of oil and gas (c) Pappy O'Daniel's attempt to defeat "professional politicians" in the Texas primary elections of 1938 (d) FDR's attempt to defeat anti-New Deal Democrats in congressional primaries in 1938  (e) FDR's attempt to dump John Nance Garner from the ticket before running for a third term

13. W. Lee O'Daniel

(a) was a strong supporter of President Roosevelt and was later made a federal district judge by FDR (b) opposed old age pensions because he felt old people should take care of themselves (c) denounced "professional politicians" and campaigned with a hillbilly band when he ran for Governor in 1938  (d) was almost defeated for re-election in 1940 because the public had grown tired of his overly sentimental radio broadcasts (e) was successful at getting the Legislature to pass his "transactions tax" during his first year as Governor

14. Sam Rayburn

(a) was elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1934, defeating Joseph Byrns of Tennessee (b) helped unify the Texas Democratic delegation to the national convention in 1944, allowing FDR to keep Henry Wallace on the ticket in his run for a fourth term (c) felt that party loyalty was unimportant and that Democrats should feel free to vote against their party (d) never believed in the New Deal and supported it occasionally and only when Garner pressured him to do so (e) was an old-style populist who distrusted Wall Street and big banks 

15. Lyndon Johnson

(a) initially came to Washington as a young congressman and protege of John Nance Garner (b) was defeated by Pappy O'Daniel in a special U.S. Senate election by a very close margin after believing himself to be the winner on election night  (c) ran for the U.S. Senate in 1948 with the support of President Roosevelt, who referred to LBJ as "my old friend" (d) opposed FDR's programs in the 1930s but became a liberal in the 1940s after Truman became President (e) joined the U.S. Navy after Pearl Harbor and spent the War commanding a battleship in the South Pacific

16. ______ended the White Primary in 1944, bringing the issue of race relations into Texas Democratic Party primary elections

(a) Sweatt v. Painter (b) Nixon v. Herndon (c) Smith v. Allwright  (d) Lelsz v. Kavanaugh (e) Ruiz v. Estelle

17. Match the following names and identifications

A Coke Stevenson 1 appointed by Gov. O'Daniel to U.S. Senate B Homer Rainey 2 elected Governor in 1946 and 1948 C Beauford Jester 3 fired as President of UT, ran for Governor in 1946 D A.J. 4 defeated for U.S. Senate in 1948 by LBJ

(a) A2, B3, C4, D1 (b) A4, B2, C3, D1 (c) A1, B3, C2, D4 (d) A4, B3, C2, D1  (e) A1, B2, C3, D4

18. The Texas Regulars were

(a) a group of pro-FDR Democrats who fought to replace Garner with Wallace at the 1940 Democratic national convention (b) a group of anti-FDR Democrats who opposed FDR's election to a fourth term in 1944  (c) a hillbilly band who appeared on the radio with Pappy O'Daniel in the 1930s (d) a group of liberal Democrats who supported Truman's election in 1948 and supported repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act (e) a group of Jim Ferguson's friends whom the Fergusons appointed to state agencies and boards in the 1920s and 30s

19. In the 1948 U.S. Senate race between Lyndon Johnson and Coke Stevenson

(a) LBJ ran as a liberal Democrat and a supporter of President Truman's civil rights and labor programs (b) Coke Stevenson campaigned by helicopter, which he nicknamed the "Junction Jukebox" (c) LBJ won the Democratic nomination by 87 very suspicious votes, which Stevenson claimed were stolen in South Texas  (d) Coke Stevenson lost the Democratic run-off primary but persuaded the State Democratic Executive Committee to order a new primary election (e) LBJ did very little campaigning, claiming that his duties in Washington were too important to allow him to return to Texas

20. The Texas Tidelands issue

(a) refers to the fight over federal versus state control of our offshore tidelands, which was leased for oil and gas drilling  (b) was a major issue in the 1948 state elections but was settled when President Truman signed legislation establishing state ownership of our tidelands (c) led most Texans to support Adlai Stevenson for President in 1952 because Eisenhower favored federal over state control of the Texas tidelands (d) led to the re-election of Tom Connally to the U.S. Senate in 1952 because of his long-standing support of state ownership of our tidelands (e) led to the defeat of Governor in 1952 because he favored federal ownership of our tidelands

21. In the 1950s

(a) Lyndon Johnson ran for Vice President on the Democratic ticket with Adlai Stevenson but was defeated by Eisenhower and Nixon (b) Brown v. Board of Education was hailed by most white Texans as a long overdue decision (c) Allan Shivers led the liberal wing of the Texas Democratic party but was defeated three times for Governor, twice by Ralph Yarborough and once by (d) states rights, Americanism, and corruption in government played an important role in statewide elections  (e) there was no "Red Scare" in Texas because voters were too smart to believe the outrageous charges of Senator Joe McCarthy

