MARINE PROTECTED AREAS: PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE Editorial by Péter Prows by Pier Giovanni D'ayala

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MARINE PROTECTED AREAS: PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE Editorial by Péter Prows by Pier Giovanni D'ayala (. 22; Title: Insula: international journal of isl.. Cat. no: 211537 Date: 27 .Feb 201- Subscr ion no: l Note: YW^C{^ International Journal oflsland Atfair^s Dossier :ARINE PROTECTED AREAS \ \ October 2006 ISSN 1021-0814 Year15 No1 ^ m^i(^(-f Intem' i al Jo mal Is] ^ sS-^ " "îa^', ^, ;i ^?' .. ' . ^ -.. ^. »."*» ^'K 'ï*. "-. ISSN 1021 - 0 14 ".y-'s- Yearl5, No. l '^ -*-% Octo )er 2006 y ^M -î-w '.( .. -.^"^ f t rial BOE l;.. *,-*,,,* . s- ^.s^vv ss.^ . \ 't r: 'ar ^iov i d" Scie t on o1- vino B J. Bibliothèque IL -^s esss Library E-mait : library@unesco. org Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 68 03 56/60 Û1SSK 7. Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France lat onai Je , l Vs in ^n an 111 im t n. p ea Face cover: Embroidered Bridai Towel (Détail), Skyros, Athens, Benaki muséum, Greece. IINE Back cover: Marine Landscape, by EléonoreVerger, e Mi 12 years old, winner of "Yvelines Enviromnent" "Î2 P ris °d , Franc compétition in 2005 ^33 l 5. 56, a :+3 145. 58. Sirens il : insu @unesco. org nore inform ion our web site is a vailabié : insula.o Bibliothèque/Library 7 place de Fontenoy 75352 PARiS07 SP- FRANCE www a. org EDITORIAL: MARINE PROTECTEDAREAS By Pier Giovanni D'Ayala DOSSIER PALAU'S MARINE PROTECTED AREAS: PAST, PRESENT,AND FUTURE Editorial By Péter Prows By Pier Giovanni d'Ayala COCOSISLAND: A NATURALLABORATORY By FaanyRamirez, IsaacChinchilla, andGuillermo Mora WILDERNESSAND BIOTOPES IN THE ISLAND 0F PROCIDA 10 (GULF0F NAPLES-ITALY) By Antonio D'Ayala Thé concept and objectives ofa protected area diversity and support sustainable development. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS IN THE WIDER CARIBBEAN: 17 is not new. People hâve always protected territorial or CHALLENGESAND OPPORTUNITIES marine areas in order to assure thé long tenu availa- What are currently thé objectives ofProtected ByAlessandra Vanzella-Khouri andGeorgina Bustamante bility of food and resources. Fallow areas or "Rahui" Areas and what makes them interesting ? there are THE PRESERVATION0F THE MEDITERRANEAN COASTALECOSYSTEMS: in thé Pacifie islands are forms of temporary preser- several reasons. Some of them are économie, some 21 A STILL UNACHIEVED ENDEAVOUR vations. Nowadays restrictions in pemsing spécifie scientifically désirable, others satisfy social needs. By FrançoisRamade fishing grounds, or fishing gears within seasonal pe- EVALUATING EFFECTIVENESS0F CAPACITY DEVELOPMENTIN MARINE riodicity or for longer periods are common practices Thé maintenance of ecological processes, thé SCIENCERESEARCH 29 aiming at protecting fish stocks from over fishing or préservation of genetic diversity, thé sustainable use By JoannesBerque, Ehrlich Desa, and Genevesi Ogiogio extinction. of resources, their value for éducation and research 42 During thé Middle Ages till récent times, feu- are ail invokedreasons, but above ail théparticipation STATUS AND TRENDS 0F MARINE PROTECTED AREAS IN ISLAND COUNTRIES dal rights excluded thé common fisher man from thé of thé population in thé connected process aiming at By MalgorzataA. Marszalek and Marjo Vierros access to valuable halieutic resources such as thé huge social and économie development. More so in islands Mediterranean tuna (thymus thymus). Its catch throu- where people are strongly dépendant from fishing and CULTURE AND TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE gh localized fixed fisheries was granted by thé king to tourism. ON THE ISLANDS 0F THE MEDITERRANEAN 53 a feudal lord or an abbey in exchange of appropriate tax payments. Obviously thé above objectives caanot be dis- By PedragMatvejevic Small developing island states in thé Pacifie sociated from thé context of thé place where thèse INSULA'SPAGE are presently granting similar rights on thé tuna shoals réserves are situated. Thé biosphère réserves of thé swarming in their marine exclusive économie zone, to Fimiish archipelago or thé Estonian islands are esta- TUI'S ENVIRONMENTALAWAIID 61 countnes such as Japanwho has thé relevant techno- blished in affluent countries, facilitating thé manage- logical strength and pays thé appropriate royalties. ment and pemsal by thé population and visitors of 61 MILOS WORKSHOP: "ISLANDS HERITAGE" Since thé beginning of thé 20th century, thé thèse Protected Areas. number of protected areas has grown considerably. Such is perhaps not thé case in thé Protected UNESCO AND MAB PAGE Currently therc arc around 1300 Protected Marine Zo- Areas established in developing countries, where nés of which nearly 400 are coral reefs situated on pressure on thé protected resources from thé popula- INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING 62 65 islands and coastal zones. Many ofthem belong to tion side might be consistent. There are cases where By StefaniaDritsa UNESCO's biosphère réserves international network. thé access to thé newly Protected Marine Resources is UNESCO'S PAGE: RESULTS FROM THE THIRD GLOBALCONFERENCE ON OCEANS, Protected Areas hâve now become fully in- part ofa sù-ongly embedded cultural tradition. 