DLPPolicy and Practice for Developmental Leaders, Elites and Coalitions DEVELOPMENTAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Research Paper 07 The Flexible Structure of Politics in Meiji Japan Junji Banno, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo and Kenichi Ohno, Professor Emeritus., The University of Tokyo April 2010 www.dlprog.org The Developmental Leadership Program (DLP) addresses an important gap in international thinking and policy about the critical role played by leaders, elites and coalitions in the politics of development. This growing program brings together business, academic and civil society partners from around the world to explore the role of human agency in the processes of development. DLP will address the policy, strategic, and operational implications about ‘thinking and working politically’ - for example, about how to help key players solve collective action problems, negotiate effective institutions and build stable states. The Developmental Leadership Program E:
[email protected] W: www.dlprog.org 3 Abstract Japan’s transformation period following the encounter with the powerful West, in which the political regime was revised and new national goals and strategies were agreed, started with the signing of commercial treaties with the West in 1858 and ended with the settlement on the basic directions of political and economic reforms in 1881. In the intervening years, two goals of establishing a public delib- eration mechanism (kogi yoron) and raising economic and military capability (fukoku kyohei) were set, which later split into four policy groups of a constitution, a national assembly, industrialization, and foreign expedition. The simultaneous pursuit and eventual achievement of multiple goals was supported by the flexible structure of politics in which goals, alliances, and leaders and leading groups evolved dynamically without solidifying into a simple hard structure or falling into uncontrollable crisis.