22. The Shivercrats were

(a) Democrats who supported Eisenhower for President in 1952  (b) Republicans who supported Stevenson for President in 1952 (c) Democrats who supported Henry Wallace for President in 1948 (d) Republicans who supported Lyndon Johnson for President in 1956 (e) Democrats who supported Truman for President in 1952

23. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Lyndon Johnson was a liberal Senator in the 1950s who announced his support for federal aid to education, an increased minimum wage, old age health insurance, and similar positions and then fought as hard as he could to see these programs adopted (b) Lyndon Johnson was a powerful Senate Majority Leader, who made deals and worked behind the scenes, and who favored results over ideological purity  (c) Lyndon Johnson worked hard to win the 1960 Democratic presidential nomination, entering several primaries and mounting a major campaign to prevent Kennedy from winning the nomination (d) Lyndon Johnson worried about running for Vice President in 1960 because if he had lost, he would no longer have held an elected position (e) Lyndon Johnson was happy to run on Kennedy's Presidential ticket in 1960 because he had long admired Jack and his brother Bobby

24. Match the following names and identifications

A 1 appointed U.S. Senator but never elected B Ralph Yarborough 2 defeated by for Governor C Bill Blakley 3 first Republican Senator from Texas in 20th century D Don Yarborough 4 defeated for Governor three times in 1950s

(a) A2, B4, C1, D3 (b) A1, B4, C3, D2 (c) A3, B2, C1, D4 (d) A3, B1, C4, D2 (e) A3, B4, C1, D2 

25. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) the "one-person, one-vote" U.S. Supreme Court decisions of the 1960s helped reduce the influence of conservative Democrats in Texas state politics  (b) the Vietnam War had little to do with Lyndon Johnson's decision not to run for re-election in 1968 (c) John Connally's decision not to run for Governor in 1968 ended his political career with Connally later refusing President Nixon's offer to appoint him Secretary of the Treasury (d) George H. W. Bush was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1970 running as a conservative against liberal Ralph Yarborough (e) John Tower was defeated for re-election to the U.S. Senate by , who attacked Tower for opposing President Johnson's Vietnam policy

26. In the 1970s

(a) the Sharpstown Bank scandal led the state to adopt a new constitution (b) Sissy Farenthold was elected Governor on a platform of increased state spending on public education and property tax reform (c) George H. W. Bush was elected Governor promising to reduce the number of state employees and cut state spending 20% by eliminating waste and fraud (d) was spared having to raise taxes as rising oil and gas prices yielded a state budget surplus  (e) Gus Mutscher led the "Dirty Thirty" in their efforts to investigate the Texas House Speaker

27. ______was elected Governor in 1978 as the first Republican Texas governor since Reconstruction

(a) Dolph Briscoe (b) John Hill (c)  (d) (e)

28. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) in 1972, Preston Smith was re-elected Governor after proving to the voters that he had no involvement with the Sharpstown Bank scandal (b) the Texas constitutional convention of 1974 fought over whether to include a right-to-work provision in the new state constitution and ultimately failed to approve the new constitution they had written  (c) Judge William Wayne Justice refused to place the Texas state prison system under federal court control, ruling that the federal government had no jurisdiction over a state agency (d) in 1978, John Tower was defeated for re-election to the U.S. Senate by , who attacked Tower for womanizing and having a drinking problem (e) a majority of Texans voted for President Ford against Jimmy Carter in the 1976 Presidential election because Ford had more Washington experience than Carter and Ford was a Southerner

29. Which statement best characterizes the political atmosphere in Texas in the 1980s?

(a) rising oil and gas prices led to budget surpluses and property tax reduction (b) falling oil and gas prices, the S&L crisis, and a bad real estate market led to increases in the state sales tax and serious budgetary difficulties  (c) the arrival of the high tech industry in Texas led to continued growth in the economy and an expanded tax base with which to fund public schools and health and human services (d) a bitter partisan atmosphere developed with Republicans and Democrats blaming each other for the bad economy and Republicans taking control of the Texas House (e) a state income tax was introduced which helped make up for falling oil and gas tax revenues

30. In Texas in the 1990s

(a) Kay Bailey Hutchison was elected to the U.S. Senate, filling the seat left vacant by Lloyd Bentsen, who became President Clinton’s first Treasury Secretary  (b) Phil Gramm was forced to give up his U.S. Senate seat to seek the Republican Presidential nomination (c) George W. Bush was defeated by Clayton Williams in the Republican primary race for governor (d) Tom DeLay was elected Speaker of the U.S. House after the Republicans won a majority of U.S. House seats for the first time since the 1950s (e) Governor Bush vetoed the “Top 10% Rule” guaranteeing automatic admission to all state- funded universities for students in the top 10% of their high school class