65 COASTS AND ISLANDS tegrated within thé countries political and économie context. Thé initial reason behind safeguarding a spe- If so this cultural context should be carefully MAB'S PAGE: THE 3rd WORLD BIOSPHERE RESERVES CONGRESS WILLBE cies. or its habitat from human dégradation includes to- taken in account by thé Protected Areas Réserve ma- HOSTED BY SPAIN 65 daythé consciousness thatréserves provide aninterest nagers. It is equally important to blend cultural he- 67 in their own right: in terms of tourism development; ritage with nature's requirements, they are after ail, BOOKREVIEWS for neighboring non protected zones; to maintain bio- inextricably linked. ^»^ . ^ r< by Péter Prows Thé océanfrom Micronesia Palau has thousands of destroy thé reefs in short order re- to thé southeast Pacifieis speckled years oftraditionalexpérience with gardless? by hundreds of coral atolls and protected areas that is now being Instead of choosing to fringing and barrier reefs that are brought to bear on modem environ- consume ail their fish before they among thé most remote, pristine, mental threats through science and were wiped out by another El diverse, and healthy in thé world. its régional and international par- Nino, Palauans redoubled their ef- § Palau alone is home to 1300 spe- tners. EachPalauan is taught from forts to protect thé reefs by com- cies of fish and 700 species of co- childhood that they are caretakers bining traditional bul with cutting- l rais across its islands. Yet global of thé sea and in retum thé sea has edge science. Scientists in Palau warming, development, and pollu- provided livelihoods for every Pa- and from ThéNature Conservancy tion are puttmg new pressures on lauan. Thé traditional practice of studied thé characteristics of those i some of thé last gréât places on bul is an important example. Bul reefs that were bleached versus earth. involves théCouncil ofChiefspla- those that were not. They discove- Thatprotected areas are es- cing reefareas offlimits to fishing, red that thé reefs that fared thé best l> sential to sustainable development or even entry, during known fish were those that had not prcviously is beyond doubt. This was clearly spawning and feeding periods for been subjected to gréât stress and ^ recognized by thé Programme of up to three years. This practice that had thé benefit of sfa-ong, re- Work on Protected Areas adop- respects vulnerabilities in thé eco- freshing currents, such as at river ted at thé seventh Conférence of System to ensure that there will be mouths and off deep océan cur- thé Parties to thé Convention on robust fish to catch during other rents. Biological Diversity. Thé UN périods. Secretary-General also relies on This traditional expérience thé percentage of area protected endured four colonial administra- to maintain biological diversity tions through thé twentieth cen- m assessmg thé Millennium De- tury. Thé symbiotic relationship velopment Goal of ensuring envi- between humans and thé océan Péter Provvs lias an LL.M ronmental sustainability by 2015. was severely tested, however, du- and a JD from New York University Thé Secretary Général reports, ring thé 1997/1998 El Nino war- School of Law. He is thé Océans and however, that small island deve- ming period whenthirty percent of Law of Ihe Sea Adviser to thé Perma- loping States (SIDS) in particu- Palau's coral reefs were bleached. nent Mission of Palau to thé United lar-including those of Microne- In some areas, close to one-hun- Nations and will be clerking for Judge Koroma of thé International Court of sia andthé Pacifie-hâve fallen far dred percent of thé corals were Justice for its 2006/2007 term. Contact: behind in setting aside terrestrial bleached. Palauans had corne to 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 575, and sea areas for protection. As of think that they knew ail that was New York, NY 10017,USA.Einail: pe- 2004, thé worldwide national ratio required to protect their local ter. prows@nyu. edu ofprotected areas was 12. 9%, de- reefs and ensure their sustainable veloped countries on average pro- fisheries, but this bleaching event tect 16. 7% of their territory. De- exposed Palau's vulnerability to veloping countries protect 12. 6%, global climate change. This vulne- whilethé least developed countries rability engendered something of protect 10. 2%. SIDS as a group an existential crisis in Palau: why hâve thé lowest total worldwide, bother with traditional long-term with only 4. 7% oftheir territories conservation practices when war- set aside for protection. ming waters andrising tides would Clown Fish (F If thèse résilient corals could be at least
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